#Scott howl x reader
ghostygloom · 2 years
fuck it ima start writing again, Monster prom boys x Ace reader (not ace myself but had an idea)
He was so confused when you told him you were ace, But not because of the concept of asexuality He was like
“So your Attraction to me is Not at all influenced By sexual attraction??”
“Nope, Not at all i Just like you”
“You Have Very bad taste Babe, But it just makes me Lucky”
He definitely has attraction to you physically but he doesn’t push it because of your boundaries
Isn’t Phased, Like at all. He actually kinda figured. He’s Demihimself so he has no room to judge you for being ace. He’s actually Very understanding, and if you don’t feel comfortable with kisses/Physical touch in general that’s okay because that’s not his love language anyway, his is quality time, you two enjoy your relationship on your own terms not how the mainstream tells you to.
Very Chill about it, this adorable boy doesn’t know much about sex/sexual attraction Anyway so he’s kinda glad he doesn’t have to worry about messing things up by being inexperienced in the area.
“OHHHHHH, that’s what that means? okay! im glad you told me, and don’t worry i don’t mind”
he is unknown in the sexual attraction area ANYWAY he probably doesn’t even Feel sexual attraction himself. He’s happy to just have your romantic interest and help him with dealing with his new found emotions
Definitely Was a bit startled by it at first, almost kinda not accepting. But don’t worry they come around after doing some research on their own
“uhmm-, okay..? i don’t get it. How can you not be attracted to me? I’m gorgeous, right?”
“Hey…I did some research after our conversation..i’m sorry for the way i acted when you told me…i honestly just didn’t understand”
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Realizing your trans while dating them (Ftm, will post Mtf later)
TW//slight mention of pregnancy (in a semi light hearted matter), crying, implied sexual content
baby boy is so so so supportive…in his own weird way. You tell him while he’s at your apartment for a study session it went a little something like this
“Hey..liam? i have something to tell you…”
he looks up from his book from above the rim of his glasses at you before noticing your pained expression and transferring his face into one as well before quickly shutting the book and sitting up to pay attention to you.
“What’s wrong…? You look upset.”
“Liam I realized something about myself, well more like i’ve come to grasp with something i’ve always known…”
he now looks Puzzled, what could you possible mean by that?
“I don’t Feel Right in my body…something is wrong with me where i am now. I don’t Feel Like a girl. And i totally understand if that’s a deal breaker for you and you want to break up with me.”
your eyes start to tear up and your composure breaks and you start to cry in your hands but before you can let out a genuine sob liam has wrapped his arms around you and you gasp from the sudden contact and you go to look up at him and he is smiling at you.
“Why on earth would i do a silly thing like that? You know i’m Bisexual right?”
He pulled away from you with a smirk on his face
“Besides the whole idea of Gender conformity and What a person can be is So mainstream”
You rolled your eyes playfully at your boyfriend, you couldn’t be happier at this outcome
He literally has gay dads, he’s so supportive of LGBTQIA+ people it’s frightening. Like you don’t expect this kind of proud and Kind nature from DAIMEN of all people.
“Hey babe..? i have something to tell you…”
you said fidgeting with your fingers
“He looked at how nervous and Somewhat pained your expression was and he got nervous”
“Oh fuck, what’s wrong?? Don’t tell me your pregnant. I’m not ready to be a dad yet!”
“NO IM NOT PREGNANT YOU IDIOT!! we use a condom every time anyway, where’d you think it’d come from?”
“I dunno, like a freak accident or something”
“Well no, i’m not pregnant but this is still serious”
“What’s wrong then…?”
“Well, I don’t feel like a girl anymore… to be honest i don’t think i ever did”
His posture seems to relax and he sighs of relief
“That’s it? I thought something was wrong you scared the shut out of me”
“Wha- But arent you straight?”
“HAH- That’s funny babe. I’m attracted to you regardless of your gender. I think your awesome and i love being around you”
“Awww thanks Babe!~”
he then opens the window and shouts out to the world
and you both know that somewhere in hell daimens dads are smiling
You told him at Camp Spooky when you were walking in the woods back from the meteor shower you had just watched together 
“Hey Cal..? Can we Talk?”
“Of course romantic partner Y/N!' what do you wish converse about?”
“Well What do you know about Gender Identity?”
“Ah in My hard drive i have memories of talking with Friend Milo about that topic. They mentioned that they are in fact a ‘non-binary’ and in Fact use they/them pronouns, After that i conducted a data search on the web and found out there was a plethora of others and labels for people who have a different perception of self from their biological sex. Why do you ask?”
“well i believe im somewhere on that spectrum you just mentioned..”
“oh my, Are you saying that you are transgender?”
“Yes i am…are you okay with that?”
“Of course! I am attracted to you romantically regardless of your biological sex, you have done that for me being that i have no Sexual reproductive parts. So of course i see no issue, what would you like me to refer to you as?”
You told him in a motel on the road-trip you went on with polly, she was in a separate room since we were able to afford 2 and since you and scott were dating it was obvious you were comfortable sharing so Polly was super stoked to have a huge bed to herself
“Hey scott..? we need to talk..”
“Oh no are you breaking up with me??? did i do something wrong?? am i not a good boy??”
“No no no! nothing like that I swear, It’s just something i have to tell you”
“Oh, well then what is it?” he said tilting his head like a confused puppy
“Well Yknow how I’m a girl right?”
“Yeah? you’re my girlfriend!”
“Well i’m not so Sure i am a girl anymore…i’ve realized i might be trans..sorry if it’s a deal breaker for you and if you wanna end things i completely understand”
“What?? break up with you??? why would i do that when i just got a boyfriend! is there anything else i should know?”
Wowee this took unnecessary long for me to write considering the last one was only like 15 mins 😅 i hope you all enjoyed this one! i’ll post the ftm version and nb version later
Peace and love! -Ghosty
pst follow my main @ghostygloom
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era-of-fear · 2 years
Sleeping Together
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Desc: Catching Zzz's with Scott Howl
~Have you ever shared a bed with a large dog?
~What about a large dog with hands and actual arms?
~That's Scott.
~Scott will fall asleep on his own side of the bed with his share of the blankets. He'll kiss the side of your head (regardless of whether or not you're dating) before he settles down.
~It doesn't matter what precautions you took or pillow boundaries you set beforehand, Scott will wind up on your side of the bed one way or another in his sleep.
~It doesn't matter what position he's in or whatever "anti-snore" shit he tries, he snores.
~If you try to move away from him, he'll hold you like a teddy bear and roll over with you. It's like a sleepy werewolf death-roll.
~The biggest blanket hog you will ever meet. Scott will take all the blankets he can get his hands on, then you with them. Your best bet is having a separate blanket stashed away in preparation for this.
~If you fall asleep on Scott, he'll wrap his arms around you and won't move the entire night.
~He's an extremely heavy sleeper, so good luck waking him up for any reason except cooking bacon. If he smells pizza or bacon, he's up and alert.
~Scotts like a heater, so you may not even need many blankets if you sleep with him.
~If he's sleeping good enough, he'll drool.
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tatertotsafterdark · 1 year
Marking - Scott Howl x Reader
|| Being a struggling college student sucks. Luckily, your werewolf boyfriend doesn't mind helping you de-stress - even if he gets a little too into it.
Word count: 1k
Author’s note: IK I switched this fic from what was planned at the last minute but shhhhh... tried to put some characteristics of the Monster Prom writing style but I don't know how successful that was. Based mainly off the first Monster Prom game. (Ignore how the gif is monster roadtrip okay byeeee have fun reading or don't)
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Midterms, midterms, midterms. Jesus fucking Christ. That’s all your life has been for the last few weeks, working on gradually revising your notes and studying for those God forsaken tests, worth a part of your grade that’s way too big. You slam your flat palms onto the desk in your small apartment, giving it a good couple of smacks. You’re frustrated, unable to grasp the topic you’re reading through. Why the hell did you have to take a math class? You hated math. Your major didn’t really use math, either. 
You groan as you hear a knock at the door, lifting yourself on to tired legs. Who visits this late at night, especially when you have a giant sign on your apartment door labeled “DON’T DEAD OPEN INSIDE?” You’d think by now people would catch on to your witty ideas of decoration and lack of availability. Maybe studying for midterms wouldn’t be so hard if you’d stop making interior design into your impromptu passion. 
Your hand quickly twists the knob, without giving much thought to check if there was some kind of evil monster or a serial killer or a Jehovah Witness outside of your door. Luckily, it’s none of those - it’s Scott! You manage a smile as his tail wags, and step aside, nonverbally inviting him inside. You can do that since he’s not a vampire. He quickly enters, wrapping his muscular arms around you.
“Dude, where have you been?!” He yells out, a large and toothy smile plastered on his face. You can practically hear his tail wagging, and you can definitely hear it hitting into his backside as it wags. 
“Studying.” You reply, returning the hug weakly and shuffling back over to the living room, lit only by a singular lamp (setting the aesthetic is an important part of studying, after all). You didn’t realize it until now, but your desk was piled with sticky notes, flashcards, notebooks, highlighters, pens in every color under the sun, and empty energy drink cans.
“Studying? Who even studies anymore?” Scott cocks his head, making that stupid-yet-so-damn-cute face at you like he always did when he was questioning your totally normal decisions. 
“I mean, c’mon, when was the last time you got some sun, bro? Your curtains are never open.” Scott says, a small pout on his lips as he looks down at you. You opt to ignore the comment about your currents, and instead huff and walk over to your desk.
“It doesn’t matter when I last left my apartment or opened the windows or anything like that. What’s important right now is that I teach myself everything my professor has been trying to teach us for the past few weeks.” Your ass hits the office chair a bit hard, which sends it backwards. The back of your chair hits Scott’s front, stopping it in its place. 
“You haven’t even showed up to the gym recently! You’re not getting any exercise.”
“I’m not interested in exercising. I want to pass these dumbass exams, Scott. Plus, there isn’t an exercise in the world that I actually like.” 
“Yes there is, bro, you know that.” 
“Great, Scott, then go ahead and tell me because you definitely know me better than I know myself.” You roll your eyes, and the action could probably be heard just off of the nasty tone you dip down into using. Swapping sleep for caffeine isn’t good for your mood, note to self. 
“Well, Polly says that sex burns calories, so therefore, it’s exercise.” 
You freeze up for a moment, thinking about the implications of the sentence that just slipped out of Scott’s lips. Was he implying that you two-? 
Before you can think much longer, one of Scott’s large hands is slowly massaging your chest, and the other is in between your thighs. He may be a bit academically challenged, but at least he wouldn’t be totally lost in an anatomy class. You can’t help but lean into the touch. It’d been ages since you’d gotten any action, even before you started obsessing over getting good grades on your midterms. Scott’s large fingers rubbing slow circles over your clit is enough to melt your brain, getting it off of finding derivatives, even if it was only for a temporary amount of time. 
“Shit- don’t stop- please.” You manage to get your voice to work in between pathetic squeaks and whimpers, and Scott simply speeds up in response to your words. You close your eyes, soaking in the much needed feeling of human contact. Two of Scott’s fingers find their way to the hard bud that’s developed under your shirt, gently twisting and pinching it as your moans get louder.
He buries his head into the crook of your neck, and before long, you feel fangs on the tender flesh. Love bites are completely welcome, of course, so you don’t complain. You run your fingers through his hair as he finishes you off, giving you much needed release without so much as undressing you.
“There, bro! Now you’ve got your daily workout in. Your studying is going to be way easier now.” Scott says with a proud smile, turning your office chair around to face him. The way his face drops, you can tell he’s totally marked up your entire neck to the point even a turtleneck wouldn’t be enough to hide it. Oh, shit. 
“Well… a workout is exactly what I needed. Thanks, bro.”
“Anytime, dude! Just, uh, make sure you have that color corrector stuff you were talking about the one time.” Scott laughs, turning on his heel and walking to your kitchen. You rub your fingers over the bite marks, and the fact that they’re indented into your skin is enough to tell you that any amount of color corrector wouldn’t be enough anyway. They trail up to just below your ear, so you’ll just have to hide away in your room and study for a few more days until they fade. 
You take a deep breath, turning away from Scott as he opens your fridge, and picking up one of your colorful pens for the umpteenth time that evening. 
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itsthesinbin · 6 months
Monster Mash: Polished Edition chapter 6 AND the first Damien chapter are up!
Just a reminder due to rampant AI use lately, my AO3 is set so only logged in users may view my work.
its been a while since i uploaded anything for a multi-chapter fic! sorry abt misleading you with the hobbit vs lotr poll. after i made the poll i reread monster mash and wanted to write for it again. the hobbit is still on the table tho!
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
I recently started reading about werewolf stiles and I was wondering if you could do a werewolf stiles x male reader, please and thank you
Werewolf Stiles Stilinski x male reader
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Ive never read too many werewolf Stiles fics, as I mainly read Spark Stiles stuff, but its an interesting idea, so I hope you enjoy this.
It’s been a while since I watched the show, so there might be parts about werewolf culture I forgot.
There are many ways Stiles could have been bitten, but lets assume its later on after everything with the Nogitsune and the chimeras. Its most likely Scott that bites him to save his life or something like that.
Because he killed people as the Nogitsune, and maybe other times I can’t remember, he would have blue eyes instead of yellow. Since he has so much experience with other people being bitten, he’s probably more on top of his own transformation.
If it was in the show, there would probably be a whole plot about Stiles becoming something else when he was bitten, because its Stiles, why wouldn’t he. But let’s just say the transformation went as it was meant to go.
Hes still is loud sassy self, but with a lot more wolf and dog jokes. You have to expect to hear the joke about you putting him in a collar at least once a week, or making him sleep in the doghouse.
Stiles struggles with his new urges and senses for a while, especially how much how loves your scent and can’t seem to get enough of you. Even before his bite, Stiles was a clingy lover, but afterwards it gets even worse.
He doesn’t even seem to notice he does it. Stiles will hang out at your place and splay across your bed, burying his face into your sheets and pillow and roll around. Or you go to his place, where he absentmindedly makes you wear his clothes to get his scent on you.
Stiles notices how he wants you provide for you more, it starts out small like bringing you small snacks or letting you borrow his jacket, but it becomes bringing you a whole ass deer after a full moon, much to the pack’s entertainment.
You are his person, if that makes sense. If he’s losing himself during a shift, he thinks about you to get himself back under control. Just the idea of hurting you makes his entire body and soul ache, and it’s the last thing he would ever want to do.
That might also result in Stiles hiding away from you the days before a full moon, just in case, as his needs and urges get stronger and stronger. Let’s just say he’s had to buy a lot of new pants as his claws keep tearing holes in his usual ones, as he has to grip his thigh from doing anything.
Has caught himself almost biting you on multiple occasions, like if you guys are cuddling or getting a little more intimate and Stiles finds himself scraping his teeth across your neck. His instincts howl for him to bite and mark you, but he’s so terrified of the idea that he almost falls out of the bed.
Stiles being Stiles would bury himself in research to try and understand why his urges are so God damn strong, as other wolves he’s met haven’t been so bad when it comes to their lover.
He ends up having to tuck his tail between his legs and go to other members of the pack with more experience, most likely Derek, or Peter, as his research doesn’t end up with much.
Peter would have a good laugh at his situation, and Derek would just raise a brow with a small “huh, makes sense” much to Stiles’s annoyance.  He ends up getting the werewolf version of the birds and the bees, and the whole talk about true mates, and he ends up sitting in his car just thinking this all sounds like one of those trashy werewolf romance books.
Assuming you are an average human, it would take a bit for Stiles to tell you, and you probably have to force it out of him cuz he’s avoiding you. Stiles again being Stiles, would feel like he doesn’t deserve you or that you can do so much better, so he doesn’t wanna force a bond on you.
He needs reassurance that you still love him, especially after he’s become a werewolf. After a long talk, Stiles returns to his lovable clingy self, but he won’t allow himself to bond you until you guys get older, even though he truly wants too.
I can imagine it gets so bad that he wears something like a tooth guard so he can’t accidentally bite your neck in the heat of the moment, cuz he wants you both to build your careers or educations before you get “wolf married” as he calls it.
During a full moon, he also always finds himself by your place, be it crawling in through your window or just hovering in the shadows nearby. You gets used to the feeling of him watching you when he’s wolfed out, and you’ll easily find his glowing blue eyes when you learn where to look.
Like I said earlier, a scent beast. You’ll cat him snuffling and sniffing you on the regular, and it probably reaches the point he can smell the changes in your hormones, so if you ever feel a little hot under the collar you just know he’s gonna smell it too.
After being bitten he also gets more comfortable with his body and appearance, since running around during the full moon ends with him naked more times than he doesn’t. The bite also made him muscle up, at least somewhat, which he appreciates too.
When his old flannels don’t fit on him anymore cuz of the sudden growth spurt, he gives them all to you to wear or do with as you please. If they fit, that’s the easiest way to make him buckle for you.
All in all, he’s still as much of a sweetheart as if he wasn’t a werewolf, now he just has a lot of new urges and instincts that catch him off guard every now and then. Stiles would always carry some guilt for mixing you deeper into the supernatural world, even if you were already part of it, but he also can’t ever imagine living without you.
So, make sure to reassure him that you love him and will stay by his side. If you end up some kind of supernatural being too, the guilt lessens, but its Stiles were talking about, he’s always got some kind of thing going on.
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venus-haze · 4 months
Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf? (Foxy Coltrane x Reader)
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Summary: It’s Halloween, 1985, and your Little Red Riding Hood costume catches the attention of the Midnight Wolfman himself.
Note: Female (incredibly unhinged) reader. Foxy calls the reader “Red” because of the Halloween costume, not due to any physical descriptors. I've literally been working on this since February🫠 Anyway, this is for all the old man fuckers out there🖤 Except if you’re under 18, terf or radfem, or post thinspo/ED content.
Word count: 2.2k
Warnings: Discussions of canon typical violence. Sexually explicit content involving semi-public play, oral sex (m. receiving) and light roleplaying elements.
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October 31, 1985
As soon as you walked into the bar up the road from your place, you immediately wanted to walk out. Having no other plans for Halloween night, you figured you could make the best of going solo. Wore a cute little costume to see where the night led you. Somehow you ended up in a bar where no one else was dressed up for the holiday that called for it. At least, not to the extent you were. Sure, it was a mass-produced Little Red Riding Hood costume you bought on your way home from work, but you made it your own with some makeup and cute heels you dug out of your closet.
You trudged over to the bar, soon nursing your drink and your hurt feelings. With your lip pouted in a slight sulk, you looked around, hoping to catch someone’s attention. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, a man approached. Dark eyes locked on you. Sly grin on his face. Older, handsome in a scruffy way that your friends always teased you for being into.
You craned your neck to look up at him from your barstool. He sure as hell had that going for him too.
“I dig your costume, Little Red.”
You smiled. “Thanks. Seems like I’m the only one here who got the memo that it’s Halloween.”
“Hell, Halloween is everyday for me,” he said.
“You got a name?”
“You can call me the Midnight Wolfman.” He threw his head back and bellowed out a howl.
Your eyes widened. Heart might’ve skipped a beat. 
Shouts and cheers punctuated the sound, a few of the bar patrons following his lead with weak howls of their own. 
He was probably crazy. Or drunk. Likely both. But fuck, why else would you have gone out on Halloween?
“Buy me a drink, Wolfman?” 
“Glad to, Red.” 
He sat down at the stool next to you, long legs splayed out as one of his boots rested between your heels on your footrest. He claimed your space so easily, you nearly forgot you’d only just met him.
Two shared shots of whiskey later, your face was warm as he leaned in to talk. His easy drawl lured you closer, knees touching, close enough that you could see yourself in his steel blue gaze. You nearly suggested finding a booth to squeeze into. 
Your mind raced with visions of him pulling you onto his lap, his big hands all over you, lips attached to your neck while the other bar patrons were none the wiser.
“Most people call me Foxy, though,” he said.
You furrowed your brows, hoping you hadn’t been fantasizing through too much of the conversation. “Foxy?”
“That’s my name. Winslow Foxworth Coltrane.”
“I like it. Sounds like an F. Scott Fitzgerald character or something.”
“Who’s that?”
“He wrote The Great Gatsby.”
“Oh yeah, I saw that one, had Redford in it. Kind of a snoozefest if you ask me. I mean, hard to follow up Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid,” he said. “What kind of movies are you into, Red?”
“I love horror, especially the gory shit,” you said before you could think twice. 
He grinned, giving you a nod of approval. “Right on.”
“My favorite is probably The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Have you seen that one?”
“Yeah, it was great. Reminds me of my family.”
You laughed. “No kidding.”
His smile wavered, and for the first time all night it felt like you two weren’t on the same wavelength. Had you missed something in your half-drunk stupor? Was there something he mentioned that you fantasized through?
“Um, how about you?” you asked, trying to salvage the connection. “Westerns?”
“I’m into the classics, like those old monster movies.”
“Well, you’re way more handsome than Lon Chaney, Wolfman.”
“That’s ‘cause I’m the real deal, baby.”
“I believe it.”
You licked your lips. “With a howl like yours? Makes a girl think you could eat her alive.”
“C’mere,” he growled, pulling you to him. 
His lips were on yours, wild and passionate that would keep you up the rest of the night even if nothing else happened. The way he had his hands on you, though, bringing you closer to him, deepening the kiss so you could taste the whiskey on his tongue, the very same he bought you, made you certain he wanted the night to end exactly the same way you did.
He pawed at your ass, his hands pushing up your short, red, satin skirt until your panties peaked out. You moaned when his fingers brushed the wet spot on the fabric, pushing against your clit. Fuck the notion of a getting busy in a back booth, you were ready to let him take you up against the bar if you weren’t so rudely interrupted.
“Hey, c’mon,” the bartender said, looking equally disturbed and exasperated. “You guys can’t—”
Foxy slammed his palm onto the bar, nearby glasses rattling on impact. “Motherfucker, if you don’t get out of my girl’s face I’ll crack your skull open.”
A smile twitched across your lips.
“Get out before I call the cops. Both of you.”
Foxy stood up. “Think I’m scared of some fuckin’ pigs?” Grabbed a nearby beer bottle and smashed it against the bar. Before you could blink, the jagged edge was pressed against the bartender’s throat. If anyone noticed what was going on, they sure as hell weren’t trying to intervene. “By the time they get here I could gut you like a fish.” 
A delirious thrill rolled down your spine at the gleam in Foxy’s eyes. 
“Look man, you—you don’t even have to pay for the drinks. Just go, alright?”
Deathly silence fell over the altercation, the bartender glancing between Foxy’s wild face and the broken bottle.
Do it, a dark, repressed part of you, ravenous for blood, hissed.
Foxy laughed, shaking his head. “You’re a fuckin’ pussy, man.” He threw his arm around you, letting the broken bottle shatter on the floor as he led you out.
“Don’t come back!”
“I wouldn’t shit here if I ate a gas station hot dog, asshole,” he shouted over his shoulder.
You pulled your polyester cloak a little tighter when you walked outside. Damn, you and Foxy probably looked like one hell of a pair to the people just getting to the bar.
The two of you stood in the middle of the parking lot while he lit a cigarette. “I don’t eat gas station hot dogs if I can help it. Give me indigestion. My ol’ man—well, adopted ol’ man—he used to make a mean fried chicken at his gas station,” he said, taking a drag. “Get a hankering for the stuff sometimes, and KFC sure as hell doesn’t cut it. Guess Colonel Sanders’ get-up is better than dressing like a clown, though.”
You interjected his rambling, “You would’ve done it, wouldn’t you? The bartender—”
“Wouldn’t have been the first time.” He stared you down, a predatory gleam in his eyes. He took a long drag, smoke rolling from his lips and circling above his head as he asked, “You afraid of the big bad Wolfman, Red?”
“You don’t know the half of it.”
“Then show me.”
“Mine or yours?”
“Mine. Yours. I don’t know—I need you, Foxy.” Your voice neared a whine. 
“Fuck,” he groaned. “Say that again.”
“I need you.” You tugged on his shirt. “Foxy, c’mon.”
“Yours. I can’t drive at night for shit.”
You grabbed him by the arm, practically pulling him over to your car. 
Jamming the key into the lock, you couldn’t open the driver’s side door fast enough, quickly unlocking the passenger door for him. Your hands would’ve been shaking if you weren’t gripping the steering wheel within an inch of your life as you peeled out of the parking lot the moment he finished adjusting the seat, moving it as far back as it could go to accommodate his long legs. 
“Mind if I turn on the radio?” Foxy asked.
“Sure. I don’t live far, though. Should only be ten minutes.”
He fiddled with the stations until a late night news broadcast mentioned the name Otis Driftwood. He paused before sitting back.
“‘Free the Three’ demonstrations in support of the notorious Devil’s Rejects death cult continue well into the night.”
The reporter detailed the Fireflys’ crimes, as if anyone could have missed them. Hundreds of gruesome murders to their names. You, just like everyone else in America, had been glued to the story when it broke. All work practically came to a halt when their trials were going on, obvious guilty verdicts amidst a media circus.
“What do you think of ‘em?” Foxy asked, breaking the silence.
“The Fireflys?”
You glanced at him, tearing your eyes off the road for a moment to gauge how he’d react to your answer. “I guess what they did is fucked up, but the police and military have done way worse. Like, Otis Driftwood never dropped nukes on entire cities,” you said. “Why?”
“That’s my family.”
“Well, Otis is my half-brother. The rest of ‘em are all adopted.”
You looked at him again. Then the road. Then him in disbelief. “Then you—“
“Told you I was the real deal, sweetheart.”
“Why didn’t you get caught?”
“I was already in the can. Crazy how that shit happens, huh?”
You hit the gas, accelerating from 50 to 85 in a flash. No cops. Didn’t matter. Foxy could handle them if there were. You pressed your thighs together. Almost considered pulling over and just fucking in the backseat. But where was the fun in that? The excitement? The vulnerability of letting a killer into your home, where you’re supposed to be safe, and hoping to god he wouldn’t see your kitchen knives and get some bright ideas? You moaned. Oh god. You moaned.
“I know, Foxy. I’m going as fast as I can.” Your voice was whiny, high-pitched, desperate. “Piece of shit car—”
He grinned, shaking his head. “You’re nuts.”
“Is that a turn off?”
“Hell no.”
You nearly dropped your keys by the time you unlocked the door to your apartment, Foxy feeling you up from behind while you fumbled with them, obviously amused by your racing pulse and trembling hands.
“Cool place,” he said when he walked inside. “You got any roommates or—”
You pushed him against the front door, your mouth on his, desperate, hungry for anything he’d give you. Slipping your hand between your bodies, you cupped the bulge in his jeans. He groaned into your mouth, and you squeezed gently, feeling his cock strain against the rough denim.
“Don’t tease,” he growled.
“It’s only teasing if you don’t follow through.” You kneeled in front of him, moving to untie your cloak while he unbuckled his belt, unzipping his jeans.
“Wait,” he said, “leave the costume on.”
“Whatever you want, Wolfman.”
He pulled his cock from his boxers, big enough to be intimidating at first glance. But he was a killer, part of the Firefly clan, for god's sake, you wouldn't falter, instead mustering up the courage you had to even invite him home in the first place.
“My, what a big cock you have,” you teased, taking it in your hand, spreading the precum at his tip with your thumb while slowly pumping his length.
“All the better to fuck that pretty mouth with, Red.”
You licked your lips, holding eye contact with him as you took him in your mouth. Something primal about him, inherently dangerous. He’d killed people before, probably done far worse. Could change his mind at any time and cause you a world of hell. You pressed your thighs together, trying to ignore the ache in your core for hopes he’d take care of it if you did a good enough job. With the way he dug his fingers into your scalp, loud curses and praises falling from his mouth, you weren’t doing half bad.
“Midnight Wolfman’s got you right where he wants you, huh, Red? Turned you into his little bitch?” he taunted. “C’mon, gimme a howl.”
You whined around his cock, choking a bit when he thrust in your mouth. You liked this version of the story a hell of a lot better. No one to save you. Just you, in your Little Red Riding Hood costume, and the wolf, his crooked teeth bared as he hissed through them, grinning down at you. And you brought him there. Invited him into your home knowing he could tear you apart if he wanted to—maybe you wanted him to.
“You’re a good slut, ain’t you?” He groaned. His cock twitched in your mouth, you could feel the salty taste of him on your tongue as he came with a howl. “Take it all, Red—fuck, take it.” As if you had much of a choice but to swallow, but his praise went to your head, to your pussy. “Fuck, you’re like a dream come true.”
Pulling back, sitting on your heels, you looked up at him with a newfound predatory gleam in your eye as he caught his breath.
“By the way,” you said, acutely aware of the wet ache between your thighs, “I live alone, if you wanna return the favor.”
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sashaisready · 5 months
This Must Be The Place: Chapter 3 - Head in the clouds
Biker!Bucky x Femme Reader
Back at your beloved late grandmother's home to pack up her house, you have a run-in with the town's biker gang 'The Howling Commandos' and find yourself entangled with the metal armed President.
Series Masterlist
Warnings for: drunk minor character, violence by a minor character to reader (she's okay!)
Thanks so much for the response to this story so far, so glad people are enjoying it. As always I appreciate reblogs and comments. Thanks! Also sorry for anything I get wrong about biker clubs/rules/rituals etc - just pretend that's how it works in this specific AU!
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You’d been working at the bar for a few weeks and had just started to find your stride. You’d already whipped Tom, the blundering bartender from that first night, into shape by teaching him a few tricks of the trade. You’d even showed him how to make a couple of simple cocktails. Not that they were ordered much in a biker bar, but always good to have them in your back pocket. Sure, Tom would spill the syrup all over the bar and break at least one glass every shift…but he was trying. He was the brother of one of Bucky’s buddies and it was almost sweet the way Bucky wanted to help him out – even if it meant turning a blind eye to his often less-than-competent performance.
You’d also gotten to know more of the club and had learned about some aspects of the motorcycle club (or MC as they referred to it) and how it worked.
There was Steve of course, the no-nonsense blonde from that first night, Bucky’s righthand man. He was Vice President. Steve had been a little frosty with you initially but had warmed up and the two of you were becoming friends. You understood he was just a little protective, and that meant he was careful with outsiders and like to vet them first. He was strategic and careful, always one step ahead to ensure that the club were safe from potential threats. He didn’t always say much, but it was clear you’d know if he had a problem with you – so you settled into a quiet understanding with each other.
Bruce was the Treasurer, he was sweet and smart and easy to talk to. Sam was the Road Captain, he was amiable and easy-going, he teased you a little, but it wasn’t with any malice. You gave it right back to him, of course.
Nat, the beautiful redhead you’d seen playing darts, was the Sergeant-At-Arms, which apparently meant being the enforcer and keeping things in order. This had initially surprised you until you saw Nat in action whipping them into shape after some of them had a bit too much to drink one poker night at the bar – she was slightly terrifying, taking no shit from anyone. The whole MC respected (and were slightly terrified of) her… (maybe even Bucky). But the two of you got on well and she was sweet as pie to you, and you were always happy to have another friend.
Thor was the club Secretary, possibly the largest man you’d ever seen – well named. Until now you’d always associated secretaries with typing and pencil skirts – no more. Although seeing Thor in a pencil skirt would certainly be something.
Parker…or Peter, as you found out was his first name, was a recent prospect who had become a full member. He was still finding his way a little, and the others were still ribbing him, but he was sweet and enthusiastic, and you liked him a lot. The dart incident was all forgiven, although he still tiptoed around you a little despite your insistence everything was fine between the two of you.
You were still getting to know the other members – Scott, Clint, Loki, Drax to name a few…Then there were the hang-arounds – not members. Some were prospects but some were just buddies of the club. But Steve was very discerning about who they associated with, he would weed out any sycophants or creeps who just wanted the glory of an MC on their side. It was a whole new world, and you were still learning.
There were also a gaggle of girls who hung out at the bar most nights. They were sweet, some of them were involved with various members, some just wanted to be. All very pretty, very fun. They would drink and play bar games and keep the mood light. Perfectly nice to you, decent tippers.
It hadn’t bypassed your notice that Bucky, as President, was their ultimate target. They’d follow him around, laugh uproariously at his jokes and hang off his every word. Amber, who you’d sussed was their de facto leader of sorts, seemed to have staked some sort of claim. All blonde hair and long legs, skin that looked like an Instagram filter and tonight wearing a, frankly, gravity defying halter top. She’d give the other girls a certain look if they got too close to him and they’d dutifully scatter. Your instincts told you she was not someone you wanted on your bad side.
Bucky didn’t exactly deflect her advances. He’d grin at her with amusement when she would drape her long-manicured nails across his arm, whisper something in her ear that would make her giggle and playfully bat him away.
Which you were fine with.
It wasn’t like you had developed a huge crush on Bucky since you’d been working here, or anything like that.
You didn’t steal glances at him when he moved across the bar, his large, toned arms always bare under his kutte – one flesh, one metal. Some threadbare tee worn underneath, straining against his chest and impossibly flat stomach. Didn’t notice the way he’d absentmindedly brush his hair back out of his eyes, scoop it into a loose bun or small ponytail as he chatted. Definitely didn’t feel a little rush of giddiness when he’d lean over you to get to the cash register and you’d get a whiff of his cologne…
“Sugar? You still with us…?”
Your head snapped towards the intrusion, Bucky’s smile tearing you away from your little daydream as he leaned over the bar. Sometimes it seemed like he could read your thoughts.
“Uh, sorry,” you recovered, wiping down the bar with a washcloth. “Was just thinking I need to do inventory”.
He chuckled, “you work too hard, Sug”.
You smiled at one another for a moment before you saw Amber snake her hand around Bucky’s arm. “Buuucky”, she whined. “Come play pool with us,” she said pleadingly.
He looked at her then back at you, opening his mouth to say something before-
“Can I get a beer here or what??”
The three of you glanced down the bar towards the voice. A broad man in a trucker hat stood sullenly at the other end of the bar, gesturing dramatically at his empty bottle.
“Of course, sir, coming right up”, you chirped a little more cheerily than he deserved.
Bucky frowned. You knew that frown well already. He didn’t like the demanding customers who liked to bark their orders.
“It’s fine,” you told him softly as you pulled another bottle from the fridges. “I got this, you go play pool”.
He continued to frown but seemed to relax slightly at your words, looking over at the man sternly as he got up and Amber squealed excitedly at her victory.
“Just come get me if he gives you any shit” he said harshly as Amber tugged on him.
“You know I’ll give him shit right back if he does,” you winked.
“See? She’s a pro. Let’s GO” moaned Amber as she smiled sweetly at you before shoving him towards the pool table.
Bucky looked back at you for a second before the others cheered at his arrival and Sam handed him a cue. Amber had her hand on his back, rubbing it up and down.
You sighed and moved to hand the new beer over to the customer. You smiled and placed it down in front of him and in response he wordlessly tossed a bill from his wallet onto the bar. Charming. You peeled the money off and gave him his change from the register, then did your best to look busy as you kept an eye on the activity by the pool table.
Honestly, you didn’t know what was wrong with you. You were a grown woman, Bucky was your boss and you’d be out of here in no time anyway. Why were you feeling jealous of another woman about a man like this? You weren’t at school anymore. Grow up. The house was coming along nicely, it wouldn’t matter for much longer. You’d get over your crush and move on. You got the impression Bucky had a whole rotation of women…and that was perfectly fine. None of your business. Everyone knows getting involved with your boss is a terrible idea anyway…especially when that boss heads up a biker gang.
The next few hours passed uneventfully with a solid but not overwhelmingly throng of customers, the occasional whoop and cheer from the pool table as the club played and showed off.  You chatted with Nat for a while as she perched on a bar stool, then Vis and Wanda came by to see you which was sweet of them. Over in the corner, Amber was treating Bucky like a soldier back from battle solely because he’d potted a few balls.
The bar thinned out and only a few customers remained. You were at the bar by yourself just refilling the straw holders when a slurred voice interrupted you.
“Another fuckin’ beer” said the demanding customer from earlier, barely able to keep upright as he slammed his hand onto the bar.
What? No way had you served him that much. He’d had about 4 beers all night…What on earth-
“Sir…” you responded as he swayed and wobbled.
Just then, a small glass bottle fell out of his jacket and clunked hard onto the wood below. Ah, yes. That’ll be the culprit.
Your eyes flickered to the gang across the room who hadn’t yet noticed the small disturbance. You were tempted to call them over, but you didn’t want them thinking you couldn’t handle a single drunk guy.
“Sir…you’ve had enough. You need to go home,” you admonished. “You’ve brought outside liquor in here too and I’m not serving you anymore. You need me to leave, alright? I can call you a cab if you need-”
“Another beer…” he repeated, as if you hadn’t said anything.
“Sir, I told you – no. Now please leave,” you folded your arms, the annoyance of dealing with him all evening boiling over into anger. Maybe a little Amber frustration was there too.
“No,” you cut him off. “Enough. Please go…”
“Listen here, bitch…” he pointed a dirty fingernailed hand at you. “If you don’t get me another beer-”
“You’re not getting shit, so save us both the trouble and get the fuck out before I get Security to throw you out. Hell, I’ll do it myself if I must” you spat back.
He stared back at you agog, seemingly surprised by your change in attitude. The confusion quickly shifted to rage, and it took a moment for your reflexes to catch up with your brain as he suddenly curled his fingers around the discarded glass bottle and-
You ducked, but unfortunately, a tiny bit too slowly. The bottle bounced off your forehead and hit the bar, shattering and sending little shards of glass into your arm. You stepped backwards in surprise and stumbled, crying out in pain as your lower back hit the bar shelf behind you.
You heard the stampede a second later, a flurry of leather and denim enveloping the bar as the man seemed to levitate – but in actual fact he’d been grabbed by Thor and unceremoniously hauled up by his collar. You briefly heard him stumble apologies, but the sound faded fast as Thor pulled him towards the door, flanked by Sam and Steve.
“Oh babe, I’m sorry we left you” said Nat who was leaning down in front of you and checking out your injuries. “You’re okay. I promise”.
You looked down at them too, your arm was bleeding slightly but didn’t look too rough. You couldn’t see your head but could feel a little lump forming. You didn’t feel pain, not really. The adrenaline of the shock saw to that.
“Why didn’t you call us over?? Jesus Christ, Sugar” Bucky chastised as he jostled past Nat and delicately moved your hair out the way to look at your head. You widened your eyes in surprise as he moved his face to yours, measuring your reflexes with his finger in front of your vision.
“I didn’t realise he’d flip…he was just drunk” you mumbled, slightly dazed for more reason than one. “I just told him to leave. I’m fine…”
“No, you’re not, you’re bleeding,” Bucky scoffed, carefully inspecting the cut on your arm.  “And maybe concussed”.
“Bucky…” you frowned.
“Don’t ‘Bucky’ me. You could’ve got really hurt. Why are you bouncing customers? That’s our job”. His tone was angry, condescending.
“Jeez I misjudged it, okay?” you scowled. “He seemed like a mouthy drunk is all. Don’t talk to me like I’m a baby..”
“I’m not! I just-”
“You were busy! I didn’t wanna interrupt…”
“Just playing fuckin’ pool, Sug! Not too busy to stop you getting brained by a bottle…”
“Alright, break it up you two,” Nat interjected. “We don’t need more trouble tonight”.
Bucky scowled but shut up regardless.
She squeezed your hand. “Let me take you in the back, we’ll get you cleaned up. And then let’s get you home, alright?”
You smiled at her, grateful for her kindness.
“No…I’ll take her” Bucky said. “Get over here…”
“Bucky…” you said with insolence.
But he just ignored you, grabbing your hand from Nat’s and dragging you to the back room.
“Buuuck,” whined Amber from across the room. “We still gotta finish the game”.
“Sam can take my shots” Bucky grumbled, continuing to pull you along without looking up.
“Amber, what?! Can’t you see I’m busy here?” he spat, looking daggers over at her. “Ask Sam”.
She went quiet, then pouted and harrumphed. Bucky ignored her and kept going.
“Fuck, Sug,” he muttered. “What are we gonna do with you?”
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topwxntersoldxer · 2 years
Always - Isaac Lahey
Summary: Your boyfriend Isaac Lahey always being your knight in shining armour
Pairings: Isaac Lahey x Reader
A/N: I been going on a teen wolf binge lately so I will be posting more teen wolf imagines. Sorry if its short. Hope you enjoy!
You never felt more pain in your life.
Lately it was like everything was going wrong.
You and your boyfriend went through a tough patch and he disappeared. You and the pack have been driving yourselves crazy trying to figure out what new threat is running around Beacon Hills. It seems like everything you were trying just wasn’t enough.
 This is what led you to running through the woods. You ran. That’s another problem you always ran. Running was one of the few things that was able to completely empty your mind. You did it before you became a wolf and it is still one of your favorite things to do. For awhile you didnt think about Scott or Isaac, the killings, hunters. It was dangerous running through the woods with everything going on but it was a chance you were willing to take. Until you took the wrong step and stepped right into a bear trap. The excruciating pain knocked you off your feet unto the ground causing you to howl like your life depended on it. The pegs of the bear trap buried so deep in your skin laced in some type of herb probably wolfsbane that kept you from healing. Of course you didn’t have your phone so you couldn’t call anyone you just hoped that by howling eventually someone would hear you.
Desperately you tried to keep yourself together that if you calmed down you would figure a way out of the trap. There was no use to trying to pry open the trap. You hoped that someone would come save you from the trap and hoped they came before a hunter figured you were here. Your whimpers and cries could be heard in the woods. That’s when you heard multiple sounds of footsteps coming into the woods. "Nonono" you began to panic. That’s when you began to try to pry the trap together despite your best judgement. 
"Y/n where are you"
You began to release a breath you didn’t know you were holding and began to laugh of relief. Somehow Isaac always found and saved you no matter what trouble you found yourself in. "Isaac I cant move" tears were still spilling from your eyes down your face. Even without clear vision from your tears you knew he felt guilt for what happened. "Just don’t move y/n. I got you okay. Im gonna get you out" He grabbed your hand taking some of your pain away before working to get you out of the bear trap. It wasn’t until you felt the bear trap snap open and release off your leg you felt relief. Your leg was still in awful pain but at least you werent trapped.
"You came for me" tears were spilling down your face not from the pain you still felt in your leg. Isaac sat down next to you. He held your hand rubbing circles on your skin "Love Im always going to come for you. Always. I love you. There isnt anything I wouldn’t do for you. I would rip this whole town apart if you wanted me to. I would never let anyone hurt you." He pulled you closer to him resting his forehead against yours. "Im so sorry about everything that’s been happening with us." you felt tears tracing down your face. You werent too sure whether they were yours or his but they were there.  "I love you Is. Im always going to love you through everything. Im always going to be here"
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renjunniex · 1 year
Thank You, For Being You
Isaac Lahey x Fem!Reader Series
Shape Shifted
Omega Part 1 | Omega Part 2 | Ice Pick | Abomination | Venomous | Frenemy | Restraint | Raving | Party Guessed | Fury
Prompt: Lydia has been found but just when things were starting to look up, of course, new information appears to suggest other wise.
a/n: Hey guys! This is the next chapter and i think i found a name for this series, let me know what you think! Also how do you guys feel about this new chapter set up? If you guys like it, I’ll probably go back to the other two chapters and change it to this as well!
“So wait, what happened?” Scott was trying to explain to you what exactly happened after he ran off to find Lydia the night before. “I’ve already explained to you twice now,” Scott sighed packing his bag for school. You were leaning against his bedroom door, “Yes, I know, I know. I’m just- I’m just trying to process this whole thing.” You two made your way through the hallway, you weren’t concerned about Melissa hearing you two since she was already on her shift for the day.
“Okay, let me get this straight,” You began, “Allison’s grandfather, took a sword and sliced through a lone wolf, an omega, then proceeded to make some speech about killing all werewolves even though they’re supposed to go by a code?”
“AND THEN to top everything off, Derek was with you?”
Scott sighed once more, “Yeah.” Opening the front door, you stopped on the porch, “What was Derek doing there?” His eyebrows scrunched together and he raised his hands, “How am I supposed to know?”
You rocked your head to the side, “Okay, okay, fair enough. I’m done, I promise I won’t bring it up anymore.” Just as the topic was dropped, Stiles pulled in front of the house. ‘What a weekend we had,’ you thought getting into the back seat. The whole ride consisted of Scott trying to convince Stiles that he would be okay during the full moon. You zoned out for most of the argument, up until you three made it to the boy’s locker room and it was still the current topic.
“Okay, we get it, you think you’ll be able to make it through the full moon. Can we please just drop it?” You grumbled since the whole debate was taking place with you in the middle, literally. “I’m serious,” Scott began which earned a huff from you and shake of Stiles’ head, “It’s not like the last full moon. I don’t feel the same.”
“Oh, does that include the urge to maim and kill people like us,” rebutted Stiles.
“I swear I don’t have the urge to maim and kill you.”
You scoffed, “Oh yeah, that’s super reassuring, thanks buddy.” Stiles pointed to you in agreement, “You know, you say that now but then the full moon goes up and the claws and fangs come out and there’s a lot of howling and screaming and running everywhere, okay?” The anxious boy didn’t even give himself time to take a full breath before his ramble continued, “And it’s very stressful on us and so yes, we’re still locking you up.”
Scott looked at you for support but only got a shrug from you, “Don’t look at me, I’m with him.”
“Okay, fine. But I do think I’m in more control now.” Scott conceited, “Especially since things are good with Allison.”
You and Stiles shared an unimpressed look, “Okay, we’re aware of how good things are with Allison.”
“They’re really good.”
“I- thank you, I know,” Stiles commented
“I mean, like, really good.”
“Alright I get it!” Stiles cut him off, “Please shut the hell up before I have the urge to maim and kill myself.”
“Why did my two best friends have to be boys,” you whined in complaint as Stiles wrapped his arm around you with a small laugh. Scott nudged your side before asking, “All right, did you get something better than handcuffs this time?”
“Yeah, much better,” Stiles took his arm off your shoulder to set his bag down and opened his locker but nothing could have prepared you for what came crashing out. Chains. Chains immediately came slithering out, getting the attention of not only the rest of the team but Coach as well.
“Kinky,” you muttered before Coach reached you. Both boys lightly smacked your shoulder as they stood silently and awkwardly, staring at the chains in panic while getting a judgmental look from Coach. “Part of me wants to ask, the other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine, so I’m gonna walk away. Y/N meet me on the field in a few minutes.” You chuckled, “yes sir, I’ll be right there.”
“That’s good. That’s a wise choice, Coach,” called Stiles.
Both boys lent down to start collecting the chains, Stiles pulling you down as well. Not a moment later, Scott’s head raised and his eyes glowed catching your attention. “What- what is it,” you placed your hand on his shoulder, your concern catching the sarcastic boy’s attention as well. Scott didn’t answer you right away, instead his head moved in every direction looking at everyone in the locker room.
“You okay?” questioned Stiles, “Scott.”
His focus was finally broken, “There’s another. In here, right now.” Your eyebrows furrowed, “Another what,” Stiles and you asked. “Another werewolf.” That sure perked your attention, your eyes quickly scanned the room with no success of finding what you were looking for. You reached for your bag and stood up, “We’ll worry about that when we’re on the field, I’ll meet you guys out there.” Both of them nodded and continued to pick up the chains as you made your way outside.
You were discussing line up for the next game with Coach when the team, including Scott and Stiles, came jogging out. “So what if we set Jackson up here for the first half so-.”
“Hey Coach! Scott wants to be in goal today!” Stiles jogged up next to you, you looked at the boy in confusion. Scott hated playing goal, since when would he ever volunteer to be in goal? Coach said nothing but waved it off and nodded his head as he took your clipboard and walked off to review your placement suggestions. You turned to Stiles when you knew Coach was out of hearing range, “What are you two up to?”
“Scott needs to be close to someone to catch their scent, so if he switches with Danny-.”
“It’ll allow him to be one on one.” You nodded and Stiles gave you that goofy proud smile he has. You reached over the bleachers and gave him the goalie gear, “I’ll let Danny know.” Stiles gave you a thumbs up, “Great, awesome, you’re the best,” he gave you a surprise kiss on the cheek before dashing off with the gear. You laughed in disbelief before turning to find Danny in the crowd, instead you ended up making eye contact with the tall boy that never failed to make you smile. Raising your hand up, you gave him a wave and he returned the favor with what looked to be a nervous grin. Before you could question it to yourself, the whistle blew signaling practice was starting.
“Let’s go! Line it up! Faster!”
Everyone took their positions and Coach blew the whistle one more time, throwing the ball in the air. What occurred next, physically hurt you to have to see. Scott sprinted past defense and slammed the runner down. You felt your whole body wince as you watch him visibly sniff the kid before pulling him up. Unsurprisingly, Coach said something about the situation. Of course it did nothing to stop the supernatural boy, he slammed the next kid down, and the next. Each time Coach commented on it, but it never stopped Scott.
Coach grabbed Stiles’ helmet and gestured for you to come over, “Stilinski, Y/N, what the hell is wrong with your friend?”
“He’s failing two classes,” you started.
“He’s a little socially awkward,” Stiles listed, “and if you look close enough-.”
“His jaw line is kind of uneven,” you both finished. Coach glanced at you before pushing the boy away and turning back to the field, “That’s interesting,” he mumbled, walking away. Danny was the next one on the chopping block and you turned your head away because this time around it was just a little too rough for you to bare. Stiles placed his hand on your back to give you some slight comfort, “That’s gonna hurt in the morning.” You nodded in agreement.
“McCall! You come out of that goal one more time and you’ll be doing suicide runs till you die! It’ll be the first ever suicide run that actually ends in a suicide. Got it?”
“Yes, Coach.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, “This is so embarrassing.” Stiles hummed in agreement.
“Uh, Coach, my shoulders hurting. I’m gonna- I’m gonna sit this one out,” Jackson said making his way to the bench. When he walked away you had finally realized who was in front of you and Stiles. Isaac. He was breathing really hard but not out of exhaustion, it almost sounded animalistic. Stiles tried to see in front of him before looking at you in concern. The whistle blew once more and Isaac began running.
“I don’t like the look of this,” you whispered to Stiles.
“Me neither.”
You couldn’t believe it, Scott dashed once more and when the two collided they both went so far in the air before both landed on their hands and knees. When they landed you felt like something in you was different, you realized your were correct when Stiles broke you out of your trance. “Hey, look down hurry,” he pushed your head down before you could even respond.
“What the hell, Stiles!”
“Y/N, stop. Your eyes.”
“My eyes? What about my eyes?”
“Y/N. Your eyes are glowing purple.”
“His father’s dead.”
The three of you stood watching Stiles’ dad, two other policemen, Coach and Isaac talk as Scott listened in, “They think he was murdered.” You had barely come to terms that Isaac was a werewolf and now you have to process the fact that his dad was murdered? You guys can seriously never catch a break.
Stiles leaned in closer to you two, “Are they saying he’s a suspect?”
“I’m not sure, why?”
“Because they can lock him in a holding cell for 24 hours,” you answered.
“Like, over night?” Stiles nodded, “During the full moon.” Scott looked at you two, “How good are these holding cells at holding people?” You sighed and closed your eyes, you couldn’t bare the stress anymore.
“People, good. Werewolves, probably not that good.” Stiles concluded while looking at you, his hand was back to its position on your back but this time it was to get your attention. You glanced up to meet his eyes and you saw exactly what he was thinking, what he was asking. ‘Are you gonna tell Scott about what happened?’ You shook your head lightly and gripped his arm, slightly squeezing so he would understand to let it go. He sighed before looking back at Scott.
“Guys, remember when I said I don’t have the urge to maim and kill?”
“Yeah,” you both replied.
“He does.”
The group of policemen, Sheriff and Isaac began to walk away, but not without Isaac turning his head back to look at you three. While you know he was just looking at you guys in general, you couldn’t help but feel like his gaze was for you. Rubbing your hand down your face, you gave Isaac one last look before grabbing Scott and Stiles’ hands, “Come on, we better go if we want to make it to Harris' in time. You guys can’t afford to be late, he hates your guts.” They both nodded before letting you lead them back towards to school. For the first time since maybe you three were born, you guys walked together to class silent. There’s was not a sound created between you three until you made it to chemistry, the only class where you sat in front of them rather than between them or next to at least one of them.
“Why would Derek choose Isaac?” You heard Scott ask.
“Peter told me that if the bite doesn’t turn you it could kill you.” You were grateful that your desk partner was Isaac right now, because if it wasn’t, you were positive who ever would’ve been placed next to you would hear everything, instead the seat is currently empty. “And maybe teenagers have a better chance of surviving.”
“Does being a teenager mean your dad can’t hold him?”
“Well, not unless they have solid evidence or a witness. Wait.” You could hear Stiles turn in his chair, “Danny, where’s Jackson?”
“Principal’s office, talking to your dad.”
“What? Why?”
“Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac.” You felt yourself freeze. God damn it. Jackson is the last person you would want to be talking to Sheriff right now. You quickly put your pencil down and raised your hand, “Um, Mr. Harris, do you mind if I run to my locker quickly? I forgot my notes in there after practice.”
You heard the chairs of your best friends squeak as they turned towards you quickly, “Y/N what are you doing?” Scott whisper yelled but you ignored them, you had to get to the office, you couldn’t let that weasel make it seem like Isaac could have done this, especially when there’s the issue of the full moon tonight as well.
“Thank you, sir, sorry about that,” you said rushing out the door quickly and making your way to the office as fast as possible. Just before you made it too far you heard Mr. Harris, “Who in the hell did that?” You laughed and shook your head, you could always count on those bone heads to never let you do anything alone. You made it to the office and could see Jackson already talking to Stiles’ dad, you huffed and sat down in the chair outside, your leg bouncing as soon as you hit the cushion of the chair. Not even a minute later, the boys joined you, sitting on either side of you like usual.
“You guys are such dumbasses, you know that? I could’ve handled this.”
“Absolutely not,” they synced.
You kept quiet deciding it was better to just listen to the conversation going on inside the room rather than argue. “Wait, so are you telling me that you knew Isaac’s father was hitting him?”
“Hitting him? He was kicking the crap out of him.”
“Did you ever say anything to anyone? A teacher, parents, anyone?”
“Nope, it’s not my problem.”
You felt every ounce of rage boil up inside you. Jackson knew? Jackson fucking knew everything and never told ANYONE. You closed your eyes and clenched your fists so hard you swear you could draw blood at any moment.
“Y/N? Hey Y/N, calm down. Scott.” You felt what you assumed to be Stiles’ hands then felt another pair, which had to be Scott’s on your shoulders.
“Hey, I know you’re angry but you have to find a way to calm down, you’re making the papers on the board almost fly off,” Scott tried to rationalize. You tried to take deep breaths but nothing was working, you finally felt your hands being grabbed and intertwined with theirs. You took a moment to focus on them and it started to work, squeezing their hands you dropped your head, a few silent tears escaping your closed eyes.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“You don’t have to be sorry,” Scott reassured.
The office door opened, and you three parted, you took the opportunity to wipe your tears away as fast as you could. Scott looked in another direction and Stiles grabbed a magazine to try (and unsuccessfully) hide from his dad. When you were sure that all moisture was wiped away you met Sheriff’s eyes.
“Hi, Scott, Y/N.” You both waved before he cocked an eyebrow at his son and started to walk away. You touched both of their shoulders, “I’ll meet you guys later.”
They both looked at you, “What are you gonna do?”
“What I probably should’ve done a while ago,” you sighed earning you confused nods before you walked away.
He turned around surprised to see you walking towards him, he waved to his deputy to let him know to keep walking before he gave you his full attention. “I need to talk to you.”
“I’m sorry kiddo but it might have to wait.”
“It’s about Isaac.” That got his attention, he kept your gaze for a moment before directing you to the side, “Okay what’s going on?” You opened your mouth to say something but no sound came out, you couldn’t bring yourself to say it. You took a deep breath before speaking once more.
“I knew.”
He didn’t say anything, almost as if he couldn’t believe what he just heard. “Well, to be more accurate, I was pretty sure. Pretty sure that Isaac’s dad was hurting him.”
“Well, that’s a lot to process. Did you ever say something, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t, Isaac wouldn’t let me. He kept denying it, saying ‘it was an accident’ or ‘I fell off my bike’ stuff like that. And I never had any solid proof so I didn’t say anything because if I couldn’t prove anything I would be saying, I didn’t want to chance Isaac getting seriously injured.”
You finally let yourself meet his eyes when you finished talking, he took a breath before nodded and placing a hand on your upper arm, “I understand but why are you telling me this now?”
“Because I may not know him like I do Scott and Stiles but I know he wouldn’t do something like this. I know you have to follow the path you're given but you have to look at other options, please, Sheriff. He would never do this.”
Sheriff gave you a slight smile, “Okay kiddo, I believe you, I still have to do my job but just know I believe you.” You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding, “Thank you, I’ve gotta get back to class.”
“Okay I’ll see you later.”
“Yeah, bye.”
You parted ways, making your way back to the office, to see the boys come out. Scott grabbed your arm and began rushing you towards the doors, “Come on.” You try to look back at Stiles to question what was going on but Scott had pulled you down the stairs and around the corner before you even had the chance.
“What the hell is going on?”
“I’ll tell you later but for right now just forget about it and come on!”
You matched his pace as best as you could, reaching the heavy blue doors and when you pushed them open you saw a cop car. Inside was Isaac, you guys must have caught his attention because he turned back when you had slammed the doors open. Scott went forward more while you just stood and looked at Isaac, you didn’t know what to do. You couldn’t help him from here anyways since the car had already taken off and left the parking lot. You grunted out of frustration, “Great, what are we gonna do now?”
Scott never gave you an answer because Derek pulled up to the curb, “Get in.”
You scoffed, “Are you serious?”
“You did that, that’s your fault,” Scott finished for you.
“I know that. Now get in the car and help me.”
“Why should we,” you challenged, “You know, I’m starting to get real sick and tired of your demanding ass tone.”
Scott put his arm in front of you, stopping your advancing figure before you could make it to the car. “I’ve got a better idea. I’m gonna call a lawyer because a lawyer might actually have a chance at getting him out before the moon goes up.”
“Not when they do a real search of the house.”
“What do you mean?” Scott had now made it to the window of the car. “Whatever Jackson said to the cops, what’s in the house is worse. A lot worse,” Derek popped his passenger door open, Scott looked at you and you huffed gesturing towards the door, you got in.
“If Isaac didn’t kill his father, then who did?”
“I don’t know yet,” Derek replied.
“Then how do you know he’s telling the truth?”
“Because I trust my senses. And it’s a combination of them, not just your sense of smell.” You smiled ever so slightly at the sentence.
“You saw the lacrosse thing today,” Scott stated embarrassed.
“Did it look that bad?”
“Yeah,” you spoke up, catching their attention.
You continued your way through the house, until Derek had directed you two to the basement, “You wanna learn,” he pointed down the stairs, “then start now.”
Scott made his way down the stairs and you just stared, you were scared if you were being honest. Scared to find something that would tell you that Isaac really did kill his father. Because if that was true, there wasn’t anyway you could help him even with the pleading you had done to Sheriff. Derek gave you a pointed look, “You need to come down here as well,” you raised your eyebrows, “Why?” you questioned him.
“He wouldn’t want you to see what’s down here but I think it’s important that you do.”
You nodded slightly at his statement, if Derek thought that then it had to be a big deal, the only person he really trusted was Scott and now probably Isaac. It only took you a moment to decide as you started your way down the stairs as well with even more caution than Scott had possessed. “What am I looking for?” Scott had interrupted your train of thought, “Follow your senses,” answered Derek. You guys made it down the stairs, you looked around until you came face to face with a mirror propped up on the ground. You couldn’t stop staring at your eyes, you knew you needed to tell Scott as soon as possible but it had to wait. Until Isaac was safe, until you could provide some answers to keep Scott from worrying about you. Derek had just finished talking to Scott, when he had stayed behind and just in front of you.
He turned, giving you the go ahead to talk. You made sure that Scott was occupied with looking around before going on, “I know trust between us is below zero but can I ask you something?” The dark haired man hesitated before nodding slightly, “On the field today, when Scott was, well you know...my eyes.. Stiles said they glowed purple.” The man gave you a confused look before his eyes relaxed slightly, “Are you asking if I know what you are?” You shrugged, “I guess, I don’t know, this isn’t the first time something like this has happened.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean that, I’ve made my locker slam shut on its own and almost made papers go flying across the room.”
He thought for a moment, looking at you up and down almost as if he was doing some kind of analysis of you in his brain, “I’m sorry but I don’t know what you are.” You sighed and shrugged once more, “It was a long shot I guess.” Derek took another moment to pondered and turned his head to you once more, “Did those things happen when your emotions were at a peak?” You slowly nodded, a little bit embarrassed to admit that the things occurring were due to you not keeping your emotions in check.
“Well while I can’t tell you what you are, it sounds like whatever you possess is carried out mostly by emotions so using them to your advantage is going to be what helps you keep it under control.”
You took some time to process what he said, it seemed so simple and yet you had a feeling that it was gonna be far from that. Instead of pushing your luck you just nodded along to show that you understood, “Thanks.”
“One more thing, Derek.”
“What is it?”
“Is Isaac gonna be okay?”
“I’m going to get him out of there, however, even if he gets out of this situation, he’s gonna forever have to deal with what he went through in this room,” Derek pointed to across the room. You turned to see an ice box with chains next to it, you looked back at Derek and he nodded for you to go over to it. You met Scott over there, both of you grazing your hands over it, a light flashed in your eyes.
“Open it.”
Scott and you turned to each other, nodding you both grabbed the lid and opened it. You gasped when you saw it, scratches, scratches all through out the sides of the freezer. “He was locked in here,” you said, your hand covering your mouth. You backed away from the box shaking your head, “I need some fresh air.” Scott didn’t get a chance to say anything as you sprinted up the stairs, placing your back against the wall you heaved to catch your breath. Tears slipped down your face, you couldn’t believe the sweet boy you knew was going through something so horrific. You had to get him out of there. You took your phone out of your pocket and made your way to your contacts, it was pointless though because the person you were planning to call had beaten you to it.
“Hey, I was just about to call you.”
“Yeah, I’m gonna need your help, Allison said that- hey are you okay, have you been crying?”
You sniffled slightly before clearing your throat, “It’s fine, doesn’t matter, what about Allison?”
“She said that one of her dad’s guys went out, Y/N, he had wolfsbane with him.”
“They’re gonna kill him.”
“Yeah, I’m on my way to come pick you up, just hang tight.” You nodded even though you knew he couldn’t see it, “Yeah, okay, see you soon,” with that he hung up. After you had told Scott and Derek what was going on, Stiles had arrived to pick you up. Scott decided to stay since it wouldn’t be safe with the full moon out tonight. Stiles phone rang while he was speeding down the road as fast as he could, you took it from his cup holder and answered it, putting it on speaker, “Hey, did you slow him down?”
“You could say that.”
“Alright well, we’re heading to the station right now.”
“Where’s Scott?”
“Isaac’s,” you answered, “you should probably get over there as well.”
“Does he have a plan?”
Stiles side glanced you, “Yeah, but not a very good one. And unfortunately we don’t have time to come up with anything better.”
“Hence the ‘you should get over there too’,” you tried to joke. You ended the call as both of you looked through his dash board window at the moon. You were running out of time. “He’s gonna be okay,” Stiles tried to convince you.
“I really hope so.”
You finally made it to the station, when you felt the nerves getting to you, “Hey.” You looked at Stiles, he placed his hand on your head, “We’re gonna save him.”
“Let’s just go before I have a panic attack,” your attempt to be funny was interrupted by Derek showing up at the window. Stiles rolled down the window to explain the plan, “Okay, now the keys to every cell are in a password protected lockbox in my father’s office.”
“The problem is getting past the front desk,” you continued.
“I’ll distract her,” Derek concluded
You raised your eyebrows in disbelief as Stiles kept him from walking away, “Woah, woah, woah, you- you’re not going in there.” Derek said nothing but glanced at the hand currently on his shoulder, “I’m taking my hand off,” Stiles released his grip.
“I was exonerated.”
You scoffed, “I was exonerated,” you mocked the werewolf, “Like that matters at all you dumbass.”
“You’re still a person of interest,” the boy next to you explained.
“An innocent person.”
You both let out a sarcastic laugh, “You?” You synced, “Yeah, right!” He continued to stare at you both before Stiles sighed, “Okay, fine. What’s your plan?”
“To distract her,” Derek dragged.
“Uh-huh,” you mocked once more.
“How,” Stiles expressed, “by punching her in the face?”
“By talking to her.”
“Okay, alright, give me a sample. What are you gonna open with?”
“Dead silence,” the boy concluded, “that should work beautifully, got any other ideas?”
“I’m thinking about punching you in the face.”
You groaned, “Oh my god, can we just go, please,” the attention was now on you, “You both can argue later.”
There was a silent agreement before Derek made his way inside, allowing you and Stiles to both slip past the lady and into the Sheriff’s office. While you acted as look out, he punched in the code to get the key, “It’s gone.” Your head snapped towards him, “It’s gone? What do you mean it’s gone,” his hands slapped to his side, “I mean the key is not in the box, the guy must have beaten us to it.”
“Well, then let’s go, there may still be time.” Both of you rushed down the hallway, bumping into what appeared to be an officer, only for you to both realize there was blood. “Ah, sh-,” the man grabbed Stiles before you both could get away, “Hey! Let him go, you bastard!” You tried to pry the guy’s hand that was holding the syringe away from Stiles’ neck but it was no use you didn’t have the strength to overpower him. You could at least keep him from getting any closer though. Stiles had pulled the fire alarm and you made it to the holding cells, still struggling against the man when you all realized that one of the doors had been ripped off, Isaac’s door.
The guy had been pried off of you two as you both dropped to the floor. It was Isaac, fully transformed, you both scrambled behind the desk as he fought off the man. He left him unconscious and his attention was now on you, he began his advance but was very quickly interrupted by Derek’s roar. You shook off the shock, got back on your feet and rushed over to the now cowering Isaac.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay you’re safe.” He glanced at you, “You came,” you nodded with a soft smile, “Yeah, yeah I did.” His head landed on your shoulder lightly, clearly exhausted you let him be, raking your hand through his hair lightly.
“How did you do that,” questioned Stiles.
“I’m the alpha.”
a/n: GUYS I WROTE THIS WHOLE THING IN A DAY! Am i gonna proof read it?? Probably not lol. Anyways let me know what you think, do you prefer the whole episode in one chapter or them broken up into two parts?? Also if you want to be added to the taglist, let me know!
Taglist: @somiaw
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lttl3babybug · 1 year
Intro Post! 🪲
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Hello!! My name is Bugs! This is my Age Regression/Pet Regression blog :D
🪲 Current Hyperfixation(s): Batfam :3, X-Men, Gravity Falls
🪲 Current Blog Theme: Nightcrawler (X-Men)
🪲 About me and this blog: I’m 16 years old, I follow from @0x-bugs-x0 my usual regression age is 2-5 although sometimes I regress from 8-11, I am also a pet regressor!! I’m a golden retriever :3 my pronouns are He/It/pup/Howl/Bark (I’m non binary and intersex!) I’m from the uk! (I suffer from an illness called Gilbert’s Syndrome leading to me having chronic pains and fatigue so sometimes I don’t particularly have the motivation or physical energy to write.) I mainly made this account to let little Bugs have a place to get his thoughts out. The fandoms I write for are listed below ⬇️
🪲 Requests: My requests are currently Open! for fics, headcanons, thoughts on characters agere or just a general little (hehe) chat! I’m always up! But if you’re looking to request a fic or headcanons here’s a list of fandoms I’ll write for! (All lists will be updated as we go!) I do write character x reader if you are interested in that! I will write in dips if you ask nicely :3
100 agere questions requests are still open!
ROTTMNT/Mutant Mayhem
Into the spider-verse
Scott pilgrim
Hazbin Hotel (On Break)
Helluva Boss (On Break)
Stardew Valley
Gravity Falls
Anon List! :D
🍰,🪴,💥, Spider 🌈, 🐈, 💙, 💚,
My Masterlist!
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surshica · 2 years
synopsis : aib characters as sweet sappy quotes
genre : fluff :(
warnings : none! i kinda cried doing this tho.
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“i would’ve come for you and if i couldn’t walk, id crawl to you and no matter how broken we were, we’d fight our way out together.”
“i offer you my life, but it is a short life i can offer you my heart, though i have no idea how many more beats it shall sustain.” (jem carstairs)
“i swear on the angel. The hell with that, I swear on us.” “why us?” “Because there isn’t anything i believe in more.” (jace herondale)
“the world was collapsing, and the only thing that really mattered to me was that you were still alive.” (percy jackson)
“in our next lives i want our roles to be reversed me the one who fell in love first and you the loved one so i can give you all the love you have given me.” (choi soobin)
“that’s because you are cold-hearted.” “for everyone else maybe, but not for you.” (conard fisher)
“3 words, 8 letters, say it and i’m yours.”
“we are staying together. you’re not going away from me. never again.” (percy jackson)
“i’ll give you the world, the stars, whatever you want. i’m yours.” (aaron blackford)
“you’re not the villain in my story.” “i am” mira says. “but i’ll be the villain for you. not to you.” (plated prisoner)
“you are the first dream of my soul, and from that dream i hope will come all other dreams, a lifetime’s worth.” (will herondale)
“whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same.” (hardin scott)
— this one is talking abt usagi. “to the world, she is formidable. to me? she is the world.” (aaron warner)
“if i had to live every eternity searching for you, i would. there isn’t a moment i would rest without you by my side. its you and i until the end.” (these stained glass hearts)
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tags — open !
@nanamora , @parkersmyth , @trinmadol , @noxceleste , @eissaaaa , @dr3amscap3 , @arizzu , @bwnniidump , @kerenz , @minyoungieee , @saiewithakatana
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realizing your trans while Dating them(mtf edition)
(this takes place after you telling them around the same way reader does in the last chapter but pronoun change)
This one is a bit different because he is still very supportive of you but now he’s way more vocal about trans issues and says stuff like “My beautiful Girlfriend is a Transwoman and i wouldn’t change her for the world! How can anyone possibly hate her??”
Still obviously very supportive, anyone who dares to say shit like “trans women aren’t real your just confused” or “all trans women are predators trying to get into girls bathrooms!” will get a taste of Fire and Knives (what damien named his fists) he also threatens anyone who misgenders you
He’s around the same as damien but a lot less aggressive about it, gently corrects people in not subtle ways and always is there for you when you get a ride or transphobic comment. Plus he hacks into the persons bank account and donates to Trans rights foundations >:D
Super happy when you tell him, The first thing he does is ask if it’s okay to tell polly (you say yes ofc) and he busts into polly’s room to tell her
she is also over the moon
then you polly and scott spend the rest of the night doing each others makeup (Scott didn’t want to feel left out so you gave him a classic guy liner look)
Wowee another chapter, i’m feeling a fuck ton more motivated as of late so expect this to be a somewhat steady blog, i’ve got plenty more ideas coming up later 😗✌️
Seeya Nerds! ~ Ghosty
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
hey i hv a request for flufftober
would u write a fic where r is reading a book in bed & wanda is just going about her nightly routine & r is just admiring her & when wanda finishes she gets in bed & cuddles into r & they fall asleep
ik this is shit u don't hv to write it
Hard To Focus
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: Wanda’s beauty distracts you from your night-time reading.  
| Fluff | 0.6K | 
AC: I miss Wanda so much!! I hope you enjoy this!!  
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Every night was usually the same, well most nights. You'd be sat up in bed, nice and comfortable while Wanda was in the bathroom humming her favorite songs while she did her nightly routine. Applying her nightly skin care to her face before brushing her teeth and plaiting her hair to prevent it getting too messy by morning.  At first it was her humming that started to distract you from the printed words in your book but soon you'd find yourself completely lost in a moment of awe as you watched Wanda carefully rub the cream into her skin before washing it out only to apply another. 
Sometimes you wondered how you got so lucky to be with somebody as special as Wanda. She was everything you'd ever dreamt about, she was soft like a marshmallow, warm like a Christmas sweater by the fire, she gave you a sense of belonging and the love she gave you felt like it was right out of the princess movies you watched as a kid, only this was far better than your typical fairy-tale love story. 
"Take a picture honey" Wanda chuckled from the bathroom breaking you from your daydream, "huh?" you blinked a few times, seeing her smiling at you through the mirror, "sorry honey, I was just thinking about this chapter" you lied, Wanda could see the redness in your cheeks get brighter but she went on about her routine, brushing her teeth while you quickly fell back to watching her in awe.
The way her long hair sat almost too perfectly made you want to run your fingers through it any chance you got before she'd put it up into two plaits and when she'd get tooth paste on her chin you wanted to wipe it off with your thumb before she'd wash her mouth with mouthwash. Any chance you had to hold her, you wanted to do so which is why when she was finally finished with her routine, you knew exactly when to close your book and place it back inside your bedside table before she could climb into bed. 
"What a day!" Wanda sighed as she kicked off her slippers and pulled the covers back on her side of the bed. "Tired, are we?" you asked as you made yourself comfortable ready to have your arms wrapped around Wanda and her head resting gently on your chest. "Mission reports can take it out of you when you have to sit there for hours and listen to Thor and Scott ramble on!" she replied, finally getting into bed, and pulling the covers over her. You couldn't help but smile softly to yourself when Wanda naturally made herself comfortable, snuggling up to you and resting her head exactly where you wanted it. "You're nice and warm" she added before you could reply. 
"Well at least they're over now" you smiled as you held her tightly beside you, "I think we should take a trip next week, the two of you us" Wanda slightly looked up at you with her big beautiful green eyes. "Where do you want to go baby?" you asked, Wanda hummed in thought, "why don't we just take the car and see where we end up? I think a few days away would be good" you nodded at her response and gently placed a kiss on her lips, "I'm sure we can do that"
After moments of small talk and shared giggles, the two of you soon started drifting off to sleep, you always stayed up until you heard Wanda's gentle snores or when she'd start to mumble in her sleep but this time, she waited for you. Hearing your heavy leveled out breathing drew her more and more into slumber as she stayed snuggled into your side in your arms where she felt safest.
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Taglist: @red1culous | @sayah13 | @charl-lally | @when-wolves-howl | @bentleywolf29 | @fxckmiup | @lissaaaa145 | @high--power | @parkerdaramitzzzz  | @mmmmokdok | @wackymcstupid | @kiwiana145 | @shin-conan-kun | @nattyolw | @ripofflizzie | @goofy-goonie | @makegoodchoices | @wandsmxmff | @apollo2907 | @wandaroman0ff | @dumb-fawkin-bitch | @lovelyy-moonlight | @santana1437 | @fluffyblanketgecko | @puta1 | @inluvwithfictionalwomen | @tintedrose12 | @jaymieflorissssssss | @tita001 | @lizzieslcver | @youralphawolf72 | @donnietarantino | @natashamaximoff69 | @hehehehannahthings | @pandaemonium111 | 
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sweetdreamsbuck · 2 years
take my hand
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beefy lumberjack!bucky x f!reader (lumby and bunny au)
wc: 2.2k
prompt: can't skate, gonna need someone to hold my hand
warnings: too much fluff. bucky is sickeningly in love
for col's Winter Wonderland writing challenge and sleepover! this is the first writing challenge I've ever done– seems fitting it's for you! thank you for inspiring me, always. <3 @foreverindreamlandd
a/n: this is a difficult time of year. sending all my love and super self-indulgent thoughts hehe.
happy holidays, my loves❄️🧸☃️🤎
𝐢 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲, 𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤.
“Y’almost got the hang of it!” You most certainly do not.
Bucky tries to tug you along the ice, his hand secure in your double-gloved one– per his insistence on keeping you extra warm– but it’s no use. The ground stutters laughably beneath each attempt of sliding your feet.
Bucky’s never seen anything so adorable before; you’re awful.
Of course, to make matters worse, they’re all gifted on ice– Maria drifts by with a graceful spin, a howling Scott and Natasha racing just behind.
“C’mon Bunny, just slide your feet in time with mine. Small strides, like this,” he demonstrates the movement away from you in hopes your body will be able to mimic the action.
It won’t. You can’t.
“Can’t you just carry me? This holding my hand thing isn’t working,” you whine. Bucky laughs ignoring your groans, grabbing your face and kissing the corner of your mouth until you smile.
“Nope! I need to see you twirlin’ around first and then,” his thumb brushes over your bottom lip longingly, “we’ll talk. But I gotta go get the living room ready, stay out here with Maria, yeah?” He smiles at you– like he’s never witnessed something more worthy of his worship– with the radiance of every last ray of sun, warm and at rest in his stare.
And after the incredible day you’ve all had, this was the last thing on his list before the sun disappeared for the evening. This morning, he’d bundled you in too many cable-knit layers (and then an additional one just to be safe), an oversized coat, and thick garments for your neck, hands, and feet. But watching you bounce on the ice again and again… he wishes he added a few more.
Bucky had everything planned down to the very second; from the beginning dimmings of the sky’s glow so the fairy lights hanging from the cabin into the trees would shine just right, to the dough being rolled out, cut into intricate shapes to be placed in the oven with ample amount of cooling time– can’t have the icing melt off the tops, Bunny. Needs to be perfect for you.
Steve and Natasha had spent over an hour untwining the offending garland and string lights that Sam had managed to knot together, while you and Torres got a head start at throwing plastic balls and pine cones up the side of the smallest of the giant pines encompassing the cabin.
The last tray of cookies had been placed in the oven while the canola oil was set out for the potato mixture, waiting to be fried in Bucky’s special pan– his ma’s old one she only used this time of year.
The success of today was important to him for more reasons than one. He finally has something strong, something certain, worth making memories with– ones that will last him a lifetime and replace all the pain that's led him to now. Bucky only wants to share everything he is with you.
Including the small frozen pond; which Scott, Steve, and Sam tested their weight on, year after year, hopeful they’d bring a little cheer back into Bucky’s life.
Upon his request, of course, you’ll stay out here. Bucky wasn’t asking– he had everything meticulously pinned like points on a map. You know better than to derail any of his plans. So your brilliant grin and sweet hum against the warmth of his cheek is enough to guarantee he’ll be okay leaving you with his friends for a bit.
With a feigned mutter of disapproval, a 'you carry me everywhere, but now it’s an issue?' and an accompanying pucker of your lips, Bucky reluctantly watches as Maria hauls you away, taking over as skating instructor. He shimmies his skates off before shoving his boots back on, joining Steve to get his cabin all set for watching your favorite holiday movie.
Bucky can’t help himself, the window is right near the couch he’s meant to be fixing the blankets on. He spent weeks planning this. Hours getting all the lights outlining his cabin just right, dangling them from branches and trunks alike. He needed this to be pristine, for you. Pausing to look out was too tempting, a perfect distraction directly in his line of sight at the mess of people dancing around the ice. Specifically, on you. His Bunny, right at home with his family.
And oh– how you shine. You're impossible to miss, the center of it all, always. To Bucky, anyway.
Bucky blinks with a particular tunnel vision these days, a fixation on the most beautiful thing that’s ever stumbled into his life. The window’s fogged and he’s thankful, for once, that he forgot to clean it better; a frost-tinted circle illuminating your ambrosial luster.
And while quickly moving to place an additional few logs on the fire, he can't fight the urge to get back outside to you. You love curling up against his chest right in front of the flames, warm cream colored blankets and sweet kisses shared until Bucky's reeling, flushed scarlet and suffocating for more.
“What’s on your mind, Buck?” Steve wonders.
They wordlessly walk out of the cabin and down the porch steps, transfixed with the painting of Joaquin and Sam twisting you unwillingly around the ice.
Steve clears his throat.
But Bucky’s somewhere else entirely, your squeals of frightened joy are running circles between his ears, rendering him breathless in a moment he never wants to leave. From the moment just a half hour ago you spoke so softly, "Need you to hold my hand Lumby, what if I suck? Never done this before", to now– he watches on with an ardent tenderness bleeding from his eyes in the shape of you. Sam pushes at your hips from behind, directing your laughing frame wobbling straight into a panicked Torres.
Bucky’s so tragically in love with you.
Your skate catches the bottom of Sam’s too-long jeans, sending you both toppling to the ground in a heap of broad shoulders and heavy limbs– courtesy of a painfully groaning Joaquin and cackling Sam. Steve smiles, observing Bucky take in the picture before him, a low chuckle rumbling within his knowing chest: there’s nothing like watching your best pal falling more and more, so deeply in love, Steve thinks. He nods.
“Mine too.”
“And what’s my girl doin’ in your thoughts?” Bucky smirks, eyes grudgingly leaving your triumphant pose on top of your conquered pile of a bickering Sam and Joaquin. When he meets Steve’s eyes, he finds a noble grin.
“I’m thankin’ her. Never seen you like this, so…” Steve gestures to him, a grand wave of his arms Bucky feels deep in his chest, “So happy. Bucky, she’s–”
“Bucky! Bucky, help me!” They both whip their heads at the excited sound, the two men once face-first on the ice and under your victorious smirk now standing tall on their blades with you lifted high above their heads. Maria and Natasha jump up from their bench to rush to your rescue, hurling insults in between fits of laughter at the two idiots passing you round and round in swooping circles.
Steve looks to his friend, and in Bucky's contentment he sees it– adoration and fondness and relief vibrating warmly.
Bucky melts– his bunny and his best friends. And they adore his girl almost as much as he does. He couldn’t feel more alive.
“Torres! Wilson! Put my girl down, I swear if I find even a scratch on her–”
“You have her in like nine layers. Think she’ll be fine, if she doesn’t pass out from heat exhaustion first…” Sam mumbles securing his arms tightly around your middle, dodging the raucous taunts of the two women before placing you on shaky legs.
You stay standing for a solid three seconds, the air returning to your overexerted lungs. One slide of your foot, then the other. Just like Bucky showed you, left, right, le– your body meets ice.
Shrill mirth fills the woods at, yet again, another fumble of your own two legs. With an enamored chuckle, Bucky moves swiftly, hoping to get to you before another fall occurs. He’s never seen a person fall so much in his damn life.
“So. I’m terrible at this,” the dejected huff swirls past you both in a frozen gust of air. Your body shivers in a tired sulk, working hard to remember what it feels like to be standing. Bucky bends down and aids you out of your skates, shouting for Scott to toss him your boots. Right foot then left, and he secures the thick socks he made you wear over the tops of the laces.
Bucky looks up at you, a satisfied sound whispered into the frigid evening. There’s a playful pity swimming within his features. But his eyes always betray him, completely overflowing with his adoration for you. It nearly knocks you off of your feet, dizzy and back spinning ‘round icy ground. The entrance to the fence that encases the pond snags on your puffy parka and Bucky grabs at your wrists, sliding his thumbs gently down to the thick fabric concealing those precious lifelines of yours. He brings the tops of them to his mouth with a gentle hum.
Nothing feels more secure than falling into the safety Bucky’s presence brings. He stands, plump lips never leaving your knuckles for a second.
As if the evening was expecting you both, frost-bitten air and the last swirls of daylight envelop you in a greeting of serenity. The lights still glimmer and your friends still laugh and yell, but the evening permits you to forget all of that for a moment.
Looking into Bucky’s eyes feels a lot like home.
And the stunning blues have no intention of leaving your sweet face, sulking up at him with the echoes of crystalized wonder and the twinkling from up above dusting along your features– how could he even feel an ounce of sympathy toward you? Not when your pout entices him like nothing else on this goddamned green earth ever could. Nothing could hold a candle to it.
“Wouldn’t say that Bun,” he decides with a solemn shake of his head, squeezing your fingers within his hold, “You’re not terrible. Just not ready… for public viewing, is all.” A short nod and a hopeful smile search to brighten the affected expression on your face. But it isn’t until he leans down with his nose nudging yours, a teasing pout of his lips on your cold skin, an arm sliding behind your hip urging you closer with a sigh against your cheek that you feel it.
He’d do anything to keep you happy.
It’s evident in the glistening snow nestled within the thick sea of evergreen, its sparkling hue all around you– in the sloppily decorated tree just a few feet shy of the pond– in the group of friends he gathered together just to remind you how loved you are, even during the most difficult season of the year. Bucky’d spend hours milling through his ma’s old recipes to find the perfect cookies and those latkes he remembers enjoying years ago. He’d even go as far as tell a little lie no one could possibly ever believe, that you weren’t in fact hazardous on skates, even if it is just the two of you that hear it. He’d bear long hours in the harsh winds of winter for something other than labor, for a gathering of family his girl knows love him to no end, just to see her showered with the same sentiment– to see that smile.
Nothing about loving you is akin to labor.
But then your lips curl, a small giggle bubbling past your once frustrated pout until the sweet sound blooms, swells, stealing the rhythm straight from his chest. And Bucky’s heart soars, from the very depths of his rib cage to the confines of your wool-clad hands, all from just the blinding smile you have only for him.
Candle: lit.
Your hands reach for his cheeks just as they flush crimson, a startling contrast to the scenery surrounding you. Bucky nearly evaporates, right there.
His pulse is thunderous, urging him to delight in nothing but your joy enduringly. Bucky can’t control it, it croons I love you, I love you, I love you.
You’re breathtaking.
He’d never tell his friends he planned today just for you, of how he stocked his kitchen with baking supplies and festive decor just to watch the happiness sparkling, so alive in your eyes.
Bucky’s anything but subtle. His heart beats only with the air of your affections– his friends know.
“C’mon sweet girl,” Bucky’s nose smushes against your hairline, his kiss warming your chilled forehead. “We’ve got cookies to decorate. Can’t let Sam find ‘em or they’ll be gone before we know it.”
At the sight of Bucky’s reverent lips descending the span of your face, Steve turns to head back to the cabin. With a heavy smack of his arm around Sam’s shoulders and a smile spread proudly across both of their faces, they let their friend take all the time he needs. Natasha’s grin twitches softly, watching Bucky sing of his love for you with every glide of his lips against your skin, with every breath that fills his lungs.
Bucky continues on, reaching and pulling for every little laugh you’ll give him, sparing no expense for the feelings of his friends: "Maria’s terrible on ice, did’ya even see her out there? Nearly knocked poor Torres on his ass.” No, that was you, actually. And you did. “Scott took all the marshmallows, can’t let him find out about our secret stash, kay?” He keeps them in an old tea container, they taste of bergamot. “Stevie thinks he’ll make a better gingerbread house than us, you believe that punk?” He only said that to get Bucky riled up.
Sam hears it– they all do. You hardly attempt to quiet your delight whenever Bucky gets you snuggled close, wrapped entirely bare in his need to be your everything.
A hurried kiss teases his stubble, then graces his lips, and your arm entangles itself around his own until the tips of fingers interlock in a charm of whispered giggles. And while walking the length of the winter wonderland he’s created for you, hyper and giddy and so full of emotion, your heart thanks him.
They all hear Bucky prod, the cheap digs and the silly goading; not a single one of them has the means to chide– they know. Their friend has finally found peace, tightly woven within the grasp of a warm woolen hand.
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taeswolfie · 11 months
𝑱𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒂 𝑭𝒆𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 : 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆
☽︎𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑴𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚☾︎
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Ch.02 - Ch.04
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x fem!Reader
Word count: 4.4k
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Y/n lays asleep in her bed, hair splayed across her pillow and lips slightly parted as slow and steady breaths move her chest. Her sleep is peaceful until a distant howl is heard. Her brows furrow and her breathing picks up a bit as she starts to shift in her sleep. Her hands clench and her legs move, her sheets quickly becoming wrapped around them as her head moves to the side. Another howl rips through the air. Her skin is coated with a thin layer of sweat as she starts to pant, her face conveying the fear from her dream.
The color yellow.
Bloody claws.
Red eyes.
She sits bolt upright with a gasp, her eyes wide and glowing their violet hue, hands grasping at her chest. She looks down and holds her hands in front of her face. When she sees they're clean she sighs in relief. She rakes a hand through her hair as she takes deep breaths to calm herself. In through the nose, out through the mouth. As she calms down her irises dim to their normal e/c hue. The details from her dream instantly start slipping from her mind and she can't remember anything that happened. All she remembers is the fear when she saw them. The red eyes. They were angry, power hungry, a fire of rage flickering within their depths. She had a feeling she wouldn't be getting back to sleep tonight so she grabbed a blanket and went to the living room to watch TV until it was time for her to get ready for school.
"So you killed her?" Stiles asks as he opens the school door, letting Y/n and Scott through before following himself. Scott had been telling them about his nightmare where he wolfed out and killed Allison on a school bus.
"I don't know." Scott shrugged. "I just woke up. And I was sweating like crazy, and I couldn't breathe. I've never had a dream where I woke up like that before."
"Really? I have. Usually ends a little differently."
"TMI, Stiles." Y/n gave him a slightly disgusted look, but still chuckled at his blunt delivery.
"A) I meant I've never had a dream that felt that real, and B) never give me that much detail about you in bed again." Scott continued.
"Noted." Stiles nodded. "Let me take a guess here."
"No, I know, you think it has something to do with me going out with Allison tomorrow, like I'm gonna lose control and rip her throat out."
"No, of course not." Scott looked at Stiles for a moment before he caved. "Yeah, that's totally it. Hey, come on, it's gonna be fine, all right?"
"You know, dreams have a way of showing us our own stresses and desires. We process things through our dreams. That particular one could be your own worries and fears about hurting her." Y/n shared.
"Personally I think you're handling this pretty freakin' amazingly." Stiles complimented. "You know, it's not like there's a Lycanthropy for Beginners class you can take."
"Yeah, not a class, but maybe a teacher." Scott hinted.
"Who, Derek?" Stiles smacks the back of Scott's head and Y/n promptly returned the gesture to Stiles. He looked at her in offense, rubbing the back of his head.
"Don't hit him. He has a point." She scolded.
"You forgetting the part where we got him tossed in jail?"
"Yeah, I know, but chasing her, dragging her to the back of the bus, it felt so real." Scott said.
"How real?" Y/n asked.
"Like it actually happened." The boys open each door and Y/n trails behind Stiles as they walk out only to take a few steps and pause at the sight of a bloody and damaged school bus.
"I think it did." Scott looked at Stiles shocked.
"She's fine, Scott." Y/n assured as she and Stiles followed the now panicked boy.
"She's not answering my texts, Y/n." He fretted.
"It could just be a coincidence, all right?" Stiles tried to reassure.
"A seriously amazing coincidence. Just help me find her, okay?" Scott frantically looked front and back for any sign of Allison. "Do you see her?"
Y/n could hear his rapidly increasing heartbeat. "Scott, you need to calm down. Allison is just fine." Her words fell on deaf ears as he anxiously raked a hand through his hair and turned a corner. Y/n and Stiles fell back when he leaned against a locker. He gripped it as he breathed harshly before yelling out and punching the locker so hard the door dented and swung crookedly on one hinge. Stiles went to go to him but Y/n stopped him. "Just wait. I've got a good feeling."
"How can you have a good feeling about that?" He flailed an arm loosely in Scott's direction.
She turned to look at him. "Just trust me." He looked between her eyes, his own showing hesitation, before he nodded. They watched as Scott backed away from the locker and into the adjacent hall where he bumped right into Allison, accidentally making her drop her books. Allison smiled and said something they couldn't hear and Y/n could practically see the relief on Scott when he realized it was her. "See? I told you." Y/n smiled at Stiles in triumph and he just huffed a laugh at her. Everyone's attention was then drawn to the PA system as an announcement was made.
"Attention, students, this is your principal. I know you're all wondering about the incident that occurred last night to one of our buses. While the police work to determine what happened, classes will proceed as scheduled."
There's a collective groan from the students and Y/n chuckles at their reactions. "Come on, let's get to class." Y/n grabbed Stiles hand and led them down the hall.
In Chemistry, Mr. Harris writes on the chalkboard. Y/n sits in the farthest back corner away from the teacher due to the fact that she wasn't a big fan of him and sitting there, there was less chance of her being called, him being a douche, and her responding in kind resulting in detention. No matter how much she tried to hold her tongue something in her blood made her snark back at him.
"Maybe it was my blood on the door." Y/n's writing pauses as she hears Scott quietly talk to Stiles who was sitting right behind him.
"Could have been animal blood. You know, maybe you caught a rabbit or something." Stiles speculated.
"And did what?"
"Ate it."
"No, you stopped to bake it in a little werewolf oven. I don't know, you're the one who can't remember anything."
"Mr. Stilinski, if that's your idea of a hushed whisper, you might want to pull the headphones out every once in a while." Mr. Harris said snidely. Y/n had to clench her teeth and close her eyes at the ass of a teacher. "I think you and Mr. McCall would benefit from a little distance, yes?"
"No." Stiles denied but his mind was set. Mr. Harris gestured to different seats farther apart and the boys obliged.
"Let me know if the separation anxiety gets to be too much." Stiles scoffs a laugh and settles in the empty space next to Y/n.
"You guys need to learn how to whisper better." Y/n actually whispered with a teasing smile. Stiles nudged her with a small smile and she quietly snickered until a gasp rang through the room.
"Hey, I think they found something." A girl jumped from her seat and everyone followed her to the window to see a group of EMT's wheeling an injured man on a gurney to an ambulance.
"That's not a rabbit." Scott pointed out. The man sat up and screamed, making everyone in the class jump back and scream. Scott backed up more than others in shock.
"Hey, this is good, right?" Y/n asked when she noticed Scott and followed him, Stiles coming a moment later.
"Yeah," Stiles agreed, "this is good. He got up, he's not dead. Dead guys can't do that."
"Guys..." Scott called. "I did that."
The trio grabs their lunch in the cafeteria and goes to an empty table. "But dreams aren't memories." Stiles said.
"Some people dream about their memories." Y/n pointed out.
"Then it wasn't a dream." Scott reasoned as they sat down. "Something happened last night. And I can't remember what."
"What makes you so sure that Derek even has all the answers?" Stiles asked.
"Because during the full moon he wasn't changed. Ask Y/n, she saw him." Stiles looked at the girl who shrugged and nodded. "He was in total control while I was running around in the middle of the night attacking some totally innocent guy."
"You don't know that." Y/n denied.
"I don't not know it. I can't go out with Allison. I have to cancel."
"No, you're not canceling, all right?"
"You can't just cancel your entire life." Stiles agreed. "We'll figure it out."
"Figure what out?" Lydia's voice appeared with her sitting her tray down next to Scott and across from Y/n.
Stiles practically choked on a laugh and Scott was caught off guard at the sudden appearance so Y/n rolled her eyes and spoke up. "Just homework." Y/n smiled at her friend.
"Yeah." Stiles agreed and then whispered to his friends. "Why is she sitting with us?" Scott gave him a look that said he didn't know while Danny sat next to Y/n, Allison sat next to Scott, and another boy and girl took the empty spots on either end of the table.
"Hey, Danny boy."
"Hi, Y/n." He smiled in greeting. While Y/n didn't get along with Jackson, his friend Danny wasn't so bad.
"Get up." Jackson ordered the boy sitting at the end next to Lydia and Danny.
"How come you never ask Danny to get up?" The boy complained.
"Because I don't stare at his girlfriend's coin slot." Danny sassed back. Jackson practically shoved the boy off the chair and sat down himself. Y/n grimaced at the new addition to the table. "So I hear they're saying it's some type of animal attack. Probably a cougar."
"I heard mountain lion." Jackson said.
"A cougar is a mountain lion." Lydia smartly corrected. Jackson gave her a weird look and she smoothly backpedaled into an unsure look. "Isn't it?" Y/n raised her brow at Lydia's act, shaking her head with a small huffed laugh.
"Who cares? The guy's probably some homeless tweaker who's gonna die anyway."
"Literally no one asked for your thoughts on that, Jack-ass." Y/n glared at Jackson who returned the gesture, but before he could retort Stiles piped up.
"Actually, I just found out who it is. Check it out." He held out his phone so everyone could see the news report being played.
"The Sheriff's department won't speculate on details of the incident but confirmed the victim, Garrison Meyers, did survive the attack. Meyers was taken to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition."
"I know this guy." Scott realized.
"You do?" Allison asked.
"Yeah, when I used to take the bus, back when I lived with my dad. He was the driver." Scott, Stiles and Y/n were slightly stunned by this revelation but it didn't really mean much to anyone else.
"Can we talk about something slightly more fun, please?" Lydia asked. "Like, oh, where are we going tomorrow night?" Allison looked at Lydia, chewing her food in a surprised manner. "You said you and Scott were hanging out tomorrow night, right?"
Scott looked at Allison and she swallowed. "Um, we were thinking of what we were gonna do."
"Well, I am not sitting at home again watching lacrosse videos, so if the four of us are hanging out, we are doing something fun. Y/n, are you coming?"
The h/c raised her brows at Lydia. "Uh, no, I'm not. There'll be enough estrogen with you, Allison, and Jackson there so I'm good." Lydia playfully glared at her while Jackson rolled his eyes.
"Hanging out?" Scott questioned and Allison looked like a fish out of water. "Like, the four of us?" Stiles put a hand over his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut to block out the horror going on. Scott looked at Allison again. "Do you wanna hang out, like us and them?"
"Yeah, I guess. Sounds fun." Y/n watched this exchange in utter amusement, sipping on her drink to hide her grin.
"You know what else sounds fun?" Jackson asked and picked up a fork. "Stabbing myself in the face with this fork." Stiles rolled his eyes as he drank some of his water.
"That does sound fun! Let me do the honors for you." Y/n brandished her own fork with a sickly sweet smile.
Lydia reached over and snatched both of their utensils. Then she gasped. "How 'bout bowling? You love to bowl." Lydia looked at Jackson. Stiles munched on a fry and desperately tried to signal to Scott with his eyes to get out of this situation.
"Yeah, with actual competition."
"How do you know we're not actual competition?" Allison challenged. "You can bowl, right?" She asked Scott.
"Sort of." He replied not-so convincingly.
"Is it sort of, or yes?" Jackson dogged down Scott.
"Yes." This time Scott sounded more sure. "In fact, I'm a great bowler."
"You're a terrible bowler." Y/n laughed as she and Stiles followed Scott through the halls.
"I know! I'm such an idiot."
"God, it was like watching a car wreck." Stiles observed. "I mean, first it turned into the whole group date thing. And then out of nowhere comes that phrase." Stiles gripped his head in remorse at the dreaded phrase.
"Hang out."
"You don't hang out with hot girls, okay? It's like death."
"You guys hang out with me. Am I not as pretty as Allison?"
"No." She raised a brow at Stiles like you really just, and he quickly backpedaled. "That- that's not what I mean. It's different with you."
"It just is." She scoffed and rolled her eyes, picking up her pace because now she has to go to the Clinic with Scott today because Stiles kept her from it the other day.
Stiles turned back to Scott. "But once it's hanging out, you might as well be her gay best friend. You and Danny can start hanging out."
"How is this happening? I either killed a guy or I didn't."
"I don't think Danny likes me very much." The two boys now having very different conversations.
"I ask Allison on a date, and now we're hanging out."
"Am I not attractive to gay guys?"
"I make first line, and the Team Captain wants to destroy me, and now-" Scott looks at the time on his phone, "now I'm gonna be late for work." Scott caught up with Y/n as they left the school.
"Wait, Scott, you didn't- am I attractive to gay guy-" he tried yelling out but stopped himself, "you didn't answer my question." He muttered and walked the other way.
"Don't worry, Scott. It's just a couple minutes." Y/n assured as she and Scott dismounted their bikes outside the Animal Clinic. Scott rushed in while Y/n went at a normal pace.
"Sorry. Sorry." She heard Scott say once he got to the back room.
"You're all of two minutes late." Alan said.
"Told you." Y/n smiled once she also got into the back room.
"I just don't want you to think I'm slacking." Scott explained.
"Scott, I guarantee you, you're one of the least slacking kids in this town." Scott smiled.
"I hope I'm one of the others?" Y/n looked at Alan.
"Of course. When you actually make it in, that is." He joked.
"I said I was sorry for the other day! I can't help Stiles dragging me this way and that." Y/n helped move a box around and Scott smiled at the exchange, but it faded when he saw the Sheriff at the door. He became anxious until the door opened and he saw one of the K-9 police dogs with him. Y/n looked over at the noise and instantly went into doggy voice mode. "Hi there, buddy. Are you ready to get your stitches out? Huh?" She kneeled down to the German Shepherd and petted his fur. "Hiya, Sheriff." Her voice was normal when talking to the humans.
"Hi, Y/n. Hey there, Scott. You staying out of trouble?"
"Yeah." Scott said simply. Alan helped Y/n lift the dog onto the exam table. He whimpers as his bandaged front leg is moved but settles down onto the metal surface.
"Oh, you're such a trooper." Y/n cooed and stroked the dog's fur to calm him more.
"Hey, listen, while I'm here, you mind taking a look at those pictures I was telling you about? Sacramento still can't determine an animal." Noah handed an evidence envelope to Alan.
"I'm not exactly an expert." Alan pulled out the photos and looked at them. "This is the guy who was attacked in the bus?" Scott's head picked up at this and Y/n glanced at him.
"Yeah. And we found wolf hairs on Laura Hale's body."
"A wolf?" Scott asked. "I mean, I think I read somewhere that wolves haven't been in California for, like, 60 years."
"True enough, but wolves are highly migratory. They could have wandered in from another state driven by impulse or strong enough memory."
"Wolves have memories?"
"Long-term ones, yeah." Y/n informed.
"If associated with a primal drive." Alan added. "See this one here?" Alan showed a picture to Noah.
"Those are claw marks. A wolf would have gone for the throat or the spinal cord with it's teeth." He curled his fingers in front of his neck for demonstration.
"So what do you think, it's a mountain lion?"
"I don't know. A wolf could chase down it's prey, hobbling it by tearing at the ankles. And then the throat."
In the evening it was only Y/n and Alan left in the Clinic. They had finished closing up and they now stood in the back room, Y/n had just told Alan about Scott's 'dream'. "And the weirdest part is I had a dream too. I can't remember what it was but I remember red eyes. And I think I heard howling, but I'm not sure."
"You think it was the Alpha that attacked that man?" Alan asked.
"Yes. Scott isn't like that, he wouldn't attack someone like that. But the Alpha... I feel like he definitely would. And the eyes... It's not a coincidence."
"He must have at least been there to have a dream or memory like that."
"He can't remember. If I wasn't hiding I could try and help him remember but..." Her brows furrow and she frowns.
"It's okay. You're not ready to share who you are and that's perfectly understandable considering your past."
Before she can respond she gets a message from Stiles saying that he was picking her up with Scott. "Looks like I'm going out." She sighs as she puts her phone away and gathers her things.
"I know you're capable, but just be careful, all right?"
She gave him a smile. "Always." She gives him a hug before they part ways, him going home and her waiting for Stiles. Once they arrive she hops in the back and they fill her in on where they're going. Derek had told Scott to go back to the bus and let his senses remember for him.
Stiles pulls up near the closed fence of the school. The three get out, Y/n leaning against the front of the Jeep while the boys walk off. "Hey, no, just me." Scott said to Stiles. "Someone needs to keep watch."
"Y/n's doing that."
"How come I'm always the guy keeping watch?"
"Because there's only three of us and the more eyes watching out, the better."
"Okay, why's it starting to feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin? I don't want to be Robin all the time."
"Nobody's Batman and Robin any of the time."
"Not even some of the time?"
"Just stay here."
"Oh, my God!" Stiles groaned and trudged back to the Jeep. He gets into the driver's side and she gets back into the back.
"What's wrong, Stilinski? You don't like keeping an eye out with me?"
"No, I just don't want to be on the side lines." He pouted.
"You're not. This is just... This is something he needs to do alone. He needs to be absolutely focused on his senses so he can remember." They lapse into silence for a while, watching Scott's figure inside the bus as a light rain started. She glances over at Stiles after a minute and noticed he was still pouting. "Don't pout." She chucked him under the chin. "You're too cute to pout." She smiled and winked. His eyes slightly widened at her actions, and before he can even think of responding lights caught their attention, drawing their eyes away from each other and towards the bus. "Crap." She reached over and started honking to get Scott's attention.
Scott scrambled out of the bus and clambered on top of a red car, somersaulting over the fence. "Come on, come on." Stiles urged as Scott hurried into the Jeep.
"Go! Go! Go! Go!" He yelled and Stiles peeled away from the school.
"Did it work? Did you remember?" Stiles asked frantically.
"Yeah, I was there last night. And the blood- a lot of it was mine."
"So you did attack him?"
"No. I saw glowing eyes in the bus, but they weren't mine. It was Derek."
Y/n perked up at this. "What color were the eyes?"
"Why does that matter?"
"What about the driver?" Stiles cut in.
"I think I was actually trying to protect him."
"Why would Derek help you remember that he attacked the driver?" Y/n tried to reason.
Scott sighed. "That's what I don't get."
"It's got to be a pack thing." Stiles theorized.
"What do you mean?"
"Like an initiation. You do the kill together."
"Because ripping someone's throat out is a real bonding experience?"
"Could be, who knows? But the point is you didn't do it, which means you're not a killer!" Y/n gave him a smile.
"And it also means that-" Scott cut Stiles off.
"I can go out with Allison." Scott smiles with relief.
"I was gonna say it means you won't kill us." Stiles gestured to himself and Y/n.
"Oh, yeah. That too."
Y/n sits in the corner of her room, the corner she has dedicated purely to art. Not many people would guess but Y/n loves to paint. Granted she doesn't do it that often but when she does it's either because she had muse to or because she just needs to get her thoughts and feelings out and a great way to do that is through art. When she's in these moods it usually takes a lot to drag her away from her easel.
With everything going on lately she definitely needed a night to use her favorite outlet. She set up a large-ish canvas, about 18" by 26", on her easel and set her paints on a black card table, speckled with paint from previous works. She has a tall Mason jar filled with water and paper towels to dry and clean her brushes. She ties her hair up, rolls up her sleeves, turns up her music, and gets to work. She goes into a type of trance, the kind where you're so focused on what you're doing the outside world is faded and you don't even really notice what you're doing either. She lays a foundation of black, scarring the inky surface with angry reds and blazing oranges. She pours everything she's been feeling lately into this piece. Her frustrations, her fears, her worries, her nightmares. Everything.
She finally takes a break after a while when her phone starts to ring. She glanced at it and saw it was Lydia. She sighs and puts the brush into the cloudy water, turning down the music before answering. "Hey, Lydie."
"Hey, N/n."
"What's up?" She sat on her bed.
"Oh, nothing. I'm just with Allison getting ready to go out. Are you sure you don't want to come? It'll be fuuun." She added in a sing-song voice.
"I'm sure it will, but as much as I love being a pain in Jackson's ass, I don't really feel like being the fifth wheel tonight."
"Aw, boo." Y/n could practically see Lydia's playful pout now and smiled. "Alright, well if I can't convince you I'll let you go to do whatever weird things you like to do."
"Why, how gracious of you!"
Lydia sighed. "I know. You're so lucky to have me as a friend."
The two laughed. "I sure am. Bye, Lydia. Say hi to Allison for me."
"Will do. Toodles." Y/n laughed to herself again as she hung up with the red head. She set her phone aside and turned her music back up to finish her painting. It would be another few hours before she decided she was done. She put the brush in the jar and stepped back to really see what she had painted.
A black sky was dotted with glowing embers that rose from a raging fire that was taller than a man. A pile of wood was set ablaze and in the middle a woman was tied to a stake. Face tilted to the sky, hair flying upwards from the heat of the flames and slightly obscuring her features. Her eyes are specks of amethyst in the ruby inferno. Her flowing white dress is billowing and charred at the ends. Behind the fire, barely hidden by the flames, are a pair of red eyes, glinting sinisterly in the firelight. The edges of everything were a bit blurred, giving the whole picture a dreamy haze.
She jumped slightly when her phone went off, but this time it was a text from Stiles.
The bus driver succumbed to his injuries.
She frowned at the news and glanced back at the painting, the scarlet orbs holding an extra layer of blood in their depths.
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