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mufaperfumes · 4 months ago
No1perfumes for men
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johnnysrocker · 2 years ago
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有股椰香味☕️ #weaselcoffee #fireking #goodsmell (在 Pearl Island (Hong Kong)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqIi2L0vNZy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ilearnedthistodaysblog · 4 months ago
#1059 Why do some things smell good and some things smell bad?
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Why do some things smell good and some things smell bad? The reason things smell good or bad is a combination of learned experiences and evolution. We smell in the same way that we taste. Everything around us is made of molecules and some of these molecules are released. If they happen to be released in the vicinity of us and find their way into our noses, they can attach to smell receptors that we have there. We have approximately 400 to 1,000 of these scent receptors and they can each react to a multitude of different molecules. When they are triggered by a molecule, it creates an electric signal that travels to the olfactory center of the brain and the brain works out what signals came from what scent receptors and puts together a scent profile from that. It is the same way our taste or sight work. With taste, we have taste buds that have receptors that get triggered by different molecules in the food. These signals go to the brain and the brain analyzes how much of which taste came and puts together a total taste. It is the same with sight. We have cones in our eyes that detect red, green, or blue light. They send signals to the brain and the brain works out how much of each color it has seen to make an overall color and an overall picture. Some things we taste are good and some things we taste are bad. Some things we smell are good and some things are bad. Why is that? There are two main reasons. The first is a learned response and this is why people in different cultures find different scents appealing. If you have never eaten a durian fruit and were exposed to one, you would not be able to eat it because of the smell. However, if you have grown up eating them and know that they taste amazing, you would associate the same smell with something that tastes good and the smell would be pleasant to you. This is down to memory and learned association. We learn from an early age to connect the smells of things to the experience that comes with them. For example, most people think a cookie smells better than a salad because we have learned that a cookie has an instant hit of sugar and fats that our body wants. Scent and memory have a very strong connection which you can see when you suddenly get a nose of a smell that reminds you of something that happened in your childhood. If you had a bad experience every time you ate a cookie, perhaps if you were strongly allergic to chocolate, you would probably grow up to dislike the smell of cookies. There are also, interestingly, some scents that we cannot detect. Oxygen is one of them. We have the ability to detect trillions of different smells, but we cannot smell oxygen. The second reason is evolutionary. We have fairly strong stomachs and fairly strong stomach acid, but there are still bacteria and certain toxins that can make us very sick, or are potentially fatal. A lot of these bacteria release sulfur and oxygen (sulphate), which we have evolved to think smells particularly bad. These bacteria release this compound when they are decomposing things, such as old food, meat, bodies, and anything that is rotting. These bacteria are also present in excrement, making it smell bad. We have evolved to dislike these smells because if there is a smell we don’t like, we will avoid the source of the smell. That will stop us from eating rotten food, staying near dead bodies, or staying near excrement. Avoid those things will keep us safe from the bacteria and their lethal toxins. There was probably a point where we didn’t think those things smelled bad, but a mutation meant that one organism started to dislike the smells and stayed away. That organism had less chance of getting sick and more chance of passing on its genes, so disliking the smell spread. Interestingly, the majority of animals avoid smells that come from rotting meat and dead bodies. However, there are some animals, such as hyenas and vultures, that live on decayed meat and have stomach acid that is strong enough to destroy even the hardiest of toxins. They haven’t evolved to dislike the smell of rotting meat because if they did, they wouldn’t be able to eat anything. On the contrary, they have evolved to seek out the smell. And this is what I learned today. Photo by Matthias Zomer: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pink-pig-66627/ Sources https://umbc.edu/stories/what-makes-something-smell-good-or-bad https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/5j2q1r/eli5_why_do_bad_smells_smell_bad_and_good_smells/ https://www.rockefeller.edu/news/30838-study-reveals-smell-receptors-work https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olfactory_receptor https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2014.14904 https://www.quora.com/Does-human-smell-only-involve-about-400-unique-receptors Read the full article
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25a · 2 years ago
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Profumi per ambiente con bastoncini Linea Excellence | Dolce Confetto Muschi, legni, fiori e vaniglia, creano con Dolce Confetto, un mix di note dolci, calde🔥 ed accattivanti come può essere un giorno incancellabile ed indimenticabile. 💡 Aree consigliate: camera e soggiorno. 🛋 Lasciati travolgere da un’esperienza olfattiva con il profumo per ambiente con bastoncini della Linea Excellence di Erbolinea. ✔️Venite a trovarci in store Ci trovate 📍Via Roma 25A Francavilla Fontana (Br) Tutti i giorni aperti 🕓09:00 - 13:00 17:00 - 20:30 Domenica 🕓 10:00 - 12:00 17:30 - 20:30 📧Mail: [email protected] 📱Whatsapp: 3773874508 📣Consegna a domicilio e spedizione online ◾️ ◾️ ◾️ #puglia #weareinpuglia #philiahome #francavillafontana #viaroma #erbolineafragranze #diffusoreambiente #home #goodsmell #erbolinea #homesweethome #fragranzeambiente #lineaexcellence #dolceconfetto (presso 𝑷𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒊𝒂 𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒆) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqLNLPqNRpI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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osakiakiko · 2 years ago
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めっちゃ寒かった1日。 川崎での撮影帰り、明日から雪エリアに突入するかもしれないので、持ってるチェーンの装着を買ったお店に教えてもらいに。 4年前に購入したものの、今まで一度も使ったことがなかったチェーン。出してみるとひっ絡まっちゃって、どうにもこうにも知恵の輪状態。 寒風吹き荒ぶ中、名倉潤似のお店のお兄さんと一緒に格闘すること30分、ついに応援の人まで増員され、無事に知恵の輪は解けました! 解けた後、自然と拍手(私と名倉潤似の方)とガッツポーズ(応援で加わって解いてくれた方)🤣 ほんと、何も買わないのに、フォローしてくれたお店の方には感謝です。 これでもう、雪エリアに入ってチェーン装着はバッチリなはず。 画像は、現場近くの公園で咲いてた梅。 いい匂いがしてました。 #winter #flower #january #flowerphotography #flowerstagram #plum #梅 #sweetsmell #goodsmell #梅の花 #もうすぐ春 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cn1X7fGvAk1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yurin4311 · 2 years ago
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Perfume addict 🖤 @aux_paradis * * #auxparadis #perfume #perfumes #cosmetics #product #whiteberry #fleur #goodsmells #fabric #body https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnib1Z6SIRl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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goodsmellerart · 4 months ago
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25 prompts for the month of October! complete them in any order, as many as you want- just post your marked bingo card when you're done!!!
this is an art challenge with the intention to be lighthearted and low obligation! all ranges of art and commitment are welcome :)
the official tag is #ponytoberbingo2024 (i'd love to see everyone's contributions!!!) but feel free to post in other tags too
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kingofdandelions · 1 year ago
Plant flowers in my wounds, preferrably yellow ones but others are welcome too.
Don't bury me in the ground. Please.
Strip away my flesh and use my skeleton as a halloween decoration. Use my ashes in a cake, or some candy or any other type of food. Place my rotting body inside a cave or a hollow tree, so an adventurer can find me rotting away with flower growing between my ribs. Let my corpse be the most beuatiful bouqet ever seen. Let the smell of dandelions overpower the smell of decay. Burn me to keep the fireplace from dying as I have. Eat me to keep yourself from starving.
Let me be of use even in my death.
Let me entertain you. Let me scare you. Let me help you. Let me suprise whoever stumbles upon my rotting flesh.
I want to live on while my body is rotting, my skin decaying and my lungs no longer breathing. I want to grow flowers in my eyesockets.
If Ive been shot through my skull, place purple irises through the bleeding wound.
If my heart is torn out, let bluebells use my flesh as soil.
If my eyes are gouged out plant variegated tulips in the eye sockets.
Let wildflowers grow through my rot, let dandelion beam from all my open wounds. Let my corpse breathe through the flowers, keeping me from ever really dying with their life and constant growing.
Yes, let me die, but don't bury me in the ground. Bury me in flowers, so many that you can hardly see the rotting flesh. So colorfull flowers that you can ignore the blood staining them. So goodsmelling the my decay wont be noticed. So beatiful that you forget that its a corpse, and not a garden.
Make sure that Im more alive then I ever could dream of, despite being a corpse. Despite my guts being spilled on the ground. Despite my eyeballs no longer filling my sockets. Despite my blood seeping out and my heart not beating.
I want to live in a way that no one quite living can. My corpse living on far longer than I can, and the flowers revelling in my corpse out living myself.
I want my immortality gained through flowers.
If I ever die, my immortality will be gained with my corpse.
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shmarrus · 1 month ago
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tonight... @goodsmeller and I will finish Mouthwashing, AND a secret game for later... what will happen to our pony express pals? 🦷🪥
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goodsmeller · 4 months ago
sjust ate some ribs and drank 2 beers fewling lightheaded
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lguigna · 10 months ago
I sprsyed one of ghe only perfumes I like the smell of in my room and closed the door But now its making my head hurt even more. Coffee headsche + Badsmell headachd + Goodsmell headahch=SOMEBODY HELP MD
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trimari · 1 year ago
unexpected Sunji check in my live space part one
My tentacles from fist sanji
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Mi live in moss communal sunji
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My little fire tanki savior cunji
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My fancy Little fire's daddy, he smoking big grass drug every day and small drag then see me Smolji
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My pinkass cellulose susji
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My me sosji
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My miss last buss suunji
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My emo tired frogfull corji
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My princess of dino swanji
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My useful for becoming beautiful goodsmell sussy girl at X p.m. simpji
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I have more cool zunji, wait a little and I will show them
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ilygetou · 1 year ago
hai evelyn :3
hey my pookie wookie dookie smookie cookie kookie wookey dookie smoochie woochie coochie doochie moochie gookie shookie qookie lookie zookie gookie tookie yookie vookie xookie mookie nookie swookie rookie madookie rawookie tittookie didookie dicookie bookie smadookie raqookie vadookie badookie sumtookie marsookie cookiewookie pandoookie ratookie cupcake honey bun sweetiebear baby-babe bae-boo smoothie doo voodoo marmalade sanwhich cutie cake cheesecake teddy bun bear lovey wovey dovey bird cutie patootie cutness overloady cummy wuddy hottie tottie smottie wottie cutie mcdonald sanwhich pantootie best buy Pc kitty bear zaddy waddy nghy wghy hottie mcdoublecheeseburgerwi thranchandmcdonaldsfryf riesandbigmac baby waby babe dabe tabe scabe hottie boo bear sprite with soda honey pie cutue pie sweetiepie teddy weddy zesty bestie bee eff masterwsstr toaster doaster wineanddine valentiens teddy bear samsung fridge laundry bssket eith goodsmelling clothes with flower scent cutie patootie ❤️❤️😅
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magical-bear-dubin · 5 months ago
Cooking is delicious and baking is goodsmelling
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devanshtiwari · 2 years ago
10 Aquatic Perfume 
Aquatic perfume is a Goodsmell perfume that we can use at festivals, parties, or any occasion. The special thing about this perfume is that it is made for both men and women. By applying this perfume, we feel hopeful. And this perfume gives us a sense of freshness. This perfume is made by mixing special fruits, flowers, and many ingredients, due to which the fragrance of its perfume is very good, it removes the bad smell and it is in the bottle of Kutch. Everyone likes it because of its fragrance.
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goodsmellerart · 11 months ago
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happy shilog Goodsmeller day to me 🎂🎉 im 24 todaye!
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