#gonna ramble about the specific example that inspired this post
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Man, with how vague Splatoon is about its lore/plot points sometimes, I’m very wary of people who claim there is One Definitive Interpretation of this that or the other thing. Like no, just because the game uses they/them pronouns for Captain 3 doesn't mean giving them any other pronouns is misgendering. Like, unless you have something from actual canon (ie. the games themselves or dev interviews) to back it up, then I don't think it's fair to expect people to Universally Agree With You or Else. Going "This is how I see things, I really don't like it when people see it this other way" is fine but "This is how I see things, I am RIGHT and anyone who thinks otherwise is WRONG" is not. People have different opinions. You are not obligated to agree with them, but at the same time, they are not obligated to agree with you.
#splatoon#gonna ramble about the specific example that inspired this post#(no it is not they/them Capn 3 it's more... complicated than that)#anyways#there is One Specific Person on tumblr who is#Very Adamant on how to think of callie's s2 arc#like#they insist that the hypnoshades work how real world hypnosis does#(ex they just make you more susceptible to suggestion)#when like#Canonically#we dont know how they work#nintendo doesnt know how they work#and while i do think their interpretation is better then 'oH nO CaLlIe WaS bRaInWaShEd By ThE oCtArIaNs"#i do not think they are Objectively Correct#like i get having Opinions about your Comfort Characters#(god knows i certainly do)#but at some point u gotta realize u cant just brute force everyone to see them the same way you do#and thats okay!#They Are A Fictional Character#at some point u just gotta realize#ppl disagreeing w u on said Comfort Character is Not a personal offense#anyways this goes without saying but don't harass/try to ask me who i'm referring to here#bc 1) if u frequent the tag like i do u prolly know who im talking about#and 2) It Will Not Help#this is an Everyone Problem
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19, 21 and 22 for the ask game? :)
19) How often do you draw?
hmm almost every day atm? not super long each day, especially when ive got work, but in general im drawing pretty frequently atm. it kinda comes in phases tho, sometimes ill draw every day for a while and then not at all for a week or two. always depends on when the inspiration hits
21) something you would like to improve on
drawing interiors! especially with interesting perspectives. also expressions, i always have a hard time with those
22) what inspires you?
well. hermitcraft, mostly lol. but generally i think that interesting settings inspire me a lot. in any media i always look for good worldbuilding & interesting characters more than a good and concise story, and i think thats also usually what inspires me to make fanart. if that makes sense
ask game
#ask games#i saw a post ages ago about how imperfect media tends to have bigger & more active fandoms#which i think is true! if i read the most perfect book in the world its not necessarily gonna make me wanna make fanart or read fics#but if its an interesting but imperfect story - or if its 'missing some pieces' which i think is often the case with mcyt#then that inspires me to create things myself#and when i say 'imperfect' media then i absolutely do not mean that in a negative way btw#its more like - with the example of mcyt - any rp even if planned or scripted is gonna leave a lot of stuff open to interpretation#every mc skin and any build could be interpreted into a million different designs#etc etc#personally i enjoy making fanart more than original art tbh. but then what i like about mcyt specifically is the creative freedom#sorry for all the rambling in the tags lmao
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When To Keep Your Writing Stiff (pt 7)
Part 6
Part 1
Gonna shoutout a specific fanfic, “Salvage” (ATLA) for writing that is even leaner than mine is, and mine has zero fat whatsoever. This was really good. I particularly like how some scenes were only 2 or 3 lines long as an example of what I’m going for here.
When I say “stiff” in the following examples I’m specifically talking about a lot of the same syntax, few similes and metaphors, few ‘said’ synonyms, very little, well, “life” in the prose. And this can be good in a few situations.
1. Your narrator is in shock
Shock doesn’t all look the same, but the kind of shock I mean is the one where the person is really quiet and un-emotive, they’re probably not speaking or reacting much to whatever catastrophe just happened and probably not responding to their name or anything spoken to them. Their body is pretty much going “uhhhhhhhhh factory reset!” when whatever it is, is too much to process.
A asks them a question. Once. Twice. B stares ahead. There’s a brown stain on the wall that looks like a thumb.
So if they’re narrating, they’re probably going to be giving the absolute bare minimum, need-to-know information and won’t be thinking about the best adjectives and adverbs. Especially if you normally write with fluffier prose, a jarring shift like this can really help sell the shock and dissociating of the character, something so traumatizing that it effects how the story is told.
2. Your narrator is depressed
Somewhere between New Moon’s 4 pages of just Months to show Bella did absolutely nothing in a depression rot and normal prose (though it was effective, particularly in the movie when they could draw out the words on the screen for longer and did the whole spin-around-her-depression-chair montage).
January came. It rained a lot.
They’ll probably either narrate very thinly, or listlessly. They might focus on a random detail and start going on a long ramble about that one detail that isn’t at all important, but it’s either all they can think about or all that can move them to feel anything in this moment, like:
On the bedside table, that coffee mug still sat there in a thin sheet of dust. What had been liquid now long since dry and gluey. It still sits there, collecting cat fur.
This might be the best place for sentences that all sound and flow exactly the same, but use it sparingly.
3. Your narrator is having a panic attack or trapped in a traumatic situation
Different from shock in that while they are physically capable of moving and interacting, they can’t let themselves describe what they’re seeing and feeling in grand detail. Maybe they’re moving through the horrific aftermath of a battle and all they can describe is the mud under their feet and how it squelches. Or they simply say that “there’s bodies everywhere” because looking too long or too hard at who those bodies belonged to is too much.
4. You’re writing something that has incredibly fast pacing
This post was inspired by a fic I just wrote that spanned about 5 months in about 18k words. Narrative was skipping days ahead between paragraphs at some point as my character was processing the end of an abusive relationship. It sped up and slowed down where necessary, but compared to its sequel that I also just finished (22k words across 7 days), I’d covered a whole month in about 2 sentences in the first one.
See nearly any part of Salvage (or my fics if you feel like it)
What happened in that month didn’t matter, only what was before and what’s different now and how this character realizes how their life is slowly changing, some things they never noticed that are suddenly right in their face or things that quietly slipped away.
TLDR; sometimes the lack of emotion and sensory details and frenetic, dynamic syntax is the point, that can sell the reader on the narrator’s mental state far better than picking the juiciest adverbs. If it’s so impactful to them that the physical telling of the story is changed, you’ve done your job.
#writing#writeblr#writing a book#writing advice#writing resources#writing tools#writing tips#syntax#writing style#narrative structure
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That thing about 'the arc of history bending towards justice...'
I'm pretty sure I've gone on about this before, and I'm pretty sure I'm preaching to the choir, but I just had a well-intentioned acquaintance try to give an inspirational speech about American trans people's fears right now, and his heart was in the right place, but all his facts were wrong, in some really important ways. I feel like the perspective he has is the same one as... basically every decent person who isn't like, intimately familiar with WPATH, so please spread this around, and please if you only read one rambling history lesson from a trans person about the current state of things, make it this one.
So here's the big problem. Trans people get brought up in the mainstream media a LOT these days, but the framing is totally wrong. The impression people get is that there is presently a big push for new trans rights, where we want proper government recognition, and trans women in particular want to be able to use public women's restrooms, and play on girls-only sports teams, and a dozen other things. That is a lie you are being fed. These are all rights we ALREADY HAD, for decades. Possibly centuries depending what we're talking about specifically and where we're talking, even. The big issue right now is that a bunch of bigots just woke up one day about 10 years ago and decided that nothing else they were angling for was getting them anywhere with the general public, so hey let's make a boogieman out of this minority of a minority nobody knows the first thing about and act like all the horrors they're inflicting are just them enforcing some totally fictional status quo.
Speaking personally, I can say that The Trans Agenda in like 2014 was something like: 1- I'm gonna make a nice big pot of chili. 2- I'm gonna maybe replay some old video games from the '90s I haven't taken down off the shelf in a while. And OK maybe 3- It'd be cool if it weren't just the medical professionals who specifically specialize in trans stuff had enough of an education to know that when there's a difference in how a drug is going to effect men vs. women, it's for reasons directly tied to the levels of various hormones, or would at least trust their trans patients to know what we're talking about and not give us the wrong doses of things and maybe kill us as a result. And also like, treat us for regular things like broken arms (real example) without weirdly panicking about some prescription we're on they don't recognize.
There was absolutely not a point where some trans woman started petitioning the government or whatever to let her pee in a toilet with a little placard of a stick figure in a dress in front. We've just been doing that the whole time. Nobody's ever had a problem with that. You didn't know we were in there? OK. If I'm like at a restaurant and have to use the bathroom, I don't know how many of the other women in there have like, type O blood. I also don't care, and I think everyone would agree it was weird if I suddenly did care, and demand they post a guard out front asking to see driver's licenses. Just completely out of the blue some nutcases from the UK started foaming at the mouth and writing weird tabloid articles about their completely unfounded fears that... I don't even know. Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs might put on a wig and follow them into the bathroom, dose them with chloroform, and drag them to some basement dungeon through some series of secret passages or something.
This was based on literally nothing at all, to be clear. Like, people pushing for this went and did serious research for anything even anecdotal to back them up on this, and didn't actually find anything. Then they started walking into public restrooms with cameras throwing doors open on people and going "see? See? Some creep could totally do this if we don't ban trans people from using bathrooms!" And... somehow this got traction? I figure it's because coincidentally there was this whole other thing going where people were looking at how every building had equal numbers of men's and women's rooms and saying "you know, like, 90% of people who come in here are the same gender and we end up with really long lines, what if we just took the signs down and told everyone to just use whichever?" which... when it's happening at the same time Chicken Little is ranting and raving about the boogieman wearing a cheap wig, wires got crossed? And suddenly we've got waves of legislation passing all over about who's allowed to use what bathrooms with weird standards that'd involve like DNA tests to actually enforce properly. Absurd stuff.
Meanwhile, your average trans activist at the time was just like... sitting there eating a sandwich and going "huh, they're making a TV series based on Fargo? That's an odd thing to happen out of the blue. And yeah we started going "hey, what the hell?" when this stuff started passing because like... yeah that's what you do when you see an article in the local newspaper that says you can't go to the bathroom at work or whatever without swabbing your cheek and waiting for lab results for 3 weeks first or whatever.
Same deal with sports. Major sports organizations like the Olympics have been weirdly paranoid about men pretending to be women since 1950. And there have been, to the best of my ability to research... zero men who have actually done this. And while the weird standards used for this have been used to kick a good number of women out over the years, none of those women have been trans, for what that's worth. Really, the whole gender testing thing has only ever been used for horrifying stuff like forcing women to strip in front of random creeps, or let them do "invasive internal exams" and of course so many incidents where some woman who isn't white wins at something and people move the goalposts to in some way to get her specifically banned. You may be thinking, "wait didn't I just see a whole bunch of news coverage about someone getting banned after some gender testing thing? She was trans right?" No. You're thinking of Caster Semenya. She's a woman. A cis woman. F on her birth certificate, born with standard issue female genitals, has periods, all that. People are just being weird racists there and crossing the streams with random transphobia. That and just... half-reading stories and making stuff up.
To the best of my knowledge, the total count of trans athletes who have competed in the Olympics would actually be... three nonbinary people, who so far as I can tell all competed against people with the same gender they had on their birth certificates, nothing done medically, so, nobody should have any problem there. Caitlyn Jenner, who didn't come out as a woman until like... 40 years after competing, on the men's team, and Laurel Hubbard, the first and only trans woman to compete at the Olympics as a woman, who placed... dead last, flubbing all three of her lifts.
If we just look at sports in general, OK, there WAS one big famous where a trans woman wanted to compete in a major sporting event, was banned from it, took the organizers to court over it, and the eventual ruling was there was no reason at all she shouldn't be allowed to play against other women. Renée Richards. And this was all the way back in 1976. Nearly 50 years ago now.
And of course in more recent years, again, after a bunch of random bigots just completely out of the blue started losing their minds about trans people with no prompting and started lobbying for new laws banning us from all kinds of things nobody had had a problem with us doing forever, there was Mack Beggs, a trans guy, who was forced, by one of those aforementioned baffling reactionary new laws, to compete on his high school's girl's wrestling team. He didn't want to be there, they didn't want him to be there, but the law said hey, F on your birth certificate, we're classifying you as a girl despite how clearly wrong that is. And then there's been a bunch of other weird cases like that like one state banning trans girls from playing any sports with other girls which only affected one single girl in the entire state, who was playing lacrosse on a team that wouldn't have even existed if she hadn't personally organized it.
But the point here is, trans people aren't asking for anything here. We're just standing here, and people are flipping out and banning us from doing all these things without any prompting. And hell, I THINK this one got shot down in higher courts, but when Florida got the brain worms on this and started passing all the anti-trans legislation they could think of, they actually included a ban on us just standing there! The wording was something like (and I apologize that I can't find it, search engines are useless now), "if a child can potentially see someone who was assigned male at birth who is wearing women's clothes, it's considered sexual assault."
It's important to understand what's actually going on here, both because what's going on here is just plain terrifying, but also because there is this huge segment of the population who has this weird idea that people's rights only ever get better, there's just some weird arbitrary ratcheting where you have to take a number and get in line. Like, "hey, used to be only white men could vote, then eventually the Progress bar filled enough that we let white women start voting too. Then we had to wait for it to fill up again, hey, we're ending this whole segregation of black people thing. Gotta give it another 30 years or so to fill up, now hey, gay people can get married! Don't be impatient trans folks, you just need to stay in line and wait for it to fill again for your turn!"
That's not how anything has ever actually worked. It would frankly be absolutely insane if it actually did, but like, this is an idea people get in their heads because history textbooks really like to gloss over all the stuff that makes the country look pretty bad and promote this whole "stuff is just always getting better!" vibe. But no, sometimes, things just straight up get worse for people. Ten years ago I could go to the damn bathroom, I could have social media accounts, I could access all the medications I need to live, I could safely set foot in any given state in the country... at least if I kept some witnesses around at all times to verify I was not in fact hitting on my would-be murderer in any of the black states on this map.

The problem is NOT that with Trump in power, the pause button is getting hit on trans people climbing towards some state of finally getting to be regular people. We were (largely) already there, and there's been a huge push over the past decade to strip that away from us. And Trump plus the rest of the Republican party in general have made very specific promises to make that way worse real real soon, including several things that will straight up kill a ton of us.
Like, when I'm talking about losing access to necessary medical treatments, I'm not talking about "THE SURGERY" and magic pills that give you boobs or beards. A lot of trans people are trans because there's weird medical stuff that in addition to messing with what does and doesn't grow mess with things like whether your blood flows properly and whether various organs do what they should. Just one of those many things the average person doesn't know, because everything written about us is from deranged bigots making crap up.
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unsure if you’ve been asked this before but what is your character designing process?
i have already answered in this post (you can go read it if you want), though it's more jrwi based, so i feel like i can answer again! i doubt I'll end up saying something new but hwhatever who cares dhhdhd
obviously this isn't math, so there's no specific scheme i follow every time, and each design is different and it all varies heavily.
in general, when i start working on a design i already have *some* sort of idea in mind. normally not for the entirety of it, but some bits and pieces here and there that help me characterize the design in my head! i try to get those on the canvas first. they're like key points, and i most likely wont change them.
(and if i don't have an idea, i don't start drawing. and instead scroll through my gallery or pinterest in search of inspiration)
let's take my Gem's recent design as an example! i knew i wanted her to be a squirrel, and i already had squirrel scar and cub designs to base it off. so the key points were big pointy ears, curvy tail, claws. i also knew i wanted her clothing to look regal and floral, and reflect her main base. this is an idea that i haven't fully visualized, but i kept it in mind and knew in which direction i had to move.
after that comes the point where i start making stuff up 👍👍 i enjoy thinking my designs through and making them make sense in my head and be practical. so the process consists of me asking myself questions and then answering them in a design. with occasional "oh wouldn't that be cool" thrown into it.
continuing with gem. she needed to have her clothes be suited for a tail, so her underskirt splits in three parts to make it easier. i still wanted the design to be recognizable as gem and have it resemble her skin; so i kept the white sleeves, the green skirt, the corset. i wanted to make her and scar's designs match, so i changed the corset to green with this long piece of cloth but decided to change the patterns on it. because the brown from the corset was gone, i removed it from her shoes as well and made them black instead, so brown wasn't part of the color pallett anymore. i will introduce pink into the design later, so getting rid of one of the colors wasn't that big of a deal. plus, brown makes her look more down to earth, whereas i want her to look elegant and rich, so its a win/win. i wanted to keep her antlers, but obviously she's not a deer anymore, so i turned them into a crown and made it black to match the shoes. etc etc. i can ramble for three more hours about this hdgshsh.
well, that's how the well thought designs work.
sometimes it's just "im gonna draw all the things i think are fun and cute until i can't think of any" and there's no rhyme or reason to it. that's why things like "doc as a unicorn", one-off series designs, random concepts, aus exist!
sometimes its a "i have no idea what to do with it, so im gonna merge all the layers together and just keep fiddling with it until i figure it out", and that's exactly what happens. if i feel stuck with a design, merging it together and working with both line and color helps a ton, because it helps me to see the design as a whole and i dont have to divide my process and think of which parts im gonna do in color and which in line! recent example is hypno's design. here it is when i didn't know how to make it interesting and the final version:
(funnily enough i still like the first concept, the fact that all the clothes is the same color is quite tasty. but i know that if i needed to draw this design in the future, i would struggle with keeping the clothing layers separated and shading and all that stuff.)
visually i don't think there's much difference between how i design things (?), but the process varies and in my head they're all on like, different tiers.
hopefully this was somewhat helpful! if not it at least let me ramble about my design process which is great hdhsjsh
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Do you think it had to be rengoku who died? Or could it have been a different character or hashira and still give the same effect?
AA THIS IS SUCH A GOOD QUESTION!! Okay im likely gonna go back and edit this later once i think of Better Words, but prepare for a Long Ass Leon Analysis Post
I think that while a similar effect could have happened had it been another Hashira, the fact that it was Rengoku affected not just Tanjiro, but the rest of the Corps in a massive ripple effect. I’m assuming that by asking this you’ve read my “why Rengoku’s death impacts the outcome of the series” analysis post, but regardless, im gonna start rambling now lol
Let’s turn it into a cause-and-effect formula. If [Hashira] dies after the Mugen Train Incident, it affects Tanjiro with [x] and the rest of the Corps with [y]. When Rengoku died, it devastated Tanjiro because of both his personal connection to Rengoku (Flame Breathing vs Sun Breathing, as well as Rengoku’s infectious brotherly attitude) and his respect for the Hashira as a whole. X is Tanjiro’s devastation and his exposure to the Actual Strongest Demons. Y, on the other hand, is much more powerful, because of Rengoku specifically. He was like an older brother to Mitsuri. He was an icon of strength and persistence for Tengen. He was a beacon of encouragement for everyone he encountered, and Rengoku was uniquely inspiring in that way. Rengoku, specifically. The latest link in the Flame Hashira chain, the Rengoku family legacy, he was really more legend than man. He was an unfalteringly blazing beacon of constant courage and flaming strength, and his loss hit especially hard, because of how unstoppable he always strove to be. Even the surlier Hashira like Sanemi and Obanai respected him, because he’s just that bright. He’s open, and approachable, and kind. He may be a legend, but he’s a human, living legend. He was friends with everyone, and impacted everyone’s lives just by being in them. The unceremonious and sudden nature of his death is what causes X to hit so hard for Tanjiro, and what causes Y to extend far beyond him.
If, for example, Sanemi was the one who dies at Mugen Train, things would’ve turned out much differently. Sanemi never accepted Nezuko, and probably would’ve died scorning her. This would cause X to be much less impactful for Tanjiro. He would still be devastated, because he’s Tanjiro, and because he holds a deep respect for all the Hashira, but Sanemi’s refusal to acknowledge Nezuko would significantly dampen the impact of his death. X would still hit hard, because Tanjiro is exposed to an immensely powerful warrior being unceremoniously taken out by a demon like Akaza, but Sanemi’s generally unapproachable nature as well as the fact that he stabbed Nezuko would significantly dampen the impact on Tanjiro. Additionally, Tanjiro doesn’t know Genya yet, so he wouldn’t have any personal motivation for sympathy. In the case of Rengoku, when he mentions Senjuro, that hits hard for Tanjiro, because they’re both eldest brothers. As for the rest of the Corps, they’d be devastated for the same reasons as Tanjiro- a Hashira has fallen, and that’s a rare and devastating casualty of war. But Sanemi doesn’t have the same social impact that Rengoku does, so ultimately I think neither X or Y would hit as hard.
Honestly im trying to stop myself from plugging every Hashira into this equation just for the sake of analysis, so I might come back to this later when I’ve gotten a bit more sleep lmao
Now let’s take a Hashira that Tanjiro has a personal connection to, like Shinobu or Giyuu. If Shinobu had come with Tanjiro to personally investigate Mugen Train, he would almost certainly blame himself for her death, and X would be a different flavor of powerful, because of her conversation with him in about Kanae’s dream. The death of any Hashira would cause Y to have some ripple effect, purely because it’s a Hashira, but ultimately, the only Hashira I believe could even start to rival Kyojuro’s influence is Gyomei, purely because he’s been a Hashira for so long. But no other Slayer had the same warmth and personable character that Kyojuro had, and that’s why his death in particular hits so hard. If Giyuu had died, Tanjiro would likely have been just as upset as he was with Rengoku- he’s witnessed Giyuu’s strength on multiple occasions, and Giyuu has staked his life on Nezuko. That’s something that Tanjiro won’t easily forget, and if Giyuu had died, it would easily devastate him to push himself harder, giving X the same emotional weight as Kyojuro’s death. However, because it’s Giyuu, Y would be MUCH less impactful, because a lot of the Hashira actively dislike him. ( @princeblue actually has an excellent analysis post on why he pisses the other Hashira off, I would recommend reading it, they make some excellent points!!)
Anyway, to restate my thesis, Rengoku’s death was as impactful as it was not just because he was a Hashira, but because he was Rengoku. He’s an infallible beacon of hope and warmth, and his unceremonious death sent a ripple effect through the entire Corps. He touches the lives of everyone he meets, intentionally or not- it’s just who he is. Much like Tanjiro, his passion is infectious, and his spark and drive spread to everyone who loved him after his death. It would still devastate Tanjiro to no end to watch a Hashira die in front of him, but it was Rengoku’s personal connection to not just Tanjiro, but the entire Corps that ultimately made him as impactful of a character as he was.
That last paragraph was a little shaky, I have a nasty habit of only doing analysis writing when it’s 4:30am and I should be sleeping, please ask me to clarify anything if I fucked up! I promise it makes so much sense in my head lmao
Thank you so much for this ask I’m literally happy stimming sitting here poking away at analysis posts nothing makes me happier than media-dissecting my blorbos
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My ramblings about On the Brink of Scientific Discovery and fashion history
I’m very very normal about both Brink and historical fashion, so I decided to go down a research rabbit hole of what the characters would realistically be wearing in this fic, and it just kinda spiraled from there. I’m not in any way a professional or super qualified, I just think historical fashion is neat. I’m also not a writer so I apologize if any pacing or formatting in this is weird.
(Seriously I’m gonna go into detail about a lot of the characters and my reasoning for why they’d wear that, and sometimes background on the clothes themselves if it’s really interesting)
Disclaimer: a lot of the fable characters, and therefore the characters in Brink, are nonbinary or otherwise don’t fully conform to one gender, and while Brink takes some liberties with historical accuracy so these characters can live openly as they are, I’m still going to sometimes refer to the clothing as “men’s clothing” and “women’s clothing” because that’s how it was categorized in the period.
“On the Brink of Scientific Discovery”(by ConnorsNotHere on Ao3) is a Victorian gothic/cosmic horror AU of FableSMP that takes place in 1889. Brink and its sequels do a decent amount of globe-traveling, but most of the characters are from and live in England. However, a lot of them have connections to or are from places like France, the US, etc. By this time in history there’s(very generally) not drastic differences between the fashions of America and western Europe, so while I’m gonna try to find things as accurate as possible to what I think the characters would wear, I’m also not going to be overly picky about if say, a specific suit is from England or America.
What were the clothes like then?

In 1889 we are coming off of the second bustle period, so skirts still had a lot of fullness in the back, however, they were starting to transition into the more “trumpet shaped” skirts of the 1890s. Bodices and sleeves were both still very fitted, and sleeves are starting to get a little bit of a puff on top, rather than the smoother, more rounded styles of previous decades. In the 1880s more tailored, menswear-inspired clothing also started to gain popularity for women, so you’ll start to see jackets and bodices that resemble menswear more than in previous decades.

Year to year men’s clothing doesn’t change a drastic amount, but there are still a lot of things characteristic of the 1880s. Suit jackets were often buttoned very high up, sometimes to the point where you were barely able to see the shirt and tie. When the jackets were left open, it was actually quite fashionable to have bolder, more colorful waistcoats, which were often beautifully patterned.

However, not every person dresses like the latest fashion plates, and this photo is a good example of people who are still fashionable, but also just normal people and not wearing anything overly fancy. The entirety of the Fable Society has a decent amount of wealth, so they would be able to afford fashionable, good quality clothing, however, they still wouldn’t be dressing in their best, fanciest clothes every day, especially if it’s not practical for their job.

This is a photo of some teenage boys from 1889. This gives a really good idea of what characters like Athena, Easton, and Jamie would be wearing when they’re not wearing more casual or practical things.(side note, I really like the suit on the left I would 100% wear that)
Individual Characters
I’m not going to go into detail about *every single one* of the characters in Brink, as that would get repetitive and excessively long after a while, but I wanted to talk about a lot of them still.
I want to start with Momboo cause in my opinion she would probably be the most fashionable(to the period's standards) of the Fable Society, and I had a lot of fun looking for things I think she would wear. Lots of pretty trims, ruffles, and florals were very popular at the time so there was a lot to choose from. While I can see her enjoying fancier clothing a lot of the time, she also loves to garden and care for the plants on her estate, so obviously she would wear different clothes for that, something with darker colors and less elaborate decorations so it would be easier to wash when it got dirty. There honestly isn’t much super unique going on with her clothing, it’s just very pretty so I wanted to talk about it first.

(That green and pink dress on the right is one of my favorites that I found the entire time I was researching for this, it’s so pretty) (also these 2 fashion plates give me such world sisters vibes, I like them a lot)

More pretty pink dresses :Athenafire:
In the 1880s there wasn’t yet standardized protection or uniform for chemists and people working with more dangerous compounds, and in pictures I’ve seen they just seem to be wearing normal(if slightly more casual) clothes with maybe an apron over them. In Brink neither Sherbert nor Easton wear any protection in their lab out of pure “well nothing bad has happened yet”(which I’m sure will be great for their health and will never have any adverse effects later in life /s) which is actually pretty accurate to chemists of the time.

(I had a really hard time dating this photo, it’s probably closer to the 1870s but still gives really good examples of protection used by chemists in their labs)

It was pretty difficult to find pictures of chemists in the clothing they would wear while working, but I did find a lot of really cool pictures of chemistry labs that are really interesting to look at.
A really fun detail that I realized when I was researching things for Sherbert(that was probably accidental but I still like it) is that Sherbert’s jacket is often described as being very long and having a large collar that is often turned up. This actually wasn’t a very common style for overcoats in the last couple years of the 1880s, *however* it was a lot more common just a couple years beforehand, so I like to think of Sherbert’s jacket in Brink as being something they’ve held onto for a while either out of practicality or just because they like it.

One of my favorite details about Caspian’s clothing in Brink is that even when he’s given new clothing from the other characters after he’s rescued, he still wears his old blue jacket from when he was traveling around the world in the mid/late 1810s, looking for a way to bring back the lady of the world. To me It’s a really cool detail, and if Brink was in a visual medium rather than written, it would be such a cool way to show the audience that Caspian doesn’t quite belong, and has been in the End for a lot longer than the characters think.
During and slightly before the regency period(1811-1820), men’s fashion went through a massive shift from the elaborately embroidered and patterned fashions of the 1700s to a more toned down and subtle style(and contrary to popular belief, Beau Brummell was not the sole reason this change happened, he just became the face of popular trends that were already happening, but that could be its own whole rant). The most common type of men’s coat in this era was called a dress coat or a tailcoat, which was cut high in the front with long “tails” in the back, and large high collars.
I’m not sure if I really like this style of coat personally, but I think it’s really interesting that the men’s coats from this era are so different from what all the other characters would be wearing in the story.

(Don’t pay attention to why his hand is in his pants here, I have no idea why but a lot of men in fashion plates from this era are posed like this)
Rae’s research comes before most things in his life, including staying up to date with the latest fashions. However, in fable, Rae really likes fancier clothing so I think it’d be fun to have Brink!Rae also really like good clothes. Rae also does a lot of traveling and working outside at archeological sites, and so most of the time would be wearing more practical things.(though in the 1800s this still means he would often wear a full suit, just one made of different materials and not as fancy)

I really like this painting and I can definitely see brink Rae wearing something like this when at his home(or at least when not traveling or working in the field), I like the super dark blue/almost black of the suit and whatever he’s wearing on his neck is really pretty(I can’t actually tell what that is specifically but I like it)
I can see Haley wearing pretty fashionable clothing, but probably more subtle and practical designs than Momboo, and she would wear things in more subtle colors, but she would still have an overall pretty feminine style.
I wish I could have found more purple or gray dresses to use as examples for her, but I don’t think those colors were very common, at least in the fashion plates I was looking at. I was able to find some really pretty darker navy dresses though, which I think fits really well too. I don’t have a ton to say with her either but pretty dresses>>>

Connor has talked about Jamie’s clothes in Brink before so I’ll keep this one shorter, but Jamie is the only person in the main Brink cast who regularly wears sweaters, which was a deliberate choice. At the time sweaters were associated with college students, working class people, and people who had very physical jobs, such as sailors. Sweaters were considered extremely casual and people outside of those groups didn’t really wear them often, but as Jamie is an orphan who was later adopted onto a very large farm, it makes sense that they would wear one often and feel more comfortable in one.

I think Ocie is the character I’m taking the most liberties with when it comes to historical accuracy, mostly cause she is described in some scenes as wearing a naval jacket, and as it was only men wearing those, I couldn’t find anything completely accurate to what she was wearing. I can definitely picture how her jacket would look though. I picture it as being mostly in the men’s style, just cut more like a woman’s jacket of the time.
During the 1880s some popular styles of women’s fashion started to become more tailored and more resemble menswear, especially in jackets and some bodices, so it was pretty easy to find menswear inspired women’s jackets that I think fit pretty well.
Riding habits(outfits for horse riding) have also been very inspired by menswear for hundreds of years, and I can see ocie wearing something similar as her jacket.

this image is very crunchy and slightly too early for brink (1886), but give a good idea of menswear inspired womenswear from the late 1880s
Other than her jacket I actually found some blue dresses I think fit Ocie really well.

The blue dress on the right is probably more fancy than Brink!Ocie would realistically be wearing, but it fits her so well I had to put it in, and I just think it’s really pretty.

And this is what actual navy captain’s uniforms like around the 1880s(it was really hard to reliably date these but they’re from approximately then)
Contrary to the popular image of the brave lone wolf cowboy who lived a life of courageous freedom, a majority of old west cowboys were actually very poor and rarely owned even the horse they were riding, which usually belonged to the man who owned the cattle they were herding. Obviously there were exceptions to this, including Galahad in Brink, but I think it’s interesting to see how much the fantasy of the old west has changed the image of the cowboy in America.(I highly recommend checking out Kaz Rowe’s video on YouTube, “Exploring the Queer History of the Old West… Yehaw”, its a really fascinating video on the old west as a whole, and honestly just check out Kaz Rowe’s channel in general, it’s so good)
There was no one uniform way cowboys looked, as they had to adapt to a ton of different climates depending on where they were working. Galahad travels often but he stays in the southwest, which makes their wide brimmed hat very practical, and he also wears a serape, a type of colorful wool shawl that’s draped around your shoulders. A serape isn’t the same as a poncho because a poncho has a hole for your head in the middle, while a serape doesn’t.
The variety of clothing cowboys wore in the old west is really fascinating to me, because even though fashion and style was pretty low on the priority list compared to things like their work and getting their next meal, these people still valued what they wore and took pride in it, and the variation of it is so cool to see in photos.

Throughout Brink, Athena wears both suits and dresses depending on their environment and what they are doing at the time, but I want to use this section to talk a lot about Victorian mourning wear, cause that’s what Athena is wearing for the end of Brink and a large portion of On the Edge of Worlds Unknown.
In the Victorian era, mourning was a very serious practice with many many rules that depended on gender, class, time period, and closeness to the deceased. While Victorian mourning clothes existed and were widely worn before the death of Queen Victoria’s husband Prince Albert in 1861, the fact that she wore mourning clothes for the rest of her life skyrocketed their popularity and made mourning wear a social requirement.
Depending on how you knew the deceased you could be in mourning anywhere from a few months to several years, and some(usually widows) chose to be in mourning for the rest of their lives. The exact time you should be in mourning varied greatly, and was often a source of anxiety for the mourners as coming out of mourning “too soon” could be a social death sentence for some.
As mourning practices became longer and more complex, different stages of mourning started to become common. During full mourning, you would wear only black, dresses were usually less ornamented, and close family of the deceased would very rarely take visitors or go in public. During half mourning, black was still the predominant color but some purple, white, or gray was also allowed, and the close family of the deceased was allowed to venture out in public a little more.
As dress styles and silhouettes started to change more rapidly starting in the 1870s, It became more impractical to buy or make a new fashionable mourning dress every year just in case someone died, and extravagant mourning practices started to become less common, though mourning dress was still a requirement for a few decades afterwards.
WWI was the final thing that ended mourning wear as a common practice, as so many people lost loved ones that practically everyone would have been in mourning if it was still a social requirement, and many people who’d lost sons or husbands simply wore a black armband to symbolize their mourning.

The one plate that started this whole thing
The one fashion plate that started me down this entire research rabbit hole was this plate from 1851 that I think just works so so well for Brink!Isla, and it lines up with the timeline too, cause as long as Brink keeps the timeline relatively the same for the Morningstar family, 1851 would be right before all of the god drama starts happening with her. I wanted to include her as a kind of honorable mention to the rest of the character breakdowns, cause that blue dress it so pretty and fits so well for her, and it’s what started me down the path of “what would all the other brink characters be wearing?”

If I got any details or information wrong please let me know and I’ll correct it!
If ya’ll have made it this far in the post, thanks so much for reading. This has been a project for me since like July for a while now, and I’m so glad I finally got it finished and out here! It was so cool doing all the research for this, and turning all of my semi-coherent bullet points into something that would actually be comprehensible was a lot harder than I thought, my hat goes off to anyone who writes things ever.
Most of the fashion plates I put in here are from the Metropolitan Museum of Art Libraries, as well as Mark Hartley(bygonewhimsy) and Melinda Kovács on Pinterest, but a lot of the plates and portraits were just things I had in my camera roll so I unfortunately don’t have sources for all of them.
#My two huperfixations meet again#This was so much fun to do I’m so glad it’s finally done#Life kicked my ass so this has technically been in progress since July#But it turned out so good!!#On the Brink of Scientific Discovery#fable smp#historical fashion#rambling
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that post u made about A.B.A regarding her classic GG quotes is so interesting I had no idea she said that! I haven’t played the earlier games, would u happen to have screenshots of where she says that or where I might be able to see some of her classic/unused quotes ? I just like having that stuff on hand lol. Thank you!
Thanks to you, anon, for making me revisit the screenshots, and sure thing! I'm gonna link the page, keep in mind it's super meaty and covers a lot of characters so ctrl F search will be your best friend to find specific character/quotes :)
I found them in this big quote compilation in guiltygear.ru, click the sentence to go there. (Kudos to @/solradguy's big gg neo.cities archival efforts making me find the page)... BUT before anything, important DISCLAIMERS❗:
1. Some of the quotes in general can get kind of explicit or with double entendres so uh keep that in mind.
2. Something I just learnt after going to find you the translations, it's to keep in mind their author: See, this is better explained in the aforementioned ne.ocities archival, but a lot of the site's translations were made by someone who, without going too much into detail, is... a controversial member of the community, who is known for putting a good bunch of misconceptions and mistakes into their translations. (Also they have, in my opinion, unsavory and even problematic takes about the franchise. Don't try to argue with them, just block, per proper net etiquette) I don't know japanese so I don't know if this quote index suffers from that so in the end, we'll have to take all this quote info with a huge grain of salt.
Keeping all this in mind, this is already probably a wordier answer than you expected BUT since we are at it, I'll ramble about some A.B.A quotes (in no order) that I found interesting about the topic under the cut, if you want to read that.

First and third quotes in this picture are pretty self explanatory about this part of her character. The vs Faust intro... Man, that looks straight out of her strive song. Dunno if they pulled inspiration from that, but it seems even in the classic days they had a pretty clear idea of part of A.B.A's story being existing and thriving in her own unique way.. Which makes me kind of emotional for some reason ;_;

These were NOT unused as far as I can tell, but obviously do correct me if wrong!
I find it fascinating how much of clear glimpses these are are into her law obsession (more on that specific one later) and believing herself to be a high class person and looking above "lower classes" shoulders.

Some of these aren't exclusively about the aforementioned topics but they mention her cooking god knows what creatures (like in that one infamous xxac ending) and just.. being a scared, pathetic individual at heart. Sigh.
There are probably more examples of all this but this post needs to end sometime today.😭 So, returning to her law thing being an obsession in capital letters, look at her ingame overdrives:

But before that, the elephant in the room: People's observations of her instakill looking pretty taxing to her to perform and even making a berserk Paracelsus look like even he thinks this goes too far are not far from the truth. "I might not recover this time... Dying!!!" What else can I say, that's just sad.. and very interesting lorewise about the toll of this kind of summonings. Yeah, people noticed that in strive, she can summon the same exact door as in her insta with no struggle (or at least not the same level for sure) indicates her power or skill have improved which is so so fascinating.. Anyways. Back to the law thing. We've always had a huge sign under our noses: Her saying Evidence in her overdrives. While sure it can be evidence in a more general meaning, like proving facts or something, it does call to LEGAL evidence, too
...Maybe that was super obvious for everybodh but I'm afraid to admit I didn't connect the dots til now haha 😅
I cannot access my xxacp copy right now to see if her saying shouko during her overdrives is correct, but were we to take this as truth and also trust a japanese language study site as solid because. Again I have zero knowledge of japanese... According to Nihongoclassroom..

It can be used in a legal setting.
And with this we can neatly wrap this up... Tdlr I guess she's living up to her creator being a mansion owner (which isn't precisely cheap) and it gets so interesting and double edged (HAH) if you believe her classic games was as self aware while doing this and fooling herself as strive A.B.A is.
AND she has or had a HUGE interest in law (and if u allow me to reach mayyybe morality too?). While probably not as core to her as her key thing, she sure has told the audience almost as much as it.
#Making this post unrebloggable for now cause of what's covered/that might be wrong/the links too heavy n end up in wrong places (sorry my#own a.b.a-esque morality doubts jumped out. 😅) but might make it rebloggable if a lot of ppl rly want n stuff. hope u understand. I'm not#good at wording this part lmao#LONG post#thank u for asking and whoever reads . this took an hour or two to type aaaahjfhk#the texts feature#repetition#stuff abt her dying and some other stuff.. let me know if you need anything else tagged#a.b.a#text tag2b named#there's also an used intro I missed with her just.. talking abt 100 or so men being imprisioned and stuff. it's in the page but I forgot to#highlight here lol#anon#ask tag2b named
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BSD OC lol
ok so I got bored, like, extremely bored today 🙂 so I decided to make a BSD OC, right? Totally normal
this is the longest post I’ve ever posted holy shit
though, I only have an sketch in pencil because I forgot where I put my markers and I’m not even home 😍
anyways here have my silly child:

Ignore the fact it’s a shitty notebook I genuinely grabbed one that had been in a drawer for like 3 years
also I forgot to continue writing some stuff so 👹
also he has a sweet tooth. a love for a bunch of different artists (musical) ((I will later do a playlist for my boy))
needs mental help
he’s lazy to fix himself most of the time but he actually has a great fashion sense
hates carrots with passion
hates anything he dislikes. Easy. 🫶 (I’m gonna be writing a bunch down there so I’m not that inspired to write about bro’s dislikes)
My child’s ability:
Requiem of Winter
(Its form a poem, yes, gotta keep the bsd theme going y’all)
allows him to:
Put someone to eternal sleep (death) by whispering sweet nothings into their ear as long as he is touching them in any physical way. His touch slowly freezes up the person’s body until the body can no longer function due to the cold. The sweet nothings help make it a lot more gentle.
Again, as long as he’s touching someone he can crystallize them into a little ice figure, it’s temporary tho like until the ice melts. Gives possible hypothermia to the victim. (No he’s not working for the mafia)
via saying (a specific line from the poem I absolutely loved) “beneath white, earth sheds a tear” he can turn any nearby natural body of water (only if it’s natural, he can’t do this with a fountain or a pool, etc.) into like ice spikes or spiky things(?) to attack his opponent and cause some damage
this one is a silly idea I got, he can turn dead animals into ice figures and those will stay like that for days on end until the ice melts. (The animals turn into ice so when it melts the dead animal is gone lol)
look if you find the n.4 creepy, I can’t do anything about that but it’s a silly detail I can use further on.
he’s working at the ADA
look I understand one of the things his ability allows him to do is basically kill but like, that’s for extreme situations. 💕
He’s a silly guy, he’s most definitely mentally unstable but everyone else is too so eh
his personality…I never actually learned to describe personalities huh 😬
uh examples because idk how to describe lmao
“I didn’t steal your candy, BUT I understand why I’m getting accused.”
“This is fine.” *Inside a building that is on fire*
“AGAIN?” *watching Dazai jump into the river for the third time of the week. It’s Monday.
“sometimes I’d wish I was a fish ya know? A puffer fish specifically. People can’t eat me so I’m basically bound to live free. With anxiety, but free.”
“*Rambling to a rock about life*” “Geez why am I getting no reply? Are you that angry, Mr sparkles?”
“IMO he needs mental help, and FASHION help what the fuck are those BOOTS? And THAT HAT???” *Talking about Fyodor’s clothes after seeing him for a split second*
“Someone (Dazai) told me I looked like a girl with my hair down, guess who also got a punch on the face?”
“oh look a bunch of mentally ill children.” *Acts as a big brother figure towards them* “No I’m not fond of children? wtf are you talking about??”
“uhm, it’s actually yro’er 🤓☝️” *Texting someone* (I’ll leave it up to you on who it is)
#bsd oc#bsd oc rp#??#I mean ig if anyone wants to bother this guy#yall are free to do so#You can like#Draw him too#write him??#Idk but like he’s free to include anywhere yall would like as long as he’s in character
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your writing is so good 😭 teach me your secrets big sister
i literally let this sit in my inbox for a week because it made me so happy!! thank you!! (*screams* im a good enough writer to be asked for writing advice) (also being called big sister makes me insanely happy in general so)
anyways other than the classic write as much as can and you need to be ok with it sucking.
my #1 thing is (and this applies to everyone): even if you having a learning disability that effects your ability to write words and spell it doesn't mean you can't be a good writer. it effects your spelling and punctuation not the knowledge of how to tie words together to write an deeply emotional story
learn how to write in third person i realize that first person can be easier when you begin. but only writing in first person isn't going to give you the tools to improve. i realize the switch can be a bit daunting to some but its an important step. first person isn't bad, its just there's certain things you can't do in first person that you can do in third in vice versa. (also when it comes to fanfic people will click away more often if the fic is in first person)
if you are not having fun writing something, stop. you won't get inspiration by forcing it. either switch to another project, or ramble to a friend about why you're stuck and inspiration might hit you or maybe it won't thats ok too.
learn how to brainstorm with other people well. brainstorming is more than just listening to someone's ideas, it's asking specific questions, and giving suggestions, getting excited not just hear about their story but to participate in the idea processes. if you're able to ask someone questions about thwir story and engage them they're be more likely to do the same to you.
my trick for writing big emotions is using nature (or natural disaster) analogies, or using the character ability to show the loss of control over their emotions. for example in White Noise, i used the storm outside to represent Juline's emotions building up on the outside, while also giving her more normal physical reaction.
honestly the abilities are a good tool to use to show emotion, if a character is experiencing a strong emotion have them lose a little control over their ability to show how strong their emotions are, this is especially effective when you normally have them keeping good control over their abilities.
if you have never written anything before, its gonna be crap at first its apart of learning anything, when you finally push past that phase and you can start to focus more on style and less on the fundamental parts of the story like of pacing or dialogue or description. thats how you know you're getting somewhere
ask. for. help. when i struggle with a scene or with pacing a ask a fellow writer friend for advice or suggestions, when i was just getting back into writing i struggled to write a kiss scene and asked like four different people for help. its ok to ask for help and its a good way to improve. i for one would love to get questions about writing and im sure other fic writers would too
you can actually control readers heart rates using this tip, that i saw on tumblr last year, i had already been using this trick as pacing tool and as a stylistic choice, but after i read that post i did it much intentionally

#i would share my favorite writing books be alas you can't share files on mobile#thanks for the ask!#writing tips
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I love your ocs! would you mind telling us a bit more about them? like what inspired you to create them and maybe even if you have a favorite... i don't see a lot of city ocs and yours sound really interesting! i do wonder what makes city ocs different from state ocs when it comes to fleshing them out... anyway, do your ocs have a relationship with hws germany or are they independent from him? oh, and if you could take one of your ocs with you on a deserted island which one would it be and why?
First of all, thank you soooo much for the ask. (✯ᴗ✯) I'm really touched that you say you love them ajdjdjdhshshsjs. Makes me happy when people also love what I create.
What inspired me to create them? Really a simple reason. I live in the area. And I've been having this really long, oddly specific AU(sort of a mix between human au and them being personifications) Hetalia roleplay with my best friend(who introduced me to Hetalia back then) and I was like "hey, they're making city ocs, so I'm gonna do the same!"
Lotte/Nuremberg exists since 2012. I started her off as a simple character who I just happened to ship with Arthur/England for some reason. I don't know 100% the reasoning I had back then, but I lived in Nuremberg and was obsessed with the city,it's cultural and historical impact to be honest.
When my friend and I decided to share more OCs, I made up Catha and Freddy around 2018 I think, as siblings because I really liked exploring sibling dynamics. Especially in trio situations, because I have two older sisters myself. (Freddy is low-key a self insert who just has entirely opposite interests,but the same fried ass brain.)
With fleshing them out, I read up a lot on the history and culture of these cities, having lived in both Erlangen and Nuremberg also made it easier to really get the sort of spirit these cities and therefore their personifications have. For example the rivalry between Nuremberg and Fürth stems from football,so they fight a lot about rhat. Erlangen is known for being a bike-friendly, open city, so Freddy is a very open minded guy who really likes riding his bike. And stuff like that. I dunno if that sounds stupid. But it makes sense to me.
I would say my favourite, because she's my first ever Hetalia OC and is kind of my ultimate baby is Lotte/Nuremberg.
With the relationship to Ludwig/Germany, I'm thinking, yeah they definitely are related in some way, but more closely linked to Bavaria. Depends on the interpretation of relationships since, if I recall correctly, Bavaria only appeared like, once.
Lotte/Nuremberg did have a lot of contact with him though, especially in the post-war years before the FRG/West Germany was even established as a country again, considering history. And depending on how you see the whole "Germany is HRE" theory (has that ever been confirmed? Haven't watched any canon media in ages.), Nuremberg also has significant importance in that era.
Who would I take a on a deserted island and why?
Probably Catha.
Has various reasons: She's a nurse, so if my clumsy ass gets hurt she can help me.
While I am really good at having ideas on how to do things,but can't really put them into action due to various health issues, she'd also be incredibly helpful in those ways.
Only issue would probably be how hot-headed she is and how sensitive I am ;_;
Thank you for listening to my rambles!
If you have any more questions,let me know!
#hetalia#franconian trio#hetalia oc#hetalia ocs#under the stars#aikdjdjdhshs im so glad i could talk about my babies
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I still haven't gotten around to answering the OC ask game with my own characters, but 1, 3, 11 and 26 for your main OCs you tagged!
Aaaa thank you so much for the ask!! I'm so excited to get to talk about my characters ehehe,, take all the time you need to reply to ask I sent you!
Alright, so! Elliot and Atri are from the same universe (an AU of The Owl House) and then Icarus and Rei are from the same universe (a comic I'm planning with my friend!!) so I'll do Elliot and Atri then Icarus and Rei :D I am going to try not to ramble too much but I know I will FDSF-- i'm gonna put it under the cut so that this post isn't absolutely horrible to scroll through SDFDSF
for anyone who wants to see the original ask game: https://www.tumblr.com/shhh-secret-time/746935360251133952/fuck-it-oc-brain-rot-won-get-ready-for-the?source=share
#1: I am SO happy that I get an excuse to talk about voice claims-- He kinda has multiple since I can picture his voice so clearly in my head so I can't find something that fits exactly, but one of the main ones is Hawks's English voice, since he's also voiced by Zeno! Elliot's a previous Golden Guard OC-- specifically the one that was Darius's mentor, so I thought that'd be interesting, since the voice sounds different enough that it's a unique voice, but still in a way where you can sometimes hear Hunter's voice in him (which is interesting for Darius). Another notable voice claim is Sun Wukong's English voice from Lego Monkie Kid (Sean Schemmel).
#3: OHHH MY GOSH. DO I HAVE SONGS FOR YOU. I have a huge playlist for him that's in story order, but I think the primary one that can describe his character is I Love You Too by Ezra Bell. My friend sent it to me one day and was like "hey this sounds like a lingualgold song" (his ship name with Atri) and I have been forever altered since. The song is beautiful and portions of it describe him really well. Basically every verse is like Atri talking about him, aside from the portion "They'll feel the things you can't access" until "and regret just what little you've done"-- that part is about Atri. But maaaan. That song is so good and it describes Elliot so well.
#11: I'm honestly not really sure! Elliot is definitely my comfort character and my favorite OC (as I'm sure is easy to tell from my rambles about him), but really the beginnings of his character was just wanting to make a mentor for Darius to mention to Hunter in this TOH AU and then things just blew up from there. I think the first thought for him though was that he was supposed to be very different than most of the grimwalkers, primarily in appearance, but also in the way that Belos can't easily replace him.
#26: I haven't put a bunch of flowers in his actual story, but there was actually a drawing I was going to do one point using flower symbolism, so I have a couple of flowers that represent him/his story! Anemone (Forsaken), Butterfly weed (let me go), Columbine (Foolishness), Coreopsis (Always cheerful), Coriander (Hidden worth/merit), Cyclamen (resignation, goodbye) :]
#1: This is oddly specific, but Viktor's voice when he's a kid from Arcane. He speaks like 4 words. But the voice is exactly how I picture Atri's sounding
#3: The main song I can think of is The Mute by Radical Face! It helped me get a kick start to developing their character in the beginning. It fits their childhood really well because they spent a lot of it non-verbal, and ended up finding someone who could understand them who also communicated in a different way, because she was deaf :].
#11: They don't have any big inspirations! As mentioned before, The Mute was a big jumping off point for writing their story, but other than that I don't really think there are any specific examples.
#26: There was also going to be a flower symbolism drawing for Atri, so I have some for them too! Belldonna (Silence), Borage (Bluntness, directness), White mum (Truth), Hibiscus (Gentle beauty), Hydrangea (Gratitude for being understood, frigidity and heartlessness).
1: Zuko from Avatar the Last Airbender! I like the sort of raspyness to the voice
3: This one is hard… i think I haven't been able to find a definitive song that describes him really well-- like one that I would be like "this is perfect."-- but the song Gnaw by Alex G fits pretty well! Another notable mention is The Same by Alex G which is a song for him and his twin brother, Aries!
11: Funnily enough, the comic originated from a "beta au" of my friend and I's characters! The story and characters are VERY far distant from the original content we started from though (mostly because we realized it could be a really sick comic, so we started to build it to be more original). So, the beginnings of Icarus were actually inspired by Elliot! Again, he's very very very far from Elliot now, but basically the beginning thought was "Elliot is extremely kind and a total pushover. What if we explored what it would be like if that kindness was broken." Ofc he's also far from Elliot because he's in a completely different situation than him, and all that stuff :]
26: I don't think I have any in mind for Icarus!
#1: Viktor from Arcane!
#3: AOUGHH OKAY SO. I'm going to give two songs (I'm like. a huge music person. love talking about it and all that so forgive me fDSF). Both of them are ones that are technically them and another person together, so there's portions of them both in there… but the first song is Rolling Girl by wowaka (but I really love the English cover by Lollia) and the other one is Dead Hearts by Stars. Aough. I love them so much
#11: As previously mentioned, this was originally a beta au-- and while Rei is technically based on Atri, Atri didn't even really have much of a character when the story was started. I love Rei so much though… I don't know if I could say exactly like that this is an inspiration but I love Barbara Kingsolver's work and I guess a sort of Rei's poeticism is rooted in that
#26: Asters! But that's only because of another character in the story who's named that. They also grow those in their garden :]
Thank you SO SO much again for the ask!! I had such a great time answering these questions!! I probably rambled a LOT more than I needed to but fDSFDS oh well :]
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Random Rambles
Note: I originally wrote this on June 17th and just stored it in my drafts to rot, but then I thought I might as well let the world hear me yapping, so here you go! There might be more to come in the near future.
TLDR: I talk about a lot of useless stuff, like my thoughts on productivity and art. Basically; being solely focused on productivity == not good, and art is fun again.
I have random strings of thought going on in my head and so I'm just gonna write and see where it takes me.
Thought 1 - Productivity:
I want to say that I haven't been a productive person these last few months, but that's not true. However, I feel like this "productiveness" that I've been doing isn't what a lot of "productivity-focused" people would consider productive. I've been seeing a lot of posts online about how to become more productive, or maximize the result by minimizing effort, hustle culture, etc... and idk if it's because I'm getting older or what (sure, I'm in my mid-20s, but mentally I'm 84), but to me this is so unbelievably un-maintainable. I get wanting to improve at stuff, but you'll burnout so fast and feel like shit after, I don't know why people go through that. Hell, that's how I felt with programming; it's super exciting to get started on it, but after months of going at it with very little breaks, it's hard to get back into it once you stop because you realize you don't like it as much as you did at the start, and that's fine. It doesn't mean you're a failure, it just means it's time for a break and to try something else. It feels like there's an expectation to have your identity tied to one thing only, but that's not right. Imagine how nice it is being able to do multiple things in different fields. You can switch your focus to work on something completely different while waiting to recharge. Sometimes it's better to take things nice and slow (if time permits, that is), and enjoy the process rather than the product. The problem is that that's not how the world works, and that sucks. At this point in time, it's a struggle to have a work-life balance for most careers, especially with the rise of hustle culture and gig jobs. And so I guess in my own way, I will continue to quietly rebel against that while I can and accept that it's ok not to be 100% "productive" and to spend time doing things I enjoy, even if it doesn't lead me anywhere in the long run. Ok, this is the end of this line of thought.
Thought 2 - Art:
Now, I want to talk a bit about art. I've recently been watching random videos on the art community and its drama, and oh god. Apparently the community in some apps is really bad, and I can't wrap my brain around why that is. For example, I heard that a lot of artists are discouraging and mocking new artists because of their lack of skill with regards to anatomy and style. I can't even comprehend why someone would do that...? At some point in everyone's life they're a beginner at something, and instead of helping them rise and being excited that someone wants to enter this new world, people put them down. It makes absolutely no sense. Before I started doing art for myself, I hated doing it and would only draw for class in elementary school. But after a teacher gave me an "A" in art class, I was so encouraged to continue because someone believed in me and thought I was good, and that feeling helped me enjoy art. And to think that instead of giving new artists these feelings people just shut them down, is so disheartening. How do you form a community if everyone rejects everyone else? I've been doing art for myself for 12 years now and have gone through long periods of no art, followed by some small bursts of inspiration, and the thing that I remember the most fondly is the friends I made and how excited I was for those specific people to see what I've created. And we'd all hype up each others' art, which motivated us to do more art, and it was the best positive feedback loop one could ask for. And now, things seem so separated and divided and discouraging.
But I'm not all doom and gloom here today. The reason what I said above is bothering me so much is because I've gotten a sudden burst of art inspiration this year, and even though I don't know what sparked it, I'm riding this wave out as long as I can, and I'm having such a good time! For the past 3 years I've been sketching in pen and hated it, but after spending 3 months doing pencil, I've gone back to pen and have fallen in love with it again. A lot of people say that drawing in pen improves your art because it forces you to think about what lines to draw and helps you draw faster, but I realized that those are the reasons why I wouldn't want to draw in pen. Instead, I've found that pen allows me to commit to my mistakes, and instead of being bummed about the sketch not looking perfect, I'm forced to continue and am encouraged to capture the overall vibe rather than the small, perfect, details. And you know what? I love that! Sure, I'll fill a whole page of ugly sketches, but when I'm flipping through my sketchbook and see those again, I don't think they're ugly at all. They convey an idea, and if I want to expand on it and make it pretty, I know that I can. As for the second point of drawing faster; like I said in Thought 1, I think it's better to take things slow and focus on enjoying the process instead of the result. I think it also stems from going against the productivity mindset and the whole short-attention span thing that we all apparently have, where instead of getting things done right away so you can move onto the next thing, you should just sit and focus on one thing at a time and get completely sucked into it. My last finished art piece took nearly 7 hours, and I might get back to it and change some things, but those 7 hours feel like they went by so fast because I was having so much fun! And I think that's the ultimate thing; are you having fun? Because if not, then why bother? And that can be applied to any hobby. I think that's why I'm not doing any coding projects at the moment, because I'm not having fun and I see it as a chore when it shouldn't be.
Thought 3 - Fanart and TV shows:
Now, a lot of my hobbies go through phases, where at most I'll be into 2 different hobbies at the same time. Luckily, hobby 1 (watching tv shows) is directly motivating hobby 2 (art) and I've got such a good cycle of working in my sketchbook because I'm obsessed with the show I'm watching (Money Heist) and drawing so much fanart. And as a side-note, I've only posted 2 digital pieces of fanart for the show and have refrained from looking up existing fanart (I'm avoiding spoilers like the plague), and I gotta say, it feels super isolating because I'm not sharing any of this with anyone, but it also feels really freeing? Like, I have no idea how other people draw the characters or what they like/dislike about the show. I feel like I'm a kid again without internet, just drawing what I want because I like it and the subject matter, not to just show other people. Sure, I already have a piece that I posted and want people to see, but again, I had so much fun working on it that attention to it is merely an afterthought and not the goal. Not only is that cool, but I'm also enjoying something without knowing what the general population thinks about it, and that's so freeing! There's no bias going into it because I haven't heard anything about it. Man...if you can't tell, I'm having such a good time. It's kinda making me want to abandon social media so that way I can experience a bunch of new stories without knowing anything about it beforehand. It's a shame I'm too addicted to scrolling...
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Oooh, look! Intro post!
Hello! Welcome to my blog. I typically refer to myself as Ms. Creator when talking about myself through characters on my ask blogs. However, please call me Velvet!
- I am a MINOR (I will not be specifying my age here anymore unless absolutely necessary).
- I identify as an Aegosexual and Aegoromantic. (Aego AroAce)
- I'm currently self diagnosing with Autism, however I am working on trying to get a professional diagnosis. Please be patient about the diagnosis. It tends to be difficult and expensive to get a proper diagnosis.
- My art typically consists of characters on plain white backgrounds, so please don't expect super high quality art here.
I rarely post, but my reblogs are usually based on if someone is interacting with me via post. However, you may eventually see me post for fandoms such as:
- Undertale (I have a Sans AU)
- The Heroic Six (OC x Canon stuff mostly)
- Five Nights With 39 (and maybe a bit of Impurity sprinkled in. I have an in-progress AU that I may make into ANOTHER ask blog. However, I'm not entirely sure yet and may abandon the AU if I somehow haven't already.)
- Danno Cal Drawings (more specifically along the Toon Turf and Shorts Wars sides, but I regularly keep up with his YT shorts and am interested in an ARG that's supposedly happening rn-)
- Sky: Children of The Light (Random screenshots from in-game that I wanna share.)
- Poppy Playtime (... Yeah this is prolly gonna stick to reblogs from my friend Nyx, I'm a coward lmao-)
- Friday Night Funkin' (I have an OC! Also I think Whitty is really cool-)
- Finding Frankie (I have an OC that's DEFINITELY not part of an AU where there's a rival company- *COUGH* Sable's Whimsical Wipeout)
- System Overload (PLEASE if anyone's out there, bro-)
Along with others I don't currently have motivation, ideas, or confidence to post about! Just because I don't post about something, doesn't mean I don't like it!
- @the-official-cubie-ask-blog Permanently closed.
- @an-unnamed-dead-iris-au Permanently closed.
- @the-abyss-distorted-mii New! Come take a look! ...please?
-Wanna request some art? Put a reply/reblog onto here!:
I don't do actual commissions. Any art I make is purely for fun. If you're financially struggling, please do not ask me for help. I cannot do anything.
My blog is a space away from the troubles of the world. I understand that people in other countries desperately need help, however...
Pronouns Page!:
#Ms. Creator's Rants n' Rambles
-A tag for when I just wanna talk, no art typically.
#Ms. Creator's OC Blurbs n' Facts
- Typically for asks related to OCs.
#Ms. Creator's QnA
- For asks that aren't as related to OCs or AUs but I wanted to answer!
#OC: The Maiden (aka Virus)
- A tag specifically made for things about my WDY inspired character, Maiden.
#TPC OC: Fake Iris
- A tag for my Fake Iris things.
- NSFW/Porn Blogs (Kink blogs, 18+ content blogs in general.)
- MAPs/Pedos (Or just anyone looking for a romantic/sexual relationship with me. I am not interested in anything more than platonic with people.)
- People who hate the LGBTQIA2S+ [too many phobes to list here] (whatever the correct term is now, please keep me updated)
I will update this over time, but that's all I'll say for now! Let me know if there's anything specific I should add here!
And now, a whole bunch of user boxes:

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So this is gonna be a bit of a "hear me out" moment, but I posted this specifically during the episode "Moral Decay" (again, stay with me here). I'm sure I can point to other examples, and maybe I will someday, but for now I might as well point out what inspired me to say this.
If you haven't seen PPG in a while or don't know the show, "Moral Decay" is an episode with arguably some preeeeeetty bad character writing in the episode as a whole (especially for Buttercup, and that's another rant), but there are still things about it I do like.
What inspired this comment was the very beginning of the episode. You see, when you have a cast of multiple main characters, you want to make sure that they're very distinct from one another. After all, if three characters are sharing the spotlight and two of them are incredibly similar to one another, then This is something that Powerpuff Girls absolutely SHINES at, especially visually, but for the sake of this ramble, through the character writing.
Now how do you set characters apart from a writing perspective? You put them up against the same situation and see what they do and how they feel.
Which brings us to Moral Decay (which you can watch here, courtesy of CN uploading the episodes on YT)
The episode starts with the girls cleaning the house. And the first lines of dialogue set up the way everyone's reaction to this (a little bit of telling rather than showing, but between the pulpiness of PPG and the quicker pacing, it's forgivable)
Buttercup really doesn't like cleaning and is grumpy for most of it, Bubbles is doing the cleaning because she legitimately thinks it's fun, and Blossom is happy to get the work done, but very much has her eyes on the prize, since the Professor promised a surprise if they clean the house up. Blossom's motivations are even reinforced when they do bring the Professor up and Blossom drops like 80 hints.
I dunno, it was really simple and basic character writing, but it really did it for me (even if the rest of the episode didn't)
Man, Powerpuff Girls really has some of the best character writing
#i love breaking stuff down like this#like i did with the portal level#maybe ill do more of these later
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Hello! I just wanted to thank you so much for writing the fics that you do. Not only are they great and super interesting, but they’re also really motivating as a writer for the Byler pairing specifically. The Stranger Things fandom has been the most pc and squeamish about fics that I’ve ever seen and I’m honestly afraid to post anything mature or explicit on AO3 because of it. I understand certain concerns, but at the end of the day, the characters are fictional.
Your bravery is seriously so inspiring! I admire it so much and I love that you promote your mature fics on Tumblr too. I’ve seen the hate sent your way and the outrage. It’s ridiculous and you don’t deserve any of that. Just idk. I love your writing, thick-skin, and passion to just do what you want despite what people think. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! ❤️
Oh my! :O
Thank you very, very much for your kind words. I feel really honored. Honestly, I'm only trying to write the stories that I would like to read. And it appears that I'm more inclined toward more extreme storylines than most...
Writing and publishing for this fandom is a challenge. I don't wanna sound like a broken record, but I started writing fanfiction in 2003 for Harry Potter then Lord of the Rings and NEVER have I had half the issues I'm having with the Stranger Things fandom. The lack of nuance, the impossibility to differentiate reality from fiction, the global Puritanism, their obsession with "children"... I never thought this was something that could actually exist in a fanfiction fandom. And it actually tells more about the kids of that time period than the stories in themselves.
And the first time I got hate because I mentioned Byler smut, it really came as a shock. Then the all MoA stuff happened and I was, yeah... really shocked by such... inability to read something with different degrees of nuance. I mean, if we strictly abode by the strange rules of this fandom, there would be no Vampire Chronicles, no Game of Thrones, no Twilight, no Buffy the Vampire Slayer, no American Beauty.... and the list goes on and on and on.
So yeah, I'm trying to stay afloat. But I'm not gonna lie, whenever I publish something a bit "risky", I'm afraid. I was hesitant to post the story "Let me be" and the second chapter of that story. And I was super hesitant to continue MoA and the relationship between Will and Nate. And if I am to continue that story the way it is naturally intended, readers in this fandom are gonna freak out... But I'm still gonna write it the way it was intended to be written, adding childish disclaimers if I must.
Now, I do have limits. I'm strictly against writing about the actors for example and all the stories Finn/you, Steve/you, Finn/Millie, Finn/Noah freak the Hell out of me. But I really want to write realistic stories about fictional characters, no matter if it's politically correct or not.
Anyway, sorry for my rambling. Your message really touches me. Be assured that I will never stop writing stories that I want to read and those stories will most always go against the tide. Always been.
Take care, Ely.
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