#gordon hart
lionfloss · 2 years
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Gordon Hart
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adreciclarte5 · 1 day
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by Gordon Hart
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Gordon Hart
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leadandblood · 3 months
Terror cast photos (from various social media)
I can't 100% match where most of these come from. But! First one is from Chris Corrigan, second from Richard Sutton and the last two are from Gordon Morris.
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redkelpfish · 2 years
Merry Christmas—here’s Halloween (they forgot to coordinate their costumes)
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ghost-tings · 2 months
guys I finished the first book and I forgot half the one liners "rat bastard" is fucking amazing I'm gonna use that so much, the interview like oh my fucking god like fuck yeah read his ass neil you go boy, also god damn the ending I like/liked seth but god damn the reactions, Kevin's reaction is just perfect like he has priorities, Neil's reaction is just as great, Andrew just knowing it's riko's fault is fucking perfect like yes dude be your smart self, THE FUCKING KEY PART OMG EEHHH, I have this on 2x speed just cuz I can't handle the voices there to funny
also update on casey's character sheet type thing it's going good currently doing like a piece of casey and his older cousin it's kinda like an au as to what the au is about idk myself but feel free to send asks about casey and his lore that I will get fully written out but not post all of it just cuz he a mystery child.
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rosesart11 · 1 month
Me and The Devil
Gordon, one of the oldest ghosts in the House on Phantom Drive, while on a calm fishing trip alongside his exceptionally large companion Nessie; has a strange visitor arrive at his door.
This is one of the first short stories I’ve written for Phantom Drive! inspired by unsurprisingly Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin. Gordon and Natalie’s dynamic is one of my top favorites of all of the characters that I also sadly don't think I’ll be able to highlight as prominently as much as I do here in the main story. Old man and his petty little shit nemesis is so funny to me.
Hope y’all enjoy!
Waves crashed against the shore, and grey clouds gently floated through the skies above the water. A gentle wave hit the side of the small boat, rocking it tediously.
“Nessie, you can’t be doing that… well, unless you want me to get hypothermia, I suppose,” Gordon commented as large ripples flowed near the boat. “I’m fishing girl. Do you need a treat, or are you just annoying me for the fun of it?” Another bump hit the side of the boat. This time, it was accompanied by a deep growl below the water. Gordon turned to face the source of the ripples. Out of the water emerged a beast coated with deep greyish-blue scales with large ears obscuring her eyes, again, she headbutted the boat (as gently as she could, of course).
Gordon squinted his eyes, “Okay girl, calm down are you bored? What is going on?” he asked reaching his hand into the water. Nessie let him pat her head as she emerged further from the water, towering over the boat. 
“Nessie, you need to be more clear than that, I don’t speak fish monster,”
“Alright, time for charades, I suppose,” Gordon thought. “Okay, Nessie again, do you want something to eat?”
Nessie stared dead into Gordons' eyes clearly, deep in thought. Eventually, Nessie very gently shook her head. “Okay, I will get you a snack later, but I’m assuming that's irrelevant,” Nessie’s eyes lit up with joy.
“Alright, back to the original topic, I suppose the one thing I haven’t asked is… Is someone here? I can’t imagine that being true though-” Gordon began before being interrupted quickly as Nessie vigorously nodded. Gordon felt his heart drop, “What??? Are they here??? Did they just show up?? You have to explain-” Gordon began again until he stopped himself. “God, im talking to a fish… Okay okay, just show me where they are, Nessie.”
Nessie nodded as Gordon tied a rope to the end of a boat and passed the other end to Nessie. She held the rope firmly in her large jaws and glided through the water towards the beach. “Alright… okay, stay calm last visitor here wasn’t even threatening… just wanted to share some tea. Just be calm and don’t overreact, and it’ll all be fine…”
As they reached the dock, Nessie let go of the rope and tossed it to the boat. Gordon tossed up to the dock and tied it to the docks. Nessie placed her head gently on the dock. Gordon sighed and patted her head. “I’ll be right back, listen for a whistle. Y’know the drill.” Gordon reassured Nessie nodded as Gordon headed out to the beach.
A door laid patiently for him when he headed into shore. The wind started to pick up as he saw it. Built of dark wood its patterns were detailed and neat. Gently crafted spider webs engraved in its wood as if weaved by a spider. Gordon’s eyebrow raised as he stared at the door. The silence broken by a knocking at the door.
“Hello? Anybody there?” yelled from the other side.
“Who are you? What are you here for?” Gordon shouted back, tensing up at the sound of the voice.
And without a moment's notice, the door opened. A woman stepped through the door, long dark hair swooped to the side shaven on the other. She wore a long coat with a fluffy rim and a shirt with a strange skull, vines, and flowers growing from its eye socket. Her blue eyes caught his attention, a piercing icy blue that stared straight through him. Strange fashion in his eyes for an appropriately strange visitor.
“Sorry for the lack of a warning, I’m new to the neighborhood you can say,” she said with an awkward smile. “I will say, I wasn’t completely expecting a whole beach to be here but honestly, great work here.”
“I have had a long time to work on it… now back to the question, what is your name?” Gordon asked again. 
The woman looked embarrassed, at least Gordon thinks she is. Her expression felt too exaggerated to be real, not his mind anyway. “Oh dear! Apologies for the lack of an introduction, I'm Natalie, it is a pleasure to meet you, sir.” She extended her hand towards Gordon.
“The name’s Gordon… hopefully, I will be able to say the same about you.” He replied, taking her hand and giving it a firm shake. She smiled brightly at him, “I guarantee it.”
It was warm inside the lighthouse, gently lit by the lanterns and fireplace; a table with a few chairs sat in the center of the room. A gentle breeze flew in through the open window. Natalie sat politely in her chair, tapping her feet as she glared around the living room as Gordon poured a kettle of hot water into a few cups.
“Do you have any tea preferences? I think I pretty much have anything and everything you could want for tea,” he asked. 
“What a wonderful use for the infinite powers of the afterlife! Infinite tea flavors,” Natalie replied. “Black tea is a favorite of mine, well when I drink tea anyway”
Gordon nodded curtly, before pouring the leaves into the water. “I personally prefer green… I used to like black tea but its bitter taste just started to make me feel ill.” He passed the cup to Natalie.
“Ah! A coward’s taste I’d say” Natalie snickered. 
Gordon sighed, “Black tea is the opposite of an obtained taste for me is the more accurate descriptor”
Natalie nodded, “I get that… I used to love coffee filled with sugar and milk. Can’t stand it anymore, black coffee is really the best option now I’d say.”
Gordon nodded, “couldn’t get behind it honestly, my wife loved the stuff and tried to get me to try it. Tried it once, far too bitter”
“Even with milk and sugar?”
“Even with milk and sugar,”
“As I said, cowards taste,”
A silence fell over the room as they drank their tea. Natalie never looked towards him constantly looking around the room. “Is she still looking at me? She can’t be… what is this feeling though?” he thought. Eyes glaring directly at him despite there being none at all. Gordon sighed, “Calm down, you know nothing is watching… except probably for Nessie.”
Abruptly Natalie’s chair scraped across the wooden floor as she stood up. “Mind if I look around, this little lighthouse is fascinating!” She asked.
“... sure, just don’t touch anything alright?”
“Oh, of course, privacy and all that, we’re chill,” Natalie assured. 
Natalie stood up and looked around at old pictures, little trinkets from the past, some of Nessie’s scales lying around, and his old shotgun hanging on the wall. Gordon stood up and walked towards the window, leaving Natalie to peek around the living room. 
He looked out to the beach and, staring out from the shore patiently sat Nessie from the water staring right back. Gordon smiled a little bit at the sight of the beast and whistled. Nessie immediately sprung into action and jumped to the shore, reaching the window to peer down at him more closely (albeit waddling on the land like a silly seal). 
“Hey Nessie, everything’s good so far… Keepin' an eye out?”
Nessie nodded, looking past him. Gordon looked where she was looking. Natalie was looking at some old cups of his in a cupboard. 
“The girl’s name is Natalie if you’re asking” 
Nessie looked at him and let out a gentle growl deep from within her. Gordon's eyes raised, “not a good feeling?” he asked. 
Natalie turned around to face them with a loud gasp. “WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THAT?” She shouted in surprise. 
“Calm down, this is just a friend of mine” 
“A friend??? That's a giant fish monster”
“A very friendly fish monster, give her a fish or two and you’ve got a friend for life,” Gordon replied, he turned to face Nessie directly and reached to give her chin a few scratches. “And I have given her many a fish in my time here haven’t I?”
Nessie let him scratch her chin with clear joy in her eyes. Still, though she had her eyes locked onto Natalie.
“So… I’m curious, who is this in the pictures?” she asked cautiously, quickly swiping up one of the pictures. A portrait of a woman with shoulder-length hair and streaks of white hair. She had a very gentle smile on her face. 
Gordon froze at the sight of the portrait, “I will be rather honest and say I was hoping you wouldn’t ask me about her”
Natalie’s eyes raised, her eyes glimmered with intrigue like a cat who saw a mouse skittering through a hallway. “Are you sure? I mean, I won’t pry but I won’t judge at all,” she replied.
He sighed, “alright… fine,” Nessie turned to him in confusion and growled again. “Shhh Nessie it's fine, you can head outside.” Nessie slammed her head into him, staring dead into Natalie growling loudly.
“Are you sure she's friendly???” Natalie asked, taking a few steps back.
“Yes yes I wouldn’t lie about something like that, Nessie please back off” Gordon requested. “I will deal with her if your predictions are right, I’ll be okay” he whispered quickly.
That seemed to calm down the beast, as she stopped burrowing her head into his side like an attention-seeking cat. Her head slipped out of the window, Natalie and Gordon watched as she slithered back into the dark waters. It grew darker, and the rain started to pour outside the window.
“Now that thing is gone, would you answer my question if you’d be so kind?” Natalie asked.
Gordon sighed, “Yes yes… That’s just a picture of my wife, Delilah”
Natalie nodded, “Lovely name for a lovely-looking woman… I do have to ask though, why isn’t she here? Can’t she visit her husband once in a while?”
“I don’t need to answer that, that's not any of your business” 
A silence fell over the room, Gordon couldn't make eye contact with Natalie. Taking note of the shotgun on the wall instead, “You can never be too sure can’t you”. He flipped his attention back to her when she put the photo back.
“Y’know I get it Gordon, I don’t know what happened with Delilah but I had someone of my own too, she left me too.”
“... First off Delilah never left me, she was at peace when she died… I wasn’t, I will never blame her for being at peace-” “Oh! You misunderstand me, I would never blame her for being at peace… Delilah and Piper,” Natalie clarified.
“Second off- wait, what was her name?” Gordon asked “Piper… Piper was her name,” Natalie replied. She reached into her pockets and pulled out 2 golden yellow buttons. “I keep these on me to remind me of her, I never really got to get any photos with her in all honesty…”
“How disappointing, I’d hate to not be able to remember Delilah’s face…” 
“Oh I’d never forget Piper’s face, I don’t think I would be able to…”
Natalie started to trail off, staring at the buttons in her hands. “She was one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever met… one of the kindest too. I hope she moved on peacefully when she died”
Gordon’s eyes narrowed, “she sounds like a wonderful woman, did she die as well-”
“I don’t think she moved on in all honestly, she seemed troubled when she died… It gives me hope y’know? That I’ll see her again, I never got to say goodbye to her… not like how I wanted to” Natalie said, seemingly to herself at that point rather than to anyone in particular. Gordon shifted towards the shotgun on the wall, the way she looked at the buttons rang the warning bells in his mind, the way she looked at those buttons reminded him less of a woman in love, a woman grieving and hoping; but more like a predator waiting, hoping, and hungering for its prey. He reached for the shotgun and picked it up. 
Natalie sighed, “I really need to stop being so uncertain, I know she’ll come back to me… she always has, she always has… She has to”
“Natalie?” “Where did she go? I don’t understand” “Natalie??” “I swear where did you go-” “NATALIE” Gordon shouted.
Natalie shook her head and shoved the buttons in her pocket, flipping around to face Gordon. “Oh dear! Im sorry about that, just got lost in my own little world-”
Gordon reached to load the gun in his hand. “I feel bad for her”
“For who?? What are you doing-” 
“Piper, I don’t know her of course… but based on everything you’ve said she sounds like a wonderful woman”
“Yes of course she is, but what are you doing with that?” Natalie asked, her eyes widened.
“I want to hope she moved on peacefully, I can’t imagine what pain it must’ve been to be stuck with someone like you… However, I suspect that can’t be the case. Either way, I do request that you leave my home and domain,” He lifted the gun and snapped his fingers, and the door to the exit shifted turning into the dark intricate door Natalie had entered through. 
“What an overreaction! Just tell me to leave and I’ll leave besides I know you won’t take a shot,” Natalie raised her hands in the air. “In fact, I dare you, take a shot out of that little shotgun of yours and show me that you really can-”
The shot echoed throughout the beach.
Gordon looked at the holes in the wall and back at the wide-eyed Natalie, her hands shaking. “Take the warning, I won’t give you a second chance”
She nodded slowly, stepping carefully towards the door facing him. “I hope-” “Not another word, leave and don’t come back”
She nodded again, opening the door and shutting it behind her. 
Gordon took a deep breath and sighed. Putting the shotgun back on the wall Nessie slithered her head back through the window, her eyes wide with worry.
“It’s alright girl, just taking care of our guest… she won’t be coming back for a long... long time”
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adreciclarte5 · 2 days
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by Gordon Hart
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paigeoforacle · 1 year
So, that earlier discussion with Damian's height did give me pause for thought. Because she is the queen of my brain rot, I wanted to know something about Babs. See, Babs is almost always portrayed with a height of 5'11, save for some earlier sources. But that's standing height. And since I basically say 'fuck you' to anything with her after the N52 reboot, that meant I had to calculate her sitting height in her chair.
Now, the way to do that is to subtract your femoral length from your total length. Femoral length basically means 'from bottom of hip to knee', but I call it femoral since it also happens to be the height of one's femur. Femurs grow proportionately, with a six foot tall individual having a femur of about 19.5 inches, give or take.
So, we now know the number to remove from Babs's height, since she is just shy of six feet which means a femoral length of 19.5 inches works. So, for easy math, subtracting 19.5 inches from 71 inches gives us...
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I love this kinda shit.
51.5 inches, or just under 4 feet, 4 inches. Problem solved, right?
Well... not quite. Because there is one other factor you need to consider when looking at Babs in particular, and that's her mobile throne.
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A seat for every occasion. Even Bell Bottoms.
Anyone who has spent even short periods of time with wheelchair users will know not all wheelchairs are created equal. Some are light and mobile, great for sports, while the most typical wheelchairs, like in hospitals, tend to be temporary until a new chair with proper support comes along. This means chairs have varying Heights and can impact how someone sits. In general, however, they are about 19 inches to the seat from the ground.
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Reading ableist comics like...
So, pretty much what we calculated earlier using femoral length. Not bad! But now, I HAD to wonder something from this. Assuming the chair is both proportionate to her height and she was taller, how tall would Oracle have to be to be 5'11 sitting down? Well, now that we have the math, it's easy. We know that you can find the sitting height for someone at 5'11 with a fairly simple equation (that being: Total Height - Femoral Height = Sitting Height [or even more simply, TH - FH = SH]). But like any good math equation, you can work backwards from this (SH + FH = TH), especially if you find out how best to divide Femoral Height. It turns out, depending on variance, the human femur is between 3.7 and 3.8 times smaller than a person's total height.
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Proof in the pudding. It isn't perfect, but then, humans don't grow perfectly mathematically, so this is within the margin of error, especially if we don't take certain conditions into account that can shrink the femur.
So, with this all figured out, we have time to math it out! Let's use 3.75 as the figure, since that is bang in the middle. Since our new Tall Babs will have a sitting height of 5'11, we can figure out the length of the femur by dividing Femoral Ratio into 5'11 to get approx. 19.2 inches. So, a foot and a half. Let's add that to 5'11 and we get...
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90.2 inches, which is 7'6. Seven and a half feet tall while standing. A foot taller than Ra's, and almost half a foot taller than SHAQ.
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I'm not making this up. Shaq is 7'1, or 86 and a half inches. Kevin Hart, pictured on the right, is 5'2, or 62 inches. Babs, were she the height we calculated, would be a head taller than Shaq.
So, why did I do all this? Well.
Because I can.
This was a fun exercise and a way to show that math isn't the Demonic grind-a-mat it was in school.
Because I can.
Have fun, everyone! And if you guys want to challenge the math, please do! I enjoy being wrong as it's a learning opportunity, and a chance for fun discussions.
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ilikestuff69 · 1 year
Who I’d cast in Chicago if it were made today
Roxie Hart played by Annaleigh Ashford
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Velma Kelly played by Ariana DeBose
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Billy Flynn played by James Marsden
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Amos Hart played by Joseph Gordon Levitt
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Matron “Mama” Morton played by Yvette Nicole Brown
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The Bandleader played by Ephraim Sykes
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Mary Sunshine played by Carmen Cusack
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foxingpeculiar · 1 year
Okay, I’m gonna do that thing again where I pick my favorite lyric from the first 10 shuffle of my big general playlist. I don’t do tag games, really, but if you wanna do it, consider yourself tagged.
1. “I made a pilgrimage to save this human race / never comprehending the race had long gone by.” -Modern English, “I Melt With You”
2. “Does anyone know where the love of God goes / when the waves turn the minutes to hours?” -Gordon Lightfoot, “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald”
3. “I’ve never been too good with names, but I remember faces.” -Lemonheads, “It’s a Shame About Ray”
4. “Especially people who care about strangers / who care about evil and social injustice / do you only care about the bleeding crowd?” -Three Dog Night, “Easy to be Hard”
5. “E skeud teñval an tourioù glav / C'hwi am gwelo 'c'hortoz atav” (“In the dark shadow of rain towers / you will see me waiting forever”) -Denez Prigent & Lisa Gerrard, “Gortoz a Ran”
6. “Idle kids with idle hearts / some of them went too far / some are still waiting there.” -Secret Machines, “Alone, Jealous and Stoned”
7. “Most of all, I just don’t… I just don’t wanna be free, no.” -Beth Hart & Joe Bonamassa, “I’d Rather Go Blind”
8. (This was Tub Ring’s cover of “Prisencolinensinainciusol,” which does not have lyrics, exactly, but I still feel bears inclusion. So let’s just say all of it.)
9. “I feel an animal deep inside / heel to haunch on bended knees.” -Sisters of Mercy, “This Corrosion”
10. “Gettin’ baptized in holy water and ‘shine / with the dogs runnin’” -Blake Shelton, “God’s Country”
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Tbh I do see Jerome being the type to egg Danny on as a way to get him to snap but also since Winifred is now gone (blame Jerome all you want) this would be his way of reuniting with her again.
A dark and twisted way, wanting his son to be the one to end him.
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
My Mount Rushmore of wrestling
Wrestlers:Macho Man, Bret Hart, Undertaker and Stone Cold
Women’s Wrestlers:Chyna, Trish Stratus, AJ Lee and Sasha Banks
Managers:Classy Freddie Blassie, Bobby Heenan, Paul Bearer and Tie between Paul Heyman and Jim Cornette
Announcers:Gordon Solie, Lance Russell, Gorilla Monsoon and Jim Ross
Referees:Tommy Young, Nick Patrick, Earl Hebner and tie between Tim White and Mike Chioda
Tag Teams:The Road Warriors, Steiner Brothers, Hardy Boyz and FTR
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leadandblood · 3 months
Cast photos from Aaron Jeffcoate's instagram
Everyone say 'thank you, private Pilkington'
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And my personal favourite
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thismightgettumbled · 2 years
Both Bonnie & Juliet and Julia Child are mentioned.
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papermoonloveslucy · 2 years
The Young People of the Lucyverse ~ Part 2
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W.C. Fields famously warned performers never to work with children or animals. Luckily for us, Lucille Ball consistently disregarded his advice. Here’s a look at some of the young performers and characters of the Lucyverse.
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Jerry Carmichael (Jimmy Garrett) and Sherman Bagley (Ralph Hart) ~ Jerry was the son of Lucy and Ralph was Viv’s boy on “The Lucy Show”. Hart appeared in 44 episodes from 1962 to 1965. Garrett appeared in 55 episodes from 1962 to 1965. Jerry had a teenage sister named Chris and their father was deceased. Sherman was an only child whose dad Ralph was divorced his mother Vivian. 
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Chris’s young friend Susie (Lucie Arnaz) appeared in “Lucy is a Chaperone” (1962). 
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Susie turned up again as a waitress at Wilbur’s Ice Cream Parlor in “Lucy is a Soda Jerk” (1962). Desi Arnaz Jr. plays a customer, meaning that both of Lucille Ball’s real-life children appeared in the same episode. 
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In other episodes, Desi Arnaz Jr. played Billy Simmons, son of Audrey (Mary Jane Croft), a baseball player, football player, and cub scout. Billy was seen in “Lucy is a Referee” (1962), “Lucy and the Little League” (1963), “Lucy Visits the White House” (1963), and “Lucy and the Scout Trip” (1964, above), which also included Barry Livingston (as Arnold Mooney) and nine other uncredited scouts. 
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When the show shifted locations to Los Angeles leaving Susie and Billy behind, Lucie and Desi Jr. appeared as spectators in the grandstands in “Lucy At Marineland” (1965). 
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“Lucy Misplaces $2,000″ (1962) ~ Katie Sweet (Katie, Granddaughter of Woman on Bench) was just five years old when she filmed this episode, but had been acting since the age of two!  Earlier that year, Sweet played the title role in the Desilu pilot “Sukuzi Beane”, which co-starred Jimmy Garrett and helped him land his role of Jerry Carmichael. Sweet left show business when she was 13.  
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“Together for Christmas” (1962) ~ Ends with Jerry and Sherman joining a group of carolers from the YMCA. The carolers were played by the real-life Mitchell Boys Choir. 
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“Lucy is a Referee” (1962) ~ In addition to Jerry, Sherman, and Billy, the cast featured Dennis Rush (left) as Tony Lawrence. The other football players are played by the Mighty Mites of the Venice Athletic Club, a pee-wee football team from Venice Beach, California.
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“Lucy Goes to the White House” (1963) ~ Lucy and Viv take their cub scout troop to Washington DC to bring their sugar cube White House to President Kennedy. In addition to Jerry, Sherman, and Billy - the cast also includes 9  uncredited young boys as Cub Scout Pack 57.
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Critic’s Choice (1963) ~ Ricky Kelman played John Ballentine, son of Parker (Bob Hope) and stepson of Angie (Lucille Ball), husband and wife theatre critics. 
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“Lucy Gets Locked in the Vault” (1963) ~ Barry Livingston plays Mr. Mooney’s son Arnold. Livingston is probably best remembered as Ernie, the adopted son on “My Three Sons.”  His first appearance on that series was just one week after he played Arnold Mooney, a role he would return to in “Lucy and the Scout Trip” (1964).  
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When Livingston started on “My Three Sons” (also filmed at Desilu), the role of Arnold Mooney was taken over by Teddy Eccles in “Lucy’s Contact Lenses” (1964). Eccles began his show business career at the age of 4 and was 9 years old when he first appeared on “The Lucy Show.” 
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He will make two more appearances on the series as other characters, including as Harold, a young cadet in “Lucy At Marineland” (1965). Coincidentally, Eccles also appeared in two episodes of “My Three Sons” alongside Barry Livingston. 
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“Kiddie Parties, Inc.” (1963) ~ Lucy and Viv go into business hosting children’s birthday parties. Ronnie Dapo (David, above right) was a ten year-old actor whose first screen credit was in 1959 and his last in 1966. He made several appearances on “The Andy Griffith Show,” the second airing the very same night as this episode of “The Lucy Show.”  There are 8 other young boys in the party scene.  
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“Lucy Becomes a Father” (1964) ~ Lucy accompanies Jerry on a father / son camping trip where Mr. Mooney is intent on making it so difficult that Lucy will pack up and go home. Five uncredited boys play the other sons on the trip. If Mr. Mooney’s son Arnold is among the boys, he is not singled out, nor are Barry Livingston or Ted Eccles in the cast. 
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“Lucy and the Stamp Collector” (1965) ~ Stamp collector Junior White is played by Flip Mark, who celebrated his 16th birthday the day after this episode first aired. He was born Philip Mark Goldberg in New York City. In 1965, he played a young Steve Olson on “Days of Our Lives.” 
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Flip Mark returned to “The Lucy Show” in “Lucy Goes to a Hollywood Premiere” (1966) as a kid selling maps to the stars homes. Curiously, this episode also mentions stamp collecting! 
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“Lucy the Choirmaster” (1965) ~ Lucy organizes a boys choir to entertain at the bank holiday show.  The choir features her son Jimmy Garret as Jerry (his final appeareance), Ted Eccles as Barry,  Robert Roter as Newton, Micahel Blake as Malcolm, and Theodore Miller as Stanley. 
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The other members of the choir (except for Mr. Mooney) were played by the St. Charles Boys Choir. Later that year, they formed the Disneyland Boys Choir and recorded the It’s a Small World album of folk songs still sold at Disney theme parks.
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“Lucy the Robot” (1966) ~ Jay North, best known as the title character of “Dennis the Menace”, plays Mr. Mooney’s rambunctious nephew Wendell. Interestingly, Gale Gordon (Mr. Mooney) played Mr. Wilson on “Dennis the Menace” during its final season. 
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“Main Street U.S.A.” (1967) ~ Jackie Minty plays a Bancroft newspaper boy. Minty was a child actor who had done two episodes of “The Munsters.”  A week after this episode of “The Lucy Show,” he appeared on “My Three Sons,” his final screen credit before leaving Hollywood.  
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Yours, Mine and Ours (1968) ~ Lucille Ball and Henry Fonda play parents of a blended family of 19 children. Among them are Tim Matheson, Gil Rogers, Nancy Howard, Morgan Brittany, Eric Shea, and Tracy Nelson. 
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“Lucy Meets Mickey Rooney” (1966) ~ In an acting school show, Lucy plays Charlie Chaplin and Mickey Rooney plays 'The Kid’, a character based on Chaplin’s 1921 silent classic The Kid starring Jackie Coogan in the title role. 
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“Lucy the Stockholder” (1965) ~ Lucy, Viv and Mr. Mooney participate in an age regression experiement conducted by an eccentric doctor. 
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