#gotta love the antis who run away from fights
artist-issues · 5 months
hello; you like Avatar: the Last Airbender, right? does anything about it seem anti God to you? And also, do you think the canon romances fit the themes and arcs of the story?
Hello! I love that you cut right down to the bone with both questions 😂
I don't think the show was trying to promote Eastern religion, but I think it drew so much inspiration from those religions that the lines got way too blurry. Truthfully, the moment I think of most was when Aang insists that it's harder to forgive than it is to hold on. That's a very Christian principal. C. S. Lewis was a big believer in God's spiritual influence being felt all of the world, and seeds of it left in even the most incorrect religions or ideologies
Anyway. I'd have to think more on it. The worst thing is that there is no God. No one King of the Spirits character, no Creator and Lord, no perfect spirit that the humans can have a relationship with. Nothing even alluding to that. Instead, the "Spirit World" is treated sacred whenever it needs to be sacred in the story (the Moon and Sun spirits) but then treated like "an alternate planet" whenever it needs to be that in the story, too. So sometimes the Spirits are sacred and the heroes need help from them, and sometimes they're just aliens and only Aang can communicate with them to keep the peace
So the most anti-God thing about the world of Avatar is that He's not in it. But they really don't comment on Him one way or another. The story is more about responsibility and what you do with the power you have, and how that affects others, than it really is about anything directly spiritual in the real world.
But Zuko should certainly have gotten together with Katara, if anyone, and Aang probably should've gotten together with Toph.
Zuko and Katara make sense. I don't even need to talk about why. Everybody knows it. I see less chatter about Aang and Toph. But truthfully, Aang and Toph's strengths and weaknesses compliment each other better. Toph is all about doing what she's gotta do, by the time she meets Aang. Aang, on the other hand, constantly has to fight running from responsibilities. Toph isn't careful with how people feel, and she holds grudges. Aang is compassionate, and he understands forgiveness and mercy. But, they both love fun. They both love a good prank. They're both passionate about justice. Plus there's that symbolism of them being masters of opposite elements, but good friends and understanding of one another anyway. Also, Toph's family failed her and didn't understand her, so she ran from them. But Aang's from a type of community where everybody's family, and he knows what it's like to run away. So all they needed was a little more maturity and they could've easily completed each other.
In no way did Katara and Aang ever make more sense than Top and Aang, or Katara and Zuko. They just chose to like each other. Which is fine, it's lovely. But no, it had nothing to do with their character arcs, unless you count Aang needing someone or something to struggle with letting go of. But that could've been anybody, really. I think it was just what made the most sense to the writers because she was the compassionate one who woke him up and believed in him, and they had the most time together as characters.
It's not a show-breaking thing though. Cuz they're all kids, and romance really wasn't the focus. If it had had one more season for some reason, I could see it!
Thanks for the ask!
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fertilize-my-eggs · 4 months
Send to the mha omegaverse ch.2
Finding tomura shigaraki ch.1 ch.3 ch.4 A03
A/N: I hope y'all enjoy this chapter!! It's a bit short but I hope y'all enjoy this ☺️ every chapter will be posted on Thursday. 18+ NO minor, antis and ageless blogs interact with my blog thanks you (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠) y/n= your name, l/n= last name
✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *✩。 ♡ ࣪ ˖❀ ⑅ *
Great just great… not only that I'm in my hero academia but also as an omega. I look at izuku’s feet, I can't make eye contact because of this stupid quirk.
“ So are you an alpha or a beta? ” I ask him as he is still hold his nose, he nervously scratch his neck.
“ y-yeah, I'm an alpha… ” ahh that makes sense, I slowly look at his neck to notice he has a mark… huh? I read some fanfic where alpha doesn't get marks. Does that mean…
“ I don’t have anything to get patches.. ” I sigh heavily, where am I supposed to go in this world? I don't have anything nor a place to stay. This is gonna be a problem.
I put my thumb on my lips as I think, if I don't exist in my world does that mean I'm… dead? No, my family is probably worried about me and wondering where I went. Yeah that could be it.
“ don't worry miss, I got patches for you. ” I see his hand in my view as I grab it from him.
“ uhh this is an odd question but what do I smell like? "Izuku start to blush as he look away.
“ you smell lovely like…. Strawberry cheesecake.. sweet scent." Okay now it makes sense why he is holding his nose, it's because I smell good to him.
I put the patch on my neck as I saw his hand out. “ There's some extra, I gotta get going…” I grab some and put it in my pocket.
As soon as he leaves, we hear loud commotion nearby as we watch the scene unfold.
I looked at Izuku as he was in shock as he screamed out.” THAT’S MY BOYFRIEND!! ” I watch him run straight to the crowd of people as I look straight ahead to realize… Bakugou was covered by the slime villain as I watched izuku run towards it saving his boyfriend? So it's not canon mha in my world where they're enemies but in this universe they're boyfriends. Now it makes sense why izuku has a mark on his neck.
I-… maybe I shouldn't be around, I'll probably affect this world but this doesn't make any sense, I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't be in this universe at all.
I walk away from the crowd feeling like deja vu as I look at myself in the window. It feels odd that I look the same but in an anime style version of myself. 
I blink a few times as I begin to walk away, I pause as I thought to myself.
Maybe I can look for the villains.. Tomura shigaraki in this world, I gotta find him, I can finally have my moments with him and be with my favorite character… well I can't say character anymore since I exist in their world.
But in a city like this, there is no way I can find him as I sighed in defeat.
Well at least I gotta try, I started to look everywhere. In alleyways and to suspicious shady areas. No luck.
I sighed heavily as I sat down on the streets, there was no way I'd be able to find him. I looked up to accidentally make eye contact with a stranger as I felt fear run down my spine as I immediately stood up.
The man smirks wide as he walks towards me.” well well well what a pretty lil omega doing here all by herself? You should come with me, you're mine. ” oh god no, my quirk is affecting him as I begin to run away as fast as possible.
I heard him screaming behind me as I started to panic and feel tears coming out, I've never felt like this. Never been chased by someone and I feel like I could die any minute in this world.
As I ran away forward not knowing where to go as I saw twice?? He ran past me as he started to fight the man who was chasing after me.
I couldn't believe Jin was helping me out, he was not wearing his mask. Maybe this is before he joined the League, I watch them fight each other for a good three minute until the man says.” this is pointless you can have the dumb omega, I’m leaving…” I put my hand on my chest feeling out of breath as I collapsed into the floor, tears running down my cheeks as I held myself as I began to sob.
I hear footsteps coming near as he spoke softly.” hey omega, I saw you getting chased from my window.. are you okay? No she ain’t, should have left her to him. ” I smile hearing him speak, I look at his shoulder a bit.
“ thank you…. I can't make eye contact because of my quirk. ” I see him moving his head to the side in confusion. 
“.... is that how you got chased? ”
“ mhmm.. my quirk is called lovestruck if I look you in the eyes, you'll be like that man. ” I hold myself tight feeling scared for my life.. you would think this world is easy but you get chased by strangers and not to mention you don't know what their true intention will lead if he caught me.
I see his hand in front of me as he said.” lemme help you up, I'm Jin Bubaigawara.. ” I smile softly as I shake his hand.
“ I'm… y/n...   y/n l/n.'' He has a mark on his forehead so did it happen before? It looks a bit fresh but I won't question it as I stand up. Jesus Christ how is he taller than me, he looks like he can easily carry me around with no issues as I started to blush.
Well I'm 5’4 so he gotta be around five something…
“ you can live with me for now, I don't have much… don't be a messy pig. Crap I'm sorry about that I-.. ” I shake my head as I giggle.
“ It's okay, I understand.. is it your quirk that is costing it? "Wait, wouldn't he be confused by me saying that, would he get suspicious of me asking him that.
He turned his head away as he scratched his neck.” yeah my quirk… it's hard to talk about it.”
“  I understand, I won't ask you anything about it if it makes you uncomfortable. ” I pat his shoulder lightly as he smile a bit.
“ thank you y/n. ” I follow behind him as we head to his apartment.
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demonkidpliz · 1 year
Things I learned while re-watching Star Plus Mahabharata (Part 20/many):
Really glad that the women chose to stay in Kurukshetra during the battle.
I will never get over Dushasan’s Dyson air-wrapped hair.
I just love the bond between Bhishma and Vidur. So pure.
Krishna and his giant cocktail ring.
Wait, Krishna is doing past life therapy now.
I am so here for the Panchal princes, Shikhandin and Dhrishtadyumna. I love writing about them in my stories also.
Shakuni is right. This war is between him and Krishna. And ironically they both want the same thing. The destruction of the Kurus.
Oh! Arjun bragging about his ability to shoot in the dark. I have a story about this btw.
Oh God, I love this line from Shakuni. If a woman is a mother, she is revered. If she is a wife, she is adored. If she is a daughter, she is someone’s good fortune. If she is someone’s daughter-in-law, she is respected.
Too bad they didn’t adhere to the last part.
Yudhisthir is Yudhisthiring.
Also, everyone here seems to be a TERF or whatever the equivalent is for a trans man.
Why do they keep showing a water body near Kurukshetra? What even is it? The Ganga? The Yamuna? Why does it have waves?
When Shikhandin says that the war was born out of Gandhari and Shakuni and because of what Bhishma did to both of them. Chills. My man speaks FACTS.
Indra is going to pull a fast one on Karna, isn’t he?
But Daddy Surya is going to come and warn him beforehand.
Karna went from being my most favourite character as a child to my most hated as an adult. This is what I call character development.
Karna is co-opting the anti-casteism movement and my man is not even low caste?
What is this ego class between Bhishma and Karna?
Oh, nice foreshadowing with Karna and the stuck wheel!
I’ve said this before but I do not appreciate Starbharat reducing Duryodhan’s relationship with Karna as one of use. Yes, Duryodhan used Karna but they were also best friends. Don’t take that away from them!
Karna recognises Indra, doesn’t he?
Indra has always been a little bitch.
Sometimes Karna reminds me of another annoying, self-righteous person that I can’t stand—Yudhisthir.
Indra to Krishna, probably: hello, nightmare child.
FFS, Arjun doesn’t even recognise his own daddy.
Even my mother is impressed by Shaheer Sheikh’s hair game.
Arjun has finally realised and he’s on the run? What does he want to do? Warn Karna?
I don’t understand how the earrings were protecting Karna? Maybe they were just for style.
It’s time Arjun accepted himself as a nepo baby and moved on.
O RLY? Arjun bringing up Ekalavya is a class act. As if he wasn’t the one who told Dronacharya in the first place that he couldn’t teach Ekalavya—that mini casteist.
Indra says that a part of the Gods (Karna’s earrings and armour) cannot participate in the war yet Narayan himself is participating in the war on the side of the Pandavas. What is this hypocrisy?
Krishna (probably): FFS, Indra. Now I gotta come up with a backup plan for this Indrastra.
Did Krishna just summon Shakuni with dirt?
Oh, Duryodhan seems concerned for Karna and not just upset that he gave away his armour and earrings?
Shakuni looks rightfully disappointed.
Shakuni now casually quoting Balaram???
Don’t be a dumbass and tell your sons about Karna’s birth, Kunti! Your stupid sons will never fight in this war then.
Mamashri Shayla’s hairline is sending me.
Ashwatthama! I am seeing him after so long!
Shalya dragging Dhritarashtra and Gandhari is a 2023 fever dream.
Sahadev, the most inconsequential of the five Pandavas, killing Shakuni is my jam.
How does Bhishma know about Karna’s true parentage? Maybe his mother told him? She’s another piece of work.
Wtf Bhishma is not even related to Arjuna, let alone Karna, FFS.
Duryodhan stroking his sheathed sword is such a…mood.
Duryodhan telling Bhishma to resign as Senapati—you fool, that’s what he wanted all along.
Good done, Duryodhan. You have Drona and Bhishma, neither of whom will touch a hair on the Pandavas’ heads. And now you have Karna who will also not hurt the Pandavas (other than Arjun). But you don’t even know that.
It’s so much nicer in my story where Arjun asks Krishna to be his charioteer.
All the warriors bowing before the Hanuman statue except for my main man, Krishna, coz Ram does not bow before Hanuman.
Krishna looks so done with Yudhisthir’s Yudhisthiring.
Bhishma pulling an UNO reverse card.
Krishna still looks done LMAO.
OG Grandaddy is here.
Dafuq. Satyavati was still alive? How old was she? 300? She saw her grandsons’ grandsons’ kids? My brain cannot comprehend this.
Upset that everyone is calling Ved Vyas, Bhagwan, and not Daddy Pitashri.
Sanjay has been turned into a satellite dish.
Arjun already looks like he is having second thoughts.
Goddamnit it, Arjun.
Krishna is like, now is my time to ✨ shine ✨
Never seen Krishna look so disappointed by Arjun.
My man Arjun is a simpleton. Don’t confuse him further, Krishna.
Did Krishna just call Arjun…impotent?
I love it when Krishna gets mad.
The Bhagavat Gita is going to be one long exercise in calling Arjun stupid it seems.
Krishna has been acting dodgy his whole life. Arjun has known him for most of it. So has he been living under a rock that he doesn’t realise that there is more to Krishna than what meets the eye? He was married to his sister. They are literal cousins. How could he be so oblivious?
Ahimsa hi param dharma hai. We will revisit this in avatar #9.
Arjun is like show me the receipts Vishwaroop.
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fallingforfandoms · 2 years
Not to be mainstream & trendy, but .... new taylor swift lyrics that just hit too close to home for me personally because i see my entire year (if not my entire life) in them?? 🙃
i have this thing where i get older but just never wiser // midnights become my afternoons // when my depression works the graveyard shift // all of the people i've ghosted stand there in the room [anti-hero]
i should not be left to my own devices // they come with prices and vices // i end up in crisis [anti-hero]
no one wanted to play with me as a little kid // so i've been scheming like a criminal eversince // to make them love me and make it seem effortless // this is the first time i've felt the need to confess // and i swear i'm only cryptic and mocky and valiant 'cause i care [mastermind]
i wake up screaming from dreaming // one day i'll watch as you're leaving // 'cause you got tired of my scheming [anti-hero]
and the voices that implore "you should be doing more" // to you i can admit // that i'm just too soft for all of it [sweet nothing]
it only feels this raw right now, lost in the labyrinth of my mind [labyrinth]
i find the artifacts // cried over a hat // cursed the space that i needed // i trace the evidence // make it make some sense // why the wound is still bleeding [hits different]
oh, god rest my soul // i miss who i used to be // the tomb won't close // stained glass windows in my mind // i regret you all the time // i can't let this go // i fight with you in my sleep // the wound won't close // i keep on waiting for a sign // i regret you all the time [would've, could've, should've]
baby, love, i think i've been a little too kind // didn't notice you walking all over my peace of mind // in the shoes i gave you as a present [bejewled]
karma's a relaxing thought // aren't you envious that for you it's not? [karma]
sadness became my whole sky // but some guy said my aura's moonstone just 'cause he was high // and we're dancing all night and you can try to change my mind // but you might have to wait in line // what's a girl gonna do? // a diamond's gotta shine [bejewled]
there were pages turned with the bridges burned // everything you lose is a step you take // so make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it // you've got no reason to be afraid [you're on your own, kid]
romance is not dead if you keep it just yours // levitate above all the messes made // sit quiet by my side in the shade [paris]
summer went away // still the yearning stays // i play it cool with the best of them [you're on your own, kid]
i wait patiently, he's gonna notice me // it's okay, we're the best of friends anyway [you're on your own, kid]
i search the party of better bodies // just to learn that you never cared [you're on your own, kid]
don't put me in the basement // when i want the penthouse of your heart [bejewled]
i picked the petals, he loves me not // something different bloomed, writing in my room // i play my songs in the parking lot [you're on your own, kid]
and it's like snow at the beach // weird, but fuckin' beautiful // flying in a dream // stars by the pocketful // you wanting me tonight, feels impossible // but it's comin' down, no sound, it's all around [snow on the beach]
i touched my phone as if it's your face [you're on your own, kid]
when she said it was too much // do you wish you could still touch her? [question...?]
you're on your own, kid // yeah, you can face this // you're on your own, kid // you always have been [you're on your own, kid]
no one sees when you lose when you're playing solitaire [dear reader]
dear reader, get out your map // pick somewhere and just run // dear reader, burn all the files // desert all your past lives // and if you don't recognize yourself // that means you did it right [dear reader]
so i wander through these nights // hiding in plain sight [dear reader]
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Okay so I leveled up a bit and figured out I can repair my CowBoy Repeater with more CowBoy Repeaters, explored some more and now things don't kill me as easily. I still hate bugs thou. They don't stay FUCKIN STILL.
Anyhoo, I now have a floating robot following me and Boone, both of which are cool but I've already lost ED-E at that Station Charlie place. He for some reason went back INSIDE the building while I was outside. Weird but okay. I activated one of his trigger words, I need to somehow figure out how to activate Posideon or Navajo or some other one. Maybe when I rescue that lady in the Vault she'll say somethin. Pretty sure she's probably dead or gone crazy from the plants and I'm gonna end up fighting her, which she will then be dead.
For some reason the old lady didn't activate anythin when she said HELIOS. Oh well. His quest is also bugged cause bringing him to the ScrapeYard doesn't actually do anythin.
Boone is a damn beast, he says he doesn't do good in close combat and to keep the enemy away from him but TWICE he's one shot killed a human enemy before I could run up to said enemy and use my lovely Chance's Knife. Gotta save bullets. 50cal and 357 aren't easy to find. Also I haven't given Boone anythin, he still has all his standard gear. I need to get him a badass rifle thou.
ED-E who's name I'm not sure how to pronounce, like Eddy or E D E, has insta killed a RadScorpion and somethin else. Also he keeps playing music when I go in combat? Also also he makes an annoying fuzzy static sound when he's nearby. But killing scorpions with a laser is pretty cool so I'll take it.
I still don't know how to fix or mod my guns. My repair is at like 40 and at this point I can't get JuryRigging cause the repair skill needed for that is WAY too high for my playstyle and gun repair kits are very hard to find. I'm near the level cap of 30, I'm at like 20 now and I'm gonna sink the rest of my points into speech, guns and somethin else. I love speech checks. I should have put more points in Intelligence at the begining. I need implants. I'm all vanilla so I can't cap out at 50 with all the DLC. I can't download the DLC cause the Xbox 360 doesn't connect to the internet anymore. Yes I am playing on a second hand XBox, I am amazed it still works. Thou I have noticed loading times are getting longer, considering I've barely explored the map.
I also got ahold of the ANTI MATERIAL RIFLE HELL FUCKIN YEAH! I'M GONNA SNIPE SO MANY BUGS WITH IT!!! I'm poor again but nothing a trip to GoodSprings and exploiting can't fix.
I'm still tryin to find 357 for my CowBoy Repeater thou. Now that I have the AMR I need to stock up on 50cal. I don't like how much the gun sways thou when you hold it. It's not like I don't have the strength needed for it, I have 6 and it requires 6. Maybe I need more guns skill, idk. It's pretty high thou, like 70 maybe. I also don't use VATS alot cause my chances are pretty fuckin low and I've sniped things farther away just using the sights on the CowBoy and Varmit Rifle. No scope cause I still don't know how to make shit. I haven't made anythin for my guns, I would love to make scopes, silencers, longer barrels and lighter stocks, but I really don't know how to do any of that and at this point in the game, I think it's too late. I invested too many points in Melee thinking I was gonna use that more often, cause I was in the begining. I sneak attacked a man with a god damn kitchen knife in GoodSprings and killed him in one hit, yet SOMEHOW my silenced .22 in VATS couldn't take half health off in sneak either. Which is why I put so many points in Melee, (55), cause I thought I was gonna use it more often. So I'm tryin to do that now.
I have a single house, the motel room at Dino-DeeLite in NoVac. There's another house I can get I think that's non faction but eh. I got my nice cheap little motel room, I'm good.
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kadiraksoy · 2 years
Tumblr media
Name: Kadir Aksoy Location: Celestial Hills Gender/Pronouns: Cis Man, He/Him Age: 238 Place of Birth: London, England Occupation: Owner of Sucré and Puck’s Luck Faceclaim: Alperen Duymaz Species: Vampire Clan Position: (soon to be) Second-In-Command Age at Transformation: 30
Quick Facts (Blood TW): 
The bastard child of a high-society mother, Kadir was born in secret and then raised by his father, a poor fisherman. As a teenager, he began working at a gambling house, learned his boss was a hunter, and was indoctrinated into the world of the supernatural. After falling in love with a witch he was investigating, he was killed and turned by a vampire he was hunting.
He hated what he’d become for years and will often go on cycles of not-drinking, followed by blood-lust binges when he finally snaps. 
He owns two businesses in town, Puck’s Luck and Sucré. He knows a lot about gambling and almost nothing about baking. The last time he was in town was six years ago, briefly, to set up Sucré.
He’s been popping in and out of Lunar Cove (officially) since the 90′s, but he was that weirdo checking it out from the shadows periodically for decades before that. He has never stayed in town more than a few years at most. 
He’s been in love twice, two very serious relationships, both of which ended badly, and is now very anti-feelings.
Technology? Never heard of it. He is a grumpy grandfather when it comes to the twitters and the instagrams. He still hand-writes letters, pays in cash, and no, he probably doesn’t understand that reference. 
He loves fishing and he’s had a boat docked for years that he’ll now be spending all his free time fixing up again.
Possible Connections:
Connections around the world: Kadir is an old man who has been traveling the world for two centuries, so if your character ever lived somewhere else, we could definitely make a connection of it.
Employees: Both his businesses are run by competent managers, so Kadir is that owner you’ve probably never actually met before, until suddenly mr. boss man is back in town.
Fight Club: As a human, Kadir used to compete in underground fights for money. As a vampire, he still engages in fighting competitions, but now only with other supernatural beings (gotta keep it fair) 
???: I’m open to all the things 
Full bio under the cut!
Trigger Warnings: Murder, Suicide Attempt, Terminal Illness, Gambling, Blood
Kadir was born a child of two worlds, and it became very clear very quickly which side would win out. Though his mother came from a family of great renown in London, when she fell in love with his father--a poor fisherman and trader--their affair lasted only a few short weeks before she was found out and forbidden from seeming him again. When her family learned that she was pregnant, they did all they could to marry her off as soon as possible in hopes of passing off the child as her future husband’s. Unsuccessful, her family sent her away to hide the pregnancy instead and, once the child was born, gave him to his father with enough cash to buy his silence and his promise never to contact the family again.
And so Kadir grew up on the docks, helping his father with the ship, learning to work the nets and to trade fish in the market. The hush money paid to his father was enough to buy a small house fit for two and a better boat, and for a time, they lived comfortably--not in the mansions his mother roamed, now married off to another man of high society, raising three “proper” children who would be given all the right clothes and tutors, music lessons and etiquette courses--but they had enough to get by, to be happy. Kadir never even imagined a life of more and, as his father had told him his mother died in childbirth, the idea of a spurned inheritance was completely foreign to him. Then, when he was fourteen, Kadir’s father fell ill. Unable to work and with all their extra cash going toward medicines and treatments, their savings began to dry up. The fish Kadir was able to catch sold for barely enough to get by, and soon Kadir was finding other jobs to make ends meet. He ran various errands for neighbors until one day, he met the man who would change his life forever: Edwin Calstock.
A successful, well-dressed, fast-talking man, Edwin Calstock owned the most exclusive gambling house in the city, and when he took Kadir under his wing, Kadir thought he was the luckiest kid in the world. For the next few years, Kadir worked at Edwin’s side, running various errands, working the door, then the bar. As time went on, Edwin let Kadir in on more and more of the business, trusting him with larger projects and more responsibility. Then, when Kadir was eighteen, his father died, finally succumbing to his long-term illness, and Edwin became even more like a father to Kadir, allowing the boy to sleep in the flat above the casino. Finally, when Kadir was twenty-one, Edwin let him in on the biggest secret of all: that behind one successful business was another.
Edwin explained to Kadir the unbelievable: that their city was plagued with magical beings, vampires and werewolves and witches and more. Edwin and his associates had made it their business years ago to rid the world of such dangers and keep their city safe, and they now offered Kadir a spot beside them. Kadir had gotten into more than his fair share of fights on the docks and over the years, had realized that fighting could even be profitable, having joined more than a few underground fighting rings to make some extra cash. But hunting was like nothing else he’d ever done before: more intense, more time-consuming, and far more brutal. On his first assignment, Kadir was sent out with several of Edwin’s best men; together, they corned a vampire who had been terrorizing the city for months. They handed Kadir the stake and told him to prove himself, to make his first kill, that it was all to protect the innocent. But Kadir couldn’t do it. He froze, the stake shaking in his hand, and watched as the other men attacked the vampire without him, staking her in the heart before she could get away.
Kadir went back to the gambling house after that, doing his normal jobs and continuing his training. Another year passed before Kadir gave him a second chance to prove himself: follow the rumors of supernatural events within London’s elite. Edwin sent him to the Pleasure Gardens, a popular amusement park in which anyone from any social status could attend if they could afford entry. It was there he first began to observe the behavior of London’s finest, searching for the threat. Instead, Kadir met a woman that stopped him in his tracks. He was almost positive he had never seen her before, and yet there was something about her that was like looking in a mirror: his eyes, his nose.
The second she saw him, the woman burst into tears and embraced him. You look just like your father, she told him. By then, Kadir was twenty-five, and his mother’s new husband had been gone for several years. Her eldest son, the head of the family now, was married off, but the younger children--a boy and a girl--were at home, preparing to partake in the next season. His mother insisted on making up for the years apart and invited him to several high society events, sending him first to the family’s tailor to be dressed properly and then for rapid lessons in etiquette. But it became very clear, very quickly to Kadir that this was not his life, not the place he fit in. The clothes all fit wrong, and he stumbled over the dinner formalities. The dances were like none he’d ever practiced in the clubs he’d attended--all too stiff and without passion. The conversations all went over his head in seconds.
Kadir allowed himself to be dressed up and paraded around--the scandalous bastard son--for only two nights before he snuck out the back of the ballroom and never came back. He continued to go to the Pleasure Gardens, however, because there, he didn’t feel so out of place, and it was during one of these nights, when he was dodging his mother and keeping an eye--and ear--out for rumors of supernatural activity, that he began to pick up on rumors of a magical family and a young witch. Kadir reported back to Edwin at once, excited to be on the right track finally, to feel like he had purpose and a goal. High-society would never be his life, but he could do this. He might not revel in the kill, but he loved the hunt, the mystery, the searching and putting together of clues. He had no idea how that job would change his life, but he did know, the second he set eyes on the might-be-witch, that he was in way, way over his head. It was impossible not to fall for Meena Raja. Kadir might have told himself--again, and again, and again--that he was spending so much time with her simply to make absolutely sure of what he suspected, to get proof that she was really using magic, and to see if she could lead him to more beings like her. But the truth was, Kadir was falling for the woman, and he was falling fast.
During this time, Kadir was still unsure if Edwin had the right idea about things. The more he got to know Meena, the more he wondered if maybe the supernatural wasn’t really as bad as Edwin thought it was. Then he met Theordore Moore. Theodore was a regular at the gambling hall, and in time, Kadir came to know him as the man he had to kick out night after night. Soon, Kadir was tasked with kicking Theodore out before he could even make it through the front doors, and the next time Kadir would see him would be in the early hours of the morning as he fought with Edwin about repaying his longstanding debts. Then, one day, while Kadir was cleaning up after a long night, he heard screams from the back room. Mop still in hand, he hurried to the scene only to find a true horror laid out before him. Edwin and five others, men Kadir had worked with day in and day out, men who had become like fathers to him in their own right, lay now in puddles of their own blood, eyes open but unseeing. Above them stood Theodore, his mouth dripping, fangs still peeking out from between his lips. On instinct, Kadir snapped the mop he was holding in two, crafting a makeshift stake like he’d been taught to, but it was too late. With a bloody grin, Theodore was gone.
From that moment on, the threat became real to Kadir. Whatever he’d thought was possible, whatever fairytale magic he’d been imagining, it was all a rouse. The supernatural, just like Edwin had always warned him, was dangerous, deadly. Now, with everything he’d ever known gone, Kadir sought out his mother for help. He would not become part of her world, but if she still wanted to help, he had an idea now: she could give him the money he needed to take over the gambling house and help Edwin’s dream live on. His mother agreed, and Kadir took on the business himself: both businesses. For when he wasn’t running the hall, he was training, searching, on the lookout for any hint of what had become of Theodore Moore. In the meantime, he continued to see Meena. He had learned his lesson about trusting magic, but perhaps she was the exception, not the rule. His heart tugged him in two directions, and one would always lead right back to her. Night after night, he would meet her in secret, and day after day, he would prepare tor the next fight. Next time he met Theodore, he would be ready.
But he wasn’t ready. The vampire was faster, stronger, and in the end, none of his training meant anything. As he lay in the alleyway, bleeding out, his life flickering away, he remembered hearing her voice, remembered her hands in his hair, remembered blinking up toward the sky and seeing her face instead. At least she would be the last thing he saw. At least, he would be with her for his last moments on Earth. And then he woke up, not just covered in blood, but hungry for it. Starving. He stumbled away, stumbled back home. He would not feed. He would not become a monster like Theo was. Determined to ignore the hunger, Kadir planned to lock himself at home and wait for death to come, but hour by hour, the hunger grew. He wasn’t sure how much time had passed, except that the sun was rising and there was a knock on his front door, a familiar voice calling out to him. He didn’t remember much of what happened next. For the next thing he knew, Kadir was kneeling over his mother’s pale, drained body. She must have come to bring the money, come to help him; Kadir couldn’t remember. All he knew was that she was dead, and it was his fault. He was the monster now.
Horrified at what he’d done, Kadir attempted to kill himself, only to wake up a few hours later, perfectly fine. He stayed inside that day, hating himself, hating Theo, hating Meena for making this deal for him. And then, the next night, when the sun had finally set, Kadir took his things, the money his mother had given him to keep up Edwin’s business, and he fled town. In a way, he had always been a creature of the night, used to sleeping in the day and working when the moon was at its peak. He was used to skating the law, doing what it took to survive. And now that he’d crossed that line--the line he’d feared for so long: taking a life--there was little to hold him back. He started up a new business in another town. The business grew, and the decades passed in a blur of booze and blood.
Kadir knew about Lunar Cove, of course. For years, he did all he could to stay away from his sire and to keep from ever again seeing Meena. Those were lost years for Kadir, a haze of his own self hatred and his hatred for the world. Kadir’s bloodlust was particularly strong, and his resistance to feed would often leave him in a dangerous cycle: starving off blood, trying his best to resist, only to lose control all over again. One night, Kadir was out with a few other vampires, determined to do things right this time--simply catch and release, drink, compel, and let go--but the vampires he was with had other ideas. These particular vampires drank fae blood and had corned a pixie. When Kadir realized what they intended--not just to drink from but kill the fae--Kadir did not drink from him but stepped in to protect the man instead.
From that day on, he offered the man, James, a place of protection at his newest establishment, a gambling hall in which James was tasked with keeping the luck on the side of the house. In exchange, Kadir would protect him from the vampires who were hunting him. For the second time in his life, Kadir fell in love, and the years that followed were some of the happiest he’d ever had. He learned to feed safely, taking only what he needed and never killing to survive. For nearly a century, they lived together, traveling the world, changing towns every few decades before anyone could notice that they’d both stopped aging. It was James who convinced Kadir to go to Lunar Cove. He wanted to settle down, to stop running, to stay, finally, in one town for good. In the 1950′s, they moved together to the little town, and for the first time in over a century, Kadir came face to face again with Meena and Theodore.
In those years, Kadir did what he did best: he opened a casino, Puck’s Luck, and for a time, that was enough. Some days, he could even see Meena and not feel like his heart was being ripped out of his chest. Some days, he could see Theo and not want to finish the job he’d failed to do all those years ago--a feeling at war with a sort of horrible, instinctive pull toward the man, his sire. But Kadir had learned not to stay in any place for too long. After years of running the casino successfully--with the help of a pixie by his side--he grew restless, and so they left town and did not return again until the mid 1990′s when they decided, finally, it was time to go back.
James, as it turned out, had always wanted to open his own bakery and had spent the last century teaching himself recipes, Kadir serving as his taste tester. Once they had settled in, reclaimed their vacant house, and got things organized with Puck’s Luck--which seemed to have been doing fairly well in their absence--they would open a bakery in town. But the two never got that far. Just before they were set to fly back to Rhode Island, they were attacked, and after a century of protection, Kadir failed in his job. James was killed by vampires, though in his last seconds, he chose to regenerate, vanishing into thin air to be reborn who knows-where. Kadir hadn’t killed in a century, but that night, he killed without hesitation.
Kadir could not bear to go back to Lunar Cove, to pick up that life with all the plans they’d now never finish. He continued to travel the world for several years, checking in on the casino from time to time, but otherwise avoiding the little haven that might, this time, have been his final home. And so the haze started again. Another love lost. Another decade spent in grief and hate, in violence and blood. Those were years without any sense of control, no sense of right or wrong, no plan. And then one day he woke up and saw the mess of his life he’d made yet again, and once more, he found himself on Lunar Cove’s proverbial doorstep, ready to put the pieces back together. He didn’t need another business, of course--after all those years, he had plenty of cash to spare--but this time, Kadir did as he promised: he opened James’ bakery, even if James wasn’t there to see it. He played nice with Meena and Theodore--or as nice as he could--but again, the restlessness came.
Maybe it was the old heartache of seeing Meena every day, maybe it was living in a town Theodore controlled. Maybe it was the crazy hope that he’d find James, reborn and thirty-something now, though Kadir knew he would not remember him--but again, Kadir couldn’t stand to stay in town. He knew little about running a bakery anyway, and so after finding Beatriz Ramos and leaving the business in her more than capable hands, he departed again from Lunar Cove. It was years later that he heard about Theodore’s death, though heard was hardly the right word. He felt it. Felt it like he’d been stabbed in the heart. But even then, it was many months before he came back. Back to check on his businesses, to check on Meena, and to maybe, just maybe, stick around for once.
0 notes
chirpingtiger · 7 years
anonymous  asked:
1) Re: Wanda and her lack of redemption arc- One of the MCU's biggest fuck yous was that they allowed Zemo to apologize to T'challa for his Father's death as collateral in his revenge scheme, but didn't have the decency to allow Wanda to do the same to the Avengers for stripping them of their autonomy and using them to hurt other people (of which the primary victims were Tony and Bruce). If they wanted to redeem her and make her more sympathetic, they really should have allowed her _____________________________________________________________
ambitious-witch  answered:
I’m really sorry that I didn’t answered this last night, nonny but it was very late here and I was on mobile.
1) Exactly. But honestly I like Zemo more than Wanda for that. They allowed him to apologise, but also they showed him not being so bat-shit hateful blaming all the evil on his life to the Avengers (just the death of his family) and he neither played the victim. Like Wanda did.
The problem with Wanda lays directly in her “tragic backstory”, I mean, just listening to it, it’s ridiculous:
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This is a backstory that doesn’t work for an anti-villain/anti-hero to go straight up a hero. Because it’s illogical. The audience that has a minimal knowledge of how the world works knows that blaming the person that made the weapon is stupid an illogical.
Second part of the ask:
2) to make real amends to her primary victims. Also, having her sit and talk to Tony about her anger against the American military industrial complex (which was what killed her parents) and how she conflated that with Stark. She has serious trauma that needs to be laid out. I mean, Tony could have talked about how he too realized the faults in the MID and is trying to make amends for his ignorance and inaction. How it has led him to believe in accountability and checks and balances
Part three:
3) LIKE THE FUCKING ACCORDS. It would have been 10x better than Steve’s convo w/ her in the beginning of Civil War, where he treats her unintentional murder of 12 ppl as a small hiccup that can be corrected w/ “try try again”. But no, all we end up w/ is a character marketed as a child half the time, and an adult the other half. It’s character assassination and it sucks. Either show her struggle w/ redemption and accountability as a member of the Avengers, or keep her a villain.
The problem here nonny, it’s that the dynamics are terribly flawed and bad placed. With Wanda, her deed of joining the Avengers it was not for goodness, it’s was common sense and self-preservation. We never see her re-thinking about Tony or showing a single little remorse about hurting him, neither she seems to want to stop and think about the situation. Tony talking to her would have required she trying to go closer and talk but to the first moment that we see her on screen with him her intention are clearly hostile:
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Look at the corporal language of this part. This is a hero? No.
This is an anti-hero? No.
This is someone who is conflict?
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I dare say: no.
The point about anti-heroes and anti-villains is they know, very deep in them, they have a doubt, a conflict. Wanda doesn’t. She knows what she is doing. She knows that she is hurting someone and she knows what she did. Take a look to Bruce too:
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Also take her reaction when he calls her out for mindfucking him:
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Her expression seems to be the one of someone who regrets her bad deeds.
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Her face hardens when he threatens her and she doesn’t speak about the topic again. Not with him, not with Clint in their oh so marvellous pep talk.
Someone that answered one of my posts said that showing Wanda’s struggles were that ridiculous scene whit with her crying in front of Clint, so the audience have to see her as a poor misunderstood child that was very scared and didn’t know what she was doing…
That’s not how it works!
Wanda should have showed struggle and conflict since the beginning of the movie! She should have interacted with people that she hurt as you said but she didn’t!
And before somebody says something…
Clint doesn’t count! Steve doesn’t count!
Clint was not attacked by Wanda, he didn’t suffered in her hands. Steve? He forgave her at the instant. He attacked his armour-less teammate because of her word. He told Natasha, one of Wanda’s victims “she with us”, like she hadn’t some right of feeling uncomfortable by her presence!
They don’t count!
The base, the point for an anti villain to be redeemed and made an ally or friend in front of their enemies is the interaction and and the villain admitting that they hurt the protagonists. It’s simple, take Regina Mills in Once Upon A Time. She never became in a full hero but she earned trust by admitting her bad deeds. She showed struggle and doubt. She became a wondeful anti-hero Wanda didn’t.
Just look at the moment when she decides to side with the Avengers:
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What choice do we have?
This is someone that learned form her mistakes. No.
This is somebody that wants to fucking live. She wants to keep herself and her brother alive. There’s no doubt here. Not struggle in the loyalties. No conflict! She switched sides in the beginning and she does it again because it’s convenient for her. Not for goodness or anything that changes that she hurt people during all the movie!
She doesn’t doubt for a fucking instant to go to the “winning side”:
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What kind of anti-hero can you get of that?
Which leads to CW. You said that she siding with Tony would have been the better, and yes, it would have been a good character development she being remorseful and keeping her initial supposed believes about accountability but with motherfucking Johannesburg, how it’s that possible?
Like, that’s what the Russo and M&M tried to to do and failed miserably. They tried to sell us an anti-hero. They washed her awful deeds and make her look as conflicted when she never hesitated at the beginning.
They tried to us to believe that she can’t control her powers.
And that
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And just bullshit.
They also made her clothes more clear, her hair too. Miss Elizabeth was wearing a wig, it was not difficult have one as her hair was in the previous movie.
They tried to vanish the darkness of her. Why? Because it its more difficult present a redemption for villain than a anti-hero. Or as that idiotic writers seem to think: that poor kid that did no wrong.  
Because it was more easy to forgive this:
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Than this:
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So, they invented this new Wanda, and put all the blame in Tony’s shoulders. The funny thing it’s that the audience it’s stupid enough to believe it. That might talk about the power of the female characters of being forgiven for everything as long they have a pretty face and a delikate body.
Even if it’s a character without struggles or good intentions, or remorse.
So, nonny, my opinion is firm. Wanda Maximoff’s redemption arc was a fuck you because she didn’t deserved or needed one.
Because Wanda Maximoff is better as a villain.
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An interesting take, to be sure, @ambitious-witch​. But as with most of these types of posts, you’re leaving out a few key details that vastly change the meaning of the extracted clips.
Let’s start at the top.
Wanda as a villain in AoU had one stated goal - destroy Tony Stark in revenge for her parents’ death. (The Avengers were kind of lumped into that revenge plan because they were acting as ally and protector to Tony.)
However, what you’re failing to mention is that this isn’t just a ten-year-old girl experiencing an intense, two-day long trauma that scars her for life and imprints the name that she had to stare at the whole time in her mind as the culpable party.
This is an entire country that believes that Tony is at fault for their loss.
In the beginning of AoU we are shown the Avengers attacking Strucker’s lab. In one of the scenes, Tony lands the Iron Legion in the middle of Sokovia and has them announce to the citizens that the sector is not safe.
The citizens are extremely wary - a few of them fleeing the area - but as soon as they figure out that the suits are just standing in place talking, they all start throwing things and attacking the suits.
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Why is this?
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Because HYDRA has been set up there for years, using stolen (or purchased) Stark tech to terrorize the city and kill people.
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This isn’t just one random bomb. This is years of weapons emblazoned with the Stark logo being dropped on the city, knock-off iron legion suits shooting people in the street...this is and has been an all-out war, and the only clue that anyone’s had is that all of the weapons say “Stark” on them. And coming from an American weapons tycoon, that’s pretty damning evidence, as far as they’re concerned.
So damning, in fact, that when Strucker is looking for human test subjects for a highly dangerous and potentially deadly experiment, he gets dozens of volunteers, all of which die at his hands.
Except for the twins.
Destroying Tony is Wanda and Pietro’s main goal, yes, however at this point it is no longer just about revenge for their parents.
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Maria shows video clips to Cap of the two of them leading riots in the street, trying to fight back. In response to Maria’s comment of “we aren’t at war anymore,” Steve tells her “they are.”
This isn’t two kids with a crazy revenge plan. This is two young adults who have suffered bitterly and are determined to see the cause of that suffering stopped before it can do any more damage to anyone else, even at the expense of their own lives. Because even if Tony Stark is not the one personally pushing the “fire” button on the missiles, he is the one creating them. And with no arms supplier, there will be no more weapons to use on Sokovia.
If the story had been shot from the perspective of someone in Sokovia, Wanda and her brother would have been the heroes of this story all along.
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We as viewers are purposefully kept in the dark about what’s been going on there until the twins are established as the “villains” of the story - making sure the revelation is received as a sad explanation of why they’ve set themselves up as opponents to the Avengers as opposed to starting with a goal that we as viewers can get behind.
In fact it’s not until near the end that we figure out that Sokovia isn’t just some HYDRA-loving anti-Avengers stronghold, but victims of numerous and immeasurable crimes committed in the Avengers’ names.
Making Wanda and her brother “unlikable” before making them sympathetic was done purposefully to make sure that the viewers didn’t pity them or sympathize with them too quickly, or else the Avengers would seem far too harsh going into later fights.
The twins had to throw the first stone, or the Avengers would come across as unsympathetic.
More importantly, we are only ever shown the twins acting villainous toward the Avengers.
Maria states that Wanda only ever seems to inflict non-lethal damage to her victims, leaving them temporarily traumatized but alive and more than able to recover. (Ultron is the only one killing when they are stealing their resources, and he is leaving very telltale signs that it was him.)
A number of the places they hit up are run by HYDRA or smugglers - all of them “bad” people doing bad things.
The twins are kind to and friendly with the poor people in Sokovia. Wanda is protective of Dr. Strucker. The two of them are hesitant and uncertain when Klaue doesn’t immediately cower in fear, not wanting to escalate the situation any further than they have to.
And the second that they find out that Ultron’s goal is more than just the death of the six Avengers, they pull a 180 and attack him.
They follow a very common movie arc: fight against problem, join “ally” to fix problem, find out that “ally” is lying/backstabbing and that enemy isn’t quite as bad as we thought, team up with former “enemy” to stop the bigger threat, form a new alliance with once-enemy, save the day.
(Hell, a number of these themes show up in the plot-line of movies like Iron Man and Black Panther.)
These two are not villains. They’re a pair of teenagers fighting in a war to save their people.
A pair of teenagers who have been manipulated and abused and made to think that they were doing the right thing since they were ten.
(And yes, I realize that the actors are in their mid twenties, but canonically Wanda and Pietro are closer to 18 or 19 during the events of this movie, and thus are not yet legally “adults.”)
I don’t see you throwing a fit over Zemo torturing and eventually drowning that one HYDRA agent. Or Stark blowing up a terrorist group. Or Fury shooting the people attacking his ship in Avengers.
The difference? We as the audience know that they’re bad guys, so it’s okay to do whatever to them, because they clearly deserved it.
We don’t care, nor are we made to care, if the person being thrown down a flight of stairs or stabbed in the face was just a desperate man who needed money for his family, or someone who was there because some higher-up had blackmail over their head.
We don’t know, and quite frankly (as far as most viewers are concerned) it doesn’t matter.
This is the same situation, just seen from the other side of the coin for once.
Wanda and Pietro know that the Avengers are bad. Therefore why would they question if what they’re doing - attacking them - is wrong?
The other problem with painting these two as hardened criminals is that they don’t ever really act it. Every scene that they’re in, the two of them are hovering around one another, uncertain. Seeking reassurance. Comforting. In Wanda’s’ case, quite often, hiding.
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In fact, Wanda’s always shown to be the more hesitant of the twins.
Pietro is quick to rush off into a fight, while she lingers behind until it comes to a confrontation that she cannot avoid. This is shown three times. First, in Strucker’s lab, where Pietro rushes outside to mess with the Avengers and Wanda hides in the base until Steve tries to get Strucker. Second, in the scrapyard, where Pietro zips off and Wanda hesitates at Ultron’s side until he tells her “time for some mind games.” Third, in the tower scene, where Pietro is first to take action when he unplugs the cradle, but Wanda doesn’t join the fight until she’s the last one on her side that’s still standing.
Even in the very first scene, you see them holding hands, and Wanda chewing her nails with nerves.
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Immediately after that we get a close up of their faces, showing the two of them looking scared when they hear that the Avengers are on their way.
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They aren’t out there actively hunting the Avengers down. They’re waiting for orders, because they don’t really know what they’re doing. They’re frightened of what’s about to happen. They’re both in this way over their heads.
They may not be ten anymore, but a lot of what they do is very child-like because of the rough and traumatic childhood the two of them had. They never grew out of it.
These two put on a bold act, but the minute the real teeth come out they’re just a pair of frightened and uncertain children. Often, until Ultron shows up as the “adult leader” of the group, the two of them don’t even take action.
And again, I’ll bring up the scene with Klaue.
The two of them step into his office and pull their go-to “be afraid of me” act to get info, but Klaue straight up brushes it off.
He laughs at their threats. Talks down to them. Offers them candy. Teases them. Dares them to do their worst.
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And Wanda and Pietro are at a complete and utter loss because they don’t know how to approach a situation where their threats have not been enough. Ultron’s instructions did not include a caveat for “if the dude straight up laughs at you instead of spilling everything he knows and begging for his life.”
Therefore, the two of them are left standing in the doorway, looking to one another in confusion for what to do next, and Wanda even starts moving back into the shadows where she’ll be more safe.
Similarly, in the end fight, Wanda constantly looks to Clint - the nearby adult - for instruction.
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Wanda and Pietro don’t even attack the Avengers at the scrapyard until Ultron gives the command.
It’s the same scenario in the scene right after they go to the tower with Steve, when they confront the other Avengers alone - the twins ultimately let Steve make the calls for them.
Unfortunately, the still-shot you have of Wanda doesn’t quite do justice to her reaction in the scene.
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This isn’t “closing off.”
See the way she leans back a little? The little hitch in her chest? The way her throat tightens? This isn’t this isn’t her hardening off, this is her trying not to show fear. She’s seen the Hulk. She knows that Banner is the only one who might be able to tear her in half despite her powers.
It’s why she immediately stops fighting and freezes up when he grabs her.
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You can clearly see the terror in her eyes the second she realizes who it is that’s got their arm around her throat.
In this scene, the twins have walked into the lion’s den - the Avengers’ home base - and even though they’re trying to look tough and keep their cool, they’re both terrified for their lives.
You can hear the fear in Wanda’s voice when Clint shoots the floor out from under Pietro. You can see the two of them sticking right by each other’s sides and looking around nervously in case they’re attacked.
They don’t argue or make excuses when they’re confronted, they back down because they know that they’ve wronged these people and the Avengers are under no obligation to listen to them.
The two of them are risking death at the Avenger’s hands so they can try to warn them about Ultron and prevent things from getting any worse.
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And I would beg to differ with your interpretation of this scene. This is in no way self-preservation. This is suicide.
Her last little act of defiance barely a scene before nearly wound up with her and Pietro being shot.
And yet here she is, standing up to Ultron again. But this isn’t her siding with the Avengers to save her skin.
This is her picking death with the losing team.
Because in this scene?
Ultron’s plan for a new world included Wanda and her brother. He was going to wipe the slate clean, and leave the two of them as the “better” humans in his new world. The “evolved” race that would rule at his side. If they’d stayed with him, they would have been guaranteed safety, because as we saw at the scrapyard, the Avengers are no match for the three of them, and Ultron is fond of the twins in his own strange way.
But they don’t stay with Ultron, where they are guaranteed life and safety.
This line here is Ultron’s last warning that she either assist him, or die with the rest of the Avengers trying to fight him. This was far less “oh well, Ultron is losing, guess I’ll change sides because I’ll get to live” and more “I don’t see how there is a choice here because unless I stop him he’s going to destroy the world.”
“What choice do we have” is a statement of morals, because as far as she’s concerned, there IS no choice. She has to stop him or die trying.
Helping him any longer is not even an option.
Now, as far as your point about Steve and Clint’s trust in her being “worthless” because:
“They don’t count!“
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It’s quite frankly ridiculous.
There is one person who even comes close to fully trusting them before the final battle starts in, and that is Steve.
Steve has been playing devil’s advocate this whole movie, because he understands what the twins are going through. He’s not so caught up in his own country and his own issues that he can’t look at a situation from another perspective and say “I understand why they’re doing this.”
In fact, he even offers the twins a chance to walk away right before the fight at the scrapyard.
He didn’t magically start trusting them out of the blue, he’s been willing to hear their side of things from the start.
“Clint was not attacked by Wanda, he didn’t suffered in her hands. Steve? He forgave her at the instant. He attacked his armour-less teammate because of her word. He told Natasha, one of Wanda’s victims “she with us”, like she hadn’t some right of feeling uncomfortable by her presence!”
And here is where you start leaving out key details again.
Of the Avengers, Clint was the only one to fully escape having Wanda play with his fears, because he beat her to the punch. However, despite the fact that he’s the only one unscathed, he’s the most vocal about not trusting her.
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It is not until much, much later - when Clint has already seen her in action, desperately trying to save the civilians from Ultron’s clones despite her own fear - does he step in to talk her down and keep her from having a panic attack because he realizes her heart is in the right place.
Even then he doesn’t actually decide to trust her until she saves him from being cornered and killed by the robots.
Out of the remaining Avengers, three of them suffered major trauma from Wanda’s actions, and two of them got off relatively okay.
The one who got off with the least damage from the encounter was ironically Tony Stark, who was shown a vision of what was supposed to be his worst fear - him being responsible for the death of his team - and who proceeded to shake it off and walk away, none the worse for wear.
(Note, this is one of Wanda’s early attempts at this kind of thing, a point which relates to a section further down about Wanda’s skill with her powers. She’s not very good at the whole nightmare vision thing just yet in the story, but by the time the scrapyard scene rolls around she’s gotten plenty of practice.)
Tony never actually voices any opinion on whether or not they should trust the twins. He just rolls with it.
The other Avenger who got off pretty light was actually Thor, who took his vision as a warning that something big was coming and went to investigate further. He also doesn’t specifically voice an opinion on the twins, but seems to be A-okay with trusting the two of them.
Of the three that had it pretty bad, Steve was able to recover the best. Perhaps this is part of the serum - his body fixing the physical symptoms of mental trauma - or perhaps he’s just better at coping with his particular fear because he’s been doing it since he awoke in the present. Either way, Steve is at least relatively functional after his run-in with Wanda.
He’s also the first one to trust her, because she and her brother risked their necks fighting Ultron to save both him and the innocent people that Ultron tried to kill as a distraction. Like I’ve mentioned before, Steve is still willing to give them a second chance because he knows there’s backstory there and he can sympathize.
The two that had it the worst were Natasha and Bruce.
Natasha, who straight up went out of commission when all of her heavily repressed trauma got dragged back to the forefront, isn’t really around for the scene where the twins switch sides. She comes in after the fact, when they’re already mid-fight, to find that the twins are fighting against Ultron with them.
Steve reassures her that the twins are on their side, and Natasha rolls with it.
She takes Steve’s word for it because she trusts Steve as much as she trusts Clint - absolutely and entirely.
You forget, these two just went through the events of Captain America: Winter Soldier together, where “everybody we know is trying to kill us.” Natasha and Steve had to trust in each other completely, it’s the only way they lived to see the end of that movie. Natasha’s trust in Steve is not reset just because the film title changed.
However the real key here is that Natasha’s trust in the twins is not complete.
She’ll trust the twins for this fight, because Steve said they were there to help, and then she’ll make her own call on whether or not she feels like forgiving them. This wasn’t Steve saying “I’ve cleared these two, I expect you to magically be okay with that.” It was Steve reassuring her that during this fight, their only attacker would be Ultron, and that the twins were helping to fight back.
In a battle situation, that’s all Natasha needs to know before her attention turns to saving people, because there is no time for a debate or questions during an all-out attack.
There is, however, a good amount of time that passes between the end of the Sokovia fight and the credits scene where we see Wanda with the other “new recruits,” and we are left to assume that something has been worked out between everyone because they all seem okay with each other now.
It is also a full year before we really see Wanda again, in Civil War, and the first thing we see is Natasha coaching her through a stake out, as a mentor.
Clearly there is no lingering animosity here.
As for Banner, well...
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Bruce basically says that he could kill Wanda without remorse. He’s pissed, and rightfully so.
However, he ALSO doesn’t deny needing the twins’ help when fighting Ultron. He never says “we shouldn’t trust them” or “we shouldn’t let them come with us;” and Hulk flies off into space (literally) before Banner gets a chance to actually sit down and think about whether or not the twins should be allowed to join the Avengers.
In fact, the only one who straight up says that he doesn’t trust anything to do with the twins is Clint...
The only one who didn’t get affected by Wanda’s nightmares.
So I’m honestly not quite sure where you’re getting your argument from.
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As far as I make it out, the people who got the nightmare treatment were aware that they were seeing their own memories and thoughts and fears played back to them. Wanda wasn’t showing them anything new, so most of them didn’t take the attack as anything personal, and in fact we see Natasha having a bit of a personal crisis over the not-so-great bits of her past that are being shoved back in her face for the second time since CA:tWS.
She’s not mad at Wanda for bringing it up, she’s mad at herself for being the way she was before Clint saved her.
Clint, who isn’t sure what the others saw and is watching everything from the outside, is pissed. He watched his friends suffer because of whatever the witch did to them, and he’s not only angry with her, but dead set on not forgiving or trusting her, either.
At least until she and her brother both save him, and he starts wondering if they might not be so bad after all.
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”You didn’t see that coming.”
As for Wanda being in control of her powers, I would say it depends on what aspect of her powers we’re talking about.
In AoU she has been sitting in a cell for God knows how long, practicing the same four moves:
Move small solid object. Shield. Look through people’s heads and pull certain thoughts to the forefront. Throw her power around like an energy burst.
Of these four, by the time Civil War rolls around, we only ever see her use the first two.
Age of Ultron:
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Civil War:
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When she does this trick, she does it with great proficiency and incredible accuracy. She’s good at this one. Her shield has also improved to the point where she can multitask while holding it.
In Civil War, however, she’s picked up a number of new moves:
Levitation/flying with her powers. Moving non-solid objects like poisonous gasses. Forming a net with her powers to lift teammates. Manipulating large solid objects with her telekinesis. Manipulate object behavior.
However, we no longer see her using throwing her power directly at anyone anymore. She picks up objects to throw at them, or grabs them by a hand or foot and tosses them back, but she no longer throws the raw energy around.
She also doesn’t go into anyone’s heads.
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Do you have any idea how easily she could have pulled something like this at at the airport battle? Re-routed team Stark on some wild goose chase while Team Cap all waltzed over to the jet and flew off with no problem?
Stark and Co. wouldn’t have even known what hit them until Team Cap were loooong gone.
But she doesn’t.
Because Wanda doesn’t do that anymore. She’s not that person anymore.
Even with Vision, she’s not going inside his head, she’s just changing his density - first to de-materialize him and make him let go of Clint, and second to make him so heavy that he fell through the floor.
Wanda doesn’t throw her raw powers at people anymore because it’s too dangerous and unpredictable, and she doesn’t go into anyone’s heads anymore because of privacy issues and “brainwashing” and the other negative connotations that come with it, even if it means taking the hard way out of a situation.
She’s changed up her whole fighting strategy.
That being said, I would argue that she is NOT in control of her powers as a whole.
She is in control of certain aspects of her powers to certain extents - namely the ones that she’s practiced repeatedly - but in the grand scheme of things, she really has no idea what she’s actually capable of, therefore she cannot control exactly what her powers will react like if she tries something that’s not on her list of “the eight tricks I’ve practiced for the past six months.”
Thus, Lagos.
She probably didn’t even realize that she could bubble that much raw kinetic energy into such a small space - she was just reacting to the fact that a bomb had gone off in the middle of a packed marketplace and she needed to do something or hundreds of people would have died...likely including everyone in the building, had the foundation gotten destroyed by the blast.
(And would you demons please stop saying that she murdered people in Lagos? I mean really. Do you consider it murder when firefighters can’t get everyone out of a burning building? Or when rescue workers can’t find everyone buried beneath earthquake rubble in time to save them? Or when ambulance workers can’t rescue everyone from the remains of an awful car wreck? Wanda was stopping a bomb from killing people by containing it, and couldn’t get it far enough away to save all of them before the bomb went off. She did not murder anyone.)
In the grand scheme of things, no, Wanda doesn’t know how to control her powers, because she’s not entirely sure just what her powers can DO.
She’s still learning.
I also understand where you’re trying to go with the “lightening the color scheme” angle, but I highly doubt that’s a “nefarious plot to trick the audience into thinking she’s good when she’s not” so much as it’s a stylistic choice to show that she’s in a better place now, both mentally and physically.
Her hair is not only lighter, but has far fewer tangled curls at the bottom, and sports two highlights at the bangs. This isn’t an attempt to portray her as “suddenly good now” so much as an attempt to make her look a bit less like an orphaned street rat. Her hair is clean and brushed and bright and with an actual style, much like Bucky’s hair was actually kept when we saw him in Civil War as opposed to Winter Soldier. It’s to show that she’s taking care of herself better now because she now has the means and mental presence to do so.
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Case in point: Her hair appears lighter here than at the final battle. It’s all cinematic, to make her look more or less filthy as the scene requires.
As for the outfit, she’s wearing lighter clothing in that one picture because it’s summer and she’s trying to blend in. Just like how Natasha, who normally sports black, is dressed in pale colors and wearing very little makeup.
In many other scenes in the movie, Wanda retains the black/grey/red color scheme that she’s had going since AoU, such as in the knife clip I linked above:
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Black clothing in a similar overall style (short dress, boots, and jacket) just with less heavy eyeliner because she’s grown up a little and is keeping herself a bit more maintained than before.
Claiming cinematic trickery here is really reaching for threads.
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So, to wrap this incredibly long post up...
NO, Wanda is not, and never was, a villain.
Up until the truth is revealed, each party (the twins, and the Avengers) believes themselves fully in the right. When the truth does come out, it is revealed that to some extent, both parties are in the wrong.
Wanda is not conflicted about facing the Avengers because she’s fighting to protect innocent people from them. She becomes conflicted when it turns out that the Avengers weren’t fully to blame for what was going on in Sokovia. (Side-eyeing Stark, here.)
Wanda is neither villain nor anti-villain...
She’s the hero of her own side of the story.
Wanda and Pietro are both heroes, whose story - through the lies and manipulation of people claiming to be allies - intersected with that of the Avengers.
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Case in point: these two are alone.
The other Avengers have left the area.
If they were really doing this to save their skin and not to help people, wouldn’t this be the ideal time to say something like “make sure you get on the ship before it leaves” or “as soon as the Avengers aren’t looking, we run” or “the minute the crisis is over, we turn on them?”
There is no reason for Wanda to lie in this situation.
This is why I argue that she was never truly a villain.
In fact I’d go so far as to say that these two are no more the villains of this story than the Avengers were the villains for them.
It was all a big misunderstanding.
Wanda and Pietro were only ever in this to help the people of Sokovia, and they got screwed by the lies and manipulation of the only adult influences they’ve had in their lives since they were ten.
The second that they found out Ultron’s real plan they tried to stop him, even going so far as to approach their enemies for help.
They both act selflessly to rescue civilians and even to rescue the Avengers in the fight for Sokovia.
Throughout the film Wanda and Pietro rather pointedly avoid all collateral damage where they can, and never intended to cause any harm to innocents in their quest for revenge.
(And because I know this is your main screaming point: Johannesburg was 300+ miles away from the shipyard. How was Wanda to know that Hulk was going to run over 300 miles to attack a city when all of her other victims went comatose when shown their greatest fears? It doesn’t logically follow that she would expect anything else, because only the audience knows that making Banner agitated enrages the Hulk, and Banner even says in the movie that Johannesburg was when the world saw the “real Hulk” for the first time. The destruction in Johannesburg was never Wanda’s intended outcome when she went after Banner so you really can’t treat that as intentional.)
In the end, they were willing to overlook their own lust for revenge in order to do the right thing.
And both of them were willing to die fighting to fix what they’d done wrong.
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Wanda missed the escape boat because she went to finish off Ultron.
She is shocked when Vision comes back to save her, because at this moment she was entirely ready to die.
Pietro does die.
They were both willing to put their lives on the line to make what they’d done right, and Wanda just got lucky enough to get saved.
Because of all of the above reasons, I think we can firmly state that Wanda was never meant to be a villain in the MCU.
Although on that topic, let me ask you...what exactly do you think would have happened if the writers had decided to go your route? If they’d decided to make her the villain instead of going the redemption route?
She single-handedly takes out every member of Team Stark at the airport battle in Civil War. The only one who even managed to land a hit on her is Rhody, and he only did so by sneaking up behind her while she was preoccupied holding up thousands of tons of rubble, and shooting her point-blank in the back.
And all of that was Wanda being gentle and holding back.
If she was a villain - if she was actually going all out - would any of the Avengers even survive a fight against her?
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Based on the way she disintegrated those robots with just a second of lost control, I severely doubt it.
You do not want her as a villain in any capacity. I guarantee you that.
That being said, by strict definition, no, Wanda is not an anti-villain.
But she’s not a villain either.
She’s a unique and complicated character, whose story was approached at a fairly new angle as far as script writing is concerned, and who managed to be both protagonist and antagonist at once.
There is not a doubt in my mind, however, that by the end of Age of Ultron, that girl was just as much of a hero as anyone else on that screen.
Chirpingtiger out.
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incorrectbatfam · 3 years
What version of each batfam character is your favorite? Like, what comic series or cartoon or movie best represents the characters in your opinion?
Dick: I have hefty criticisms of Tom Taylor, which can come another day, but after all the previous writers that Nightwing has been churned through, Tom Taylor's iteration makes a lot of the necessary repairs to Dick's character. Taylor brings us back to the basics and removes Dick from Batman and past canon baggage, including that godawful Ric Grayson and Talon stuff. At the same time, we're not starting over, as you can see throughout this run, there are nods toward classic Nightwing comics like The Long Halloween and Zero Year. It's this delicate balance of acknowledging significant events that permanently changed him while undoing mistakes. This Dick feels whole because the story acknowledges his role as a hero, brother, son, friend, and partner, but it doesn't staple him to a specific entity like the Titans or the batfamily. Visually, the artwork fun and dynamic which accentuates the best parts of his character. My favorite version of Dick is the one that continues to learn and grow rather than becoming a static figurehead like we see with folks such as Superman.
Jason: Red Hood and the Outlaws, for sure. It's one of DC's record-breaking runs for a reason. This Jason Todd can pack a punch for sure, but what gets me is his one-of-a-kind sense of humor that blends the type of jokes you see from folks his age with the morbid chuckles as he grapples with events from his past. RHATO brings out his flaws as much as his strengths and shows us why he's an anti-hero. There were moments while reading it where I was like, "Jason, you could handle this so much better" but then I catch myself like "But that'd be a boring story". I also adore his friendship dynamics especially with Roy and Bizarro not just for the relationships themselves, but for how they use heartfelt moments to break down the notion that Jason is this cold-blooded killer. It's not the super cheesy fanfiction-level fluff because he's him, but it strikes a balance comforting gentleness with a little bit of tough love. I feel like I can grab a drink with this Jason, rant about my life problems, and he'd validate my feelings while also giving me the Occam's Razor solution.
Tim: I'm torn between the 90s Young Justice run and Red Robin. Red Robin is painfully good in that you can physically feel when Tim is cleaved off from the bats at a time when he's most vulnerable and it speaks to the experience we've all had of being abandoned at some point in our lives. He has freedom, which allows him to grow past the Robin mantle and showcase his skills, but the comics do a good job of highlighting the loneliness of suddenly being on your own. This contradicts the idea prevalent in a lot teen stories where freedom is supposed to fix everything, you're gonna be happier once you break away, etc. Watching Tim's spiraling mental state as he chases these lofty goals with nobody in his corner (until Kon comes along) gives his character a depth that we can all relate to. At the same time, however, I believe a lot of the batfam are most in their element when they're with their friends, and I think it's doubly true for Tim. The 90s YJ embodies the concept of well-intentioned but reckless youth. You have a hot-headed girl with the power of Zeus, a Superman hybrid clone who's barely introduced to the world, a boy who was sent from the future because of his powers' side effects, and World's Greatest Detective 2.0 in the middle of all of it. Yeah, they fight villains and stuff, but through every moment, they're clearly just kids that you can laugh and cry and have fun with. Combine these and you get a character that, in my opinion, feels the most human in the entire DC universe.
Damian: Hands-down it's gotta be the version in Super Sons. When we're first introduced to Damian, he's the Son of the Bat with master assassin skills who grew up far too quickly under his grandfather's command. In the Wayne household, he's surrounded by more adults and is expected to act on their level, especially when he is Robin. Even though Dick encourages him to loosen up, it's not the same because of the age gap, so Damian needs another kid pushing him to change. Enter Jon Kent. The two loathe each other at first as Damian is fixated on being a good Robin and Jon's superhero values align more with his father's than the bats. But as they move through the story, they start synergizing rather than butting heads—Jon learns from Damian all of what superheroing entails (including the not-so-pretty stuff) and Damian learns how to not take everything so seriously. When we think of character growth, we normally think of getting older and becoming more mature. Damian's Super Sons arc is interesting because it subverts that: he was already mature, but his growth happened when he allowed himself to undo it.
Duke: As much as I love the Batman and the Signal comics, I have to say his character shines before that in We Are Robin. My issue with Batman and the Signal is that Duke is, functionally, Batman's sidekick, even when his abilities and characters are being explored. We Are Robin has this rawness to it because it's a grassroots movement of teenagers who want to fix their community. Unlike the batfamily stories, which treat Duke as an accessory, W.A.R. places him front and center as both a leader and an emotional support pillar for his friends. Aside from villains, he also has to deal with common things like crushes, within-group conflicts, a system that's totally against him, and loss and grief (i.e. with Troy Walker). Looking at the comic's visuals, I also love how they integrate things like texts from their home base into the dialogue and action, which can be a metaphor for how Duke's constantly stretching himself between the vigilante and non-vigilante worlds. The details and expressions also make you connect and root for him. You feel angry when he's angry, you're celebrating when he is, and when gut-wrenching realities strike him, you find yourself needing to stop and take a breath too.
Cullen: There is next to no material on this guy, which means I have the fun of extrapolating. In the Batman Universe comics, we're given a backstory where he and Harper come from an abusive background and she got emancipated so they could both leave that environment. He's also bullied for his sexuality, and he found a sense of validation when he teamed up with Midnighter (basically a gay Batman). His Wiki also mentions some other interests, such as the show Supernatural, and I forgot where but somewhere it says he ships Destiel. His comics also show him wearing graphic tees that allude to something like Star Wars and he listens to rock bands, so we can kinda infer he has a part-nerd, part-emo personality. Since Harper's the one in charge between the two, Cullen's ability to take initiative and stand up for himself is woefully under-recognized. Being in the background works in his advantage though, because I can see the potential for him to secretly gain some tricks and make an impact from the sidelines.
Stephanie: Basically anything from before she dated Tim, because I feel like after they got together, she was treated as cannon fodder for his arc (this is why we need women in the industry). Keep in mind she had an entire story before Tim or Bruce. Her motivations stemmed from being the daughter of a D-list villain who wants to "spoil" her father's plans (hence her moniker). She's outspoken, a little reckless, and carries a consistent sense of humor as she apprehends her opponents. People often forget that she trained under Catwoman and Babs's Batgirl, meaning by the time she was Robin, she wasn't a fresh-off-the-street rookie. People also don't talk enough about how she breaks a lot of the stereotypes and taboos held about teenage girls (remember: she debuted in the 1990s). She has a well-rounded intelligence when girls were viewed at ditzy. She's not afraid to get messy when girls were expected to always keep up a perfect appearance. She carried out an entire teenage pregnancy in a time when people refused to even talk about it. Unlatch her from any guy ( love interests, mentors, frickin' Boomer writers, whatever) and you get a damn good role model for young girls.
Cassandra: Shadow of the Batgirl. The main continuity is... a lotta fighting. We see her easily smoke Batman, Nightwing, and other characters in battle. Looks cool, but in my opinion that's the least interesting thing about her. She's one of those characters where it's not her abilities that tell the story, but her decisions. Shadow of the Batgirl addresses this perfectly as she grapples with what to do now that she ran away from her life of isolated training. She doesn't have any connections, she struggles with literacy, and she's just desperate to fit in somewhere. The way she's introduced to Barbara and the Batgirl mantle. Throughout the story, we see her try, fail, and try again to change the soldier-like thinking patterns ingrained in her. Ultimately, she grows into the Batgirl role. Overall, her character highlights how doing what you know is easy, but changing toxic patterns is a never-ending series of tough but necessary decisions.
Barbara: Oracle Babs Oracle Babs Oracle Babs. For real though, she's not a little girl anymore, so I hate when writers try to erase her disability and pigeonhole her back into the Batgirl role. As Oracle, she shows us the different forms of badassery and gives us an appreciation for all the things happening behind-the-scenes that allow Batman and co. to do their thing on the field. Her being Oracle shows how her steadfast determination to help others allows her to adapt to change. I know I can't speak for those with physical disabilities, but she is also some much-needed representation in a genre that's dominated by able-bodied people and she breaks down idea that heroes have a certain "look". Even the names make a world of difference—"Batgirl" sounds infantilizing and undermines her abilities, whereas "Oracle" sounds more like the mature woman we've watched her become.
Harper: Batman Universe, despite all its flaws, gives us one of the most comprehensive depictions of her. I already went over their backstory in Cullen's part so no need to reiterate that. Here I wanna focus on her part with the other bats, and how she both compliments and contrasts them. Harper has this sorta "angry bisexual college student" vibe borne from being jaded by circumstances. She's a vigilante because she wants to protect the person she cares most about: her brother. What makes her different from other self-made vigilantes, however, is the fact that she use her electrical engineering skills to create gear that other Bats don't have, which gives her a unique advantage on the battlefield. Her sarcasm sits on the fence between bright humor (Dick, Steph) and a darker one (Bruce, Jason), so I think she has the most versatility when it comes to interacting with team members.
Carrie: Every canon iteration of her fucking sucks, which is why I just go off and do my own thing. The storyline she shows up in is total garbage, but her first appearance displays a few hallmark traits that I can work with. We have that she's a Girl Scout, she's fun-loving, she's a little impulsive and chaotic, and she's got a characteristic spunk. She's also, visually, the most colorful of the team. It's not much but it's enough for me DC please hire me I can make things better. We have right here the basis of the objectively weird girl. Why not roll with it? I've gotten some folks in my inbox telling me I shouldn't include her at all given the storyline she shows up in, to which I say: I spit at canon and I'm taking the full creative reigns here.
Kate: I wouldn't point to a specific comic, but I personally appreciate any version of her that shows how, underneath her badass Batwoman exterior, she is a woman riddled with flaws. I notice a lot of fans place her (and other women) on a pedestal where they focus on her cool kicks and punches, and in Kate's case, her sexuality. I say this as a lesbian myself: Batwoman is an important piece of representation, but there are moments where fandom tokenizes her. We tend to forget that she dealt with alcohol problems, had multiple partners, broke hearts and got her heart broken numerous times. She has a hard time addressing her past even when it's woven into every fiber of her actions, and consequently, she drifts from place to place. Seeing her make mistakes shed that image of perfection compels me to keep reading.
Alfred: Again, his character is more interesting when you remove him from the batfamily—in this case, with the Pennyworth comics. It's a miniseries connecting to the show, but while the show has a lot of qualities connecting it to other media like Gotham, these comics are flexible enough that you can connect them to the main DC comics. The story centers on a young Alfred in his spy days, and it's fun and action-packed with vibes that are a mix of traditional DC, James Bond, and the Kingsman graphic novel. We see Alfred's relationships, successes, failures, flaws, and strengths way before the Waynes are in the picture, and once we learn that, we can re-read the Batman comics to see how these traits have carried over to his role in the batfamily.
Selina: Catwoman: Anodyne. This run essentially revitalizes Selina's character after decades of being treated as a one-dimensional femme fatale love interest. These comics are also the birth of the Catwoman suit used today, which was designed by writer Ed Brubaker's wife, Mel. In the story, she seeks redemption by helping victims instead of simply going for a selfish steal. She reunites with Holly Robinson and starts on a gradual path to antiheroism and then heroism, where she joins the ranks of Batman and the Justice League. My favorite part is that her redemption isn't from simply falling in love with Bruce and having a change of heart, but rather a journey with clear lessons at every step that the readers can take from.
Bruce: Wayne Family Adventures. No, I'm not joking. WFA gets a lot right, the biggest among them being how Bruce is not a grimdark lone wolf that so many comic writers seem to love. He's serious in the right moments but you can clearly see he's moved on from his childhood trauma and finds a new sense of purpose with the family around him. This Bruce Wayne feels like a person that readers can look up to—he's firm but kind, resilient but soft-hearted, and he's not afraid to express himself or admit when he made a mistake. Batman is often viewed as the pinnacle of what a man should be. In WFA, he is. This version of Bruce doesn't simply dismantle decades of unhealthy superhero male power fantasies, but rather he redefines what masculinity ought to look like.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
If All Of The Kings Had Their Queens On The Throne
Batsis x Ghost-Maker One-Shot
Word Count: 4K Warnings: Explicit Language, Slight Angst, Mature Themes
Author's Note: This is a direct continuation of the previous fic! Enjoy! -Thorne
When the door to The Haunt didn’t immediately open, she frowned and clicked the button. “Hey! Lemme in!”
For a moment, there was nothing, then she heard, “Apologies Miss Wayne. Ghost-Maker is busy training. Shall I alert him?”
She sighed. “Nah, just let me in and I’ll get him.”
“Of course.”
The doors split open, and she walked into the base, immediately rolling her eyes at the colors, or better yet the lack of color at all. She had no idea what spurred him to pick white as one of the main colors in everything he wore and used, but God if it didn’t make him look like a psychopath. A snort passed her lips at her little joke, and she wandered around the desk setup and through one of the curtained areas until she heard boxing gloves meeting a punching bag.
Gently tugging the curtain aside, she paused, leaning against the doorway, and watched his back. He was shirtless and had headphones in, as he usually was and did when he trained alone, and his muscles rippled each time he threw a powerful strike. She couldn’t help but watch him; he’d always been so diligent when it came to his training, and if she hadn’t known him better than she did, she would’ve assumed all he did was train. She was very fond of it though. Very fond of him.
“You going to stand there or are you going to get a set of gloves and spar with me?”
She shook herself from her thoughts to see him rounding the bag, throwing a devastating kick; she snorted. “No thanks, Ghost. I just got over having a cracked skull.” Walking over, she neared the space, but stayed just far enough that she wouldn’t get struck.
“I’m actually here to invite you over to the manor tonight.” She said, watching as his eyes flitted to hers behind the mask. “I take it you know.”
“About the little pool party Bruce throws for everyone? Yes. I keep hearing about it over the Ghost-Net.”
She smiled. “It’s a lot of fun, Ghost. You’d have fun.”
He scoffed. “What? Being surrounded by every single hero this side of the galaxy? No thank you, (Y/N). I’d rather not.”
Rolling her eyes, she grabbed the punching bag and held it, looking at him. “You’re not going to make any friends if you spend all your time cooped up in here.”
“I’m not looking to make friends,” he retorted, throwing another punch that sent shock-waves through her arms to her core. “I’m here to clean up Gotham.”
(Y/N) gazed at him. “Sure I can’t persuade you?”
She shrugged. “Then you leave me no choice.” Leveling him with a strong expression, she warned, “As the newest member of the Batfamily, you have to attend the pool party. It’s tradition and anyone who doesn’t, has to take patrol routes for everyone for a month straight.”
Ghost-Maker stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her. “You’re lying.”
(Y/N) sucked in a breath dramatically, “Ghost, I never lie.” She looked to the ceiling. “Icon, run the conversations from my phone named, ‘Bat-Chat’ and tell him I’m not lying.”
After a moment, the AI’s voice came over, clear and positive. “Miss Wayne is correct, sir. Record texts have shown that those who do not attend the parties thrown by the family for the other superheroes are subject to various torture techniques.”
“What!” (Y/N) shouted. “No, we don’t!”
“You said on June eighth that your brother Timothy Jackson Drake was going to be swirlied for missing the party.”
She sputtered. “I was joking! We don’t swirly each other. We just force our patrol routes on each other.” (Y/N) glanced at Ghost-Maker. “If you don’t come, you’re going to take patrol from me, Dick, Jason, Tim, Cass, Steph, Duke, and Damian. You really wanna patrol all month by yourself? All that territory? Think of the time and energy it’ll take, Ghost.”
Ghost-Maker stared her down for a minute, mulling over his choices, then he finally sighed, resigned to his fate. “Fine. I’ll come over tonight.”
(Y/N) grinned. “Nope, you gotta get ready now. We’re arriving together.”
“You annoy me.” He griped, bypassing her to the doorway, and she followed him towards the stairs and to his bedroom where he entered the bathroom and got in the shower. She waited on the bed, gazing around his room while he showered.
“Who all is attending this party? That you know for sure.”
(Y/N) blinked, taking a moment to think. “Uh, all of the Justice League, the Titans and Teen Titans, the Outlaws, a few Green Lanterns…and probably a few anti-heroes but we’ll see.” She shrugged. “So pretty much everyone we interact with on a normal basis.”
“I heard Harley is coming too.”
“Yeah, she’s technically part of the family at this point.” (Y/N) said. “She’d be upset if we didn’t invite her over.”
Ghost-Maker stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist and she stood from the bed, wandering in behind him as he lathered his face in shaving cream.
“Trying to show out in front of everyone, Ghost?” she joked, leaving back against the door-frame of the small cabinet behind them.
“Bruce doesn’t keep himself kempt all the time. I do,” he remarked, flicking out the straight razor; he raised it to his jaw, and she hummed warningly, causing his brown eyes to meet hers in the mirror. “What?”
(Y/N) shook her head. “I’m just worried you’ll cut yourself.”
“I’ve been shaving my face since I was fifteen, (Y/N).”
“So that scar on your cheekbone isn’t from cutting yourself?”
He gazed at her. “You know why I have that scar.”
“I do.” She answered, then leaned away from the wall, shifting until she was sitting on the bathroom counter in front of him. Taking the razor, she tilted his chin up and carefully, scraped it down his cheek before rinsing it. “I gave it to you when you called me a coward.”
“I wasn’t expecting you to hit me that hard.” Ghost-Maker replied, coffee eyes focused on her face; she felt exposed under his knowing gaze.
She chuckled. “I think that was the first time I really surprised you that I wasn’t just my brother’s twin sister following him around to make sure he was safe.”
“You can’t blame me for thinking you were. You never joined in the training.”
“I learned better watching then doing.” (Y/N) rinsed the razor and tipped his head back as she drug the instrument down the exposed skin of his throat. “Most people are fearful when someone holds a razor to their neck,” she murmured, carefully shaving his Adam’s apple.
“I’m not afraid of you.”
Her hands stilled ever so slightly as she gaped at him. Normally he would’ve said, “I don’t feel fear” but now he said he wasn’t afraid of her. She wanted to hope it was because of what had occurred the last month, her confessing her feelings, him replying that he couldn’t love her like she did him—he’d not totally ruled out caring for her, at least that’s what she saw his words being. They’d not talked about it more than that night, merely going back to work, but she could tell that Ghost-Maker’s demeanor towards her had changed a minute amount. He watched her more. Was…softer with her.
(Y/N) smiled. “I’m glad to hear that.” She rinsed the razor and looked over his face for a moment, then she grabbed the towel and wet it, gently brushing over the shaving cream still on his face. Patting his face dry, she nodded. “Looks good. No nicks.”
“Thank you,” he approved, but didn’t move, keeping his eyes on her and she couldn’t help but look down, suddenly nervous under his gaze.
Her eyes widened when she saw the expanse of his chest though and she reached up, fingers delicately tracing a jagged and raised scar in the middle of his chest. Even healed it looked angry and a bolt of sadness hit her in the heart.
“You’re sad.” He noted. For a psychopath who didn’t feel empathy, he was actually good at discerning when people felt sad—or maybe it was just because he’d known her so long.
(Y/N) nodded, whispering, “There aren’t many scars on mine and Bruce’s bodies that look like this one.” Her fingers moved to one on the right side of his ribs and she frowned. “We’ve always had someone to stitch us up, or we did it for one another. But I can’t help but wonder…” her eyes met his. “Who did it for you? Who stitched the ones you couldn’t reach and do yourself?”
Her chest hurt. “Who was there for you when I wasn’t?” she leaned forward and pressed her forehead to the center of his chest. He was so warm, and she sighed, willing herself to not tear up. “I’m sorry, K.”
“For what?” he questioned, a hand coming up behind her, palm resting against the back of her neck.
“For leaving you behind,” (Y/N) answered, deciding then to wrap her arms around his waist, turning her face so her cheek rested to his chest. “I should’ve stayed with you.”
Ghost-Maker made a noise in his throat, and she wasn’t sure if it was agreement or bitterness. “And if you had, you wouldn’t have raised your family.”
She sighed. “Yeah…I know…but even during that time I couldn’t help but wonder how your journey was going. How you and your tech were evolving throughout the years.” (Y/N) pulled back slightly and looked at him. “I used to imagine what it’d be like to be there with you. To fight beside you. To live out your dream with you.”
His hand shifted from the back of her neck to cup her cheek and he tilted her head up, leaning down to kiss her. She closed her eyes, arms shifting from around his waist to wrap around his neck and his free hand gripped her waist, pulling her against him. Ghost-Maker shifted, pressing his lips to the underside of her jaw as his fingers dipped under her thigh, pulling it up until (Y/N) got the hint to cock it around his hip.
“K,” she breathed as he sunk his teeth into her neck, biting hard enough that it had her inhaling sharply, fingers twisting in the dark hair at the nape of his neck. She felt him smile against her skin.
“What do you want?” he asked, pressing surprisingly gentle kisses to where he’d bit as the hand that was on her cheek lowered to push up the blouse that stopped at her waist. His fingers dipped underneath, rubbing against her skin and he asked again, this time firmer, “(Y/N), what do you want?”
Her heart was hammering in her chest, and she could barely think, could barely form words. “I—”
A shrill beeping startled the two of them, well, her more than him, and she finally got herself to breathe. “That’s Bruce calling.” She uncurled one of her hands from his neck to reach for the phone in her pocket, but he caught it.
“Call him back.” Ghost-Maker said, grabbing a fistful of her blouse, starting to pull up.
(Y/N) shrugged his hand off. “If Bruce’s calling, it means he needs my help.” He pulled away and giving her a look, one she met firmly. “I need to take it.”
They gazed at each other for a moment and then he harrumphed, pulling away from her, and walked from the bathroom to his closest.
She sighed and pulled out her phone, answering it. “Hello?”
Are you on your way yet? The party’s already started and everyone’s asking where you both are.
Clearing her throat, she replied, “Yeah, he’s getting his swim trunks.” She glanced out the doorway. “You own trunks, don’t you, Ghost?”
“Do I somehow give you the impression that I’m incompetent?” he shot back, and she rolled her eyes.
“Ass.” She put the phone back to her ear. “We’ll be there in fifteen.”
Be careful. Love you.
“We will. And I love you too.” She ended the call and hopped off the bathroom counter, flicking off the lights as she walked out, seeing him throwing a bag over his shoulder.
“I’m ready to be bored out of my mind.” He grunted and she rolled her eyes again.
“Oh, shut up. You’re going to have a great time. I promise.”
Ghost-Maker glared at her as he pulled the white and black mask over his eyes and nose. “And how do you know?”
(Y/N) grinned, shoving him in the stomach as she walked past him. “Because I’m going to be there all night.”
“See!” she chirped as he sunk into the hot tub. “This isn’t so bad.” She handed him a drink. “Free drinks, laughter, and swimming. Fun, huh?”
He grunted, sipping the margarita she’d given him. “Your family and their friends are loud.”
(Y/N) looked over his head towards the other pool, grinning as her eldest nephew threw her youngest into the pool, then turned and threw his best friend. Laughter peeled from the entire group in the pool.
“Yeah…but that’s how you know they’re having a good time.” Her eyes drifted to Bruce who was fondly watching Jason and Roy grill, occasionally laughing as one of them told a joke. “Feelin’ good, Bruce?”
He took a sip of his brandy, sinking until his shoulders were covered by the running hot water. “Feeling great, (Y/N).” he held out his drink. “Put some ice in there? Please?”
She smiled and pulled her legs out of the hot tub, and really, it wasn’t exactly a hot tub because most were above ground, but Bruce being who he was, had redesigned it so that it and the pool were both in ground and connected.
Taking his glass, she rose and wandered over to the bar where a few of her friends were pouring drinks and chatting. “Hey Clark. Diana. How are you both tonight?”
Diana smiled and raised her wine glass. “I am well, (Y/N). How are you?”
“Can’t complain.” She said. “Clark, put an ice cube in here, would you?”
He did as she asked and dropped one in with the tongs. “I’m still surprised you got Ghost-Maker here. I assumed he wasn’t going to come.”
Her eyes flicked back over to the hot tub, and she watched Bruce tip his head back as he laughed, Ghost-Maker chuckling too; she smiled. “He’d never admit it, but he’s glad he came tonight. Anti-social as he usually is, he likes being included in things.” (Y/N) smiled at them and winked, walking back over.
She took her seat back on the side in the middle between Bruce and Ghost-Maker, handing her brother his brandy. “Clark licked all over the rim of your glass, Bruce. Just letting you know.” Feeling particularly childish, Bruce raised the glass to his lips and licked all around the glass. “You’re a child.” She remarked, then glanced to her side, seeing one of the Green Lanterns coming down the way.
“Kyle!” she greeted. “Join the fray!”
The artist smiled, then looked at the men in the hot tub. “I don’t want to intrude,” he said, and Bruce waved.
“Come on in.”
(Y/N) patted the wall between her legs and Kyle walked down the steps, shifting until his back pressed against the wall and she dropped her legs over his shoulders, fingers carding in his hair. “How’s it been going on Oa?”
He shrugged, sipping his beer. “It’s good. Can’t complain too much about saving the universe.”
She smirked. “Uh huh…and what’s this about you and Soranik?”
Kyle choked a bit on his beer, coughing slightly as she giggled. “It’s uh—complicated.” He tipped his head back, resting on her thighs so he could look up at her. “What about you? How’ve you been?”
(Y/N) sighed wistfully, combing back his hair. “Ain’t nothing changin’ but the weather…and the usual telling off the men in front of you for continually betting each other who can do the more stupid shit.”
At that, Kyle’s head tipped up and he first looked at Bruce, then to Ghost-Maker who merely drank from his margarita. “Uh…who’s that?” he asked quietly, and she snorted.
“Kyle, this is Ghost-Maker. Ghost, this is Kyle Rayner, the torch bearing Green Lantern.” She smushed his cheeks. “Isn’t he adorable?”
Ghost-Maker gave her an amused puff. “He is handsome, I’ll give you that.”
Kyle was glad the water had already flushed his skin because the way the man had flirted had made his cheeks warm. “Thank you.” He glanced back at her. “Is his name…?”
She nodded. “Yeah, he takes anonymity to a whole new level.” She tugged at a strand of his hair. “Did you know that only me, Bruce, and a few others know what he looks like and what his entire name is?”
He blinked in response. “That’s…hardcore secret identity, right there.”
“That’s because he doesn’t have any friends.” (Y/N) shot Ghost-Maker a grin. “But you can call him Ghost for short. It’s easier than the mouthful of Ghost-Maker.” The vigilante in return merely rolled his eyes and sipped his drink. “So, Kyle, have any new graphic novels in the works?”
“I do actually. Haven’t written them down but here’s an idea.” He brought up his hand out of the water and a green flash appeared in everyone’s vision. “See how you like it so far?”
(Y/N) huffed a laugh in disbelief. “This is so cool.” She grabbed the construct comic book and flipped through it. “Who’s the main?”
“Haven’t named her yet. But she’s a transgender, pansexual Native American who solves crimes as a superhero.” His cheeks flushed. “I know it’s ironic because we’re superheroes, but I couldn’t help it, you know?”
She nodded, seemingly impressed. “Figured out which tribe yet?”
“I was thinking possibly Cherokee. Or Mohawk.”
“I’ve got a MTF Kanienʼkehá꞉ka friend who lives in Quebec.” She said. “I’ll give her a call about working with you on this.”
Kyle lit up like the morning sun. “Really, (Y/N)? You’d do that?”
She looked down at him and shifted her thighs a bit, bumping his head. “Of course. You’re one of my best friends.”
“I love you, (Y/N).” he grinned, and she chuckled.
“I love you too, loser.”
Suddenly the speakers thumped, and her head shot up, looking towards Tim and Bart who were giggling. She pointed at them. “HEY! THIS IS NOT AN APPROPRIATE SONG!”
They merely giggled more and suddenly everyone was singing along to the raunchy song, well, the teens and young adults were but not her and the older people.
She smiled sweetly at her family and friends passed out in the living room, pillows and blankets thrown everywhere, arms slung over bodies, heads on stomachs and backs. It was nice to see them all so comfortable with each other, so tightly knit; it reminded her of a better time.
Most of the adults had gone home though some had stayed in extra rooms. She was sure that her brother and him had gone down to the cave to have it out just for the hell of it, but she was rather tired and decided to call it a night—though it was actually one am.
Closing the door behind her, she didn’t bother to go shower, planning to do it in the morning as she started stripping. First went the swimsuit cover, then the top and bottoms. She kicked her flip-flops off into the corner of the room and stretched her arms above her head, a quiet groan passing her lips as her joints and bones popped.
As she lowered her hands, a hand clamped around her mouth and another wound around her waist, tugging her back and she gasped against their palm, starting to struggle when she heard them chuckle. The sound, combined with the familiar smell of sandalwood wafting up her nose told her who it was, and they smiled against her ear. “Worried?”
She reached up and yanked his hand from her mouth, hissing, “You’re lucky I didn’t turn around and punch the shit out of you, K.”
“Promises, promises,” he murmured, pressing a kiss behind her ear and she shivered against his chest.
“What are you doing in here? I thought you and Bruce went to go spar?”
Ghost-Maker hummed, the hand around her waist starting to squeeze the flesh of her side. “We did. He said he was tired and went to bed.”
“And you didn’t go home?” her voice kicked up a notch when his other hand slipped from her grip and slid down her front.
“I didn’t want to go home.” He pressed his front against her rear and she gasped, one of her hands coming back to grab at his thigh, digging her nails in to keep him there. He smirked as she ground back against him. “Seems like you don’t want me going home either.”
(Y/N) swallowed thickly. “Something’s up with you tonight. You’re being a lot more…passionate than usual.”
He nipped at her neck, fingers delicately dancing over her abdomen. “I don’t like that Green Lantern friend of yours.”
“Who? Kyle?” she questioned confusedly. “Why?”
“He’s very free with himself towards you.”
At that, it was crystal clear, and she spun in his arms, looking at him, though she had to strain to see his face. “Are you jealous?”
“No.” He griped, though the way his jaw set, told her the truth.
“You are!” she laughed. “You’re jealous that I’m close with other men. That’s adorable.”
Ghost-Maker stared at her for a split moment, then he bent down and grabbed her legs, throwing her over his shoulder. (Y/N)’s gasp turned into a laugh as he marched towards the bed and tossed her onto it, watching as she rolled onto her back and laughed some more at him.
“God, you’re green, K.” she giggled, watching with hooded eyes as he shucked the swim trunks down to his feet and crawled onto the bed.
“I’m not envious of a glow-stick who’s never gotten this far with you.” He countered, grabbing her ankles; he yanked her down the bed and underneath him and she gazed up at him.
“Do you wanna know how many men have gotten this far with me?” (Y/N) challenged and Ghost-Maker stared into her eyes.
“It doesn’t matter how many because once I’m done with you, you won’t remember anyone but me.” He lowered his head, pressing open-mouthed kisses to her stomach, trailing downwards and she panted in anticipation when,
They started, and this time, he did too, both turning to the door, then to each other.
“What the hell—”
(Y/N) grunted. “Oh my God, what did they do?”
“AUNT (Y/N)! DAD!”
She rolled out from underneath Ghost-Maker, ignoring his grabbing for her and she hurried to her door, yanking the bathrobe from the hook on the back. Slinging it on, she turned and pointed at the man. “Once I’m done out here, I’m coming back and you’re not going anywhere for a few hours.”
He smirked as he collapsed onto his back, taking himself in his hand. She almost burst into flames at the sight, and he purred, “You might wish to hurry, (Y/N). Wouldn’t want to miss anything.” His words tipped into a groan as his hand shifted along himself, and she scowled at him as she pulled the door open, his erotic frame illuminating in the hall light.
“You’d better watch it, K. We both know how mean I can get when I miss out.”
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loquaciousquark · 4 years
Talks Machina Highlights - Critical Role C2E125 (Feb. 16, 2021)
Goooood evening good evening good evening, all! I hope you’re all staying warm and safe and dry in this chilly weather. Tonight’s guests: Travis Willingham and Laura Bailey. 
We open tonight with Travis ribbing Brian for his continuous remodel of his office space. Laura demands a second introduction of herself as she wasn’t paying attention during the first one.
Travis: “You’ve gotta love Julianne Moore. She’s the only actress who can cry and show you all her teeth at the same time.” I was listening pretty closely when he said this and I’m still not sure it had any context. 
Jester thinks there’s a strong possibility at least half the party will die against the Tombtakers. Fjord doesn’t think the odds are quite that high, but it will be dangerous. Laura points out that most of the M9 are also willing to sacrifice themselves for the rest of the party, so that changes their odds as well. Travis: “The game is not a stress reliever. It is not a stress reliever. I mean, it’s fun as shit, but it is stressful!”
Laura thinks Essek will give them a better chance. Travis: “A plus-one? A powerful plus-one, but a plus-one?” Did you see his reaction when we gave him the lowdown? Let’s be real: we kinda trust Essek. I got $50 that when we come back, he’s gone.” Laura is convinced he is trustworthy & wants to lighten his soul.
Jester spent so much time trying to bring out the Molly side of Lucien that to have him then betray them sucked. She knew that trying to bring the good out of everyone they met would eventually fail, but it stung that it was the most powerful one they encountered to first betray them.
She tries to talk about finger gestures during the answer as a reference to the HBO show “Raised by Wolves,” and Brian and Travis tell her to keep digging this hole she gets herself into about fingering. Travis: “Just get off the interstate at the next exit and turn right.” Laura, of course, immediately mimes turning a hard left, and they spent the next few minutes laughing at her inability to tell right from left and that even now she still has to hold up her hands to tell left from right.
Fjord is furious that they nicked the Bag of Holding. The loss of Vess DeRogna is bad enough, but he is genuinely IRL anxious about the loss of the Cloven Crystal. Laura points out that Fjord has also explicitly talked to Lucien about the deep sea creature patron he used to follow as well. He’s terrified one of Lucien’s scimitars is suddenly going to have a big eye sticking out of it. Laura suggests they’ll just succeed, bring back the city, and wake up Uk’otoa for the heck of it.
It was really rough to go from the Gelidon fight to the Tombtaker fight, especially since the first fight sent so well. Travis felt great that he initiated the dragon fight - he knew they had a far advantage in the numbers and felt that it was an open and shut case.
Laura does boggle that if Caleb hadn’t asked for that item from the Bag of Holding, they might have slept all night before realizing it was gone. They’re both relieved that they now know so much more about how the Tombtakers fight, especially the anti-magic cone. The most anxiety-ridden part was when they were trying to run and the TTs weren’t letting them. “You know when you don’t even have squares, when Matt’s black-tableclothing it, you’re in deep shit.” Laura had no spells left - she was so worried if she dropped the polymorph she would have had nothing left.
Travis: “Thanks for healing me, babe.” Laura: “You’re welcome, baby. It was ultimately a waste, though, because we took a rest immediately and you could just spend your hit dice.” Everyone laughs at Travis’s pain. She does say it was worth it in the moment since they didn’t know if they would be able to get away.
They joke that Laura’s just wearing the Fire Resist ring on a chain around her neck/Sprinkle is wearing it now to keep it safe since she’s not attuned to it anymore. It’s pretty hilarious!
Travis hoped that the TTs were originally actively looking for more acolytes rather than just having Caleb & Beau read the book. Otis needs to die. He’s relieved they have an idea of what all their blood rites do. Laura thought the time with them was fun, but it makes her retroactively wish that she’d dropped Zoran in the lava when they had the chance. Travis wishes they’d put a chime on the door of the tower.
Laura loved the tarot card reading, since Taliesin sent her really detailed breakdowns of the cards & gave her a real deck for Christmas. Taliesin told her she did a great job afterwards which she really appreciated, since she’s not sure what she’s doing. She does wish that she knew why Lucien seemed so nervous when she was talking about rebirth.
Cosplay of the Week! @clever_comics on twitter with a lovely Veth in her snowy lavender-colored outfit and pigtails.
Travis on confessing to Jester: “It FUCKING made me crazy!” He’s never been an instigator of campaign romances in the past, but because he loves Laura and was able to connect to her on that level he felt like it was a good challenge instead. He doesn’t think he could have done it with someone he wasn’t comfortable with. It was also important to him for it to be founded on real-game moments and after real-game time had passed, and he felt it was a very natural progression. Seeing the statues rip five years from her in such a benign situation made him realize that to let the opportunity pass wouldn’t have been worth it. He wishes he’d told Vandran what he meant to Fjord as well.
Laura loves that Fjord is becoming more confident as well. The post-Gelidon smooch took Laura completely by surprise since she’s finding Jester is a little surprisingly awkward with IRL affection, and she was surprised Fjord was the confident one there. “It’s so wonderful. It’s a matter of finding a way to get comfortable with it with her away from the Tombtakers.” Travis thought it was important to continue the “go for it” mantra. He notes that he’s pretty private about his personal life IRL, so it’s been a bit of a shift. It’s slower in a way - not a “you’re my one true love” kind of thing, more of a “let’s see where this goes and act on what you can” thing.
They were all “poopin’ in their pants” to get to go to Emon. The worst part was not getting to explore outside the tower since they had to leave again immediately. Kima is so cool, and Travis was actively trying to get Kima to come with them. Everyone boggles that they got to borrow Allura’s staff.
Laura only was thinking about the item-tuned-to-the-target-plane because she’d been texting with Liam trying to iron out their spell choices. She’s so relieved that they were able to get something tuned to the Sea from Allura.
For the most part, Laura knows what spells are the most useful for Jester, but every now and then she does get caught by major component requirements that she hadn’t noted. She wants to get another chalice for Hero’s Feast before they go into the Sea.
Dani points out that a lot of their allies right now are mages (no Kashaws, no Kimas, no Grogs) and they’re heading to a bad place for mages.
Travis has a sudden brain wave about all the TTs being from the Claret Order and wonders if they should investigate that before they pursue. I don’t even remember what that order is and I feel terrible!
Fanart of the Week! It’s a beautiful card by @crovyne on twitter of the Cree counterspell.
Laura really wants Brian to shave the sides of his hair and do Viking braids in the rest. I didn’t want to say anything out loud, but Brian’s hair is really looking pretty...pandemicky.
This is Dani’s four-year-anniversary of her start for Critical Role! Awww, Dani! You’re so short in real life.
Fjord is stoked that the Star Razor is a Vestige, and more now that he knows in-character what that means. It was great to see Allura react the way she did.
Jester doesn’t think they can really go to Nicodranas - they don’t have anymore time. Even more, Jester’s avoiding going home because she doesn’t want the Ruby to see that she got aged up/hurt on her travels.
Travis honestly assumes that the TTs are spying on them 100% of the time now.
Does Jester feel better now that the crest is away from Lucien? Yes, even though it’s gone off course. She thought dropping the crest where they were was a HORRIBLE idea and was appalled so many people were suggesting it. She saw the city with her own eyes, knows the danger of what’s coming, and if they had dropped it in flight she would have dropped with it and defended it as long as she could if that’s what would have kept them from getting it.
Travis thinks that if they can negotiate with Lucien, they should try. Everyone is super worried about Caleb’s and Beau’s new eyes and are fully anticipating they’re on a clock at this point. They wonder if it’ll drive up their exhaustion, allow Lucien to force them to fight against them, maybe make them willing slaves to the mysterious voice...they need to solve it sooner rather than later. 
And that’s all for tonight! New episode this Thursday - usual time, usual place. Stay warm, friends, and is it Thursday yet?
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willowcrowned · 4 years
Okay but has anyone considered Obi-wan/Cody/Satien (is that how its spelled?) Regardless, hes got two hands for his two mandalorians, the au where this happend is gotta be top notch ridiculous ye?
Okay thank you so much for giving me a reason to think about this, because this AU contains three things I adore: polyamory, ships where everyone is frighteningly competent, and Obi-Wan
In this AU, Ventress is somehow even less well-adjusted (bear with me). What this means is that, instead of taking a gap year and finding herself after her family is brutally murdered, she decides she needs to get revenge even more now. What does this mean? In the short term, she still becomes a bounty hunter, but in the long run? She’s looking for a Sith lord team up so she can punch Dooku (with a lit lighstaber) in his stupid, elitist, backstabbing face.
So when Maul invades Mandalore, what happens? Ventress comes right along, ready to give her ��I know we hate each other, but consider teaming up to kill someone we both hate even MORE’ space TED talk. And though Maul may be terribly annoying, a closet theater kid, always in a tits out kind of mood, and denying his gay awakening, he’s not stupid. He knows Sidious is coming for him, sooner rather than later, and he knows he needs more people on his side than his (impressively beefy) brother. He and Savage agree to the team-up.
Cue Obi-Wan showing up, ready to save his sort-of girlfriend, and finding Pre Vizsla, who got REAL sus the second ANOTHER lunatic with a red lightsaber showed up, occupied by capturing Maul, Savage, and Ventress. 
Obi-Wan saves Satie, who convinces him to call Cody for a quick evac, and they’re running away, flirting, and arguing over shooting things (as usual), when they spot Ventress, Maul, and Savage, about to be executed.
Oh, they both think, hell no. And then, because they have a stupid moral code that makes them do stupid moral things, they go save them.
A little background on Obi-Wan at this point: He has been fighting in a war for over two years. He is exhausted, close to a breakdown, and seriously questioning his place as a General. Next to him at all times, supporting him, helping him, and saving him, is Cody, who is clever, kinder than he has any right to be, and is, of course, devastatingly handsome when he does his special, unique-to-Cody half-smirk.
Obi-Wan, to put it mildly, is totally gone on him. Obi-Wan also, to put it less mildly, is his commanding officer in an army that Cody can’t leave on pain of death. To do anything— make any advance beyond the flirting that he engages in with most people— would put Cody in a very uncomfortable position, whether or not he returns Obi-Wan’s feelings. So Obi-Wan watches him from afar, hoping against hope that his affections are returned, and that one day, after the end of the war, there will be a future for both of them.
A little more background on Obi-Wan at this point: He has always respected Satine. Their correspondence fell apart just a few months after the end of his mission with Qui-Gon, but he’s been keeping up with her professional accomplishments for years. Over time, the love he bore for her faded, leaving him with good memories and an enduring appreciation for her courage, her cleverness, and her ability to deliver devastating blows to someone’s confidence with a few well-placed words.
Until he sees her again. And yes, alright, he might be angry that she’s choosing to stay out of the war— he knows what good she could do— but he understands her fears, understands the very real possibility that if Mandalore gets embroiled in yet another war, they may never recover. The thing is... well, she’s still very beautiful, especially when he’s yelling at him, and as slowly as his feelings had faded then, they come back in a rush now.
He has very much fallen in love with Cody, and he is very much still in love with Satine.
Cut back to the present— Obi-Wan and Satine rescue the three most annoying Sith in the galaxy and get the heck out of dodge. Cody, because he’s Cody, comes swooping in with a last-minute rescue.
At this point, two things are occurring.
The first: Obi-Wan is stuck in a room with four people he’s periodically flirted with over the past few years, two of whom he’s desperately in love with, one of whom he had a weird encounter with that he can never tell Anakin about when she and him got trapped in a middle school auditorium, and one of whom is definitely wearing no shirt and all that jewelry for a reason. It is Supremely awkward for him.
The second: Every single person in that room, each of which is (barring Savage) deeply attracted to Obi-Wan, is realizing that Obi-Wan is dressed in Mandalorian armor, and while Obi-Wan in three layers of tunics and a cloak is an absolute knockout, Obi-Wan in Mandalorian armor may very well kill them (and he won’t even have to touch his lightsaber to do it).
For one single moment, everything is absolutely still as they all stare at each other.
...And then Maul starts on the ‘I will rend your flesh from your bones, feel my wrath, Kenobarrgh’ spiel, and Satine stuns him. Oh, and Savage. Ventress agrees to watch the two of them if they don’t stun her, and Obi-Wan agrees.
Which then leaves him, Cody, and Satine in a room alone.
A word on Cody at this point: He has been bred from birth to be the perfect soldier— loyal, clever (but not too clever), and rigourously adherent to protocol. Yet, within three months of knowing Obi-Wan, he’s, well, calling him Obi-Wan in his head. Even just that is a gross breach of protocol, but he’s compromised in more ways than one. He talks to Obi-Wan, now, not just as a subordinate, or secondary advisor, but as a friend, as a councilor. Every time Obi-Wan touches him— never for longer than a brief second— his skin lights up under his armor. One time, Obi-Wan fell asleep on him for half an hour, and Cody’s was sure everyone would hear his heartbeat. 
What he’s doing— how he feels— he knows it’s putting Obi-Wan in danger, knows that if the Kaminoans had wanted to the clones to be equals to the Jedi, they would have told them so. And look, he knows what the natborns would call the way he’s feeling, but he can’t feel that way. He’s a clone— he’s expendable by definition. Even if, on some off-chance, he makes it out of this war alive, there’s nothing for him. Obi-Wan couldn’t care for him like that, couldn’t care for a man with the same face as millions of others, born and bred only for war. So it doesn’t matter how he feels.
A word on Satine at this point: Obi-Wan, when he left, was a gawkish, bumbling thing of red hair and freckles and the sweetest smile. Obi-Wan, when he came back, was graceful, eloquent, and very, very handsome. He is also infuriating. (This does not change how attracted she is to him in the least.)
She’s not a romantic, really, but she is a realist, and she knows she’s loved him in some form or another for over twenty years. She knows she can’t ask him to return it— knows that asking him to leave the order for her wouldn’t just be for her, it would be for Mandalore, and while the politician in her cries for her to claim him, the person in her who loves Obi-Wan could not abide tearing him away from his culture for her own purposes. She still loves him, deeply and irrevocably, and she knows he still loves her. (Maybe, she thinks, after the war... But she can’t afford to be sentimental).
What do Cody and Satine have in common? They’re both extremely competent, both instinctively ruthless, and they both love Obi-Wan. Oh, and they’re also both immediately jealous of their counterpart.
They know they shouldn’t be. They know it’s not fair, not when Obi-Wan isn’t theirs anyways, but it doesn’t change the surge of envy and dislike that happens when they see Obi-Wan use the soft voice he only uses for the people he likes best on the person across from them.
Cody knows he can never compare to the Duchess, who is beautiful and well-spoken and has held Obi-Wan’s heart since they were fifteen. Satine knows she can never compare to Cody, who has been at Obi-Wan’s side every second since the war’s beginning, who is so much closer in ideals to Obi-Wan than she is, however it might appear on the surface.
Fortunately, they don’t have to deal with it for long, because Ventress comes in with Maul and Savage and proposes a team up, at which point Maul reveals the identity of the Sith Master.
Obi-Wan swears a string of words that Cody and Satine are both very impressed by, and agrees to the team up. Cody and Satine, who are both going to Coruscant anyways, agree to it too.
What ensues is a good deal of scheming, during which Cody and Satine avoid each other like the plague, Obi-Wan is repeatedly told to get some sleep, and Ventress cuffs Maul to a door on multiple nonconsecutive occasions. When they get to Coruscant, Satine has already told Padmé, who has in turn told her group of anti-war (and anti-Palpatine) senators, Cody has given Rex a heads up, and Ventress, Maul, and Savage have been metaphorically sharpening their lightsabers for ages.
(It occurs to Obi-Wan, at one point, after he’s woken up from his enforced 25-hour nap, that Palpatine must have created the clone army for a reason— must have a failsafe in place— and he asks Ahsoka to pull all the data the Kaminoans have on the clones. They find out about the chips, and Ahsoka immediately immediately holds the Kaminoans at laser sword point until they reprogram every order into a command that dissolves the chip.)
The thing about organizing a coup together is that it makes it very hard to avoid each other. Cody and Satine are forced to work together, and, what do you know, it turns out that even with seething jealousy at work, they end up respecting each other. (Note: Obi-Wan comes into a room at one point to see them both bent over a commlink, heads together and hands nearly touching. He short circuits.)
In any case, coup, Palps dies, Republic fixed, whatever.
What’s important is that Obi-Wan gets really, really injured— so much so that he might die. Cody and Satine have dealt with him being dead before (Deception arc anyone?), but this? Watching him slowly fade, knowing there’s nothing they can do about it? That’s worse.
One night, when Anakin has fallen asleep, they have a long conversation in low voices about Obi-Wan, darting from fond to furious to devastated over and over again. If he wakes up— if, not when— they agree to say something to Obi-Wan, to let him know that they love him. It’s a meager consolation after all they’ve been through, but this is the end, in one way or another, and they deserve to be honest with him.
(Cody thinks, privately, that he will be— well, not tossed aside, because Obi-Wan isn’t the sort of person who does that, but there won’t be a place for him by Obi-Wan’s side anymore. Obi-Wan is a Jedi, a negotiator, a peacekeeper, and Cody is a soldier for a now-ended war. He is already steeling himself to accept Obi-Wan’s polite rejection with equanimity, to not cause more pain to the man. (It will be easy, he knows, to wish him every peace, every happiness. Cody has only ever wanted to see Obi-Wan happy. This does not mean it will not be painful.) Obi-Wan said once that he would have left the Order for Satine if she’d asked— she will ask, now, and Cody knows Obi-Wan will leave, can see the love written in his face, in his spine, in his hands, whenever he is around her. Satine will ask, and Obi-Wan will leave, and Cody will be left to look for a place in this new galaxy.)
(Satine thinks, privately, that Obi-Wan’s feelings for her must be long faded, replaced by his obvious ones for Cody. Obi-Wan is a warrior, a Knight, and Satine is a diplomat who foreswore violence long ago. She is already steeling herself to accept his rejection with grace. (It will be easy, she knows, to wish him well. She has only ever wanted good things for him. This does not mean it will not be painful.) He said once that he would have left the Order for her if she’d asked, and whatever he’d felt then for her pales to what he feels now for Cody. Cody will ask, and Obi-Wan will leave, and Satine will rule as she always has.)
And then Obi-Wan wakes up.
Cody and Satine let him have his long talk with Anakin first, partially because they know how important it is to him, partially because Anakin wouldn’t let them if they wanted to, and partially because they are dreading their own coming conversation. When Anakin has finished, and Obi-Wan is asleep again, they go in, hand-in-hand, and wait for him to wake up.
When he does wake up, he sees them holding hands and immediately comes to several wrong conclusions. Wrong Conclusion A: Cody and Satine are in love. Wrong Conclusion B: Cody and Satine are going to try to break the news that they’re in love to him gently. Wrong Conclusion C: This conversation is about to break his heart.
Then they speak.
At the end of it, Obi-Wan has some Thoughts. Thought One: alkdfjhskhsgjljlbhkgkjbjvnab,gkjvn;qlerghjsv?????!!!!fwbfwlkrehwogwhuwrijvhfdbhkf!!!! Thought Two: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Thought Three: Oh, we’re all idiots. Fantastic. 
He then passes out, because being on the edge of death for days and then having a shock to your system this big tends to do that to you.
When he wakes up, he is mildly more coherent. Then he sees that Satine and Cody are asleep on each other, and the coherence is lost, but he does manage to wake them up and get across three things:
Thing One: He is desperately in love with them both.
Thing Two: He’s leaving the Order for a multitude of reasons, but they are a Significant Bonus.
Thing Three: He would very much like if they both held his hand while he falls back asleep.
Cody takes Obi-Wan’s right hand, Satine takes Obi-Wan’s left hand, and the three of them stay like that, fingers intertwined, for a long, long, while.
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waywardrose13 · 3 years
Night and Day
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 4263
Warnings: Language, witch!reader, mentions and implicaitons of sex, angst, some fluff, not enough editing to satisfy me
Summary: You hid the fact that you were a witch from the Winchester brothers for years. After a run in with an old mentor of yours causes your secret to be revealed, the brothers find out that not only are you a witch, but one of the most powerful in the world. When Dean is given the task to kill you in exchange for his brother’s life, you must face the fact you lied to the man you loved- the same man who hates witches with a burning passion.
A/N: My tags haven’t been working lately. I’m going to put my tags in a reblog. Comment or shoot me an ask letting me know if you got a notification or not. Oh, and also- surprise!
“Dean, I’m serious. We gotta get up.”
You gently nudged at your boyfriend. A smile played on your lips as you felt his arms tighten around you. He whined and let out a long sigh.
“Five more minutes.”
“You said that twenty mintues ago,” you scoffed, smirking down at him. He groaned and lifted his head to look at you.
“You’re a joy killer,” he said. 
“A joy killer?” You asked. You raised a brow as your smirk grew. “Really?”
“Yeah, that’s right,” Dean said.
“Right. Okay big boy, up and attem, let’s go. We’ve got that case in Ozark.”
Dean groaned again. “We just got back from a case two days ago.”
“Comes with the job description, honey,” you said. You swung your legs out of bed, placing your feet onto the floor. As you stood up, Dean suddenly wrapped his arms around you again, pulling you back down onto the bed. You squealed as he squeezed your sides, his lips latching onto your throat.
“Wanna stay here with you,” Dean said. He raised his head to kiss your lips. You ran your hand through his hair, his fingers running up your side, raising to cup your breast beneath your shirt.
“Dean, we don’t have time for this,” you said. He peppered kisses along your throat and collarbone, settling on the pulse point below your ear. “As much as I love doing this, we really need to get up.”
Dean halted his movements and lifted his head to scowl at you. He pushed himself up and off you, walking over to the dresser.
“Alright, fine,” he huffed. “Joy killer.”
“Of course, it has to be fucking witches.”
You winced at his words. You had been in Ozark for nearly a day now. After interviewing two of the victims who survived the attacks, you had also spoken to the detectives on the case before investigating the victims’ homes. The victims claimed to have been attacked by a shadow figure. The other three victims had been slaughtered in their homes, while the two survivors suffered severe lacerations and what seemed to be burns. You and the brothers were stumped for a while, until you found a hex bag hidden in a vase in one of the homes, and another hex bag stuffed in a couch cushion in the other.
You always hated witch cases. Not only were they dangerous, but they were also conflicting. You were a natural born witch, coming from a long line of witches on your mother’s side of the family. You had the gift of sight, also known as psychic abilities, and you had practiced witchcraft since you were thirteen.
When you had met Dean Winchester, it had been on a ghoul hunt. In those three days, you instantly felt an attraction to him that you couldn’t describe. You never thought he would be interested in you. You saw the women he’d frequent, and you weren’t like them. You were in shape, hunting keeping you fit, however you had some stretch marks, love handles, and thicker thighs than you would’ve liked. You also weren’t the prettiest woman in your opinion. You weren’t ugly, but you were always self conscious of the way you looked. You were sarcastic, cursed like a sailor, and reserved. You had always kept a wall around yourself ever since you were younger, sprouting at early ages due to things you had experienced and seen. You were twenty-four, a virgin, and a bit awkward at times.
Not at all Dean Winchester’s type.
But after meeting up with the Winchesters a few more times, you and Dean slowly became closer, until one night after a hunt, Dean had confessed his feelings for you. He was hesitant at first due to the ten year age difference, but your relationship had quickly blossomed. He was your first real relationship, the first person to ever be with you entirely, the first person to ever hold your heart.
Which is why you never told him about yourself.
Dean hated witches. It was a fact everyone knew. If you were to tell him that you were, in fact, a witch, he’d not only break up with you, but you were afraid he’d hunt you. Although you had never used your abilities for anything other than good, you weren’t entirely sure Dean would be able to trust you after you kept it from him for so long.
You were one of the most powerful witches in the world. Numerous covens have tried to recruit you, but you turned them all down. You were nomadic by nature, a free spirit, and you didn’t want to use your abilities to do someone else’s bidding. So you stuck to yourself. You kept off the radar and hoped your protective hex bags shield sigil tattoos worked. When Dean asked about the tattoos, you had simply told him they were more sigils for protection- like the anti possession tattoo. He believed you without a second thought.
“Okay, so now that we know what we’re dealing with,” Sam began. “We need to find out who. After doing some digging, I found that all of the victims attended the same addiction recovery group.”
“So you think the group is somehow linked to the murders?” Dean asked.
“It makes sense,” you said. “They all had this one thing in common. That’s what we always look for, right?”
“Right. There are only three people left in the group who have not been attacked. Since it’s a support group, anonymity is a requirement. But luckily for us, we have fake badges,” Sam said. “Marcus Wainwright, Brienne Tarly, and Astrid Waters are the only people who haven’t been attacked.”
You froze at Astrid’s name. You knew that name. She was the leader of a coven who tried to recruit you years ago. You turned them down because of the craft which they practiced.
“Who’s the leader of the group?” You asked.
“Uh…” Sam looked at the files. “Astrid.”
“I think it’s her,” you said. The brothers looked at you in question. You mentallykicked yourself. You said it before you could think. “She’s the leader, right?” You tried to cover yourself. “What if she used this group as a way to make sacrifices to whatever that shadow is?”
“That actually makes a lot of sense,” Sam said. “Carla, one of the victims I talked to today, said that Astrid would always try to get the group attendants to recruit more people. Apparently Astrid was always trying to bring more people into the group. Almost like she was obsessed with it.”
“She was trying to get more people to sacrifice,” Dean said.
“Exactly,” you said.
“Okay, let’s find this bitch.”
Astrid still lived in the same cottage as she did all those years ago when she tried to recruit you. Cobblestone walls covered in climbing ivy. Black shutters hung off the gothic windows. Various leafy plants grew around the sides of the house. The broken path led to a great wood door. The negative energy rolling off the house made you nauseous, and it took everything in you not to pass out.
You were only sixteen when you met Astrid, only just beginning to truly tap into your true potential when other witches began to feel your energy.
“You’re strong,” she had told you. “Stronger than me. You would be a valuable asset to any coven. A threat to witches below your strength. Others will want to harvest that power for themselves. We can keep you safe. I can keep you safe.”
You could feel her energy was dark. Her aura was an ominous black, a stark contrast from your pure white. You knew she was lying immediately. You threatened her. You were stronger than Astrid, and that pissed her off.
“I can fend for myself, thanks,” you had said.
Astrid had simply smirked at you, patting your hand gently. “We’ll see about that, my dear.”
You never thought you’d run across her again. You had hoped that you wouldn’t run into her again. Not only was she incredibly dangerous to you, but there was a high chance she would spill your secret, and you would not only lose Dean forever, but you would lose your life.
Swallowing back your fear, you trudged through the woods alongside the brothers. You knew you needed to do this. Innocent people were dying. If this was your last night on Earth, you wanted to be able to save them at least.
The three of you ducked below one of the windows. Dean peeked inside, trying his best to stay as hidden as possible.
“She’s in there,” he whispered. “She’s… at an altar. She’s chanting something.”
“Guess we found our witch,” Sam muttered. “Nice, Y/N.”
You gave him a weak smile.
Dean got up in front of the door, gun in hand. You and Sam waited for his call.
“Okay, on three,” he said.
“One… two…”
A new voice echoed around you, the door of the cottage violently swinging open, a gust of wind knocking Dean off his feet. Astrid’s cackle filled the air, and suddenly you began to feel woozy. Dean’s eyes fluttered shut, Sam falling down next to you. You knew it was Astrid, and you tried to fight it off, but soon succumbed to her power as well, your world going dark.
“How exciting!”
Head pounding, you awoke to the sound of a female’s voice. Trying to move, you soon found yourself unable to. Your eyelids felt heavy, and your limbs felt numb.
Opening your eyes, you found yourself staring up at the ceiling of the cottage. Astrid’s silver head was bent over you, bright emerald eyes staring into yours, a crooked, elated smile on her face.
“My oh my, I never thought the day would come,” she muttered to herself. A long nailed finger stroked your cheek, and you flinched away.
“Don’t touch her, you bitch!” You turned your head at the sound of Dean’s voice. You smiled weakly immediately at the sight of him, finding yourself incredibly tired.
You felt drained.
You tried to move your hands, finding them strapped to the table you were currently laid out on. Your flannel had been removed, as were your jeans, leaving you in only a tank top and panties. You shivered in the cool air. You hated being exposed like this in front of anyone that wasn’t Dean.
“What are you doing?” You asked weakly. “Let me go.”
Astrid laughed. “Please. You fall right into my hands and you think I’m going to let you go?” She asked. “You’re smarter than that, little fox.”
 “Why are you doing this?” Sam asked. “Why did you kill all those people? Why did you sacrifice them?”
Astrid looked surprised. “Oh my, you’re a smart one, aren’t you?” She smiled at Sam, holding a mortar and pestle up over you. She crushed something inside, muttering a few incantations.
“The shadow makes me stronger. The more it's fed, the stronger I become,” Astrid said smoothly. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m a strong witch. Stronger than your average natural born, much stronger. However, there are only two people in the world who are stronger than me.”
Astrid gave you a pointed look. 
“The shadow makes me stronger, as I said, but without the power of the other two witches, I will never be the strongest. If I were to siphon their energies from their souls, I would be the strongest witch there ever was and will ever be.”
“Pretty egotistical, eh there, granny?” Dean said. Astrid sneered at him.
“You’ll be the first one to die once I’m done with her, honey,” Astrid said.
“That is if I don’t kill you first, sweetheart.”
“If you only knew what I would be capable of,” Astrid snapped. “One witch has kept herself hidden. The Scottish bitch never can be found.”
“Rowena,” Sam said. 
“Oh, you know her?” Astrid said. “Yes, Rowena. Now, the other witch. Well, I met her years ago. She was just a wee lass of sixteen at the time, but she was already so strong. I knew she was going to be a problem for me. I tried to recruit her to my coven, but she was smart. Too smart. I’ve been trying to track her down for years, and I’ve never been able to find her.”
Astrid let out a dreamy sigh. “And then, by the grace of God, she fell right into my hands.”
“If you’ve already killed her, why take the souls of innocents?” Dean asked.
Astrid scoffed. “Oh no, dear. I haven’t killed her yet.”
“Well what’s the hold up? One less witch to worry about. You’ll stop killing innocent people.”
Astrid laughed. She looked down at you. “No idea how you’ve been with the man as long as you did. If I heard that, I’d run for the hills. Or stab him in his sleep.”
“Don’t touch him,” you hissed. Astrid grinned.
“There’s that fire,” she said. She smeared the green paste she made over your chest. You let out a small cry as it burned your skin. She painted a pentacle on you, muttering more incantations.
“Unfortunately, to siphon all of a witch's power, the siphoner cannot kill the siphonee,” Astrid said. “Someone else has to do it after I prepare her, then I could siphon it.”
“Well let’s make you a deal,” Dean said. Your lip wobbled. “If I kill the bitch, letting you siphon her power, you will never kill another person.”
Astrid smiled wickedly. “Really?”
“Sure. One less witch and we save some people.”
Astrid laughed. “Oh that’s too good. I’ll make a blood vow. If I break it, I die.”
“Fine.” Dean nodded at her.
“Give me your word, hunter,” Astrid said.
“I give you my word.”
“That no matter what, you follow through,” Astrid continued.
Dean sighed. “Yeah, fine.”
“Dean,” you said softly. A tear leaked from your eye. “Please.”
He looked at you curiously. Astrid cut his bindings, letting him free.
“He’s not the brightest bulb, is he?” She asked you, laughing.
“Where do I find her?” Dean asked.
Astrid handed Dean a knife. It had a curled handle, various sigils carved into it. She stepped back, folding her arms over her chest. 
“Go ahead.”
“You deaf?” Dean asked. “Where do I find the bitch?”
Astrid smirked, running her tongue over her lips.
“Right in front of you.”
The blood drained from Dean’s face. Tears streamed from your eyes now, leaking down your temples onto the wood beneath you. Astrid killing you was one thing. Dean killing you? There was nothing worse you could think of.
“Y/N?” He said. “No fucking way. She’s not a witch.”
“Isn’t she?” Astrid asked. “Go on, Y/N. Show us a little trick.”
You squeezed your eyes shut, wishing this was all a dream. Wishing that you would wake up and you’d be back at the bunker in Dean’s arms.
But when you opened your eyes, Dean still stood there, that curved knife in his hand, Astrid’s evil grin plastered on her face, a shocked Sam watching from his confinement on the wall.
“Fuck you,” you hissed.
“If you don’t show him-” she walked over to Sam, hand on his head- “I blow his brain apart.”
You took in a shaky breath, eyes focusing on the windows. Suddenly, your eyes glowed purple, and the windows shattered. The glass floated up into the air, spinning around and around, wind whipping everyone’s hair. It only lasted a few moments, and when the glass stopped spinning, a heart floated six feet off the ground. It slowly moved towards Dean, and once it reached him, you blinked, eyes going back to their normal E/C, the heart falling to the ground, glass shattering once more, mimicking your own heart.
Dean looked up at you in shock.
“You did that?”
“It’s her best party trick,” Astrid said. “Y/N here is an artist. Unless, of course, she’s blowing a werewolf to pieces with a simple flick of her wrist, or growing a thirty foot tree with the blink of an eye.”
“No,” Dean said lowly. “You lied to me.”
“I was afraid,” you said. “You hate witches. I thought you were going to kill me.”
“You fucking kept this giant ass secret from me!” He yelled. “You lied to me for years! All that time we’ve been together, you’ve been fucking
“Dean, please-”
“How do I know anything you said was true?”
“It all is! You know everything about me, Dean! I just never told you this!” You urged. “Please, Dean. You know me. You know I’m a good person.”
“I don’t know shit,” he hissed. “Have you ever killed anyone?”
“What?” You asked.
“Have you ever killed someone?” He snapped.
“No! I’ve never-”
“Eh, eh, eh,” Astrid said. “Don’t lie to the poor man anymore, Y/N.”
You let out a sob. “It was an accident.”
“An accident?” Astrid exclaimed. “Bursting a man into flames was an accident? Killing a father of four was an accident?”
“Yes!” You said. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t know how to control myself, I-”
A sharp pain suddenly seared inside your head. You gasped, eyes squeezing shut.
“What are you doing?” Dean asked. Astrid grinned.
“Punishing her,” she answered calmly. You screamed as the pain became so intense, white flashed behind your eyes and your whole body went rigid.
“Stop!” Dean yelled.
The pain was gone instantly. You panted, chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath, sweat mixing with your tears.
“Slit her wrists, Dean,” Astrid whispered. “You swore.”
Dean took the few steps he needed to be right next to you. He looked at the knife, then at your wrist, then at your face.
“Won’t she just heal herself?” He asked.
“Those cuffs around her wrists contain sigils that will prevent any self healing or harm to another person,” Astrid said. “It limits her power. It’s why she hasn’t broken out yet.”
Dean swallowed thickly. He looked at you, eyes searing deeply into your own. An anger burned behind the green you loved so much. It scared you. That anger had never been directed towards you before. 
But there was something else as well. Despair. Dean was torn. You were a witch, a powerful one, and you had lied about it for years. On the other hand, Dean was in love with you. He loved you so much, it scared him.
“Do it,” Astrid said. “Do it, or I kill him.”
She was bent down beside Sam now, lips near his ear, eyes burning purple. Dean looked between you and his brother. You knew he’d never choose you over Sam.
“Do it,” you whispered. You nodded at him, giving him a soft smile. “It’s alright.”
“How can you say that?” Dean asked. 
“I’ll find my way back to you someday,” you told him. “If not, I’ll simply wait for you.”
Dean bit his lip. “I wish you had told me.”
“I thought you were going to kill me,” you admitted. He shook his head, leaning against the table. He cupped your cheek, thumb wiping away a stray tear.
“Baby, you’re a good person,” he said. “Sure, I hate witches.”
You winced.
“But I could never hate you.”
You blinked a few times. “Even though I’m-”
He pressed his lips softly to yours. His eyes were misty, brows pulled together. 
“I could never hate you,” he whispered against your lips.
“Do it, Dean!” Astrid urged. “You’ve got ten seconds.”
“Dean, don’t do it,” Sam said. 
“It’s okay,” you whispered. “I’ll wait for you, my love.”
Dean shook his head.
“Five seconds,” Astrid warned.
“I love you, Dean. It’s okay,” you whispered. 
Dean looked down at the knife in his hands. He caressed your wrist, bringing the knife down against your skin.
“Three seconds!”
He gave you one last look, moving the knife back-
He jerked the knife-
You expected the sting of the blade, but only felt the release of the cuff. 
“Man, you should have had some sort of spell on that shit,” Dean said. He smiled darkly at you, giving you a wink. Using your other hand, you flashed your eyes purple, burning the other cuff off.
“No!” Astrid yelled. “What have you done?”
With a simple flick of your wrist, Astrid was flung away from Sam. She crashed into the opposite wall. You slipped off the table, bare feet hitting the cold floor. A wind blew through the cottage, blowing your hair back from your face. You stalked towards her, all the while a smirk grew on your lips, your fingers tingling.
“I haven’t let myself go in so long,” you said. You lifted your hands, seeing the purple glow in your palms and beneath your fingertips. You cocked your head. “All this pent up energy…”
“It’s almost like snapping a rubber band,” you muttered.
“Y/N,” Dean said slowly. 
Using a blast of power, you forced Astrid’s arms against the wall. Keeping them there, you raised her up until her feet dangled off the floor. You did the same to her ankles, the strain causing her skin to bruise immediately.
“Y/N, wait-”
You forced her head back, a sickening crunch resonating inside the cottage.
“So much power… can be dangerous,” Astrid gasped. Blood dribbled from her mouth and nose, pouring out of her eyes like tears. You forced more pressure upon her, crushing her further. “I was your mentor once… don’t let it consume you… keep your soul pure…”
You crushed her further, your brow raising slightly. You smiled wickedly at Astrid, a dark chuckle leaving your lips. “Rich coming from you,” you said.
“I let it consume me,” Astrid told you. “Don’t… follow in my footsteps.”
You hadn’t used your power like this in years, not since Astrid was your mentor. It sizzled in your veins and made you feel more rushed than ever. It was almost euphoric, the way your body burned with power, power that came from the Earth beneath your feet. 
You missed that feeling.
What you didn’t miss, however, was the creeping feeling of darkness. It would intrude your thoughts and darken your mind. The risk of using that much power was the potential that it could consume you, and you would flip darkside.
Like Astrid did.
“See you in hell.”
Using once last surge of power, Astrid let out a guttural scream as her whole body turned an odd shade of red, eyes nearly popping from their sockets, blood streaming from any open source, before she stopped moving.
Letting your power retract, she slumped to the floor.
You blinked, letting your eyes return to their natural colour, turning to face Dean.
“You gonna kill me now?” You asked.
Dean swallowed thickly, giving you a small smile.
“Why not?” You said. “I’m a monster, right? You hate witches. I am witch. Pretty self explanatory.”
“I’m not going to kill you,” Dean said.
“You can’t pick and choose the monsters you kill and don’t kill,” you said. “You came here to kill a witch. I killed her, now it’s your turn.”
“I’m not going to kill you,” Dean repeated.
You gritted your teeth, sighing deeply. “Fine.”
You walked over to Sam, looking over your shoulder at Dean. With a simple flick of your wrist, Sam was released from his bindings.
“Do it, Sam.”
“Why?” He asked.
“I haven’t let myself go like that in a long time,” you said. “I forgot how tempting it is to give in. I want to do it, Dean. You need to kill me before I do.”
“No,” he said.
“Do it!” You yelled. “Do you really want me to flip? You want me to become like her?” You pointed to the woman you had just killed.
“You won’t,” Dean said. “You’re not like her.”
“Yes,” you whispered. A single tear slipped down your cheek. “I am. I killed that man when I was sixteen because I almost let it win. Who knows what else I could have done if I did.”
“Then we lock you up in the dungeon,” Dean said. “And we bring you back. But you’re good, Y/N. I know you better than anyone.”
Your lip wobbled. 
“You still love me?” You murmured. “Even after finding out?”
Dean smiled warmly at you. He took your hands in his, massaging the backs of yours. “Sure, I was pissed you didn’t tell me. Still am, quite frankly. But you’re my girl,” he said. “I know you. I know the kind of person you are.”
“You hate witches,” you pointed out.
“Eh, maybe they’re not so bad,” Dean said, giving you a lopsided shrug. “I mean, I know this one witch. She’s pretty hot, really good in bed-”
“Dean!” You exclaimed, slapping his chest playfully. He laughed, kissing your forehead, bringing you into his chest.
“What can I say? What you did was pretty badass. Not my fault I’m into that.”
You shook your head. “Okay, big boy. If you’re not gonna kill me, let’s go home.”
Dean took a deep breath, leaning down to pick you up bridal style. You gasped, wrapping your arms around his neck to steady yourself.
“Come on, Sabrina,” he said. You gave him a bitch face, making Sam laugh.
“Really?” You asked.
“Oh, I’ve got more,” he said. “Do you have a pointy hat? Or a broomstick? Were you always this color, or were you born green?”
“Yeah, this is gonna be a long ride home,” Sam muttered.
Did you like it? What was your favorite part? Send me an ask with your thoughts! Feedback is loved and greatly appreciated:)
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doc-pickles · 3 years
all's well that end well to end up with you (p.2)
Welcome back to part two of this fic! If you missed part one it’s right here! enjoy!!
xoxo nina
The absolute last thing Jo had expected when she came to New York for a medical conference was running into her ex-husband. It should’ve been on her radar, Arizona was headlining the conference, but she hadn’t thought that Alex would be interested in maternal-fetal medicine. Yet there they were, staring at each other across a crowded hotel lobby. Arizona interrupts her train of thought, welcoming her and gushing about how excited she is that Jo is now an OB.
“I have to run but I see your husband over there,” if Arizona registers her shock she doesn’t show it. “Good to see you, Jo!”
As soon as Arizona is out of sight Jo finds herself marching up to Alex and slapping his arm, “Ow! What was that for?”
“What was that for? Arizona just called you my husband,” Alex flinches and Jo can’t help rolling her eyes at him. “You didn’t tell her?”
“It never came up.” “Alex! It’s been three years,” at the mention of their separation reality seems to sink in around Alex and Jo. They haven’t seen each other in three years, not since Jo dropped him off at the airport. “Hi.”
“Hey. You look… wow,” Alex realizes his blunder almost immediately, stuttering over his words as he tries to correct himself. “Sorry, uh, about Arizona. I’m scared she’s going to hit me for letting you get away. Which, fair enough, you know?”
Jo takes Alex in fully for the first time. His hair is a bit grayer but he looks good with his sun-kissed skin and toned arms. He’s dressed in a button-up and slacks and in other circumstances, Jo would find him devilishly handsome.
“Yeah, you’d have to be pretty stupid to let this get away,” Jo sends a subtle wink Alex’s way and watches as he sighs in relief. “So what are you doing at an MFM conference anyway?”
“My hospital is opening a brand new neonatal and MFM wing so the board decided that the chief and some of our surgeons should come out and learn a bit more. It also helps that Arizona taught me everything I know,” Alex nervously rubs the back of his neck, watching Jo carefully. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m an OB now,” the shocked expression on Alex’s face makes Jo giggle. “I know but after… Well after everything that happened I needed some change, something to make me happy. So I switched to OB, adopted a baby, and dyed my hair blonde. The blonde didn’t stick but the baby and the career switch did.”
There’s an overhead announcement for the start of the conference, people moving inside all around them. Everyone else seems to fade away though as Jo and Alex meet eyes again. He’s wearing that dumbstruck look that he wore when she dressed or after she said I love you or when they’d lay in bed together. Despite the years and distance between them, Alex still wears the undeniable look of love he always did when he looked at Jo.
“I gotta find Carina but… I’ll see you around?” Alex nods, still entranced with Jo as she turns to walk away. Their interaction is brief but it makes her crave Alex all the more.
Late that night Jo finds herself alone at the hotel bar. Carina had initially joined her but had gone back to their room to call Maya and their daughter. Jo is about to head up herself when someone sits on the stool next to her.
“Jack and coke for me and a whiskey sour for my friend here.”
Jo’s head whips up in surprise as Alex settles down next to her, a smirk gracing his lips, “It’s still a whiskey sour right?”
“Yeah thank you,” Jo nods to the bartender as he hands her the drink. “So… we’re friends now?”
“I’d like to hope so,” Alex picks up his glass and Jo gladly toasts him. “To new beginnings”
“To new beginnings.”
Alex and Jo sit together and discuss what’s changed for them. There’s no awkwardness or hostility like Jo might have thought. Instead, it genuinely feels like catching up with an old friend. She talks about Luna and proudly shows a video of the young girl counting to 10 in Spanish. Alex brings up a photo from Izzie’s wedding of himself squished between Eli and Alexis, all three bearing matching crooked smiles and bright eyes. Jo can’t help the swell of pride that mounts in her chest at the sight. Eli looks more like Alex but she can still see the Karev shining through Alexis as well. For a moment she wonders, goes through the what-ifs, but she quickly pushes them down.
“I think I’m gonna head up but I really enjoyed catching up,” Alex leans down, pressing a kiss to Jo’s cheek. Her skin flames up under his delicate touch and she knows she’s wearing a deep blush. “Goodnight Jo.”
“You missed.”
“You missed,” Jo leans up, her fingers brushing Alex’s cheek as she pulls him down into a deep kiss. She brings her other hand up to tangle in his hair and pull him closer, sighing contentedly as his hands find her waist and pull her flush against him. She pulls back only slightly, leaning her forehead against Alex’s. “Are you still leaving?”
“Not without you I’m not,” the words sound so natural as Jo melts into Alex’s embrace, his arms wrapping fully around her. Their lips meet in a chaste kiss before they’re stumbling out of the bar, not drunk enough to blame their actions on the alcohol but just enough to begin to heal the open wounds of their failed relationship.
Everything after that comes naturally, the lost lovers escaping upstairs and falling into bed with practiced ease. Jo feels right at home in Alex’s bed, both of them remembering each other’s bodies as if they’d never parted. Neither of them thinks twice about the pillow talk they share after or the way they drift off to sleep in each other’s arms. It’s not until the next morning when Jo answers her phone that she realizes things are amiss.
“Mmm hello?”
“Thank goodness, I thought you were dead.”
“Where are you? You missed the first speaker of the day.”
Jo bolts up in bed, finally realizing where she is. Alex’s arms snake out and around her waist, his gruff voice slightly muffled by his pillow, “Come back to bed, I’ll make it worth your while.”
“Carina I’m going to grab a shower and I’ll be down as soon as possible.” There’s a light laugh on the other side as Carina confirms Jo’s plan, “I’m glad you’re having fun, Jo.”
Jo hangs up, jumping out of bed and searching for her clothes in a rush to get out the door. Her frantic pace brings Alex out of his sleepy stupor as he rubs his eyes and watches her, “Where are you rushing off to?”
“Well it’s 10:30 so I already missed the lecture on in utero surgery,” Alex rolls over, groaning when he sees that Jo is correct. “I’m hoping I can fit in a shower before Arizona goes on.”
Once she’s finally dressed Jo walks back to Alex, her lips brushing over his lightly before she pulls him in for a sweet and sensual kiss. She watches him for a moment, taking in the shocked look on his face, “What?”
“Why aren't you mad at me? I left you.”
“I forgave you a long time ago for that Alex,” Jo runs her fingers across his cheek, meeting his eyes with a serious stare. “As soon as I held Luna I understood why you did what you did. I knew that if I felt that way about a baby that wasn’t even mine yet that you couldn’t leave two kids who were half you. I always knew you would be a fantastic dad. Even if it wasn’t with me I’m glad that you got that.”
Jo presses one more chaste kiss to Alex’s lips, leaving him staring dumbfounded at her, “Can I come back tonight?”
“I’m sorry,” Alex seemingly ignores Jo’s last statement, looking up at her with a sorrowful expression. “Leaving you… leaving you was my biggest mistake. I love my kids but you were everything. You’re still everything. And I know you say that you forgave me but I never apologized. I’m so sorry Jo, you didn’t deserve how I left you.”
There’s an amicable silence as Jo and Alex just stare at each other, both of them with tears welling in their eyes. There’s not much else to say, but they both know that their newfound relationship wouldn’t end with the weekend.
It's three weeks after Alex‘s surprise weekend visit to Seattle and Jo has never felt so terrible in her life. Despite Carina‘s prescription of an anti-nausea medication Jo’s morning sickness and vertigo continue to plague her no matter what she tries. She hasn’t operated or delivered any babies in almost a month, her work routines now consisting of doing chart work and checking on patients when she’s not trying to keep food down. Between trying to maintain her work schedule and keeping up with Luna on top of her pregnancy, Jo is exhausted and completely depleted of any energy she might have once had.
She finally hits her breaking point an hour into her shift when she’s thrown up for the fourth time that day and nearly passes out. Her head is swimming as she leans against the bathroom stall, the only thought she can focus on is how much she wishes Alex was there. He always knew exactly what she needed when she wasn’t feeling good. There’s a knock on the door and she barely lifts her head when she sees Carina walk in.
“I’m admitting you. You need rest and fluids and you’re not going to get that if you keep running yourself into the ground,” Carina places her hand on Jo’s forehead. “You’re burning up, mi amor.”
“I’m fine, I don’t need to be admitted,” Jo attempts to brush off Carina as she grabs her hand, but the rush of blood to her head stops her. Carina barely catches her as her knees go weak and her vision blurs.
“What am I going to do with you, Jo? Come on, let’s go.”
Jo doesn’t put up any more of a fight, following Carina to a room and all but collapsing onto the bed. Her brain is foggy, words incoherently falling from her mouth as Carina asks her questions. Finally, her eyes flutter shut and Jo is enveloped in silence.
When she pries her eyes open again the sky outside is dark. Jo realizes this is the longest she’s slept in over a month and lets her eyes fall shut again. Only a moment later she remembers her morning with Carina and a deep panic sets into her bones.
Her baby.
As if sensing her unease, Alex reaches his hand out to grab hers. Jo then realizes that he’s sitting at her bedside, eyes tired and body restless in the small chair, “The baby’s okay, you don’t need to freak out.”
Jo nods, rubbing her hands over her face in exasperation. Even though their baby is okay Alex’s worried expression tells her that things might not be all rainbows and sunshine.
“Carina called me after you passed out. Scared the shit out of me, I thought you were dead or…,” Alex doesn’t finish the statement out, Jo putting the pieces together and settling her hand on the slight curve of her stomach. “You’ve gotta take better care of yourself.”
“I didn’t pass out, my vision went spotty and I was light-headed. And then I took a nap.”
“Jo, you slept for 15 hours straight. You were out long enough for me to finish a laparoscopic cholecystectomy, drive an hour to Kansas City, hop on a four-hour flight, and sit in traffic from the airport to get here. You’re running yourself into the ground,” Jo avoids Alex’s gaze as she fights back tears. “Carina took your blood when she put you on the IV drip. On top of being dehydrated and having iron deficiency anemia you also have an untreated UTI that’s bordering a kidney infection.”
“What?” Jo sits up abruptly but is immediately overcome with a wave of dizziness. Alex moves faster than her, placing one hand on her back while the other holds a basin in front of her. Head still in the basin, Jo speaks up, “Are you serious?”
Alex confirms the news once more, his hand rubbing Jo’s back gently, “She’s got you on strong meds to combat the infection and the baby is doing fine. You just need to take better care of yourself, Jo. Between work and Luna and now this baby you’re stretching yourself too thin.”
She can't help the rush of emotions she feels or the loud sob that breaks from her as Jo lets the last few weeks finally take their toll on her. Alex is quick to wrap her in his arms but even that does little to calm her down.
“I’m sorry, it’s just been really overwhelming and I’ve been doing everything alone,” Jo wipes at the tears pooling under her eyes and settles into Alex’s side. “I’m just exhausted from everything.”
“You’re not alone Jo, you have me and Mer and Link. All of us are more than willing to help you out.”
“Meredith and Link have their own families to take care of. And you live halfway across the freaking country, I can’t keep expecting you to drop everything and come to my rescue,” Jo knows that Alex wants to refute her statement but she avoids looking at him. “It’s just me and Luna and it’s so hard. I thought having a medically fragile infant was hard but that was nothing compared to all of this.”
Alex leans down and presses a kiss to Jo’s forehead, pulling her closer to him, “We’ll figure it all out, okay? I’m not letting you take all of this on by yourself.”
The words comfort Jo, if only slightly. She knows Alex has changed, knows that he really means it when he says that he’s going to take care of them. She’s not entirely sure what the future holds for them but she knows that everything will work out.
Meredith isn’t entirely sure what to think when she uses her key to unlock the penthouse only to find it empty. The furniture is still there but the personal items are all gone. The photos of Jo and Luna are gone, all of the drawers and closets are empty, and the place is eerily quiet. When she loops back to the living room Meredith finally notices the note taped to the fridge written in Jo’s loopy script.
Link or Meredith-
Luna and I are fine, there’s no need to worry about us. I promise we’ll call soon.
The note gives Meredith a strange sense of deja vu, taking her back to when she had packed up Zola and Bailey and gone to San Diego. The memory instantly worries her, she can’t blame Jo for running but she also knows that their situations aren’t the same. Meredith pulls out her phone and dials Alex, hoping that he’s heard from Jo but the call goes straight to voicemail.
As she walks out of the penthouse Meredith hopes that Jo is okay, hopes that Alex knows where she is and that he’s able to help her through the rough road she has ahead of her.
“Hey yourself. How was the flight?”
“Besides the rambunctious three-year-old and constant nausea it wasn’t too bad,” Jo grins up at Alex as he takes Luna from her arms. “I can’t believe we’re here.”
Alex lets out a laugh as he folds Jo into his arms, squeezing both girls tightly, “Finally, it only took a month of begging.”
“Yeah well I figured now was a good time, you know before I get any bigger,” at the mention of her expanding baby bump Alex lets his hand float down to the curve of her stomach. She’d hidden it well with sweaters and baggy scrubs but now there was no denying that she was pregnant. “This is kinda crazy, isn’t it?”
Alex and Jo both laugh at that, knowing that nothing they’d ever done was traditional or normal. They’d divorced almost four years ago and now found themselves with three kids between them and a fourth on the way.
“What? You moving to Kansas after we’ve only been back together for a few months? I’d say it’s not completely sane,” Alex takes in Jo’s shocked face with a smile. “What’s that look for?”
“So we’re together now are we?”
Alex laughs before he bends down and captures Jo’s lips, only parting upon Luna’s insistence, “Only if you want to be.”
“I do.”
“Good because I fully intend to have you say those words for a third time,” Jo’s jaw drops at Alex’s words and it takes everything in her to calm down her racing heart. “You think I was just gonna bring you out here without marrying you?”
“Well, I-”
Alex takes the opportunity to press another kiss to Jo’s lips, “It’s okay princess, I promise this is the last time.” Jo finds herself standing in awe as she watches Alex and Luna look for their bags on the conveyor belt in front of them. There’s a flurry of tiny flutters that erupt in her stomach, partially from the baby wiggling around but mostly from the joy, she felt at Alex’s proposition. Since their reunion in New York, all Jo has wanted is exactly this, a life with Alex. She had thought that wasn’t in the cards for them anymore but as she watched him hoist Luna onto his shoulders she knew that everything around them had worked out perfectly.
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sharkmobster · 4 years
more funtime found family au stuff but this time focusing on funtime freddy and michael's relationship. it's incredibly rambly and turns into off-kilter dialogue but i gotta get this off my chest.
tw mentioned child abuse/death
• doesn't actually like michael (at first) even tho i draw them hanging around each other a lot
• bon bon is the only reason he does loaf around him. (bon bon and bonnet being the only ones who like Michael in the beginning.) They're attached to each other so it's inevitable that they would hang around mikey.
• ft freddy plays really mean spirited jokes on michael bc he's not allowed to harm him. he has to get real creative. (ft freddy has a lot of anger inside of him. people write him off as being dumb and goofy but really that's just a mask that he put up so he didn't scare people away. of course the funtimes know how he is, knows who he is right to his core bc they're all connected on a deeper/technological level.)
• (slaps funtime freddy. this bear can fit so much trauma and abandonment issues in him!)
• can be incredibly vindictive when he wants to be and takes out a lot of his agression on Michael. michael shares the afton name (bc he sure as hell doesn't look like william in my au lol) and that alone is enough for ft freddy to bully him.
• (the funtimes blame william for abandoning them so ft freddy takes it especially personal when his ankle biter comes around to "liberate" them. and on some deeper level freddy is just terrified that michael will abandon them all, just like willy did. he never voices this of course. opting to show his apprehension and fear in a more destructive way, pushing Michael further away.)
• canon ft freddy: sinister but still goofy and knows how to have a good time
my ft freddy: goofy and repressed anger issues, doesn't know how to enjoy himself without causing someone some kinda pain.
• michael gets fed up with being terrorized eventually and confronts him, and ft freddy drops the silly act for a bit just ready to blow up at him. (he can't even place why he's still so angry at michael when really he's been nothing but hospitable and accomodating to their wants and needs but fuck he's just so wound up he doesn't know what to do) michael compares him to william during the argument (cruel and vindictive just like william wanted) and ft freddy nearly rings his neck, absolutely seething but bon bon doesnt let that happen of course. (idk if this is confirmed canon but bon bon was designed to placate freddy. he raises his voice even slightly and bon bon's petting his face, stopping him from getting even more agressive)
• ft freddy shuts down after the confrontation ends (emotionally, anyway) and the blow out itself is completely anti climatic, nobody getting hurt. he ends up isolating himself from the others with bon bon hovering around like a concerned mother hen. Baby and the others give him space but michael (after he cools down anyways) won't leave him alone.
• See the thing is: Michael understands. Michael understands more than anyone what it's like to feel so deeply, what it's like to hate and hate and to keep hating until that rage is your whole life. It's suffocating. and he had to deal with that all on his own, choking on his own grief and rage without anyone to guide him. (his brother is dead bc of him and he carries that with him everywhere he goes, in everything he does.)
• They're living in the countryside of France at this point in time, far off from any wandering eyes, a thick forest surrounding their home. Freddy has a few hiding spots that he scouted out within the first few days of staying there. And that's where Michael finds him, hiding out in a small alcove by the a creek, throwing rocks at the trees (and sometimes wildlife).
• freddy doesn't aknowledge him, ignoring him like a child would and bon bon frets nervously between them, not wanting another fight to break out. Michael tells them that he's not here to fight anymore, he just wants to talk. you like to talk, don't you? and freddy doesn't say anything, running his fingers through the dirt, absentmindedly.
• michael asks bon bon to leave so that they can have a private convo and bon bon freaks out like absolutely not, he might hurt you and michael asks freddy directly like "are you going to hurt me?" freddy still isn't talkative, and he's rigid when he shakes his head no after a bit of silence. Bon Bon asks if he's alright with him leaving and freddy just shrugs, still staring at nothing in the distance. bon bon hesitates for a few moments before finally leaving, telling Michael to call out to him if he's in danger but michael rushes him along.
• it's just them now, nothing but the sounds of nature around them. michael asks how he's feeling and freddy shrugs again. Michael strikes up a one sided conversation, stepping closer and closer to him over time not really getting any kinda response out of him but eventually, during his rambling, freddy finally looks at him and says "Y-You just don't get-get it." and then goes back to the silent treatment.
• Michael's quiet, having made his way up to standing right next to freddy (he's only a tiny bit taller than him when he's just sitting like that). he nods his head, considering something for a while until finally he goes "Did I ever tell you about what it was like? Ya know. Being William Afton's golden child?" freddy doesn't say anything but he pauses from drawing circles in the dirt, tilts his head just a fraction to let mikey know he's listening.
• michael stares at the creek. "He wasn't the most outwardly loving father. Wasn't really the nicest one, either. But, I wanted his approval so bad, I'd do anything for it." Freddy slowly turns his head to watch him carefully. that's got his attention. "I did a bunch of stupid shit back then, all cause I wanted to be noticed by him. But all that attention went to my little-" and michael draws in a sudden breath, pained. stays silent for a moment, working up the courage to speak. "I did something awful to my brother. All for my father. And it's an awful thing to say but his death didn't matter. Pops didnt bat an eye and Mom was too far gone by that point after Elizabeth...." he looks back in the direction of the cottage. "Well.... you know what happened to Elizabeth." Freddy's stare is hard and unyielding. "He's gone now and I was the only one who cared enough. His fuckin' abuser cared more for his passing than his own father did."
• "He threw me into the basement. Did you know that?" Michael bounces from one foot to another, anxiety written into his very bones. he's lost in his rambling now, having never spoken these words out loud to anyone. "I killed his son and he locked me away in the dark for three years." Freddy fully turns to give Michael his undivided attention, stock still, hanging off of his every word. "I got out. Eventually. I ran away and lived on the streets for years until someone got a hold of me. Told me my old man was missing, presumed dead. Got a pretty penny from the fazbear business he co-owned with Mr. Emily. Things were going good, I guess. I was overwhelmed for the most part, didn't do anything other than bounce around from hotels every few days. In some way, I felt like he was still out there, watching me. I just kept running. And then i found out about you." He glances at freddy and looks away quickly when he finds an unblinking visage staring back. "Found out about all of you. Locked away in a storage facility for over 30 years. In the dark. All alone." an incredibly long silence stretches out between them, freddy fidgeting, hyperaware of every noise going on around them.
• "You think I don't get it. But I do. I think I understand you more than anyone could." Michael's staring back at him, raw emotion across his face, eyes soft with empathy and that's what makes Freddy turn away from him. Suddenly uncomfortable. "I don't want to fight with you. Not you. Not Ballora, or Foxy, or Eli-" He visibly winces, but regains his composure. "...I just... need you to understand that I want to help."
• Freddy's never been so quiet, and it's such an odd sight. Michael's not sure if he should say anything else or if he should leave the bear alone. the bear speaks up, finally "W-We could've kill-killed you."
• "That was always a possibility, yeah. I woulda deserved it." Freddy's not sure if he likes the way Michael talks about himself sometimes. "I needed to get you guys out of there, though. That was more important than whatever could've happened to me." Michael huffs. "Besides, if I hadn't bailed you guys out then I would've never gone to Paris. Ballora has good taste in real estate, I think." and despite everything, freddy lets out a sudden breath that could've been mistaken for a sensible chuckle. Michael smiles anyway.
• Things settle down afterwards, though there's no bite to Freddy's jokes now. They're not as close as Michael wants, Freddy still keeping his distance, keeping his walls up but it's something.
• Freddy starts watching horror movies with him late into the night and until dawn. Doesn't let Michael sleep in afterwards and he might just regret this but it makes Freddy happy. Things go back to normal in the cottage, as normal as things can be for a motley troupe like them anyways. Michael starts laughing at his jokes more.
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tundrainafrica · 4 years
Why I love LeviHan (a rant)
So I'm pretty new to the LeviHan community and I just wanted to rant about how much of a work of art this fucking ship is even though I have no idea whether Isayama did it on purpose or not. But damn, this ship literally introduced me to the drama of shipping fluff and AUs --- two genres I used to avoid like the plague because never have I felt such adamance for a ship to set sail in YEARS since Percabeth back in high school.
To give some background about myself, the past five years, I was no fan of ships. Like literally, I tried to avoid shipping fics like the plague (for any fandom) because I was like "come on war racial war, zombie like monsters? Who has time to fall in love?" A lot of non romance shows don’t leave time for a relationship to develop and we literally just get a time skip where suddenly they pair people up together and I’m like woop good story but yo how the heck did they end up together.
In real life, I also did get into a healthy relationship with a guy, a slow burn after five years type and I thought yeah I've seen how I want a relationship to develop and now imma be picky as fuck with ships.
I did end up picky as fuck with ships but Isayama with the minimal screen time he actually gave this ship to set sail with probably minimal intention to actually confirm their ship got me climbing into this ship while it sunk canonically after chapter 132 because holy fuck ISAYAMA YOU MAD MAN.
Let's talk about how they were introduced. Trost is destroyed. Titans are impossible to kill then whoop. We get a group of weirdos and outcasts who can somehow kill titans like crazy.
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Strong titan slayer dude.
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Strong titan slayer girl. (Hange is female to me.)
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Cool commander dude.
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Cool interesting characters. Eren's dream team since episode 1. Two captains. Constantly together. Erwin is their glue. Nothing suspicious about that. They work together. They're too busy fighting Titans to actually be considering a relationship right??
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Besides, Hange and Levi are just way too different like
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Levi is like *slash slash slash I hate titans u ugly* *slash slash slash eww titan blood* *slash slash slash kill Titans they're all monsters* 
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Hange is like *slash slash slash oooh titan blood* *slash slash slash dont kill them i wanna dissect them* *doesn't slash* titans make me horny.
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Like sure we could argue opposites attract but there are more cases where opposite personality dating would probably backfire and with the idiosyncrasies of both parties at polar ends of the spectrum it just didn't seem possible for there to be a spark? Like logistically they would tear each other's hair out if they were stuck together in a relationship.
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At that point, Erwin being the middle ground between both captain weirdos, I couldn't help but think shipping Erwin with either of them would have been the more realistic option.
Season 2 had its fair share the first two scenes with Levi picking her up and the carriage. Didn't see anything too sparky yet and yes the last scene where he could tell who she is by her knock. (but yes sparks flew in hindsight).
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Season 3: Erwin the glue gets trapped in capital due to political reasons and only one arm. Two captains forced to combine forces to manage the survey corps in peril. They get their bonding moments like torturing some dude together and reflecting over the untimely deaths of Hange’s squad. (and maybe Levi’s squad too)
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They separate while coup d'etat happens because their skills were needed elsewhere. They got to save Eren and like hours later in the cavern Levi was especially concerned about Hange when she got shot by the hook back in the cavern like you don't see that concern with any other character except maybe Erwin. (But it can be argued that maybe all the other people he ever loved died too fast he never got the time to be concerned.)
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All the way until the battle of Shiganshina Levi is usually with Hange.
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When he’s not with her, there’s a reason (usually Erwin’s orders.)
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When he's not with her he's thinking about her.
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Then Erwin their magical glue of a commander does die and the captains gotta stick together even without the glue because they're the last two surviving people in the old survey corps.
It's apparent Levi hates the changes made to the survey corps because he still keeps the green cloak which everyone kinda abandoned. So it can be argued that Hänge was also that last bit of fresh air Levi had of the olden days.
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Like you can't blame them. Levi is anti social and traditional survey corps type.
Hange is still reeling from the loss of Erwin and her quick rise to power as commander.
They may have differing personalities but they had the same history. They both know loss, bloodshed and battle the survey corps brings that no one else probably understands to the extent they do.
And we get the bombshell of this scene.
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Hange literally proposes to him that they just run away to the forest and just build a life for themselves and the cold harsh brazen Levi doesn't outright reject it.
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He instead acknowledges what he knows about her that she'll never do that. This only confirms that they know each other too well, that they have a bond that exists between them which cannot so easily be replaced by anyone else.
And then a few chapters later
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And sure yeah Levi didn't cry but like yo, the way Levi handled her death is worse than crying. We have never seen Levi react to a death like this.
Levi is holding on to the hand which touched Hange’s.
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Levi just sits down in the middle of a pivotal scene and where he might end up fighting any minute coz like what's life he literally lost everything he could have lived for.
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Like sure people who don't think LeviHan is canon would say “He’s injured. He’s tired.” 
Just a few chapters ago though we got him ready to fight
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 "That’s the last person left of course it would break him more than anything"
That's the point. They're complete opposites they've been together for years and even if the chemistry wasn't there before, even if they would never have gotten along at all, personality and logistics-wise, they were placed in a situation where their glue Erwin died, everything of the life they knew before, all their loved ones in the survey corps died and now they were left with the responsibility of managing what's left and being the only two people with a shared history.
That literally set up one of the best places for a fucking romance to bloom. Yet the war and the circumstances just made it so hard for them to act upon it yet somehow the manga and anime were peppered with this cool understanding of
Yo I want you.
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like maybe when we retire let's keep in touch and I dunno have babies or something
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But yeah yo we gotta fight.
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Then Levi be like “Yeah babies be a good idea?” (Titans don’t love you. I love you.)
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Death foreshadowing
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Then Levi
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Like we've never seen him before.
Wow isayama the madman didn't need to build this masterpiece of a relationship from love at first sight, to confessions, to placing them in unnatural situations for sexual tension.
He built a subtle relationship out of necessity, out of the need for some humanity in this dark world. Two people placed at the lead at the forefront of this war, willing to adjust, willing to change and work despite their differences because they needed that warmth, they needed the reminder that there exists happiness and hope in this world which transcends all that bullshit they have experienced to that point until her death.
I really wish I could experience that epiphany again with another couple.
I applaud the subtlety of this relationship and the natural development of one of the best ships I have experienced in a long while.
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yoditorian · 3 years
not too late
frankie morales/reader
this lil something was inspired by this gifset by @skyshipper​ because my first vaccination has taken me out by the knees and i’m feeling sorry for myself. pls enjoy. i also didn’t use my taglist bc its only a little baby thing so i cba
series masterlist // main masterlist
word count: 639 // warnings: swears, parenthood (not mentioned how baby morales happened to keep things gender neutral), tom, mentions of addiction and recovery, vomit mention
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“It’s not too late to go home. Any man here who wants to walk away can do so knowing they’re the best of us. But it’s gotta be now.” Tom’s gaze lingers on his for a moment.
He should. 
He should walk right past the guys, his team, and not stop until he’s back standing on your doorstep. He already knows how it would go.
You’d smile that smile he’d fallen in love with all those years ago at group, however nervous it had been, and ask him how his trip was. Maybe you’d have little Matias on your hip, maybe he’d be curled asleep in the crook of your elbow instead. Either way, Frankie would take him from you and tell you it was fine. Uneventful. A good catch up with old friends he doesn’t get to see as much as he’d like. Pope’s seventeen grand would go in the college fund, and he’d be back at work Monday morning. No jungles or drug lords or familiar weight of any kind of gun in his hands ever again. Just his son in his arms and you by his side and Tyler’s tail still beating the floorboards at your feet despite his age. 
He hates how comfortable he feels here, in Pope’s shipping container of nightmares. 
The way he took that gun in the jungle without even hesitating, tucking it away like it was muscle memory, made him sick. Literally. He’d almost thought he’d gotten away with it, heaving in the bathroom of his run down hotel room in the middle of the night, but a concerned glance from Will that lasted just a beat too long this morning had crushed that hope. It’s no secret that he’s the one who’ll suffer the most, should things not go to plan. But nobody says it out loud.
He’s hanging on by a thread as it is. Another stint in rehab and therapy on top of the legal bills from the last time? He can’t put you through that. He won’t. He-
Frankie looks around at his friends, the brothers in arms he’s taken bullets for. Men whose lives he’s held in his hands as he steered out of active combat zones and evaded anti aircraft artillery and fuck knows what else. And he has to. Because they’ll die without him. They need the helicopter, and there’s no one Frankie trusts more than himself to get the idiots out alive. And hasn’t that been what he’s done his whole life?
Part of him is grateful for his service, grateful for the bonds he made and the skills he picked up and the places he got to see. Even, in some twisted way, grateful for how it failed him. Because it brought him right to you. But he was conditioned to protect the men in this room, conditioned to fight and die alongside them if he had to. He doesn’t like how it feels as though his past is winning. He was eighteen. No cash, no family, no prospects. And there was the military, offering him everything he so desperately craved all wrapped up in shiny paper. No choice. And look where it got him. 
Your eyes flash in his mind, your laugh echoes in his ears. Frankie can almost feel the warm weight of you pressed against his chest. He thinks of Matias, of little hands that grab at the collars of his shirts and soft hair that tickles his ear as he rocks the baby to sleep at night. He thinks of Tyler’s penchant for clean socks and the yellow front door and the fact he meant to mow the backyard before he left. God, he wants to go home. He wants so badly to leave, he should.
He should go. He loves you, and he should go.
He doesn’t.
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