#goetian demon
happilyelegantwombat · 7 months
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Happy Valentine 💝.
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ashleyfableblack · 10 hours
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"Okay… what about this one?" Queen Twilight tapped a hoof on the page. With a soft glow of her horn she drew out the complex symbol in the air as she sounded it out. "Vah… Lahk. Varahk? Varrac!"
Chrysalis smiled. "Perhaps…" She sleepily craned her neck to study her most recent clutch of eggs. A sticky green resin held the precious charges in place, dangling from a nearby rocky overhang. As the wind funneled through the natural arch, they gently swung, rocked as a baby in a crib.
With a puff of her cheeks she blew a gust of glittering pinkish light in their direction. The love energy swirled around the eggs like an octopus ink, clouding the air in a warm soupy fog before it was absorbed into the tiny grey orbs. The as-yet-unborn gobbling up the nourishment from their mother. Chrysalis gave a sleepy yawn and began to slowly drift to laying on her side,. She wondered if they, too would have violet eyes like their little lavender pony other-mother.
"Chryssi?" Twilight gave her wife a gentle prodding with her wingtip. "Honeybug?"
"MRZussaffm…" Chrysalis's eyes struggled open.
Twilight gave an pleading grin at the pitifully adorable sight of the little larvae nuzzled around her bughorse bride as they tucked into the translucent tresses of her cobweb-mane. "Chryssi…?"
Chrysalis chittered to one of the larvae and gave her an affectionate nip, removing a flake of molting chitin. "I'm sorry, beloved. I'm just-" she yawned again . "You know your pony naming conventions are so unnecessary to our changelings. They're hatched knowing their designations through the hive-mind."
Twilight pouted with a pleading smile as she leafed through the pages of the incredibly ancient book. "I know it's a point of cultural confusion between our races, beetlebum. That's why I'm trying to incorporate more of your culture and try some names more familiar to your people and your people's history- while at the same time educating myself on the Ancient Equish language and history." She held the book aloft in her magic with a prideful flourish, still carefully keeping her place in its pages. "THUS, we are using one of your old journals from the pre-Sucrosian Period!"
Chrysalis sighed and gave a playful roll of her eyes in surrender. She had to chuckle. When Twilight was like this, she truly couldn't deny her little wife anything. She watched with interest as Twilight opened her old journal. Two of their larvae quickly skittered from the navy waves of her wife's mane to climb on the millenia-old manuscript. Excited to help their ponymother, they chittered happily, holding the page in place with their forelimbs.
"So…. Varrac?" Twilight asked with a bright, curious smile.
"Well, she was good with snakes."
Twilight looked from the ancient book to one of the tiny changeling larvae cuddled into her crest of alicorn chest-fluff. "Are you a 'Varrac'? Are you going to be good with snakes?"
The tiny face lit up like a Hearthswarming bonfire at her ponymother's excited smile. She hissed out her tiny forked tongue and wiggled her little caterpillar-like rump of a tail segment. Twilight fawned with motherly pride and nosed at the tiny changeling babe. "I'll bet you will be. Of course you will. You look just like a Varrac."
Chrysalis adored moments like these, lazy afternoons together with her wife, watching her excitement and pride as she learned new things. Pouring over old volumes of any sort, Twilight came to life in a whole other way. Knowledge was her passion.
"Let's see here… What about… This one, V….Vaaa….Varghan?"
Chrysalis peered over the tome. "Vabam. As I recall she …was good with secrets…. good at telling them anyways."
Twilight crinkled her nose at that thought. Looking to one of the larvae she shook her head. "That doesn't sound like you, does it?" The tiny changeling babe tilted her head. returning her ponymother's smile and shake of the head. "No. You're not a Vabam. That's an honest little face if I've ever seen one. Hmmmm…."
She continued pouring over the swirling, magical symbols. With Chrysalis tutelage she was learning the art of reading them but still, the practice was FAR more complicated than any language she'd ever encountered. Deciphering the symbols was as much mental wrestling as it was arcane finesse, even compared to the darkest and most ancient of pony magics. "Okay, what about… Sssssurgat? No. I remember you said something once about that one. She liked to pick locks or…. Oo! Suluth! What about that one, Chryssi?"
After a few moments of silence Twilight looked up from the page. "Chrysalis?"
She chuckled. Chrysalis had dozed off. Their tiny charges, nestled secure in the tucked chitinous hooves of their armored queen-mother, mirrored her gentle snoring.
"Oh well." Twilight sighed. With a curling of the enchanted waves of her mane she drew the larvae gathered around her into her crest of chest floof. "I guess that can be enough for today."
The alicorn queen softly shut the tome. With a mother's love, she gently carried her little buggy babes with her as she sidled over to the slumbering bughorse. After a few moments of ooching she eventually found her way into the creche of her wife's limbs and In the enchanted air of sweet summer breeze the royal family drifted off together.
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The Daemonesses Of The Ars Goetia 🔥
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It's unfortunate that cultural appropriation of Lilith and other Jewish daemonesses has such a large influence and prominent following in the Daemonolatry community nowadays. In order to counteract some of this, I wanted to offer alternatives to working with Lilith, specifically from the infamous grimoire that is the Ars Goetia!
The entirety of the Ars Goetia daemons are referred to as male. But are they all really just guys?
Although all 72 of the Goetian Daemons are referred to with masculine pronouns (he/him/his), I don't personally believe that all of the Ars Goetia are or identify as male/masc. I see daemons as gender-fluid and believe that they appear to everybody differently.
So here are the Goetian Daemons that I personally consider to be Daemonesses, in regards to my UPG! :)
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NOTE: Please keep in mind that I have not communed or worked with every daemoness listed here. I have attained most of my knowledge of them through research and sigil gazing. And as always, this is just my UPG so please don't take this as fact! If what I've written here doesn't resonate with you, that's completely okay! Please form your own conclusions and opinions on the subject matter. 🖤
NOTE: In this post I will be referring to the spirits listed as both goddesses and daemonesses interchangeably, as I see daemons as deities in their own right.
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+: Queen/Countess Vinea :+
From the Ars Goetia: "The Forty-fifth Spirit is Vine, or Vinea. He is a Great King, and an Earl; and appeareth in the Form of a Lion, riding upon a Black Horse, and bearing a Viper in his hand. His Office is to discover Things Hidden, Witches, Wizards, and Things Present, Past, and to Come. He, at the command of the Exorcist will build Towers, overthrow Great Stone Walls, and make the Waters rough with Storms. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits. And his Seal is this, which wear thou, as aforesaid, etc."
Lady Vinea is a sun goddess of battle, chaos, strength, storms, and war. She can also assist in matters of divination and scrying. She can help one with self-esteem and confidence, making you stronger in the face of your enemies. She could also be worked with as a protective deity.
It was no surprise to me that Vinea shares a lot of the same characteristics with Lady Sekhmet, an Egyptian sun goddess depicted with the head of a lioness. From my findings, she seems to be a spirit shard* of Sekhmet herself.
* In my UPG, a spirit shard is when an aspect or piece of a deity or spirit breaks off from its original fountainhead and becomes its own individual spirit or deity in their own right. They could be seen as a relative or creation/child of the original spirit/deity.
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+: Queen Beleth :+
From The Ars Goetia: "The Thirteenth Spirit is called Beleth (or Bileth, or Bilet). He is a mighty King and terrible. He rideth on a pale horse with trumpets and other kinds of musical instruments playing before him. This Great King Beleth causeth all the love that may be, both of Men and of Women, until the Master Exorcist hath had his desire fulfilled. He is of the Order of Powers, and he governeth 85 Legions of Spirits. His Noble Seal is this, which is to be worn before thee at working."
Lady Beleth is a sun and moon goddess of music, love, desire, emotions, lust, and peace. Despite the Ars Goetia describing her as "terrible", she actually has a very calming nature. She can help you with emotional regulation and the understanding of both your own and others' emotional experiences, thus assisting in relationships of any kind. Beleth can also assist in creative matters, especially of music.
Beleth is a spirit shard of Lady Bastet, and is cousin to Lady Vinea. Much like Bastet, Lady Beleth is associated with domestic cats and appears as cat-headed, just like her fountainhead deity.
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+: Duchess Bune :+
From the Ars Goetia: "The Twenty-sixth Spirit is Bune (or Bim). He is a Strong, Great and Mighty Duke. He appeareth in the form of a Dragon with three heads, one like a Dog, one like a Gryphon, and one like a Man. He speaketh with a high and comely Voice. He changeth the Place of the Dead, and causeth the Spirits which be under him to gather together upon your Sepulchres. He giveth Riches unto a Man, and maketh him Wise and Eloquent. He giveth true Answers unto Demands. And he governeth 30 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, unto the which he oweth Obedience. He hath another Seal (which is the first of these, but the last is the best)."
Lady Bune is a goddess of necromancy, wealth, enlightenment, hidden wisdom, death, and the shadows. She can help the living commune with the dead and vice versa, and can also help "lost souls" with moving on into the afterlife. She can also assist in matters of self-improvement, personal growth, learning from past mistakes, and changing for the better.
I believe Duchess Bune may be a somewhat distant relative of the Lernaean Hydra of Greco-Roman mythology. Both of their connections with water and the underworld seem to confirm this.
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+: Duchess Crocell :+
From the Ars Goetia: "The Forty-ninth Spirit is Crocell, or Crokel. He appeareth in the Form of an Angel. He is a Duke Great and Strong, speaking something Mystically of Hidden Things. He teacheth the Art of Geometry and the Liberal Sciences. He, at the Command of the Exorcist, will produce Great Noises like the Rushings of many Waters, although there be none. He warmeth Waters, and discovereth Baths. He was of the Order of Potestates, or Powers, before his fall, as he declared unto the King Solomon. He governeth 48 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, the which wear thou as aforesaid."
Lady Crocell is a goddess of freshwater, healing, purity, life, and fertility. Being a goddess of purity, she can help one to cleanse any space of negative energies. She can also heal and cleanse someone by immersing them in the water of her astral springs.
I've found many similarities between Duchess Crocell and Lady Sulis, a Celtic goddess of the thermal spring of Bath. I believe Crocell is a creation/child of Sulis.
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+: Duchess Gremory :+
From the Ars Goetia: "The Fifty-sixth Spirit is Gremory, or Gamori. He is a Duke Strong and Powerful, and appeareth in the Form of a Beautiful Woman, with a Duchess’s Crown tied about her waist, and riding on a Great Camel. His Office is to tell of all Things Past, Present, and to Come; and of Treasures Hid, and what they lie in; and to procure the Love of Women both Young and Old. He governeth 26 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc."
Lady Gremory is a goddess of love, passion, friendship, beauty, lust, desire, and feminine attributes. Not only can she help you form and/or mend relationships with others, but she can also assist in developing self-love and self-acceptance. She is especially fond and protective of women, including trans women and fiaspec people in general! The Infernal Divine does not discriminate. Xx
I think Duchess Gremory could be a relative of Lady Branwen, a Celtic goddess of love and beauty. They have similar correspondences and I can't help but feel like they may be kind of related in some way.
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+: Duchess Vepar :+
From the Ars Goetia: "The Forty-second Spirit is Vepar, or Vephar. He is a Duke Great and Strong and appeareth like a Mermaid. His office is to govern the Waters, and to guide Ships laden with Arms, Armour, and Ammunition, etc., thereon. And at the request of the Exorcist he can cause the seas to be right stormy and to appear full of ships. Also he maketh men to die in Three Days by Putrefying Wounds or Sores, and causing Worms to breed in them. He governeth 29 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc."
Lady Vepar is a goddess of the sea, protection, sickness, healing, medicine, storms, and marine life. Being a goddess of sickness, she can also help heal said illness and helps find cures for any ailments. She can assist in addressing traumas you've kept buried within the depths of your soul, so that you can emerge above the waters a better version of yourself.
Duchess Vepar may be associated with Lord/Lady Leviathan and Lady Tiamat, due to the correspondences with the ocean and seawater. I believe she may also have ties to the Kuliltu and Kulullu daemon races from Mesopotamian mythology, some of the many children of Mother Tiamat.
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+: Duke/Duchess Astaroth :+
From the Ars Goetia: "The Twenty-ninth Spirit is Astaroth. He is a Mighty, Strong Duke, and appeareth in the Form of a hurtful Angel riding on an Infernal Beast like a Dragon, and carrying in his right hand a Viper. He giveth true answers of things Past, Present, and to Come, and can discover all Secrets. He will declare wittingly how the Spirits fell, if desired, and the reason of his own fall. He can make men wonderfully knowing in all Liberal Sciences. He ruleth 40 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, which wear thou as a Lamen before thee, or else he will not appear nor yet obey thee, etc."
Lord/Lady Astaroth is a god(dess) of love, sorcery, lust, passion, friendship, androgyny, and magic. Similar to Lucifer, they are an enlightenment and knowledge daemon. They also assist in building relationships with others, as well as self-love. Astaroth can help you strengthen and further develop your divination skills as well, making it easier to communicate with the spiritual realms in general.
In my UPG, Duke/Duchess Astaroth isn't the same as Astarte (Ashtoreth), but rather a spirit shard of her. This spirit shard was then further developed into a daemon by Lord Lucifer himself. These are just my personal beliefs though!
(Side Note: I believe that Duke/Duchess Astaroth goes by all pronouns, but personally I just use they/them/theirs pronouns most of the time to refer to Astaroth. Xx)
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+: Marchioness Gamigin/Samigina :+
From the Ars Goetia: "The Fourth Spirit is Samigina, a Great Marquis. He appeareth in the form of a little Horse or Ass, and then into Human shape doth he change himself at the request of the Master. He speaketh with a hoarse voice. He ruleth over 30 Legions of Inferiors. He teaches all Liberal Sciences, and giveth account of Dead Souls that died in sin. And his Seal is this, which is to be worn before the Magician when he is Invocator, etc."
Lady Gamigin, also known as Lady Samigina, is a goddess of death, necromancy, dying, darkness, the afterlife, and the Underworld. She assists with spirits crossing over to the afterlife, and can also assist in communicating with the dead. Gamigin could also function as a grave-keeper type of spirit.
Marchioness Samigina may be related to the Gallo-Roman goddess, Lady Epona; a protector of equine animals, and a goddess of fertility. The "leader of the souls to the afterlife" correspondences seem to confirm the correlation between Gamigin and Epona.
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+: Marchioness Marchosias :+
From the Ars Goetia: "The Thirty-fifth Spirit is Marchosias. He is a Great and Mighty Marquis, appearing at first in the Form of a Wolf (or Ox) having Gryphon’s Wings, and a Serpent’s Tail, and Vomiting Fire out of his mouth. But after a time, at the command of the Exorcist he putteth on the Shape of a Man. And he is a strong fighter. He was of the Order of Dominations. He governeth 30 Legions of Spirits. He told his Chief, who was Solomon, that after 1,200 years he had hopes to return unto the Seventh Throne. And his Seal is this, to be made and worn as a Lamen, etc."
Lady Marchosias is a goddess of war, battle, strength, chaos, and protection. She can help one to feel powerful and assist in taking back control in your life. She can help you feel motivated and confident. Marchosias can also assist with curse work and help you rise up above your enemies.
Marchioness Marchosias may have ties to Lord Fenrir from Norse mythology. I've noticed they both share the same chaotic energy. They only seem distantly related to one another though.
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+: Marchioness Phenex :+
From the Ars Goetia: "The Thirty-Seventh Spirit is Phenex (or Pheynix). He is a great Marquis, and appeareth like the Bird Phoenix, having the Voice of a Child. He singeth many sweet notes before the Exorcist, which he must not regard, but by-and-by he must bid him put on Human Shape. Then he will speak marvellously of all wonderful Sciences if required. He is a Poet, good and excellent. And he will be willing to perform thy requests. He hath hopes also to return to the Seventh Throne after 1,200 years more, as he said unto Solomon. He governeth 20 Legions of Spirits. And his Seal is this, which wear thou, etc."
Lady Phenix is a sun goddess of transformation, rebirth, resurrection, creativity, passion, nature, and fire. She can help ignite the creative fires within one's soul so they can express their full artistic potential. She can also help one burn up negative traits so that you may emerge from the ashes a better version of yourself.
Marchioness Phenex can be considered either synonymous with or an aspect of the Greco-Roman Phoenix bird. I personally see Lady Phenex as being a daemonic aspect of the Phoenix.
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+: President Amy/Avnas :+
From the Ars Goetia: "The Fifty-eighth Spirit is Amy, or Avnas. He is a Great President, and appeareth at first in the Form of a Flaming Fire; but after a while he putteth on the Shape of a Man. His office is to make one Wonderful Knowing in Astrology and all the Liberal Sciences. He giveth Good Familiars, and can bewray Treasure that is kept by Spirits. He governeth 36 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc."
Lady Amy, also known as Lady Avnas, is a goddess of volcanoes, the wild, nature, strength, fire, wisdom, and protection. She can assist one in the studying of desired topics and subjects, but especially astrology and the zodiac. She can also shield one from negative energies, as well as help the individual to become stronger.
I can't help but feel like President Amy has associations with Lord Pan/Faunus... However Amy isn't as prominently sexual or lustful as Pan. They both seem to be deities of nature and the wild though.
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+: President Haagenti :+
From the Ars Goetia: "The Forty-eighth Spirit is Haagenti. He is a President, appearing in the Form of a Mighty Bull with Gryphon’s Wings. This is at first, but after, at the Command of the Exorcist he putteth on Human Shape. His Office is to make Men wise, and to instruct them in divers things; also to Transmute all Metals into Gold; and to change Wine into Water, and Water into Wine. He governeth 33 Legions of Spirits, and his Seal is this, etc."
Lady Haagenti is a goddess of sorcery, transformation and transmutation, fertility, magic, creativity, and change. Like her masculine counterpart (President/King Zagan), she teaches spiritual alchemy and can assist one with attaining spiritual enlightenment in this way. She can also help with developing creative skill so one can excel in their desired creative fields.
Some have aligned President Haagenti with the previously mentioned Lady Bastet. Personally, I don't really see them as being linked in any way, nor could I find any good sources as to why people conflate them with one another. If anything, I feel like Lady Haagenti, along with President/King Zagan and Count/President Morax, evolved from the Minotaur in Greek mythology. I also believe Morax may be an aspect of the Minotaur, but that's for another post lol.
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+: Prince(ss) Seere :+
From the Ars Goetia: "The Seventieth Spirit is Seere, Sear, or Seir. He is a Mighty Prince, and Powerful, under AMAYMON, King of the East. He appeareth in the Form of a Beautiful Man, riding upon a Winged Horse. His Office is to go and come; and to bring abundance of things to pass on a sudden, and to carry or recarry anything whither thou wouldest have it to go, or whence thou wouldest have it from. He can pass over the whole Earth in the twinkling of an Eye. He giveth a True relation of all sorts of Theft, and of Treasure hid, and of many other things. He is of an indifferent Good Nature, and is willing to do anything which the Exorcist desireth. He governeth 26 Legions of Spirits. And this his Seal is to be worn, etc."
Lord/Lady Seere is a god(dess) of the skies, astral travel, peace, clouds and rain, fertility, beauty, and androgyny. They can help one with astral travel as well as dream interpretation and walking the dreamscape. They can also help one attain insight about yourself and whatever is going on in your life. They can also help you attain an abundance of whatever it is that you seek.
Prince(ss) Seere and their steed may have ties to the Pegasus in Greek mythology, though I wasn't able to entirely confirm this.
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+: Princess Sitri :+
From the Ars Goetia: "The Twelfth Spirit is Sitri. He is a Great Prince and appeareth at first with a Leopard’s head and the Wings of a Gryphon, but after the command of the Master of the Exorcism he putteth on Human shape, and that very beautiful. He enflameth men with Women’s love, and Women with Men’s love; and causeth them also to show themselves naked if it be desired. He governeth 60 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, to be worn as a Lamen before thee, etc."
Lady Sitri is a goddess of love, passion, relationships, sex, fire, lust, and desire. She can help one with love spells and sex magic, as well as mending relationship conflicts. She can also infuse any creative project with passion, and help you overcome creative blocks.
I personally feel that Princess Sitri has ties to Lady Aphrodite/Venus, given the associations with love, desire, and sex. I also believe she's related to Duke Flauros/Haures in some way too. Sitri appears to me as a cheetah rather than a leopard, but that's just how I see her lol.
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Welp, that concludes the daemonesses of the Ars Goetia! Please keep in mind that these are just my personal beliefs, and I encourage you to take from this post what you wish and form your own opinions and beliefs on the matter.
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There are many goddesses and daemonesses that span across several different practices and cultures that are open to work with...
Lilith doesn't need to be one of them.
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+. GIF Credit .+
I hope you all found this post helpful! And as always, I wish you well on your spiritual path. 🖤
~ Many Blessings ~
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cinnarx · 1 year
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Small pendant I made for my good friend Wildfanqart <3 Our OCs Cinnar (death's head hawkmoth) and Ray (Goetian-baphomet-like demon) just sharing a tender moment ~
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ftwkcomic · 6 months
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Octavia #1 2024
I have a question? Is it true this park is just a really shameless spin-off of Lucifer's far more popular Lulu world? Portfolio: https://ftwkcomicbooks.myportfolio.com Discord: https://discord.gg/TQUA26Naj8
Socials and comms info https://ftwkcomic.carrd.co/
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tokiyumejo · 3 months
2 guesses for 2 upcoming whb noble names
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Someone could already say the same thing, but I am guessing they could be Ars Goetian demons with similar characteristics cause of similar theme and colors in their whb designs + similar horn placement and horn jewel. Could be one of those duos:
a) Agares and Vassago (more likely than 2nd variant)
b) Halphas and Malphas
i know them wearing kimono could not be a big deal as well as similarity in horns and jewels...but if i would be at least a bit close to truth it would be fun
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jollmaster · 4 months
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asile!AU, the one who started this whole mess and coddles all these losers
° Charlie was born somewhere in XVIII century
° one of the youngest descendants of Lucifer and Lilith, but doesn't keep close relations with parents
° in demon form looks like a white goat
° could have gotten together with Seviathan von Eldritch, one of the great-grandsons of Leviathan, but changed her mind, so mentally she's divorced lol
° gave birth to Razzle and Dazzle without a man because she's a demoness and she can do it
° her children are lesser zoomorphic demons, goat-like, not very intelligent, but smart
° for a long years and decades Charlie took the sufferings of sinners for granted, until by chance (and the favor of one of the Goetian princes) she was invited to the hunt of count-governor Glasya-Labolas and heard the hazel trees weeping in the forest of suicides
° shelters sinners in the sanctuary by right of asylum/sanctuary
° right of asylum is an ancient right of inviolability: whoever is in the territory of sanctuary is under the protection of the higher powers and cannot be taken away or condemned
° Charlie's ideas of what is "in a human way" are sometimes very crooked
° sometimes she doesn't even understand why mortals cling to family and/or its semblance so much
° sometimes she preaches sermons with one of her sons in arms because she's a shepherd and there are no lambs to be found, only little goats
° hellborns think that Charlie is crazy
° sinners are happy that this young woman protects them
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jinxed-sinner · 6 months
the effort that Stolas, Ozzie, and Beelzebub go to in order to minimize any power dynamic between them and their romantic interests isn't discussed enough tbh. There's inherently a power dynamic between a Sin and an imp, or a Sin and a hellhound, or a Goetian prince and an imp, not just socially but also just in terms of inherent abilities. However:
Ozzie assures Fizz that he loves Fizz for Fizz, and it's made clear that he's protective over him because of what the Greed Ring is like, as well as the kinds of merchandise Mammon sells of Fizz. It's not that Ozzie doesn't want Fizz to be independent; in fact, he very much seems to want him to be independent. It's that there's an inherent concern for his safety because Fizz is a celebrity in the Greed Ring that has sex dolls sold of him.
Stolas is afraid of there being a potential power dynamic between him and Blitz beyond the one that comes from him being more powerful than Blitz, and actively seeks to mitigate it by going to Ozzie and asking for one of his crystals so there's no potential for Stolas to be taking advantage of Blitz.
When Bee transforms into her full demon form to get Loona to check on Blitz, when she changes back to her regular form the first thing she does is apologize to Tex, who doesn't even seem to mind, but because that is a show of the inherent power imbalance between Bee and Tex, she apologizes anyway ("Sorry. Sorry, I know, I got a little spicy there. I just hope everything works out."). She even looks apologetic towards Loona.
I love how Helluva Boss treats these power dynamics. There's inherently a power imbalance in these relationships which should make them unhealthy, but the party with more power in each relationship makes an active effort to minimize the power imbalance. It's one of the reasons Ozzie and Fizz's relationship can be as healthy as it is, and it's one of the reasons Tex is so relaxed even after Bee transforms into her full demon form. Stolas and Blitz's relationship is currently toxic because they're stubborn oblivious boneheads who refuse to acknowledge their own feelings or each other's feelings, not because of the power imbalance (at least not inherently, or entirely). I think we should talk about it more tbh.
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bleucaesura · 6 months
Stolas rubbed his eyes and looked around, confused.
How did I get back to the mansion?
“Octavia? Sweetheart?” Stolas’s voice sounded hollow and empty in his ears.
Noone answered.
Stolas was sitting on the cold granite floor of his grand foyer. He felt a cold sweat on the back of his neck and his feathers began to stand on end.
I can’t be here…
Stolas scrambled to his feet and tried to open a portal.
Nothing happened.
What…? What’s going on?
He tried again to create a portal. Then to even create a tiny spark at the tip of his finger… But his magic wouldn’t come to him.
This has never happened before… This can’t be happening…
Stolas’s heart hammered in his chest.
I can’t deal with this right now… I’ve got to get back to the hospital…
He rushed to the side table, picked up the phone, and started to dial.
Someone will come get me…
He lifted the receiver to his ear.
No sound.
He patted down his pockets, no cellphone.
Stolas called for the little butler.
Despite the vast emptiness of the mansion, Stolas’s voice didn’t echo. It hung hollow and flat in the air; stagnant and heavy.
Noone answered him.
Stolas hesitantly ventured further into his home and called for other members of his staff.
Noone came.
Noone was there.
What the Hell is going on?
Stolas began to panic. He felt as though an icy chill was sliding down his spine.
He ran to the main doors.
I’ll walk back if I have to…
He grabbed the handle.
He used all his strength and tried to force it open.
No nononono…
He raced down the halls trying every door and window.
Nothing would open.
The further Stolas ventured into the mansion the more he felt its stark emptiness. He felt like he was descending deeper and deeper into a cave; the light leaching from every surface the further he went.
No lights were on. None of them worked. The pentagram wasn’t out in the Hells sky. So no light shone in the windows.
Stolas paused and looked out a window.
Stolas covered a silent scream.
There’s nothing out there.
His heart hammered in his chest as he looked out into an empty void.
I’m alone. Completely. Utterly alone.
Stolas dropped to his knees and clutched his chest.
He was panicking. He couldn’t calm himself down. He was hyperventilating, and sobbing through a deluge of tears.
“Ugh. Cease this b*tch crying.”
No… Not now…
Stolas started to shake. He couldn’t make himself turn and look at his father. But he could feel him towering over him; his oppressive presence loomed behind him. Judging him.
“It’s truly unbecoming of a Goetian Prince.” Paimon said haughtily.
Stolas tried to measure his breaths.
Stay calm…
He couldn’t stop crying. He fell forward onto his fists and punched the floor in frustration.
“You always were SO emotional. It’s why I never wanted to deal with you.”
Paimon walked around and stood in front of Stolas.
Stolas refused to look up at him.
“Now you disgrace me with a DIVORCE?” Paimon leaned down until his face was next to Stolas’s. “For that filthy, imp, clown, no less?”
Stolas shook with rage. He felt his body pulse. His demon cried to be released.
No. I’m not strong enough…
He dug his talons into the floor, scaring deep grooves into the granite.
Paimon laughed, waved his hand dismissively and sent Stolas flying back through the mansion, smashing through doors and walls. Stolas watched his father grow smaller and smaller through rock and rubble; a tiny, evil laughing menace. He closed his eyes and all he could hear was Paimon’s laughter.
Stolas slammed into something and all the air was knocked from his lungs. He choked when he tried to breathe but instead water rushed into his lungs. He was being pulled down into a vast inky ocean.
Stolas fought to swim up and break the surface. His lungs burned. He was seeing spots. Just when he thought he was done for, he broke through and gasped for breath.
Stolas sputtered and coughed, trying to empty the water from his lungs. He wretched and shook in shocked relief. He looked around.
My f*cking bathtub?… Stolas… Get yourself together! Did you fall asleep in the tub again?
He scrambled out and drained the tub. He glared at it while the water swirled out.
You’re losing your mind you silly bird… Just a nightmare…
Looking around, everything looked… Normal… Stolas toweled off and put on a robe. He poked his head into the bedroom, and found no one.
What in Hell is going on?
He felt strange. Like…
Wasn’t there somewhere I was supposed to be?
“What in the F*CK are YOU doing?” Stella screeched from the door to the hallway.
“Stella!” Stolas squawked. “What are you doing here?”
“What?! What the f*ck do you mean “What am I doing here’?” Stella stomped across the room and grabbed his wrist in her vise grip. “What are YOU still doing up HERE?! We have a f*cking PARTY downstairs and you’re still not f*cking DRESSED?!”
Stolas blanched.
This isn’t right… This can’t be happening. She’s supposed to be gone. This is supposed to be over.
“Don’t f*cking look at me like that you piece of sh*t!” She shoved him away. “Now get that pathetic excuse of an a** back in there and get dressed!”
Stolas fell to his knees and clutched his head in his hands.
No. Nonononono… This can’t be happening.
He could hear Stella screaming at him as if from far away. He rocked himself back and forth.
This can’t be happening. This can’t be real… This isn’t right… I’m not supposed to BE here…
Stella’s screams became a blaring siren that drilled into his skull. It drowned out all sound. All reason.
He wanted to make it stop.
Please make it stop….
“You look tense.”
That voice…
Stolas’s heart flipped. He flushed.
“Maybe I can help you out there.”
Stolas shuddered with pleasure.
Blitzø threw Stolas on the bed and straddled his hips
“Blitzy. I’ve missed you so much…”
He grabbed the bed’s drapes and began to tear off strips.
“I was so worried about you.”
Blitzø began to tie Stolas down.
“I’m so glad you’re ok, darling.”
Blitzø kneeled over the bound Stolas, and glared down at him.
“I love you, Blitzø…”
Blitzø laughed in his face.
“Stolas. Don’t act like what WE have is anything more than YOU wanting ME to F*CK you. You make that clear ALL the time.”
Stolas felt his heart break. He couldn’t bear to hear those words again…
“Blitzø! No! I love you! I want so much more! I want you! ALL of you!”
“Forget it, Stolas.” Blitzø hopped off the bed and walked to the balcony. “I don’t want YOU.”
Blitzø jumped onto the balcony railing.
“Darling… Please.” Stolas’s voice cracked. His throat choked with tears. “I love you.”
“Thanks.” As Blitzø leapt over the balcony’s edge he called back, “But no one could ever love you.”
Stolas’s heart shattered and with it his bindings turned to ash. He curled into a ball and sobbed uncontrollably.
He’s right…
Stolas felt a gentle hand touch his shoulder.
“Octavia?!” Stolas looked up at her through tears.
When he saw it was really her, Stolas leapt forward and wrapped her in a tight hug.
“Oh my sweet, Via! I’m so, so happy to see you! You have NO idea…”
Stolas could feel Octavia was ridged in his arms. She hadn’t returned his hug.
“Octavia?” He pulled back and looked at her. “What is it my owlet?”
“Why are you even here?” She glared at him.
Stolas’s heart dropped.
“What?… What do you mean?” He stammered.
“You left. You left me and mom. You wrecked this family. You chose HIM.”
“No! No, that’s not true! I…” Stolas stumbled over himself to find the words.
“Forget it, dad!” Octavia pushed him away. “There’s no coming back.”
Octavia turned and walked away.
“Octavia, no!” Stolas tried to follow but the first step he took, the floor opened and he pitched a**-over-t*t into the void of space.
Stolas shivered and curled into himself. He’d never felt the cold of space before. This chill cut through him like an angelic knife. It sliced him. It burned a path straight through him. He felt paralyzed.
This vast emptiness was nothing he’d experienced before. And it petrified him. Not only did he feel utterly alone and separate… But he felt… WATCHED. Something lurked just beyond…
Stolas didn’t know how long he existed there in that void. It could have been an eternity. It could have been a moment. But it was torture. And when the nothingness began to split and a light began to slowly creep out into the void, Stolas didn’t welcome it. It made his heart stop in terror.
The slit spread and widened beyond comprehension. Then it burst open, hurtling Stolas back across the cosmos. He watched in horror as the further he got away the more the thing came into focus…
A giant eye. A colossus… And reality was evaporating in its wake.
Stolas closed his eyes, unable to bear the horrors any longer. Tears streamed down his face and he still hurtled through space.
Please… Someone… Anyone… Help…
Stolas felt a delicate hand slip into his. It held tight and pulled.
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blitzosicedcoffee · 9 days
Thinking about Stolas and Wings.
Why doesn't Stolas have wings? He seems to have them in his demonic Eldritch form, but when he's normal, there is nowhere in that little back of his where he could be hiding them!
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chaifootsteps · 4 months
alternate ending idea - Stolas throws Blitzo out of his room for daring to talk back to him and Blitzo is left not knowing how to feel
he goes into work the next week putting a bright face on it and showing off the crystal, only to get Moxxie & Millie acting sad that Stolas is no longer in the picture and treating it like a breakup
Blitzo starts to get really mad and he can't figure out why, until eventually Moxxie comments offhand that Stolas seemed really into him and it's a shame. then he snaps. he asks why his colleagues are so determined to defend Stolas when he's never once remembered their names or Loona's. he knows they don't always get on but it hurts they don't show up for him like they do for Stolas when they have far more in common with him than with a Goetian prince
he walks out, intending to cool off. but he finds himself sleepwalking his way over to the Wrath ring. He's barely two bars deep into pub crawling his way into oblivion when he finds the one person he knew would understand & was unconsciously hoping to see
Striker pitches Blitzo his deal to help kill demon royalty a second time, because he's decided this is the job he's happy not to be paid for, Stella be damned. And this time Blitzo doesn't hesitate before he agrees
If I find a genie in a lamp tomorrow, I'm wishing for more wishes, and then the fifth or sixth one down the line is going to be for this.
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motherfucker-unlimited · 11 months
Most people take it for granted nowadays but back before we had duolingo and online classes and whatnot, we had to summon Goetian demons to ask them to tutor us in languages and shit.
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taradiddled · 30 days
"Okay," Polly says, stirring her cup of tea. "Stop me if you've heard this one before." She sets her spoon aside on the saucer, then, with all the gravitas of a great orator, she begins:
"A beautiful, proper Goetian lady walks into her first class of the day on her very first official day at university. The class is Fundamentals of Neuroscience by Hell Standards, so this Goetian lady is shouldering the expensive leather strap of a very elegant bag, full of what must have been the HEAVIEST books you can imagine. She has a cup home-brewed tea in a thermos in hand, and is the most formally dressed of all the students in the classroom. Right away, she has the innate sense that will not have the easiest of interactions with her fellow classmates, who see her immediately as an oddity.
"The Goetian lady goes to take a seat up front, as she has been advised by her elders, who are not quite pleased that their daughter has shirked her birthright to delve into the messy business of medicine, but are still paying for the lady's tuition. The lady sees a spot open at the front row, and goes to take a seat, right beside an imp classmate, who scorns the Goetian lady right off, before vacating her seat to sit elsewhere.
"Flustered, the Goetian lady tries focus on preparing her notebook for class, whilst ignoring the stares she's receiving from several of her classmates. She's arrived ten minutes before class will begin, so she finds herself spending those ten minutes staring at her notebook, unable to completely tune out the whispers in the air, most of which concern the lady herself.
"Class begins, and, mercifully, the whispers cease, as the instructor takes to the little podium at the front of the classroom, and begins introductions. Five minutes after class has officially started, the classroom door bangs open, and a banshee comes storming into the room, hefting a rather large, weathered book-bag under her arm. The strap had snapped during the banshee's mad dash to class, as she'd accidentally overslept her alarm, and she was wearing these ghastly camouflage scrubs that she wore to her part-time job as an orderly in the local hospital.
"This banshee was frazzled, clearly, and upon making her entrance to the classroom, all eyes turn on the banshee, and the instructor, a very toadish demon with a gut like an eight-score bachelor...tuts at the banshee! Reprimands her for her tardiness, to which the banshees profusely apologizes, explaining that her bag strap had broken while she had been trying to cross the street to university, and she'd had to bumble through traffic to collect her things.
"The instructor scoffs at the banshee's explanation, and orders her to take a seat so that class can commence. Now, the Fundamentals of Neuroscience by Hell Standards is one of the core classes required in the curriculum, and this particular class is the first scheduled of the day, so the room is PACKED. Seats are full everywhere you look, save, of course, for that one seat open beside the Goetian lady. Ordinarily, the thought of sitting beside a Goetian would fill any ordinary banshee with trepidation, as they would know the history of bad blood between the species. However, this banshee does not care for the tribulations between the two, and takes that very seat beside the Goetian lady.
"The Goetian lady is understandably stunned as this banshee sits down, drops her mangled bookbag on the table in front of her, and begins pulling out her books and pens, as quickly as possible. Class commences, and the Goetian lady is surprised, thirty minutes into the class now, when she realizes that she has been completely IGNORED by the banshee! Not even a glance the Goetian lady's way, or a vocal acknowledgement. This perturbs the Goetian lady, and she waits until the class's brief ten-minute break to address the banshee directly.
"The Goetian lady is about to introduce herself, when the banshees cuts her off! Imagine that! She makes a zipping sound with her mouth, holding up a hand to the Goetian lady -- how rude! -- before saying, 'I have no interest in sharing small talk with a pampered brat, thanks.' The Goetian lady is incensed! How dare this banshee! Flustered, she reprimands the banshee for such rude behavior, and that is when the banshee turns full towards the Goetian lady...and the Goetian lady realizes the banshee is one of the most beautiful creatures the lady has ever seen.
Beside her wife, Moira snorted in derision. "I still think you're just flattering me, Polly," she took a sip from her mug of coffee. "My hair was a fucking mess because I'd forgotten to brush it, and there was a pizza stain on my shirt from the night before, where I'd wiped my fingers after finishing off the leftovers in my fridge."
Polly shook her head, disagreeing firmly. "No," she said, beak clicking. "You were GORGEOUS. And I stand by my recollection of that very special day I met the banshee who would become the love of my life!"
Moira's cheeks flushed pink. "Do you really need to pull out the bard-speak in front of company, Pol?" She gestured to Lucifer and Adam seated across from them on the opposite couch. Lucifer was quite enraptured with Polly's tale, while Adam was polishing off the cucumber sandwich Polly had prepared just for Adam to enjoy.
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nabbit-unmasked · 5 months
I think I narrowed myself down to 2 different species of owl!
While I'm not an owl therian, I am fictionkin of an owl demon. I dont think I'm solely one type of owl, but rather some hell-created owl-demon species. However, I have been wondering what species I'm based off of or inspired by. So, here's my theories!
First up is the Sooty owl:
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I've known about these guys for a long time, and they're especially close to my heart because they live in my hearthome, Papua New Guinea! They strike me as a potential lead, not just because of their white faces and black bodies, but the white speckles all acorss their bodies. They remind me of the stars, which are very important to me as Stolace. I feel my true home is in the stars with Via, and if we die, we'll be reunited there. Because of that, it just feels right that I'm one of these guys.
My other lead is the African Grass Owl:
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I think this one might be a bit more likely due to the fact that this species is unusually tall, and they have that speckled chest and stomach fluff. If you've seen me in a fancy outfit or with my old hat, you've probably seen the black-and-white speckled feathers on it, which looks just like this one. Also, If you look closely at the eyes, you can see the dark patches under them that resemble the same ones I have. Overall, I think this species just looks a lot more like me than the sooty owl, though I don't have that same connection to them.
At the end of the day, I'm just a hellborn (Goetian) demon with no genes from earthborn owls, so I'm not really either of them! But, I do like the idea that I'm a parallel of an earthen owl species, so this was fun to do :>
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drama-glob · 5 months
Precious Gift
Surprise!: Fizz gets to meet the new little babies. ^_^
The Goetian king had already texted Fizz that he was waiting in the kitchen with a special surprise, which no doubt would make him rush through the halls faster than usual, prompting Ozzie to chuckle at the thought of it. The quieves were buzzing and squeaking some as they weren’t completely sure what was happening now, but the darker space of the kennel kept them from getting too worked up. The royal chimera absentmindedly gazed around the lavish room of blues and pinks before checking his watch to find the time was almost 5pm.
“Hmph,” he remarked to himself as he looked back at the door. “Fizzie should be-”
“Oh, here he comes now,” Ozzie cheerfully said despite the sound of a broken vase reaching his ears. He quickly moved around the table so as to both greet Fizz and use his large body to help block his surprise. The barely audible thud of metal feet on the floor was the only other early warning sound Ozzie received before one of the kitchen doors was slammed open. Upon seeing his boyfriend, the Embodiment of Lust casted a trio of wide grins at the jester imp’s arrival, who’s own expression was already one of extreme eagerness as he panted from his dash through the palace.
When Fizz laid his eyes on the giant demon, he let out a loud, joyful cackle before he jumped into the air and shouted, “Fluffy, I’m hooooome!”
Here is the link on AO3:
@charsawdeath @enbydemirainbowbigfoot @pastaprincess @my-dark-lord @meandtheyeehaws
@knightinink @nothoughtsjust-vibes @lagomorphlady More cuteness awaits you and all that read it. ;)
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petitprincess1 · 8 months
Someone may have already asked, but what is the difference between a royal and overlord?
Royal are hellborns called the Ars Goetians. They are ranked above Overlords, but below the Deadly Sins. They are the ones who tend to be philosophers, astronomers, mathematicians, and various other teachings along those lines. They also have their legions/armies of demons that are at their command. They also can traverse through the different Rings of Hell.
Overlords are strictly high amongst Sinners. They can make deals/contracts with other beings of Hell and collect souls. It's unknown how they even get chosen to be Overlords, at least to us fans it is not known. They own territories and buildings within Pentagram City. Unfortunately, just like any Sinner, they are stuck in the Pride Ring as a part of their eternal punishment.
The most common thing that Overlords and Royals have is their ability to make deals and are rich. However, it seems like Overlords are Temu versions of Royals lol
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