#goracy kubek
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Disco Nutella full comic
#originalpear art#my art#art#digital#sfw#human#disco elysium#de#harry du bois#kim kitsuragi#goracy kubek#comic#posting both parts in one post to send it to a friend
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#Disco Elysium#call me mañana#Goracy Kubek#Easy Leo#Measurehead#Measurehead's Babe#borscht#turned up#al ghul
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I dunno how long Gorący has worked at the Whirling but Garte has been there for 14 years and he's only in his late 20s so I just can't stop thinking about Gorący helping a 14/15 year old Garte with his homework during his shifts
#lawrence garte#Gorący kubek#goracy kubek#disco elysium#disco elysium art#by extension I also hc that Garte speaks a little Graadian#at least enough to communicate with goracy#despite their time together they arent very close but i think goracy is still fond of him like a son#you dont watch someone grow up like that and not feel a little fond#probably happy to see him whenever he rolls back into town#also the book hes reading is called Sieur Duke and its a play i made up for a fic i wrote with a friend#its not public tho#my art
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"You mean, there is an immortal geologist wandering the world?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Yes, and she's quite mad too -- after she treated herself with the bacteria, she stopped ageing, but also became increasingly eccentric and irascible, so that even her oldest friends were forced to pull away..."
"We can assume that she has been living somewhere in the wilderness for decades now, all alone except for the *Cryobacter katlensis* coursing through her bloodstream..."
3. "What's the most dangerous cryptid?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "The Gnome of Geroma." She pauses for effect.
"The Gnome of Geroma? That sounds terrifying."
"The Gnome of Geroma? That doesn't sound too bad."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Oh -- it is. None of its victims survived. Grieving relatives never even found their bodies because the Gnome's venom *dissolved* organic tissue."
"What did this cryptid look like?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "It *was* reportedly a small creature -- with webbed fingers and a protruding forehead. An ungainly little thing. Quite scary to look at."
"A couple of campers found it when it was already dying. They heard an odd wailing in the woods and followed the sound. They were scared and wrapped it in tarpaulin to suffocate it."
She looks at you, her voice grave suddenly. "It still took the Gnome of Geroma an entire *day* to die."
KIM KITSURAGI - "If the body of the creature was found," the lieutenant can't help himself, "why aren't there detailed illustrations of it in science textbooks? Confirming the existence of this very lethal species?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Alas, the first scientist who got his hands on the creature's corpse put it in a jar of formaldehyde, thinking that would detoxify the Gnome's venom."
Instead, all the venom leaked out of the creature's teeth and into the surrounding liquid, dissolving the creature itself. A poetic end, perhaps, but a real loss for science..." she says, mostly to herself.
4. "Is that a cryptid on this pen you gave me?" (Take out the pen she gave you.)
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Yes! It's the kind green ape. Half war story, half undiscovered species in the genus homo."
"War story?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Yes. It was reported by soldiers in South Safre during the war. The kind green ape would visit bunkers during the night, healing wounded soldiers with its saliva."
"Wow. With it's saliva?"
"And there was something about an undiscovered sub-species of man?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Yes. It has amazing healing qualities. Some soldiers reported growing back limbs, regaining their sight..."
"And there was something about an undiscovered sub-species of man?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Indeed there is! It's our closest relative among the cryptids. Same taxonomic family, different genus."
"Which is to say, the kind green ape is a species with which we share a common ancestor and that evolved parallel to our own -- just like your partner's!"
"I knew it, Kim! You're not human!"
"I'm pretty sure Kim is the same species as us... to suggest otherwise is stupid."
"Hah, that's why I always have to take the lead -- right, Kim?"
KIM KITSURAGI - The lieutenant looks at you, pleasantly surprised.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Oh, no, I didn't mean to imply that Seolites are inferior to us. In many ways," she turns to the lieutenant, "you are superior. For example, your earwax doesn't have a foul odour like ours does."
KIM KITSURAGI - "A tremendous evolutionary advantage, I'm sure. But perhaps we've had enough speculative biology for today?"
5. "Are there any *invisible* cryptids?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "What an interesting question! And the answer is: yes, there are!"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Of course. All fairy tales have someone or something invisible in them."
"You're right, Kim, it's childish, but I need to know."
"Shush, Kim, she's gonna tell me about the invisible cryptid. What is it?"
KIM KITSURAGI - "Okay. I won't spoil your fun," the lieutenant concedes. "What is the invisible cryptid?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "It's the *Col Do Ma Ma Daqua*," the woman corrects her glasses. "Its name means 'thin whisper of sound'. And that's *precisely* what it is -- self-replicating sound waves, invisible and intangible! The Col Do Ma Ma is very afraid of us, which makes it incredibly difficult to track..."
"What does it, um, sound like?"
"Could it be *here*?" (Look around.) "Right now?"
"What evidence is there of this animal being a sound?"
"Why is the Ma Ma Daqua so afraid of us?"
"Interesting. What about..." (Conclude.)
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Like nothing. It's such a high-pitched sound that us humans can't hear it -- nor can other animals. It could be ringing right outside your window -- and you wouldn't even know it! It could be anywhere -- everywhere, even..."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Fine I'll bite." The lieutenant looks at her sceptically. "How can an animal be a sound?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Many scientists have asked the same question -- some have claimed that it isn't *itself* a sound, but a tiny *corpuscle* that emits sound waves. But there's no evidence to support this theory."
2. "Could it be *here*?" (Look around.) "Right now?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "It could be," she says calmly. "As I said, it could be *everywhere*, and we wouldn't know any better. It could be ringing all the days of our lives -- *and* nights."
3. "What evidence is there of this animal being a sound?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Plenty. It's the evidence that led to its discovery. In the Twenties, a group of Areopagite ornithologists -- that is, scientists who study birds -- were trying out a new recording technology for capturing sounds outside the range of human hearing."
"When playing back recordings they had made in the foothills of the Ea mountain range, they noticed... certain anomalies -- patterns that seemed random at first, but, on closer examination, were consistent with the waveforms of song birds..."
"Mhm, song birds."
Just nod eagerly.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "The scientists soon discovered they could track and even *predict* what appeared to be feeding, mating, and migration patterns based on sound waves in a *strictly delimited* range of ultrasonic frequencies -- even higher than those of the highest-pitched bat calls."
SUGGESTION [Medium: Success] - She *transforms* when speaking about these strange animals -- into a confident woman.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "They realized that they had discovered a new species -- and called it the Col Do Ma Ma Daqua. After the Perikarnassian name for the voice of god, which is said to be *very* silent."
"Go on."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Mhm. They grew quite obsessed with these little birds -- even though they couldn't see them, they could distinguish among individual birds and," she smiles, "even began to *name* some of them."
"Name them?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Sequester. Thyme. Josquin --" She nods. "Those are but some of the Ma Ma Daqua they followed individually."
4. "Why is the Ma Ma Daqua so afraid of us?"
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "That is a sad story." She frowns. "A group of university students assisting with the field work, in their enthusiasm for the project and, no doubt, because they were preoccupied with impressing their professors, nearly drove it to *extinction*."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - She nods gravely. "They tried to communicate with it, and had no other means but sound. So they started sending out sound waves at frequencies they thought might match the Ma Ma Daqua's. And what happens when a sound wave meets another sound wave of the same frequency, dear?"
SUGGESTION [Medium: Success] - This lady really should be a teacher. She's really good at the explaining things thing.
"They cancel each other out."
"They amplify each other."
"I don't know."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "Exactly... And these tests were performed so recklessly that when they happened upon the right frequency... well, they wiped out most of the population."
EMPATHY [Medium: Success] - Great regret washes over her. A wending cloth.
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "After that, the corpuscle appears to have migrated elsewhere. There have been recordings of anomalies similar to those spotted in Ea -- but they've been few and far between. It's impossible to confirm the presence of any stable Col Do Ma Ma Daqua population anywhere."
KIM KITSURAGI - "Of course. A common thread in these -- disappearance and unfalsifiability..." He concedes: "I liked the story, though, ma'am."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - "I'm glad you did, dear." She seems genuinely glad.
5. "Interesting. What about..." (Conclude.)
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - She smiles gently. "What about what?"
6. "Man, I just can't get enough of these cryptids."
LENA, THE CRYPTOZOOLOGIST'S WIFE - She grins. "I'm glad you liked them, but I'm not really one to tell you about *all* of them. You should ask my husband if you get the chance. He's the real expert."
6. "That's all for now, ma'am." [Leave.]
Let's follow up with Garte about the phone.
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Can I help you?" He arches an eyebrow.
2. "Garte, I saw another *thing* at the Whirling..."
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Another thing -- great. I love those."
2. "So the phone line is dead?"
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Yes, and the phone company is taking its sweet time sending someone to fix it." He shakes his head and adds: "Losers."
"That's pretty strange."
"Is it true that there was foul play?"
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "It's not *strange*, it's inconvenient."
"Is it true that there was foul play?"
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - He wrinkles his nose. "Who told you that?"
"I would never disclose my sources. That would be dishonourable."
"It doesn't matter. I just want to know who you suspect."
GARTE, THE CAFETERIA MANAGER - "Fine, yeah, it looked like someone had messed with the wiring. It was shortly after the hanging, but I don't know if it's at all related... Plenty of assholes around here who aren't murderers."
"If you do find out who cut the line, though, let me know so I can forward them the repair bill."
4. "Good bye." [Leave.]
The tomatoes are so thinly sliced, you can see through them.
GORACY KUBEK - A thin man is smoking below an exhaust hood, occasionally sipping from his mug. This must be the Whirling's cook.
As you step in, he nods towards the table and says something in a completely foreign language. The only words you can make out are 'gorący' and 'kubek'.
LOGIC [Medium: Failure] - It must be his name. Gorący, Gorący Kubek... Sounds representative.
#disco elysium#kim kitsuragi#lena the cryptozoologist's wife#garte the cafeteria manager#goracy kubek
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mial byc fast ale zjadlam mus i goracy kubek czyli bdz lq fast🙂
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@weepylucifer this is the question!! the names that appear in the dialogue are a mixture of prescient meta knowledge and harry’s own input (like how he names the cook at the whirling goracy kubek bc those are just the words he hears. google says it means “hot cup” in polish)
so what is “echo maker”? just an intuition that harry has about ulixes and his relationship to steban? I don’t think anyone says the phrase in dialogue. I lean towards it being harry’s own terminology, that occurs to him on instinct
#but since it’s harry his instincts often steer towards prophetic#so there might be something more to it
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Dzien 7 🤍🦋
Dzisiaj bylo nawet git. Rano nie zjadlam sniadania i zjadlam dopiero po szkole goracy kubek knorr rosol - 41 kcal do tego 1 wafelek ryzowy - 18 kcal i taki mus z tymbarka ktory mial 58 kcal. Na kolacje zjadlam makaron konjac 100g z warzywami na patelnie tez 100g i to razem mialo 62 kcal wiec calkiem git bo sie tym nawet najadlam. Pozniej jeszcze zjadlam serek fruvita low carb waniliowy - 71 kcal i do tego 2 ciasteczka lotus - 76 kcal. Jeszcze pozniej zjadlam 2 batoniki: baton corn flakes - 78 kcal i baton milky way 96 kcal i do tego jeszcze galaretke konjac ktora miala tylko 4 kcal. Ogolnie dzisiaj zjadlam dosyc duzo ale najwazniejsze to ze zmiescilam sie w limicie. Dzisiaj pojezdzilam na rowerku i spalilam przy tym 200 kcal do tego jeszcze zrobilam pilates i jakies treningi na miesnie brzucha i na uda + bylam jeszcze na krotkim spacerze na ktorym spalilam tylko 79 kcal wiec calkiem malo.
limit - 550 kcal
zjedzone - 504 kcal
spalone - 379 kcal (doliczylam 100 kcal z tego pilatesu i treningow)
bilans - 125 kcal
ugw - 35 kg
gw1 - 39 kg gw2 - 37 kg
sw - 41 kg
wiec to na tyle chudej nocy motylki 🦋
#lekka jak motyl#chce byc lekka jak motylek#motylki any#motylki blog#chce byc idealna#motylki w brzuchu#nie chce być gruba#bede motylkiem#chce widziec swoje kosci#nie chce jesc#gruba szmata#jestem gruba#gruba świnia
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dzisiaj zjadlam omlet z parowkami, goracy kubek, spaghetti bolognese i troche mandarynek ale spalilam 250 kcal okolo wiec mam nadzieje ze nie przytyje
#chce byc perfekcyjna#chude uda#glodowka#gruba swinia#jestem obrzydliwa#gruba świnia#za gruba#bede lekka#blogi motylkowe#motylki
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dobrq chyba narazie bedzie okolo 300 kcal, ale zaniedlugo mabyc obiad ni chuja ze rusze tego królika wiec wyjebane, pozniej wieczorem wypije goracy kubek i bedzie git, teraz ide ogarnac notatki z historii
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Won't finish this before the month ends so here's the first page
[ID: Goracy Kubek is holding a bowl with ganache in it. "If you combine equal parts chocolate chips and heavy cream, you get ganache!" Harry in response asks, "So, homemade *Nutella*?" This catches the attention of Kim next to him. He turns to Harry and asks, "What are the first three letters of that word?" Harry thinks about it for a second, then says, "Nut." End ID.]
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#originalpear art#my art#art#digital#sfw#human#disco elysium#de#harry du bois#kim kitsuragi#goracy kubek#comic
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podsumowanie dnia:
zjedzone 950/850
dzis w miare nudny dzien glownie to sprzatalam i lezalam xd. limit przekroczony ale nie o wiele i i tak jest mniej zjedzone o 150 kcal niz wczoraj. co do jedzenia to na sniadanie zjadlam kasze manna i kawe,na obiad zupe tajska curry,na przekaske ten taki goracy kubek rosol a na taka wczesna kolacje jogurt z granola i serek.
3majcie sie chudo
#jestem motylkiem#lekka jak motyl#będę motylkiem#b─öd─ö motylkiem#chude uda#blogi motylkowe#kosciotrup#bede motylkiem#lekkie motylki#motylki any
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🎵 Whirling in Rags, 8 AM
"A police woman."
HORSE-FACED WOMAN - "Yes..." Her voice is quiet. "A police woman who just wants to do her job, that's all," she says quietly and looks away.
COMPOSURE [Medium: Success] - Something about the man with sunglasses and you, the energy between you two, is making her uncomfortable.
5. "Okay. Good-bye." [Leave.]
Alright, let's have another look at the bullet.
FRACTURED BULLET - The bullet is still safely sealed away in a plastic bag bearing the RCM stamp.
4. [Hand/Eye Coordination - Legendary 14] Try to determine what type of weapon shot this.
HAND/EYE COORDINATION [Legendary: Success] - You can't remember what happened last week -- what makes you think you're going to remember arcane firearm models?
-1 Morale
This is still a really hard check. It's probably worth waiting until we know more.
5. The bullet has nothing more to say. [Put it away.]
GORĄCY KUBEK - The man ponders his cooking utensils and gives you a little nod, acknowledging your presence.
"Do you know what's behind that door?" (Point to the blue door.)
"Leo said you're friends with Mañana. Is that true?"
"What is in that borscht you're making there?" (Point to the large pot.)
"You've got some impressive pots there."
"I don't think I need anything else. Stay masculine!" [Leave.]
GORĄCY KUBEK - The mention of 'Mañana' gets his attention. He smiles and delivers a whole slew of unfamiliar words and lively gestures. Then he falls silent again.
EMPATHY [Easy: Success] - They're friends.
2. "What is in that borscht you're making there?" (Point to the large pot.)
GORĄCY KUBEK - The man says a couple of sentences in that strange language of his and then seems to wait for you to speak.
"Yes." (Nod.)
"No." (Shake your head.)
"Sorry, I don't understand you."
GORĄCY KUBEK - Just one word. Sounds quizzical. Then he awaits your answer with his brow arched.
"Yes." (Nod.)
GORĄCY KUBEK - "*Barszcz* need…" He looks at the soup, then at you. "More *wódka*?" He picks up a bottle from the shelf.
KIM KITSURAGI - "Okay, so it's vodka that keeps the men happy and in good spirits." He nods. "Clever move by the Union."
HORRIFIC NECKTIE - Vodka-borscht! I love it, *bratan*! Turn it the fuck up and then ask for some yourself.
LOGIC [Trivial: Success] - Turning it up seems like a dangerous idea, honestly. The place is a powder keg.
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chyba od jutra bede wam wstawiac co zjadlam, ile to ma kalorii i ile spalilam bo bede miala przynajmniej jakakolwiek motywacje, teraz ide zjesc goracy kubek knor serowa z grzankami 70kcal 🥰
#motylki any#chce byc lekka jak motylek#motylki blog#bede lekka jak motylek#bede motylkiem#będę motylkiem#motylek blog
0 notes
Dzien 4 🤍🦋
jap dzisiaj ki tak dobrze szlo w szkole zjadlam tylko batonika nesquick i pilam woede a jak wrocilam to zjadlam goracy kubek knorr i kit kata i poszlam na dlugi spacer i na koniec mialam zjesc pankejki z takiego orzepisu z tumblr i na tym mialo sie skonczyc ale kurw oczywiscie pod koniec dnia musialam cos spierdolic i rzucialam sie na jedzenie i zjadlam jakies 3 batony wafle jakies waniliowe draze kokosowe i serek no jap zajebie kurw nigdy jie schudne jak zwykle musze wszystko zepsuc az sie boje stawac na wage mam nadzieje ze jak w niedziele bede sie wazyc to chociaz schudne 1 kg ale pewnie przez ten napad jie schudne nawet pol musze sie bardziej pilnowac bo juz sie robi cieplo i zaraz bedzie mozna chodzic w topach ( wsm juz mozena ale ja nie wyjde w topie kiedy jestem taka gruba swinia ) mam nadzieje ze dobrze jutro ki pojdzie kalori nie liczylam dzisiaj bo az sie boje ile wyjdzie orzez ten napad wiec wybaczcie mi ale noo jutro mam nadzieje ze bedzie ju git
limit - 550 kcal ( przekroczony )
zjedzone - binge ( nie kiczylam )
spalone - 153 kcal
bilans - ???
ugw - 35 kg
gw1 - 39 kg gw2 - 37 kg
sw - 41 kg
( sory za bledy i za to ze tak chaotycznie trch to napisalam ale jestem tak wkurwuona na siebie kurw musze sie bardziej postarac bo to jest jakas tragedia i zaczac wiecej cwiczyc bo to chb najbardziej zaniedbalam )
#chce byc lekka jak motylek#lekka jak motyl#motylki any#chce byc idealna#motylki blog#motylki w brzuchu#nie chce być gruba#bede motylkiem#chce widziec swoje kosci#nie chce jesc#gruba szmata#jestem gruba#gruba świnia#just binged
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dobra dzis tez do szkoly tylko mus, ledwo wstalam, nie mam sily tam chodzic prawie bylam skora do tego by napisac do matki ze dzis nie ide bo zle sie czuje ale zaraz by bylo dochodzenie... nie wiem ona ma na 8 ja tez juz sie ubralam wiec ide ale ciagle powstrzymuje lzy, czuje obrzydzenie do siebie i jedzenia gdy tylko i nim pomysle to juz mnie mdli, chyba dzis przezyke tylko na musach bo nie ma chuja ze zjem cos "stałego" moze kupie sobie goracy kubek jakis yez syca fajnie
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Disco Nutella
[ID: Kim's face is partially hidden by the below panels, his glasses overlapping them. "And what *didn't* they use in that recipe?" Harry, now aware of his mistake, sorrowfully answers, "Nuts. :(" The lieutenant responds, "Exactly, detective." Goracy has been observing this interaction with a concerning grin. End ID.]
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#originalpear art#my art#art#digital#sfw#human#disco elysium#de#harry du bois#kim kitsuragi#goracy kubek#comic
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