#gonna be liberal and tag this as
creatediana · 5 months
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"Wow, bitch. Who tf are you?" - a free verse poem written 12/22/2023
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hlkproductions · 16 days
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theyre like infinity stones to me. useless when apart yet unstoppable when fused to my hand.
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a-queer-seminarian · 1 year
Your anger is how theology begins. It starts with anger at a great contradiction that can't be ignored. That's what happened to Athanasius in the fourth century, Luther in the sixteenth, and Barth in the twentieth. It also happened to me. If I had not been angry about white supremacy, I would not have written anything... But anger alone is not enough. You must use it to speak out and to write as creatively as you can about the fire burning in you. Go to the root of your experience and articulate what no one can express except people who hurt like you.
- James Cone in his final book, Said I Wasn't Gonna Tell Nobody: The Making of a Black Theologian (2018)
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xannerz · 2 months
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mastersoftheair · 6 months
oh damn, it's one thing to speculate, but it's another thing to learn that 60 Million Dollars was spent on covid-19 safety/compliance, which is why the 10th episode was inevitably cut
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woodsfae · 2 years
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I was inspired to memery by the stunningly idiotic phrase “fic intended to cause a sexual response on the parts of the viewers” paired with the seemingly-honest belief that this is illegal. 
more fandom memes: here
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eldragon-x · 1 year
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thatssroughbuddy · 11 months
do u think zuko and jet ever explored each others bodies
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mekanikaltrifle · 1 year
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Mai in a suit. is that what we're needing today?
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hussyknee · 2 months
In one of the 647968 posts going "What You Like Says Nothing About You" (broadly agree) the first comment in the reply section was, "well I'm never going to apologize for being a Swiftie and a Reylo and Destiel shipper and Snape fan and loving ACOTAR and LOTR and Hamilton and B99" and I'm like, actually being this much of a pathological white liberal makes you the exception to this rule 😭😭
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azuremist · 1 year
I’m gonna say it. I’m gonna say it, and y’all are gonna be normal about it.
I don’t understand why the people behind Good Omens decided to make a universe where homophobia and transphobia doesn’t exist, while ALSO unnecessarily writing in Aziraphale facing fatphobic bigotry multiple times.
Why do only skinny queer people get an escapist story where they’re not being reminded of their own oppression?
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I just. I wish people remembered the fandom etiquette of ‘if you don’t have something nice to say then don’t tag it’.
Nobody in the Izzy Hands tag cares that you hate Izzy Hands beyond the fact that you are consistently coming into the Izzy Hands tag to tell us that you hate Izzy Hands and that’s, generally, pretty annoying.
Imagine going into a bookstore to loudly proclaim you hate books. Imagine going to an art gallery to yell about how you hate paintings. Imagine going to a seafood restaurant to berate the staff/patrons for seafood being present/eaten.
Now I’ll do you one better: Imagine not going to a place where people go to enjoy one specific thing to shout about how much you hate that very thing.
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vg-bird-reviews · 11 months
tw: Animal Death, but does the fact that the player can kill the Psychonauts 1 Seagull and eat it help or hurt the rating at all?
I think it evens out, like i don't like the idea of killing and eating seagulls but i don't blame you if you kill and eat that one
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a-queer-seminarian · 1 year
What is theology and why does it matter? Theology is thinking about God who escapes our comprehension. What does it mean to reflect on an ultimate reality that can't be grasped? Why does it matter to think about that? ...Theology is paradoxical language with no easy answers to ultimate questions, and that we need imagination to think about transcendent reality. What we call "God talk" is imaginative language, like poetry — not rational language, even though Western theologians, following Greek philosophy, define theology as "rational thinking about God," or what the eleventh-century philosopher-theologian Anselm called "faith seeking understanding." But seeking to understand the God of Jesus by means of Greek ideas has always been difficult. Jesus was a Jew from Nazareth, born to an impoverished unwed woman, who preached in the tradition of the Hebrew prophets, declaring divine solidarity with the poor and weak. His language was not philosophical or rational like that of Plato and Plotinus, but prophetic and apocalyptic, like the language of Isaiah and John the Baptist.
- James Cone in his final book, Said I Wasn't Gonna Tell Nobody: The Making of a Black Theologian (2018)
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letojessica · 2 years
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what have i done but what was expected of me?
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tintinology · 1 year
Tintin rescues Captain Haddock from Allan.
English translation:
Tintin: Alright, now get away from the gang. Fast!
Haddock: With pleasure, my boy. Oh yes, in my arms, my little one, in my arms, so that I can kiss you! Oh Tintin!
Tintin: Captain, watch out! Oh damn, my browning!
Allan: Tom, quick!
Tintin: My revolver fell! Move over, Captain, quick!
Tom: Too late!
(sort of in relation to this post about the translation of Haddock’s dialogue when he’s freed by Tintin in the cellars)
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