#goodbye. and incase I don’t see you good afternoon good evening and good night
secondhello · 8 months
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“Goodbye stranger, it’s been nice,
Hope you find your paradise.
Tried to see your point of view,
Hope your dreams will all come true.
Will we ever meet again?
Feel no sorrow, feel no shame,
Come tomorrow, feel no pain.”
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
pairing - bau team x teen!reader
summary - you have to protect henry from an unsub
warnings - mentions of case, violence, injury
word count - ?
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when you were sixteen, j.j. and will hired you to be nanny for henry due to their demanding jobs as an fbi profiler and police detective. obviously, you had agreed as you would need the money for college soon.
the two parents were incredibly welcoming, immediately treating you as one of their own. henry loved you too, always being such a good kid when you babysat for him.
however, you knew that with both of their jobs. you were at some risk. j.j. and will planned ahead, giving the code word of ‘echo’ incase you were ever in trouble. one text to them and they would instantly go into full parent mode. it was only to be used in emergencies, such as if henry got seriously injured or some criminal threat.
tonight, for the first time ever, you had to use the code word.
it was a fairly normal friday afternoon. j.j. had called and asked if you could babysit henry while her and will worked the same case. the exact details weren’t revealed but you knew it was bad judging by the news as well as the fact that two separate divisions were solving the case together.
after being dropped off at the families home, you slung your backpack on your back and walked through the gates up to the front door. you first knocked on the door before stepping back. will opened the door a moment later, greeting you with a slight smile, “hey y/n.”
“hey will, is j.j. already working?” you asked, spinning around when you heard thumping on the stairs.
henry rushed in and immediately ran into your arms. you grinned at the young boy and picked him up, placing him on your hip as you ruffled his hair.
“yeah she had to head in early. i just have to grab my bag and then i’m heading out,” will informed you before leaving the room to get his stuff.
you had been babysitting henry long enough that you didn’t need instructions from them. everything was already memorized. henry jumped out of your arms and ran into the living room.
will walked in with his bag and kissed henry on the forehead to say goodbye. “i’m not super sure when we’ll be back. you already know everything and where your room is if you stay over. thanks again,” and with that, the police detective left the house to drive to quantico.
“alright henry,” you started, “you ready for lunch?” henry’s giggle was answer enough.
for the next six or so hours, you and henry played games, colored, and finally watched tv. by eight pm, he had finally settled down to watch a movie.
while henry’s eyes were glued to the tv, you slipped out of the living room and grabbed your phone so you could watch the local news without scaring or distracting him. the breaking news made you extremely uneasy.
“the local killer who has been terrorizing washington d.c. has been reported to be roaming the streets. all residents have been advised to stay inside and lock there doors. a picture should be showing up on your screens now. if you see this man, please contact the police,” the news anchor reported.
you slipped your phone into your pocket and made your rounds around the house to double check that the doors were locked. just as you were locking one of the windows in the front, you noticed a strange van outside of the house.
at first, you thought that it might have been one of the neighbors or some utility truck. but, after the man inside stepped out, you filled with panic. standing outside of the house, just seconds away from walking up, was the killer on the loose. he seemed to noticed your figure in the window and grinned wickedly.
he was targeting you. he was going to storm in this house and kill you. he was going to kill you and then kill henry. oh my god, henry.
you were on autopilot as you ran through the house, picking henry up in one swift motion and only putting him down when you hit the stairs.
“remember when we would play hide-and-go-seek?” you started. upon seeing the young boys nod, you continued, “i need you to go upstairs and find the best hiding spot you can. stay quiet and don’t move until i come and get you. there’s a man outside who wants to hurt us. i love you henry. now go hide.”
“i love you too,” henry replied before running up the stairs and down the hallway as fast as his little legs could take him.
you slipped behind a wall, thankful that you kept your phone with you. after taking a deep breath, you opened the messaging app and clicked on j.j.’s contact. it was a simple four letter word that you sent that could potentially save your life.
‘echo’ you typed before pressing the send button.
by now, all the lights in the house went out. you ditched your phone on the ground just before the front door slammed open. you shut your eyes, a stray tear slipping down your face. it was now or never.
at quantico, j.j. sat at her desk surrounded by the team at their individual work stations. will remained next to his wife while many of the other cops were out on the street. just as j.j. finished going over one of the files about the unsubs past life, her phone buzzed.
j.j.’s furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed it was a message from you. one four letter word was displayed across her screen. ‘echo’ she read.
“oh my god,” j.j. spoke as she jumped out of her chair, grabbing her bag and making sure her gun was on her hip. “hey,” will called, grabbing her wrist to prevent her from going anywhere.
“echo will, echo,” j.j. repeated. after those words processed, will stood up too, his eyes going wide.
hotch and rossi both emerged from their office and walked down into the bullpen. “what’s going on?” the unit chief asked.
“i think the unsub is at my house. y/n sent a text with our code word she only uses in emergencies,” j.j. ranted as she ran her hand through her hair. hotch pondered for a split second before turning to the room.
“let’s go,” was all he said.
meanwhile, back at the house, loud footsteps walked through the house. a million different scenerios flowed through your mind. if you stayed put and hoped j.j. was on her way, you could just hide and hopefully wait it out. but, there was always the chance the man would discover you. the second option was that you fought back. the only con is that he had a knife and you had just barely above average fighting skills.
after choosing the later decision, you went into full stealth mode to find the best vantage point. as you slipped through the rooms and behind various furniture, you held back a smirk as the killer looked around randomly.
finally, when the mans back was turned, you striked.
the first attack was a solid kick to the back of his knees. the mans knife clattered across the floor as he stumbles slightly. you held your hands up in fists as the killer turned around. he charged at you, pushing you back into the wall. a hard punch was landed to your nose and eyes. your lip managed to split in the process too along with your injured ribs from the tackle. you managed to get out of his grip and kick him in the crotch. when he doubled over, you elbowed him in the back causing him to cripple to the ground.
you were honestly slightly proud of yourself for making it this far but you still had a long way to go. after kneeling down beside him, you punched him once in the nose to add to the pain. the final blow, which knocked him out, was a hard kick to the head.
with shaky hands, you rushed out of the main room and into the connected garage. as fast as you could, you rummaged through the cabinet trying to find something to further prevent the man from causing anymore harm. you stumbled upon zip ties and let out a sigh of relief.
you fastened the zip ties around his wrists and ankles thus preventing him from moving if he did wake up. you left the man on the floor and ran to the stairs.
“henry!” you called, your voice echoing up the stairs, “it’s safe, you can come out now.” maybe that last part was a slight lie but you needed henry to know that it was okay.
the blond-haired boy peered around the railing before running down the stairs and into your arms. despite the pain it brought your ribs, you picked henry up and placed him on your hip as you hugged him. after moving into the main living room, you leaned against the back of the couch and shut your eyes.
for the second time that night, the door slammed open. in stormed the bau team and you could hear other sirens outside. you winced at the lights being turned on so suddenly but still turned to face the group.
j.j. and will immediately rushed over to where you were with henry. will took his son out of your arms and lead him away from the scene. j.j., however, pulled you into a hug, cradling your head with her hand as you began to cry. you were sure that the blood from your nose was definitely getting on her vest.
“i’m sorry,” you choked out.
frowning, j.j. pulled away and placed her hands on your cheeks. yours, in contrast, moved to hold her wrists.
“hey, don’t even say that. you saved henry and for the most part, saved yourself. did you take him down all by yourself?” j.j. questioned.
you nodded as you used the back of your hand to wipe away some of the blood on your face. “i am so proud of you.”
the man was all but thrown into the police car as hotch walked over to where you and j.j. were still standing. “ambulance it waiting,” the man spoke. she turned to you, “we need to get you to a hospital to look at your injuries. i know your parents are out of town and i’m already down as an emergency contact. is it all right if i go with you?”
j.j.’s voice mirrored the one she used for henry. after shaking your head yes, j.j. wrapped an arm around you before leading you out of the house and to the driveway.
with one final smile to will and henry, you both climbed inside, j.j. holding your hand the entire way.
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Unlikely Lovers Chapter Six
And here we are half way through @beccabarba and my Nick series. Thank you for the support and positivity we have received we love this series so much. 
Warning: This one is a bit of everything. Dirty talk, F/M masturbation, little angry Nick, sub!Nick, bit of tying up and just general smut.  
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Incase you needed to catch up :) Also not planned, this one fits into the Masturbation square for @thatesqcrush summer bing
WC: 3850
Enjoy x
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You decided to tell your friends in the squad first, to get used to talking about your relationship, before you told Liv officially. When you told Amanda, over drinks, she grinned and shook her head in disbelief.
“Y’all kept this from me. When did it start?” She turned her blue eyes on you. “Wait, it was that movie night, wasn’t it? When I couldn’t make it? Oh god, guys, that was weeks ago. And you know, I suspected something right away, but when you were so quiet about it, I thought I must be wrong! All this time…”
“Sorry,” Nick said with a little shrug, his hand on yours.
“Y’know, Fin said he thought you two had something. Ages ago. And I told him it wasn’t likely, you two? Nothing in common.” Amanda looked between you.
“I guess we found something,” you said, with a grin.
Amanda laughed. “I’ll just bet you did.”
You blushed at her tone. “More than just that,” you said, raising your eyebrows and trying not to meet Nick’s eye.
“Well, I’m happy for you. As long as you don’t make me feel like a third wheel at movie night,” she said.
“Cheers to that,” Nick replied, lifting his drink. “Keep quiet about it until I’m back from LA? That’s when we’re going to make it official.”
Amanda clinked her bottle against his, and nodded her understanding.
Nick’s departure for LA came around far too soon for your liking. You were very happy with the idea of meeting both Zara and Gil by video call, but you had to admit you were a bit nervous about Nick seeing not one, but two of his former partners. You were certain he was over Maria, but you were not entirely sure how he felt about Cynthia, and you didn’t like to press him for explanations. Not that you thought he still had feelings for her; you just weren’t sure how seeing them all would affect him on his return. He could be moody, prone to dwell on his misfortunes, and you’d enjoyed the way the weight had seemed to lift off him recently. You also knew he missed his kids and had definitely considered a move out to California on more than one occasion. You didn’t want to see yourself as in competition with them.
When you’d said goodbye in the early morning, before he jumped in an Uber to JFK for a 7am flight, he’d sensed your tension.
“Hey,” he said, tilting your chin so you were looking into his eyes. “I can’t wait for you to meet Zara and Gil. They’re going to love you. Maybe next time you can fly out there with me?”
You smiled. “I’d love that. But I don’t want to intrude, Nick. The kids, Maria and Cynthia, that’s a whole other part of your life…”
He stroked your head. “I love you, Y/N. You’re part of my life now too. And I’m not going to suddenly see them and not care about you, if that’s what’s making you look so worried.” He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your forehead softly. “I’ll miss you every day. And we’ll video call every night. Okay?”
You smiled and nodded. “Yes. I’ll miss you too. And I’m not worried, not really… I love you.”
“We’ll talk before you go to sleep?” he said.
“Of course,” you gave him another kiss, before he climbed into the car and you waved him off. You prided yourself on being independent, not needing anyone. But you had to admit to yourself that the idea of Nick being on the other side of the country made your heart ache.
It was 11pm in New York, and 8pm in Los Angeles. You’d been texting all day, just keeping in touch. Nick had gone straight from the airport to spend the afternoon with Zara, and Cynthia and Gil were heading up from San Diego the following day. You knew he was safe and happy, but tired after the flight, planning to sleep early. So, you were both already settled in bed when you picked up your phone to call him via FaceTime.
When the call connected, your screen was filled with Nick’s face and bare shoulders. He was clearly sitting in a hotel bed, leaning back against a beige fabric headboard, shirtless and with a shadow of stubble along his jaw. You couldn’t help a huge smile at seeing him, your heart flooding with warmth, and a throb of arousal pulsing through you. Seeing him looking at you from a screen was just a reminder of how handsome he was. You watched the smile spread over his face, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“Hey, querida,” he said warmly.
“Hey, yourself.” You grinned, looking into his eyes through the camera. “Miss you.”
“Miss you too,” he said. “Really, more than I knew I would. It’s not even twenty-four hours yet…”
“It was strange not seeing you at work – or after work,” you added. Then you gave him a wicked smile. “But I need to know something…”
“Yes?” he tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.
“Are you naked, Nick Amaro?”
His face broke into a huge smile, and he glanced down. “No, I’m wearing boxers and I’m under the duvet,” he replied. You could picture his body so clearly.
“Do you have something in mind?”
“Might do. But we should catch up…”
“Nothing to catch up on. I texted you everything, and I’m not doing anything new until tomorrow. All there is to do now is spend time with you, and sleep…” Even though the screen, his eyes felt as though they were burning into yours. So much emotion and arousal. “If I was there, we wouldn’t be sleeping…”
You narrowed your eyes at him, feeling the heat sweep through you. “So, what would we be doing?”
“I’d be kissing you and running my hands all over you,” his voice had dropped into a seductive whisper. “I’d be enjoying every curve…kissing your neck, just where you like it…” As he spoke, you could imagine exactly how it would feel.
“You know about that?” you said, in a breathy tone.
“I know all the places you want to be touched…and kissed…” he replied, and it sent a shiver through your body.
“I wish you could show me…” almost unconsciously, your fingers traced a path down your body, rubbing over your own nipples, down over your skin, to press between your thighs where you wanted him the most.
“When I get back, I will. Over and over. I won’t be able to keep my hands off you…” You were looking into his eyes in the screen, seeing the change in his face as he grew more aroused.
“Are you touching yourself, Nick?” you asked, even as your fingers teased in circles around your clit.
“What if I am? Are you?”
“I am,” you confessed. “I’m thinking of that big cock of yours, and how I want it in my mouth…”
Now Nick groaned. “I’m so hard for you, Y/N,” he breathed into the phone. You could see his movements.
“I’m so wet for you…” you replied. “Want to see?” You didn’t wait for an answer before you moved the phone down your body, giving him a view of where your fingers were teasing through your slick folds. The idea of him watching only increased your arousal.
“Mmm, yes, good girl,” Nick said in deep tones. Your breathing came faster and harder, as you moved the phone back up to your face.
“Your turn,” you said, giving him a naughty smile. He raised his eyebrows. “Please?” you added, your tone cheeky.
Nick nodded, and you watched the camera trail down over his toned abdomen, saw his boxers now pulled low, his free hand working his erection. You licked your lips at the sight. “I love your big cock,” you told him. “I want it filling my mouth…”
“When I get home, gonna fuck your face…” he groaned.
“Threat or a promise?” you managed. Your fingers, and his words were driving you closer, as he turned the camera back to his face, and you looked into his eyes, imagining his hands and eyes on you, thinking of that hand on his cock. Your orgasm was building quickly, the coil winding tighter.  
“Ohh, Nick…” you moaned.
“Going to come for me, querida?” he said, and you could hear how close he was from the strain in his tone.
“Yes…yes…” you managed.
“I’m going to come for you, Y/N,” he said, urgently. The idea of it was what sent you over the edge, breathing out his name as the pleasure burst through you.
“Mierda, Y/N,” you heard through the phone, as Nick let go, the image on the screen suddenly blurring as he dropped it, and you found yourself looking at the hotel room ceiling as you recovered, stroking yourself through the little aftershocks of pleasure.
Eventually, his face filled the screen again, a wide smile on his lips. “Even from the opposite coast, you’re amazing, Y/N,” he said.
“You too.” You put your fingers to your lips and blew him a kiss. “I really miss you…”
“You just miss my body,” he teased.
“That’s part of what I miss. But I wish we could just cuddle now.”
His eyes softened. “Me too. I’d love that…”
You talked quietly for a little longer, before agreeing you’d speak again tomorrow, and saying goodnight. When you went to sleep, it was with one of his t-shirts on the empty side of your bed, your fingers curled in the fabric.
Somehow, you got through the time that Nick was away. You had very friendly conversations with both Zara and Gil, and told Nick that he certainly made beautiful children. Seeing more of his life in this way, knowing that he’d told both Maria and Cynthia about you, your lives becoming more integrated, made your heart soar with emotion. In previous relationships you’d found this stage difficult; things growing more serious but without becoming dependent on each other, allowing each other freedom, yet your every moment growing entwined with the other person. But with Nick, it just felt natural. Each new step just made you happy, made you love him more.
When he came home, arriving on a flight in the middle of the day, you invited him over to your place that evening, saying you’d cook. In the end, you were delayed at work, and you found him waiting at the entrance to your building, a bouquet of flowers in his hand, and a very welcome grin on his handsome face. You raised your face to his for a kiss before you even entered the building. The feeling of his warm lips pressed to yours, his eyes locked to your gaze, his hand on your back as he deepened the kiss; it was all too much, everything you’d missed, and you couldn’t help a small moan of desire and relief to be with him again.
“I missed you too,” he grinned, his hand seeking yours and gripping your fingers in his, as you walked into your apartment building together.
You left Nick sitting on the couch with a drink, while you went to take a quick shower. You suggested getting takeout, since it was later than planned, and he was browsing the menu of your local Thai place. After your shower, you slipped into a comfortable, but revealing, red patterned dress, and chose pretty underwear, knowing your clothes were unlikely to last long.
Coming back into the living area, you found Nick perched on the edge of the couch, his drink on the table. His shoulders looked tense and he was frowning.
“Nick?” you said, instantly on edge at his change in mood. “What is it? Did work call, or something?”
“No, it’s not work,” he said. His words were soft, but his brow was furrowed. He looked as though he was trying to work something out.
“What was it then? You’re worrying me.” You walked over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. He tensed under your touch and clenched his jaw.
“You got a call to your landline,” he said. “I didn’t answer it, I didn’t think it was my place. But your machine caught it and the caller left a message.”
You looked over at the phone as if hoping for an answer. “And? Who was it?” You heard the note of irritation in your voice.
“I don’t know.” He looked at you properly, and he looked confused, possibly hurt, more than angry. “It was a man, saying that it was nice to see you the other day, and that he hoped you’d call him soon.”
A mixture of relief and hurt flared up in you, as you understood immediately. You looked Nick square in the face. “You do trust me, don’t you?”
Nick nodded, then swallowed hard. “Yeah, I do. I just…”
“Just nothing. Whoever it was, if you trust me, you know there’s nothing to worry about.” You glared at him.
“So who was it?” he demanded. He was still struggling to contain his emotions. And you knew it was his own insecurities, not his trust in you.
“It was my ex. I bumped into him in the street the other day. It’s been two years, Nick, and I hoped I’d never see him again. He was possessive, and creepy in the end. But I talked to him, I was polite. And I’m not sure I should have to explain myself…”
Nick nodded, listening. “And you gave him your number?”
“No, I didn’t. That why he called the landline, that number hasn’t changed. He doesn’t have my new cell number, he is blocked on all social media. It’s the only way he could reach me. I didn’t think he would.” You sighed. “I’m sorry, Nick. I didn’t mention it because I didn’t think it would matter.”
Nick drew a deep breath too. “Don’t apologise. It’s me who should, I don’t even know what I was thinking…” He was still sitting tense and upright, looking unhappy. You gave him a little smile.
“Thank you. But’s it’s okay. As long as you do trust me?”
“Absolutely I do,” he said. “Look, if you want me to go, I will…”
With that, you took a step over to him and put your hand on his shoulder again, rubbing down onto his chest. “I don’t want you to go anywhere,” you replied. “I want to show you how much I missed you.”
“You can’t be in the mood, after this?” There was a spark of hope and arousal in his eyes nevertheless.
“I am more than in the mood, Nick. Are you?”
“I am…if you’re sure…”
“More than sure. In fact, food can wait. Get up,” your last words were clearly a command.
“Do as you’re told, when you’re given an order.” You gave him a wink. His face changed, arousal taking over from anger. He got to his feet. “Bedroom,” you commanded. He went. “Shirt off,” you called after him, following him, watching him peel his t-shirt up and over his head, throwing it on the floor.
In the bedroom, you located a tie he’d left at your place before his LA trip, and approached him with it in your hands. His eyes fell on it. “What are you doing?” he asked.
“Showing you how much I want you. And punishing you for thinking I might not be in the mood.” You grinned. “On the bed.”
Nick laid down on the bed, his eyes still on yours. You straddled him, still fully dressed, one leg either side of his hips, grabbing his strong, slender wrists in your hands and pushing them above his head. You wound the tie around them, and around your metal headboard, moving to run a hand down his body, feeling the rise and fall of his chest as his arousal grew. He looked up at you and wriggled his restrained hands teasingly. “So, what’re you going to do now?” he challenged.
You grinned big moving to stand up on the bed, your feet either side of him. You lent down resting your pointer finger on his chin, running it down over his chest before both your hands came to rest on your knees, you stood up straight and your hands started to slowly run up your thighs pushing your dress up higher. You looked down at Nick with a smirk, his eyes stuck on your body as you grabbed the hem, pulling the dress up over your head, throwing it on the floor. Nick groaned when his eyes landed on your matching set and you watched as he tried to pull his hands free from the tie.
“What I’m going to do now, Nick…” you hooked your fingers on the waist of your panties pushing them down and carefully moving one leg at a time to pull them off “…is show you how much I want you, all the time,” you purred.
Nick bit his bottom lip and pulled on the tie again as his eyes ran over your bare bottom half, seeing your shiny wet folds. You reached behind you, unclipping your bra and throwing it to meet your dress and panties on the floor before you sunk down to straddle Nick’s abdomen, between his belly button and jeans waist. You moaned softly at the feeling of his abs brushing over your clit and you lent forward, your tits in his face.
The tip of his tongue came out of his mouth to flick your nipple and you started to rock your hips over his skin, the sensation making you wetter then you were already. You locked lips with him for a brief moment, your tongues darting into each other’s mouths. You pulled away from the kiss and sat up and you groaned loud at the new pressure the change of the position had on your pearl. You knew it wouldn’t be long till you were pushed over the edge.
You ran your hands down over Nick’s chest and then ran them up to cup both breasts, squeezing them and tugging your own nipples. You looked down at Nick through your eye lashes, as his mouth dropped open, and his heavily lidded eyes were fixed on you,
“Yes baby, just like that. Come for me, amor. Show me how much you want me. How much you missed me,” Nick groaned out, trying to pull his hands free from the tie.
Your hands ran up from your breasts and into your hair, your hips moving feverishly over him, your wet coating his skin, almost enjoying his frustration while you reached your satisfaction. Your coil finally snapped and you threw your head back moaning Nick’s name loudly. You slowed your hips taking a deep breath and slowly moving down his body.
“Did you like watching that, Nick?” you settled between his legs as he spread them for you and saw the bludge in his pants. He nodded at you. “I’m glad. Looks like I made a mess,” you cooed.
You lent forward leaning down at the wet patch you left behind on his skin. You stuck your tongue out, flattening it and licking him clean. Nick squirmed against you, thrusting his hips into your chest, his own need to be touched almost too much.
“Don’t worry guapo, didn’t think you were going to miss out, did you?” you sat up, after kissing where you had licked up your mess, reaching down to his belt, undoing it, his jeans button and zipper. You tugged them down enough, with his boxers, for his hard weeping cock to spring free. You wrapped your hand around it, his pre cum covering your hand instantly, “I believe you promised you would fuck my face,” you smirked down at him as he threw his head back into the pillow, arching his back slightly. “I think it’s only fair, after I showed you how much I missed you, you show me.”
You parted your lips sinking down on Nick’s cock all the way for it to hit the back of your throat, and he let out a hiss as you gagged around him slightly. You made your way back up to his tip, hollowing your cheeks before you sunk back down on him again, his black curly hair tickling your nose, your own arousal building fast again,
“Babe-I…” Nick groaned “Fuck, you take my cock so good- I missed this, I missed you, so much,” Nick bucked his hips up into your mouth and you moaned around him, licking his tip like a melting ice cream, taking him fully back into your mouth and cradling his balls in your hand squeezing them gently. “Y/N- please baby, let me touch you, please,” Nick begged.
You made your way back up, grazing your teeth over him slightly and you wrapped your hand around him, stroking fast,
“One condition,”
“Anything,” Nick panted, tugging on the tie when you twisted your wrist around him.
“You are the only one for me, and I always want you,” Nick nodded, “You never forget that.”
“Yes, always. Now, please, baby, untie me,” Nick groaned, back arching off the bed.
You reached up without stopping your actions on his cock, grabbing the tie with your free hand, tugging it and it came loose. You moved back down between Nick’s legs taking him fully back into your mouth as he quickly pulled the tie off his wrists throwing it on the floor and his hands found their way into your hair, both of them resting on the back of your head.
As you sunk back down to his base, Nick held your head there and he started to roll his hips up into you urgently, one of your hands cupping his balls again, your eyes watering as he hit your throat, and saliva running out of the corners of your mouth. You felt Nick’s legs tense, one hand balled into a fist in your hair, when a loud roar of your name filled the room and his hot salty cum ran down your throat. You felt his hands leave your hair and you rose up, your lips still around his softening cock sucking up the rest of his release, pulling off with a pop and sitting back on your haunches, wiping your swollen lips dry with the back of your hand.
Nick sat up taking you into his arms, his arms wrapping around your middle and his lips crashed on yours kissing you deeply, your hands resting on his chest,
“I missed you baby,” Nick pulled back, brushing your hair behind your ears.
“I missed you so much.”
“Next time I go to LA, you’re coming with me.”
“We will see what Liv has to say about that,” you giggled cupping his cheek running your thumb over it and he laughed “But I would love too.”
“As soon as we get in tomorrow we will talk to Liv and fill out the paperwork.”        
Tags:  @wanniiieeee @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @randofando-spoonie  @alwaysachorusgirl  @amorestevens  @harryssxnflwr @teamsladsandgents @thatesqcrush @storiesofsvu @skittle479 @bisexual-dreamer02 @glimmerglittergirl @witches-unruly-heart @berniesilvas @ben-c-group-therapy​
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Black Velvet
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An MX OT7 Vampire x Spellcaster AU
Warnings: swearing, dirty talk.
Kihyun & Hyungwon
Word count: 1.5k
Working graveyard shift, I’m used to seeing bizarre characters. I didn’t expect to see two heavenly attractive vampires, who bring up a strange proposal.
A/N: I know there were photos of Kihyun and Hyungwon in the original post but the first paragraph kept getting copied twice, I kept editing it and it wouldn’t go away. Blame tumblr.
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Graveyard shift at Fairy Trade. I don’t know how this store hasn’t gotten out of business yet. The late night hours is a redeeming factor. Out of the whole street of shops and restaurants, we stick out like a sore thumb, but mostly because we are locally owned and have a fantasy aesthetic. I told my boss to renovate, or to at least change the stone floor to hardwood, but he refused.
Being one of three employees, I’m always stuck being overnight shift, which is my fault since I’m the only one willing to be around occults. I wouldn’t have a problem doing the shift, but then they assign me for afternoons too!
I’ll bring it up to management tomorrow, because my sleep schedule is affecting me hard. I’m reading through a book to look for energy boosting spells. So far, nothing that I haven’t tried before. It’s not like I’m busy during this shift, the only customers I get are vampires doing blood runs or fellow spellcasters grabbing last minute supplies.
The bell by the door dings.
“Hi, I’m here if you have any questions” I sweetly greet, eyes still glued to the book. I hear some murmuring in the isles. Instinctually, I look up to see who’s whispering. Two handsome, dark dressed men. I see a glimpse of their faces and my jaw drops. The taller one, who has slicked back black hair, wearing a black turtleneck with black jeans, has stunning grey eyes and plump lips. The shorter one, with mousy brown undercut with full bangs, wearing a satin button up under a black velvet jacket with slacks, has strikingly green eyes and a sharp jawline. They glance at me, then continue murmuring. I should be afraid of being outnumbered by a couple of vampires, but there’s emergency devices under the counter incase of a frenzy. They walk to the race section, out of my line of sight.
The tall one approaches the counter, suave with his hands in his pant pockets.
“Hi, there. May we get some bottles from the cooler, please?” he softly requests. His voice is a little raspy, but intoxicating. Without saying a word, I grab the keys for the blood cooler, my eyes locked onto his. He follows me to the blood cooler, towering over me. The shorter one, who is still taller than me, waits patiently at the cooler.
“Wow, you’re prettier up close” the shorter one greets. I almost drop the keys from shock. The tall one coughs to get the other one’s attention.
“I’m sorry, where are my manners? May we get some bottles, please?” the shorter one smiles.
“How many?” I smile, unlocking the cooler.
“Four bottles, please” both men estimate. I hand them two bottles each and relock the cooler. I can’t understand why vampires like these bottles. I heard it’s excellent quality, but I wouldn’t know since I’m not a vampire. We meet back at the counter to check them out.
“Anything else for you two?” I wonder before typing the prices into the register. They both shake their heads.
“Are you doing alright?” the shorter one asks, tilting his head.
“What do you mean?” I pause.
“You look tired” the shorter one points out, looking at the counter. “Energy spells?”.
The taller one elbow jabs him. Out of embarrassment, I close the book.
“I know something far better than those silly little spells” the shorter one continues.
“Let me guess, it’s to turn into a vampire?” I joke.
The taller one chuckles while the other one scoffs.
“No, but it does involve us” the shorter one flirts, flicking his eyebrow. I’m intrigued. Wait, these are vampires, this could involve murder for all I know.
“What’s all involved?” I ask for clarification. Both men glance at each other. That’s not helping my skepticism. 
“Depends on how much you want it” the shorter one smirks. The tall one bites his lip to keep silent. We process the transaction. I hand the shorter one the receipt.
“I don’t know” I mumble, troubled. “What will happen to me?”.
“You will be on top of the world” the taller one surprisingly comments.
“What my brother here means, is that you won’t need those spells. For energy, health, and strength” the shorter one nervously laughs. My eyes widen, if I wasn’t interested before, I am now.
“I still don’t know” my cheeks burn. The shorter one takes a pen from the cup and scribbles on the receipt.
“Call me when you change your mind” he shrugs. I take the receipt. They wave goodbye, take their bottles and strut out of the shop.
Book of Fangs, chapter 4 paragraph 3. See you soon.
-Kihyun xxx-xxxx
Book of Fangs? Sounds familiar, I might’ve stocked it a while ago. Skimming through the shelves and I find a copy. I flip to chapter four, paragraph three. Vitality rituals? 
An act of sacrifice. An exchange of power...based on the exchange of...oh. OH. Sex for the exchange of blood? Is this book a reasonable source? I guess it is.
For best results, the ritual must be performed with the whole clan per mortal partner.
Of course it is. I don’t even know how many members are in his clan. Wait, what am I saying! It’s sex for the exchange of blood! They could kill me! Although...those two are handsome. I could give him a call for more information…
Dialing his phone number, I wonder how desperate I am for a boost. He could be lying to me, using this as a trap to kill me. He wouldn’t be stupid enough to trick a spellcaster, would he?
“You took longer than expected. I like that” Kihyun answers. The hairs in the back of my neck stand.
“Hello to you too, Kihyun” I greet, swirling on my stool behind the counter.
“So what do you say, beautiful. Are you in?” Kihyun chuckles.
“I have questions first” I halt.
“Do tell”.
“Is the ritual really sex in exchange for blood?” I hesitate.
“Yes. Drinking blood during an act of protected sex” Kihyun explains. Protected sex makes it a little more comforting.
“The book says that the ritual could be done with the whole clan” I add, leaning on the counter.
“Correct, but isn’t necessary” Kihyun confirms.
“So the potency is determined by the amount of members in the clan. How many are in your clan?”.
“Ah, curious, are you? My clan is just us seven men”. Seven men? In one night? I subconsciously close my legs.
“And you promise this won’t kill me?” I change my tone to serious. I may know some spells that could kill them, but that would be pointless if they slash an artery.
“There is a chance of the ritual turning fatal, but we are careful about safety”. So they had experience doing this, that’s assuring. “You have the power to stop it at any time”. That’s even more assuring.
“You are aware that I’m a spellcaster and are capable of hurting you, right?” I sass.
“I like that about you. You’re not scared of us” Kihyun chuckles. 
“What’s there to be scared about?” I flirt.
“Baby, don’t tease me just yet, I could come back” his voice deepens. I drag my nails on the counter, releasing some tension.
“How about I come see you?” I laugh. Oh shit, what did I just say? Who have I become!
“Sounds like a date. Tomorrow night?”. I could feel his cocky grin through the phone. I choke on my words. Did I really just ask someone on a date? A group sex date?!
“All eight of us?” I swallow my fear.
“All eight of us, but don’t worry, beautiful, you’re in good hands. We will take good care of you”. “I might get a little rough, though” a little growl rattles the phone.
“Good” I unknowingly exhale.
“You like it rough, baby?” he sounds a little surprised. I internally scream from realizing he heard me.
“I-I” I nervously laugh. He softly shushes.
“It’s ok, I’ll find out tomorrow. Till then, just imagine my teeth biting your soft neck while I’m deep inside you”. I dramatically inhale, rubbing the top of my thigh. Did I imagine him saying it, or did he actually say it?
“Talking dirty on the phone? That’s bold of you” I catch my breath. He inhales through his teeth.
“You imagined it though, didn’t you?”. I wonder if he’s all bark...and no bite? Ouch, that’s a bad joke.
“Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t” I snark with a smile.
“I know you did, but I shouldn’t keep you distracted. I’ll see you tomorrow, beautiful” he concludes before hanging up. I put my phone on the counter and blankly stare to mentally process the proposal. Do I really want to have sex with seven men in one night? For what, vitality? I’ll need a boost just to get through it! He said it himself, the ritual doesn't necessarily need all the members and I could stop it at any time. Let’s see what happens tomorrow, I guess.
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blue-angel-wings · 4 years
Ez Drabble - Bruised feet and phone numbers.
Warnings: cursing, butchers( I guess idk some people could be vegetarian 🤷‍♀️), injuries.
Characters: Ez Reyes x Reader (Y/N), Felipe Reyes
Summary: reader is a regular at Felipe’s shop and during a visit meets Ez and ends up with an injured foot. Accidentally.
Author notes: Thank you to all the feedback and likes and reblogs and what not on my last fic. I’m so glad it was so well received, so I’ve given it another go hehe. Also I didn’t really proofread so sorry for any spelling mistakes.
When you first moved from LA to Santo Padre you found the change difficult. LA was busy and there were people everywhere and you grow used to the constant company of strangers. Santo Padre was the complete opposite, quiet and somewhat small. Everybody knew everybody and there wasn’t a town centre full of the same shops. It had cute little shops that sold useless but fun items. There was only one well known drugstore, grocery store, 2 clothing stores maximum and most prominent was the singular butcher.
Felipe Reyes had owned the only butcher shop in town for decades and he had a known clientele. You soon became part of that, despite being a picky eater and quite fussy with your cut of meat, you adored the cute old man that never said much but looked i n a constant state of thought.
It was a Friday night, meaning steak night at the home you shared with your Nana and Cousin. You only worked at the salon across the street from Felipe’s shop so you were tasked with buying the meat for tonight. Not that you minded, you and Felipe had grown close due to your frequent trips after work and during your lunch break. It started as a harmless trip to buy meat but then you got roped into a game of chess one Wednesday evening and then the trips became less about food and more about chatting and losing at chess.
“Good afternoon, Felipe my love.” You called out cheekily to the man behind the counter. He returned the comment with a eye roll and kiss of his teeth but you saw the slight smile that graced his wrinkled face.
“Well if it isn’t Santo Padre’s worst chess player. The usual sweetheart?”
“Oh watch it, I’m getting better just you wait I’ll be rinsing you dry before you know it old man. And yes the usual.” You quipped with a hand placed jokingly on your hip. He chuckled, rounding the counter to give you a hug and kiss to the cheek.
“You would take money from an old man, do you have now manners?”
“Not when it comes to gambling” you shrugged. It was true if money was involved all class your mother forced on you went out the window, you were competitive what could you say?
“The cuts you want is out back, I’ll go get it and don’t steal from the register I may be old but I will hunt you down.” He jokingly threatened whilst turning to head towards the back of the shop. You ignored his comment and turned to look at the stacks of books, none jumping out at you. It wasn’t until you heard a secondary voice at the back of store did you raise your head to see the Adonis of a man enter. He was calling back to Felipe about changing parts in the grinder and didn’t see you, therefore giving you time to check out the body he was seemingly gifted with.
“Yeah pops I’ll flip the sign in the door on my way out, you go home early tonight and I’ll fix it when I-.” Stopping mid sentence to look at the girl at the front of store. Shocked to see anybody there this late in the evening, let alone someone so beautiful.
“Oh.” He fumbled with his words, the box of parts in his hands becoming heavy and his palms starting to sweat. Ez tended to be quiet and reserved but he always had words to say incase spoken to. But in this situation he was rendered speechless. Lost in a trance he didn’t spot that you had waved slightly, then extended a hand to shake as an introduction.
“Hi, I’m Y/N, Felipe is just getting my cuts of meat then I’ll be out of your hair-“
“No don’t- I mean you can go when he gives you the meat, we won’t trap you here.” He chuckled nervously towards the end of his sentence unsure of what to say.
You were kinda taken aback not knowing what to say to that, you quickly moved on asking his name, to which he replied and explained that he was Felipe’s son.
He extended a hand to shake, momentarily forgetting of the box that sat in his hands. Due to its loss of balance, it fell and landed on your foot. Hard.
“Oh shit.” You yelped grasping your foot and pressing down to soothe the searing pain you felt.
“Holy shit, I’m so sorry. What the fuck have I done!?!”
He apologised kicking the box to the side to guide you to the table and chair a few steps away. You grabbed his outstretched arm and felt the veins and muscle rippling under his skin. Once again. Interesting.
“It’s okay it’s not too bad.” You said inspecting the foot, it wasn’t a total lie. Although it hurt like hell, the bruising was only faint right now. Tomorrow is gonna be a whole different story.
“I am sorry, I was distracted by your fa- and next thing I know I’ve dropped the box.” He cut himself off when he noticed he was gonna say something creepy, you didn’t notice to engrossed in looking at the damage to your appendage. He continued to apologise, worried you would freak out and leave before he got to know you slightly. What a cutie. This Greek god looked genuinely concerned. Attractive and kind.
For a third time today. Interesting
“Truly it’s okay, it looks heavy. Did you want help carrying it somewhere?” You asked, moving to start to gather the objects that were once in the box. Ez looked at you quizzically.
“I just dropped this on your foot now your asking if I need help. Your foot could be seriously injured- wait here I’ll get some ice.”
You chuckled and grabbed arm to stop him and to kind of feel is muscle again.
“I’m hoping by helping you, you won’t drop it on my other foot.” You laughed and although he didn’t find it funny, he released a breath he didn’t know he was holding, knowing that you didn’t hate him.
Just as Ez stood to get the ice pack, Felipe returned with the cuts all wrapped up and ready for you. He took one look at you sat at the table with a rapidly bruising foot whilst a guilty looking Ezekiel stood next to you staring at the floor. From an outsiders view it was suspicious but to you it was funny.
“Y/N, what happened?” Felipe’s asked placing the meat on the table next to you to inspect your foot. You giggled when Ez sucked in a breath, waiting for you to tell his father about his ridiculous reaction to seeing a beautiful girl in the shop.
“Felipe it’s fine, Ez just dropped a box accidentally on my foot and it’s a little sore. I’ll take some pain killers when I get home and rest it. By the morning it will be fine.” You reassured the Reyes men, who both shared a look of worry.
“I’m sorry for my sons actions.” He said shaking his head and standing once again, you made a move to stand also, but didn’t get far before Ez stepped in to help you.
Once upright, after a momentary struggle with the pain. You were partially leaning against the counter paying for the meat, after much haggling on your part for you to actually pay, insisting that the accident didn’t warrant you free meat. Ez still had his hands firmly grasping you, however they had moved from your hands to your waist, not that you were complaining. After paying and bidding farewell to Felipe with the promise of you returning tomorrow to check in with him and play chess probably, you walked to your car, or should you say limped. Thank god your was automatic and the you didn’t need to use the inured foot to drive. Ez opened the door for you and placed you delicately inside, making sure not to knock the foot on the side of the centre console. He leant through the window to talk to you.
“When you get home make sure to elevate it and ice it. Probably take something for the pain and rest. Understood?”
“Yes Dr. I’ll do just that.” You rolled your eyes at Ez’s remark but agreed internally.
“I am still so sor-“ you cut him off by placing a hand over his mouth.
“Will you stop apologising, I know your sorry. Don’t worry your pretty head, okay?” You replied, moving your hand to tap lightly against his cheek in a faux patronising manner.
He chuckled and turned his head to place a kiss to the palm of your hand, causing a blush to rise to you cheeks, undoubtedly being noticed by the culprit.
“Well how about you give me your number, just so I know how it is in the morning?” He asked whilst fiddling with the tips of your fingers almost like he was afraid to look you in the face. You chuckled and leant across the car to open up the glove box, revealing a pen and paper. He watched as you neatly scribbled down your number and drew a little heart next to it just for fun.
“There, you can text me in the morning. Not too early though, it’s my day off and I don’t want to be woken by a guy who breaks feet in his free time.” You said as he took the paper with a smile on his face. You said your goodbyes and you drive off, looking forward to the text you would be receiving. Back at the shop, Felipe watched as his son looked longingly at his future wives number written neatly next to a little heart just for him.
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crystalwillow · 4 years
When You’re Ready - Part Two
Pairing: Rafael Aveiro x Casey Valentine (F!MC)
Tagging: @lunayxcnco @kiteplayschoices @brycelahelalover @eleanorbloom @lucas-koh @obsessedheehee @fuseboxmusebox @rookie-ramsey
You can read Part One, here
It had been 2 week since that night Raf and Casey fell asleep in his bed whilst looking at his old school books, and Casey was round again visiting. She was currently talking with Juliana about Rafael as they cooed over his baby photo’s together.
“You never told me you were always so cute.” Casey smiled at Raf as she glanced over at him, He blushed back with a small smile on his face. Unable to find words.
“He was always caring too. Our dog got sick once. He never left his side until he was better.”
“That sounds exactly like Rafael.”
They laughed as they turned back to the photo album, cooing at some more photos whilst Raf just sat and blushed. The day ran away with the three of the and soon Rafael was waving goodbye to Casey as her taxi pulled away from the curb outside the house. When she got home, The apartment was oddly quiet, as she turned the light to the kitchen on, she found a note on the side.
“Hey! We’ve all got extra-long shifts, so you’ll be alone until about 2am when we’re all finally home. We made sure to leave leftovers of yesterday’s dinner for you incase you get hungry. See you soon! Sienna, Elijah, Jackie and Aurora!”
Casey sighed as she placed the note back on the side and opened the fridge to find the leftovers there, waiting for her. She took them out and put them in the microwave to heat up, taking out her phone and sitting on the side as she waited. When she unlocked her phone she found unread messages from Baz, Ethan & Rafael. She worked through them in that order.
--- 8:56pm ---
Baz: Hey! Just wanted to check in and see if you need anything? It’s been a while!
--- 9:18pm ---
Casey: Hey Baz! It’s good to hear from you. The only thing I could do with is some company but, you’re probably still working so...
Baz: Actually. Ethan and I are just packing up and shutting everything down in the office right now.
Casey: What about June?
Baz: She stormed off after an argument with Ethan.
Casey: Oh...
Baz: Yeah... It was kinda over you..
Casey: What?!
She switched chats into her messages with Ethan and her eyes widened as she read the message.
--- 7:23pm ---
Ethan: Whatever June tells you. I didn’t mean it like that. I value you as a friend and fellow doctor. Nothing more.
--- 9:26pm ---
Casey: Ethan? What on earth are you on about?
Casey: I know you aren’t still working Ethan Ramsey. Baz literally just told me you’re packing up and shutting down.
Casey: Dr. Ramsey. Answer me, please.
Ethan: I hate texting.
Casey giggled as she switched over to The conversation with Rafael.
--- 9:01pm ---
Rafael: Message me when you get this. I’d like to know you get home safe!
--- 9:33pm ---
Casey: Hey handsome! I’m home, safe and sound. Still in one piece <3
Rafael: Thank God. I was starting to get worried.
Casey: You worry too much sometimes. You’d be the first person I tell if something was wrong.
Rafael: But what if it was something where you couldn’t tell me?
Casey: I’d find a way. You know that. I-
Rafael: You... ?
Rafael: Casey?
Rafael: Oh no... Somethings happening. See I told you!
Casey: Raf, calm down! I was just taking my dinner out of the microwave.
Rafael: Um... I knew that. Of course I knew that. You’re Casey Valentine. Food vacuum.
Casey: 😂. You’re funny Mr. Aveiro. Very funny, and cute.
Rafael: Damn right I’m cute! 😝😘
Casey: Swoon!
Rafael: Yes swoon over me!
Casey: I think the word used these days is simp.
Rafael: Simp? ... That sounds ridiculous. I like swoon way better.
Casey: Me too
Rafael: I forgot to ask you something earlier.
Casey: You can ask me now.
Rafael: Would you maybe... like to go on a date?
Casey: Raf? Are you kidding?! I’d love to go on a date!
Rafael: Really?! I’m not too... nerdy for you? I mean, you’re a certified badass at this point and I’m just well..
Casey: The guy I’ve very much in love with? They guy I think is so gorgeous and sexy and amazing it should be a crime. The guy who I call ‘My Superman’ ???
Rafael: You make me soft for you, Casey Valentine.
Casey: You sure about that? Rafael Aveiro.
Rafael: .... Get your mind out of the gutter.
Casey: 😂, You love me though!
Rafael: Yeah... I do 🙂 Very much so.
Casey: So... see you on this date?
Rafael: Yeah. I’ll call you tomorrow with instructions on where to meet me. Wear something casual but with a professional edge?
Casey: Okay! Goodnight Raf! 💕
Casey smiled at the message she got back. A picture of Raf snuggled in bed, pouting, followed by a message that read ‘wish you were here too.’
She placed her phone on the table just as there was a knock on the door. As she approached it she head two distinct voices on the other side.
“Come on Ethan! She sounded like she needed friends!”
“Dr. Mirani, this is stupid! She’s probably gone to bed by now. It’s late and she’s still recovering from a very traumatic experience.”
“I beg to differ, Ethan. If she was going to bed she would have said ‘goodnight’ because she isn’t as grumpy and rude as you.”
“Excuse me!”
Casey opened the door and smiled at them as they looked at each other.
“Well if it isn’t Dr. Sunshine and Dr. Rain Storm.”
“Hi Casey! We-”
“I thought you could use some company before bed.”
“What kind of friend would I bed if I didn’t invite you in for at least one night cap.”
“See Ethan! I told you she’d want to see us!”
Ethan reluctantly followed Baz inside as Casey moved aside for them.
“What can I get you Baz?”
“I’d kill for a beer if you have one please.”
“Ethan? Usual or is tonight the night where you’re changing things up and taking an adventure?”
“The usual, please.” He said and Casey disappeared into the kitchen. The three talked well into the night, they stayed so late that Casey insisted on them staying for the night as it would be too dangerous for them to drive.
--- 3 Days Later ---
Casey was on her way to the grocery store when her phone started buzzing in her pocket, she stopped off to the side and answered it without even looking at the caller ID.
“Hi! You sound beautiful today.”
“Are you saying I don’t always sound beautiful, doctor?”
Casey giggled in response and Rafael joined in.
“You’re too cute Casey.”
“Why thank you, oh handsome knight.”
“I could stay on the line and shamelessly flirt all day. But I’d much rather do it in person. This afternoon. Meet me at my place, 3:45pm. It’s time for our date!”
“Really. You’re still okay with it right?”
“Yeah. I just....”
Rafael listened as Casey screamed and ran around on the other end of the line.
He tried to stifle his laughter, but it was too hard to accomplish with the image he had in his head.
“Stop laughing at me Aveiro!” Casey shouted down the phone as her quickened pace came to a halt, followed by heavy breathing.
“I-I’m sorry Case. It’s just.... Oh man!” he said as his laughter calmed down. “Look. I’ll let you recover, and I’ll see you later?”
“Yeah. It’s a date!”
“Well of course it is, silly!”
They said goodbye and hung up, Casey getting her groceries and Rafael preparing for the date.
--- 3:39pm that day ---
Casey walked through Rafael’s neighborhood with a smile on her face as she approached his house. She had that giddy feeling which made her stop at the front door with her hand raised at the doorbell. After taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she closed her eyes and pressed the bell, waiting for an answer. She pulled and twisted a lock of her hair as she waited, jumping as the door opened to reveal a half dressed Rafael. She bit her lip as her eyes bulged a little before she started drinking in the sight in front of her.
“Like what you see?” he chuckled
“Very much.” she responded with a sultry smirk.
Grinning, Rafael opened the door wider inviting her inside. She followed him staring at his back as he retreated down the hallway, the only thing on her mind was what she wanted to do to him. And his back.
“Just make yourself comfortable on the couch, I’ll be ready in a moment. Sorry I’m running late.”
“It’s alright. It gives me a chance to be alone with my daydreams.”
“And what pray tell, are those daydreams?”
He grinned as Casey smirked at him, subtly licking her lips, eyeing his body one last time before he disappeared into his room. Casey was on the couch thinking about things she wanted to try with Raf when it came to the more intimate bedroom moments. She was so deep in her daydreams that she hadn’t noticed Rafael return from getting ready.
“Ah!” she screamed with a little jump as Raf cleared his throat, smiling at her. “How long have you been there?”
“Long enough to watch you bite your lip around 6 times and quietly moan about 4.”
“I what?!”
Rafael let out a hearty laugh as he looked at Casey’s horrified expression. “I’m just playing with you. You only bit your lip.” Casey scrunched up her nose and playfully whacked his chest as he continued to laugh. She watched him, taking in his outfit as he stood to his full height, stretching out. He was wearing a burgundy t-shirt, navy blue leather jacket, black distressed skinny jeans and crisp white sneakers. He’d accessorized with a gold watch and necklace with an airplane charm dangling from the chain. She preferred him in just his underwear or no clothes at all, but he was looking pretty damn fresh in this outfit and it was giving her butterflies all over again, just like that first day they met, and her eyes met his gorgeous chocolate brown ones. So warm and inviting they lit fireworks inside her as she smiled at him.
“Um... Earth to Casey? Hello...”
“Hm?” Casey hummed with slightly widened eyes as she snapped her attention to Raf
“Man, you’re really liking these daydreams huh?”
“Sorry. Just x-ray visioning your torso and seeing those chiseled abs through that t-shirt.”
Rafael blushed bashfully as Casey grinned at him, moving from her own position on the couch and stretching out too. Raf watched her the way she had just watched him, he also took in every part of her outfit. From her blue denim jeans to the powder blue jacket over the white blouse she had chosen to wear, all the way down to the accessories and crisp white sneakers which ironically matched his own.
“Hey. I guess we’re meant to be huh?” He smiled as he tapped their feet together. Casey looked down and felt a warmth spread through her chest at the small detail. It wasn’t intentional and that’s what made it feel all the more special to them both. Although neither would voice that out loud just yet.
“Could I use your bathroom before we go?” Casey asked
“Yeah, sure! Go right ahead. I’ll double check I’ve packed everything then meet you by the door.”
Casey smiled getting up on tip-toe and pecking his cheek before going to the bathroom. A short while later, Casey stood by a tree as Rafael laid a blanket over a patch of grass nearby. She had offered to help, but being the gentleman he is, Rafael insisted Casey let him do this alone. It was his date idea after all, he was supposed to be making her feel loved not like she was working. After he had anchored a corner down with the basket, he stood on another as he looked at Casey with a sugar sweet smile, sweeping his arm over their spot.
“Lunch madam?” he asked, making Casey giggle and blush a little. It had been a while since she had dated anyone after her awful breakup 5 years prior to this moment. Which is when she vowed to herself never to fall for anyone again. But yet here she was, on a date with a guy so sweet, who made her feel so happy, that she threw all caution to the wind because he was worth it. She smiled at Rafael as she took a seat on the blanket and he followed her swiftly. She smiled as he pulled a carton of orange juice and 2 plastic tumblers from the basket, pouring them both a glass. He closed the carton, standing it back in the basket before passing Casey a tumbler and giving her a peck on the cheek. She blushed and returned the gesture before hiding her blush behind the plastic cup in her hand.
“So.... What did you bring?”
“Well...” He chuckled. “Vovo baked quite a few things for us. I was planning on going to the store and buying our favourites but, you know vovo when it comes to food.” Casey nodded and giggled as she watched Raf dive into the basket, pulling out plates and containers of food. Her eyes bulged at the amount there was. “Raf! We aren’t going to eat all of that. Are we?” she questioned, slight terror on her face. He chuckled at her and shook his head.
“No of course not my sweet peach. But like I said, you know vovo.”
“I guess I do, yeah.” She smiled. “What are we starting with then?”
“Well, you pick. We have Pão de queijo, Kibe, Picanha-”
Casey looked at him through a narrowed eye as if it was crazy to bring that along. “I did suggest maybe we should have it at home, but she scolded me for that. Pretty much told me to stop being an idiot and to let you eat good. She basically all but called you a goddess.” He explained, Casey looked at him with her mouth open a little. He reached up and closed it with a sugary smile. “Close that beautiful. I don’t want to be tasting flies when I kiss you. Besides, you are a goddess.” Casey blinked rapidly as she took in his words. The butterflies in her stomach were going crazy. Why was he being so nice? Why was he treating her with so much respect? Giving her so much attention and not pulling his phone out every time it buzzed? Was this normal? She had spent so many date nights in her last relationship doing the majority of the grunt work whilst her boyfriend sat on his phone or games console, she just thought it was normal to wait on the man hand and foot. Give him everything he needs, wants and desires.
She sat there, staring at Rafael as he smiled at her, holding her jaw closed with such a feather light touch. She had thought of it before, but now she felt it. She loves this man. He’s everything. Sweet, charming, chivalrous.... she could let her mind wonder to how amazing he was that time they slept together one night during her first year at the hospital. But this wasn’t the moment for that, she teared up with a smile as her bottom lip quivered. His gaze turned from happiness to one of concern as a tear slipped down her cheek.
“Casey? Are you okay? D-did I do something wrong?”
She shook her head, grabbing a napkin, dabbing her tears away. She took a moment to calm herself before stepping over the spread of food and sitting in Raf’s lap giving him a hug.
“I only brought food.” He chuckled. “What’s brought this on?”
“I um. I know we’ve said it before, and you might hate me for telling you that I wasn’t entirely sure when I said it. But I’m sure now. I... I love you Rafael Aveiro.” She said, brushing his hair out of his face so she could look into his eyes better. A soft smile spread onto the mans features as he looked up at the woman in his lap, and just like magnets, their lips connected in a sweet, love filled kiss. When they pulled away, they looked into each other’s eyes. The moment pure and delicate as they rested their foreheads together.
“I love you too, Casey Valentine.” Rafael whispered, stealing another quick peck before Casey adjusted herself, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Could you feed me something?”
“I’d like some cheese bread please. Oh and follow that with a chocolate strawberry.”
“As the lady wishes.” he smiled, feeding her some bread and then the strawberry.
She giggled as the chocolate crumbled and fell into her lap, she picked it up and popped it into her mouth and Raf chuckled at her cuteness. She smiled at him as she swallowed the strawberry and he raised an eyebrow.
“What?” Casey asked, quizzical look upon her face.
“Are you not going to share?” Rafael retorted, mocking offense.
“Oh. I’m sorry. Did you ask? Because I didn’t hear you.” She grinned and he shook his head with a smile. The rest of the date went really well. They traded childhood stories and even some secrets they vowed to never tell anyone because they would carry them to their graves as the only people who ever knew. But somehow, they felt comfortable telling each other.
As the sun set over the horizon, Casey and Rafael laid on the blanket huddled under their jackets as they watched the stars appear in the night sky. Rafael had answered a call from his grandma to help ease her worry, about both himself and Casey. He secretly liked, no loved, that Juliana saw Casey as part of the family already, and was even more taken aback by the fact she already had a ring ready for him to propose with when he felt the time was right. Of course that wasn’t going to be any time soon but, he knew in his soul as well as felt it in his stomach that Casey and himself were going to be together for life. So there was no rush. Beside he’d planned to date her for a while first from the moment he saw her in the ER that first day of her job. One day when he was sure they would both be ready, he would get down on bended knee and ask her to be Mrs. Aveiro, but until then, he was happy with dating the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
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Peter’s laying on the grass out front with a glass of lemonade when a U-haul pulls into the house next door. There’s a pickup truck following behind that’s connected to a flat car carrier and strapped up on top is a hot rod, Peter’s attention wanes easily. Peter goes back to reading his book and sucking on the bendy straw in his drink, he hears bustling and a few male voices and decides to look over at the house.
“C’mon Barnes, lift with your knees not your back.” Peter hears someone yell.
The voice seems to come from a man standing by the pickup, he’s wearing tight blue denim jeans with a black shirt and he seems to be holding a box in his hands.
“I’d like to see you try and lift this Stark, you’d crumble within the second.” The man, Barnes, calls back.
Barnes is gorgeous, he’s got long brown hair that’s tucked up in a bun and he’s wearing black khakis and a red Henley that bulges around toned muscles, he’s standing by another man who’s tall, blond and handsome. He’s smiling at Barnes and is holding two boxes in each beefed up arm. Peter likes everything he sees. Blondie makes eyes at Barnes and walks with him inside the house leaving Stark by his pickup. Peter’s going to assume that Stark is his new neighbor and thinks it’s fitting to go say hello.
“Hi Mister.” Peter calls out as he abandons his book.
He walks over to the man and takes a pull at his straw.
“Oh, hi.” Stark says as he adjusts the box in his arm to free a hand.
Peter shakes it and snickers softly when Stark draws his hand back and wipes it on his jeans, Peter had purposely used his wet hand.
“I’m Peter, I live next door with my Aunt.” Peter points a thumb over his shoulder at his house.
“Right. Well I’m Tony, it was nice to meet you kid.” Tony, huh, Peter likes the way it rolls on his tongue.
“You too Mr Stark, be sure to come around and meet my Aunt when you got time.” Peter smiles cotton candy sweet before waving goodbye, he walks back over to his spot on the grass and resumes reading.
Over the rest of the afternoon Peter catches Tony staring at him when he thinks Peter isn’t looking, Peter puts on a little show of stretching and not fixing his shirt when it slides up his belly, he even arch’s his back at one point and moans softly like the idea of stretching like this brings him pleasure. Tony drops a box when Peter does this, he stands at the hedge staring at him until Barnes asks if he’s okay.
“Yeah I’m fine.” Tony murmurs back.
It’s mid summer and Peter hates the heat, he’s more of winter kind of guy, loves wearing big sweaters and fluffy socks but it seems this summer brings two good things. First May works nearly every day from early morning to late at night and Peter gets to slut around in tiny cotton shorts and shirts that he hacked the sleeves off of and second Tony Stark works on his hot rod with the garage door rolled open and Peter figures the heat must get to him as well because he ditches his shirt and walks around in tight jeans and wife beaters covered in grease.
Peter lays on his porch swing with more homemade lemonade and watches as Tony works on his car, Peter knows he’s openly staring, he doesn’t actually care if he’s caught. Best case is that Tony fucks him for being rude and he gets the best hate sex of his young virgin life and worse case is that Tony tells him to stop. Not that Peter would listen. Peter lays in the warmth until he runs out of lemonade, he walks inside to the kitchen and grabs the pitcher when suddenly a great idea comes to mind, Peter grabs a glass cup from the dishwashing rack and takes that and the pitcher outside he walks down his lawn and into Tony’s. Tony is still working on his car, music blasting at an acceptable volume so as not to disturb Mrs Bell one house over who is getting terribly crabbier with each passing day. Peter heads up to the garage and waltz’s on in without any care and pours lemonade into the cup, he places the pitcher on a work bench and as he walks to Tony he rubs the chilled glass along his neck and up his cheeks to his temples.
“I hope I’m not bothering you.” Peter says words heavy and thick with heat.
“Shit kid, you shouldn’t sneak up on people.” Tony startles, hand coming to his chest.
“Sorry Mr Stark, I thought you might like some lemonade to fend off the heat. I made it myself.” Peter sloshes the cup and some of the lemonade tips over the rim.
“That’s, uh, that’s real nice of you. Thanks.” Tony stands from his stool and grabs the glass.
He steadily drinks all of the lemonade and takes a big gulp of air afterwards, he wipes at his mouth with his arm and smears a bit of oil across his cheek.
“Would you like some more?” Peter turns to pick up the jug when his plan comes in to play.
As Peter takes a step closer to fill the cup up he pretends to stumble and pours the sticky drink all over his shirt.
“Oh man, I’m so clumsy.” Peter looks up at Tony and notices that his grip on the cup has tightened.
“You should probably take that shirt off before it sticks to your skin.” Tony swallows and his pupils fatten.
“Yeah I should.” Peter places the pitcher down and grabs the hem of his shirt and shimmies it up his tummy and chest before pulling it off his head where sweat drenched curl stick to his temples.
Tony watches his every move and Peter works on mopping up some of the lemonade from in between his chest.
“Man it’s so messy and stick.” Peter whines.
“You should have a shower.” Tony says gently.
Peter goes to ask if he could just shower here when Tony seems to get a hold of himself, sadly.
“You should go home and shower... yeah.” Tony hands over the glass and pitcher before shuffling Peter out of his garage.
“Mr Stark.” Tony shakes his head.
“Go home Peter.” Peter huffs but walks away.
He’ll seduce Mr Stark, he’ll do whatever it takes to have him.
It seems that Peter isn’t the only one who has eyes for Tony. May invites him over for a homemade dinner and dessert and Tony accepts happily, Peter puts up a fuss the entire time that May cooks dinner and even tries to burn the roast but May manages to salvage it and at exactly seven thirty the doorbell chimes and May is sending Peter to fetch the door.
“Hi Peter.” Tony says politely as the door opens.
“Hey.” Peter crosses his arms across his chest and stares Tony down.
“Uh, I bought these for your Aunt.” Tony holds forward a bouquet of river lilies, they’re absolutely gorgeous.
“May’s allergic to lilies.” Peter lies.
“Oh, shit.” Peter smiles sweetly and takes them.
“I can take them, just if you’ve touched them you probably shouldn’t touch May. Just incase.” Tony nods and wipes his hands on his jeans.
Peter tries not to laugh but shuts the door and leads Tony into the dining room where three plates are set up.
“You just wait here, I’ll get rid of these.” Tony sits at the head of the table and Peter walks into the kitchen, May is standing by the stove steaming vegetables.
Peter finds a vase and fills it with water, he cuts a little bit of the stems off and arranges them nicely before walking up to his bedroom and placing them on his bedside table. May calls him back down and he runs downstairs to the kitchen.
“Can you take these out please?” May hands over a bowl of mash and gravy.
“Sure can.” May smiles at him and kisses his cheek.
“Such a good boy.” Peter takes the bowl into the dining room and places it on the table.
Tony’s on his phone and looks up when Peter places the bowl down a little too hard.
“Hey it’ll be best if you didn’t mention the flowers, May’ll feel bad that you spent money on her.” Tony nods and Peter leaves him to grab more food.
When the tables covered in food everyone sits down together, Peter fills his plate up and eats angrily as the two adults chatter on about stupid adult stuff.
“I think I’m going to go back up to my room, I have homework and all. You two should keep talking though, don’t let my absence get in the way.” Peter snaps, he grabs his plate and flounces into the kitchen.
This evening has been one of the worst he’s had.
Two weeks later Peter has the perfect opportunity to seduce Tony. May has left for the day and Peter goes into his Aunts room to snoop for some of her delicates. He finds what he’s looking for in the back of her closet tucked away under Peter’s box of baby photos which, gross. He pulls the black back out and dumps the contents on the carpet, a receipt flutters out and Peter checks the date, May’s only bought these recently so she must think she’s going to get lucky with Tony. Not on his watch. Peter picks up the lingerie and takes it into his own room where he lays it out all pretty on his bedspread, Peter goes for a quick shower and cleans himself of sticky sweat and washes himself with his newly bought strawberry scented body wash. When he walks ass naked out into his room he flicks on some music and starts to figure out how the lingerie works as he air dries.
“How the shit do women do this?” Peter complains out loud.
After a while he manages to figure it out, he slips on the green and black panties that are embroidered with roses, next is the bra which he clips it on at the front of his chest then swivels it around, he slides the straps over his shoulders and adjusts them as necessary the lace rubs against his nipples until they pebble and Peter likes the feeling. The last item is a garter but he skips it and throws on clothes over the top, he switches off his music and heads downstairs and outside. Tony isn’t working in his garage and he isn’t outside so Peter walks up his lawn and porch and knocks three times on the front door, it swings open and Tony stands behind the screen door.
“Peter?” Peter musters the best innocent smile and nods.
“Hi Mr Stark, I was wondering if you were busy?” Tony opens the screen door and stares down at Peter.
“Not at all, what can I do for you?” Peter fiddles with the hem of his short shorts.
“Well Mr Stark, my Aunts not home and I was wondering if you could come fix the sink in the bathroom? You look pretty handy so I thought maybe you could help?” Tony takes a moment before nodding.
“Sure, just let me get my toolbox.” Peter thanks the older man and waits patiently for him to get what he needs.
The plan is going accordingly and now all Peter has to do is somehow get Tony in a position where he can’t refuse him.
Tony comes back with a black and yellow toolbox and follows Peter back to his house asking questions about the sink, Peter lies through his teeth and when they get inside Peter leads him upstairs into the bathroom.
“Huh, the sink looks fine Peter.” Tony says as he turns the tap on.
“I guess it must of fixed itself while I was gone?” Peter tries but Tony doesn’t look so convinced.
“I’m starting to think the sink wasn’t broken. Was it?” Peter rolls his eyes and cocks his hip.
“Okay fine the sink wasn’t broken, I lied but I just wanted to talk to you Mr Stark.” Tony picks up his toolbox and starts to walk away.
“You shouldn’t lie Peter, have you heard of the boy who cried wolf?”
“I’m sorry.” Peter whines.
“Sorry doesn’t always cut it kid.” Tony is leaving and Peter is getting desperate.
Peter runs ahead of Tony and stops him in his tracks.
“Look, I like you Mr Stark and I’m pretty sure you like me too so why don’t we skip the whole, pretending that nothing’s happening thing?” Peter says seductively, fingers curling creases into Tony’s wifebeater.
“Like? What are we in, grade school? Jesus Peter I don’t like you, you’re my neighbors kid nephew who might I add shouldn’t dress like he’s a two cent hooker.” Peter smiles.
“You think I look like a two cent hooker? How sweet, you haven’t even seen what’s underneath.” Tony’s jaw tense.
“And I plan to keep it that way, you’re literal jailbait. This isn’t happening Peter.” Peters smile turns into a frown.
“Why are pretending like there isn’t something between us?” Tony sighs.
“If there was anything between us and I’m saying a very big if, you’re too young anyways. Plus your Aunt’s a very lovely lady and I don’t want to hurt her feelings.” Peter snorts.
“Tony, this isn’t some power imbalance or some stupid tactic to have sex with you and get you into trouble. I like you and if we had sex that wouldn’t be so bad either. Look I’ll let this go if you can kiss me and not feel anything.” Peter says as he steps closer to Tony.
“Fine, one kiss and if I don’t feel anything I’m leaving and we don’t talk about it and you leave me alone.” Peter smiles.
“Deal.” Tony drops his toolbox and grabs Peter’s face, pulling his face up until his neck strains.
Tony kisses him hard and Peter gets tingles in his toes. Peter definitely feels something and by the way Tony hasn’t pulled away he guesses Tony feels the same way. They part for breath and without saying anything they start kissing again, Peter walks them back and Tony falls back when his shoe hits a snag in the rug Peter goes down with him and ends up on Tony’s lap. The make out until Peter’s lips go numb and Tony paws are his waist, pulling his shirt out of his shorts his hands push the shirt up until it uncovers the bra underneath.
“Oh fuck.” Tony leans up and places his lips in the small crevice between his pecs, the tightness of the bra pushes them together nicely making small mounds.
“Pretty right?” Tony nods and sucks on the lace until it dampens and Peter’s nipple hardens.
Tony treats the other nipple the same and before Peter realises it his shirt is being flung somewhere and Tony’s unclipping the bra expertly.
“Pants.” Peter huffs as he wiggles over Tony’s stiffening prick.
Peter straightens his legs and Tony pulls the cotton shorts down and Peter is pretty sure Tony’s pupils thicken.
“Panties baby?” Peter likes the pet name.
“Yeah, I feel so pretty in them.” Tony’s fingers work over the lace and Peter gets hard steadily at each rub.
“You look pretty baby, so goddamn gorgeous.” Peter flushes and leans down to kiss Tony.
Tony works over Peter until Peter whines and threatens to spill.
“Not yet sweetheart, wanna eat your pussy.” Peter sobs wantonly at Tony’s words and helps the older man pull the panties off.
He kneels over Tony’s head, creamy thighs coming to straddle his face. Tony settles Peter down and gets to work on eating him out, Peter loves every moment and cums quickly though that doesn’t stop Tony he keeps going until Peter spills again.
“Such a good boy.” Peter shakes his head.
“I’m your good girl sir.” Tony pushes Peter on his chest and smiles.
“You my little girl Pete? My pretty princess?” Peter nods gently, he might as well keep playing with this fantasy.
“Yeah I’m yours.” They kiss and Peter can’t help but grin.
“What are you smiling about?” Tony asks as he rakes his fingers through Peter’s knotted curls.
“I’m totally your Lo.” Tony chuckles and licks at the sweat on his neck.
“Yeah baby, you’re undeniably the Lo to my Humbert.”
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mint-yooxgi · 5 years
{1} - Ride or Die - Sehun X Reader
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Gang!AU - Part of the EXO Customs Collab - With @ninibears-erigom @yeoldontknow @baekwell–tart @fairyyeols @suhoerections @kimjongdaely @kyungseokie and @kpop—scenarios
Ride or Die Mini Masterlist
Genre: Fluff, Angst, Mature
Pairing: Sehun X Reader
Words: 4,047
Warning: This fic will deal with mature themes such as illegal racing, gangs, drugs, violence, and swearing amongst other sensitive subjects which will be added as the fic is written. You have been warned.
A/n: Surprise! Here it is! Part one to my part of this amazing collab! I’m so excited and thankful to be apart of this with all these talented writers, so I really hope you all will like what I have planned for this story. As always, feedback is greatly appreciated. Enjoy!
Stepping out of the gym and into the bright light of the mid-afternoon sun, Sehun squints slightly, bringing his hand up to block the blinding light. Making his way over to his car, he slides into the driver’s seat, tossing his bag onto the passenger seat beside him in the process. The engine purrs to life once he turns the ignition, and that familiar hum makes a smirk tug at the corner of his lips. Today could not get any better.
Before he can pull out of the parking spot, a knock on his window startles him slightly.
“Hey asshole,” he can hear the smirk in your voice as he rolls the window down, only to look over to see you leaning against his car with one arm resting against the roof. “Thought you could just drive off without saying goodbye?”
“Of course not,” he rolls his eyes, letting out a small huff in the process. “How could I ever leave without saying goodbye to you?”
“Careful there, Sehun,” you grin, sun glinting off the shades of your sunglasses. “Wouldn’t want to give a lady the wrong impression.”
“Who said I was talking to a lady?” He counters, eyebrow quirked as a grin of his own pulls at his lips.
“So rude,” you scoff, feigning offence.
“Only to you, babe,” he winks, causing for you to burst out laughing.
A pleasant sigh escapes your lips, opting to change the topic of conversation since you’ve gotten your teasing out of the way. For now. “Good workout?”
“Would have been better if you could have sparred with me,” he replies, flexing his hands a few times as if to relieve some of the tension within his muscles, gripping the steering wheel with one hand in the next moment.
“Next time,” you say, hearing him hum in response. “I’ll make sure to put you in your place.”
With a wink back at him, you’re pushing yourself off of his car and walking towards the entrance of the gym.
Sehun shakes his head slightly, a smile faint on his lips as he watches you walk away, gym bag swinging slightly with each step you take. In the next moment, he drives off, but not before hitting his horn twice to signify a goodbye, waving to you from the open window as he drives past. He notices you chuckling and waving back from his rearview mirror, only making his smile deepen.
The two of you have been friends since high school. Back when he didn’t have a proper outlet for his emotions so he took out his harsher ones on unsuspecting people like you. He lashed out more than he let people in, but you saw through his tough guy act and decided to help him.
That’s how he discovered boxing as a passion.
He had tried picking a fight with you one day after classes had finished, but you were able to take him down in two swift moves. After that incident, he started observing you, wanting to know who the fuck you were to show him up like that in front of almost his entire grade. It was then that he noticed that no matter who tried, no one could take you down.
You, seeing him struggling with himself, and noticing how he often got into fights, decided to help him through whatever it was he was going through. You helped teach him to control his emotions and think more rationally, especially when it comes to fighting. So much so, that he stopped getting into unnecessary fights after school. Instead, he kept most of his fighting to the ring, and has since become a better person, or so he says.
At least, that’s what he’d like to think.
Since then, the two of you have become close friends, looking out for each other through everything. He’s the first person you call when you need a hand with something, and you’re the first person he calls when he needs advice. Together, you’re an impeccable dynamic duo, known as the two best boxers at the gym the two of you train at. However, he still has yet to beat you in a fight.
Arriving back to his house, he cuts the engine, grabbing his bag and making his way up the front porch. Once he’s unlocked his door, he’s tossing his bag into the chair he keeps in the entranceway, kicking off his shoes in the next moment. Making his way upstairs, he heads to shower, wanting to wash all the sweat and dirt off of his skin.
Turning on the hot water, a sigh escapes his lips as he lets it cascade down his back, relaxing his muscles. Swiping his now wet hair out of his eyes, he begins to think about the upcoming race tomorrow night.
He knows that Jaebum’s going to be there, and that fact irritates him to no end. The last person Sehun wants to see is him, considering everything that’s happened between them in high school. Even the few times they’ve encountered each other since then haven’t gone so smoothly, with them almost always ending up in another fight. Most of the time, if you’re around, you end up having to break them up before things get too out of hand.
Shutting off the water, Sehun chews on his bottom lip. He hasn’t really brought you into that certain aspect of his life, not really wanting to involve you in the illegal activities he partakes in for your own protection. 
Even though he knows damn well that you can take care of yourself if necessary, he’s never wanted for you to get mixed up into that sort of life. Though, he has a feeling you already have some sort of idea of what he does, given quite a few nights where he’s shown up at your door, bloody and bruised from a fight he’s been in recently.
He knows you worry about him when he shows up like that, out of the blue and beaten. He also knows that Jaebum won’t come alone to the race tomorrow night, possibly bringing a few of his men to cause a scene regardless of what the events of the night turn out to be. He only wishes you weren’t the first one to come to mind when dealing with a situation like this.
Moving out of the bathroom once he’s dried himself off, he goes to change into some sweats for the evening. His thoughts continue to run rampant through his head, debating within himself on whether or not he should actually ask you for your help at the race tomorrow night.
He knows that you’re one of the only people who doesn’t already know about what he does that he would trust enough with this information, and he knows you would help him without a doubt. He’s just not sure if he wants you to be involved or not yet.
Mulling over it for a bit longer, he decides that the pros outweigh the cons at the moment. Having you as extra backup incase things go south tomorrow would be good. Not to mention he’d no longer have to hide that part of his life from you. Sure you may be a bit hesitant at first once you learn of his nightly pastime, but you’ll understand. At least, he hopes you will.
Grabbing his phone, he opens his text thread with you, staring at the blinking cursor on the screen, willing for the words to write themselves. 
With a sigh, he finally begins to type.
Sehun: Do you have plans tomorrow night?
Placing his phone beside him on the bed, he does his best not to think about what you’re going to say, and as soon as his phone pings with a response, he’s opening your message to see what you’ve said.
You: As of right now, I don’t.
He lets out a breath he doesn’t realize he’s holding as he types a reply.
Sehun: Good. Meet me tomorrow at my place for 8.
You: If this is your way of asking me out, you’re doing a terrible job… lmaoo
He rolls his eyes at your response.
Sehun: You wish. I just need your help with something, that’s all.
Sehun: I’ll explain everything tomorrow.
A frown takes over your features as you pack up your things to head home from the gym for the evening. From the sound of it, that ‘something’ that Sehun’s talking about is probably a fight. He really only gets this cryptic when he needs your help with one, or something of the likes.
Whatever it is, it sounds serious if he can’t tell you about it now over text.
Shrugging your bag over your shoulder, you head for the exit, wanting to get home and have a nice, long shower. You worked hard today, focusing on perfecting your form, as well as your quick jabs. You have some of the quickest reflexes of anyone in the gym you train at, and that’s partially due to the fact that you’ve always had swift reflexes, but you want to make sure your movements are more controlled.
Sighing, you unlock your car, tossing your gym bag into the back seat before climbing into the driver’s seat. Starting the ignition, you head home for the evening, mentally preparing yourself for whatever Sehun has in store for you tomorrow evening.
The next evening rolls around, and you prepare to leave for Sehun’s in a few minutes. Currently, you’re just putting some finishing touches on your hair, making sure it’s out of your way incase your hunch is correct, and you do end up getting into a fight tonight.
Once you’re ready, you shoot Sehun a quick text to let him know you’re on your way. Soon after, you’re leaving your house and locking the front door behind you, getting into your car and driving to Sehun’s.
By the time you arrive, he’s already waiting for you outside. Leaning onto the side of his car, he watches you carefully as you park yours and get out in the next moment. A look a slight hesitance is on his face, and you can tell that something’s bothering him despite how he tries to remain composed.
Shoving your phone into the back pocket of your jeans, you shoot a grin in his direction, doing your best to lighten the mood, “well, don’t you look just so happy to see me.”
“Always,” he mirrors your grin, shoulders relaxing slightly as he pushes himself off the side of his car, motioning for you to get in with his head. “Come on, I’ll explain on the way.”
“We better not be going to a restaurant of some sorts, ‘cause I already ate dinner,” you quirk a brow, watching as he chuckles at your comment.
“No, I already told you, this isn’t a date,” he shakes his head, opening his car door and sliding into the driver’s seat as you do the same on the passenger’s side.
“Okay,” you reply, fastening your seatbelt. “So, who are we fighting?”
“Always were quick on the draw, weren’t you?” He grins, starting the engine and pulling out of his driveway.
“So, I’m right. We are going to be fighting tonight,” you say, slight disapproval lingering in your tone.
“If it comes to it, yes,” he answers, and you notice his tight grip on the steering wheel. “Look, I haven’t been completely honest with you with what I do at night. I don’t just work at a garage with the guys.”
“Oh god, please don’t tell me you’re a pimp,” you groan, rubbing over your face with your hand.
You notice the sideways glance Sehun shoots your way, “dear lord, no. Any illegal activities I involve myself in are completely legal.”
“Sehun, that makes no sense,” you deadpan.
“Look,” he lets out a sigh, “the guys and I run a network of sorts, that caters to a specific group of people. An old acquaintance is going to be there tonight with some of his guys, and I wanted you as my backup incase things get too heated at the race.”
Your brow furrows slightly in confusion as your mind works to piece things together. Certain things he’s saying, and has let slip in the past that you’ve caught in conversation, or overheard him say to the guys, slowly are falling into place as you realize what he means. Your eyes widen.
“Sehun, are you taking me to the races?” You smirk, a huff escaping your lips. “It all makes sense now. Your car, your house, you showing up at my door in the middle of the night bruised and beaten. Your other job which you’ve been so secretive about. Why the fuck didn’t you tell me about this earlier, Hun?”
“Do you really need to ask me that?” He raises a brow and you roll your eyes at him.
“Don’t feed me that bullshit of you didn’t want to tell me because you want to protect me from that sort of thing, you know very well I can take care of myself,” you state, crossing your arms slightly over your chest. “Just admit you were too afraid to tell me cause you didn’t know how I would react.”
“I’ll admit, you’re taking it better than I thought you would,” he replies, turning down a familiar road which will lead you to the garage. Your silence is all the answer he needs, and he can tell you’re staring at him with an unamused look of disbelief. “Okay, fine. I’m sorry for keeping this from you, and I promise from now on, no more secrets.”
“You better keep that promise, Hun,” you tell him, turning back to look out the front window just as the garage comes into view, “or else I’ll kick your ass.”
Sehun just chuckles in response, a smirk tugging at his lips as he hears you muttering to yourself about how he’s been part of an illegal street racing network and syndicate, as well as who knows what else. He’s figured you’ve probably pieced the rest of it together by now, but just incase, he gives you a rundown of everything before you get out of his car, putting emphasis on this night.
“Hence why I need you here tonight,” he says after everything.
“Wait, I get Jaebum’s your sworn enemy and all that, but did you really need to bring me along just for his puny gang?” You question, stepping out of his car in the next second.
“His isn’t the only one that’s going to show up, and I need to make sure that things don’t get too out of hand,” Sehun replies, getting out along with you and slamming his door shut soon afterwards. “I only trust you to help me with something like this.”
“Alright, well, let’s kick some ass,” you grin, cracking your knuckles as Sehun walks up beside you, leading you to the main area of the race.
“Tonight’s nothing too special, but the stakes are still pretty high,” Sehun tells you.
“I mean, based on your little street racing one-oh-one lecture before we got out of the car, combined with the territory you mentioned you guys own, I’d say giving up a certain portion of that would be considered high stakes,” you say, shifting slightly from foot to foot.
“Don’t worry, it’s like I said,” he smirks, “Jongin’s the best racer we have.”
“What’s his wins to losses ration?” You ask, wanting to know the odds and if they are indeed, in your favour tonight.
However, before Sehun can open his mouth to respond, a voice cuts him off.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Little Miss Hunhun, back from the dead,” Jaebum sneers from somewhere off to the side.
You can see Sehun tense up slightly at the old nickname from high school, and you roll your eyes, turning to glare at Jaebum.
“Put a cork in it, asshat,” you snap back, straightening your back out in order to stand tall and appear intimidating.
“Still hanging around with that bastard, I see,” Jaebum replies, eyes roaming your figure with a smirk tugging at his lips. “Let me know when you want a real man to do you right, sweetheart, I’ll be waiting.”
“In your dreams, sweetheart,” you mock him. “The only bastard I see here is you.”
“Still sending your bitch to fight your own battles for you, huh, Miss Hunhun?” Jaebum edges on, amusement clear on his face as a few of his lackey’s laugh behind him.
“You and I both know I can handle my own in a fight,” Sehun replies bluntly. “Or did you forget about the last time I beat the fuck out of your ass? Or the time before that? Or the time before that? Or the time-“
“Irregardless,” Jaebum interrupts with gritted teeth, “we’re still going to win tonight.”
“I seriously doubt that,” you laugh.
“I wouldn’t be so sure about that, sweetheart,” he counters, a smug look coming to rest on his face as he notices your scowl. “We’ve got some fresh meat on our team tonight. In fact, here he comes now.”
With a nod of his head, your attention gets turned to a man in a leather jacket walking towards your little group. You suck in a breath as you realize who he is; you’d recognize those brown locks anywhere.
“Jesse,” the name escapes you in a harsh whisper, staring down the man who now stands before you with narrow eyes.
“I see you’ve already met him before,” Jaebum says, clear amusement shining in his eyes as he already knows about what the two of you have gone through.
“Don’t play dumb, you know exactly how we know each other,” you spit, glaring at the men standing before you, turning your full attention to Jesse in the next second, “didn’t know you were the type to get involved in this sort of thing.”
“Funny, I never pinned you as someone who would get caught up in this sort of thing, either,” he replies, staring you down. “Be careful who you hang out with, love, you might fall into the wrong crowd.”
“I did, once,” you tone is sharp as you respond, standing tall as your words drip with venom, “when I was together with you.”
The whole time, Sehun remains silent, opting to observe this interaction instead. He stays quiet mainly due to the fact that he doesn’t know what to say at this turn of events. Never did he expect to encounter your ex at a race, especially not newly recruited to race for a rival gang of his own.
“Oh, baby, you’re going to hurt my feelings,” Jesse mock pouts, a smug look soon coming to pull at his features. “I know you still have feelings for me, you don’t have to pretend.”
“You wish, prick,” you scoff. “The only one who seems to still have feelings for the other one here is you. Though, you did have the emotional processing capability of a toad, so that doesn’t really surprise me.”
At this, Sehun laughs, throwing an arm casually around your shoulders, causing a satisfied grin to pull at the corners of your lips. Noticing your new position, a scowl crosses Jesse’s face.
“Fine, maybe I do want you back,” he admits.
“Bold of you to say that in front of all these people,” Sehun utters, making you chuckle humourlessly.
“Let’s up the stakes of the race, then,” Jesse replies, clear frustration seeping into his tone as he clenches his fists at his side. “When we win, you have to go out with me again, no exceptions. You’ll admit that you still want me in front of everybody, and then things can finally get back to normal between us.”
“I can’t believe you right now! I blocked your number for a reason; you’re so fucking childish-“
“Deal,” Sehun states, catching you off guard.
“Excuse me?” You turn to look at Sehun in disbelief.
“Don’t worry, we won’t lose,” he leans down to whisper in your ear, tightening his hold on your shoulders slightly in a gesture of reassurance.
“Is this even allowed?” You clench your jaw as you bite back the variety of curses that want to escape your mouth with how smug Jesse, Jaebum, and all their lackey’s look at this moment. Your mind is racing, but you trust Sehun, and if he says they’re going to win, they’re going to win. Well, they better win.
Looking around slightly, you notice your little spat has drawn a small crowd, already buzzing with the upped stakes for the upcoming race. You move along with everyone else to the starting point as the racers prepare for the upcoming race. 
“Everything will be fine, trust me,” Sehun whispers in your ear as the cars zoom off down the road, and out of sight.
“I do trust you,” you sigh. “That’s what I’m worried about.”
At your words, he just lets out a low chuckle.
A few minutes later, you can hear the roaring of engines coming back into range, noticing headlights racing down the track shortly after. A grin pulls at your features as you notice Jesse place next to last.
Turning your attention to your side, you notice Jaebum standing close by, only serving to fuel your smug mood.
“Didn’t know your boy was so weak,” you say, noticing how Jaebum grits his teeth in response.
“What did I say?” Sehun grins, moving to cross his arms in front of his chest in order to stare down Jaebum, and now Jesse, as he comes to stand beside his leader. “We won’t lose.”
“I could have won, easily,” Jesse huffs, “If the race wasn’t rigged, and your boy didn’t cheat.”
“Excuse me?” Now it’s Sehun’s turn to voice his disbelief.
“Yeah, there’s no way I could have lost in a real race,” Jesse continues, crossing his arms in front of his chest and mirroring Sehun’s stance.
“What kind of game are you playing, Miss Hunhun? Rigging races? I thought this was a fair trade,” Jaebum tuts, shaking his head in mock disappointment as he steps towards Sehun. “We want a rematch. Now.”
“Sorry, no do-overs,” Sehun pouts mockingly towards the two males. “Losers will be losers, end of story.”
A chuckle escapes your lips.
“What, bitch? You think this is funny?” Jaebum turns to you, noticing how your expression mirrors Sehun’s mocking one.
“I think this is hilarious,” you reply. “Two losers whining like little children throwing a tantrum.”
You can see the both of them starting to visibly shake in anger.
“Now, I’m going to have to ask you to leave before the next race starts,” Sehun tells them. “You are of no more use to us tonight.”
“We want a rematch,” Jaebum growls, voice low.
“Sorry, we only had a deal for one race tonight, no rematches,” Sehun shrugs casually. “Now, leave, before I make you.”
“You better give us that rematch or that stick won’t be the only thing shoved up your ass tonight,” Jaebum threatens, grabbing ahold of Sehun’s jacket by the collar.
“Woah, at least buy him a drink first,” you quirk a brow, chuckling slightly as you watch both Jesse and Jaebum frown.
“Shut up, you little bitch,” Jaebum spits. “Stay out of matters that don’t concern you.”
“I was involved the minute you agreed to the new deal,” you counter, placing a hand on your hip. “Now, be good little boys and do as he says and leave before I make you.”
“Fine,” Jaebum sneers, shoving Sehun back and standing tall once again.
Before they turn to leave, Jesse turns towards Sehun, a nasty glint shining in his eyes.
“Don’t bother yourself with that whore for too long. She’ll fuck you, then leave you the very next day,” Jesse says, words and expression laced with malice as a sneer pulls at his lips. “She’s nothing.”
Sehun simply tilts his head slightly in Jesse’s direction, taking in a deep breath. Before anyone can react, he’s lunging at Jesse, landing a solid first punch to his face.
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sam-writes · 5 years
A Lover's Note
Cherry Smoke series
Roger Taylor X original male character
Word count: 1683
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Note: part four!! I was so so so tempted to just make it full of angst at the end.
It was the early morning, and Nicholas hadn't been able to sleep for more than an hour or two. The faintest blue light managed to seep into his room, just enough to show the figure of Nicholas, hunched over, head in his hands. He say cross legged, the sheets of his bed were pooled around his waist. He wore a loose tank top and tracksuit pants. He massaged his head through his unruly hair and groaned lowly.
Ever since Eric and Damien had made him realise what his feelings truely were the previous week, he hadn't stopped thinking about Roger; about the chance he had completely thrown away. He should have gone back to sleep. He should have talked about it. He should have stayed. Stayed in Roger's arms and have forgotten about the world for even a moment. He had thrown all of that away.
Nick decided he didn't want to stay in his room any longer and he went to go boil the kettle. He needed a strong coffee.
He was pouring the hot water into his cup when he heard feet lightly walking on the hardwood floor. He turned quickly and saw a drowsy Eric.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you..." Nick rubbed his neck, feeling bad for waking his roommate at such an insane hour of the morning.
"Don't worry, mate, just grab me a coffee and I'll forgive you." He yawned and rubbed his eyes, taking a seat at the bench.
Nick smiled to himself and filled another mug before sliding it over to Eric. Nicholas sat opposite him and sipped at his coffee, careful not to burn his mouth. The morning birds had began their song and the wind was rustling through the trees that lined the streets down below. As painful as it was to be awake this early, he did enjoy witnessing the world at a time everyone would usually be sleeping.
"I'll take one guess as to why you're awake right now." Eric grabbed Nicholas' attention, "It's Roger, isn't it."
Nick cringed at the fact that it was that obvious. He breathed out slowly, trying to release any tension he was holding.
"What are you going to do about it?" Eric was soft and genuine. He tilted his head slightly and resembled a curious puppy.
"I don't know... I don't even know where to find him..." Nicholas grumbled, swirling his coffee with a spoon and watching it become one uniform colour.
"Well, you're going to have to figure it out. Miranda will murder you if you don't get your shit together." Eric swung around and pushed off the counter, his steaming coffee in one hand, and he wandered back to his room. Nicholas dropped his head to the table and wished to just stop thinking, if only for an hour.
It was band practice that day. Both Eric and Nick had were exhausted from being awake so early, so Miranda and Damien had decided to cut the practice short. For some reason all the and decisions were left up to Miranda and Damien. Eric, Michael and Nicholas were like the children of the band, seemingly incapable of making a sound decision. Everyone had packed up and was leaving. Michael had somewhere to be that he didn't want to disclose. Eric was meeting up with a friend. It was Nicholas, Damien and Miranda still there. Nick was sat at his drum kit, drumsticks still in hand. He hadn't bothered to pack up as it just consisted of putting his drumsticks in his bag. He tapped the snare drum absent-mindedly as he watched a girl walk into the studio. she walked over to Miranda and kissed her on the cheek. Nicholas recognised her as the girl from the party. She was quite beautiful.  She had dark skin not not as dark as Miranda. Her thick hair hung loose and it bounced as she walked.
"Boys, this is Amy." Miranda slipped her arm around her waist and hooked her thumb in the belt loop of her pants.
Amy waved politely and smiled, genuinely happy to meet the band, of what was left of it.
"Nice to finally properly meet you, Amy! Miranda dosent shut up about you." Damien offered his hand and, like a gentleman, kissed her hand lightly. Miranda swatted him in the face, telling him to back off of her girl. Damien laughed before gesturing to Nick, "I doubt he's been paying attention to you though," he put a hand against his mouth, pretending to whisper but didn't bother to lower his voice, "he's got boy problems."
Nick was already moving towards them and punched Damien in the arm when he got there. "It's nice to meet you, Amy." He shook her hand, but unlike Damien, didn't make any moves.
They spoke for a while, getting to know each other. Amy was a wonderful girl, she was incredibly wise for her age; Nick could use some of that wisdom right now.
"Well, we better be off. I'll see you boys around." She waved them goodbye before picking up her bag and exiting the studio. Amy moved to hold he hand and Nick smiled at the small gesture.
After a moment Nick swung back around to face Damien, uttering a shocked, "Boy problems? Really?"
Damien shrugged as we walked back over to his guitar case. "It's the truth."
Nicholas stood in a shocked silence until Damien piped up again. "Oh! Buddy, I saw the man that plagues your thoughts yesterday afternoon by chance at the pub, and he gave me this." Damien held up a slip of paper between two fingers. He took it, on one side it said:
Incase you change your mind. Rog.
And on the other side was his address and phone number.
Nick stared at it for a long time, memorising the street name and the numbers, enjoying how his letters curled and looped. Damien slung the strap of his guitar case over his shoulder and grabbed his bag. He put a hand on Nick's shoulder and spoke, very seriously, "I think you should go talk to him." Nick just nodded as Damien patted him on the shoulder and left.
He felt nauseous and like he was going to collapse any second, but here he was, on Roger Taylor's doorstep. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he considered just turning around and driving back home. Maybe he didn't need to do this, he could just leave and Roger would never even know he was here. Nick shook his hands, anxious and unready. In a strange surge of faux confidence he was not expecting to have, he knocked on the door. It took a while, but eventually the door opened to Roger.
"Nick? You actually came..." His voice was full of surprise and shock.
"Can we go inside?" Nick was almost visibly shaking. He was so unsure if he made the right decision. "I want to talk..."
Roger ushered him in, taking him to the lounge room. Nicholas took a seat on the edge of the lounge. Roger sat next to him, but kept a reasonable distance.
As the silence drew out, Roger spoke up. "So what did you want to talk about?"
Nick dug his fingertips into his temples and rubbed them, he looked up at Roger and felt time stop. It hadn't even been that long since he had last seen him, but god he had missed him. And the look of worry that was plastered on Roger's face wasn't helping. Finally he replied, "Us."
Roger let Nicholas take the lead and let out what he needed to say.
"Roger. I know our bands don't like each other, that they wouldn't work together, and that this whole thing could jeopardize our entire careers but I..." He stopped. He hadn't said it out loud before. Not even to Damien or Eric.  He took a shaky breath, "I like you. I don't want to lose whatever it was we had and I know I was an idiot and I threw it away because I was scared. And I don't know if you could forgive me and maybe try and work this out, but I would love to try... I don't want us to just have been a one night stand." He looked up at Roger, so unsure and scared to be rejected.
The silence that followed was the scariest part. It seems to stretch, going on and on, lasting a lifetime.
"Look, Nick..." Roger slowly began, Nick closed his eyes ready for this whole effort to be worthless. "I like you too, but..." He stopped there for a moment, thinking, making sure Nick knew there was more to come. "You said it, we could jeopardize our whole careers. We've both got good things going for us. I'm sure you don't want to ruin that, I definitely don't. Maybe we shouldn't... As much as I want to."
Nicholas furrowed his eyebrows, a stone dropped in his stomach and he felt sick again. He steadied his rapid breathing and held his hands still. "I know, I don't want to screw that up. But I don't want to screw this up anymore than I already have." He waved his hand between the two of them. "I want to be with you, Rog..." His voice dropped to a whisper.
Roger matched his tone, "You should have stayed with me... We should have just stayed in bed."
Nicholas felt tears prick at his eyes, he felt so guilty. He was full of regret. "I'm so sorry... I can stay now... If you'll let me. If you let us try."
Roger held his gaze for a long while, just watching him, almost giving him a chance to take it all back. And when Nick didn't look away, or open his mouth, Roger finally nodded. Slowly and unsurely at first but quickly it became a strong, certain nod.
"Okay. Let's give this a shot."
Comment and reblogs are highly appreciated!! 💙
Permatag: @siriuslymooned @benhardysvoicee @onceuponadetectivedemigod @hotspacedeacon @fastidious-and-a-mess @horribly-unstable @andtheytoldustotellyouhello @writingsthegame-dylansthename @rogerandhishair @greatkinglulu @angrylizardjacket @queens-n-roses @rogerlad
Cherry Smoke Taglist:  @itsanarrum @fire-and-blood-got @bitemerog @rogersmeadows
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mxltifaves · 6 years
Another Life Chapter 8
After waking up in Stefan’s arms Caroline decided it would be a good idea to give him a vervain bracelet, in order to keep him safe and to tell him apart from Samuel even though she knew the difference. When Stefan woke up from his slumber, he saw Caroline wasn’t there with him, so he called out her name.
“Caroline, are you here?” Stefan called out. After a few moments he heard calling back.
“Yea I’ll be out in a minute.” She called back. Stefan got up from the bed and started looking around Caroline’s room. Everything looked so antique, he looked thought he book shelves and saw the books, there were so many of them. Suddenly Caroline came out of her closet.
“Here this is for you.” Caroline said handing him a bracelet and a vile of a liquid.
“What is this?” He asked.
“This is a vervain bracelet. You have to wear it all the time it’ll keep vampires from compelling you. And this is vervain. Pour into your drinks everyday and it’ll keep me or anyone else from feeding off of you. Also give it to your brother, knowing Elena she has a plan to get to you through him.” Caroline explained.
“Thank you.” Stefan said back.
“I’m also going to give these to Bonnie and Lexi. I just want to keep you all safe.” Caroline said.
“I should get going. I need to check on Damon, make sure he is still conscious. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Stefan said giving Caroline a kiss before leaving. After Stefan left Caroline texted Bonnie.
Caroline: Hey, Bonnie you want to hang out?
Bonnie: Sure, meet me at the Grill in an hour.
Caroline: I’ll meet you there. Also invite Lexi I want to get to know her more since we haven’t gotten a chance to hang out juts us girls.
Bonnie: Okay I’ll let her know. See you there.
After she finished texting Bonnie, Caroline started to get ready to meet Bonnie and Lexi. She decided to wear her usual outfit, black jeans, a red top, black heel ankle boots and her leather jacket. When it was time to leave she was about to exit the door when she heard Alex call her.
“Hey Caroline. Can I ask you something?” Alex asked.
“Sure, what’s up?” Caroline asked.
“Did you tell Stefan about what you are?” He asked.
“Yea, I had too. He was going to be in a lot more danger if I didn’t. I told him about Elena, Samuel and I. He needed to know the truth about what happened between us three. I just couldn’t lie to him anymore. It wasn’t good for him or me.” Caroline said.
“I get why you did it. But aren’t you worried you are doing more harm than good? I mean now Stefan got sucked into everything that’s happening. How do you think he’ll be safe now with your sister and Samuel out there?” Alex said a little worried.
“I don’t know, I still have to work some kinks out, but I did give him vervain incase Elena decided to feed off of him or try to compel him. Also, I will give these to Bonnie and Lexi to keep them safe too.” Caroline said.
“Okay I f you need anything juts call me. Bye.” Alex said leaving and heading to his room.
After having that conversation with Alex, she knew she had to plan on how to handle everything. She made her way to the Grill to see Bonnie and Lexi already there and sitting at a booth. When the girls saw her, they waved at her and Caroline made her way over to them.
“Caroline you’re her. I love your outfit by the way.” Bonnie said.
“Thanks Bon. Hey Lexi.” Caroline said.
“Hey Caroline. I’m really glad you invited me. I really haven’t gotten a chance to know you.” Lexi said smiling at Caroline.
“I’m glad you came. Should we order something I’m kind off hungry.” Caroline said sitting down.
“Yea, sure I’m starving.” Lexi said.
After a couple of minutes Matt made his way to their table to take their orders.
“What can I get you guys?” Matt asked ready to take their orders.
“I’ll take the pasta with a diet coke.” Bonnie said.
“I’ll take a burger with extra pickles and with fries and a Sprite.” Caroline said”
“I’ll have the same as Caroline but mine with no pickles.” Lexi said
“Coming right up.” Matt said leaving.
“So, Caroline how are you and Stefan doing?” Lexi Asked raising her eyebrows.
“We’re really good.” Caroline said simply.
“That’s it. That’s all you’re going to say?” Lexi asked
“What else do you want me to say?” Caroline said getting a bit embarrassed.
“Give us some more details.” Lexi said raising her eyebrows.
“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Caroline said acting dumb.
“Okay. Keep pretending Caroline but we’ll get the truth out of you.” Bonnie said. Caroline’s cheeks just got red from the words her friends were saying.
“So, I wanted to give you guys these. I found them while I was cleaning some family things and I found them.” Caroline said holding up two necklaces.
“Caroline there beautiful. Thank you. You really didn’t have too. But why the gift?” Bonnie said.
“I just wanted to say thank you. You guys were the first real friends I had here. And because of you I meet the person I love.” Caroline said giving her and Lexi their necklaces.
“Well thank you Caroline. They are beautiful.” Lexi said smiling at her. For the rest of the afternoon they spend talking about boys. Lexi and Bonnie trying to get information out of Caroline, but she wouldn’t budge.
“Hey guys you should come over to my house. We can have a sleepover.” Caroline said.
“Sure, will your aunt mind?” Lexi asked.
“No, she’s stuck at work. Only Alex will be there.” Caroline said.
“Who’s Alex?” Lexi asked curious.
“He’s my best friend. He’ll probably be out all night anyways. So what do you say?” Caroline said. Both girls nodded at Caroline.
“I need to go to my house and grab some clothes.” Bonnie said
“I do too.” Lexi said.
“Well since you too drove together, I’ll meet you guys at my house.” Caroline said. The girls nodded in agreement. Lexi and Bonnie headed towards the car while Caroline headed to her car.
After driving from the Grill to her house, Caroline knew there was something wrong, she didn’t know what it was but she could feel it. Caroline quickly called Alex to see if he was at the house. After a few rings he answered.
“Hello?” Alex asked.
“Alex where are you?” Caroline asked panicking.
“I’m grabbing something to eat, over by the Lockwood estate. Why, what’s wrong?”  He responded.
“I don’t know. I can feel something not right. I’m at the house right now and I have this weird feeling, like something is about to happen.” Caroline said her heart beat racing.
“Caroline, you are probably imagining it. Do you want me to come back to the house, I can finish hunting later?” Alex asked.
“No stay there. Lexi and Bonnie are coming over in a few minutes. I don’t want you to stave. I’ll see you later. Bye.” Caroline said hanging up the phone.
Just to make sure everything was fine, she checked the whole house. After not finding anything she went to her room and tried to calm down. When she heard Bonnie and Lexi pull up to the driveway, she went to the living room to make sure there was no glasses of blood since Alex was drinking one in the morning. When she hear a knock on the door she went to get it.
“Hey guys, welcome to my house.” Caroline said smiling.
“Your house is huge, Caroline.” Bonnie said.
“Yea, you can throw an epic party here.” Lexi said.
“We should, it’ll be fun. I’ll just check in my aunt.” Caroline said smiling.
“Come on I’ll take you to my room.” Caroline said leading them to her room.
When they were walking up the stairs Caroline could hear something in the basement, she couldn’t quite make out what it was but there was definitely something there. She tried to ignore because she thought she was being paranoid. When they got to her room Caroline made sure there was nobody there, she knew she was being extra paranoid but she couldn’t be too safe. The girls entered her room and they were astonished at how big it was.
“You guys can put your things where ever, make yourself at home.” Caroline said “I’ll be right back, I have to go check on something.” She finished saying. Lexi and Bonnie smiled at her in return. Caroline quickly made her way out of the room and went directly to the basement where she heard the noise. When she got there, she looked around and saw a shadow of a man, and she immediately knew who it was, Samuel.
“What are you doing here, Samuel?” Caroline asked
“Caroline how many times am I going to have to tell you that I’m here for you. I love you Caroline, I will always love you. And I’m here for you because you and I belong together.” Samuel said getting closer to her.
“You compelled me to love you. My love for you wasn’t real. I don’t love you, I love Stefan. You may share the same face, but you are completely different.” Caroline said.
“You might find out we are much more alike than you think.” Samuel said with a smirk.
“You’re lying. Stefan is way better than you are. You compelled me and feed off me, you used me.” Caroline said
“Caroline like I’ve said before, your feeling for me where real. I only compelled you not to be afraid of me.” Samuel said.
“No, leave me alone. I don’t want anything to do with you.” Caroline said ready to leave.
“If you don’t do as I say your precious Stefan will get hurt and so will your friends. I want you to break up to with him, break his heart into a million pieces.” Samuel said.
“What, no. I’m not going to do that. If you hurt him, I will find you and kill you.” Caroline said her voice raised.
“Caroline it’s not an option, do it or I kill him. Plus, you won’t kill me, deep down you know you love me.”
“Fine, I’ll do it. You have to promise me not to hurt him or my friends.” Caroline said knowing it was for the best.
“I promise. Goodbye Caroline until next time.” Samuel said leaving a sad Caroline in the basement by herself. Caroline made her way upstairs. She didn’t want Samuel to win but she didn’t want to see Stefan, or her friends hurt.
“Caroline where did you go?” Lexi asked.
“I was looking for something, couldn’t find it.” Caroline said half smiling.
“Well since our love life isn’t that exciting, tell us about you and Stefan.” Bonnie said.
“Okay fine. What do you want to know?” Caroline said finally budging.
“How is he in bed?” Lexi asked. Caroline should’ve known the question was coming.
“Oh, god. He is very good.” Caroline said feeling her face burn.
“How good?” Lexi asked.
“Very, very good.” Caroline said again. The girl laughed at Caroline’s response.
“What do you guys do when you are together?” Bonnie asked.
“We talk about things. And then we do other things.” Caroline responded.
“Oh interesting. Well I’m glad things are good between you.” Lexi said. The rest of the night the girls were gossiping and talking about Caroline and Stefan’s relationship. Throughout the night Caroline was thinking about what she was going to say to Stefan when she told him they couldn’t be together anymore. How was she going to break his heart and tell him she didn’t love him anymore? It broke her heart, but she had to.
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thedovahcat · 6 years
Wildstar: Three Curtains to Close
Until I come up with more things for all my characters to do! This isn’t goodbye! Otherwise these were just some writings I brewed up earlier this afternoon while at work. I’m sure they’ll be up to MANY many more shenanigans in no time.
Kinda takes the edge off.
Roger always said the sky looked like Zzazzberry yogurt swirled around into a pink, orange and purple whirlpool of colors on the TV. And frankly, Walker was inclined to agree with him. Normally, he always had the skylot set to a sunny, clear day so the plants in the garden wouldn’t suffer too terribly to a sudden climate shift. Today however, for one reason or another, he decided to deactivate it so that they could see the real sky. And it was just as Roger described. Warm colors in multiple shades all mixed into one gradient, dotted with big puffy clouds and faint sparkling stars the higher you looked up into the darkening sky. Normally, lowering any sort of wall or barrier or defense left the botanist extremely uneasy, but he felt differently today. He felt...ok. Not great. But not terrible. Roger seemed to be enjoying it, blowing bubbles into an oncoming gust of wind every time one would pass through. Walker told him to stay close. Just incase the wind got so strong that it’d carry him right off the skylot (not that it would, but you never can be too certain.) The equivars were allowed out of their pen to eat some of the overgrown grass that had filled in all the muddy patches on the property. Roger would go over to them every so often and blow bubbles on them, getting a kick out of the whole thing every time their ears twitched at the popping soap suds. Bell would turn away pinning her ears flat while Pepper merely stood still and took it, unbothered and with a mouth full of plant matter. Walker sat on the porch, keeping a close eye on everything that boy was doing. His expression softened every so often though. That kid had come far since they first met. Scared and shivering in a corner, bunched up into a little ball in the back of the ship while Walker snapped at him and asked him why he was so strange and troublesome to deal with. And how he didn't have time, and how could Neil do this to him. He was wrong of course. Over time he learned Roger was simply Roger. And no matter how he got to be the way he was, that was it. Even just thinking about it made him cringe and then laugh nervously to himself. He'd never dream of acting like that towards him now. Never. It happened once but that was a mistake. A big mistake. Never again. Bell stamped her hoof into the dirt and gave Roger a warning grunt to stop with the bubbles. Walker looked up from his very short trance. "Roger- leave her alone. She doesn't like that!" He called out, standing up automatically, but refraining from going over there. Roger could move. He didn't need to. He kept telling himself. Roger looked over his shoulder and back at Bell before moving away from her, only to go messing with poor Pepper again. "Er- Roger? Why don't you come over here- sit with me?" Walker anxiously asked. "Oh...why? Ok I guess." The botanist breathed a sigh of relief, and Roger came bumbling on over. Jacquemont looked up from his scanning in the garden, blooping loudly before finishing up and racing over to the porch, leaving a little trail of glowing blue rings behind him. As soon as Roger saw the little bee-bot he yanked him out of the air the way he always did and plunked down right next to Walker on the porch. "Hey Walker?" "Yes?" "Why's the sun red? It's supposed to be yellow." Walker squinted and glanced off to the side where the sun was indeed setting for the evening. "..Well... there are...uhm...-" He scratched at one of his ears. "Oh you know...the sun gets tired when the day is over. So it uh, dims. And then it's night." What a lie. But Roger wouldn't ever understand nor remember why, so it didn't matter anyway. "REALLY?! Wow I'd sure be tired if I had to glow all day... and hot..." Walker chuckled quietly. "It would be hard, yes." "Hey Walker?" "Yes Roger?" "Why're we outside?" Walker shifted and turned towards him, automatically reaching over and picking the kid up and plopping him down on his knee. "You wanted to blow bubbles and bother Bell and Pepper, remember?" "I did? ...huh." Roger had no recollection. He turned his attention back down to Jacquemont, who's antenna blinked on and off a few times as he folded his little wings back against his body. "Hey, Walker?" "Yes Roger," "I think the sky looks really pretty. The sun's red though. Isn't it supposed to be yellow? Why's it turn red like that?" "The sun is very tired Roger." "Oh. Well. I'd be really tired too." "You don't seem to be so right now. Are you sleepy?" Roger shook his head. "No." "That's good." They sat there for about a minute in silence, when Walker spoke again. "You know. When dinner's ready, we have some leftover cake from Yevgeniy's wedding. Would you like so-" "CAKE? We have CAKE? We NEVER have cake!! Yes!!" Roger rocketed back onto his feet, absolutely beaming. Jacquemont got tossed into the air but managed to right himself again mid-fall. "Walker I want cake!!" He didn't care where or who it came from. He certainly didn't know anyone named Yevgeniy. (Remember more like.) "J-just a small piece. You know you can't have a lot of sugar." Walker made sure he knew that much. Still... it was a good day today. Roger could have a little piece and be all right. "Come on. Let's go inside and wash our hands." "Ok! Walker!!! We've never had cake!!" Roger bounced onto the steps and raced on ahead back into the house. "W-WIPE YOUR SHOES!!-" Ok. That part was very much so Walker's fault. He'd admit it.
A long line of drool trailed out of Yaedra’s mouth as the loud stomping down below on the first floor disturbed his sleep.
He opened his eyes, and they practically crackled like they’d been glued shut for hours. He’d been asleep all day long, judging by the time on the clock. How had that ha- oh yes. The wedding. He forgot how much he drank. Walker took him home and then they’d both passed out (after a little-)
He wanted to die. Slowly, he flopped over so that he was face up, staring at the ceiling, listening to the air conditioner kick on, making the vents rattle.
Dinner… dinner was done. He could smell it. That was what got him up on his feet again. Before he even made it out of the bedroom though he took a detour into the bathroom to brush his teeth. At least. Walker wouldn’t let him hear the end of it otherwise.
The previous evening’s events still made him feel strange, about a lot of things. He wasn’t sure why.
Mischa and that stupid janitor finally scraped up enough money for a decent yet very small, very private wedding. Yev’s mailman friend cooked a lot of food, Yaedra brought his violin with him and offered to play something at the very least. Walker came and brought Roger with him, so he certainly didn’t stay very long. The Aurin doctor Mara had come by with gifts, even though she had enough bags under her eyes to share with practically everyone. And they had been able to find a priest to make the whole thing official.
The only thing that had been missing were the masks. They were the most expensive things on the list. So much so they sacrificed going someplace nice and instead held the ceremony on Mischa’s ship’s front lawn.
The two had been so tired of waiting and saving. They had wanted to just get it over with.
Yaedra, being Yaedra, couldn’t let it go. Of course. He took it upon himself to make the masks for them, unbeknownst to them.
The first attempts were positively abysmal. And he had to pound Yev with his fists more than once to sneakily get facial measurements in whatever dents he could make. Over time and with a bit of help from an old friend, he managed to produce something decent.
Yevgeniy was given a mask that was split down the middle. One half of the face smiling brightly, the other, a powerful frown. The symbol of the theater, drama and comedy. He’d lived his whole life there prior to the Contagion. It made sense. And while he accepted the gift warily, he loved it. Mischa hesitantly accepted it and was grateful as well.
For his own son, Yaedra had no idea initially, as he’d never planned on doing anything like this. Until he remembered…
The mask he presented to Mischa was a black wolf’s mask, very similar in style to the Zmeyan Dance Troupe’s own all those years ago. A dream long forgotten.
Mischa burst into tears at the sight of it. And he wore it proudly. That much made Yaedra almost literally buzz with joy. He had been afraid that Mischa wouldn’t have liked it. But he did.
And now he was married.
….Now what.
He spit out a mouthful of toothpaste and shut the faucet off, grabbing a pair of clean pants off the rack, absolutely starving.
When he finally came downstairs (looking presentable), he paused and listened to Walker talking on a voice chat with someone off to the side.
“Please, if you can get the reports in by the morning-... well. If you cannot, that’s fine… but the sooner we have them the better.”
“I’ll.. I should have them.” Walker answered hesitantly.
“Good… good… very well. Good evening.”
Yaedra recognized that voice. It was that doctor, Walker’s boss- what’s his name’s son- the McPhearson boy-now-old-man. At least he hadn’t been harassing the botanist anymore. That was one worry they could all put behind them.
Walker sighed and set his datachron back onto the shelf and went back to the kitchen where Roger was eating his dinner. He looked up once Yaedra decided to reveal himself and smiled faintly. “Good morning.”
It was NOT morning. Not in the least. Yaedra snorted at him in greeting as he came to the island and sat himself down a chair away from Roger and his noodles.
“Did you sleep well?”
Yaedra made a so-so motion.
“I see. Well there are some noodles here if you want any… are you going out tonight?” Walker asked as he brought the captain a bowl of food.
Yaedra dug into the food immediately. When he had a mouthful, he glanced up. “I have to go to the inn today.”
Walker raised a brow. “The i- what-” Oh, that’s right. The Badaxe Inn in Algoroc. Yaedra’s friend lived there. “OH, oh. Why??”
The captain inhaled the food in record time before getting back up and taking his bowl to the sink to wash it (along with the stool.) “Some fool has said he can play better than I. I will not stand for it.” He explained, ears pinning back in annoyance.
“I was wondering why you had left your violin case down here… well uh- have...fun?” He had no idea what Yaedra was going to get up to. Scratch that- he didn’t WANT to know.
“Once I destroy the fool at his own game, drink and be merry with Mei and her family and also destroy Ranavos for good measure, I will return to you so that we may also celebrate my impending victory and also drink and ‘make merry’.”
Walker’s ears flushed bright pink in a matter of moments. “OH- uh- hh...haha ..y-yes we...we can do that.”
Roger looked back and forth between the two. Yaedra always did weird movements with his hands that Walker seemed to understand. It was strange.
Yaedra nodded in confirmation as he wiped his hands off on a dish towel, moving towards the foyer area to collect his violin. Walker came and opened the door for him before being yanked down roughly for a hard kiss.
“You remembered to brush!”
“I will be back my love.”
“Yes, Sevka, of course.”
And so Yaedra went on his way, one hand in his pocket as he marched on to the teleporter that would take him to the world below.
“Anyway this tea is to DIE for Dr. McPhearson- I saved some of it for you- Razalie managed to find it somewhere at a stand all the way out there in Levian Bay- don’t know how she got it but-” Mara seemed to be in a chipper mood rather than miserably anxious and tired. She was darting back and forth, cleaning up a few things before she was to leave.
Neil ran a hand down his face, and even that much hurt to do. He glanced down at the tea, really unsure of it. But it smelled fragrant. Hopefully it wasn’t poisoned. All his medicine was laid out next to it nice and straight too.
“Riveting- you can leave now you know- this place is already as clean as it will ever be.” He hardly spent time in his apartment on the ark ship as it was. They finally docked the Gambler’s Ruin on the ground a few months ago, right outside of the now-even-more-bustling Thayd. While he missed the stars and view of space just a little, having the main XAS headquarters and staff accessible from the ground was a good thing.
Mara’s tail stood straight up and poofed out in alarm. “I mean! Haha just- tidying up a few things! I can go now though, sorry!!”
“Not to worry. See you tomorrow. Doctor.” The old man smirked as the aurin gave a sharp EEEE of excitement at the title alone. He knew how hard she worked for that. She was completely ecstatic and had been for weeks now.
Once she had gone, he peered back down at the tray in front of him with the hot tea and pills.
“Lovely dinner.” He muttered, getting up and walking over towards the viewport he had, bones aching with every step. He was lucky to have one at all actually. Most people didn’t. Something about safety.
Outside he could see the walls of the occupied Osun city, and all the people coming in and out of it. He never thought he’d ever see something like it. Something normal that was only ever really seen on TV or read in books.
With the Entity and Drusera finally being seperated and the former purged (to his knowledge anyway), the Strain was eventually wrestled into control by both factions. Much of Grimvault was burned and lost in the process, but it was already showing signs of healing, perhaps due to the large amounts of exanite in the area. Nobody really knew for certain, yet.
As for the Dominion and the Exiles? Their fighting had slowed down considerably, after large portions of their forces has been wiped out by the Eldan experiment gone mad. It was generally safer to go out and explore for everyone these days. Though, no mentions of a treaty or anything quite like it yet. Just a tense and semi-uneasy silence while both factions inevitably built up their forces yet again.
The cycle would in all likelihood, continue.
Though of course, there were always some trying to bridge the gap between them both. Neil hardly knew whether to admire them or think them to be fools.
What did it matter to some old rowsdower like him though? He wouldn’t be around for all the nonsense on the years to come anyway.
He let out a wheezing cough.
Walker had been getting worried every time he called him. Neil found it to be more than odd, considering their volatile history, but he wouldn’t say anything about it. Not now.
A picture frame sat nearby on a shelf. He went over to it, picking it up and switching it on.
“...Hm. I believe you would have absolutely adored Nexus. Without a doubt.” He spoke out loud to himself.
“If only you’d hung on just a short while longer.”
Neil knew how sick his father was at the time. Right before Dorian Walker had located the planet Nexus. They’d all been really excited about finding a home at long last. Not everyone made it of course. That was the risk. One they were forced in to.
From another room came Asclepius, hovering and making some droning sound before catching sight of Neil and quickly zipping over to him.
“Hey hey WOAH I ain’t done with ya-” Hermes shot out of the same place and rammed into the first scanbot from behind.
Neil looked over his shoulder, before wincing. Ow...neck… too fast…
“What’s up kid what’s out there?” Hermes asked, floating up to the window.
Neil sucked in a breath. “Nothing.”
Asclepius’ eye scanned around, locking onto the picture frame. “Remembering.” He said in a flat, monotone computer voice.
“Oh cool what are we remembering? Remember that one time I had my scanners activated and there had been a Dommie spy onboard an-”
“Not that.” Neil grunted, taking the frame with him back to the edge of the bed. He needed to sit down.
“Oh. Well WHAT the- ….oh. That.”
“Yes. That. Settle down already.”
“Well gee sooorrry.” Hermes rolled his entire body with the words to simulate human expression. Once the bots both settled down, they hovered on to the empty side of the bed and dropped down onto it. For once, not killing each other.
“..I miss that kid sometimes.”
“Simulating: nostalgia.”
“Yer a real fuckin’ hoot still.”
“Counter: Subject remains designated as liability.”
“Yeah well FUCK YOU too!!!!”
Neil ignored them and sighed heavily, rubbing his eyes with a hand. Everything hurt. And he was so tired. Not just from today.
So very tired.
The bots settled down again shortly afterwards, picking up on whatever was going on somehow.
“...Hey uh… so… so how’s that successor dude you got lined up?” Hermes asked.
“Fine. He’ll do well.”
“Statement: Retirement announcement scheduled in thirty-five hours, seventeen minutes and-”
Hermes spoke over Asclepius. “Yeah yeah rustbucket. And huh, guess I’ll hafta meet the new guy then. Ya gotta introduce me.”
Neil gave Hermes a side glance. Would he subject the new doctor to this… these terrors? Absolutely.
“Maybe in the morning.”
“Ahuh. Well take yer meds and get some shut eye then. Look like yer fallin’ apart.”
“Because I am.”
“Uhuh. Typical human excuse!” Hermes floated back up into the air, hovering off and back into another part of the apartment to do who knew what.
Asclepius’ three eyes fixated on Neil.
“Anomaly detected: neurological chemical imbalance. Inquiry: Do you require assistance?”
Neil sighed and took the teacup and his medicine. It had little purple flowers painted on it (the cup that is.)
Two and a half more days.
The thought of retirement seemed so gross right now.
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megmckinney · 4 years
The Dreaded Day Of Travel
It’s hard to prepare for traveling with muchas cosas (many things) as we would be traveling home with. Considering our travel to Mexico and everything that happened, it’s not unusual for either of us to feel a bit uncertain about how traveling home would go. Would we have someone to help carry our stuff? If we don’t, can we still make it work? Will Volaris accept Rowley this time now that his rabbis vaccine would be in their 30 day time frame? Will we be able to get back into the US? How will Summer do on the flight?
The great thing about Sayulita is you don’t have to make appointments anywhere. You want a massage? You walk down to the beach and get it. You want to see the vet to get a health certificate to fly and deworming? You just show up and they do it on the spot. No 30 min check up required and an appointment. Of course I did ask if we should make an appointment but the vet said no to just come in when we were ready. It’s not like they would say no, obviously we had to get home and needed to bring our dog lol So we made sure everything was as Volaris required so we could fly home.
To book our flight online it said we would take off at 12:35 pm. But when you click details, the flight time was actually 6:35 pm. Maybe a glitch in their website? We planned our goodbye brunch at Chocobanana with Kristin, Tyler, Noralina, Felix, and the kiddos, went home to nap/pack, and then headed for the airport. If our flight had been at 12:30, well, then, we would have missed it lol but after booking the res, the email confirmation said 6:30 so I was pretty confident about the evening flight.
We got to the airport 3.5 hours early to be safe. They wouldn’t let us officially check in until 4 so we cruised around the airport. it took SO long to get us checked in because of Rowley. We were the first ones there and by the time we were finally done, the line was incredibly long. They needed to review Rowley’s paperwork, make copies, review them again, have us fill out forms, check the weight. It was never ending. Plus we had to pay for the surfboard, get all of Summer’s gear tagged. It was a process. It took 45 minutes to get us checked in. So it’s finally 4:45pm and we are heading to our gate. Things are fine from here, we board the plane, get to our seats, Summer sleeps on me the entire flight. It was SO sweet but my legs were falling asleep, my left butt cheek was hurting, and I was having a hard time breathing with 21 pounds of weight on me and a baby in my belly. We weighed Summer at the vet after weighing Rowley. It’s good to know how much she weighs now haha.
We land, head to baggage claim/CBX Border Crossing. We find guys with the carts to help us with everything. We go to cross the border through CBX but they won’t take Summer without a birth certificate. My expired passport is no big deal. That works fine he says, especially since it expired in 2020. Matt tried to convince them, the supervisor called the Border Patrol but they said no. So we had to turn around and head the exit of the TJ airport, get a taxi to the border, walk across the border, and hope they don’t give us any trouble getting into the US.
We hop in the taxi to the San Ysidro border crossing. He drops us off and surprisingly there is someone to help us carry our stuff. We are shocked and stoked. We get to the mexico crossing and they just need to see that we have ID, they don’t need to check it BUT we lose our guy to help carry our stuff to walk across the final part. I’m excited because I knew with the wagon and the zip ties we brought that we could do it and I had been looking forward to consolidating everything without extra help. Matt was embarrassed. He kept describing us as Beverly Hill Billy but I don’t get embarrassed easily. I was completely stimulated. I had never walked across the border. It was all new and exciting for me-- until we got into San Ysidro and that was SCARY. More on that later.
So we get into the US Border, we get in line, it was a nice mexican/american lady. I think that was helpful. Women LOVE Summer. Even this woman, who questioned how an 18 month old didn’t have a. birth certificate, couldn’t help but comment on how beautiful Summer is with her red hair. She questioned us a little bit but not for long and then let us go. So the only difficult part was not being allowed to cross through CBX.
We get out of the building and need to get a ride home. It’s super sketchy in this area. Tons of drug addicts walking by, dark, scary. We sign up for an Uber XL, he’s 13 minutes away. The cop makes us move down the street so we aren’t on trolley property, Summer is crying because she’s thirsty. Matt runs to jack & the box to get water and leaves us alone on the street. That was the scariest part. I was just getting ready to duck incase gun shots went off. lol read to kick if someone came up with a knife. I was on high alert.
Our Toyota Highlander finally arrives. He said he didn’t think our stuff would fit. And to be honest, it didn’t. We left the stroller in the trash. It was the old, dirty, used Bob that I got on offer up that we all hate. It was nice to have in Mexico but I never want to use it again lol Once in the car the driver told us that if we didn’t have a baby and if I wasn’t pregnant, he wouldn’t have taken us!!! We were the fifth passengers in his brand new car that he did not want scratched up with our surf board, suitcases, dog crate, wagon, etc.
Our house in La Mesa is booked on airbnb until Feb 2 but our other property in Mission Hills is open for a few nights, Of our three properties, the mission hills home is the only one that I actually own. And I’ve never stayed in it, so it’s been fun to stay here, use the hot tub, enjoy the space! When we bought it, it was a flip, and we bought all of the staging furniture, as well, so it’s a really beautiful and modern home. The decor, the pillows, everything is so chic.
We put Summer down at midnight america time which is 2:00am mexico time. She slept until 4:45 american time so 6:45 mexico time. Not bad. We went to lazy acres for breakfast, got some groceries, Matt took Summer on a walk to balboa park. No stroller so back in the wagon for her. She went down at 9:40 am. I have been blogging, chatting with my dad, unpacking suitcases. It’s been a nice morning.
This afternoon we are signing our loan docs for the refinancing and hopefully heading to la mesa to get our car and stroller! woohoo! I hope Summer sleeps until noon!!! It’s 11 am now. Fingers crossed!!! She needs to catch up so we can get back to a normal sleep schedule!
Well, that’s the end of our travels. I still need to finish the previous blog post but THANK YOU to everyone who came along on this journey with us!!!!
I probably wont be blogging much until October when we plan to move to PALM BEACH FLORIDA for a few years while Matt starts a new pool business, invests in airbnb properties. We’ll see!! More to come from our new nomadic lifestyle!
Love you all! XO
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fightmehoe420-blog · 7 years
Alcohol (1/?)
A/n: hey guys, I’m going to start writing stories on my page since there’s really no bayoJeanne fanfics on here or not as many as one would hope so I hope you like them :).
Summary: Cereza has a pretty hard time handling her liquor.....
Cereza was currently making dinner for when Jeanne gets off work, she knows how tired she is after work. She also got some wine down because she knows it’s her go to when she gets off work as well, hopefully she doesn’t have to help grade papers again because last time she didn’t “follow the system” as Jeanne put it. Jeanne was very specific about her grading and she liked to keep it that way, if anyone messed it up she would snap. Now that dinner was ready all Cereza could do now is wait for her, and while she did that she grabbed a book and poured herself a glass of wine to pass the time. Later she realized Jeanne is later than usual and starts to worry a little but not too much, but she decided to give her sometime before she called.
Jeanne finally arrived looking.....cheerful, which was very rare unless they had something planned. “you’re late” Cereza said picking up her glass to take a sip of wine, “me and Luka met up for coffee and he also helped me grade some of my papers.” She smiled. Cereza almost choked on her wine but quickly gained her composure “you? out with Luka?” She asked “without me?” She chuckled trying to seem nonchalant. “yesss” Jeanne dragged out “I didn’t think you would mind” she said walking to their room to sit her stuff down. “Your food is in the microwave Incase it’s cold” Cereza said “next time let me know you’re going out so it won’t have to sit” she said a little annoyed.
“okay” Jeanne replied coming back into the kitchen to warm her dinner. “Cereza” Jeanne called “you know I love you right?”, “alright...” Cereza sighed “what do you want?” she said taking another sip of wine while rolling her eyes. Jeanne turns around acting offended “can’t I say how much I love my lovely wife?” she said while sitting down and eating her food. Cereza gave her a smirk and said “well yes, but every time you say that you end up asking me to do something for you” she said turning a page of her book. “thats not entirely true, but I do have to ask a favor” Jeanne said looking up from her plate, “me and Luka are going out tomorrow night, we’re going to a museum and then we might go out to eat after is that okay?” Jeanne explained.
Cereza pondered over the news, she wasn’t really fond of Jeanne and Luka hanging out together especially without her there. She may or may not get jealous of them talking for hours and hours of nonsense they call history, but they don’t need to know that. Cereza decided why not, it may be risky (for her) but at least she’ll have alone time, she’ll just need someone to keep an eye on the two. “hmm I guess you two can have fun together without me” Cereza said “but I expect you home by at least 11:30” she stated quite firmly, “oh thanks mom” she chuckled back. Cereza got up to and went to their bedroom to get ready for bed, she needed to talk to someone about this “outing” they’re having tomorrow which is basically a date in her mind.
Finally a lightbulb popped in Cereza’s head she could ask Rodin to spy on them for her, but first she needed to know exactly where they were going so she could tell him. She thought calling him tomorrow would be a good idea because then nothing would be suspected. Jeanne came in the room not so long after Cereza did and started changing, “Cereza?” Jeanne started “are you okay?” She asked sliding onto her side of the bed. “Yes, why wouldn’t I be” she said staring back at her “well first off you stormed out and didn’t even change into you night clothes” Jeanne chuckled. Cereza looked down and realized that she indeed forgot to change and turned away to hide her face because she was in fact blushing.
“I guess I’m just a little out of it today” she says getting up going to that drawer, “I’ve been tired all day for some reason” she said making up an excuse. Once she was dressed she got back in bed, she cut the lamp off and turned towards Jeanne hugging her tight as if it were their last time seeing each other. Jeanne smiled and drifted off to sleep, Cereza couldn’t help getting jealous because this past week Jeanne hasn’t been really making time for her. When she would hang out with Luka she would offer her to come but when she did attend it just be them talking. Tomorrow she’ll be able to see if her intuition is right or not.
The sound of an alarm filled the room the next morning. Of course Cereza was up before Jeanne because even though Jeanne is a teacher getting up on time was not an option. Although today...she actually got up without Cereza telling her to do so, Cereza decided to wait until Jeanne was gone to call Rodin because she didn’t want her suspecting anything. Jeanne grabbed her bags and was getting ready to head for work but before she stepped out Cereza pulled her by the wrist and crashed their lips together, Jeanne gave into the kiss and when they finally pulled away she smirked said “what was that for?” and Cereza replied “just a goodbye kiss” and gave her butt a little smack sending her in her way.
Now that Jeanne was gone Cereza rushed to the phone and dialed Rodin’s number. The phone rang for a bit before he actually picked up the phone, a ‘hello’ finally came through the phone and relief washed over Cereza’s face because Rodin hardly ever picks up. “hello Rodin, I have a favor to ask” she instantly gets to the point because there was no time to waste. “hey Rodin how are you, haven’t seen you in a bit” Rodin mocked “oh I’m fine” he said answering himself back. “This is no time for games, I need you to spy on Jeanne and Luka for me” she said with a hint a panic in her voice, “you’re always dragging into this shit, for the last time she’s not going to cheat on you!” Rodin said shouting through the phone. “I promise this is the last time!” She shouted back “just to make sure, are you going to do it or not?” she argued, Rodin took a deep breath then said “fine, but I’m not doing this anymore, call Enzo next time” he said giving up because this is not her first time doing this.
Every time Jeanne went out with someone Cereza took it upon herself to spy on her and it did not end well. It’s not her fault if she thinks Jeanne gets a little to touchy with some of her friends, she just needs reassurance. In the afternoon Cereza headed to the gates of hell as fast as she could to meet Rodin there and explain to him what’s going to happen. She walked to the counter and started explaining the plan to him, once it was explained she sent him off. “oh! And Rodin” she called out “yes?” He replied “where’s the wine again?” She asked going around the counter “it’s under the counter you just have to search”.
After Rodin left Cereza went and searched for some wine, she saw some but she didn’t really like that one. Then she saw something that caught her eye, she saw some vodka and thought ‘maybe one shot wouldn’t hurt’ and retrieved the bottle from under the counter.
This is going to get interesting
a/n: hey guys so I hope you liked this first part, I was going to write more but had majorrrr writers block. But a second part will be coming, in the meantime let me know what fanfics you would like to read and I might just write it :) so comment and share thanks!
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xxmudcakexx · 7 years
A Strange Surprise
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Originally posted by: wonhontology Plot: Imagine having a horrible day and getting a surprise from your favourite boyband. 
Genre: FLUFF
Words: 2582
Pairing: Wonho | Reader
Authors Note: A late night story. I hope you like it even though it was totally weird.. But I got this urge to write it due to my headache with the story that kept going on in repeat. Goodnight! ^^ 
It was a regular afternoon when you sat down near the window in the coffee shop. You were a regular guest who spent her afternoon studying in the cafe. The morning started quite bad with an angry mother who yelled at her son and then at her daughter without a reason. And then you realized when you came to class that you forgot to do the assignment.
The day had been awful and you were just about to relax in the cafe when an old friend came up to you, a friend you wanted to forget and move on from. But the day couldn’t get worse could it.
”Hello Y/N! How have you been? Mika asked as she sat down by your side. You looked at her with disgust and slightly panicked over how to get her away from you as soon as possible, before your rage started to get heaver.
”Hi…Hello! Uh I’m sorry, but I’m really busy right now. Can’t talk” You said as you looked at your computer.
”Is that how you treat an old friend of yours? I guess you’re the same girl I knew some years ago” She said before leaving. You looked after her and got even more irritated after thinking about her doings. She looked down at her computer once again before taking a sip of her coffee.
Time passed and the assignment was done nicely, and she was just about to relax and start a youtube video, when a text message arrived. She looked at her phone with confusion as she read it for herself.
Hello A surprise will arrive at the Coffee Shop soon. Don’t freak out. ILY / Your bae Kylie
You looked at your phone wondering what she meant by that. Apparently a guy would show up and give you flowers, if you thought right. But minutes went and nothing happened, so you started to watch your daily music videos. Music videos of MONSTA X. The best boyband in the world.
”Excuse me, could I sit here?” A voice asked in fluent Korean. You looked at your left and saw a guy who strangely looked exactly like Minhyuk. You smiled at him.
”Ofc, sit down!” You answered in Korean without thinking about it. You looked down at your computer not feeling strange about what just happened, maybe because you don’t you were crazy again.
In the last weeks with studying so hard, you had been seeing the boys everywhere standing in corners of the street, or eating junk food. But every time you asked your friend if they saw them, they said no. And the boys were clearly in Korea promoting, until two days ago.
”Oh MONSTA X! Do you like them?” He asked. You looked at him and then down at the ’SHINE FOREVER’ video.
”Yes, I love them! Favourite band” You answered with a smile on your lips.
”I’m sorry to disturb your talking, but is this seat free?” A voice asked in Korean once again. You turned to your right and saw a strangely look alike of Kihyun looking at you. You nodded your head slowly.
”It’s free” You answered and looked at your computer with the thoughts of calling for help. You were out of breath and didn’t know what to do. Had you gone crazy? Like so crazy that your imaginary world would haunt you in real life? You tried to push the thoughts away and played a Wonho fancam.
Wonho was your ultimate bias, and also bias in the band. He was the guy you dreamed of every night, and the person who you wanted to meet the most. You smiled as you looked at the video when voices were heard.
”Minhyuk, we got the table! it’s free for all of…” A voice started. You looked back and met a Wonhos look alike gaze. You gulped and looked back at the computer in shock as you stared at the screen. The video was still playing with Wonho trying to eat a plushie. You grabbed your phone and called Kylie in panic.
”Kylie, I need your help. Like now! Come here now!! I think I’m going insane. There’s guys here who looks exactly like MONSTA X!” You said in the phone. A laugh was heard on the other end and you looked down confused why she was laughing.
”Oh Y/N.. It’s the real boys! You’re not dreaming or anything. It’s MONSTA X! I texted you and told you that I had a surprise. Happy birthday bestie” She said. You laughed and looked down.
”Yeah right.. It’s not even my birthday”
A phone was showed infront of your face with todays date and you stared at it before ending the call. You looked out and then at the boys, who all now were gathered around you. You bowed at them and blushed of embarrassment.
”Happy birthday sweetheart! You were so lost in your studies that you forgot your own birthday” Minhyuk said with a big smile on his lips. You nodded slowly and looked at all of them, except for Wonho. You turned your gaze towards him a little but looked away as fast as you could when you noticed that he had his eyes on you.
”Let’s go and eat” Shownu said.
You were all gathered at your favourite restaurant in town. The boys were starving and whining about food while you were trying to wake up from this amazing dream. You studied the chopsticks with force, incase you had this supernatural power to make them move with thoughts.
”So who’s your bias?” Kihyun asked concerned. You looked up at him and blushed once again thinking about it. You didn’t know if you were going to answer his questions or not. But with the looks on everyones faces, you ended up speaking.
”It’s Wonho” You said. Everyone talked about how jealous they were of him and suddenly they knew that he was your ultimate bias too. You on the other hand tried to not look at him. You were scared of his beauty, but also on how close he was. He was the guy who ended up kissing you in your dreams, and there you were in reality with him close.
”FOOD” Minhyuk screamed. Everyone looked towards the waitress who arrived with the food. Everyone started to eat and you ate your food with pleasure as you looked at the boys sometimes. Minutes went by and two hours later you were outside of the restaurant, ready to go home.
”Thank you for an amazing day guys.. I guess it’s time for me to go home” You said.
”Not yet” Hyungwon said as he walked towards you. You looked at him rather surprised of his actions since he was the quiet one, except for Shownu.
”What do you mean?”
”Your best friend Kylie booked a room at our hotel. We didn’t go to your country for nothing you know. So we’re going together to the hotel and make sure that you check in safely. Everything is already done with the room” Jooheon said. You looked at him and smiled.
”Really? I must be dreaming. This is not real!” You said over and over again as you started to walk towards the subway. You looked behind and saw them looking at you already. You walked again and repeated it a few times before you gave up.
”So you guys came to my country in order to celebrate my birthday?” You asked when you got the key to your room. They looked at you and nodded their heads at the same time.
”Yes we did” They said.
”Cool.. But I guess it ends here”
”Ey, we’re going to see each other tomorrow, saying goodbye at the airport” IM said. You smiled at them and nodded as you walked into the elevator. You looked at them talking about stuff when you realised how good looking they were in real life. You all lived at the same floor beside each other.
You searched for you room and found it when you saw the boys standing outside of their rooms. You smiled at them one last time. You bowed.
”I’m really thankful for today. It was the best birthday gift I could get on this horrible day. You made my birthday worth remembering.” They all looked at you with a smile and you opened the door. You walked into the room and closed it and breathed out.
You sat down on the bed and looked around in the room before admiring the view. A view that looked unnatural and just painted. You laughed for yourself and looked at your phone when a knock was heard on the door. You walked over and opened the door seeing a tall young man. A man you recognized, a man you dreamed about during nights, your bias Wonho.
”W..Wonho, what are you doing here?” You asked. He has a serious look on his face and walked into the room while dragging you with him. He stopped as he walked to the window and looked out. You studied his back and smiled for yourself. He was indeed the most beautiful guy you could ever dream of.
”Y/N” He said. You looked at him concerned about his serious expression.
”Yes Wonho?”
He turned around and looked into your eyes before walking towards you. You gulped as he came closer and closer. You took a step back and slowly ended up with the wall behind you. He kept coming closer and you looked at him with eyes bigger than the room itself.
”W..what are you doing?”
”You’re so beautiful” He said out of the blew. You stared at him and saw him leaning forward. You closed your eyes and waited for his lips to meet yours. But instead a laughter came out of his mouth.
”You were totally sure I was going to kiss you” He said. You looked at him and then away as you walked away from him with disappointment. It was too good to be true.
”Y/N I’m the prince in your dreams. You’re expecting me to kiss you, but I didn’t. You know why?” He asked. You sighed and walked towards the door to open it up for him.
”It’s because I’m doing it when you least expect it” He said as he walked up to you and turned you around. Suddenly you were pushed against the door and his lips were on yours. You stared at him before feeling your eyes getting heavier. His lips were soft and had a taste of mint and strawberry. He pulled you closer and you put your arms around his neck.
He pulled you away slowly after a while and gave a peck on your nose before embracing your fingers together. He walked you to the bed and you laid down as he laid down beside you, holding you close.
”It’s time to sleep” He whispered against your ear. You smiled and closed your eyes as you heard his breath in your neck. In that moment you fell asleep.
”Waaaake up” Your mother yelled irritated. You opened your eyes slowly and looked around seeing your room. You sat up and realised that the whole birthday gift was a dream. He once again haunted your dreams with a kiss.
You walked out in the kitchen after dressing yourself noticing how your mother yelled at your brother. You remembered it from the dream and waited for her to yell at you too.
”You two are copies! You two can live with each other. I’m tired of your shit” She yelled at you. You looked at her confused and sat down beside your brother who shrugged not knowing about her mood.
”Mother, There’s a cookie right infront of you” You said making her quiet. She looked at it and then at you before she took a bite. You smiled proudly before starting your day once again. You went to school and realised that you forgot the assignment just like in the dream. You noticed how everything you dreamed about was about to happen. You sighed and apologized to your teacher.
”The usual one?” The lady in the cashier asked. You nodded before sitting down infront of your computer. You got your coffee and started to study when someone made a sound behind you.
”Uhm excuse me, but is this seat free?” He asked. You looked back at him seeing a Minhyuk copy just like in the dream. Just that he spoke in English this time and not in Korean. You gave him the seat before the other guy showed up asking in English. You sighed as you knew that the dream was just a dream.
”The table over there is free for all of us so…” A voice said, a voice you knew very well. You looked at your computer which was a document instead of a Wonho video. So this time he didn’t react on the video. You turned your head and met his eyes. He looked at you rather shocked and suddenly bowed.
”Hi.. Uhm I’m Wonho, or Shin Hoseok” He said. You looked at him surprised and bowed.
”I’m Y/N..”
”Wonho, she’s the Monbebe we were about to surprise. You ruined it” Jooheon said whining. You laughed a little and looked at the others before looking back at Minhyuk.
”You guys didn’t ruin anything.. I dreamt about this.. So I kind of knew that it was suppose to happen” You said making Minhyuk stare.
”You had the dream too?” He asked confused.
”Huh? You dreamt about us?”
”I had a dream where we surprised you and lived in the same hotel, neighbours… and” He said before becoming quiet about the last part. You blushed and nodded your head slowly.
”I had the exact same dream.. Just in my point of view” You said. Everyone looked at you confused and concerned about what happened and you both laughed looking at their faces.
After spending the whole afternoon with your favourite band, it was time to say goodnight. You looked at everyone and bowed once again.
”Dream about Wonho” Jooheon said with a smirk. You laughed and rolled your eyes.
”Yeah.. it happens when you least expect it” You said looking at Wonho who smiled at you. You walked into your hotel room and smiled for yourself as you sat down on your bed. The knock was heard and your smile grew as you opened the door for Wonho. He laughed and walked into the room.
”Surprise” He said.
”Woooow I’m so surprised” You said faking it. He laughed and sat down beside you. You looked out of the window and then back at him.
”Don’t ever leave, okay?”
”How do you mean?” He asked concerned.
”I mean like in personality. Don’t become someone you’re not. Always stay true to yourself and to others..” You said looking at him. He smiled at you and nodded as you leaned forward and kissed him. He stared at you before kissing you back. You smiled against his lips and pulled away.
”The taste of mint and strawberry is gone. You taste like vanilla..” You whispered.
”Is that a bad thing?” He asked.
”No, it’s even better” You said before laying down beside him. You both fell asleep beside each other and the next morning you woke up, you were home once again. It had all been a dream. A lucid dream in another lucid dream.
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iblogwithgrace · 5 years
Quote of the day: A goal should scare you a little and excite you A LOT. - Joe Vitale
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I hope you enjoy today's post.
The Day that Changed Everything It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon. Externship had come to an end and we were ready to get on with it. By the dates on the calendar, we were to start our bar final exams on the 28th of August and end on the 1st of September, 2017. My study calendar had factored in those days. I was prepared to be done with everything a week before the bar exams started. Then I heard what seemed to be the worst news I had heard all year round. Our bar exams had been moved forward. Yes my dear, forward. The MCQs had been moved from the 24th of July to the 29th of July and the main exams had been moved to the 15th to the 19th of August. My chest was tight, my body was weak and my head was splitting. A few days before, when I was preparing my last study timetable, I kept having this nudge to plan as though the time was shorter since we knew that Sallah was on the 1st of September but I said no, that my head already felt like it was splitting with the amount of work that I had to do. We heard this on the 14th of July. I remember because it was Xtrim’s birthday. That evening, to calm my nerves, I went out to buy a few things to take my mind off things. I am one of those who suffer from ‘’see and buy’’ sometimes.  I had been contemplating moving to an executive room. If you had between four hundred and twenty five thousand naira (N425000) to eight hundred and fifty thousand naira (N850000), you could get yourself a fairly decent room with privacy to stay in. With this news, I was sure. I didn’t want a clash of nerves. I didn’t want to look for where to study. Lagos campus is very small and as much as possible, I wanted to avoid people.
Portfolio assessment timetable also came out that day. Portfolio assessment is when you face a panel and give an account of your externship experience. The panel would open the confidential letters given to you by law firm, your attendance, your ethical dilemma and your slideshow. Don’t play with this process. People of God, it is possible not be called to the Nigerian Bar even if you pass the exam if you do not pass this assessment. It was starting on Monday. That first week, it was just portfolio assessment. But cruelty is first nature to Lagos campus so they made sure we came to thumbprint twice a day that whole week in our regulation wear. They weren’t going to leave us with all that time to study.  Everyone was preparing as much as they could. Some human beings are so sold out to the work of God and to His word and true to it, they put others before themselves. One of these people is my dear friend and brother, Ikenna Okoli. People like him were busy encouraging others and helping them revise as much as they could. The week after was revision week and the Saturday after that was the day of MCQs. Incase you think we were getting ready only physically, you’re wrong. During externship, we had started praying on the roof top from 10pm till 11pm every Saturday night. The closer the date to the exam got, the larger the crowd. People were afraid. That’s what law school does. The environment was tense and people found solace in praying with other people. We had fasted and prayed from the 17th of July. We met in the chapel behind class and prayed and on the day of MCQ, I can testify that God came through for us. A whole essay for about four questions was missing in criminal litigation. Because of this, we were given extra time. Extra time for them to read out the question and ten minutes extra to enable us finish our work. I heard that in some places, they had more than ten minutes. Ten minutes in that exam is as good as sharing bars of gold. I’m sure you can imagine the way we thanked and celebrated God after the exam. Some people are bold and guess what? I am not one of them. These people actually went back to calculate their scores in the different courses. I left that life behind in university. One was down, the main hurdle remained.
Closer to the Day The days went by really fast. We continued to revise. We had the compulsory mooting session for two days. We had to dine as well. All these things activities, the week before the bar finals. I can only attribute it to God that I finished almost every topic more than once. I crammed a few cases but I still wasn’t done learning my drafts. I even solved some past questions based on the emphasis made during revision. I couldn’t read every single day, we were doing so much at the same time and my brain was reaching its full capacity sooner than I expected daily. Sometimes, I couldn’t sleep. It was probably because I was tensed so I watched cartoons to help me calm down. Sometimes, it worked, other times, I just had a headache. I could tell that my body was trying to go down but I settled it by praying and taking communion and I was rejuvenated. I had summaries of everything that I had read. That’s what I read the morning before every paper and some of the laws too.
The first paper was property law. I wasn’t afraid at all. Just the usual exam jitters but I was fine. The exam was generally good. I had said that I would win an award in property law and criminal litigation. During the exam, one question didn’t make any sense at all. It seemed like it should have been the question for a different scenario. Towards the end of the exam, my suspicions were confirmed and the question was corrected. They didn’t give us any extra time but I had a few extra minutes and I had premeditated that this was an error so thankfully, I was able to cancel and re-answer in good time. We gathered in the chapel to thank God for the success of the paper and went on to prepare for the next.
I loved criminal litigation. Sincerely, I did. Maybe it had to do with the lecturers who taught it or the fact that it was straightforward. The exam on the other hand was tricky. Question one  was the length of my whole body. I spent a total of one hour two minutes on question one alone. There was 1a which was on charges. They had told us the court to draft in. The confusion was in how many counts to draft and whether to or not to add the people together. I ended up with twelve counts. Each count is repetitive so you’ll find yourself repeating the same words over and over again. I kept praying to the Holy Spirit to give me speed and help me finish all the other questions and finish them well and God came through for me. I finished and I was grateful. I was very unsure of a lot of my answers so after the exam and we were well out of the hall, I asked my friend and seat partner, Tobi Babalola what he wrote just to check if I was correct or not. I don’t think Tobi likes revising after the exam because he always said very little. Thursday morning, I had corporate law exam, that morning while I prayed and read my bible, God have me a word. With God, nothing shall be impossible- Luke 1:37. The day before, I had sown a seed in someone’s life and she prayed so much for me. Also, a friend of mine had called me to tell me that God told him to tell me to be anxious for nothing. For me, these were all good signs. My new roommate Folake and our adjoining roommate Lisa had prayed that afternoon as we stepped out. I was ready to go and then I opened my Companies and Allied Matters Act (CAMA) just to confirm the section for auditors. This I think, was the greatest mistake I made in law school. When I entered the hall and saw some questions, all I have to say was don’t mess with your revision classes. As in, at all. Then the confusion started. It was number three, an optional question. It was about auditors. As soon as I saw it, I jumped for joy since it was the last thing I had just looked at right. Number two was obviously easier but because I saw auditors I went straight into it. As soon as I started writing the answers, I became confused and started cancelling. I don’t know why I didn’t just stop in my tracks and go through all the questions in that number to be sure that they were what I could tackle. Maybe I would have realized on time and stopped and started answering number two but I didn’t. By the time I was done with the question, I was demoralized because I knew my best bet was to answer the other optional question but it was too late. Time was already gone and there was nothing I could do about it.
I prayed hard after this. I tried to exercise my faith. I wasn’t aware that a greater confusion was waiting for me in Civil litigation. To a great extent, civil litigation exam was easy. There was just this confusion about whether question four was representative action or class action. A lot of questions followed later under that number that were truly dicey. This was a compulsory question so my only option was to attempt it. I was close to the end but I was weak. The combination of corporate and civil litigation in my head made me kiss the First class goodbye even though I struggled to believe that it was still a possibility.
Professional ethics was long. We were asked literally everything. But it was the end and we were done. We prayed and prayed over our exams. There is absolutely nothing that God cannot do. I am still a strong believer of that. Then we rejoiced. Our time with each other was cut short because the NBA conference was starting that weekend and some lawyers had paid to use our hostels and not hotels. Does this make sense now? That exams were moved two weeks forward and suddenly, there was money to renovate old facilities. The hostels were even fumigated while we were in class writing one of our papers. Suddenly, everything made sense to us. It was the worst type of realization to have. The insensitivity of it all.
Results were scheduled to come out on the 7th of October. It was later moved to the 21st of October. It came out in the early hours of the 22nd. I couldn’t check so my friend Chukwuemeka checked for me. It was a 2.2 people. I was hoping that if I didn’t make the first, at least, a 2.1. I had called my friend Bond, he made a 2.2. I didn’t know what to say. I called Nosa, same thing. Nonso? The same thing. When I heard mine, I was weak. The first thing I did was to get down from my bed, kneel down and thank God. I told my parents and sent them a screen shot of the result. I couldn’t believe it oh. God? Na me be this? Chai! Law school has finished me. These were my thoughts. A few of my friends were disappointed too. Marcus for one. I was sure he would make a first but he didn’t. Ikenna was my biggest fear. He was the one helping everyone. Praying for others and leading the prayers. I was afraid that he would be mocked. That God will be mocked. People called me and I laughed about it all. I had so much to say. Everyone simply thought I had taken it well but I hadn’t. I was bleeding badly inside and putting up an appearance for everyone to see. I was glad that some of my friends had made it. Viola Echebima, Cyril-Okafor Jennifer and the baby girl herself Faith Onimiya made the first. This gave me comfort and joy. Especially Faith. Faith and I had become good friends just before the exams through Tolu Ajiboye who I met during my law firm placement and absolutely loved.
Searching for a Job
I didn’t realize the intensity of the grade I had made until I started attending job interviews and it was a question to be asked. A particular law firm that I had done so well with actually told me that it was the reason they couldn’t take me. For months I bled and laughed. My sisters Chisom and Ijeoma tried to encourage me. Ugo said it didn’t stop anything. I had heard their words but kai! Do you understand that I made a first class in my University. I am smart. It was like my worst fear (the stories they told in class) had just happened to me.
I didn’t pray anymore. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, I just didn’t have the strength to. I lived through the days. I started going through a healing process with my friend Soma. She had been dealt an even heavier blow. Finally, a day to my call to bar, I got into an argument with my mum about my attitude towards my call to bar. I told her I didn’t want any serious celebration. I kept emphasizing it. When she confronted me about my attitude, I decided to explain why to her and that’s when I burst into uncontrollable tears. Chiderah wept. Actually wept. It was nothing small at all. I knew what I had worked for and the disappointment was huge. I wept and I wept hard from the debt of my heart. My mum held me and encouraged me. Then she prayed for me in that way that only a mother can. I knew she understood. After that, I started feeling better. I went out and bought two dresses. One of which was going to be my reception dress. I started inviting people to my reception and all. I had had a flicker of hope. I still didn’t have a job but life was looking brighter and livable.
Where I am Now The truth is, getting a job was very difficult. One, because I actually wasn’t applying anywhere initially. I wasn’t interested in getting a job in a law firm. I had no particular plans. I was simply exhausted by the educational system, by life as a whole or what my life seemed to be like. When all my friends started going to job interviews and getting offers, I realized that I should actually be looking for something. I had several disappointments. I failed an LSAT test. I was told that I did well during my interview but that they couldn’t take me because of my law school result. From some firms, it was just silence. Deafening silence.
Thank God for a good family and a great support system, after what seemed like the longest time, I got a job in the best firm in the country to start my  NYSC. By God’s grace, I was retained. This is my story. But I know people who never got good places or the expected results for their efforts. I’ll tell you something, you have to take life one day at a time where you are. If you don’t have a job, keep applying to different places. If you can, pursue your other interests while applying. One thing you need to understand is that your time is your greatest asset. So if you still have control of it because you don’t have a job yet, try your hands on interesting things. You may find that your other interests may become very profitable and help you discover a new path. Whatever the case is, use your time well. It is the one thing I currently desire most, to have control over my time.
I’ll leave you dear reader with this advice- you could be a law student, a lawyer, or simply a human being reading this. While my analogies will be in relation to the bar exams, I believe you can apply it to whatever area of your life. LIVE: Live your life. Let your imaginations of your life while you’re in law school outlive law school. Plan your future so much and don’t hinge it on your law school result. Invest in yourself.
Plan to pass the bar exam. While living, know that the strength of your law school result does open crucial doors for you. My friend Viola didn’t attend one job interview. The law firms were requesting for her and not her for them.
Shut out the doors and windows of fear. No matter the stories they tell, that it happened to someone does not mean that it would happen to you. Remind yourself daily about the grade you want and confess it till everything in you agrees with it.
Study: no knowledge gained is wasted. Look at it as building your knowledge base and not just reading to pass. It may become fun to you amidst the stress.
Find your strength. If discussions are your strong areas then discuss. Whatever is your strength, find it and build it.
Pray. This story does not sound like the story of God coming through for someone, so why should you pray. I may not have gotten the grade that I wanted but I’m definitely getting a life that is greater than what I desired. It hurts to wait for it all to pan out but patience is actually a virtue. Through it all, some diehard fans have stuck through with arsenal, why won’t you wait it out with God?
I hope you enjoyed reading this story. I hope you learned a lesson or two reading it. I did.
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Video of the week: https://youtu.be/vABYvE83y3w
See you soon. Lily of Nigeria.
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