#gonna be so honest i don’t think i’m going to be convinced he’s leaving for good unless there’s a press release and/or exit interviews
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originalcrime · 27 days ago
hilarious to think if Buck and Eddie have a love confession and treat it like a “do not pass go, do not collect $200, straight to superhell” moment when in fact Eddie is moving one (1) time zone away
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slasherscream · 9 months ago
the absolute INSANITY of the pushing your s/o away thing with the crazy ass boy gang… it’s like triggering a dog’s prey drive but for serial killers w abandonment issues
❥ who gets pissed the fuck off ❥
Billy Loomis - Is irritated off rip. Billy plays it cool but he needs physical affection from you. He’s casual about it so he flies under the radar, but this is a stage five clinger. He’s always doing something small. Touching your fingers. A hand on your back. Neck. Sitting behind you instead of putting you directly in his lap. It’s little stuff. Hovering. Smack his hand away one of these times and his jaw clenches right away. “What the hell is your problem?” Please snuggle up to him and don’t start world war 3. It’s not worth the joke. 
Kevin Khatchadourian - Quick question, why do this to yourself? Kevin does not need, nor does he particularly enjoy, physical contact. Period. He is gracious enough to give you physical contact because he knows you’re built different (pathetic). For you to then turn around and spit in the face of him being kind enough to meet your needs? …. Quite crazy of you. The look he gives you is pure confusion because he’s honest to God baffled. What do you want to accomplish here? Go ahead and start begging now, because he’s not touching you for a long while. 
Sparrow!Ben Hargreeves - Swings wildly between damn near dodging any physical affection you attempt to give him to hanging off you like a squid on a ship. No in-between. For you to have the audacity to reject him when he’s feeling clingy? How dare you. He doesn’t have to beg anyone for attention! Did you forget who you’re dating? Doesn’t even care if you did it with obvious playfulness. He’s sensitive. He’s tender. He’s a bitch. He goes to get up and leave entirely and you have to grab him and beg him to cuddle so this doesn’t become a week long cold war. Happy ego stroking! 
Stu Macher - What you’re not about to do is ruin his mood. Baby, he’s about to ruin yours. How about that? If you push his hands off you once he enjoys a little playful bitchiness. Playing hard to get. He likes to chase, it’s cool. Twice? Okay…. We’re irritating him. Three times? He’s gonna grab your hand, stop smiling, and stare at you. When he places his hand back where it belongs, on your thigh, don’t act up again. He could make your whole week go to shit. Don’t start wars you won’t win. He’s the king of playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes. 
Nathan Prescott - Has to bluster and get visibly pissed off because he is rejection sensitive to a degree that is astounding, frankly. Let you see him upset after he tried to be affectionate and you said no? Hah! Not fucking likely. Being physically affectionate in the first place doesn’t come easy to him. Quality time is more his speed. Even worse if it wasn’t a sexual advance he was making. He tried to wrap an arm around you and you shrug him off? You’ll be lucky to get a hello out of him for the next week. Good luck soldier.
David Mccall - Outwardly, he pretends to be despondent and sheepish when you bat his hand away. He’s using sadness as a shield. If he’s sad then you might feel bad and give in. He’ll use any tool in his arsenal to get his way. One of his greatest skills is speaking in a soft voice, just shy of how you’d speak to a toddler, and telling you: “I didn’t mean to upset you, sweetheart. I’m sorry.” This is all to hide the fact that you rejecting him in any way, shape, or form makes him so angry he can barely think. You might be able to catch the rage hidden behind the veil. If you’re quick enough. David puts on a convincing show, but his gentle smile is twitching at the edges.
❥ who gets sad and mopey ❥
Jordan Li - Oh you pushed them away? No, that’s cool, it’s totally fine. You can want space. Everyone’s entitled to their own space bubble. Of course. Are you having a bad day? Are you mad at them? Did they do something wrong? Did they piss you off? These are the types of questions Jordan is going to “casually” ask for the next ten minutes while they sit really close to you. They’re not touching you! They always sit with their legs spread so wide. Their arm isn’t around you, it’s on the back of the couch. You’re nitpicking here, babe. They’re staring at you with their big brown eyes. No, they didn’t get any closer while you weren’t looking. 
Josh Washington - Why would you do this to him? Don’t push his hand off you unless you mean it or you’re being obviously playful about it. If you pretend to be mad at him while you do it, no matter how unconvincing of an actor you are, he will believe you. Sensitive king. He also won’t go to touch you again until you initiate the contact. Physical touch is reassuring and comforting to him but even he (category five clinger) gets touch aversion at times. As observant as he is, he knows some people are uncomfortable asserting their boundaries, so they’ll try to soften the blow of saying no by being “playful”. He cannot take the risk! You could mean it but don’t want to hurt his feelings. Josh interprets many playful no’s as real ones. Better safe than sorry.
❥ secret third worse thing ❥
Sebastian Valmont - Doesn’t take it for anything more than what it is. If you’re being playful he recognizes it. If you’re seriously not wanting to be touched at any given moment he understands that as well. However, in the case of being playful, you’ve started a war you can’t win. Because, as much as Sebastian enjoys chasing you…  Sebastian also likes to be chased. Ten minutes from now you’ll go to give Sebastian’s cheek a kiss and he’s going to dodge you. Hard. To such an extent it’s bordering on insult. He’ll be wearing a cat that got the canary grin all the while. 
Jason Dean/JD - Doesn’t take you seriously even if you are dead serious. I’m sorry, you’ve discovered his worst character trait by far. Most boundaries are a joke to him. He always wants to touch you. He loves you! He craves you like a drug. You should feel the same for him, in equal measure and desperation. So why wouldn’t you want him touching you? Holding you close. He’s so gentle with you (usually). His arms should feel like home. No matter how long a day you’ve had. No matter how overwhelmed you might be with sound, sight, touch. In JD’s eyes you’re one soul in two bodies. He always wants you near. He knows you want the same. You’re just a little dramatic sometimes.
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neeeooon · 1 month ago
when you’re sick ;
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blue lock x gn!reader
isagi yoichi
-> the unlikely return of momsagi????
-> he doesn’t even really have to say anything. he just hangs out with you, subtly checking your temperature when he thinks you’re sleeping, and making sure you have enough blankets and water
-> you are suspicious. “how did you learn to be so… caring?” “?! i’m always caring!” “you laughed when i fell down the stairs.” “cause it was funny! who falls down the stairs anymore, y/n? be honest.” “😐”
-> despite that, he does take good care of you. if you ask him for something, he doesn’t argue or tease you. isagi will simply kiss your forehead and get whatever it is you need
itoshi rin
-> rin doesn’t miss practice. not even when he broke three fingers on his left hand. so for him to call off when you tell him you aren’t feeling well, you panic a bit
-> you had the flu, and while it was annoying, you’d live. rin’s sudden presence made you think otherwise
-> “i’m dying.” you’d announce as rin feeds you soup, and he’d raise a brow at you. “you’re not dying.” “you wanted to spend my last moments together. i’m dying.”
-> eventually he convinced you that you’re not dying and that practice was going to get canceled anyway due to half the players getting the flu as well
barou shouei
-> ocd clean freak maid barou is struggling
-> you have a common cold, nothing too bad, and are still able to be a functioning member of society (at least you think so)
-> when barou heard that first sniffle from you, you were placed on house arrest and locked in your room so he could disinfect them entire house
-> after a few hours, you got bored and went downstairs to get some water. when barou spots you by the fridge, he freaks
-> “y/n?! what are you doing out of the infectious zone!!” “i’m thirsty..?” “go back upstairs! i’ll leave water outside the door for you.” “…”
-> you know he means well, so you don’t argue as you trudge back into solitary confinement
mikage reo
-> he goes all out
-> you’re sick?? nope. reo is with you all the time, asking what you need, getting whatever that is, and even offers to call an in-house doctor for you when you don’t instantly get better
-> “reo, it’s just a cold. i’ll be better tomorrow.” “but that’s so far away :( what do you need? i’ll get it for you!“
-> he surrounds you with plushies and puts on your favorite tv shows and makes sure you never have to lift a finger until you’re all better
nagi seishiro
-> he becomes your shadow
-> when you tell him you’re sick and want to lay in bed all day, he simply nods and slips into bed with you
-> “you’re gonna get sick,” you tell him as he buries his face into the back of your neck. “hmm you can take care of me next, then.”
-> nagi just hangs out with you until you’re feeling better. he lets you watch as he plays games and will bring you delivered food since neither of you would survive his cooking
-> he does get sick, and you do end up taking care of him
michael kaiser
-> he gets worried whenever you aren’t being your normal self, and the flu sucked all the energy out of you
-> kaiser doesn’t want to bother you or risk annoying you while you’re sick, so he kind of sulks around and pokes his head into your room every now and again to ask if you need anything
-> you find his behavior cute and a little pathetic, so when he appears a third time, you ask him to mask up and join you in bed
-> he’ll hold you tight as you watch youtube together, and you assure him that you’re fine and will be better in no time
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erwinsvow · 10 months ago
introducing... bitchy reader!
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rafe never pays attention to sarah’s friends. new yet similar faces seem to make the rounds through tannyhill every week; the place was a revolving door. the occasional familiar girl would say hi to him, which would of course be ignored since he doesn’t care enough to say hi back.
so naturally, you become the exception to his little rule.
you and sarah are on opposite sides of the counter, flicking through magazines and taking sips from overpriced iced coffees, when he overhears a conversation that makes him stop and listen.
“-and he’s not like topper, like, at all. he’s really nice and actually talks to me instead of at me-”
“wow,” he hears you say, dragging out the syllables and sarcasm dripping from your voice. “such standards you have. no, really.”
“shut up. he’s totally sweet-” sarah says, but you interrupt her.
“he’s, like, totally a dirty pogue.” that catches his attention—not just the fact that there’s something going on between his sister and some pogue, but the way you say the sentence, how the words sound coming from your mouth. 
you nearly sound like rafe.
“that is so rude-”
“what? i’m just being honest. i’d be a bad friend if i didn’t tell you the truth.”
“what truth?” his sister questions.
“that you’re settling for some pogue boy because you’re bored of top. i get it. if i was dating him i’d be bored enough to fuck a pogue too.”
rafe cringes at the topic even though your word choice makes him laugh—topper is boring, though he doesn’t think he’s heard anyone else bring it up until now. he steps back into the doorway, watching the two of you. the crass words are coming from you, dressed in a sunny yellow dress and tapping pretty pink nails against the counter. 
“hey! i’m not bored-”
“you mean, you like hearing about his boat and golf every single day?”
“he has other hobbies! like-”
“like what?” you pause, watching sarah’s expression before giving her a pointed look—a look that says told you so. “who are you really trying to convince right now?” you flip through another magazine, finding something that must have caught your eye. you lift it to show sarah—some pinked striped pajamas and fuzzy slippers on the pages. “don’t i totally need this?”
“shut up.”
“that’s what someone says when they know the other person’s right,” you say with a mocking smile, setting down the magazine. he’s watching the whole thing—you’re funnier than he would have thought. “and if you change your mind just go to country club. top’s dime a dozen there.” the two of you start laughing. 
“i’m not gonna change my mind-”
“that’s what you said when you started dating topper,” you say it deadpan, and rafe holds back a laugh.
“-because he’s really nice. he’s a good guy.”
“ugh, sarah. making out with a dirty pogue at a bonfire is one thing. you’re talking like you’re in love. get a grip.”
“what? what’s so wrong with that?” sarah asks, taking a sip of her drink.
“because you can’t be in love with someone you have to hide your valuables around.” that’s when he decides to walk in—sarah sputtering on her drink while you roll your eyes.
“and what’re you girls talkin’ about?” rafe asks, and two sets of eyes turn to look at him. you look at him a little confused—in all the years you’ve known sarah and times you’ve been at tannyhill, rafe’s never once spoken to you.
“i don’t think it’s any of your business-” his sister says, and then he rolls his eyes. you interrupt right away.
“sarah, it’s okay.” you turn to rafe, looking right at him and leaning in a little like you’re gonna tell in something. “it’s really not any of your business.”
blank face, trying to be annoyed but not actually feeling annoyed, he stares back at you. his sister laughs stupidly, heading into the living room. she leaves you alone with rafe in the kitchen, but as you grab your drink and try to follow sarah, rafe says something.
“y’know i heard that shit you were sayin’. you’re funny, kid.” you turn back to look at rafe.
“thanks. i wasn’t joking.”
“yeah. good. at least one of my sister’s friends has ‘er head screwed straight.” you laugh, but the look on your face says you didn’t think it was funny.
“are you trying to compliment me? by insulting all my other friends?” he wasn’t expected that retort.
“no. no, i-”
“maybe if your friend wasn’t such a shit boyfriend, sarah wouldn’t be talking to some pogue. but hey, what do i know?”
“hey, kid, i-”
“don’t call me that.” you roll your eyes, walking to the living room without even glancing back at rafe. he calls out after you again.
“so have you?” you pause, turning again.
“have i what?” “made out with some pogue at the bonfire.” he shrugs. “that’s what you said to sarah, isn’t it?”
“again, how is that any of your business?” you ask, cocking your head at him.
“that’s not an answer.”
“i don’t owe you an answer. but for the record, no, i haven’t. i actually have standards.” he doesn’t miss the remark and what it says about his sister.
“good,” rafe says, looking at you. his eyes rake over your body before he can stop it—your short hem, the jewelry dangling on your wrists and neck, the heels even though you hadn’t gone anywhere.
“shut up. weirdo.” you walk to the living room where sarah’s waiting for you.
rafe’s gonna have a hard time staying away from you.
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lovebugism · 1 year ago
hi! reader doesn’t like kids at all, but somehow eddie’s child is just different and the cutest sweetest child who warms their heart
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✶ ┄ MAYDAY ! [ the beginning ]
summary: when steve harrington brings you as a plus-one to a munson birthday party, he forgets to tell you it's for eddie's four-year-old, maeve. (1.8k)
pairing: dad!eddie munson / f!reader
tags: strangers to lovers (eventually), slow burn, mutual pining, idiots in love, meet ugly-ish, fluff, girl dad eddie munson™, r is not used to being around kids (and it shows), baby blurb turned spin-off universe <3
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When Steve Harrington invites you to a birthday party, he fails to mention it’s for a four-year-old. 
The tiny trailer is decked out in decoration. A fusion of black and rainbow, of bats and unicorns, of vampires and Tickle Me Elmo — like no one could land on a singular theme. 
Steve guides you into the home with a golden hand on the small of your back, his other clutching a sparkly black bag with Count von Count’s face on it. You stop very suddenly in your tracks. Happy 4th Birthday, Maeve! reads a handpainted sign draped beneath the ceiling.
You become very hyperaware of the whiskey bottle in your right hand, something you figured would be the most sufficient thing to gift someone you’d never met before. You just hadn’t expected the stranger to be a child.
“What the fuck, Steve?” you bite under your breath, glaring at the boy beside you. “I thought you said this was your friend’s birthday party?”
“Maeve is my friend,” he answers with a stupid shrug. “Though, to be fair, I did say it was my friend’s kid’s birthday party.”
He most definitely hadn’t.
“What the hell— I brought booze!”
“That’s okay,” assures a wild-haired boy with a pretty pink grin as he walks up to the two of you. The friend in question. 
Eddie Munson wears a silver ring on each finger and a thick leather jacket despite the warming spring season. His laughter sounds like sunshine. His smile is bright enough to give you a goddamn sunburn.
“Maeve’s been getting presents all day— It’s about time someone got somethin’ for me,” he jokes.
You grimace while the two boys laugh. “Sorry…” you murmur as you pass him the bottle, shrinking inside yourself in an attempt to hide from the moment. I’m never letting Steve convince me to leave the house again, you think to yourself.
Eddie shrugs. “Don’t worry about it. Seriously. I’ll go stick this in the kitchen— Make yourself at home.”
Your racing heart quells only slightly. He must be more of a good guy than Steve made him out to be, if he’s willing to keep you around after you brought booze to his daughter’s party. Though, you’ll contend that you were only half at fault for this.
Steve bites back a chuckle as he walks you to the back door, standing with you on the little wooden deck lined with sparkly streamers. There’s a picnic table off in the distance, covered in a bat-patterned cloth and set with Sesame Street-themed utensils. A small crowd of teenagers gather around it, and a couple of their parents, you figure.
The spring breeze only half soothes your burning skin.
“See?” he lilts, trying not to laugh and failing. “He likes you already—”
You swat his chest with a less than kind hand. 
“I’m gonna fucking kill you, Harrington, I swear to—”
“What’s your favorite animal?” a tiny voice asks from behind you, a smidge too loud and confusing their R’s with W’s.
You look over your shoulder, face flooded with horror. A kid with wild chocolate hair stands at less than half your height, wearing the tiniest Ozzy Osbourne shirt you’ve ever seen beneath a rainbow tutu. You don’t know what to say, so you just blink at it for a moment — at her.
“Hey, Maeve,” Steve greets with a curt wave.
The girl beams, missing her very front tooth. “Hi, Uncle Steve!”
“Wha— Huh?” you stammer mindlessly. ‘Cause you’re not exactly the best at talking to people your own age, let alone to children. They’re too honest. And too loud. And beyond still feeling like a kid yourself most days, you don’t have anything in common with them.
“What’s your favorite animal?” Maeve repeats in the same inflection, smiling until a dimple appears in her freckled cheek. “Mine’s a Hefflelump.”
“Hef… Hefflelump?” you echo quietly, only vaguely registering Steve’s laughter as he disappears through the screeching screen door, leaving you all alone. You’re definitely killing him for this.
“Yeah… From Winne the Pooh!” she says like it’s obvious.
“Oh… Okay…”
“What’s yours?”
You stumble over your words to find an answer. “Um… Uh… I don’t— I don’t know…”
“Everyone has a favorite animal,” she scoffs like some kinda critic with a speech impediment. She tilts her chin to her chest and peers up at you with a pair of doe eyes, so brown they’re almost black. You shift your weight on your feet, visibly uncomfortable beneath her unwavering stare.
“Maybe like a… A blobfish, or something?” you shrug.
Her tiny face screws in disgust. “Gross,” she spits.
You flinch. “What? Why is that gross?” you retort, crossing your arms over your chest, more defensive than you’d like to admit.
“They’re so ugly,” Maeve giggles.
“Why?” you squint. “‘Cause they look differently than we do?”
“No!” she laughs, loud and golden, just like her father. “’S ‘cause they’re so slimy.”
“Well— You— You’re slimy,” you stammer.
The wild-haired girl grins with all her baby teeth (well, besides the front one, anyway). “You’re slimy!” she echoes with a mischievous twinkle in her chocolate eyes.
The screen door squeals open again, the rusted hinges screeching in protest. “Who’s slimy?” a male voice questions from behind you, a smile audible in his voice.
“You are!” you and Maeve chorus at the same time. 
You whip your head around a second too late. Your heart drops to your ass when you find Eddie lingering in the doorway behind you. You stumble over your words while Maeve giggles. “Sorry! I thought— I thought you were Steve! I’m so sorry!”
A chuckle sputters from Eddie’s mouth. He’s nearly as grieved by it all as you are. “He just left,” he tells you with a lopsided smile, cocking his thumb over his shoulder. “I think he’s helping Wayne out front. They’re putting together Maeve’s d-o-l-l-h-o-u-s-e.”
His eyes flit upward as he tries hard to spell the word correctly. Upon your confused look, he says, “I can’t say it, or she’ll know what I’m talking about.”
“Right,” you nod.
Eddie crouches and holds his arms out for his daughter. Maeve’s tiny feet patter against the wooden deck as she rushes to him. He huffs at the weight of her — heavier than he remembers and getting bigger every day (which is weird ‘cause she was a newborn, like, a week ago). He grunts when he picks her up, propping her weight on his side.
“What were the two of you talkin’ about, then?”
“Blobfish!” she shouts with a beam.
Eddie breathes out a faint chuckle and turns to you. “She’s forcin’ you to pick a favorite animal, huh?” he wonders, then laughs a bit louder when you nod. “Yeah, she’s been doing that all day. It’s her new thing,” he says, nuzzling the tip of his nose into her curls. 
Realization seems to him then, and his brows furrow when he looks at you. His face, all twisted in confusion, is an exact replica of Maeve’s. 
“Wait— Your favorite animal is a blobfish?”
“That’s what I said!” the girl laughs.
You shift your weight on your feet and cross your arms over your chest. “I’m… feeling very judged in this moment…” you murmur under your breath, only half joking.
“I think that’s the most creative answer we’ve had yet, huh, Mae?” Eddie chuckles.
You scoff. “Well, I think Hefflelump’s pretty creative considering—”
The boy clears his throat, seeming to sense the rest of your sentence. His eyes widen in a lighthearted glare before he nods to the girl on his hip. Only then do you realize the words sitting on the tip of your tongue. You swallow them down immediately.
“Right…” you nod instead. “Nevermind…”
“Here—” Eddie huffs as he sets the girl down again. “—Go find Aunt Robin, alright? She’s probably decorating your cake as we speak.”
Maeve rushes off at the word cake, tottering on lanky, ungraceful legs. The two of you watch her go and linger in an awkward silence. Neither of you is quite sure how to make conversation without her there. You decide to start with an apology.
“I’m, uh, I’m sorry, by the way. Again,” you laugh awkwardly at yourself, scratching at the back of your neck. “I’m not… I’m not really… great with kids. If you couldn’t already tell.”
Eddie grins, pink and lopsided and pretty. You don’t feel deserving of the warmth swimming in his button eyes, glimmering beneath an early setting sun. “It’s okay. Seriously. You should’ve seen Robin and Steve the first time they met her— they were hopeless. And now they’re… Sort of alright, I guess.”
You force a faint chuckle. “Yeah, I’m— I’m just not used to being around them, I guess. I don’t even think I’ve talked to a kid her age since, like, elementary school.”
“I was the same way. ’Til I had Maeve and all…”
“Well, I couldn’t tell,” you assure him with a wavering smile. “You’re, like, a total pro. You’re great with her.”
He ducks his head to hide his blushing cheeks. The apples of them speckle warm and pink beneath the weight of your compliment. 
“Well… thank you,” he says, deflecting from your praise with that stupid, posh, D&D accent he always uses when he gets nervous. You don’t notice him grimacing at himself because you’re still stewing in your own embarrassment.
“And sorry for the booze, too. I seriously didn’t mean to bring— I mean, Steve didn’t even tell me that—”
“Stop apologizing,” Eddie chuckles warmly. “That part’s not your fault, alright? I don’t know if you know this or not, but your boyfriend’s a total idiot.��
Your face screws up. “Oh, he’s not— Steve’s not my boyfriend.”
The boy’s smile ebbs. “No?”
“No. No way!” you laugh before you mean to. “I’m pretty sure I’m just, like, his replacement best friend since Robin started dating Vickie.” 
Wide-eyed and distantly relieved, Eddie stammers like a teenage boy. “Oh. Right. That’s… That’s cool. Yeah.”
“Yeah…” you echo.
“Well, uh— I’m gonna see if Wayne wants any help,” he blurts despite knowing he’s been barred from doing handy work since he nearly drove a nail through his own finger. He just needs a way out, lest he keep stumbling over himself and lose all of his cool points with you. 
He saunters backward through the opened door and nearly trips over the frame.
You bite back a laugh. He forces a wavering smile. 
“But, um, I was thinkin’ about cracking open that bottle you brought. You know, after Maeve’s in bed and everything. If you— If you wanna hang around that long…”
The silence makes him as nervous as a teenage boy, all writhing and uncomfy in his skin. You nod in agreement, and his sparkling chest swells all over again. “Yeah,” you reply, lip quirked in a poorly hidden smile. “Sure. I’d— I’d like that…”
He smiles, all proud of himself. “Good. That’s… That’s good,” he stutters, then swallows hard and scurries off before you change your mind. 
Before he shuts the squealing screen door behind him, you hear Robin’s voice exclaim loudly from the kitchen. “What the hell’s a blobfish?!”
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if u have any other ideas for hijinks these two idiots (and maeve) can get into, feel free to leave 'em here! (⁠ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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galactic-magick · 2 months ago
Rest of My Life: Viktor x Reader
Summary: Reader and Viktor have their wedding and first time together. Takes place right after my last fic Life Changes.
Words: 3.8k
Warnings: SMUT. fem!reader
Author’s Notes: Second half of this fic is smut, it starts and ends at the *** in case anyone only wants to read the first half. Reader is a virgin in this and is implied to be demisexual/somewhere on the ace spectrum, but I don’t think you have to be that necessarily to enjoy the story. I just wanted to write it from that perspective since I’m demisexual myself. I went back and forth a lot deciding if Viktor should be a virgin too, but I was convinced by the “this isn’t my bedroom” line and his freaky moves with Jayce in S2 that he probably has at least some experience. So he’s gonna talk reader through it lmao. Happy reading :)
Your roommates are unsurprisingly still awake when you return home, reading your face instantly.
“What happened?” Eli asks. “Are Viktor and that other guy okay?”
Your shocked expression fades into a smile and you crash on the couch with them, giggling uncontrollably.
“Everyone’s fine. They figured it out, and now Viktor is going to be a partner in the company.”
“Wow.” Chanthou says, eyebrows raised.
“Mhmm. And then he asked me to marry him. Tomorrow.”
A beat of silence.
“What?!” Eli exclaims. “He didn’t tell us he was doing it today!”
Chanthou shrugs, “Well, he did ask for our blessing months ago. He didn’t really say when.”
“He asked you guys for your blessing? That’s so sweet.”
“Of course he did. I would’ve beat his ass if he didn’t.” Eli chuckles. “Sorry, did I even say congratulations?”
“No, but it was implied,” you laugh.
The next twenty-four hours are a whirlwind. As much as you’ve said you don’t mind keeping things simple, your friends insist on treating you at least a little bit, helping you with your hair, makeup, and nails. You pick out something nice to wear, having a blast while they get you ready. You’re going to miss living with them dearly.
If you’re honest, they’re the main reason you haven’t suggested moving in with Viktor sooner. As much as you love him, your friends have been so near and dear to your life for years now. Leaving them—even just to a different apartment a few blocks away—feels like a stab in the chest. Especially with everything moving so fast. You’re about to be the wife of Piltover’s finest scientist, after all.
Yet, there’s no doubt in your mind that this is the right thing—long overdue truthfully. He’s everything you’ve ever wanted. You know he’ll love you how you deserve, and any fear and uncertainty about the future seems quieter when you’re around him. You love everything about him inside and out, and you can’t believe he’ll be yours.
Your roommates have made you look beautiful, enhancing all your best features and using all your best colors. You grin at your reflection.
“I should probably go find my future husband, hmm?”
“I know it’s short notice, but—“
“Of course I will, Viktor!” Jayce hugs him. “I will be the best best man.”
Viktor isn’t used to receiving physical affection from anyone other than you, but he’s not necessarily opposed to it. Jayce is the reason for everything that’s about to happen, everything that Hextech is going to change. Viktor has bonded with him so quickly, it only seemed natural that he would be involved in this big day.
“So um, what is a best man supposed to do?” Jayce asks.
“I’m...not sure.”
“I could write a speech?”
“No,” Viktor shakes his head and smirks. “You’ll talk too long.”
“What else is there to do then? I’ve never been to a wedding before.”
“Hm. Me neither.”
Suddenly Viktor realizes that planning a wedding in the span of a day is not, in fact, easy. He has no idea where he even wants the ceremony, or how to make it official and legal. His whims got the best of him, it seems.
“I could forge some rings?” Jayce suggests.
“Ah, yes. Good idea.” Viktor nods.
Jayce scurries away, and Viktor’s face falls to his hands. Is this too crazy? He knows nothing about weddings, and very little about marriage itself, for that matter. He knows he wants it—that much is clear—but the only example he grew up with was his parents, and they’ve been gone for quite some time.
If only he could get their advice now. They would’ve loved you, he’s sure of it.
He decides the best use of his time at the moment is to get his apartment ready, assuming you’ll want to come home with him tonight. He wants to make everything special for you, wants to make everything perfect.
He stops by some shops on his way back, buying way more than he should safely carry. He then gets to neatening up his space as best he can, covering the bed with fresh blankets and scattering flowers on the floor. He sets up some candles in your favorite scents on the tables and windowsills, nearly lighting them out of habit. He then assesses his work, making adjustments to the set up and gathering anything else he can think of. He’s not the most natural romantic, but he certainly gives his all when it comes to you.
While he’s still at home, he changes into something nicer and smooths out his hair. He doesn’t own a mirror, but it looks fine enough from his vague reflection in the window on his way back out. His only mission now is to find out how to officially marry you.
You and your friends run into Jayce as you’re heading towards the Academy, chuckling a bit as he swiftly hides something behind his back.
“Jayce?” you step up to him, raising your brows. “Have you seen my fiance recently?”
“Everything’s under control!” he blurts out.
“You lost him, didn’t you?”
“No! We just...don’t really know how to do a wedding. Last I saw him he said something about asking Heimerdinger to officiate. We’re going to meet back in the lab, I think.”
“Heimerdinger, huh? And what’s that behind you?”
“Nothing.” he dodges your attempts to look around him. “It’s a surprise!”
“Alright, alright. Can we come with you back to the lab?”
He nods, moving his hands quickly in front of him as he turns around to lead you.
“This is the genius inventor Viktor’s partnering with?” Eli jests.
“Viktor says he’s pretty brilliant.” you laugh.
Viktor manages to successfully recruit Heimerdinger to officiate, after no less than a twenty-minute reprimand of disappointment that Viktor disobeyed him. As proud as he is of Viktor’s achievements, and how impressed he is that Hextech might actually work, he’s still a bit burned that Viktor went behind his back with it. After he gets his frustrations out of his system, though, he’s quite ecstatic that Viktor is marrying you.
It’s not long before you show up with Jayce and your friends, and Viktor practically vaults himself to you on his cane, eyes scanning you adoringly.
“You’re beautiful.” he smiles, kissing your cheek. “Are you ready?”
“Of course I am.” you find comfort in his gaze, heart thundering in your chest.
Heimerdinger climbs on top of a nearby table, glancing at a pad of notes.
“Now, I haven’t done one of these in nearly a hundred years, so forgive me.” Heimerdinger clears his throat. “Viktor, my boy, do you intend to take Y/N as your wife?”
Viktor takes your hands and squeezes them, “I do.”
“And do you promise to love, honor, respect, and be faithful to her until death?”
“I do.”
Heimerdinger asks the same to you, and you feel Jayce and your friends watching you excitedly as you answer. You can’t believe this is really happening. So much has occurred in so little time, and your lives are about to change even more with the new Hextech discoveries.
You get lost in Viktor’s eyes as Heimerdinger has you both repeat a few other things, then can’t help but laugh when he starts fumbling with some papers for both of you to sign. It’s quite funny, watching such a highly respected councilor struggle with something so seemingly simple as a wedding. You and Viktor sign the marriage license as he says, exchange the beautiful customized rings Jayce made, and Heimerdinger pronounces you officially married.
Viktor doesn’t waste a moment pulling you in by the waist and crashing his lips to yours, the intensity catching you off guard. He’s not one for PDA, but you suppose his own wedding is an exception. You drink him in happily, the mini audience cheering in the background.
The celebration continues for a while afterwards, your friends breaking out some champagne and Jayce insisting on dancing. You sit on Viktor’s lap, twirling his hair absentmindedly as you watch the party surrounding you. It’s simple, just like you wanted.
Viktor’s eyes are locked on your features, studying your face as if he hasn’t already memorized it a million times. He wants you in every way possible, forever and ever until his last breath. His mind, heart, and soul are mated with yours, intertwined so intricately now that you are an inseparable part of his being. Never had he imagined he would experience a love like this.
But there’s still one way he hasn’t yet expressed his love for you, out of respect for your fears and slower attractions. You’ve verbalized your sexual anxieties from having no prior experience, and your need to have a strong comfortability and bond with someone before even considering such acts. Viktor’s never had a problem with waiting, and has made it very clear to you that there is no pressure on his part. He’s been open with you about how he had a couple experiences as a teenager before he moved to Piltover, but would gladly never do it again if that’s what you wanted. He married you for you, not your body.
Still, he aches for your touch every second of every day. He savors every kiss pressed against his lips. He’s reveled in every way you’ve allowed him to caress you, and dreams about all the ways you haven’t yet. He wants to kiss every inch of skin he hasn’t seen. Everyday he wants to bury his face where your pants dig into your soft stomach, where your top is cut dangerously close to your breasts, where your thighs rub together. The dress you’re wearing today makes the arousal impossibly worse, the way it hugs and flows around the curves he so desperately wants etched into his brain forever. He has never desired anyone in the universe more than you, and he’d be willing to wait an eternity if it meant he would one day have you every way he’s been wanting.
You’ve told him you’ll likely be ready someday soon, so is it selfish of him to hope today might be the day?
“Vik?” you say, giggling as you wave a hand in front of his face. “Losing yourself in thought already?”
“I suppose so,” he smirks, giving you a quick kiss.
“Ready to go home?”
His eyebrow raises, looking back and forth between you and then your friends who have started some sort of weird drinking game with Jayce. The celebration isn’t quite winding down yet, but it’s common for the newlyweds to leave early, right?
Viktor gently slides you off his lap, grabbing his cane and standing up.
“I’d love to.”
He had forgotten about the decorations in his apartment bedroom when you both shuffle through the door, hearing you gasp and clap a hand to your mouth.
“Viktor...this is so beautiful.”
You pick up and drop a few of the flower petals, watching them flutter to the ground. Viktor grabs some matches and starts lighting the candles, and you flop down on the bed, rubbing your limbs against the soft blankets. You inhale the scents, a perfect level of ambiance filling the space.
“Hmm?” he throws away the used matches, returning to your side.
“Do you want to try it?” you look up at him, nerves starting to take over you.
He kisses your forehead, wrapping a comforting arm around you.
“Only if you’re ready, darling. We don’t have to do anything tonight if you don’t want to.”
“No, no...I’m ready. I want to. I really want to. I’ve felt it for a while now. I just...I’m terrified.”
Your lip quivers slightly, and your eyes roll at yourself. Why are you about to cry on your wedding night? This is supposed to be the happiest day of your life.
Viktor pulls you into him close, rubbing your back, “Talk to me, my love.”
“It’s so stupid...You’ve been so patient with me, you’ve never pushed me to do anything, but I can’t help but feel like I’ve been disappointing you by making you wait so long. And you’ve actually done stuff before, so you know what you’re missing I guess. What if I’m not good at it? What if we try it and it’s awful or you hate my body—or you unintentionally compare me to other people? What if you regret marrying me? Or what if it really hurts-”
“Sweetheart.” Viktor stops you. “Look at me.”
You do as he asks, still trying to hold back tears after your anxious rambling.
“How long have all those horrible thoughts been in your head?”
“Um. A long time…” you look away again, but Viktor takes your chin and turns you back to his gaze.
“Not a single one of those things are true, do you understand?” he holds your face like precious glass. “You are everything to me. Whether we have sex or not.”
“Okay.” you nod, successfully swallowing back a cry. “I...I really do want to.”
“We’ll go slow, alright? And we can stop whenever you want.” he waits for you to nod again, then lies back on the bed, pulling you on top of him. “But right now I just want you to kiss me.”
You smile, happily obliging. You straddle him, leaning down to capture his lips. He squeezes your thighs on either side of him, moaning when you deepen your kisses and run your hands down his chest. It’s so easy for him to lose himself in you, your touches overtaking his senses. He loves when you make out like this, your form pressed on top of him. He had to beg you to not hold back the first time it happened, insisting he likes your weight on him.
Viktor moves his fingers to twiddle with the hem of your dress, wanting so badly to pull it off of you. He’s never seen you fully naked, and he must admit it’s getting harder and harder to be patient when the outline of your figure looks so...majestic.
He guides your grip to his own shirt, helping you pull it off and sliding his fingers into your hair as you kiss down his neck and collarbone. To his surprise, you’ve always shown so much affection to his scrawny frame, never complaining about his sharp limbs when you cuddle or caress each other like this. He’s never understood any of your insecurities about your body, much preferring your soft and fluffy flesh over his own.
Once you’re satisfied with the amount of kisses you’ve pressed all over his torso, you cover his hands at the bottom of your dress with your own.
“You can take it off.” you tell him, taking a deep breath.
He does so, revealing nothing but your bra, his eyes bulging out of their sockets. Never has he ever wanted to see a pair of tits so badly.
It’s not difficult for you to read his mind, and before you can overthink it—you unhook it and throw it to the floor with the rest of your discarded garments.
Viktor doesn’t blush often, but you’ve never seen his cheeks get so red.
“Wow.” is all he can muster.
“You can touch them, if you want.” you chuckle at his reaction.
Permission is all he needed, his hands squeezing both of them, his thumbs brushing your nipples. A loud sigh escapes your lips, and Viktor decides right then and there that he will do anything to hear a glorious sound like that again.
Your body is a wonderfully pleasant array of textures for his hands to explore, from the raised skin of every stretch mark and scar to the dips and creases of your hips and waist. His touches roam across every inch of your exposed skin, cherishing the beauty he swears to never take for granted.
Your bare breasts press against his chest and he whines into your mouth, a pleasant tingling rushing through you at the noise. His lips then travel down your neck and shoulders, whispering “I love yous” between kisses, most coming out as mumbles against your flesh. Your replies follow suit, breathy and stringed with moans.
Somewhere in the process Viktor loses he pants, leaving both of you in nothing but your underwear. You feel his arousal hardening, and your fingers eagerly pull at his waistband.
He stops you, grabbing your wrist.
“Not yet, my love. I want to prepare you properly first.” he kisses your palm. “Let me get on top, okay?”
You nod, adjusting your positions. He places some pillows for your hips and his knees, then runs a couple fingers in one teasing stroke across your clothed entrance.
“Please,” you groan, already missing his touch when his fingers pull away. “Take them off already.”
He chuckles, leaning down to kiss you, “I’m glad you’re excited, darling.”
He obliges your request and takes off your underwear, his fingers quickly returning to your now exposed entrance. He finds your clit, stimulating it with one finger and inserting another slowly.
“Let me know what feels good and what doesn’t, okay?” he says, studying your expressions closely. Even before you say anything, he changes his movements based on your reactions to him.
“It...feels a little weird. But I like it.” you assure him. “Especially when you—“
The stimulation starts to build, and your gasps cut off your own thoughts.
“When you do that.” you finish your sentence, catching your breath as he slows down his fingers.
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to help you orgasm your first time, love. But I’ll certainly try.” Viktor continues pulsing a finger in and out of you, rubbing feather-light circles on your clit.
“It’s okay if you don’t.” you hum. “I know it takes some concentration and practice.”
“It’s a learning process—are you ready for a second?”
You nod, and he slowly enters another finger. You’re still super tense from your nerves, but it’s getting easier to relax and let the arousal take over.
“Fuck.” you exhale. “Your fingers feel good.”
A smirks stretches across his lips, and his long digits push farther into you.
“But I want more.” you continue. “I’m ready.”
“Are you sure?” he slips his fingers out, ghostly touches moving up your body. “Oh sweetheart, you’re so perfect.”
You giggle at his distraction, “Yes, Vik, I’m sure. Please.”
He could never say no to such eager eyes and pouting lips, so he slips off his boxers and readjusts himself above you.
“Holy shit, Vik.”
“Second thoughts?”
“No, just...is that really going to fit inside me?” your eyebrows raise and he laughs.
“You can take me, darling. We’ll go very slow, alright?”
You nod, and he lines himself up. He presses the tip in slowly, holding your hands as he goes further. You squeeze them tight, taking deep breaths until he stops halfway in.
“You’re doing so well, my love. How do you feel?”
“Mmm…” you sigh, trying to wrap your senses around the stretching and pressure you’re experiencing. It’s such an odd feeling, but it’s incredibly pleasurable.
“Are you ready for more?”
You nod, and he slowly pushes all the way in. He leans down to kiss you, giving you time to adjust to him. You dig your fingers into his back, closing the distance between your bodies, his cool skin sending shivers down your spine.
“I must admit,” he utters against your lips. “I will likely not last very long.”
Your foreheads press together and you giggle.
“I don’t care, Vik.”
He begins to thrust in and out gently, placing kisses and nibbles along your jaw. The sounds you make drive him crazy, making it extremely difficult for him to have any hope of holding back. The sensations are overwhelming for both of you, a symphony of moans and whines eliciting from your mouths.
You take his face in your hands, staring deep into his gorgeous golden eyes. You capture his lips once again, more passion brewing between you.
“I love you so much.” you say, breathless and full.
“I love you m—fuck, I’m—“ his orgasm washes over him, his movements losing their former smoothness. His cum floods your walls, his dick starting to soften as he pulls out. His nimble fingers return to your cunt, swirling in the juices and stimulating your clit once again.
“Vik, honey, it’s okay if I don’t finish…” your assurances fall on stubborn ears though, his touches quickly building back the pressure.
“Let me try.” he says, determined.
“Vik.” you sit up, legs still wide open around him. “We can try again tomorrow. I promise you’ve satisfied me for the night.”
You intertwine your fingers with his, admiring his flushed face and tousled hair.
“Did I make your first time special enough?” he asks, fiddling with your hands.
“Viktor, it was amazing. I couldn’t have asked for anything better.”
He smiles, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in the crook of your neck.
“Shall we clean up, then?” he mumbles, pulling back to look at you.
“Perhaps.” you run a hand through his hair. “I did bring the soaps you always compliment the scent of…”
*** -
You use the bathroom and start a bath, filling it with the products you packed and Epsom salt. Viktor’s tub isn’t very big, but you both fit in it when he sits between your thighs. You wipe each other off and wash each other’s hair, occasionally placing kisses on wet skin.
“Can we move in the rest of your things tomorrow?” he asks.
“Probably.” you reply, rinsing the shampoo from his wavy locks. “You sure you’re ready to share your space?”
“Eh...it’s always been far too empty. I need some...flair.” he laughs.
“I can give you that.” you smile, already imagining all the ways you could decorate and bring life to the place.
After drying off and getting ready for bed, Viktor clears off the top blanket then slips under the covers with you, your limbs immediately encircling one another. He massages your back and shoulders, cuddling you close. His arms feel like home, a warmth in your heart spreading throughout your body.
“I love you so much, Viktor.” you say, looking into his eyes. “And not because of what you do for me or how you make me feel…I love you just because you’re you.”
Your fingers trace his jawline, then slither into his hair.
“I’m so lucky.”
His gaze becomes even softer, at a loss for words from the purity of your love. Nothing in any language could properly describe his own sentiments.
“I can’t wait to love you for the rest of my life.” he peppers kisses across your face, living for the way your nose scrunches. “Every.” —another kiss— “Day.”
You giggle, snuggling impossibly closer. He loves feeling your every breath, every twitch, every tiny movement.
He sighs, closing his eyes and silently thanking Janna for whatever winds brought him to you.
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phosphns · 1 month ago
⊹ ࣪ ˖ are we still friends? jj m.
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you return to the outer banks after leaving suddenly, without an explanation and saying goodbye to jj, the boy you had fallen for.
warns. angst, eventually suggestive, use of y/n [once or twice], making out, parental issues, speaking of betrayal, use of drugs [marijuana], happy ending.
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It was one year since you left. One year since you left him, not even bothering to say goodbye.
One day you were on the beach, laughing at the tourons between million kisses. The next, you were gone.
Saying that you hurt him wasn’t enough. He wasn’t hurt, no, he was falling apart. He felt abandoned, like his home was being stolen away from him.
And when Pope hurried into the Chateau, where he and John B were smoking a blunt, saying that you had come back, JJ froze, disbelief written all over his face as the words sank in: “She’s back”.
He felt like the world had stopped spinning for a moment. You were back? After all this time?
“Who’s back?” he pretended to be oblivious. He knew damn well who he was talking about. How couldn’t he, after all?
Even if he forced himself to think you weren’t that important, he couldn’t help but to look for you in every person he met. He looked for your laugh, your eyes, your ability to make all of the horrible things go away. To him, you were everything. Fuck, he almost said that he loved you, that he was in love with you, just a few nights before you moved away. So, as much as he convinced himself that he got over you, facts stated the contrary.
Pope hesitated before answering. “Y/n. She’s back”
An heavy silence settled over the room. John B looked to Pope, then to JJ, then to Pope again.
“How do you know?” he asked.
“I saw her this morning, I was helping my father with deliveries and i passed by her house, saw her dad giving instructions to the movers, there were boxes all over the pathway” Pope answered, glancing at JJ, to see some reaction.
But JJ said nothing. He couldn't believe it. It had been a year since you had left without saying goodbye, and he was left feeling hurt and abandoned. He tried to be happy about the news, but he couldn’t. All he could think about was how could you have left, out of nowhere? He was angry at you.
As Pope left the house again, to finish helping his old man, John b walked over and sits beside him, trying to gauge his reaction "Dude, are you okay?"
“Of course. Why shouldn’t I?” He said. The question sounded more sarcastic than he wanted it to be.
“You have every right to be upset” John B tried to reassure the blonde, who was staring at the ground with the joint between his lips. “She hurt you, leaving like that”
JJ finally lifted his head. “Hurt? I’m not hurt. I’m actually perfectly fine. I don’t really care anymore. If she actually cared about me, she would’ve contacted me. But guess what? She didn’t”.
John B nodded, understanding how his best friend was feeling. But he knew better; he knew it was deeper than that. “Maybe there’s a reason though. C’mon, you know her. She ain’t the typa person to do something just to have the pleasure to hurt you”
“Ain’t she? I’m starting to doubt it.” JJ said, letting out a humorless chuckle. “But either way, I do not care. I got over it. It was just a summer fling”
John B raised an eyebrow, clearly not believing one single word, but he didn’t say anything in order not to interfere more.
“I know what’re you thinking” the blonde looked at his friend.
“What am I thinking?”
“That I’m not being honest. That I’m not really over her and that finished this conversation, i’ll go to my room to cry over her. That’s not gonna happen, because I’m totally okay and not upset, with her being back. She means nothing”
John B chuckles, patting JJ’s shoulder. “I was actually thinking that we should go surf today. You know, waves are perfect and the wind died down…”
JJ rolled his eyes, having caught onto his game.
“Listen, you want my advice?” the blonde mouthed a « no », but obviously John B wasn’t gonna have it. “You gotta talk to her, dude”
“Yeah, sure. What am I even going to say?”
“Listen to her. I know you cared about her, you still do. And don’t even try to say otherwise. Just, listen to her reasons. To forgive her, that’s for you to decide-”
John B was interrupted by a knock on the door. Both guys looked at each other, not having seen it coming. JJ straightened up, a mix of anticipation and unease washing over him. He tried to hide his nerves, fixing his hair and clearing his throat. He glanced at John b, then back at the door. "Who is it?" The brunette called out, after approaching the door, trying to keep his tone casually cool.
“It’s… it’s Y/n” a soft voice answered. They knew that voice so well. You were nervous, they could tell it from the tentative tone.
JJ felt his whole world stop for a moment as he heard your voice from the other room. His heart skipped a beat and his mind went blank. He felt a mix of emotions coursing through him: surprise, confusion, and surprisingly, a flicker of joy. But his guarded exterior remained in place, his facial expression a mask of caution and suspicion. "Come in," John b answered, receiving a glare from JJ.
You entered the room, feeling the tension that floated in the air. You gave a quick hug to John B. “Hi John B… I’m sorry to bother you..” you say sweetly. “I… huh, I just kinda assumed he… he was here.”
John B looked at you and smiled, nodding. “He is, in fact. But-” The noise of an opening door interrupted him again.
JJ walked into the room. He couldn’t believe you were here, in front of him. He studied your face, taking in your features that he hadn’t nearly forgotten over the past year. You hadn’t change one bit: your hair still caressed gently your face, your eyes were as bright as before, your lips… god, your lips. How much he missed them. Just God knows how much he dreamed of them, when he first discovered that you left. Then he started dreaming of every part of you.
He remained seated, trying to maintain an air of nonchalance as he turned his gaze towards you.
You look over John’s shoulder, finally being able to look at JJ. You felt like a whirlwind of emotions had just hit you all at once. A rush of joy flooded your chest, but it was quickly overshadowed by the lingering guilt that weighed on your heart.
Seeing him again after a year felt both surreal and bittersweet. His familiar face brought warmth, but your mind couldn’t help but remind you of the hurt you caused by leaving, no matter how justified your reasons had seemed at the time. There was a part of you that wanted to run to him, to close the gap, but another part that feared he might still be carrying the pain you left behind.
“JJ” you let out in a whisper, barely audible if the room wouldn’t have been completely quiet. Not even the sound of a fly.
JJ felt his breath catch in his chest as he heard you say his name. It had been so long since he'd heard you say it, and now hearing it again had stirred up a thousand emotions within him. He swallowed, trying to maintain his composure.
"Yeah, that's me," he responds with a hint of sarcasm, his defenses still up. "You remembered my existence, huh?"
John b couldn't help but observe the scene unfold. He could sense the tension in the air and the mix of emotions between the two of you. He was unsure of how this encounter would play out. He leaned back, watching keenly, ready to intervene if necessary, but eventually he decided to leave and let you have your own moment.
“It’s nice to… it’s strange..” You try to say, but what you want to tell him is something else. “I missed you, jay”
He felt confused by your revelation and yet, despite it all, hearing that you had missed him made him smile a bit. He cleared his throat, trying to hide his vulnerability. "Oh yeah?" he said, his voice a mix of sarcasm and a hint of sincerity.
“I did. A lot” you say, looking into his eyes. You can see the change in them. They had lost their spark, that ocean blue that you fell in love with no longer existed. They were off, broken.
“Then why did you disappear?” He said, finally breaking that barrier that he had built, to ask the question he had wondered for the whole year.
“It’s fucked up… my parents… they didn’t want me to stay with a pogue, and they took me out of the island, not leaving me the chance to explain. They even bought me a new phone, so that i couldn’t call you, text you” You admit, in one breath. Your eyes lingered from his eyes to his mouth, waiting for him to say something. Anything.
"Why didn't you fight to stay?" The question was more than just about your situation; it was about trust, about commitment. He felt betrayed, abandoned, but first of all, sad. So sad he actually thought he was feeling physical pain. The pain in his eyes spoke louder than his words.
“I tried jay, I tried so hard, so much, but they threatened me. They threatened to take me away forever if I didn’t say yes. That’s why I did it. If I agreed to that request, they would’ve taken me away for just one year, while if I fought more, they would’ve made me stay forever there. All I could think about, Jay, was you. Just, always, constantly you”
JJ's resolve was crumbling. He wanted to stay mad, to put the blame on you, but looking at you, he couldn't help but feel a mix of sadness and relief. His eyes softened as he searched yours, his emotions a whirlwind. He wanted to reach out and put his arms around you, to hold you close and never let go. Instead, he simply said, "I couldn't even say goodbye."
You gave him a sad look, not having any other excuses for how he felt. You knew it wasn’t your fault, but still, you feel like you hadn’t done enough. So you stayed silent.
“Do they know you’re here?” He asked, referring to your parents.
“Are you crazy? Obviously not. But I had to see you. I would’ve gone insane otherwise. Even if you won’t forgive me, which I don’t expect you to, I needed to see your face again, to hear your voice”
JJ doesn’t know how to react. The pain and joy were fighting inside him, the mixture causing his emotions to be a tangled mess.
“I missed you too” he admits. He couldn’t hold back anymore.
You smiled at him, taking a step closer to him, but he stepped back, making your smile going away.
“S-sorry. I didn’t mean to” you say, biting your lips due your anxiety.
He shook his head, “It’s ok” he assured, this time he took a step forward.
“Is there.. is there someone else?” you spilled out the question you wanted to ask since you entered the room.
He shook his head once again, his voice steady. "There's no one else," he answered, his eyes locking with yours. He couldn't imagine being with anyone else. You had been the one who occupied his mind, his heart. The thought of someone else was unthinkable.
He felt an magnetic attraction pulling him closer, his heart thumping louder. "There could never be anyone else," he added, his voice filled with a mix of vulnerability.
You smiled warmly at him, finally feeling like everything was slowly getting back to the way it was before all of this happened. He returned your smile, tentatively taking your hand, crossing your fingers, as if he was scared to let you go. “I don’t want to lose you again”
I let out a sigh, tightening the grip on his hand. “You won’t, jay. Never again. I’ll hide, I’ll run away with you if necessary.”
JJ felt a mix of relief, happiness, and a hint of residual insecurity. He wanted to believe you, to trust your promise, not even a small part of him feared that “history might repeat itself”. He trusted you completely. "Okay," he said softly, his voice filled with happiness.
“Okay” I repeat. “Now, you’re finally gonna kiss me?”
JJ felt his heart skip a beat at your words. The tension between you was electric, and his mind was consumed by the thought of kissing you. He stepped closer to you, his hand still holding yours. "Thought you'd never ask," he whispered, not wanting to hold back anymore. Without hesitation, he leaned in, his lips gently brushing against yours.
Your hands found their way through his messy, blonde locks, caressing them and holding him close to you, while his started wandering over your body, gripping your waist and hips just to end up on your bottom, squeezing your cheeks as the kiss deepened.
His hands continued roaming your body with an almost possessive need, wanting to feel all of you, to take in every part of you. He pulled you even closer, his tongue exploring your mouth greedily, as if trying to taste every part of you. The sounds of your breaths mingling filled the air, creating a symphony of desire. In that moment, nothing else mattered except being as close to you as he could be.
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yaps. it’s my first time writing on here, im kinda nervous.. soo do we want a part 2? wc. 2,2k
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c0ffeejelly1 · 6 months ago
Kinks I think he has
Reigen headcannon
Authors note: look yall. I know i didn’t really take this seriously BUT BUT BUTTT you either take it or leave it.
Warnings: NSFW Content
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Praise kink
You kind of stumbled upon his kink by accident. It wasn’t like you were totally convinced, so you figured you’d give it a shot, and honestly, you were not disappointed.
Maybe it was the way he shivered in pleasure, the cutest little whine escaping his lips as you tell him how much of a good job he’s doing making you feel amazing.
“S-stop saying- fuck..stop saying stuff like that..”
It was impossible for him to conceal the redness that crept across his face.
He’d be lying if he didn’t say it flipped a switch inside of him. For that entire day, he was a beautiful mess, completely under your influence. He still denies it though.
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Role playing
So y’all know the episode with him and mob as highschool girls? Yeah.
His whole personality in the entire show is him being a conman, this man IS into role playing.
You probably have to be with him for a lil while for him to actually ask if you could both try it out, and yes you were willing to because this is reigen, and we’d do anything for him.
“Hey, um..babe?” He starts, shifting slightly in the bed you were already cosied up in.
“Yeah? Something up?”
“No, no..I just- well, y’know..was thinking..”
You set your phone aside and turn to look at him.
“Well um..it’s k-kinda embarrassing.” He adds, a flush creeping onto his cheeks.
“Reigen, baby, just spill it. I’m not gonna bite your head off.”
He bites his lip for a moment before finally revealing his thoughts.
“Can we try roleplaying?”
“…like In Roblox?”
“What? No! The- the adult kind!”
“Ooh…I see what you mean.”
It would kick off with a light scenario of a forbidden romance between a boss and their employee, and to be honest he was happy with just that, because my GOD was it the best sex of his life.
Maybe it was because you were so into the role- I mean, who knew you could so hot?
Seriously, one day he’s definitely going to ask you to ride him on his actual office chair.
Oral sex
This man is a sucker for receiving.
Imagine him being so stressed from work after handling a spirit with mob that all he can do is just fall back on the couch and groan loudly about how long and hard his day has been.
This is the obvious sign you NEED to take before ripping off the restraints covering his oh so perfectly shaped cock..to you at least.
Just give him a few licks at his tip, and he’s thanking you like you were an angel sent down just for him.
“Ah..f-fuck, what’d I do to d-deserve you..”
Seriously though, he’s so incredibly thankful for you and everything you’ve done for him.
Bonus for you being able to just allow for him to relax like this. He could marry you if you asked for it. ONLY if you asked.
Now giving though.
This man is eating you WELL. Like proper devouring you. HAVE YOU SEEN THE WAY HE EATS AT THE DINER WITH MOB?
Cock warming
Sometimes all a guy needs is his girl.
Preferably in his lap..maybe also on his cock.
So why not have the whole package? Cock warming.
I don’t see y’all really doing this often..maybe in his office, like once a blue moon?
I’m not saying it HASN’T happened before though, but it’s not often because we ALL know YOU wouldn’t be able to control yourself and instead start riding the fuck outta this man. I would too don’t worry
Just imagine him complaining about how you keep moving around too much AGRHHH then he gets all
“fuck, I might c-cum from that..”
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daddyslilchickenfingers2 · 10 months ago
Noise Complaint (Chris)
Request: none
Warnings: secret relationship, semi public sex(hotel room), protective triplets, slightly possessive chris, degradation, filming/pictures, praise kink, daddy kink, getting caught by a fan, being found out by Matt and Nick, super rough sex, dom!chris, lingerie, choking, slapping, spanking, oral(male receiving), cum swallowing, creampie, facefucking, hair pulling, choking, maybe more idk
A/N: this was written when they were on the versus tour which is why it obviously mentions the tour
Y/n’s pov
We were going into week three of the boys’ tour and it was getting increasingly harder for Chris and I to hide the fact that we’re dating. Nobody knew, not even his brothers or Madi, who’s my best friend. At home, it’s a lot easier to hide the fact that we’re dating because Chris and I have always been super close, so us going to “hang out” alone wasn’t abnormal. Thankfully I was invited to go on tour with them since Madi couldn’t go this time, meaning I would have to share one of the two rooms with one of the triplets. You’d probably expect me to be sharing a room with Nick, which I wouldn’t mind considering he’s one of my best friends, but Chris had managed to convince both Matt and Nick to let him sleep in the same room with me by claiming he needs to cuddle with someone when he’s not sleeping in his own house. Since we’d usually get one room with two beds and the other with only one bed, neither Nick nor Matt wanted to have to share a bed or cuddle with Chris so they had “forced” me to be the one sharing a bed with Chris. Not that I was complaining anyways.
This was basically the only time when we could be completely alone however, Matt and Nick always had the room next to us meaning we could never have sex if fear of them hearing us. Luckily for us, the hotel we were staying at tonight only had rooms on separate floors. Currently, we were at the venue getting ready for the meet and greet as we just finished the show, everyone was still dressing in the color for their team. My color being red, I wore black cargo pants with white stitching, a red belt, a red corset top, and red Jordans, I paired my outfit with some silver jewelry and some basic makeup, adding winged eyeliner and red lipstick. As soon as I walked out of my dressing room, Chris pushed me back into it, “You look so fucking hot right now babe, I don’t know how I’m gonna control myself out there.” he said trying to go in for a kiss but I had to swerve it. Chris started pouting as I said “Sorry handsome, I don’t want to get any lipstick on you. We don’t want anyone to find out we’re dating, remember?” “Yeah, yeah, I just don’t know how I’m going to control myself out there because if I’m being honest, all I want to do right now is rip your clothes off and fuck you.” he said as we walked towards the door to leave.
We met back up with Nick and Matt as we all walked out to the meet and greet area and started taking pictures with fans. There was this one guy who came up to me and started flirting, I could tell that Chris was irritated but it’s not like he could do anything about it. “You’re hot, can I get your number and take you out to dinner? You know, maybe I can get you away from these boys and show you what I can do.” the guy said, making me slightly uncomfortable. Luckily for me, Nick saw this and came over to us “Hey man, can you not talk to her like that and move on to she can take pictures with non-creepy people? Thanks.” he said shooing him away. The guy did leave, but Chris still kept looking at me out of the corner of his eye to make sure nobody else bothered his girl.
After the meet and greet, we had all decided to go get dinner at a restaurant, and guess who just so happened to be our waiter? The creepy guy from earlier, and I think all the boys could tell he was making me uncomfortable. Due to this Nick ordered for me so I wouldn’t have to talk to him and we got threw dinner without an incident, well except for when we got our receipt, which had his number on it. I could literally feel the jealousy radiating off of Chris as we waited for our Uber, “Chris what’s wrong? You look super pissed off, are you okay?” Matt had asked him. “I’m fine, I just want to be at the hotel already.” Chris replied through gritted teeth making both his brothers give him a weird look before we got inside the Uber and went back to the hotel. Laura had met us in the lobby, handing us our room keys and telling us our room numbers as all five of us piled in the elevator. Laura got off first, then Matt and Nick, as soon as the doors closed Chris grabbed my hand, “I don’t like people flirting with you, I wanna punch them all in the face.” he said while rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand as we walked to our room
As soon as we got inside our bedroom, Chris pushed me up against the door “I want my fucking kiss now, you’ve had me so hard all day.” he said before capturing my lips in a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with his hair as our kiss turned into a heavy makeout. He started pressing his body against mine so I could feel how hard he was before he pulled away, “I’ve been waiting to do that all day. God, Y/n/n you look so hot in this outfit, shit I never thought you wearing red lipstick would make me so fucking hard, you’re gonna have to start wearing it more often.” Chris told me. I had a little surprise for him, I had just been waiting for when we could get the chance to fuck on tour, I bought it at one of our stops after hearing Chris say I looked hot in red a million times. “Would you do me a favor?” I asked him in a seductive voice, continuing to speak after he nodded “Can you go stand in the bathroom for like five minutes, please? It’ll be worth it, I promise you’ll like it.” “Ughhh you know I don’t like surprises!” he whined. “You’ll like this one I promise!” I told him as I shoved him into the bathroom, I quickly went to change into a pair of red heels and a lacy red lingerie set before quickly reapplying some lipstick.
I sat down on the edge of the bed before telling Chris he could come out, “This better not be som- holy fuck!” he cut himself off as he stopped dead in his tracks a few feet away from me. “Do you like it, baby?” I asked innocently, he was at a loss for words, only being able to mutter out a delayed “Uh-huh, really like it…” as I stood up and walked over to him. Chris couldn’t stop staring at every move I made, I grabbed his hand and led him over to sit on the bed. He slid off his shirt and shoes as his eyes continued to scan my body, “Are you just going to sit there and stare at me or are you going to use me like I planned on letting you?” I said as I traced my finger across his jawline, tilting his head up to look at me. His lips were wet and red as he kept licking and biting at them and his eyes were so blown out that you could barely see a small sliver of blue.
Chris quickly stood up to take his pants off before sitting against the headboard, pulling me with him “As much as I love those heels, Imma need to take them off because you’re gonna be real uncomfortable wearing those in a bit.” he said making me take them off, instantly pulling me onto his lap when I was done. He grabbed the back of my head before smashing our lips together in a hot and needy kiss, he swiped his tongue across my bottom lip while pulling me hair causing me to gasp, giving him a chance to slide his tongue into my mouth. Chris suck and licked my tongue and lips, letting out a deep groan when I started slowly grinding on him, his hands quickly making their way down to my ass with a tight grip. He slowly pulled away biting my lip, “God, I’m gonna fuck you so hard tonight! You’re gonna be so full my cum like the filthy little whore you are, gotta show you who you fucking belong to after that guy flirted with you today!” he growled into my ear.
I knew he was serious when he said I’d be filled with his cum considering neither of us had cum since tour started. I started trailing kisses down his neck and chest, disappointed that I couldn’t leave any hickies “Look like such a slut right now, wish I could take pictures and shit because you look fucking hot.” Chris groaned. I stopped kissing his body and looked at him from between his legs with an innocent smile “Who said you couldn’t? You can take videos of me sucking your cock or fucking me for all I care.” When I said that Chris groaned and his cock twitched. You could tell he was constantly dripping precum from the growing wet patch on his gray boxers. After a second he stood up and grabbed my wrist, dragging me with him before he grabbed his phone out of his pants “Get on your fucking knees for me, I’m taking you up on that offer.” he said while caressing my face before pushing me onto my knees.
He pushed down his boxers, stepping out of them before he tapped his cock against my lips, I quickly opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out waiting for him to put it in my mouth. He placed his thick cock onto my tongue before thrusting into my mouth, pushing some hair out of face while I sucked on the tip. “Can I really record you baby?” he asked while caressing my face, I pulled off of him for a second, using my hand to continue to stroke him. “Yes baby, you can record it and take pictures of whatever you want tonight.” I told him before deep throating him, Chris let out a loud groan before he started to record me. I looked up at the camera innocently as I started sucking him off “Put your hands behind your, I’m gonna fuck that pretty little face of yours.” he said as he placed his hand on the back of my head.
I placed my hands behind my back as Chris started slowly thrusting his cock into my mouth, I hollowed out my cheeks making him let out a low groan. He started fully fucking my face roughly causing me to gag when his tip would hit the back of my throat. I started to whine and moan against him when he started fisting my hair and pulling it, the constant abuse of my throat combined with him pulling my hair caused tears to start falling down my face. “God, you look so pretty like this for me! Next time I’m gonna cum all over your slutty face!” he grunted out, making me whine around him again. I felt his cock twitch before his grip on my hair got tighter and he’s thrusts grew erratic. “You gonna let me cum down your slutty little throat baby?” he asked, I moaned around him as a response before his hips sputtered.
Chris shoved my face down so his cock was literally down my throat, my nose pressed against his pubic bone. “Fuck baby, so good for me.” he praised as he came before pulling out of my mouth. “Open your mouth for me.” he said making me quickly oblige, showing him my mouth full of cum. “Swallow.” I did as he said, sticking my tongue out to show him I did what he asked before he stopped the video. After he caught his breath he helped me stand up, “As hot as you look in this I need it off, right now.” he growled helping me take the lingerie off. Once Chris had helped me undress, he cupped my face in his hands to wipe the dried tears and mascara off my cheeks. Chris sat up against the headboard again, telling me to sit on his lap. He grabbed my throat to pull me into another rough kiss harshly sucking on my tongue, groaning when he felt my wetness spread across his cock, which was already hard again.
Quickly flipping us over, pushing my right leg up against my chest before slamming into me. I let out a loud moan as he gave me no time to adjust before he was pounding into me. “Fuck, so goddamn tight for me! You like being treated like a slut don’t you? Such a good girl.” he grunted as I scratched my nails done his back. “Yes! Yes, your good girl daddy! Please, so good!” I moaned incoherently. “Please what baby? What do you want?” he asked me but I couldn’t explain what I wanted as he was pounding into me so roughly and it felt so good. Since I was whining and moaning so much I just grabbed his hand, making him lightly slap my face. “You want me to hit you? God, you’re such a kinky whore!” he loud groaned before actually slapping my face making me let out an extremely loud, high pitched moan as I came around him. Chris grabbed my jaw harshly, getting closer to my face “Fucking bitch! I didn’t say you could cum, you didn’t even fucking ask!” he growled at me before slapping me again as I cried out, quickly becoming overstimulated. “Open your damn mouth!” I did as he said before Chris spit into my mouth making me whine “Fucking swallow bitch!” he said and I quickly obliged.
Me and Chris have never had such rough sex before but we were both living for it, not even registering the fact that we were in a hotel room and the people next to us could probably hear our moans. Chris suddenly pulled out making me whimper, “Hands and knees slut.” he ordered and I quickly did as he said. He pushed on my back making me arch it before he licked from my clit all the way to my ass hole, loudly groaning as he pulled away. “I’m gonna fuck your tight ass one day and you’re gonna let it happen.” he said before slapping my ass. “Chris please, need your cock back inside me.” I begged “You’re fucking greedy aren’t you?” he asked rhetorically as he ran his tip through my folds teasingly.
Chris then started thrusting into me at a slow pace, “Faster daddy, please!” I asked in a whine voice. He started thrusting quickly and hard, his nails digging into my hips as a form of leverage. Both of us were being extremely loud at this point since this new angle felt amazing, he had leaned forward to play with my nipples. He knew my nipples were extremely sensitive so he used that to his advantage, relishing in the fact that he was the only person to make me feel this way. With the combination of Chris playing with my nipples, aggressive thrusts, and loud groans he was letting in my ear were getting me extremely close to cumming again. “Mmm please can I cum daddy? Feels s-so good don’t stop! F-Fuck please!” I cried out making Chris let out an almost animalistic growl in my ear. “You can cum but I’m not fucking stopping!” he said moving one of his hands to my throat. I came around his cock for the second time tonight, crying as I was extremely overstimulated.
Chris pulled back to sit up straight again on his knees when suddenly our hotel phone started to ring. He slowed down his thrust, making me whine before going to pick up the phone. “Be quiet baby.” he told me, still slowly pumping in and out of me, Chris cleared his throat before actually answering the phone. “Um hello?” he asked confused, I started thrusting back against him causing Chris to completely stop moving and slap my ass harshly. “Uh oh okay, y-yea. I’m s-sorry.” he replied to whatever the person on the other end of the phone said before hanging up. Slapping my ass one time before flipping me over, looking down at me with a stupid smile. “We just got a noise complaint, but that doesn’t mean I’m gonna stop. It just means you need to shut the fuck up!” he laughed before thrusting back into me.
Chris once again started thrusting into me but this time he smashed our lips together in an attempt to stifle my moans. These thrusts weren’t as rough as before, but they were still quite fast as we were both nearing our orgasms. We pulled away for just a second, Chris saying “Shit baby are you close? Because I’m about to fucking cum in you!” I just nodded in response not wanting to be loud again. He brought his hand down to rub my clit in fast, tight circles as he pressed our lips together again. After a few more thrusts, I was cumming around his cock with a whine, this caused Chris to cum as well. Filling me up before slowly pulling out, using his fingers to collect the cum dripping out of me only to shove them in my mouth a second later. He laid down next to me as we caught our breath for a minute.
Once our breath was back to normal Chris stood up before grabbing my hand and helping me up as well. My legs were trembling and it was kind of hard to stand but we silently walked over to the bathroom. Chris told me to pee while he turned the shower on, going back out into our room to grab our toothbrushes, my hair brush and, my makeup wipes before returning. We took a quick shower using the soaps that the hotel had in there before we got out. Chris wrapped one of the big white fluffy towels around me before grabbing another one for himself, I grabbed one of the smaller towels to wrap my hair in making chris giggle. “You look cute like that babe.” he said sarcastically as we got ready to brush our teeth. I used a makeup wipe to get the rest of my makeup off my face and some red smudges of lipstick off from around Chris’ lips. He insisted on blowing my hair so I didn’t argue and just let him do it since my legs were still shaky and I was tired.
Once we were done in the bathroom we went over to our suitcases to get changed, I wore an oversized shirt and panties while Chris just wore some boxers before we climbed into bed and went to sleep. We woke up at 7am as we needed to get back on the bus to drive to our next location, quickly getting dressed in some comfy clothes and brushing our teeth before gathering our things to meet Nick, Matt, and Laura in the lobby. Unfortunately for us, we walked out at the same time as the person from next door that made the noise complaint. We were just going to ignore her until she said our names, “Y/n? Chris? You guys were the ones fucking extremely loud next door?” she asked making us both blush and turn around. Chris awkwardly scratched the back of his neck before sheepishly nodding “Oh my god are you guys dating!? That’s so cute I love it! Oh shit did I ruin your night last night?” the fan said super fast.
“You can’t tell anyone about this!” Chris and I said at the same time, not wanting this to get out. “We don’t want anyone to know we’re dating yet, not even his brother know so could you please keep this private and between us?” I asked nervous. She agreed to do so as long as we followed her fan and main accounts on insta, which we obviously did before taking a quick picture with her. As we started to walk away, Chris turned around again “Oh and by the way, you didn’t ruin our night, you just made us realize we gotta be more quiet.” he said while laughing. We got into the elevator to go down to the lobby when Chris grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a quick passion kiss, pulling away right before the doors opened. Nick and Matt got into the elevator with us, Nick seemed to be oblivious but Matt gave us a weird look. “Why are you two blushing and shit?” he asked suspiciously, but luckily for us the elevator doors opened and we walked out to meet with Laura to go to the bus. Once we got settled in on the bus, Matt looked over to Nick before saying “You owe me 50 bucks, they’re definitely dating so pay up” making Chris and I blush.
“How do you know that? We’ve been so careful!” Chris exclaimed as Nick looked at us, irritated because he owes Matt money now, “I don’t know, maybe it’s the because she’s wearing your hoodie or the fact that you have pink lipgloss on your lips” Nick said. Both brothers started laughing but quickly stopped when Chris said “Well at least I scan do this more often” pulling me in for a quick kiss. Both boys gave us a cheesy smile as they were happy that we were finally dating before we all drifted back off to sleep.
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kennedyalike · 2 years ago
hi pookie!!! i love ur writing <3 i would literally die if you wrote dom! leon x fem!reader smut with degrading and bondage and breeding 🤭
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Where do you think you’re going?
dom!toxic!boyfriend!leon x fem!reader
tags: possesive behaviour, smut, sex, p in v sex, fingering, bsdm bondage, ropes, breeding kink, toxic bf leon, mentions of breaking up, oral sex (both f and m receiving) degrading, toxic behaviour
word count: 1.7k
hi anon! i would LOVE to.. leon w breeding kink is the best<3 enjoy
You’ve finally mustered up enough confidence to leave him. Yes. You were going to do it finally. Leave your boyfriend of 2 years. There were many reasons to be honest but the main reason is that you feel trapped. He’s just so overprotective, controlling, possessive and….toxic.
Always trying to control your life and then he only defends it with ”But I know what’s best for you baby.” He’s manipulative and tries convincing you he just loves you so much. In all honesty, you love him way too much and deep inside you, you know you belong to him and you want to stay forever. But this is a desperate facade of an attempt to save yourself.
”Leon…Can we talk?” You shyly request while he undresses his jacket. He just came home from work. ”About?” He mumbles quietly while walking towards you. You look away for a second to brace yourself for what’s to come. ”Uhh…Well I wanted to talk a little about what I’ve been feeling like for a while.” You explain.
He stops right before you and his hands curl around your waist, pulling you a little closer to his muscular torso. Even though you’re breaking up with him, you can’t lie, he’s hot as fuck. Compression shirt on and the muscles looking so delicious under it. Veins on his arms and a muscly chest right in front of you. He stands taller and his soft ash blonde locks fluffle as he looks down at you. ”Talk.”
You hesitate for a second again before speaking up. ”I’ve kinda felt t-trapped and like…I don’t think this is working for me anymore.” You explain slowly while looking away. You wait a second for him to say something but he only looks at you straight in the eyes without his expression even quivering. ”Continue.” He demands and you start rambling again.
”W-well what I mean is..we need to break up. I-I can’t handle you controlling my life like this.” You finally finish. A slight smirk grows on his face as he leans towards you and whispers into your ear. ”We are not breaking up, sweetheart.” He says while his other hand leaves your waist to grab at your neck. The other still gripping your waist so tightly it almost hurts. ”Leon.. I’m serious…” You say while he slightly starts squeezing your neck, you paw at his hand and squeeze your thighs together.
”What? You thought I’d just take that from you? Sweet baby, you’re such a dumb slut. I know you want me so stop fighting it and be a good girl.” He’s not asking. A small whimper escapes your mouth and your lips part slightly. ”Leon…’need you.” You hear him chuckle under his breath before he withdraws his hand from your neck and grabs at your hips, turning your body around and pinning you face down to the wall.
”You really thought that would work, you’re such a little cutie, saying that while in this nightgown, you planned this didn’t you?” He groans into your ear as his hand squeezes at your ass and tits roughly, making you moan his name. ”Here’s what's gonna happen, baby. You’re gonna get on your knees and suck me off, if you do good enough I won’t tie you up.” He pushed your head down as you nodded and dropped to your knees.
The light coming from the kitchen made him look so sexy that you even wanted him to tie you up. You look up at him with puppy dog eyes as you unbuckle his belt and start pulling his pants down. He looks at you without a word. You wrap your hand around his hard cock and gently pump it up and down. His tip is pink and leaking and you feel your mouth watering as you bring your face closer to it. Your tongue lolls out and you start giving him little kitten licks. ”You’re begging for it, huh?” He growls and you start messily kissing all over his tip, slowly pumping his shaft while looking up at him.
Your mouth wraps around his tip fully and you suck a little, teasing him even further as he starts pushing your head down more. ”Faster..” He sighs as he grabs at your hair. You start going deeper, taking more of him in when his thrusts start getting sloppy. You almost gag when you push him deeper and deeper. ”Good girl…gonna cum.” He swears under his breath and suddenly you pull away from him, ripping his orgasm from him.
He hisses and looks at you, down on your knees with a smirk on your face. He roughly grabs at your hair and yanks you forward, his cock hitting your face messily. ”You wanna be a brat?” You just moan as he lifts you up, pushing you towards the bedroom. ”Leon…Don’t have to get so mad…” You giggle.
He pins you to the bed and starts rummaging through the closet, getting ropes. You know what’s coming and you can’t help but to press your thighs together when you feel that erotic feeling between your legs. ”You gon’ tie me up, Leon?”
”Yes. You’re gonna be begging for me to stop.” He says as he lifts your arms up and ties your wrists together tightly, then ties them up to the bed frame. He looks at your body while moving down to tie your ankles the same way. You squirm a little and pout at him. ”Too tight, Lee…” You tease him.
”You can take it.” He cooed as he hovered above you, taking in your appearance. Silky nightgown with no panties under and hardened nipples peeking through the fabric. ”So gorgeous, all for me to use.”
You whine and nod as his cold fingers sneak under the hem of your dress, landing on your clit. You buck your hips up for a little sensation and he holds them down. Starting to rub circles on your clit with his cold thumb. ”Ah- Leon..” You moan as he pushes two fingers inside your wet hole. He pumps them up and down with a steady pace, pleasuring you as his thumb still rubs your clit. He studied your expression and nibbled small kisses to your neck.
”Leon! Fuck.” You whimpered as you tugged the ropes and squirmed around, the pleasure fogging your mind and your body feels so at mercy under him, tied up like this. Fuck, every little touch he gives you makes you squirm and moan.
He pulls back to leave you wanting for more, slowly he unzips your dress and reveals your naked body to him.
You squirm a little when he’s dressed and you’re naked and tied. ”Leon-hhh… please.” You whine again when you tug at the ropes. ”No baby. You have to be a good girl, got it?” He asks while lifting his shirt off of his body and hovering over you again. ”You can do that for me, can’t you, bunny? Don’t be a brat.” He says as he pecks you on your lips before they latch on to your neck again. Slowly your eyes close as his kisses reach all the most sensitive spots, wet sloppy kisses behind your ear, on your neck, collarbones, tits, the soft skin of your stomach too as you writhed under him. ”Please..touch me.” You begged. His lips kissed your hips and inner thighs, slowly moving more and more towards your pussy. ”Leon…”
”I’m gonna make you feel so good, you never have those stupid thoughts again.” He mumbles as his mouth latches on your pussy, tongue lapping at your delicious slick as he squeezed your thighs and ass. He sucked on your clit and chuckled when he heard your desperate moans. ”Ah! Oh my god! Feels so good…Leon!”
He pulls back from your heat and lifts himself up, kissing you roughly. You almost taste yourself in his kiss but that didn’t matter. His hands start untying you and you think he’s finally had enough of this punishment and is going to gently fuck you. No. He retracts from the kiss and unties your hands. ”Leon…Want your cock.” You yelp as he suddenly turns your body around, grabs your wrists and ties you down again. Now you’re on your stomach. He grabs a pillow and pushes it under your stomach and hips so that your ass is lifting up.
”Leon…hhh” You wince when his palm hits your ass, he spanked you. Your body jolts forward and your breath hitches. ”Just a hole for me, good for nothing else, you slut.” He grabs at your neck from the back and slightly chokes you while his other hand gropes your ass.
”Yes…just….your little fuck toy.” You whimper as your tongue lolls out. You feel his hard cock prod at your entrance from the back when his hands move to grip at your waist. You arch your back for him as you feel him pushing in.
”Such a tight little pussy…fucking whore. My whore.” He groans and he fully bottoms out. He starts fucking into you at full speed and your tits bounce, face in the pillow as you moan, almost screaming. ”Ah fuck! Leon! Too much…” He continues his speed and his other hand grabs your hair, pulling your head backwards while he bullies his cock inside you. ”Take it all. I’m gonna fuck you stupid so you don’t say stupid shit like that.” He says unamusedly while continuing.
”Gonna cum into you so hard.”
”I’m sorry! M’ sorry, Leon! I won’t say it again, ever. I love you…” You mewl when he starts rubbing your clit while still continuing at a fast pace. Your moans, muffled by the pillows, almost sound like crying at this point. Leon’s rhythm seems to not have stopped when his hips still rut into you, hearing sweet moans and low grunts from your boyfriend. ”Gonna breed this fucking pussy. Gonna cum so deep in you, you’ll be pregnant.”
”Ah fuck! Yes, Leon!” You moan as he starts thrusting deeper. ”That way you’ll never leave me, all filled with my cum and babies.”
”Yes! I wan’ it, Lee…”
”I love you, baby.”
Your knees feel like giving out as your arms shake and the uncontrollable wave of your orgasm washes over you. Your pussy walls clench around his dick as he holds your hips down, pushing himself so deep in you as he released a spur of hot cum in you, filling you so deep. ”Such a good girl…”
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carmenberzattosgf · 6 months ago
Carmy getting OBSESSED with a girl. She is with someone else and he wants to show her he’d be better for her than whoever this other guy is 👀. He would in a moment of confidence be like “I can fuck you better than he can” and before he can backtrack she’d be all “go on then”🥵
See I think Carmy is a respectful guy and wouldn’t knowingly get with a girl who has a boyfriend…. But for this I’ll make an exception.
You’re out at a bar when you run into Carmy. Your boyfriend was supposed to meet you over an hour ago and still hadn’t showed.
Carmy sits at the open stool next to you. “You still got that dumbass boyfriend?”
“Hello to you, too, Carmen. I’m supposed to be meeting that boyfriend right now but,” you pause to check your phone. “He’s a solid hour and a half late.”
“You should leave him. You don’t deserve to put up with a guy like that,” Carmy says rather bluntly. He downs the rest of the drink in his glass before turning back to you. “Trust me, there’s a ton of guys out there that would be lining up to be your boyfriend, and they would treat you right. Me included.”
“Oh, so is that what this is about, Carmy? You wanna be my boyfriend?” you tease. It’s evident Carmy’s had enough drinks to take the edge off of his filter. He would never be this blunt otherwise.
Carmy leans in close before he speaks again, lips brushing against your ear. “To be honest, I wanna fuck you. Does he even make you cum?”
“What the hell, Carmen?”
“That wasn’t answer.”
“I’m not telling you about my sex life!”
“I can fuck you better than he can, sweetheart. Let me prove it to you.”
It doesn’t take long for Carmen to convince you. You think he’s going to take you back to his place when you agree, but instead he grabs your wrist and leads you to the back of the bar. He pulls open the door to the one-person bathroom and guides you inside.
Carmy waists no time. He immediately falls to his knees in front of you, and eats you out through your underwear while under the skirt of your dress. His skillful tongue flicks against your clit in a way that makes your head spin.
As soon as you cum against his tongue, Carmy’s back on his feet, undoing the belt of his jeans. If he had time, he’d much rather fuck you over the sink and make you watch the reflection in the mirror. He settles for shoving your underwear down quickly, and wrapping your leg around his waist so he can sink in to the hilt.
Carmen’s so focused he doesn’t even realize he ripped your underwear in the process, but you can’t find the room to care either. He has you pinned against the bathroom wall. The pace of his hips is brutal against you.
Carmy makes you cum rather quickly. More quickly than you’d care to admit. He was right, your boyfriend doesn’t really know how to make you cum.
Carmy on the other hand, knew exactly how to make that happen. It’s like he was dead set on the goal the entire time. It’s only after you’ve reached your peak that Carmy starts chasing his own. He cums deep inside of your cunt within a couple of thrusts.
Once he’s finished, he immediately puts you down and starts to pull up his jeans. He’s already about to walk out the door before you stop him.
“Where are you going? Can at least help me clean up since you decided to rip my underwear?”
“I’m gonna send you home to your little boyfriend with my cum dripping out of you. Call me when you dump his ass.”
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sillystarwrites · 2 months ago
You ever play Hell Divers? If not how would the TADC cast react to a reader who is super willing to get whatever objective they're given done....no matter the cost, which includes running into danger without a care in the world, getting ragdolled or hurt but still willing to do Caines assignment and overall being a super loyal idiot.
A/N: no clue what helldivers is but I LOVEEE this idea!!!!!! :D
Type: I’ll add this later I’m tired
☆He’s overjoyed, honestly
☆ having someone, ANYONE enjoy his adventures is a dream come true
☆ especially after ep 3
☆ he probably begins to make more dangerous/risky adventures, taking note that you seem to enjoy the risk
☆ he literally doesn’t realize how dangerous it is for you and the others
☆ you can’t exactly get hurt, but you’re probably hella sore and in pain from the adventures 
☆ mans does not care, as long as somebody has fun he’s HERE FOR IT!!!
☆ loves you tho, your feedback is the first (and only) he goes for after adventures cause you’re the only one w/ good feedback
☆ anyway you’re his bestie. Can’t speak for you, but you are to him
☆ typically he never pays too much mind to it, but he’s never seen someone so dedicated 
☆ sure, when he first entered, he tried to get the adventures done too, but not to this point
☆ he’s especially concerned when you immediately bolt in after him to get gangles mask in the mildenhall manor
☆ you barely even care, or notice Angel and the other freaks, dragging him along quickly.
☆ tried to warn you about the hall but you immediately ran down…and got possessed
☆ it was horrifying, to say the least
☆ he had to beat you with the gun, but at least the possessor was gone
☆ you barely even took a break, about to run down to try again and he forced you to sit
☆ when he tells you about Queenie, you’re empathetic but then immediately are like “okay but we gotta go, cmon.”
☆ he’s a bit…hurt, to say the least, but understands. He also wants to leave as soon as possible
☆ when you two make it back, you realize you somehow forgot Gangle’s mask.
☆ you attempt to find a way back to get it, but Caine brings you all back before that can happen
☆ he thinks it’s funny to be honest
☆ you get easily frustrated too, so he’s gonna bother you the WHOLEEEEE time if he can
☆ but you also just carried him like a briefcase on one adventure, just to annoy him back 
☆ he made gangle drive on the candy canyon adventure because he knew you’d want to
☆ gangle would’ve handed it over to when you protested, but Jax stopped that from happening 
☆ he couldn’t bug you as much as he’d liked to at Spudsy’s since the, y’know, ‘employee training’
☆ but he tried to anyway, you just shooed him off
☆ he was almost impressed by your work ethic.
☆ key word almost, because it mostly pissed him off
☆ anyway, seeing you go so far as to somehow injure yourself on adventures was hilarious to him
☆ all he had to do was convince you it’d help, and you’d do it
☆ even if it accidentally hurt the others
☆ he’s also really annoyed how you’re basically Caine’s favorite 
☆ like really?
☆ he’d poke at you about it though, just to annoy you
☆ but maybe sometimes he does get worried after adventures when you don’t even stay for whatever reward there could be
☆ he’d never admit that he’s worried, but you get the point 
☆ do something barely even risky and watch her PANIC
☆ she is worried from the get-go
☆ like during the gloink adventure, did she literally watch you try and wrestle a goddamn gloink WTH
☆ or in the candy kingdom, where you’re ready to jump into the chocolate 
☆ she has to hold you back A LOT
☆ like a lot a lot
☆ you also insisted on taking care of her during the spudsy’s adventure
☆ you did crash out at a customer so you still got a B+ though
☆ anyway, she does appreciate that you try your best on every adventure
☆ she hates that you put yourself at risk though
☆ she checks on you a lot, especially after the mildenhall manor adventure 
☆ she’s seen you get overly beat up in other adventures a lot, which always scares her
☆ you scare her, honestly 
☆ she can’t tell if you’re so dead-set because you mess with people, or because you’re just determined 
☆ either way, it’s concerning
☆ despite the few adventures she’s been on, she’s seen how risky you can get
☆ she doesn’t like it at all
☆ you also seem to get really competitive, so she doesn’t get in the way
☆ when you’re not on adventures, you seem nice, but she’s still a bit scared of you
☆ you’re hyper and a go-getter, neither of which she feels that comfortable around
☆ once again, not that she doesn’t like you, just she’s really intimidated 
☆ I feel like someone like reader would just be desperate to escape, thinking if they tried hard enough they’d be free. Maybe they’re just so desperate and scared it’s the only way they can think of
☆ if Pomni is met with this revelation, she’d try to help in some way
☆ even if it’s not much, she could talk with Gummigoo, Kinger, and tried with Gangle, so the least she can do is try for you too
☆ even after the talk, you’re still just as persistent and idiotic, but at least she tried
☆ deadass, they hate you
☆ they think you’re a total suck-up to Caine
☆ on the few adventures they were forced on, they’ve seen you get thrown, kicked, or flung a few dozen times
☆ they tried not to laugh
☆ key word tried!!!!
☆ they still don’t like how peppy you get, dragging them with
☆ they’ve lost more limbs than they can count
☆ they think it’s cool that you’re so dedicated, but oh my lorddd does it irritate them
☆ they still don’t like you
☆ you seem to try your best, but that’s too much
☆ they just don’t like you
☆ what’s the point of trying so hard if you’re just gonna get so injured?
☆ it’s annoying.
☆ honestly, you scare her
☆ you remind her of Jax, just a bit less ill intented
☆ she mainly appreciates you during the spudsy’s episode, as you’re not violently dead set on doing…whatever
☆ during the mildenhall manor adventure, she is also a bit amused at your dedication to getting her mask, but more worried than anything.
☆ like Pomni, she’s not exactly comfy around you, but doesn’t hate you either.
☆ in your fits of bolting after the goal, you have probably tripped on her several times and broke her mask on accident 
A/N: sorry that it’s so short, and this took so long 😭 I’m really tired rn
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wisteriaiswriting · 1 year ago
𝕋𝕒𝕟𝕜 𝔻𝕒𝕥𝕖 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
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Type of date | Location | Are they romantic? | How much money will they spend | What happens after | Blurb
Words: 1679
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She isn’t one for big, fancy dates. So she much prefers staying indoors playing video games.
She’ll drag you along to arcades. Making sure you two have the whole place to yourselves.
Isn’t as romantic as she thinks. It’s always interrupted by her giggling.
No matter how much you spend it won't make a dent in the amount she has. And she’s willing to let you use as much as possible.
She'll likely become tired. So she’ll fall asleep and in turn trapping you in her arms.
“Let’s go!”
“Finally, I thought you would never win.” Your celebrating was mixed with her teasing. You two had been playing Mario Kart for hours, with you just now winning a round.
Tempted as you were to play another round, wanting to show her you weren’t as bad as she said. Pausing when you felt a weight on your shoulder, slowly looking over to see Hana.
She had fallen asleep, in turn falling onto your shoulder. Her sleeping quickly turned into cuddles, taking her place on your lap.
Maybe a nap wouldn’t be too bad.
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He much prefers the fancier things in life, so no surprise when he takes you to a 5 star restaurant.
He’ll reserve a private room for the both of you, making sure you’re getting the best things you deserve.
Is a real romantic and he knows it too.
Money means absolutely nothing to him when compared to you. He can give you his card to buy anything but there's no way you could make a dent in it.
When his romantic mood strikes it lasts for a while. Pulling you into a walt with him, making sure you're laughing and having fun during it.
The night was still young and Akande wasn’t going to waste it. Still in your outfits as he pulled you into his arms, the classical music playing faintly in the background.
It was one he had been practicing since he was a child, ingrained in his memories. And he wanted to make plenty of new ones with you. Pulling you closer as the song finished, letting the next one continue before starting the next dance.
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She already thinks being around her is good enough so you’ll have to convince her to do something, which would be watching her fight and win.
Gonna be around Junkertown, either in the arena watching her from her throne there or in her actual throne room.
Much less romantic and more flirty. She has no clue about romance, absolutely none.
Technically none so don’t go out of Junkertown, but when inside you won’t need any anyways.
If you’re not a junker she’s taking you for a tour, but if so you’re going right up to her room and throne room.
All you could hear is the yelling, shouting and screaming of the Junkers around you. Odessa had won another fight, not that anyone was surprised.
Watching everyone leave, still loudly chattering away. During that time she was making her way back up to the throne, making it clear when he returned.
“How was that?” Her arms opened just to pull you into a hug, picking you up off the ground.
“Another win isn’t new, so predictable!” Suddenly throwing you up into the air, letting you fall into her arms in a bridal carry. A giant smile on her face.
“Let's celebrate!”
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I’m going to be honest here, he can only cook very few foods. He will insist on a cooking date, just supervise him, you’ll need to.
As he’s part of Talon (So are you likely) so the only place you two can safely go to is the base.
Is more on the flirty side rather than romantic, but he can try tone down the flirting but you’ll need to ask him most times.
Normally he wouldn’t care about the price of things, but with you? It doesn’t even pass his mind once.
Even if you two cooked earlier he needs a bit to fill him up, so it’s likely you’ll have to cook again. But if you don’t want to, he'll find someone else for the both of you.
He wanted to give you a surprise breakfast in bed, except for the fact both of you were standing in the kitchen. By now he knew your favourite kind so he was quick to start.
“Mauga, what are you doing?”
“Huh?” Brought back to attention, realizing he had stopped cooking and was staring at you. You learnt when the fire alarm was going off. The food had become burnt, not even you wanted to try it.
“Why don’t we order in?”
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Takes you to a small and simple cafe.
Much prefers to stay at base, but if you want to go somewhere he will take you.
He doesn’t even try cause he has no clue what he’s doing, seeing no use in romance, unless you really want it.
Has plenty of money to spend due to various jobs and resources, and he allows you to spend a lot of it. Will watch what you buy to figure out what you enjoy.
He will return to work but you can stay around if you’d want. Might even let you sit on his lap.
He had no idea what you wanted to do, so he ended up on the internet. Looking up ideas that seemed good, ending up on the idea of a cat cafe. You enjoyed cats and food, well he hoped. While he couldn’t understand all these attachments if it made you happy he’d be fine.
The date started simple, while you ordered food he looked around at the cats. There was a range, from calicos to ragdolls. While he looked he didn’t see the cat walking up to you, a plain black cat.
It nudged you, causing your attention to shift.
“Ram, it looks like you!” Holding it up even as it shifted, only getting comfortable. It was a plain black, short haired adult, sporting a purple collar.
“It does.” Maybe he’d look for one similar to you.
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Enjoys walking around a market, able to spend time with you and buy you things.
Also has fun sitting around at home or the base, able to enjoy your hobbies together.
Has quite a bit of experience due to his age, but is aware of how romantic he is.
Accidentally spends a lot of money on you during the walk, as he won’t look at the prices. Isn’t worried though.
Will hold you while you both enjoy a drink, telling you stories about anything he can think of.
Dropping the bags onto the floor, letting some items fall onto the floor but neither of you minded. He stretched, hearing his back crack.
“You should’ve let me carry the bags.”
“Nonsense by dear,” He picked you up, letting you sit on his shoulder, “You need to relax!” Grabbing himself a beer and your favourite drink before sitting down, dropping you onto his lap.
“Now, did I ever tell you about the crusaders?”
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He’ll take you for a motorbike ride around the outback, won’t go scavenging unless you really want to.
Most times you’d be staying at his and Junkrats makeshift base.
Has little experience, due to being isolated from others.
Due to being a junker he doesn’t have a lot of money, also meaning neither of you need any.
He’ll take you both back to base, wanting to spend time with each other.
The sun was beating down on the land, and on you if Mako wasn’t in the way. Instead you were covered in his shadow, slightly cooler and safer from the heat. With the goggles protecting your eyes from any stray sand or dirt.
While you were looking around this gave Mako the chance to look at you. Taking in all your features. The way the sun revealed everything, everything that he loved about you.
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He’ll cook you both a nice dinner to enjoy away from the others.
He won’t be able to leave the Talon base so thanks to Sombra you’ll be away and inaccessible to others.
As much as he tries he’s always flustered, sometimes laughing in between words.
Due to being at the Talon base neither of you will need any money.
He just wants to hold you close, cuddling while reading some of his favourite books.
You felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, pulling you off of your feet so you hung above the ground. Looking behind to see Sigma looking down at you, a hung smile on his face.
“There you are Starlight!” Moving you around so you lay in his arms, floating over to a chair. “How about I read us a story?”
Asking as he pulled a book from one of his many shelves.
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Her first thought would be a gym date, but she knows not everyone would like it. So she goes for a nice and cozy lunch date instead.
She takes you to a small, less popular cafe that she goes to often. It's kinda small yet cozy place.
Unluckily she has no experience, being focused on other things. But she still tries, constantly looking to improve.
Normally won't spend a lot but for you she’ll go over her normal amount, you’ll be able to get most items you want.
Will pull you around to look around the town, stopping by the nearest ice cream of gelato place. Treating you to a flavour of your choice.
Before she even knocked at the door you knew she had arrived, her nervous pacing outside wasn’t the quietest. With fast paced and surprisingly light knocks. Stepping away when you opened the door.
There she stood, a button up shirt and simple black pants. A bouquet of your favourite flowers were held in her hand, reaching for you to take them.
“Dear, you look amazing!” While speaking her voice cracked lightly, face covered in blush. Hold out her arm for you to take. “Ready for today?”
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urinarythreatinfection · 7 months ago
Tbh I had this already written. Poll had the shortest time as a day. HELLA warning though, this isn't non or dub con but it IS gorey. I wrote this shit at like 11pm and I was stressed the hell out and kinda pissed. (well the outline of it anyway). I'm a gore enjoyer, not in a weird way I just like the way it's written or drawn i don't like actual gore. Anyway the gore here isn't that bad but there is some so I'll say there is gore as a warning. I also put a small border for the people that don't wanna read the smut since there is some story.
The Cute and Obsessive You
Yandere Shanks x Male reader. Reader matches Shanks's freak. Smut so minors read something else until I write not smut. top male reader. Violence warning. 4,135ish words.
Your boyfriend is very cute, you know that of course, you also know that he gets just a little worried when you’re out of his sight. That’s why when you opened your eyes to an unfamiliar place, tied to a chair, your first thought before worrying for yourself was ‘Oh no, I hope my boyfriend is gonna be okay.’ and you were correct in your worry, because Shanks is not okay.
“(Y/n)!?” Shanks calls out as he searches around for you. “(Y/n)!” He calls out, his heart racing. Where are you? Did you run away? Finally getting tired of him and leaving? How could you do that to him, when he cares about you so so much!? He gave you everything! Something clicks, what if you were gone unwillingly? What if someone took you. Took you from him? “(Y/N)! Sweetie, please come out if you’re somewhere around here!” He’s been searching for a while now, feeling stupid. Of course you wouldn’t leave him, you loved him, but he had thought this island was safe. Shanks had taken his eyes off of you, busy with the townsfolk swarming him. He hadn’t been to this island in a long while so they were excited to see him, and you had told Shanks you were going to explore nearby. Shanks trusted that. Trusted that this island that was friendly to him would be friendly to you, there should’ve been no danger to you. That’s not to mention you weren’t weak either, but people don’t always get what they want by being strong. A pretty looking flower is what it took, you’d been interested in the local flora so you went to check it out. It was only when you took a closer look that you realized it looked unusual, by then it was already too late. The fake flower had let out a gas and knocked you out. Now here you were, in a place unfamiliar to you.
“Hello?” You call out, but there’s no answer. Your weapon has been taken, but they’ve made a mistake, not finding the knife that you keep on you for emergencies. That means you could cut yourself free… but what then? You don’t know where you are and the door is locked, and to be honest.. you’re a little curious. You don’t feel like you’re in any real danger, and Shanks is probably going to find you eventually. The thought of him finding you, desperate to see you with a crazed look, fills you with satisfaction; so you wait. Eventually a woman comes down from the stairs and enters the room holding a long blade.
“Hello.” She greets you. “You’re lucid, good. Do you know why I’m doing this?” You think for a moment, Shanks had said this place was friendly so you’re not sure, but she answers the question for you. “I’ll just answer anyway. I did this because you bother our chief, clinging to him like a leech. You’re not nearly as strong as him or the rest of his crew, I even managed to kidnap you with some fake flower. It’s dangerous for him to have someone by his side, especially someone so weak. He’d be better off without you.” Her words sting a little, she has somewhat of a point. If it weren’t for the fact that it might be impossible to leave Shanks this could’ve even convinced you to.
‘Wow.. my cute and obsessive boyfriend knows some people that act similar to him.’ You think to yourself as she points the knife to your neck, pricking you. ‘Uh oh.’ This got much more dangerous quickly. Meanwhile, Shanks is still searching for you, finally finding flattened grass where it looks like someone was dragged.
‘He didn’t run away!’ Shanks is almost relieved before he realizes you being kidnapped and in danger isn’t much better. He clenches his jaw and quickly follows the flattened grass to a cottage in the woods, entering and looking around. “I don’t have time for this.” He mumbles to himself and decides to destroy everything until he finds you, crashing things to the floor and breaking through walls to find his lover. You hear the sounds above you and try to yell out, but your mouth is quickly covered by the woman. You take a deep breath and instead tip over your own chair and let yourself slam to the ground. The sound alerts Shanks and he looks down, realizing there's a room underneath this cottage. He needs to get to you, that thought sticks to his mind until he breaks a hole into the floor and drops into the room with you and the woman; though there was an entrance he could’ve found had he looked a little longer.
“C-Chief!” The woman stutters, panicked. “You, I-I” She doesn’t know what to say, turning silent when she looks at Shanks and finds someone she doesn’t recognize. Someone unlike the kind person she’s been doing this for. Crazed eyes look from her to your fallen and tied up form.
“Baby, are you okay?” He goes to you, ignoring her.
“I’m alright, just tipped my chair over.” You reassure him and he’s about to sigh in relief when he catches sight of something. Blood on your neck from the prick she had given you earlier. Blood, your blood. His vision quickly goes red and he grabs her, slamming her onto the ground.
“Chief, please let me exp- AAHH!” Her words are interrupted by a scream of pain when he stomps on her arm, shattering it. She starts to cry but it’s too late, he’s seen your injury and the blood you’ve shed is worth more than she could ever be.
“How dare you, how dare you. Mine, You hurt my boyfriend. My boyfriend.” His voice is laced with rage as she cries, screaming as he stomps on her limbs. Hands, arms, legs, it’s not long until they’re reduced to a mess of flesh and bone stuck to her by her skin.
“sorry sorry ‘m sorry it hurts.” She can’t even struggle, having screamed too much already. You stare at this, then try to move out of your restraints. Pain shoots up your leg.
“Ow!” You yelp and Shanks turns to look back at you, anger replaced by worry. “I’m okay! I think I just twisted my ankle a little when I fell.” You explain, feeling a little embarrassed you yelped over such a small injury. He looks back at the woman and she realizes, in her final moments, that you were so much more than she could’ve comprehended. Shanks grabs her by the hair and slams her head into the wall, creating a crater with the impact. What’s left of her head splatters across the concrete, and he drops her crushed corpse to the ground with a thud. He can hear the blood rushing through his ears, only snapping out of it when he hears your voice. “Shanks!” The redhead turns back to you, walking over and crouching down.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I let you out of my sight and doubted you when you were stuck here. This is my fault-” He starts but you interrupt him.
“Shanks you’re very lovely like this but please untie me first.” You ask him and his eyes clear.
“R-Right. Sorry.” He quickly cuts the ropes with his sword and you stand while rubbing your wrists. Once you’re both standing he starts to shake, emotions filling his psyche. Anger for the ones that hurt you, guilt he let this happen, sadness you got hurt, relief you’re still alive. They swim in his head, crowding and messing with his mind. You notice this and pull him into a soft hug
“It’s okay~ It’s okay~” Your fingers run through his red hair, ignoring the blood mixing in. “I’m okay, I’m alive and safe. You didn’t fail me, I’m right here.” He clings to you.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.. I’m so happy you're safe.” He says, burying his face in your shoulder. Shanks still feels guilty, but his emotions calm with you in his grasp. You feel him clutch onto you tighter and you can tell his anger is coming back now that his emotions are more sorted.
“It’s not the townspeople’s fault, honey.” You tell him, sensing his thoughts.
“They let this happen to you.” His voice is cold. This is their fault, they don’t deserve his help or his protection. They don’t even deserve their lives.
“Not all of them could’ve known.” You respond and he doesn’t answer. You sigh and pull him back enough to look into his clouded eyes. “Let's do this, we can go back into town, find out who helped this happen, and you can punish them. Okay?” He stares at you, considering what you said, then nods. “Good, thank you for understanding.” You give him a kiss on the cheek.
You and Shanks walk through the town, ignoring the horrified looks of townspeople seeing him covered in blood. Once you’re to the town square he yells out. “Everyone gather up!” They begin to gather in front of him while the Red Haired crew puts any children inside. They don’t need to see this. Shanks’s eyes scan the crowd until they finally land on a married couple, a wife and husband; they look guilty. Unlike the others who are scared and/or confused they look visibly jittery, as if they’ve done something wrong. What's more, when they meet your eyes they look away, as if from shame. ‘It’s them, they did this, they helped this happen.’ He walks over and stops directly in front of them, staring them down as they start to tremble. “You two have done something.” He says and they flinch. Some townsfolk try to ask Shanks what’s happening but Beckman and the others are smart, quickly leading the rest back inside so they don’t see their chief do this; or get caught in the crossfire. The couple try to deny it at first but eventually the wife breaks and starts to cry.
“Chief I’m sorry, I didn’t know she would go this far. We did this because we were worried about you.” She pleads with him and he stares at her.
“Worry? Worry!? You think your worry for me is enough of an excuse to do this? To harm what’s mine? No no no this isn’t how you’re going to escape responsibility.” Shanks is angry, angry that the town he trusted could do something so deplorable as causing harm to his boyfriend. He looks down at her with disgust and grabs her by the collar of her shirt. “You put your hands, your disgusting hands on my everything while I spent my time entertaining this town.” He moves his hand so it’s wrapped around her neck, gripping it firmly. "Was it amusing seeing me smile with you all, oblivious, while your friend was about to kill the love of my life?" She cries out and tries to struggle but it’s no use, he’s too strong; even as those struggles turn to scratches from his tightening grip, she's unable to make him budge as her vision goes dark.
Shanks drops her lifeless body to the ground, red eyes trailing to the husband. He looks at the body of his wife, dead, and tears roll down his cheeks slowly. “Oh gods, please, chief please. I’m sorry.” His pleas are weak and useless as Shanks’s eyes bore into his. This is it, he can’t do anything. Even if he tried to run away he knows it’s futile, he wouldn’t even make it a step. His only hope is you, turning his head to look at you. You meet his eyes and give him a nervous laugh.
“Well it is kinda your fault, right?” You say sheepishly and his hope is gone, looking back to Shanks.
“Don’t look to him for help, you don’t deserve it.” The redhead states coldly and the husband closes his eyes, the world going black as Shanks cuts his head off of his shoulders. It rolls pathetically on the ground, and he stomps on it for good measure. The two previously pleading people full of life now reduced to lumps of soulless flesh. Shanks stares at what’s left of them, emotions still raging. It's unhealthy, you know that. This look of his is dangerous, the proof and symptom of his instability, but to you it's so so beautiful. The eyes of the kind, friendly, and lively red haired captain everyone knows are unlike everything about him. They're obsessive, crazed, uncaring, the light in his irises replaced by the unhealthy darkness you bring out of him. So beautiful.
“Shanks.” You call out and he quickly snaps his head to you, chest heaving with emotion. “You’re so cute like this.” You can’t help it, your crazy yandere boyfriend is so endearing when he’s obsessive like this. His face flushes slightly, caught off guard by the sudden compliment despite the gore around him.
“Really? Cute? N-Now??” He asks, he wouldn’t have been shocked if he turned to see you looking at him with disgust, disappointment, or even fear; but instead you look at him with your cheery and warm expression, nodding.
“Mhm!” You walk over to him and cup his face. “You were worried about me, right? I’m okay now, you saved me and punished the bad guys.” At that his shoulders finally untense, his sanity slowly coming back.
“Of course I was worried, I couldn’t bear the idea of anything happening to you.” Shanks says, letting out a held breath as his expression softens. He leans into your touch and closes his eyes for a moment before opening them to look at you. The brown of his eyes are replaced with red, his pupils dilated. You love it, the unsettling look in his eyes is so nice to see; even when they change back to brown. Like this, the crew in the background see their friendly captain as his yandere self, and his cheerful boyfriend who turned out not normal either. The captain can feel their gazes on him, but it doesn’t matter. All that matters is you, you you you. The you that’s in front of him, touching him, loving him, the you that’s safe.
“Your eyes are creepy like this, y’know.” You say and place a kiss on his forehead, making him sigh in contentment.
“Creepy huh? That’s one way to describe em… Do you like it?” He asks, a bit insecure.
“And if I don’t? What’re you gonna do then?” You respond and Shanks’s heart sinks at the thought of you not liking anything about him. He loves you too much, he wants you to feel the same. He looks into your eyes, trying to gauge how serious you’re being. When he can't tell he speaks with hesitance.
“I’d.. change them.. I don’t want you to dislike any part about me.” Is his respnse. You hum, kissing his cheek.
“Hmm~ How would you change them?” You continue the question and Shanks tries to think through the chaos in his head, almost tempted to say he’d rip them out for you but managing to think more rationally.
“Colored contacts.. or try to appear less obsessive. Tone it down a bit.” He seems a little sullen talking about it, the idea that he would have to change himself for you is bumming him out; even if he would do it. You can tell he's unhappy, letting it go.
“That sounds like a hassle. It’s good I like them then!” You say and a weight is lifted off of his heart, your words always have so much effect on him. “I like everything about my crazy and cute boyfriend.”
“Good, because this crazy and cute boyfriend of yours loves you. A lot.” He speaks with a sigh, wrapping his arm around you to pull you into a tight hug.
“Mhm~ I love you too.” You rub his back as he buries his face into your shoulder and inhales, relishing in your scent.
“I’m so glad you’re okay. I love you. I love you.” He murmurs into your shoulder, muffled by your skin as you soothe him through his love confessions. He doesn’t even notice he’s getting blood on you. "You mean everything to me. You're the light in my darkness, the reason I keep going. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you, I couldn't bear it. I love you more than anything in the world." His hand moves up to thread through your hair. "I love you so much. Never leave me." His voice is almost pleading at this point.
“Shh.. I’m never gonna leave you. You’re the only one for me, you’re my crazy and cute boyfriend. Look at me.” You tell him and he pulls back enough to look at you. “Hi honey~ I love you~” His expression falters, his heart warming. He’s still affected by what's happened but he’s here looking at you, and that makes everything feel better.
“I love you too.” Shanks kisses your palm. His voice is soft now, but still laced with a possessiveness that makes your own heart feel full “I’m looking at you too and I love you too” So happy, and just from being with you. You run your fingers through his red hair, scratching his scalp lightly, and his eyes close from bliss as he lets out a small content hum. When you use both hands a small shiver runs up his spine from your touch and attention. Can’t help it, too enamored with you.
“You’re so adorable.” You say and kiss him, feeling the way he melts into it. So pliable for you, and the slight jolt he gives when you roll your hips against his is satisfying to feel. ‘So reactive too’ you think to yourself as he lets out a small moan, trying to hold in another as you continue. It's to no avail, giving you the chance to slip your tongue into his mouth. Shanks hums, the both of you making out in front of the two corpses of the people Shanks killed for you. Oh and is it all for you, he doesn't even remember them right now. Your hands go to his hips and pick him up, walking a few feet away before laying him gently down onto the grass. He looks up at you, eyes foggy with lust and confusion.
“(Y/n)?” He asks and you wrap his legs around your waist, grinding your dick directly against him, causing him to curse with a moan.
“Sorry, my obsessive boyfriend was too sexy while protecting me.” You say as he pants underneath you, his face flushing. The crew, forgotten, slowly make their leave.
“You think I’m sexy? Even like this?” He asks you, not understanding how you can look at him with such caring lust when he just committed such a vile act. Even if it was for you, he didn’t need to make the deaths as gory as he did.
“Of course! My boyfriend is the cutest and sexiest in the whole world!” You say it as if it’s fact and it sends a shock of happiness and pleasure through Shanks’s body.
“In the world..” He mutters and you nod.
“Yup~” You’re pleased seeing him like this, and your hand goes to slide under his shirt, making him flinch. “The whole world~” Your hand slides up to his chest along with the fabric, showing his bare torso to you as his back arches slightly to follow your touch.
“B-Baby.” He tries to speak but it comes out as a whisper as you run your hand along his chest, stopping at one of his pecs to squeeze. “(Y/N)!” His back arches more and you lovingly circle a finger around his nipple, tapping it with the pad of your finger as he lets out soft gasps. “Fuck...” You’re teasing him, but he’s just too cute not to tease. Alas, you won’t keep him waiting, especially when the captain has been so good for you. You press the pad of your finger onto his nipple and he lets out a breath, your other hand moving to his chest as well as you grope and fondle both of his pecs. He loves it, you can feel it from the way he hardens against you and hear it from the grunts escaping his lips. His chest is nice, big, muscular, reminders of his strength along with the few scars that run along his body. You lean down and kiss one of them before flicking your tongue onto one of his nipples, earning a cuss from above. He grips onto your hair, blood coating your locks as you bite and suck his chest, moving from one pec to another; but never leaving one unattended with the help of your hands. You wonder for a moment if he could cum just from this, but you’ll leave that for another day, taking your mouth off of him with a lewd pop. The sound makes Shanks’s breath shaky. You sit up and look down at him.
‘So beautiful..’ You think to yourself when you see your boyfriend. Covered in the blood of townspeople he slaughtered in your name, eyes cloudy with lust, and shirt lifted up with perked up nipples. “My sexy honey is so sensitive, even when near the corpses of people he’s killed.” You grind against him and he grunts. “Do you care? Should I stop so I can take you somewhere else?” You ask him and Shanks struggles to form a coherent thought, mind clouded by you.
"No.” He starts, his voice shaky. “I don’t care about the bodies, I want you, I need you.” He responds, needy.
“Awweee~” You coo to him and lift his hips up, sliding his pants away enough to expose himself to you. You put your fingers to his mouth and he parts his lips to wet them. “You’re so good for me, my perfect boyfriend~” You praise and he lets out a small happy whimper, his heart racing. He always gets like this when you’re more dominant, sometimes it’s the only way to get him to calm down. Of course, that’s not why you’re doing it right now.
“Hahh.. hahh..” He pants and then gasps when you slip a finger inside him, something about his unstable emotions right now is making him more reactive. Maybe it’s the adrenaline or the relief of knowing you're safe, maybe both.
“I love you Shanks.” You say while putting another inside, relishing in how he squeezes around the digits. “Do you love me too?”
“Yes yes I love you I love you. Please, I need you.” He says, voice strained as you stretch him out.
“Are you sure? I get a little insecure sometimes.” You pull your fingers out and tug down your own bottoms, grabbing your dick to rub the tip around his entrance.
“Fuck.. I-” He’s interrupted by his own long whine as you press into him slowly, his head going foggy until you give him a smooch. “I love you, I love you more than anything, you’re my love- Ah~!” you start to move. “You’re everything to me can’t live without you I love you so much it hurts but feels so goOD~!” You lift his hips up to slam into his prostate, making his eyes roll back as he pants and groans.
“Good boy I love you too, you're doing so good for me~" You praise while bullying his prostate, Shanks’s mind going numb.
“I love you more than anything and everything I love you more than treasures or air or breathing or- ah~! or even myself~! I need you you’re my home and purpose my love and the blood flowing through my veins!” He’s happy, he’s happy you love him and he gets to say everything he wants to without worrying about your disgust. “You’re the reason I get up in the morning and the last thing I think of when I go to sleep-” He rambles as tears prick at his eyes from pleasure “m-my life and my purpose. I want to spend every second with you, I would give up everything for you. I love your voice and your laugh and your skin your hair your fingers and the way you feel i-inside me~!” His back arches, he’s close. “I can’t hold back any- ah~! longer!”
You kiss his neck, sucking marks into the skin. “It’s okay, you don’t have to hold back. Let everything out.” With that, he opens his mouth and lets out a loud keen as he cums.
“You’re all mine you’re m-mine! No- nngh~! one else’s mine mine~!” He rambles absentmindedly as you fuck him through his orgasm, repeating posessive words before you slam into him as much as you can and coat his insides. He whines, aftershocks continuing as your dick throbs inside of him with each burst. Once you've emptied you lean down and nuzzle his cheek affectionately before kissing him.
“You’re right. I’m yours and no one else’s. I’m never gonna leave you, because you’re my boyfriend and I love you.” Your words of confession make his heart feel full. He can’t think about anything other than you, that he’ll never let you go. His legs wrap around you and pull you into another kiss, happy. You’ll clean up in a bit, you’re still in public after all and the townspeople can’t be inside forever; but for you’ll indulge your cute and obsessive honey. Just because you love him so much.
There you have it. As for the Jealous reader x Shanks that's still gonna happen, the poll was just to choose which one I focused on first. I still do whatever by the way, I'm not gonna become smut focused or anything.
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rhymeswithchronic · 3 months ago
*shimmies up to the mic*
*gently taps on it*
*clears throat*
Episode 6 just solidified PvP Civ as being better then Parkour Civ
*runs away as fast as possible*
OKAY LISTEN I will literally commit war crimes for EMF, my scrungly, and Parkour God Evbo, but to be perfectly honest most of the things that make the characters so lovable is headcanon or fanon. Parkour Civ is loved for the story, the light hearted nature and humor, ~the yaoi potential~ and the messages
Episode 6 alone has just solidified almost the entire cast of PvP Civ as individual, thought out characters. Really, the only one in ParkCiv with that kind of thought was Seawatt, with his tragic motivations followed by his death.
Parrot and Tabi have become SO MUCH MORE interesting because of the reveals, and I think Tabi has just immediately become one of my favorites because she’s just so INTERESTING. Someone who is so determined to reach a goal that she doesn’t care if she kills people in her way, but who also consciously *did not permanently kill Evbo despite having the ability to do so*. There’s still SOMETHING there that caused her to use the axe instead of the Eternal Sword, and THAT is the part of her that I think is truly her.
She was talking to someone towards the beginning (our great Parkour Villain himself can’t wait for PvP Villain ClownPierce) but there was something off about their conversation. Clown suggests that she shouldn’t be the one to do this because she’s younger and she “doesn’t deserve to die yet”. Something about their plan does not end well for the one who has to carry it out. Tabi is doing something and possibly sacrificing herself in the process.
Now here’s the thing: Why did she kill Evbo at all?
It could be for the reason that is presented to us. Because she doesn’t care about him. Because he was a tool she used to get what she needed and she didn’t care what had to happen to him for her to get there. She only brought up the literal torture he suffered FOR HER as a way to manipulate him further into following her orders, and now he’s just an obstacle
But that *doesn’t make sense*
If he was just an obstacle, WHY did she let him respawn? We can assume she didn’t know that Prince Zam was waiting since if she wanted Evbo to be killed and not respawn, she easily could’ve done that herself. But she DIDNT. She actively chose to use her axe on him and let him respawn. She has to know that Evbo is going to come after her. She has to know that Evbos continued existence, especially as a Natural Born Sword, is detrimental to their plan. She knows this and she chose to use her axe anyway
That leaves us with the other possible reason:
Tabi did it to SAVE Evbo
Hear me out on this. Talking about her discussion with Clown, here’s how it goes:
“Let me be the one to do it. You have a longer life that I do, and you don’t deserve to die yet.”
“We’re all gonna die if we don’t get that sword, and you know I’m the only one good enough to get it.”
Clown suggests here that somehow, this plan will end up with someone dying. He is offering himself because she “has a longer life”, which could mean he’s older and has lower durability than her, or something else entirely, but that’s up in the air.
Tabi is SMART. She knows exactly what she’s doing and why. She knows that there’s a solid chance that she will die, but she’s willing to risk that for immortality. “We’re all gonna die”? Because of the other kingdoms?
Whatever it is, whatever she meant, she did not want Evbo as a part of this. She told him to move first. Attacking was not her first priority. She didn’t want to kill him, but she knew one thing:
Evbo could not go with her.
If she stayed true to her word, if she left together with Evbo, she knew he would want to stay with her. He would stay by her side no matter what. And she just couldn’t bare the idea of leading Evbo to his own death from their plan. Maybe she was hoping giving her the time to flee would allow the Diamond Swords to convince Evbo to not leave at all. Not like it would take much convincing (in her eyes) since he was already attached. Inside of the civilization is the safest place for someone as trusting and naive as him. She wanted to keep him safe, and if he came with her, the same thing that would kill her would end up killing him.
Tabi killed Evbo to save him I rest my case
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thatanimeramenchick · 11 months ago
Yandere Alastor walking in on reader trying to escape? (Maybe like through an unlocked window or door or something)
Yandere Alastor x Escaping Reader
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I really like this idea. Unfortunately for the reader, they're probably not going to have a good time.
“What are you doing, dearest?”
Well, to be perfectly honest, you had been trying to break out of Alastor’s chateau. It had gone about as successfully as one might expect though. Whatever demon plants he had growing around this house, they were certainly… friendly. They had wrapped you up nice and tight as your body half hung out the window. It had you stuck upside down, and your skirts were flowing open like a flower, your stocking clad legs sticking out like two stamen.
“I… leaned a little too far out the window,” you said.
You pushed your skirt up, trying to cover your legs.
“And you happened to lean so far out that you completely fell out and got tangled up?” he said.
“…. Yes.”
“Hm…” he walked around you, the thoughtful buzz of his voice filling the air, “Is that so?”
You thought you felt your heart stop as he cocked his head to look at you thoughtfully.
“You must have lent out awfully far. The plants are usually so docile,” he said, “You know, lying is a bad habit to get into.”
Docile, my ass. This thing would have eaten me if it could have.
You narrow your eyes at his chiding tone, but you probably look more clownish than intimidating. His amused expression is a dead give away for how ridiculous he thinks you are.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you say when you finally manage to find your voice.
“No? You don’t?” he said, “Perhaps I should let you stay out here until you remember. Though, I did hear there’s supposed to be a thunderstorm tonight. You’re smart though. I’m sure you’ll have it figured out before the worst of it hits.”
“But I didn’t!” you said, “I fell. I-I… I should have been more careful.”
He was turning away towards the door. Damn it. You really didn’t want to get left in the rain though, especially since you knew he was going to leave you out there anyway until you confessed. Might as well get it over with.
“W-wait! Alastor,” you said, squeezing your eyes tight. You didn’t want to look at him as you said this, “I… I wanted to go outside, and get some fresh air.”
When you finally managed to pry an eye open, he had turned back to you and walked over.
Ugh, how this man tortured you.
“I was gonna just take a walk,” you said, “I-I was gonna come back.”
You could tell that despite his constant smile, he wasn’t sold on your little excuse. You decided to lay it on thicker.
“I swear! I wasn’t going to run away again! I wasn’t! It was just a little-’
“And what are you supposed to do if you want to go out?” he interrupted.
“… ask you first,” you said after a short pause, “But-”
“Ah, so you DO remember!” he said, “Clever girl. And run away? I didn’t even mention that. Unless you were thinking of it.”
“No! I wasn’t!”
“Then why did you bring it up? Ah, I told you not to lie to me,” he said, “Clearly, you were at least thinking about it if you brought it up.”
You knew it was pointless to argue with him when he was convinced of something. Besides, it’s not like he was wrong. You had planned a small walk, but if there had been even the slightest chance of escape, you would have bolted.
“… it might have been on my mind,” you finally concede.
“Such a stubborn little thing,” Alastor said,
He flicked your forehead with his claw.
“It never ceases to amaze just how mule headed you can be,” he said, more to himself than you.
He sighed before he conjured up a tentacle. He seemed mollified enough to get you out, and of course he wasn’t going to dirty himself up to do that. It untangled you from the vines, seized you by the waist, and yanked you back into the room. Before you knew it, you were slammed onto the floor as he released you just a little too soon. You could feel bruising forming beneath your skin, that would last for a few short hours yet were still painful. Groaning, you managed to stand up.
“I just don't understand why you insist on fighting me,” he said, more amusement than anger in his voice, “You and I both know you’re not going to win.”
You felt your claw like fingernails diffing into your skin, leaving an obvious mark.
“Well, maybe if you weren’t so controlling…” you started to mutter softly to yourself.
Apparently, there was more anger hiding inside him than you thought. You watched his hands tighten on his staff at your words, and his face darkened, eyes narrowing. Your heart sped up to that of a bullet train. You knew that look. The last time he had looked like that he had chopped off your hand, and you had had to wait for what felt like forever until it regenerated. You had to admit that it had been an effective mode of action, as you hadn’t dared to raise a hand to him since that day.
“I didn’t mean it like that! I just, it’s-it’s...” you said, voice sputtering.
Tears welled on the edges of your eyes. You don’t even know if they were crocodile ones or not. You’d faked them so many times to try to weasel your way out of things, Alastor related or otherwise, that they just came naturally to you at the first sign of trouble. After you were sure he had seen them, you buried your face in his chest, wailing.
“You don’t understand!” you wailed, “It’s so lonely when you’re not here. I miss you when you’re working. I can’t stand it, and I know you’re always so busy.”
“Sh, sh, I understand,” he said, running his fingers through your hair, “I know you get so bored in here. You must want to scream.”
Oh, thank all that was holy. You knew that Alastor tended to have a soft spot for a woman in tears, and he was taking this much better than-
“But being so rebellious like this… Dearest, it pains me to say this, but you really should know better. It’s like you’re begging me to punish me when you act like this,” he said.
You’re entire body went rigid as you felt his gentle petting turn into a firm grasp, keeping your face pressed into his chest.
“And darling, please believe me, it always hurts me much more than it does you when I have to do this,” he said.
His voice was so tender, you would have almost believed him. But no matter how gentle his tone, it couldn’t conceal the obvious sadistic glee dancing in his pupils.
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