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sweatynightmarepainter · 18 days ago
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For Google Maps Users in U.S., It’s Now the Gulf of America
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makemydayapp · 1 year ago
🎉 Very Exciting News! Make My Day has been chosen to participate in the prestigious Google for Startups program: "Startups for Sustainable Development"!
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At Make My Day, we have set a top priority goal: to significantly reduce global air pollution stemming from vehicle fleets. Being a part of this distinguished program will not only amplify our outreach to more fleets but also propel our vision into tangible reality. Together, we are committed to making a meaningful impact on sustainable development! For more information visit our blog: https://lnkd.in/dfgQ3RcF Nisan Katz Cnaan Aviv Hanan Klainer Tim Kustka Lee paztal
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bogdanpred · 1 year ago
From the early days at my first entrepreneurial endeavour, Renovatio IT Solutions in 2012 to launching getFittter, a corporate wellness startup in Dallas, my journey with Vector Watch, and my time at Fitbit, I've been privileged to witness the growth of Romania's and CEE’s startup ecosystem. Now, as CEO & Founder of Hyperhuman, I'm deeply thankful for the vibrant community of founders, investors, journalists and amazing talent from this region. Together, we've built something remarkable, and the future holds even more promise! 🚀🇷🇴 🇪🇺🇺🇸
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coachfeola-blog · 6 years ago
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http://bit.ly/2Skws0T Nós da Hyppe temos o objetivo de melhorar a gestão financeira de personais trainers... Saiba mais clicando na imagem abaico ou no link acima !
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bantucola · 4 years ago
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Tiffini Gatlin Founder, Latched & Hooked a when innovation meets self care company. A Google for Startup Black Founder Fund Recipient, Tiffini didn’t always have it all figured out. In fact, she shares how she overcame an unthinkable experience building her first business. She is a wife, mom, and a founder who gracefully navigates the startup journey. Check out Lacked and Booked at www.lackedandhooked.com and purchase your non-toxic, ready-to-wear synthetic hair extensions that makes you look and feel confident. https://tinyurl.com/y64fmnvj About the GurlDeDe Podcast Being a Wife, Mom, and a Startup Founder is not easy. In order to live our best life, we need to be honest about the good, bad, and the ugly of this journey. I'll be keeping it real with this community by sharing what it’s really like when you make the sacrifice to follow your dreams and build a business with a family. About Graftedvine Media Graftedvine Media is a full featured podcasting platform. We provide recording, engineering, hosting, mixing, mastering, and publishing services. Let your voice be heard! #blackfounderfundrecipient #founder #googleforstartup #latchedamphooked #tiffinigatlin
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minu25n1 · 5 years ago
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간만에 찾은 #googleforstartup 리뉴얼한다고 해서 굉장히 기대했는데, “ #wework 스타일로 갑니까?!!!!!😲” 라고 물어보니, 아니라고 한다.. 🥺 하지만 분위기는 정말 하아... #취저 #구글 #google #startup #fastfive #coworking #손정의 #공유경제 #역대급적자 #꾸르잼 #쿠팡 🤔(Google for Startups에서) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6NXNxFljpI/?igshid=7qc0zplaue2o
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seeunaofosse-eu · 6 years ago
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Teve sim @weurbanas no #StartupOn em São Luís, e também teve muitas mulheres incríveis por lá, e muitos homens também. Valew @creativepackbr @sebraemaranhao @abstartups @googleforstartupsbrazil pelo evento muito legal. #weurbanas #googleforstartup #womenceo #empreendermulher (em São Luís, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvVSfRiFsmw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=80frdmkpudb2
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hiratakuchandx · 3 years ago
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コロナの影響でクローズしていたGoogle for Startups東京キャンパスの再開記念イベンに参加。岸田内閣の看板政策でもあるスタートアップ支援が、次の日本を創ります。担当大臣の設置も決まったので���支援のスピードアップを実現していきたいと思います。 #平井卓也 #スタートアップ #google #googleforstartups (Tokyo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgjC0gPvlxv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vidyasunilandassociates · 4 years ago
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Startup India: Tax Exemption under Section 56 of the Income Tax Act (Angel Tax) Post getting recognition a Startup may apply for Angel Tax Exemption. Eligibility Criteria for Tax Exemption under Section 56 of the Income Tax Act: The entity should be a DPIIT recognized Startup Aggregate amount of paid up share capital and share premium of the Startup after the proposed issue of share, if any, does not exceed INR 25 Crore. Advice for Contact : VidyaSunil & Associates Web : www.vidyasunilassociates.com #vidyasunilassociates#startupindia #seedfunding #microsoftstartups #vidyasunil #GoogleForStartups #10000startups #100startups #startupindia #vidyasunil #tax #TaxExemption #venturecapital #startups #Nasscom #softwaredeveloper https://www.instagram.com/p/CS_PmEAjEUy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wrongdesign · 5 years ago
HR KIT is fundraising! Read our story
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HR KIT is fundraising! Read our story Me and my partner have changed more than 25 jobs before becoming entrepreneurs. We worked for many companies but never felt we are part of their future. THIS IS TRUE FOR MOST PEOPLE! 85% of employees don’t like their job while HR departments are limited in doing administration instead of development. Our solution is HR Kit. With HR Kit human resources have the power to create employee engagement by opening a two-way communication channel, using just their mobile phone. It is built as a social network with integrated tools, such as 360 feedback, task management and many more. Our vision is to see companies create a healthier working environment. Our clients include IKEA and Intersport branches in 5 countries. www.hr-kit.com #disengagement #hrkit #employeeengagement #sanfransisco #hrtech #companyculture #hr #humanresources #companyculture #engagement #sgglobal #siliconvalley Read the full article
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psyecell · 5 years ago
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PSYECians partucipating at Startup Weekend Madurai 2020 organised in association with Google for Startups and Techstars. #swmadurai20 #swmadurai2020 #startupweekeendmadurai #googleforstartups #techstars #psyec #cfie #dotcominfoway (at Dot Com Infoway) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7d4G3fhdVe/?igshid=1ioixeqdiyvxu
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c-i-b-entertainment · 5 years ago
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Must have app For entrepreneurs who want to brush up on or learn new skills that will help you grow and advance your startup business. 🙏🏾🤴🏾's👸🏾's and Thank you google @googleforstartups for this gem #knowledgeispower #google #googleforstartups #CauseIBelieve #hiphop #hiphopmusic #hiphophead #hiphopentrepreneurs #underrated #underanticipated #unsignedartist #nextup #realmusic #realhiphop #realhiphopmusic #startup (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/B37Aggghr5i/?igshid=vr0jydrzrgsr
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hyphenscs · 3 years ago
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At Hyphen SCS we are in pursuit of Building Google for Warehouses. We are elated to share that we are now part of the Google for Startups program. We are confident that very soon with the support of Google, your search for warehouses ends at Hyphen SCS. Visit hyphenscs.com to know more about us! #hyphenscs #googleforstartups #google #logistics #warehousing # #startups #building #supplychainmanagement #supplychain #leading # #warehouses #platform #3pl
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bantucola · 4 years ago
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Tiffini Gatlin Founder, Latched & Hooked a when innovation meets self care company. A Google for Startup Black Founder Fund Recipient, Tiffini didn’t always have it all figured out. In fact, she shares how she overcame an unthinkable experience building her first business. She is a wife, mom, and a founder who gracefully navigates the startup journey. Check out Lacked and Booked at www.lackedandhooked.com and purchase your non-toxic, ready-to-wear synthetic hair extensions that makes you look and feel confident.
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cidimarreis · 6 years ago
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Workshop sobre direito de startups no Google for Startups. #google #googleforstartups (at Google for Startups) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bylk3U3hgDG/?igshid=fywgmmz5d9vi
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cristiangeovannymunoz · 6 years ago
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Libros que he leído para tener la mente millonaria y las acciones que hago todos los días son dar GRACIAS por todo lo que tengo y por lo que se viene y TRABAJO FUERTEMENTE TODOS LOS DIAS para despertar el poder latente que hay en las personas que se contactan conmigo ahora TENGO EL SECRETO EN MIS MANOS #innovation #startup #networking #investors #givefirst #googleforstartups #quito #conectar #educar #inspirar #emprendedores #hubs #capitalization #trader #invertir https://www.instagram.com/p/BvHY4jOF5Yc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1nl4fup452x65
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