gorgonacorali started to following you
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Scott Parsec were the new student in Star Command Academy, he wasn’t very fond with the idea but he has to follow his father's footsteps, he were a very reserve person, never show emotion around to anyone or even try to talk to anyone, he just arrived at the school and he already got the attention of a few girls but he just ignore them.
His Academy decided to hold a two week trip to the beach in an attend to make the students getting along, some there Scott just got a chair on the sand and sit down to read a book, unaware that someone could be watching.
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fabulousflynn · 8 months
▽ - @gorgonacorali - starter
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He wasn't sure whether he should move or not, in fact Phineas wasn't entirely sure what he and his brother were looking at there in the inky blackness of the ocean waters. Usually they wouldn't be out there in the dead of night, but it was a bit of a special evening.
"Uh, sorry if we're bothering you. We're only out here to see the moon jellies."
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pktearsoftazmily · 7 months
// @gorgonacorali
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Wait a second, is this an Oxygen Supply Machine? The last time he saw a merfolk was back during his quest to save Nowhere Islands, but when he had to travel in the water, he... Encountered some strange machines. Machines that came in the form of a merman. Lucas remembers how he had to get oxygen from the machine to survive in the water. Lucas understands the reasoning behind the machine, but couldn't it have been used another way?
Oh no, he can feel himself burning up. He's so awkward, so embarrassed, so unsure of what to do. The boy shakes his head quickly, stuttering through his small panic moment.
"A-are you here to help?"
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monmuses · 7 months
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gorgonacorali asked: "What the hell just happened there?" /For Krieg! Uwu ; 🐝 * ― 𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒
It was an absolute mess. With the stains of blood mixed in the dirt and kicked up rocks, spreading the intestines of the old cults of years' past, it was a bloodbath. A party for Krieg, cackling to himself as his buzz-axe ran through the skulls of the bodies that laid on the ground. The sound of the bone splitting was always a favorite sound of his.
Though, to hear another's voice had him turn around quickly, the red eye behind his mask barely seeing through the mask of red. Another one, was whispered in the back of his head. Wait. Don't do anything. She's not one of them. Carefully and slowly, he brought his buzz-axe down near his side. Though, he couldn't help but cackle to himself, looking amongst the corpses of cultists that were ripped apart by his hand.
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His demeanor, however, seemed to loosen a bit as the bloodlust from his kills seeped back into his mind, turning back to the woman that was standing across from them. His head tilted in curiosity, almost unsure of what to do with another Innocent near them now.
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cutdeepshiver · 8 months
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"So sorry, but these shiny pearls are mine now. Better cut your losses least I let Master Mega take a bite out of you. Fair warning, it heckin' hurts! HA HA!" Despite her taunt it's unclear if she's actually going to allow her pet shark to do so. She'll just have to wait and see how the other reacts.
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Naida was drinking. She thought that a cup or two would not be too harmful. But oh. She was a light drinker and at the second cup she was now very Happy. She aproaches her boyfriend In the kitchen and knocked on the fridge. "There could be a ssssalad dressing." And she is wheezing as she just leaves the glass on the table. " I ttthink II need a bit offff waaater. And I see you double. A double cutie." Said her before going to lay hercweight on the wass to look interesting. And tried to flirt With her boyfriend "What's Up. Handsome boy. Yooouu. Come here often?"
*Rayman was in shock at Naida's state. He would go to her and take her hand to try to lead her out of the kitchen.*
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"C'mon Naida. You've clearly had too much to drink. Where did you even get the alcohol? I don't normally keep any in the house."
*Why did he have a gut feeling that she managed to find one of the hoodlum vendors or even Andre? He knew they liked to tempt new customers with drink, but they carried the hard stuff.
*He was going to try to make sure she stayed in bed and rest. Last thing he needed was Pearl to see her mother like this.*
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lunaoritur · 6 months
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@gorgonacorali // “I thought you might be in trouble.“
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" ME ? In trouble ? HA !! " She snorts, waving a flipper. " No way, sista'. Dese losa's ain't got a damn THANG on me. "
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pcrplevenom · 7 months
send in; 🎟️[ticket] for me to make a moodboard with 4-9 photos for our muses/ship.
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Beach buddies! :D
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timehcpper · 8 months
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"What do you call a fish that can't see?" He waits for a few moments. Then... "A FSH." A laugh comes through his tone. Although, he isn't sure if it is forced laughter to find it funny or if he genuinely found it funny to make a stupid joke. Jonathan didn't mind it to be honest. He liked being the weird one in the room or the one who liked making people laugh. Sometimes his approach wasn't the best, but he made up for it with charm and personality. At least he likes to think so. "Ahhh... sorry, I just had to say it. It seemed funny in the moment." He adjusted his glasses so they didn't slip. "I just can't help myself. It's always nice to just bring smiles even if they're smiles of disappointed jokes."
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regularshcw · 5 months
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@gorgonacorali // " that's a lot of blood. " / For Rigby for example??
blood, blood, gallons of the stuff
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" Nah, it's-- OH MY GOD- " He had just now gotten a look at the injury, and it was bleeding a lot LOT more than he'd anticipated. He cringed, before rolling his arm over and licking it clean.
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mixed-up-multiverse · 8 months
@gorgonacorali replied to this post:
gracie as someone that has had an oc the whole life (I remade this blog after 4 months bcause I missed this sushi roll) People hates ocs MOSTLY females ones because 'WiLl DeStRoY mY yAoI sHiP, bEcAuSe FeMaLe MuSeS aRe JuSt FoR tHaT!11111' So there you have it!
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// No fuckin WAY. Really? That is just... super dumb? Like who in their right mind would even think that-- I'm really sorry you had to go through that Bel! I personally have never had that happen to me but just... aaaagh.
The OC hate royally sucks way moreso than I really thought it did holy shit--
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moralpuppet · 2 years
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He stands by the water, so dangerously close to the side that he could fall in but balances with a little wobble here and there. That is until he notices a very large fish tail. He was enjoying a cup of molten, drinking through the straw, it was essentially just a chocolate shake with extra chocolate. 
❝ Wow! What’s that?! ❞ It must have come from nature, he has never seen such a big fish before. 
/ @gorgonacoralli​ 
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drachliebe · 8 months
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bold whatever applies | italics what sometimes applies [ both if it's perfect for your muse ] | strikethrough what doesn't apply & tag people. repost; don’t reblog!
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black and white. powder puffs. red lipstick. winged eyeliner. white kitten heels. black lace lingerie. icy blue eyes. rain. abandoned cars. skeletons. acid. poison. voyeurism. switchblades. strangling. overcoats. looking over your shoulder. trans-atlantic accents. private detectives. dinner parties. haunted mansions. cobwebs. perfect blonde curls. kitchen knives. shock. cellars. dust. ghosts. dark alleys. empty streets. horn-rimmed glasses. radiation. zombies. serial murder. suspicion. the city. witches. the devil. cannibalism. conspiracies. amulets. abject terror. the American South. the American Northeast. England. analog cameras.
aliens. blinding light. dark woods. driving at night. claw marks. bite marks. men in black. memory loss. dismembered bodies. sewers. flashlights. cell phones. video cameras. cars with tinted windows. unlabeled cassette tapes. bugs. big cities. urban crimes. clowns. something rustling outside your window. glowing light. unsolved mysteries. suburbia. mirrors. the american pacific northwest. the american midwest. hiking. backpacking.
gaslights. corsets. ballrooms. candlelight. mist. starless nights. full moons. cobbled streets. horse-drawn carriages. mysterious strangers. bogs. moors. forests. mountains. castles. velvet. silver. brass. gold. jewels. domino masks. the opera. dangerous romances. tragic romances. violins. roses. lilies. empty graves. crosses. cemeteries. snow. ice. the gallows. crows. milk-white skin. ambiguous illness. fangs. pointed nails. something howling in the night. capes. gloves. top hats. straight razors. lightning. pipe organs. underground caverns. bats. mice. rats. ravens. cats. pearls. attics. talismans. axes. wood. isolation in a room full of people. vampires. werewolves. ghosts. coffins. western europe. eastern europe. bones. churches. catacombs. mausoleums. books. stitches.
malevolent spirits. seances. spells. missing bodies. hidden graves. white noise. static. flickering lights. rings of salt. demons. poltergeists. dark histories. old buildings. cold air. wells. urban exploration. a dog barking at unseen things. iconoclasm. black ooze. old photographs. dark bodies of water. crucifixes. priests. possession. exorcisms. dolls.
bloodbaths. massacres. wanton nudity. newspapers. leather jackets. letterman jackets. converse sneakers. obscured faces. social unrest. bonfires. lakes. babysitters. high school. lockers. dead leaves in the fall. jack-o’-lanterns. passing shadows. outdated television sets. nightmares. psychiatrists. hospitals. unstoppable forces. gunfire. police. landline telephones. improvised weapons. halloween. secrets. revelations. cut wires. character masks. scrunchies. wild curls. jeering children. parties. fire. swearing. revulsion. california. the american midwest. ambulances.
daylight. fluorescent lighting. morgues. unwavering eye contact. tension. lit rooms. empty rooms. killer in plain sight. a dog digging in the newly-planted flower bed. steely gazes. paperwork. anagrams. codes. convicted killers. missing persons. law enforcement. federal agents. small towns. paranoia. subdued terror. dimly-lit parking lots. a noise in the distance.
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TAGGED BY : @collectalong ty!!!!! <3
TAGGING : @inkmimicry @gorgonacorali @peculiarbeauty @mariotime @dreamsofalife @all-fleshed-out @cutdeepshiver and you!!
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pktearsoftazmily · 6 months
✿ I'm interested!
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Because of their lifestyles, the two share experiences about their lives together. They even talk about food they eat, and even share things they have found to each other! Lucas learns a lot from Naida about her life as a mermaid, which never fails to fascinate him. He's recently been bringing her some Nut Bread for her to sample.
They both have magical powers. Because of this, it isn't unusual for one to notice when something is up with the other's power. Lucas also can help Naida find some "land" on the sea by creating an ice platform for her for when she wants to rest, or if they saw something they wanted to look at.
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monmuses · 6 months
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/For the ha has!
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Is it wrong to say that he's just absolutely fanning himself at this? He already likes Naida and considers her as pretty as a Siren. Honestly? He considers this a win. He loves you already.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 7 months
What does your heart look like?
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A cage with iron locks
You are an enigma. You take care to remain that way. You aim to keep people guessing; your motives are uncertain even to yourself. What is it you truly want? You’ll never know if you keep your heart locked away like that. You deserve to be known, truly and fully. Stop being afraid of what you might find if you open your heart up to self-reflection. Stop thinking that no one will love you the moment they understand you. You are more than the facade you put on.
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Tagged by: @sanguine-salvation 🌹
Tagging: @gin-n-chthonic @sweet-chimera @gorgonacorali @lambfated If you want and anyone else.
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