#going fucking paladins!!!!
mosswolf · 7 months
stephen talking galen through the "im a horrible evil berserker paladin and loving this person is a curse to them and i need to leave them for their own good" phase is so funny he's come so far since paladin's grace
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solmesia · 1 year
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sex is nice and all but have you considered just laying there... holding your vampire lover... and talking about the first time you broke your oath...........
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roosterm3at · 7 months
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hello dansecock nation
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thedragonagelesbian · 16 days
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say more oh please please PLEASE say more davrin what does sacredness mean to you, what does it mean for you to understand your obligations as a grey warden through the prism of dalish faith, do you pray to andruil to guide your blade as you hunt these monsters down, to elgar'nan to scorch the blight from this world and to mythal to protect its victims, talk to me about the holiness of duty and sacrifice and and and and-----
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vulturereyy · 2 months
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The Pastel Punisher Original Face Smasher Paladin of Moonsummit Savior of the Triplet Kingdoms Champion of Selune
Sorbet Lemonbalm
And nothing more.
THANK YOU SO SO MUCH @spindlewit FOR THIS AMAZING PIECE OF MY D&D GIRLIE SORBET!!!!!! Literally came out beyond perfect and reflects her journey over this 3+ year campaign so well, my girl is SO tired but she's not done yet :') !!!! Somebody please give this bitch a break!!!!! (And go commission Spindlewit!!!)
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demigod-of-the-agni · 8 months
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This is what happens when you complete the "Remembering the Past" quests immediately after you're accused of murder
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rukafais · 4 months
i'll never not be mad that there's technically 'punishments' for not worshipping hard enough in Forgotten Realms because that's not even how polytheistic religions worked, they have psychopomps, you don't have to worship the psychopomps for them to do their job of taking you to your culturally significant afterlife because THAT WAS LITERALLY THEIR JOB. ahhhhHHHHH why diD YOU MAKE THIS SYSTEM
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dykedvonte · 3 months
Danse and Hancock work only after blind betrayal because it’s the equivalent of the one closeted person you kinda pity getting kicked out after being outted and you and your like 7 other faggot friends take them in and help them do a 180 on their outlook on life and personal style and get them to weed (possibly grape mentats in this case).
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so guess who finally played blind betrayal
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stone-stars · 5 months
actually it's. interesting to me the way clerics and paladins exist in naddpod. because divine magic isn't really ever about the divinity of it. it's about the devotion.
i'm going to loop back to beverly bc he's the most classic paladin naddpod has. but like. alright. you have erlin, who becomes a cleric not to serve pelor but to help people. he's so dedicated to bev, he wants to help the people he loves, and that's the way to do it. because he's not strong in the traditional sense, but he can be strong this way.
you have fia, who's a cleric because of her religious upbringing but mostly calls upon the trickster for her magic and if you really think about it the thing she is most devoted to isn't the trickster at all but irina. you have tarragon who becomes a cleric in repentance for her days as a soldier, but all of her cleric stuff manifests in dedication to her friends, to the bond they share.
and you have callie, who-- once she's freed from her tie to mothership-- has a paladin oath that is about her dedication to the wild and the serpents and her promise to help bring them home. her belief in and love and hope for them. and the idea that if she does she might redeem the memory of her mother.
and like. bev. who is very tied to pelor and the light. his oath morphs and changes with his worldview, and the way his powers manifest reflects what he cares about. in the end, when pelor is dead, he doesn't swear himself to another god. he swears himself to bahumia. the thing he's devoted to, the thing he's trying to protect.
it's like... divine casters aren't magical because some god chose them. it's because they chose to care. it's because they chose to look at something and say i am going to care about this so much that it becomes a source of strength.
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justanotherignot · 11 months
What happens if you don't let Aylin and Isobel join camp:
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jahanmp4 · 2 days
Jericho : "Sir Marius, I mean this in the most respectful and polite way possible, but you already got one curse. Perhaps... Let us... Bear some curses so you don't have to, that's the point of friends !"
Marius, yelling : " I CAN BEAR MORE !"
Jericho "Why don't... you let your friends shoulder a little bit of your burden ? Let the world do its own spin !"
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yashley · 2 years
lady of whitestone vex’ahlia grand mistress of the grey hunt champion of pelor is going to fucking kill ludinus da’leth confirmed though .
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asteroidtroglodyte · 1 year
I’m tired. I’m tired of all these Youth Pastor Paladins. Folks who see the Lawful Good stereotype and just roll a… a… magical cop.
They don’t. They don’t understand. The Paladin is someone who devoted their entire life to an idea. To an abstract concept. To a Code.
They are God’s most Autistic creatures.
Of course, all this is because of DnD’s garbage alignment system, which has the depth of a soup spoon and pisses me off.
The MTG system is much, much more robust. The fact that the folks at Wizards never cross pollinated is a fucking travesty. But, given how Executive management has been shitting the bed across our society, I suppose that’s no surprise.
That does it. I’m doing it myself.
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the-punforgiven · 1 year
I know there's that whole stereotype of DMs and PCs hating each other or whatever but to be 100% honest the most joy I get out of D&D is when my players come up with some absolutely crazy batshit idea that should be absolutely impossible rules as written because as the DM I can choose to ignore that dumb nerd shit and just say "That sounds fucking rad dude, I'm giving you inspiration for that idea, now make an Acrobatics check."
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stupidsexygrizzop · 1 year
listen. listen. i fucking adore long form ttrpg campaigns. i love letting the story linger and the characters grow and all of the great stuff that comes with giving a story time to tell itself.
i need brennan to let the crew level up and i need it to happen now not because of how lethal level 1 is, but because i may actually go insane if i have to spend another few months guessing at what the subclasses are going to be
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