#gold coast diving
sunreef-scubadiving · 9 months
Top 10 Best Dive Sites in Queensland - Sunreef
Explore the breathtaking underwater world with Sunreef as we unveil the top 10 best dive sites in Queensland. From vibrant coral reefs to mesmerizing marine life, embark on an unforgettable diving adventure with our expert recommendations. Plan your next dive excursion with Sunreef and dive into the beauty of Queensland's aquatic treasures. Learn more!
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fieriframes · 9 months
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[Blue Bucket Of Gold.]
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nctsworld · 9 months
golden hour
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✩‌ mark x reader | camping au | established relationship | smut | fluff | 2.1k
SUMMARY | in which you make love with mark in a tent during the golden hour. // part of the connection series
WARNINGS | sexual content, (lovey) pwp, unprotected sex, brief impregnation fetish (breeding kink), some praise kink, oral sex (m and f receiving)
RATING | explicit
AUTHOR'S NOTE | inspirations are (besides the connection teaser vid and pics) jvke's golden hour, mark's golden hour, and this picture i stumbled upon
TAGLIST | @neocitycafe @sehunniepot
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North is home, where you left behind for this short road trip down the coast of California with the love of your life. 
During this trip, home every night has temporarily been your two-person sized tent being dragged around to different campsites.
This stop is more arid than others, with many rocks and cacti surrounding the ecosystem rather than grass and trees. Because of that and it being an off-peak period in the beginning of spring, it is likely why this campsite has no one else besides the two of you.
Although it takes some time, Mark and you finally finish pitching the tent and setting up the inside around the late afternoon. At this point, you mutually decide to take advantage of the area's solitude.
North of your bodies is also where it all starts. 
Mark and you are lip-locked between initial smiles and giggles. The oncoming sunset's rays beam through the translucent tent, creating a natural, ethereal glow around each other's faces.
There's no hurry. Mark usually doesn't hurry his kissing with you; he likes to savour every moment he can—each groan exchanged, each dip of his tongue into your mouth, and each suck you grant to his plump bottom lip.
But at some point, kissing each other's lips just isn't enough to satiate your desires.
East is where everything rises. 
Passion ascends as his mouth swerves away from yours, and instead captures the right side of your neck. You gasp sharply, eyes fluttering due to the power of that one spot. It's overwhelming, so much that it makes your knees buckle. You're grateful you're sitting on the ground with your sleeping bags laid out comfortably to catch you at the ready.
You return the favour by kissing places that make him weak—the constellation of moles on his face and neck, that one particular section behind his right ear, and right above his clavicle.
He hotly moans in your ear, letting his hands take a mind of their own. Your waist, thighs, and ass are his to squeeze, his to grip roughly. In turn, your hands latch onto Mark's rugged frame and back, admiring the firmness and contours in each muscle. Then, you begin lifting up his white tee, feeling up his fit stomach.
And at this point, because you're now straddling him, you feel his rising desire blatantly against yours.
Clothes are tossed aside to an area of the tent. Mark, now only in his underwear, aids you in stripping every piece from you, except for your panties.
Without a doubt, the absolute sweetest things happen in the south. 
Mark roams downward your body as you lay flat, displayed beautifully in front of him. Your lover lives up to his name, marking you with gentle kisses over your goosebumped skin. It's due to the slight bite of the breeze that enters the tent.
The sun dives further into the horizon, and your being is now enveloped in the golden hour of the hues of red and gold meshing in the sky and radiating over the Earth.
When he reaches your breasts, he imparts small licks upon your hardened tips, along with kneading and thumbing them throughout. Arching your back, you shiver, more so from his aching teasing than the breeze.
Further south, he traverses and his mouth leaves love upon your stomach before he spreads your thighs apart. He lays on his abdomen, his legs positioned awkwardly as a result of the tent's size, but all the while manageable and comfortable enough to continue.
He snakes his arms around your legs, staring up at you with his shiny, starry eyes. Mark chastely kisses your inner thighs, revering the softness of your skin, then kisses you once over your soaked panties. With that mere move, it causes you to lift your hips up in want.
Impishly, he chuckles and pulls aside the fabric to give one slow, extended lick from your centre to your clit. You gasp at the sensation, but Mark is addicted to teasing you. After he drags your underwear off, he simply continues to innocently kisses your thighs. A whine expels from you as you're about to protest, but then he dives in without warning.
Dulcet whimpers fill the air besides the rustling of the tent and the occasional sound of faraway birds. Mark prides in himself in times like this, having you prettily on display and breaking you down. You're all his to have and to hold—all for him to drink and devour to his heart's content.
Not only does he skillfully lap his tongue against your folds, but he sinks it deep into you and thumbs your clit simultaneously. Your fingers' hold tighten onto his hair the more he plays and unfurls you at the seams.
Noticing your body being keyed up by your tight hair gripping and hip thrashing, he takes you to another plane when he slips two fingers in and tongues your bundle of nerves, scissoring you into madness.
After letting you come down from your high, he pulls away and runs a hand through his disheveled hair, giving you his signature tender smile with glistening lips before it quickly fades into a sinful smirk. Just like that, with one look and a couple of minutes to catch your breath, you're ready to have more fun.
Often in the confines of your bedroom, Mark likes to stand by the bed when he watches you take him into your pretty mouth. Due to the tent's spatial constraints, he's gotten used to shimmying off his boxers and opting to do a standing kneel on your sleeping bags instead.
He strokes himself, preparing for what's to come. Inching nearer in a cat-like position with your ass up in the air, you instinctively jut out your tongue, wetting your mouth at the ready, and fixate on his desire gracing you with its presence.
At first, you stroke with him with your hand on top of his, but then he eventually slips it away and lets you do your magic.
We're back to kissing, but all attention is on his length, from the base to the tip. You dab your tongue at his tip leaking with precum, evidently worked up from before. A dab becomes two, then three, and when his tip is wrapped by your mouth, Mark dispels a high-pitched moan. All of his entirety is quickly loved by you.
Amidst the head bobbing, you ensure to also swipe at the underside of his cock, licking at a particular vein that always entices you when you're on your knees for him.
At some point, he raises an arm behind his head while the other weaves through your hair. With his possession still in your mouth, you glance up at him. Although half-lidded, he stares back intently, maneuvering your hair out of your eyes and bunches the rest into a makeshift ponytail.
“Such a good girl,” he grunts, eyes still trained on you.
Although you would never disregard his praise, you don't need him to tell you you're doing well based on how he grasps harder at the root of your hair and from the trickling of choppy, higher moans that compete with your lewd slopping.
Since you don't want it to end just yet, you draw back soon after. Giving him a sugary fleeting kiss, you then go on all fours in front of him. Taking his sopping desire, all thanks to you, he rubs himself against your folds, then eases into you.
You cry out in pleasure, and adjust to his fullness inside of you. Mark goes at a measured pace—fast enough that it gets you to the edge quicker, but slow enough to make you feel all his inches. Out of habit, you press the back of your hand against your mouth, muffling yourself.
“Don’t hold yourself back, baby,” he murmurs. “We’re all alone out here.” 
You nod thoughtlessly and comply, dropping your hand. It's an uncommon feeling to let yourself go, but you relax and try your best. Your soft moans elevate and gain traction in volume with each movement against your body.
“That’s it,” Mark says, reaching forward to caress your hair and sliding his touch downward to the small of your back. “That’s my girl.” 
Preening in the praise, you moan gutturally in response. The deep sensations enrapture you, blooming to every point of your body. Exerting the pleasure, you fall face-forward into your pillow and bunch some of it beside your head.
He continues to pound into you, groaning, “Love it so much when you moan for me...” 
A few moments later, your lover pulls you up by the arms, bringing your body almost parallel to his and picks up the pace. In this position, it's not as buried, but it's still just as satisfying, being filled with his cock like this.
When he slows the pace down, he releases you, having you land on your arms again. Kissing your shoulder from behind, he pants beside your ear, “Do you wanna switch it up?” 
You shake your head. “Don’t care”—at an unexpected thrust, you gasp sharply—“just want you.” 
Turning your head to face him, he follows-up with an ardent kiss. Despite him holding you by your chin, it's more delicate than you expect, unlike the sex so far. Mark takes a few moments to remind you how, no matter how crude it can be, sex with him will always be laced with love.
The sunset continues to fade as he removes himself from you and lovingly pats your hips, signifying you to turn around. Facing him now, you spread your legs once again for him, and you giggle as he drags you closer to him in one smooth move. He grins with his hair sticking to his perspired forehead, and once again, he lines up with your centre before gliding into your perfection.
In tandem, both parties' eyes tremble at the sensation. He fills you deliciously; for him, you squeeze around him like a vice he never wants to detach from. Hands are dragging along everywhere on each other's skin. Lips crash into the other's, then his to your breasts and yours to his shoulder. You're soon tied chest to chest, hearts racing in synchronicity.
“You’re so fucking beautiful,” Mark mumbles into your neck. “Love seeing you like this for me.” 
He lightly slaps the side of your thigh, causing you to moan further into his ear. Despite not wanting to, he opts to tear away from you. Readjusting your bodies, he draws you closer by a tight yank of your thigh, bottoming himself out in your crevice and uses his other hand to rub your clit.
He's on a mission to take you to the stars.
“Tell me when you’re close.” 
It doesn't take long for you to get there with how long this has been going on, nor with how skillful he is.
“Look at me, beautiful. Open your eyes,” he orders, his voice dripping with carnal assertiveness. “Look at me as I fill you up.”
You obey, snapping your eyes wide open, about to watch him come undone inside of you. You're transfixed on the point where you intersect, where he disappears so deeply in you.
But then, in a split second, you force yourself to stare down your love. Looking up at him, relishing in his pre-climactic image, you're on the verge of screaming, almost as if you're dying from the pleasure. His breathes come quicker, his facial features twisting. However, he dares not to shut his eyes, wanting to see you fulfill his command until the end of his surmise.
“That’s my good girl, such a good girl…” 
A beautiful low, drawn-out moan emits, and ecstasy permeates through the air, intermixed with the much needed cool breeze. Mark's hips jerk, then stiffen as he spills into you, painting your walls with his thick load.
And in the west, the sun finally sets almost to completion. The golden hour sinking away into the purple and pink hues of the spring sky. 
A sliver of the last light peeks through the tent's opening and lands directly over your face, the last of the golden hour saying hello and good-bye. 
With your respective sleeping bags covering some parts of your bare bodies, Mark tenderly swipes his thumb over your sun-touched cheek, admiring his angel of light that always leads him home. Just like Polaris in the night sky, you’ll always shine and guide his way back home.
You two eventually eat some prepackaged sandwiches for dinner in the comfort of your tent, but not until he kisses your temple and pulls you in for a tight hug, whispering sweet nothings and running his fingers through your hair until the sky becomes completely pitch black.
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whencyclopedia · 11 days
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According to UNESCO, an estimated three million shipwrecks are scattered in the oceans’ deep canyons, trenches, and coral reefs and remain undiscovered. These shipwrecks preserve historical information and provide clues about how people lived in the past. The term ‘underwater cultural heritage’ refers to traces of human existence and activity found on ancient sunken ships or retrieved cargo such as bronze statues and priceless artworks. The Spanish treasure galleon, Nuestra Señora de Atocha, is the world’s most valuable shipwreck, estimated to be worth over USD 400 million. It was part of the Tierra Firme fleet of 28 ships bound for Spain from Cuba in 1622 and carried the Spanish Empire's wealth onboard – creamy pearls from Venezuela, glittering Colombian emeralds, and over 40 tons of gold and silver. The Atocha sailed into a hurricane off the coast of Key West, Florida, and sank. Its riches were discovered in 1985 by famed treasure hunter Mel Fisher (1922-1998). Thanks to virtual exhibitions and tours, you do not need diving skills to explore the oceans’ underwater cultural heritage. You can take a panoramic tour of Henry VIII of England’s (r. 1509-1547) favourite ship, the carrack Mary Rose, which sank in the English Channel during the Battle of the Solent on 19 July 1545. Want to see a 2,700-year-old Phoenician shipwreck submerged in the central Mediterranean? The virtual museum ‘Underwater Malta’ has a 3D model of the ship and app on Google Play. Fascinated to know what the wealth of the Spanish Empire looked like? Take a tour of Mel Fisher’s virtual treasures and the Atocha. There are countless virtual maritime museum displays, but let us take a look at five shipwrecks with interesting stories to tell.
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supercap2319 · 5 months
"We should go swimming." Will suggested as they walked on the sand beach of the Gold Coast. It was a beautiful day, and Will wore a gray tank top with pink swim trunks that complimented his blue eyes. Will didn't have many friends growing up. Specifically, others like him, and not in the way of similar interests. You see, Will was bisexual and while he didn't really have a problem with his sexuality, it was hard to connect with other guys. Until he met Y/N.
Y/N wasn't like other boys that Will had met, and it was probably the fact that he was a merman with a blue tail that set him apart from others. When Will found out that Y/N was a merman and that the girls were mermaids, he was shocked, but also excited. Finally, someone to share his love of swimming with and Will might have a crush on Y/N. Especially after he and Bella broke up after graduation.
The sand was warm on Y/N's feet as he looked at Will. "Don't you have plans with Bella soon?"
Will shook his head. "I canceled them to spend all of my time with you. I really like you, Y/N. Like really like you." Will's cheeks blushed with heat.
Y/N looks at him in shock. "Really? Well, I really like you too, William." He grinned and lean up to Will, who licked his lips as Y/N drew closer until he....
"Catch me if you can!" Y/N ran towards the water and dived head first into the water. A few seconds later, he sprouted a tail as he waited for Will to follow him to Mako.
Will grins and chuckled as he took off his tank top and ran to the water to join Y/N for the swim he suggested.
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cheriladycl01 · 7 months
Our European Yacht Holiday - Kimi Raikkonen x SpanishOlympicDiver! Reader
Plot: It's summer and Kimi finally is in his off season and you've just competed in the summer Olympics getting a gold medal, what better way to prepare for the next by going around Europe on holiday!
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"Okay, are you doing this with me yes or no?" you ask Kimi whose to your left. You were currently on your husbands private yacht, in the off season of Formula one, you'd decided to sail round Europe. Right now you were currently in the seas of the coast of Monaco.
It was you, Kimi, Sebastian Vettel his wife Hannah and their three kids who you and Kimi were god parents too.
"No!" he exclaims looking over the edge of the boat. You shake your head with a laugh.
"Come on, your such a wuss!" you exclaim looking towards him. You were both currently at the roof of the boat. You'd been diving off all afternoon, practicing of course and Kimi had come up saying he wanted to jump off too.
"I am not!" he tells you.
"Come on, you drove cars at 200mph and now your saying you cant dive off the boat with me?" you ask him, you pull on your swimsuit strap to make sure it was fully up over you shoulder.
"It's so high, and it's really really deep here!" he says looking around. In actuality it wasn't that deep, you'd swam here many times and you'd also gone scuba diving and free diving as part of training to keep fit.
"Okay, well I'm going to jump!" you scream before diving into the deep water. You hold your breath just as your body goes into the water hands first soon followed by your head. The rush you felt from your body when you went diving was the whole reason you got into it in the first place.
It's the reason why most athletes love their job, that adrenaline you get when performing.
You resurface padding around by the edge of the boat.
"Y/N! Y/N! I want to jump in!" one of Seb's children says coming up to you. You smile and swim up to them.
"Yeah, is your dad okay with it?" you ask clinging onto the rope that dangled of the back of the boat while you were docked up.
"Daddy, can I jump in with Y/N?" they shout back to Seb whose laying on the upper deck on one of the sofa's with Hanna.
"Have you got your arm bands on?" he asks leaning over the edge, you wave up to him and he nods knowing you'd keep them safe.
"Then you can, but you listen to Y/N at all times okay?" he says before laying back down.
"You know, i want to be just like you!" he says, smiling at you. You grin back and wait for him to jump in but he looks a little scared.
"I'll catch you, you trust me right?" you ask and look at the little boy above you. He nods and gulps down the anxiety, he walks back a little before running and jumping into the water right into your arms.
You were an exceptionally strong swimmer due to all the diving you do so holding the little boy up while treading water was no issue.
"Did that look cool?" he asks in delight rubbing the salty water out of his eyes.
"The coolest! I'll teach you how to dive soon!" you grin, and you both swim about a little bit more. You show him how to snorkel using the little mask Hanna had brought and how he had to keep his head at a certain angle so that no water got in the tube. Eventually you hauled him up onto the back of the boat before climbing back on yourself.
Your husband was stood there holding a towel out for you knowing it was slightly cooler now the sun was setting. He placed a light kiss on the top of your head, waiting for Sebastian and Hanna to leave with their son up to the top deck.
"You are really good with kids, we should think about having one!" he says to you suddenly making your head turn to him.
"Yeah?" you ask with a little smirk on your face.
"I think you'd be able to teach them so much!" he smiles genuinely pulling you into a hug and another kiss.
"Come on, we better doc the boat, I'm starving!" you say, giving him once last kiss before running off and hoping down the stairs to shower and change into a nice evening dress.
Later that night, you all went out for a meal in one of Monaco's finest, and being such a small city you bumped into some of the other drivers who couldn't help but ask how you were.
You were sad to see Seb, Hanna and the kids leave but now you and Kimi could sail away to Greece, the next destination for your little holiday away.
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Liked by kimimatiasraikkonen and others
y/user: Sailing across Europe, getting ready for Paris 2024 with the best people ever! <3
Tagged: kimimatiasraikkonen sebastianvettel hannaprater
View all 234 comments
kimimatiasraikkonen: Are you proud i jumped in the end?
-> y/user: yes it took lots of convincing though! <3
-> landoswife: no because we need the story behind this
-> vettelredbullera: no for real, was she trying to get him to dive?
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Your Instagram Story Caption:
He wouldn’t dive from the boat with me :(
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stalkerofthegods · 11 months
Lady Aphrodite/Venus deep dive
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Lady Aphrodite/Venus is Amazing and beautiful in soul and looks, graceful as a swan and as kind as a mother, I adore Lady Aphrodite/Venus as a worshiper and as a researcher, she is far beyond interesting, so please know that she is not any insults you may know, she is a powerful and wonderful goddess and a mother, and know she is not just her looks.
Herbs • anemone, daffodil, myrtle, lettuce , pomegranate, apple, rosemary fresh roses, vanilla, cinnamon, cypress, jasmine, the olive tree, narcissus, honeysuckle, the apple tree, the lime tree, Strawberries, Oranges, Pears, lotus
Animals• hare, turtle-dove, sparrow, goose, swan, horses, hummingbirds, cats, butterflies, bees, fish, hare. 
Symbols• Hearts, Seashells, Mirror, Girdles, Dolphins, Doves, Swans, Sparrows, Bees, Sea Foam, Pomegranates, Apples, Strawberries, Oranges, Pears
Colors • pink & red, rose gold , blue, green, white, gold, baby blue, pastel colors, Seafoam green, Aqua
Appearance in astral or general • many ancient artworks of her, depicted her with traditionally male features, like beards, along with traditionally female features, she can change looks many times, but no matter her looks she is the most beautiful alive.
Crystal• rose quarts, garnet, pearls, diamond, sapphire, aquamarine, opal, sea glass, silver, emerald, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, ocean jasper, morganite
Jewelry • pearls, rose gold, promise rings, diamonds
epithets of Aphrodite• Psytiros - whispering Aphrodite, epithet also is attributed to Eros, Euploia - a marine epithet to Aphrodite of easy sailing, fair voyage, Leaina -the Lioness, an epithet given to the Goddess by Athenian orator Democha, Praxis - Aphrodite of action, a statue to whom stood in the city of Megara, Peitho - as an epithet to Aphrodite, it describes Her a persuasive, Epiodoros - Aphrodite of bountiful gifts as She was titled by Greek poet Stesichoru, Argounis - shining Aphrodite, worshiped in Boeotia and likely associated with Dawn, Philomedes - Aphrodite of a lovely smile or smiling Aphrodite, Helikoblepharos - quick-glancing, or Aphrodite with an ever-moving eye, Polychrisou - rich in gold, rich in many golden gifts, Chrisopeplos - gold-clad, Aphrodite dressed in gold, Chrisostephanos -  Aphrodite wearing a golden wreath, Chrisanios - Aphrodite holding golden rein as Her chariot was often said to be fully made of gold, Nikêphoros- She is the Warlike, Areia- She is the averter of unlawful desires and actions, Apostrophia- She is one who blessed marriage and unions, Migôntis- She is the one who turns to love, Ourania- Heavenly, Divine Love, Pandêmos- Common To All, Epistrophia - She who Turns to Love, Nympthia Hêrê - Of Hera of Marriage, Symmakhia- Ally in Love, Pontia - Of the Sea, Kypria - Of Cyprus, Pothon Mater -  Mother of Desire, Chrysea- Golden, Aphrodite Urania (also spelt Ourania), Aphrodite Pandemos, Venus Genatrix, Peitho, - meaning persuasion, Philommeidḗs - "smile-loving", Cypris and Cythereia -  for her association of Cyprus and Cythera, Eleemon, In Athens, she was known as Aphrodite in kopois ("Aphrodite of the Gardens”, At Cape Clias, a town along the Attic coast, she was venerated as Genetyllis "Mother", Aphrodite Euploia - of the fair voyage, Anaduomenê - The Goddess Who Arose From The Sea, Ambologêra - The Ons Who Delays Old Age, Antheia - The Blooming One / Friend Of Flowers , Apotrophia - The Expeller ( Of Shameful and Sinful Desire), Areia - The Warlike, Kupria/Kuprigeneia - The One Born in The Island Of Cyprus, Despoina - The Rulling Goddess/ The Mistress , Genetullis - The Protectress Of Births , Nikêphoros - Bringer Of Victory
Cult epithets • Ourania (heavenly) , Pandémos (common to all) , areia (of ares, warlike) , hòplismené (armed) , Symmakhia (ally in love) 
Poetic epithets • Kypris ( of Cyprus) , philomeidês (laughter loving) , aphrogenia (foam born) khryseé (golden) Pothón Mêtêr (mother of desire) 
Names• Venus, Aphrodite, Harthor, Astare, Priyah, inanna, isis, Freaya,
Mortal or immortal • immortal
Zodiac • Libra, taruas
How to get closer • sign her hymms or dance in her honor
Number• 5
Courting• Ares, she is no longer married.
Past lovers and flings • Anchises (a mortal in the past she dated), Adonis ( handsome young man killed by a boar (Ares in disguise), Dionysus, Zues (maybe), Hermes, Phaethon, Posideon, Butes, Apollon
Devine children • Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, Eros, Anteros, pothos, hermaphrodios, (From the mortal Anchuses), Aeneas a mythical hero of Troy and Rome, and Lyrus/Lyrnus (From Butes), eryxs, Meligounis and several more unnamed daughters, Hymenajks, lacchus, priapus, the Charites, (graces: Aglaea, Euphrosyne, Thalia) (From Dionysus) Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, The Erotes (Eros) , Anteros, Himeros ,  Pothos,  from Ares, Hermaphroditos, Priapus, from Hermes, Rhodos from Posideon, Beroe, Golgos, Priapus (rarely) (from Adonis), Astynous from Phaethon, Priapus (from Zeus)
Attendees • The erotes, Harmonia, Hebe, peithos, the kharites , Naiades
Regions• Cyprus; Kytherea, Corinth, Eryx in Sicly
Holiest shrine•  Paphos, island of Cyprus, (her birth place & seat of her mysteria) 
Other shrines • Temples throughout Greece and Asia Minor and ur moms house. Some places, most notably Sparta, Thebes, and Cyprus honored her as a goddess of war.
Parents • Ouranos Sometimes it’s said that she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione. And born from the severed genitals of the primordial god Ouranos.
Siblings • Aeacus, Angelos, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Eileithyia, Enyo, Eris, Ersa, Hebe, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Heracles, Hermes, Minos, Pandia, Persephone, Perseus, Rhadamanthus, the Graces, the Horae, the Litae, the Muses and the Moirai.
personality• she isn’t intimidating at first, she likes not having already used products on her alter if possible, a clean, nice smelling alter.
dislikes• She does not like Medusa, she wants nothing to do with her for some reason, just what I’ve heard from people who worshiped Aphrodite and Medusa in close timelines
Diety of • Sex, libido, self-image, self-love, relationships, friendships, parent love and pet love, crushes, lust, procreation, seduction, pleasure, happiness, sadness, passion, stalking, ports, port homes
Home• Olympus and was living in the sea before Olympus
Hate• Boars, pigs. 
Likes• Faries, unicorns, butterflies, lacy & frilly things, music boxes, ballet, cars.
Roots• Greek, born near Paphos, on the island of Cyprus
Offerings • pastries, cakes, , olive branches,  dark chocolate, wine, apples, perfume, makeup, Pomegranate: said to be first planted by Aphrodite herself, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries, Figs, Watermelon, Sea shells, handheld mirrors/ beautifully ornate mirrors, makeup products, perfumes (sweet/sensual/seductive ones), skin/body care products, fruits, apples, lettuce, pomegranates, chocolates, sugar and cream, honey, wine (rosé or sweet-scented), sweetened rose tea, rose quartz, pearls, jewelry, roses, flower bouquets, statues of her sacred animals (ex- swans) ,  myrtle or myrrh incense, pink/gold/white candles, seawater, the artwork of her, devotional poems, self-care routines, ritual baths, have a rose garden that you can take care of in her name if possible, be supportive of women and the LGBTQ+ community. • olive oil, fruit, honey, chocolate, dark chocolate (she loves it) , Apples/golden apples, Mermaids, Jewelry, Cherries, Dolphins imagery, Perfumes, Cologne, Makeup, Combs, Affirmations/Affirmation Cards, Beach Sand, Sea imagery, Water, Love poems, Oyster shells, Pink Salt, Driftwood, Sea glass, Amenome/Roses/Carnations, Other flowers, Valentine's Day gifts, Teddy bears, Rose water, Eros/Cupid imagery, Cakes, (Dress up) Dolls, Chapstick/lipstick, Fishnets, Honey cakes, Undergarments, Hearts, Handheld fans, Pictures of loved ones, Condoms/lube(18+), Lingerie(18+), Undergarments(18+), Sex toys(18+), NSFW magazines/books/movie(18+) (AND I MEAN IT WHEN I SAY 18+, OR ASK HER!!), roses, Myrtles, Apples, Pomegranates, Honey, Chocolates, Cookies or cakes made to look like one of Her symbols (ex- hearts), Strawberries, Oranges, Pears, Bath Salts, Bath oils, Bubble bath soap, Scented lotions or fancy soaps
Devotional• light your favorite candle, put on your favorite lotion or perfume, put on your favorite piece of jewelry, put on your favorite article of clothing, enjoy a sweet treat, Sex magic, Glamour spells, Dressing up, acts of self care and acts of self- love, Caring for mental & physical health, Take a bubble bath,Spend time at the sea, Collect sea shells, Read Sappho poetry, Donate to LBGTQ+, Support sex workers, Have safe sex and learn about it, Stand up for yourself and what you believe in, Donate to woman programs and shelters, Do stuff to make ur self feel empowered and beautiful, Honor her kids and ares, watch a romcom, watch a regular romantic movie or show or read your favorite romantic story, Make plans with loved ones and friends or your lover in her honor, Treat yourself to something you enjoy, if you have a pet and they like to snuggle, snuggle or lay with them. Talk to them and tell them how much you love them (If able take them for a walk or a ride), listen to ocean/sea soundscapes, read up on all the many kinds of love, engage in an act of self-care, listen to love songs, listen to a devotional playlist for her, make a Pinterest board or playlist, or journal all of your favorite things and things that you love, learn about the different kinds of love, do things that boost your self esteem, be gentle with yourself, take it easy, etc, watch a ballet, read love poems, Dress up and selfies, Keep menstrual products on you (even if you don't bleed), Advocate for pro-choice, Give/accept compliments, Advocate for SA victims, Go on a date, Take yourself on a date, Do something nice for your partner, get a Manicure/pedicure, Flirt, Affirmations in the mirror, Drink wine, Advocate for proper sex ed (Including queer sex ed), Experiment with your style, Mirror scrying, Listen to sleep affirmations, Love letter to self/her/partner, Take a bath/shower,Go to the ocean/water, Finally give into that one kink (You know the one, 18+), do Masturbation in her honor (only 18+, I heard she’s not comfortable with minors doing it, but that’s between y’all, just ask her beforehand.), Practice safe sex (18+), Educate yourself on the porn industry, Support sex workers (TIP THEM, 18+), Have sex (18+), Get educated on consent/safe sex, Take nude/lewds (18+)
Holiday • on March 18, goddess of fertility day 
Season• spring 
Status• Olympian, major goddess
Music • Harry styles, Classical music, old love songs (50s & 60s)
Day• Friday 
Planet• Venus
Tarot• High priestess, the lovers, the empress, the star
Rituals • honored and invoked for love and fertility and beauty
Festivals • Aphrodisa, kinyrades ( summer festival) adonia ( mourning for Adonis, woman only) 
Fact• She was most worshiped during times of politics, Many people offered her Opiates, or did Opiates in her honor. opium-burners were often found at her shrines in ancient times, please do not do opium.
1• sing, sing, oh i sing to aphrodite who is most beautiful! she who stirs the passionof men & god alike! o, to she — i sing! golden goddess with soft lashes, golden goddess withsoft arms, i spin and sing and delight in the bright rose that is you. may i dance with your grace, lifted up as the foam from the sea as you were — may my smile be blessed with delight. golden-haired goddess, bless my tongue to be sweet as honey, bless my fingers to be delicate and swift, bless my steps so they may bound forth in soft beauty. glory to she — praise to she! goddess of ever golden smiles, of fierce beauty, of spilling laughter and delight. o! may i love as you love — may i delight as you delight! goddess, fill me with your beauty — may i shine & rise above the wrathful waters of those around me and delight, delight, delight in the glory that you have given to me! 
2•Golden Aphrodite
Lady of beauty and grace, Please give me the power to appreciate my body, Grant me confidence in my masculinity, Help me to feel your love within myself, and to express it outwardly as well, Lady Aphrodite, please hear my prayer, I sing your praises and offer you this incense
3•Aphrodite, guide me towards love. Help me discover it, receive it, embrace it, give it, celebrate it, honor it, teach it, and live it. Let love be the mark I leave, as your devotee, as a human being. 
4• Antheia 
Hear to me my call for spring to have sprung,Oh, sweet one scented of honey and nectar. Hear my call Aphrodite Antheia,As I harken a need for the sweet bloom. I crave the beauty of the opening flower, The sweet taste of its nectar upon my lips. Ah Aphrodite Antheia, Bring to me the joy of the fresh blooms. Let the petals cascade upon my body, Allow me the joy of the sunshine. Oh sweet one, Oh Aphrodite Antheia. Bestow upon me and mine, The gifts of the flowers fair.
5•daughter of seafoam, goddess of beauty, aphrodite please hear my cries. please listen as i describe all the parts of me that are shattered & torn, please understand as i tell my stories of pain. aphrodite accept me please. aphrodite pick me up & help me mend myself for i am yours, thank you so much & so mote it be
6• Aphrodite rivals the beauty of the sun setting over an ocean's horizon as you stand on the shore, the water tickling your feet as it pulled in and pushed back out repeatedly by the waves.
Scents/Inscene •  Rose, wine, fresh roses, Frankincesne, Myrrth, vanilla, cinnamon, cypress, jasmine, cherry blossom, lavender. 
Other• images of things she’s associated with, jewelry, perfume, bath salts , scented lotion, seawater, seashells, sand, makeup, feathers, self care essentials. 
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  @mars-and-the-theoi graffitiphilosopher.tumblr.com teawiththegods.tumblr.com
 evilios.tumblr.com hearthcreation.tumblr.com orsialos.tumblr.com 
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I use resources, I do not own the info, and most deep dives have UPG (that I use in my work.) And I only take some information from sources. I am 14, this is my hobby, I am learning but I spent many hours and days on this, and I am always open to criticism. I have been doing worship for 5 years. Please know you can use the info, I do not sue, but I will take action if this work is used without permission and not put as a resource if used in any work. without permisson and not put as a resource if used in any work, for the public.
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discordantwords · 9 months
fic recs - november & december 2023
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As we close out the year, here are some of the (completed) fics that I've read and enjoyed over the last couple of months. I feel so incredibly lucky to be a part of this fandom. Look at all these fics! What an embarrassment of riches!
4 Times Sherlock Proposed, & One Time John Returned the Favour by PipMer
5 Times Rosie Gets Into Trouble & 1 Time She Doesn't by Jaye Harriet
A Case of You by Silvergirl
A Midnight Clear by Khorazir
A Poison Garden, a Prize-Winning Leek, & a Corpse in the Maris Pipers by mydogwatson
A Wedding on Christmas Eve by PoppyAlexander
All Too Familiar by weeesi
Armour Plastique by 796116311389
Cold Inside by LoloLolly
December Moments by Lock_John_Silver
do not stand at my grave by rachelindeed
Don't You Mind by Goldt_39
His Very Last Vow by bozuri
Home by vitruvianwatson
Home is Where the Human Skull Is by theclosetenby
Locked Room by Calais_Reno
Lost Along the Coast by JRow
moon earth sun by orphicsun
Nothing Gold Can Stay by Raina_at
Nothing to Celebrate by discordantwords (self rec!)
Point Zero One Percent by amaruuk
Pretty Paper by stopthat
Relapse and Redemption by JennLynn77
Scream! by johnwatso
smoke signals by simplyclockwork
Stages of Grief by IwillbeReichenbach
The Adventure of the Reluctant Docent by mydogwatson
The Marked Man of the Emperor Dragonfly by Jaye Harriet (heed the tags on this one, MCD, not a happy ending)
The Skin Over My Heart by standbygo
The Way Home by Calais_Reno
The Wizard of Baker Street by Calais_Reno
Three Impossible Things by Snowfilly1
What If... by johnwatso
What should I do but tend by Ibbyliv
Wrapped Tight by CopperBeech
Yorkshire by lurikko
As always, be sure check the tags before diving in. If you've read something fantastic over the last couple of months that I've missed here, please send me some recs. Happy reading! :)
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maranull · 8 months
Malenia beach episode headcanons?
She'd absolutely wreck everyone at volleyball even without eyes.
She could also show why dexterity is so heavily associated with water ;)
I wonder about your ideas 💕
I think she wouldn't swim much in deep water though. Gold doesn't corrode in salt water (says a very quick search) but all the weight of three metal prosthetics would make swimming annoying to say the least.
She does like walking and running around in the swallows though.
She also likes rowing a lot so often she rents a boat and goes along the coast or maybe at some island that's visible from the beach.
The swallows are basically the only place she would accept a wrestling challenge from you (or play along to a surprise attack) cause tossing you around in the water is way safer than a floor.
Though one time she actually send you flying three meters in the air so she toned it down a bit after that.
As you said, she dominates at volleyball. (she casually wins 1v5s)
She's also amazing at Frescobol and will hit insane jumps and dives.
After showering she will theatrically complain about her hair so she can get you to comb them.
While not a fan of clubs (way too much noise), she really enjoys getting a drink and chilling at the beach at night. Just talking and listening to the waves and the faint music from the bar/club/whatever.
If she rented the aforementioned boat overnight, she might take you for nightly boat date.
That's all I got! <3
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chimaerakitten · 11 months
so @darlingofdots's awesome Temeraire!universe historian post mentioned the wreck of the HMS Allegiance and I have been thinking about where it is literally all day.
Not just where as in "somewhere in the South Pacific" (because duh) but also, specifically, how deep, and therefore how the wreck would be studied.
Because a lot of archaeologically significant shipwrecks are pretty shallow, since they're the wrecks we can dive to, either on normal air scuba tanks or mixed gas. The Uluburun shipwreck off Turkey, for example, sits between 44 and 61 meters deep, which is right on the edge for air diving. The archaeologists could only be at the bottom for 20 ish minutes at a time, two times per day, with careful decompression timing as they went up to avoid the bends and not-insignificant amounts of nitrogen narcosis at the bottom. Mixed gas goes deeper, 100 meters or so for some of the more available ones. (there's a Phoenician shipwreck off the coast of Malta that's about 110 meters deep, and was excavated by technical divers) Beyond that it's just commercial divers laying oil pipelines with the super $$$ gas at depths of up to 500 meters or so. Anything deeper than that is the domain of submarines and robots.
and really, all of that ^ paragraph is just tangential set dressing that I added because I like shipwreck archaeology, because knowing the Allegiance went down in the middle of the South Pacific meant it was always going to a be a submarines-and-robots wreck. The middle of the Pacific Ocean is uh. deep. but I wanted to find out exactly how deep.
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so the map from Crucible of Gold puts the sinking at a little under 50°S and a little over 121°W, which the NOAA bathymetric data viewer says is just about 3000 meters deep
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Since that's an extremely boring screenshot, here's the CoG map overlayed on a bathymetric map:
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It's actually on a bit of a ridge there! which is why it's at 3000 meters and not deeper.
We do find and investigate wrecks at that depth and deeper these days. The Titanic is at 3800 meters, and it has been investigated extensively (though we also have a recent pretty major news story about why thats still difficult and uh, very dangerous) The USS Samuel B Roberts was found at 6895 meters, and perhaps most relevantly, the search for Malaysa airlines flight MH370 turned up two 19th century shipwrecks at 3500+ meters deep, over 2000 kilometers off the coast of Australia.
One of those wrecks was a wooden ship from either the 1870s or 1880s, and though, being wood, it was pretty badly decayed, its cargo (coal) and metal features (anchor and water tanks) were still extant. On the Allegiance, that would also include her guns and her metal keel (which would probably be the identifying feature TBH, the keel marking her as definitely a dragon transport)
That wreck is probably the best parallel to the Allegiance in other ways, being a wooden sailing ship with a wreck not only very deep but also very remote. It also probably went down due to an explosion, just like the Allegiance. They were common on coal-carrying vessels, and the sonar images showed the cargo was scattered across the seafloor like something catastrophic happened.
The Allegiance would be more remote than its real-world parallel, but anyone looking for it would be hunting for it specifically and would be armed with probably a decent idea of where she was when she went down, seeing as there were survivors who would have been very keen to remember where they were so they could know how close they were to land. Plus, much like the Titanic (though not to the same extent) there'd probably be funding to investigate the Allegiance once found, as she had a part to play in major political turning points on at least three continents. People tend to be interested enough to throw money at that sort of thing.
So, there you have it. It would take a pretty serious effort to find her, though not an impossible one, and once found she'd be investigated by shipwreck robots, which would bring back pictures and samples of her metal remains, with organic matter being mostly absent by the time she was found.
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slyvester101 · 3 months
The reds and blues as mer! (with a few exceptions)
Osprey: Dark brown, almost black, wings. Completely waterproof and meant to cut through the water, so she’s a fast swimmer. Likes doing this thing where she dives into the water and comes up flicking water up behind her. 
A really good hunter since her eyes let her track motion under the water. It’s how she met Church since she mistook him for a really big fish but instead pulled out a really cranky eel. 
She keeps him around for entertainment (and maybe because he’s cute. Sue her). Likes to surprise fish Church out of the water and take him on flights around the coast. Has taken him into the actual mainland city once or twice (It was not a date!... this time). 
Eel: long thin tail that shimmers blue like the ocean. Fast motherfucker. Can’t hunt for shit though, always over/underestimating his shots. Sharp teeth often curled up in a growl. Technically considered a deep dweller and will bite you in the face if you call him a 'mer'.
He spends most of his time hanging out in small caves/crevices, but can be lured out through a wide range of means (including but not limited to blackmail, bribes, “Tex will be there”, making him think it’s his idea, or doubting his hunting skills).
“Hates” when Tex picks him out of the water for a fly around the coast. Is surprisingly good at bartering on the mainland for the most random shit, it’s scary impressive. 
Anglerfish: is covered in rough scales ranging from sandy yellow to rock gray. Also has barnacles growing on parts of his tail and the base of his back fins (it helps camouflage him better). Instead of the single glowing bait a typical anglerfish has, Tucker is the bait, with glowing marks that can mimic a wide range of animals. Easier to see in the dark, but still visible during the day. Also considered a deep dweller, but doesn't care if you call him a 'mer'.
His tail is meant for speed and strength, very lean and angular so he can cut through the water (had to give up some speed when he added barnacles to his body). Back fins are jagged and can stretch like a cat with its hairs on end. Uses a lot of energy to swim so he can often be found lounging in the sun to recharge.
His eyes are bright aqua and reflective, shining back any light that comes into them. It freaks some people out (many people think it's cool too). Also has claws that blend into the pitch black of his arms, where the scales are much tougher. Sharp teeth.
Anglerfish: similar looking to Tucker, but y’know, still a baby with softer scales and dull claws. Practically attached to Tucker for the first few years after he was born, but will now willingly attach to any of the reds and blues (Church and Grif are usually on baby duty since they are the least likely to do something dangerous/leave the safety of the cave. Junior really likes going swimming with Caboose since he can piggyback ride and Caboose goes really fast. Simmons has no idea what to do with a child. Donut dotes on him like a wine aunt. Sarge’s first response to meeting Junior was to toss him up into the air to see if he could fly. He is no longer allowed to hold Junior.)
Whale Shark: Big. Like, stupid big. Don’t ask to meet his family because it is all females and they are all much bigger than Caboose. Blue tail and fins with fun spots and patterns in white. 
Has to eat either very small cut food or a shit ton of plankton. Likes helping in hunts even though he’s not very good at it and doesn’t eat fish. Usually. 
Would hang out on the surface more, but he's a bit too big to fit comfortably, so he either has to pop up a bit further from shore or be very, very careful not to run into anything.
Nurse shark: long, thick gold-orange tail and fins. Surprisingly quick for his size, but prefers the old ‘sit and wait for someone to come by’ method of hunting. Can be found chilling in a cave in the depths with Simmons, often trying to convince Simmons to come take a nap with him or to go get him food since he doesn’t like hunting. 
Has the many rows of sharp teeth sharps typically have, but they are smaller and not quite as scary as Tucker’s rows of teeth. Also not the most ferocious of fish, which is disappointing to Sarge who thought having a shark on his team would give him an advantage. Unfortunately for him, Grif is a rather docile shark that eats small animals, not the big, violent stereotype land and sky dwellers like to associate with him.
If not chilling in the depths with Simmons, he’s watching Sarge trying to teach the reds how to fly from a warm spot under the water (Sarge couldn’t get him to pop out of the water if his life depended on it). 
Betta fish: bright red scales and flowy, cloth-like fins that are surprisingly durable. Able to handle low oxygen levels and versatile environments, so he’s able to hang out in the depths with Grif. 
Still territorial as most betta fish are, but less of a you come into my territory and I’ll rip you apart way and more of a if you ever separate me from my pod I will make it everyone’s problem way.
Prefers the depths to the surface, often stowed away with Grif for extended periods of time. Which is a shame given how much Simmons would love to research land and sky dwellers. Alas, he will have to make do with the books he collects in a little cove far away from any mer who may wish to bother him.
Betta Fish: similar to Simmons but pink and with bigger fins. Actually enjoys the surface but likes hanging with his friends in the depths too. 
Not territorial unless his friends are put in danger. Friends with basically anyone he comes across and personally knows a lot of Wash’s flock. Likes to chill on rocks by the coast so he can talk to others mer/avians. 
Red-billed Seagull: white—i mean red wings with black lining the edges (totally not dyed or something, what? What gave you that idea?). Feathers are a little janked up and several are always missing (he’s trying to get these good for nothing fish to fly by giving them his feathers, goddamnit). Not the best flier around.
Has bird-like feet: a classic three toed birdie with red protective bone wrapping up to his thighs. His legs are slightly thinner than the rest of his body, but otherwise just look like weird looking legs.
Can squawk like nobody's business. Please do not ask him to squawk if you want to keep your ears.
Crab: he is a spanish speaking crab. Just, a whole ass crab.
He talks a lot of shit for someone without opposable thumbs
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ltwilliammowett · 11 months
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Medal commemorating the recovery of the sunken treasure ship by Treileben, 1660
In 1660, the famous Swedish engineer, Lieutenant-Colonel Hans Albrekt von Treileben, was commissioned by Marcelis van der Goes to recover what could be from the ship of Captain Waterdrinker which sank on October 8, 1659. The Dutch vessel was then in road from Cadiz to Vlissingen. She rolled on a sandbank off the coast of Zeeland near Westkapelle and sank in a few minutes taking with her 30 tonnes of silver, 200,000 silver coins, diamonds, pearls and a white marble horse with a saddle of gold… Treileben's invention consisting of a diving bell and a system of large grippers enabled him to save so much of the cargo that van der Goes decided to make this rare silver medal to commemorate the event.
Obverse: Boats with men on board raising a sunken wreck, distant view of West-Kapelle. Above, the arms of Marelis van der Goes with a ribbon inscribed in Latin: "SOLI DEO HONOR[EM] / M[ARCELLUS].V[AN DER]. GOES / ET GLORIA[M]".
Below, the arms of Zeeland with a mermaid and a triton
Reverse: The Latin inscription: "In memoriam rei / Quâ arte admirandâ / priorumque sæculorum cogitata / superante, prope Valachros in ple-/-no ac æstuanti mari, sub auspiciis / Senatus Zelandici, ac procurante / Marcel[lo] Goesio, e navi submersâ ac / disruptâ, profundumque sub arenis la-/-titante immensa argenti, tum rudis / tum signati, vis, gemmæ plures, ac / tormenta bellica, subducta, ser- / -vata ac veteribus dominis / ex jure restituta sunt. /1660."
(A memorial of the admirable art surpassing the inventions of previous centuries by which under the auspices of the deputy councillors of Zeeland and the direction of Marcelis van der Goes, a great quantity of silver, coined and uncoined, precious stones and pieces of artillery have been raised up off Walcheren from a ship lost, destroyed and sunk in the sands, and have been returned to their proper owners. 1660)
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hijackalx · 8 months
so i see a lot of speculation on here about what exactly drives astarion to do some of the evil shit that he does. here are some Thoughts i have without straying too far into headcanon territory (to the best of my ability)
firstly, bg3 is a dnd game. it has the wizards of the coast seal of approval. so i think it’s safe to assume that the alignments of these characters went into consideration when creating them.
it recently came out that astarion is a neutral evil character on the idle champions website. so basically, that gives us some insight to his world views and goals.
What does it mean to be Neutral Evil?
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some notes:
basically, a neutral evil character has an ‘eat-or-be-eaten’ view of society. the weak yield to the strong, and weak leaders should always be usurped by someone stronger.
they also have very little compassion and empathy for anyone else, and believe that committing acts of ‘good’ are pointless if it does not benefit themselves in some way.
they crave to be the one in powerful positions, and will do almost anything to fulfill that power fantasy, but they are not ignorant. they know better than to dive headfirst into situations in which they foresee themselves getting killed or severely injured.
if we consider that this is not just how astarion views his own personal life, but how he believes the world works (e.g, when he tells a ‘good’ tav that they are naive to the ways of the world), it gives us some idea why he is so against helping others, which is something i often see controversy around.
he essentially admits to having the idea that most, if not all people, are self-serving (e.g, he says that he does not believe there are ‘good’ people in the world besides tav). he has the mentality that the weak should stay weak, so that they might not take advantage of a helping hand like he would. in his mind, you are helping a potential foe who would turn on you during your own time of need to advance themselves.
that being said, he does not disapprove of helping people 100% of the time. if there is something in it for him, something that will aid his survival or his quest for power, he will take it.
(possible headcanon territory, i don’t have any in-game evidence to support this and i am merely going off of the conclusions listed above)
all of these views lead to his desires for ascension. although, once he finally reaches the top of the food chain, it’s likely he feels that he is constantly under scrutiny by those waiting for any sign of weakness to usurp him (who, based on his neutral evil beliefs, inevitably exist. he even somewhat confirms this himself through the act of taking cazador’s place). i think this ties into the comments by the writers of how ascension confirms his fears, meaning he is forever trapped in his egoist views of the world and in a constant battle to protect his status— in lieu of learning to change or embrace what he perceives as ‘weak’ through the unascended ending.
The Source of this Mentality
there are some ideas that he sees the world this way because of cazador. this may be the case— but it is worth noting that he also expressed neutral evil traits before being bitten as well (e.g, using his position of power as a magistrate in a self-serving way and expecting others to obey laws while not holding himself to the same standard), so it is not unlikely that he already had this mindset and then it was heavily enforced by cazador.
Character Development
of course, as the game goes on, he seems to gradually loosen up on what he approves of vs doesn’t. he has occasional slip-ups with things he should consider ‘weak’— one of the most prevalent cases of this being his attitude towards children, who are, ironically, the purest example of the weak and needy (e.g, he approves of you playing with oliver [as long as you win], saving vanra from auntie ethel/comforting her after, feeding/giving gold to yenna, and helping mol win the chess game).
(possible headcanon territory) considering that he does not see children as a threat, he may not have the same worries in regards to helping them, if we circle back to the fear of aiding those who will eventually turn against him.
In Conclusion
he’s not a perfect neutral evil character (it would be incredibly restrictive if he was), but his writing does seem to refer to many of these guidelines, and i think it’s a helpful tool in better understanding him.
that’s all for now.
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ransprang · 2 years
Kukulkan x history teacher! reader
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You had studied so hard to finally live your dream. You taught History in a boarding school by the cliff, near the great open seas. The chirping of the sea gulls, swaying meadows, and the sound of the church bell nearby added to your peace. Everyday morning, you would wake up and prepare your syllabus for the day, you lived in a neat little room in the rustic staff quarters with a sea view. Your life was perfect, almost magical.
Another routine day, you compiled all your files and left for class. As the bell echoed across the hallways of the school, you could hear the soft waves crash against the cliff in the distance. You walked in your classroom and greeted the students, “Good morning everyone, today we will pack our bags and go for a short walk down to the coast”. You loved teaching kids out in the open, the room itself just never sufficed for sharing knowledge. All the kids clammered to gather their belongings, and getting into a single file. You led the way to the coast beneath the white cliffs.
Today's lesson was Captain Avery’s story, “you screamed Ahoy mateys! Let’s dive into the lesson…” the kids screamed “AHOYY” back at you in their chirpy voices. You spoke for about an hour before letting the kids take a break by playing at the beach. They went over and under the waves discussing their newly taught lesson and you joined in, making sure everyone was safe.
While swimming, you saw a beautiful bluish gold ornament. You reached out for it, as it got pulled away by a receding current. You swam a bit harder and finally got a hold of it. You brought it back to the shore and signaled the students to come out. You continued the history lesson back in the classroom but now you were keen to go back and discover this new piece of jewellery you had found.
That day you rushed back to your room to study this artifact, you brought out all your history books and research papers and went at it. After pulling an all-nighter your eyes finally shone with excitement. As you put the necklace out in the rays of the morning sun, it reflected vibranium. It glowed. How did you miss that?
This piece was from Talokan. You had heard about this empire of Mayans and their god Kukulkan, but did all that mythology exist? How was this ornament simply floating around? So many questions fogged your mind. But, you were determined. When the school holidays approached you spent your time in the library hiding this little secret from everyone, researching for several days.
You returned to class after the holidays with a renewed spirit and loads of new things to share! You liked giving knowledge outside of the syllabus, after all sharing is caring! You started off the first class of the semester with the mayapan history and their gods. You gave a brief introduction to Kukulkan and his powers. You decided to keep the necklace a secret but went ahead to draw and describe it. The kids loved your lesson.
During recess all the teachers could hear them talk about your class and one of the kid even declared himself to be Kukulkan and his friends the Mayans. Everyone was having a lot of fun, until a few weeks later. On a Saturday morning you heard a knock on your door, but as you opened it there was nobody. You thought nothing much of it. After a few minutes you heard the knocking again, and once again it was no one. You were beginning to get worried.
As you completed some admin work by your desk facing the window suddenly a blue human like creature broke the window pane and stepped on your table. You screamed, he was built up, he wore a water mask and was wearing similar ornaments as the one you had found. You screamed and fell back onto the floor, you dragged yourself back to the edge of the wall behind as he slowly took steps towards you. He spoke in a mysterious language you could not understand but when he held his hand out you had your suspicions, that it was to collect the necklace. You had a habit of keeping it in your pocket, so you held onto it with your life and ran.
You ran aimlessly and found yourself running by the edge of the cliff. The wind was blowing hard, and as this blue person drew closer, you had a moment to contemplate. Your eyes widened at the realization, you heart was beating fast. This was a Mayan, he was here to take the necklace back to whoever it belonged to. This was your biggest discovery how could you let it go so easily?
You ran for your life but he was fast, chasing you down the cliff side, in a sudden hasteful movement your ankle twisted, making you tip directly off the edge. You fell with your eyes closed, a tear dripping from the side of your eye. You felt the arms of the person chasing you wrap around and dive into the ocean beneath. You opened your eyes in shock and pain from the water threatening to enter your lungs. Eventually, you became unconscious, unaware of your surroundings.
You woke up again by the shore near the school you taught at. The ornament was missing, they took it back. Your heart wrenched, you wanted to see more, learn more. Curiosity stronger than gratefulness of being alive. With a sinking feeling you went back to your room.
Life went on, the incident had drove you to the verge of insanity. Your focus was telling as many people about the existence of Talokan and the Mayans, undeniably starting from your own students. Your deviation from syllabus was enough for the school authorities to step in to have a word with you. “YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! I saw them with my own eyes, the kids need to know. Everyone does” you cried to the panel before you, over the next year, you had began writing emails to the marine life authorities and anyone who was relevant.
As the summer holidays approached again, you had already spent most of your free time swimming in the sea over the year. Standing by the shore alone staring into the distance hoping to catch a glimpse. This time you arranged for a boat, you didn’t have a license to drive it, but fueled it by with your passion. You managed to figure out the mechanics enough to take you far and deep into the blue ocean. You stayed there for a bit before screaming “KUKULKAN!” You were all alone. “I know you’re here, I can feel it”, “KUKULKAN…!” You screamed loudly with tears again.
To your dismay no one came forth, you had failed again. You sat in the boat and looked up at the darkening skies, a storm was about to ensue. You had no faith in life, that incident had shaken you up, plus you didn’t have any intention of going back to the shore. At least, not for now. A part of you wanted to be swallowed by the ocean in this storm. You closed your eyes and patiently waited to be capsized. The winds were blowing fast, the waves got bigger. Water had began seeping into your boat and thunders lightened the sky.
Your hair stood up, you could feel the static. The instant realization dawned upon you. Lightening was about to strike your head. As your survival instincts kicked in you began looking for a place to cover yourself, but, it was an open boat in the deep ocean, no where to hide. You were about to die.
As the lightening struck, you felt yourself shake and scream. Just then, you were in someone’s arms, floating above the sea close to the waves. You could hear feathers flapping, and his arms strong and hands rough. The man was wet from the ocean, his hair dripping water. He wore turquoise, blue and gold ornaments all over his body. You noticed the wings on his feet, you instantly knew it was Kukulkan.
You hugged him tightly, resting your face over his shoulder as he flew horizontally over the big waves and through the storm. Tears began forming in your eyes. He came, why did he listen to you? He was flying fast, you both were drenched in the rain water. With one swoop he dropped you at the shore of a nearby island. He kept you down on your feet as he stood before you in his majestic stance. You were mesmerized by how accurately the ancients described him. Honey brown skin, dark hair and deep brown eyes, he was beautiful.
He spoke in a heavy accent, “you called for me…” his eyebrow slightly raised. He seemed slightly impressed at your dedication to the people of Talokan, but he had to step in. You were reaching far and wide, looking for anyone believed you. This brought his kingdom under threat. “Thank you for saving me….thank you…for listening to me”, you said breaking down. A warm feeling rose in your chest, you had idealized Kukulkan for so long you seemed to have began loving him in your mind and fantasies. He seemed to understand that, but he was a 600 year old god. There was nothing he hadn’t already seen. He had loved before, and he had lost them all before. The pain from the fragile life span of his lovers had dulled his feelings.
He kept a firm hand on your cheek, he was strong, but there was pain in his eyes. “I want you to forget about Talokan, the dangers of other nations attacking us is too strong. The pain is hard. I know. You must let go before you get yourself in trouble.” As he turned around to leave, you ran and hugged him from the back. “Please take me with you, you know I won’t be the same…” he stopped. Turning around he wrapped his arms around you taking you into his embrace.
You both stayed that way for a while, as he pulled away and took off his necklace. You noticed it was the one you found a year ago, as he gently tied it around your neck. “It suits you” , he said in his deep voice, you gave him a smile. Looking into his eyes your body instinctively tip toed as you put your lips on his. The moment was magical, as the rain droplets fell upon you two, the high tide crashed onto the shore with wet sand. Both your hearts beating against each other.
Kukulkan melted and his arms around you got tighter. He was kissing you with all his heart. You felt his love. Digging your nails into his back you pulled him closer till there was no space between you two. You both became one for a few moments, with tongues tangled. You finally pulled away to catch your breath. Kukulkan's eyes slowly opened, as he moved one of his arms from your lower back to your head, intertwining his fingers with your locks. The fear of losing someone had kept him away from loving for years now. How could he let himself become so weak? He broke a piece of Vibranium from his bracelet, the size of a small pill. Putting it in his palm - “eat it, if you want to go far away” you didn’t think twice and swallowed.
You spent the rest of your life next to the man of your dreams, of your fantasies, the man who drove you insane without ever meeting you. In the end you gave the strength to feel again.
Your Vibranium,
Admin Sav
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cozzzynook · 1 month
Turbo Fox Preceptor and Roddy Idea but with Angst
Preceptor ran as fast as his paws could carry him, dodging and weaving through twisted branches and traps set by the Enforces who were hunting him. A sharp jolt of pain shot through the red turbo fox causing him to lose his footing making him stumble and fall, his helm had barely stopped spinning before a net was thrown over him trapping the turbo fox. The Enforces laughed mocking him before they roughly shoved the carrying fox into a small cage before taking him to a dark strange van.
Hours passed before Percy was able to see a slither of light again, with a low growl as he snapped at the strange bots who picked up his cage before moving him into a strange looking kennel. Percy crept slowly into the cold cell sniffing the air before flopping into make shift nest, the pain only grew worse with each passing moment. This is not how Percy wanted to his pups to see the world...they should have been safe inside a warm den not a freezing prison. A soft little cry followed by gentle nuzzling broke Percy out of his trance, with gentle licks the red turbo fox carefully cleaned his tiny red and gold pup who was slowly crawling towards his carrier's belly seeking warmth. Preceptor gazed lovely at his pup feeling pride fill his spark as he carefully coiled himself around the tiny frame. "I promise you, I'll find a way out for us my little fire" Percy whispered before drifting off to sleep.
A month passes before Preceptor is able to find a possible way out. He has memorised the patrol pattens of the guards who come by every morning and evening to drop off rations before heading into their office to watch the cameras. If he is able to grab the keys and slip by the cameras with Hot Rod it will be a clean break. Meanwhile Roddy is busy chewing a hole into his new bedding unaware of his carrier's scheming, "Carrier, I'm bored...Isn't there anything better to do than stare at the same 4 walls all day?" The little pup trotted up to sit next to his Carrier fuzz still coating his muzzle. With a soft smile and a gentle lick the red fox gave a sigh before wrapping his tail around his bitty. "Hopefully you'll get to see the sun soon my little fire...soon I promise" Percy glanced back at the main door before nudging his bitty to take a nap.
It was late into the night when Preceptor had carefully unlocked the door, a quick glance down the halls making sure the coast was clear before he carefully picked up Roddy by his scruff. Quickly and quietly he trotted down the hall before slipping into one of the air vents that lead to the outside. Everything was going well until the sound of angry voices and footsteps grew closer, with a panicked yelp Percy dropped Hot Rod before nudging the bitty to run towards a dark alleyway "Run Hot Rod! Don't look back and keep going!" With a whimper the little pup ran as fast as his paws could go. Halfway Roddy suddenly heard a loud bang followed by a sharp cry that sounded like his carrier, with shut optics he ran faster before diving behind some boxes in the alley. Hot Rod sat hidden waiting, hope and wishing his Carrier would come looking...but he never did. With a tired sigh the young fox crept out of hiding spot and began trotting down the streets unsure where he was going, he kept walking until he bumped into the legs of a gruff looking mech with teal blue paint. "Well ain't you a little young to be away from your pack kid?" The old mech grumbled as he kneeled down to look the turbo fox in the optic. Roddy gave a whimper before shaking his head, the old mech sighed before petting the pup's helm "I see, Don't worry kid...old Kup will look after yer now" The mech smiled before scouping the pup in his arms "You got a name kid?" Roddy gave small smile before wagging his tail before answering "Hot Rod" The gruff mech smiled as they walked further down the street towards some apartments. "Well Hot Rod, welcome to the wreckers kid...we'll make sure yer well taken care of now"
(Hope you enjoyed, I wanted to give a bittersweet ending with a twist on how Roddy became a wrecker in this little AU) :D
Krilslfj 😭😭😭😭
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Does Your Mother Know?
Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell x Reader
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Description: You've always been a wanderer - wild of spirit and wild at heart. It figures that you marry a wanderer yourself. So when the two of you are finally in the same place, you capitalize on the opportunity. It doesn't help, though, that all of your husband's aviators seem intent on flirting with you. So you have fun with them.
Warnings: None. This is just cute. Mentioned Hannix
Word Count: 2539
A/N: This is another Discord fueled thought. This time, it's brought to you by ABBA and the movie Mamma Mia! It's a cute (I think so anyways) fic about how the Daggers find out Mav is married!
Also when did Maverick enter my Masterlist?
AO3: Cross-posted Here!
My Masterlist
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It's a hot summer night in San Diego. The Hard Deck's got all of the windows and doors open and you're quite content to sip on the colorful cocktail in front of you while you watch the Naval Aviators swan about. You've been coming to the Hard Deck since before Penny bought the place, enjoying the low-key dive bar charm of the place. San Diego’s always been home for you, no matter where your life and career take you.
You love going to bars, really you do. But after months away on a book tour, right now your favorite place for a drink is in your house with your legs thrown over your husband's lap. He makes the best margaritas and you're a simple woman. He's really all you need. Isn't that a jarring realization? Your younger self would be calling you boring right now. You'd spent most of your twenties, thirties, and the better part of your forties jet setting around the world. When your friends were getting married and having kids, you were volunteering in the Serengeti or writing a book in Paris. Sure you've had your fair share of flings, but you never expected to find anyone you'd want to spend the rest of your life with.
Then an aviator with a heart of gold and an ass perpetually on fire laid a line on you in a dingy bar in Italy where you were trying desperately to finish the next chapter of a book for your publisher. Pete took your breath away with just a few words and you found yourself in a committed relationship for the first time in years. It had been a little disjointed, your relationship bouncing from coast to coast as the two of you snatched the odd moments together. In truth, you loved that Pete was as free roaming as you were. So the two of you made it work. You didn't even need to think to agree to marrying him when he popped the question a year into your relationship. 
Nearly four years of marriage later, and your husband is still the sexiest man you've ever met, even when he's driving you crazy by pulling crazy maneuvers strapped into the cockpit of a plane. Which is what relocated the both of you to San Diego a few months ago. He'd been at a top secret site out of China Island for a while, doing something he couldn’t tell you about. You didn't care so long as he was safe.
When everything went down with first the Darkstar (which you're not supposed to officially know about) and then the Uranium Mission (also something you shouldn't know) shortly after, you put your foot down. It had been too close to losing the love of your life. That's what Pete is. Even though he's 15 years older than you, he's your heart and soul. This time when the promotion came across his desk, Pete had taken it, you know, more so for your sake than his own. So you finally settled back in San Diego, making the house Pete bought in the 90s a home and enjoying having Pete around permanently. 
The permanent station had also meant getting to know Pete's squad. But with book signings and your book tour right after the Uranium Mission, you never got the chance. At least, that is, until tonight. You're still a bit tired, as you've only been home for a couple of days. But Pete had been dragged out for drinks with his squadron, his kids really, and you promised you would meet him at the Hard Deck so you could meet them. You've only met one of his aviators before and that's because you have his life in pictures in a photo album and in Pete's hangar in the Mojave. Bradley’s his kid, so of course you’ve met him.
Pete had told you he'd find you in an hour. It's been a bit longer than that, so you start to look for him in the crush. You’re not the tallest woman in the world, and honestly, neither is your husband the tallest man. You like to joke that he’s perfectly sized for you just as you are for him. Penny's rushed off her feet at the bar, so you can’t even ask her if she’s seen him. So you decide to give it a few minutes before you try again. Just as you settle back down into your bar stool, a body muscles up to the bar next to you. You brace yourself for the inevitable line this young man is going to lay on you.
"Penny, m'dear? Can I get another Stella for myself and a second of whatever the pretty lady is drinking?" That's a Texan twang if ever there was one. This must be the irascible Hangman. You sneak a look at him from over the rim of your cocktail glass and wait to see if he's going to bite at an older woman looking at him. To his credit, he doesn't recoil at all. You smile at Penny when she quirks an eyebrow in his direction as she drops the drinks off. You make a shoo-ing motion with your fingers and settle in for the ride.
"So…" He's smiling sunnily at you, every inch of those pearly whites bared at you. "What brings a gorgeous lady like you to a bar like this?"
You snicker a little at the compliment. Oh, if only he knew. "I've been coming to the Hard Deck for years, kid."
He barely flinches at your nickname for him, continuing to flirt shamelessly as you sip on your drink. You reach your limit when he puts a hand on your thigh. You push it away before drawing the straw between your red lips. If there's one thing your age has taught you, it's how to wear lipstick that stays put. Looking at this flirtatious young thing, a classic song comes to mind.
"You're so hot, teasing me. So you're blue, but I can't take a chance on a kid like you. It's something I couldn't do."
You place one manicured hand against his stomach, lightly tracing your fingers over the rigid muscles.
"There's that look in your eyes. I can read in your face, that your feelings are driving you wild. Oh, but boy, you're only a child." With every word that drops from your lips, you lean closer. You can see him flush darker until he gulps.
To his credit, he doesn't quit though, "So does that mean I have a chance?"
"Well I can dance with you honey, if you think it's funny. But does your mother know that you're out?"
He chuckles awkwardly before turning tail and running away. He starts up a flustered conversation and you see Pete's entire squadron face you while you're sitting at the bar. You give them a cheeky wave and a wink and that's when you see them make the plot to try seducing you. What else could it be?
The next aviators to come up to you certainly are a gorgeous duo. Payback and Coyote if you remember correctly from the last pictures Pete had shown you. If you were about 20 years younger you'd be all over them, but no. Now, Pete's the only man for you. Even so, it's flattering all the same as Payback approaches you first to lay on lines about how you're a class above any other girl in the bar. It's true, you are, if only because you're completely besotted by a man who is a class above any and all of the kids swarming the place.
Your voice is playful and flirty as you respond. "I can chat with you baby, flirt a little maybe. But, does your mother know that you're out?"
He gives up at your coolly amused tone, retreating back to his friends avidly watching the show.
Coyote takes it a step even further, leading you onto the dance floor. You're happy Pete has your phone and wallet because you won't be leaving them on the bar. He's a good dancer, Coyote is. At least until he starts pushing in even closer to you. You tip your head up seductively, and purr into his ear, "Take it easy. Take it easy, better slow down, boy. That's no way to go. Does your mother know? Take it easy. Take it easy, try to cool it, boy. Play it nice and slow. Does your mother know?"
You're not expecting him to blanche outright at your words, though. Of course, when you turn to face the aviators, you see Pete in their midst, horribly unhappy and glaring at Coyote with the entire weight of his disapproval. You just wink at him and grin when he gets the point, smirking at you having your fun.
When you move back to the bar for a soda, it's Fanboy who walks up to the bar to shoot his shot. These young aviators. You'd despair of them if you didn't know their type so intimately by now. When they make a bet, they have to win. Fanboy's tactic is to be seductive in Spanish, trying and failing to ply you with sweet nothings. You drag your eyes up and down, smiling. He's really a cutie. But not your type. 
"I can see what you want, but you seem pretty young, to be searching for that kind of fun. So maybe I'm not the one." Your voice is amused as you trail your fingers teasingly down his cheek before sending him away with a pat on his ass.
The aviators cheer when he joins them. Of all the men, only one is left, the sweetheart wearing glasses you know has to be Bob. He takes the most encouragement before he carefully makes his way up to you.
“I’m sorry about them, ma’am.” He’s really very cute. He blushes all the way to his ears when you grin at him. For Bob alone, you make a concession, tugging him close, kissing his cheek so it leaves a crimson lip print before murmuring into his ear, “Now you're so cute, I like your style and I know what you mean when you give me a flash of that smile. Oh, but boy, you're only a child.”
You drag Bob out onto the dance floor, smiling as he stumbles over his feet as you dance with him. He’s even hesitant to set his hands on your waist. You take mercy on him and leave him by the pool table. The others are giving him impressed looks as you move back to your empty bar stool. That's when you see Bradley finally make his way to the pool tables. He’s dressed in his traditional uniform of jeans shorts and open Hawaiian shirt over a white tank. You watch Bradley’s eyes light up as he adds his money to the pot Pete’s standing guard dog over and stands by his side waiting for whoever is left to go.
The only aviator other than your de facto step-son left to try flirting with you is the sole female in the group. The incandescent firebird herself. If there is an aviator that both Bradley and Pete both love to chat to you about, it’s Phoenix. You can see the way she changes her entire posture within a few steps. When she loosens her hair from its bun, you know it’s not Natasha Trace who walks up to you, it’s Phoenix. She’s smiling seductively and you grin fondly at the younger woman. The first thing she does is flag Penny down.
“Hey, Penny!” She’s smiling sweetly.
“Hey, Natasha!” Penny exchanges a look with you as you sip on your cocktail.
“Can I get twenty-four shots of tequila please?” You wince at the thought, having had too many tequila hangovers during your youth.
“Are you sure, Natasha?” Penny’s eyebrows are sky high as she lays the shots down on a tray. But while you’re expecting her to carry the tray back to the pool tables, she stops and downs one shot, then two, then three. That’s when you stop her with a hand on her forearm.
“Whoa, there. Take it easy. Take it easy. Better slow down, girl. That's no way to go.” You push a glass of water to the younger woman. But she just smiles at you stubbornly and downs another shot.
“Nope. M’not stopping. Not until you give me your phone number.” She downs one more, and you wrap an arm around her waist.
“Take it easy. Take it easy. Try to cool it, girl. Play it nice and slow.” You grab the tray in your other hand and stagger her over to where Bob is waiting with a pulled out chair. You leave Phoenix there and turn towards the final pilot to try to seduce you. 
“What about you, kiddo? D’you want to try too? Or should I name the winner of your bet?” 
Bradley’s smirking at you.
“Dance with me?” He proffers a hand to you as the jukebox begins to play the same song you’ve had running through your head all night. The first thrumming beats of bass send your blood racing. You grin as Bradley leads you into a whirling dance, nearly rushing you off your feet. When the song runs out, he wraps an arm around your shoulder and leads you back over to the pool tables.
“So, who won, ma’am?” You grin at Hangman. “Hey, Brad! Does your mother know that you’re out?”
“Well, seeing as how you’re my godmother and you’re standing right there, I guess she does.” You can’t resist cracking up at the gobsmacked look on the aviators’ faces as they look between you and Bradley like you’ve grown a few extra heads. Pete presses a kiss to your forehead and tugs you close. You peck his lips and rest your left hand against his chest. That’s when Phoenix finally sees the wedding ring.
“Bagman, seriously?!” She’s fuming. “You started this whole-ass bet not noticing that she was married?” She staggers up out of her chair and smacks at his chest weakly. You can’t resist your smile as the bigger man wraps her up in his arms and she goes willingly.
“Pretty sure they’re head over heels for each other.” You whisper that into your husband’s ear grinning at the fond smile Hangman gives Phoenix as he sets her back into the chair and presses water into her hands. This time, you note amusedly, the stubborn little thing actually begins dutifully sipping from the tall glass.
“How do you know, Mrs. Mitchell?” You grin. “Why, Admiral Mitchell, don’t you know? That’s how you look at me, and how I look at you.”
He drags you into a chaste kiss and introduces you officially to his squadron. Bradley’s busy pocketing the cash and you know that you’ve just as easily adopted six more aviators, like your husband had and like you had an inkling you would. So much for any more boring nights. You’ll count yourself lucky if you don’t have to post bail for Pete and one or more of the kids ever again. Though you wouldn't bet on it.
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@desert-fern 📻 @mayhemmanaged 📻@roostette 📻 @roosterforme 📻 @dakotakazansky 📻 @cassiemitchell 📻 @thedroneranger 📻 @cherrycola27 📻 @chaoticassidy 📻 @genius2050 📻@sarahsmi13s 📻 @lovinglyeternal 📻 @bobby-r2d2-floyd 📻 @roosters-girl 📻 @disturbedbeautywrites 📻
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