#good morning have a meme
naffeclipse · 1 year
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*hums jaws theme*
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ninyard · 4 months
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exy fans + Twitter (the au where andreil gets outed)
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their bond and the way they uplift each other is just so special to me
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spotaus · 3 months
If you're still accepting requests, you could draw Cross x Lust?
Hello anon! Definitely still accepting requests! And I need you to know that this request literally short-circuited my brain, because I rendered all of these doodles 🙏
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Cross X Lust was Not on my bingo board of things I'd draw, but the combo just settled in my head and felt Super Right and I got to sketching and realized I really liked their energy and just... didn't stop drawing! Thank you SO MUCH for the request! (They give me the vibes of Cross being the one who insists on being chivalrous and very protective, while Lust gets some freedom to relax and be himself and get pampered a bit! Idk if I explained it right, but it makes sense in my brain-)
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elles-writes · 1 month
good morning byler nation
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icarus-mp3 · 5 months
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25stars · 7 months
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hannibard · 1 year
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original tweet
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lord-squiggletits · 2 months
Something about being an IDW OP fan is that even in positive works about him I feel like his problematic aspects are brought up way too often even in an appreciative way.
Ignore the haters of IDW OP/other characters I'm using as an example bc I'm talking about how fans talk about their own faves.
Like with Prowl fans, they know he's problematic but they pretty much just go "yeah he's an asshole what about it" or just don't acknowledge it at all and write/draw what they want to see. Some might allude to ACAB stuff but they don't do a disclaimer on every post about him with "btw I know cops are bastards and war crimes are evil I just think he's neat"
Pharma stans make content about him, whether apologism or just fun haha chainsaw doctor, without having to constantly be like "medical malpractice is bad and all but" or "He kills people and that's definitely important to talk about but" they just write about Pharma being a tragic/evil character and that's that
Megatron fans definitely are willing to talk about him being problematic, but again that element of self consciousness isn't there and ppl write headcanons and fics and stuff without Megatron having to turn around in the narration and go "oh I'm evil I'm so awful no one should be like me" as a sign to the audience that the author doesn't condone Megatron's actions and thinks colonialism is bad
I'm sure I could come up with other examples but like it's just weird to me that even among ppl who like IDW Optimus (and I'm not immune to this either), there's like this self-effacing attitude where ppl can't just say "I like him" or "It was cool when he did this" without almost ALWAYS preceding it with some sort of "He is a cop but" or "He's kind of a jerk but" or "I would hate him IRL but" as if there's some sort of Transformers fandom panopticon saying that you're not allowed to talk positively about IDW OP without first mentioning all of his flaws/problematic aspects. People sort of speak about him as if he's enjoyable or well written DESPITE being problematic, or that enjoying him has to be justified bc him being problematic automatically makes him repulsive. As opposed to merely talking about IDW OP as he is, and the problematic parts of him are thinks you can talk about or not talk about just depending on your mood and what angle you want to approach. No, every post or conversation has to always allude to how "IDW OP is an asshole, but he also has positive traits" or "I know he's problematic, but hear me out."
Hell even tho I'm seeing a little more fic about IDW OP or OPs with more IDW elements, it still feels as if most writers put him in situations where he goes "yeah I'm sorry I'm problematic and did bad things" as if he has to confess his sins publicly before being allowed to be a person. Or that the author feels the need to write him as such to reassure the audience "No actually I know ACAB just because I like IDW OP doesn't mean I'm not progressive look here I'm writing a story about everyone calling him an asshole for being a cop and OP kisses Megatron's ass because revolutionaries are actually right and it's only state propaganda that maligns them as violent and capable of wrong."
Idk I just think that among people who enjoy problematic characters, there are still a lot of fans who are either immature or self-conscious in their enjoyment of problematic characters. Where they DO have that enjoyment but they feel the need to make public disclaimers constantly or write their stories in a moralizing way to demonstrate how well they know that character is problematic. To contrast, I think true "problematic character" enjoyment comes when people can just LIKE A CHARACTER and it's a morally neutral act where they don't feel the need to make demonstrations about how transgressive it is and how their taste in fictional characters definitely doesn't reflect their real life morality.
It's just saddening bc even tho these days, there are lots of people who like IDW OP and there's fewer people being assholes about him, it still feels as if content about him is self-conscious of the fact and won't let him exist as a character/funny guy in your brain/vessel of themes and plot and instead it's some sort of Hays Code-esque thing where every time he appears on screen at least one person has to call him a cop bastard so the audience knows the fanfiction isn't copaganda.
But what if instead IDW OP fans and fan content had the same energy as other problematic character fanbases like Prowl or Megatron and we could just go "yeah here's a story about my favorite guy" without making a whole disclaimer about it
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naffeclipse · 1 year
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This isn't entirely fair, but I do get a kick out of the implications
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imwritesometimes · 2 months
I know everyone is gonna be really excited someone took a shot at cheetolini, and the memes are gonna be great and we may all have a laugh but ultimately it is not what we want. This is just going to fuel him & his supporters & their insane claims of the 'witch hunt' and their delusional cries of oppression, suppression, and help bolster their beliefs of requiring violence against 'left-wing' leaning people & politicians
What we really want is for that disgusting orange turd to choke to death on a whopper on the toilet. Just an absolute disgusting, shameful death. Not for him to become a martyr & symbol
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macbooth · 1 year
Hero: Beatrice, keep an eye on Claudio today. He’s going to say something to the wrong person and get punched.
Beatrice: Sure, I’d love to see Claudio get punched.
Hero: Try again.
Beatrice, sighing: I will stop Claudio from getting punched.
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ofmd-ann · 9 months
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Sorry I can't get that report to you yet, Im in the blanket fort mourning my gay pirate show 😭
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quietlyblooms · 17 days
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are you chiyo's buddy?
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estarion · 5 months
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@fallesto TROLOLOL.🗡️🗡️🗡️
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