#got my own Patrick 💕💕
kayla47 · 7 months
It seems I’ve just booked a little trip to the theatre in Salisbury on Saturday. It’s perfectly reasonable to drive an hour and a half each way to see Laura Main in One Last Push right? Love my amazing hubby to pieces for coming with me even though it wouldn’t be his choice of play because “if you want to go we’ll go” đŸ„°đŸ„°đŸ„°
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filet-o-feelings · 10 months
wip wednesday
Thanks for the tags @hippolotamus @lemonlyman-dotcom and @statueinthestonetoo 💕
I just wrote like 500 words on my lunch break and I'm mad that I have to go back to work when I'm finally making progress. Anyway, here's some of my smutsgiving drabble expansion that's now longer than I expected and still not smutty at all, because that's how I do things around here. Anyway, things are trending smut-ward (is that a word? it is now) so enjoy and excuse any errors, I literally just wrote this and have to clock back in in 2 minutes lol.
He finishes behind the counter and hopes to sneak out with a goodbye so quick David won’t notice his situation, even though they usually wait and walk out together. Tonight, he just wants to get home and take care of his situation, this time in his own bedroom without any interruptions (assuming Ray is still out; that man has no boundaries). Unfortunately those plans are foiled when David declares he is finished sweeping and ducks behind the counter to bring the broom back to the back room where it’s stored just as Patrick is turning to grab his jacket from the back. He holds his breath, hoping David won’t notice, but David’s eyes flicker downward and a smirk forms across his beautiful face. “Alright, I’ve got something I need to take care of,” Patrick says, attempting to move past the awkwardness. It’s not a lie, anyway; he certainly needs to take care of this. “So I’m gonna just head out now. See you tomorrow?” He turns toward the door, abandoning his jacket. Maybe the cold air on his skin will do him some good. “You forgot your jacket,” David calls out before he can even get halfway to the door. He considers ignoring him, pretending he didn’t hear him, but he doesn’t want to be rude and he knows David knows there’s no way he didn’t hear. The store isn’t that big, and the music has been turned off, so David’s voice cuts through the silence easily. He slowly turns around to find David standing directly behind him, holding his jacket and looking at Patrick much like he looked at the pastries earlier. Patrick is pretty sure time stops, for a moment anyway, and whatever happened in that moment is a mystery to him but he’s not going to question it because David’s lips are on his lips and everything is suddenly right in the world. When David pulls back, Patrick’s favorite crooked smirk appears and Patrick can’t help but beam back at him. “Was that okay?” David asks, as if he hadn’t just given Patrick exactly what he’d been wanting, but too afraid to ask for.
open tag because I'm all outta time!
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misc-obeyme · 3 months
barb/mams đŸ€ solo/mams
making us brainrot
YES I LOVE SEEING YOU TALK ABOUT YOUR PIANO !! YOUR ANSWER WAS SUPER HELPFUL FR!! something bout seeing someone passionate about something makes me happy, I got a lot of good info!!
i was afraid to venture into spotify without knowledge, so I'm def gonna be looking up those composers!! this is all for the cafe au akwkdjf
tbh i was thinking about having Solomon play at the cafe when he's not in school. Mammon will not let him into the kitchen after Solomon tried cooking breakfast, and mixed up the salt/sugar and set off the fire alarm. It might be he plays at the record store when it's open late?? i have yet to decide, i
now I'm thinking about fob and how patrick had a piano medley thing every night. I wonder if they actually transported the piano. That's crazy if they did!
I love the essays 😭 gimme all the essays. We can yap together !! Lmaoo. I'll take anything! I was just afraid of being a bother akwkdjf
I made it to lesson 75, and I haven't written much. I've been sleeping most of the trip. I think we're like two hours away? I'm determined to get the fic done by next week!!
- ✹ anon (tentatively coming off anon?!)
Honestly it's been such a curse lately like I can't stop thinking about it!!
AH! I'm glad that my ramblings were helpful! I would also recommend looking up classical playlists on Spotify - they have some good ones! I like the ones that are labeled as "dark academia" just because they have a lot of good classical pieces!
LOL oh nooo Solomon setting off the fire alarm, of course he got the salt and sugar confused! I suppose in a non-magic human au, he can't necessarily make magical food that could kill people? But I do suspect his food would continue to be generally inedible.
To be honest, the places I've most often seen a random piano being played by someone just for ambiance are department stores and fancy restaurants. BUT how often do we see independent cafes with live music? Like they get some local guitar guy to sit under some fairy lights and strum that acoustic, you know what I mean? Admittedly, a piano is more difficult. Unless they already have one in there all the time, a musician would only bring their own to a small space like that if it's a keyboard, probably. Something they can transport, you know? I imagine most cafes are too small for a grand piano, but they could easily fit an upright in one. Kinda like a bar with an upright piano in it, you know?
UH but I'm getting rambling over here. I've thought about this because I have Arrie play the piano in a cafe so I was like WHAT are the logistics of this? I decided to go with the idea that the cafe has its own piano and a fairly large space, too.
They might have! I think musicians that have a specific piano that they're known for playing probably do this the most. For instance, Liberace pretty famously used mirrored grand pianos. He had multiple, but he would still need to have had them transported if he wanted to use only one of his mirrored ones for a live performance. Here's a picture of one that's in a fancy hotel in London now.
That being said, I do think it's a pretty common practice if you've already got a whole road crew anyway. You would probably only need one person to know how to take the piano apart and tune it, then a handful of guys to carry it around, you know?
Well, here's another essay already! I just have many thoughts about this particular topic - anything with pianos is going to give you essays from me lol.
Oh yeahhh you can totally get through the story, I believe in you!! And of course, the story will flow the way it's meant to, that's what I always say! Sometimes you just gotta let it happen at its own pace~
I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to come off anon! 💕💕
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meadowlarkx · 1 year
Explore my bookshelf!
Tagged by @searchingforserendipity25 @jouissants and @swanmaids! Thank you so much 💕💕
An estimate of how many physical books I own: I really have no idea especially because they're not all in one place right now. Maybe 200-300? Hmm. A lot (to me)
Favorite author: Tolkien right now? Ursula Le Guin? I really like Sarah Waters and as a wee lass I really adored Patrick Rothfuss. Umm. I realize I usually tend to pick stuff to read from individual authors based on their premise instead of going through an author's repertoire. Sorry, authors. But it's genuinely hard for me to pick a favorite since they all strike different notes! Fandom writers I've known past and present also loom large here for me.
A popular book I've never read and never intend to read: Hmm maybe The Locked Tomb? The vibes just seem too ironic for me. But I might still read it sometime, it just hasn't grabbed me yet. Probably also Discworld. Sorry to everyone.
A popular book I thought was just meh: The Song of Achilles... Whoops. Anyway, I found some aspects of the writing style lovely, but as a story and a retelling it majorly fell flat for me.
Longest book I own: Les Misérables probably, or one of the big compiled editions of Shakespeare or Austen
Longest series I own all the books to: Hmm, I think A Song of Ice and Fire from my fan days in high school—but kinda by accident (I'd already read the last books on ebook when I was gifted them). Still surprises me to think I do actually own all of those tomes in hard copy
Prettiest book I own: Mariana and the Merchild... yes it's a children's picture book. And you've almost certainly heard me bring it up sometime. Lesbian-coded child-rearing of my heart. Look at the pictures!
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A book or series I wish more people knew about: As Meat Loves Salt by Maria McCann—imagine a fictional microhistory that's also a darkly painted yet tender and gripping gay romance that's also about utopian experiments and the English Civil War. When Fox is a Thousand by Larissa Lai—this book is a dream, a messy and confusing dream, but I recommend it to everyone ever! Chinese folklore and mythology, queer and sapphic-ness, through time and space from ancient China to modern-day immigrant communities in Canada—so touching and really beautiful. Many moments from this one still stick in my brain.
Series: The Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud—OK, it's been a while since I read this in full, and I just said I don't always like irony and these books are crammed full of silly little jokes and targeted towards a younger audience, BUT just thinking about them makes me tear up with emotion. Ages-old wry shapeshifting djinni, snotty-kid-becomes-politician, and hardened girl from the underclass navigate an alternate magical-spirits-powered British imperialism. It's queer and incisive TO ME.
Nonfiction: A Biography of No Place by Kate Brown, about borderland villages in Soviet Ukraine and the drastic changes in structures/social organization and identities that occurred from 1920-1950. Poorly said but I just think the perspective this book takes is unique and insightful and empathic and everyone should read it.
Book I'm reading now: The Bandit Queens and Lays of Beleriand. In theory I'm reading them hell yeahhh
Book that's been on my TBR list for a while but I still haven't got around to it: Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino and The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison. I checked both of these out to read over the summer and renewed them like 3 times and did I read them... no I did not. Also a bunch more are on the TBR but you know how it is
Do you have any books in a language other than English: La Reine Margot in French is the one I tried seriously to read in recent times, but I have some others in French and Spanish, mostly from high school. 1 in Czech (a copy of With Fire and Sword I have from @sparklingdali for the pictures ❀). Polish With Fire and Sword & The Deluge pdfs & a couple of physical books ambitiously in Polish, emphasis on the ambition part.
Paperback, hardcover, or ebook? Ideally I check out whatever version the library has. I prefer physical copies and I guess paperbacks, but I'll do ebooks if I have to! At this point I try to only actually buy (hopefully secondhand) books I think I'm really going to want to keep, because I already have too many to move with
Tagging @themelodyofsilence @nibi-nix @tuulikki @sparklingdali @bachaboska if you'd like to do this, and anyone else who hasn't done it yet!
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ratbefriender · 2 years
9 people you want to get to know better
Tagged by @13eyond13 thank you!! đŸ„°
1. Three ships
I absolutely have to mention the only two I've shipped with actual intensity and love in my heart, Lawlight from Death Note and Harrykim from Disco Elysium. And the third mention goes to Ronance (Robin and Nancy) from Stranger Things, which came close to giving me that feeling 💞
2. First ever ship
That's a hard question... Probably was from H*rry P*tter, but to be honest I didn't ship like, Hinny or whatever with nearly as much intensity as I shipped Ron with my own OC that I played in the HP roleplay community that I was in during my early teenage years. Ron's player became a friend of mine because of it. Now THEY were THE REAL OTP. No one will ever compare. I miss you, Lianne. None of you have any idea how iconic my OC Lianne was.
The first place could also go to BBC Johnlock... or to Hollstein from the webseries Carmilla... it depends... I'm not sure which ship I would say actually got me invested into shipping for the first time skjsjkd
3. Last song
Yesterday I played I Remember by Saint Saviour like a thousand times because it reminds me of one of my writing WIPs!
4. Last movie
I think my last movie was the Avatar sequel asgksjk. I watched it in 3D with my dad and he loved it.
5. Currently reading
I'm reading The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss which I borrowed from my dad <3
6. Currently watching
I recently finished the show Severance (very good) and it left a hole in me that, for some reason, I feel can be filled by rewatching Succession. So I think I'm gonna go do that soon!!!
7. Currently consuming
Nothing ❀
8. Currently craving
Nothing either 💕 I truly have no idea what to respond to these ones
Tagging 9 mutchuals who I hope I'm not annoying đŸ„ș @loversgotalittledagger @thesoupisburning @haterloverliargirl @rita @hahnsplatinum @lightyaoigami @doityourselfbombs @kos-ire @femalecynic Do it if you want to!
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kiwiana-writes · 1 year
3, 8, and 18 for the meta writer asks! And I hope the rest of your day goes better than the too-early morning. 💕
[Fun meta asks for writers]
Ugh, sadly it did not. Zooms that could have been emails, and all of that. ❀
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)
Ooooh this is an interesting question because I write so much short slice of life stuff that I do often just throw that stuff out there as little, like, mini ficlets! I have been sitting on a great joke my spouse made while watching the film where I was like "god I need to write that into a fic" but I just recently figured out what I was doing with that one, so now it's in the WIPs.
8. Is what you like to write the same as what you like to read?
Yes, but there's also stuff I like to read that I don't like to write (looking at you, anything that requires serious world-building.)
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations?) Tell us about them.
At some point after it's finished publishing we should talk about the outline @ships-to-sail wrote for the Actor AU, because it was really good and when I decided the structure of the fic needed to match Much Ado About Nothing I ended up gutting a ton of it. Luckily she loves me (allegedly)
But for now let's talk about something totally unrelated: the Schitt's Creek 50 First Dates AU and the plotline I lowkey accidentally abandoned (that shit had no outline and no plan other than, like, the film and the show) and always meant to come back to in one of the alternate POV one-shots but never quite got around to. Totally set it up and then ditched it, whoops. But basically, Ronnie was part of the volunteer rescue team that found David and Alexis after the car accident, so she was WILDLY protective of David and deeply fucking suspicious of Patrick.
I went and looked because I was sure I'd scribbled a bit of this down and I'd actually written like 500 words of Alexis' POV! So have those below the cut:
Alexis’ head hurts.
That, in and of itself, isn’t weird. Between hangovers and jet lag and being knocked on the back of the head while being kidnapped — a totally amateur move, and a sign that her kidnappers really weren’t investing properly in their henchmen — she’s more than used to waking up with a throbbing pain in her temple. What is weird is that those days are behind her. No more taking the jet to Europe because she’s bored, no more trips to the embassy to pick up a new passport and a disguise so she can get across the border. So she doesn’t know—
The voice is vaguely familiar, but she doesn’t want to open her eyes yet, sure that when she does the full ache is going to turn into something much more immediately uncomfortable. 
There’s a sharp rapping sound, far too close to her ear, and she winces. 
“Shit, I think she’s waking up. Alexis? Come on, open those eyes for me. You can do it.”
In the distant background, she can hear sirens, and her eyes fly open in shock. 
“There you are, princess.” Despite the usual sarcastic drawl, when Alexis turns to face the window, Ronnie’s expression is full of concern. “Ambulance is nearly here. Think if we get this door open, you’re up for getting out, or do you want to wait for them?”
“David.” It’s all coming back now — the trip to Elmdale, fighting over the music, the cow. “Where’s David?” She turns to the passenger seat, ignoring the way it makes her ears ring, ignoring the pain radiating up her left arm. Her brother is slumped motionless in his seat, the window on his side of the car shattered and half the door crumpled in. There’s a huge gash across his forehead and wildly, irrationally, Alexis’ first thought is: He’s going to be so mad he can’t do his skincare routine. 
“Alexis, listen to me.” She doesn’t realise until Ronnie’s voice cuts through the fog that she’s sobbing his name, and she sucks in a shuddering breath. “We don’t wanna move him until the ambulance gets here, in case he’s injured his neck or his spine. What about you? What hurts?”
“Um.” She closes her eyes, trying to concentrate on anything other than the panic clawing its way up her throat. David is so still. “Just my wrist, I think. And a headache.”
“I think you might have whacked it on the steering wheel.” Ronnie’s eyes flick up to her forehead for a moment. “You’ve got a bit of a shiner, but I think we’re okay to get you out.”
It takes Ronnie and a man she doesn’t recognise — Elm County volunteer firefighters, they tell her cheerfully — to get the driver side door of the Lincoln open. By the time Alexis is standing on the side of the road, a blanket wrapped around her shoulders and her now throbbing wrist tucked carefully against her body, she can see the ambulance tearing down the road towards them. 
She won’t let any of them look at her until David is safely out of the car. Ronnie stands next to her the first hole time, her hand on Alexis’ shoulder far more gentle than Alexis could have guessed it would be, while they cut open the car door and strap up his neck before manoeuvring him onto a stretcher. 
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kingkatsuki · 3 months
Hoi Jo!!! (Again lol)
My blorbos that live in my mansion permanently are Bakugou, Shouto, and Levi! Kirishima comes to stay for a while then he leaves for a bit then comes back lol he has a permanent room on stand by for that reason! (Fun fact: I started watching BNHA because of Shouto, then I got caught up in Bakugou lol, so Shouto has a permanent place in my heart for that reason!!) and Levi has been my favorite since I really started watching/reading anime/manga. I'm pretty sure AOT was my first anime, unless Pokemon counts then AOT was my second.. but I still consider it my first because I watched Pokemon as a child, where I watched AOT as an adult. Patrick and RDJ also live in my mansion! I like to think Levi gets along well with everyone, the mha boys because he's used to teenagers cause of his 107 squad, and then with the other 2 because they are all adults who can mind their own business!! I do get some visitors at the mansion that don't stay for too long, but the main inhabitants are Bakugou, Shouto, Levi, Patrick, and RDJ!!
(I hope that wasn't to much of a rant lol, I tend to ramble when I am passionate about something/someone!)
I hope you have a fantastic night or day or whenever you see this!!! đŸ§ĄđŸ–€đŸ§Ą
Aww this is so cute Courtney I love that they mostly all get along in your mansion too, and Kiri stopping by and having his own room is ADORABLE!!!
I hope you’re having a lovely Monday so far!💕
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ofgentleresolve · 2 years
The nice thing about being a professor is that, since the spring semester doesn’t usually start right after the end of New Year’s, he’s allowed to linger in vacation mode for a little while longer. And this case, it means his dear friend gets to stay with him in London for a little while longer.
At least long enough to celebrate a very special occasion.
“There you are.” He approaches his dear friend as the sea breeze brushes between them. Well, actually, it’s a moot point to say, considering that they’re the only two in their party for today. Hiro wanted to go out with his uni friends and Elise, with her own friends. Patrick hadn’t been sure about Elise.
“She’ll have her phone with her,” Hiro snapped after hearing Elise whine enough. “She’s not that young.”
Ah, they grow up so fast.
And so, with it just being Patrick and his dear friend this time around, Patrick suggested that they make an outing of their own. Relive the old days, where they would take the train out of London to the nearest beach. Henceforth, the sea breeze.
And one Lee Hyuk, very much at ease.
The corner of his eyes crinkles and Patrick sits next to his dear friend on the blanket. Setting the canteen down, he removes his socks and shoes and lets the sand slide between his toes. It’ll be nightfall soon, but the sun lingers over the horizon, dipping the ocean in shades of orange.
Opening the canteen, he pours out some hot chocolate into the lid and hands it to Hyuk. “Here you go- it should warm you up. I hope
you’re not too cold.” He chuckles nervously before scratching his cheek. “It’s my mix- I’ve never had it before so let me know what you think.” He’s quiet for a moment as he looks out at the SUNSET.
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Gathering his thoughts, he turns towards Hyuk. “Thank you for spending the holidays with us. And your birthday. I hope it wasn’t too exhausting.” The hot chocolate in canteen steams between them. “I have your gift back at home.”
Which, when Hyuk does receive it, he’ll find a large mason jar of Patrick’s hot chocolate mix- dark chocolate shavings combined with instant coffee and a sprinkle of ginger- for him to take back to Seoul. It’s been wrapped with an orange ribbon too. That and a small desk calendar feature pictures of mandarin ducks ( he considered getting the pigeon one for a long moment though ). He tried to keep the objects small since Hyuk will have to carry them on his flight back.
Shooting a little closer to his dear friend, Patrick can’t help but lean against Hyuk’s arm, the warmth of Hyuk’s arm emanating into Patrick’s own.
“You got
hot chocolate on your mouth.” He points for a moment and then: “Here, let me get it for you-“
He reaches out In the back of his head, something screams déjà vu like that time in Seoul with Mrs. Nam and the bungeoppang-
But he’s ignoring that willfully.
Hyuk is not the only OBSTINATE one here.
Leaning in, he thumbs at the smudge before he realizes how close he’s gotten to his dear friend as a result, his fingers caressing Hyuk’s cheek as the thumb brushes over the corner of his lips. It’s still as soft as it was the last time- for a long moment, Patrick stares at Hyuk’s lips. This is where he should pull back now, right?
Don’t you remember what happened to her?
Except he looks Hyuk in the eye- is he going to have another chance like this? What if this all goes down the drain? What is he going to-
You know what, screw it.
Patrick leans in, his lips pressing against Hyuk’s.
Ah, they’re as soft as I thought.
And although his face feels like it’s been set on fire, Patrick doesn’t pull away. He chuckles nervously, a warm hand still pressed against Hyuk’s cheek.
“Happy Birthday, Hyuk-ah.”
happy birthday lee hyuk ( @jeoseungsaja​ )!! 😌â˜șïžđŸ’•đŸŽ‰
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applesontheground · 3 years
Hi I love your blog 💕I would like to request plz and thank you Yanderes brahms heelshire, Norman bates and patrick bateman ( separately) with dense s/o that friendzone them PS: The s/o is madly in love with Stu đŸ‘€âš ïžâœŒïž
sure thing! i got reminded to get this done by the end of this week when walking on sunshine came on the radio on my way to class lol.
since you mentioned something about friendzoning and such, i wrote in a way where it could be interpreted that reader is more of a future S/O than something established if that’s alright!
and listen as much as we love these guys...stu would by far be the one of the easier ones to have a relationship with lol. well, not easy, but easier than this.
headcanons - Norman Bates, Brahms Heelshire, & Patrick Bateman with a dense (future) S/O (GN reader) aka the gaslight gatekeep girlboss special đŸœïž
contains: *takes a deep breath* implied notsfw, unhealthy relationship dynamics/toxic behavior (gaslighting, possessiveness, etc.), reader is a captive in Brahms’ section, heavy hints of kidnapping/stalking in Patrick’s section
Norman Bates đŸ”Ș
☆ Despite being intense at times, Norman doesn’t mind the fact that you’re a bit oblivious. It does dishearten him when you don’t seem to recognize his little murmuring compliments and how prone he is to flash smiles at you as a sign that he’s smitten, but he’s also fairly amicable when he isn’t stuck in a dark recess of his mind. ☆ In all honesty, he would most likely be the nicest about you feigning ignorance, even when it’s for things like this. He has patience, and if you stick around and make him feel like he has time to get you to warm up to him, he doesn’t mind playing the long game. In a way, it makes the first time you finally pick up on his cues all the more special. ☆ ...However, it’s when other people get involved that his disposition might change. I don’t take Norman as overtly jealous, but when someone comes in and makes you laugh a little too hard or takes your eyes off of him a little too much, he goes cold. It feels like someone is trying to disrupt a thing in his life that he’s in no way ready to let go of. ☆ Suddenly, he’s much more upfront with you. Touching your back/hand while speaking, more alive in the way he speaks. He’s also turning a strange fire over towards the other person, quick to criticize them over little details and things they say, or starts suggesting they’re implying things that they aren’t in an attempt and make you shy away from them. If they’re sticking around, maybe staying at the motel for the evening, Norman or even Mother will take care of them then give their S/O a taste of their own medicine by acting like he has no idea what happened. So long as it keeps you by his side, even if you still don’t see how far he’d go for you.
Brahms Heelshire 🎭
☆ Before he revealed himself to you, your oblivious nature was actually appreciated. You blame noises on nothing, rarely see him should he sneak around in the open... It’s a dream for him to watch from a distance, and you’ve very well piqued his curiosity. ☆ After you get acquainted with the real Brahms, though, this is no longer a bonus. One moment, you’re thinking that the two of you are simply bantering back and forth, and the next Brahms is tense and insisting that what he’s said isn’t a joke. You’re lost on what the implications are, staring blankly as your brain shuffles through what you may have missed, and all the while he thinks it’s an attempt to string him along that’s going too far. ☆ He’s no stranger for making his advances more obvious if you’re a little slow to catch on, but he’s also not going to take anything he might perceive as rejection. If you let his comments roll off of you, he’ll keep on talking. If you look away from him, he’ll be in your face. He’d often hang over your head that he chose you for a reason, so you better start acting the part. Those are the rules. ☆ If you still aren’t getting what this nanny job entails, that’s fine. It’s not like the Manor gives you a chance to hide from it. If you try to run, he’ll be on you in a heartbeat, pushing you against the nearest wall with a hand over your mouth as he tells you just what he wants you to do for him since you can’t quite understand... And he’ll also let you know what he’ll do for you, his grip tightening on your shirt as he looks you up in down. If only you’d just let him.
Patrick BatemanÂ đŸ’Œ
☆ We had fun talking about how nice Norman would be. Now let’s talk about how not nice Patrick would be. ☆ He’s going to be the most direct if he feels you aren’t "getting” him or what he’s saying. My interpretation of what we saw in the movie is that half the time his dialogue mixes in with his internal thoughts, which is why sometimes people don’t catch some of the morbidities that come out of his mouth. If someone holds his interest, he wants them to understand these morbidities -- at least to a certain degree. ☆ If you deny his attempts to persuade you into whatever he might want, whether it’s a stop at his apartment or to accompany him to one of the many pretentious and “hot” places in town, he’s going to think you’re snubbing him and will proceed to snap like a twig. It makes it worse if he sees you often, meaning he has many tries to get something through and you feign from understanding every time. He’s always on the brink, but someone not playing these games in life in the exact way that he prefers them to is a sure way to get him over the edge. ☆ Him and Brahms both prefer a partner who “plays by the rules” -- but that never applies to themselves, of course. If the mask is going to slip, it’s going to be for you. He’s going to have you under his thumb sooner rather than later, and he doesn’t care how it happens. If anyone even hints kindness in your direction, he’s taking his urges out on them while on his way to you. You’re going to feel those deep brown eyes, void of any light or genuine affection, on the back of your neck. Even someone hazy with a dense state of mind could sense it. ☆ He might resort to following you home and showing you just how much he wants to be around you. “You really shouldn’t take this so lightly. I rarely let my business take me to this part of town.”
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Oh PLEASE i need hcs for a trans guy reader coming out to Dylan, Ryan, Kaitlyn, and Abi? Or maybe just some hcs for a trans male reader coming out to Dylan who they've been dating?
Awwww this is such an adorable idea! Enjoy the headcanons darling 💕
Pairings (can be read as either platonic or romantic): Dylan & Reader, Ryan & Reader, Kaitlyn & Reader, Abi & Reader [The Quarry]
Warnings: None :)
Genre: FLUFF
You and Dylan entered a sort of tease-off the second you exchanged your names upon arrival
Ever since then, it’s been an endless teasing/mocking, friendly fire back-and-forth between the two of you
It helped that you’d constantly get paired up for activity supervision together so you’d snag more ammo for your tournaments
That’s not to say there haven’t been times where your teasing didn’t have seriousness to it
Childish as the two of you might be, you both know when to get serious
So when Dylan came out to you one night when the two of you stayed behind to clean up the aftermath of the bonfire gathering, you knew to lower the playful tone and increase your more mature side
How you’d landed on the topic is not something you remember, probably got led to it by some other tangentially related subject
Regardless, when you saw the glint of semi-fearful uncertainty in his eyes as the confession left his lips, you knew that as serious as you wanted to be, you needed to keep it light-hearted as to allow him the comfort you could tell he desperately needed
After all, that’s who the two of you were and anything but would throw your whole dynamic off-balance
So the conversation went a little something like this...
“I’m gay, you know.“
Your heart swelled with warmth, stomach filling with butterflies but your cool guy persona never slipped as you fauxed an eyeroll
“Wow, never would’ve guessed“ You drawled, gathering a few strewn about snack packets into the garbage bag in your hand
Dylan eye-rolled right back at you, the smile on his face back to being its confident self, his eyes shining with a more exhilarating emotion
You trusted the guy, it was hard not to
The second you kicked off your shenanigans you knew you’d found your person
Soulmates, you believe is the word
So, it didn’t take a lot of hesitation for you to make a confession of your own
“To even the playing field: I’m trans, you know.“
The confidence of his smile is replaced by something alike adoration even when he whips out your own guns against you, “Wow, never would’ve guessed”
It made you both laugh
“Jokes aside, good for you, man.“
“Thanks, Dyl. Good for you too.”
It was a scorching July afternoon and you were helping Ryan with the sailboats and canoes so he’d have at least a sliver of chance of getting done with it by the time the dinner bell dinged
He was the mystery man of the camp, the talk amongst the counselors who liked to play guessing games about him like the students would about Patrick in the movie 10 Things I Hate About You
You participated at times though you weren’t too keen on digging into the guy’s bubble therefore you didn’t attempt to initiate any sort of personal conversation to try and get to know him
He did it for you
Surprising as it was, you didn’t bat an eye and had quite a nice time holding a conversation with him
You came to know plenty of things about him and vice versa
“I saw you the second day of orientation. You’re quite the sailor.“ He’d told you, the comment forcing your gaze away from the equipment you were packing up
You felt yourself get a bit flustered but didn’t let it bleed into your demeanor and speech
“Yeah, I actually applied for your position first and the writing course second. Can’t say I’m complaining I didn’t land the job but I do think I would’ve made a pretty good instructor.“ You even had it in you to wink, causing Ryan to laugh
Which was also the first time you’d heard that sound
“My, my, so we’re rivals, huh? What else you got up that sleeve of yours?“
“Tough luck, Erzahler. Why’d I tell my rival anything about myself?“ You quirked an eyebrow, getting a chuckle in response
“That’s fair, but how does a deal sound? I tell you my dirty laundry, you tell me yours?“
Now that’s something you couldn’t just pass up like come on! You’d get the inside scoop all the counselors have been hankering for
“The floor is yours.“
It landed you a pretty good picture of the guy
Where he grew up, where he lived, what he was planning on studying, some hobbies, his pet hamster (yes, he did show you a picture)
And then he got to the interesting part
“Relationship status: single and not exactly looking.“
“If you were looking, what would you be looking for?“ You’re not one to beat around the bush, at least mot much
And he seemed to have caught on because he smirked, “A person around my age who enjoys podcasts and likes hamsters.”
“Your turn to hold up your end of the deal.“ He urged you, reminding you that he wasn’t doing a one-sided show-and-tell here; that you had to open up in return
You had no problem with it now that you felt like you knew him probably best among the counselors
When you got to the interesting part yourself, it sounded a lot like his, “Single pringle with intentions of mingling but it’s not like I’ll cry myself to sleep if I don’t find anyone. Speaking of, that someone better be able to appreciate classic movies and literature as well as a good romcom or else we won’t click.”
Ryan chuckled, “Some criteria you got there.”
You rolled your eyes, “It’s not like you yourself are Mr. Picky either.” 
The whole time you were talking you’d been pondering of how to go about telling him you’re trans
Thus far in life, all people you’d come out to had been nothing short of supportive and loving
But none of them had been Ryan Erzahler yet so...
“Oh, and one more thing, I’m also trans.“ The plenty of pondering led to a simple approach that ended up working wonders for your comfort because there was no time for you to feel anxious
No, the second the words left your lips, Ryan’s turned his smirk into a smile
“You just keep getting cooler, don’t you?“
So Mr. Tall, Dark, Handsome and Broody can flirt, huh?
“I like hamsters too.“ You aided your case, making him laugh
“Yeah, you just got even cooler.“
Kaitlyn and you have been a snarky pair of frenemies since day one
Take that in a more ‘friends’ than ‘enemies’ sense by the way
She found her match in your sarcasm and snarkiness and that clearly set her off
But at the end of the day, one would cave and sit next to the other around the bonfire with a s’more already prepared for them
Truth is, you had not formed a connection like that with anyone at camp yet
There was a great dose of comfort and safety to your dynamic because you understood one another like no one could ever
So, you wanted her to be the first one to know
“Hey!“ She greeted you upon entering the dining hall with the intention of helping you clean up, “You said you wanted to tell me something?“
“Yeah...“ your confidence levels had been bouncing up and down but regardless you decided to buy yourself some time by pointing out the obvious look of aggravation on her face, “What’s up with that scowl, grandma?“
That was what popped the cap off the shaken up soda bottle and sent Kaitlyn down a ranting spiral about how many brats there were in the group of kids she had taken fishing earlier that day
The theatrics with which she described all the trouble they landed themselves in, putting her in some hot water as well, damn near made you start tearing up from laughing so hard
“But anyways....“ her spiel came to an end eventually, with a heavy sigh at that, “What did you want to tell me?“
“Well, Kate, I’ve decided you’re finally worthy of being told this national secret, a conspiracy greater than you could ever imagine. I finally trust you enough to....“
“Bud, whatever it is, I’m sure it won’t beat the time you told me you don’t like Mad Max.“
“I’ll let you be the judge of that.“ You chuckled, putting away another plate, “I’m trans, that’s what I wanted to tell you.“
Her scowl lifted almost immediately as she looked up from where she was cleaning another table opposite you
“Oh this definitely beats it. In a good way.“ She clarified, giving you a smile that she had only reserved for very few occasions previous to this one, “Good for you, man, I’m proud of you...“ she trailed off for a second, her smile faltering as some realization hit her, “Wait, does everyone else know but me? You said you just now finally think you can tell me? Does that mean I’m the last to know?!“
Surprised but also amused by her reaction to a detail so small you yourself had not picket up on, all you could do was raise your hands up in surrender to oppose her wrath, “No, no, I was being dramatic, I swear. You’re actually the first to know.”
She seemed to drop the grudge right away, her easy sly smile that just screamed ‘that’s what I thought’ making a grand return to her features, “It better be that way or else I’m not making you s’mores for a week.”
“Oh, what a tragedy.“ You mused dramatically
And therefore earned yourself a plastic spoon thrown your way
Bottom line: that went well
Once you had finished you own activity for the day, you decided you had plenty of time before dinner and wanted nothing more than to pester the one person who you really could never truly pester
As annoying as you purposely tried to be, she’d always welcome you and your shenanigans with an eye-roll and an easy smile 
It’s no wonder you and her became so close so quickly
You helped her slowly inch her way out of her shell while she helped you stay true to yourself even when you were playing your outlandishly outgoing role to match the energy of your fellow counselors
With her, you could comfortably be 100% yourself
“Abs! I’m bored! Let’s do something fun!“ You whined, limbs noodle-like and limp due to the heat in contrast to your energetic tone as you entered the art cabin to find your favorite redhead
She was sat atop one of her desks, scribbling away in her sketchbook, a magenta curtain of curls preventing you from being able to see what she was drawing
“Sure, just give me a sec.“ She mumbled absentmindedly, not lifting her gaze from the white page
Before your unbridled curiosity could get the best out of you and make you sneak a peek at her drawing, she herself handed the sketchbook to you, “There! Now you’re officially a part of my collection.” She announced with that adorable sparkling smile lighting up her face and the vicinity around her
Accepting the handed item, your jaw nearly hit the floor when you saw what was on the page
You, a portrait of you
You’d known she had started drawing you but you only saw the early stages of what is now an immaculate masterpiece, therefore you have every right to be absolutely stunned and flabbergasted by its beauty
You’d also known Abi would do you justice beyond belief, but she damn near turned you into a model
“Abs, this is amazing! Holy crap, I might need to use this as my Tinder profile photo.“ You said, making the girl laugh, “Scratch that, it would be catfishing.“
“Glad you like it, Y/N/N (A/N: your nickname). Now, before you take off running with my sketchbook, I’ll need you to sign it.“ She handed you a pen which you barely registered but managed to subconsciously take
Before you got an idea...
“Hey, you got a pink and a blue color pencil?“
Mildly confused, Abi nodded and handed you the requested colors
When you handed the sketchbook, pen and pencils back to her, you were nothing short of giddy with nerves and excitement as she took in the detail you’d added
You’d drawn a small trans pride flag at the top right corner of the page, on top of which you’d jotted down your signature
Looking up from the sketchbook and at you, the look of adoration in Abi’s eyes had your heart warming up.
You gave her a wink, “Trans pride, babe.”
Squealing with excitement, she threw her arms around you before you’d even noticed the distance between the two of you lessening
“That’s so great, Y/N! I’m so proud of you.“
Your own arms soon got the memo of what a hug is and returned Abi’s, resting your chin on top of your head as you let out a tiny relieved sigh, “Thanks Abs.”
Then again, did you really expect any other sort of reaction from this adorable human being? No. Didn’t think so
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lizzie-bennetdarcy · 2 years
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @apothecarose and @likerealpeopledo-on-ao3 thank you friends!! đŸ„°
I had a new idea for an au today that I'm actually pretty excited to share!
It's late when Patrick pulls up to the Rose family mansion. David isn't waiting out front, which is concerning. Patrick would rather not have to knock on the door and alert the whole house to their plans. Patrick coming here is risky enough as it is.
Patrick is getting ready to call David when the door opens and a lanky figure saunters out. Patrick doesn't need to see his face to know that it's Sebastien Raine. What the fuck is he doing here? Patrick's thoughts are buzzing when he throws open the car door and stalks over Sebastien to ask him exactly that: "Sebastien. What the fuck do you think you are doing here?"
"Peter, how noble of you to defend David's honor after he has made it so very clear that you're no longer wanted." His smile is cold, and it doesn't reach his eyes. Patrick has always thought Sebastien has dead eyes, and he has to suppress a shiver when his own meet them.
Patrick rolls his eyes, and chooses to ignore Sebastien calling him Peter. "Whatever play you think you've got going on, don't bother. I don't have time for this." Patrick starts to push past Sebastien to go check on David because clearly something is wrong if Sebastien Fucking Raine is here. Sebastien catches his arm, and he can feel his long fingernails digging into his skin even through his shirt. "Let. Go. Of. Me." Patrick has never thought of himself as a violent person, but he's considering making an exception.
"Don't you understand? He doesn't want you. He never wanted you. He and I are meant to be." He strokes his hand down the side of Patrick's face and Patrick might vomit. "I had to convince him to let me come down here and end things with you. David didn't want to bother at all." Sebastien smirks. "In fact, it took some thorough convincing on my part to even get David to let me leave his bed."
He knows it's not true, it can't be true, but the thought of Sebastien touching David fills him with a white hot rage and the next thing he hears is the snap as his fist connects with Sebastien's nose. "How fucking dare you act like you ever cared about him. Act like you have the right to touch him, like you could ever know him like I do. Like he let me know him. Get out of my way." He shoves past Sebastien and walks to the front door.
"Ohh, Pe-ter," Sebastien attempts a sing-songy voice, but it's muffled by the blood still pouring out his nose. "I think you'll want to read this first." He pulls a crumpled paper from his pocket and holds it out.
Patrick snatches the paper and reads, a sick feeling settling in his gut. I only have one thing to say to you: fuck you. I never loved you, I realize now that I only pretended to. I could never love someone like you. I wish you had never walked into my life.
Patrick's head is spinning, his breaths coming out in shirt pants. "No. No, this can't be real. What did you do to him?" he shouts at Sebastien.
"He's done with you," Sebastien spits. "Check your phone if you don't believe me."
With shaking hands, Patrick pulls his phone from his front pocket and reads two words that wreck his whole world.
Goodbye, Patrick.
Tagging @seldom-what-i-seem @wordthieve @weathereyehorizon @rosedavid @mostlyinthemorning 💕💕
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hockeyboysimagines · 3 years
Hi! I love your fics!! Can I request a Nolan Patrick one where reader takes there kids to their first game? If you don’t do that kind I completely understand!!
Okay but this is such a cute idea and I love this. Thanks for the request love! -💕
Nolan usually got pretty amped up before games, and though he didn’t have much to say he was always fired up on the inside.
But this game was different.
Tonight his kids would be seeing him play hockey live for the first time.
When Covid hit, And hockey went on a stand still his kids and Y/N were devastated. James had been 2 and Matthew had just been born, leaving Y/N sideline at home. It had never worked out that they had been able to see Nolan play, and between summers and the trade it was driving James crazy. When fans were allowed back, they had elected to keep them home for basic safety.
But they had surprised them, and the kids were ecstatic. The game wasn’t till 7 but they had been bouncing off the walls since 9 am.
“Your kids coming tonight buddy?” Alex asked as they began getting dressed.
“Yeah. They’ve been freaking out about it all day.” He answered with a chuckle. His house had been a circus, the boys going absolutely wild for most of the afternoon.
“First game huh?” Nolan nodded and smiled.
“That’s awesome man! Hopefully we can get a win for them.”
As they took to the ice, Nolan found them immediately. The boys were both wearing jerseys that said “PATRICK” across the back. He’d never seen them smile bigger, not even on Christmas.
They both started waving frantically when they saw him. He gave them both a wave and lobbed a puck at the glass making them scream. Y/N shook her head and smiled. She had been frazzled for most of the day, faced with the task of wrangling two rowdy boys on her own but their smiles made it all worth it.
“Mommy did you see that?! Did you?!” James asked excitedly, a smile spreading across his face showing all of his missing teeth.
“Big fans huh?” She turned to find an older couple smiling kindly as they watched warmups. More and more teammates had come to the glass, shooting pucks or giving it a good body check.
“You could say that.” She said with a small smile.
Matthew turned to ask a question when the older man asked him “Is Nolan Patrick your favorite player?”
“Well he has to be. He’s my dad!”
VGK did win the game. It had been a pretty physical game, lots of hit and even a fight, that went to a nail biting shootout giving Vegas the win. Matthew was asleep as they made their way to the parking garage, draped over Nolan’s shoulders. James was bouncing along, holding his moms hand.
As they buckled them in Matthew stirred, and blinked sleepily at him.
“Your the best player in the world daddy. I love you.” And then promptly fell back to sleep. Nolan was smiling a tired but contented smile at her. She knew how much it meant to Nolan that his kids were there that night and she only hoped that one day they could watch them follow in his foot steps.
“How’s it feel to be a superhero Nolan Patrick?” She asked as they quietly shut the doors and he loaded his stuff into the back of the car.
“Couldn’t be a superhero without you.”
“Come on.” She said standing on tip toe to give him a kiss “Let’s go home. Work on baby number 3.”
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into-crazy · 2 years
Hey there Desâ˜șïžđŸ’œ So, I saw your answer of the WIP game and now I'm curious. Would you mind telling me about some of your pieces?đŸ„ș Only if you like, of course. How about "make waves", "honey bear", "White Opal Eyes" and "short girl problems". Haha, the last one sounds too relatableđŸ˜…đŸ€­ I'm thinking of you and sending you soooo much love. Please take good care of yourself💜💜💜
Oh my gosh HIIII SUE😄💖💖💖 How are you doing darling? I hope that you are doing wellđŸ„ș😌💕
Ah jeez, you sure picked some interesting titles. Man have I got some things to say about those ones😅
So "make waves" is a ledger!joker x female reader fic. It's a bit of a soft smut involving J and the reader in the bath tub together ~wink wink~ aha
I haven't gotten that far into it so I really don't have anything worth sharing just yet so I'm gonna leave it at that.
Now "honey bear" is a Patrick Verona x reader fic that I have been brainstorming but never actually got around to writing. It's currently the first and only idea that I have for Patrick. I don't know where I was quite going with it, and I don't know if I'll get around to writing it out. But I'll never say never.
Below is basically all I've got with it:
Cold and rainy weather had swept into the valley this weekend.
A bear that loves her honey. And every part of Patrick was filled with the sweet, golden rich substance.
Alright now "White Opal Eyes" was a Eddie Brock x Female Reader series that I was working on about three years ago. Yeah.. I know.. And it's sat completely untouched in my files for that long too!! I only ever got up to four parts with it. But around the time I was writing that fourth part, I got more interested and invested in other characters/fandoms. Eventually, I just stopped writing it and I haven't went back to continue writing it. Anyways, it was a super cutesy series and I had a lot of fun writing it. Occasionally I still go back to read it over, so that I can reminisce on what the days were like at the time I was writing it. As for the writing itself, it's very.. bad😅 I'll say that my writing has definitely improved a lot since then. Nevertheless, I'm holding onto it for sentimental purposes.
Here is a little snippet from Part 4:
You had seen a news article on a strange sighting in the city. There were a few other claims and even news casts on it. Stories of a creature made of a dark substance feeding on bodies before disappearing into the night. You brought it up with Eddie, "Have you heard about the sightings in the city?"
"On what?" He asked curiously.
"The black, substance-like one that eats the residents of the city."
Eddie catches a cough in his throat.
She's heard of us.
"Oh that one," he continued, "yeah I've read about it, it made quite the story back at the news station."
"It's pretty crazy, do you believe it?" You asked.
"I-I'm not too sure," he pauses, "Although I'd like to find out more about it."
You're such a liar. No one likes a liar, Eddie.
"Do you believe it?" He looked at you, eyes wide with curiosity.
"I haven't figured it out yet, I've been reading up on it."
Eddie was little nervous now that you read about the symbiote. And he was even more uneasy because Venom was even more pushy on wanting to reveal itself to you. But it read Eddie's mind, and respected his wishes to stay hidden. In time.
As for "short girl problemsđŸ„ș" I'd say it's pretty self explanatory. But I will say that they are a little more personal, and I've based them off of my own experiences. Although I'd think that a lot of other's can relate to them. I don't want to give too much of the details about it away and I am not completely certain with which character I want to write it for. I will say that I am leaning towards a certain clown with long, greasy green locks and messy greasepaint👀👀
THANK YOU SO MUCH AGAIN!!💖💖💖 I really appreciate you and this askđŸ˜ŒđŸ„°
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ticklish-touch · 2 years
Someone on Tiktok made a Sun-inspired drink recently and it got me thinking, if you were to make a an OC-inspired drink or two, what would they contain/be made of? đŸ€”đŸ’•
AIGHT SO. I was putting this off for a long time because I had to consult Pinterest really rack my brain to come up with ideas. But I really like the idea of OC drinks, so I wanted to try to come up with some good ones.
Mina: Blackberry Bramble
Riley: Spiced Honey Bourbon
Rags: Raspberry Ginger Float https://www.pinterest.com/pin/182395853650983721/
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Kenni: Blue herbal tea latte w/ milk
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Colby: Blue Lagoon cocktail
Lito: Ocean Breeze cocktail
Fritz: Chocolate-mint shake
Devin: Honeycrisp apple Sangria
Balthazar (I don't think I've officially introduced him yet oops): Matcha berry smoothie
Mikhail: Black Magic Martini
Seth (and Nova): Galaxy cocktail
Jamie (or Inzi): Blueberry Lemon; alcohol optional
...That's all I got for now, I may go back and add to this if I find any more!
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trickkombowerskru · 6 years
The Bower’s Gang Gets Jealous Of Their S/O’s Best Guy Friend
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Request: Anonymous: Can I make a request, if you don't mind? ♡ HC for Bowers Gang (all or individually, you can choose) in which the reader is their SO and they have a good male friend that they're always gushing about (he's so talented, sweet, etc.) and their Bowers boyfriend is jealous?? I'm sorry if you have a ton of requests already ♡♡
A/N: Sorry this took so damn long my dude between school and recording and editing the podcast my writing kind of took a back seat and I feel so bad about that. But I am gonna go on a writing spree tonight and throughout the week to make up for that.💕
He tries to ignore it at first
But then you just go on and on
Josh this and Josh that
And he needs to do something before he absolutely snaps at you
Because he is just not in the mood for a fight
Next time Josh is around Henry gets EXTRA possessive
Arm around you, pulling you close
And being especially douchey and hostile to Josh
You quickly pick up on what is happening 
And thinks it’s so cute that he’s jealous
You quickly inform him Josh has an s/o of hi sown
And then he feels like an idiot
But can you blame him
The boy has abandonment issues
So jealousy can raise issues if not taken care of in its early stages
But after reassuring him you are all his just give him some extra attention
And get all cutesy and raise your boy’s ego a bit
Compliments and sweet nothings galore
And then all will be good
Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris
That’s all you ever talked about lately
And Patrick was sick of it
Why did this puppet have against his God of a self?
He wanted to kill him
But that would piss you off to much
And he didn’t wanna deal with your reaction
Next time you see Chris Patrick unleashes his plan
Essentially he just shoves his tongue down your throat 
And makes Chris really uncomfortable so he leaves
He gets his Cheshire grin when Chris leaves
Despite you telling Patrick he had nothing to worry about he doesn’t listen
That night he “shows you” that you’re “his”
Stupid fucking Matt
If he had to hear one more thing about Matt he was gonna explode
Anytime Matt came around Vic got super snarky
Like even more snarky than usual
At first you figured it was just some front
But then you knew exactly what it was
There may be a small fight between the two of you
Depending on how long it take for you to see how jealous your boy is
If a fight breaks out it is best to just wait it out
If not then just sit Vic down and reassure him 
Just lots of kisses and cuddles
And he’ll be back around your finger in no time
Reggie rarely got insecure
But hearing you go on and on about Mike
Damn it was driving him insane
When you notice a shift in his attitude
You ask him what’s up
As soon as he tells you, you feel terrible
Telling him Mike had his own relationship
And even if he didn’t you wanted him
And only him
You couldn’t see yourself with anyone else, but Reggie
And that was the truth
Soon everything sorted itself back out
You quickly re raised your boy’s self esteem 
And he slept with a smile on his face 
With you in his arms
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