#good night mothers and fuckers!! see you tomorrow
g0reoz · 2 years
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klaus-littlestwolf · 6 months
Hybrids Mafia Princess Pt2
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Warning: Very sad dog/wolf death scene, it is traumatic and that’s coming from the person who wrote it and I’m very sorry ahead of time, Emotional and Relationship Manipulation
Translation: девочка means Babygirl and for anyone who speaks Russian, if this is not accurate let me know, it’s just the most accurate one I could find on multiple translators but please correct me if I’m wrong, I’m always happy to learn and fix mistakes like that
Tag-List: @a-beaverhausen @ranisingsnew @susannahmikaelson @skulliecadaver-blog
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To say that night had been hectic would be a massive understatement.
After Y/n’s mother had left the room it wasn’t 10 minutes before the door was kicked in and Y/n screamed, terrified immediately that someone was breaking in and Klaus was on his feet, growling at the 4 men that now stood in the room with guns. ‘What do you think you’re doing Rumlow?! Get Out! I was fucking sleeping you crazy assholes!’
‘That’s enough девочка, they’re here to get that animal out of my child’s bedroom.’ Klaus instantly recognized this man as Y/n’s father and he would have no matter what he had said, she looks like him in more ways than she does her mom.
‘No, he’s not going anywhere. He’s mine now, he hasn’t hurt anyone-‘
‘Yet! He’s a wild animal! It is time for him to go, I am not asking-‘
‘Of course not! You never do! You never even speak to me, let alone ask me how I feel about something! He’s not going anywhere!’ She snapped, moving to hug him and Klaus licked her face to try and comfort her, knowing this was not going to end well.
‘I’m going to give you a choice because I love you девочка. Either you take the animal outside and let it go or I get rid of it right now. It’s your choice, because I will not have a wolf in my house ready to hurt my child, it’s nice now but it’s a wild animal, it is not a pet!’ Y/n was glaring at her father but he refused to look at her. Klaus could see he didn’t want to upset her but he didn’t want to risk a wolf sleeping in his child’s bed, he can’t say it’s not logical but he sure isn’t going about it the right way. ‘Choose Y/n, or I will.’
Y/n turned to look back at him and pet him gently. ‘Come on Fenrir.’ He hopped off of the bed and followed her down the stairs and out the back door, kneeling in the grass beside him. ‘You go home, okay? I’ll bring you something special to eat tomorrow, does that sound good?’ He barked, enjoying her scratching behind his ears as always.
‘No Y/n, you will not go looking for him, you will leave him alone, no more going into the woods.’
‘What?! No! You don’t want him in the house? Fine, but he’s my friend! The only one I have in the world thanks to you! I don’t get to have friends, or boyfriends, or dates, and now I can’t even have a fucking pet?! I’ll come talk to him whenever I want and you can’t stop me!’
‘No! I’ve always done what you say, always, even when it means I can’t go to college or have a job or know any other human beings besides the people who you pay to be here but this isn’t fair! You don’t get to do this to me!’ She was hugging him around the neck tightly and he whined, not knowing how to comfort her.
Her father gestured to one of the men who moved to grab her and Klaus growled, lunging at him as he reached for her and biting his hand viciously. ‘Mother Fucker!’
‘He’s protecting me! That should prove that he’s good-‘
‘It proves that he’s dangerous!’ He shouted, his voice loud and pissed off as he moved to grab Y/n and haul her up. ‘Don’t look.’ He told her, trying to hold her face against him.
‘No…No! Let Go! Let Me Go! Fenrir Run!’
Klaus had to give James Barnes credit, he’s much more of an idiot than he expected. Klaus had been trying to figure out how to get Y/n to leave with him, and with how she had been raised he expected it to be difficult but no, her father was doing a fantastic job of driving her away all by himself. All this was doing was solidifying it for him, though he had always hated getting shot. Humans and their guns had gotten effective over the years and it seemed it got more painful every decade.
There was a loud gunshot which cut off Y/n’s screams and everything was silent, no one spoke, Y/n’s mother not even knowing what to say right now. ‘Clean it up.’ James demanded before pulling his daughter towards the house but she planted her feet and dug her teeth into his arm as hard as she could making him scream and let go.
A moment later she was knelt over her friends body, crying into his fur and willing him to wake up, even though she knew he wouldn’t. No one seemed to know what to do until her mother moved. ‘Honey…it’s time to go inside-‘
‘You let him do this…you’re the only person he’s ever listened to and you did nothing.’ Y/n’s voice was hollow, she didn’t have it in her to care anymore.
‘Honey, I couldn’t-‘
‘You didn’t want to. There’s a difference.’ It wasn’t until she was blaming her mother that Bucky spoke again.
‘Don’t talk to your mother like that-‘
‘Don’t you ever speak to me again.’ She cut him off, glaring up at him. ‘All you’ve done tonight is prove everything that I’ve been saying about you for years…you don’t care about me. Maybe you did when I was a kid, maybe it was all a lie, maybe once I got old enough you realized I wasn’t everything you wanted and you realized you hated me cause you can’t have any better kids. I don’t know and tonight was my last straw…I don’t care anymore. I hate you-‘
‘Y/n!’ Her mother scolded.
‘I Hate You…and not some teenage angst “I hate you” bullshit, I mean it. You were the only friend I had my entire life and for whatever reason you gave up on that and left me alone and now you couldn’t even let me have a pet as a friend. I’m done. I’m leaving, I don’t know how but I will find a way to get away from you and you will never find me again…I Hate You.’ Y/n released Fenrir’s fur and stood, pulling away from her mothers phony comfort and walking into the house without a glance back at anyone.
She knew her parents would never let her leave, they would see her as “in danger” every moment she was alone and maybe that’s true but she didn’t care, it had to be better than this lonely, painful life that she was living.
Y/n spent the rest of the night sobbing until she passed out, unable to keep her eyes open anymore.
Klaus truly felt awful for letting her believe him dead. He could see how much his wolf meant to her already and he couldn’t say he was shocked. This girl had been cut off from the outside world due to her fathers paranoia, she couldn’t leave the house and go to school or have a job or make friends and while her life with Klaus would be much the same (as he is also a paranoid bastard) he would never leave her alone to wonder if he loved her or not. She would never doubt his love. Plus she would have Fenrir to snuggle whenever she wanted.
Klaus knew that getting Y/n to trust him wouldn’t be hard and if it was any other situation he would find that funny but he loves her and he doesn’t care for how vulnerable her father has left his mate. If anyone else had gotten there before Klaus she could have been hurt and he would have had to kill her father for that, something he didn’t really want to do.
He knew that killing her parents would hurt her even if she says she hates them, therefore he wouldn’t be doing that but he also wanted James Barnes to know that his девочка was out there, alive…well…“Alive” and happy with another man and that he would never find her.
All Klaus needed to do now was create an environment that James would want or need to take his daughter to. He could compel someone to throw a party and depending on who it was he would have to bring his family or it would be insulting.
Having been invited into the house by his Princess, Klaus climbed his way through her open window and sat on her bed, stroking his fingers down her cheek. He was relieved to finally be able to touch her soft skin, even if he could only do so while she’s asleep, he would have her soon. It wouldn’t be hard to convince Y/n that he loved her and Klaus was thankful that she was his mate, he was saving her from getting hurt by a man in the future with much worse intentions and while Klaus’ intentions were to fuck her and keep her all for himself at least he knew that he would never cause her harm. He loves her. She is his mate, and he would care for his Princess for the rest of eternity.
Klaus would be her new Daddy.
And his little Baby would never be sad again.
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Klaus Mikaelson Masterlist
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Give Me a Shot to Remember Pt1
Pairing: Joel Miller x gn!reader
Words: 2.9k
Rating: M (18 + very smutty)
Warnings: hate sex (sorta noncon but evolves to concentual [this one on the darker side folks]), misunderstandings, QZ Joel, drinking, swearing, choking, fingering (reader receiving), degradation, face slapping, face fucking, gagging, riding, unprotected sex (wrap it up guys!), fucking your emotions out, creampie, and cock warming,
Summary: You hated Joel Miller, and you never wanted to see him again. But it seemed like fate had other ideas.
Author: Mod Mouse
Notes: This is my entry for @sp00kymulderr's MCR challenge, and got the song The Sharpest Lives. I'm honestly excited for this one! It went in directions I wasn't expecting. That being said, this is a darker 18+ fic so MDNI. If you click the "Keep Reading," You know what you're getting yourself into. Also this is my first time writing for Joel so I hope I did him justice.
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You hated Joel Miller. That fucker had messed up your life in unforeseen ways. So when you saw him in the bar in the QZ that night after years of loathing and silence sent you in a spiral. So ya you went on a bender. Anything that had alcohol and was in your vicinity went down your throat with the familiar sting of forgetfulness. That was until the bartender cut you off and you threatened his mother and his entire line. Luckily you were good friends with him and only sent you away with a slap on the wrist telling you to try again tomorrow. 
So you stumbled down the road back to your shitty apartment in this shitty town. To add even more insult to injury the heavens decided to dump the entirety of its rain contents right on you. “Son of a bitch!” you yelled up at the clouds, but of course they didn’t care. No one gave any shits about you. You were sopping wet by the time you threw open the door of the complex. 
You groaned and stumbled up the stairs, your shoes squishing with every step. Ugh and you just got these too. Another week of rations down the drain. All you wanted now was a bath and a good night's sleep. The reward of cleanliness was the pull you needed to make it up the stairs. The hallway felt way longer than what it actually was as you trudged across the worn wood. Finally you reached your door though it took a couple of tries to actually open the damn thing and you slipped inside giving no mind that it was weird your door was unlocked. You religiously checked it every time you left your apartment. 
To your alcohol ridden mind it didn’t matter. What mattered was dry clothes and sleep. You stumbled into the space and kicked your shoes off with a thud and shed what close you could before you fell face first into the couch. It didn’t take you long before you were passed out unaware of what the world would throw at you next. 
Joel Miller had witnessed a plethora of events in his life. Some good, but most of them left some sort of imprint in his aged mind. After burning bodies all day, he just wanted to rot on his couch with a beer in his hand. With some extra ration cards he got from his trading, he got himself a six pack which he carried back up to his apartment. 
What he wasn’t expecting was his apartment door to be half open. Quietly he set the pack of beer on the ground and pulled the gun from the back of his pants. Carefully he held it in front of him as he pushed the door fully open with a creak. It was soon apparent that nothing was messed up so nothing was stolen. 
After another quick glance around the room his eyes landed on your half naked body and he swiveled his gun to aim it at your sleeping form. Tiptoeing closer to the couch not letting his gun move away from you. When he was close enough he nudged you with the barrel of his gun though all it did was make your arm fall. 
He tried again adding a bit more force behind the shove and that caused a snort to escape from you. Joel scooted back as you waved your hand besides you mumbling what he could only assume was a swear word at his expense. Again he shoved you with the barrel not caring about the amount of force he was using against you. Finally that seemed to get the stranger awake. 
You weren’t very happy at the sudden interruption of your peaceful sleep. “Hey get up,” You heard the stranger bark at you and you sat up quickly though wincing as everything was way too bright and way too loud. 
“Jesus fuck man chill out. I was sleeping.” It took you a moment to realize the situation. “Wait what the fuck are you doing in my apartment,” You grumpled as you grabbed you head. 
“Your apartment? Try again.” The voice repeated with an edge of annoyance. 
This made you look up and through your blurry vision you took in the man before you. It took you a minute through your hungover idled brain to realize who you were looking at. But when it hit you, growled and quickly stood up despite all the warnings from your body. 
“What the fuck are you doing here, Joel?” You practically yelled and pulled out the pocket knife from your pocket. 
“Like I said yer in my apartment.” He replied, setting the gun on the coffee table. 
“I’m not–” You paused and turned to take in your surroundings. Most of the QZ apartments looked identical, but the burns on the carpet and this sofa were not yours. It was missing everything that made your space what it was. The objects that reminded you of your best friends were missing from the shelves replaced with an old radio. When you realized that you were in the wrong apartment you cursed yourself and rubbed your eyes. 
“Fucking hell,” You growled. You did not want to have this conversation right now. “I’ll leave.” You tried to plow through Joel, but the man stood his ground not letting you move an inch. 
“Get. Out. Of. My. Way,” You punctuated through clenched teeth. 
“I think we need to have a talk,” The older man added. 
You scoffed and ran your tongue over your teeth in annoyance. “Oh we have to have a conversation now. Well you weren’t feeling chatty when you decided to leave me some blonde bimbo bitch.” You panted as your anger surged through your veins. “Four years Joel we dated. Four!” 
Joel scowled as he stared at you baring down at you with war worn eyes, but he didn’t say a word. You clenched your jaw so hard you thought your teeth might chip. 
“So you really won’t say anything after all this time? Then let me through but for fuck sake explain yourself.” 
“The fuck do you mean? You knew I had to.” He growled through his clenched teeth. 
You scoffed. “Had to? The fuck does that mean? You didn’t have to cheat on me.” 
“Cheat? Where did you hear that?” Joel scoffed. 
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms. “Oh you know everyone who saw you making out with Chelssey underneath the bleachers. Jesus, I'm just back in highschool.” 
“Chelssey fucking hell I never did that.” He threw up his hands in annoyance. 
“Oh good we’re lying now. I don’t have time for this.” You try again to push your way past him, but once again he was as stubborn as an ox and you push past him again, sending you back to your corner.  
“Joel now fucking what? Do you have pictures of her sucking you off? Fuck do you want with me?” 
“I want to explain what happened.” 
You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “I don’t see you talking.” 
Joel was quiet for a long time and you weren’t sure you would get answers again, but finally after a deep breath he explained. “She was pregnant.” 
“Okay,” You said with no emotions. “Forget the condom during a risky quicky in the locker room?” 
“Jesus just listen. No it wasn’t me.” He sighed again. “It was my brother.” 
You quirked your eyebrow. “Tommy? The fuck happened?” 
“He was the captain of the football team and she was the head cheerleader. What do you think happened?” He rubbed his eyes. He looked older than he ever had been at that moment.
“Okay so what, you decided to leave us behind to help her?” You rolled your eyes. 
“I didn’t leave us behind. You weren’t waiting at that bus stop.” Joel was silent for a long moment. “I thought you gave up on us.” 
You rubbed your eyes, this stressful reunion making your hangover ten times worse. You would give anything to be anywhere but this room. “How could I not? Everyone was telling me you were cheating. I didn’t think you cared anymore. Ugh fucking hell I can’t with you.” Your temples started to throb in time with your heartbeat. 
“What do ya want me to do then? Since it’s clear you ain’t believing me,” Joel growled. 
You scoffed. “Why don’t you blow me then huh? Put that lying mouth to use then.” 
  With a low growl Joel stroad forward covering the small apartment in only a step. His well worn hand grasped your neck and squeezed. The sudden movement scared you, but also was a rush you hadn’t felt in a long time. 
“So that’s what ya want? Even after all the time and hate you still want me to fill that hole with my cock.” Joel crooned as he squeezed tighter. Stars danced in your eyes and the lack of blood flow sent a sense of euphoria over your body. 
“Fuck…You” You punctuated but you felt yourself growing more and more needy by the second. 
Taking his hand off of your throat and slid down your body gripping your bare waist. The rush of blood back to your head was sudden but enjoyable nonetheless. Joel deftly shoved his hand down your underwear running his finger up and down your slit. “Yer body is telling me other things, baby.” With those words his thick fingers found your dripping hole and without warning, shoved two inside of you. 
The moan that escaped your throat was unholy and loud enough for the whole QZ to hear your pleasure. Joel couldn’t help but smile as he finger fucked you with reckless abandon. “Just like that you slut. Despite everything you still missed how I made you feel.” 
“Fuck!” You moaned as he punished the spots you loved the best as if he never forgot what made you scream the most. It wasn’t long before an orgasm ripped through you causing your legs to lose their steadiness. Joel’s grip on your waist was the only thing keeping you upright. Though Joel didn’t stop there. He kept his punishing pace as soft pleads of stop escaped your blubbering lips. 
“You used to love when I did this shit to you. I can see nothin’s changed.” Joel chuckled darkly. Finally he pulled his fingers out of you and gave your hole a quick slap causing you to jump. You pout looking up at him. 
Joel lightly slapped your cheeks a few times. “Don’t give me that shit.” Swiftly he undid his belt and pulled his underwear down just enough for his cock to pop out. Your attention quickly snapped to the dick that you had spent nights riding and sucking. Joel gave his cock a few strokes with his large hand. 
“Even after all this time you still miss my cock there darlin’?” Joel teased and you quickly snapped your gaze away. “Even after you accused me of cheatin’?” 
“Absolutely not!” You argued. 
Joel stared at you as he stroked his cock. He lumbered forward slowly, a dichotomy from his aggressive behavior earlier. The stomping of boots made you turn your attention back to him. Joel didn’t stop marching forward and you had to back up to keep him from running into you. Quickly your knees hit the mattress causing you to fall back against the bed. 
That still didn’t stop Joel. Just as slow as his movements he climbed on the bed making sure he was straddling your shoulders. With one of his big hands he grabbed the back of your head, knotting his fingers in your locks before guiding his cock to your lips. Precum smeared on your lips and the salty taste hit your tongue with past familiarity. 
“Maybe this will get you to shut yer mouth,” He growled and pushed his cock into your mouth. The stretch burned your jaw as Joel slid further into your mouth hitting the back of your throat. Tears burned your eyes as you tried to keep yourself from gagging. Joel moaned as he took in your tear stained cheeks. Without a second chance for you to recover he thrusted into your mouth using you like his own personal toy. 
The slap of skin and the grunts emanating from Joel filled the apartment. Your senses were full of Joel. His musk, his touch, his sounds. Everything was Joel and you couldn’t escape it. And you found yourself not wanting anything else. Something shook loose in your brain as you watched the man above you take what he wanted. Your anger still seethed inside of your soul. 
All of the years spent hating this man all for it to sizzle when you thought about it harder. Rumors had a tendency to run rampant across a high school. Maybe there was a modicum of truth in his statement. But if he was telling you the truth then what? Would you pick up where you left off and live happily in this fucked up world. Or would this finally be the end, a catharsis of sorts. 
Your mind still reeled as you felt Joel pull out of your mouth leaving a trail of drool connecting you to his cock. He scooted back on the bed giving you a chance to breathe. “You know I wanna cum in that pretty hole of yours.” 
“Then do it but first.” You sat up and kneeled on the mattress so you could look him in the eyes. Joel stayed quiet as he took your form in. He gave a small nod. 
“Kiss me and I’ll surrender,” You whispered, not taking your gaze off of his world damaged eyes. Your resolution was broken by the man you loved and hated for a decade. The memory of your anger shadowed by the care that still lingered in your soul. 
Joel searched your look for meaning, breaking down any movement trying to understand you. You were so angry not long ago, but he saw the change of attitude in your eyes and understood the look of peace. With no words exchanged he kissed you letting the both of you let go of what anger and frustration led you to this moment. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck burying your fingers in these salt and pepper curls, and pressed your heated body into his flannel. The familiar nights spent with tv shows abandoned and heated kisses exchanged on the couch late at night came rushing back to your memory spurring on your need. 
“Please Joel,” You whimpered into the kiss. 
Joel moaned and rolled over to sit down on the mattress. He slid out of his jeans and boxers putting his muscular thighs on display. You licked your lips at the scene and carefully maneuvered yourself onto his lap. Bracing your arms on his broad shoulders you let yourself rock your hips against his cock, moaning with each shock of pleasure as his length hit all the sensitive bits. 
Using his large hands Joel grabbed your ass and lifted you enough for you to pull your underwear aside. With your other hand you guided his large cock against your hole and slid down with a loud moan. Your body remembering what it felt like to be filled by him, to not know anything besides the cock that made you tremble. 
“Fuck,” You threw back your head as you started to ride him slowly, using your legs to bounce you up and down on his cock. You kept your pace steady as you enjoyed every moment Joel was inside of you. He hit your spots like he never forgot what made you sing. Every thrust sent jolts of pleasure throughout your body, and you could keep going like this for as long as the world would allow you.  
But the pace wasn’t enough for Joel. He grasped your hips and started to bounce you faster. He pressed his mouth to your ear and growled. “I’ve waited way too long to have you again. Yer gonna come on my cock like a good whore.” 
His words made you shiver as you let him pound your hole like a hungry beast. You gripped onto him and let him take you. But this time it was different. The love you shared with him once bubbled back to the surface versus the anger filled lust that started this whole affair. You pressed your face into his shoulder as you felt the building fire in your stomach. 
“Fuck I’m gonna~” You moaned as he cock pounded into that spot you could never reach. All you needed was an affirmative moan from Joel to send you over the edge. You moaned loudly as you shook from your high. Legs shaking you felt Joel twitch inside of you and with a grunt you felt his seed fill you up. Spurt after spurt coated your walls and you felt a steady trail drip down the inside of your thigh. 
Both of you stayed connected for a long, breaths syncing up with each second you stayed together. Joel gently laid the two of you down in his bed, bringing the comforter over you heated bodies. Neither of you said a word. You didn’t have to. You knew what the other was thinking and you let yourself stay in the comfortable silence. Sleep soon found you as you fell asleep with Joel still inside of you.
Pedro Character Taglist
@littlemisspascal @burntheedges @carusolikey @thebeldroramscal @morallyinept
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 5 months
Ik its not ur post but the camp counselor hcs got me thinkin about the listeners being counselors for another camp and the boys camp and theirs have a friendly rivalry. The boys n listeners sittin around a campfire at night when all the kids are sleeping. End of camp counselor vs counselor tug of war. Pls its so cute
Tug of War.
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Edit: just realized this is another camp au I didn't tag my moot @thetopichot in-
Both sides were whisper yelling at each other as they all pulled on the rope as hard as they could. Trying to be quiet since all the kids were put done to sleep, Auron could feel a headache coming on from all the grunting. Sighing he looks to his right to see Rook cheering, silently, on the group their friend's were on, while the boys were on the other side. The whole thing started because Alphonse was shit talking to Boo. Which usually didn't cause anything to happen but Boo decided why not take him up on his bet he said in the spur of the moment? First they had to convince Auron that it was a good idea.
"No." is what they got, the older man was looking over different papers of the children that came in making sure that none of the activities tomorrow would affect any of them.
"Auron, pal, budd-" A glare was shot at Alphonse to shut him up. It was clear they weren't going to get through to him as they were politely kicked out of his cabin. Boo had a plan B for situations for this, dragging Alphonse by his arm they started to hunt down Rook's location on the grounds.
On the other side of the camp, Rook was closing the last door of the cabin they were watching over today. But as they turn they almost screamed when Boo spawned out of no where, Alphonse seeing this hurried to cover Rook's mouth. The person with his hand on their face glared at both of them, it's funny how Rook can gather up energy to give them the 'Auron Stare' as Faust says. So Alphonse quickly got his hand off of their face as Boo explained the bet he said.
"Okay so, Al here, shit talker mother fucker." A eye roll is what they got as a response, "Said that the boys could beat us listeners in a tug of war game easily." Rook looked at Al and giggled. They wondered why both decided to tell them this...oh so that's what they need from them.
"And you couldn't convince Auron that it was a good idea?" The baker and pinkette nodded together. Rook sighed as they whipped out their phone and checked the time, "If I can't convince him in 5 minutes were going to have it tomorrow so the kids can have something fun to watch got it?" The other two nodded as they rushed to tell the other counselors the fun idea. It was easy to get all the adults at the campfire that they usually have when the kids all hunker down for the night. But it was kinda hard to convince them to play tug of war.
"Why would I want to do that and ruin my nail polish?" Faust said as Star sat next to him, but luckily his partner answered for Alphonse.
"What scared us listeners would win?" Faust looked at his partner unfazed, "Starlight you need to try harder than that." Some of the adults agreed with Faust, not with the nail polish but it was kinda late to be doing this.
"How about a reward for the group that wins?" Scout smirked as they spoke, this got everyone attention. "Losers....have to clean the bathrooms." They all looked at Scout who was glaring at Alphonse, "What you say candy boy?" Alphonse scoffed as he bend down to talk shit, "Be-" He was interrupted by a loud cough.
Auron was standing there with his arms crossed with a annoyed look on his face, along with a viewable kiss mark. Rook was smiling next to him holding one of his arms "I was able to convince him!" Auron rolled his eyes as he looked at Alphonse, Boo and Scout.
"So, losers clean the bathrooms? Fine." Alphonse sent a thank you to Rook but Auron spoke again, "Who's going to play?" Looking at the group of adults most of the listeners agreed to play but of course. Faust had to be convinced, what got him into gear was Auron whispering something to him and he got up quickly.
"Let's get this over with, I have paper work that needs to be done." And so here we are now on the boy's side is; Alphonse, Faust, Charlie, Finn, Seth, Jack, and Lucien. With the listeners having; Boo, Scout, Star, Casper, Sunflower, Buddy, and Angel. Auron and Rook were out because, Auron was the only one all of them were comfortable to have being the referee and Rook was automatically out to make the sides even.
"I want this over quickly so play fair, who ever crosses the line first is the loser. Wake the kids up 10 laps on the track, and now both sides ready?" Both sides held up the rope with determination in their eyes. Rook held up the flag waiting for Auron's mark "Ready....set....go!" The listener's were able to yank to rope a bit to their side but Lucien in the back of the boy's line anchored them down.
Grunts and quiet cursing on heard on both sides, along with shit talking of course. "Hey Boo, don't be mad when we win, ok?" He almost was yanked forward by Boo's pure spite, "How about you pull on that rope before I'll make you fall for me again, pretty boy." Rook giggled seeing the couple being competitive against each other. It was them that got the counselors in bets half of the time, like who can eat the most sandwiches. Lucien was happy with this one because he got to try making sandwiches that the kids might like.
Auron looked at Rook who was cheering silently for their friend's, maybe this wasn't so bad. The kisses he got to convince him weren't all that bad either, but he was getting bored quickly over this as neither side gave up the rope. But that changed when Alphonse told Big Red to pull harder, this caused the listeners to panic since Big was well, bigger and stronger than them. Angel trying to counter their partner pulled all their weight to Anchor everyone down.
Buddy and Sunflower started to do the same as they tried to pull the rope to them more. As the tug of war game was going on the ground was getting smashed more, and a pitter patter of rain started.
"Fuck." Alphonse said as he tried to focus on not slipping in the now forming mud at his feet. Rook giggled as they opened an umbrella "Poor guy didn't check the forecast, crazy that there was gonna be a bit of rain on this summers day huh, Auron?" Auron laughed a bit as he held them close and the umbrella as well.
"Hopefully this'll teach him a lesson to make make silly bets during the night." As he said this Alphonse slipped in the mud and Boo being a loving partner they are took this opportunity to yank hard on the rope as the other listeners did after them. The yank caused Red to fall on Seth, because Jack seeing the mountain of a man moved out the way. Causing all the other boys to fall forward.
"And the winners are...The listeners!" Auron said nonchalantly as he looked at Alphonse who was whipping mud off his face glaring at Boo. Faust was whinnying about the mud getting on his shirt from falling and Star rushed to help him, the others following after making sure their partners were okay. The only one okay with the mud on them was Finn, he had actually fallen in the mud earlier today during gardening time with his group.
After everyone got to their respectful cabins they all washed off and Auron told the boys "I want the bathrooms cleaned before the kids wake up, thank you." Rook followed him after to his office in his cabin with a giggle as they told everyone good night.
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doctorpandorica · 1 month
So Fanfiction, Deadpool and Wolverine, and Logan, made have a fucking epiphany about my mental health. PART TWO,
As well as this talented Mother fucker, Artist Jack Kirby who helped create X-men
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with this literally Angel,
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After being inspired by the Civil Rights movement. Particularly Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcom X, which absolutely shows. Especially when you watch the 1992 Animated series, pleased do, which I am at the moment.
So...on to this grumpy bestest boy
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He lived through so much pain, snarky little fuckable fuck. However, he never let it make him cruel, he did the right thing, even if it pissed him off. And didn't deserve to die in Logan, nor did Charles especially as he did.
Which really quick, Ian McKellen made a off handed quip about wanting to know why he wasn't in the film. And I demand to know why as well, Magneto was pure sass and spite, he would not go gently into that good night. And even if he did, we deserved to see it, even if it destroyed us. Even though it wouldn't have made sense because, he is able to beat that alleged cure but, not this virus? Which makes me question, if Charles was still capable of those long lucid moments, why not transfer himself into a new body like before? Also most importantly, picture Logan during that dinner scene, addressing them as his two dads. Erik squirming socializing with ...Homo Sapiens, having to content with the faults in his crusade.
Anyway then I saw, Deadpool and Wolverine, please go see it!!!!! The very end with the delightful complication of the original Franchise, wrecked me emotionally and at first I didn't understand. To Understand that beyond the crushing heart ache I associate with nostalgia, as opposed to contentment as it should. And started the long process about a week of asking myself why?
Which resulted in the essay, you hopefully didn't suffer too much through before and I just had to get it all out. Which is why there are so many grammatical errors, never been my strong suite.
Also Marvel Jesus' journey of self worth and Ryan Reynolds seeing that motherfucker as the wonderful man that he is
Seriously going to make a list of all the amazing things he has done
, showing that what never fails in good old fashion story telling ands opposed to money grubbing. That movie
That is how you give the people what they ACTUALLY WANT and more importantly what they ACTUALLY NEED. Imagine what would've happened if Disney let them do what ever he wanted,
Aside from Wolverine never putting his greasy tits away. Seriously hate myself when I get feral for him, because Hugh Jackman has the sweetest face and I hate myself.
Thank you and Goodnight....
I need to eat before I post Some funny ass, at least too me, Deadpool shit I just thought of
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roo-ster-brad-shaw · 1 year
Desires in the Dark
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A dark mafia romance between Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw and female character
Warnings: Themes of torture, death, swearing, rough sex, sex without consent, kidnapping. Fluff and Smut. Suggested for those above 18 years of age.
Note: You can change the description and note of the fem character to match your needs. Most importantly enjoy reading all you filthy people 😉
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Chapter 3
Last night had been a whirlwind. In celebration for joining in a new college, my friends had demanded a party in the club. I had no idea what to do and the only person I could ask for help without being shy was my best friend, Elani. I rushed into her room, slamming the door open.
“What the fuck am supposed to do? I don’t know which club would be good, which one would be enjoyable! I’ve never even gotten drunk and done anything fun!” I was almost about to cry by now thinking of all the pressure and the feeling of being so boring in my friend group.
“Aditi, first of all deep breaths. Which bitch cries over this?! Get yourself together you mother fucker!” She says good naturedly. Even tough I’m a typical INFP personality and she’s a complete INTP, we gel well together just because she understands that there are days when I need tough love and days when I just need comforting.
“Ok ok, I’m not crying. Now give me my solution!”
“Let’s go to the Hard Deck! I’ve heard it has good music, and it has amazing eye candy!”
“But isn’t it owned by a mafia gang, the Daggers?”
“So, you aren’t all innocent” I could see her smirk as she tried to make me blush.
“Ugh, I know the happenings in the city, even if I am new to it! And besides won’t it be dangerous for our first time?” Her smirking had worked and I had to hide my face in her blanket just to feel ok. She laughed seeing my state.
“It’s ok. I’m sure we’ll be perfectly fine. Besides it has to be a big celebration! You are now going to college!”
“You didn’t even do something that big when you started! Why should I then?!”
“I’ll celebrate with you! You’re just 21! Learn to live and enjoy, my love!”
“My parents will kill me if they ever found out I am going to a club let alone drink or get drunk!”
“No one has to tell them. Tell them not to call you because we are going to explore the city. I think they’ll be ok with that.”
“What would I ever do with you” I hugged her sighing at the amazing friend I had ended up getting in her.
I was lost in drinking and dancing when Elani pulled me closer to scream in my ears, “I need to go to the washroom!” She was barely audible over the raging music.
“Alright let’s go, I told her.” As we walked to the washroom, drink in hand, I bumped into a large man.
I spilled my drink all over his white shirt. Just by his smell I could tell he was rich. As I glanced up, the anger melted from his face. His softened. He asked me questions like my name and where I was staying. He asked me to pay for his shirt by sleeping with him. He was attractive, I couldn’t deny that. But something came over me as I instantly yet calmly refused. I could tell that he was extremely dangerous and going home with him tonight would not only disappoint my parents but also be unsafe. I declined by trying to appear as if I wanted to spend more time with him before that. Little did I know that would be the wrong move. I had hoped to make him feel as if I wasn’t the kind of girl who did such things and that would make him stop pursuing me but my strategy had failed miserably. He wanted to go to dinner with me tomorrow. I wanted to decline right then and there but I wasn’t sure how to do that without making me a target of his rage so I simply accepted his proposal.
Elani immediately pulled me aside as soon as he left, “Why did you say no?! He was perfectly sexy! You could have had a one-night stand!”
“I didn’t feel comfortable”, I mumbled as she pulled me into the washroom.
“It’s ok. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t push you like that.” She said as she embraced me. I gave her a small smile as we pulled away.
The ride home was quiet. We had gotten into a taxi and headed to our dorm and I had crashed onto the bed. I dreamt of him, the enigmatic stranger. I leaned up as he cupped my cheek. His palm travelled to my neck as he stroked my neck with his callused fingers. I whimpered in response.
He whispered into my ear as he pushed my dark hair aside, “I want you so badly, beautiful. C’mere.” He softly kissed my lips and I gasped at the sensation. He took that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, claiming it.
“You’re mine, all mine, angel.” He mumbled against my lips as he smiled. He lightly trailed his wet kisses to my pulse point. He began to suck and lick it.
I hummed in response as I said, “No hickeys” My voice came out broken and almost whispered.
The scene expanded as we were now sitting on my bed. He straddled me, making me sit on his lap.
“I need you”, he whispered as he gazed into my doe like eyes, his hazel in contrast to my dark brown ones.
I nodded like a shy little child in his arms. He began to kiss my neck once again as his kisses trailed down to my breasts. He pulled my nightdress lower to get more access. I moaned in pleasure.
“You like that, huh, baby girl?”
I nodded lightly in response. My back was arching by now, needing him closer, needing him more.
He removed my dress over the top of my head as he glanced at my body.
“Not now, free me completely first” I said adamantly.
He smirked as he undid my bra and I removed my underwear. He tried to look at my body but I shut the lights. He switched them on again, with a puzzled expression on his face. I instantly wrapped my arms around my body, trying to cover every inch of it.
“What are you doing, baby girl?”, he asked quizzically.
I sighed, “I know you’ve seen prettier girls than this naked in your bed, and I’m not very pretty. So, I don’t want to feel disgusted when you look at me.”
“Move your hands”, he said gruffly. I felt scared as I looked into his eyes. They had darkened over and there was anger in them. I quietly did as I was told, wincing as I moved my hands. I had stretch marks all over my body, my boobs were huge and I hated that about myself. But what I hated even more was my stomach, a small paunch hung off my body. My upper arms were flabby and my thighs were too thick. I hated almost everything about my body, except my hair and face- they were my only source of confidence. I felt even more disgusting under his scrutinizing gaze. It’s as if I was under a microscope as he took in every inch of my skin.
He pulled me into his arms as he whispered into my ears, with a harsh voice, “You are absolutely not pretty, you are anything but pretty.” I wanted to cry as he said that. It felt like my heart had broken into a million pieces.
He continued, as tenderly as possible, “You are beautiful. So fucking gorgeous. I can’t keep my hands off of you, princess.” I whimpered as he bit my ear lobe, sucking it and I moaned his name. Although I didn’t know it yet, I felt like it would be something that would easily fall off my lips and have tons of nicknames hidden in it.
He continued again, in a serious tone, “Now you will be punished. How dare you say something so horrible and wrong about my baby girl?!” I blushed at his statement and buried my head in to his shoulder. He held my chin and made me look in to his eyes.
“Look at me baby girl, don’t look away”, he commanded. I nodded for a yes as he kissed my lips. He began to trail his kisses to my breasts. As he sucked them and rolled the tips in his warm fingers, I moaned his name.
“Good girl”, he growled into my breast. I smiled as he said that.
“You like it when I say that, huh?”, he smirked. I nodded enthusiastically. He laughed seeing me that happy.
He kissed my lips grinning a toothy grin, “God, you’re gorgeous! I just can’t stop kissing your lips!” I giggled in response.
He then moved to fingering me. He kept glancing at me as he did that. He loved it when I arched my back and he left kisses on my stomach. I moved my hands to his hair, gently running my fingers through his auburn curls. I moaned telling him how near I was.
“C’mere”, he mumbled as he entered me. He buried his head in my neck and his hands, which were beside my neck, grabbed the sheets, almost ripping them apart.
“God, you feel so good”, he breathily moaned. I could just moan his name, saying random gibberish, as much as I could muster. When the release came, it was absolutely amazing, or so I imagined. I had never had been in a relationship before let alone have sex so I only knew that the feeling was good, not how it actually felt. I imagined how good his cum would feel, wet and cold inside of me. Then as he removed himself from indie of me, he would cuddle me in his huge frame and how warm his body would be after the sex. I would bury my head into his chest and take in his manly scent as I would fall asleep.
I woke up immediately, cursing myself for enjoying that dream so much. Elani was awake, scrolling through her phone, blushing as she read the words on it.
“You enjoying that sexy time in your head?”, I asked smirking at her.
“You were supposed to be asleep!”, she said shocked and making herself proper.
“Guess who I just dreamt about?”
“Sexy time with a sexy stranger that you had sex with just by looking at his sexy-ness?”, she questioned, smirking.
“It feels like you like him more than I do?”
“Of course not, I would just support you if you went back to that bar right now and went home with him.”
I rolled my eyes and unlocked my phone to do some mindless scrolling on it. I noted the time- 10 am, as I saw the text message I had received.
Good morning, beautiful. Hope you slept well and dreamt of me. Just a reminder, we have a dinner date @7 pm today. I’ll send you a dress and pick you up. Don’t be late. Love, Bradley.
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Chapter 2
Chapter 4
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
Masterlist 2.0
Klaus, cut the bullshit (tua) (closed)
Sandman (closed)
House of the dragon (closed)
Stranger things (closed)
Werewolf by night (closed)
Druig (eternals) 1 2 3
Disastrous life of saiki k
Saiki kusuo 1 2 3 4 5
Is this stalking? Potentially/hypothetically from a certain standpoint, yes. Yet it is. (Requested)
The legend of vox machina (closed)
Percival de rolo 1 2 3 4
Vox machina 1 2 3 4 5
Deadweight pt 2
Deadweight pt3
Deadweight pt4
Deadweight pt5
Deadweight pt6
Deadweight pt7
Deadweight pt 8
Comfort after disaster
How vox machina dealt with reader coming back from the dead (revival) (requested)
Prompt 29: actions that make them happy (requested)
Vax’s gn s/o takes a bit for him and Pike heals them (requested) (tw; blood, gore, Achilles heel slashing, throat slitting, a whole ass gash taking up reader’s torso.)
Weather report
Castlevania (closed)
Alucard tepes 1 2
Dracula 1 2 3
Trevor Belmont 1 2
Wednesday (closed.)
Wednesday Addams 1
Like a date date? (Requested)
Make a move (requested)
Part 2 (requested)
Part 3 (requested)
Sucker for the baked goods (requested)
Black dahlia lovers (requested)
Part 2 (requested)
Black cat and golden retriever (requested)
Truths and lies (requested) angst/happy ending. Tw: blood, hurt, gashes.
The day Wednesday Addams understood what sound a shattered heart makes. (Requested) angst/ one sided love
Part 2; it takes two to mend a shattered heart (Requested)
Change of heart (requested)
Wednesday missing reader (not click bait) (requested)
Someone’s (Enid) is a little butt hurt (requested)
Alive (requested)
Companion of darkness (platonic Wednesday imagine request)
A nightshade always protects (requested)
Precognitions aren’t to be taken seriously when processed without the necessary context aka Wednesday learns how to cry (requested)
Mad dog of Nevermore (requested)
1068 days isn’t nearly a long enough time to keep me from you. (Requested)
Dragon of Nevermore (requested)
Rich reader spoils enid and Wednesday (requested)
The king of curses (requested)
Chaos witch (requested)
Chaos witch pt 2 (requested)
Chaos witch part 3 (requested)
Enid Sinclair 1
Liking you romantically (requested)
Sucker for the baked goods (requested)
Tomorrow’s another day (requested)
Because we work (requested)
Rich reader spoils enid and Wednesday (requested)
Xavier Thorpe
Sucker for the baked goods (requested)
Finger friends (requested)
Xavier and Ajax’s no good, very bad day (requested)
Ear piercings are a bitch to heal. (Requested)
Xavier and reader’s children go to Nevermore (Requested)
Our rivalry became more because of a misdemeanour. (Requested)
Sketch your way into my heart (Requested)
Nasty bitch goblin mother fucker (requested) (may/may not include unrealistic selections of the usage/effects of marijuana otherwise known as weed)
AIB (alice in borderlands)
See you on the other side
On the other side (part 2 to fic above) (requested)
Name a star after me
Final Fantasy 7
Cuddling headcannons (requested)
Trigun stampede
Vash the stampede
Some Vash stuff
Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Reader flusters Nicholas (requested)
Lockwood and Co
Fic page here.
Fic list here
Resident evil 4 remake
Fic list here
Spider-man: across the Spiderverse
Fic list here
Mortal Kombat 1
Fic list here
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bleedingspades · 2 years
GN Reader x Dabi
Unedited, a bit of angst mentions of sex, swearing, no other warnings 😎 please like, reblog, and follow! ❌🅾️
Mornings with Dabi well there are none. Unless you count you two being awake at 2am doing shit. 😜 but when you awake you’re always alone. The ache you feel realizing he’s not there when you’d fallen asleep with either him in your arms or he in yours.
When he returns the next day, nothing is said as a reason. So you let it be, you don’t want to scare him away. Though you two are official and are very exclusive, Dabi can be hot headed when confronted. However that doesn’t mean you always stay quiet about it.
One time it was the night before your birthday, you two were laying in bed after having sex. You bit on your lip and looked to him.
“Stay the night, be here when I wake up please. Just this once? After all it is my birthday.” You pleaded to him. He just grunted in response and turned away. But you took that as a yes. Foolish of you, should’ve never asked. It wouldn’t have hurt as much.
When you awoke that morning heart full of delight quickly shattered by his absence. Despite that you decided no he wasn’t going to ruin the one day of the year you get to celebrate yourself to your heart’s content. So you had a very good birthday despite that.
When he came back to your home you gave him a glare as soon as you saw him. “Awe doll you’re not still mad I didn’t stay are you?” He said dismissively.
“Oh hell no Dabi. You’re not just gonna come in here and gaslight me for you breaking MY heart. For fucks sake it was my birthday and you couldn’t even stay for that!?” You bite back. He scoffs, shakes his head, and looks down at the floor.
“You know what I don’t need this tonight I’ll see you tomorrow babe.” He says walking towards your door.
“No, you’re not allowed to come back unless it’s with a heartfelt apology and a birthday gift. And it better be a fucking good ass apologize and an AMAZING GIFT!” You say as you push him out. Slamming the door in his face, you turn around and go enjoy the rest of your birthday night. (Go you!)
For some reason though when he didn’t appear for almost a month you thought he truly left you. No. This mother fucker left for so long to track down a puppy you’re mom gave away after your found it on the street and nursed it back to health. You were 13 at the time. The dog would be about seven? He found it and brought it to you same scars and everything. Damn. Honestly he came through, with the gift and apology. Still though he didn’t stick around till morning.
Last night you proposed him to move in with you, he said no. Then you said well how about we get married then, something small. To your surprise he went
“Whatever as long as I don’t have to wear a tie.” You legit sat there shocked 😮. Did he really just agree to marry you. After that he turned a flipped your lamp off grabbed you roughly and cuddled you. Somehow you fell asleep taking that as a sign he was joking.
A pang in your bladder signals to you it’s seriously time to wake up and empty it. Opening your eyes you immediately see the clock on your bedside table. 7am, well you might as well just get up and enjoy the morning. When you start to try and get up something stops you. You realize then the hot breath tickling your neck, and the hot ass arm around your middle. Then you notice how you’re drenched in sweat? How did this heat not wake you?
Turning your head you see a mess of black hair. He stayed. 🥺 but why? You decide to let him sleep though your questions can wait. You slip out from his hold gently and tip toe run to your bathroom. You swear you pee for like five minutes straight. Then you shower and brush your teeth. You’re almost afraid to go back out and that he won’t be there anymore.
Walking out slowly you see him snoozing away he’s on his back now. An arm above his head giving you a good view. You also almost trip on his pants on the way to your closet. Yep, bro likes to sleep in the nude. You sneak over there and peak underneath the blanket. Man’s is buck naked. You almost snort out a laugh.
Looking in your peripheral vision you see bright blue eyes watching you. You nearly scream when he grabs your wrist.
“Enjoying the view?” He asks his voice extra sultry from having just woken up.
“Of course!” You sit on the bed and fiddle with your fingers.
“You stayed…” you mumble mostly to yourself but hoping he’ll hear.
“Of course I’m your soon to be husband.” He says all nonchalantly. You whip your head to look at him.
“As far as I’m concerned we live together now.” He stands out of bed and walks to the bathroom.
“Uhm” you say standing to follow “you seriously have no idea how much I love you” he turns around to look at you.
“I don’t actually understand but you do, and I love you in ways I didn’t think I could love at all. I may be able to wield fire but you’re the one who melted my heart of stone.” Uhm who is he and what has he done with Dabi.?
As he turns to walk away you hug him, like it’ll be the last time. You would start crying if not for the way you’re way to aware how naked he is. And he kind of stink’s probably from all the sweat you two mixed.
You let him shower while you cook breakfast (or order something in case you can’t cook) you set the table nicely regardless and wait for him to join you. It doesn’t take long when you hear the squeak from the bathroom door.
“So now we’re living together you should know the real reason why I turn you pillow cases Black and why I don’t let you touch my hair.” He says walking out.
Turning around you see a puff of white fluffy hair. Wtf.
“So it wasn’t soot from your fire!?”
“You could’ve told me the truth you know, I’m not hair color picky.”
“Whatever now you know.”
“Either way babe you look hot.” You say to him. His cheeks tint with pink and he looks away from your gaze
“Shut up, time to eat.” Is all he says as you two sit down to enjoy the food. To his surprise you don’t even stare at his hair you just carry on like you two normally do. Except you noticed something he’s much more relaxed. Yes he is, because he knows you truly care for him and even though he doesn’t know why you do he accepts it.
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tipsypenguin31 · 4 months
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I started this last night (4-11-24) while being baked out of my mind. While also listening to Into the Night by Santana ft Chad Kroger on repeat. Didn’t realize it because I was lost in the sauce coming up with this scenario that fit perfectly with that song. 
This Red-Haired fucker was NOT supposed to have me falling for him!! But after watching the Live action a bunch of times on top of the anime. I fell hard.
Even though it was Mihawk who grabbed my attention, with all the sass on top of being fine.
And then I spent my mother’s day on the beach with my family along with my in-laws, so when I was able to, I opened up docs onto my phone and started typing away. (I surprisingly got a lot done.) 
Now after being home from a long day, I was able to smoke and relax and managed to finish it.
There is definitely going to be a part 2 for those who enjoyed it and want more! <3
TW: None. 
Word Count: 742
Earlier that day, the crew had arrived at a small island. They spent the entire afternoon quickly setting up camp for the next few weeks. As encouragement to get it done quicker. Shanks had told the crew they could pass around three bottles. 
“Uh…Shanks, I know you’re eager to kickback and relax but.”  She gave him a small smile, placing a hand on his cheek. 
“I don’t think that’s a good idea..”
He pulls Amaris into his side and gives her a peck on the lips
“And why is that, darling?” 
“How are you supposed to keep track of how much everyone is drinking? On top of working?” 
He lets out that obnoxious laugh of his. 
“My darling girl, don’t worry. We do this all the time.” He plants a quick kiss on her cheek, then walks off with Beckman back to the ship.
By noon Shanks had finished the bottle he had started with, not having passed it once. As for the rest of the crew, they managed to equally pass the two bottles back and forth. Making sure everyone got a fair share. 
After they had their camp set up. Shanks and Amaris went on a walk along the shoreline to  watch the sunset and enjoy some peace before they were all inebriated for the rest of the night. 
Amaris sat between Shanks legs, head against his chest. Shanks rests her chin on the top of her head. His arm wrapped around her front. They watched as the sun went down, listened to the waves and to the noises of the coming night. 
Shanks moves from the top to her head to place his face against hers. A slight breeze blows through, kicking up the scent of her shampoo. Honey and Milk. He closes his eyes and drinks in her scent, imprinting it into memory. He could stay like this forever. 
When he opens his eyes to take a glimpse at her. He sees that her eyes are closed, he plants a kiss to her neck and watches that beautiful smile of hers spread across her face. 
He shakes the oncoming thoughts away, and clears his throat. “Time to head back, Beckmann should have the bonfire going by now.” Whispering into her ear. 
The feel of his lips against her ear along with his soothing voice. Sends a shiver down her spine. 
“Oh but Captain, I'm really enjoying this. Just a little longer, please?” She whimper’s out. Those first three nights after leaving Foosha Village, were the last nights they got to spend with each other. 
That was four weeks ago.Everyday since then has been nothing but chaos. Both fun and annoying. 
He chuckles against her ear. He found it adorable when she pouted. Especially when it was over him. “How about this?” Shanks takes her chin in his hands and turns her toward him. Gazing down into her eyes that were full of adornment.
“I promise to not get too drunk, just enough to get a slight buzz, yeah?” He moves his hand from her chin to cradle her face in his palm. “That way tomorrow, you can have me all to yourself. Just you and I. From sunup to sundown, I want to be all yours. Deal?” 
“Mmmmm, you drive a hard bargain, Red-hair.” She hummed playfully. “Could we seal the deal with a kiss?” 
Not bothering to verbally respond. Shanks pulls her into a fiery kiss. 
The feel of her soft lips against his, followed by the taste of her sent his head spinning and a warmth spread through his chest.
 This damned, beautiful woman was making him want to ditch the crew and spend the rest of the night wrapped in her arms. She had her ways of making him cave. 
Abruptly, Shanks breaks the kiss and jumps to his feet. He holds out his hand to help her up. 
“Come on, darling. Don’t want to miss out on all the fun.” He nods his head in the direction of their campsite. “I can hear the music playing already!” 
Amaris begrudgingly takes his hand. 
Shanks laughs at her pouting, then wraps his arm around her shoulders. 
“That's my girl! I think deep down you want to party as well, yeah?” 
Rolling her eyes at him, then gestures for them to start walking. There was no way in hell, she was going to admit it. That big head of his didn’t need to become any bigger. 
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haitanic · 3 years
Poly Relationship With KamiShin
I adore the idea of being in a relationship with these two, I just think it would be so good and I love them both so much. This ended up being way longer than I had planned but I could have kept going so I’ll probably write more like this.
SFW above the cut, NSFW below
Warnings: swearing, mentions of violence? (the boys being protective of you/defending you)
This relationship would just be one big meme
You and Kaminari clowning together
You and Shinsou laughing at Kaminari’s dumbassery
Until it goes to far and you realize he’s going to hurt himself and you both frantically go “nOooO DeNKi!!!”
These two are in a prank war and you are on both teams
So it’s basically just you messing with both of them
They’d pull pranks on you too but it would always be really little silly things, never to the extent they’d do to each other
Neither of these men sleep
Please god make them go to bed
I mean if you’re someone who also stays up all night then oh god this is just a disaster, the three of you will never sleep 
If you’re someone who goes to bed at a reasonable time please drag them with you
I don’t think it would be hard to drag them to bed honestly, they’re both way to soft
Like if they were gaming together but you wanted to go to bed, they’d try to say they were going to keep gaming but the second you say please and ask them to come cuddle you the controllers are on the table and they’re crashing into bed with you (simps)
They literally can’t say no to you
With anything, literally anything you want is yours
These men adore you and want to take care of you
Truly just two men that I hc as drinking there respect juice
But it’s more than that, like more than respect, it’s adoration
I think when they get into a relationship with someone the feelings are strong, to share themselves with someone like that they’d have to love and trust them so much
They’d spoil the shit out of you, but you better do the same for them
And when I say spoil I don’t mean spend a bunch of money, just bring them little things and do cute things
Like bring Shinsou coffee and Denki snacks
Give Denki a $1 Pikachu sticker and tell him it reminds you of him
Show your love with memes, they will cry, you’re too perfect
Send Denki silly memes and go “dis u?” he’ll love you so muchand think its so cute
Send Shinsou cute, lovey, cat memes, like meme of a little kitten with a sappy message over it
They’re both definitely very teasing S/Os, like you’d all just be making fun of each other constantly but it’s with LOVE
Consensual bullying 
But they’d never comment on something you’re actually insecure about, they know what’s too far and they’d never go there
(If you’re like me and someone who likes to be affectionately teasing with S/Os and friends please make sure you have boundaries established and you know what is ok to tease about and what actually hurts, communication y’all, ok back to your regularly scheduled programming)
I’m gonna be honest, y’all would eat so much takeout, neither of them can cook for shit
actually that’s a lie, Shinsou can cook, he just doesn’t want to
If you can cook and enjoy it please make them meal at least a few times a week
Please teach them healthy habits
Make them go to bed, make them go outside, force feed them veggies and water please just take care of them because they don’t know how to
I mean don’t force them. like please don’t try to change them, but express your concern about their unhealthy habits and try to help if that makes sense
Ok but they are so protective, anyone who tries to mess with you better be prepared to catch hands
They’d both be so goofy with you but if anyone tries to mess with you they are stone faced in a second and ready to rock someone's shit
You are perfect to them and they won’t let anyone say otherwise
Oh and if someone said something about the three of you being together, god help them
Actually don’t, no one help them, they deserve it, not sorry
The cuddles are IMMACULATE
The positions are always changing but it’s always so good
You in the middle either with both of their heads on your chest or facing one and being a little spoon to the other
Shinsou in the middle with both you and Kaminari resting your heads on his chest, you and Kami would be holding hands and you’d all just alternate giving each other little pecks
Kaminari in the middle facing Shinsou with you big spooning him... yes please
You all just want to make sure you’re all happy, it would be so supportive and goofy and just happiness
This relationship feels like sunshine
Warnings: dom/sub themes, degradation and praise kinks, sadomasochism and pain kinks, vouryerism, overstim/edging, literally just fucking flithy y’all
Please note that the things I headcannon only apply if it’s something you consent to.
oh god
This is gonna be nasty
But so good
I’ve seen different people say different things but my personal opinion is that Shinsou is a dom (a hard one) and Kaminari is a switch
And yes, Shinsou calls you both his kittens, you cannot change my mind, I don’t care
So there’s a few different ways I see things going
So if both you and Kaminari are feeling like bottoms then Shinsou will gladly dom you both at the same time
Shinsou definitely has a vouyer kink so he would instruct you and Kaminari on what to do to each other while he jut watched his kittens play (stop that felt so filthy to type aaaa)
Once you were both completely worn out then he’d finally step in and have his way with you both
Like I said, he is a hard dom, definitely sadistic
Honestly he’d use telling you and Denki what to do to each other as a punishment, making you overstim or edge each other till neither of you can take anymore and are begging and/or crying
Then he’d come fuck you both into the mattress
This man is going to completely and utterly demolish you (if you’re ok with that of course)
He’d be praising you both but in a way that feels so dirty, he’d degrade you both a bit with words but I think it would mostly be praise, the degrading/humiliating part is what he does to you/makes you do to each other
He’d definitely be pretty rough with both of you (always only if you consent), he’d be manhandling you guys, just throwing you around, pulling hair, choking, a little slapping if you’re up for it (I definitely think Denki is just saying)
But don’t get me wrong, he also knows how to take care of his kittens
Like he can be so soft and giving with you as well, when the situation calls for soft sex this man will give you that and he will give it so good
Just the most gentle, loving praises and soft holds and eye contact and love
Ok, next situation Shinsou and Kaminari both wanting to dom you
ok wait cause there’s actually two ways that could go, if Kaminari is feeling switchy but leaning towards dom then it would be kinda similar to the first situation, with Shinsou telling him what to do to you but he’d just be more dom with it himself and he’d still let Shinsou dom him a bit but not full on, like they’re both domming you but Shinsou takes the lead
Ok but if Kaminari is feeling full dom then god help you
I hope you have the day of tomorrow
Because Kaminari as a dom is also one sadistic mother fucker
I absolutely headcannon Kaminari as being hard and sadistic when he’s domming (I mean he’s a little fucking masochist when hes a bottom)
But yeah if it’s something you’re ok with then these men are going to destroy you
I really can’t stress how ruthless they are when they’re domming together
You’re going to get whiplash from these two because one of them is degrading the shit out of you while the other is telling you the kindest praise
“Look at you, such a filthy little whore for us to use”, “You’re so beautiful, doing so good for us baby”
But you never know which ones going to say what and they’re constantly switching roles
Yeah you’re about to get your shit rocked, there’s no other way to say it
Honestly you’re going to be barely conscious by the time they’re finally done
Alright, last variation is you and Shinsou domming Kaminari
Pretty similar to when he’s domming you with Kaminari but y’all switch places
Just demolishing little subby baby Denki
I talk about how much of a little subby baby he is in my nsfw hcs for him
As much of a sadist as he is when he’s domming completely switches to masochism when he’s a sub
He will cry and beg and he loves it, he will literally beg you two to hurt him like a whiny little boy
Baby just wants to be completely destroyed and fucked out
Gee, can you tell I’m a switch
Regardless of how it goes down the sex would honestly be so good because both of them are very giving partners
I mean don’t get me wrong, they’re gonna tease the shit out of you, but they’re both very focused on making sure all three of you feel amazing
The aftercare, oh god the aftercare
Always so cute and sweet
Doesn’t matter who topped and bottomed
Cuddles and words of affirmation for all of you, just all three of you giving and getting love
If any of you are in subspace or roughed up or out of it or whatever then whoever isn’t will give you everything you need whether that's a hot drink or a nice bath or some lotion or whatever
You all just take such good care of each other because this is a relationship built on mutual love, adoration, and respect
This got a little out of hand, much longer than I thought it was going to be, my bad. 
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lubdubsworld · 3 years
Oh, Alpha mine.
Kim Taehyung x OC
ABO Dynamics ! 
Summary : Childhood enemies Kim Taehyung and Park Somi can’t stand the sight of each other .It’s been that way in the two decades they’ve known each other. And Although Somi’s brother Jimin and Taehyung are best friends , the feisty omega really , really hates the handsome alpha who refuses to take her seriously. 
Now, as adults, Somi is the inquisitive reporter, covering the notorious serial killer, Vulcan  who has a penchant for gutting and beheading omegas. And Kim Taehyung is the Homicide Detective leading the case. 
Alpha Kim Taehyung x Omega OC !
Rated : 21 + Violence, Gore, Angst, Romance Explicit Sexual Content. 
Everyone presents between the ages of eighteen to twenty. 
Prologue : 
For as long as I could remember, Kim Taehyung and I had been at loggerheads. 
He was a year older than me, my brother’s best friend and easily the biggest pain in my ass. We grew up together , back in Daegu, when my father worked in his family farm and when his family offered to pay for both my brother’s and my education, I had been forced to follow the pair of them  to Seoul. Taehyung and my brother enrolled in the Korean National Police University. 
Meanwhile, I got into SNU and majored in Journalism. Presented as an omega soon after. 
A year later he presented as alpha and that’s when our (mostly ) playful skirmishes turned into something serious. Taehyung thought he could control me and it pissed me off no end.
Don’t go here, don’t wear this, don’t talk to him , Don’t eat with him.... It made me want to strangle him. My own brother was an alpha and didn’t give a shit about what I did. So what right did this no good, alpha have, trying to control me like I was his mate. 
Stupid fucker. 
And right now, standing in the rain, drenched and cold and shivering, I hated him more than ever. 
“Its a statement, Taehyung. You’re the lead officer you need to just give me one lousy fucking statement... is it that guy? Is it Vulcan?” I screamed into the night, struggling to be heard over the sound of the deluge raining down on us. 
Kim Taehyung glared at me. 
He wasn’t even wearing a coat, the filthy bastard. Dressed in just a white shirt that was almost completely transparent thanks to the wetness, showing off his toned , alpha body and it only made me madder. He was such a beautiful mother fucker, could he not keep his attractiveness down to normal levels so the rest of the world could just fucking function??? 
“Somi, go home.” He yelled and I groaned, pushing forward till I was pressed right up against him.
“Please, alpha.” I batted my wet lashes at him and he scoffed. 
“That didn’t work when you were three and running around naked. Sure as hell won’t work now.” 
I mumbled under my breath. But i knew a lost cause when I saw one. Taehyung wasn’t in the mood to indulge me and I was so freaking cold. it was also a little past two in the morning. I wanted to get out of my wet clothes and crawl into bed. 
Taehyung was talking to the other Inspector on the case, voice muffled and I peered over his broad frame, catching the forensic people zip up the body bag, my throat going dry . Even from the distance I could see the darkness of the blood stains on the girl’s pale mauve dress. 
This was the third murder this month and the rain had likely washed away most of the evidence. If there even was any. So far the monster prowling the streets of Seoul, hunting young omegas, had proven to be meticulously careful. 
I shuddered. 
Biting my lips, i motioned to Beomgyu, my camera guy to pack up. I could probably accost Taehyung in the police station tomorrow morning. I turned around myself, ready to head back to the van. 
“What’s that?” Taehyung asked sharply. His voice made me stop in my tracks. 
“What, sir?” His subordinate asked and when I turned, Taehyung was running to the scene, boots sloshing dirty water everywhere. 
I stepped as close to the police tape as possible, squinting into the rain and watched as he bent over the scene, reaching into a small pothole in the alley, filled with rainwater. It took me a second to realize that there was something lying into the pothole. 
Taehyung straightened , holding up what looked like a length of rope. 
I blinked as he grabbed something at the end of it. 
Something clicked in my head as I watched him. 
“A lanyard. That’s a lanyard. For an identification card..” I said softly. 
And then as I watched, all the blood seemed to drain out of Taehyung’s face.
I watched as he turned to me, holding it up for me to see. 
I felt my heart drop to my knees.
It was a familiar charm. A little locket with the Police Insignia on it... Jimin had bought it for me and I’d always worn it around my college Identification card.
My throat went dry as I watched him walk over to me. 
He opened his palm, showing me the familiar worn out laminate card with my smiling face and personal details. It was a decade old and looked it. 
Except for the red X drawn on my face. 
That was recent. 
“Tell me that this bastard did not just leave my photo at a crime scene.” I whispered faintly. 
“You’re coming home with me.” Taehyung’s voice was rough and angry. “ And when I get my hands on this bastard, I’m going to gut him like a fish.” 
Author’s Note : Please comment if you’d like to be on the taglist !!! I’ll start this soon.!! 
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yundix · 3 years
Hiii<3 First, I wanna say that I REALLY LOVE your writing omg😭😭😭💘💘💘 and also, Can I request Yuzuha with a Sukeban (You know? Like, fem delinquents) s/o pretty please?🥺 (Sorry for my weird english😭)
Yuzuha x Fem!Delinquent Reader
Contains: Fluff, fluff, more fluff, my love for Yuzuha shining through this post
Notes:First off, sorry for taking so long to post something! Inspiration comes and goes so fast for me, and when it goes it's really hard for me to write. But, when I got this request my heart went "LETS GO HOE" and here we are!
Anyways, thank you for requesting this! And I'm so happy you like my writing 🥺 I've been so iffy of my works. And your english is fine! Don't worry at all love, enjoy!
(Ngl I forgot if she was in a gang herself but-)
We all know that Yuzuha knows a lot about delinquents, considering she has two brothers who are both delinquents themselves
So usually she wasn't surprised or scared seeing them around
But one day she saw you, sitting on a park bench in some uniform, face beaten and blood running down your face
Upon closer expection, she saw the logo of a gang on your top, and it made her eyes widen just a bit
She's never seen a female delinquent before, so you were a sight to see
Noticing her form, you tilted your head and smiled at her, even though you felt terrible
"Am I that good looking?"
She learned that you were a somewhat well known delinquent from your gang and some members from anothet gang attacked you
IMMEDIATELY friends. I don't make the rules ♡
And your relationship grew from there
You guys clicked instantly, although Yuzuha was hesitant at first because at the time she was still enduring her eldests brothers abuse
Once you found out about that though, you were so insistant on getting your gang to beat the shit outta him, but she declined many times
You? Protective gf but not gf mode ON
You'd fight anyone to protect her, over the months you knew her, you found yourself becoming happier with the thought of seeing and being around her
Eventually, after the whole Christmas fiasco and you dotting over her and her brother, you eventually came to terms that you liked Yuzuha
Nah cause Hakkai saw it from miles away 💀 and when he told Mitsuya about it he laughed
They bet on who'd confess first
You were the one who ended up confessing, and it was on accident
Knocking on the familiar door of Yuzuhas and Hakkais home, you leaned against the wall and groaned. Your head was spinning, you barely remembered your way here.
The door opened, revealing none other than Yuzuha herself. She took one look at your battered state before ushering you inside, her light scolding falling on deaf ears.
As she pulled you along to her room, you simply stared at the back of her head with a smile. 'Pretty hair...'
You were sat down on her bed, and she quickly grabbed her first aid kit and went to work.
"Honestly, you scare me half to death with the amount of times you've showed up here looking like hell." Yuzuha huffed while dabbing rubbing alcohol onto your cheek.
You only hummed, closing your eyes with a grin.
"I'm just glad you're okay." You mumbled, temporarily shocking the other girl. She shook her head, thinking it was just the adrenaline and going back to patching you up.
"Those fuckers deserved it anyways...talk shit, get hit. They shouldn't of had your name in their mouths." Yuzuha slowed her movements, eyes meeting your lidded ones. You fought someone over her?
Giggling like a school girl, you leaned into her hand and sighed. At this point Yuzuhas face was burning red, your actions throwing her off.
Eventually you were all patched up, now borrowing a pair of Yuzuhas clothes. You wandered off into the kitchen where said girl stood, a cup of water in her hand. She held it out to you and you gladly accepted it, gulping it down and setting it aside.
Staring at Yuzuhas form, you noticed her avoiding your eyes.
Pushing off the counter, you stalked over to her form and hugged her, leaning your head against her shoulder. This wasn't new for either of you, with you being the more affectionate one. But it always made the girl blush.
"Thanks for always taking care of me Zuha. I know I can be a lot to handle sometimes with y'know, the fights and all. I'll treat you to something tomorrow, whatever you want." You couldn't see her face but Yuzuha felt like she was gonna burst.
On cloud nine? Yes, but also ready to have a heart attack.
Yuzuha chuckled, "is that a date?" She asked as a joke to ease her embarrassment.
You stepped back to face her, feeling your own cheeks warm up.
"Well I am madly in love with you so, if you want it to be."
Please that was so bad
Anyways, after y'all get together, your relationship is still pretty much the same but you're a lot more affectionate
Yuzuha goes mother mode whenever you get injured
You bring her along to your gang meetings occasionally, and everyone respects her (and if they didn't you'd stomp their face in)
She sees you fighting and 😳 miss take a picture it'll last longer
You offered her to join you and your gang but she declined, which you understood
Anyone messes with her? We all know Yuzuha can handle herself but you'll already be 2 steps ahead of her ready to handle it
Since school and the gang usually takes up a big portion of your time, you usually aren't available much during the day
When you are though, you're obviously by her side
But when you don't have any time until the later hours of the night, you end up running to some 24 hour convenient store and grabbing all y'alls favorite snacks before heading to her and Hakkais place
Your dates usually consist of either self care nights and pampering, or watching movies under a blanket fort and cuddling with all the snacks you brought
Your hands are calloused from all the fighting you've done, but Yuzuha loves playing with them while laying with you, or just doing it absentmindedly
It gives you butterflies don't ask
Teasing her all the time
It's basically ritual for you to do
So worth it when you see her flustered face and reactions
Everyone in your gang knows y'all are a thing and they think y'all are adorable
Hakkai approves 👍
If something happens to you during your fights and you end up hospitalized, she's by your side the entire time there
She's worried sick and once you're getting better she's relieved but scolds you for being so reckless
Bans you from any gang fights until you're 100% better
Still a win for you since you get to relax with her
Y'all are so in love with each other
You wish that was you huh? So do I 😭
MAN I'd give up everything to be with her
Also sorry if this went off the rails of what it was originally supposed to be but I couldn't stop myself </3
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officialscaramouche · 3 years
Hey hey! Could I request the reader overworks themselves and is all tired and stiff but refused to slepe adn keeps pushing so scara steps in and forces them to sleep and relax, like gives them a good massage then helps them sleep?
Anon I loved this prompt!! It was the first thing I did when I woke up, before I even brushed my teeth
pairing: Scaramouche x gn!reader
tw: u may just die of fluff
wc: 1,447
Scaramouche dropped the folder into the box before heading out. He hated working late but what was he to do if the Tsaritsa wanted it before he left. Most of the time she gave a deadline but sometimes she’d want it sooner and that’s fine. He wasn’t incompetent; he could do his work on time. Regardless, he was finished and he couldn’t wait to see you. He passes by your office whenever he leaves simply because he knew you left before him and he always wanted to make sure you didn’t leave anything behind. He hated coming back because you left something, so now he always checked. But something was different this time.
As it was late, nearly everyone had gone home. There were maybe two or three people other than himself that were unfortunately working late, but why was your office lit? He knocked, just to be sure, and pushed the door open. You lay on your desk asleep, drool pooling on your paperwork. He clicked his tongue and shook his head, walking over to your desk to straighten it up. You woke to his stirring, the sound of pens being dropped into your ceramic mug, and stretched up with a groan. “Shit,” you curse, looking at your damp papers. “I didn’t want to fall asleep.”
Scaramouche walked around to you and scooted your chair out, grabbing your hand delicately and guiding you up to your feet. “It can wait for tomorrow,” he said with his usual scowl. “Let’s go home and rest.”
The pressure on your shoulders to pump out more work didn’t go unnoticed by him. He watched you carefully as you sleepily slid into your shared home office and dropped the heavy folder of paperwork on the desk. He rested his chin on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Why don’t you just do that later? It’s my turn to make dinner, so sit down and eat.”
You flipped open the first packet of information and immediately the words began to scramble and jump, making your head sting. “My case manager wants it all done by the end of the week,” you grumbled, massaging your temple. “I haven’t even finished the first set of material he gave me, and he gave me some more today.”
Scaramouche rolled his eyes as he pulled back, crossing his arms. “I hate that mother fucker,” he spat. “I oughta say a thing or two to him.”
“Please don’t,” you sigh. “The last thing I want is for him to take out his frustration on me more than he already has.”
“Fine,” Scaramouche said, turning to leave the room. “But you stop when I’m done cooking. And you don’t touch it again for the night.”
You give him a thumbs up before the door closes behind you.
Scaramouche was intentional with the dinner he made. When he cooked he liked to make healthy foods; it was all that he made when it was just him. But this time he wanted to make something that would put you to sleep on a full tummy. He didn’t need to go get you, as the smell pulled you out on your own. “That smells good,” you sauntered in, peering over his shoulder to look at the pot. “Give me a lot. I didn’t eat lunch today.”
Scaramouche chuckled as he spooned the curry onto your plate. “Of course, baby.”
You took your plate and sat down at the table, your utensils and napkins already there. He came around after a moment with his own plate, setting it on the table before disappearing back into the kitchen for drinks. You ate spoonful after spoonful of Scaramouche’s delicious cooking, your body warm with love and the unmistakable feeling of drowsiness washing over you.
You lean back into your chair when Scaramouche takes your plate to toss in the sink. “That was so good baby, thank you.”
He smiled, undoing his apron to hang on the wall. “You’re welcome, baby.”
“I can wash the dishes in a bit, I’m just so tired.”
Your boyfriend walked up and placed a chaste kiss on your lips. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll do it later. Just go lay down, I’ll join you in the bedroom in a bit.”
You wobble over to your room, being so unbelievably tired. This was the most exhausted you’ve ever been. You were always home first, where you could cook for him or clean the house or go grocery shopping for dinner. But this week you hadn’t been able to get any work done, so you started leaving later, while still getting home with enough time to prepare for Scaramouche. But that wasn’t enough either.
You hated working at home because you know how irritated both you and him get when there’s work to be done at home, and the last thing you wanted was to not get anything done. You stayed the latest you could tonight and you would’ve stayed longer if your boyfriend hadn’t woken you up.
Stripping of your clothes and throwing yourself into bed, the softness of the mattress was already enough to put you to sleep. Scaramouche walked in not too long after, crawling into bed next to you. He leaned over you, kissing the backs of your shoulders, hands reaching up to squeeze the muscle there. “Mmn,” you groan at his touch. “You don’t have to, sweetie.”
He continues with his kisses and squeezes. “I want to, though,” he says against your skin. “My baby’s been working so hard lately. You deserve it.”
He gets all the way up, straddling your bottom as he works his hands into your back. His touch is firm, but not too rough, and he’s kneading out the knots in your neck. His touch kind of tickles, his coarse hands scratching at your soft back.
Then he goes down your spine, gently working out the cracks in each vertebrae as he goes down, smoothing out the muscles that hold you up all day. As badly as you wanted to enjoy the massage, you can’t fight the sleep that takes over under his touch.
For the first time ever, you’re the one who wakes up after him. You jolt awake, realizing you’ve slept longer than normal, and you hurry to the bathroom to get ready. You had another long day ahead of you, and you were already up to a late start. Scaramouche’s side of the bed was already cold and made, and you were a little upset that he didn’t bother to wake you up knowing you had so much to do.
You shimmy into whatever clean clothes you had and throw the bedroom door open and run to the kitchen for a quick breakfast. But breakfast had already been made, and Scaramouche was putting up the last of the dishes. “I was just about to wake you,” he said calmly. “Sit and eat while it’s still hot.”
You brush past him and kiss him on the cheek. “Thanks baby, but I’m just gonna take some fruit and go. I need to get started on my work.”
Scaramouche dries his hands with a rag and flips it over his shoulder, jutting his thumb over to the table. “Don’t worry about it, I did it last night.”
You peek from behind the fridge. “You what?!”
“Yeah, while you were sleeping last night. It’s fine, just sit down and eat please.”
Your eyes sting as the tears approached, and you cried tears of happiness. You were so stressed about getting all of this done, and yet your amazing boyfriend managed to do it all in one night. “T-Thank you S-Scara!!! How did you d-do all of it?!”
He let out a laugh and pulled you close to him, cradling you with an arm around your waist and a hand on your chin. “I’ve been doing paperwork all of my life, sweet thing.” He kissed you and thumbed at the tears on your cheeks. “Now please, eat with me.”
You stuffed your face with rice and grinned. “I hope he doesn’t give me anything more to do,” you spoke through your food. “But if he does, I’ll do it all by myself.”
Scaramouche sipped his tea and looked at you from over the rim. “I sure hope he doesn’t either,” he chuckled, knowing very well that a passive-aggressive note with his stamp right in the middle of the page had just so happened to slip inside your folder. And if “Don’t dump your bullshit reports on your colleagues just because your dick is too small and face too ugly for Signora to notice you,” doesn’t work, then termination would do just fine.
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Fully Completely 4
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape (series), violence, mutual irritation, harassment, blood
This is dark!Loki x reader and explicit. 18+ only.  Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Series Synopsis: There’s a new face in Birch and he’s come to haunt your door.
Sister series to Smalltown Bringdown, When the Weight Comes Down, and Little Bones
Note: It’s me again, ya girl. We get more Loki and tomorrow more Zemo and I’ll see if I can get more done through the week + headcanons!
Thanks to everyone for their patience and feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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Chapter 4: Bring me back in shackles
You lunged at Loki with a snarl. The cold air flew up the bottom of your shirt and reminded you of your naked legs. You clawed at his throat as he caught your wrists and held you at bay, your feet fiery on the bitter ice. He kept you in an awkward dance and suddenly you were plummeting back as he hooked his leg around yours and swiped it sideways.
You hollered as you slipped but were caught before you could meet the hard ground. Korg hooked his arms under yours and put you right. You jabbed your elbow into his ribs and turned on him as he yelped in surprise.
“Don’t touch me!” you shouted, “I’m gonna fuckin’ kill him.”
Korg stopped you from swinging at Loki and you turned to aim your fist at him instead. He dodged it and you sensed the crowd forming along the street as the flames and sirens drew the club from The Asp. Your ire diverted as you saw Bucky stride down the sidewalk and you stormed away from the large redhead.
“You see this? See what he’s done?” you shrieked, “you just gonna stand there.”
Bucky said nothing as he came to a stop and his men watched you in shock as you raged in little more than your tee shirt. You were so angry you could hardly feel the cold. The smoke tickled your nose and you looked again at your burning shop.
“Nothing! You coward!” you lurched forward and Jerome kept you from reaching Bucky as he came between you.
“Hey, don’t. Don’t. You’re gonna get yourself killed,” he hissed under his breath, “stop!”
“Stop? Don’t you get it. He’s letting this happen. He as good as set the fire himself,” you fought against your brother as whispers swirled in the air, “it’s my shop!”
Someone snapped their fingers and again there was movement behind you. Korg’s large hand settled on your arm and he tugged. Jerome kept a hold of your other elbow and glared at back at him.
“What are you doing?” he squeezed your arm.
“Jerome,” Bucky said, arms crossed and unmoving on the sidewalk, “let her go.”
“She’s my sister, I’m not going to let them--”
“You’ll do what I say,” Bucky insisted, “your sister made her choice, time to make yours.”
Jerome looked between you and the biker. Bucky wouldn’t even looked at you and the woman a few feet behind him, his girl, watched in terror. She stepped forward and touched his arm. She whispered to him and he shrugged her off.
“I won’t tell you again, Jerome,” Bucky growled, “you’re a part of this club, you don’t just leave.”
Jerome inhaled and stared at you. You saw his eyes glistened and he gulped. His hand dropped from your arm and he backed away. He shoved his hands in his pockets and hung his head.
“Disgusting,” you sneered, “all of you.”
Korg dragged you back and you tried to twist free.
“You’re a coward, Bucky Barnes,” you yelled as kicked out, “you’re all a bunch of cowards.”
Korg hooked his arm around you and lifted you easily. You flailed and wriggled in his grasp, tossing your head back and just missing his jaw as he grunted. He turned and walked back towards Loki. You saw his green eyes and the way they glimmered over his smug grin.
“Fuck all of you!” you barked as the chattering voices grew louder, “all of you!”
As you neared the old Victorian house where Bucky had Loki holed up, you didn’t stop snarling and clawing at your captor. Korg had you over his thick shoulder but walked silently as if you weren’t even there. When Loki got close enough, you reached out for him and several times he snickered and sidestepped you.
You latched onto the door frame as Korg tried to carry you inside and after a moment, he wrenched you away so hard your fingers bent back. You hissed and twisted on his shoulder until he was forced to put you back on your feet. He gripped your wrist as Loki closed the door and you were too quick for the larger man to get you under control.
He grabbed your elbow only as you shot your foot out and caught Loki in the crotch. The lithe man grunted and stumbled back. He leaned a hand on the wall as he bent over and held his breath. Korg hooked his arms through your other and kept your arms behind your back as he reined you in.
There was a stark silence as Loki stood straight and coughed. He rolled his shoulders and looked down his nose.
“Take her upstairs,” he pointed along the ancient banisters.
You were forced away from the thinner man and your toes hit each step painfully as you tried to kick back.
“Let me go!” you grunted and threw your head back into his shoulder, “why the fuck do you listen to that asshole? Come on--”
“He’s the boss,” Korg said lightly as he struggled with along the creaky hallway.
“You’re just as bad as him, you bastard,” you threw your feet out and planted them on the door frame as he tried to veer you through.
“Look, miss, I don’t want to hurt you,” he said, “but if they boss tells me to, I will.”
He pulled you back and quickly angled you past the door frame. You stomped his feet but he barely noticed and turned to face Loki as he entered, keeping you at bay as another eruption of anger swept through you.
“I’m going to fucking kill you, you know that?” you snarled, “I’m going to bash that dumb look off your face, you mother fucker--”
Loki rolled his eyes and his lips pursed as he ignored you and went to the closet. He pulled out a leather duffel and searched through a small case. He revealed a pair of cuffs and you scoffed.
“Oh no, no, no,” you wriggled wildly, “you can’t be serious. Let me out of here.”
“Well, darling, since you’ve felt it necessary to assault me and threaten me further, I can only take the proper precautions,” he kept away from you as he rounded Korg, “this should do, bring her here.”
You were wrestled over to the wall as Loki waited by the ridged radiator. It took several minutes for them to get your wrist hooked in the metal cuff, the other locked around thick leg of the heater before it hooked into the wall. Korg let you go and both men stepped away as you lashed out at them, only to yank on your shoulder painfully and fall back.
“That should hold her for the night,” Loki waved away the other man, “get your sleep. We have some driving to do tomorrow.”
“You can’t keep me here,” you sneered, “you’re crazy!”
“I’m crazy? You who gives me demands as you sit bound?” he chuckled and shed his coat and then his suit jacket, both carefully folded over the back of the antique chair, “and on the authority of this town’s keeper, I can do whatever I want with you…” he turned as he unlooped his tie, “and I surely will find many things to do to you.”
He dropped his tie on the polished table and unbuttoned his cuffs. He then worked on the buttons along the front and shrugged out of it. He flung it into the tall basket and sat to untie his shoes. You wanted to laugh as he was surely still slipping and sliding around in those things.
You looked away as he continued to undress. You boiled in rage and hatred as your lip curled. You pulled on the cuff until it hurt. You gave up and looked at him as he sat on the wide queen bed.
“You know what, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t hit girls, right?” you taunted.
He lifted a brow and reached over to pull the chain on the lamp. The room went dark and you watched his dark silhouette lay across the bed.
“Good night,” he slithered, “you should be cozy.”
“Sleep tight, princess,” you spat.
He sighed and there was a brief lull. He got up suddenly and moved through the dark. He grabbed the tie off the table and approached you. He kicked your leg aside as you darted your foot out again and he gripped your chin. He straddled you and forced the silk deep into your mouth.
“I don’t want to have to cut that tongue out… yet.” He squeezed your chin and backed off of you.
He went back to the bed and you kept your eyes on the legs of the table. You could not spit out the tie or make a noise around it. You hit your head on the wall and hissed through your nose. You bent your legs to your chest and pulled them under your shirt. 
The chill finally broke through your fury. Your feet were raw from standing outside in the cold and even the heat of the radiator hardly helped. You smelled of smoke and it reminded you of your rude awakening. You tugged on the cuff again and it clinked. 
Even if you weren’t cuffed, you wouldn’t have slept. You were too angry and heartbroken. That man burned down your livelihood, he wouldn’t get anything else.
You dozed here and there but woke with your back wracked each time. You sat against the wall, too stubborn to curl up on your side like you truly wanted to. When you woke for the last time, the room lightening with the dull winter morning, you felt a pressure in your bladder.
You groaned and stretched your legs. The night came back to you and you pulled again at the metal cuff. You wiggled it until it made an annoying metallic clicking but it was hardly loud enough to disturb the other person in the room. You knocked on the metal with your knuckles and you heard the soft snort.
“Stop that,” Loki’s voice was rough from fatigue, “I mean it, stop.”
You kept on until he rose and stomped over to you in his silken pajamas, his top entirely bare. You’d been too worked up to notice before. It only meant he was vulnerable. You stopped as he got close and you pushed yourself up on one foot and kicked at him. He caught your ankle and then grasped your other and pulled your legs out from under you.
“Enough,” he growled, “enough.”
You made a face at him as his tie remained firmly lodged in your mouth. You tried to talk past it and he tilted his head and huffed. You stilled and attempted another word. He poked his fingers between your lips and pulled on the tie. He retracted his hand right before you bit down.
“Darling, you tread a thin line,” he warned as he tossed the tie away, “if you didn’t insist on being such a pest, you might spend the nights to come on something a little more comfortable.”
“Fuck you,” you spat.
His eyes flipped to the ceiling and his jaw tensed. You wanted to grin but you also really had to go.
“I have to pee,” you said, “but if you’d rather, I can just let it go right here.”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he tutted and stood, “a little patience would do us both a favour.”
“I have no desire to do you any favours,” you snapped.
“Yes, but I might do you one,” he took the key and hung it from his index finger, “or I might take your suggestion and let you languish in your own filth.”
You sucked in your cheeks and flared your nostrils. You let out a long breath and raised your free hand defenselessly. “Fine, my bladder’s about to burst.”
He neared you cautiously and bent to uncuff you. He swiftly latched onto your wrist and dragged you to your feet. You pulled back your other hand in a fist and he pointed his finger in your face.
“Don’t,” he warned pointedly.
You shook away the anger and dropped your arm. He drew you after him and led you to the doorway on the other side of the bed. He let you through into the bathroom and closed the door behind you.
“One minute, darling,” he said from the other side, “remember this kindness the next time you think to strike me.”
You made faces at yourself in the mirror and rolled your eyes. You slid down your panties and sat to let forth the building stream. When you finished, you rinsed your hands and heard a tap on the door.
“I’m coming in, darling, I do hope you’re decent,” he purred grossly.
You reached out to the folded straight razor as the handle turned and backed away from the door. He took a step in as you opened the blade and you lunged at him without pause. He caught your hand and squeezed it painfully. He spun you and threw you against the wall.
“Oh, darling, did you think I forgot about that?” he snickered as he freed the razor from your grasp, “you are too predictable.”
He aimed the end of the blade at your neck and you flattened yourself against the wall. He poked the top of your shirt with and hooked it under the cotton. He slashed through the fabric easily and you felt the hot slice down your chest, shallow but enough to bleed as the incision quickly grew hot.
“The next will not be so nice,” he warned and folded up the razor, “now,” he threw it into the sink and grabbed your arm, “back to the beginning for you.”
You elbowed him and he snaked his arm around your neck. He locked you in a hold and forced you across the room He bent you and stretched out your arm painfully, just enough to hook you in the cuff again. He retreated quickly as you struck out at him again and he laughed as you were pulled back by the metal.
“You will remain thus until you can show me you can behave and I promise you, you will not outlast me,” he smirked, “if you might take some time and truly think, you will realise what I could do for you instead of to you.”
“I don’t want anything from you,” you sat against the wall and splayed your feet out, “fucking asshole.”
“Well,” he said, “you do need some clothes, I expect, and I need some proper boots as you suggested yourself. The roads have cleared you did a brilliant job on your repairs so I will be spending the day in the city,” he stretched his arms above him as he strode around the room, “I’m certain you will be just fine without me but it would do you well to miss me.”
“That’s amazing, some peace and fucking quiet,” you retorted as you pulled the slashed front of your shirt closed and your hot blood seeped into the cotton, “I think I’ll like that a lot.”
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elizabethemerald · 3 years
Fall Anniversary at the Soltryce Academy
Caleb walked into his classroom at the Soltryce Academy with the immediate instinct that something was wrong. He had been teaching Transmutation theory and application in this same class room for the past twenty years, so anything that seemed different set off alarms in his head. 
He mentally checked the wards on the class room and found them intact. There were a few students in their seats, a few more filtering into the lecture hall, by the second. None of them seemed alarmed. Whatever was different today did not appear to be an immediate threat. 
Still just to be safe he subtly cast Detect Magic as he set his bag down and took off his coat. Immediately a few points were highlighted in his mind. Of course his own magical items, the amber around his neck and the amulet beside it, the ring on his finger, the chalk he had enchanted to help him lecture. Nothing off there. 
There were a few points of magic around the rest of the room, each quickly analyzed and dismissed. Transmutation magic on a small pile of coins near the wall, a low level student’s practice project. Abjuration magic in the wards along the walls. Divination magic in a button, another spying device Astrid had tried to sneak into his class room to keep him from teaching against the school’s policies. 
It was the illusion spells that caught his attention. A few of the students were covered in the same, linked illusion. Their appearance normal enough to blend in, but also entirely too normal for a real student. And there, a student he didn’t recognize even with his keen mind, covered in an illusion spell. Several other magical objects of varying power, hidden under the spell. The Vestige appeared to be within its pocket dimension, so at least they hadn’t brought a weapon onto campus. 
After setting down his things and greeting his class he squeezed past a few of the students to grab Astrid’s enchanted button. He quickly dispelled it and slipped it into an envelope to return to her later. As he returned to the front he gave the cat sitting on his desk a brief scratch. 
“Hello Jester.” He said. Of course he didn’t need Detect Magic telling him of the cat’s aura of Transmutation to know his friend. She was bright blue after all and staring at him far more smugly than even a magic fey cat would. 
“Now class, I know we were discussing transmutation principles as applied to effecting the elements around you, but I am afraid that lesson will have to be postponed. It would seem that it is the anniversary of the Mighty Nein getting together and they have decided to invite themselves to my class.”
There was a muttering around the class room as the students looked at each other, before one of them near the front stood up, the illusion dropping off her form as she did so. 
“I told you he wouldn’t fall for it!” Veth said in her high voice, She looked mostly unchanged from when they first brought her back to her proper body. A few more laugh lines, but nothing more to show the passing two decades. “Lebby, is an amazing wizard, he wouldn’t fall for something simple like that. You students better appreciate the skill of your teacher.”
Caleb smiled fondly as Veth walked up to the front to give him a hug. Interspersed through the seats a few more illusion spells dropped. A half elven man walked up from the front row and kissed him on the cheek. Essek’s own illusion lasting even as he dismissed the Seeming on Kingsley and Yasha. 
“How did they rope you into this?” Caleb whispered to Essek. 
“Oh you know I can’t resist a practical joke.” Essek maintained his deadpan delivery for only a few seconds before a small smile graced his lips. Caleb knew quite well that Essek looked as ageless as ever, under his illusion. His elven blood would keep him looking much the same for the next few centuries. Caleb returned the kiss, to the muttering of his students. They weren’t ever a 100% sure who Caleb’s rotating cast of elven boyfriends were, and Caleb was more than happy to keep them in the dark. 
“Well you can’t fault us for trying!” Kingsley said. They were wearing a scandalously low cut shirt, a pair of plain black pants, and a pair of thigh high boots. His purple hair was fading to a less vibrant shade just a bit near his ears and he had a larger collection of scars, as one would expect from years of piracy and being a bloodhunter. They were also wearing their sword much to Caleb’s disapproval, which was apparently not magical. 
“You can’t expect me to hide this glorious look without magic though can you?” He said, sliding his hands down to his hips then back up his torso. Then he grabbed Caleb’s chin and kissed him full on the mouth, with tongue for several seconds, while his students lost their collective minds. Caleb smiled against Kingsley’s lips right before the tiefling stepped back. He was sure the rumor mill of the school would go wild about that for a few weeks. He wished he could see the look on Master Beck’s face when the news came across her desk. “Here’s to another twenty years, magic man.”
Yasha and Caduceus walked up next, each giving Caleb a tight hug. These two showed their age the least of the non elven members of the Nine. Cad could have been just stepping out of the temple doors in the Blooming Grove, saying that he had only three cups, if it weren’t for the increased presence of lichens and mosses of all kinds on his clothes and armor. Caleb was fairly certain there was an actual bird’s nest in his pink hair. Yasha of course looked as badass and muscular as she had when they first found her. Her hair was completely white, done up in an ornate braid. Home life seemed to suit her well, she looked genuinely happy and relaxed like she certainly hadn’t when they had first gotten together. 
Fjord’s spell dropped as well. The half orc’s hair had large stripes of gray in it, he had crows feet at the corners of his eyes, and his salt and pepper beard had significantly more salt to it now. He still looked good, life at sea, despite its hardships, keeping him fit. He laughed at something over Caleb’s shoulder as he approached and he found himself lifted bodily into the air by a pair of muscular blue arms. 
Jester having dropped her polymorph spun him around briefly in the hug before setting him back on his feet. She would never fail to look divine. Her horns now curling in on themselves, almost like her mother’s had when they first met her. Her hair is pulled back into a pony tail, poofing out behind her head from the salt air. Her sailing days were certainly not hurting her in anyway. Her smile was still just as wide, her eyes just as sharp, and her arms just as strong, if not more so. 
“Happy anniversary Caleb! Twenty years ago you were a stinky wizard. Now you are here teaching!” Jester’s happiness in her voice carried to every corner of the lecture hall. 
“What happened to our plan of drinks in Nicodranas this evening?”
“I just couldn’t wait Cay-leb.” She pouted. “Fjord and I got into port early, and I was so bored.”
Caleb smiled at her, then looked around at the rest of the Nein, pretending to count. 
“We appear to be one short. Where is my sister? Couldn’t drag her away from the Cobalt training pit? Or did she get lost in a book like some kind of nerd?” Caleb said with a smirk.
“Mother fucker!” 
He looked up towards the voice above him, just in time to watch Beauregard drop from the ceiling, to land on his desk with a perfect three point landing. She hopped off the desk and punched his arm, before also grabbing him in a tight hug. 
“I am not a nerd, Widogast!” She snapped, a wide grin on her face. 
“Beauregard, please do not land on my desk. It was a gift and I don’t think it could bare too many impacts like that.” He stopped to look up at the vaulted ceilings of the class room. “Also, how did you get up there?”
If she had been invisible she would have tripped the wards on the class room. And if she had gone in the brief break between classes one of the early students would have noticed her and caused a stir. 
Beau took her turn to smirk. 
“I have been waiting up there for four hours so we could surprise you. It’s surprisingly comfortable. I could have gone another couple of hours without breaking a sweat.” She paused to flex, causing several students, and Yasha to blush at her muscles. 
Beauregard’s monk training meant that she looked like she hadn’t aged a day since Aeor. And she could still easily out fight everyone else in the room if she wanted to. She was also the one member of the Nein that Caleb saw the most frequently. Their work to root out corruption among the Cerberus Assembly, and other bodies of power in the Empire often kept them up together late into the night, until Yasha would intervene and throw her wife over her shoulder to carry her to bed. 
“Can I finish the lesson, or should we depart immediately?” Caleb asked, already guessing the answer. 
“Cayyyllleeeb.” Jester groaned, pulling at her face. “I’m sooooo bored. I want to drink and party already!”
Caleb turned back to his class of students. He was sure most of them had heard rumors about Professor Widogast and the wild adventures he got up to with the Mighty Nein back when they first got together. He wasn’t sure how much they actually believed, but he was sure that even the most widely blown out of proportion tale didn’t even begin to cover the truth of what they had done together. 
“In honor of the anniversary of this group of arschlochs finding each other, consider this to be a free day. Keep up on your readings, and if you have any questions I will be at my regular office hours tomorrow morning.” 
The students immediately started buzzing as they stood and packed. No doubt during tomorrow’s class he would have to field a whole host of questions about the Nein, and that was just the way he liked it. The day after the anniversary was the one day he would talk about what his family had done. As the class filtered out, with many a lingering glance thrown at the colorful group at the front, Caleb turned to Essek, setting the envelope with Astrid’s button in it on the table top to deal with later. 
“Would you like to teleport us to the beach, or shall I?”
Essek put up both hands. 
“I already used my spell slots getting us all back together again. You can bring us to the coast.” Essek said, his smile a mix between smug and fond. 
Caleb rolled his eyes before pulling him into a soft kiss. Then he turned to address the rest of the Nein. The family he had made for himself. 
“Are we ready?” After a series of nods, he pulled an ancient clay turtle from his pocket and gave it a squeeze. “Then let’s go!”
And they were off, to a night of drinks and celebration and stories told, and memories shared. And of course many toasts, “To another twenty years.”
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loveu001 · 2 years
wc; 1396 releasing it early because im about to take a nap.. will release chapter four tmrw loves..
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Chapter three: kind of felt rushed towards the end!!:(( sorry yall. ITS KIND OF SHORT AM SORRRY :( love yall sm
  After you two had showered, you were thinking about going to the police station tomorrow. “Are you sure you want to do this? I mean like- like are you comfortable with all this?” You werent sure actually. You were still terrified of him. Like what if he gets in jail and escapes to kill you or something.
Thats a scary feeling. But you knew something had to be done about your assaulter. “Yes peter, im very sure.” you reply and smile. “Okay darling.” he whispers and gives you a kiss on the cheek. “Good night, i love you”
When you had woken up, Peter was already awake. He was waiting for you to awake. He was pulling on a shirt. “Good morning sleepyhead! Did you sleep well?” he teased. You slept well, but something was on your mind. What are you gonna do about the ex - boyfriend situation? “Oh uh yeah i slept well.” you reply. But he could tell something was up.
    He goes over to the bed and sits beside you. He puts his hand on yours and looks you in the eyes. “Baby.. whats wrong? You can tell me .. You know that.” he stated. You knew that you could tell him anything. You truly did.
“Uhm its about..my ex.” you say “i just dont know what im going to do..” you cry into his shoulder. He gives you a warm embrace. “Itll be okay.. I promise my love.. It will be okay sweetheart..” he wipes your tears with his fingers then gives you kiss on the forehead. “Cmon baby, i made us breakfast. We can discuss that later. Dont worry your pretty little head about anything. I have gotten this all taken care of.” he declared.
“But-” you try to say but he cuts you off. “Nuh-uh-uh, nothing to worry about.” he snaps. You follow him to the kitchen and there it is. Bacon and eggs and a cinnamon roll. He made himself a stack of pancakes and sausage.
You both sit and begin to eat your delicious food. Peter starts the conversation with a “so.. What do you think we should do? I think we should put that abusive mother fucker in jail where he belongs AND get a restraining order. What about you? What do you think we should do about… him?”
It took a moment for this all to process in your head. You honestly, didnt know what the hell to do. You think that putting him in jail would work but you have to go to court and testify.
You dont want to face him ever again. He was the worst man you had ever been with. AND HE WAS YOUR FIRST. You hated his guts. You wanted him dead.
“I want him dead.” you blurt out. He smirks and his eyes widen, “what did you say my love..? You want him dead?” he questions. “NO! THATS NOT WHAT I SAID AT ALL.” YOU OBJECTED. You were lying and you know he heard you. You DO want him dead so bad. “Dont lie to me..Admit it. Tell me what you said.”
he was so intimidating. You gulp and say “nevermind.. I was lying. I dont- i dont want him dead. Ill just testify at the police station.” He chuckles and says, “oh baby i was joking!!” Haha. Sure sounded like a joke.
“Uhm peter, we should probably be on our way to the police station.. We have to be there at 9:45” you say, nervously. “Hold on my love.. Let me get my car keys.. “ he goes up to his room to get his car keys.
While he is looking for his car keys, you see them on the bookshelf besides the front door. Maybe he forgot? “Hey peter!?” you shout. “YES? WHATS UP?” he yells back. “YOUR KEYS ARE IN HERE!” you yell. “OKAY BE DOWN IN A MINUTE!!” he says and runs down the stairs. You hear a jingling in his pockets. Hm does he have something in there?
Whatever, you decide to ignore it. You both rush out the door and you ask, “can i drive?” you laugh. He looks at you and starts busting out laughing. “Pfft yes. Why not?”  You hop in the drivers seat and insert the keys.”holy shit!! Did i forget to mention that i dont have a license..” You say as you reverse and head to the police station. “YOU DONT HAVE A LICENSE WHAT THE HELL-” he shrieks. “Shutttt uppp. I got this “ you wink. You speed up and reach the police station. “Phew.. that was a wild ride .. was kinda fun actually” he breaths. “Told ya!! HAHA!”
You chuckle. You two have now arrived at the police station. He puts his hand in yours and says, “its gonna be okay sweetheart.. I promise.” You dont think think that though. You are extremely nervous. You hate this feeling.
You feel like you are gonna throw up from being so nervous.. You feel so nauseous. He puts his hand on your thigh, “baby are you okay? I'm worried.” he inquired. You smile and reply, lying, “im fine, just scared and honestly quite nervous. I dont know how he is gonna react. Im sorry.” He looked at you and exclaims, “babe what! What are you apologizing for? YOU have NOTHING. To be sorry about. You havent done anything wrong.”
You shake your head and say, “yes i have!! Ive been such a bother to you!!! I just shouldnt exist. I hurt everyone that I meet. Its all my fault..” you start crying like a baby. You felt so guilty and you hadnt done a single thing. He gives you a hug and whispeprs, “oh baby… dont think like that.. You havent been a bother to ANYONE. You are a literal angel, and mean everything to me. Please dont think bad things about yourself. I love you more than anything.”
Those words meant so, so much to you. You stopped crying and say, “thank- thank you so much for that. I love you too. We should go inside. “ he nods and sighs You two walk in the police station and request to talk to someone about what happened and what he had done to you.
    It was a female worker. She was very pretty and comforting to you about your situation. “Hello !! My name is katie, and i will be asking you a few simple questions. Are you comfortable with that Ms (LN) ?” she questions.
I mean- you werent too comfortable. You never wanted to see him again. Peter was right outside the door, he wasnt allowed to be in there while you were being questioned. “Yes.” you reply, nervously. “Okay.” she straightens the files on her desk. “So how did this happen? What i mean is when did the abuse start?” She asks.
You gulp then clear your throat. “Well.. the abuse had started about a year or so ago. He hasnt always been like this. He used to be so, so sweet and caring. I used to think he was the best thing that had ever happened to me. But sadly, him being so sweet to me came to an end. He started to drink like crazy.. Like just a few days ago he assaulted me with a glass bear bottle. It hurt so.. Bad. But he also did other things. Like he used to sexually assualt me after work when he got pissed off by a client. I rememeber screaming bloody murder because the cuts were so severe and they hurt so bad. I couldnt do anything. I was terrified. He was so scary. I really dont wanna see that bastard again..” you cry.
The door bursts open, revealing peter. “Baby are you okay??” he shrieks. How the hell did he get it open? “Sir- sir you cant be in here..'' Katie says. “What the hell did you do to her??” he questions. She looks down at her papers and says, “we can continue this tomorrow.. Here is my card. Be careful.”
You direct your gaze to Peter then to the lady. You nod and peter leads you out of the door When you exit the police station you hear a dreadful, familiar voice.
“Hey slut! With your new boyfriend? Damn moved on from me fast. Did you even love me?” It was mark.
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