#gonna hire a ghost writer
scrollonso · 5 months
"when r u gonna write the next part of first kiss?"
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pommunist · 6 months
This is mostly gonna be just a rant but it just baffles me how everything Qstudios has done since the beginning of the admins situation is a terrible pr move. So yeah this is just gonna talk how, even if you forget the immoral and potential illegal stuff that went on, I don’t think their strategy is doing any good for the studio’s image.
-Going radio silent publicly and privately : Kinda the original sin of all this mess tbh. This obviously just leaves the space for the ex admins to share their stories, even more so since they have been ignored privately beforehand when they tried to handle things internally. This also allowed for the union to publicly intervene and more ccs talking about it, and actual news article being made on it.
-Leaving the server open : Tbh I get wanting to leave it open, maybe to allow minecraft centered ccs to still make content or maybe because it’d be weird to close it right after new people got in but also I think it would have be better to close it temporarily while they focus on the changes they promised rather than having it getting deserted little by little until it feels like a ghost town. This + also not a good look to have so many npcs online when Q said there would be none until things get better (The current npcs are likely non volunteers, once again not a bad or illegal thing per say but not a good look). Closing it would also have made it so that the reopening would have been a big and probably positive event.
-Welcoming new ccs/new languages : This might just be because of scheduling necessities or whatever and something they couldn’t do later but it still made the community go :/// to get new people while on the flip side you had parts of the fandom leaving because of what was happening. Also not great for the new arrivals to start in such a weird climate, without admins help and with few people online on the server.
-Releasing merch at the worst time possible : This might have been something they couldn’t change, just like the arrival of the Koreans/Hugo, but it still isn’t a good look for them to release egg merch after it came out that some of the egg admins were poorly treated, especially when they haven’t stated clearly that benefits from the merch would go towards paying staff. It’s also not a good look for them to release new discounts every day, barely ten days after release. (Also the Qstudios Twt account retweeting every egg figures announcement except for Pomme will never not make me laugh)
-Making the twitter updates accounts active again : Yes it may just be that they’re using a bot or that it’s the people who are in charge of the Qstudios twitter account posting on it, both of which are not wrong per say. But of course people are gonna wonder if it’s new people being hired, of course speculation will happen when there’s a lack of transparency, of course ex admins are gonna be upset when it seems like things are continuing as if nothing happened, when they were fired without a warning, a thanks or even a sorry.
And now we have the two points that are kinda in a « you fucked up so bad it’s almost funny and I almost feel bad for you guys » category
-« Hey guys out of all the people we exploited and treated poorly you know which ones we’re gonna make eat dirt the most ? Hell yeah the ones that are from a part of the world who literally have a whole cliche about them complaining and rioting for anything and everything. Also happen to be the same ones whose community we alienated for months by sidelining them. Also happen to be a community who, during this time, has grown quite close to our most active community (who are themselves quite mad at us by now) to the point that they are making memes about the two of them being in love with each other. Yeah surely this can only go well »
-« Oh no, people actually really care » : QSMP Fans in general just loved and appreciated all the work the admins did, whether they were twitter admins, builders, actors, writers… This is even more true since the situation also revealed that some admins things people have been most critical on (lore being weirdly interrupted, french being ignored…) were not these admins fault. And of course, you have the eggs admins case. How do you make viewers and ccs alike get SO attached to these kid characters, as if it was their children, while mistreating the people playing them and not expect this to blow up in your face at some point. It’s like you managed to catch lightning in a bottle and then left it to rot thinking this wouldn’t end up badly. Weirdly this one makes me kinda hopeful bc Qstudios kinda HAVE to fix it or else they lose on of their main selling points.
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yakkety-yak-art · 3 months
Saw the ghost movie that I was really excited about. Was disappointing. Ultimately it was just really…okay or downright bad in the parts that weren’t concert footage. More specific comments below the cut because spoilers, I guess, but there’s really nothing that happens in this movie that matters enough to count as a spoiler.
First, if this had just been concert footage, it would have been much more enjoyable. The movie parts were not at all interesting and each cutaway made it drag on and on. I hadn’t slept well the night before the showing, so the movie itself wasn’t the reason I was dozing off at some parts…but it also wasn’t helping keep me AWAKE outside of the concert footage. No complaints about that footage (mostly, but I’ll get back to it later).
Story: whoops, Tobias Forge can’t write! Sorry, that’s a bit mean, but…I paid money to watch this, so I’ll be a little bit mean. Seriously, this thing needed at least a couple more passes with the script. Every. single. conversation. as repeating what was already brought up in the OPENING voiceover: Cardi doesn’t wanna die, doesn’t wanna stop fronting for Ghost, but everything ends eventually. Yes, we GET IT. We do not need several scenes of Cardi with his parents saying it over and over again with no additional information added to understand that. After the opening VO, we could’ve just had one scene of Cardi looking a bit forlornly at himself in the mirror, and then Sister Imperator happily telling him that “things are going to be changing in the clergy soon!” or something like that and he looks unhappy.
That’s what I thought we were getting at first, but then it just. Kept happening??? Like oh my god Tobias, I get it, Cardi doesn’t want this to end, I KNOW. The quality of the writing suggests that Tobias is one of three things: incompetent at writing anything longer than a short (maybe, but the other two are a bit more likely), had no real story to tell and this could’ve been one of the shorts so he had to pad it out to an insufferable length (definitely), or so full of himself that he thought “eh, I don’t actually have anything to say, but this way I’ll get to be on screen the whole time and the only writer credited,” (probable). It’s just so offensive considering I know there were so many resources available to make this GOOD: more time, writing assistance or hiring a real writer, etc. and yet they were not taken advantage of. If this was something just put up on YouTube I really couldn't care less about the quality, but if you're charging money for this AND are as big as Ghost is, you can't expect to slide by with mediocrity. Except he will, because apparently everyone else loved this thing. Okay. Also, the humor overall just fell super flat. There were several moments where I was like, "wait, was that a joke? was I meant to laugh there?" because they were just nothing. Also, there was a fart joke. Okay.
Acting: sorry, I’m going to be mean again. The acting in the movie parts was very. Hit or miss is what I’m gonna call it. The voice acting in the voiceovers at the beginning and the end were oddly rushed in several places? They weren’t placing words in very natural ways and it just felt like they needed to do another take for some of the lines. It’s especially noticeable in the beginning voiceover because in most of it he’s speaking at a slower pace and it’s perfect and sounds great, but then he just…speeds up sometimes? And it doesn’t feel intentional and isn’t in places that make it feel like it makes sense to speed up for dramatic effect. In Sister Imp’s voiceover at the end, she is also just speeding through it and it’s incredibly awkward, because in a lot of places it’s noticeably faster than she’s speaking in her other scenes. Like, guys, you know you can shoot more footage right??? You can put some b roll in??? You don’t have to squeeze the whole speech into the shorter shot you have if it’s going to compromise the actor’s delivery.
Tobias' acting was passable for the whole thing, though that might be partially because he's not acting with his face as much as the others, so it's less noticeable when something isn't quite working. Sister Imp did a fine job for the most part, excluding her VO and some awkwardness (and no, not intentional awkwardness) in a couple scenes with Papa Nihil. Papa was also fine; nothing to write home about but nothing terrible stood out to me. Most of the issues probably came from the special effects on him to make him ghostly, which I'm presuming involved him being on a green screen or something (I have no clue. Idk anything about making effects lmao.) I'm NOT going to really review the acting of the stagehands because that's not their main job and they already had a lot of work to do, but it wasn't so bad as to take anything away from the scenes they're in. Basically, the acting overall was okay, but not great, and it adds to how much the scenes drag on for sure.
Tiny section about the animated Mary On A Cross segment: I'm not gonna comment on the bad animation, because it's on purpose and emulating old Hanna-Barbera cartoons. My issue is that it makes zero sense and goes nowhere. Nihil chases Sister Imp around for a while looking forlorn and sad and desperate, and she runs away/beats him up while looking pissed off until they come across a graveyard and she pulls him into a kiss. Then it cuts to Nihil naked in a hotel room in the morning while she storms off angrily....okay? And? What changed her mind? Why is she still angry in the morning? Why does this matter at all? Knowing that Papa IV was the product of a one night stand is a footnote if this is all we get from it. Just weird, and didn't fit the song IMO.
Editing: super frantic and distracting in places, particularly the fast cuts in the concert footage. It's just a lot and can be disorienting. Nothing is really allowed to sit on screen for very long (which is related to another point...) but at the same time, some of the movie shots just linger for no reason. They're just awkward and clunky and repetitive. Some people disliked the crowd shots, but I thought they were fun and cute and used sparingly enough. Shout out to the dude in the nun costume!
Weird lack of concert footage: what they chose to keep and what to cut was just confusing. Most of the footage was just Tobias singing, short shots of the Ghouls rocking out, and crowd footage. Almost none of the Ghoul antics that they're known for, unless Tobias was also in shot and involved. Whenever he went backstage and a Ghoul took the spotlight (I'm sorry, I can never remember who is who, but it was usually White Guitar Ghoul if I recall correctly), it cut to a story moment which, again, were boring, repetitive, and told us nothing. It just felt disrespectful to cut out so much of the Ghouls and their performances, especially because the crowd and the fans love them a lot. They add so much to Ghost's live shows and, in my opinion, are more important to Ghost than Tobias. I don't care if that's a "controversial" Ghost opinion to have, but it really is true. I think anyone could be any of the Papas. But the Ghouls, even when they get changed out, are always so talented, so energetic, so passionate, and make Ghost what it is in a live setting. They were also missing from all but one movie scene, where one of them asks if they're doing an encore, and for a second I thought the line had been spoken by one of the stagehands. That's it.
(Okay, there's also there in the scene where Sister Imp dies, but they're just standing there.)
I can't speak for if the Ghouls themselves felt a bit sidelined or disrespected by this. I can't say for certain if they even wanted a bigger presence outside of the concert footage. But I can definitely say that, from a fan perspective, the lack of the Ghouls compared to how OFTEN Tobias is on screen, backstage, doing NOTHING when we could be watching the Ghouls was GLARINGLY obvious. It felt weird and it felt uneven. I started getting really irritated by about the third time it cut backstage when I could be watching the Ghouls! It just led to the whole thing feeling super vain and self-important considering Tobias wrote the film to be this way. Some people have defended this by saying, "well, they're the Nameless Ghouls!" but that's bullshit. They're part of Ghost canon too, so why don't we get anything from them? We can't even see a little bit about how they might be feeling regarding a Clergy mix up? Whether they care about the current Papa, or anything like that? Involving them would feel so much more interesting than just another Papa, but this one wants to KEEP singing!! Again, maybe the Ghouls didn't want to be more involved...but it felt off.
I've never seen Ghost live, so I had no frame of reference for how much was cut from the concert footage aside from the lack of Ghoul antics, which is what they're known for, but apparently several people who were at the concerts filmed for this noticed a ton of footage that was cut (again, mostly Ghouls) that they thought would have been more fun to see compared to so many backstage shots. And yet we got the sequence of him in a boxing outfit, walking through the crowd, which ended with...nothing? He just...does that? Waste of time. (AND YES, I KNOW that it is a reference. That doesn't make it good. It didn't need to be there. Replace it with something relevant.) It just exemplifies how much time is wasted in this movie.
Special effects: oh my god did anyone even look at this movie before sending it out Jesus Christ. The special effects are so bad I was genuinely shocked. When Papa IV and Papa Nihil are talking while IV is in a box (for some reason?? I actually don't know why) Nihil is weirdly sized and not lined up properly. It was odd. The greenscreen was so godawful I was honestly amazed. It's YouTuber comedy sketch levels of greenscreen quality. What the fuck? Especially compared to the amazing performance and how much work is put into their live shows, the horrid effects stood out starkly. Another comment on Nihil: his face is hard to see in some scenes. His ghostly effects make his features kind of blur together sometimes, and sometimes it doesn't, so it clearly wasn't intentional. Just another odd thing. The effect of him getting sucked into his body for his sax performance was very, very bad. I know you had the option to put more time and/or money into the effects, Tobias. Why did you not. What is your problem. Why the fuck would you put out a product of this quality for money and act like it's okay, especially considering the fact that this was marketed as a lore-heavy MOVIE and not just a concert film? If this was a smaller production I would not rag on the effects, but I know for a fact that Tobias has the resources for this to be better, and he chose to not use them. Honestly, it feels disrespectful.
That's the crux of my issues with this movie, really. It was teased as a real movie with real lore and serious effects on the canon of Ghost, and it was none of those things. The lore amounted to Sister Imp dying, which means nothing, because ghosts, and Cardi becoming Frater Imperator at the very end and then the movie ending. It's NOTHING. There's also an end credit scene apparently, which I did not stay to view, because I didn't care and I had been sitting for long enough. Basically, there are ghosts (including Sister Imp, obvi) and then another cliffhanger about meeting the new Papa, and an implication that Cardi has a twin who might be the new Papa. People are freaking out about this possibility. I have no idea why. It really doesn't seem like a big deal at this point when all the Papas have a crazy family situation. A secret twin doesn't even feel like a twist, and it's certainly not enough to count as an addition to the lore when it hasn't even been confirmed. At the risk of sounding rude, fellow Ghost fans, raise your standards. You deserve better.
And that's the crux of my issues with this whole thing. It's mediocre, it's boring, it's absolutely nothing outside of some fun concert footage, and yet it was billed as a must-see film and cost real, actual money to view. If they had been honest about it being a concert movie, I'd have been fine with that! I think they're fun, especially for those of us who can't go to live shows. But we were told it would be more than that, and it wasn't. It feels disrespectful, like Tobias knew he could just put out some slop and people would be okay with it, and it feels even worse because in a way, he was right. Tons of Ghost fans loved this movie, but the more positive reviews I see, the clearer it becomes that they just loved the chance to see the concerts, and love Ghost. Loving Ghost didn't make me love this movie. It just made me disappointed and sad. We could have gotten a great film, but we got something that was low effort because it's obvious that you can take advantage of the fans of something by throwing them crumbs and dressing it up to seem nicer than it is.
I appreciate that individual people on this production put tons of effort into this; the crew, the actors (excluding Tobias) who were clearly doing their best with what they had, and yes, I'm sure even the effects people did what they could with what they had. But all of the parts that were clearly Tobias' call were not high enough quality to be in a movie.
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thegameartist03 · 5 months
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@cryptidcaper I'd love to talk about them! This is gonna be a pretty long post, so I put in a couple tl;dr's for those who just want to get the gist of it.
I have no idea what to call this, so I'll keep running with it being a Phantom of the Paradise au. There are some changes to the themes and content of the original story based on what I felt comfortable writing about and discussing, but everything else is pretty much intact. If you have any questions, suggestions, or comments, feel free to throw them my way! I'll be happy to talk more about it.
(overall tl;dr: the au is set in the 2020s, the supernatural is part of everyday life, Swan is the head of media conglomerate Death Studios and working for an Entity known as Sparrow to collect souls, zombies and ghosts make for cheap labor, Winslow is trying to get his stage production of Faust seen, Phoenix has a YouTube channel for explaining the paranormal and wants her own show, Beef is a writer, actor, and director who gets an arguably worse fate than the movie, Swan took the band name Undeads too literally and now the Juicy Fruits are trapped working for him forever, Philbin is a stone construct disguised as a human)
A little context about the world to start. (tl;dr, it's the 2020s, paranormal beings like zombies exist and are well known but not talked about, Swan made a deal with a powerful Entity called Sparrow to stay young forever and collects souls for Sparrow in exchange, now Swan is head of the Death Studios media conglomerate, he's incredibly influential and successful, meanwhile he's using contracts to exploit and control his workforce which benefits both him and Sparrow, most workers are Undead or constructs because their labor is cheaper.)
This version of the story is set in the 2020s (partly because I didn't want to do a ton of research on the 70s, partly because I thought it'd be funny if Winslow started dissing Swan on twitter). The supernatural is very present and well known by people but not often acknowledged. Ghosts and zombies exist, spirits can decide to help your houseplants grow or give you bad luck, hand-carved constructs are used for jobs that would be too dangerous for humans, and fae-like beings known as Entities walk the lines between worlds and lure people into contracts to increase their power. Talking about these paranormal parts of the world is taboo for most so there's a lot of fear and misunderstanding surrounding them. It's also kept hush-hush by certain people who rely on the supernatural to profit.
Swan is one of these people. In the 50s, an Entity known as Sparrow approached him at his lowest and convinced him to sign a contract. In exchange for eternal youth and power, Swan would collect more souls for Sparrow. Swan has been largely successful with this through his company Death Studios (upgraded from Death Records) and has expanded from the music industry into general entertainment. He now directs a media conglomerate and makes use of social media to promote his definitely not stolen or exploited productions. Think Mr. Beast meets Disney meets Netflix. He's wildly popular, and partly due to the influence and power granted by Sparrow, almost no one questions how he's still so young and successful and those who do ask questions are quickly silenced. Every artist, writer, actor, singer, musician, producer, etc dreams of one day working for Swan.
Behind the scenes, Swan uses his sweeping control of the entertainment industry to hire fresh faces, sign them onto exploitative contracts, and then drain them of all they're worth. This benefits both him and Sparrow. And, if someone tries to leave or raise the alarm, they simply have a little 'accident' and are brought back as an Undead who can be exploited even more and paid even less. The majority of Swan's employees are actually Undead who have been trapped by their contracts and unable to move on as long as Swan finds them useful.
With that lengthy explanation over, onto the characters!
Winslow Leach is about the same, he's a composer and writer who's been working on a musical stage production of Faust for most of his life. He's not well known and dreams that his work will one day be seen by the world. He has a knack for getting into places he shouldn't be, he's bad with computers and writes most things out by hand, and at this point he's naive and almost blindly optimistic. I'm also giving him The Tism and reclaiming those vibes from the movie because Projection and Yes.
Phoenix never got into singing, though her voice is still terrific. Instead, she's a paranormal investigator and has her own small YouTube channel talking about the supernatural and its presence in their world. She's not as afraid of the unnatural as most people are, and she hopes that exposing these things that people try to sweep under the rug will help them understand the paranormal better and be less afraid of it. She dreams of having her own show one day with the budget to do proper explorations of lesser-known paranormal sites and beings. She's determined to reach this goal to the point of recklessness and risking her own safety, especially since some of these beings can be incredibly dangerous. She's waiting for her shot to get out of her dead end job and chase her goals, and she's not letting anything get in the way.
Swan is Swan, the only big difference is he has a bit more obvious supernatural-ness to him. His Entity-given power relies on perception, making people perceive him however he wants them to. He can extend this power to others and disguise his more inhuman staff so they blend in with the natural world. He plans to open a new major studio location/online streaming service called Paradise+ and is looking for the right content to do it. He's also on TikTok, which is horrifying enough.
Beef! He's a professional actor and writer who's directed and taken part in plenty of stage productions and films in his time. He's also a guitarist, which doesn't come into play in his work as often as he'd like. He suffers the same fate as he does in the movie, but that's far from the end of his story.
The Juicy Fruits are Swan's swiss army knife of an entertainment group, and of course they've all signed contracts with him. Whatever the trends are, the Juicy Fruits will adapt to them. They've gone from songs to gaming to children's entertainment. At one point, the group decided they wanted to move on from Death Studios and tried to exit their contract. Unfortunately, there was an 'accident' during one of the rehearsals, and now they're permanently trapped under Swan's thumb unable to escape or reenter society. The 'accident' also affected their looks, so when they perform they're either animated with motion capture or disguised by Swan or heavy makeup and prosthetics to hide the fact they are no longer alive.
Sometime in the 60s, Swan purchased an older property that included a number of stone gargoyles. In need of some body guards that wouldn't ask questions and weren't as fragile as the usual human grunts, he had them removed from the building and then brought them to life. Thus, Philbin was created. He's Swan's right hand man and does all the dirty work. He doesn't have much to complain about; Swan gave him a disguise so he can appear as human, he gets paid enough and treated better than most of the other employees, and he's got relative freedom in his job. Most contracts are signed through Philbin on behalf of Swan.
This is already really long, so I'll go in depth about the plot in a separate post. But, to give a short summary, the plot of the movie still happens (with a few twists and a different ending), and then the characters go through a few arcs trying to figure themselves out and how to escape Swan's influence. Winslow in particular struggles with his identity and who and what he is after getting Phantom'd. There's laughs to be had, horrors to be witnessed, and not everyone is going to be making it out alive (or un-alive). As a final note, if anyone has any ideas for what this should be called, lmk!
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dangopango00 · 8 months
Legato x gn reader
It was pretty rude of me to just randomly put an au fic without explanation so heres the explanation bye still self indulgent; always will be i fear
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more utc
- OK FIRST ABOUT HIM. He works for knives still but in this au his job is to cause vash suffering by 😭😭… outselling him??? Ridonkulous ik but go with it
- Knives wants him to outsell vash so vash realizes that art and human creativity is obsolete and instead help him run his tech/AI company that also focuses on helping global warming (humans suck they should die. robots go!)
- Hes apart of a band to rival Vash’s and ofc its the Gung Ho Guns; he hired them to play for him
- Tbh i think their genre isnt set in stone bc theyre purely doing this to outsell vash so I think theyd keep the core of it rock or indie but it has a lot of shifting gears, doing wtv gets the most traction
- Legato is the bassist but he knows keyboard if their keyboardist is absent
- I think legato writes most of the songs himself (to impress knives ofc this is still HIS mission afterall) and gets a lil sad and defensive if it flops LMFAO even if its just his first album; considering how Knives talked down on music Legato thought it’d be somewhat easy
- It DEFINITELY took him a while to write things that had some semblance of humanity in it tbh he had to have either another less emotionally stunted member write it or a ghost writer but he did still practice writing in his spare time since he had nothing better to do
- NOW ABOUT YALL. Ur roommates in a college dorm; if it were up to him he’d have an apartment but knives wanted him to keep an eye on vash and vash lives on campus
- He only has like one or two official rules as roommates but if ur pissing him off with sth thats not on the list he WILL let u lnow LOL
- The only rules established off rip are:
2. Do not touch him (no tolerance rule if u touch him without permission he WILL be out of there asap even if its a lot of trouble and will probably even idk push u or sth ignore u forever, hope and pray on ur downfall idk its hard to translate his violent tendencies to modern society without getting him arrested ok)
- You often eat together when he isnt busy tbh usually in silence but its ok its comfortable silence (to him at least)
- Ok im gonna try to say this in the least creepy way possible but like. He likes to observe you for inspiration HEAR ME OUT. Just seeing u go about ur day and since hes always in first person POV seeing someone else just… live gives him immense inspiration on what to write
- He also gets inspo from other artists and heres where u come in hehe. You are a solo artist who doesn’t show your face and your speaking voice is pretty much completely different from ur singing voice (Not like insanely different but if you heard the two separately you wouldnt really connect the dots unless ur one of those people who connect voices easily + depending on ur genre u could be using a completely different tone of voice than usual)
- Your genre is a little similar to Legato’s in the fact that although you keep your core component (Love theme IMO but hey i dont make the rules yes i doo) you change around the other moving parts such as the instruments or wtv so he listens to your music often though he never really thought it would be you; just never really thought about the possibility
- Im not gonna say hes like obsessed with your artist persona or anything but he does (as much as he would rather khs than admit it since according to Knives music is the bane of this world) greatly enjoy your music and often finds himself getting your songs stuck in his head
- Hes def a gatekeeper i mean this is the guy who can name every song in ur discography (Not saying much though since you dont post too often)
- ANYWAY u have no idea this is going on since hes prone to just listening to music in his headphones rather than showing you or blasting it for the world to hear so ur relationship is developing as normal roommates
- You often get him stuff from the college snack shack and in return he often gives u whatever he doesnt want from the dining hall (that sounds crappy but its usually good stuff like ur fave fruit or cheese and crackers or sth)
- After u become a bit closer going on trips together becomes common not like vacation but like a little drive to a department store or him taking you with him to practice/performances
- SPEAKING OF PRACTICE U work part time at a coffee shop and it has a practice room which is where he usually brings his band it sounds random but I’ve encountered a coffee place like this before ok
- Killing two birds with one stone, he gets to see you on his way in and out and he gets a quiet place to practice + Vash often brings his band here too so ig killing two birds and one afterthought with one stone
- Other GHGs (NOT greenhouse gasses. Gung ho guns) think that ur another one of his groupies probably 💀 he def has tons i fear
- He def writes songs about you or rather than about you, references how u make him feel but he is in denial and thinks feelings are embarrassing so hes just like no they just gave me inspiration
- Its ok though the only one he has to justify himself to is himself bc hes like. The only one who knows its about u since his songs are never rlly about romance and in the rare cases that they are its very subtle
- When, if ever, he feels ready for touch he frames it like hes doing u a favor lmao “I will allow you to (blank)” he is tbh
Random Misc:
- Hes majoring in Ecology or Conservation Biology prob minoring in sth like computer science (his entire life surrounds Knives what did u expect)
- Sleeps in his daytime clothes and ur always like ???? Esp bc he wears jeans often… U two went to the department store one time and u convinced him to let u buy him pajamas so he could wash the day clothes overnight
- Hes a big ass fan of vinyls and cds and just physical ways of owning things like music or games but wont admit to himself he likes it its just for the aesthetic ok even though he has a record and cd player
- Wants to cut ur hair and feels like its one of the most intimate things u could do without having to touch too much (forever subscribed to knives cut his hair hc)
- If u have a lot of accessories and generally just a lot of stuff he gets annoyed if it isnt properly organized and will organize it for u wnv hes having writers block
- If ur an artist he has u make his merch designs n stuff 😍😍 he pays very generously he rlly dgaf abt money tbh + Knives sponsoring him
A/N: irrelevant but idk whether to imagine him as tristamp or trigun design like both are so good but Ok im done yapping ty
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Number 5 with a Bullet - May
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read on AO3 | tumblr masterpost
older!rockstar!Eddie Munson x Reader/unnamed OC a multimedia diary fic
An unnamed diary writer working at a record label meets retired rockstar Eddie Munson when he's hired as the producer for an upcoming band's first album. Despite the 20+ year age gap and Eddie's checkered past, the chemistry between them is instant and they fall for each other alarmingly fast. But their budding romance can't stay private forever. Will she be able to handle the pressure of being a rockstar's girlfriend? Can multiple-divorcé Eddie finally make a relationship last? And what will the record company, the tabloids, and Eddie's semi-estranged adult children have to say about it?
general contents/warnings for this fic: angst, fluff, smut (MDNI), 20+ year age gap, past substance abuse issues, past sex work, multiple kinks no specific warnings for these entries
810 words
@rebel-blue @wolvesandvampires @toxicanonymity @hersweetrevenge @cordelium dm me or reply to this post to be added to my tag list 💕
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transcript below the cut
20 May
Work has been so fucking boring lately. Festival season is in full swing and all the bands being out on the road means nobody is in the studio. I have a dull couple of months ahead of me. Most of the year it’s extremely fun, but studio manager summers suck. 
And this is my fifth one! Fuck, I’ve been doing this a long time. Might be at the point where I should start angling for a promotion or something. I’ll bring it up to Rina. She’s climbed almost all the way to the top of the ladder – they announced a couple weeks ago she’s going to be the new director of A+R. I’m not sure what my options for moving up really are, but I know if Rina’s director she’ll have my back.
Seems like pretty much any job title would get me more interesting summers than this. Most of my coworkers and most of my non-work friends are gone somewhere doing something. A lot of them are on tour too, playing or managing or doing lights. The ones that aren’t are renting a beach house or living in Europe for a few months. The label offices are a ghost town and so is my calendar. 
Maybe I’ll use some of my vacation time, take advantage of my connections to actually go to a festival for once. I already missed Coachella but that doesn’t bother me at all, that’s not the kind of festival I want. I think I’ll look for something much smaller, more curated, more niche, and NOT in California. A little east coast trip sounds so nice.
22 May
I didn’t even get a chance to look for a small east coast fest before I decided I’m staying home this summer. The best email I’ve ever gotten in my entire fucking life was waiting for me when I got back from lunch. 
There’s the band, Apologetic Weapons. I’m friends with the members, especially the bassist, Nicky (we went on one date – no spark but we’ve been buddies ever since). I’ve been going to their shows since their second or third gig. I remember the first night I saw them, getting in my car and opening my work email immediately. Rina had been on the discovery team for a while by then and I was like keep an eye on these guys. All they had at the time was an instagram with ONE post. 
Then last year they did a self-release that was so fucking good. I sent that to Rina too, and she said they were already negotiating a deal. I fucking called it! I couldn’t be happier for them, they’re gonna be fucking huge. The email was a request to book them studio time. 
It’s so dope, it’s my first time working with a band I've followed since the beginning! But that’s not even all of it…
Holy shit!!!!! When I read the email my jaw was on the fucking floor. 
Corroded Coffin is like, everything to me. They were my first favorite band, Mom used to play them in the car for me all the time. I got sent home to change in school so many times for my collection of “inappropriate” CC t-shirts. I fucking cried when Eddie announced that he was retiring because I only got to see them twice 🙁 But I heard these rumors that he got his GED and went to college for audio engineering. Can you imagine sitting in a fucking college lecture and THE Eddie Munson asks to borrow a pen?? Anyway, I guess this means the rumors are true! 
I respect that a lot. He’s been a megastar for like, 30 some odd years and plenty of other artists get into production with no formal training or anything, but he still put in the work. He seems like a pretty decent guy, unlike some of his peers. It’s such a low bar to just like, not hit your wife, not fuck around with underage girls, and not say stupid shit about minorities, but these old fuckers keep tripping over it anyway. Not Eddie tho. He’s far from perfect – substance abuse, arrests, car accidents, four ex-wives, all those pictures and videos that leaked – but he’s been out of the headlines for years, and I’ve never heard any industry people say anything bad about him. 
And the man himself is aging like a fine wine. He’s always been stupidly beautiful, but in recent pictures his iconic hair is salt and pepper, and he’s got these deep crows feet and lines on his forehead. Somehow it all works to make him even hotter. I can’t believe I get to meet him and work adjacent to him. This summer is actually gonna be so fun.
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mikunology · 2 years
ok I’m gonna take the likes on that post I made as a yes so
a few of my other ideas for Vocal Android episode plots under the cut! reminder that these are only ideas, I’m not a master writer or anything-
there’s actually more than this but I wanted to put stuff where I’m actually like “ok this could be a solid premise”
“Hate It! Hate It! Huge Ego!” - Una gets jealous of Miku, Rin and Len getting asked by the Event Committee to headline the school sports festival, leading her to attract a Module that turns her into a monster.
“Turkish March -It’s Over- \(^o^)/” - Miku gets serious nerves when the group has to perform a concert for a very influential classical musician.
“A Song of Wastelands, Forests, and Magic” - After a few weeks of having no free time because of crimefighting, Miku becomes determined to make the class trip to the mountains a relaxing one, come hell or high water.
“ONLINE GAME ADDICTS SPRECHCHOR” - Rin, Len and Miku gets hooked on a new VR MMORPG game that’s hit the market, but they end up having to go inside the game itself when a mysterious virus starts holding players hostage inside the game.
“Panda Hero” - When Gumi’s school softball team starts falling behind, Gumi creates some robots to help them improve their game - except the robots go rogue and try to become the new softball team, causing her to enlist the Cryptons’ help in beating the machines.
“Ai Dee” - Miku and Luka get a chance to model for a popular fashion designer holding a show in town, Chika. However, Luka starts to notice something’s very off about Chika.
“Weekender Girl” - Miku tries every trick she can think of to get into a newly-opened club in town that doesn’t allow robots.
“Paris Cinema Girl” - A foreign exchange student named Kokone arrives on the scene and hires the Cryptons to star in a commercial for her family’s chocolate company. Meanwhile, hearing about Kokone’s upper-class status, Dex and Daina attempt to get involved.
“Nostalogic” - Miku stumbles upon a video disc in the basement of Meiko when she was a one-hit wonder teen idol. The kids then team up to convince Meiko to take the stage one more time.
“Happy Halloween” - The kids join the Kenmochi Investigation Club in a ghost hunt at the school for a supposed spirit haunting the gym.
“Dance Robot Dance” - The Crypton Crew take a trip to a robotics exhibit in town as part of Crypton’s showcase, but things go awry when Dialtone hijacks the headliner mech robot.
“Ohedo Julia Night” - The team gets a gig performing at the local obon festival, but Miku’s attempt to join the festivities before showtime becomes interrupted by Dex and Daina pulling a raid. Meanwhile, Gumi and Kokone wage battle for getting to see fireworks with Len.
“Dramaturgy” - Miku and friends visit a theater in town to learn more about musical theater and opera. Unfortunately, it becomes more of a showdown against their teacher’s snobby star student, Prima.
“Super Charge Macher” - Miku gets the opportunity to guest at a grand prix race that Rin and Len happen to be participating in, but ends up having to leap in when she realizes two rival racers are trying to run everyone off the track.
“Newly Edgy Idols” - Miku, Rin, and Luka participate as guest judges at a freelance idol contest, with the winner getting signed to a popular label. However, the girls quickly realize that the idols are acting unusually hostile to each other…
“Burenai Ai de” - Dialtone attempts to take over every screen in Sapporo with the help of some new tech during an important televised concert, causing Miku to go inside the infrastructure of Sapporo’s TV waves to save the day.
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[Ghostbusters] Brainwaves: Universe Info (aka lemme infodump on bts film/tv stuff)
Hello fellow ghostbusters fans, I'm Kirby, I'm 22, and I'm autistic, I have a college level qualification in Creative Media Production (For my fellow UK ghost heads, it's the same as 3 A-levs completed at a B grade).
This post is basically me explaining how Brainwaves would work as a TV Series, because I have decided it wouldn't work as a film, but it would work as a series. This List of ideas is written as if the show were real.
You can think of this post as a Unreality post, or a parallel universe post with lost media relating to the series (and Ghostbusters as a whole). This also extends to certain actors within the story (as in Belushi, Radner, Candy) being alive in this other universe where the show takes place.
Is this because I've been reading way too many posts from @spook-spectre-ghost @ms-ship and @spook-central maybe, but I love them so don't any of you dare hate. Any ideas welcome
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Filming began after the filming of the first movie.
Reitman was under contract with Columbia and ABC, ABC asked him to direct a television show based in the universe of the Ghostbusters, this was because ABC didn't think a series following the Ghostbusters would be realistic enough for the audience.
Aykroyd and Ramis were hired on as the head writers, but most of the series was written by other people, this includes improv later written into re-written scripts, mainly because of Murray ad-libbing his lines most of the time.
The series (the first time around) ended the month before filming starts on Ghostbusters 2, and it is unknown if the series ever started back up due to the amount of lost media following the release of GB2, but according to one interview with Walter Peck actor William Atherton, 'We filmed after the second movie, but I don't remember much from those episodes, I wasn't in many of them.'
The Series (from now on I'm just gonna say 'Brainwaves' and have it mean the series) was filmed on mostly sound stages in L.A, with Exteriors either being shot on-location or at look-alike exterior locations
Certain actors (e.g. Tom Hulce, Meg Ryan) had more makeup than any other 'human' series regular, Ryan had multiple wigs to use for Nova's many hair colours, Hulce had to wear contacts to hide his blue eyes in most scenes (e.g. when he's not wearing sunglasses or possessed)
On the note of possessions in 'Brainwaves' any time someone was 'possessed' they would wear light blue contacts, the actors with naturally blue eyes would often wear white or light purple/pink contacts.
The only exception to this rule was Aykroyd, as he mostly wore red or black contacts, in some scenes he even had mis-matched contacts to mirror the fact that he (and by extension Stantz) has heterochromia
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gaast · 5 months
I didn't know posts like these still circulated... Got tagged by @cannibalise and am in a really good mood so I'm gonna play, lmao
Last song I listened to: "Modest Mouth," Neil Cicierega, Mouth Sounds.
Currently watching: What, like, a TV show? I haven't watched a TV show in years. I'm playing Tales of Hearts R and Link's Awakening DX HD, I'm reading The Infinite and the Divine, I'm writing about another grafting monster, I'm working on learning Django and Raspberry Pi stuff and related projects and also a stupid mod, and I'm looking for anyone who wants to hire a really expensive and lazy technical writer.
Sweet/savory/spicy: Everything has its time and its place. I will never take sides when three of the baddest bitches are pitted against each other. I've evolved beyond this.
Relationship status: I legitimately forgot this one until I was tagging because I was so excited to see what would come out of me for the next one. Anyway, I'm engaged.
Current obsession: AFK Journey and AFK Arena, maybe. Also, Python, modding Isaac, making really weird dumb involved elaborate jokes. I want Pando to be my obsession, though. I wanna be "the Pando ghost." Oh also autopsies, I haven't forgotten about autopsies!! Or anthropodermic bibliopegy!! Or esolangs!!! Or eels!!!! Fuck!!!!! I want to be obsessed with shit and I'm barely obsessed at all!!!! I feel like John Nash, I need to be a fucked up unmedicated freak in order to reach my full potential!!! I think Russel Crowe did a really good job in A Beautiful Mind but I fucking hate John Nash tbh. Also it fucking sucks that that film has to continue the trend of "electroconvulsive therapy is BAD uwu!!!" Fuck you. It has a fantastic success rate with only mild side effects. It isn't done like how the fucking film shows it. Imagine making A Beautiful Mind and still being an ableist about it. Oh wait a minute that's John Nash for you!!! Also while I'm talking about movies like this, one of my most hated films of all time is Rudy. I cannot STAND that movie. Look, I love Sean Astin. I love The Goonies. He does a great job in that role. But oh my fucking god if that's what Rudy was really like then I hate him so much. All of that effort. All of it. For what? The love of a father who only gives a fucking shit about FOOTBALL? I love football too but imagine VALIDATING the concept that you're only of worth to your PARENT if you FUCKING DEVOTE YOURSELF SOLELY TO THEIR ONLY INTEREST. The fucking dude didn't even CARE that his son actually fucking MADE the Fighting Irish unless he PLAYED and like, dude, it's FOOTBALL, your five-foot nothing son could get fucking KILLED out there, and he's doing it all for YOU, and you don't deserve it!!! But I'm mad at Rudy more!!! I hate him more!!!!! STOP TRYING TO PLEASE A MAN WHOSE DICK WILL NEVER BE DEEP ENOUGH IN YOUR THROAT. GROW THE FUCK UP. YOUR DAD SUCKS. HE SUCKS. YOU SHOULD HAVE JUST KISSED VINCE VAUGHN!!!!!!!!! God that movie blows. If you wanna watch a movie, fucking, watch, uh. I don't remember what movies I like. Fuck you.
Tagging: @monadolaguz, @babyraccy, @vendettagreen, @tmos-time, @geckobrains, @crowtrobot @torterracotta @izanameowe
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graysongraysoff · 1 year
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@humble-wayside-flower OH YAY okay so yee hawnted is a game of call of Cthulhu: down darker trails that I'm in. It's kind of weird at the moment bc we now have two parties, lol, we have our main party and a party we made bc we ended up stuck bc our main party wasn't self-destructive enough for CoC lmao. In our main party I play a Boy™️ named Sam "Shucks" Reed and in our like "burner" party I was influenced by JoJo's Bizarre Adventure to make a character who is just me but devastatingly hot and slutty and her name is Bella Valentino.
Shucks has a Batman-and-Robin dynamic with a mysterious hired gun named Ghost, who is in turn developing a sweet gay thing with the party doctor, Yancy. Shucks is also developing a brother dynamic with the party's Big Mess, Dallas. So they're basically a big adorable cowboy family.
Party #2 is Bella, an insanely gorgeous writer with extensive knowledge of the occult and rizz for days, Eve, the preacher's daughter who has a gigantic crush on Bella, Doc Wolf, a Snake Oil Salesman with a fake mustache, and. I'm gonna show my ass here but there were two characters with very similar names (it's a long story) but I believe it is Meathead Dan who rounds out our auxiliary party. He's sweet :)
There's some Zombie Bullshit going on in the town at the moment that the auxiliary party is trying to find the source of, which is probably the result of Snake People (sneeple).
Uhhh and it's fun! It's a good time.
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alifeasvivid · 1 year
WIP tag game
@disneyprincessdxminatrix said I could >.>
Rules: Reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit!
uhhhhh I'm not gonna be able to tag as many people as there are WIPs.... and for the sake of my sanity, I'm only including anything stared/worked on within the past 12 months and only ones that I'm somewhat actually working on.
-A Closer Look - ukus, tattoo kink thing -Ambedo - a us/nyo!uk fic that is for one person and it isn't you -Mariiiiiine - a version of a mermaid Alfred fic -nantucket - if you can't guess then idk how to help you at this point -Ghost - a fantasy/magic AU that is a little too heavy on the world building for me to ever post it so it's only for me -ToS 2Ep18 - self-explanatory -Expectations Ch2 - same -Mark Has to Die - not a fanfic... biting satire about suburbia -FiL ch5 - self explanatory -Twins Shenanigans - America and Canada conspire against England -Benefits of Being a Marine Biologist - a different part of the merfred fic -Exhibition - frusuk AU .... it's a double entendre cuz Francis owns an art gallery -Consent - smut -fake dating - hollywood/tv writer Arthur tries to hire an escort for his brother's Christmas wedding in Northern Ireland... accidentally hires struggling actor Alfred -If It's You cont. - self explanatory -sun moon stars rain - Mr. Kirkland tries to give his junior AP lit class a poetry lesson... one student is particularly attentive ( @ukus-so-much-potential ) -Trouble - nyo!usuk burlesque shenanigans -- Alice goes on the offensive -A little less lace - continuation of an old fic written for an anon request
I don't even know this many people so >.> consider yourself tagged
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wellntruly · 2 years
M*A*S*H - Viewguide, S10
Are you interested in the long-running anti-war situation tragicomedy M*A*S*H (1972-1983), but there are simply so many asterisks and so many episodes?
Well I can’t help you with the asterisks, but nor can I help myself: I started watching all 11 seasons of M*A*S*H, and bringing back for you my viewing selections, chosen for The Qualities.
— — —
Hiiiiiii guuuyys. So something new has happened, here in the tenth season. Her name is Karen Hall. Who is Karen Hall? Well I've looked into this: a young writer Alan Alda met in a workshop he was teaching, was like, uh, you rock totally, pulls a Daniel Craig on James Bond, and gets M*A*S*H to hire her for last season's ‘Father’s Day’ (none for Margaret's dad with left beef). This season, she’s got four more scripts, and her name is on every episode as the series' new story editor. I kept thinking I was seeing “Karen Han” and going, well of course Karen would freak this, and the thing is that sentence is still right: Karen freaks this. Season 10!!!! My favorite season since Season 6?? Itself my favorite since Seasons 2-3??
And just one more (!) after this, oh my gOD....
M*A*S*H - Season 10 Recommended sequence
10x01-02 ’That’s Show Biz: Parts 1 and 2’ - A U.S.O. troupe gets stuck at the MASH for a couple days, and unlike all the other two-parters they’ve done, this one really uses the pace of having a full hour, seeding so many elliptical details and unexplained behaviors that they are in no hurry to answer just yet. It gives these two an intriguing depth. Also: former burlesque dancer played by GWEN VERDON. Aah-aah-aaaah!!
10x06 ‘Wheelers and Dealers’ - I’m including this one for two reasons. 1) Rizzo, whom I don’t believe I’ve featured yet, and when he’s in the pocket, boy does this raspy Bayou weirdo make me laugh. And 2), I *think* this is gonna prove the last big blow-out finale of BJ being such a jerk to everyone over his family, and we definitely should go out with the bang that is Margaret tearing into him with a perfect diatribe that’s been two seasons coming. Cathartic! And then this seemingly clears the way to shift gears, or change roads, whatever episode-apt vehicle metaphor you want, and set us now humming along the rest of this season with pretty much exactly the BJ I would have expected we’d have at this point when I was in Season 5 or 6: tall mid-tempo California-goofy sweetie who mostly does actually like other people, including his Army-issued boyfriend.
10x07 ‘Communication Breakdown’ - Like, to wit: very next episode, BJ’s slow adorable amazed grin to the mess ceiling at Charles showing his whole ass over the PA (foreshadowing) had me, confusingly, going: [Trapper voice] Hawkeye, I think I’m in love. It’s another Karen/Alan co-pro, baby, and Season 10 is now really kicking OFF.
10x10 ‘’Twas the Day After Christmas’ - Two visiting Englishmen straight out of WWI Britfluence Colonel Potter into adopting their topsy-turvy Boxing Day tradition of having the enlisted ranks swap roles with the officers, and oho, are they also All SO COLD about it, and oho are they doing [short shaky exhale] this:
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10x10 you mean 10/10?
10x11 ‘Follies of the Living - Concerns of the Dead’ - The ‘Written & Directed By Alan Alda’ contribution this season is this Distant Voices, Still Lives ass title (affectionate) heading the episode where Klinger has a fever and is seeing ghosts. HIGH degree of difficulty on this one, my good friend, and for the first part I was like, maybe?, and then we get to the dead soldier hanging out with Margaret in Furious & Marvelous mode, and then the best drinking scene this show has ever done. The pitchest black wry comedy, mostly just gutting. Mostly just exquisite.
10x12 ‘The Birthday Girls’ - Outrageously boyfriends Hawkeye & BJ are trying to become cow fathers, while Margaret & Klinger finally get their mandated bond in adverse conditions outside of camp arc and are like, we have been waiting for your call. Riotous and sweet with an ass script that won’t quit, it's Karen Hall’s ‘The Birthday Girls’, [opening locket meme] my Beloved. ❤️
10x13 ‘Blood and Guts’ - The fact that the villain is a misleading writer is honestly so tasty for this show to do.
10x14 ‘A Holy Mess’ - A riveting turn that features a sort of semantic legal battle around religious sanctuary (COOL), but above all, this is an episode about eggs. Talking about eggs, thinking about eggs, the consuming drama of how the eggs will prepared....this is what I meant about riveting.
10x17 ‘Where There’s a Will, There’s a War’ - Sorry to end a second season list in a row with an aid station episode (and third season I've done this overall), but just, my GOD, take this—
Charles: “I hope you manage to stay beautiful until Pierce gets back to see you.” BJ, sudden quiet dread: “Back from where?”
and go, go!!!!
Season 1 • Season 2 • Season 3 • Season 4 • Season 5 • Season 6 • Season 7 • Season 8 • Season 9 • Season 10 • To be continued
#M*A*S*H hours
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aeoki · 2 years
High and Low: At World’s End - Chapter 8
Location: Australian Town Characters: Tetora, Tomoya, Hinata, Mitsuru & NEGI
Season: Autumn Writer: Akira
TL Note:
Negi is also the Japanese word for spring/green onions.
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Tetora: Hey, is someone badmouthing me…?
Touri: Ugh~ Try and keep it steady~ I’ve just got up and I don’t feel so good~...
Tetora: Walk on your own if you’re gonna complain. The same goes for you too, Sora-kun.
Sora: HaHa~♪ Sora will help Tetora-chan with the weight training he loves so much!
Hinata: Woah. Tetsu-kun’s dragging Momo-kun and Sora-kun along with the suitcases.
Tetora: It looks like these two are too sleepy and can’t walk on their own.
Sora: HiHi~♪ Someone will move Sora if he sits on the suitcase so it’s nice and convenient~
Tetora: You’re so shrewd. You can be like that sometimes, huh, Sora-kun. I think the adults just see you as a good and obedient boy, though.
Surprisingly, you tend to do whatever you please when you’re with your peers, huh.
Tomoya: Yeah. He’s definitely part of the problem child category. He’s like that because his upperclassmen in “Switch” spoil him.
Sora: Hm~ Sora won’t forgive you if you badmouth Master and Senpai~
*...Yaaawn* ♪
Sorry! Sora’s been tired and sleepy from the different environment~ Sora’s gonna go back to bed so he’ll appreciate it if you can carry him like this!
*Zzz… Zzz…* ♪
Tetora: Woah. I’m surprised you can just sleep outside overseas like that. What kinda state of mind is that?
Touri: I’m sleepy too… We were all really tired yesterday, so we decided to stay the night here and leave the travelling for the next day.
Tetora: Osu. It was pretty tough since it was difficult to find a hotel.
It can’t be helped, though. The project this time was like a bolt out of the blue for Anzu no Anego, so there was no way she could’ve booked a hotel in advance.
We’re in a foreign country where we don’t really speak the language so we ended up wandering around searching for a hotel.
Hinata: We managed to find one, in the end, thank god. In the worst-case scenario, we would’ve been sleeping outdoors in the open air.
Touri: Uweeh… You guys might be fine with that but someone as delicate as me wouldn’t be able to handle it at all.
The rooms in this hotel were all run-down and the bed was hard as a rock. It was the worst… It might’ve been better than sleeping outdoors but I couldn’t sleep a wink.
Just when I thought I was getting sleepy, I felt something touch my face.
Tetora: Oh? Is this a ghost story?
Hinata: This hotel definitely gives those kinda vibes~♪
Touri: Don’t. I’m gonna start feeling less sleepy… Also, the thing I saw was even worse than a ghost. It was something that I hate: some sort of shaggy bug that I’ve never seen before.
Sora: Shaggy…?
Touri: We’re not talking about Tsumugi-sama so you can keep sleeping, Harukawa.
Sora: HuHu~...♪
Touri: Anyway, that bug basically kept me up all night so I couldn’t sleep at all.
All I could do was grab my pillow and escape to the corner of the room and sleep there so my entire body feels stiff.
Mitsuru: Hime-chan, you’re scared of bugs? You’re so weird~♪
Touri: No, I’m not! They’re just gross so I don’t like them! You’re the weird one because you’re fine with them!
Tetora: There, there… If you’re sleepy, you can take a nap too, Touri-kun. I’ll carry you.
Touri: I’ve got no idea what’s gonna happen from now on, so how can I relax and sleep? What’re we gonna do now, anyway?
Mitsuru: Hm~ Hitsugi-chan went out to hire a car.
I guess we’ll just take that and head towards our destination?
Tomoya: Yeah. We can talk about our plans for the next couple of days in the car.
Even if we’re starting with nothing, nothing’s gonna happen if we don’t have legs.
Touri: Hitsugi… Kurone’s gonna hire a car? But he’s the same age as us, right? Does he even have a driver’s licence?
Tomoya: Ah, now that you mention it. But we’re overseas right now and can’t you get your licence when you’re pretty young here? I don’t really know but I get that kind of feeling.
Touri: Even if that’s true, why does he have a licence to drive in Australia?
I don’t really know much either, but don’t you need an Australian licence for that?
Tomoya: Really? Hitsugi– I mean, NEGI-senpai seemed rather confident about it, though…
Touri: Negi? Spring onions[*] ? Is that today’s breakfast? I hate spring onions!
Tetora: Ahh~ I’d like to eat something… Yesterday really took a toll on us so we didn’t really have time to eat.
Tomoya: But are restaurants in Australia open at this time? From the looks of it, it doesn’t seem like there are any convenience stores, either…
Hinata: Even if there were convenience stores, they’re probably not open around this time. We probably can’t get any food until the shops open.
Tomoya: The same goes for hiring the car, right…? NEGI-senpai might be going on a fool’s errand.
Oh, man~ We’re not gonna last long if we keep thinking like we’re back in Japan.
Touri: Can’t we just eat at the hotel? When I went on a trip with my papa and mama, we had a fancy breakfast at the hotel, though…?
Tetora: I guess we can go ask and see if they can. Mitsuru-kun, could you run off and tell Anzu no Anego about this?
She should be checking out of the hotel and making a call to Japan at the front desk right now.
Tomoya: Anzu-senpai’s about the only other person who can talk with the hotel people. It’s obvious already but they don’t understand a lick of Japanese.
Hinata: Yeah. It seems Touri-kun is used to going overseas so I thought he’d be fluent in English, but that wasn’t the case at all.
Touri: T-That’s because we always had a tour guide who could interpret for us! It’s my first time going on such a miserable trip!
Mitsuru: Wahaha! I’m actually having fun though!
Our original plans were to stay at a luxurious hotel, get beauty treatment, go see the sights when you can just look them up on the internet and shop at brand stores…
None of that looked fun to me, so the situation right now is way more exciting!
Touri: That might be the case for you, Mitsuru, but I hate it~ I would be sleeping and having a lovely dream in a luxurious hotel right now. I’m jealous of Hajime.
Tetora: Well, there’s no point in venting our dissatisfaction, so let’s do what we can a little at a time.
Let’s learn from Mitsuru-kun and enjoy the little things.
Touri: Guuuh… I can’t believe I have to learn from someone like Mitsuru.
Mitsuru: Zoooom! Dash, dash, dash~! Nee-chan~! Um~ We wanna know if we can eat at the hotel! Food, food!
Touri: …Well, I guess that cheerfulness? That simplicity does help in one way or another.
We look more like idiots since we’re the ones who are genuinely worried about everything.
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amourcheol · 1 year
Oh my goodness the great War was absolutely one of the best fics I have ever read like I am terrible at expressing my thoughts into words but I want you to know your talent for writing is fucking insane and ever word you wrote kept my enthralled. When I read this it made me think of bridgerton like I swore I was watching a bridgerton episode with the dialog you wrote. You could 100% be a ghost writer for bridgerton your absolutely amazing. The tension and the build ups had me hooked I wonder why I have never seen your blog before but I am so grateful to have found it.🫶🏾🫰🏾
god i might eat a table or sumn UR SO FUCKING SWEET ?:£:!3
OKAY THE BRIDGERTON CLAIM IM FR EATING FURNITURE WTFFFF THANK YOU SO MUCH 😭😭😭🩷💖🩷😭🩷💖 as someone who has eaten up every single bridgerton/queen charlotte episode 3838399229 times this is one of the HIGHEST compliments 🩷🩷🩷 SHONDA PLS HIRE ME I WANT TO WRITE MEN BEING SIMPS OVER WOC (me) 🙏🏼🙏🏼
I’m so glad u enjoyed the fic dearest !! 💖💖
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jolapeno · 2 years
sooo apparently the lead writer for COD revealed months ago that he is hoping along with the team to do a spin off story for Ghost which would dive into his origins and how the mask came to be and all that, and now im wondering if they're gonna do something similar like Ghost comics or do something even more wicked, either way im curious if they'll make his character more tragic than it already was
(also this isn't related to fics at all but i just had to share this because i like the way you write ghost, they should bloody hire you lool)
first up, let’s discuss your last bit. like, thank you! that’s a compliment and a half and I’m in shock. but thank you, honestly thank you ✨!
secondly, it’ll be tragic. poor boy. I can imagine they’ll really put him through the ringer—not that he can really go through all that much more imo. but how could would it be if they do more content for ghost? cause you never know what that could lead into!
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nachos-and-movies · 2 months
I am the Pretty Thing that lives in this House
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Ai ai ai, talk about a snore fest.
Okay, that’s harsh, I’m sorry, I know there’s people who really really like this movie and more power to ya if that’s you! I kind of get it, the atmosphere in Pretty Thing is very distinct and I can imagine being really into it or being nostalgic for it, so I get it!
I’m just missing… uhm, everything else.
The story sounds like a nice slow-burn spooky summer time: a hospice nurse is hired to take care of an old lady with dementia, who used to be a writer, in a 19th century home that’s surely haunted.
The first few shots of the movie were promising too: we start with a shot of, presumably, the ghost dressed in white, surrounded by dark, while someone monologues over the image about how houses can’t be bought or sold by the living when someone has died there, the dead just let the living borrow it. Then we see shots of the house and it looks like a very nice house! Lots of sunlight, nice wooden floors, clean carpets, you can hear nature outside, the kitchen is cottagecore goodiness, but the camera angles are shot like the house is Off. Which…. It very obviously isn’t. It’s a style choice, it’s trying to make you feel uncomfortable without telling you why you’re uncomfortable but even if i could tell that’s what it was trying to do, I wasn’t uncomfortable, because the house is Pleasant! They shot it during a nice summer day, it’s nice and cozy and I wanna live there!
And so I’m thinking… “maybe that’s the point”. Maybe this is trying to emulate ‘the Haunting of Hill House’ by Shirley Jackson, where the main character Nellie falls in love with the creepy house she absolutely should not be falling in love with, ultimately ending in her demise. Because immediately after the main character is introduced, she herself lets us know she’s going to die by the end of the film. “She’s going to fall in love with the house that’s terrorising her or making her feel mentally unstable and it’s gonna lead to her death,” that’s what I’m thinking as I watch the start of this movie.
That’s not where it’s going.
It’s immediately apparent that this movie is a sloooooooooooooow burn, like extremely sssssssssssllloooooooooooooooooooowwwww burn, like netflix is very obviously trying to get an oscar sloooooooow burn. I’m a little more tolerable to slow burn than the average movie-goer and I say that with all the respect that comes with; it’s not for everybody, not everyone sat through Citizen Cane in film school and actually ended up liking it. And with Marvel being the bar right now, we’re not trained anymore to enjoy slow burn. Slow burn is an acquired taste, but even for me this was testing my patience. I think I managed 40 minutes before pulling up Animal Crossing because… hhh, bored.
I’m sorry, it is very boring. It started off fine, with the protagonist on the phone with her friends, talking about what she thinks of the house, what she thinks of her employer, shows off a little of her personality which is.. mellow. Maybe a bit of an asshole because when the old lady calls for someone, she takes a full 5 minutes to make her way upstairs. You’re a NURSE, SPEED UP A SMIDGE. And we also get our first spook! The phone gets ripped from her hands! Ooga-booga! So now I’m thinking “alright, a movie that’s not built on jumpscares! I love a movie that can rely on tension and athmosphere, how are they gonna build up on this!” They don’t. They don’t build up on this. This is the only scare we get, then 2 jumpscares, and that was that for the spooks.
The rest of the movie is just tension. Silent tension. Main character looking at object tension. Main character standing in room tension. Is there a figure in the dark tension. Nope. Tension. Pretty sure I’m supposed to feel something right now…
It doesn’t help that the main character is unbelievable bland too. It’s so much easier to feel scared for someone when you like them and/or know them but all I know about her is that she was Almost married, she’s 28 (I laughed at this, very loudly, cus no tf she’s not, she looks 35, and i was right, the actress at the time of filming was 34 years old, come tf on), has a friend she’s called once the entire movie, she doesn’t like reading and she takes her goddamn time, all the time. She doesn’t seem like a person, she seems like, well, a character. And I don’t know if that was the point but it’s a point that either doesn’t come across or doesn’t work. Wouldn’t it be more interesting/make a lot more sense if she came in, all bubbly, ready to get to work and take care of this old lady, clearly a woman from the Real World, and then slowly she starts to lose that personality as the isolation of this place creeps up on her?
It would make it more clear as well what’s really going on with her. Cus I get what the movie’s trying to do, she’s getting more and more scared, cus she’s the only person in an old house where someone supposedly died. Though of what and how, she doesn’t know. But she’s weird and anxious from the start of the movie! How am I supposed to be able to tell the difference between her being weird and when the fear finally starts getting to her? Her mannerisms, the way the camera shoots the movie, the music, none of it ever changes throughout the whole movie!
The protagonist at some point finds out, in pieces, that the house was built by a 19th century man who built it for his brand-spanking-new wife but before they really moved in, they both disappeared with nary a fuck given by the neighbourhood. The old lady in her youth found out about this - read: was told this by the ghost - and wrote a book about it called ‘the lady in the walls’. Anyone with a brain or anyone that has seen a horror movie ever realises at this point that the husband murdered his new wife, boarded her up in the walls - prolly the spot that’s getting all nice and mouldy - and then ran off. This is not really a spoiler, it’s REALLY obvious that that’s what happened. The question now is how and why was she murdered. Right? RIGHT?? That’s the next thing you’d wanna know, RIGHT????
But it just- NEVER gets brought up! We eventually see how the husband murdered her and put her in the walls, but we never get told why. It’s even weird to me at all we got to see the murder because, the protagonist doesn’t know. She never figures it out, she never finds the answer. The book written about the murder doesn’t have the ending - the actual murder - because the ghost wouldn’t tell the writer. So one can only figure that the protagonist is making this murder up, out of her paranoia from being alone in this house with a demented old lady for 11 months, from hearing creeks and spooky shit happening in an old house, from the mould in the hallway that for some reason no one seems to take her serious about, from the spooky book she’s reading and from the rumour she heard about the house. I thought “this is it, this is her fear taking over her logical thinking and she’s making the whole thing about the murder up! And it’s gonna be revealed that there was no murder in the 19th century, the couple just left because a family member got sick or some shit, people disappeared for no reason all the time back then. And it’s all gonna be tragic and shit that the protagonist worked herself up in a frenzy over nothing, and it’s gonna be commentary on the effects of self-isolation and paranoia and all that!”
But nope! The movie ends with her seeing the ghost… and she dies.
….. Yu-huh. She sees the ghost and she dies of a heart attack and now she’s a ghost herself, she doesn’t get discovered for presumably weeks, a new family moves in and she’s like “I’ll let you borrow the house, it’s k”.
So… basically. This movie is about a woman who lives in a house - she acts anxious about it from the very beginning, from the second she stepped into the doorway, we never see her NOT anxious - takes care of an old lady who says and does weird shit as old ladies be doing - even tells her “you’re going to give me a heart attack” and then have me joking “well, she’s dead by heart attack” which, fuck you actually - finds clues that a murder might’ve happened in that house and her anxiety doesn’t act up at all, it stays on the same level as it did before, then she finally sees the ghost and she jumpscares herself to death, the end.
What a waste of an hour and a half. Go watch a Mike Flannigan series instead.
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