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rakhibazaar · 10 months ago
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Discover exquisite gourmet gifts at Rakhibazaar.com, perfect for every occasion. From luxurious chocolates to premium teas and gourmet snack hampers, find the ideal treat to delight your loved ones. Elevate celebrations with our curated selection of gourmet delights, ensuring a memorable gifting experience for all. Shop now!
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pollonegro666 · 1 year ago
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2023/10/28 Ayer nuestro monedero recibió un paquete de su familia desde Japón. Entre otras cosas, enviaron una bolsa de patatas fritas y una lata de caramelos. A la Pollitita le gustaron tanto los caramelos que quería meterse dentro de la lata, aunque los niños se lo impideron.
Yesterday our wallet received a package from his family from Japan. Among other things, they sent a bag of chips and a can of candy. The little pink cock liked the candy so much that she wanted to get inside the can, although the children prevented her from doing so.
Google Translation into French: Hier, notre portefeuille a reçu un colis de sa famille en provenance du Japon. Entre autres choses, ils ont envoyé un sac de chips et une boîte de bonbons. Le petit coq rose a tellement aimé les bonbons qu'il a voulu entrer dans la boîte, bien que les enfants l'en aient empêché.
Google translation into Italian: Ieri il nostro portafoglio ha ricevuto un pacco dalla sua famiglia dal Giappone. Tra le altre cose, hanno inviato un sacchetto di patatine e una scatola di caramelle. Il piccolo gallo rosa amava così tanto le caramelle che voleva entrare nella scatola, anche se i bambini lo fermarono.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Ontem nossa carteira recebeu um pacote de sua família do Japão. Entre outras coisas, enviaram um saco de batatas fritas e uma caixa de doces. O galo rosa gostou tanto do doce que teve vontade de entrar na caixa, mas as crianças o impediram.
Google Translation into German: Gestern erhielt unser Portemonnaie ein Paket von seiner Familie aus Japan. Unter anderem schickten sie eine Tüte Chips und eine Schachtel Süßigkeiten. Der kleine rosa Hahn liebte die Süßigkeiten so sehr, dass er in die Schachtel wollte, obwohl die Kinder ihn daran hinderten.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Dje portofoli ynë mori një pako nga familja e tij nga Japonia. Ndër të tjera, ata dërguan një qese me patate të skuqura dhe një kanaçe me karamele. Gjelit të vogël rozë i pëlqeu aq shumë karamele, saqë donte të futej brenda në kanaçe, megjithëse fëmijët e penguan atë.
Google Translation into Arabic: بالأمس تلقت محفظتنا طردًا من عائلته من اليابان. ومن بين أشياء أخرى، أرسلوا كيسًا من رقائق البطاطس وعلبة من الحلوى. أحب الديك الوردي الصغير الحلوى لدرجة أنها أرادت الدخول إلى العلبة، رغم أن الأطفال منعوها من ذلك.
Google Translation into Armenian: Երեկ մեր դրամապանակը նրա ընտանիքից փաթեթ է ստացել Ճապոնիայից։ Ի թիվս այլ բաների, նրանք ուղարկեցին մի պարկ չիպս և մեկ տուփ կոնֆետ։ Փոքրիկ վարդագույն աքաղաղին այնքան է դուր եկել ��ոնֆետը, որ նա ցանկացել է ներս մտնել պահածոյի մեջ, թեև երեխաները նրան խանգարել են դա անել։
Google Translation into Bengali: গতকাল আমাদের ওয়ালেট জাপান থেকে তার পরিবারের কাছ থেকে একটি প্যাকেজ পেয়েছি. অন্যান্য জিনিসের মধ্যে, তারা একটি চিপস এবং একটি ক্যান ক্যান পাঠিয়েছে। ছোট্ট গোলাপী মোরগটি মিছরিটি এত পছন্দ করেছিল যে সে ক্যানের ভিতরে যেতে চেয়েছিল, যদিও বাচ্চারা তাকে তা করতে বাধা দেয়।
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Вчера нашият портфейл получи пакет от семейството му от Япония. Между другото изпратиха торбичка чипс и кутия бонбони. Малкото розово петле толкова много хареса бонбона, че искаше да влезе в кутията, но децата й попречиха да го направи.
Google Translation into Czech: Včera do naší peněženky přišel balíček od jeho rodiny z Japonska. Mimo jiné poslali pytlík brambůrků a plechovku cukroví. Malé růžové kohoutkovi se bonbon tak zalíbil, že se chtěla dostat dovnitř plechovky, ačkoli jí v tom děti bránily.
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 昨天我们的钱包收到了他家人从日本寄来的包裹。 除此之外,他们还送了一袋薯片和一罐糖果。 粉红色的小公鸡非常喜欢这些糖果,她想钻进罐子里,尽管孩子们阻止了她这样做。
Google Translation into Korean: 어제 우리 지갑은 일본에서 그의 가족으로부터 소포를 받았습니다. 무엇보다도 그들은 칩 한 봉지와 사탕 캔을 보냈습니다. 작은 분홍색 수탉은 사탕을 너무 좋아해서 그 안으로 들어가고 싶었지만, 아이들은 그녀가 그렇게 하지 못하도록 막았습니다.
Google Translation into Croatian: Jučer je u naš novčanik stigao paket od njegove obitelji iz Japana. Izme��u ostalog, poslali su vrećicu čipsa i limenku slatkiša. Maloj ružičastoj kokici toliko se svidio slatkiš da je htjela ući u limenku, iako su je djeca u tome spriječila.
Google Translation into Danish I går modtog vores pung en pakke fra hans familie fra Japan. De sendte blandt andet en pose chips og en dåse slik. Den lille lyserøde hane kunne så godt lide slik, at hun ville ind i dåsen, selvom børnene forhindrede hende i det.
Google Translation into Slovak: Včera do našej peňaženky prišiel balík od jeho rodiny z Japonska. Okrem iného poslali vrecko čipsov a plechovku cukríkov. Malému ružovému kohútikovi sa cukrík tak zapáčil, že sa chcela dostať dovnútra plechovky, hoci jej v tom deti bránili.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Včeraj je naša denarnica prejela paket od njegove družine iz Japonske. Med drugim so poslali vrečko čipsa in pločevinko bonbonov. Mali rožnati petelinki je bila sladkarija tako všeč, da je hotela priti v pločevinko, čeprav so ji otroci to preprečili.
Google Translation into Estonian: Eile sai meie rahakott tema perelt paki Jaapanist. Muuhulgas saatsid nad koti krõpsu ja purgi kommi. Väikesele roosale kukele meeldisid kommid nii väga, et ta tahtis purgi sisse pääseda, kuigi lapsed takistasid tal seda teha.
Google Translation into Suomi: Eilen lompakkomme sai paketin hänen perheeltään Japanista. He lähettivät muun muassa pussin siruja ja tölkin karkkia. Pieni vaaleanpunainen kukko piti karkista niin paljon, että hän halusi päästä purkin sisään, vaikka lapset estivät häntä tekemästä sitä.
Google Translation into Georgian: გუშინ ჩვენმა საფულემ მიიღო ამანათი მისი ოჯახიდან იაპონიიდან. სხვა საკითხებთან ერთად, მათ გაუგზავნეს ტომარა ჩიფსები და კანფეტი. პატარა ვარდისფერ მამალს კანფეტი ისე მოეწონა, რომ ქილაში მოხვედრა მოინდომა, თუმცა ბავშვებმა ხელი შეუშალა.
Google Translation into Greek: Χθες το πορτοφόλι μας έλαβε ένα πακέτο από την οικογένειά του από την Ιαπωνία. Μεταξύ άλλων, έστειλαν ένα σακουλάκι πατατάκια και ένα κουτάκι με καραμέλα. Στο μικρό ροζ κόκορα άρεσε τόσο πολύ η καραμέλα που ήθελε να μπει μέσα στην κονσέρβα, αν και τα παιδιά την εμπ��δισαν να το κάνει.
Google Translation into Guarani: Kuehe ore billetera ohupyty peteî paquete ifamilia-gui Japón-gui. Ambue mba'e apytépe omondo hikuái peteî vosa chipa ha peteî lata dulce. Pe pollo rósa michĩvape ogustaiterei pe dulce ha oikese pe lata ryepýpe, jepémo umi mitã ojoko chupe ojapo haĝua upéva.
Google Translation into Hawaiian: I nehinei ua loaʻa i kā mākou ʻeke kālā he pūʻolo mai kona ʻohana mai Iapana mai. Ma waena o nā mea ʻē aʻe, ua hoʻouna lākou i kahi ʻeke kīkī a me kahi pahu lole. Ua makemake ka moa liʻiliʻi i ka lole a makemake ʻo ia e komo i loko o ke kini, ʻoiai ua pāpā nā keiki iā ia.
Google Translation into Hebrew: אתמול הארנק שלנו קיבל חבילה ממשפחתו מיפן. בין השאר שלחו שקית צ'יפס ופחית ממתקים. הזין הוורוד הקטן כל כך אהב את הממתק שהיא רצתה להיכנס לפחית, למרות שהילדים מנעו ממנה לעשות זאת.
Google Translation into Hindi: कल हमारे बटुए को जापान से उनके परिवार से एक पैकेज मिला। अन्य चीज़ों के अलावा, उन्होंने चिप्स का एक बैग और कैंडी का एक डिब्बा भेजा। छोटे गुलाबी लंड को कैंडी इतनी पसंद आई कि वह डिब्बे के अंदर जाना चाहती थी, हालाँकि बच्चों ने उसे ऐसा करने से रोका।
Google Translation into Hungarian: Tegnap a pénztárcánk kapott egy csomagot a családjától Japánból. Többek között egy zacskó chipset és egy doboz cukorkát küldtek. A kis rózsaszín kakasnak annyira megtetszett az édesség, hogy be akart jutni a dobozba, bár a gyerekek ebben megakadályozták.
Google Translation into Indonesian: Kemarin dompet kami menerima paket dari keluarganya dari Jepang. Mereka antara lain mengirimkan sekantong keripik dan sekaleng permen. Ayam kecil berwarna merah muda itu sangat menyukai permen itu sehingga dia ingin masuk ke dalam kalengnya, meskipun anak-anak mencegahnya melakukannya.
Google Translation into Japanese: 昨日、私たちの財布に日本から彼の家族から荷物が届きました。 とりわけ、彼らはポテトチップスの袋とキャンディ��の缶を送りました。 ピンク色の小さな雄鶏はキャンディーが���ても気に入ったので、缶の中に入りたがりましたが、子供たちがそれを妨げました。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Кечээ биздин капчыгыбыз Япониядан анын үй-бүлөсүнөн пакет алды. Башка нерселер менен катар бир мүшөк чипсы жана бир банка момпосуй жөнөтүштү. Кичинекей кызгылт короз момпосуйду абдан жактыргандыктан, ал банканын ичине киргиси келди, бирок балдар ага тоскоолдук кылышкан.
Google Translation into Latvian: Vakar mūsu maciņš saņēma paciņu no viņa ģimenes no Japānas. Cita starpā viņi atsūtīja čipsu maisu un konfekšu bundžu. Mazajai rozā gailītei konfekte tā iepatikās, ka viņa gribēja tikt iekšā bundžā, lai gan bērni viņai to liedza.
Google Translation into Malayalam: ഇന്നലെ ഞങ്ങളുടെ വാലറ്റിന് ജപ്പാനിൽ നിന്ന് അവന്റെ കുടുംബത്തിൽ നിന്ന് ഒരു പാക്കേജ് ലഭിച്ചു. മറ്റ് കാര്യങ്ങൾക്കൊപ്പം, അവർ ഒരു ബാഗ് ചിപ്സും ഒരു മിഠായിയും അയച്ചു. ചെറിയ പിങ്ക് കോഴിക്ക് മിഠായി വളരെ ഇഷ്ടമായിരുന്നു, കുട്ടികൾ അത് ചെയ്യുന്നതിൽ നിന്ന് അവളെ തടഞ്ഞെങ്കിലും അവൾ ക്യാനിനുള്ളിൽ കയറാൻ ആഗ്രഹിച്ചു.
Google Translation into Malay: Semalam dompet kami menerima bungkusan daripada keluarganya dari Jepun. Antara lain, mereka menghantar satu beg kerepek dan satu tin gula-gula. Ayam kecil merah jambu itu sangat menyukai gula-gula itu sehingga dia mahu masuk ke dalam tin, walaupun kanak-kanak menghalangnya daripada berbuat demikian.
Google Translation into Malagasy: Omaly dia naharay fonosana avy any Japana ny kitaponay. Anisan’ny nandefasan’izy ireo poti-tsigara sy vatomamy iray gony. Tena tian’ilay akoho kely mavokely ilay vatomamy ka naniry hiditra tao anatin’ilay kapoaka, na dia nosakanan’ny ankizy aza tsy hanao izany.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Өчигдөр манай түрийвч Японоос түүний гэр бүлээс илгээмж ирсэн. Бусад зүйлсийн дотор тэд нэг уут чипс, нэг лааз чихэр илгээсэн. Бяцхан ягаан азарган тахиа энэ чихэрт маш их дуртай байсан тул лааз руу орохыг хүссэн ч хү��хдүүд түүнийг хийхийг хориглов.
Google Translation into Dutch: Gisteren ontving onze portemonnee een pakketje van zijn familie uit Japan. Ze stuurden onder meer een zakje chips en een blikje snoep. Het kleine roze pikkie vond het snoepje zo lekker dat ze in het blikje wilde kruipen, ook al verhinderden de kinderen haar dat te doen.
Google Translation into Nepali: हिजो हाम्रो वालेटले जापानबाट उनको परिवारबाट प्याकेज प्राप्त गर्यो। अन्य चीजहरू मध्ये, तिनीहरूले चिप्सको झोला र क्यान्डीको क्यान पठाए। सानो गुलाबी कुकुरलाई क्यान्डी यति धेरै मन पर्यो कि उनी क्यान भित्र पस्न चाहन्थे, यद्यपि बच्चाहरूले उनलाई त्यसो गर्नबाट रोके।
Google Translation into Norwegian: I går mottok lommeboken vår en pakke fra familien hans fra Japan. De sendte blant annet en pose chips og en boks med godteri. Den lille rosa hanen likte godteriet så godt at hun ville inn i boksen, selv om barna hindret henne i det.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਕੱਲ੍ਹ ਸਾਡੇ ਬਟੂਏ ਨੂੰ ਜਾਪਾਨ ਤੋਂ ਉਸਦੇ ਪਰਿਵਾਰ ਤੋਂ ਇੱਕ ਪੈਕੇਜ ਮਿਲਿਆ ਹੈ। ਹੋਰ ਚੀਜ਼ਾਂ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ, ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਨੇ ਚਿਪਸ ਦਾ ਇੱਕ ਬੈਗ ਅਤੇ ਕੈਂਡੀ ਦਾ ਇੱਕ ਡੱਬਾ ਭੇਜਿਆ। ਛੋਟੇ ਗੁਲਾਬੀ ਕੁੱਕੜ ਨੂੰ ਕੈਂਡੀ ਇੰਨੀ ਪਸੰਦ ਆਈ ਕਿ ਉਹ ਡੱਬੇ ਦੇ ਅੰਦਰ ਜਾਣਾ ਚਾਹੁੰਦੀ ਸੀ, ਹਾਲਾਂਕਿ ਬੱਚਿਆਂ ਨੇ ਉਸਨੂੰ ਅਜਿਹਾ ਕਰਨ ਤੋਂ ਰੋਕਿਆ।
Google Translation into Pashtun: پرون زموږ بټوه له جاپان څخه د هغه د کورنۍ څخه کڅوړه ترلاسه کړه. د نورو شیانو په مینځ کې، دوی د چپس یوه کڅوړه او د شیدو یوه کڅوړه واستوله. وړوکي ګلابي مرمۍ دا خواږه دومره خوښ کړل چې غوښتل يې په ډنډ کې دننه شي، سره له دې چې ماشومانو يې مخه نيولې وه.
Google Translation into Persian: دیروز کیف پول ما بسته ای از خانواده او از ژاپن دریافت کرد. از جمله یک کیسه چیپس و یک قوطی آب نبات فرستادند. خروس صورتی کوچولو آنقدر از آب نبات خوشش آمد که می خواست داخل قوطی برود، هرچند بچه ها مانع این کار شدند.
Google Translation into Polish: Wczoraj nasz portfel otrzymał paczkę od rodziny z Japonii. Wysłali między innymi paczkę chipsów i puszkę cukierków. Małemu różowemu kogutkowi tak spodobał się cukierek, że zapragnęła dostać się do puszki, choć dzieci jej to uniemożliwiały.
Google Translation into Romanian: Ieri portofelul nostru a primit un pachet de la familia lui din Japonia. Printre altele, au trimis o pungă de chipsuri și o cutie de bomboane. Cocoșului mic i-a plăcut atât de mult bomboana încât și-a dorit să intre în cutie, deși copiii au împiedicat-o să facă acest lucru.
Google Translation into Russian: Вчера наш кошелек получил посылку от своей семьи из Японии. Среди прочего прислали пакетик чипсов и банку конфет. Розовому петушку так понравилась конфета, что она захотела залезть в банку, хотя дети мешали ей это сделать.
Google Translation into Serbian: Јуче је наш новчаник добио пакет од његове породице из Јапана. Између осталог, послали су кесу чипса и конзерву слаткиша. Малом ружичастом петлићу се бомбон толико допао да је хтела да уђе у конзерву, иако су је деца у томе спречила.
Google Translation into Swedish: Igår fick vår plånbok ett paket från hans familj från Japan. De skickade bland annat en påse chips och en burk godis. Den lilla rosa kuken gillade godiset så mycket att hon ville komma in i burken, även om barnen hindrade henne från att göra det.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Kamari dompét urang nampi bungkusan ti kulawargana ti Jepang. Diantara hal séjén, aranjeunna ngirimkeun kantong tina chip sarta kaléng permen. Jago pink leutik resep kana permen éta, anjeunna hoyong asup ka jero kaléng, sanaos murangkalih ngahalangan anjeunna.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Kahapon ay nakatanggap ang aming wallet ng isang pakete mula sa kanyang pamilya mula sa Japan. Sa iba pang mga bagay, nagpadala sila ng isang bag ng chips at isang lata ng kendi. Nagustuhan ng maliit na pink na titi ang kendi kaya gusto niyang makapasok sa loob ng lata, kahit na pinigilan siya ng mga bata.
Google Translation into Thai: เมื่อวานกระเป๋าเงินของเราได้รับพัสดุจากครอบครัวของเขาจากญี่ปุ่น เหนือสิ่งอื่นใด พวกเขาส่งถุงมันฝรั่งทอดและลูกอมหนึ่งกระป๋องมาด้วย ไก่สีชมพูตัวน้อยชอบขนมมากจนเธออยากจะเข้��ไปในกระป๋อง แม้ว่าเด็กๆ จะขัดขวางไม่ให้เธอทำเช่นนั้นก็ตาม
Google Translation into Telugu: నిన్న మా వాలెట్‌కి జపాన్ నుండి అతని కుటుంబం నుండి ఒక ప్యాకేజీ వచ్చింది. ఇతర విషయాలతోపాటు, వారు చిప్స్ బ్యాగ్ మరియు మిఠాయి డబ్బాను పంపారు. చిన్న పింక్ ఆత్మవిశ్వాసం మిఠాయిని ఎంతగానో ఇష్టపడింది, ఆమె డబ్బా లోపలికి వెళ్లాలని కోరుకుంది, అయినప్పటికీ పిల్లలు అలా చేయకుండా నిరోధించారు.
Google Translation into Turkish: Dün cüzdanımıza ailesinden Japonya'dan bir paket geldi. Diğer şeylerin yanı sıra bir paket cips ve bir kutu şeker de gönderdiler. Küçük pembe horoz şekeri o kadar beğendi ki kutunun içine girmek istedi, ancak çocuklar onu engelledi.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Вчора на наш гаманець надійшла посилка від його родини з Японії. Серед іншого прислали пакетик чіпсів і банку цукерок. Маленькому рожевому півнику так сподобалася цукерка, що вона захотіла полізти всередину банки, хоча діти їй заважали це зробити.
Google Translation into Urdu: کل ہمارے بٹوے کو جاپان سے اس کے خاندان کی طرف سے ایک پیکج ملا۔ دوسری چیزوں کے علاوہ، انہوں نے چپس کا ایک بیگ اور کینڈی کا ایک ڈبہ بھیجا تھا۔ چھوٹے گلابی مرغ کو کینڈی اتنی پسند آئی کہ وہ ڈبے کے اندر جانا چاہتی تھی، حالانکہ بچوں نے اسے ایسا کرنے سے روک دیا۔
Google Translation into Uzbek: Kecha bizning hamyonimiz uning oilasidan Yaponiyadan paket oldi. Boshqa narsalar qatorida ular bir qop chips va bir quti konfet yuborishdi. Kichkina pushti xo'roz konfetni shunchalik yaxshi ko'rardiki, u konserva ichiga kirgisi kelardi, garchi bolalar bunga xalaqit berishsa ham.
Google Translation into Vietnamese: Hôm qua ví của chúng tôi nhận được một gói hàng từ gia đình anh ấy từ Nhật Bản. Ngoài những thứ khác, họ còn gửi một túi khoai tây chiên và một lon kẹo. Chú gà trống màu hồng thích kẹo đến mức muốn chui vào trong lon, mặc dù bọn trẻ ngăn cản.
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travelif3 · 2 years ago
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Which hotels in Paris offer complimentary breakfast?
Here are some hotels in Paris that offer complimentary breakfast:
Hotel West End is a 4-star hotel located in the 8th arrondissement, close to the Champs-Élysées. It has a buffet breakfast with a variety of pastries, fruits, cereals, yogurt, eggs, and more.
Hôtel Le Cardinal is a 3-star hotel located in the 6th arrondissement, near the Luxembourg Gardens? It offers a continental breakfast with croissants, pains au chocolat, coffee, juice, and more.
25hours Hotel Terminus Nord is a 4-star hotel located in the 10th arrondissement, near the Gare du Nord train station? It offers a buffet breakfast with a variety of pastries, fruits, cereals, yogurt, eggs, and more.
Hotel Ibis Paris Bastille Opera 11ème is a 3-star hotel located in the 11th arrondissement, near the Bastille Opera House. It offers a continental breakfast with croissants, pains au chocolat, coffee, juice, and more.
ibis Paris Tour Eiffel Cambronne 15ème is a 3-star hotel located in the 15th arrondissement, near the Eiffel Tower. It offers a buffet breakfast with a variety of pastries, fruits, cereals, yogurt, eggs, and more.
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zamindarsrestaurant · 2 days ago
Crunchy, spicy, and packed with flavour! Our Karivepaku Mushroom Vepudu is the ultimate treat for food lovers who crave the perfect balance of crisp and spice!
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Let your taste buds dance with joy! Karivepaku Mushroom Vepudu is a crispy, golden delight with earthy mushrooms and the punch of fresh curry leaves!
Plan ahead Patrons! @zamindarsrestaurant                                                
Location:  https://maps.app.goo.gl/E6LMNHxsxXuZsw21A  
For more info and reservations                                                                      
Contact: 9133003334, 9133003335                                                                        
Timings: 11 AM to 11:30 PM
Restaurants around gachibowli is Zamindars restaurant
Good Dining Experience at restaurants is Zamindars restaurant
Most Exclusive restaurant is Zamindars restaurant
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world-and-usa · 5 days ago
Amado and Margarita Forés reveal the journey behind their success in the Philippine culinary scene.
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devgrouphotel · 14 days ago
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🌟 A Celebration of Flavours at Dev Group of Hotel 🍽️✨
Indulge in a symphony of taste where every bite tells a story! 🍛🍹 From authentic regional delicacies to global gourmet experiences, our chefs craft magic on your plate. 🌿🔥 . . 📍 Visit Dev Group of Hotel & savor the magic of flavors. ☎️ Call us at 08686866428 🔮 www.devgrouphotel.in
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thedineandwine · 1 month ago
Intimate Culinary Bliss
Indulge in a memorable private dining experience at The Residence Maldives, where exquisite meals are served in intimate, scenic settings. Whether on the beach under the stars or in the privacy of your villa, enjoy a personalized culinary journey tailored to your tastes.
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checkmyrecipe · 1 month ago
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rampoldirestaurant · 2 months ago
Rampoldi New York Menu: The Secret to Fine Dining
When it comes to experiencing the epitome of fine dining, the Rampoldi New York Menu stands as a beacon of culinary excellence. Located in the heart of New York, Rampoldi is renowned for its exceptional dishes that blend sophistication with creativity. The Rampoldi New York Menu offers a variety of carefully crafted meals, each designed to offer an unforgettable dining experience. Whether you're celebrating a special occasion or simply indulging in gourmet food, Rampoldi’s menu is a true celebration of flavor, technique, and passion.
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A Culinary Journey Through the Rampoldi New York Menu
One of the key elements that set the Rampoldi New York Menu apart from other fine dining establishments is its commitment to innovation while honoring traditional culinary techniques. The menu is a reflection of the city's rich food culture, combining global influences with local ingredients to create dishes that are both familiar and surprising.
Exquisite Appetizers to Start Your Meal
The appetizers on the Rampoldi New York Menu are the perfect introduction to what’s to come. Featuring both classic and contemporary options, these starters are designed to excite your palate. From delicate seafood dishes like the "Tuna Tartare" to rich and flavorful bites like the "Foie Gras," the appetizers are a testament to the chef's artistry and the restaurant's dedication to quality.
The Rampoldi New York Menu also features unique, seasonal options to cater to a variety of tastes. Whether you’re a meat lover or prefer vegetarian dishes, there’s an appetizer for everyone to enjoy. The freshness of the ingredients used in each dish elevates the experience, offering a preview of the exceptional dining to come.
Main Courses: A Fusion of Flavors
The main courses on the Rampoldi New York Menu are where the restaurant truly shines. Every dish is a masterful blend of flavors and textures, carefully prepared to deliver an unforgettable meal. From perfectly cooked steaks to expertly prepared seafood, the mains are a highlight of the dining experience at Rampoldi.
Signature dishes like the "Dry-Aged Ribeye" and "Lobster Risotto" are favorites among regular diners and newcomers alike. The Ribeye, cooked to perfection and paired with seasonal sides, is a celebration of flavor and tenderness. The Lobster Risotto, on the other hand, is a rich, indulgent dish that marries the sweetness of lobster with the creaminess of risotto.
For those looking for a lighter option, the Rampoldi New York Menu also offers fresh salads and inventive plant-based dishes. The "Grilled Vegetable Medley" and "Wild Mushroom Ravioli" are just some of the vegetarian-friendly options that make the menu versatile for a wide range of dietary preferences.
Decadent Desserts to End the Meal
No fine dining experience is complete without a delicious dessert, and the Rampoldi New York Menu does not disappoint in this department. The dessert selection is a perfect blend of rich, comforting treats and lighter, more delicate options. Favorites like the "Chocolate Soufflé" and "Tiramisu" have earned the restaurant rave reviews from those with a sweet tooth.
For a more refreshing option, the "Lemon Sorbet" offers a citrusy cleanse to end your meal on a lighter note. Each dessert is made with the finest ingredients, ensuring that every bite is a delight. The attention to detail and quality in the dessert section of the Rampoldi New York Menu reflects the restaurant’s dedication to providing an exceptional dining experience from start to finish.
A Wine List That Complements the Rampoldi New York Menu
A fine dining experience is not just about food—it’s about creating the perfect harmony of flavors. The Rampoldi New York Menu offers a curated selection of wines, each chosen to complement the dishes on the menu. The wine list includes some of the best local and international selections, from bold reds to crisp whites and elegant sparkling options.
The knowledgeable staff at Rampoldi are always on hand to suggest the perfect wine pairing for your meal, ensuring that every bite is elevated to its fullest potential. Whether you’re enjoying a rich steak or a delicate seafood dish, the wine list offers something for every palate.
Rampoldi’s Commitment to Quality
What truly sets the Rampoldi New York Menu apart is the restaurant’s unwavering commitment to quality. Every dish is made with the finest ingredients, sourced locally whenever possible, ensuring that only the freshest products make it to the plate. The chefs at Rampoldi are dedicated to using time-honored techniques while incorporating modern innovations, resulting in a menu that is both contemporary and timeless.
The Experience at Rampoldi Restaurant
Dining at Rampoldi is more than just a meal; it’s an experience. The elegant ambiance, impeccable service, and carefully crafted menu create the perfect atmosphere for a memorable evening. Whether you’re dining in an intimate setting or celebrating with a group, Rampoldi ensures that every aspect of your visit is nothing short of extraordinary.
The Rampoldi New York Menu is a true masterpiece of fine dining. From the exquisite appetizers to the decadent desserts, every dish is designed to offer an unforgettable dining experience. Rampoldi Restaurant’s commitment to quality, creativity, and customer satisfaction ensures that every visit is a celebration of great food and fine dining.
For those seeking the ultimate dining experience in New York, the Rampoldi New York Menu is the secret to indulgence and luxury. Visit Rampoldi Restaurant today to explore the exceptional dishes and experience the art of fine dining for yourself.
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qualityinnrockwellgrand · 2 months ago
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A Culinary Treat Like No Other!
Dive into the irresistible flavors of our expertly curated menu. Whether it’s breakfast, brunch or a hearty meal, every bite tells a story of freshness and perfection.
Indulge in a dish that’s as comforting as it is delicious. Experience the passion of Quality Inn’s chefs on every plate!
Contact us :
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ammayunnbytamarindterrace · 2 months ago
A delicious blend of spices, textures, and colors – the ultimate food experience. 🌶️🍚
📍G. Floor Wasl Opal Bldg., 26th Street Behind General Post office, Karama, Dubai, UAE. 📱Call Us: +971 4 27 33 002 | +971 54 567 3095 📩 [email protected]
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wupplesfoods · 2 months ago
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pollonegro666 · 2 years ago
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2023/03/04 Antes de volver a casa pasamos por un local que está en nuestro barrio porque tenían oferta de hamburguesa. El sitio merece mucho la pena y la hamburguesa esta muy buena.
Before going home we stopped by a place that is in our neighborhood because they had a hamburger offer. The place is well worth it and the hamburger is very good.
Google Translation into French: Avant de rentrer chez nous, nous nous sommes arrêtés dans un endroit qui se trouve dans notre quartier car ils avaient une offre de hamburgers. L'endroit en vaut la peine et le hamburger est très bon.
Google translation into Italian: Prima di tornare a casa ci siamo fermati in un posto che si trova nel nostro quartiere perché avevano un'offerta di hamburger. Il posto è valsa la pena e l'hamburger è molto buono.
Google Translation into Portuguese: Antes de voltar para casa paramos em um lugar que fica no nosso bairro porque eles tinham uma oferta de hambúrguer. O lugar vale a pena e o hambúrguer é muito bom.
Google Translation into German: Bevor wir nach Hause gingen, hielten wir an einem Ort in unserer Nachbarschaft an, da sie ein Burger-Angebot hatten. Der Ort ist es wert und der Burger ist sehr gut.
Google Translation into Albanisch: Para se të niseshim për në shtëpi, ne ndaluam në një vend në lagjen tonë pasi ata kishin një marrëveshje burger. Vendi ia vlen dhe burgeri është shumë i mirë.
Google Translation into Armenian: Նախքան տուն գնալը մենք կանգ առանք մեր թաղամասի մի վայրում, քանի որ նրանք բուրգեր էին գնել: Տեղն արժե այն, իսկ բուրգերը շատ լավն է:
Google Translation into Bulgarian: Преди да се приберем, спряхме на едно място в нашия квартал, тъй като имаха оферта за бургер. Мястото си заслужава и бургерът е много добър.
Google Translation into Czech: Před cestou domů jsme se zastavili na místě v našem sousedství, protože měli dohodu o burgerech. Místo stojí za to a burger je velmi dobrý.
Google Translation into Croatian: Prije nego što smo krenuli kući, zaustavili smo se u jednom mjestu u našem susjedstvu jer su imali ponudu hamburgera. Mjesto je vrijedno toga, a burger je jako dobar.
Google Translation into Danish Inden vi tog hjem, stoppede vi et sted i vores nabolag, da de havde en burgeraftale. Stedet er det værd, og burgeren er meget god.
Google Translation into Slovak: Pred cestou domov sme sa zastavili na mieste v našom susedstve, pretože mali obchod s hamburgermi. Miesto stojí za to a hamburger je veľmi dobrý.
Google Translation into Slovenian: Preden smo se odpravili domov, smo se ustavili v lokalu v naši soseščini, saj so imeli burgerje. Mesto je vredno tega in burger je zelo dober.
Google Translation into Estonian: Enne koju suundumist peatusime ühes naabruskonnas, kuna neil oli burgeritehing. Koht on seda väärt ja burger on väga hea.
Google Translation into Suomi: Ennen kotimatkaa pysähdyimme naapurustossamme, koska heillä oli hampurilainen. Paikka on sen arvoinen ja hampurilainen on erittäin hyvä.
Google Translation into Greek: Πριν πάμε σπίτι σταματήσαμε σε ένα μέρος στη γειτονιά μας καθώς είχαν μια προσφορά για χάμπουργκερ. Το μέρος αξίζει τον κόπο και το burger είναι πολύ καλό.
Google Translation into Dutch: Voordat we naar huis gingen, stopten we bij een plek in onze buurt omdat ze een hamburgerdeal hadden. De plaats is het waard en de hamburger is erg goed.
Google Translation into Norwegian: Før vi dro hjem stoppet vi på et sted i nabolaget vårt da de hadde et burgertilbud. Stedet er verdt det og burgeren er veldig bra.
Google Translation into Polish: Przed wyruszeniem do domu zatrzymaliśmy się w miejscu w naszej okolicy, ponieważ mieli ofertę na burgera. To miejsce jest tego warte, a burger jest bardzo dobry.
Google Translation into Romanian: Înainte de a merge acasă, ne-am oprit într-un local din cartierul nostru, deoarece aveau o afacere cu burgeri. Locul merită și burgerul este foarte bun.
Google Translation into Russian: Прежде чем отправиться домой, мы остановились в одном месте в нашем районе, так как у них была сделка с гамбургерами. Место того стоит, и гамбургер очень хороший.
Google Translation into Serbian: Пре него што смо кренули кући, свратили смо у једно место у нашем комшилуку јер су имали договор са хамбургерима. Место је вредно тога и хамбургер је веома добар.
Google Translation into Swedish: Innan vi åkte hem stannade vi till på ett ställe i vårt grannskap eftersom de hade en hamburgerdeal. Stället är värt det och burgaren är mycket bra.
Google Translation into Turkish: Eve gitmeden önce mahallemizdeki bir yerde burger anlaşması yaptıkları için durduk. Buna değer bir yer ve burger çok iyi.
Google Translation into Ukrainian: Перед тим, як йти додому, ми зупинилися в одному місці в нашому районі, оскільки вони мали гамбургер. Місце варте того, і гамбургер дуже хороший.
Google Translation into Arabic: قبل العودة إلى المنزل توقفنا في مكان في منطقتنا حيث كان لديهم صفقة برغر. المكان يستحق ذلك وبرغر جيد جدا.
Google Translation into Bengali: বাড়িতে যাওয়ার আগে আমরা আমাদের আশেপাশের একটি জায়গায় থামলাম কারণ তাদের একটি বার্গার ডিল ছিল। জায়গাটি মূল্যবান এবং বার্গারটি খুব ভাল।
Google Translation into Simplified Chinese: 在回家之前,我们在我们附近的一个地方停了下来,因为他们有汉堡交易。 这个地方值得,汉堡非常好。
Google Translation into Korean: 집으로 향하기 전에 우리 동네에 버거 거래가 있어서 한 곳에 들렀습니다. 장소는 그만한 가치가 있고 햄버거는 아주 좋습니다.
Google Translation into Hebrew: לפני שהלכנו הביתה עצרנו במקום בשכונה שלנו כי היה להם עסקת המבורגרים. המקום שווה את זה והמבורגר טוב מאוד.
Google Translation into Hindi: घर जाने से पहले हम अपने पड़ोस में एक जगह रुके क्योंकि उनके पास बर्गर का सौदा था। जगह इसके लायक है और बर्गर बहुत अच्छा है।
Google Translation into Indonesian: Sebelum pulang, kami berhenti di suatu tempat di lingkungan kami karena mereka memiliki kesepakatan burger. Tempatnya worth it dan burgernya enak banget.
Google Translation into Japanese: 家に帰る前に、ハンバーガーの取引があったので、近所の場所に立ち寄りました。 場所はそれだけの価値があり、ハンバーガーはとても良いです。
Google Translation into Kyrgyz: Үйгө кайтаардан мурун биз коңшубуздагы бир жерге токтодук, анткени алар бургер сатып алышкан. Бул жер татыктуу жана бургер абдан жакшы.
Google Translation into Malay: Sebelum pulang kami singgah di sebuah tempat di kawasan kejiranan kami kerana mereka ada membuat tawaran burger. Tempatnya berbaloi dan burgernya sangat sedap.
Google Translation into Mongolian: Гэр лүүгээ харихаасаа өмнө бид ойр хавийнхаа нэгэн газарт саатан тэд бургерийн наймаа хийж байсан юм. Энэ газар үнэ цэнэтэй, бургер нь маш сайн.
Google Translation into Panjabi: ਘਰ ਜਾਣ ਤੋਂ ਪਹਿਲਾਂ ਅਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਆਂਢ-ਗੁਆਂਢ ਵਿੱਚ ਇੱਕ ਜਗ੍ਹਾ ਰੁਕ ਗਏ ਕਿਉਂਕਿ ਉਨ੍ਹਾਂ ਕੋਲ ਬਰਗਰ ਦਾ ਸੌਦਾ ਸੀ। ਜਗ੍ਹਾ ਇਸਦੀ ਕੀਮਤ ਵਾਲੀ ਹੈ ਅਤੇ ਬਰਗਰ ਬਹੁਤ ਵਧੀਆ ਹੈ.
Google Translation into Pashtun: مخکې له دې چې کور ته لاړ شو، موږ د خپل ګاونډ په یوه ځای کې ودریدو ځکه چې دوی د برګر معامله درلوده. ځای د ارزښت وړ دی او برګر خورا ښه دی.
Google Translation into Persian: قبل از رفتن به خانه در مکانی در همسایگی خود توقف کردیم زیرا آنها یک معامله برگر داشتند. مکان ارزشش را دارد و برگر بسیار خوبی است.
Google Translation into Sundanese: Saméméh balik ka imah urang dieureunkeun di hiji tempat di lingkungan urang sabab boga deal burger. Tempatna patut sareng burgerna saé pisan.
Google Translation into Tagalog: Bago umuwi ay huminto kami sa isang lugar sa aming kapitbahayan dahil may burger deal sila. Sulit ang lugar at napakasarap ng burger.
Google Translation into Thai: ก่อนกลับบ้าน เราแวะร้านหนึ่งแถวบ้านเพราะพวกเขามีร้านเบอร์เกอร์ สถานที่นี้คุ้มค่าและเบอร์เกอร์ก็ดีมาก
Google Translation into Urdu: گھر جانے سے پہلے ہم اپنے محلے میں ایک جگہ رک گئے کیونکہ ان کے پاس برگر کا سودا تھا۔ جگہ قابل قدر ہے اور برگر بہت اچھا ہے۔
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zeitouncaygate · 3 months ago
Indulge in Exquisite Lebanese Flavors: A Culinary Journey Like No Other
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Embark on a delightful culinary adventure with authentic Lebanese dishes that bring together the finest flavors of the Mediterranean. From savory mezze to mouthwatering kebabs and rich desserts, our Lebanese food restaurant offers a dining experience that celebrates tradition, freshness, and exquisite taste. Perfect for every palate, every meal promises a taste of Lebanon's vibrant heritage.
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zamindarsrestaurant · 2 days ago
Crunchy, spicy, and packed with flavour! Our Karivepaku Mushroom Vepudu is the ultimate treat for food lovers who crave the perfect balance of crisp and spice!
Let your taste buds dance with joy! Karivepaku Mushroom Vepudu is a crispy, golden delight with earthy mushrooms and the punch of fresh curry leaves!
Plan ahead Patrons! @zamindarsrestaurant                                                
Location:  https://maps.app.goo.gl/E6LMNHxsxXuZsw21A  
For more info and reservations                                                                      
Contact: 9133003334, 9133003335                                                                        
Timings: 11 AM to 11:30 PM
Restaurants around gachibowli is Zamindars restaurant
Good Dining Experience at restaurants is Zamindars restaurant
Most Exclusive restaurant is Zamindars restaurant
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andamanseafoodvillage · 3 months ago
TOP 10 BEST Things to Do in Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur, the vibrant capital of Malaysia, seamlessly blends modernity with rich cultural heritage. From towering skyscrapers to historic temples, the city offers a plethora of experiences for travelers. Here are some must-visit attractions and activities to enrich your Kuala Lumpur journey.
1. Petronas Twin Towers
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Standing at 452 meters, the Petronas Twin Towers were once the tallest buildings globally and remain the tallest twin towers today. Visitors can ascend to the Skybridge on the 41st and 42nd floors or the observation deck on the 86th floor for breathtaking panoramic views of the city. The towers also house Suria KLCC, a premier shopping mall featuring luxury brands and diverse dining options.
2. Batu Caves
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Located approximately 11 kilometers north of Kuala Lumpur, Batu Caves is a limestone hill comprising three major caves and several smaller ones. The site is a significant Hindu religious landmark, featuring a 42.7-meter-tall statue of Lord Murugan at its entrance. Visitors can climb the 272 colorful steps to explore the Temple Cave, adorned with intricate Hindu shrines. The caves also host the annual Thaipusam festival, attracting thousands of devotees and tourists. 
3. Jalan Alor
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Jalan Alor, situated in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, transforms into a bustling food street as evening descends. Renowned for its array of street food stalls and seafood restaurants, it offers a culinary adventure with dishes like satay, char kway teow, and durian. The vibrant atmosphere, coupled with the tantalizing aromas, makes it a haven for food enthusiasts seeking authentic Malaysian flavors.
4. KLCC Park
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Adjacent to the Petronas Twin Towers, KLCC Park is a 50-acre urban sanctuary designed to provide a green respite amidst the city's hustle. The park features walking and jogging paths, a man-made lake with a fountain that hosts nightly light and music shows, and a children's playground. It's an ideal spot for relaxation, offering picturesque views of the city's skyline. 
5. Central Market
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Established in 1888, Central Market, or Pasar Seni, is a cultural landmark that has evolved from a wet market to a center for Malaysian culture, arts, and handicrafts. Visitors can shop for traditional batik, souvenirs, and local artworks. The market also hosts cultural performances and art exhibitions, providing insights into Malaysia's diverse heritage. 
6. Thean Hou Temple
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Perched atop Robson Hill, Thean Hou Temple is one of Southeast Asia's largest and oldest temples. Dedicated to the Chinese sea goddess Mazu, the temple showcases a blend of modern and traditional architectural styles, featuring ornate carvings and murals. Visitors can enjoy panoramic views of the city from the temple grounds and participate in cultural festivals celebrated here. 
7. Merdeka Square
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Merdeka Square, or Dataran Merdeka, is a historic site where Malaysia declared its independence in 1957. The square is surrounded by colonial-era buildings, including the Sultan Abdul Samad Building, known for its Moorish architecture. A 95-meter flagpole, one of the tallest globally, stands proudly in the square. It's a significant landmark reflecting Malaysia's journey to independence. 
8. Kuala Lumpur Bird Park
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Spanning over 20 acres, the Kuala Lumpur Bird Park is the world's largest free-flight walk-in aviary. Home to more than 3,000 birds from 200 species, the park offers visitors the chance to observe birds in their natural habitat. Daily activities include bird feeding sessions and educational shows, making it an engaging experience for all ages. 
9. Aquaria KLCC
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Located beneath the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre, Aquaria KLCC is a state-of-the-art oceanarium showcasing over 5,000 aquatic and land-bound creatures. Highlights include a 90-meter underwater tunnel offering a 180-degree view of marine life, including sharks, rays, and turtles. Interactive exhibits and feeding sessions provide educational insights into marine ecosystems.
10. Bukit Bintang
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Bukit Bintang is Kuala Lumpur's premier shopping and entertainment district. The area boasts a mix of luxury boutiques, street markets, and vibrant nightlife. Visitors can explore shopping malls like Pavilion KL, dine at international and local eateries, and experience the lively atmosphere that continues late into the night. 
Savor Exquisite Seafood at Andaman Seafood Village in Kuala Lumpur
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After exploring Kuala Lumpur's vibrant attractions, indulge in a culinary delight at Andaman Seafood Village. Located at 231, Jalan Bukit Bintang, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, this esteemed restaurant offers a diverse selection of fresh, sustainably sourced seafood, artfully prepared to tantalize your taste buds. With its inviting ambiance and commitment to quality, Andaman Seafood Village provides an unforgettable dining experience that captures the essence of Malaysia's rich culinary heritage. For reservations, call +60 11-1116 2888. Find us here.
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