#goo creature rp
feralandknotted · 5 months
Open starter
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"You know what makes a good cock sleeve? A slime! This lil blob of cuteness is very friendly and would love nothing more than to be used as a stroker. Why? Because it's main source of food is that delicious cum. It's how the slime grows. And if the slime grows it would be able to pleasure in other ways. You enjoy tentacle penetration or want to try it? The slime is capable of satisfying your kink. Keep using and feeding the slime and it will grow and gain the ability to change shape, can be humanoid or creature, the slime can do it all. The perfect fuckable companion, only five gold each!"
The stall vender advertised his slimes. There were many jars containing these slimes, all different colours but all had similar cute faces. Big eyes with adorable little smiles. They would watch people pass by, mouths moving as if they were trying to speak but no sound escaped the jars. They were all eagerly waiting to get bought.
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heavensentofficial · 8 months
I found the cat @jordan-the-pious was struggling with. ^.^ It keeps moving around so I can't get a good picture right now. Very cute though, I think. I'm unsure if the infirmary section of the temple is a good place to keep a pet (on account of the more um... Contagiously ill people there with me) or if it'll even be okay to keep the cat considering that some of the people here have a bit of a discomfort with them ^^;
It seems to have sort of gotten comfortable with me for now though? We're sat in a cloister near the entrance (it's kneading the wool on my leg... It hurts a little, but it's cute...) I have ah... Hm. I haveeee... Important studying of these scrolls to do here. So I can stay here for a while unless the weather turns or it decides to leave, if anybody wants to take this cat off our hands? I would be very happy if I could find a home for it! I can't exactly keep it for long, though, like I said.
I don't know the cat's gender but it's a black cat - a little scruffy, very chatty. Tongue covered in tiny hooks that keep getting stuck on my wool. I think used to humans? Unless it's not counting me as a human. Then all of this fuss about housing it with a human would be terribly embarrassing...
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tangleweave · 1 year
The Rage [Closed RP]
{ Multiple Trigger Warnings: mention of death, blood, murder, manipulation, toxic relationships }
Eddie’s eyes scanned the faces of each newcomer into the coffee shop from over the edge of a Sports Illustrated issue. In this particular place, such reading could hardly have been considered high-brow; most people were hunched over thick books and newspapers. From those few who looked in his direction and saw the image of Tiger Woods bearing a golf club aloft and cheering, there came a scoff and a roll of the eyes. Eddie was sure they were exactly the sort of people who would claim they don’t judge.
They probably taste good.
Dude, they probably taste like nine dollar coffee. Get a grip.
Mocha. Mmm.
His gaze flickered back to the note tucked between the pages of the magazine. The note was the true focus of his attention. Scrawled in red ink on crumpled paper, and far longer and more cohesive than it had any right to be, considering where it had to have come from. By now, he knew that handwriting. His first moment of seeing it had filled him with a particular brand of dread. His entire body still throbbed with the phantom pains of having been pierced on countless skewers generated by the red spawn of his Other. His knees and shins still quietly shrieked over having been shattered underfoot by the creature the note’s author had become.
He was supposed to be far away now. Far away from everyone and everything. By rights he should be dead. They’d delivered him a lethal injection, after all... but he’d become something far different than even Eddie and his Other were. Was it even possible to kill them now? It was hard to imagine any fluke of chemistry would do the trick.
But he was, at the very least, restrained and confined now. That was something else again. That it was even accomplished was no minor miracle, but now there was irrefutable evidence that malevolent, shapeshifting alien life was on Earth and in the possession of shady government types.
Because that always ends well.
That the note had even gotten to Eddie at all was a matter most concerning, he thought. Wherever they were keeping the man now, Eddie figured that at the very least it ought to be a place isolated away from all contact. And while it had arrived in his mail with a forward tag on it, indicating the sender was unaware of his having acquired a new P.O. box more than six months ago, that was not a particularly valuable comfort to him.
If you are that worried, Eddie, then We should have eaten them when We had the chance.
Yeah, except We didn’t, did We? That chopper, such a buzzkill. How’s a Klyntar supposed to enjoy a meal with a bullhorn and sirens shrieking at Him?
You promised Me a meal of everyone in that church, Eddie. Mulligan and the screaming woman were adequate, but their sustenance has been long exhausted. You can try to supply Me with every ounce of chocolate you can find, but you know what will quell My hunger best.
Yeah, yeah, You freakin’ zombie goo... who knows, maybe if this guy gets outta whatever prison he went to, You’ll have him on a silver platter too.
He is still red, Eddie. He will not taste good.
Beggars, choosers, my man.
Eddie read through the missive once more. The red ink was barely more than chicken-scratch, and it was only because he��d become so familiar with the man’s handwriting that he could understand it all.
Eddie -
Society is a funny thing, isn't it? You put a bunch of folks together and they start thinking they have to work by a set of rules. But all of them start trying to make rules that make them better than one another. They forget they're all the same and they'll suffer the same fate in the end. There is no rule in this society which can give a man his true measure. Every force applied to make us all conform is exerted by our peers... who society somehow found fit to measure as greater than us. Does that seem fair to you, Eddie? When you know that we are, in fact, the greatest among them all? Or rather, we would be, if only I could have inspired thought through our conversations.
But it wasn't thought I inspired, was it? You only saw what you were looking for. You only heard what you were listening for. Thought through conversation, Eddie. Conversation requires no less than two people, engaged and considerate and thinking. Thought is what puts you above the average animal, only good for its meat and blood. Maybe you should be thinking, Eddie. And maybe you are. Maybe you're wondering to yourself, "How is this happening? And how did Cletus do it?" I can't claim credit, Eddie. But look at what's happening and tell me it's not what'll happen to everybody someday. We all die. Maybe that's a little harder for you and I but it'll happen to us all the same. What will we do with this fraction of a moment in the universe, in this interval of life we have? What will we do with this long now? The answer ought to be obvious even to you, Eddie. One moment always moves into the next. The long now isn't so long. Time gets us all. Always moving forward. Always trampling us underfoot. When you really think about it, life is too short to really have a point. That makes early death a mercy. Who wants to grow old? Feeble? Crazy?
Call me a monster if you want, Eddie. I know what I am. I'm a savior.
Funny thing about saviors - they always manage to score a few converts. And sooner or later, they're vindicated. It’s a mad world, Eddie. The sooner you realize that, the better off you are. Both of You.
- C
Eddie was vexed to know exactly what it was the note was talking about. Not just in how it had gotten to him - no, that remained a mystery for now - but rather, what Cletus had purportedly done. If he’d escaped from prison, it would have been all over the news, not because anyone would have wanted to release it, but because he was a clear and present danger to anyone within ten miles of him. Enforcement agencies would have no choice but to tell people where to stay away from.
But there was someone out there who had aped his methods of killing. Or so suggested the grisly remains of a half-dozen hapless travelers on sun-baked Nevada roads.
The note was a setup and Eddie knew it. Cletus hadn’t put emphasis on particular bits for no reason. It matched his verbal cadence, but more than that, the underlined words weren’t ones normally found in Kasady’s vocabulary. When assembled in a search engine, it hadn’t taken long to find out what they had in common.
The Interval. A coffee shop for philosophers and learners, located in the heart of San Francisco.
The subtext was clear. Cletus had in mind to teach Eddie a lesson, and wanted Eddie to be there. But what choice did Eddie really have? Telling the authorities about it would only put the finger on him, and he couldn’t afford the scrutiny. At least in the guise of Venom, he might be able to maintain his anonymity as the Lethal Protector.
And so, here he had come, and had spent the last two days reading books and half-listening to authorities on various fields pontificate on why theirs were the words to be trusted most - or why the words of others were to be considered suspect. He’d brought his laptop yesterday and both taken notes and written a full article while waiting for something... but he had no idea what. Today... today felt different for some reason. The kind of day where bringing the laptop maybe wasn’t such a good idea.
Front door.
Eddie’s gaze subtly flickered away from the note and towards the door, where an attractive young woman with fiery red hair and sharp features was stepping through. Just the very sight of her set Eddie’s stomach churning, though he had to hesitate for a moment as he wondered why. What’s so important about her?
There is a scent on the air, Eddie. There is something not right about her.
His eyes narrowed. What kinda scent?
In one word? Carnage.
And then his eyes locked with hers.
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nostalgiahog · 2 years
Open Rp (semi-serious)
You are at an empty gas station, you’re not even inside the quick mart. You’re just out here in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of a gas station. You see a rusty van, there’s something inside. You can hear the banging and clanging of stuff being moved around, as well as the van itself creaking as it bobs slowly up and down. Cautiously, you approach the van and peer into the back window. Hoping to see soemthing that’s more normal that the current situation you’re in, but instead you’re met with some weird cat-dog like creature wearing a beanie and a green hoodie rummaging through whatever is in the van.
(interact????????? goo!!! rp!!!)
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Shitty rough sketch of what it looks like btw (the cat dog thing, not the gas station.)
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chunibyo-x-sorcerer · 4 months
Towards The Peak || Closed RP
On a cloudy day in a rural area outside of Tokyo, there is a lone abandoned factory building on the top of the hill. And like any other abandoned building, it's usually a den for cursed spirits to reside there.
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"Come on, you guys! Over here!" A shout is heard.
The sound of running footsteps and panicking breathes are heard as a young man with dark brown and one streak of red hair leads three other teens on the way out. Behind the teens is a huge humanoid creature chasing them. It is grotesque as it has long limbs, it has a long snout with tusks two huge big eyes, and a long furry tail. It moves like a spider! If one has to describe it, it is a huge lemur that isn't adorable like you see in the pictures on your favorite social media.
Daichi PheonX blew a hole in the building to the outside with a fireball, getting the group out of there before he went to fight off the curse. That way, the three can escape from this place and Daichi will take it down without a problem.
At first, Daichi didn't expect an evil spirit to take two hostages. But he didn't question it when he got a request on his forum that someone needed help as two of their friends went missing near the abandoned factory.
So Daichi PheonX is on the scene ready to take on the quest. The patron named Aika requested his help. She wants to come with him but the flame sorcerer says it's dangerous however it does no good because Aika wants to see her friends all right. So Daichi understood and had no objections as long as she stayed close to him.
It didn't take long as his spirit avian companion, Eito led the way to the two missing teens. They were stuck in some goo which Daichi easily burned it away and got them out. Of course, the evil spirit didn't like that its meal was escaping. So Daichi fights it off while the others escape. Once the people are out, Daichi won't hold back.
Yet the curse is a difficult one. It has the range due to its long arms and is quick. Plus, it is climbing all over the walls and ceiling, making it hard to fire. Eito chirps urgently, getting Daichi to think. All he needs is to find a pattern and the right timing to take it down a few notches before going for a final.
Once he got the pattern down, Daichi went to strike at the limbs with his sword which he channeled his energy into it to set ablaze. He does a horizontal swing, and unleashes flames in an arc, inflicting burns on the curse.
The curse shrieks as it backs up but proceeds to bring its arms down, revealing an opening. Daichi blasts its chest with a fireball, sending the curse crashing into the wall. The curse is struggling to get up as it was stunned by the blast so it gives Daichi time to prepare another attack. Eito flies around Daichi, helping stabilize the energy in the air as Daichi goes into an archer's position. He pulls one arm back as he conjures a flaming arrow while holding the sword up, using it as a bow.
The curse soon recovers, roaring before going to scale onto the wall and jumping from it, pouncing onto the boy. However, Daichi grins seeing this.
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"Gotcha!" He fires off the attack, "Dark Phoenix Arrow!" He said, releasing the fire arrow and it hit the curse on the bullseye, sending the curse upwards towards the ceiling and then-
Out of the building, the curse is airborne into the air as it is being burned like a comet. Daichi hopes it doesn't land on any car or...person. Hopefully.
Still, the curse would be exorcised once it crashes.
@thestrongests is at the scene.
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mad-hatter-memes · 3 years
Goosebumps Inspired Magic Anons
(Can also be used for general rp starters should the mun be more inclined to do that than magic anons)
Stay Out of The Basement: Muse is now some kind of plant creature (dryad, treant, treefolk, etc)
Monster Blood: My muse has suddenly grown into a giant, about two stories high.
Let’s Get Invisible!: My muse has become invisible.
Night of The Living Dummy: My muse is now a living doll
The Ghost Next Door: My muse has become a ghost
The Haunted Mask: My muse is now wearing a mask they can’t take off. It’s also slowly controlling their mind, making them meaner and nastier.
The Werewolf of Fever Swamp: My muse has become a werewolf.
Deep Trouble: My muse has become a mermaid.
My Hairiest Adventure: My muse is now starting to rapidly grow hair. Can be just the hair on their head, or the hair on their body, or both.
Cuckoo Clock of Doom: My muse has transformed into a child. If they’re already a child, they transform into a baby.
Bad Hare Day: My muse has been transformed into a rabbit.
Vampire Breath: My muse has become a vampire.
How I Learned to Fly: My muse now has the ability to fly. If they already could fly, they now lose their ability to fly.
Don’t Go To Sleep: My muse cannot fall sleep, as every time they do, they experience constant nightmares.
The Blob That Ate Everyone: My muse has become a slime/goo creature.
The Haunted School: My muse has become completely monochrome, and can only see in blacks, whites, and grays.
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cory-croissant-83 · 3 years
Goop: The muse has been transformed into a slime creature. Whether they look like themselves or become a hungry muck monster is up to the mun
*Cory was looking on her computer when she saw she had an anonymous message in her ask box. They opened it to read it, and got confused.*
Huh, that’s a weird questiOH GOD
*She realized what it was just as it was too late, the tips of her fingers turning to mushy goo. She panicked and slammed her computer shut with her elbows so nobody would see her screen and she wouldn’t get slime in between the keys, and stepped back. Apart from their gem, they were slowly turning mushy and partially see through rainbowish purple/blue, which wasn’t necessarily a bad color for goop at least but the LEAST of her concerns were what color goo they were going to be, and she was more focused on, you know, the fact she was turning into GOOP. She flopped against the door trying to open it, before just kind of seeping through the cracks in between the door and the wall once she was fully slime, leaving a residue behind, which she’d clean up later I guess. She needed to find someone.*
//open rp! Though I suppose it’d be a strange first impression lol @unstable-steven @purple-steven @monikax3 @moth-steven @something-behind-you
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xaeyrnofnbe · 2 years
just came up with a really stupid au. the concept? tommy’s older brother, wilbur, died a few years ago. on his birthday, he receives… is something used in ghost hunting. (this idea was 100% sparked by the exorcism stream) tommy’s mad and stuff because what the hell that’s so insensitive. but phil explains that wilbur used to love ghost hunting. later that night he’s having trouble sleeping, and finally puts aside his anger to try out the device. lo and behold, it turns out that little bit of curiosity was all it took for the ghost of his brother to reveal himself. oh and also, everyone in tommy’s life is also some kind of paranormal or supernatural creature.
the characters would probably be loosely inspired by both minecraft rp as well as the irl ccs, idk.
wilburs a ghost
tubbos a demon
ranboos a vampire
phil’s an angel
technos probably like a we’re-pig or something. or something completely unexpected
billzos also a vampire
aimseys a werewolf
charlie’s just his dsmp character. a pile of goo that claims to be a regular human man
the dream team + karl and quackity are monster hunters
if this seems rushed. or you’ve seen this before. apologies, the idea came up a solid 2 minutes ago.
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rahorak · 4 years
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@unholyshe​​:  talk to me about caelia just go off go absolutely fucking nuts
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Omgosh okay where do I even start. I have already talked about her a bit here so I think I will go off of that post. I will divide this into sections let’s goo!!
How she met Leona.
Caelia knew about Leona much like everyone who wanted to be something within the Ra’horak ranks did. Leona was smart, strong and incredibly fast at learning. She was everything Caelia wanted to be and for this, she came to almost despise her, feeling like she always walked in Leona’s shadow. And she wasn’t alone in those thoughts. Many of their peers shared their jealousy behind Leona’s back and Caelia, initially, joined in on it.
It wasn’t until one fateful day where the two warriors would be joined up to go on a mission together that Caelia began to change her mind about Leona. The whole time they were fighting off void creatures, Leona proved to be a valuable ally and when they made camp on the first night, she was the first to tend to Caelia’s wounds. They talked and talked and talked. Caelia learned more about the other warrior in a night than she had watching her climb the ranks from afar her whole life. And Leona was just so damn kind. She had Caelia patched up efficiently and with care, and it surprised Caelia and made her feel horrible for saying all those things behind her back out of jealousy.
The two bonded over their shared love of the sun and good craftsmanship, fighting and training. Caelia came to know some of Leona’s struggles and suddenly she didn’t put her on a pedestal as much anymore. She learned that Leona was, above all else, just a human being. One with hardships of her own. She learned that Leona had lost her parents very young and that was why she had been training so hard. All in all, Caelia came to see Leona in a completely different light.
Fast forward to when Leona ascended. The two were rather close friends at this point, but it was hard for Caelia to come to terms with Leona’s change. They were no longer equals, and she struggled for a while with this, finding her place by Leona’s side was far from easy. But when she did, they grew ever closer. It was around this time that Leona promoted Caelia to be her personal guard, knowing better than most just how strong Caelia was.
Caelia stands approximately 5′ 10″ tall and is as tanned as any Solari. She is built like a builder, with wide shoulders and muscles for days. Her hair is chestnut brown, as is her eyes. She usually wears her hair loose, where it cascades down to her chest in gorgeous waves. She is rarely seen out of her standard golden Ra’horak armor, but can sometimes be seen with a dark red cape when it is cold or she is wandering about in the camps, a gift from Leona. She has an elaborate sun tattoo on her back.
Modern verses.
Just like Leona, Caelia also has two modern verses ; Modern I where she works in law enforcement, and Modern II where she is a personal bodyguard. Both verses are paired with Leona’s, as you might guess. They work side by side, have an amazing work dynamic whilst secretly seeing each other off duty. No matter the verse, Caelia is the one person who knows Leona inside out and that won’t change no matter what. They are so in tune with each other, they can sense what the other is feeling in a heartbeat.
•   Pin board. •   Leona & Caelia Playlist. •   RP blog ( In the process of adding her here. ) •   “ Heaven ” fic, NSFW. •   Caelia’s thoughts on Diana. •   Caelia & Leona’s ideal dates.
Random facts.
•   Caelia is great friends with Leona’s letter dove, Dawn. •   Caelia’s name means “ Heaven ”, and Leona has made endless jokes about this. •   Both of Caelia’s parents are still alive and they’re so very proud of their daughter. •   Caelia’s sexuality fluctuated a lot when she was younger but she is now a proud lesbian. •   Her favorite food is grilled chicken, but she also loves Leona’s fruit salads. •   Caelia is known to have a bit of a temper, but also for getting stuff done. •   She only speaks Targonian. •   Caelia is rather fond of music and she can play the harp.
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Unprompted asks      |  |      Always accepting.
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nymhuil · 6 years
Looking for contacts, Strìa
           Looking for contacts: Stria Nyogtha     
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NAME: Stria Nyogtha -  Wikipage
AGE: 30+ and not showing it
RACE: Miqo’te Keeper of the Moon
GENDER: Female
SEXUALITY: Bi, male preference
MARITAL STATUS: Single, not interested in finding partners
SERVER: Balmung BRIEFLY: A bit arrogant, a weird witch, but also a clumsy silly goo. You’ll get both dark and funny moments with her.
HAIR: Dyed dark brown, originally white
HEIGHT: less than 5 fulms
BUILD: Petite, with some little shapes here and there
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Aside from her bright red eyes there isn’t much.  Maybe her make up: dark lipsticks, elongated customized clan marks, eye shadow, black nails etc.
COMMON ACCESSORIES: A big bag always full of stuff, sometimes her pointy witchy hat and a blue crystal pendant.
PROFESSION: Stria is good at all those weird witchy things, from tarot reading to curse and blessing spells. She also delves into voodoo, spirits communication and exorcisms. However, she no longer does it for charity and for good, she asks big money for her services.
HOBBIES: Reading, fashion.
LANGUAGES:  mainly common Eorzean
RESIDENCE: Shroud, Lavender Beds 7-7
FEARS: getting old
PARENTS: Perhaps somewhere
SIBLINGS: She is the oldest of quite a bunch of kitties, most of them have disappeared.
OTHER RELATIVES: None important
PETS: Sometimes there is a big black crow with her, but it’s not a common sight.
extroverted / introverted / in between (she can be very closed up at times, and super chatty at others)
disorganized / organized / in between (clothes all over the place, tidy at work)
close minded / open-minded / in between (mostly open, but there are things she just can’t take)
calm / anxious / in between (unless she drinks too much coffee)
disagreeable / agreeable / in between (can be very arrogant, but truly she’s a sweetheart)
cautious / reckless / in between (she knows the risks and how to avoid them)
patient / impatient / in between (not the most patient person around...)
outspoken / reserved / in between (more on the reserved side)
leader / follower / in between (sometimes she quietly sit back and let others lead, mostly out of laziness)
empathetic / unemphatic / in between (she wasn’t always like that)
optimistic / pessimistic / in between  (this is very random, up to her mood)
traditional / modern / in between  (especially at work, she favors traditional methods)
hard-working / lazy / in between (why doing today what you can do tomorrow? Or even better, why doing something you can let others do? xD)
cultured / un-cultured / in between (not precisely a youngling anymore, she studied and read a lot, but only what she was interested in)
loyal / disloyal / in between (mostly loyal, but have to be well deserved)
faithful / unfaithful / in between (same as for loyal)
SMOKING HABIT: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
DRUGS: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess.
ALCOHOL: never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
Stria spends most of her time around the Shroud so it is very common to find her there, especially at her house in Lavender Beds, Gridania, East-Central Shroud.
All the markets, anything is good for shopping.
She offers a bunch of psychic and voodoo services at her house in the Lavender Beds, and she is known for being quite the oddball.
If you are a Keeper from East Shroud you probably know her or might even be part of her old tribe, or a relative.
More recently, it is not rare to find her going on a shopping craze at the market in Kugane, where she really stands out for her particular clothing and for blabbering words in a language she doesn’t really speak, trying to negotiate the prices and get discounts.
Mostly clients for her “business”, but also:
+ A RP FC! If you know or are in one, please msg me + friends and foes + partners for special plots, dark themes and not + even just drinking buddies for chitchats at the tavern + if your character is a merchant, Stria could be interested in your wares + PvE and PvP content, sure why not? I main all the heals, particularly SCH, but I can pull some crappy dps if needed xD What I am NOT looking for: - ERP, flirts, romantic relationships.
What I will avoid: - exaggeratedly OP characters which don’t make sense - nope - I am not a lore freak and I am really open-minded about RP, I myself like to take inspirations from other games or books. But, it’s a fine line between lore bending and going full potato. I am open to talk about this, if you are in doubt, ask me. I won’t judge your choices, but perhaps I might not be the best person to RP with if your character is some Marvel’s creature. - drama seekers - I don’t need more drama in my life - attention seekers - I am here to RP not to be your life consultant - excessively rude and unpleasant characters without a reason for it - neither me or my character appreciate being treated like shit, and hiding behind an evil aligned character to feel entitled for being an asshole doesn’t really go well with me.
OOCLY, I AM ––––
Quite similar to my character, an oddball who loves occult stuff. Also a cat.
Reserved, not too social, I find it hard to open up but if I like you, I’ll be the most loyal friend ever. However if we don’t click, I won’t make it a secret.
I live in the EU, GMT+2, so it might be a bit hard to sometimes match the RP time but we can work it out!
I actually REALLY do tarot reading. You can ask me about it.
A geek, I love videogames, anime, manga, music and more!
Not English native, there might be silly mistakes :p But if you notice I keep repeating the same ones, please do let me know xD
Always afk when I’m not doing RP or other content. If you contact me in game and I don’t answer, please pop me a msg here or on Discord.
My real partner also RP, so he might join.
I might not be in game for the whole April and the first half of May. I will try to, but at the moment it’s a big “?” . I can always RP in Discord or Tumblr, tho!
Discord: Strìa#8412   - Please don’t just silently add to friends, make sure to also write something XD
Directly in game if I am online
Leave a msg to my Dodo at LB 7-7, I’ll call you back xD
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welshdragonrawr · 5 years
TV Shows Tag
Tagged by @echoesout (thanking you kindly as always!)
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions! Don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) peeps!
(I’m gonna tag people here, so you don’t scroll down too quick and end up seeing the questions/influencing your decisions too soon haha: @sc-rp, @yellowlitchi, @thesarahtomypaulson, anyone who wants to try this basically)
Right, on with the show(s)! 
1. American Horror Story
2. Penny Dreadful
3. Xena Warrior Princess
4. Wynonna Earp
5. Buffy the Vampire Slayer 
1. Who is your favorite character is 2?
Vanessa Ives
2. Who is your least favorite in 1?
Ben Harmon (I had other more controversial options but y’know...)
3. Favorite Episode of 4?
I tend to binge this show in a rush of episodes so distinguishing them is odd but it’s probably ‘I Walk the Line’ for the blatant flip of the bird to the ol’ bury your gays trope :D
4. Favorite season of 5?
Controversial, but probably 6. Between all the stuff about grieving, Once More With Feeling, Tabula Rasa, Willow’s Dark Arc...It’s not often liked as a whole but it’s the one I’ve watched the most times over. 
5. Favorite couple in 3?
Xena and Gabrielle, obvs. They ran so the rest of our wlw otps could FLY. 
6. Favorite Couple in 2?
This was one fandom/show where I didn’t really have any ships? I know we’re supposed to go all goo over Vanessa/Ethan but it never really lit for me... Though if we’re talking BroTP it would have to be Vanessa/The Creature 
7. Favorite episode of 1?
Okay, ouch. Um... The entirety of Asylum If I had to pick just one then maybe Dark Cousin cuz it had a little bit of everything good about that season? I don’t know, this was so hard....
8. Favorite episode of 5?
Once More With Feeling, I mean, come on...That ep is iconic.
9. Favorite season of 2?
Season 2, it was a step up from the first for my bae Vanessa, but had less gaping plot holes than season 3. And also that Verbis Diablo scene gives me chills every time... “Beloved, know your master...”
10. How long have you watched 1?
Since late 2013 (I came in just before Coven started, went back to watch Asylum, then Murder House, then have stuck with it as its gone on since.)
11. How did you become interested in 3?
Childhood obsession, I don’t remember how I found it, maybe cuz I watched Hercules on an early saturday morning and it was the spin off from that?
12. Favorite actor in 4?
Melanie Scrofano, cuz she’s such a lovable dork/asshole (I mean that in the best, most loving way)
13. Which do you prefer 1, 2, or 5?
Ugh, Buffy is my childhood retreat, but I am also undeniably sat here in an AHS jacket and Foxxay/Goodeday are my OTP for LIFE. So I’m gonna have to say AHS...
14. Which shows have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
I have to do the math...but I think on a technical level, I’ve seen all 94 episodes of AHS so far...but definitely not all 134 of Xena (I’m not that sad, I did look them up...) So it’s likely to be AHS
15. If you could be anyone from 4 who would you be?
Wynonna, probably, we’re pretty much already enough alike. 
16. Would you crossover between 3 and 4 work?
Crazily, I think it could? Also, there was a twitter call a while back for Lucy Lawless to step in and take the role of Wynonna’s mum (which didn’t happen sadly, but it would have been awesome) so possibly? Also Xena has plenty of ‘XxG in modern settings/timelines’ episodes they messed with in the past.
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Do we count Bananun? Can we count Bananun for this as it’s not canon but it totally is? I’ve discussed this a lot with @whiskeyxfluent and we’ve come up with a couple of unlikely but great pairings in the past. But I think our most recent discussions included Cordelia/Innocent!Mary Eunice, or even Venable/Innocent!Mary... Venable needs some love, my lavender menace just needs some soft, soft affection from someone. 
18. Overall, which shows has a better storyline, 3 or 5?
How dare you. I suppose Buffy. 
19. Which has better theme music 2 or 4?
Penny Dreadful (although the opening theme for WE kicks ass)
Thanks for tagging! That was an intriguing one to do!
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2due-the-anteka · 7 years
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Say hi to Jean-Claude, my (ex) Blu Spy. He's been one of my very first TF2 OCs, along with L.J., his husband, and
Antoine, a dear friend of theirs. They've all been introduced in my first fanfic "The truth in your eyes", now incomplete and in need of a solid refresh, I wrote it 3 years ago and many things have changed since then. I stopped writing about him and friends long ago, but he's been omni present in my rps with Anoown, and my boys got such a development.  Jean and Lawrence returned in the new fanfic I'm writing, along with Lucien and Willy, in "Rancher life", few years after they left the battlefield. In this ref sheet Jean is "old style", with it I mean this is how he looked a couple of years ago, today he has long hair, thin mustache and his left arm's tattoo has been modified into a robotic sleeve. The new tattoo has a huge meaning to him since James lost his right arm and now he has a robotic prosthesis. I'll try in the future to draw Lawrence's ref sheet too and their beast!modes, I have just random old sketches so far. I drew this ref last year in university... coloured just today... lol
I always loved the AU with Spy!Vampire and Sniper!Werewolf, but I'm more of a sci-fi lady, so I opted for technology to explain their transformations. I'll be really short and frank here, their bodies have been invaded by nanobots which, when activated, create an armour connected to their nervous system, making them feel everything at touch and giving them an incredible strenght. The nanobots have been installed to make them a weapon though and they're programmed to go in berserker mode when the host is triggered. The way is different from host to host. Luckily Jean and James found a way to turn the berserker mode off.
Antoine as well got the same treatment, but the technology on him glitched and malfunctioned, causing his body to melt in the process of installation of the nanobots and now he's simply made out of them. He has no berserker mode and cannot be killed. He can transform into a nightmarish black-matter/goo creature.
Jean's an adorable pest, who likes to play little pranks on his friends and sing heavy metal songs. He transforms into a big, white and fluffy bat/dragon. He can  control his own gravity allowing his to walk on walls and ceilings. His hearing is incredibly developed. His husband is a scruffy, adventurous man who likes hunting (not for sport) and explore. He transforms into a big fluffy werewolf. His joints suffered the tranformation since the beginning, it was very painful for him at first, but he got used to the pain practicing his changing until he felt it no more. Though his joins still make weird noises during the process. His sense of smell is incredibly developed.
In December 2017 Jean-Claude, L.J. and Antoine (and their relatives) will be removed from TF2 universe, but will keep contacts with Lucien and Willy, and the tentaspy line.
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transfigurmoose · 7 years
Glum Creatures_hp rp
Zan insisted on running back to her room instead of bringing Chubs to class, leaving me waiting by the kitchens awkwardly.
I tried to reason with her (and save the time and trouble) by telling her that Professor Hagrid could probably identify it for her.
To which she promptly responded “Chubs will identify ‘imself to me when it’s time, IF it’s time, because honestly,” -she moved her bangs to look at me- “it’s really none of my business.” I had no retort for that, so beside the kitchens I stood until she reemerged.
We rushed out and across the grounds until we made it to the gaggle of students crowding the half giant that stood to be our teacher. The sun was setting, which gave the sky a romantic yet foreboding feel. Or perhaps it was merely because Care of Magical Creatures was always taught at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.
I liked this class. I was good with creatures, and they were good with me. There’s something about looking into the eyes of something wild and having it accept you. A creature’s eyes were always truthful.
It was only when one looked at them with one’s own agenda that one would miss the bond. That’s when you get hurt.
Some girl screamed and a few young wizards backed up from the center where Hagrid stood. Zan and I only craned our necks and stood on tiptoe to try to get a better view. I realized that quite a few of the people I shared this class with were hufflepuff. Odd. I wondered if any of these scaredy cats were under Jerrica’s protection.
“Aww, c’me now. ‘s o’ly a lil’ Glumbumble. ‘s ‘armless,” came Hagrid’s pleading voice. The girl who’d screamed was far off from the group now with two of her friends flanking her.
“She’s allergic to bees!” The tall male beside her shouted.
I chuckled.
“ ‘S not a bee, i’s a Glumbumble. T’ey won’ sting yer!” He waved a huge gloved hand to beckon her back over. She seemed very reluctant.
With a huff, Hagrid continued on with the lesson for the rest of us. He held up what arguably DID look a lot like a slab from a beehive, but instead of the usual honey golden color, it looked to have dark brownish black goo inside.
“Glumbumble like ter ta’e o’er bumble beehives. T’ey excrete melanch’ly treacle ‘stead o’ honey.” He looked down at the Glumbumble hive and pointed at the blackish hexagonal shapes. He then looked around and a confused frown came upon his face.
“Well, now w’ere’d it go ter?” He turned around and a giant grey insect was hanging onto the back of his shoulder. Zan pointed, I giggled, most shouted. It did seem to look like a big sad bumble bee. It had the fuzzy butt and everything.
Zan stepped forward to try to reach and grab it off of him, but couldn’t quite make it. At this point the class was getting out of control. Students pulled out their wands, but couldn’t decide whether to squash it, swat it, or burn it. Didn’t they realize this was a CARE for magical creatures class?
Annoyed, I marched up to Zan’s aid and got down on all fours. She stepped on my back and tried again to reach. As she climbed on me, I looked out to the crowd. In the distance I saw that frightened witch crying between her two friends. Hysteria all around. That tall boy with her looked like he was at his wits end. He pulled out his wand and growled out some sort of spell.
I didn’t know what it was, all I knew was that it was headed straight toward three potential targets: the professor, a glumbumble, and my friend.
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