#good haircuts for men
availablers · 9 months
Hair Cut Style for Men There are many different hairstyles for men The best one for you will depend on your individual features and style
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finalfreakz · 3 months
my bitch bad as hell in dimly lit, shaky focus, iphone camera pictures AND professionally taken, good quality, red carpet pictures
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machiavellli · 1 month
people need to understand that a buzzcut is only fitting to a very small demographic of this planet.
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sincericida · 12 days
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attends the Us Open Men's Singles Final, New York.
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fizzy0bloom · 5 months
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idk how to explain this but this farme gives me second hand embarrassment
verosika please push it off the stage
tbh i am not sure why stolas is there like your the one in the wrong here
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winepresswrath · 9 months
jrrt will cheerfully describe a man as a surpassing beauty and for what? bezos adaptations?
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turgidmuff · 2 months
ghe proceeds from the ripperdrake charm will fund the turgidson titty mousepad charm (not mousepad sized but still squishy)
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astradyke · 3 months
the funny thing is that i am absolutely atrocious with any kind of fashion trend because i just figured out how i like to dress approximately six months ago and all my close friends are fashion subculture freaks (loving) so when dan and phil start mentioning what is "in" or "out" i feel like i have to believe them. except i don't know how well to trust them because i watch how they dress their sims and well...
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men literally WHAT is stopping you from having your hair be a little bit shaggy. a nice mid length cut. you need to give the girls something to grab onto what the hell
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freckledsweetpea · 6 months
the way that the vast majority of fat queer men are so fucking hot because they still wear nice clothes and groom their hair and beards and are nice and fully accept being fat makes them hot and not resentful to all of society because they're fat and instead want the people that want them.
and then there's the vast majority of fat straight men...like my guys. pull yourself together. take notes from the fat queer men of this world. and especially stop being mad at fat women.
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i need more books with romance plots to have the love interest be literally anything other than the most conventionally attractive person on the planet and im not even kidding. i will die badly if these needs are not met
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demoness-one · 9 months
Im glad my coworkers arent internet savvy bc if they found me on here theyd know how bad i want to absolutely maul them and that might get awkward. Electricians are by far the hottest trade which is both a blessing and a curse
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dorotheado · 1 year
everyone who hates the moustache would not survive australia
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sincericida · 14 days
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attends the Us Open Men's Singles Final, New York.
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didhewinkback · 4 months
I'm happy he didn't rock that initial style after he got his long hair cut because all i see is johnny deep's willy wonka and that's something i don't ever want to relate to harry lmao
hahahahah omg noooo a mental image i simply did not need
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girlscience · 5 months
I am contemplating gender again (specifically being a trans man) because I was rehashing my periodic "I am not trans/won't transition/haven't transitioned because blah blah blah" conversation with myself and I said something along the line of "transition wouldn't fix my underlying problem, which is being female. it would just be a bandaid over a gaping wound." (which, never really noticed before how fucking wild that sentence is. I don't think most people consider their sex to be a gaping wound) BUT ALSO, the point of transition would be to make myself male?????? that Literally by DEFINITION would fix the problem, right????
And now I am having other thoughts like the fact a huge piece of my inferiority complex comes from not being a ManTM, but from what I see online that is also a huge source of insecurity for a lot of men too. So maybe the issue isn't so much that I am female, but that "Being a ManTM" is pretty much unachievable for everyone or is something that you have to spend significant time and effort to become, and no one is born that way and pushing people to think there's only one right way to be a man is a bad and damaging thing?
And that people saying "well of course you are uncomfortable with your chest, you have worn a bra since you grew breasts and now you don't know what they naturally look like/move like/feel like" but I literally only wear bras in public and as a kid fought my parents hard because I hated wearing them so much. And also??? do you think my bras stop my breasts from moving???? cause they definitely don't. I'm willing to believe that wearing bras has affected the strength of ligaments and pec muscles that are attached to the tissue so things like jumping braless are more painful than they would be otherwise... but my boobs move all the time, regardless of bras or not.
And also maybe my issues with comparing myself to men and trying to be as good or better than them isn't a generalized thing because at work I don't compare myself to men. I don't with art or cosplay or cooking or cleaning or friendships or video games. I compare myself to other people's skills, but not specifically thinking "oh so and so is better than me at this because they are a man". The ONLY time I compare myself negatively to men is when it comes to physical strength and crying. Which perhaps says more about the fact as a society we over value physical strength and we relentlessly put down literally everyone for expressing negative emotion. And I have been told my whole life that because I'm female I'll never be as strong as males and so I should just give up and let them do things... but that is patently untrue. I am strong. It is something that is commented on by practically everyone is my life at some point or another. I don't think of myself as strong because I have been told I am weak and can't measure up to the strength of males but that is simply untrue. And I could get significant stronger if I worked out regularly. No, I'll never be Eddie Hall or whatever, but I don't want to be? And as for crying, a big part of my issue is that I dislike it when I feel like crying is out of my control, or when my crying is called a "girl thing". Which has less to do with the fact that I have problems with my emotions and more to do with the fact I don't like it when my body does things without my permission and I know men generally cry less. Also, crying is seen as weak and so it means people see women as weak for being emotional and I dislike being seen as weak. Even though I don't actually think having or expressing emotions is bad or weak, I am just very aware of how it is perceived.
And I get worried maybe I have autoandrophilia (autophallophilia?? idk which it is), but other than urination the purpose of genitals is sex? So of course it makes sense I would want a penis for sex reasons???? That doesn't make it a fetish or paraphilia. And even if it was, I am an adult and I am allowed to do things for sex reasons. That doesn't make me a freak or a pervert or me forcing my kinks on other unwilling people.
And then things like I see trans men talking about the affects of T and I want literally every single one of them (except the acne and vaginal atrophy, but that's because it sounds painful and no one really wants that lol). I desperately want the bottom growth, deeper voice, body hair, muscle growth, and fat redistribution. I wouldn't even hate the potential balding? I'll just shave my head again, no biggie. I do know all of that can be hit or miss and varies a lot from person to person, but I don't really see myself coming out of HRT (even if I were to stop eventually) truly hating any of the changes. Also, top surgery has been in my brain since I got the first hints of boobs as a kid. As much as I waffle back and forth on it, I know that unless it was truly truly fucked (like excruciating chronic pain kind of fucked) I wouldn't ever be upset or regret making that decision. I just don't see that happening, at worst I think I would end up neutral on it. Which would be a frequent improvement on today's feelings about my chest.
And in regards to more social and presentation based things, I like using Mens things and wearing Mens clothes and getting grouped in as "One Of The Boys". I like it that my dad and I dress the same and he will point out clothes to me in the men's section because it's on sale and he knows I'd like it. I like that I got all the hand-me-downs from both my grandpa's after they died and that my dad gives me his hand-me-downs all the time. I like that I can wear men's shoes (thank the universe for giving me big feet) and that my fingers/hands are bigger than most of the women in life. I like that I am only one inch shorter than the male average in the US and I am taller than the global average (just learned this and I am thrilled). I like being called son and hoss. I like having short masculine haircuts.
And idk, maybe I am simply gnc or butch or nonbinary. But all of these things and more that I haven't remembered or forgot to add or will think of later (because I am actively contemplating this) is making me rethink things. And also, the first sexual identity I ever knew myself as was bi, and I freaked myself out so bad that I ran from that as long as I could. And, I am wondering if the same thing has happened here. As soon as I was able to conceive of myself (as far as I can remember) I started wanting to be a boy, but I have kept running from that little voice in the back of my brain that is aware of that since then. Maybe I will end up concluding I am not trans, but I don't want to keep running. I'm going to turn around and face it....... like a man. 😉
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