#gonna give him bellyrubs
chrishemsworthsbitch · 2 months
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semisolidmind · 2 years
If Uzu is only a dog mascot, would he still have characteristics like a dog? Like would he fantasize about Emi giving him belly rubs/ear scratches, Emi calling him a good boy, or being able to use puppy-dog eyes to get that last piece of meat? (Not gonna say "panic if Emi went missing when really she just left to get something" bc he'd go off the rails regardless)
these are correct because Uzu thinks it's funny to act like an actual dog sometimes
(and he enjoys bellyrubs immensely)
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adventmiyu · 1 year
Harvesting Season if they became cats
@sk3tch404 I came up with this since there's stray cat's in my neighborhood that are adorable so I wrote this ! Let me know what you think
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Jayce would be a calico cat
-Is probably gonna knock stuff over since he's a attention whore
-Has a black collar with a star charm from his necklace and Jayce sewn into the leather
- Is a blonde cat with some black spots and one purple tuft of fur and adorable brown eyes and long whiskers
-Has a thing for taking naps on laps and purrs when his ears are scratched
-And he is one of those cats who wouldn't like to go in the bathtub he would literally give anyone a hard time who tries to bath him including scratching from the claws
-Other all he could be worse
-But he's mostly a chill cat
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Rory is a black cat who is also a vampire cat
-Has really fluffy black fur and cute brown eyes with fangs
-His collar matches along with Jayce being black with the moon charm from his necklace and his name sewn onto the collar
-He's a menace cat who will kinda stress you out and give you trouble
-Crawls around on the ceiling and knocks a lot of shit over
-Attention whore cat as well with him constantly wanting affection as him curling his tail around your leg or purring into your chest or meowing really loud whenever you're not there with him
-Just be there with him 24/7 and give him blood when he's hungry
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The Volkov twins are a scottish fold cat
-They have dark orange reddish fur with some white with there eyes being green
- Out of all them they are going to be the biggest pain in the ass and quite along being meanest ones
-Them coughing up hairballs are the worst since they do it randomly or at the least expected times
-Plus they'll bite , scratch and hiss at anyone who comes near there darling
-The literal definition of feral cats
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Elliot is a ragdoll cat with fluffy white fur and extra fluffy tail including long ticklish whiskers
-He doesn't have a collar but a cute scarf for him that even makes him look more adorable
-Out off all of them he would be the most chill but still a little shit prankster
-He would be one of those cats to plop onto your chest to wake you up and you waking up first thing to see a fluffy cat
-Cat Elliot is a sucker for headpats , bellyrubs , and anything for affection but he loves to play in the snow
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ralith · 1 year
So what is Ghost gonna do when Soap's Ampharos and/or Arcanine lay in front of him with their tummies open? Because I would drop everything to give them fluffy belly rubs tbh
Oh he'd definitely drop down and give them bellyrubs. Arcanine can't stay still though and Ghost would probably take a massive paw to the face
(Have you seen the game footage of Ghost calling Riley sunshine because my heart 🥹)
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kakashifanrp · 3 years
-Going Between Dimensions -
Part 20 - Slowly going back to normal
Hatake Kakashi x reader
Tag list: @ari-hatake15, @fuzzyfestcat
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When morning came around you carefully sneak out of the bedroom to not wake Kakashi. He seemed to still be asleep, and the more sleep he got the more willing he might be when it came to help you out with the whole situation you were in. Sneaking around silently in your own appartment is something you haven't done since Naruto was a baby, but it seems those 4 years helped that ability as you has sucessfully sent out Mirai for the groceries at ms, Tamichi's and made yourself tea without waking the copy ninja who were a light sleeper.
You carefully put your cup down and summoned your documents back. The small dream you had during the night might be the answer to the problems. The third and final unlock was named balance, and soo far it seems to go on emotions, meaning 1st stage and 2nd stage were just one side each. 1st were the good, 2nd the bad.. With a soft hum you started to write down your notes. You had to combine both sides, to get to the final stage.. To controll some of the darkness, you needed light. Dark thoughts can be controlled by happy ones, bad memories replaced with happy ones.. It just made sence. Almost making you look stupid for not thinking about it before. You had a smile on your face as you picked up the cup of tea and looked at the notes. It felt like you just had solved the hard rebux the teacher gave you.
Now all you had to do was convince Lady Tsunade to allow this training in a locked eria, aswell as making sure no one was gonna try to stop it. "You still working on that stuff?" You looked up at Mirai as he sat down, still the bag in his mouth. "Offcourse, I think I solved it too" you finnished the tea and got up before taking the bag from him to look inside. "She sent some food for you too this time?" your eyes fell on the wolf in front of you as you raised a brow. "The lady loves me.. Let her give me a bellyrub and I can have whatever" He took his food from the bag making you sigh as you watched him. For being a wolf he acted like a dog.. You rolled your eyes and went to put away the groceries while Mirai could enjoy his meal.
When it was all done you walked back to your notes. "what did you figure out soo far?" Mirai shaked his fur and tilted his head as he eyed you carefully. "Well, happy and negative thoughts.. Basically.. To controll black viper, I need to be able to balance it out with good thoughts" The wolf scoffed as he finnished his meal. "You think it is that easy? You know we are talking about pure negativity here" It didn’t sounds like Mirai belived in your theory that much at all, maybe he even had a point. "I know it would not be easy.. But if I active it on my own, we'll have a month to work on it.. And you should try to encourage me, you know? You are supposed to be the nice wolf, no matter the black fur of yours"
"I call it as I see it.. And that black cloak hurts like hell" You reached over and pats his head with a smile. "no worries, won't summon you this time.. Soo you won't be affected like that" You agree, the black cloak is something else.. More intense and almost burns your skin of.. If it's not controlled the negativity of it will destroy you, even the scroll said soo. It was not that you became more powerful having it all balanced, only a bit more.. But the chakra controll of it and being able to use all the jutsus equally would help alot.. "Well, We have to see what Lady Tsunade says before we do anything anyway.. If it all gets controlled we have one thing less to worry about." If you remember correctly it was just 7 months until the akatsuki would start to move, which gave little to no time getting stronger to make sure Naruto would be safe.. At the same time it means Sasuke needed to be saved aswell, before Orichimaru turned him into a vessel. Two big things coming up, and not enough time to prepare and get ready to save them both.
"I didn't know you were allready up?" You looked at Mirai who looked thowards the hallway. You followed his eyes and saw Kakashi standing there, before giving him a smile. "morning" You greeted and closed the notebook. "How long have you been up?" You held back a laugh as you could hear the confusion and sleep in his voice. "just a hour or two, had to get some things done" You got up and placed the notebook away. "tea?" When he confirmed with a nodd you walked to the kitchen to make him some, and even make yourself another cup since you had time anyway. You gave him the cup and let him sit down as you started on the breakfast. The sooner you both were fed, the faster you could go to the hokages office to request the meeting. "You still working on those scrolls aren't you" You turned around to look at him and nodded. "I do, and I think I have figured it out too.. Now I just have to do it" you made sure to put on the most innocent smile you could, since it always worked on people it should work on Kakashi too.
Kakashi just sighed in return, not ready to take the fight while you were standing there with the frying pan and spatula. "Why is this soo important for you.. Thats all I wanna know.." You made sure to look away as he pulled his mask down to drink, giving him his space. At least he asked this time, letting you belive he is willing to atleast listen to your views. "It has soon been 3 years.. You know whats coming.. For both of them" you put the eggs on the plate, togheter with the rest you had made. "If I couldn't beat Orichimaru then, I will have no chance now.. Not until I have full controll over my own chakra.." the plate got placed down on the table as you sat down. "If I can do this I will not have to worry about it loosing controll again.." the last thing you wanted was for something to happen to anyone you cared about.. At least by your hands..
"Do you know you can do this?" He had allready finnished his plate before you even had taken the first bite. "Yes, I know I can." Kakashi got quiet as you conntinued to eat. He didn't look impressed, more unimpressed as usual.. Why the man was always soo hard to read could be frustrating, but at least he might think about it since he asked. "If I agree to this, how long will it take?" He broke the silence when you had finnished your food. "From it being activated on my own.. I have a month to master it" You answered honestly. "and I belive It can be mastered in 3 weeks if I am lucky and well rested before" He gave a small nodd, before getting up and putting his plate away. "I need to read the documents.. And we need to talk with Lady Tsunade.. I still think it is to much of a risk.. But I get where you are coming from"
You looked at him, trying to hold back a grin. "You really mean that? You help me?" Kakashi scoffed a bit, but nodded as he looked back at you. "If you belive you can do it, I should too.. Even thought I don't like the risks" You wanted to jump at him and hug him, but held back as you knew he was not a touchy person. You smiled and got up as you went to get the notes before giving it to him. "Two brains are better than one, if you see something I don't let me know" You gave it to him, trusting he would actually read it this time. "I didn't know it was this much.." He muttered looking at the scrolls and notebooks in his hands. "well, this is actually not much at all.. It should have been more if you ask me" You could have sworn he made a face under that mask of his as he looked at it. "ok, Give me a week.. I read throught this and you rest up.. Then we see what happends" You nodded and smiled. "sounds like a plan."
You did as he said, spending the week relaxing and hanging out with Kurenai and Asuma. You needed that more than you had known, just catching up and be around friends. Just having the tea at the normal tea shop at the corner with some dumplings on the side meant everything to you, as long as it was with your friends. "soo have Konohamaru started his games with you yet?" Asuma smiled as he eyed you. "no? What games?" You knew Konohamaru had decleared Naruto as his rival, which was very cute. "Well, He is soon taking the Genin exam, meaning he is practicing not only the sexy justu... But also his hiding skills for when Naruto returns" Asuma said amused. "he is getting really good too"
"Don't even remind me of that jutsu..." You groaned.. "Hopefully he don't try it, I don't like to be suprised like that" Asuma shaked his head as he chuckled, calm as always. "Soo, all the kids are Chunin now.. How are you two dealing with it?" It had been months since the Chunin exams that was had with the hidden sand village.. And everyone passed, which was amazing for them. "I have more freetime, and missions.. But we are proud" The loving look he gave Kurenai always made you smile. It was cute to see your teammates togheter like that, happy and in love. And since Asuma was like a brother it just made sence to be happy for them. "Maybe you should ask Lady Hokage to get a team of your own? You have always been good with kids" Kurenai looked at you, head slightly tilted.
"I don't think I have whats needed for that.. I have enough on my plate as it is" the soft chuckle leaving your lips made your friends nodd. "Lets not wait too long until next time.." You finnished your tea and got up. "This week felt too good, maybe I should retire?" You joked and gave them a small wave before you left the shop. All you had to do was some grocery shopping, and then go home and take a nap or read a book. You jump up on the fence as you normally do as you balanced on it thowards the shopping district. It was a habit at This point, something you always had done. "aren't you a bit old for that?" Kakashi's voice starttles you as you almost lost your balance, but quickly retrained it. You noticed him on the other side of the fence, almost right beneath you, reading his book.
"You really need to stop sneaking up on me while I am on the fence" You jumped down and looked at him. "On the fence for what?" He lifted his head a bit, looking over at you. "No, not like that.. Uh, forget it" You sighed, knowing he was just gonna try to twist the words if you tried to explain more. "Was the tea good?" He lowered his book as he closed his eye, showing a smile. "how did you?" he cut you off as he tilted his head. "I have seen you sitting there, had to make sure you actually took the week off as requested.." the way he explained it made you almost sound like a kid that couldn't sit still at all. "I know how to relax, belive it or not.. Even took the trip to the hotsprings and got a private one just to relax" You couldn't help but smile, it almost made you wanna go back right away.
"Between your usual reading and you spying on me... Were you able to read the documents?" your brows were slightly raised as you watched him, almost amused that he seemed to actually blush. "I didn't spy, but yes I did.. I come by you later with them and what I found out" The book got placed in his pocket before he crossed his arms over his chest. "ok, I am exited to see what you found" You were about to walk away, but stopped in your tracks as you remembered something. "ah, Guy was looking for you earlier... He didn't say what it was about, but he was asking for you" You smiled and walked off. Since you ran into Kakashi anyway, why not tell him Guy was asking for him.
When you reached the shopping district you got your groceries, and even added some ice cream to the list. Sometimes you just needed something sweet, and ice cream was something that helped no matter what season you were in. The week off had really done wonders, even though you had to caught yourself missing Kakashi of all people. It must be that you two had been working too much togheter... It was the only thing making sense. When you got home you quickly put the food away and got changed into some more comfortable clothes and sat down to have your ice cream and read the book you had been planning on reading the whole week. It was the ideal girl night, just time to yourself the book and ice cream. "something is missing" you mumbled as you placed the ice cream and book down. You ran into the bedroom and got the blanket and pulled it around yourself, almost walking around like a blanket ghost. You ran back to the couch and got comfy as you started to eat your ice cream and read the book.
The book was more exiting than you first thought it was gonna be. It almost made you forget you were eating ice cream all togheter. A little romance book was not that bad after all.. It didn’t have those cheeky stuff that you normally read, and it was written in a more realistic way. Normally you read what you could about ninja history and those kind of stuff, but it seems like you have missed out on good reading material in this world to say it like that. "How long did you expect me to knock on that door?" You jumped as the voice starttled you for a secound time today. "Did you knock?" You noticed Kakashi in your window as he just nodded and stepped inside. "Are you sick or something?" His eye narrowed as he look at you, almost suprised to see you tucked in a blanket with ice cream in one hand and a book in the other. "no, I am just having a good time"
"Like that?" he pointed at you, almost sounding amused. "Yeah.. This is a perfect way to spend a day off, ask any woman" You placed a marker in the book to not loose your spot as you put it down and made some space for him on the couch. "And who will I ask?" Kakashi sat down next to you and tilted his head as he looked you up and down, still amused by this whole thing. "I know I can't be the only one, thats all I am saying.. This is comfy.. And warm" You put the lid back on before getting up to put the ice cream away. Kakashi took your book and looked at it while you did that. He left out a little hum as he read the back of it. "when did you start to read romance?"
"Thats my first actually, it is good soo far" You walked back and sat back down before wrapping your blanket around you again. "What is it about?" He sounded almost to curious about this book.. You didn’t think he would even be intrested. "Well, soo far it is the same old as any other, boy meets girl, kind of thing.. I haven't gotten that far yet, but the way the writer describe it, it sounds kind of like a thing that actually could be a true story." At least the parts you have read soo far, but just being on chapter 5 don't give you much to go on. "I see.. Never thought of you would pick something like that up" He placed the book down. Kakashi was suprised indeed. If he saw you with a book it was about the shinobi, history or that kind of stuff. "Well, Kurenai let me borrow it.. She couldn't put it down when she got it. Soo far I can see why"
"But we are not here to discuss romance novels.. I wanna hear what you found" he nodded as he gave you back the notebook. "I gave Lady Tsunade the rest to look at, soo she could decide what team would work for this.." He explained as he opened the book in your hands to show his notes. "I came to the same conclusion as you.. And also it can help to have people you are close with around to make you focus" You started to read some of his note, almost suprised by his handwriting. It had gotten better indeed. "Soo.. I should have people there.... You think?" That did not sound like a option.. Not with the risks it had. "Yeah, choose two or three.. If you start to loose any controll they can snap you out of it" He explained calmly as he noticed your expression. "you don't agree with that do you?"
"Yeah.. It is bad enough that anyone has to be around during it.. In case anything happends.." You finnished reading his notes as you thought a bit. "I rather be locked in a room alone, than ending up hurting anyone.."
"Well, you can't.. You should choose who you wanna have there with you.. That was the hokages terms to allow this" Kakashi felt it was a small victory, that this might change your mind on doing this. He promised to help, but he didn't promise to make sure you got what you wanted in this. "ok.. Just have to choose the ones that actually have no problems kicking my ass then" His smile faded beneath his mask as he looked at you. "and who would that be?"
"You, Tenzo and Asuma.. You are stronger in many ways, and Tenzo and Asuma have no problems kicking my ass if they need too" You smiled as you watched his eye widen by your words. He was not expecting that combo. "No, I don't like it" Kakashi shaked his head and got up, not happy about this solution of yours. "Well, I can go with just Tenzo and Asuma too.." You shrugged. He knew he should have said minimum three people, instead of two.. "You have to make them agree then.."
"They will, soo that I'm not worried about.. All I need to do now is to prepare and plan a time to start" you felt confident about this, it was time to take the next step and finally be done with that part of yourself. "if you say soo.." He huffed a bit, putting his hands in his pockets. You got up and walked over to him, smiling as you had a idea. "Ok, vest off. Same with headband" You commanded as he backed away a bit. "what are you doing?" You hushed him and just smiled as you waited for him to follow the command. It took a few minutes before he took off the jonin vest and his headband. "good, I make tea, you get your book.." You grabbed the blanket and pulled it over him, and pushed him down onto the couch.
Kakashi did not look impressed as he was covered by the blanket in the couch. His hair pushed into his face because you made sure to put the blanket over his head aswell. "now, start reading, and I get tea" And a new blanket you thought for yourself as you ran out to the kitchen. When you came back with the tea and blanket he hadn't moved at all, making you giggle. "Hey, Don't resist it.. You will like it I promise" As you sat down you made sure to correct the blanket to make it more comfortable for him. "Why am I letting you do this to me?" his eye were on you, while you removed some hair from his face. "Because you wanted to try it?" His frown deepened, it was very visable even with his mask on. "no, thats not it"
The way he just leaned back in the couch not even trying to throw the blanket away gave it away. He liked it, just didn't want to admit it. You pulled the other blanket around you and smiled happily. "see, It is good, and comfy... Like a hug" You grabbed your tea and relaxed. For some reasion you both were back to the point you used to be as kids.. As long as you two were alone and no one could see you could talk him into almost whatever, as long as it didn't go across bounderies that is. He picked up his book and started to read for himself, he couldn't help but try it out.. since you allready had kind of gotten him to do this. "This is like the braiding thing all over again" He muttered in a low voice as he had his eye on his book. You looked over at him a bit puzzled before you remembered what the braiding thing was.
"I forgot about that.." it happened when you both was around 7, and you had finally been able to convince him to spend a day off with you. Since he was allready out on missions as a genin while you were stuck in the academy. "It was cute though.. You looked adorable with that little braid on the side" It wasen't a big one, just a small one and he even forgot to take it out too. The fact you just had to ask him once for him to agree was the most suprising.. At least with how he was back then. "Adorable? Do you know how hard it was to get it out?" It made you laugh a bit. He sounded soo fed up with that and it happened around 20 years ago. "I was 7, it was not like I was amazing at it.. And your hair was suprisingly softer than the girls at the academy.. It was a mission in itself" You shrugged, knowing softer hair were much harder to braid, at least when you were 7. "Maybe I am just to nice with you" He went back to reading. He might have a point there.. There were things only you were allowed to do to him.. Like Guy and him had his challanges he would never do with anyone else.. "Maybe, but you look comfortable" you grabbed your book and smiled as you started to read again, missing the blush on the exposed part of Kakashi's cheek.
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
Incredible how being a jerkass and a huge douchebag to each other seems to be absolutely normal as a social skill for villains as if they were their own separate society in the HB verse. Other normal/nice people in universe are troubled and weirded out like us, but this doesn't seem abusive to them as it does to us, as if it were their codes and their codes only
Dick the 3rd and Muttley 3 always acting lile jerks to each other, Dick often putting himself before Muttley when it's goof or using Muttley as a shield when it's bad and always insulting him, blaming him if not hitting him or using him as a dummy or betraying him if it means winning while Muttley snickers openly at his pain and problems, doesn't hesitate betraying him when it's fun, can manipulate him and sometimes is the one to CAUSE his pain, but in the end of the day they are childhood best friends and care deeply about each other. Muttley was very sad and crying when Dick turnt good and was very worried when he thought he was dead (and he was right, was before he resurrected lol), was very sad and whimpering when he was zapped out of existence, always kisses him and hugs him when he returns safe and sound, actually hopes to ever be called a good boh and be treated like a pampered pet who would get scritches and have to play fetch. Meanwhile Dick is regretful when he has to betray him for winning "I'm sorry Muttley", wants to hug him when he gives him puppy eyes, risks his life to save his in that one episode Muttley is gonna be sacrificed and is happy that fate had to push him to do so (stubbornly pretending he doesn't need him all while looking fondly at pics of themselves and then taking a sign to go save him "OOH BOY I GUESS I HAVE TO AFTER ALL" smiley), still reclones him when he had been zapped into ashes, sacrifices himself to save his life from the Edittor and kisses him once he resurrects. In short they both xare deeply about each other and are content to be together despite an abusive outside
The same for all the other Dicks, that's what makes any version of the duo sweet : Dick the 1st and Muttley 1 still celebrating each other's birthday, Muttley 2 wanting a bellyrub from Dick 2 who ended up obliging when he could have just not, Scoob!Dick who fucking opens the doors to Hell because he missed Scoob!Muttley too much and they end up hugging when meeting again, etc etc etc. They ARE as close as Shaggy and Scooby but evil version
Dick the 1st seeming like a harsh if not abusive grandfather to his grandson at first, stepping on him, pulling his ear, calling him a shame to the family, threatening to tear him away from the races and have him sleep with the creepy dolls he fears, and YET does all of that too boost him up, does truly love him, is proud and happy when he sees him being truly evil and determined smiling at him, calls him a winner in that sense... they hug and it is said it was him who taught him all he knew so that HE was more there for him than his own father. And yet both of them casually insult each other all while hugging and being touched ("you always were terrible to me ! :')" "you always were a rotten brat son ♡") as if that was all normal, Dick the 3rd even being moved that he woulf steal his car as if that were a sweet gesture. We really don't get villains
During a back to the future episode of the reboot Dick and one of his alternate future selves keep fighting, blaming each other for scheme failures, demanding to be the boss etc etc etc which sounds and looks like they hated each other and yet when the future Dick was sent back to the future in a zap ik the middle of the fight present Dick looks genuinely disappointed and even complains something like "aw no I was starting to like him". As if insults and fights were normal villain socializing
In fact despite all the jealousy, rivalry and competing (and on her part being a creepy kidnapping yandere forcing him to do some things for fans and also wanting to replace him), Dick and Rigby end up becoming friends a sort of evil mentor-disciple way since during their competition against each other he just CAN'T shoot at her with his missiles since he grew attached and shoots himself (cartoon logic, he lives) and she has an epiphany that has her stop wanting to replace him but like him even more for having showed her she could be her own person (which he didn't adhere too, JUST when he had accepted her to want to be like him !). And when she gifts him a present that explodes and sends him flying in the air burnt and ragged ? He is HAPPY a moved/nostalgic way and sighs "the future is in good end". Which is very sweet a twisted way only villains of that universe get
Probably why Dick is a mummy's boy despite her being often criticizing and blaming or insultint him, calling him a disappointment, misnaming him on purpose, giving him a trapped birthday card and complaining at a show because he doesn't get hurt enough and likes when it is fixed. Because despite all this assholery she still was the one who taught him to cheat and maybe to race at all, helps him out when she can, and gave him a bomb for his sweet 16 he keeps for a special occasion until one episode with a card wheee it sounds like she was conniving with him since she even adds a playful pun "I hope you will have a BANG out of this". Plus she probably was the one to have taken all these baby pictures even with "cute" clothes. I just suspect that even for villain standards she is quite cold but that aside she does love her son the evil way
Dick may be a HUUUGE betraying sadistic cynical disdainful mocking insulting sabotaging asocial workmate with the other racers and is always in conflict with them out of jealousy and simple jerkassery and selfishness, and often is content at their pain (especially at Peter) and he may roll his eyes whenever they are nice to him or consider him their friend, a few instances show he must be a tsundere since there are some hints he does like them. Worried for Peter when he gets zapped by the Edittor and sacrifices himself for Muttley AND Penelope, trying to hide it but being touched and happy that the racers concinced Mrs Barnstorm to rehire him and then almost sounds playful in his following "bite the dust because I will win" speech, hugs them all when he resurrects (before proceeding to call them names and burn down their Christmas tree), plays DnD with them... he must be a tsundere even for villain standards but there are times where he must be affectuous but only for villain standards so to us and to the racers it looked like a dick (lol) move, yet they seem to alternate between being rightfully angry, confused whenever they see how villains work (how they don't know if they should be happy or not for him and his grandfather) and aware since there are times they keep smiling and being friendly even when he was an ass as if they were adapting to that different socializing
For indeed villains must be really be tjeir own society since there are shops dor villains when you can buy weapons and traps, a fanclub for the Big Bad Wolf and magazines about villainy featuring traps and famous villains like a people press. Like it's totally normal in that universe and co-existing with our "normal" society, so knowing both codes and adapting would basically make you educated and essentially bilingual lol
I am pretty sure that this means that in this universe most villains are villainous but not necessarily monsters (proofs since here Dick can care for people and have standards, just his own way) while "good guys"/normal people can be monsters (Petunia being an abusive mom to her daughters. They are just 2 different ways of thinking and educating even if it seems evilness can be hereditary, so I feel like it is not uncommon in the Hanna Barbera universe if a normal person and a villain could be besties or even married if they learnt correctly about each other's doings and standards and lived with them
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huntertales · 4 years
Part Three: You Are What You Eat. (Dog Dean Afternoon S09E05)
Episode Summary: While investigating two bizarre murders, Y/N and the boys realize there is an eyewitness to both gruesome deaths–a German Shepard. Anxious to find out what monsters they are dealing with, the three look up a spell that can help communicate with the dog. When Dean decides to be the one to perform the spell, he quickly realizes it comes with side effects no one saw coming. Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader Warning: Mentions of blood. Word Count: 4,647.
Previous Part | Supernatural Rewrite Masterlist
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“So, what can you tell me about the man with the cowboy hat?” 
You had to be honest, at the beginning of this plan you were excited for the chance to go around each kennel so Dean could personally speak to the dogs and get a potential eyewitness of what happened the previous night. Your enthusiasm slowly trickled away when you realized how this was turning out to be a complete waste of time. All though you could only hear one side of the conversation, the homeless pups were turning out to be less helpful than the Colonel had been for you. You watched from the other side of the shelter as Dean questioned another dog that looked almost to be the exact same breed as the famous Lassie. However she wasn’t capable of much of anything due to her fleeting eyesight due to her old age. Dean listened anyway.
“Honestly, I couldn’t see much. Damn cataracts. And you know no one is going to pay for my surgery. Just another casualty of the system, I guess.” The dog followed up her story with a complaint about how her final days would be spent in a cage. Dean offered a sympathetic smile from the lonely end she was most likely going to face. Almost no one adopts older dogs. The man felt it was time to cut the conversation short when she tried to guilt him into taking her home. “I don’t belong here, you know. I’m Pedigreed.” 
“Well, I’m sure you’ll be out of here soon.” Dean tried to offer some hopeful words to the dog that better days were ahead for her. She shot him down when she told him her age of fourteen. In human years she was in her seventies. She didn’t have much time left on this Earth. He winced at the awkward situation he put himself in. “Good luck…ma’am.” 
Dean shut the cage and placed the latch back down so she couldn’t try and escape. As he passed by a labrador, he overheard the rough conditions they were living in. “One a day they clean these cages. Once a day!”
“A biscuit. Just one biscuit.” 
“I need a Raquel Welch poster and a rock hammer.” 
“I’m shaking the fence, boss. Still shaking the fence.” 
Dean wasn't sure what to expect when he took the spell that would make him be able to communicate with the Colonel. He didn't think it was going to lead him into being able to speak to every single animal that would end up in him getting mocked by a pigeon and hearing the complaints from the dogs living in the shelter. He let out a quiet sigh from how overwhelming it was to hear all their voices ringing in his head for different reasons that all varied out to the same reason. They wanted to get his attention for a chance at going home with him. You gave him a curious expression as he approached you and Sam after trying to speak to another dog.
“Any luck?” Sam asked his brother, hopeful for some kind of breakthrough. 
“Hardly.” Dean admitted. “And I’m not just getting any clues—just a bunch of complaints.” 
“Hey, pretty boy.” The older Winchester might have spoken too soon when he heard another voice pop up into his head, making him look over his shoulder to see who was speaking to him. A small yorkie jumped on his hind legs and leaned himself against the fence to try and get the hunter’s attention. “Over here.” 
“Yeah, sorry, pal.” Dean said, shrugging off the dog for whatever excuse he was about to try and throw his way to get him over there and chat his ear off. The man thought he already knew what was going to happen if he wasted more time on yet another dog. “I’m done for the day.” 
“But I saw everything!” The dog shouted, saying exactly what the hunter wanted to hear. It was enough for Dean to make his way over the kennel. You and Sam followed behind, figuring this was the lead all of you had been looking for. “And I’ll tell you, but…it’ll cost you.” 
“What? Are you kidding me? I’m being extorted by a dog.” The older Winchester scoffed at the sudden shift of the conversation. No one else had given him much help. This was the only major lead you had going for you. Dean rolled his eyes and unwillingly gave in to listening to whatever the dog might try and bribe out of him. “Well, what do you want, huh? What? Beggin’ Strips? Snausages?”
“Bitch, please. If I’m gonna rat someone out, it’s got to be worth my while. I want…a belly rub.” The dog gave his final demands to make him speak. Dean once again rolled his eyes at the presumption that it was going to be him who was going to be forced to do the deed. However the yorkie wouldn’t let just anyone come near him.  “Not you, sweetie. The short one.” 
“The...Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me.” Dean grumbled underneath his breath when he turned his direction to the short person he was talking about. You were standing next to him, wondering what was making him grow annoyed now. “He wants a belly rub. From you.” Dean informed you of the pooch’s request. You felt your lips stretch into a happy smile. As if this hunt couldn’t get any better.  “Get to it. You’re like some kind of dog whisperer.” 
You pushed up the latch to the cage and opened up the metal door to greet the yorkie with a big smile at how happy he was from the way his tail was wagging. “Hi there, cutie. You wanna belly rub, huh? Come here.”
The dog wanted his end of the bargain before giving any sort of information about that night to Dean. You started off enjoying giving the pooch what he wanted. He was cradled in your arms like a baby as you scratched his stomach like he requested. His tongue poked out from the side of his mouth as he panted in enjoyment from the rare affection he was being given after spending most hours locked in the small confidments. The human side of Dean was growing annoyed at how much this mutt was trying to milk this bribe for his own benefit. And the canine side of him was growing territorial at how much you were giving someone else affection. 
“Ohh, a cowboy hat, leather pants.” The dog managed to give a basic description of the man of what he was wearing on the night of the murder, occasionally breaking his concentration from the bellyrub long enough to do so. “The dude's a total closet case.”
“Okay, what else can you tell me about the guy other than his outfit?” Dean pressed for more, knowing that it was useless to the three of you. 
“What does he want with the cats?” Dean asked. 
“Ooh, attagirl, yes.” The dog was once again delayed on responding to the question, too caught up in the euphoric feeling. “Hell if I know. But he took all of them, except for the one he ate.”
“Ew.” Dean mumbled to himself from the twist he wasn’t expecting to come from the story. You momentarily stopped scratching the dog to hear what made the man reaction that way. It was for a reason you never would have guessed "Apparently, our guy has a sweet tooth for kitty cats."
You felt your lips stretching into a childlike smile from the information, feeling the need to crack a joke. “So you’re saying he likes to eat p—”
"Keep scratching." Dean told you, cutting you off from making a distasteful joke.
"Oh. Oh, and the sack had something written on it." The yorkie added, giving some information that might help make it easier to track down the man. 
"Okay, what did it say?" Dean asked. The dog decided at that moment to go silent. He went limp in your arms as he let out a yawn, acting as if it was Dean who was wasting his time. "Hey, come on. We had a deal."
“Well, you tell that to your friend.” The dog said  “She’s the one who stopped rubbing.” 
You rolled your eyes when Dean tossed you a look to keep going with the deal he made with the dog. You could only do this for so long before you complained of a hand cramp. Not to mention he was starting to make your arm grow numb for holding him in the same position for a long period of time. Dean didn’t seem to care for your complaints. 
“He’s not talking.” The older Winchester said. 
“I’m sorry, do you want to do it?” You asked him, nodding your head to the needy dog. 
“You’re the one who volunteered.” Dean reminded you. “Very happily.”
You let out a quiet sigh and continued on with your end of the deal. The dog’s tongue poked out of his mouth in happiness.“Attagirl. It said ‘Avant-Garde Cuisine.’” He continued on. “Lucky for you, I read French.”
“That's a café on Main Street.” The Colonel said, jumping into the conversation to lend a helping paw. “No dogs allowed.”
“Well, no wonder he smelled like hamburgers and dish soap.” Dean mumbled, seeming to be still talking amongst the dogs. You raised your brow slightly, wondering if he found a possible lead afterall. “We got to go downtown. Apparently our guy works at a restaurant.”
Dean nodded his head to put the yorkie back into his cage after getting the information you needed from him. “No, no, wait, wait, wait. Sure you don't want to adopt me?”
“No, thanks.” The older man shot down the offer with a smile. “We'll pass.”
You bent down to grab the Colonel’s lesh with your good hand as you tried to stop the cramping in the other. While the little yorkie was a pain, you had to admit it was sort of fun spending some time with the pooch. Even if he was a pain. 
“It’s kind of sad, don’t you think?” You wondered out loud, looking around at the kennels filled with dogs you would have loved to adopt. Sadly not all of them might get a chance. “All these poor things might never get a proper home. I can’t imagine spending the rest of my life in a cage.”
Dean found himself reflecting on what you said for a moment. He didn’t like dogs. Hell, he wasn’t the one for pets. But being able to hear their thoughts and struggles they faced, spending some time walking in their point of view, gave him a better perspective. Every creature, human or animal, deserved a loving home. He felt his lips stretch into a smile from what he was about to do. He knew it would make you happy. Maybe this spell wasn’t such a curse after all. 
You and Sam were left baffled at what the man was doing when he went to every kennel and opened up the cage doors to let the dogs free. A scurry of four legged animals went running past you and straight out the door. You might not have been able to hear the excitement of their freedom, but you could tell from how they raced out of here. Dean was pleased with himself at the little act of kindness. 
“I didn't peg you for a softy.” The Colonel said. 
Dean merely shrugged his shoulders as his response for the German Shepherd. There were a lot of things that were out of character for him today. He spent his entire life saving humans. It felt like a good change of pace to lend a helping hand to man's best friend for a change. 
+ + +
It wasn't too hard for you and the boys to track down the restaurant of the crazy lunatic who murdered two people and catnapped all of the shelter's felines for reasons you still weren't sure of. Sam was the one who picked the lock of the back door and headed inside first, you and Dean following after. You wondered the reason why the place was closed when you were still in the early evening, it should have been booming with business. A closed sign wasn’t going to stop you and the boys from breaking into the place and taking a look around for yourself. It was going to be easier knowing there would be no lingering eyes to disrupt you. 
"I'm sorry. Who can afford to be closed on a Monday these days?" Dean wondered out loud.
“Homicidal maniac?” You guessed.
Sam brought your attention over to a door that was marked private. after passing a few unmarked ones. All of you stepped inside and began taking a look around through the scope of the small flashlight you pulled out. You noticed it must’ve been extra storage for the restaurant from the walk-in freezer you spotted across the room and shelves filled with different canned goods and spices and doubled as an office space for the staff. The younger Winchester approached a desk that was near the door and spotted a framed photograph of a man that was dressed in a chef's uniform with a cowboy hat as an accessory. He smiled for the camera while sharpening a knife. It was oddy suspicious at first glance, but it didn't exactly scream psycho killer to you. 
"Check this out." Sam said. He pulled your attention away from exploring more of the room and to the picture he found. You furrowed your brow slightly at the potential suspect you might have. "Chef Leo. Think he's our guy?"
Dean shrugged at the coincidence, "It's Okie town. Lots of dudes wear cowboy hats." 
Sam decided to stick around the desk when he pulled up a chair and began rifling through some papers and drawers to see if he might be able to find anything suspicious about this Chef Leo. Dean continued on walking through the place as you stuck around to help Sam to cut down the process faster. You flipped through a folder full of important documents for the restaurant that ended up being meaningless to you and dropped them back down where you found them. You pulled out one of the drawers out of curiosity and stumbled upon a little pharmacy Chef Leo had kept for himself.
“Whoa.” You mumbled to yourself. You counted at least eight prescription bottles in the drawer that were all for him. You bent down slightly to get a better look at the drugs to see what he was taking. "Oxycodone, tramadol, methadone. Jeez. Guess he likes to cook perfectly numb.” 
"Help us." 
"Please, mister."
Dean found himself stopping in his tracks when he heard the sound of high-pitched voices coming out of nowhere. He looked around to see where they might have come from, but the only people around were still you and Sam, who were busy looking deeper into Chef Leo's desk. He kept on trying to find the source of the voices when they talked to him again, trying to get him to find them. 
“Did you hear that?” Dean asked, curious if he was the only one. You glanced up and gave the man a confused look as to what he was talking about. You shook your head before continuing on your search. “Sounded like little kids.” 
"Help!" The voice called out again, close enough for Dean to stop again and point his flashlight at a table that was holding something that was hidden behind an apron. "If you don't free us, the chef will eat us." 
“She’s not lying.”
“We’re in a cage!”
Dean managed to find the source of the distressed voices when he pulled off the apron and saw a small cage big enough to be holding a few mice that were unhappily crawling around in their mental confidements. He bent down slightly so he was at somewhat eye level with the rodents so he could speak to them properly. "Eat you?"
One of the rats told him to look in the refrigerator behind him to discover what else the chef was hiding. He did as he was told, making Dean stumble upon several tupperware containers stacked on top of one another with labels of unusual ingredients he had a feeling weren't on the menu. You wandered over in curiosity to discover what Dean had found while Sam found something suspicious on his own. You glanced inside the see through door to see the chef was stocked on animal organs of all kinds. 
"'Owl brains.' 'Cheetah liver.' 'Grizzly heart.'" Dean listed off just a few of the strange organs that made you grimace as the possible reason why the chef needed these ingredients. And how he managed to acquire such an array of organs for such a diverse palate. 
"Ah, a spell book." Sam said. He figured out what kind of book he had been reading through, and why the chef has so many organs on hand. "Shamanism." 
"What's a chef doing dabbling with witchcraft?" You asked.
"It says here whatever animal organ you ingest with the right mix of hoo doo and spices, you temporarily gain the power of that animal." Sam read off some information from the book to help explain what was going on here. Your nose wrinkled slightly as you looked back over at the fridge. The thought of ingesting any of those organs made you feel slightly queasy. "So, okay, if you're munching on owl brains..."
“Your head spins around like ‘The Exorcist’?” Dean wondered, deciding to take a wild guess.
"Close. Bolsters your IQ.” Sam said. He turned his attention back over to the book and began to read through the effects of the organs you and his brother discovered. “Okay, eat a cheetah liver for speed, bear heart for strength.”
"Okay, so if he's chowing down on this stuff—” 
"Then it would make sense why he constricted the taxidermist and clawed the guy at the shelter." Sam said, finishing his brother's thought. 
"Well, no offense," Dean turned his gaze back over to the cage with the mice. They were bottom of the food chain compared to the other animals Chef Leo had on stock. "But why would he want to eat you guys?"
"Uh, we have collapsible spines." The rodent said. 
"Look at this." Sam said. He found several index cards with what appeared to be some kind of recipe with the organs the chef harvested. You grabbed a few from the pile to flip through them yourself. "'Lion liver plus eagle heart.' 'Rattlesnake fangs plus anaconda bladder.' 'Baboon brains plus black widow abdomen.' He's mixing ingredients." 
“What the hell for?” 
Dean’s question went unanswered when the focus in the room went straight for the closed door after hearing what sounded to be metal crashing to the ground. You tossed the cards back to the desk as Sam turned off the small lamp. The rodents were spooked as well from the noise as they began to argue amongst each other. 
“Shoo! Quiet!”
"Don't shush me! You be quiet!" 
"I am quiet. Now." 
You and the boys headed for the door with your guns dawn, unsure of who might be out there. It might have been the chef back for a snack. You followed behind as Dean opened up the door and swiftly stepped outside to the hall, taking a quick glance around before you and his brother joined him. There was no one around the hall you came down, but there were echoes coming from the kitchen. All of you slowly headed there, expecting the man you heard so much about. Instead Dean found himself lowering his gun and hiding it quickly as he could when he spotted an unfamiliar face at work. It took no time at all for the chef to look up from what he was doing and to the three strangers disrupting him.
"Who the hell are you?" The man asked in a slightly frustrated tone of voice. He turned around and crossed his arms over his chest, waiting impatiently for your answer.
"We're from the health department." Sam explained to him, tucking his gun into the waistband of his jeans. "Stopped by for an inspection." 
"I wasn't aware we had one scheduled." He said. 
"Yeah, no, you wouldn't be. That's the point." Dean replied, continuing off with the lie his brother made up on the spot. "Besides, I thought you were closed." 
"We are. Chef's having a private dinner." The man explained to all of you. One of the waiters working tonight pushed open the swinging doors to the dining area and walked in, only to stumble upon the confusing sight that was unraveling. "In fact, he'll be here any minute," 
"Oh. Well, then. In that case, the kitchen's shut down." You declared. The chef's expression dropped at hearing the news. Clearly he demanded answers as to the sudden dramatic information without a proper warning. "Because you're both in clear violation of penal code 8.14. And what's that? Mice. You people have mice. You call yourself fine dining. The only thing people here are getting served is mice droppings." 
"Out. Come on. Get out." Dean instructed the two men, waving for the swinging door the waiter came in from. All though they weren't exactly happy about the change in plans, there was little fuss. "Both of you. We'll let you know." 
You crossed your arms over your chest as you watched the two men inform the guest about the change in plans for the evening. While they didn’t appear to be pleased at the ruined evening, everyone scurried off the property in the matter of seconds. "All right." You directed your gaze back to the older Winchester when he devised a plan. "I'll take the front. You and Sam take the back." 
“Do we even know how to kill this guy?” You asked, wondering if you were going into this situation with the wrong weapon. You hoped this wasn't going to be like poking the bear with a stick and getting mauled to death like the other victims.
"Well, empty one of these in his head." Dean suggested, gesturing the gun he pulled back out after the staff left. "See what that does."
You let out a faint sigh as you watched Dean make his way to the front of the restaurant as Sam continued searching through the rest of the kitchen, leaving you alone. This wasn't the first time you were going up against someone with strange abilities and an unsure way of how to take them down. You found yourself turning back on your heels to the hallway you came from when the sound of metal clanking wandered through the air again. You positioned your gun in front of you as you quietly followed the noise from where it came from. 
You began making your way down the hallway again to see where the noise was coming from. All though you were cautious and on high alert, when you reached the end of the hallway, something still didn't sit right with you. You learned to trust your gut instinct when it kicked in. And right about now it was telling you something was wrong. You turned around to see that you weren't alone anymore. Chef Leo stood in front of you after appearing out of thin air. Whatever he had taken made him be able to blend into his surroundings and get the jump on you. You had no time to react at all from what he did to you next. 
You felt a sudden sharp pain like claws dig into your neck scratching the skin deep enough for you to realize that it wasn't a simple scratch. You pressed your hand to the side of your neck when you felt blood starting to pour out from the wound at a fast rate. The son of a bitch slashed your throat. You had little time to react before you bled to death on the floor. You tried to steady yourself as you made your way down the hall, keeping as much blood in your body as you could. Chef Leo watched on as you struggled to stop yourself from falling down, he found it all amusing in a twisted way. 
"Chameleons aren't all that bad.” He said, a hint of humor in his voice. “Kind of tastes like chicken." 
You struggled to get your feet moving again when you finally pushed yourself off the wall you had been leaning on. The logical part of your brain was yelling at you to get moving before it was too late. You already lost enough blood from just standing here trying to get your head on straight. There was no way you could scream for help, but you might be able to find Dean if you moved fast enough. You tried to get your vision from going blurry as you managed to take a few steps. With each passing second you felt your body starting to grow weaker as you struggled to breathe on your own. 
You dealt with severe blood loss before, you knew the way your body was reacting. You forced yourself to try and keep going, despite your breathing turning heavier and your sight growing weaker with your body. You felt yourself starting to lose consciousness as your fight was slowly dwindling to the end. Right as you were on the edge of death, someone pulled you back from taking the plunge. 
Ezekial, the angel who had been hiding himself quietly in your body over the past several weeks, needed you alive. He preferred to keep his meddling to a minimum. Most of the time he was lured out from hiding by Dean due to some situation he put himself in that needed his help. He felt you slowly choking on your own blood from the slashes you endured on your neck. A simple touch to the wound when he took control healed your wound in the matter of seconds before he vanished quickly as he came. You were left gasping for air, and finding it was easy to do so. 
You felt something sticky and warm covering the hand that was wrapped tightly around your neck. That was it. No excruciating pain. No gasping for breath. You felt...normal. You quickly felt around the skin for some kind of indication that the slashes on your throat were still there. But there was nothing. Your brows furrowed together in confusion as you turned around to face Chef Leo, who appeared to be perfectly normal. Not a drop of blood was on him. You were covered in your own blood. But not a single scratch was on your body. The man stared at you with bewilderment at what you did in front of him.
“How the hell did you do that?” He questioned you. 
“Do what?” You asked him, sounding confused as he was.
"Don't play coy with me." He snapped at you. "I want to know what you are."
"Buddy, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about." You shot back at him, trying to turn your anxiety into anger. Despite the fact that you were without a weapon, you knew you could defend yourself against him. But your mind was still stuck on the fact that you were miraculously healed after he clawed your throat. 
"Oh, screw the sharktopus."  Chef Leo muttered to himself. Your focus finally went back to the psychopath standing in front of you, and before you had a chance to get yourself out of the situation you landed yourself in, he was faster. All it took was a swift punch for you to fall to the ground unconscious. "You’re my main course."
[Next Part]
Rewrite Taglist:
@deansquirreljerkwinchester // @everything-i-tried-was-taken // @starswirlblitz // @supernaturalismydrug // @we-are-band-sexuals // @angiewinchestercas // @kaylinfayezink  // @owhatshername1 // @kgbrenner  // @cleo-is-my-doggy // @eeyore1988 // @dakota-dream // @lilylovelyxo // @timetravelingginger // @holahellohialoha //   @quicksilver123456 // @natashacamillas //@lexi-anastasia //@kaylinfayezink //  @deanwnchstr @albot-eh // @rashinyx2002 // @shellybeans //  @icantfindacreativeurl //  @becs-bunker // @oreosatmidnight // @bands-and-shietz // @fabulousmustachesonapolarbear // @clarewinchester // @releasethekracko // @alex-zeppelin // @mega-mrs-dean-winchester // @theskytraveler // @notmoose94 //@assassinofmasyaf // @caswinchester2000 // @savannah-m-99 // @sunlight-dean // @strayrosesbloom // @that-slytherin-over-there // @1000roughdrafts // @its-medeanwinchester // @simplyhemmings // @dream-believe-and-love
Message me if you would like to be added!
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muppenthings · 4 years
So bellyrubs might be a thing but V's ticklish? XD oh man, I was going to ask how that wasn't taken advantage of by Ro wanting some friendly payback but if he thrashes a bit then it would be a bit harder to manage. Hm, how would that work tho? Then again can he lean on his side a little? Like to where his underbelly is visible or would that just squish his pectoral fins? I'm curious now lol 🤣🐙
Yep tickling him is a Bad™ idea. Sure the squeak is funny but not when accompanied by hundreds of tons jolting. xD The fins are pretty flexible so he can easily roll on to his side while the fins “hug” his mid. It’s more his torso that’s not gonna be as comfortable lying sideways on a hard surface. :,) It would probably be easiest if he’s on his back and lower half floating in water. They’d have “free rein” and would only get thrown into the water in the worst case scenario. How they would get the idea to give a belly rub is beyond me however. xD
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General Dating Headcanons
I,,,, sincerely hope you don’t have pet birds. If you do she’s gonna be constantly giving them shady looks.
Regardless, she loves to spoil you with almost anything you could want! She has all the money she could need, and she absolutely loves buying you new outfits!
You forgot to do your homework?? No problem!! Her serfs will do it for you. Her serfs will do anything for you. She demands it.
As long as you’re okay with it, she’ll probably be holding your hand constantly. Very cuddly and protective.
Will text you at midnight asking if you want to go swimming with her. She somehow always get you to say yes, but it's always super fun despite how tired you are the next day.
He gets jealous easily, but is actually surprisingly laid back about you being around others even if they try to flirt with you (or if he thinks they're trying to flirt anyways). If he notices someone flirting with you, he’ll pay close attention to the conversation and your body language so he can step in if you're uncomfortable, but trusts you to not flirt back, yanno?
He gives you his jacket when you first start dating so people get the hint you're a couple pretty quickly. He wants his jacket back tho please return it.
Walks you to class and usually has his tail wrapped around your wrist or leg. You're pretty sure he doesn't even know he does that tbh.
He plays with your hair a lot regardless of its length or style. Which is sometimes relaxing but other times has you sitting there in fear just praying that he doesn't accidentally light your hair on fire.
Will cry while watching emotional sappy movies with you but immediately puts on a horror movie and laughs through it. He gives you whiplash I stg.
Whenever he sees you his tail just starts waggin at light speed.
Everyone knows that he likes being pet and getting bellyrubs because of his wolf qualities, but sometimes he subconsciously pets you back?? He just kinda thinks “well I like this and it makes me feel appreciated so I'll show you affection in the same way!!”
If you speak another language he can catch onto it surprisingly quickly, and if you don't know another language hell probably try to convince you to learn one with him. He needs something he can focus on learning while being interested in it, and I feel like languages fit that pretty well??
Would absolutely LOVE to work out with you!! Any sport of your choice!!! He’s just a simple man who loves some good old sportball!!!!
Assuming he’s taller than you (which is probable since he's pretty tall), be prepared to be picked up into the best bear hug of your life.
He’s the kinda man who will be so dedicated to taking aesthetic pics of you that he gets his knees locked in an uncomfortable position for those Good Angles.
He’s not too big into PDA, but he constantly shows other romantic gestures. Like memorizing your favorite foods and bringing it into school for you, leaving sticky notes with cute poems in your locker, and resting a hand on the small of your back if he notices you are uncomfortable in a conversation.
Will draw you a lot for art practice as long as you give your okay, and loves to sit and draw with you or teach you some drawing basics.
He can give you whiplash by going from quiet and reserved to fuckin shotgunning a can of blood or whatever gets him drunk at a party depending on how comfy you are with partying.
I imagine he’s very skilled in time management so like as much as he loves you he can and will threaten to literally throw you into bed if you're not getting enough sleep or literally drag you out of bed if you constantly oversleep.
LOVES PDA!! Like she totally respects your opinion on it but she l o v e s showing you off to others and just giving you constant affection.
She’s p chill about your opinions on most things and won't force you to do anything you don't want to but like,,, if you want some drugs,,,,, she's got you covered bby.
She can and will jump on your back so you can give her piggyback rides into class.
Constantly asks to cheat off your homework but makes it up to you by getting you free drinks at parties and bars, along with cuddles while you're hungover the next day.
She is your own personal hype man for any and every occasion. Constant praise. A ghostly embodiment of the “fuck it up Kenneth!!” vine.
Spoils you to the hundredth degree, but wants you to be financially stable on your own. Will gladly help you come up with a business of your own.
Her snakes actually like you after a while, and they'll his at anyone who is rude to you in any way shape or form.
Will make sure you are constantly feeling and looking your best, because you are the best. No arguments.
Takes you on very extravagant dinner dates or on a mission to assassinate a rival company. No in between.
Kisses the back of your hand a lot? She's not too big on PDA but she’ll constantly kiss the back of your hands when she's able to.
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belliesandburps · 5 years
any canons for Gilbert Nightray?
This is gonna be interesting since I do like to imagine Gil in scenarios despite him not being a big eater.  So this’ll be different from most canons I do.  :P
May as well tag @thatkinkyasexual here as well, as a fellow PH fan. ;)
Gilbert “Gil” Nightray
Unlike Oz, Alice and Break, Gil isn’t a big eater.  He has a very weak appetite and, given his subservient nature, he’d much rather cook for everyone else while THEY stuff their faces instead.  That said, Gil HAS overindulged a few too many times, only, unlike everyone else, it isn’t because he’s a glutton; he absolutely isn’t.  It’s because Gil gets stressed quite a bit, and if he’s REALLY stressed, he may accidentally stress-eat and overdo it.
Gil seldom eats a lot, and he’s a very lean young man, so if he does, for any reason, overindulge from stress-eating, it’s nothing too extreme, just a noticeable bloat that causes his normally concave stomach to push out against his shirt.  The worst he’s ever gotten was when Oz roped him into an eating contest with Alice that, naturally, Alice won and Gil ended up miserably bloated and hating life...and that “stupid rabbit.”  XD
Despite the fact that Gil doesn’t eat a lot, he’s VERY prone to getting stomachaches.  In-canon, Gil has a very weak stomach and has in the manga, complained about his stomach bothering him frequently, and that tends to be because of stress and anxiety.  Whenever his stomach is bothering him, Gil will always try to ride it out or ignore it, but his stomach gurgles deeply and loudly and Gil ends up looking quite nauseous as a result.  When he’s alone, Gil will slip his hand under his shirt and tenderly rub his aching belly with one hand to try and dull the pain.  However, the biggest, surefire cure is when Oz rubs Gil’s belly for him.  Oz doesn’t mind at all, he’s always happy to help his best friend feel better but Gil is a mess whenever Oz rubs his stomach.  For one, Gil still believes the servant should be the one making the master feel better, not the other way around.  But more importantly, given the implication that Gil might be into Oz, having Oz’s hands on his bare stomach leaves Gil a completely flustered mess.  It doesn’t help that anytime gives Gil a bellyrub, Alice is somewhere in the corner pointing and laughing at “Seaweed Head” for having a weak gut.
Gil’s favorite meal is chicken breast.  It’s lean, can be seasoned with anything, and it’s his favorite dish to cook for others, especially Oz, since he can garnish it with all sorts of things.
In contrast, Gil’s favorite drink is sparkling water.  That tends to ease his stomach most and has a nice feel going down.  As we saw in one episode, Gil does NOT do well with alcohol...hilarious as that episode was.  ‘XD
Being a servant to Oz AND being of the Nightray household, Gil tries his best to be very well-mannered.  Anytime he feels a burp coming up, he’ll try to suppress it or keep it as quiet as he can.  He usually doesn’t burp after a meal unless it was especially greasy, and usually, Gil doesn’t eat greasy foods unless roped into it.  When he does eat something greasy, that will make him belch rather deeply, which Gil hates.  He’ll cover his mouth after a rather deep burp, excuse himself, then complain about the food being too heavy.  Gil hates this, but he actually knows how to burp on command thanks to Oz who, when they were originally young together, roped Gil into burping contests all the time.  And when Gil admitted he didn’t know how, Oz taught him how to burp on command...or just chug a lot of soda since at the time, Gil could only work out these comically tiny burps that left Oz facepalming.  Gil tends to get extra burpy if his stomach is really gurgle-y.  When that happens, he’ll excuse himself and go somewhere in private to suffer in silence alone.  If Gil ever accidentally burps loudly, his face will go red as a cherry and his eyes wide as tea plates as he excuses himself to everyone around him and runs off to die in shame.  Oz always thinks that’s hilarious and always tries to assure his dorky buddy that it’s no big deal.  Gil will naturally insist that a servant should have better manners than that, to which Oz will reply with a HUGE burp, a smack of the lips, and a grin before adding that someone of the Bezarius should probably have better manners too, yet here they are.
It’s 100% canon that Gil hiccups a lot, especially when he’s drunk.  And when he’s drunk, Gil fluctuates from being a mean drunk to a sad drunk, hiccuping and groaning every step of the way.  We even see a few times after a really deep hiccup, he’ll groan or sigh afterwards like, “*HIC!*-guh...”  Only, when Gil is drunk, he’s too mean / sad to be embarrassed...besides, he’ll probably end up crying at some point anyway.  (Seriously, the drinking episode is one of my all-time favorite “bottleneck episodes” of any anime.  Gil is the most adorable drunk, and him calling Break “Preak” never ceases to make me laugh like an idiot.  ‘XD)
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jace-the-writer-guy · 5 years
One day in the short winter break the students of Beacon were given, Wave was training with his close friend in the gym. He threw an uppercut and she leaned backward to dodge it, and then he spun in place and threw a backfist toward her head. She blocked it with her forearms and then sweeped her leg under Wave and took his legs from under him, sending his back crashing to the mat. Before his friend could drop over him for a submission, Wave rolled backward and back onto his feet, and then he quickly feigned a left punch and she went to dodge, but he sent a right instead. His knuckles caught her on the chin and she stepped back as if she was caught off guard. Wave pressed the attack and sent a left hook to her again, but she caught his hand and flipped her body over, her hair nearly a blur of gold, using her momentum to push wave back down onto the mat and she then had him in an armbreaker, and Wave was forced to tap out.
"Ha, gotcha!" Yang said cheerfully and jumped up to her feet, "That makes what? 10-10 even?"
Wave got up to his feet and nodded, and he grinned. "Yeah, we're all tied up now. I hope I don't make Weiss jealous by rolling around on the mat with you."
Weiss scoffed from her seat nearby and threw a towel to Yang. "Oh please, I don't get jealous."
Carlisha laughed next to her. "That's because you get to roll around in the sheets with Yang at night."
Weiss blushed brightly at that. "Oh don't start, Carli!"
"P-please!" Aerial agreed, sitting at Carlisha's other side, "Bad girl!"
Carlisha gasped and looked at Aerial, putting on a hurt expression as she made her eyes shine with feigned tears. "You don't mean that, d-do you?"
Aerial immediately felt guilty for what she said as she looked into her girlfriend's puppy dog eyes. "Of course not, I promise! You're a good girl!"
Carlisha began to giggle at that. "Thank you, Aer~"
Weiss stared over at Aerial and laughed. "You're hopeless, Aerial."
Wave eolled his eyes at that and turned back to Yang, holding his fist out. "Good match, Yang."
Yang gave him a fist bump. "Yeah, it was."
"Think I could talk to you and Weiss for a bit? I've been thinking over something I needed to talk to you both about."
"Oh, sure," Yang agreed for herself and looked over to Weiss, "Hey Snow Angel, Wave needs to talk to us about something."
Weiss turned from the two next to her and looked to Wave. "What is it?"
"We'll leave you to that!" Carlisha said and tossed Wave a towel, and both him and Yang a bottle of water each, "We gotta go check on Kani. I'm not sure Ebony or Sakura can resist giving her treats for long."
Aerial stood up from the bench and went over to kiss Wave on the cheek. "See you later, Wave."
Wave kissed her on the cheek as well. "See you then, babe."
Aerial left with Carlisha while Yang and Wave went to sit down with Weiss. "I've been thinking about upgrading Mercy Drive," Wave said to them both, "I started thinking that I'm probably gonna start needing some kind of ranged attack soon since I just have another year after this one before I'm a Huntsman."
"Punchin' not doing it for you anymore?" Yang asked with a grin.
Wave laughed at that. "No, that's not it. I just want to have that ability as a backup in case I need it, and I don't think an actual gun suits me."
"Why did you want to talk with us about it?" Weiss asked, "Surely you don't need us for permission."
"Well... I kinda do have to ask one of you," Wave replied, "Yang, would you be okay if I based the upgrade for Mercy Drive off of Ember Celica a bit? It's not gonna be a ripoff or anything, I just need some kind of base."
"Hell yeah!" Yang answered and grinned even more.
"Wait, really?" Wave asked and blinked in surprise, "That easy?"
"Yup! I'd be happy to help out a friend," Yang said, "We gotta go over what you want for it, like how you want it to be on your wrists and forearms or whatever. Weiss, you in on helpin' out?"
"Oh, I would be happy to help," Weiss answered easily, "We can go plan something out now if you'd like."
"Yeah, I think that would be great," Wave replied, and he nodded, "Thanks for wanting to help."
*Four weeks later*
"Gods, why was this so hard to do?" Wave asked more to himself as he set his second bracer down on his desk next to his other, and he flexed his fingers around a bit.
"Maybe it's because you never worked on something like that before?" Aerial suggested from his bed, giving Kani some well deserved bellyrubs.
"Well, probably," Wave replied and laughed a bit, "At least I made all the parts with minimal screw ups."
"Like when you completely melted the firing pins over and over and just bought a couple?" Carlisha asked with a smirk, laying on the foot of Wave's bed.
"Oh shut up. I made most of it myself with Weiss and Yang's help."
"Are you gonna try them on yet?" Aerial asked, "Come ooon, try them out!"
"Getting there, stop pestering me!" Wave said lightheartedly, and then he looked back to his heavily upgraded weapons, "Holy crap... this is gonna feel different."
The metal of both of the bracers on the tops and sides of them was rather thick, clearly housing more inside of them along with offering Wave a better defense when he blocks attacks. He took the left-handed one and put it around his forearm, the bracer covering just a bit less than half of his forearm from his wrist up. He looked it over for several moments before he sent aura through it, and thinner metal wrapped around his forearm from the bracer itself and tightened a bit, keeping it snug on his arm. After that, he used his aura on it again in another way and the bracer extended out more from the back and reached his elbow, covering his skin in every area on his forearm before his gauntlet came from the top of the bracer at his wrist and covered his fist, and the metal grip came from the sides and wrapped around his fingers for him to grab onto, and he did so.
Wave took a deep breath and looked the entire thing over again. His eyes lingered on his emblem engraved into the top of his gauntlet, two dragon heads back to back breathing fire with their bodies necks wrapping around each other until they split apart at the bottom and curved into looking like an anchor for a ship. "This does feel a lot different from when I tried it on before."
"That's because you have it finished," Carlisha said knowingly and she sat up on the bed, and she grinned, "It feels different because you were still figuring things out with it then, and now that you have it done I bet it feels complete, right?"
Wave nodded slowly. "Yeah, that's how it feels."
"How did you guess that, Carli?" Aerial asked their girlfriend.
"I just knew. I know the feeling from experience when it came to Kilauea's hilt, the gun on the sheath, and my arm guards. Dogs are smart, remember?" Carlisha said, and then her grin turned to a smirk as she looked at Aerial,and she winked.
Aerial pouted and blushed a bit, and then she got Kani's attention with her hand and pointed to Carlisha. "Get her, Kani!"
Kani yipped and jumped up onto her paws, and then she jumped onto her second mama and began to assault her cheeks with her tongue. "Aahhh, Kani noooo~" Carlisha wailed in very poorly acted despair.
Wave laughed and watched his puppies playing around, and soon Carlisha pulled Aerial down and they all started rolling around on the bed. "I'm lucky to have you girls..." Wave murmured to himself before he focused on Mercy Drive again.
He inspected it for several moments once more. There were several lines in the bracer across the top of it over his wrist, marking different segments in it that could still move around. Wave used his aura once more and the sensors reacted in it, and the. The largest metal segment began to rise up by nearly an inch, and the muzzle of a barrel poked out of it by an inch, the tip just above his hand.
So far, so good.
Next up, Wave made the back of the bracer open up, a couple inches rising up and then moving back to reveal the receiver area just behind the gun. He took the belt of ammunition he had from his desk and looked at them for a moment. They were 5.56 Hoplite rounds, the type and size commonly used by Vale's military, made by S&S Munitions and they were in a belt of twenty rounds. Wave put one end of the belt into the receiver, and then he wrapped the rest around his arm and made the area close up, locking the ammo in, protected from all around and kept secure. Soon, Wave heard the charging handle inside of it rack back and load the round in, and he grinned. The next step was opening the second receiver on the right side of the barrel, and he grabbed a special magazine of bolt dust from his desk and put it in the receiver, and it pulled the magazine in and closed up. On the opposite side of the barrel from the dust receiver was the ejector port for the broken links of the belt and the spent shells he would fire. He then repeated every single process with his other bracer and soon had it fully ready to go as well, a complete mirror opposite of the other half..
"Girls, wanna come with me to the range?" Wave asked his girlfriends, turning to see them both happily giving Kani headpats, "You'll have to leave Kani with the others since she isn't good around gunshots yet." He grabbed another two belts and rolled them both up, and then he put them in the small bags he had on his belt at his sides.
Aerial looked up from Kani and smiled. "Sure! I wanna see if they work!"
Carlisha giggled. "I'll go too. Hear that, Kani? You get to spend some time with aunt Ebby~"
Kani didn't understand her, but she yipped happily in response anyway.
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Welcome to the Rainbow Bridge Raja! You will be dearly missed at camp! I will miss you jumping on me just so I could rub your belly & back at the same time, & when you would stubbornly roll over to get more belly rubs so you could have more time out in the yard lol I know Jack is sure gonna miss you but we will give him lots of love! Love you sweet boy! 🐶💔😣💚 #RainbowBridge #Raja #Camp #MissYou #BellyRubs #Stubborn #LoveYou #SweetBoy #RestInPeace
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