#gosh i have so many headcanons
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maineshewrote · 2 months ago
I stand by that Jayne Houdyshell should come back as a series regular as an annoyingly witty Mrs. Gambolini. She would keep her Bunny voice but constantly learn new words/sounds from Oliver, so that when Charles or Mabel says something awkward when Oliver isn't around, Mama G can do the uncomfortable snort in his stead.
Also she would be present when the trio hold investigations in Oliver's apartment and by repeating some formerly-expressed-and-since-forgotten-about clue help the trio make a break-though in their case.
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puppetmaster13u · 1 year ago
The omegaverse post is getting. VERY long- so I’m swinging into here-
At two-three ish years old, i think Damian would be on solid foods at that point, granted- he did just come from a cloning tube, so he wouldn’t have had any solid foods- but nonetheless, I don’t think Bruce would start producing milk.
Also, Pit rage + Dynamics?
I can see either that the Pit Rage is almost completely removed from the equation due to Jason having grown up with unnatural instincts, (There is a Lazarus pit in Gotham after all, he could have immunity due to being raised in the hellpit that is Gotham) or it’s so much worse.
Jason will either be almost completely uneffected except for being a bit more feral, or will drop into angry ferality at the drop of a hat.
And you know that Tim will end up being smothered by both Jason and Bruce- though, most often it’s Jason because Jason now has a little brother- one that needs his help and protection from his clearly neglectful parents.
Tim has no idea how dynamics work- and While very much annoyed by it, Atleast Jason can teach Tim how to be a proper pup with Steph’s help. (I can see Jason having helped taught Dick when he first came to the manor in a similar way)
And Steph will want to join in. This pack is a mess, but she she still wants to help. While She’s not full Wayne pack, she is definitely on the fringes of the pack. Not as much as Jim, but still there. ‘Sides, it’s fun playing with a big pack like the Wayne Pack! There’s so much chaos and Bruce makes amazing nests.
Also- Dynamic Headcanons time, in order of hierarchy cus why not.
Bruce - Head Omega
Alfred - Elder Beta
Dick - Alpha (Defaulted to Head alpha due to being the only adult alpha in the core part of the pack)
Jason - Pup Omega (Presented)
Tim - Pup Beta (Unpresented)
Damian - Puppy
Steph, Jim, and Barbara are on the fringes of the pack, so their rank in the pack often changes depending on what’s needed. But they default right above the pups more often than not.
Also, I can see all three of them being alphas.
Good idea lol- I'll add links to the previous ones too. 1 2
First of all, yesss. Tim is slowly brought out of his shell and encouraged by the combined might of the entire pack. No, Bruce and Jason are not almost sobbing in relief the first time Tim actually responds like a pup should.
Omg, I absolutely adore the idea of tiny pup Jason helping Dick learn how to pup. Dragging him into wrestles and gnawing at him until he asks him to stop.
I feel like Steph tries to stay on the edge of the pack but slowly gets sucked in lol, not helped by the fact that she's Spoiler. And getting dragged into the Batman's side of a pack too. It is inevitable at this point.
Gosh, what if the pit rage like, he's fine and completely in control as long as there's a Lazarus presence- which is thankfully all around Gotham. But like, if he leaves an area that hasn't had any sort of death-juice corruption he loses it a little bit. Like he has to learn how to control it before he can properly leave Gotham- outside of emergencies where he has a pendant or something with a tiny bit of the Waters maybe?
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yuriyuruandyuraart · 2 years ago
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self indulgent horross doodles just because i can >B)
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scifigeekgirl · 9 months ago
Headcannon about Tech: He's the friend/partner who if he gets into a hobby with you then by next time you see him he will be am expert in that field.
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spiderwarden · 1 year ago
Minthara of Menzobarranzans Most Ancient and Powerful House, Daughter of High Priestess Sos'umptu Baenre, of the Matron Baenre Line of Yvonnel Baenre, the first House Matron, Cleric of Lolth Graduated, Leader of the Order of Paladin's of Lolth Service and Enforcer of Menzobarranzan Law, (insert number) in Line to the Baenre Throne - later Heir to the Baenre Throne were not for the exile. me: so a Princess, because she is LEGIT Drow Royalty.
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icyrambles · 1 year ago
right so a friend of mine gave me a massive idea for a transformers fan continuity, so i'm gonna share it!
the headcanon is plural/system optimus prime for a fan continuity i'm working on. please note that these are just my own headcanons spawned from a friend helping me out with this fan continuity. so be nice!
orion pax emerges from the well of allsparks and is assigned as a dockworker. he is the host, the one on record. the guy everyone knows about. below the murky depths of his conscious mind, a fragment lurks. it doesn't say anything, hell it doesn't even have a name or a face or an identity to call its own but it is there
after many many vorns of work, of rough, punishing work hauling cargo and shipments from the docks of the mithril sea to the majour cities of cybertron, orion is given an upgrade. he is taken in by alpha trion, the head archivist of cybertron, who had found young orion's works on the intranet and captivated by the passion of this young worker, decided to take him on as an apprentice.
orion becomes very well researched, particularly fascinated by the many datapads regarding cybertronian mental disorders, especially the ones regarding plurality and the existence of seemingly multiple mecha within one frame. he's not really sure why exactly that sort of information intrigues him so much, but he notes it for later and continues on in his work.
many stellar cycles later, orion meets megatron; a miner from tarn who rose up to become one of the greatest fighters in kaon's great gladiator rings. they bond over poetry and their vast thirst for knowledge and slowly, they fall in love. and then.... orion is summoned by the prime himself, sentinel.
megatron urges him to take the opportunity, to potentially request that the prime try to dismantle many of the oppressive systems that now shackle people like megatron and to some extent, orion (who remember worked as a labourer for a good chunk of his existence before being taken in by alpha trion)
so orion travels to meet the prime and that's when everything goes wrong. he arrives in iacon, the great shining beacon of cybertron and he is immediately ushered into a private room with sentinel. and the prime is not happy, ranting almost nonsensically about "a successor" and "it's not my time to step down, it's mine"
when orion tries to get a word in edgewise, tries to tell his prime about all the torment and suffering that mecha like megatron and so many more suffer under, how their planet is being bled of resources, sentinel dismisses him. he tells orion that the system is working exactly as intended and that mechs like megatron are but dirt beneath his and orion's pedes.
orion is confused and very angry because megatron is his lover. he knows that the system shouldn't work this way and he tells sentinel as such. sentinel opens his chest to reveal the matrix and snaps at orion that "the system is working just as intended, otherwise this would tell me otherwise. primus chose me and clearly he is more than satified with the way i've been running things"
orion leaves iacon, defeated and angry and filled with a sense of rage that feels so unlike him. megatron tells him its not his fault and the two of them agree that something has to be done.
so they visit the well of allsparks, probably the most religious location on all of cybetron. something calls orion to the well, something deep inside him. its similar to that rage he felt earlier, like its someone else in control.
my version of the matrix is unlike other continuities. it is a religious artifact that sentinel has in his possession for most of the time but he returns it to the well of allsparks for religious holidays and such. this version of the matrix selects the leaders of cybertron, tailored specifically for whatever the mecha of the planet need at that time. and they need a leader, one who will listen, one who will fight. and that mech is not orion.
the matrix calls to orion. he ignores the many guards surrounding it, almost entranced. megatron tries to stop him, tries to get him away because what good has the matrix done anyways, we don't need it. but orion ends up touching the matrix, letting its light consumes him. and the mecha who returns to the well of allsparks is not orion pax, but optimus prime my version of optimus prime is a dormant fragment that got lost in transit while orion's full consciousness was forming.
orion is the host, he's the one who was in control for most of the pre war era. optimus on the other hand, is a mech whose identity is formed by the matrix' overwhelming need for a being who will fight against the corruption that has burned through cybertron's very core. megatron, meanwhile is freaking out. his friend, his lover just vanished in a flash of light. he's being interrogated by guards when another flash of light engulfs the room and then a mech who looks similar to orion appears. he's bigger, taller, with more armour and a battle mask snapped firmly over his face plates but that colour palette and the way he speaks sounds just like orion.
"i am optimus prime." the new mech says and then he collapes.
my version of optimus and orion are a duality. i am a fan of creating themes of characters who are opposites to each other. orion is the thinker, he is the one who reads and absorbs information. he craves knowledge. optimus is a fighter. he's built to fight and is heavily armoured and is very much willing to take on the system of cybertron if it means a better future for everyone else i think that orion has a lot of identity issues when he finally comes to and is told what happens. on the one servo, that explains why exactly he was so curious about plurality and felt a kinship with many of the first hand accounts he'd read. but on the other servo. there's literally a whole other person, one hand picked by primus himself to fight now inhabiting his frame alongside him. and that's a lot to take in. my version of orion grapples with the reality that he is never alone anymore and isn't that wonderful but also it'll never be just him anymore and that's terrifying. he also has to cope with the very real possibility that optimus might injure their shared body very badly in a fight
optimus is rather confused about the whole situation. mostly because he's existed for only a few minutes as a full person, not as a random fragment floating around in the depths of orion's processor. but he knows why he's here and what his goal is. he needs to help cybertron and he's more than ready to do his duty. the handsome gladiator that his headmate managed to bag probably isn't such a bad thing either lmao
megatron probably handles it the best. he's almost entranced by optimus, someone who is bigger than orion both in body and mind, who can grapple with megatron without straining a strut with that matrix granted strength. he's down fucking bad for the both of them is what i'm saying. he helps orion through the identity crisis and is there to assure and council both his lovers through all their problems. he is a bit shaken up when it first happens because he's honestly not sure if he'll ever seen orion again.
optimus and orion exist in a state of co-fronting and only one of them around for a long period of time. when its the both of them, their identities merge and warp and become close to something like one individual for the most part. they still exist as themselves but something about having their minds so close together for long periods of time blurs the line between optimus prime and orion pax. however when it's just one of them on their own, they are very much themselves.
orion, as mentioned is a thinker. he's the strategist, the diplomat and he's the one in front for the periods of time when the army is on their own on earth. he loves the life on the new planet and he is the one responsible for charging rewind to create a detailed history of their people
optimus is the one fronting for most of the time they are fighting. in a way he almost craves it, the thrill of combat, the glory of battle. he likes to interact with the army to, he gets to know most of the soliders and doesn't shy away from getting his servos dirty. he interacts with the troops and gets to really know his soldiers on a deep personal level. he's a very down to earth kind of guy and tends to not get caught up in emotional stuff as badly as orion, though he's got a lot of repressed feelings regarding stuff like the matrix and primus but it's better for him to just not think about that kind of thing
anyways i really like thinking about plurality in transformers. i'm a singlet (so not a system) but i'm friends with quite a few systems myself (one of which got me into transformers) so making plural headcanons (and by that i mean my massive brain friends make the headcanons and i immediately incorporate them into my belief system.) i get rather nervous posting my headcanons so please be nice <3
reblogs > likes (if ya like my headcanons give em' a reblog)
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love-is-a-pearl · 1 year ago
Thoughts on Conway x Dawn? I'm convinced that Conway 100% has a crush on Dawn but did not know how to handle it at all (though still handled it better than Kenny). Conway himself is also just a fun character, and I like how, while he can be corky, he isn't a jerk. His dynamic with Dawn in the trash team tournament was pretty fun to watch
I hate it. I'm sorry! I know some folks read him that way, that he is just introverted or whatever but... ugh.... i hate him.
I really hate how he comes off almost stalker-ish towards Dawn. And even if some folks excuse that as him being social awkward I'm also not a fan of this ship because Dawn showcased being uncomfortable around him PLENTY of times and I just.. I can't. Don't put my girl through that omg. She deserves so much better. ConwayxDawn is just a big fat NO for me.
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kleinsenlover69 · 8 months ago
I’m coming out as a 3 month Kleinbeck/jalana shipper since a random Wednesday I wanted to ship it
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donutbroski · 1 year ago
I feel like the writing in tmnt 2012 did April so dirty, because it didn’t fully commit her to being a little weirdo. Like, I swear she was that one kid at school that would always be the family dog when they’d play family at recess.
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tvrningout-a · 2 years ago
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me @ me: you will not find a reason to ramble about kaiya tonight, go do other things
me, clearly ignoring rational thought: you know i think kaiya probably planted flowers on her papa’s grave, maybe red spider lilies considering their symbolism. but it’s kind of sad bc i imagine she had a hard time visiting her father’s grave for a while bc shortly after he died, her mom would sit there for hours no matter how much kaiya would try to convince her to come home; her mom wouldn’t come with her until the sun began to set. so not only was her father’s grave difficult to visit bc kaiya couldn’t properly grieve and process his death, but it was also a place seeped in her mother’s sorrow, too. 
i don’t think she even truly grieves her father and her own life that was sort of taken from her until years later, after the main storyline, when she finally revisits her hometown, reunites with her mom, and finally has the courage to visit her father’s grave by herself. and she sees the spider lilies are blooming beautifully, that her mother has clearly taken care of them, and a weight kind of lifts from her chest. this weight has been with her since her dad died, since she left to get married, since she remembered who she was -- this worry that her mother wouldn’t recover, wouldn’t be able to take care of herself without kaiya there to support her, would crumble at the loss of her daughter. she’s worried for decades that she’d come home and realize her mother struggled because she wasn’t here, and---
her mom was okay. she survived, she moved on, she lived. she took care of her husband’s grave, hard as it may have been. she was okay despite everything, and it’s such a relief to kaiya. and it hurts a little too, bc maybe this was always the case. maybe her mother was always strong enough to care for herself and pick herself up, but kaiya simply couldn’t trust that to be true. maybe it was kaiya’s fear of losing another parent that drove her to shoulder so much of the burden rather than her mother’s need for help.
so kaiya cries out of relief; out of sorrow; and finally, her heart begins to heal.
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exorcizts · 27 days ago
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speaking of abilities, lemme just make a quick overview since full profiles will take me a minute :' )
edmond more or less manipulates fire, and when this ability activates, he himself is engulfed in flames. his fire will not harm physical structures, nor will it harm humans unless they are possessed by a malevolent spirit or are somehow afflicted with some sort of blight. these rules apply to all reapers and their abilities/weapons.
nayu can bind/lock anything and anyone, but she must touch the person/creature or structure to do so. when bound by her touch, it is near impossible for the average spirit to escape its prison, making purification much easier for her teammates. for humans, it is impossible ( unless, ofc, they're special ).
val has a wolf companion who is composed of her raw, spiritual energy. it typically fights alongside her, but when things start to look hairy, they become one. she takes on the form of a giant wolf, made of shadow? dark energy? whatever it is is relentless and will tear you apart. all mortal beings should maintain their distance should the fight escalate to this point.
clara's vision is unlike any other. each tainted spirit has a core -- the degrading soul and its source of power. reapers cannot typically see this with the naked eye, but clara can, which is an invaluable skill when face-to-face with formidable opponents. though her ability is not offensive in nature, she utilizes a plethora of fire arms to aid her teammates.
rei can summon a purifying rain. it is only effective within a certain radius, so the spirit cannot be allowed to move too far away from him. how long it takes for the rain to purify the spirit of its rot depends on the spirit; if the spirit is too far gone, the rain will simply wash it away.
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sparklecur · 11 months ago
heehee hoo i love anxiety i love being anxious over people not reblogging my stuff
#BTW LIKE IF YOU DONT REBLOG SOMETHING I MAKE JUST BECAUSE YOURE NOT INTERESTED IN IT THATS OK!!!!!#i post stuff that I Like and thats good enough for me and i dont wanna force anyone to reblog my stuff if they dont wanna!!!!!!!!!#i just. sometimes get really nervous like what if they arent reblogging it because i did something wrong what if i drew the character wrong#and now everyone hates me and thats why they arent reblogging...............#[uh it gets kinda rambly/vent-y past here feel free to ignore idm]#what if i drew or said something wrong and it means im racist/ableist/what have you#*posts cute doodle* haha what if i accidentally promoted ableist stereotypes#WHAT IF I HAD A BAD TAKE ABOUT The Character AND IM ONE OF THOSE FANS THAT PEOPLE VAGUEPOST ABOUT LIKE#not to point any fingers but ughhh#some people in this fandom really get on my nerves (tumblr wont let me use quotation marks???)#its even more nerve racking when the fandom is small like#if you have a Cringe Take in a fandom like sonic or pokemon its such a big fandom you might not get as much attention for it because theres#so many other people but when the fandom has like 5 people its way harder to ignore#thinks.#when i think about it a lot of my worries are centered around fae actually#what if the way i draw her is infantilizing!!!!!!!!! what if im being annoying by drawing her so much!!!!!!! what if i only have a surface#level understanding of her character!!!!!!! and most of how i perceive her is just headcanons and projection!!!!!!!!!!!#same goes with almer like i dont really talk about him much although im less. anxious about it? because i just dont talk about him as much#ecause i havent really studied him as a character in depth and stuff#HEY SUPERGIANT GIVE HIM MORE SCREENTIME GOSH DANG IT#um anyways#oh yeah what if i have a bad take about the character and im accidentally ableist or something!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaa#and like like like i am guilty ofthe not fully grasping her character thing or at least like for some reason i either forget or ignore her#interest/connection with the scribes despite that being like. an Important Part of her character and i feel kinda bad about that#same with almer and cur culture/tradition and stuff#YOU FOOL!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE IGNORING MAJORLY IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF THEIR CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BUFFOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!#YOU DONT DESERVE TO HAVE THEM AS YOUR BLORBOS IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THEM/APPRECIATE THEM PROPERLY!!!!!!!#NOW THE MOB WILL COME FOR YOU#hhhhgggggg#hm. uh that was way more words than i expected !
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theoneandonlysourcandy · 2 months ago
Harley sawyer X reader Headcanons
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Gosh he’s so HHHOOOOTTT I couldn’t wait for people to start writing about him I HAD to do this. Writing this at 1 am so if there’s stupid stuff sorry. Also I rewrote some of the headcanons and got rid of one bc they felt mischaracterizing
Inspo: @thatssomegoodsoup
Content warning: mentions of death, some spoilers
📺 - He’d want to cuddle sometimes, but, he would be reluctant to. He’s a cold, metal robot, that wouldn’t be very comfortable. But, if you did, he’d try to use something to cover his robot body, like, how most people draw him with a long black cloak thingy?
📺 - You can see his screen faintly glitch for a moment if you suddenly kiss him. If you ask him about it, he’ll try to convince you it never happened and your just seeing things.
📺 - He’d HATE you leaving his lab. Do you see how dangerous this place is? He can’t have the one person he actually cares about dying. Whenever you do leave the lab, he has yarnaby come with, while keeping a close eye on you with the cameras.
📺 - Even if he worries for you sometimes, he’d never say it.
📺 - He’s rarely that affectionate, but he’ll let you hold his hand or arm if you’d like. Sometimes while he’s thinking he’ll just subconsciously do either of those with you. If your not there, he’d tap his finger against something or click a pen over and over.
📺 - One of the toys hurt you? Oh. Oohh. They’ll feel pain worse then any experiment he ever put them through.
📺 - There really isn’t anyone that can make him jealous in the factory anymore, but if there was, he could get jealous pretty easily, and he’d make sure to “take care” of them quickly.
📺 - Keeps you far away from most of the toys. Though, he lets yarnaby and that weird big baba chops thingy he has be with you as much as they like. They can protect you, plus, he knows you think their adorable, even if he doesn’t quite understand how you can see those creatures as cute.
📺 - Sit on his lap and he starts overheating. Seriously, you saw some smoke coming from him once. He said it was from one of the many broken machines.
📺 - On rare occasion you can catch him staring lovingly at you with his eye. Though, he does it pretty often, he’s just quick to snap out of it and hide it before you can see.
📺 - He loves your looks. He’ll tell you your beauty and your handsomeness, how your eyes have a beautiful sparkle to them, how your hair frames your face perfectly, he can see all the beauty in you, and he can see what you think are flaws. You are his beautiful trophy that he earned.
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lovemomhatepolice · 4 months ago
lewis hamilton nswf alphabet (part 1) (minors DNI!)
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Lewis is incredibly attentive during aftercare, making sure you feel safe and loved. He cuddles you close, whispers soft reassurances, and checks in on how you’re feeling. Whether it’s getting water, wrapping you in a blanket, or running a warm bath, he ensures you’re completely cared for.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) What he likes most about himself is his arms - covered in tattoos and strong, which can easily lift you up whenever he wants. He also loves it when you often grab him by the arm or hold him somewhere and lead him!
Lewis loves your neck! He adores that he can kiss it and knows your soft spots, where he always knows you'll react more than others. He also loves how intensely your perfume smells on it, which he loves to inhale.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) He considers it a very intimate part, especially when you do it unprotected. He knows very well how much risk is involved, but with you he is able to overcome it. He loves to fill you with his liquid and watch it merge with yours to form one whole, which in a way is a proof of your love and boundless trust. However, after intercourse, it immediately helps you clean yourself so you don't feel dirty
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) Lewis has a secret thrill for public teasing—brushing his hand over your thigh at a formal event or whispering something filthy in your ear when no one’s looking. The risk of being caught, combined with the fact that only the two of you know what’s happening, drives him wild. He loves the power of building anticipation, making you wait until you’re alone to finally give in to everything he’s been promising.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Lewis is quite an experienced man - he has had many female partners in his life before you, whether romantic or sexual, so he knows exactly what he is doing. He can perfectly caress a woman's body, focusing on certain areas that you immediately drift away from
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) He loves it when you're on top. That's when he can read every expression on your face and see you dissolve in the delight of orgasm. It also gives him the opportunity to hold you tightly by the hips, moving inside you from below, which intensifies your sensations and gives you a completely different, even closer contact
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) It depends - most often, however, he tries to throw in a joke, especially he did so at the very beginning, when you started making love with each other. Now it depends, he is not adversarial, he loves to laugh with you, however, he also cares about making it as pleasant as possible for you and it just naturally comes out that he is already less goofy, making it more tender
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) Lewis doesn't give a damn - he shaves himself when he wants and doesn't pay much attention to it, just as long as it would be hygienic. And towards you? Hmm, he's not the youngest, which is why he gets excited when you have your bottom trimmed in some patterns. Oh gosh, he loves it when you have one stripe there
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) Lewis is terribly thoughtful. He whispers sweet nothings or full of encouragement to you all the time. He doesn't forget to leave the softer ones - on your cheeks or forehead - in addition to hot and passionate kisses. He also hugs you very often and tries to make you feel one hundred percent comfortable. He is also very fond of silence, which, according to him, gives a great deal to intimacy
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) Lewis doesn’t do it often, but when he does, it’s usually because he’s missing you. He’s not one to rush through it—he takes his time, letting his imagination run wild with memories of your time together or fantasies about what he wants to do to you. If he’s away from you, he might even text or call, letting you know exactly what he’s thinking about, making it all the more intense. K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Who would have thought that our seven-time world champion likes to feel the thrill of being covered? As soon as he has the opportunity to do so and you are willing, he very much enjoys making love to you in places where someone can cover you. It's not the greatest advantage for him to do all this - but in the end, he still cares about his privacy and yours. However, being in a public place, such as the beach or the jaccuzi on the roof of your apartment excites him. L = Location (favorite places to do the do) He loves places with a view - such as the balcony or high windows you have in your apartment. He also eats when you're on vacation and have an outdoor shower, oh, then he loves to take you there
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) He gets very excited when you know what you want yourself. When you whisper to him how you would like him to love you that night, or when you come yourself and even beg him for it. Or vice versa - when you tease him by pretending to be acutely unavailable. One word and he is already yours
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A/N: part two will be here soon! (If anyone wants me to tag them - let me know in the comments). WELL - it's the first time when I'm writing for lewis
I encourage you to give requests in the Christmas marathon! click here :) and in my celebration to the first thousand!
please do not copy and translate my works! in case of any issues related to this - I invite you to discuss privately :)
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finniestoncrane · 4 months ago
OH BOY! How about Office Eddie nsfw headcanons? I love that dweeb at the office with a dark streak and honestly just want anything about him 💚
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Dano!Riddler x Fem!Reader Headcanons oooooooooh yeah!! i've started writing a little outline for something like this but longer!! this is a good excuse to test some things out and see what works >:3c 🐀💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: voyeurism, pervert eddie, peeping tom, spying, non-consensual stuff, masturbation, unintentional cum swallowing
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listen, employment in a nice office isn't all that common in gotham, and you're lucky you're not behind a bar serving sleazy wannabe rogues or hustling for what little money you can get, so you're willing to put up with your shy and quiet and kinda dweeby co-worker
but that's only because you have no idea about all the weird stuff he's up to...
eddie is smitten immediately by you, but he doesn't speak to you at all for the first two weeks you're sharing an office with him
it makes you a little uncomfortable, but he slowly warms up and offers you a hello and a goodbye
when he starts talking to you a bit more, it's about quite dark and deep subjects
it's almost like he's trying to guage your response to decide if you're a good person
or one of the people he goes on about, the undeserving masses
he's nice enough though, and you find that he's very helpful and willing to guide you with the tasks
and you quickly notice that he's far smarter than you, and is willing to hold himself accountable for your training
this seemingly kind gesture isn't selfless, however, it's actually his way of getting closer to you
and to have you depending on him for your job
it's not something you notice at first, if at all, but edward always offers to look your work over before passing it on to the bosses
he's changing it without you knowing though, making sure there are little mistakes that have you reprimanded
eddie delivers that bad news of course, and offers to show you how to fix your errors
you're so grateful that you hug him, or compliment him, and so he can hardly stop doing it
besides, the stupider you feel, the more you'll have to rely on him, and the more you'll view him as smart and wonderful
and in order to keep you thinking that, he'll criticise you sometimes
nothing too mean, not too obvious
but enough that he can see your pupils widening and your skin flushing when he does compliment you
"don't worry, i won't tell the bosses"
gosh, you owe him so much... maybe he'll cash in the favours someday
eddie has the keys to the office and he unlocks it every morning, since he's always there a lot earlier than you
you never question why, but it's so he can set things up
you wouldn't believe how many cameras are hidden in the little space you share
under the desk, in the toilet, in the stationary cupboard
and the work laptop he offered to set up for you?
the webcam is hacked, so he can watch you at home
because at a certain point, he can't stand not to be around you or to know what you're up to when you clock out for the day
and that includes when you leave the room to go to the toilet
he had to drill a hole in the wall of the cupboard between the office and the bathroom, just so he can keep an eye on you
and he finds his behaviour escalating, like an experiment to see how far he can go
it starts with him touching himself under his desk, rubbing his hands over his erection and trying to keep quiet
rubbing against you in the elevator, placing his hands on your shoulders as he stands behind you, staring down your blouse
asking you to reach up high or down low to watch the way your clothes move to expose you
messing with the ac, watching you sweat when it's too hot, watching your nipples harden when it's too cold
then he starts messing with the cables under his desk a lot, something with the wiring you don't understand
but it's an excuse to stare at your legs, trying to get a peek up your skirt
and then before you know it, your sweet coworker is masturbating into your coffee creamer
waiting to see if you can taste the difference, to see if you recognise him on your tongue
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elizabethsnuts · 8 months ago
I’ve read a fic where Reid’s daughter dresses up as Penelope for Halloween… I know it isn’t Halloween yet but would you be willing to write one where Reid’s toddler daughter wants to dress as Hotch and she’s totally in character - frowning, scowling, and just capturing the Unit Chief to a tee bc she’s a little profiler? 👉🏼👈🏼🫶🏼 I’d love the team’s reactions, and I headcanon Hotch would be such a softie for Spencer’s daughter lol. Tysm!
Halloween Costume
Spencer Reid x Daughter!Reader
Summary: You dressed as your favourite profiler and unit chief for Halloween, you couldn’t wait to show him.
A/N: I could no way wait till Halloween to write this! It’s so cute!!
You loved Halloween, it was your favourite holiday. Not that you had experienced it many times as you were only a toddler but that didn’t stop you from going absolutely ecstatic when someone brought it up.
You were giggling with excitement as Spencer tied the little red tie to your suit, you had been insistent on who you wanted to be for Halloween to Spencer every time the holiday was mentioned.
Spencer smiled as he finished your tie and stood back a little to look at your full outfit, he let out an exaggerated gasp as you crossed your little arms. “Oh, you definitely look like Uncle Hotch now. He is going to love this costume.”
You squealed and clapped your hands, you were very excited to show the whole team your costume. You loved Hotch and you looked up to him a lot, you were looking forward to being him for Halloween.
Spencer chuckled and gave you a thumbs-up. He loved seeing you so happy about things with your childlike innocence. “Alright, Y/N, do your best Uncle Hotch face.”
You quickly got into character, putting a frown on your face and keeping your arms crossed, you were posing perfectly like the Unit Chief.
Spencer nodded in approval, smiling at your cute, little face. “You definitely have it down, little profiler. I can barely tell the difference! Are you ready to show everyone?”
You nodded eagerly and grinned. “Yes! We show everyone now, Daddy!”
Spencer gently grabbed your hand and walked you out into the bullpen where everyone was, you had your best little frown and scowl on, doing the best impression you could of Hotch.
Penelope gasped and squealed, quickly kneeling down to see your outfit and you. “Oh look at you, Y/N! Or should I say Hotch!? You look just like him, oh you did such a good job with your costume!”
You tried to suppress the shy smile threatening to creep up onto your face. You tried to lower your cute little toddler-like voice, it was so cute. “I in charge.”
JJ and Emily quickly walked over with big smiles on their faces. JJ crouched down and smiled. “You look like you’re definitely the boss, little miss! Look at this outfit!”
Emily nodded in agreement and tickled your sides. “You are going to blow away these other little Trick-or-Treaters!”
You couldn’t help but smile widely at all the compliments she was getting for her costume. You felt two strong arms pick you up and turn you around, you let out a squeal as you saw who it was. “Uncle Derek!”
“Excuse me, Hotch? Is that you? You seem to have shrunken! Hmm, or maybe I’ve just gotten much taller! Uncle Derek? I think that title is reserved for a special little genius.” Derek grinned, pretending he didn’t know it was you in costume.
“Uncle Derek, it me! It me Y/N! I just dressing up as Uncle Hotch.” You giggled and gave Derek a hug.
“Oh? Pretty girl? Little Miss Y/N Reid? My gosh, you really tricked me! I thought you were Hotch! Pretty girl you’ve really outdone yourself.” Derek gave you a big hug and put you back down on your two tiny feet.
You looked up at Spencer and smiled. “We go see Uncle Hotch now?
Spencer nodded and smiled, gently taking your hand and leading you up the ramp to Hotch’s office. “Of course, let’s go show him your costume!”
You walked quietly over to the door and gently pushed it open. You put your best frown on your face and walked in with your tiny hands on your hips. “Ahem, ‘cuse me! This my office!”
Hotch looked up with a small smile on his face, he stood up and walked over to you. “Oh my! It’s the Unit Chief. You look very professional, just like a profiler.”
You giggled and gave Hotch a big hug. “It me, Uncle Hotch! It’s Y/N!”
Hotch let out a quiet chuckle and hugged her back, he had a secret soft spot for you. “I think you need some proper identification.” He pulled out his ID badge and clipped it to your suit. “Now you’re officially the unit chief!”
You grinned and touched the ID. “Thank you, Uncle Hotch! We both be in charge?”
Hotch nodded his head, picking you up and setting you on his side. “Oh yes, we can both be unit chiefs, we’ll both tell everyone what to do.”
You nodded and quietly whispered in his ear. “You come Trick-or-Treating with me an’ Daddy?”
Hotch let a soft smile appear on his face, he looked back at you and stroked the top of your head. “Well, I think that I can make some time for that.”
You grinned excitedly and clapped your hands, looking at Spencer. “Daddy! Uncle Hotch is going too!”
Hotch walked back out into the bullpen with you in his arms. “Excuse me, everyone. My Co-Unit Chief and I are going Trick-or-Treating, she has also invited anyone who’d like to come along.”
You put your little hand up and frowned. “Wheels up in thirty!”
The rest of the night was a memorable one, the team and you went house to house getting candy and treats. Spencer was preparing for the intense sugar rush that was going to inevitably happen when they got home. The night ended with you sharing the candy with the team and falling asleep in the car on the way home.
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