#going to be ranking all music from here on out based on how closely it resembles a splatoon track btw. this one is pretty up there
mudzdale · 2 years
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siconetribal · 3 months
Beyond the Bookshelves (6)
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Mischief fails, Tricks on you, When you realize what you did wrong
Summary: You’re a Resource Management Specialist at S.H.I.E.L.D. normally referred to as “The Librarian”. You’ve been assigned the nightmarish task of digitizing all the physical resources currently owned by the agency, with a few new computers and one extra helper.
Please comment/like/reblog. If you’d like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know! (If I missed ant tags, please let me know, I'll add you right away!)
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
If you’re new to the story, please check out the master post for the rest of the chapters.
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To say he was unamused was an understatement. Four days have gone by since the incident in the library. A complete 96 hours of him not being allowed entry into the one sanctuary he has in this tower. 5,760 minutes since he last held the book he was supposed to be reading but has been forced to leave incomplete due to one person. The Librarian; he seethed at the thought of the young woman. I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong, and she dares to keep me from the library?
Though the dismissal by the Librarian was abrupt and rude, he hardly took it as something serious and proceeded to the library the very next day. That was where the trouble began. No matter how he tapped or swiped, the same red light flashed on the panel. After the seventh attempt, he let out a sigh of frustration and nearly threw the rectangular piece of plastic at the door.
“Jarvis, what is the meaning of this?” Loki demanded.
“Please clarify,” the computer voice responded.
“Why am I unable to enter the library?”
“Because your key card is blocked from accessing the library.”
“And why is that?” He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. This must be a mistake. I have frequented the library every day. I’ll inform the metal man of his ‘precious’ computer system’s error.
“Loki, the second prince of Asgard and Avenger, is forbidden from entering the library until cleared by Director Y/LN, the Librarian, as of yesterday evening. You are unable to access this portion of the facility until further notice.” The second prince of Asgard silently blinked as his brain took a moment to process what was just said. 
“What did you say?” He glared at the camera that watched the entry. The computer repeated the restriction details verbatim. “Preposterous, why would I be banned from the library? I command you to remove this ludicrous restriction, immediately.”
“Unable to authorize override. A higher level of clearance is required.”
“What do you mean a ‘higher level of clearance’? What level is there higher than a prince? A literal god in your realm?” He glared at the security camera above the door. A low growl rumbled in the base of his throat, his hands balled into tight fists.
“Though you are a prince, your status does not allow you the authority above the person who instated the rule. Director Y/LN is of higher rank than you, who has Avenger status.” The insipid tone of the computer was salt to his wounded pride. A mere Midgardian who minded the books was above him? The sound of footsteps quickly quelled his ire and he left, he would try again another day. The silly order would be gone by tomorrow. Or so he thought. Here he was four days later and still denied access to the library. The same red light and same monotonous warning played each and every time.
“Perhaps I should try going in with someone else? But who?” He muttered to himself, tapping a finger against his lips.
“Loki, is everything ok?” He turned at the voice. A sound once utterly dreadful was now music to his ears. He would risk his sanity for a chance to step through those doors once more.
“Captain, err, Captain, you really are a sight for sore eyes. You see, I’ve misplaced my key card, and I wasn’t sure how else I would be able to enter the library.”
“Lost your key card? That isn’t good, you should let security know right away. You don’t want it to fall in the wrong hands. I’ll let you in with mine, but you have to promise me you’ll handle the matter right away.” He raised his card as proof as he sternly looked at the trickster god.
“Of course, I wouldn’t want to cause unnecessary trouble for the Avengers who so graciously given me the chance to mend my image and prove myself. You have my word to have the matter resoled quickly.”
“Good,” Steve nodded his head before tapping his card on the panel.
“Welcome, Captain Rogers.” The doors slowly swing open, revealing the glorious sight of the towering shelves in ample lighting. Loki quickly followed in behind him, his heart swelling at the majestic sight.
“Good afternoon, how can I help you today?” The sound of her voice sent ice through his veins, the warmth quickly replaced. He needed to hide, but he was taller than Steve. Her sharp gaze pinned him to the spot. “Captain Rogers, I see you brought a guest with you. Please tell him to leave the library at once and use his own key to swipe himself in.”
“He’s having trouble getting in, Y/N. He lost his key card and couldn’t enter. You know Loki likes to read, could you let him pass this one time? For my sake?”
“The rules are the rules. All who pass through those doors must be registered in the system on entry and exit. You know it’s for security reasons. I can’t play favorites to one person and could lose my job if word got out that I’m letting people bypass protocol.” She firmly countered. Her gaze was sharp, unwavering. They were emotionless, which contrasted the charged words. Loki could not help but find himself ensnared by those eyes.
“I didn’t consider that, I’m sorry.” Steve lightly bowed his head to her before turning to Loki. “You heard her. Looks like you’ll need to get a new key card first.” The weight of the gloved hand snapped Loki out of his little daze.
“Yes, I suppose.” Loki mumbled his response, his focus never shifting from the young woman behind the desk. “Thank you for your assistance.” He forced himself to turn and break away first, leaving the library for the day.
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A week’s worth of time ticked by since that day, each attempt of his thwarted in someway by the system or her.
Enough is enough! I’ve played by their little rules and look where it’s gotten me. I’ll do this my way. He pushed off the arms of the chair, using the momentum to quickly exit the lounge area that was set up for the Avengers. Just as the door opened, Loki vanished into thin air and reappeared within the walls of the library. A smug smirk pulled at his lips as he tugged at his shirt. I should’ve done this from the start. He strode towards the unmanned front desk when an alarm blared above.
“Warning, you are in violation of your revoked privileges. Please leave the library at once. Failure to do so will lead to forceful expulsion. Warning, you are in violation of your revoked privileges. Please leave the library at once. Failure to do so will lead to forceful expulsion.” The computer voice loudly repeated, startling the god of mischief. He quickly stepped out through the doors, the alarm and warning ceasing immediately. 
Perhaps I should have landed elsewhere in the library. There are obviously more cameras within the entryway. He vanished once more and reappeared next to his usual seat. There, waiting on the table, was the book he was reading. Smiling, he grabbed the book and settled into the couch when the alarms began once again. 
Warning, you are in violation of your revoked privileges. Please leave the library at once. Failure to do so will lead to forceful expulsion. Warning, you are in violation of your revoked privileges. Please leave the library at once. Failure to do so will lead to forceful expulsion.” 
“By Odin’s beard,” he slammed the book down on the table as he stood up from his seat. “How does a computer intend to forcefully remove me?!” He argued.
“You have ten minutes to leave before security is summoned.”
Of course, he gritted his teeth in frustration before vanishing from the library once more. “What reason does she have to ban me in such a humiliating manner? What wrong have I done? Absolutely nothing, that’s what!” He kicked the stool that was in his way as he walked over to the kitchenette to make himself some tea. It was his seventh cup today since he had no other means of relaxing, and he was stressed to the heaves because of this unwarranted restriction.
“Brother, is everything alright?” Thor’s voice came from his left. He watched his younger sibling suddenly appear in the lounge and instantly knew he was in a sour mood. The assault on the stool only confirmed what the deep set scowl on his face gave away. Loki waved him off dismissively at first, heavily sighing. “Clearly something is bothering you. You’ve attacked a completely harmless piece of furniture that was hardly in your way for getting tea.” He pointed to the toppled piece laying on its side.
The younger prince was ready to insist that nothing was the matter, but the words failed to come out. The look of anger and hurt in those open and expressive eyes haunted him since that fateful day. Perhaps Thor was the best person to ask. He’s friendly with them, and she seems to have taken a liking to him. “I am having a slight issue with that librarian we are to work with. She has forbidden me from entering the library. Do you know why that could be?”
“Why, I wouldn’t have the faintest idea! She hardly seems the time to do that unwarranted, perhaps your sharp tongue has gotten you into a spot of trouble once more? What did you say to her?” He took a sip of his coffee and Loki scoffed.
“I barely said three proper sentences to her before she threw me out over whatever she concocted in that troubled mind of hers!” 
“Loki, a woman scorned, is not to be taken lightly. Perhaps there was a misunderstanding when you tried to explain why you were unable to keep your promise?”
“Unable to keep my promise, what promise?” Loki frowned, but said nothing to let Thor continue. He watched his older brother’s eyes nearly pop out of his head as he set his mug on the table.
“You promised to meet with her after training the day we met with her. Our session ran longer than anticipated and the time to meet was missed. Loki, did you not apologize to her?” Thor nervously eyed him, hoping he was wrong. Loki’s posture went rigid and his eyebrows shot upwards.
Is that what she meant?! I completely forgot I made such a promise. Norns, it’s not what I said, it’s what I hadn’t said! “It seems that detail slipped my mind.” He mumbled, turning back to his tea, stirring the sugar he added.
“Quite the detail to forget. My advice is you try to speak with her and clear the confusion. She needs our assistance, and we promised it to her. If you can’t go in, why not call her?”
“Do you have her number?” Thor shook his head. “Neither do I.”
 “Then send an email? She did reach out to us through there initially.”
“An email,” he wrinkled his nose at the suggestion. Though the technology was astounding, it was troublesome. But what other choice do I have? “I’ll consider it.”
“Do not wait too long, you may lose your chance. Take it from me, I’ve learned through my arguments with Jane that sometimes swifter actions are better than waiting it out. With that, I must take my leave. I have a meeting with my mission team.” He downed the last of his coffee and left, the room growing quiet and spacious without the larger than life first prince.
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Tags: @vbecker10 @huntress-artemiss @softestqueeen @thegodofnotknowing @princess-ofthe-pages @firedrakegirl @rcailleachcola @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lotrefcp @lwtannie @jainaeatsstars @msdjsg7 @tom-hlover @kneelingformyloki @gruftiela @gigglingtiggerv2 @kats72 @mischief2sarawr
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simpforrooster · 2 years
i’ll let you know tomorrow.
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pete ‘maverick’ mitchell x f!reader
summary: maverick is enamored with a new lady at the bar. turns out rooster talked mav up earlier.
t/w: brief mention of an age gap, alcohol, cursing maybe?
“Hey Mav, you got a little drool,” Hangman tells him, gesturing to his mouth with his beer bottle.
Maverick knew he was staring. He just didn’t realize how obvious he was being about it. The moment you stepped into the bar, Maverick was gone. He hasn’t been able to take his eyes off you.
Rooster follows his godfather’s gaze, smiling upon seeing you. He’d met you earlier, a new computer engineer on base. Rooster knew Maverick would insta-fall in love with you.
You were absolutely Maverick’s type. So much so that Rooster didn’t think he’d be able to utter a word to you. He’d never seen his godfather so speechless. The man was practically undressing you with his eyes.
“Are you going to go talk to her? or just stare like a creep?” rooster asks.
maverick runs a hand over his face, about to accept defeat. “I don't even know what I'd say to her.”
Hangman rolls his eyes. “Grow a pair, Pops. I just might beat you to her.” Mischief dances in Hangman’s eyes, like he knew all Mav needed was a little competition.
Maverick meets Rooster’s eyes. “Maybe she’s lost that lovin’ feelin’?”
“Oh no, she hasn’t.” Rooster vehemently shakes his head, backing up from his godfather. Roos heard the story time and again from his mom. Ice shared it with her shortly after Goose’s death, hoping it would bring a smile to her face.
It did.
“Come on, your old man used to back me up. Now it’s your turn.”
Maverick hadn’t used this tactic on a lady since Charlie. It felt pretty sacred to her, and Nick. He wasn’t sure if he kept it filed away for so long for her sake, or Nick’s. With Rooster standing here, and Charlie happily married in D.C. he thought, what the fuck?
“We gotta help her find it,” Maverick pleads, praying Rooster caves before someone like Hangman steals her away.
Maverick gives Rooster his best pleading eyes. He has no idea who that girl is, but he can’t let her get away. He can’t bear to see Hangman with her.
Rooster throws back the remainder of his beer, silently conceding. Maverick jumps into the plan, effortlessly explaining everything as if he does this all the time.
As Maverick and Rooster perform for you, Mav immediately takes note of the pretty flush that dusts your cheeks. He wonders how many other ways he could make you blush. Catching Rooster’s eyes, Mav sees a ghost. For a brief moment, Maverick isn’t performing this schtick with Rooster, but rather his father. Bradley looked a lot like Carole when he was younger, but as he’s grown up, he’s Nick Bradshaw made over.
After the last note, Maverick holds your eyes, raising a brow. The smirk you grant him makes him weak in the knees as you pat the empty barstool to your left. Maverick smiles thanks to Rooster and Rooster retreats to the pool tables.
Up close, Maverick sees you’re much younger than he thought. Maybe even younger than Rooster. You don’t seem to mind though, Maverick taking note of how your body angles more toward him. He also notices the cocktail in front of you.
At least 21.
“You must do that all the time to have it so perfected,” you tease. Mav takes a swig of his beer, quickly glancing at the dagger squad. Rooster shoots him a thumbs up, while Coyote and Hangman make obscene gestures. He’ll have the two of them pay for that, of course.
“Ah, nah. This is only the third time. First two weren’t very successful,” Maverick tells you, following your lead by leaning a little closer to you. He figures he can blame the loud music for needing to invade your bubble.
“How’s this one going?” you ask.
“I’ll let you know tomorrow morning, but it’s looking pretty good so far.” He fixes you with the cocky smile of the 24 year old who last uttered the line.
“Is that right, Captain?” you quip. Mav’s eyebrow quirks in surprise that you know his rank.
“Your son told me all about you this afternoon during our meeting,” you gesture toward the squad.
Bradley referred to himself as Pete’s son. The feeling in his stomach almost rivaled the one you cause, your eyes silently begging for Maverick to get you out of this bar.
a/n: i recently watched the first top gun and melt every time mav tells charlie he will let her know in the morning. ugh. obsessed. had to write this.
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gwendolynlerman · 9 months
Things that surprised me as a European tourist in the United States
This is based on my experience as a Spaniard traveling to the United States (specifically New York City and Washington, D. C.).
Like many people around the world, I have grown up in contact with U.S. culture through literature, film, and music, so I didn't experience much cultural shock, but some things still surprised me.
All vehicles (cars, trucks, school buses...) are huge! Most cars are pickup trucks or SUVs. The most common brands came from the United States, but I also saw many Japanese cars, especially Nissan and Toyota (mostly Prius, USAmericans seem to love this model 😂).
Customer service is great, not only in restaurants or places where one is expected to leave a tip but also in museums and subway stations.
I heard many different languages spoken by locals, including Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish, as well as European languages spoken by tourists, such as French, German, and Portuguese. (I think that this is mostly the case in big cities, and especially NYC.)
People wear face masks more often, although I guess that this is transient due to flu season. Still, way fewer people wear them in Spain.
Taxes are not included in the price. (I was aware of this but used to forget about it at first.)
Toilets are not as deep as in Europe (the water is really close to your butt 😖), and many flush automatically. Public restrooms always have seat covers but normally do not have a toilet lid.
Doors are really heavy! No wonder many people (mostly men) held them open for me. I once had to throw myself against the door to open it. What is the deal with doors in the U.S.? (Is it a NYC thing only?)
People were quite loud (and this is coming from someone who grew up in a country that is renowned for how loud we talk) and played music/videos without headphones in the subway 😑
Cops are surprisingly chill despite the reputation that they have. A guy was insulting a couple of them from across the subway platform, and they just smiled and waved at him. In Spain, it is a crime to insult a police officer, so I was surprised that they were so calm about the whole situation.
On that note, there were a lot of cops around the city at all times (even at 5 a.m.). I counted nine of them in Penn Station!
Drivers honk all the time because of every minor inconvenience. On Thanksgiving Day, there were a lot of traffic jams, and people were honking as if that would magically clear the streets... And, of course, if one person honked, the rest honked as well, so walking on the street on the main avenues was really deafening 😐
Traffic lights are quite far away from where cars have to stop.
Fire truck sirens are really loud and sound like emergency alarm systems. (It reminded me of those TikTok videos ranking them.)
People say "Excuse me" in the subway when going in or out, which was a nice change from the shoving and pushing I'm used to in Madrid.
I saw a lot of people carrying around huge reusable water bottles. (Here's an explanation for why USAmericans drink so much.)
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People called me "Ma'am" instead of "Miss". I know it's the polite way to address people, but it was very weird 😂
New Yorkers love to use cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) when giving directions. Someone once told me, "Go west on Broadway" and I was like "I have trouble orienting myself when I use Google Maps, do you think I know which direction I'm going in at all times??".
There are lots of caution signs about worker safety on construction sites, both in English and Spanish, which leads me to think that there are many work accidents 🤔
As a solo female traveler, I was a bit concerned about my security in a city that I have heard is dangerous and in a country where mass shootings are a relatively normal occurrence, but I felt mostly safe. I was surprised to see many posters that read, "If you see something, say something".
Related to the above, I was shocked to see "This is a gun free zone" posters in public places and "No guns allowed" posters on supermarket doors.
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I was really surprised to see ads with phone numbers with words in them, like the one below. After doing some research, I discovered they are called vanity numbers and are easier for people to remember. (If, like me, you're wondering how to dial these numbers, apparently you just press the number that corresponds to the letter on the keypad.)
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I smelled marijuana everywhere! Although illegal in Spain, you can also smell it sometimes, but it seemed ubiquitous in NYC. (I personally hate the smell, which is why I noticed.)
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taurusreads · 1 year
your may overview 🤎
masterlist || paid services || ko-fi
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what is your month of may going to look like?
pile 1. pile 2.
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pile 1
overall energy: page of swords
the month of may for you is going to be filled with a lot of self expression. im hearing a lot of music, maybe a festival of some sort? im also seeing someone singing, maybe some of you like to sing, or are using singing as a way of self expression. the energy this month is going to be very lighthearted, and i think that this is going to come as a relief to some of you. there might have been some struggles that you’ve had to overcome in the last few weeks, but the month of may is bringing you lots of light, love and happiness.
im seeing some of you might be getting an offer from someone soon. maybe a potential romantic partner, or a friend. i think that this month is going to be quite busy for you as well. maybe you’re filling your plate with things that you didn’t have time for previously, but i see a lot running around for a lot of you this month. some of you might also be seeing repeating 4’s around you a lot. i see this coming through as a divine masculine for some of you (this is regardless of gender. divine masculines is based purely on energy, not gender!)
i feel like this is a time for you guys to let go of anything that doesn’t serve you. the month of may is full of getting rid of unhealthy addictions whether it be to substances and or people/relationships. there could also be a conflict that’s coming to an end for a lot of you, along with a very childlike energy taking over for a lot of you this month. this is a big time for spontaneous action. this pile has a heavy “go with the flow” energy, you’re not really planning anything out, but just doing what you want as you want to do it. you guys are very carefree this month.
channeled messages: 444, auctions, wish fulfillment, sun, traveling, spending time with friends, happiness, libra placements, brunette females, roller coaster/amusement parks, adventures, intuition, luck, four leaf clover, orange, smelling oranges, going on a date, music, light earth placements
pile 2
overall energy: four of swords, queen of wands
this pile has a lot going on this month, and i mean a LOT. although you have a lot going on for you, im feeling that it’s very structured. i think this might have something to do with your career, you might be making progress in an area of your work, possibly a promotion or a new project that is being started. im feeling strong passion for whatever is being created, i feel butterflies in my stomach and just pure excitement in my chest. i think that a lot of this is based on divine timing. some of you are getting new ideas and thought processes, and i just want to let you know that all of this is meant to happen. you’re meant to get these downloads right now to help push you further into your manifestations. i see a lot of you are reaching a pivotal point your lives where your manifestations are coming into reality.
this month i feel like there’s going to be this overwhelming happiness surrounding you. im feeling tongue tied, like my words are stumbling over each other and there’s a smile that won’t leave my face. i think this is something that you’ve been waiting for, a manifestation that you’ve been asking for help with, and it’s finally here. im hearing “all your hard work has paid off”, so now it’s time for you to reap the rewards. im seeing very fast movement in your life, whether it be work, relationships, family, etc. there is going to be a lot of active communication as well as rapid movement up the ranks.
i feel like a lot of you have done readings like this before, or even asked questions about your manifestations and how long it would take to get them. im hearing that you shouldn’t obsess over it. i know it’s hard, but you’re so close to getting everything you’ve asked for. you’re sooo close, and spirit wants you to be patient just a little while longer so you can reap what you sow. they want you to know that they love you so much and that they are proud of you for how far you’ve come (your guides are so sweet i wanna cry). hang in there pile 2, everything you want and more is on the way, just give it a little more time.
channeled messages: hold on, we’re going home - drake, heavy air placements, schedule, calendars, office?, CEO, small business, “mwah”, 555, blow your mind - dua lipa, manifestations, “coming to an end”, ADHD, mental disabilities, transformation
if interested in a personal reading, dm me or email at [email protected]!
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averagewriter777 · 2 years
Ghost and Doc (Simon "Ghost" Riley x F!Reader)
(Part Twenty-One)
You decided to make breakfast as a way to calm yourself down. Your thoughts were running at a thousand miles a second, and there were way too many running in your head now. Not even the Exedrin migraine pills you took could help you in this case.
Nothing in your fridge was ever expired. Just in case you ever came home, Mary and James were kind enough to keep everything stocked. Especially whenever they came over on Sundays for football games. So, you had everything you needed to make some pancakes with bacon.
While bringing everything out that you needed, you were humming to some old rock music. Since your head still hurt and people were asleep in the house, you refrained from connecting Bluetooth to your regular phone, which was stashed in one of the kitchen drawers.
Now, with this- you weren’t going to base feelings on one interaction. And there was another problem that already shoved everything down. The issue of rank. “Why am I even thinking about this- Jesus Christ…” You pushed all thoughts aside and down as far as you could.
You were by yourself downstairs for about ten minutes, so not much had happened with breakfast before Soap came out from the hallway, rubbing his eyes. He didn’t say ‘hello’ or any sort of greeting, he took a seat at the island and rested his head on the counter. “...head hurts…”
“Probably,” you replied quietly. While the bacon started to sizzle, you took down a glass and filled it with water. Two pills of the migraine medicine that you took were given to him as well as the water. “Can I interest you in coffee or tea? I have… both but no creamer if you want coffee. That’s the only thing they forgot to refill…”
Soap shook his head, downing the water that was given. “You might want to make some tea and coffee for the others though. Coffee for Alejandro and tea for Gaz and Ghost.” He lifted his head and looked around, landing on the couch- the empty couch. “Where’d you two sleep anyway?”
You scratched your head with your forearm. “Uh… Well I found myself in my bed with Ghost to the side. He was facing away from me.” Soap’s brows were raised to the ceiling. “Nothing happened! That I know of… I know while you guys are here I wanted y’all in the beds while I take the couch.” Your face was flushed again, making you look to the floor.
Your teammate was already humming a silly little tune, kicking his legs slightly to hit the island. “Ghost and Doc… sitting in the tree. K-I-S-S-I--”
“Shut the fuck up, John.” You threw a cooked piece of bacon at him. The man frowned, but picked up the meat and ate it, folding his arms to look at you after he was done. “One: I’ve never thought about it that way. Two: I have more important things to worry about while I’m here. Three: Rank.” Then you turned around and started on the pancakes.
The order in which everyone woke up is as follows: You, Soap, Gaz, Alejandro then Ghost. Everyone was munching on breakfast by the time Ghost came downstairs. Soap shot you a look, leaving you to throw yet another piece of bacon at him. Alejandro and Gaz gave each other a ‘What the fuck did we wake up to?’ before continuing to eat their food.
“Would you like any tea or coffee, Ghost?” You asked while standing up to head back into the kitchen. He mumbled something about ‘tea’ so you started on some chamomile. While waiting, you gave him a glass of water and a migraine pill, the same as everyone else. “How did I get into my bed by the way? My whole thing was for you to have that bed and I sleep on the couch…”
Ghost blinked at you. He was 90% sure you weren’t that drunk and could remember… but to each their own. “You sleep in your bed, I wasn’t gonna let you sleep on the couch.” 
From the dining room table, Soap was watching you talk with Ghost- it sounded like it was about the sleeping arrangements. He leaned in, ushering Alejandro and Gaz at the table, to do so as well. “I think our medical sergeant has some sort of feelings for LT.”
Gaz choked on his pancakes and Alejandro’s eyes widened into saucers. “Are you sure, hermano? That’s a pretty bold assumption to make…” Gaz slammed his fist into his chest to regain his breathing back, nodding in agreement. “I mean, I guess I could see it… but Ghost doesn’t seem like the type of man to, well… be with someone intimately like that.”
Soap could- it was very rare possibly, but he could see it. Contrary to belief, he knew Ghost had a heart. He remembered that conversation Las Almas when Ghost had told him ‘A man after my own heart’ after Soap had made an explosive device. When Soap questioned the existence of said heart, Ghost said he had one… but it was cold.
He was going to say more on the matter, but you and Ghost came to sit down at the table. In which everything became silent, save poor Gaz who was still choking on his pancakes. You raised a brow at what was happening, but none of the men would look at you. That raised some belief that Soap opened his mouth- but you obviously wouldn’t say anything here.
“You alright, Gaz?” You asked while chewing on the last bit of your pancakes. He waved a hand in the air, finally have caught up with his breathing. “Right then. About today, while I go to the hospital again… I’m gonna have you guys stay here--”
Alejandro put a finger up. “Didn’t Price say that we had to go with you everywhere?” Soap and Gaz nodded. “Instead of taking all of us, why don’t you just take one of us? Make things a little easier.”
Before you could say anything, Soap snapped his fingers- like he had an idea… but he wasn’t saying anything like that. “I’ll go with ya. Volunteer.” Alejandro and Gaz blinked at him, a silent phrase calling him insane.
“Oh-” you smiled at Soap. “Thank you, I really appreciate that.” Deep down, you really hoped there wasn’t some malicious intent behind all of this. “So… get dressed then, I wanna run some errands before I head to the hospital- and I guess you’re coming with me.”
A/N: There’s a whole reason behind Soap going with you. Y’all know what j-e-a-l-o-u-s-y spells? Yeah, that’s the route we’re going. ALSO, who doesn’t want to see the boys trying to figure out how to play Minecraft on your Xbox while you’re gone?
Taglist: Taglist: @redpool, @calicokitkat, @abbiesxox, @1234ilikecowsthanyoumore, @tescomealdeals-blog, @judachoo, @cabreezer0117, @reiya-djarin, @cutiecusp, @m0chac0ffee, @cassie-vizsla, @seasaltt99, @lazy-kari202, @comedinewithmeyeah, @somnibats
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pigswithwings · 1 year
whats ultrakill im very curious
GRINS. SO BASICALLY. (this will be long and I will be YELLING underneath the cut because I feel very strongly about ultrakill)
anyways ULTRAKILL's wacky setting in Literal Hell isn't the only unique thing about this game. things such as YOU ARE A ROBOT (called v1) AND YOU KILL CREATURES OF FLESH AND MUST USE THEIR BLOOD / GUTS TO REGAIN YOUR OWN HEALTH is really fun. i am not explaining this concept this is just a given fact in this game. so you can guess how the game might be associated with a lot of violence and (albeit pixelated) gore. that's another thing I forgot to mention: ULTRAKILL has a really cool aesthetic (what with the graphics being based around vintage shooter games) it is very cool to play + watch people play it
AND ALSO you know the whole "you have to bathe in blood to heal" WELL THAT MAKES THE FIGHTING FUN because it encourages players to get up close to enemies and play quickly and in a more risk taking style and I LIKE that I LOVE when the combat is fast but not "I can't see what I'm doing" level of fast and ULTRAKILL DELIVERS ON THAT. let's talk about the fighting now actually.
so you can run and dash and slide and jump and all of these actions either get you very fast or very far. the game basically encourages you to go at a breakneck speed ( also kill as fast as you can - there is what is called a "style" meter that ranks you based on how fast and well you can dispatch enemies) and overall it is genuinely very exhilarating.
the enemies are. well you're in Literal Hell so they look just a little bit weird. most are made of flesh and blood but they're all shaped in unique ways that lets you recognise them pretty quickly. but there are also boss fights that include Regular People like the archangel fucking Gabriel (it's okay he's normal and Not having an identity crisis! and he's Not working that out through slightly homoerotic violence with you, the player) and King Minos (it's okay he's normal and Not incredibly regretful of his ruined kingdom and resentful of you for your actions) and V2 (it's okay this guy isn't You but Red) and a bunch more but they're all so cool. of course each of them is a different difficulty and skillset but god damn if each of them arent incredibly unique and shit. really cool stuff for real.
DID I TALK ABOUT THE MUSIC? YOU'RE GOING TO HEAR ABOUT THE MUSIC ANYWAYS ULTRAKILL's music has been described as "breakcore" and whatnot and it does frequently use samples of the Amen Break (that's the fast paced drum break used in hundreds of songs. you know the one go look it up mate) and it really helps to set the mood and tone for most levels and fights. but also the game frequently makes use of droning / bass tones for more serious scenes and there is even some piano pieces in there for special levels!! and I am a sucker for piano for you know how that goes. seriously please listen to the ultrakill ost it is so.
I dunno I just think ultrakill has a lot of love put into it (you can literally look up Hakita's development videos from FIVE YEARS AGO) and it's really recognizable. I haven't even mentioned the Easter eggs or how most of the negative reviews on Steam ask for robot gay sex or even most of the lore here but this is just a general overview. but I would love to learn more and analyze the lore of the game much much more. it's amazing. I an trying to learn how to draw them. thanks for listening I am not normal about this game
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Favourite (+ Least Fav) Male Seiyuu
Please check out the original post here!
This post will cover 1-2 on the original post.
While the ranking is based off of purely my personal opinion, I thought I would state some factors that go into the ranking.
Voice acting ability: This is pretty standard. You know what to expect here. Performance is a key factor here. If they can act well and convince me of the character they're playing, then I consider it a good performance. Range is another lesser component. If I feel like they have incredible range in terms of their voice and emotion, that also comes into play.
Sentimentality: This is very subjective. This takes into account things such as access to good to roles and the impact of those roles which largely depend on how good the show is and how strong the writing is. Voice actors can try their best and give really good performance, but if the production, writing, art, or directing isn't good, it can all amount to close to nothing through no fault of the artists involved.
Musical ability: These days, voice actors are expected to sing with few exceptions (Akira Ishida is an exception, for example).
Voice: Yeah, if I like their voice, it boosts them up the list because it's a voice acting list. It has nothing to do with their voice acting ability. Although, range can help this a lot.
Personality: Although it doesn't really have anything to do with any of the other categories, personality that is shown through shows, events, and radio do play a small part in this because seiyuu are ultimately entertainers. These days, they are expected to be the whole package.
For each choice, I will include a gif of a role that I liked (recent roles are prioritized) for the top ten.
Least Favourite Male Seiyuu
Eh, there are some voice actors I definitely don't like as much. Okay, obviously, I am going strictly on voice and artistry for this one. I'll save the other ones for another time. The first one that popped into my mind was Daiki Kobayashi. The second was Tatsuhisa Suzuki who did not land in this category because of his scandal. He's here because I don't find him in good in most things that aren't comedic. I can't take him seriously in serious scenes (like Bryce Papenbrook).
Favourite Male Seiyuu (TOP TEN)
These ones are definitely nothing to sneeze at. I just ran out of spaces. Heck, I had to skip a few voice actors I liked here too. Actually, now that I think about it, the ordering changes really frequently so don't pay too much attention to that. Or anything. My opinions change.
Yuuichirou Umehara
This one is kinda funny. I haven't exactly seen a whole lot of range from him. However, I have enjoyed a lot of the things I've seen him in recently (Romantic Killer, Villainess Tames the Final Boss, Cautious Hero). He performs his type-cast as the ikemen particularly well, but I feel like they're only casting him as characters that are handsome because he fits that physically. I want to see him play someone absolute repulsive. I've heard him play a disgusting creep on his radio show with Koutarou Nishiyama, and it was funny (especially since it was unscripted). He is really good at singing, and I hope to see a solo career eventually. His honest personality is endearing in a way because it's just plain amusing watching someone who looks like he doesn't really want to be there having to exist there. It's relatable.
Natsuki Hanae
I honestly didn't like his voice at first. In some ways, I don't like his more annoying roles, but lately, the casting has done his wonders. I think it's pretty self-explanatory why he's here. I definitely like how he changed his image from old "Hanaecchi" (especially since he's a proud dad now).
Kensho Ono
He dropped quite a bit since my previous list. This is probably because he hasn't had any standout roles recently. Yuri is funny but kinda annoying. We see a lot of Kana fangirling about being married to him, but I want to see the other side. She called him a "natural ikemen". We need to hear from the "natural ikemen's" side.
Junichi Suwabe
His voice is well-suited for a lot of stuff, and he's really good at voice acting. He's definitely top-tier, and my favourite role would probably be Odasaku from BSD. However, his most recent role that struck a chord with me was from "Kotaro Lives Alone". That anime was harrowing for a lot of reasons, but you see some of the reasoning behind his character, it just makes you feel something. Go watch that show. I should've written a "Why You Should Watch Kotaro Lives Alone", but I was pretty lazy and a bit too stunned by the show's approach to such mature topics in such a simplistic/childish art style. Watching that after hearing him as Sukuna was a trip.
Akira Ishida
ZURA JANAI, KATSURA DA!!! Yeah, he's funny. I don't see much of him, and he's definitely not one for the public eye, but he is genuinely one of the greatest voice actors with some of the widest range I've ever seen.
Miyu Irino
I attribute the propaganda spread by datenshi-luci on Tumblr and others for keeping his placement relatively consistent. His music (from what I hear) is good, but I couldn't find it on Spotify last I looked. His acting has moved me to near tears twice with Anohana and Koe no Katachi. I haven't watched his recent roles. I don't keep up with Osomatsu-san, and he hasn't had a huge break in Mob Psycho 100 YET. I'm waiting. And won't bother with Platinum End. We all know that show is crap. Did you hear it got renewed? Bro??? Give me Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun season two.
10. Kenjiro Tsuda
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I know we all know him for Way of the Househusband, but I actually still like his role in ID: Invaded. And we obviously can't forget Nanami from Jujutsu Kaisen. He definitely has a "ikebo" which is basically the seiyuu slang for "handsome voice" which a lot of the actors on this list do, but he definitely nails it perfectly.
9. Yuuichi Nakamura
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I feel like his over-saturation in recent seasons has led to a bit of decline for my personal enjoyment of his roles (especially since over-saturation leads to more bad roles). This is obviously no fault of his as a voice actor or anything. I know it's ironic since having too few roles can also have the same effect. I still say that Fruits Basket 2001 got the casting better for Shigure and Hatori. Why? Because he's darn good. My favourite recent role is probably Gojo for obvious reasons which is that he's funny. I still need to finish the rest of Clannad (finished the first season) and some of his other good roles.
8. Tomokazu Sugita
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Honestly, he hasn't had that many huge and major roles since striking it on his own, and I think that's good if that's what he wants (especially since his YouTube career is growing little by little). But I don't have a ton of recent roles that I can point at and go, "Yeah, I like that." I think the last one was the Usahara from Uramichi. Besides that, he places here due to pure nostalgia and sentimentality alone, and I think that really shows. He was hilarious in a lot of Gintama (which is essential for the show), and he honestly made me feel feelings when I watched SKET Dance (which you should totally watch). Although known for primarily comedy, I think it's really easy to forget that he is just as capable acting in a serious setting.
7. Mamoru Miyano
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The man, the myth, the legend. This will probably move up quite a few spaces once we get his performance as Douma WHICH I PREDICTED, BY THE WAY. He can sing, dance, act, and he's got it all. Really an absolute unit. My favourite casting is when they get the description "Funny man that cries on the inside" and just get him to do the role. Dazai from Bungou Stray Dogs? Kotaro from Zombieland Saga? And maybe even Okabe from Steins;Gate (haven't watched it)? Absolute genius, but he can play anything.
6. Yuuma Uchida
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Fruits Basket is clearly still on my mind, and his song Speechless has got to be one of my favourite anime endings of all time. I find it funny how he's always type-casted as the tough and grumpy type when he's the most giggly fun guy off-screen. We're talking about Kyo from Fruits Basket, Ash from Banana Fish, Megumi from Jujutsu Kaisen, Uenoyama from Given, Chika from Kono Oto Tomare, etc. They always come with an optional "soft on the inside" subgroup. His sibling stories are funny, and he has the weirdest laugh. He was originally put on our radars by his familial connections, but he quickly shot his way up to becoming one of the best newer voice actors.
5. Yoshimasa Hosoya
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This is probably one of the biggest drops. I haven't seen him in much anime as of recent. This will probably shoot back up after I finish "Yakuza's Guide to Babysitting", but until then, I can't remember a recent role I really like. As such, he's on here because I like his voice and there's a lot of sentimentality to back it up. His track record is nothing to sneeze at, and even though he's usually a side character, that doesn't make him any less as an actor. Plus, he has a really good singing voice.
4. Hiroshi Kamiya
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His best recent roles were from Kakushigoto and Uramichi, and those roles surely don't disappoint, but he also a huge nostalgia factor as well from things like Noragami and Angel Beats. He seems like such a stoic guy, and even though I don't like his singing at all, his acting is enough to carry to him to this high on the list. Although, now that I think about it, I don't like any of the top 4's singing.
3. Yuki Kaji
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This guy is winning at life right now. I haven't even watched his recent good roles in Attack on Titan or Ousama Ranking. This rides on pretty much just how much I like his past roles. There are a lot to choose from. For one, the first anime I watched was Magi where he played his first in a line of MANY main characters. There are just so many to choose from.
2. Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
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Speaking of a ton of main characters, we got the harem king himself. The relatable ball of social anxiety who also happens to apparently have allergies like me too (although his seems to present more dermal rather than respiratory). Anyways, he's funny, prevalent (yet doesn't seem to wear out too much), and he's really good at what he does. I can't picture anybody else playing Inosuke from Demon Slayer or Betelguese from Re:Zero. He has a very impressive range, and he's good at what he does.
1. Kouki Uchiyama
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We don't talk about Takt Op around here. That anime was trash, and I'm sure glad I dodged that bullet. I think I would almost watch Platinum End over it. I really enjoyed his portrayal of Miyamura from Horimiya. Even though I still prefer the softness of Matsuoka's voice, I think he did really well in that role. Toge from Jujutsu Kaisen is another recent role where he's funny. But most of his key roles still reside in the nostalgia department. I don't regret watching Soul Eater subbed (for one, they didn't gender Crona). From what I've seen in Devilman, he legitimately goes ham. I didn't finish the show, but his acting with the rest of the production shook me up to the point where I couldn't even finish the show (mostly the visuals at that point but I digress).
Again, the ordering means very little, and there are so many voice actors that I didn't mention or couldn't mention due to both space and time in this mortal realm. Anyways. That means that this list will probably age just as bad as the last one even without the scandals.
Feel free to take part in this challenge yourself!
Edit: This new Tumblr editor is really screwing me over hahaha (it crashed at least five times while I was making this, but man... Tumblr, why?!)
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staryarn · 1 year
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Also new guy dropped
Hi it's 2:47 am and I'm about to fall asleep so. If this is poorly written uh 👍👍👍
His name is Ven (or vey I havent and decided) and is the crow to my good dear limts nevermore.
Theyre roommates (ambiguous) 👍
Was supposed to be an arbiter of th3 h3at but honeycomb man is funnier (what's was I sewing uhhhh yeah just think of it as his day off honeycomb Hawaiian shirt and a fucking fur collar(
This is all my brain will spit out rn idk if someone from discord wants ikl answer questions about them (too top ahit 2 answer twhrw mm)
Tfw when you're on your way to striaght up exterminate a star of the city and some random ass fixer is there before uou and kills it. So you ask them on a date and proceed ro haunt tyem so deeply that a knock at the door puts fear into their heart. But tbf it already did that in the first place. Hey maybe ask tyem how the whole 'find my dear friendlenore's missing body' is going on . Sure would suck if a wing or smthn had it man. Anyways what's your relation to the pianist incident and the reverb ensemble.
Would suck if they joined some ragtag company to try and escape every dingle knock at their door only for them to eventually confront it with a clock like. Damn. Sucks to suck but at least they partially manifested their ego before joining the company. Hey I wonder who their scyth3 is a reference to and the whole 'violet somgbird' nickname. Oh the wonders of the city
More about lint (Celeste soliayre, my limbus oc)
Grew up backstreets district 9. Was like. Vaguely aware of roland and angelica. And also fond of them.
- manages to get a job as a fixer (they're like. 20 ish here) and goes into I course nest for a contract their office made.
- sucks to suck penist shows up. You know how that goes
- straight uo fucks off from their job to go towards the pianist (mostly getting people out of the way so they aren't music slammed)
- not fast enough to kill that thang (does watch it die tho so. Yeahg)
- they do pass by arugula afterwards. He's doing 👍
- heavily scarred and "inspired and enlightened" by the incident that it shows up in their own personal ego ,(some sorta thang I gotta design that goes around their neck) normally uses scythe as their base weapon but decided to go with a short range close combat weapon for limbus because they're bad at it.
- absolutely miracle this fucker hasn't distorted by now. Broke into tye library to trade info and then got booked six or something times (you gotta figure out how to unhook people no way that lady did it naturally first try when they let everyone out of the libraby)
- got in contact with an arbiter (bee guy) and gave whatever info they had because man. Theyrr not fighting him.(moreso they just fucking appeared at their doorstep and they had no choice but to answer)
-starts going up in ranks. Like a pretty good grade 2 almost grade one but trying hard as hell not to become a color (every color they know is a sicko. Sad sandwich man? Murder violence spree. Blue sicko? His emo band. Violet tear? The fucking orphanage. The red gaze? Divorced energy)
- straight up quits being a fixer for "unknown reasons" to join limbus. Also goes missing for like. 6 months before this.
- with their ego is does rely on them using parts of their voice as something to physically attack with (pianist 2 : small edition)
-theyre like. Tsundere but not. Like normal enough but also very easily embarrassed and lies about almost everything. An honest opinion out of them is 1 rare 2 scary as hell please lie again you were nicer then
Literally just Blue sicko 2: remixed .
The 'I'm (not) normal. I'm so so (not) normal 🫠👍👍👍👍👍" vibe
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aijamisespava · 1 year
10 Eurovision 2023 Songs as...Taylor Swift Albums?
Yes. You heard that right. It was just a silly little idea that came into my head as we say goodbye to the 2023 songs (or not since a lot of them have found homes on our playlists!) and get ready for the 2024 season. It's still early (no songs, and only 2 artists have been announced), so if I do it now, it won't interfere with all the 2024 content we will be prepping for come the new year! So, I've picked 10 songs from the 2023 list and assigned them to a Taylor Swift album (solely based on my opinion, and I just choose the songs without thinking of my personal ranking).
Debut: So...the first album...the hardest one for me to come up with one for. But then, I thought that "What They Say" by Victor Vernicos from Greece kinda fits the bill. Aside from both Taylor and Victor being 16 when they released their respective pieces, "What They Say" gives me some minor "Tied Together With A Smile" vibes, which match the first album rather well.
Fearless: With a song like "Mr. Perfectly Fine" being such a sassy breakup song, I feel that the United Kingdom fits the Fearless bill here. "I Wrote A Song" by Mae Muller would fit onto Fearless perfectly. With the lyrical clapbacks (that could also work on Speak Now), it fits on an album with songs like "Mr. Perfectly Fine" or even the confessional NOT breakup song that is "You Belong With Me"
Speak Now: Speak Now is probably as close as Taylor has gotten to a rock album. With songs like "Better Than Revenge", "Haunted", and even the recently freed from the vault "Electric Touch" have these rock elements...kinda like how "Promise" by Voyager from Australia has those elements too...plus it's one of my mom's winners with her favorite Taylor album.*also taking this moment to wish Danny a speedy recovery!*
Red: I've thought of a couple of songs that would match this album. As Eurovision has as many heartbreak songs as they do love songs. And what's better than Cyprus' "Break A Broken Heart" by Andrew Lambrou for the heartbreak album? I mean, it just works! Right?
1989: I spent some time thinking about this one with it being my favorite Taylor album. And while I almost picked Finland's song, I decided to go for Käärijä's friends over in Slovenia. Joker Out's "Carpe Diem" is fun. It's parties with friends. It's perfect for big cities. What else is those? 1989.
reputation: For this one, it was probably the one that inspired this blog. I chose Serbia's "Samo Mi Se Spava" by Luke Black for reputation. Aside from the specific animal imagery that both the album and the song have (the lobster for the song and snakes for the album), the electro elements are similar to me. Plus, I've called "Samo Mi Se Spava" by villain song and people say you go into your "reputation Era" when you're in your villain era.
Lover: This one was another easy pick. Armenia's entry has the album title in the name! Brunette's "Future Lover" fits the overall theme the Lover album has of...well...love! It also qualifies because a song for your future lover can 100% count....I've written a piece to mine in my vault!
folklore: It's no Eurovision 2023 post without me mentioning Latvia's "Aijā" by Sudden Lights. While the soft rock elements would be better suited for something like Speak Now or Red, I chose folklore for one reason and one reason only. folklore is my favorite album to write to. Sudden Lights has three albums of songs, plus Aijā, plus a couple of post-Eurovision releases that are literally perfect writing music. I've tried it, and their album "Miljards vasaru" ranks up there as a favorite writing album.
evermore: Yeah...I've thought it through. And Moldova's "Soarele Si Luna" by Pasha Parfeni just gives me evermore vibes. Plus, it's kinda cool that I put my winner and my sister's winner as the sister albums. It's just cute.
Midnights: This is gonna sound like a bad joke but hear me out, The Netherlands' "Burning Daylight" by Mia and Dion would fit on Midnights. It sounds and feels reflective, which matches the theme that Midnights was trying to portray. And yeah...the title works too...
So, that's only 10 songs. If a favorite of yours didn't make it, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to assess it! In fact, I'd be willing to do a song not from 2023 if you're dying to know about one of those!
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crazy-bi-btch · 2 years
Come Back Home (Ch.2)
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Warning: Angst, political talk, men being assholes 😒, mentions of death/illness, mention of slurs, grammar mistakes (oops)
Pairing: LT. Bob Floyd X OC! Civilian “Vanessa Chavez”
CH. 2
-A couple months ago-
Penny and Vanessa were getting ready to open up for another busy night at the HardDeck. Vanessa had made sure to touch up her make-up in the back office, cursing at the flaring rashes that began to welt on her chest. 
After making sure to cover up any blemish visible to the human eye, she got ready for another shift from her personal hell. Base Bar. Penny and she knew that the majority of the clientele were soldiers, sailors, pilots, and any government official you can know of, they were there. Eyes wondering, stumbling around the bar, spitting misogynistic comments left and right. She grew to hate the men who came in, but she played along with the act, hoping her tips of the night would rack up enough to pay her rent and the hospital bills that were the haunting reminder of her illness. 
Vanessa was diagnosed with lupus at the age of 19. It was around the time she decided to drop out of college and move to California, getting away from the great state of Ohio. She knew that the only way of making it as a songwriter was to sell her music in the golden state of California.
 It didn’t take long for her to realize that California wasn’t so great after all. After many failed attempts to contact, sometimes harass, small record labels to take her demos, she had the dreading feeling that she had risked her whole life for a stupid dream. She realized that the only way of surviving, which didn’t require a college degree and would have free housing, was to enroll in the Military. 
It didn’t take long before she was sent off to the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego. Vanessa hated the training, the extreme heat, and the dizzy spells she would get after each rigorous activity she had. 
Vanessa pushed through the puking, the fainting spells, and the chronic pain she began developing. The day she was to graduate basic training, her symptoms had worsened. She could barely get out of bed, her vomit became bloody, and her life felt like it was a ticking time bomb.
Vanessa woke up in the on-base hospital, confused and in so much pain. Her sergeants stood by, pity in their eyes, as they explained to Vanessa that based on her health condition, she could no longer be enlisted in the Marines. Her status would be discharged, and she would receive financial compensation for ranking in the Private class, but her career was over.
Vanessa, once again felt her world collapse, it was like life was destined to put her homeless or in a coffin. 
All her dreams were going down the drain. 
It was after she was transferred to the San Diego hospital that she was picked and probed enough to diagnose her with Lupus. A pretty expensive disease for a 19-year-old drop-out with no living residence in the state of California, no job, and no one to call. 
Vanessa soon stumbled upon an affordable condo near the beach of San Diego and the Miramar Naval Base that she could just barely afford if she found a well-paid job. She decided to stay as close as possible to the Doctors that promised to help her along with her treatment.
When she moved in, she met Penny Benjamin, her neighbor. She had her daughter and family help her carry her belongings when they saw her sickly state when she tried to move in on her own.
 Penny made sure to be as welcoming and helpful to Vanessa. Even when Vanessa’s health became stable enough, Penny decided to offer her a job at the bar she owned. She told her how great it would benefit her, she would make enough to live and pay for her medication and treatments, until she found a job with better benefits. 
For now, she was stuck here until her body decided to go into some sort of stability that would allow her to move.
This night at the bar in particular had started rough, her hands trembled with the cold temperature of the glasses she had to carry. 
Penny had made an order of beer pints that were somewhat durable to falls, too many were dropping from Vanessa’s grip during her ‘rough’ shifts. 
Vanessa felt guilty but in reality, she had no control over her illness, it was so unpredictable, one day she would be great, and the next she could barely get out of bed from the chronic pain in her joints and limbs. It didn’t help that the monthly chemo rounds would leave her bed-bound for a week. 
That night, as she picked up the pieces of the broken glass and apologized to the tipsy patrons, she heard the chaos of the most annoying patrons. Navy pilots. 
“ God, kill me now,” Vanessa grumbled loud enough for Penny to hear as they both looked toward the pilots. She nudged her back, “ What did I say about joking about death?” Penny teased back while handing her a clean rag. Vanessa rolled her eyes, taking the rag to hurriedly clean her mess so she could get the new patrons' orders. With her best fake smile, she turned around and towards the table next to the darts. 
The pilots, dressed in khaki uniforms, laughed and shoved each other in amusement.
“ Good evening boys…” She glanced at the only female who was equally dreading her existence next to the bunch of men around her,” and girl.” 
“ G’damn… good evening to you sweets.” The blonde man with piercing blue eyes draws out in a southern accent.
 Ken doll, she thought disgustingly. 
Vanessa felt her chest swell in anger and tried to keep her smile from faltering. The rest of his buddies clamored with Oh’s and ‘Damn’.  
Before she could retort to the extremely offensive soldier, she heard a familiar voice behind her, as she turned around she heard the man behind her call out his name, Rooster.
“ V?” Her eyes widened with joy as she realized it was none other than her childhood friend Bradley. Bradley Bradshaw, the scrawny kid from her block, was the one that was to blame for her tom-boy phase. The noise of the rowdy bar and her racing thoughts of her impending illness vanished.
 All she could see was the boy, well man now, that used to bring her so much joy. 
“ Holy shit, Bradshaw?!” V couldn’t help herself from lunging at Rooster as they embraced in a tight hug.
 Their embrace seemed to set off some alarms for both Penny and Rooster’s fellow Dagger squad, who were gawking at the scene. Specifically, Ken-doll, who would have probably caught a fly or two with how wide his jaw dropped. Phoenix made sure to point out how stupid the men looked, she always made sure to humble them. Bob, on the other hand, was too focused on his own troubling thoughts, he was taken aback by seeing Rooster embrace, what he assumed, was a familiar face. It didn’t really spark any interest in him to partake in the group conversation or even being at the bar in general.
After quieting down his squadron from their pestering teasing, Vanessa was able to steal Rooster after heading over to deliver the first round of beers for his squadron.
 At the bar, they quietly bickered over his much noticeable glow-up. “ Who would have thought, Bradshaw I knew you were a military brat, but this… you're a spitting image of your father!” Vanessa teased throwing her rag over her shoulder, Rooster shook his head in embarrassment, “ I mean that mustache…” 
“ Alright, enough! Care to explain what you are doing here at a Naval base bar? I thought you were back home in Ohio?” Vanessa twisted her mouth nervously, the last time they saw each other was the summer before 7th grade.
 Bradley’s mom had gotten sick and they decided heading back to his grandparents in California would be best. They tried to keep in touch after, but in reality, social media wasn’t enough to maintain the childhood friendship they had. 
“ Well, long story short I joined the Marines after my music career flopped and now I am here. A washed up, honorably discharged, wanna-be-artist.” She couldn’t help but laugh at her summary, Rooster, on the other hand, was concerned.
“ What? You joined the Marines? Artist? I’m lost.” He squinted, somehow trying to comprehend that his childhood best friend was somehow a secret pop star who tried joining the military. 
She couldn’t help but giggle at his facial expressions, “ Careful Bradshaw, don’t hurt yourself.” He couldn't help but laugh along with her. 
She was finally able to take in the view of Bradley, semi brown hair, hazel eyes, sun-kissed tan with an amazing smile. She also saw the way his arms flexed under his Hawaiian shirt. Damn, Bradley got hot.
Then the most annoying cat-calling whistle came from, none other than, Ken-doll, Vanessa rolled her eyes looking at her friend. “ Please tell me he’s not your friend.” Rooster shook his head in disappointment. “ Never, but sadly- part of my squadron.” they both walked back, and Vanessa reminded herself to remain cool, calm, and-
“ Heyy sweet baby, how ‘bout another round for your heroes?” The physical ick she felt at his words sent fire into her veins. The others chimed in, “ Thank you for your service babes.” The shorter one slurred, a cringe of disgust faltered her façade. 
“ Dude! Shut up!” Bradley remarked in disgust. She was ready to turn around, ready to kick them out, but she needed to get to Penny first. It seemed that her hands began to shake as she turned, the searing pain in her joint became unnoticeable compared to the anger she felt towards the aviators who were objectifying her. Bradley began going off at his squadron, with Phoenix and Bob shaking their heads with disgust at their squad members. 
Hangman, who she later found out was Ken-doll, didn’t like this. “ What baby? Scared? You’ve never seen these many TopGun pilots? I see you shakin’ over there, we don’t bite.” Vanessa couldn’t take it anymore, She turned around, grabbed a random drink, and threw it at Ken-doll. Everyone in the bar fell silent. Jaws dropped, eyes fixated on what would happen next. Vanessa casually watched his face drip in beer, too stunned to move.
“ Men like you-.....excuse me, Navy men like you are absolutely disgusting human beings who think you can walk around and have people bow down to your every move.” Vanessa narrowed her eyes, red with anger, watching every pilot behind him that equally looked at her pissed, of course except Bob and Phoenix, they looked surprised that she had the guts to confront Hangman. 
Hangman practically vibrated with anger as he swiftly wiped his face in disgust. “ Guess what lieutenant, not from me.” After heaving out her last words, Hangman glared at her with an evil glint in his eyes.
 He clapped in amusement, “ Wow! The rooster didn’t know your girlfriend here was such a liba-tard. Let me guess…. ‘Female is the future.’” It took a matter of seconds before Vanessa exploded and her hands were thrown in any direction that meant hurting Mr. Ken Doll.
 Rooster lunged at Hangman while Vanessa was pulled by Phoenix. The other pilots trying to pry Rooster and Hangman from each other. Penny was quick on her feet reaching for the dangling bell by the bar, obnoxiously ringing it whilst yelling “  EVERYONE GET OUT!”
Vanessa was so furious she could barely register the chaos of bodies pushing and pulling her through the crowd, the booming voices echoed around her. Before she realized it, she was being pulled out by the side door of the bar, in view of the sandy beach that was illuminated by the bright full moon. 
“ Look at me! Hey!” Vanessa soon snapped out of her rage. She was face to face with the khaki-dressed aviator whose glasses rimmed his blue eyes. His expression was laced with concern and worry. “ Vanessa, breath!” His strong hands were on her arms trying to ground her. She hadn’t realized she was heaving out breaths, the adrenaline soon faded and pain ripped through her body. She winced and pulled away from the man. Cold sweat trickled at her forehead, turning away from the man who was the last person she wanted to see. 
She was done with uniformed men, it made her sick.
“ Leave me alone!” She exclaimed trying to step away from him, a blush flushed herself as she realized how sick she must look right now. Her appearance was suddenly an insecurity.
 Bob gulped, he remembered Phoenix telling him to get her out and seeing Vanessa, who he just met, suddenly panicked. It made him even more nervous.
“ I’m just trying to help.” He stepped closer trying to touch her shoulder, but she only flinched and frowned at him with disgust.
“ I don’t need your help! Go back with your squad, or why are you here to continue to objectify me? Want me to thank you for your service also?!” Bob’s face twisted in confusion, stammering over her frantic accusations.
“ What? N-no! You know we all aren’t like Hangmen!” Bob defended himself, Vanessa rolled her eyes and scoffed.
“ So what? That makes you the nice one of the group, I’m sure that does help you to get the girls in bed, News flash-” Her eyes darted to his name on the patch that laid on his uniform, “ Bob. Not me!” Bob felt offended, hurt even. He frowned and maybe it was the beer coursing through his veins but he was not going to let this hard-headed stubborn civilian get to him, not after he tried to help her.
“ You know what? It’s people like you that make it so hard for all of us to get along!” He accusingly pointed at the browned-haired girl with fire in her eyes. “ We came to blow off some steam before starting our deployment training!” Vanessa wasn’t listening, all she could think was ‘how to destroy this navy man’ that clearly had begun man-splaining.
“ WOW! People like me? Go on, say it!  A Liberal! A feminist? A gypsy?” Bob stepped closer, equally challenging her with his voice.
“ Yeah, and who knows maybe socialism is your answer to this world?” Vanessa mockingly laughed. Bob rubbed his forehead in frustration, he really had lost sense of what the true argument was about, he was just pissed at this point.
“ You really think I don’t know how much taxpayer money is being blown out the window for your stupid little aviator trips! Hell even to maintain this base!” Vanessa began. Bob only retorted with the usual ‘ Oh my god!’ that a man would usually start when his beliefs were challenged. 
Penny barged out and stopped the heated discussion from continuing.
“Alright! Enough!” Vanessa turned around unable to face her, the remorse and guilt of starting the first bar fight of the HardDeck history made her enough to be squeamish.
“Bob, go ahead and meet your friends out front. I’ll take it from here.” Bob glanced at her one last time before scoffing and walking away leaving Penny and Vanessa standing out in the salty breeze of the night. Tears rolled down Vanessa’s face, every emotion pilling into her as Penny held her in a tight embrace.
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kyogre-blue · 1 year
OK, post timeskip GD, go!
Got up to the bridge, which means unifying the Alliance and presumably starting an offensive against the Empire.
I've gotten all the B ranks on my supports, a bunch of A ranks, and all of Byleth's available ones except Lysithea A (which is blocked off) and someone's S. The A ranks really vary a lot in terms of how involved they are, with some being quite nice, but others being pretty whatever.
Unfortunately, some of the basic issues with the support system start to get pretty obvious. You end up doing them in batches, so they get tiring. Additionally, if you watch a few for the same character in a row, there's often overlap in what they discuss, since the characters only have a few traits. Worse, none of the growth in one support can carry over to another or even a paralogue (or to the main story). The supports just become disconnected what-ifs, in a way.
(And this not mentioning the issue that some major character details always end up hidden in the most out there support, which in 3H will require some bizarre recruitment combination.)
In regard to the main story, I don't have too much to say. It's kind of spinning its wheels while we get the new plot on the road, but it's fine. It's just... fine. Hopefully, it'll pick up once we start the real battles.
Notes again:
1185, nearly 5 years since the monastery fell. But it fell several months into 1181, so like... it's 4 years and change.
Kingdom capital has fallen, Leicester alliance is split between supporting the Church and the Empire.
Sothis is here again somehow.
Tomorrow is the Millennium Festival, how convenient. Byleth came floating down a river from Garreg Mach. It is Ethereal Moon, but... Which one is that again...
Ok, I see why AC said the reunion was underwhelming. It's cute but the buildup is non-existent.
Byleth's first concern is Rhea (relatable) but Claude thinks it might be better that she's gone. He doesn't explain why. I am gonna need some time to get used to everyone's adult voices.
Lorenz is quite chill about his father's uh allegiance.
Lorenz: This was inevitable, since our lands are so close to the empire, we have to side with them or lose our necks. Lorenz also: BUT MAYBE IF CLAUDE DIDN'T SUCK
The amount of times you can ask after Rhea is... hum. Rhea is the most personal priority for Byleth. They're definitely not upset or unsettled by her, which is funny.
Seteth thought that maybe Rhea would turn up on the millennium festival.
Claude wanted to use the monastery as a base of operations due to its location.
Why are we talking to this Seiros Knight NPC? Was an unavailable playable meant to be filling this role?
Leonie A1 with Lorenz: she gives back a handkerchief... after 5 years. Leonie's village is called Sauin. It turns out Lorenz's family were the ones who hired Jeralt to help the village all those years ago. Lorenz is still punchable, btw.
Marianne A with Hilda: Their previous two ranks were more abrasive than I expected. The A is... OK? Given their popularity as a pairing, I expected something a bit more.
Cyril A with Hilda: This doesn't feel like it should have been gated to the timeskip. This A is also kinda underwhelming. It's okay, but knowing their relationship can't advance any further is... yeah.
Not really feeling the new monastery and menu music.
They did at least change the skybox to be yellow, which is something. Makes it feel autumn-y, which is... not correct. It would be nice if somewhere aside from the cathedral interior had some visible damage.
Claude A with Byleth: He admits to not being born in Fodlan (presumably because this has nothing on Byleth being potentially not even human) though doesn't name where he's from specifically. In Almyra, people from Fodlan are viewed as cowards, which Claude attributes to ignorance (if they just met and interacted with real people from Fodlan, like his mother, they'd know better). They also looked down on him for being of mixed blood.
He came to Fodlan to try and find "a new perspective" in his goal of breaking down those barriers, but people in Fodlan are even more racist, seeing people from other nations as just beasts. He wants to bring the whole world together and start anew. I know nothing bad happens, but uh. That's, hm... At least he realizes that it was extremely unrealistic... but Claude recognizes Byleth's magic dragon god powers and thinks they can make it happen together.
At first, I was wondering why we can view Ferdinand supports when he didn't turn up, but he IS here? He wasn't in the battle or the scene after...
Ferdinand has lost his territory and is determined to stop Edelgard no matter the cost. Per his B, he always intended to unseat his father. I guess, like Lorenz, he wasn't really onboard with his evil dad from the start.
Marianne and Lorenz A is....... uh. She's not going to smile while telling you about how her family is cursed, dude.
OK, so for weekly Instruct, we're using the Cardinals' room that was sealed before, and instead of the faculty giving staff training, we run advanced drills with the students.
Byleth's open mouthed shock when told Dimitri was killed (supposedly). And then a droopy sad posture.
"Faerghus Dukedom"
Claude approves if you ask him whether he hopes Rhea is dead. He just has things he wants to ask. It's interesting given that Claude presents himself as being in your corner, and Byleth has a big bend toward asking after her, seemingly in concern.
Claude thinks that most people accept the "noble system" because of their belief in the Seiros faith. They also have prejudices against non-believers too. That's... hm. A take, for sure.
So without Rhea, the supposed closed-minded Church doctrine will weaken and there will be more room for free thought, which Claude considers a cure-all.
Claude's ultimate goal here is to have Byleth take over the church and lead Fodlan that way. Then, people could be free to think for themselves. He thinks Edelgard is after something similar. He just doesn't like that she's using so much bloodshed to get there. Not necessarily because he disapproves but because the world "can't get behind" it.
But since Rhea is probably still around, we still have questions, and Byleth ambiguously might care about her (MY A RANK), Claude backpedals into finding her being the next step and quickly hurries you off to bed.
Claude and Cyril B: Claude never knew that there were people in Almyra in Cyril's situation. Which is to say... poor and exploited? Or...?
If no one else is in Rhea's corner, Cyril is. I appreciate that he doesn't just support her because she helped him personally, but because that's the kind of person she has been - trying to help those without any status and nowhere to go. Rhea helps refugees and orphans not just because of the goddess's teachings, but because it's the right thing to do.
Claude: OK, maybe Rhea is fine. Maybe.
Too bad supports are basically not canon.
Claude and Lorenz A: Claude is fine giving up leadership of the Alliance to Lorenz now that he's gotten to know him. But same is true for Lorenz. Kinda gay. Not bad.
Claude was only recognized as the heir to Reigan thanks to Judith's recommendation. Which is interesting given his background.
Marianne's paralogue: One of the 10 Elites got cursed by his crest and he turned into a monster... that was still sentient and can talk. And he ate people. Unclear if anyone else with the crest was actually affected, or if they just carried that stigma for a thousand years...
Claude and Marianne A has an interesting implication about the timeline. Claude frames it as him running away from home as soon as he was old enough because he was tired of being discriminated against and hoped that Fodlan would be better. It was only after he arrived in Leicester and realized that it's no different that he came up with his idea to break down the boundaries between Fodlan and Almyra.
It makes more sense that his plan would be so weirdly underbaked if he's had it for less than a year and made it when he was despairing over having no place he could belong.
Flayn and Ignatz B: Flayn forgets the Church party line about the Elites being good guys, lmao. Also forgets that Saint Cethleann is generally portrayed as a woman, not a girl.
Ailell, the Valley of Torment, is the required lava stage. It was created when some kind of big heaven light destroyed the forest that used to be there. It's rumored to have been the wrath of the goddess, but that isn't recorded in scripture. (It's actually the Agarthans lol)
Count Rowe was in charge of Arianhodr (spl??) but betrayed the Kingdom to join the Empire. His general, Gwendal, wasn't happy about all this.
Judith accuses Claude of neglecting the Alliance territories for years. He left his territory with a reliable retainer ("Nardel"). Without Byleth's clout, he'd look like a "scoundrel leader." Judith leaves her territory with "Nardel" too, which is... lol.
One of Judith's men saw Rhea be dragged off by the Empire five years ago.
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ladysolwind · 1 year
I broke out the 3DS and started playing Echoes a few days ago. Simultaneously, I both really love and am severely irritated by it. Some thoughts about it from someone who has played Gaiden, albeit over a decade ago.
The streamlined gameplay definitely has its benefits. Battles flow really well and it makes combat very easy to plan. The HP based magic can get so broken so fast if you put one mage on attack and one mage on heal. Promotions really feel like an upgrade. The one item system with no durability is different, but not necessarily in a bad way. Like finding a silver bow is a reward and not just like "oh cool free bow." You have to really think about who gets what. Also because this system is so constrictive there are some wild items in there.
The visuals are a glow up. I really like the character designs vs how everyone looks in Gaiden. Compared to Shadow Dragon, I feel like there was a lot of effort and creativity put into the redesigns. Mathilda probably wins as my favorite character design in the game. Hot damn that woman is beautiful.
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Like if the girl on the left is just as pretty as the girl on the right.
Shout out to the music, too. Like some of it slapped in 8-Bit Gaiden glory, so it only gets better. With Mila's Divine Protection is probably one of my favorite songs in all of Fire Emblem.
Complaints and my Fire Emblem plans under the cut.
The grinding. Oh lord, the grinding. It's brutal. Going through dungeons and having the tiny three monster fights over and over. It's tedious as all hell and I am not here for it. The DLC helps, but that's not all that much of an option during the first two chapters. And you have to grind. It's unavoidable.
It's also a real pain in the ass to even promote. Like I just finished Chapter 4, and every time I needed to promote, I had to fight this giant hoard of necrodragons to get to the dungeon, then fight an unavoidable encounter in the dungeon, promote, evacuate, and then fight the necrodragons again on the way back to where I was.
Archanea. I get it, it's pronounced to reflect how you pronounce アカネイア but it sounds stupid this way. This is very important to me D:< the Archanea games are very close to my heart. Shadow Dragon was my first. Don't make it stupid.
Yet all of it is still such a step up from Gaiden that I'm not even that pressed about it. Yeah it sucks, but Gaiden was so much worse!
My plan at this point is to go through every Fire Emblem game. I've played Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, Gaiden, and Mystery of the Emblem. The first two were with a lot of save state abuse rewinding, and fast forwarding, so it wasn't the authentic experience but, I mean, come on. They're clunky Famicom games. This was less of the case with Mystery of the Emblem.
Then I haven't played another game until Shadow Dragon. I've played every game since, including spin offs, except for Tokyo Mirage Sessions. But that leaves a pretty big gap of some really beloved games in this series that I only know through osmosis, Heroes, and Engage.
My plan is to play and rank them as I go. Next on my list is Fates. In order to give it a fair shake I'm playing all three routes, but in order to make it tolerable I'm refusing to make any child units. I'll do it in Awakening where it makes sense, but not in Fates. Maybe I'll marry Corrin off but that's it.
So far this list is:
1. Three Houses
2. Engage
3. Echoes
With Engage beating out Echoes by a smidge solely because of the tedious grinding in the former.
Let's see how long I'll go until I burn out.
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louismygf · 2 years
I'm soooo excited for the album I honestly cannot wait so I wanted to ask you to rank the song by the titles and what we know about them so far ! and you can add what do you expect from all of them if you have certain expectations
omgie an ask ! lovely :) im superrr excited too and reading fan reactions/comments from the listening parties is so intriguing and also so annoying im incredibly jealous😭
answer under the cut bc i got way too excited and typed my heart out !! louis' music is a Very Good topic imo it should be talked about more often rather than....... anything else🥴💘 (warning: ridiculously long-ass answer below LOL)
initial predictions
okay i would just like to start by giving you the predictions i made before we got any interviews and before we got the full tracklist (when we were unscrambling letters basically)! sadly i never completed it bc i got busy,,, i think i was kinda close with Written All Over Your face and Bigger Than Me, though!!!
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i originally thought we'd get 16 songs for standard and 18 for deluxe 🥹 (im kinda right!!) and i thought we would get 5 singles, but now i'm thinking 3 hehe (edit: actually 2 now but let's just say 3 for the sake of this ask)
my song ranking (by title & vibes):
my ranking is based on how intrigued i am by the title and also by the song's description, so basically the songs i'm most excited for! admittedly my ranking changed lot as we learned more information about the songs. i'll also add in my opinions/predictions ab the song. obviously, i know nothing; i could be extremely wrong. also here's a summary of what we know so far by @silverfoxlou 🫶🏽 your post helped a lot when i made this hehe thank u <3
1. Silver Tongues:
"a joyful and wholesome moment that honors the little intricacies of his relationship"
when it's louis' favorite, you Know it's a banger. i'm Veryyy intrigued by this song because louis described it as a high energy song but the lyrics are said to be joyful and wholesome? the little intricacies of his relationship? sounds like an interesting combination. Kill My Mind's sister? or ONE of kmm's sisters?? it's interesting to me how. kmm is an upbeat high energy song but with a kind of toxic relationship with a person or thing,,, this one's a Also an upbeat high energy song but! with a more well-adjusted relationship, i'd say- maybe that's growth... i do have a feeling we're getting multiple kmm's 🥹 he really really really likes this one! kmm was my top 3 in walls <3 it's going to be super fun for louis performing this live and for fans screaming the lyrics back to him. superrrr excited!!!
2. Out of my System
"a pulsating, punk-tinged Arctic Monkeys-inspired track... indie rock", (either 'Teddy Picker' or 'Dancing Shoes'), "a song that is as punk as I can get away with" (Altpress), "
guys, this is the mussy song. i Love arctic monkeys, are you kidding me!!!! this is going to slap so good i just know it. the partial lyrics can seen in the merch! back when we didnt know what sounds inspired fitf, the lyrics did seem very sad but with a punk/emo/grunge feel i think it could work and not be as depressing as the lyrics make it out to be! louis also listed this as his top 3, too so im expecting a lot <3 if i had to guess, this song is about releasing tension, letting go, just. relieving stress and just going with the flow kinda thing? it's a release. also is this going to be released as the next single????? will fitf even have another single???? he better release it soon bc theres no way he'd have enough time to promo the next single (if he even plans to have promo......). fitf + new single promo seems like a bad business decision idk . the streets r saying oct 28th so watch out for that ! (edit: WAIT could be sooner actually???????? excited!!!!!!!)
3. Written All Over Your Face:
"an infectious indie floor-filler... reminiscent of the first two Arctic Monkeys albums", "a song that is as punk as I can get away with" (Euphoria), "punchy energy", "has a slick funky guitar groove"
i was! kinda right, right??? with my initial predictions? it sounds like an argument to me. the peer review results are in, this is the "whiny whore louis song" 😭 the one where his voice is described as "whiny and raspy and... sexual". we already have the lyrics so we know it's not an actual sex song. he starts this song w "hey babe",,, who does that. an arctic monkeys inspired song that's high energy and is paired with a voice that makes you want to bend him over??!??!!? sign me the FUCK up !!!!!!!!!!
4. Face the Music:
"good and bad and right and wrong are stories made up when we are young to scare us" (lyrics), "[this song] took the longest [to complete]"
wait i dont actually know why this song is so high on my list,,,, it's probably bc shes so mysterious and bc we havent heard a lot about her so im very curious. i want this to be a diss track! i think we need more of louis (righteously) talking shit <3 he needs to get angry ! call them out ! if this song's not about a particular relationship,,, maybe it could be about the music industry??? facing the music is having to deal with the consequences of your actions. louis voice: thought-provoking title. i don't have much input on this song but. anyway, this lyric snippet speaks to me in an lgbt way but that's only bc i'm gay 💘
5. That's the Way Love Goes:
"melodic and most tender song", "a little ballad moment", "a non-sexual love between two best friends", "an interesting story, an interesting visual going through the song"
platonic relationships mean the world to me you do not understand... But . i'm a little scared it's going to be another Perfect Now........ ok listen. listen!! louis said he's "confident that this is a song fans are going to adore", and you know he said that with pn,,, i know the themes of both songs are incredibly different, but i don't trust louis' perception of his fans bc i did Not like that song lol. i hope when he means fans, he doesn't mean 1d fans,, my problem with pn was mostly in the concept of the song... the cheesy lyrics werent cutting it for me either,, the melody was alright, but it really did sound like a 1d song. another thought that went through my head (that i mentioned earlier in my initial predictions!) is that it could parallel Only the Brave. i'm loving how louis seems to always end his albums with songs dedicated to love (otb being the unofficial queer love anthem, ttwlg being a louli anthem song ab platonic love). can't wait to hear the lyrics, and the sonic omg it's a ballad ! cant wait to hear how it sounds.
6. Saturdays
"a pretty emotional vocal... I remember being pretty emotional recording the vocals."
"a sad bop",,,, people who've heard it said it was a sad bop !!! saturdays as a title gave me the impression of nostalgia, fun childhood memories kinda thing... saturday cartoons, saturday sleepovers, saturday messing around with friends, just. a fun & cozy vibe i absolutely did not expect a sad one out of this. maybe it's sad nostalgia? some longing? louis also said this was like his top 2 song on fitf, and he said he remembered being emotional while recording the vocals :,o Change vibes tbh but i guess with more melancholy? really like the concept that i completely assumed & literally just made up (lol). watch me be so wrong about this lol😭
7. The Greatest:
"a celebration of [Louis and the fans'] relationship", "specifically written as a tour opener", "propulsive opening track", "musically, it's interesting", "there's probably not another song like that on the record"
so like We Made It !!! immediately, i'm imagining massive drums, massive guitars, loud booming volume at the start of the song and a big chorus that will set the energy for tour way up high. the title feels very grand, so sonically, i'm thinking it will match the title. louis starting an album very strong with The Greatest and then ending with a more mellow one like That's the Way Love Goes is <3
8. Angels Fly:
“Angels Fly” suggest the sort of stadium grandeur we know he’s capable of
what a pretty title. i want this one to be a rock song, or a rock song but like a dance-y one. based on the title alone, initially, i thought this would be like Two of Us, but rn im highly doubting we'll get a heavy grief laden song bc as louis said: "there's a weight to that record [Walls album] emotionally, and I needed to go through that process, but it's not really how I carry myself as a person." so since it probably won't be like tou, and since louis loooves being quirky, he'd probably go the polar opposite of what i expect(ed). i try to outsmart louis but who am i kidding, this man is literally insane i do Not stand a chance. really pretty title though !
9. Chicago:
"it's about a person", "past love story"
lordie it's About A Person,,, 'kay.... "a deep track",,,,, what got jojo wright thinking "who [Chicago] is about, what happened..." yknow, i'm a nosey person; i'm a chismosa- but when it comes to louis' love life, i dont know, i would just... rather stay oblivious lol (given the kind of insane people this fandom has🥴). im absolutely Not looking forward to how #they will twist his lyrics to fit #their narrative. im literally just here for the music, man. well,,, fandom aside, i sense a lot of hurt in this one. louis did say he got emotional while recording this one so there's that. anyway, using songs as proof for thories about an artist's personal life is actually demented literally just enjoy the song and go :)
10. Paradise:
only on faith in the future target exclusive and hmv vinyl deluxe
dave gibson uses the sea as this song's visuals. this one's on the deluxe/exclusive version... dave has been teasing this song since forever, i wonder what it's about. louis wrote Walls, Saved by a Stranger, Chicago, Face the Music, and Out of my System with dave, so already my expections for this song are high!! it's on the deluxe/exclusive, and alongside Copy of a Copy of a Copy! in my mind this one's already a certified banger. louis hasn't acknowledged this song (for now), i don't think..... he's gatekeeping it bc it's just that good i know it.
11. Common People:
"about reconnecting with his roots in Doncaster", "how amazing the people are there",
(lyrics) "when i get lost, i go back to where i started", a song about how his hometown keeps him grounded... maybe he's aiming to make a song that can be played in donny pubs, that'd be cute :) i'm betting on a fun song for this one! originally, bc of the title, i thought this would lean more on social issues bc louis once said he plans on writing those but i think he'll keep it light on this one and focus more on the home feeling. warm, mellow, and cozy— very home-y. a love letter to doncaster :D solidarity, camaraderie, unity sort of thing
12. Holding Onto Heartache:
nothing yet
painful title. louis,,, why hold onto heartache...? i was shocked when these are the words we got after unscrambling. is it cliché to think this one's a ballad? if so then im betting this is the opposite of that lol. rock!! or? a rock ballad maybe??!? dance-y rock ballad??!?? LOL we dont have much info on this one so im really just pulling all this out of my ass.
13. Lucky Again:
leaked last august, nothing official has been released(?)
well, this one got leaked in august and i still have 0 idea what it sounds like or what it could be about. i *have* heard others say that it's really good, or it should've been the lead single as opposed to Bigger Than Me. i don't really want too many songs that talk about romantic love tbh, so im retracting my original prediction & im going to say it's ab his career,,, life in general maybe? feeling lucky again for being given another shot.... at his career.....? he's been using the phrase "i've been lucky enough..." in interviews in regards to things hes done/things he had the opportunity to do so it could relate to that,, guys idk i am just a girl. i feel like this one will knock me off my feet bc i kinda blocked it out; i have been purposefully ignoring it to avoid spoilers😭
14. She is Beauty We are World Class:
"dance genre", was written together with Saturdays and Silver Tongues
the title is definitely the most interesting. i honestly have nooo clue. for some reason, when i search up world class, it directs me to the football definition of world class so 😭 it wouldn't surprise me y'know...... it's a song you can shake your ass to! play this one on football stadiums (just like what didn't happen to kmm lmao)! i personally don't listen to dance music a whole lot but if dmas can change louis' mind then im hoping louis can change mine too. i feel like im giving her a hard time ever since he said this was dance-y, but real talk, i think i'll like her a lot!!! just like all the songs on here i truly feel there won't be a big miss yknow !
15. Headline:
full lyrics
well, we already have the lyrics. i keep trying to make up melodies to match the lyrics for this one (lol) and i already know whatever i come up with will be absolute shit compared to what louis' cooked up. hmmm.... (shitty lyric analysis ahead) "you used to read me like a headline",,,, headlines, well, they're usually bad. or negative is the word. louis has a cynical view on journalism written about him. generally, it seems like he doesn't like them. they're clickbait-y, they're sometimes false, they pull viewers in using shock factor— it doesn't give you the full picture is the thing. being read like a headline sounds awful. this implies his partner doesn't actually know him that well, or has a one-dimensional view of him. the lyrics "so fast to judge in error, you thought you knew me better" support that idea. the opening and ending lyric,,, "sometimes i wake up and i hear you through the silence" and "...wake up and i wish you were beside me",
16. All This Time:
"dance genre"
in my head, it makes perfect sense to group this title with Back To You, Miss You, Always You, and Habit, and All Along🫣 but obviously, i could be completely and embarrassingly wrong. louis is the king of writing songs about missing/going back to toxic, unhealthy relationships and based on the title alone, i think this has similar themes to those songs. this song was described as dance-y though, so i'm really feeling the Always You theme. i don't want AY's "i miss you 🥺, i was so wrong for leaving you🥺" though, i want this one to burn though; i want it to go for the throat. edit: he played this on the listening parties & people said this was actually kind of laid back???? almost lo-fi sound??? alt indie electronica dance?? people who went to the listening parties don't talk about this song much😭 and it's the lowest on my list,,,,, i'm sure it's a great song though!!!!!
[the songs below don't count on the song ranking bc we already heard 'em, so... but here are my thoughts!]
17. Bigger Than Me:
lead single!!! this is my First!!! Ever!!!!! louis official song release🥹🥹🥹 shes very special to me 🫶 tbh i didnt expect this kind of sound for fitf! my first impression of this song was that it sounded like a blend of Walls and Defenceless. it could've easily fit with Walls album, too. it's a really good, upbeat song, im obsessed. i do admit it wasnt love at first listen but that's only bc i expected he'd go for a rocky-er song. the instrumentation is in this one, his vocals, lyrics that actually Mean something,,, mwa chefs kiss! amazing choice for a lead single (but for some reason isn't being pushed by radio lmao.......)
18. Saved by a Stranger:
"vulnerable and poignant"
19. Copy of a Copy of a Copy (Live from Lima):
a moving song, it came at a very unexpected time too (near btm release week, when there was much happiness and excitement about the new era). the lyrics are simple but they weigh heavy on my heart. this being the accompanying song to Bigger Than Me (song about acceptance, healing and growth) is a deliberate choice by louis, and that fact makes me miserable!!!!! i like the themes (ugly face of fame, comfort in anonymity, genuine human connections, and obvious references to depression and suicide) and how it was delivered soo simply but, aaughhHH thinking about this song long enough always puts me to tears :( also i just wanna say,,,, i personally do not think the "she" are the fans like🧍‍♀️ it's a song that portrays fame in quite a negative light, so the fans he earned from that same fame is not what saved him... i think! personally!!! it's someone who doesn't even know who he is "and i wonder if she still remembers me". having a person you do not even know care about your safety and wellbeing only because you share the experience of being human with them. that is just me though so if u disagree and have your own personal meaning to this song, then it's totally fine!!! take what u want from this song. OH and also, it sounds like the guitar part in the afhf doc !
still my number one! the revelation that louis wrote it all by himself is incredibly sexy, and just reaffirms how much of an amazing songwriter he is. the sound editing/production of Bigger Than Me (Live from Milan) was amazing, so i cannot wait how copy (live) will sound!
tbh when i typed it all out as a list and seeing which songs are higher than the other, i feel unsure lol i'm not 100% on it! it's fine though bc i havent heard any of these (except for btm, sbas & coacoac)!!!!!!!! it's going to change drastically once fitf is released anyway <3
my album expectations:
okay,, album expectations/predictions time !
overall genre: grunge-y indie rock, alternative, pop punk, pop rock, soft rock(?), alternative dance(???), some ballads here and there but generally big and loud songs meant for live shows, arenas and stadiums <3
fitf concept will be about: love and healing, growth, and having faith in the future, acceptance, changes, & coming of age,,, i want him to talk some shit too though 👀
i think we'll get 3 singles: (1) Bigger Than Me, & my guesses: (2) Out of My Sytem (3) Lucky Again (starting to really doubt we'd get a third single bc it's so quiet & releasing a single close to the album release is a little dumb i think, but at the same time having only 2 singles feels wrong..... well, this was my original prediction so im sticking w 3 even though it'd be weird to at this point)
this tweet that says with the listening parties, he's letting fans hear the "mid" songs😭 so this means allll the songs he's still gatekeeping from us are his best!!!!! (not saturdays tho bc it's in his top 3... grain of salt bc ik some bitches r liars)
he said it's not as polished as walls, not as heavy emotionally, so i think we'll get an album that's just him having fun with the sounds and trying new things- lighter, more spontaneous & dance-y vibe. he said it would give us hope.
of course, im expecting the lyric quality to be better than walls ! i personally thought otb was his best song lyrically from walls (regardless of the discourse on whether he wrote on it or blah), so i cant wait for him to top that! (im team otb > copy lyrics wise btw)
i still want a song similar to Miss You so he can tour it
i hope we can hear more of louis' vocal range on this album <3 bigger than me already delivered but i need more 😋🤲
i still think the tiny bit the band plays after kmm is actually part of a song from fitf bc apparently louis already finished 99% of it before(!!!) tour started,,, i could be super wrong lol
louis will actually play guitar on stage before the encore i know it bc he told me ;)
i expect to completely fall head over heels in love with this album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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kooberist · 4 months
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17:30━━━━⬤─────── 34:07
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ᯓ★ a/n: I know havent posted in like 4 months or something but inspo struck me last night. Please do understand this is based off the infamous groupie tape by marilyn manson. Yes im well aware of what he did and what role the groupie tape had in the trail. No i do not support that man but the idea of groupie was just so cool. This is all fiction < 3. All of that is old shit i wrote 2 months ago when i started to write this then i took a break and now im wondering if i should finish.
ᯓ★ Warnings : drugging, non con, r*pe, bondage, talks about jesus during sex, violence towards reader, blood, gun play, 18 year old reader, recording, spanking, slight somnophilia, underage drinking, mentions of satanism/devil worship, virginity loss, THIS IS FICTION!!!! Btw if you click that link heres tw because.....its crazy (you can only hear)
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A slim, long finger pushes the VHS tape into the player. Click. The tape is in and will begin playing the video shortly.
The 30 minute tape is cut short at 17 mins as the lady on the couch pauses it.
"You can never release this. If this ever reaches the media you will be fucking over. I mean it"
The lady's eyes were filled with fear as she spoke, her voice barely above a whisper. The man standing behind her nodded solemnly, clearly understanding the seriousness of her words. He reached for the remote and turned off the TV, the screen going black as the room fell silent. The tape was carefully removed from the player and hidden away; the secret it held was locked tight.
The house is loud. Music is loud as drunk rockers dance with girls and, most likely, high-ranking groupies. A small girl is navigating her way through the crowd of people to the stairs. Your arms are full as you carry a big painting. This would be the day she met her idol. Up the stairs and now in front of a hallway of rooms, you just had to find out which one Hoseok was in.
Knocking on a door to get nothing then opeing another to see a group orgy. Lets act like you didn't see that. Shutting the door quickly your small frame walks over to the next door.
You open the door to see a man with dark long strands with his nose to a table. He looks up, coke on his nose. Its him. The man on the painting you had.
"Are you Hoseok?" you ask tentatively, trying to keep your voice steady despite the nerves that were starting to build up inside you. The man nods slowly, a small smirk playing on his lips as he gestures for you to come in. You step into the room, your heart racing with excitement and uncertainty, unsure of what is to come next. This was the moment you had been waiting for—the moment when you would finally come face-to-face with the man who had consumed your thoughts and dreams for so long.
The man stands up. His heavy boots hit the crusty and creaky wooden floor boards. He guides you into the room and closes the door behind you.
There is no way you were a groupie. This was no slut. But a girl who could only dream of being a groupie. "sit down" he commands, his deep voice sending shivers down your spine. As you take a seat, you can't help but feel a surge of adrenaline mixed with fear. What did he want from you? Your mind races with possibilities as you wait for him to break the silence and reveal his intentions. But one thing was for certain—you were no longer just a fan, you were in the presence of the man himself, and the reality was both exhilarating and intimidating.
"Are you here to suck my dick?" Hoseok says nonchilantly
his eyes piercing into yours with a mix of curiosity and amusement. Your heart races at his blunt question, unsure of how to respond. You had fantasized about meeting him and being close to him, but you never expected this level of directness. The air between you crackles with tension as you search for the right words and the right way to navigate this unexpected turn of events. Your mind races, trying to process the sudden shift in the dynamic between you.
"N-no. I wanted to give you this." You shyly speak as you hand him the pants with his face on them.
"What good are you if you aren't here to suck my dick?! You interrupted my lines to show me this weak ass painting?". You feel a wave of shock and embarrassment wash over you as his harsh words hit you like a punch to the gut. The fantasy you had built up in your mind shatters in an instant, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. You struggle to find your voice, feeling small and insignificant in his presence. The weight of his expectations hangs heavy in the air, and you realize that the reality of the situation is far from the dream you had envisioned.
You struggle to find your voice, feeling small and insignificant in his presence. The weight of his expectations hangs heavy in the air, and you realize that the reality of the situation is far from the dream you had envisioned. You get up to go, trying not to cry, but his cold hands grab you.
His hand locked on your delicate wrist as he brought his other hand to your face with a loud smack. Cheek red with his hand print, you stand there in shock, unable to comprehend what just happened. His sudden violence sends a wave of fear through your body, and you can feel your heart pounding in your chest.
The pain in your cheek serves as a stark reminder that this man is not who you thought he was. As you struggle to break free from his grip, you realize that the fantasy you had built up in your mind has turned into a nightmare. You gather your strength, and with a newfound determination, you finally break free and run, leaving behind the shattered remains of your once beautiful dream. "Such a fucking slut " he spat. "Coming into my room acting like you didn't come here to take this dick."
"You think guys are going to want to fuck you?" His hands are grabbing at your tits through your cotton dress. "Stop!" You scream, pushing him away with all your might. Tears stream down your face as you scramble to get away from him. He overpowers you and keeps grabbing. "You think you're going to get married and have a nice family?" You fight back with all the strength you have left. "STOP!" You scream loudly, but he brings his hand back to your face to shut you up. "Sit down." He pushes you into a leather chair, and you feel trapped and helpless. His words ring in your ears, and his hands are still lingering on your body. You know you have to get out, but fear paralyzes you.
He brings rope to you, and before you know it, you are tied down to the chair , unable to move or escape. Tears stream down your face as you realize the severity of the situation.
The feeling of helplessness weighs heavily on you as you struggle against the restraints, but deep down, you know you must stay calm and think of a way to free yourself. Your mind races with thoughts of how to outsmart him and break free from his hold, but the fear of what he might do next keeps you frozen in place. It's a battle of wills, and you know you have to find a way to survive this terrifying ordeal.
Hoseok turns away to grab his pill bottle, emptying the lat 2 in his hand. "Open your fucking mouth." As he approaches you with the pills in hand, a sense of dread washes over you. You know you cannot consume whatever is in those capsules, but you also know that refusing him might lead to consequences you cannot bear to think about. With a deep breath, you muster the courage to speak up, "I won't do it.”
His eyes meet yours with a mixture of anger and disappointment, but you stand your ground, determined to fight against his control. In that moment, you realize that survival means more than just physical escape; it also means holding onto your own agency and resisting his attempts to break you. His strong hand grips your mouth and forces your jaw open.
You scream and scream, but he shoves the pills in. His pretty finger is pushing down your throat to make sure you take it , choking and gagging as you struggle against his relentless hold. As the pills slide down your throat, you feel a sense of defeat wash over you. But deep down, a fire ignites within you, fueling your determination to never let him control you again. He started to untie the rope and free you from the chair. He knows you will try to escape him again.
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{the main hall is loud with boisterous music and the sound of party goers chatter and laughter description of Lillian sitting on the throne next to her father the king her head adorned in a golden crown with emeralds and a black and green dress her adopted siblings sit in slightly smaller chairs next to her explain either here or later that this is based on rank of how close their are to being primary heir}
The boisterous music came to a slowing halt as the king of [[placeholder]] rose from his seat and faced the congregation of people that stood in his gaze “my people of [[placeholder]] I throw my hopes upon you that you have been enjoying yourselves most thoroughly but I am more than ecstatic to tell you that the reason you are here, the moment that we have all been patiently waiting for is upon us” his voice boomed through the Great hall “the drawing of names is upon us, for the future of this kingdom,for the future of our people.” 
he reached his hand out and made a quick gesture of his hand to signal the servants to to draw closer unto him the the wide oak doors swung open a beautiful but chaotic medley of trumpets echoed off the hallowed hall, the hall that had seen this tradition ring through for a millenia had seen Kings and Queens of great stature of phenomenal promise, rise or fall to the challenge before them, Lillian had no plan of befaling to the hand of her victim to be. Her darkened black eyes with flecks of gold looked to her father as the crowd dispersed before the small group of people carrying upon their shoulders, her future, this kingdom’s future as her father had so eloquently put it her eyes never faltered off of him waiting for the smallest hint of his approval to move forward and draw the name,the name that shall decide her fate.
Lillian could’ve sworn that time had sunken it’s cold talons into her mind and plagued her with vision of it slowly passing by her even though in her mind’s eye she knew it had been going much faster than how it felt, she watched as her father slowly turned his head just the slightest to tell her wordlessly that the day that she has tirelessly been training for since the day she had escaped the womb for the day to prove to her people she is more than capable of taking care of them that she can be cold and calculating to those that defy her that she will rise to the ranks of her ancestors before her, she slowly raised her self out of her seat, she gave the respected curtsy to her father and her people she stepped towards the crystal bowl its carving of the mythical polar bear that has seen her ancestors through battle for many a generation its legacy carved into the wood that builds the very bones of this castle its claws on the crystal bowl reaching up towards the mouth of the bowl its meaning deeply etched into the mythology of their people it’s guidance and wisdom but also its ferocity towards those who would wish harm it eased her soul as she reached in and gently pinched the silken soft parchment paper between her fingers.
 “Elizabeth the third ,house of black bear” Lillian announced her voice sure and steady “now my target has a name to it,finally” she muttered under her breath as she watched and waited for her siblings to draw their enemies from the crystal glass.
As the last name rang out Lillian stood to her feet she walked to her father and pardoned herself from the party as she made her way to the library with the intent of learning everything she could possibly learn of the lineage of the house of black bear she would know Elizabeth's family and ancestry better than Elizabeth herself, she must prepare her mind along with her body, no matter what it takes the years of pain, the scars that are etched into her ivory skin,she wore them with pride her favorite being the scar that goes from the tip of her right eyebrow down her nose into her left cheek a gift from her mother when they used to spar, it was the only gift her mother ever gave her before her untimely death, her mother wasn't keen on physical affection she believed it would make lillian weak so she showed her love through preparing her for this tradition she trained lillian so she could take her rightful place on the throne the pain the beatings being locked in the dungeon for failing all of it was out of love lillian would tell herself and she would be damned to waste those years of effort from her mother on some privledged princess who has never had to scream for her place let alone  fight tooth and nail, body and soul for a mere chance of living up to her mothers expectations her parents expectations her peoples expectations. “I will find this Elizabeth and wrench her soul from her body. I will watch the lights in her eyes cascade down into Hades' realm, even if it takes my soul with it.”
Chapter 2
The dagger hit the door with a thump “if you have a wish of untimely mortality then please pursue further into my chambers'' lillian said from the floor surrounded by dusty scrolls and piles of books that haven't been touched in ages let alone read “my apologies madam but it is a message from the king..your father” lillian’s handmaiden said calmly she was used to lillian’s fits of rage at this point, lillian’s head snapped back her eyes wide in surprise “my apologies miriam I thought you to be a bumbling party goer who though it wise to take their sweetheart of the night into my chambers” miriam dismissed her apology with a flap of her hand as she turned and yanked the decorated dagger from it’s resting place in the structure of the doorway “no apologies needed your highness I would have knocked upon your door before entrance but as i’m sure my lady can see it was of great importance, i forget myself in my old age at times” miriam said with a laugh. “You are not too old of age, Miriam, you still be the freshest of flowers in this kingdom whether it be your looks, your countenance or purely your stature” lillian laughed as she pulled herself off the floor “for what old maid would put up with me at my times of childish behaviors? None I say to you but a fairly young lady with eyes full of a gleam of hope,well then they might surely deal unto the hand they have been given no?” Lillian again laughed, reaching out to Miriam to receive the letter.
Miriam gently handed it to Lillian along with Lillian’s dagger. Lillian quietly pocketed the dagger as she opened the letter; it contained two letters in the one envelope.
“Dear Lillian I pray to those before us that this letter finds you well, the moment has arrived, the family of black bear have planned a masquerade,although it is in the rules to not to know your  target’s face but nevertheless I’m more than confident in your abilities best of luck”
This message was signed off from Lilian's younger sister, the only one too young to partake in this tradition. It warmed lillian's heart to know that her abilities have been acknowledged by her beloved sister, the second letter merely stated the time and place of the ball and a “loving” message from her father a simple “best of luck, my child” lillian gently placed the letters on her nightstand that stands proudly next to her bed
Chapter 3
Lillian bites down on her tongue as her corset is tied up from behind the hilt of her concealed dagger digging into her ribcage but she wouldn't dare utter a sound of discomfort, she has been taught from a young age that weakness is almost more frowned upon than treason, as the maids finished up tidying her up for the ball they bowed and retreated out of her chambers, before the door could fully close lillian headed towards her cabinet and pulled out a small vial full of an inky red almost black liquid she threads a string through the small clasp at the top of the crystal vial and slips it over her head gently before it can take its resting place in her bosom she gently kisses it “watch over me mother, guide my hand, may your watchful eyes bring honor to our family and to our people” Lillian gently whispers and if someone could hear her they might have also heard that her breath gently caught as she gently almost lovingly placed it under the top of her dark red dress. Lillian sat in front of a gem encrusted mirror as she gently applied a dark red liquid to her lips she rubbed her lips together a couple times before taking a cloth nearby and dabbing the extra liquid off leaving a ruby tint to her thin heart shaped lips,she looked into the mirror her dark eyes were decorated with a dark red powder and her lashes given the illusion of looking longer with mascara her scar was, to her disapproval ,hidden with some kind of liquid specifically made to match her skin, if it weren't for the borderline magic of her lady in waiting it would be apparent of the amount of nights lillian had gone without rest
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