#gosh do I miss the desert
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gleefulpoppet · 4 months ago
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Moonfall Manor Masquerade: Chapter 14
“Close your eyes,” Blaine says as he leans forward, touching Kurt’s forehead, cradling his jaw, and concentrating. “I think this will work… It’s a dream after all,” he mumbles.  “Blaine—” There’s a whoosh of hot air and a giggle as everything turns black. Kurt feels his consciousness snapped into a new shape—a much smaller shape—and suddenly, his toes have become ten little claws gripped around a tree branch. ”Blaine!” His eyes fly open. "Why are we upside down?” Then he looks over to his right and starts cackling. “You did not!”  “I so did!” He inhales, testing his senses, sharpening to the sounds and scents in the dark. “I’m glad we can still understand each other, even though all I hear is squeaking! Oh my god! You have little bat fang teefies!” 
You can read Chapter 14 [here] or from the beginning on AO3 [here]. (This story started for @klainetober and will have regular updates at least twice a week until it is complete! )
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j0kers-light · 2 months ago
His Angel: Hesitate (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
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series summary:
Y/n is secretly a guardian angel with a home base in Gotham City. All of your previous assignments have passed on peacefully and you fail to take on another; much to your counsel's growing concern. You spend your days blending in with the citizens of Gotham until an unexpected encounter throws your entire existence upside down.
chapter summary:
Y/n must find a way to adjust with The Joker being your new charge. No one said it would be easy, you just wish things weren't so precarious.
author's note:
Hey hi my loves!! I'm back with another angelic chapter! It’s been a while….. 👀 anyhoo I do have a song inspo for this chapter if you are interested! I envision this being Y/n’s theme song anytime she’s summoned to Joker’s aid. The title of it fits perfectly with the chapter 🤭
Meanwhile!? Sixth time's the charm?!! I fought Joker six flipping times to get this chapter right and I am so happy to announce that I lost every time. OH MY GOSH THE REVISIONS. The first draft…. gurl 😬 I almost screwed up the entire storyline. Anyhoooo. *cringe* I do hope you enjoy the chapter and have a great day! 🤍✨
Let me know if you wish to be added to the official His Angel taglist! Be alerted with the story updates! 🤍✨
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You broke through the clouds and instinctively tucked your wings away as you descended to the city below.  
While visiting Ario, your eyes glowed with a premonition; showing what would occur should you fail to protect your charge from his impending death. The mere fact he already stumbled into more trouble not even a few hours after his first encounter at the bank, vexed you greatly.  
Would this be your daily routine until death earned this mortal? You huffed in irritation at the thought.  
Joker managed to wake up from the sleeping spell you placed on him. You knew something was unusual about the man and this triumphant feat just proved your suspicions.  
There was no time to dwell on the how's. The scene was already set, and your sense of duty burned within your veins to act.  
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On paper, Joker’s escape plan was foolproof. He just needed to sneak out of the apartment and down to street level—all while avoiding being seen. Frost and the others would be waiting in an unmarked car to pick Joker up. Once he reached the building’s alleyway, freedom was his. The coast looked clear, so Joker boldly stepped out of the apartment building and cursed under his breath seeing the GCPD cruiser pass by with the worst timing ever. 
He had seconds to duck, but it was all in vain. The two officers spotted Joker’s signature green hair and proceeded to give chase.   
Unbeknownst to all, you had the situation well under control.  
You used same door Joker walked out of to slam back open with enough force to send the pursuing officer falling back unconscious. He’d have a vicious headache later, not like you cared. One down and your glowing eyes soon settled on the remaining cop chasing Joker down the alley. 
They narrowed when the man raised his gun to fire. Humans and their paltry weapons never ceased to annoy you.  
You grabbed a nearby bag of garbage and swung it to smack the gun out of the man's hand. While he was spooked, you kicked him behind the very dumpster you were now casually walking towards. It all happened too fast for a human to react; just the way you preferred it. 
Joker had at this point reached the getaway car and was scrambling inside. Mac’s blue gaze greeted him curiously from the backseat. “Boss, why are you running?” he asked. 
Frost was thinking the same thing since no one was chasing J. The alleyway was deserted despite early dawn fast approaching.  
Even stranger, Joker blinked as if he was coming out of a fog. His mind was so spacey lately. Thinking about anything physically hurt. Large gaps of time were missing and nothing was aligning to the present tense. His wild night of crime flashed before his eyes and yet doubt shrouding its authenticity. 
To be perfectly honest, he couldn’t remember much of anything after waking up in that empty apartment from earlier. He doubted that even happened his mind was so screwed up. “Whatever. Let’s go.” He was anxious to get out of here. The quicker he left maybe then his memory would clear up.  
Frost was putting the car into drive when Joker had the sudden urge to look up. Mac’s words made him feel as though he were forgetting something. It was the same feeling he had before. He was glad to be leaving until he saw a figure walking in the alleyway.  
Time stood still. The world stopped spinning. It was you, the girl he encountered in the bank.  
The same girl who touched his scars and set his soul alight. He didn’t understand the magnetic pull you had on him, but he needed to find out why.  
“Stop the car.” Joker mumbled.  
“What? Yoo boss we gotta go.”  
It didn’t matter who said it, Joker repeated his order while adding on a soft, “It’s her.” 
“Who? Do you know her, Boss?” Mac asked.  
He barely got a glimpse of you since you strolled back inside, keenly aware of the multiple eyes on you. You prayed that Joker’s curiosity was piqued and that he returned back to your care. You’d been dwelling amongst humans long enough to understand that men were simple minded. The things a man would do when guided by lust were astonishing. 
However, your charge surprised you.  
He proved yet again that he was far more complex than you given him credit for. You heard tires screeching on the pavement as Joker and his goons sped off into the morning horizon. He didn’t fall for your ruse. You were baffled. How could this be? 
Never once had an assignment left your side, involuntarily or otherwise. Had you truly lost your touch? It surely felt like it with all the mistakes and blunders you made so far.  
You were numb as you took the stairs back to your apartment while thinking on how to proceed. How did you severely underestimate your charge? What was the root of your failures? 
If only you had a Life scroll on this Joker fellow, then there would be no need to second guess or predict his earthly desires. A Life scroll was the ultimate cheat sheet and it could make your job ten times easier; however, with how the assignment process was botched, there was no time to request his records amid the confusion. 
You were still riding on the chance of this being one big mistake and that the Batman was your true charge to protect. Yet you could feel the bond deep in your soul. You were stuck with the clown. How depressing indeed.  
Then it dawned on you.  
Being Joker’s guardian angel, you had the authority to access his Life scroll any time you pleased. It meant another trip back in the clouds to acquire it, yet it was worth the inconvenience to gain better insight. You would take all the help available.  
Brief images of your last charge flashed across your mind. You refused to allow another human boss you around. And never again did you wish to fail at your sworn duty.  
The morning fog and city pollution acted as a cloak for any early risers gazing up into the morning sky. It was the perfect time to ascend without wasting energy casting a glamor.  
With a sigh, you spread your wings and took flight to get answers—and it was late when your feet landed back onto your balcony, as light as your birthright. 
You spent the entire day scouring the Great Archives for information and you were mentally exhausted because of it.  
All you wanted was some peace and quiet tonight. Your time dwelling amongst humans adapted you to the small comforts of Earth. You were craving a ‘self-care night’ and your loft was the perfect place to do it in. 
Your apartment was clean in a modelesque way due to your lengthy absences. The kitchen was spotless with only the bare minimums in the fridge, yet you loved to indulge on sugary delicacies and always kept them on hand. Right now, your heart was set on a cake you had in a decorative stand, followed immediately by a hot bubble bath.  
The warm calming properties would help you strategize how to handle your wayward charge. There had to be a way to get him to stay in your care. You stepped inside your apartment only to freeze at the sight before you.  
By no means was he in any danger, still you should have been able to sense his presence. For once in your entire existence, someone startled you. It wasn’t a good feeling.  
Joker’s grubby hands were stained red as he gorged on your angel cake topped with wild berries and lemon zest.  
The delicacy you’d been craving all afternoon was gone and the source of your headache was the culprit.  
Joker looked up and spotted you frozen in the living room as he licked his fingers clean. Your face was unreadable, but your clenched fists were a dead giveaway to your mood. You were an erupting volcano with the calmness of a saint.  
“Ya knooooow... ya really should keep your uh.. doors locked? Cuz any~ooone can just barge in here!” Joker said.  
He chewed in an exaggerated way, no doubt to emphasize how he waltzed his way into your abode and helped himself to your cake as mentioned. His words held meaning but you weren’t afraid of him. Nevertheless, you hesitated.  
Your search for Joker’s Life scroll was fruitless.  
Just because there was a slip up with your assignment did not excuse the fact Joker did not have a scroll on record. All humans have one; which begged the question, was Joker even human? 
He certainly did not act like one. He was too self-aware, wise beyond his years, and all in all, a force to be reckoned with—like most heavenly beings are. The so called superhumans of Earth stood no match against him and so the dark clown did as he pleased wreaking havoc. 
What little information you gathered about Joker was that he considered himself an agent of chaos. A violent anarchist who cared little for others and virtually held no self-preservation for his own life. Joker was a textbook nihilist.  
Human law did not apply to you, but it meant everything to your charge. You could tell Joker was wronged by his government. It was the only explanation as to why he wanted to destroy it and the world.  
Too bad it was wishful thinking on his part.  
Joker was just an ant compared to the grand scheme of life. Your job was to let him live life freely until his appointed time came. But he wouldn’t be destroying the world on your watch.  
Still. Never judge, never influence. A guardian angel was a silent protector, nothing more, yet Joker was already pushing those boundaries and then some.  
Hs odd power over your sense of touch and how he managed to sneak up on you just now, pointed to the conclusion that Joker wasn’t mortal. You had every right to be cautious and keep your distance. He made the fine hairs of your feathers bristle in trepidation.  
You balled your fist, ready for a fight should Joker start one.  
Of course he noticed your body language. He was a perceptive human. Joker rolled his eyes and waved you closer. “Awww, don’t be a strangerrr. Sit.” He gestured to the barstool next to him.  
You didn't move. Instead you asked, “Why have you come here?” 
The moon set high in the sky, illuminating your pristine kitchen. Nothing seemed to be out of place but what made him come back? He fled your care early this morning and managed to stay out of trouble ever since. Joker acted as though he never wanted to see you again. Now here he sat eating your food as if nothing was wrong. That irked you more than anything.  
This man.. he was such a handful. You said nothing more as you stared at your assigned charge.  
He pretended that your gaze didn’t bother him. Your e/c eyes made him feel exposed, more so than any invasive experiments and treatments he underwent at Arkham. He was the first to break eye contact. 
There was no more cake for him to stall with. It was time to cut to the chase. Joker licked his fingers before wagging them at you. “I knew it was you from the uhhh bank last nighT.” 
You weren’t surprised that he ignored your question. He really couldn’t let that go..  
He resisted your sleeping spell and somehow managed to remember last night's events? Did your angelic powers not work on him? They worked just fine on the other witnesses and police personnel, just not on him. You gritted your teeth in veiled anger. “I know not of which you speak.” 
Joker’s head tilted sideways. “You talk funny.” He said while picking cake crumbs from out under his nails.  
He flicked them away, tainting your space with his filth. It would take a miracle for you to protect this human and not strangle him on accident. But back to the matter at hand.  
“As if you can judge.” Going forward, you made a note to conceal your angelic dialect around him. Trips back home always subdued your adopted Gotham accent, hence why you avoided going back amongst other reasons. 
You shook your head clear and returned your attention back on Joker.  
It was his turn to openly stare, as if he could see the inner workings of your soul laid bare. His eyes, an unnatural green (even by angelic standards) regarded you in a knowingly manner. Joker’s obvious inspection of you caused you to be more wary of him.  
What did he see? Were you an open book to him? He had to know your true nature. 
In all your millenniums serving as a guardian angel, you never felt more under qualified than right now.  
You remained frozen as Joker stood up and walked towards you. You were like the many statues erected in your honor. Beautiful, hallowed, and emotionless—even as Joker traced the curve of your jaw with a cake knife. You didn’t remember owning one.  
He tipped your chin upward with the utensil, no doubt getting berry sauce on your skin. You could tell by how his tongue darted out to slowly lick his lips. You let your eyes linger on his theatrical makeup as payback. His voice startled you out of your thoughts.  
“I’m gonna keep a verrry close eye on ya.” He smacked his lips when you refused to meet his eye and like a switch, his entire mood flipped. “Look. At. Me! Hmm? Is it the scars?? Wanna know how I got em’? C’mere, I’ll show ya.”  
You yelped when Joker wrestled you down onto the couch. The action itself didn’t bother you, rather it was the explosion of sensations that consumed you when he did so.  
You felt immense heat radiating from his chest warming yours. Felt the years of calluses on his fingers digging into your skin, and his steady breath on your neck felt like the rush of wind during flight. It was overwhelming to experience all at once after going so long with the absence of touch.  
Your senses were in overdrive and the urge to spread your wings grew with each passing moment. Joker didn’t think too much of your squirminess. He was in the same boat.  
When was the last time he had a pretty thing like you in his arms? He had to admit; a while.  
Your hair was right there in his face, smelling absolutely divine. He subtly sniffed it and his eyes fluttered closed against his will. He didn’t have a word to describe it. You smelled like safety? Home? Joker knew he was addicted when he had a thousand reasons not to. Why did his mind always become fuzzy whenever you were involved? Why was he adapting to that feeling?  
He sank into the couch cushions, pining you down with no hope of escape. You fit so perfectly in his arms, he never wanted to move. Joker honestly forgot what he was doing he was so relaxed. 
Oh yes. He was threatening you.  
Joker told himself that holding you tighter was a means of intimidation—not to cop a feel, although he liked how you moved with him instead of against. Gods, you were so strange. Why did he like that? 
If any other woman were alone with him and held against their will, they would be screaming their head off, but not you. You just lied underneath him, patiently waiting on his next move. You were glad he could not hear your heart beating wildly.  
Every second he spent holding you close, your wings itched to spread in agitation. Tears prickled your eyes the longer this torture continued. Funny how an angel so greatly revered in heaven was reduced to some bumbling schoolgirl from a hug. 
This wasn’t normal, your head was spinning. Why did this mortal have so much control over you? 
You whimpered when his hand shifted and brushed against the area where your back fused and your wings began. Joker could not see them due to the glamor, but you felt the touch all the same. He raised up, mistaking your shudder of delight for fear.  
And his scarred lips stretched wider at the sight. “There. Ya finally fear me.” 
Your eyes snapped hearing his voice. Just what was he on about?  
Your gaze fell on the knife in Joker’s hands. Never mind where he got it, he looked demonic hovering over you and your instincts demanded you to expel him. You weren’t helpless underneath Joker. His strength was nothing compared to yours, but a part of you wanted to see what he would do.  
You rejected your divine intuition and remained still, much to Joker’s confusion. 
Why weren’t you scared? Did you not perceive him as a threat? Nothing made sense whenever you were around, and that fact should have driven him away. You were like an extra puzzle piece to a complete picture. Just one big conundrum he had to solve lest he go insane. 
Killing you was a sensible option, (Joker always killed off things that annoyed him) but he found himself hesitating. Who knows when another person would come along and flip his life upside down? Sure, he had Batman to do that, but... Batsy wasn’t like you.  
You were different. In a class of your own.  
He just couldn’t understand why you captivated him so. Joker couldn’t focus the entire day on committing crimes until he broke into your apartment and inhaled your mysterious scent. Then like a rush of air, things just felt right, and his mind was at peace.  
He could ignore large gaps of time missing if you were there to fill it with new memories.  
But why you? You were indispensable, just another citizen he could use in one of his twisted games. He should not care about you at all, however there was a nagging voice in his head that he couldn’t ignore. 
You do. You should care about her.  
The idea itself was ridiculous. Him? Caring about someone? Perhaps when Batman took off his mask.   
Until Joker could figure it out why you affected him so deeply, it was best practice to keep you alive. That didn’t mean he couldn’t mess with you in the meantime. He tapped your plump lips with the knife, still lost in thought.  
“So pretty....hm. I thoughT about killin’ ya but who could everrr harm an angel like you? No no no noooo no. No. No. I’m gonna keep you alive.”  
Joker traced your frown, your cheekbones, and the bridge of your nose. Each stroke left your skin tingling, it was so delicate. You would give anything to know the thoughts floating inside his head.  
Joker’s wild grin turned stone cold the longer he studied your features. All of his focus was on you like an apprentice watching their master.  
He gauged the emptiness in your eyes. Counted your breaths and mirrored his own to match them. And he respected your soft skin, taking great care not to break it with his razor-sharp knife.  
You didn’t dare move. Any abrupt movement and your true nature would be revealed the moment Joker saw your blood.  
He knew he was in control, but he didn’t revel in it.  
You disregarded the cold steel and concentrated on Joker. There was a lot to gather from the tentative jade boring into your soul. A spark of annoyance flashed in the vivid hue before all bets were off.  
Why were you so different? You lied there offering your life to Joker on a silver platter. No fear, no cries of mercy. Joker hated the owlish flutter of your lashes with each bored blink of your eyes.  
Why didn’t you follow the script? Screaming! Tears! That he could work with. Things would be a lot easier if you would react like the others.. 
His pranks weren’t funny if his prey didn’t play along. He wanted you to do something! 
Without warning, Joker plunged the knife deep into the pillow near your head. You didn’t even flinch. His heavy pants echoed through the quiet moonlit room. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.  
But that was okay. He could do better. He was The Joker, Gotham City’s worst nightmare. His name alone instilled fear into people’s hearts. You were just a challenge that’s all, but in time, you too would break.  
His breath came out as an airy wheeze before it gained traction and turned into a full-fledged laugh. It bounced off the walls of your apartment. Now this was more like the human you were assigned to protect. A madman. This you could work with.  
Joker stood up from the couch as if you burned him. He raked a shaky hand through his green hair as he backed away towards your open balcony. You sat up to watch him retreat into the night. 
You knew he’d be back.  
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mellozheist · 8 months ago
Hi guess who got no sleep last night (thanks doctor's appointment) and decided to watch your animatic again
I quote myself about 1 hour ago in a treebark channel on a discord server my friends and I made (to anybody that reads this i am so sorry):
(Also I'm sorry if somebody's uncomfortable with swearing :'D)
I'm sorry I still can't handle this animation's existence peoples
I can't with it
I'm crazy
THE END????????
Guys I need to resist spamming this thing in here
But at the same time IT'S SOOOOOO TEMPTING
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Furiously rattling the bars of my cell is that what it's called
Honestly I never thought I'd go insane over a ship called treebark
I don't think I've ever loved an animatic thid much
I wish they won. I wish Ren or Martyn was the winner of 3rd Life
C'MOOOOONNNNN [insert a bunch of screaming emotes here]
...what if i copied every single message and sent melloz this as an ask to show my appreciation
also the feather and the poppy but this is the treebark channel
Not desert duo
.........do i send this as an ask i am very sane i promise
One of my very favourite scenes though is the beheading scene, funnily enough
Me literally passing out when I see gore but not here cuz idk baumrinde <333333
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Also here
Or what if it's his head falling off after death cuz he died and that determination is no longer there to keep dogwarts, causing his hesd to fall off
New headcanon i think
And I just noticed I watched this like 6 times now DESERVED THOUGH
Gonna watch it again
I love them so much
I love this animatic so much
Guys I can't
Somebody stop me
Actually no
Oh also the song choice IS PERFECT????????
And with that, Melloz you're amazing, EVERYBODY WATCH THE ANIMATIC EVER >:D
I have so much fun reading this, It's like I'm in a theater seat watching this happen with 4D sound surrounding Lmaoooo
Thank you for sending this to me I really appreciate this <3333
I'm so happy you eating all the details I put in hehe
though the part where you describe Ren's neck as not aligning is probably just my error in art but that's also a really cool headcanon!
I might adopt that headcanon :d Like drawing Martyn carrying Ren's head
you really made my day Thank yooou :D
hope you get a good night sleep bud
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hyolks · 4 months ago
Yo! So I was scrolling down your posts and found the one about Al’s ever-increasing automail body and how you are unsure how many of his organs could be replaced and… I have personal experience with that! What a lovely thing, to go through organ failure and have it be worth it if I can pass on that experience for the sake of ✨semi-realism-maybe-if-you-squint✨
My pancreas failed. Entirely. I have to manually give myself insulin every time I eat, and do calculations for it all; I can eat pretty much anything, but it comes at a price. Something something “equivalent exchange” one might even say.
But anyway, I basically have a mechanical pancreas with a remote control! I inject a 7 day supply of insulin into it with a syringe, and I tell it how much and how frequently to inject manually. It can inject into any spot on the body with a thick enough fat layer, usually stomach, thighs, the flabby parts of your upper arm, etc… note: I was 90lbs when I first went into organ failure, you do not have to be any particular body type/size for this to work.
It’s a very simple concept for the machine, and very simple/limited commands. You could even combine the controller with it and make it so there’s a switch/buttons directly on the injection site that have pre-determined doses.
Insulin has to be kept temperature controlled when in storage too, so that’s a cool thing you could mess around with if he has to keep more than a week supply on him. (This can honestly also just be ignored if it’s too complicated ‘^-^)
Insulin is a hormone, basically a command to tell your body to do something. So this can be applied to certain parts of the brain as well!
I don’t know if this’ll help, or if you’ve already found other inspirations that conflict with it, I just thought “hey, this Al makes me feel a little less alone in the world, if I can project a piece of me onto him I’d be really happy”.
Sorry if that’s presumptuous or weird of me to do >~<
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OH MY GOSH DW DW THANK YOU SO MUH FOR SENDING THIS!!!! I SINCERELY APPRECIATE IT !!! i know its very strange to say but i love reading stuff like this and this was truly incredible to receive :")
medication/suppliments 1000% slipped my mind like i cant even BELIEVE it how much i forgot to consider it. i knew that going through an organ transplant also entailed needing to take medication to keep your body from rejecting it, but thats about where i stop with knowledge about regarding organ replacements,, but that is so interesting in your case with how much control and calculation is needed?? I also never thought about how truly indepth/technical mechanical organs would need to be!! especially since our organs just casually do the things they do and having a machine mimic it is more than just hitting "go" ...!! if you dont mind me asking how does it like stay powered, i guess ? :O
THE PRESSURE THAT WOULD BE ADDED IF THEY HAD TIME CONSTRAINTS BC OF MEDICATION..... OOOOOO.... especially with the temperature control.... them traveling through the desert would be so much more perilous !! I really will haveta figure out what he would be taking, if it were insulin or some almagomation (that included insulin of course) that could provide him the nutrients he would be missing out on because his lack of ability to eat/digest food...?
the handwavy science of canon that allows automail to work via nerve connections for motor control definitely like. eases the load a bit? although most of these organs require more function than just motor control... hmmm... REGARDLESS, thank u so mcuh for bringing up manually providing the body with hormones (and additionally nutrients), because no matter how quote unquote advanced the automail is, it wouldnt be able to actually produce the things he needs... process it, maybe? sure? but cannot produce it...!!
you're genuinely so sweet!!! thank you SO SO SO much for sending this in !! it really means so much to me that you can relate to this Al :")!! even though im probably trying to get tooo realistic with this portrayal (given the fact that al is mostly metal OTL) i dont want to like... not consider the things he would have to go through ? i guess? i cant quite figure out the words for what i want to say, but nonetheless!! <33333 thank you!!!!!
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 1 year ago
Penny: Auriel, Mary-Annette! Please pick up your toys before your father gets home, you know he'll trip over them!
Auriel Arc-Polendina: Okay Mama!
Mary-Annette Arc-Polendina: Yes Ma!
Jaune: Too late, but you should still pick them up.
Mary+Auriel: Dada/Daddy!
Jaune: *Hugging them* It feels like you've grown in the few hours I've been gone! Growing right in front of my eyes!
Jaune: *Hugging Penny* Good afternoon Honey.
Penny: You are home early. I assume Oscar saw fit to give you the rest of the day off?
Jaune: Yeah. I missed you~
Penny: I missed you to.
*They lean into to kiss each other, so close Penny can almost feel his lip against hers*
~Vacuo Desert, 3:00 am~
Penny: *Sits up so fast she hits her head on the upper bunk* OH MOTHER OF PEARL!
Weiss: PENNY! Penny are you okay?
Penny: I am ... I had an odd dream and the shock awakened me. I simply hit my head against your bunk and need an Cooling pack if you could get me one.
Weiss: *Cooling a handkerchief, slipping into her * Here, Do you want to talk about the dream?
Penny: No, I'd just like to 'sit' on it.
Weiss: Okay. You would like me to stay here?
Penny: Please do.
~The Next Night~
Weiss: Argent, Wash your hands, Dinner will be ready soon.
Argent Schnee-Polendina: Okay Mama! I love you!
Weiss: I love you to, but please do wash your hands.
Penny: *Kissing Argent's Cheeks* Actually, dinner is ready.
Weiss: You're very efficient Penny. *Hooking her arms around Penny's shoulders* It's why I love you~
Penny: *Sits up so fast she hits her head on the upper bunk. Again* GOSH DARN IT NOT AGAIN!
Penny: *Blushing* Oh- I- Ow! I had an odd dream and hit my head again. Like last night.
Jaune: Are you alright? Your face is red.
Penny: I'm fine, just ... I bit flustered this has occurred twice.
Jaune: Would it help if I slept next to you? It helped my little sisters to cling to someone.
Penny: *Blushing slightly harder* yes, I believe that would help ...
~The Next night~
Penny: *In a great big cuddle pile with Weiss, Jaune, and their kids*
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aeviagreenleaf · 2 months ago
Season 1 Episode 2 rewatch thoughts
Not my first rewatch, curious what I forgot/didn't notice previous times...
Adrift under the stars, so intense even for an elf
It’s interesting Celebrimbor says “Feanor” instead of my grandfather and there’s other instances that formality is used between relations and I guess this is to keep it simple for viewers.
His excitement for the forge is adorable. Definitely his father’s son and grandfather’s grandson. 
LOL poor Elrond delusional about being welcomed with open arms, sweet little elf
“No.” lol
“Over here,” ahhhh the first words he hears from her
“The tides of fate are flowing. Yours may be heading in or out.” The look she gives him haha, like this dude is so serious what a drama king 🙄
So basically love at first sight
“Looks can be deceiving” he definitely already senses she is an elf, maybe senses even more about her
First arm hold as he pulls her out of water
I swear he smirks a little after she says “Galadriel”
Elrond throwing the match cause he has realized Durin is mad for some reason and he wants to make it up to him 🥺 I do love Elrond’s humility which is rare for elves
And he asks for forgiveness
“No staying for dinner” lol then Disa is all smiles “you’re staying for dinner!”
Durin and Disa are so precious 
“I see you planted the sapling” 🥺🥺
And Disa reveals Durin’s treated the tree like a third child 🥺🥺
It’s so sexy the way Halbrand pours some water over his hair
I love Galadriel’s sass “do I have the look of a deserter?!”
As soon as he mentions orcs Galadriel is like !!!! I’ve been searching for centuries and this dude has seen them
But then she’s so soft “I grieve for you” of course he fell for her
Sauron is like what is this kindness she has for me a stranger, why is it affecting me 
When she says she’s been pursing this foe since before the first sunrise, I bet Sauron first thinks she is thinking of Morgoth which is partially true probably way back then but he slowly realizes she means him and he’s smirking a little cause I bet he’s so flattered
Okay with the storm brewing, you would almost think that Ulmo wants to give Galadriel and Sauron a chance to bond
The show runners have basically said Eru intervened so they met on the sea, presumably to shake Galadriel from her funk, but arguably Eru is also giving Sauron this little chance to be “touched by light” and maybe that can make a difference (sadly not enough but great fodder for fics)
Bronwyn is so badass, I miss her
“Bind yourself to me” will never not give me chills 😭🖤🤍 gosh I love these two
So bro doesn’t try to help Diarmid (kinda fair cause clearly he will die but he could’ve been kinder to him) and leaves his raft companions as worm fodder, but a pretty elf who has been nosy and pushy but empathetic falls into the sea and he jumps in to save her while in a vulnerable human fana 🥺🥺🥺
I hope we get more Elrond and Durin moments in season 3
How did I forget that hilt grows
So is Sauron pretending to be asleep and watching Galadriel sleep or did he actually wear himself out in that human body rescuing her? Could go either way depending on the fic, hehe....
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sleepstxtic · 1 month ago
Writer Interview Game! <3
Thank you so very very much for the tags @its-the-allure, @smehur, @academicdisasterfic !!
how many works do you have on ao3? 64! <3
what's your total ao3 word count? A whopping 6,58,387. I need to touch a little grass xD
your top 5 stories by kudos? My top 5 stories by kudos are a mix of Dune and Harry Potter!
The Weirding Collar (Dune)
Desertion (Dune)
A Love That Knows Of Itself (Harry Potter)
The Spice Ritual (Dune)
Rush (For A Gap That Exists) (Harry Potter)
do you respond to comments? I would love to, and try as much as I can to, but unfortunately I don't nearly as much as I would like to :(((
what's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? Gosh, so many to choose from. I did write a Thorki with a Pining!Loki that is pretty angsty, and a Drarry Ambiguous/Bittersweet Ending Fic for Reverse Bang 2022 which is very angsty, and also my first ever fic was an Angsty Zukka so! Lots to choose from bahaha.
what's the fic you've written with the happiest ending? Most of my fics are happy ending fics actually! (despite what I said above). Possibly all fics from my Drarry Sports Fic Collection would fit the bill <3
do you write crossovers? Nope! Not suuuper interested in crossovers.
have you ever received hate on a fic? Thankfully rarely, and not too vitriolic at that. I simply block and delete <3
do you write smut? A lot, yes! <3
have you ever had a fic stolen? Thankfully no <3
have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! I've had four fics translated, all Drarry (and it is such an honour! <3) - Rush (For A Gap That Exists) [Translation Here] - Connecting Lines, Connecting Crimes [Translation Here] - Going Down Swinging [Translation Here] - Salt [Translation Here]
have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! I collabed with the most incredible, brilliant @rainstormradish on the Drarry fic Fight or Flight, and it was truly one of my best fandom experiences ever. Radish is such a pleasure to work with, and it was such an honour to get to do this together (and also so fun!) <3
what's your all-time favorite ship? DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE PLEASE. I'm easy for any M/M or F/F ship bahaha.
what's a wip that you want to finish but don't think you ever will? Here is my secret superpower hehe. I always finish my WIPs (touching wood so hard rn). I don't leave a single WIP unfinished because I can only ever work on one fic at a time. So! All my fics are complete except for the one I'm currently working on!
what are your writing strengths? Plotting, worldbuilding, maybe dialogue!
what are your writing weaknesses? I think my biggest writing issue is impatience. I tend to want to zoom through the writing process which affects the interiority and possibly the pacing, I feel.
what are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I have done it and I think it could be a great tool for storytelling when employed appropriately! However, I only ever write dialogue in other languages when I can personally cross-verify the lines with a native speaker (or if I speak that language myself). Google translate is not our friend unfortunately.
what's a fandom/ship you haven't written for yet but want to? ARCANEEEEEE I have so many Jayvik/Zaundads/Timebomb ideas bouncing around in my head but alas! I must finish my current WIP first xD
what's your favorite fic you've ever written? Probably Fire and Blood which is a Lucemond fic I wrote for the House of the Dragon fandom! I spent so much time plotting and writing and living in this universe, and I think I found the final iteration of my writing voice when I was writing this fic. So! Lots of love for this one <3
Tagging: @calamity-cain, @lacrymosa-91, @desertmousy, @rainiermaria, @reythemandalor, @ladybundle but no pressure at all to do this!! And if I've missed anyone PLEASE feel free to do it anyway and tag me because I'd love to see your answers <3
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connor6sex · 10 months ago
Holy shit this conversation. transcript beneath the cut.
Minute: Hello
Clown: Hello Minute
Minute: We need to talk
Leo: Okay we can talk 
Minte: Let's fly to the original PMC base 
Leo: The original? Oh my gosh are you going to kill us? This is so sad. 
Minute: I’m not going to kill you guys.
Leo: Oh, thanks. All right ClownPierce, are we going to the original PMC base?
Clown: Yeah, we are. We owe you that much minute
Leo: This is the PMC reunion isn't it?
Clown: This is the PMC reunion 
Minute: This is the PMC reunion
Clown: It's sad, it's sad that this is it.
Leo: Yeah, yeah.
Clown: What's the last time we really worked together?
Leo: Couple, couple months.
Minute: Been a while.
Leo: Like 3 or 4 months probably. Quite some time.  
Clown: All right 
Leo: Wait, the original one? Like the original one? 
Minute: The desert one 
Clown: The original.
Minute: Or do you guys really want to get original?
Leo: No no no no no no that didn't count. 
Minute: If you want to be original we can go to the villagers. 
Leo: No this one's good this one's good okay this one has more memory with it.
Clown: This is like our real first base.
Leo: Yeah. ‘Do you want to trade?’ All right, ‘ladder climbers Inc’
Clown: Hi, what is this? Climb a ladder? Really? Okay, sorry.
Minute: Hey guys. 
Leo: MinuteTech.
Minute: Can I? Let me, let me- Can I ask why? 
Leo: 500 bucks.
Minute: Bruh. 
Clown: For me it was more about the peace, Minute. I am, I'm not good going out with peace on Lifesteal.
Minute: You know- You didn’t want to have to talk? You don't want to talk to me about this before making up your mind? You didn't want to owe me the conversation?
Clown: It all happened so fast, look these guys- No. No, I, I didn't want to talk to you, Minute cuz you were too far gone.
Leo: I- I, I would also like to say, like even before the $500. like uh people came to me with uh telling me to try to get presidency from you and I, I did agree to it. I won't lie um, just because it's just I don't know. It's just I don't think you're the best president Minute.
Minute: Why, though? Can I- I just want I want reasoning, cause that's- I’m missing out on a lot of that this whole Arc.
Leo: It's just, it's just not you, Minute. It's just not for you. You're just you're just not that guy. 
Minute: You don't think peace is the right direction?
Leo: I think peace is great but I don't think you're the person to do it. I don't think you have-
Clown: I think peace sucks.
Leo: I I don't think you can do it, Minute. That's the thing and I don't know, yeah I just. I couldn't see it end that way. 
Minute: (Sighs) Now why- Why side with Wemmbu? Why not start your own thing?
Clown: Um well they have a plan. and it was a pretty damn solid one.
Minute: Can I hear it?
Clown: Well you just experienced it. 
Minute: This- You- The server needs to be on Hardcore mode and conveniently the one person who is uncapable of dying is Wemmbu?
Clown: Um, I mean. We have an uneasy alliance with Wemmbu, you could call it. we don't really. Know exactly what he wanted to do, other than putting the server to Hardcore
Minute: Do you know what his secret policy is or is that still secret?
Clown: No, we, we knew nothing except for the Hardcore mode.
Leo: I don't know about that either, yeah.
Clown: we didn't know he was going to make himself immortal. 
Leo: Yeah.
Clown: Would you have done that, if you thought of that? 
Minute: I have thought of making myself immortal but I didn't. 
Leo: Yeah, like, actually Wemmbu didn't even come to me with the hardcore idea. Uh it was PrinceZam and Mapic they told me to get presidency and make the server hardcore. and I was going to do that but then it kind of ended up just going that way. So um, but yeah, I- I just I don't know, like it just doesn't really make sense to end it in peace like this. And I, it doesn't make sense for the PMC, for a member of the PMC. To be the president or the god of the server.
Clown: Exactly! Conflict is how our whole business. 
Leo: Yeah,
Clown: So why would we end it?
Leo: Yeah, I think if anything, like you know this is the PMC reunion. Let's uh, let's end it with a bang. We are the PMC like, if you guys are still down. I'd be 100% down to do that, let's you know, the server's about to turn to hardcore mode. Why don't we make the best of it?
Clown: That is a point.
Minute: (Sigh)
Clown: Look Minute this- This hurt right? This hurt cuz we've been through a lot. 
Minute: It hurts being lied to.
Leo: Yeah.
Minute: I just wish you guys owed me the honesty. Instead of this being the way I found out. 
Leo: Yeah, sometimes that's just the way it is. 
Clown: See Minute, when you have that much power. When you can snap your fingers and make anything happen. You don't have that luxury anymore. 
Minute: (Sigh)
Clown: But hey, now we're on equal playing fields, and now we can talk to each other, you know?
Leo: Yeah, yeah, yeah. 
Minute: (Sigh)
Leo: Minute, the end is already going to happen. It's too late, why don't we just forget the past, and you know, figure out what to do next?
Minute: This is a lot for me to take in. But why Wemmbu? Why we- Clown, you and I were against him before? Why?
Clown: I didn't like it either, okay. Let, let me-
Minute: I'll tell- I'll tell you better. I'll tell you better than anyone, he's just going to use you and spit you out whenever it's convenient. Or whenever you're no longer convenient for him. I know it better than anyone! 
Clown: I think we can handle Wemmbu. 
Minute: He can't die! 
Clown: Oh but he can drop.
Minute: He's just gonna sit tens of thousands of blocks out and wait for everyone to kill each other until he's the last one. I know this better than anyone! Why  didn't you talk to me? 
Clown: To be fair- 
Leo: He might not be able to die, but-
Minute: You could have reasoned with me before this! you didn't have to do all this!
Clown: I figured like, the whole plan out, like 3 hours ago. And then I made dinner. So, I didn't know it was happening today. But also that's besides the point. Um, like I said minute, like you having that much power. Revealing that plan to you, if you decided to-
Minute: What makes you think I'm not to be reasoned with? 
Leo: I mean you were set on peace and that just wasn't going to happen, Minute.
Minute: You were in my VC 30 minutes before that agreeing with it! 
Leo: Yeah, because I had to lie to you Minute. 
Clown: Technically I never lied. We just-
Leo: Well to be fair you, you lied through the absence of speaking, but yeah. 
Clown: (hushed) Not helping. 
Leo: Oh sorry. He didn't lie. Minute it's just, it's just the way this works. Like I know, I know it hurts. Like the whole betrayal thing, you know in a way. Uh, is- I get it I think this is almost the first time that's really happened to you right? In this kind of fashion. But it's just the way it is. Like sometimes things just got to happen, because they got to happen. 
Clown: And hey it's- It's not like we could do anything could we? 
Leo: Yeah, it was going to happen anyways.
Clown: Be honest, if we came to you. If we came to you and we said: Oh your whole plan of Peace? Throw it out the window. Would you have done it?
Minute: I would have listened! That is the point of us being the PMC! We're supposed to be brothers in this! We started this- We started the season together. Why are we going behind my back before talking to me?
Clown: Cuz we were scared. 
Minute: You were scared of me!?!
Clown: We're scared of- We're scared of that power you had Minute. It's, it was a lot, it's a lot of power. 
Leo: It's honestly, like it's better for the person with power to be your enemy, than it is to be your friend. Because it's much much harder to betray your friend, when they have that much power. It's just not even possible at that point. I don't-  like, I would hate, to have worked against you. And plotted to kill you or chunk ban you, or put you in the void or whatever, right? It's much better this way, it's much better.
Minute: It isn’t.
Leo: I think it is.
Minute: lying? 
Leo: I mean they're both- They both involve lying, but now we have a common enemy. We can, we can all work towards against him. It's much better than me and Clown working against you. 
Minute: It never had to be this way. I was always one dm away. you guys chose to betray me. I don't want to fight you, I don't want that to be the way we separate. 
Clown: Then we want-
Minute: I'm very conflicted. 
Leo: What are you going to do then?
Minute: That’s what I’m gonna figure out.
Leo: Good luck.
Minute: I'll see you guys 
Leo: Buh Bye. 
Clown: Bye Minute.
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knwatchesninjago · 1 year ago
S1E7 Tick Tock
Okay I guess we can start with...
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I'm seriously impressed with these teenagers' stamina... like they were running thru deserts, climbing mountains, etc... and here I am... a 15-year-old barely being able to get across my school building to get to class in time. *sigh*
I really hate this whole 30-image-per-post limit bc i really want to put a buncha screenshots here... but alas...
Here is some cute baby Wu and Garm pics, lol
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And some cute Zane pics!! <333
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BUt I watched it for y'all...
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This was me the entire time ^ (just add more cringe to their expressions)
I'm not crying... you are...
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^Oh my gosh!! They did the Tangled thing!! Lol^
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^ The way his face just goes blank 😭 ↓ 
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I'm not gonna leave this post crying... sooo time to question Ninjago!!! Yay!!!
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Uhhhhh.... HOW is this a kid's show???!!?! Lol!!
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I feel u Wu... I miss our little gremlin as well :'(
Y'alll... this was torture!!!
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How could u do this to me?!?! I couldn't see what the messages and activities were bc I was making this post!! Y'allllll 😭
Welp, I'm finally done, lol!! :3
Anyways, I gtg now!! See y'all next time for ep8!!
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thehomeofplatonicfics · 2 years ago
Hiya! I am soooo happy you opened your request box cause I've been loving all your fics so far <3 Can I request a hogwarts legacy mc reader fic talking to a portrait of professor fig after the events of the game? I always think they game never acknowledged how upset mc would really be losing fig, like their expression in the funeral was so blank it was painful!!
A/N: Oh my gosh, anon! Thank you so much for being the first person to send me a request! I 100% agree with you, like I was sobbing during that scene and MC just scrunches their nose?! I honestly think this is my best fic, so please if you like it do tell me! <3
I Miss You
MC!Reader x Professor Fig (platonic!)
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It had only been two months since you became the hero of Hogwarts. Only two months since the only father figure you’d ever had died. The professors had quickly commissioned his portrait, and for over a week now he had hung proudly inside the office of his Magical Theory classroom. You had yet to visit the portrait of Professor Fig. The upcoming OWLs, only days away, were your main excuse. That you simply didn’t have time. In truth, you were scared to confront your loss head on… no one could make you admit how much Eleazar Fig’s passing had affected you.
As you left an early morning study session, you mused about how difficult it would be for Professor Fig’s successor. They would surely know that they had big shoes to fill. You imperceptibly shook your head to yourself, whoever they were… you almost felt sorry for them.
Heading down the corridor towards the Great Hall for a well-deserved breakfast, you walked past the classroom you’d come to know so well. Suddenly, you felt rooted to the spot. It was like you were hit with your grief all at once. You realised what you were truly afraid of… the future, one you had to face without your mentor.
You needed to see the office. You needed Professor Fig. Gliding towards the classroom, eyes searching the corridor for anyone watching you, you slipped through the classroom door. Passing through the empty classroom, you cautiously opened the office door that you once used to bolt through. The confidence was gone, maybe forever.
It was difficult to miss the large painting hanging behind the professor’s desk, and your eyes instantly locked with his familiar brown ones. He gave a smile of relief, and you felt your breath hitch in your throat. “Ah, Y/N. I wondered when I’d be seeing you. What brings you here?” You felt yourself welling up, and you balled your hands into fists to try and maintain some composure. His voice was like a drop of rain in the midst of the hottest desert.
“I just… I just need some advice.” The words tumbled out of you before you could think about it as you slowly stepped closer and closer to the painting. “The Hero of Hogwarts needing my humble advice? Sounds serious.” He spoke with a bemused tone. You jumped up to sit on top of his desk, hunching over to make yourself as small as possible, hands clasped tightly. Anything to stop yourself from breaking down. “You are… were a hero too.” You muttered under your breath.
“What troubles you, my young friend?” He looked at you with furrowed brows and a concerned gaze. He had never seen you so downtrodden before.
“Well, I don’t know… I guess just - everyone else has had five years to prepare for the exams. And I, well, I’ve only had one.” You rolled your eyes at yourself, almost feeling silly for complaining about it. “And you’ve done exceptionally well, you’ve surpassed any expectations that anyone had of you. Including me, and my expectations of you were already very high.”
“What if I’ve not done enough?” You questioned, deliberately looking anywhere except at Fig’s painting. “What if I don’t get the grades I need?” The painting shook his head with a lopsided smile. After all you’d accomplished, you still couldn’t see your true worth. “I know you shall. I’ve seen you work, I’ve seen your abilities. There is no doubt in my mind you’ll get at least Exceeds Expectations in every class.” You shook your head slowly, wanting to believe it but feeling like something was blocking you. A few moments of silence passed, the professor patiently waiting for you to continue, knowing instinctively that something more was bothering you.
“What will my future be? What do I want to be?” You looked up, staring directly into his painted eyes, desperately trying to remember his real ones. How warm they had been, how you could see decades of wisdom and experience behind them. “I’ve known so little about this world, and now I have to decide my whole future in it.” Your voice cracked as you struggled to keep your emotions bottled in. Professor Fig nodded his head sagely, and you knew he understood what you needed in that moment.
“You’d like my help to decide?” It was more of a statement than a question. “Help me prioritise which subjects to focus on.” A hand ran through your hair, then over your face. “I’ll need the best grades in subjects I carry to NEWTs… and those exams determine my career, right?” The painting hesitated, clasping his hands in front of him before humming in agreement.
Silence again. This time it was charged, heavy with words unsaid. You wanted to break the silence but didn’t know what to say. Technically, the Professor Fig in front of you wasn’t really him and as you chewed on your lip staring at floor below the painting, you were painfully aware of it.
“I think you should consider taking Magical Theory as a NEWT.” Your head whipped up to meet Fig’s gaze, eyebrows raised. “No… No, I couldn’t.” He frowned, his head tilting slightly. “Why not? We spent the whole year researching your own magic, I think you could teach the class yourself now.” He chuckled to himself, but the eyes that once sparkled when he laughed remained the same dull brown. Another reminder that things would never be the same. “Because… it wouldn’t be you teaching me. I don’t think I could stand it. Someone else standing where you should be.”
You stared at each other for a few moments before you broke the eye contact, lowering your eyes into your lap, your hands almost bleeding from how deep you were digging your nails into your skin.
“Y/N, I may never have taught you officially in my class, but you’ll always be my proudest achievement. I hope you know that.” He always knew exactly what to say, even when you didn’t know what you needed to hear. The tears slipped down your cheeks before you could stop them, and soon the floodgates opened and all the bottled emotions came seeping out at once.
“I miss you so much. I don’t know how I’ll do this without you.” Loud sobs echoed across the office, and a hand lay on your chest as you tried to fight the intensity of what you were feeling. “You taught me everything, I wouldn’t even be here without you. And now I have to continue on without my… father.”
The painting of the Professor looked shocked for a moment before he melted into a warm smile. If he could have hugged you, he would have. “I’ll always be here, Y/N. I know it isn’t quite the same. But the advantage of being a painting is that you’ll always know where to find me. I won’t be off on a week-long research project… or sent off on one of the headmaster’s silly errands.”
A quiet giggle escaped you, soon developing into a real laugh. It was brief, but it was time you’d laughed since he died. Professor Fig smiled down at you, pleased to see a glimpse of your old self again. You wiped away your tears, summoning a parchment and quill. “Okay. Let’s get down to business, shall we?” You announced with a true smile, one that the painting returned with a fond nod. It wasn't quite the same, but the painting would help you through your grief. You'd always have a piece of your mentor in your heart.
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stardewvalleybut-i-draw · 1 year ago
Lover of Haley anon here confused by what you meant saying this: my gosh, does this game want a lot of farm money from you for that I was also wondering like for my perfection Haley file I finished the community center in year 2 middle of summer and it is year 4 middle of summer and I am working on crop compilation but do you have any advice for how to do cooking in one year like get all of the ingredients thx
Well, what I meant was that this game wants me to make THIS MUCH GOLD
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In order to afford to get the Earth Obelisk, Water Obelisk, Desert Obelisk, and Island Obelisk along with the gold clock to get the True Perfection statue
and for the recipes, It's all about organizing what information you need!
what I did was go to the Wiki and just marked all the recipes I was missing from my game!
or if you're missing a lot, just go from left to right, one recipe at a time!
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the Wiki organized the recipes just like the game does so it's easy for me to find what I'm missing
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Then the problem becomes The Queen of Sauce
At that point just do your best to remember the date or check on Wednesdays and hope the game is mercifully enough to give you a recipe you're missing
As you can tell... I have not been so lucky.
word of advice... don't forget Winter 21'st
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sirianasims · 1 year ago
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Chapter 30
It’s Nice to Have a Friend
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I walked away from my father and Cecilia as quickly as I could. Of course my dad would drag out the goodbyes forever. He was always a bit sentimental when it came to me and Gracie. I remembered how he had teared up when she first started kindergarten.
Still, I would miss them too, so I hurried off before I started crying as well.
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I wondered where Samuel was. Had he already arrived as well? The house had been deserted when we moved my stuff in. I’d even tried the door to his room, but it had been locked. He was probably out exploring campus like I was.
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I shook myself mentally. Don’t think about Samuel. I was here to study and play football and get new friends. Not run around after Samuel like a lost puppy just because he felt… safe.
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Even so, I found myself scanning for his dark curls as I walked around campus. I felt a little uneasy around all these strangers. So many people, just walking about or waiting for someone. There was even a Lobster Larry mascot to welcome the new students.
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I ended up at the student hub, Larry’s Lagoon. I’d barely entered the building before a voice called my name.
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“Freya? Hey, over here!”
“Oh, hey Jessica!”
I knew Jessica from my high school football team, but we hadn’t been that close. I was a little embarrassed that I didn’t even know she’d been accepted to Foxbury as well. She was sitting next to a blonde girl.
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“Freya, this is Trisha, she lives in my dorm. Trisha, this is Freya, I think she’s in biology as well, right? And we’re all on the team!”
We chatted for a bit, mostly about football. I felt better now that I wasn’t all alone. It was really nice having someone I already knew around, and Trisha seemed pretty cool.
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Suddenly, Trisha leaned over and whispered loudly.
“Girls, don’t look, but there’s a really hot guy coming over here.”
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Of course I looked up immediately – only to see Samuel walking towards us.
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“Freya! There you are!”, he smiled.
I wasn’t sure what to do, but Samuel politely introduced himself to the girls, expertly compensating for my lack of manners. Then he turned back to me.
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“I have to go, I’m meeting up with my pre-med study group, but I’ll see you tonight. Ladies.”
He nodded to Jessica and Trisha and walked off.
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As soon as he was out of hearing range, Jessica turned to me.
“Oh my gosh, he’s so cute! And a medical student? Are you guys dating?”
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“What? No, we’re… roommates. We’ve sort of been friends for years before we got here.”
“Oh, is he taken at all, then?”
“… No?”
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“Don’t even think about it, Jess – I call dibs on Dr. Hotness.”
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“Trisha! You can’t just call dibs on day one!”
Trisha rolled her eyes.
“Fiiiiine, I’ll wait until tomorrow then. But mark my words, I will get the good doctor to do a personal exam before the midterms.”
They both laughed, and I tried to smile.
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I hadn’t really thought about it before. I knew, logically, that Samuel would probably be dating here. He was a good-looking medical student, of course all the girls would be falling over themselves to get to know him.
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For some reason, the thought of him spending time with other girls bothered me. He was my best friend, yes, but it would be very selfish of me to keep him all to myself. Just because I wasn’t going to date yet, there was no reason that my friends couldn’t, right?
And if I was a little bothered by it, it was only because it meant that he would have less time to hang out with me.
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I’d completely lost track of whatever Trisha and Jessica were talking about, so I excused myself, telling them I’d see them at practice.
beginning / previous / next
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darkx-the-dragon-kn1ght · 3 months ago
Chapter 44- Part 1
First thing's first, gotta get the usual party back in order, here we go-
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Also, I decided to swap out Kirin's Odd Incense with the Twisted Spoon- not sure if it'll make any difference with her Psychic damage output, but I'm doing it anyways. 
Now, Noel and explosions both made it very clear we need to go back and investigate Tanzan Mountain some more, in order to confirm Saphira's life or death. So let's get going!
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And it's still raining, okay, fair enough, in-universe this all is probably happening on the same day sooo-
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Alright, looking normal so far…what about heading back to where the Meteor base was?
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Oh! Not sure what I was expecting, honestly, but- yeah, it sure did get destroyed, can't go back in there now. But still no sign of Saphira…maybe we need to check outside somewhere?
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No clues out here either…where could Saphira have ended up? Where do I go now? Did I miss something…?
Hmmm…no, hold on, there is something else. Wasn't there a gate on the left side of that big chamber? Just like the one blocking the Meteor base?
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Aha, there we go, that's new! Even if we don't find Saphira, it'll still be nice to see what's behind this gate finally.
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So far, it's the usual affair- but that X Sp. Atk could be helpful, we'll have to see. Speaking of seeing, this more open area up here makes me wonder if-
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Saphira! There she is! I knew it, she's immortal!
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Oh absolutely not, I think we all knew she'd be back. Impeccable timing on that N’s Bridge remix again, I'll never be able to hear this remix without thinking of this game again-
Also, I know she probably just used one of her Pokémon to break down the wall, but the way it's framed it's just really funny for me to imagine Saphira just burst through the stone wall by herself-
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So it was Saphira who destroyed the base, okay…so then where did Charlotte go? And to a lesser extent, did the giant Steelix get to partake in the vengeance too?
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Oh?? A present?? Just for Xera?? I am looking??
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AH-!? AAAAAAH!! THE RING! THE PENDANT! SHE GOT THEM! SAPHIRA OH MY GOSH I LOVE YOU!! (and I mean love in the general “I am so happy you exist and have done this” way, not the “thirsting for a fictional character” way)
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Oh don’t worry, Xera and the kids are already on top of that, we should really get back to them so they can explain the lore to you, too.
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Wha…? Wait, Xera’s gotta leave? But she only got to sleep in an actual real bed, like…twice! I mean keeping the keys away from the kids for their protection makes enough sense, sure, but…
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Was…Saphira being a Gym Leader herself established earlier? I can’t remember if it was, I only remember Charlotte being a Gym Leader and Laura an Elite Four. Well, given she has a Dragonite, I think it’s obvious which type Saphira here specializes in…
But wait, I assumed Charlotte's Gym situation was a lot like Noel’s, where the arena was at the Orphanage- but she has an actual Gym? How’s she been able to maintain it if she’s been living at the Orphanage? When was the last time it was dusted??
Also also, if Labradorra and Calcenon are confirmed part of this Carnelia Region, then…one moment.
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I know I’ve been assuming the desert is part of Aventurine, but if Carnelia is up north there, the layout seems less awkward if the desert isn’t stapled to the side of Aventurine with those grayer mountains in the way. Although, at this point, I’m starting to suspect the desert is its own thing entirely…or it’s a part of Reborn after all, could go either way.
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loverofcartoons · 1 year ago
So I watched the Prince of Egypt proshot
It wasn’t good
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The Bad
The characterizations
Moses and Rameses father Pharaoh Seti is portrayed much more Jovial. In the film is was very stoic and strict which is reflective of him in the Bible. In the film he is honestly pretty scary. In the stage production, his yells at rameses once, but immediately joking around right after.
The Pharaoh when confronted by Moses about the death of the Hebrew babies, states that it wasn’t something he necessarily wanted to do but needed to. The sentiment that “they were just slaves” is absent, which lessens the cruelty of the crime.
As Moses runs into the desert, he clearly isn’t as upset with his father as he should be. The line “ask the man I once called father” is missing during this scene. After Moses left, the pharaoh banishes him but begrudgingly. We see him still grieving Moses absence as he dies.
Rameses is portrayed much the same way throughout the play. Even once Moses returns to beg for the slaves to be set free, Rameses is seen as kind hearted, actually wanting to grant Moses request but is stopped by his wife and the Priest. It isn’t until Rameses son dies that we see a turn in him, but is clearly still being influenced by the priest. In the end, hesitating to kill Moses and sends his soldiers back, letting the Hebrews go.
The costume design
As I understand these costumes were changed for this specific production, but gosh they are bad. They are a strange mix between British royal garb and ancient Egypt Halloween costumes.
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All of the royal outfits just feel incredibly out of place
The songs (but mostly The Plagues)
This was the biggest hit for me. They changed Moses and Rameses verses in The Plagues. The Chorus stayed the same the verses were completely changed. The charged emotion that had been there before lost completely. If you want to hear for yourself, go give it a listen on YouTube or Spotify and hear for yourself.
The rest of the song from the film were kept in tact and performed perfectly fine. The new songs are honestly very forgettable. The Act one Finale, Never in a Million years and Heartless seem to be the best among them, but are still just ok. The music itself felt like it belonged in a D tier Disney movie, not a Bible epic.
The absence of dramatic resonance
The stage production has a habit of making the quiet dramatic moments loud or rushing through them entirely. The scene were Moses mother sings a reprise of All I Ever Wanted is supposed to be quiet and comforting, instead, it is belted out. It seemed that every time there was a scene where two characters were talking about something serious, they were just trying to get to the next scene. Never giving the audience time to sit and feel the moment.
The burning bush scene is one of the most impactful scenes in the movie. Although the stage production handles it interestingly enough, using dancers to interpret the fire and all of there voices as one sing the word of God, the scene is too short and throws away the quiet majesty present in the film.
The good
The choreography
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The choreography and the dancers themselves were the best part of the whole show. The dancers were often used to tell the story that is difficult to tell on stage. They are the fire, the river, the Red Sea, the desert sands fighting against Moses. They are the hieroglyphics on the walls and the Midianites dancing with Zipporah. It was gorgeous to look at.
More inclusive
For those of you who were not aware, the film cast of Prince of Egypt was astonishingly white. In this production almost every member of the main cast is a person of color.
This production also tries to put more focus on its female characters. They actually introduce us to Rameses wife Nefertari. Showing that they were forced into marriage by both of their families. Moses wife Zipporah is also given slightly more emphasis. There is an added scene of Zipphrah and Moses flirting while Moses watches the sheep, enabling us to see a bit of their courtship which is complied into a montage in the film. While fleeing with the Hebrews, she has an emotional moment expressing how much she will miss her family, never being able to see them again.
Moses and Rameses mother is also given an extra scene during The Plagues, pleading with Moses to stop and see reason.
The prince of Egypt musical looks spectacular with its stellar choreography, staging and lighting, but falls insanely flat with its costume design and script. They took an amazing, epic story of two brothers at odds that felt almost Shakespearean at times, and made it feel entirely childish. It’s almost as if they didn’t think the audience could handle the original interpretation and decided to water it down.
If you, for some reason, have Broadway HD and love the film, give this one a pass.
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fatuismooches · 2 years ago
SMOOCHES!!! Hii beautiful!! ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১
I hope you’ve been doing amazing!! (Small update on my genshin exploration: I’m almost done with the desert! I’m just missing the last expansion patch that we got like 2 months ago! I haven’t even started the new event because I want to finish my exploration before Fontaine comes) but how have you been? Have you been saving for any new chars? If so what are your funds? I’d love to know!!
Alright on to the main topic! This is kinda just a small headcanon and also inspired by what you said in a brainrot: but fragile!reader most likely does wake up in the middle of the night at times. (Most likely due to reoccurring nightmares) so usually when you do get startled awake, you usually just walk around the laboratory. And whenever you do, a clone or two will find you and slightly scold you for being out of bed and that your body seriously needs it. But after scolding you they usually just join you on your small walk to hopefully tire you out. (I swear the clones are like small kittens who won’t detach themselves from you bc of how much they love you and just imagining these blue haired scary looking masked grown men following little you is 😭💕💗💖)
However, at times when you’re really shaken up, you’ll just head straight to Dottore’s lab or his bedroom. Although it’s usually the first since Dottore never sleeps, so when he sees you walk into his lab at 3 AM, he knows it’s because you’ve been shaken up badly from one of your nightmares again. So he’ll let you stay as he continues to work. Letting you sit at his desk while he runs an experiment. Or he would offer to you his bedroom, which you usually decline as what you want is to see your husband be safe. (Your nightmares sometimes concern him, so you just want to make sure he’s safe and not in the condition that you saw him in, in your nightmare) but you do eventually fall asleep in his lab, which makes him pick you up and put you in his bedroom. He wishes he could have your nightmares instead. Already being inflicted with a mysterious illness and now having nightmares. He just wants you to be truly happy, and not have to put up a fake act or fake smiles (Dottore most likely Can tell whenever you’re faking your smiles, although he doesn’t want to upset you and call you out on it) so in the meantime he’ll try his somewhat best in making you smile. Sure his attempts may be horrible at first, but it’s the thought that counts! You’ll be sure his kiss his cheeks and lips a few times as an “A for effort”.
What was supposed to be short turned out long I’m so sorry!! 😭 I always get carried away and end up writing more than I mean to. (Also just a little self indulgent but what if fragile!reader had a blanket they’ve had since probably when they were a kid, and they just love it. Like their plushie! But instead, whenever you wake up from your nightmares and go on walks or to Dottore’s lab, you just…bring it with you. It’s what helps you sleep after all! You could literally sleep on the floor so long as you have your blanket (and plushie) with you) I’m only adding this because I’ve had a blanket since I was born and I literally drag it with me in the house. I’m going to the kitchen? It’s coming with me. OKAYOKAY! I’ll stay quiet now!! I hope you enjoy this smooches!! I am smooching your cheeks n forehead and ur nose till your face is all sore ໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১ you’re deserving of all the cuddles and hugs and kisses in the world I love you so so much!! I’m wishing you a very happy day and week!! Hehe okay bye bye!!!!૮ ˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶ ა 💕💗💖💗
-From your boo boo bear 🎐 anon! ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა
GOSH I AM KISSING YOUR BRAIN THIS IS JUST SO 🥺🥺😍 Whenever you have dreams, it’s a bit of a struggle to go back to sleep. Not only do the nightmares make you too scared to sleep again, but even the happier dreams of the past make you too sad to get sleepy again since you keep thinking of what once was. So instead of twisting and turning alone in the dark you decide to just walk around the lab to try and get your mind off things. But of course the lab always has clones running about no matter what time it is, sometimes you only walk a few feet and already bump into a clone. Every time they just sigh and give you that look again, that lecture that you probably have memorized already, they always try to guide you back to your room (and sometimes it works, and they sit in your room with you and help you fall back to sleep.) But if you pull out the pleading and pouty eyes they’ll be giving in quickly and entertain your request (cue them carrying you back to bed later 🥺) (Also Cattore so real… I find it so funny you could just be walking with a clone or two and they’ll be treating you with so much respect and love, talking very animatedly and then when you come across a regular Fatui assistant they’ll just give them a ‘wtf are u looking at slacker I’ll kill u’ and the assistant is just praying they get transferred to another squad 😭) (Plus they report it every time this stuff happens to Prime and he’s just :( he is at a loss at how he or science can help you, every time he sees those eye bags… he just. Curses internally.)
The first few times you walked right into his lab an at ungodly hour he was just like ??? Internally panicking and worrying something was really wrong with you to seek him out at this hour, and probably barraged you with questions and was even about to run some tests on you until you just interrupt him and spill the whole dilemma you’ve been in. How the nightmares are hurting you and you can’t find it in you to sleep again. Dottore knows very well how one will find it hard to sleep if the mind is troubled so he won’t force you to sleep again, but he’ll encourage you to try at least. Even if he’s in the middle of doing something that requires to stand up, he’ll find something to work on so you can sit down comfortably on his lap. He sometimes wonders about your dreams but you prefer not to speak about them or do so very vaguely so he doesn’t push it. Unfortunately he has yes to develop a dream-preventing injection so the only thing he can do is be ready to receive you when you show up at his door ;( The first time Dottore called you out on a fake smile you were so shocked and then nearly broke down catching him off guard. Though he is a very straight to the point no bs person he’s learned not to do that again. He is not very good with verbal affection so a lot of it just comes from him holding you, and also recounting some infuriating encounters he had with the other Harbingers (you find them hilarious though) and he tolerates it simply because of the kisses and actual smiles he gets <3
And omg… yes reader’s special blanket <3 (The lab would be torn upside down if you ever lost it) I love how cherished your blanket is 💖 I don’t have a specific blanket but I also can’t sleep if I dont have one, and if I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t find my plushies I get mad and search in the dark and sometimes resort to turning on the light 😭
Okay moving on from the dot brainrot- I’m so glad you’re catching up on the desert progress! It really is a lot, but I know you got this!! Hopefully Fontaine is more fun, I love exploring but even the desert had me like 💀 most because of the scenery. If you do play the summer event I hope you enjoy it, it’s definitely my favorite out of the 3 summer events we’ve gotten :3 As for me… I have roughly 70 wishes I think? Close to pity, no guarantee. I was considering trying to get Lyney since I want some Fontaine characters, but I’m not too sure yet so I’m just gonna wait until the release to decide who I want! I might just skip everyone for Arlecchino too haha. Are you saving for anyone 🎐 anon? Dottore maybe? AND DONT WORRY I LOVE YOUR LONG BRAINROTS!!! The depth and everything is so chefs kiss 😫 I am giving you infinite number of smooches mwah mwah!! Ily more🎐 anon~!!
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heavenlyhoundoom · 6 months ago
Me roasting Hoenn.
Treecko: I bet this pokemon licks its eyes.
Grovyle: You had a very weird meme.
Sceptile: Do those back seeds hurt?
Torchic: The boys have small specks on their butts.
Combusken: Some pointed out that it looks like a certain body part, and now I can't unsee it.
Blaziken: The first fire/fighting starter that everyone "loves".
Mudkip: The most overused pokemon meme.
Marshtomp: It looks like it can't think.
Swampert: One razor leaf and you're dead.
Poochyena: Only known for chasing Birch.
Mightyena: Aka, Diet Houndoom.
Zigzagoon: I hope we get a tanuki pokemon that actually looks like a tanuki one day.
Linoone: Apparently, tanukis evolve into badgers.
Wurmple: Slightly more interesting than the other regional bugs due to its split evolutions.
Cascoon and Silcoon: It sucks that which evolution you get is determined by something completely out of your control.
Dustox and Beautifly: Living proof of pretty privilege.
Lotad, Lombre, and Ludicolo: Did you know these pokemon are based on kappas, a yokai known for drowning people?
Seedoot: This kind of looks like a mario enemy.
Nuzleaf: Why does it have nipples?
Shiftry: How are you able to do anything with those leaf hands?
Tailow: It's just a bird.
Swellow: You're mainly known for one of the biggest ass pulls In the anime.
Wingull and Pelliper: Why are you in every region after your introduction!?
Ralts: And the winner for most ridiculous haircut goes to...
Kirlia: Your haircut has gotten slightly better, but only slightly.
Gardevoir: Poor thing was rule 34ed beyond repair.
Surskit: Ah. =)
Masquerain: You have to be the most forgettable gen 3 pokemon.
Shroomish: I can't unsee the clip where someone flipped its face upside down and made another face.
Breloom: AKA: The kangashroom.
Slakoth: I wish people could be as chill as this guy.
Vigoroth: The caffeine addict pokemon.
Slaking: Oh my gosh, it's the man behind all those live action Disney remakes!
Nincada and Ninjask: They went from having a super cool type combo to having the most overused bug combo ever.
Shedinja: Don't go looking at its back.
Whismur: Why does it have a butt hole!?
Loudred: It's so ugly!!!
Exploud: Why would anyone want to train such a loud pokemon!?
Makuhita and Hariyama: It's sumo time!!!
Azurill: This pokemon created the first pokemon trans icon.
Nosepass: How big are its boogers?
Skitty: Too bad You're only known for being able to breed with a whale.
Delcatty: Look at that neck pillow.
Sableye: I feel like if it could talk, it would sound like Stitch.
Mawile: How heavy is your mouth hair?
The Aron line: Why would you create metal termites!?
Meditite: It looks like it's wearing a diaper.
Medicham: Now it looks like a pingas!
Electrike and Manectric: I would've never known that these were supposed to be dogs if people didn't tell me.
Plusle and Minun: These pokemon only exist to show off the new(at the time) double battle mechanic.
Volbeat and Illumise: Zzzz....
Roselia: You should've been a gen 4 pokemon.
Gulping and Swalot: Their names are such a dirty mind test.
Carvanha and Sharpedo: Apparently, piranhas evolve into sharks.
Wailmer: Not nearly as memorable as your evolution.
Warlord: And you're only known for being able to breed with a tiny cat.
Numel: The slowpoke for camel lovers.
Camerupt: You're Maxie's ace pokemon, and you're still forgettable.
Spoink: I would hate to have to bounce all the time to stay alive.
Grumpig: Miss Piggy without her makeup.
Spinda: If you're trying to catch every spinda variant, then you have no life.
Trapinch: This was the bane of my existence in X and Y.
Vibrava and Flygon: The "Why aren't these bug/dragon type" pokemon.
Cacnea and Cacturne: I'm gonna add these pokemon to my list of reasons to never go to the desert.
Swablu and Altaria: Mmmm... cotton candy...
Zangoose: Don't leave this pokemon alone with your pet snake
Seviper: Shiny killers, shiny killers, shiny killers!
Lunatone and Solrock: Shouldn't you two be in the super star daycare?
Barboach: More like barbitch!
Wishcash: This pokemon eats masterballs for breakfast!
Corphish and Crawdaunt: Mmmm...crawfish...
Baltoy: Dreidel, dreidel, dreidel, I made it out of clay.
Claydol: Ah, yes. Biblically accurate pokemon.
Lileep: You'd think the first rock/grass type would look more interesting.
Cradilly: Don't lie. You also used to think Cradilly's eyes were its teeth.
Anorith: Stop staring at me with them big old eyes!
Armaldo: A another shiny ruined by the saturation of the 3d era.
Feebas and Milotic: Ugly duckling but with fish.
Castform: How does it feel to have gone years without shinies for your alternative forms?
Kecleon: How are you able to hide from opponents when the stripe on your belly doesn't change?
Shuppet and Banette: You two really need therapy.
Duskull: You're just a bully.
Dusclops: I don't like how it feels like it's staring into my soul.
Tropius: Are those bananas removable, asking for a friend.
Chimecho: Who are you again?
Absol: The emo pokemon.
Wynaut: Was this pokemon really necessary?
Snorunt: It looks so puntable!
Galie: Why do you look so pissed, man?
Spheal: I can't roast perfection.
Sealeo: Your mustache looks like cut-up paper.
Walrein: Who else used to think this pokemon was a pseudo legendary?
Clampearl: Give me them pearls!
Huntail and Gorebyss: Everyone keeps talking about how Remoraid evolving into Octillery makes no sense, but what about these guys?
Relicanth: How have you survived for so long while also being able to die from a single vine whip?
Luvdisc: Boring pokemon, cool shiny.
Bagon: How are you able to do anything with those practically nonexistent arms!?
Shelgon: Another cacoon pokemon.
Salamance: I'm glad you can finally fly, but is shooting all those beams of energy necessary?
Beldum: Just stay in the ball, damn you!
Metang: Hide your Nosepasses.
Metagross: I've got nothing. This is such a cool pokemon.
The regis: I can take you all down with one fighting type!
Latias and Latios: The only difference between their megas is their eye color!
Kyogre and Groudon: Someone clearly has an unfair advantage.
Rayquaza: Its mega has to be the most op thing in the franchise!
Jirachi: I wish Gamefreak would just give us a fire/fairy type already!
Deoxys: The ultrabeast before ultrabeasts.
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