#gods. not only did they eat her out UNDERWATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
megatraven · 7 months
I immediately slapped the 2nd option because they absolutely did the deed with MC in the baths in Olympus.
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meowlod · 9 months
You‘re a mermaid, and there‘s a person you always love visiting. Focalors, the one who controls the water around you.
She always came to the empty beach, only to see you, a pretty mermaid the archon has taken interest in. You always come out of the water waving at her, and it truly makes her heart melt. She could turn you into human any time, just not now.
Everyday, it‘s like this. She waits and waits for you always at the same time, waiting until she sees your head popping out of the water.
“Pretty girl, come here.“
You smile sweetly, and god, she loves your pretty smiles. You swim towards her, slowly crawling onto the sand before falling gently into her arms. She gently rocks your back up and down, resting her head against your shoulder.
”I missed you..did you too?“
You couldn‘t speak much human language as you only live in the water, but you can say a couple of words, and understand some of them.
She chuckles softly and gives your forehead a small kiss, then both of your cheeks. It‘s like the both of you are partners in love.
“My dear, will you take care of someone for me if I suddenly disappear one day?“
Huh..? You didn‘t quite understand a couple of her words but you nod nonetheless. Focalors reaches out to her bag next to her and takes out a blue flower crown that fits perfectly on top of your head.
“There, it belongs to you now. Hah, you look gorgeous, my mermaid.“
After some while, she stands up and gives you a small wave before walking away, and you swim back into the water, ready to meet her again tomorrow.
But, she hasn‘t been coming back for a while now. Why? You kept looking up at the time she was supposed to come, but she‘s not there. A day later, another day later…no visit.
Months later, you kept looking up to the water if she‘s there. Nobody. You go back down the water and swim back to your underwater house, putting down the blue flower crown you always had on, on a table.
But something happened. A person visited the beach, and your head pops up to see a woman with the same blue heterochromia eyes as Focalors, the same hair but short, and has a blue top hat with blue-black colored clothing. She looks like Focalors, you thought.
The blue womans eyes slightly widen, and she comes closer, to look at you, a little surprised to see a mermaid in the waters of Fontaine.
As the woman crouches down to look at you, you suddenly jump on top of her and hug her tightly with a big smile. The sudden movement made her gasp.
The blue woman smiles nervously and pats your back, keeping you in her arms, but she is feeling a little uncomfortable.
“…Huh? My name is not…i‘m— i‘m Furina.“
You ignore her words and kept hugging her, and Furina sighs softly, keeping you in her arms, but she feels a little confused and shocked to see a mermaid suddenly hugging her out of nowhere.
So, everyday you‘ve been meeting this woman you thought was Focalors, and Furina seems to have taken a liking on you. She visits you too, bringing desserts to eat together, sitting together to watch the sun and much more.
One day, she came back and sat down on the beach, waiting for you, waiting until she saw your head popping out of the water. Furina gasped excitedly and beckoned you to come closer, and you did.
“Ah, come here, come…I want to show you something!“
As you came closer, she took you in her arms and put a flower crown on top of your head that fits perfectly. It looks like the flower crown you got before, and it makes you smile. Furina chuckles and cups your cheeks before leaning in, leaning in to give you a kiss.
And so she did. She kissed you slowly, and gently. You kissed her back in a sloppy way and it made her chuckle to see that you don‘t know how to kiss, so she pulled away, only to lean back in and kiss you again, helping you a little with the kissing.
Now, Furina pulled back and stared at you with a gentle smile, gently gripping your waist.
“Will you be mine, pretty little mermaid?“
You tilt your head in slight confusion, and she does too. Do you not understand human language? She thought to herself. She tries again to see if you understand.
”Be…um..my girl— girlfriend, pretty mermaid?“
You slightly seem to understand her words more now, and you nod excitedly, letting yourself fall into her arms.
The next day later, Furina came back with a weird blue potion in her hand and handed it to you, staring at you with a waiting look. You take the potion in your hand and drink it slowly, and her eyes widen in excitement to see it working.
Your tail is slowly forming into two human legs, and you‘re now slowly able to walk. Furina gently picks you up, but her eyes widen once again in slight embarrassment to see you naked.
”N—nhhah? Ah— sorry for lo— wait— take my jacket.“
She hands you her jacket and wraps it around your shoulders, but after doing that, you fell down on the ground because you don‘t know how to walk, and she sighs in embarrassment.
Furina gently pulls you up once again and picks you up, starting to carry you bride style away from the beach, with the flower crown still on your head.
After a lot of walking in Fontaine, she finally appears at her apartment and carries you in, walking into her bedroom and slowly putting you on the bed. She opens her closet to take out a pajama set that you can put on, and it‘s also matching with hers.
So after Furina helped you put the clothes on, she puts her own ones on as well and lays down next to you, putting the blanket around the both of you.
She smiled and took you into her arms, mumbling ”i’ll help you with human language soon, so that you can understand my words of affection.“ before falling asleep. You soon feel asleep too, right in her arms, where you belong.
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chrysoula · 1 month
Albedo spent sixty years rescuing Nahida from her cage, because he was looking for a challenge to test himself against. He didn't spend much time thinking about how, after the rush of satisfaction had faded, he would be in possession of a newborn god of wisdom who was so lost she tried to go back into her cage.
"Why are you here?" she asked, puzzled, as soon as the door to her cage opened. "There's so much-- You did so much, so why are you here?"
He stared at her as all of his sense of accomplishment washed away.
She began to gabble. "I knew something was happening, I could see your echoes, the ripples like a fish underwater, and I didn't know what you could want but I helped you when I could, because I wanted to see them beaten so why are you here?"
Because this is the finish line. But he knew better than to say that. Instead, he ran a rapid post-mortem on his plans over the last sixty years. When had the flaw been introduced, and how could he compensate for it?
"Okay," she said into the silence. "Now what?" Her eyes reminded him of glass marbles.
"I don't know what you want me to do," she said bitterly after a moment. "There's nothing I can do."
It was a worldview alien to Albedo. Ever since his mother abandoned him, he'd practiced turning his knowledge into power over the world around him. Before they called him a mastermind, they called him a meddler, and usually he didn't bother tidying up when he was done. 
"Oh. I see," she said, drawing her own conclusion and dropping her gaze. "You didn't come for me after all. How stupid I am." 
And even then, he struggled. He could see the potential shapes of the consequence he'd created and he didn't like them. He'd done something terrible and he had to repair it, but how--??
Tears began to spill from those green eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm just not good enough yet. I shouldn't... I shouldn't get involved." And, wiping her eyes, she'd turned to step back into the cage.
That, at least, he could respond to. "No, don't do that. It would only make things worse."
"What?" She half-turned, her mouth open in surprise.
"Would you like something to eat or drink?" That was probably a safe thing to ask in the situation. The government imprisoning her had been thoroughly disabled that morning. And newborns were often hungry.
"What?" she repeated, and then ran over to him. "Did you change your mind?"
Pleasantly, he said, "I think you did, but that's not an important detail at the moment. Why don't we sit down and talk about a few things?"
She promptly sat down, looking up at him with clear curiosity. He sat down on the ground too, refining his evaluation of her. "First of all, do you have a name of your own? One that doesn't belong to the Archon?"
"Nahida," she said, possibly for the first time. She looked a little surprised, in any case.
"I'm happy to meet you, Nahida. My name is Albedo." He gave her a friendly smile, and she stared at him like she was decoding his face. "Let's try to figure out what you'd like to do now."
"May I ask a question first?" She spoke with a respectfulness he didn't deserve. Not from her, anyhow. He'd have to earn it first.
"Please do. I'll do my best to answer it." While she formulated her thoughts, he began to synthesize some fish snacks he hoped she'd find palatable.
"Beyond your name, who are you?" It was a question carefully considered, and not the one he expected. But her earnest gaze remained fixed on him.
He considered his own response. It wasn't a question he was in the habit of answering. "Mostly, I plan things for other people. I'm quite clever and I've lived a long time compared to most, so I have certain advantages I enjoy sharing. In quite a few places, I'm considered a criminal, because what I help people do is often illegal. " He offered her the fish snacks. "I also engage in projects of my own, like this one."
She accepted one and nibbled on it. He observed as her eyes widened and she nibbled a bit more before finally making a face and putting it down. "I don't know how to taste it right. I'll work on it later."
"Is that what you want to do?" He saw this as a natural way of leading back to the core topic, but when she flinched, admitted to himself that such directness might have been a little cruel after already thrusting so much change on her unannounced.
"Do you think it tastes good?" she asked him uncertainly.
"Yes, I do."
She thought for a moment. "I'd like to learn to like it too, then. And I want to stay with you, please."
Did gods imprint? He'd never looked into the question. But the truth remained: she might be the god of wisdom, but she was also a powerful and traumatized child. If he walked away now, one way or another, she'd show up in his life again, the worse for it.
Calmly, he said, "Yes, I thought you might say that. Do you also want to rule Sumeru?"
She shrugged, curled up in a ball, rocked back and forth. "Sumeru is a dream to me, a world on the other side of pages and glass." Then she sat up again. "But you are somebody I never imagined existed. That seems more interesting than governing a country that doesn't want me to exist, all by myself."
"I agree," he said. "Still, having Sumeru on a stable footing may be useful in the future, so we should probably sort out the knot I made before we go on our way."
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howlingday · 8 months
Jaune Arc Is A Creep
Cardin: Ha! You stupid nerd! (Shoves Jaune) Reading books and shit!
Jaune: Laugh while you still can! You're the stronger one now, but some day, I'm going to grow up, and I'm going to teach myself how to make chloroform and knock you all out! Then I'll drag you into my basement and chain you to the walls! The first thing you'll see when you wake up is me, standing over you as your new god!
Cardin: ...
Ruby: (Bandaging him) And then what happened?
Jaune: (Sniffles) They beat me up and took my books~!
Ruby: Fuck you guys! I'm going back out there and kicking their asses!
Jaune: No, Ruby! Vengeance protocol dictates that we should lay low after an attack and conserve our resources!
Ruby: Fuck the rules! They insulted us!
Jaune: Ruby, as a guy who gets his ass kicked so much he could be a professional, listen to me. The only thing we can do for now is survive!
Ruby: Oh, so I should just cower like you, should I? LIKE A LITTLE BITCH?!
Yang: (Pops Ruby in the head) As far as I can see, you're the only one acting like a little bitch here, Ruby. Now listen to what Jaune has to say.
Jaune: Thanks for sticking up for me, Yang!
Yang: Shut the hell up, Jaune! And you, Ruby Rose, open your mouth.
Ruby: Wha- (Bread shoved in, Gagging)
Jaune: Oh! Oh... Oh, wow... That's... That's kinda hot, Yang.
Yang: Eat, Ruby. Eat and build your strength.
Ruby: (Crying)
Jaune: Keep crying, Ruby. It'll make the bread taste like tears.
Pyrrha: Jaune, I know this is tough, but... Is there a higher power you worship?
Jaune: I used to worship Monty Oum.
Pyrrha: Who's Monty Oum?
Goodwitch: You there! Who the fuck are you?!
Jaune: Jaune Arc, sir!
Goodwitch: Why the fuck are you here, trainee?
Jaune: To become a huntsman, sir!
Goodwitch: That's bullshit! Look at you! I bet you play with dolls!
Jaune: Well, yes, but only for roleplay revenge fantasies, sir!
Goodwitch: Shut up, Banana-Slut!
Blake: You can do it, Weiss. Just focus on your core when using the tether.
Jaune: Yeah, it's not too hard if you concentrate.
Weiss: Even you can do this, Arc? I know I'll regret asking this, but what's your secret?
Jaune: I, uh.... I kinda have a natural advantage with this skill.
Weiss: What do you mean?
Jaune: I, uh... I used to experiment a lot with auto-erotic asphyxiation.
Weiss: ...Just take me up the tether.
Jaune: Oh! I also like to read!
Blake: Oh, really?
Jaune: Yup! For example, did you know that if you electrocute someone underwater, it'll leave no burn marks?
Blake: ...
Jaune: So... I gave it a lot of thought, and I decided. I'm going to serve on the front lines.
Nora: What?! Why?! Jaune, seriously, you suck at everything you do!
Jaune: I know.
Nora: With your tactical brilliance, you could easily land a spot as an officer away from the battlefield!
Jaune: I know.
Nora: So why the hell are you coming to the front lines with us?!
Jaune: ...
Ren: We're finally here, Jaune. We finally made it as huntsmen. Do you have any regrets?
Jaune: No. It was either this or med school.
Ren: I... wasn't aware you wanted to be a doctor. What was going to be your specialty?
Jaune: (Wide grin) EUTHANASIA.
Coco: I'm open to suggestions.
Nora: Let's give all of our weapons to Ruby and have her use them to build a giant rifle-toting, sword-swinging mecha.
Coco: What is this, a fucking anime? No!
Blake: We could always give up and run away.
Coco: No!
Ruby: Let's play Arrowfell!
Coco: NO, GOD DAMMIT! NO! Does anyone have any good ideas?!
Ren: Jaune has one.
Coco: ...Dear god. Alright. How bad is it?
Jaune: This is an old revenge fantasy I used to reenact with dolls.
Yatsuhashi: Holy shit, this guy is fucked.
Jaune: In my most elaborate schemes, I'd pretend the dolls could see me before stabbing their eyes out and burning them alive.
Fox: ...Jaune, has anyone ever told you that you have an unhealthy obsession with ocular trauma?
Jaune: It's like closing the windows to the souls!
Cardin: You know, if we shoot out the Grimm eyes, we could finish them off without losing anyone.
Pyrrha: Jaune, you are the creepiest fucking guy I've ever met, but hey, that's not a bad plan.
Nora: Jaune, can I ask you something?
Jaune: Sure!
Nora: This is going to sound stupid, but... Let's say I, hypothetically, have romantic feelings for a fake brother-
Jaune: You mean Ren?
Nora: Yeah, whatever. But let's say I acted on those feelings. Would it... Would it be wrong?
Jaune: Nora, why are you asking me about socially moral protocol?
Nora: Because you're the only one I can trust to not tell anyone. And even if you did, everyone would just assume you're being a creep again and I could deny everything.
Jaune: Wow, Nora. That's cold, dark, and manipulative genius.
Nora: I'm sorry, I just really need to know.
Jaune: I've never seen you in this light before.
Nora: Is it wrong?
Jaune: Hey, can I have a lock of your hair?
Nora: Answer my question, Jaune!
Jaune: Alright, alright! Look, the way I see it, I don't see anything wrong with your feelings, Nora. He wasn't really your family anyways, so even if you did incest-bang, it would've been fine.
Nora: It's not incest!
Jaune: I know, I know! I just prefer to think of it that way!
Nora: ...
Jaune: Bitch, don't even give me that look. You already KNEW what you were getting into asking me for advice!
Marrow: General, wait!
Ironwood: God dammit, Wags, not now!
Marrow: General, Huntsman Ren and Pine along with Huntress Valkyrie are invaluable soldiers, and thus are completely expendable. But you should know that Huntsman Arc is said to be one of the most fucked up people on Remnant!
Jaune: (Thinking) No! They found my secret!.
Ironwood: Oh, really?
Jaune: Act normal- (Meow) NO, MISTER WHISKERS! NOT NOW!.
Ironwood: And just how fucked up are we talking?
Jaune: (Twitching hard) GET YOUR LITTLE CLAWS OUT OF MY EYES~!.
Marrow: Fucked up enough, some say, to rival even you, General.
Ironwood: ...To rival me, you say?
Ironwood: JAUNE ARC!
Jaune: MEOW!
Ironwood: Is what they say true?! Are you truly a fucked up little shit?!
Jaune: Well, I think I'm perfectly normal, but I may have a few desires and tendencies some may classify as... off?
Ironwood: ...Okay, Huntsman Arc. We're going to play a little game, and if you lose, the survival of both yourself and your friends over there, too!
Jaune: Sir, this is a horrendous abuse of authority-!
Ironwood: SILENCE!
Ironwood: Jaune Arc, I challenge you to a personal duel to the death! We shall fight with words to determine once and for all who is the most fucked up human being on the planet!
Jaune: (Huffs) Okay, this? I can do!
Jaune: I laugh at death!
Ironwood: I worship Salem on the weekends!
Ironwood: I lick tears off of orphans!
Jaune: I call arson a career!
Ironwood: I joined the military to watch people die!
Jaune: I celebrate living failure!
Ironwood: I submit to certain death!
Jaune: I harass the elderly!
Ironwood: I dip my soldiers with disease!
Jaune: I throw rocks at the homeless!
Ironwood: Oh yeah? Well, you wouldn't know anything about this because you're a virgin, but casualties are my favorite form of sexual foreplay! (Jaune stunned) YES! HAHAHA! Foolish child! You thought you could match wits with the worst of us and win?! You played the cards of a petulant boy, Jaune Arc, and now you and your little bitch friends will die!
Jaune: (Looks to his team)
Nora: (Thinking) You can do it, Jaune!.
Ren: (Thinking) There's no one I've ever met who's creeper than you!.
Jaune: You thought you were fighting a mere moral? You thought you could probe the darkness that is my mind?!.
Jaune: I will take your cities! I will subjugate your children! I will rape and devour your armies! But you, only you shall survive, so that you may bear testament to my will and ultimate revengeance!
Atlas: ...
Vale: ...
Vacuo: ...
Mistral: ...
Salem: ...
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chuckeroo777 · 2 months
Dungeon Meshi Volume 13 Part 2
Welcome back! Things are about to get crazy, so let's dive right in!
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Is it any wonder the community unanimously decided this was Marcille's chimera-sona? She's cute, she's sky-fish adjacent, she has a flower crown (A hallmark of only the most mentally stable characters). What's not to love? And as Mithrun will agree, snake women are sexy.
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Later, Kabru suspects Laios stumbled into saving the world, but my man was seriously planning six steps ahead. He came up with the ultimate plan to kill the ultimate monster.
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Marcille is understandably upset that the lion stole her cool outfit. She wanted to show that to Falin later!
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Nothing personal kid.
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The demon isn't malevolent my ass. It knows what Mithrun wants. It just can't be assed to bother.
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I know the right page is the important one, but oh my god. Laios, did you seriously doodle blueprints of your stupid "Falin lives in a hole now" plan? Did you seriously doodle your "female faligon" idea?
Anyway, as is tradition with ultimate chimera appearances, here is another one of my creatures!
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I'll leave it to the viewer to try and figure out what inspired this freak.
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Of course Laios' takeaway from the succubus was that Scyllas are cool. Fun fact, some of these details are actually relevant. The ability to change shape is apparently how he managed to return to human form, and the poop thing explains why New Melini is forested despite being underwater for 1000 years.
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Marcille isn't even surprised at this point. Just deeply disappointed.
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Toshiro, why are you smiling? Kabru, that looks more like awe than fear.
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Bitch, I'm fabulous.
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Marcille, you're the one who created the monster that vores people, that's it's whole job.
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Don't worry Marcille. This disaster is due to an incredibly complex confluence of unpredictable events. In other words, it's everybody's fault! Hooray!
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God, this is so funny.
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Leave my boy alone! At least we can all agree the collar is cool.
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Oh, that's a neat detail. Time is stopped for all the humans, but the monsters can still move.
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When I first read this, I thought the plan was that now that the lion is in a finite body, we can eat it. Like, I thought that was how it was going to end as soon as they swapped. But Laios is way ahead of me.
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Good to see the rest of the party came to the same conclusion I did. And Marcille's eyes are still on the prize.
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Famous last words.
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Yeah, but we're expressing a desire regarding his treatment you raging douche-muffin. You're freaking infinite. We've seen you have the power to pacify monsters peacefully.
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It's so fitting, that Laios, our favorite dog, saved the world by eating something he really shouldn't have.
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👏Full Circle!👏
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Oh Marcille. I'd have thought you'd have learned by now to have a little more faith in your brother-in-law.
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Ah, dungeon food. To eat is the privilege of the living. There is no hierarchy.
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That sounds like the words of a loser to me.
And that's it for volume 13! Didn't have as much to say as I thought I might. Guess this climax speaks for itself. What a powerful and thematic ending to the demon. See why I'm having trouble figuring out what direction to take my AU? Figuring out the changes to monster of the week chapters is easy. Figuring out how to do the big thematic battles against Thistle and the Demon are hard. It's hard to imagine anyone but Laios prevailing against such opponents.
Anyway, see you next time for the finale! Here, have a couple of extra Marcilles. I thought I would need more of them.
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A precious image.
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roseamongroses · 9 months
stick to the stuff u know
a/n: shuriri of course, back at it again with the sleepy time wlw
ao3 here
It started like it always did.
In the dark of the lab, Riri squinted at the tiny screen in front of her--she’s been re-reading this same report for the past twenty minutes with no success. Words and numbers were starting to blur together. Even with the brightness so low, the light was starting to make her nauseous. 
It was moments like these she wished she wasn’t barred from tinkering with her own consciousness again. It’d be awfully convenient if she didn’t have to rely on her A.I and could just work all night--no need to worry about her body being silly. 
Sadly her mom had thrown those plans out the window--literally. She even forced her to go outside, retrieve said plans. All so she could lecture her point-by-point about ethics and hubris or whatever.
God forbid she be happy. 
Riri blinked hard, trying to refocus on the task at hand. 
That’s when she felt it. 
Something hard pressed into her cheek. 
Riri turned, eyeing the offending granola bar and the attached hand like it was the devil itself. 
Shuri pressed the snack into her cheek again,“Eat.” 
“What?” Riri’s head was still processing the sudden appearance, a little dazed. 
Only the safety light was on at this point, Riri was tucked away in some obscure corner desk trying to decipher the next step of her plans. She hadn’t really noticed--nor cared when everyone had left. Though she was faintly surprised to see she outlasted Shuri. 
Shuri had changed her clothes out, now wearing a too-long tank-top and basketball shorts-- hair wrapped.
 The Princess stood over Riri, other hand idly tapping the back of her chair unimpressed, “Eat--” She repeated, eyebrow arched, “Then get out of my lab.”
Riri scowled, something childish rearing in her head at the suggestion. She was grown. She would know if she was hungry so she didn’t need to be babied-- 
Riri’s stomach growled. 
Impossibly loud. 
Riri decided being human was overrated. She ignored Shuri’s triumphant grin as she snatched the granola bar. She stuffed it in her pocket half-heartedly grumbling her thanks.  
“Great--now get out,” Shuri was annoyingly persistent, continuing to prod at Riri’s cheek. 
“I’m busy--” Riri batted at her hands, annoyed. 
“You’re  a work-a-holic--there's a difference--” Another prod--this time to Riri’s forehead.
“Pot, kettle--” Riri shot back, twisting in her seat to grab the offending hand, “Don’t you stash pillows in here?”
Shuri hummed, not acknowledging the claim--hypocrite--eyes fixated on their hands. 
Undeterred, Shuri slipped from Riri’s grip, interlocking their fingers together instead with a smug expression, “Doesn’t matter. My lab--my rules, so I’m kicking you out.” she reasoned, gently pulling the other girl along. 
Riri’s breath hitched, her protests dying. 
It seemed her whole body was determined to betray her today. Her words were gone, and her legs were content to follow as she let Shuri lead the way. 
Her heart was the worst of them all, her chest warm--pleased at how Shuri’s hand felt in hers. Slim, soft against Riri’s calloused hands. 
She fought back a grin of her own as they passed the guest rooms --Shuri didn’t even glance back, pulling her down the hall that led to the Royal family’s rooms instead.  
She had only remembered sleeping in the guest room once or twice since her arrival in Wakanda. At first it was an accident--she fell asleep in Shuri’s room while waiting for them to find a book. Shuri didn’t bother waking her up--simply pulling the covers over her and climbing into the empty space beside her. 
The pair never addressed it. 
It seemed silly at this point.
 Something about being trapped in an underwater lair, injured, and scared shitless chipped away at their boundaries quickly. And Namor was still too much of a threat to really talk about what happened to them yet. 
Riri didn’t have to explain why she sometimes woke up gasping for air. Shuri didn’t have to explain why she didn’t want to sleep alone. Not yet. 
Still--despite all that was unsaid, Shuri looked back every-so often. Those cautious, curious glances waiting for Riri to protest, to question, even if she never did--or would. 
Riri stumbled after Shuri, a strange warmth settling between her throat and ribs. The door shut quietly behind them, her eyes adjusting to the dim light. 
Shuri’s room was a repurposed observatory. 
The walls were dark, high, and rounded. The shelves filled to the brim with books, papers, and plants that crawled high towards the concave sky-light.  In the center of the room, there was a rounded bed, partially sunk into the floor. It was a mess of sheets, pillows, and blankets. Off to the side was a wide desk  instead of a side-table. Its surface is covered with sticky-notes and small-scaled models of potential projects. 
Shuri released her hand, immediately crawling into bed.
Riri frowned at the loss, shimmying out of her pants as she went to search the drawers. She finished her granola bar then undressed  quickly. She pulled on a random large shirt and her bonnet before sliding under the blankets as well. 
Shuri’s back was turned to her, breathing soft. 
Restlessness  pulled at Riri though, even as the warmth of the bed and the weight of the day finally settled over her. It was hard to step away--to make her brain stop even if she was hardly getting shit done. 
Riri yawned, shifting on her side in an attempt to get more comfortable. Her eyes flicked from the slow blinking stars above, to the soft dip of Shuri’s neck--to the space in between them. 
They did this every night and yet--she was nervous. Just a bit. 
Riri’s fingers traced patterns in the sheets “...Shuri?” 
A moment--then Shuri turned around. She always does.  Eyes dark, shining, and narrowed in on Riri entirely. It was easy to forget with all the bustling in the lab, how intense her attention was when you had it. As if the whole world was narrowed down to you. 
The bed creaked as Riri was pulled into her arms. Hands slid down her shoulders and settled on the small of her back.
Riri liked the weight against her--skin against skin. She liked whatever this was and her body finally started to succumb to sleep. 
When morning came, something new came with it. 
Riri’s body was heavy and warm with sleep. She groaned softly, eyes fluttering shut--threatening to pull her back under. 
Sunlight filtered through the partially-shut shutters. Shallow strips of honeyed light flickering across the stretching plants and dark walls. 
Riri’s eyes fluttered again with great effort. Her face pressed against pillows and legs comfortably tangled.
 Shuri stared down at her, head propped up by her arm as she watched the other fight sleep. She had been up for a while now to be honest, unwilling to unhook Riri’s legs from around her waist, but, “I have to go get ready for a meeting,” she  continued, voice low as she nudged Riri gently. 
“Gross,” Riri muttered, nose curling at the thought. 
“Mhm,” Shuri agreed, tracing the curve of Riri’s thigh-- her shirt bunching  around the swell of their hips, “I’ll be back,” she promised, pulling away as she crawled out of bed. 
Riri frowned at the loss, hands wearily trying to follow.
Shuri looked back, laughing breathlessly as she caught one of the wandering hands in hers. She watched the half-sleeping girl, tracing circles in her hand as she thought. 
Dark, shining eyes narrowed in on Riri, Riri’s hand and the space in between. 
Before she could second-guess herself, Shuri pressed a chaste kiss to Riri’s hand,  then let  it go. Another pause. Shuri leaned down further and pressed another kiss to Riri’s forehead. 
Riri sighed, briefly appeased as Shuri pulled the blankets up around her shoulders before silently stepping away to get ready. 
Riri listened to them get ready, thoughts drifting sluggish as she wondered.
She wondered how long the meeting would take, where Wakanda gets their blankets made because she was honestly in heaven, and if Shuri’s lips would nice against her--
For a genius, it took Riri entirely too long to realize. 
All at once, sleep left her. 
Riri’s eyes shot open, her heart in her throat. She sat up confused--her world shifting ever so slightly to make sense of whatever this just became. They never talked about it--she thought they never would. But at that moment the questions became too big to bear. Riri was a scientist at heart. She needed to know why.
Shuri was already gone. 
Riri flopped back into bed with a groan, but sleep wouldn’t claim her again. 
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huramuna · 10 months
selkie's song - chapter 3.
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night's watch aemond x wildling shapeshifter ofc work is 18+, minors do not interact, lest ye be smited.
this is wholly inspired by lonelymagpies depiction of Night's Watch Aemond. please go check out their beautiful work here!
more worldbuilding and a deeper delve into aemond and euna's ever changing dynamic + a battle! i'm terrible at writing combat so i hope it isn't too egregious. one of the songs of this chapter is "skinwalker" by robbie robertson. i used to listen to this to fall asleep as a kid, hehe.
previous | next chapter
word count: 3.7k
content: smut (eventually, specifics will be under the cut of chapters with it), enemies to lovers, canon typical violence, canon divergence, ofc is a menace to Aemond and he kind of likes it, graphic depictions of violence (this chapter)
(you're the) devil in disguise - elvis presley • skinwalker - robbie robertson
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A swim always did well to clear her mind, her fur slicked back against her skin. Her nostrils were plugged close, taut against her muzzle as she bobbed and weaved through the kelp forest. 
Breaching for air, the moon began to rise above the horizon, shifting the tides as it did every day. She needed to shake the exhaustion of the day by running herself even more ragged, testing her limits and gliding through the water like a falling star, the water swirling and flowing past her streamlined body. 
Euna tried to delve deeper into the animalistic part of her brain– the part always there, scratching and screaming to be let free for every moment she was in her human skin. The sea called to her even when she was only feet away from it, even when she was miles inland where she couldn’t smell the salt any longer. A skinchanger always teetered the line between animal and human, an unskilled skinchanger could be stuck in their animal skin forever. Euna had been warned about this so many times by her father, but she didn’t see the harm in it. She wouldn’t totally mind being a seal forever, eating fish and swimming the expanse of the sea.
Her mind wandered back to the purple-eyed crow. She quite liked his scent, it was warm and heady, musky. It reminded her of sitting close to the fire and mayhaps singing the skin of her fish a bit too much under the flame, but it was still delicious and comforting nonetheless. Euna had met other crows before– some of them even lived at her tribe– but none of them were like him. Aemond. He even had a peculiar name. Ae-mond. She spoke it under water, bubbles whizzing out of her mouth and traveling to the surface.
His scent was warm and comforting, but his eye told a different story. His scar paired with his sapphire eye was unusual to her and she wondered how he lost it. When they had stared each other down earlier in the day, she could see shadows dancing past his iris, his pupil dilating in turn as he observed her, as if he was measuring her worth. Euna had stared into countless eyes, living and dead, but none entranced her so like his, reminiscent of a beautiful lavender flower that she liked to put in her tea or braid into her hair during the warmer months. Just past his pupil, the very edge of pain could be seen and she wondered if he saw ghosts dance just beyond his vision, taunting and haunting him just as she did. Could he remember their faces or were they just smudged, out of focus and just out of sight like her family was? 
She still thought of them– her family, even if she couldn’t exactly remember. When they lingered in her peripheral and she would whip around to see them, they would disappear, dawdling just behind her. Over the years, she had come adept at shutting them out. Her papa told her she was sensitive to the afterlife just like their shamans were, but her power was untrained and rampant. She could quiet and dim the specters by swimming and overwhelming her other senses. She never saw them underwater and was ever grateful to the Gods that she could skinchange and escape them. But, every so often, Euna would smell something on the wind, something long locked away that would spring them back to life, their voices whispering to her– those would be times she would sleep in the kelp forest, hugged against stalks of algae, curled into herself and forgetting everything, turning off the human part of her mind and just living as she felt the Gods truly intended her to be.
Bobbing to the surface and taking in another gulp of air, she saw movement on the hilltop near the crest of the camp, overlooking the entirety of the valley. She smelled the air, expecting to inhale the familiar scent of her own tribe– a mixture of sea air and musk– but a pungent smell filled her nostrils. It smelled of burned bones and pervasive cracked pepper, mingled with stinging pine nettle. This wasn’t of her tribe, someone else was on the hill, observing. She blinked her eyes profusely, grumbling at the way her seal eyes couldn’t focus well outside water, everything above the surface. Even with her poor eyesight in this form, she could see multiple figures.
Diving back down, she plunged towards home, towards the sea door. It was a cave connected to her and papa’s house which led directly to the sea. It was built by Atohi for Euna to constantly have a way to dip in and out of the water with ease. She bursted out of the opening that filtered to the sea in the cave, drenched with water. It pooled at her feet and squished against the rocky ground as she flung open the sea door.
Aemond and Atohi were sitting around the fire, turning towards her direction as she all but barreled into the home.
“Euna? You look spooked– you see a whale?”
“No, papa,” she murmured, pushing away some of the wet hair sticking to her forehead, “Saw people. Smelled them. Those Haunted Forest fuckers are here– they must’ve followed,” she took a breath, her hands shaking slightly. Usually after a swim, she needed to eat profusely to regenerate all the energy burned– but there wasn’t time for that. Looking to Aemond, who’s cheek was puffed, fish cake in hand, “Can I trust you, crow?”
He swallowed the piece of cake, putting the half-eaten food down. “Unsure. Can I trust you?”
Euna groaned, pacing towards him. The sea water dripped from her body onto his leather clothes. “I don’t know– probably! That whole… killing you business, I didn’t mean it– just wanted to…” she growled, taking the Catspaw dagger still stashed at her hip, offering it to him, hilt first. Her hand was quivering against the handle, “I trust you. I probably shouldn’t– but I don’t have time to whine and moan about it. Please,” her voice was a hushed whisper, her mismatched eyes wide, her pupils trembling slits. “Help us.”
Aemond regarded her carefully, looking to the offered blade, then back to her. In his eye, she must’ve looked quite pathetic. She was soaked from head to toe, hair plaited to her face, her coat sticking to her like a second skin, eyes wild. Cautiously, he lifted his gloved hand and took the blade from her. “Very well. I’ll offer my assistance– only because your father has been courteous to me and given me the best meal I’ve had in moons. You are still a hellion.”
Euna let out a puff, nodding slowly. She turned to her father, “Papa–”
“I got it under control, Euna,” he responded gruffly, his hand going to his cane and twisting the bottom half from the top, revealing a sharpened dragonglass core. He laid it across his lap, crossing his arms over his chest. “I ain’t helpless yet.”
Aemond had a glint of amusement in his eye at the old man’s resilience, offering a hand to Atohi. “Thank you for the meal.”
“You’ll be back for another, son. Go kill some of those fuckers n’ I’ll make you up some of that fried venison we talked about.”
“You told him about fried venison– with gravy and rice? That’s my favorite!” Euna whined, then snapped back, “Not the time– let’s go, Aemond. You know how to wield a blade?” she asked as they stepped out of the abode, propping a stone against the corner of it.
Aemond gave her an unamused look. “Of course I do– I trained with the finest of knights in the Red Keep. My mentor is… was Ser Criston Cole,” he twirled the dagger in his hand, furrowing his brow, “... those words mean nothing to you. In short, yes, I can wield a blade. Mayhaps better than… what, those ‘Haunted Forest fuckers’?” 
“Mmm, always encroaching. If you don’t know ‘bout us free folk, most are warmongering, always wanting what others have. We down here at the coast are pretty happy with what we’ve got– don’t want more than we need. All tribes aren’t the same, and many of ‘em are happy to kill and pillage and take and take and take…” her voice trailed off as she unsheathed her dragonglass dagger. Nodding her head to Aemond, they pressed down close to the cliff wall, making their way up to the hilltop overlook. “... not sure how many, be prepared, watch my back,” she whispered, “... please.”
Aemond gave her a stiff nod in return, wishing he had more than just the dagger to defend them– but he made do. Not only that, he had a small wish to show up the tiny wildling woman and show her that it was a fluke that she caught him in the first place. If she was only wielding a dagger, then so was he. 
Finally reaching the crest of the hill, Euna saw five figures ahead, their torches snuffed into coals. They were about four feet away, the closest one crouched with his back turned. She slunk over the incline and lunged at the closest one, sinking her dagger into the base of his neck. 
Aemond watched with a wide eye as she went feral, the tip of her weapon poking out of the front of the intruder’s throat– he made a sickly gurgling noise, falling to the ground before he could even grab his weapon. One of his companions looked over, hastily sparking flint to try and light their torches once more, but was met with a swift end by Aemond’s Valyrian steel, sliced vertically up his throat. 
One of them managed to light a torch, whooping and hollering– there were more than five, at least four more filtering out from the sparse forest twenty feet away. Aemond reached down to the bleeding out wildling, grabbing the glinting steel at his waist. It was castle-forged steel, a shortsword no doubt pilfered from a crow– no, fucking Night’s Watchman, why did he think to call them crows?
Twirling the blade, he stowed the small dagger at his waist and steadied his form, his right leg behind him as one of the other wildlings came towards him. Their weapons clashed, steel against bone spear. The sheer strength of the man caught Aemond off guard slightly and it’d definitely been some time since he actually properly fought. Staggered, he whipped backward and parried the next attack, sending the pommel of his shortsword into the man’s nose, hearing the bone and cartilage crunch. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, his blood felt like it was on fire. He split the man down the middle, kicking him back to dislodge his weapon. He felt fucking good, he hadn’t felt like this since… since… 
His mind flashed back to Storm’s End and he lost his train of thought, not prepared for the next opponent to barrel at him, broad-axe raised high. Aemond held up the length of his sword horizontally to parry or stagger– it did more damage to himself than his attacker, his weapon skidding off to the side. Everything felt in slow motion as he reached for the Catspaw dagger once more, only having seconds to spare before the axe cleaved him in two–
A flash went past him. It was white, furry and huge. The light of the fallen enemies revealed one of the largest wolves he’s ever seen– no, the largest wolf. It was a fucking direwolf. He’d only read about them in the stories, how Northerners kept them as pets until they went extinct. He watched the direwolf tear into the man’s neck, ripping sinew from bone until his screams died down. Then, it turned towards Aemond, padding slowly to him. Was he really about to get mauled by a wolf? 
It sniffed him, a glint of recognition coming over its gaze. Aemond still had the dagger raised in a defensive position when he heard Euna yelling to him. His head swiveled to her– she was grappling the back of a wildling almost two times her size, drenched in blood and dirt.
“Ours, Aemond– wolf’s ours, n’ any other animals!” she shouted before sinking her teeth into the man’s shoulder, beating on his head with her fists.
Ours. Ours? What in the Seven hells did that even mean– 
The wolf stood on its hind legs, taking the shape of a woman. She was older, hair peppered with white. She offered a hand to Aemond, “Smelled Atohi’s fishcakes on you– knew I didn’t have to rip your throat out too, eh?” she was wearing the pelt of a wolf, no, the wolf that she just was.
Cautiously, he took her hand, his eye wide.
“Euna ain’t told ya? Shit– it’ll be real clear in a minute, crow,” she gave a laugh, howling and wild, reminiscent of a wolf. “Arms up, more are comin’.”
Aemond watched as more men filtered out from the forest– but for every man that came out of the forest, at least two animals descended on them. His heart was thrumming in his chest, blood screaming in his ears. He watched two bears cleave down four men at once, a bison gore a man from the abdomen up, an eagle swooping from the sky and gouging out the eyes of an enemy, a mountain lion descending from a tree onto the back of some poor fucker.
His head was swimming– he must be going mad, surely. That must be it, he must be in some sort of bad dream and he would wake up at Castle Black again and be served shit slop for breakfast. His vision became fuzzy as the battle came to a close– their side was victorious. 
“Aemond?” Euna called out to him, her voice sounding far away, “C’mon.” she interlooped her arm with his and pulled him up. “Ayita, will you tell papa everything’s alright? Crow’s moon-eyed, gonna get us cleaned up.”
“Sure thing, Euna.” the wolf woman from earlier nodded before shifting back into her wolf skin, dragging a lifeless corpse by the arm like a ragdoll.
Euna lead him up the cliffside to a rocky outcrop against a higher palisade, where there was a cave opening. Inside, it was lit up by some bioluminescent mushrooms, leading to a pool of water in the back. It was warm inside of the cave, like it had been at Euna and Atohi’s house– except there was no fire. Glancing at the pool, Aemond saw the steam rising from it. It was a hot spring of sorts, somewhat like the ones that supposedly were under Winterfell. 
She placed him down against the cool stone wall. “... so,” she hummed, placing her hands behind her back, “... what do you think?”
He ran a hand through his hair, sitting against the wall with one leg out and one propped up, his knee bouncing. “‘What do I think?’ About what, exactly? That your tribe is full of skinchangers? That skinchangers are real?” 
She shrugged her shoulders innocently. “Something like that.”
“... well. It is certainly a shock seeing a wolf turn into a woman and back again like its nothing– but… considering my family’s unique traits, it isn’t much of a stretch.”
“Unique traits?”
“We’re dragon riders. We have the blood of the dragon running through our veins and can bond with a dragon.”
“Dragon… riders,” Euna repeated, almost a little dumbfounded, “That’s weird.”
Aemond scoffed. “Your people turn into animals! That isn’t weird?”
“Gods– okay, so do you turn into an animal, too? I didn’t see you tearing someone limb from limb as a… weasel.”
“Yes, I do. I’m not a fucking weasel,” she growled, crossing her arms over her chest, “You can quickly learn who in the tribe turns and what they turn into,” slowly, she peeled her cloak from her body– she was absolutely stained in blood– and showed it to him, exemplifying the webbed feet and small snout, “by the cloak they wear.”
Aemond stared at her for a long moment. Then, he burst into a fit of laughter– genuine, heartfelt laughter. His raucous chorting ricocheted off of the walls of the cave, booming around them. A tear formed at his eye. “Is that a… seal? A fucking seal– so, what do you do? Throw fish at your enemy? Splash water at them? Gods, that’s the most hilarious thing I’ve ever heard in my entire life.”
Euna glared at him, placing her cloak aside gently, making sure it was safe before she descended upon him, pounding her fists against his chest, growling and screeching. “Don’t be rude! I’ll fucking scratch your other eye out too, Aemond!” she hissed, her face contorted into a rage, her teeth bared and gnashing near his face.
He was still laughing, finding her rage amusing. He let her pound her fists on his chest until she exhausted herself. He grabbed both of her wrists and stilled them, earning him an agitated growl from her. “Calm down, pipsqueak. It ‘twas only a jest. I’m sure that… seals even have their uses amongst direwolves and cave bears, hm? Like bringing back tasty fish for your father to cook up– like a dog.”
Euna slammed her forehead against his, dazing them both for a moment. “Maybe I will kill you– you’re fucking rude, Aemond!”
“No, I don’t think you will.”
“Let go and I’ll show you.”
“Hmm. No.”
Their faces were inches apart and Euna was snapping her teeth at him like some kind of rabid animal– she would be better suited as a snapping turtle than a seal, mayhaps. Aemond encapsulated both of her wrists in one of his hands, his other one coming under her chin to still her head, staring at her. 
Her face was splattered with blood and dirt, her mismatched eyes staring daggers at him. Her chest heaved up and down from the exertion of her fit, the tension in her body relaxing as her breaths evened out. She sniffled slightly, pouting out her bottom lip. “I won’t kill you. Papa would be cross. He likes you.”
Aemond perked a brow. “He’s known me all for about four hours.”
“He is a good judge of character, I guess– I still don’t like you. But you can live.”
“Oh, I can? How gracious of you, little seal.”
“Don’t call me that. I will bite you.” 
“Hm,” he hummed, letting go of her chin, but not before giving it a little tug and rasping his thumb over her bottom lip. “So how does it work? The… skinchanging?”
“It’s inherited– the pelts,” she explained after giving a little bite to his thumb before shoving off of him, pulling the leather cord from her braid and undoing it, her fingers parting her locks, “Passed down from generations, leading all the way from the children of the forest, who gifted a pelt of each animal to our ancestors.” she thumbed the drawstring to her shirt, undoing it and promptly taking it off, tossing it aside, leaving her bare chested.
Aemond’s eye widened, the tips of his ears warming before he looked away. “Fucking hell– have you no shame?”
Euna looked at him, puzzled. “... shame? About what? Baring my body without clothes?” she snorted, kicking off her trousers and throwing them at Aemond– they landed with a wet slap on his chest. “You kneelers are something else. A naked body won’t kill you, Aemond. Come on,” she dipped her toes in the warm pool before slipping in. She hung at the edge, elbows over the side, “You’re dirty and you smell like shit. Wash.”
He didn’t move. 
“I won’t stare at your cock if that’s what you’re worried about, don’t matter if it's small or nothin’.” she giggled. 
“You’re a fucking menace, you know that?” he growled, giving in to her goading— mostly because he was covered in blood and dirt and probably did smell like shit. He stripped out of his Night’s Watch garb, the cool air from the outside of the cave wafting in and chilling his skin. He was bare before her, and she kept her gaze above his abdomen, thankfully. As far as he saw anyway, she snuck a few glimpses between his legs out of sheer curiosity. 
He sunk into the water, feeling the warmth wash over him. It was cleansing and calming, the heat permeating through his skin and bones to his very core. Aemond let out a drawn out sigh, as if some great weight had been lifted. His thumb hooked under his eyepatch and he tossed it towards where she had her coat. His head thrummed slightly, the weight of the sapphire pressing against his skull. Throwing all proprietary to the wind, he pried the gem from his socket, rolling it in his palm for a moment before setting it aside. 
Euna watched him carefully, most of her body submerged in the water. Her nose and eyes were the only things above the surface, her hair floating out around her in flowing tendrils. 
They locked eyes for a moment and the world fell silent as she slowly waded towards him, her gaze wide. 
He looked back down at her, feeling an odd stirring of something within him— the same thing he felt when he first saw her. His hand floated towards her, pushing her head above the water, his thumb grazing over her bottom lip again. 
She bit it again, but not hard this time. It was soft, the pad of his thumb pressing onto the tip of her tongue as they came closer together. He smeared the wetness onto her lip before their breaths both hitched at the same time, lips melding together. They both didn’t know what sparked it, mayhaps the heat of battle, their blood cooling, but neither of them questioned it as their mouths moved against one another, the heat rising in both of them, the sound of the water swirling and the wet smacks of their lips and tongues dancing echoed in the cave.
Little did they know, lost in their sudden passions— they were being watched.
taglist: @heavenly1927
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pupyuj · 1 year
THOUGHTS!!! WE NEED YOUR THOUGHTS ABT YUJIN FROM THE TEASER— its making me FEEL things its crazy 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 oh god 🧎
kinda late to this ask considering it's been days BUT I AM CONVINCED THAT I WILL NEVER GET OVER EITHER WAY YUJ...
maybe i just miss summer but that pool behind yuj in her teaser photo just made me think.. being a bit of a crazy pair of bffs together n getting yourselves into trouble just for the fun of it :(((( like sneaking into the public at night, somehow avoiding detection from the security guards around the outside of the pool,, giggling as the two of you entered the completely empty pool,,, and then yujin says she wants to go skinny dipping but doesn't even wait for you to agree with her bcs she suddenly just starts pulling off her clothes 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
"are you just gonna stand there?" she asks as ruffled her hair a little, grinning at you bcs you were totally checking her out.. but how could you not⁉️⁉️
"i-i... uh—"
"here." yujin grabs the hem of your shirt, tugging on it lightly and raising her eyebrow at you,, msmdhsjcjskx you let her strip you down until you were as naked as she was,,
"damn, (y/n)." yujin teased, poking your stomach,, you rolled your eyes, covering up your chest with your arms bcs 1) it was cold, 2) your best friend was staring at you like she wanted to eat you, 3) you wanted to crawl in hole—you have never been naked in front of your best friend before!! ☹️☹️
"we're gonna get sick, y'know..."
"yeah. awesome."
and then she fucking pushes you into the pool 😭😭 your yelp getting cut off by a loud splash, and there's yujin cracking the fuck up as you came back up the surface gasping for air... see, you would be mad if it were anyone else considering swimming was one of your weak points.. but seeing your best friend smile like that was nearly worth drowning! as bad as that sounds 😭
ofc you weren't going to let her get away with what she did so while she was hunched over laughing at you, you grabbed her arm and pulled her into the water with you 😭 yujin is silly so she pretends that she's struggling to come back up, making you panic and try to grab her but then she takes a hold of your waist and pulls you down underwater sjdbdjfjs,,, there was a lot of pushing and not-so-subtle groping and it wasn't until you ended up putting your hands on her shoulders that she pulled you close and brought the two of you back up on the surface,,
you brushed her wet hair away from her face, cupping her cheeks with your hands.. your heart melting as she smiled widely at you... omgomg yujin leaning in to kiss you before you could say anything :((( the kiss being desperate and sloppy but at the same time being so passionate that you felt your chest burning with desire,,, attempting to pull away bcs it didn't feel right kissing your best friend but yujin keeps you in place, whispering "it's okay" against your lips before kissing you again :((( AAAKCKCC SHE WOULD BE A GOOD KISSER I JUST KNOW IT... (actually i do know cuz she's my girlfriend—) wrapping your arms around her neck and fully melting into her lips?? feeling only warmth despite being in the water??
only the smacking of both of your lips and your moans being heard in the area... until yujin had your back pressed up against the nearest side of the pool, your moans now getting louder bcs she had started kissing down your neck and pressing her thigh against your bare cunt underwater 😵‍💫 holding yourself still on her thigh while yujin has her way with you—marking you up, slowly guiding your hips and making you grind against her... oh she was too good at this 🫠🫠🫠
"you wan' me to fuck you right here, (y/n)?" she was asking after leaving a pretty big hickey right underneath your jawline... you took her by surprise when you shook your head, immediately making her snap out of a state and removing her thigh from between your legs... "crap. i should've known. s-sorr—" shddjfjksf kissing her again to shut her up bcs she didn't let you talk first 😭😭
pulling away from her without a word and climbing out of the pool all of a sudden?? leaving her in the water confused and shit but then you sat down on the edge of the pool facing her... and you opened up your legs, giving yujin a full view of your pretty pussy,, 😵‍💫 "come here. this is what i want you to do." you were saying,,, oh god it drove yujin insane 🫠🤭 she has always dreamed of times like this!
yujinnie coming closer and wasting no time putting her lips on your folds... and you're blushing so hard hearing her moan in pleasure bcs of how you tasted on her tongue,, "always knew you'd be delicious..." yujin says, putting her hands in between your thighs and keeping them open before completely diving right in,,, you didn't bother to cover up the sounds that left your mouth,, every lick, every suck, and every gentle nibbling on your clit had your mind reeling,,, having to hold onto yujin's head for support and accidentally pulling her hair too hard,,,
"sorry, i j-just—fuck, yujin... s-so good..."
yujinnie smiling up at you, "it's okay. i like it." she said before inserting her tongue inside your cunt, all while keeping eye contact,, her eyes shining when she sees you throw your head back in pleasure,, pushing her head in further,, she works her tongue inside you until you were falling apart in front of her,,, spurting your juices all over her face, which of course yujin diligently lapped up, finding your taste your sweet...
"i told you breaking in here would be worth it." yujin says after a while,, the two of you now laying down on the cold and wet tiled floor 😭😭
"if you wanted to fuck me, you could've just asked. we didn't have to commit b and e—"
"oh, shush, (y/n). i'm adventurous."
and that's why she's your bff ☹️🥰💞
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Re-Animated is finally out, so that means it's time for PART 2 BABY
Endless Summer: Zeddison fight existential dread once again, and this time it's their own fault!
Nobody's Better Than Bucky(Im just guessing the title here Idk): How the fUCK DID BUCKY MANAGE TO TAME A WHOLE ASS PLANT MONSTER IN LIKE 5 MINUTES GODDAMN-
What Do We Do Right Now: Genuinely the funniest fucking song in the entire franchise
I Still See You: Ha ha Willa sang a love song to a cricket everybody point and laugh!!!
My Year (the Re-Animated Remix): GOD I wish we got to see the full version animated...
Repeat: Why the fuck do you people want to redo your senior year of highschool!?!?!?
Zed's Plan: This has the EXACT same energy as the montage song from South Park lmfao
Zoda: Glad to see they're fully leaning into Zed's "clearly becoming class president will let me change the towns laws" bs from the 2nd movie, makes that whole thing feel slightly less stupid
A Zombie and Her Machine: Eliza why are you like this
It's Free Period: Interior crocadile alligator core
Underwater Airplane: It's just Wynter shouting random shit into a microphone Idk what to tell you
When Worlds Collide: I have no clue what the hell she's talking about but at least the song is catchy asf!
We're Bringin' It: Bucky why are you like this
You're Dae: It's me, Bucky, yeah(I'm incredible)
Welcome to Seabrook: Don't have much to say on this tbh it's just the opening number of a school musical, it's def dethroned I'm Winning as least memorable in the series no competition-
Shrimpossible: I didn't understand most of what he was saying but goddamn if Trevor Todjman didn't put his all into that preformance
Meant to Combine: Wyatt and Eliza you cheesy motherfuck- oh shit they're vegans they don't eat cheese nvm
Be Like Me: Basic ass montage song is basic
It's Okay: Men would rather create a giant mud monster, get eaten, and hallucinate their sister singing a song to them before going to therapy smh
I'm a Box: Literally the best way they could've wrapped up that episode
Back 2 Back: I don't have anything to say about this one either tbh, but it's more memorable than the opening number to the musical!
Okay that's it. Expect a part 3 when the rest of season 1 comes out because there are supposed to be 34 fUCKING songs in this show and these are only 18 of them!?!?!?! Plus I have no idea when the rest of the season is coming out. So.
Also I'll make a Part 4 when the 4th movie comes out :)
Part 1
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lllivia · 2 years
Anniversary Picnic date
Enid Sinclair x fem!siren!reader
Can also be read as gn!reader
Warnings: deep water(?), suggestive themes ig
- Tried writing this in first person, comment if I should write more stuff like this -
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"Can I open my eyes yet?" Enid asked for the thousand time before tripping over her own feet. "Not yet Enid how many times have I said that I'll tell you when we get there" I giggled supporting her so she doesn't fall. I continue to support her a few more minutes before letting her go looking proudly over the scenery before me. "Okay you can open your eyes now" I say looking at her now. "Oh wow Y/N this is beautiful! How long did this take you?" Enid squeals as she smiles brightly before jumping into my arms and pecking my lips, the kiss tasting like vanilla cherry chapstick.
"It only took like 15 minutes or so" I lie scratching the back of my neck knowing that it took well over an hour to set it all up. It was all worth it though seeing her smile from seeing at all of her favorite food in front of her. "Sha'll we sit down m'lady" I flirt jokingly "we sha'll baby" she responds blushing. We sit down and start sharing the food between us.
"Oh my god I think my stomach is about to bust open" Enid groans holding on her stomach finally laying down next to me and putting her head on my shoulder. I laugh as she continues to groan and complain. "I told you that you should stop eating after the first time you said you were full" I giggle "okay okay I admit I may have made a mistake, but it was soooo good, how'd you even know what I like" Enid responds snuggling her face into my neck her breath tickling me. "I mayyy have gone around asking all of your brothers" I smile. Enid pushes herself up on her elbows and kisses me again her soft lips making sigh, I start giggling softly as I feel her smile against my lips. "You're so beautiful Enid" I whisper her face only a few inches away from mine. "You're my mate forever" Enid says and blushes.
A couple of hours pass of us just laying there talking and cuddling before I speak up "wanna go skinny dipping? We haven't done that in a few weeks now" Enid sits up abruptly "hell yeah let's go!" She says and pulls me up forgetting her werewolf strength causing me to crash into her. She catches me before I can fall back on the ground and smiles awkwardly. "Sorry" I peck her lips from stop her from feeling bad "don't sulk, now come on!" I pull her hand till we're standing at the edge of the water. I look away from her undressing out of respect as always, before Enid scoffs lightly "yk you don't have to turn away right, we've seen each other naked plenty of times before" she smirks, I respond by turning back to her and rolling my eyes "So sorry for trying to be respectful then" I say sarcastically pulling off my own clothes. "Come on let's swim" I lift her up carrying her bridal style before throwing her out in the water laughing at her annoyed sputtering and the splashing of her arms. "SO RUDE, OH I'M SO GETTING MY REVENGE FOR THAT" I dive in after her before she can get out of the water. "Come on, I have something to show you" I say grabbing her hand and pulling her down, I then kiss her deeply which gives her oxygen to breath underwater. "Oh my god how have you never told me that you can do that before? I totally have to post about this later" Enid says looking around her pretty surroundings. I only smirk in response before pulling her lower, my mermaid tail creating bubbles around us. Enid's head turns around to look fascinated at my tail, even though she's seen it like a hundred times before. When we're about to reach the bottom I tell Enid to close her eyes. I grab the half open mussel that was laying on the ground prepared from earlier before putting it in her hand. "Open your eyes lovely" I smile. She looks at the shell with curiosity before opening it and gasping "this is gorgeous Y/N, is it really for me?" I smile at her shyness and help her put the pearl bracelet on "of course it's for you, I love you" I say for the first time, waiting for her reaction. All she does is look at me for a few seconds before kissing me deeply pushing her tongue between my lips teasing me before pulling away. "I love you too Y/N... and I really can't wait for us to get back to your room" she smirkes.
💗 Masterlist 💗
ik the breathing underwater thing was a bit stupid but I ran out of ideas
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i love genshin characters. i love their character flaws even more!
nosy as hell to the point of getting herself in danger? respect, charlotte
hubris, however noble the goal? damn, baizhu, hope you get somewhere w that immortality schtick dude. let hu tao give changsheng and u a good ceremony if u don't tho.
being a so-called ''''good cop''''? actually... wait, no i don't respect that chevreuse how did you have the gall to give that speech to veronique in the finale of the murder mystery.
i jest, i jest (mostly), bc that might have been an ehhhh deeeecent speech re: taking justice into ur own hands (and her dialogue at the end is pretty good too) if it wasn't a widely-established fact that fontaine's justice system and state of the law in the country is an utter wreck. like. just the RECENT things we know about (not counting the full past 500 years of lore that we have no idea about) are:
vacher had his sinthe drug empire going for 20+ years nearly uncontested apart from the spina 'tooootally not a mafia family we're really not trust us but we sure do hit a lot of mafia family notes huh' di rosula.
we're explicitly told that loopholes in law are routinely exploited by those who wish to do so, and tend to get away with it due to influence and power.
human trafficking is such a rampant thing that we have not one, not two, not three, but FOUR playable characters (lyney, lynette, freminet, wriothesley. and that's not counting the multitudes the story doesn't specifically focus on, like wriothesley's siblings) who are victims of well-established slaver networks among the wealthy and privileged.
the fleuve cendre. need i say anything more.
veronique and baptiste's father got away with murdering their mother for over two decades, presumably bc, again, wealth and privilege of his big important family. veronique was weeeeeell within her rights to fear that he would use it again to live a cushy life in prison and treat it like a vacation.
the fortress of meropide prison might as well be an underwater independent country in practice the way things work atm
if you listen to sir arthur at the steambird you get lots of little references but especially one to the borgias. paraphrasing: 'no such thing as the mafia in fontaine' says borja family head. yeah right
i know we joke about the many frivolous laws like 'eating a cake meant for the archon', 'releasing a flying object on the first 3 days of the month', 'no eating ketchup by itself' etc. they're so fucking funny but my god.
etc. etc. tldr fontaine's established criminal underworld and justice system are worse than the previous 4 countries combined and preaching faith in that system is out of touch at best. i just wish we had a bit more dialogue if we picked either option to further character exploration (telling chevreuse she did the right thing vs telling her we'd have helped baptiste and veronique) aside from one line each, bc come on i wanna talk to the characters more and have actual discussions w them!!!
and like lbr chevreuse was soooo close to doing it, she even says it herself, but as is often the case it comes down to the 'lawful' character not being personally affected and therefore choosing to factor only their own morality into the decision' like. u bet ur ass she would've shot morris without hesitation if it was one of her family or friends and their murderer got away with it for years (apart from her dad holy shiiiit that guy can burn)
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observeowl · 1 year
You're not supposed to know N.R
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: R has a secret relationship with her boss that no one knows
Your POV I was one of the first few to reach the office. There wasn't any need to rush to find seats since it's designated but I like to be prepared. The first thing I do is turn on my computer as I get my table ready as the email loads.
"Oh my god oh my god." I could hear the words with the clicking of high heels before I saw the person. "Please tell me Miss Romanoff is not here yet."
"You're safe." I told my best friend, Emily. She's always cutting it close to arriving at the office. Miss Romanoff doesn't like employees who are late and often do surprise spot checks on us.
"Thank goodness I wasn't sure if she was coming today." She heaved a sigh of relief as she sat at the next station next to me. I was about to lean over the separator between us when Sylvia placed some file on my table.
"Finish this by lunch time." She said and left. Sylvia is my manager and she's the assistant for Miss Romanoff. I didn't even get to reply to her. I know this is her work that she didn't manage to finish yesterday as she always leaves work at 5pm sharp.
"Y/N, are you okay? You don't look too well." Emily reached over and tapped my shoulder. She didn't have to worry about Sylvia catching her because she was never the target.
"I'm fine."
"Don't push yourself too hard. You know this isn't part of your work."
"Don't worry." I got started with my work leaving Sylvia's work aside. Midway through, Miss Romanoff came out to pass Sylvia some work and when she turned to look at me, I gave her a quick smile before doing my work again.
I was looking through the designs that the client has sent and checking if we are able to deliver with the suppliers we have or we have to find alternatives if we couldn't, when Sylvia came knocking on my table asking for the work she gave me to do earlier.
"I didn't do it." I told her defiantly.
"I told you to get it done by lunchtime. You're not going for lunch until you're done with it."
I stood up from my desk and was the same height as her. She wasn't going to make me scared of her. I only started helping Sylvia in the beginning because I truly thought she was busy because I knew it wasn't easy being Miss Romanoff's assistant.
"I am your boss. I told you to do it and you're going to do it." She said while poking me in the shoulder, getting faster with each word.
I pushed her hand away. "This is your job. You get paid to do it, why should I do it for you?" She wasn't happy that she wasn't getting the results she wanted and pushed me away. The sudden movement caused me to have multiple images of the table and I wasn't able to hold myself steady before falling to the floor.
"Y/N!" Emily came next to me. "Are you okay?" Her voice sounded like it was underwater. "Don't close your eyes!"
I tried really hard to stay awake but my eyelids are just so heavy.
Natasha POV I heard shouting coming from the office outside. I know during lunch time it gets a bit noisier as they tend to get excited about discussing what to eat but surely there wasn't any need to shout. I stepped out of my office trying to figure out what's wrong.
When I got out, I saw a crowd surrounding Y/N's desk. Y/N has a decent size group of friends in the office because she's friendly and kind to everyone, people tend to gravitate towards her. But seeing Sylvia standing there was odd because she repeatedly told me she didn't like her.
"What's going on here? Why is there so much noise?" I raised my voice a little to let them know I was here. People started to move away slightly and saw Y/N lying on the ground.
"What's happened here?" I immediately pushed people away and got to her side. I knew I shouldn't have allowed her to go to work today. She has been feeling sick for the past few days.
"I-I don't know, I did nothing." Sylvia said. I knew she was lying and faced Emily who was holding Y/N in her lap.
"Sylvia pushed her." She said in simple words.
I started panicking and placed my arms under her leg and back and started carrying her out. "I need to get her to the hospital."
"Why are you so worried about her?" Sylvia insensitively commented.
"Because she's my wife! And if I am not carrying her in my arms, I would have punched you in the face." I glared at her. "I have endured enough of you! You can pack your things and leave, you're fired!" I shouted before running to my car.
"Nat?" Y/N regained her consciousness before I managed to reach my car. "Where are we going?" Her voice was soft as it takes a lot of energy for her to speak.
"You fainted, I'm going to take you to the hospital." I opened the car door and gently placed her on the passenger seat.
She placed her hand on mine as I was trying to buckle her. "I'm fine, I just need to rest."
"I'm not risking it." She sighed but stopped complaining and drove as fast as possible to the nearest hospital.
"Hi, my wife here just fainted, can I get her checked?" I told the receptionist and she gave us a number and we waited for our turn in the waiting area. I could tell she was still weak as her hands rested on her lap and she's saying few words. Her eyes are trained on one thing to prevent her head from moving too much.
"Are you feeling better?" I asked as our number got closer. She just nodded and mumbled a quiet yes. I kissed her temple as we waited together.
"I need to go back to the office to grab something first, do you want to come together?" I asked Y/N as we started our drive.
"I don't mind."
"But heads up, I kinda announced that we are married."
Her head snapped to mine but she just sighed afterwards. "It's fine. They are bound to notice in the future."
"I'm sorry."
Your POV I went back to my desk to pack the things I've used and collected my bag as Natasha went inside her office.
"Are you alright now? How can you not tell me that you're married to Miss Romanoff? For how long? Are we best friends?" Emily stood up from her station gaining attention in the office.
"Quiet down." I pushed her back on her seat. "We've been married about five years, I didn't want people to know about our office relationship. I started out as her assistant before we started dating and after we got married, I just wanted an easier job so I asked to be transferred. Speaking of, where's Sylvia? I didn't see her at her desk."
"Miss Romanoff fired her on the spot."
"Ohh... she'll have to find another assistant then." Natasha is very particular about her assistant, if she can't find one within a short amount of time, I know who's going to end up taking that position.
"She's damn hot while doing so."
"Hey!" I widened my eyes.
"Hey babe, are you ready to go?" Natasha came over after collecting her files and bag.
"Yeah. See you, Emily."
We went to the car and Natasha held my hand throughout the entire journey. "You don't have to go to the office so early from now on. Everyone knows now. No one is going to mess with you." Nat said while rubbing her thumb over my knuckles. "You've been working for so long already, everyone knows you're capable."
"You gave me a shock when you fainted." Nat said when we stopped at a red light. "Are you ready to be a baby mama?" She looked at me lovingly.
"I hope so."
"You'll do great. I know it."
"We are finally going to be parents."
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Cruel and Malicious Phraseology
Since the JLA ban on profanity in the workplace took effect, some of us have gotten rather inventive in expressing our less positive sentiments. No guesses for which member of the Old Guard had the most insults hurled at them, but... his initials are HJ. There is no context, only hostility.
"I could put an entire box of alphabet pasta through a spin cycle and come up with a better plan than that. Stop trying to be Batman, one is enough."
"Go stick your head inside a black hole, you posh knobhead!"
"Listen here, you overhyped rodent posterior... rocking up like you're the brightest glow stick in the rave negates the very idea of a stealth mission. Adjust your glow to match your intellect, please."
"You got this, huh? Looks like you handled that masterfully. Tell you what there, Mastermind... let me know if you need help finding your teeth after that glorious victory."
"Plans A, B, AND C all tanked? Over to you, Glowworm, you usually head straight to Plan D for "dumb crap" anyway."
"Quick question, do you even Metal Gear?"
"Oh, what in the unholy name of Ymir's jockstrap did we walk into this time?"
"Do... do the Big Bosses not realize pockets are a thing? Like, where am I supposed to keep my wallet, or anything, really? Is the Marquis de Sade the staff tailor, because wearing this is gonna drive me mad."
"You and I have been friends for a while, but... when you say things like that I kinda want to stab you in the eye with an explosive arrow."
"I get now why you prefer being underwater. Less dumb. Much less screaming. Speaking of... I bet you know some epic dive spots. They'll be at this for hours, we're not needed here. If the Boss asks, you're teaching me marine ecology in the wild."
"Huh. Here I thought Joker held the title for "Most Punchable Face on Earth", yet here's the new heavyweight contender, ready to throw down for the belt."
"Go boil your head in some more of that cheap weak sister beer!"
"Why don't you go hug a claymore mine already?"
"Eat my boots!"
"No, ma'am, I'm not ready for that jelly, I prefer cream cheese on my bagel anyway. You're... not talking about food, are you? Oh, monkey bread."
"Repeat after me: Pants. Are. Not. Optional!"
"I'd rather drown than EVER go clown. I might not have taste, but I have standards."
"Oh, by Artemis' sandals what did you do this time?"
"Yanno, you and a certain dirty old man thunder God have the same issue: too focused on the ladies to do your job. Eyes in the head, you ain't her type. Trust me."
"IN THE NAME OF SIGYN'S GIRDLE WILL YOU STOP SNEAKING UP ON ME LIKE THAT! The Boss can get away with it, as he was trained in silent infiltration and is not a creepy drunken sorry excuse for a washout. Either knock on the door like a normal human, or run the risk of having to sing "I've Got A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts" to even enter the men's locker room."
"You died? I see your brain sure stayed dead."
"It's a RAID, not a rave. Lose the shiny stuff and glow trim, we're trying the Splinter Cell approach. Also... do you really need the three extra ammo belts? They're thugs, not the blooming Xenomorphs."
"I know over 20 languages, yet cannot explain exactly how much I'd like to beat you with a pufferfish."
"But did you die again? No? So... why so grumpy, Mr. Grouchy von Groucherson?"
"How? How do you claim to be a master shot, yet miss the ginormous glaring weak spot every time? Are you a plant from the Court of Owls? Make it make sense."
"Huh. Sniper scope, but still can't see the obvious. Just ask her already! Aphrodite help me, but you're blind if you can't see she likes you."
"Thanks, but I don't associate with the chronically dumb."
"A date? Let me check my calendar. Sorry, looks like I'm going to be washing my hair for the foreseeable future."
"Would you kindly get your head out of the poor man's rear entrance so he can get some work done?"
"Games teach you problem solving in real time, teamwork, the importance of understanding the mechanics in any situation, how to manage difficult individuals, pattern recognition, and much more. Odin's eyepatch, you must be a pretentious little sod to think you can't learn from gaming. Now quit whining and pick your fighter already. You're holding up the match."
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howlingday · 1 year
Sea Otter!Faunus Arc DOUBLE FEATURE
Setting - It's somebody's birthday! So the Arc family goes out to dinner to celebrate! But somebody's being real full of beans today. And it's not the birthday boy.
Mama Arc: (Picks up her burger)
Papa Arc: (Reaches over)
Mama Arc: (Pulls plate) No, Nicholas. If you wanted fries, you should have ordered them.
Mama Arc: Nicholas! You do this every time!
Papa Arc: (Holding Jaune over the aquarium)
Mama Arc: Ugh! Fine! You win, Nicholas! Have a fry!
Papa Arc: (Lowers Jaune)
Mama Arc: Oh my god! Nicholas! Stop! I am not giving you anymore!
Jaune: (5YO, Chin on the water)
Mama Arc: (Crying) Why did you even order a salad? You hate salads! All you do is eat the croutons!
Papa Arc: (Doesn't stop)
Mama Arc: Nicholas! NICHOLAS!
Papa Arc: (Sitting with his burgers)
Mama Arc: (Sitting with her salad)
Jaune: (Soaking wet, Sitting with nuggies)
Staff: (Come over, Sing happy birthday)
Mama Arc: (Covers her face)
Fun Fact! Sea otters males will ransom food from the female by holding her pup underwater until they are given by her.
Setting - It's another beautiful day at the Arc family home. And what better way to spend the day than by doing a little father-son bonding... fixing the car.
Papa Arc: Okay... Jaune, could you hand me my 3/8 from my toolbox?
Jaune: (Walks over to the toolbox, See rocks)
Papa Arc: Jaune, hurry up in there!
Jaune: (Gulps, Doesn't know which one)
Papa Arc: Just grab the 3/8!
Jaune: (Shivering, Reaches)
Jaune: (Comes back, Hands rock)
Papa Arc: Thanks, buddy. (Hits car with rock, Car catches fire) Whoops! Jaune, grab the fire extinguisher!
Jaune: (Runs inside, Everything is rocks)
Papa Arc: You found it yet, Jaune?
Jaune: (Steps forward, Steps back)
Papa Arc: Jaune, hurry up in there!
Jaune: (Shivering, Crying)
Fun Fact! Sea otters are the only marine mammal known to use tools. But it's mostly rocks.
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mirageoftheopera · 1 year
A Tempo of Two Heartbeats (Private RP)
Prologue: The First Morning
When Erika awoke that night, she knew she was dying. That wasn’t a shock to her – the empty teacup at her bedside still held the white residue she’d chosen to bring about her demise. What was a shock, however, was how painful it was. Cyanide was meant to act quickly, and sleeping tonic was meant to make it painless. Instead, her limbs and lips here numb, and her thoughts swam around in her skull as if underwater hours after drinking the lethal concoction. She might have been able to fall back into a peacefully permanent sleep, if not for the horrific pain. She only had the strength to utter an open-jawed whimper as her body contorted and strained as if possessed.
Every heartbeat brought a stab of agony. Erika used what she thought were her final breaths to silently plead to a god she did not believe in – begging to let it all end. How fitting, she thought, for her life of misery to end in such a pathetic way – like a dog left shot in an alley. She tried to will herself up from the bed, to find some quicker – if bloodier – method to end her deathbed agony, but her body would not comply.  
The night seemed darker in that attic apartment than any night below the theater had been. The moon was hiding in the shadow of the Earth, and clouds choked the starlight from the sky. The curtains were sealed shut, so not even the streetlights five stories down could reach her small bedroom. She blindly reached for the framed portrait on the bedside table, only for her shaking fingers to knock it to the floor.
Erika searched the darkness for something else, anything else, that she could choose as a meaningful last sight...but found nothing.  
And then she felt her waters break.
By the time dawn found its way through the space between the curtains, most of the drugs’ effect had worn away. There was nothing to dull the throes of labor, as Erika now knew they were. The hours were marked by their growing intensity. Just as Erika began to adjust to the pain, she would shriek as the talons of childbirth sank deeper than ever into her sides.
The poison had failed to kill her, that much was certain, but it had not failed entirely. Erika’s cries became brokenhearted sobs in the brief respite the contractions gave her. She hadn’t been carrying the child long enough to be laboring, and the horrific realization had come over her: his child had made it to Heaven first, and she was now being forced to deliver what remained of it. Her dosage of poison hadn’t been enough to stop both hearts in her body...only one.  
After sensation returned to her legs, Erika lifted her heavy body from the bed with the force of desperation to aid her. She refused to let his legacy end in such tragedy. She refused to let his only child be born lifeless. Her plan was for both of them to die that night...and she was determined for that to be the case.
Like a wounded mare, she staggard her way out of the bedroom and into the small washroom just next to it. The light of dawn was bright there, no curtain on the stained-glass window to keep the room dark. There, in a small porcelain bowl filled with various grooming items, was a pair of shears – left untouched by their owner for several long months. She eyed the shears through a tear-blurred haze, only hesitating for a moment before snatching them up. All it would take was one quick puncture to the side of her throat...or one snip to her airway...or one open-bladed slash across...!
The shears dropped to the floor in a clatter. Erika gripped the edges of the washstand with white-knuckled force, her legs giving out as the weight of the child sank urgently low. An inhuman growl echoed off the walls as Erika’s body left her control, and she began bearing down.
Vivid, white-hot anguish burned through her lower body, eating through the bones of her hips like firewood. Erika’s throat felt coated in ash, her voice left a dry whisper from the force of her screams. Her forehead pressed against the cool metal washstand, Erika nearly broke her teeth against one another as she fought through the last seconds of her ordeal.
With a final scream dying in her ruined throat, Erika caught the tiny body as it slipped into her hands. The room was immediately silent.
Erika shut her eyes as she lifted the small creature to her chest, too afraid to witness the tragedy she had caused. She held it there, wanting it close to her heart, and she waited...listened through her own heavy breathing for any signs of life.  
She heard none.
There were none.
Until the tiny body wiggled.
Erika’s tear-stung eyes blinked open, and the first thing they saw was a damp mess of curls resting on her collarbone. A small hand reached out and grabbed the collar of her nightgown, but still the newborn made no sound. Her pulse racing, Erika adjusted her hold on the baby, but something about its shape seemed odd. By sense of touch, Erika ran her finger along the child’s back – tracing it until it ended in two tangled masses of flesh that ended in what felt...almost...like small feet.
Still, the baby made no attempts to cry. Erika made a desperate decision – she pinched the bottom of one of those ‘feet’ as hard as she thought was necessary. The newborn scrunched its face and finally, albeit weakly, uttered a gurling wail.
“Oh, thank you,” Erika sighed, shaking with sobs as soon as the beautiful sound hit her ears. She wasn’t sure if she was talking to the child, or to some heavenly being.
Erika slumped back against the wall of the washroom, a hand towel draped over the infant to keep it – actually, her – warm. The colored sunlight from the window spilled over the baby’s face as Erika admired it: a dainty button nose, pink rose petal lips, and cherub-like cheeks.
Resting her head against the wall, Erika gazed into the stained glass overhead. She watched floating dust particles become a glimmering rainbow as they passed through the light.
“You have a daughter, Christian,” she whispered, her voice drowned in tears. “She looks just like you...absolutely beautiful.”  
And Erika had almost killed her.  
Her suicide was meant to be a mercy to them both – to spare the child the fate of being a foundling, and to spare her the unlivable guilt of abandoning the only piece of Christian she had left. It seemed fate had denied them both that mercy.  
Christian was gone, and Erika had never so much as held a baby until that very moment – she could not raise her on her own. Her savings were large, yes, but they wouldn’t last forever...and where could someone like her earn a wage? The two of them would be in a workhouse in a matter of years, and death would be preferable to that.
Erika held the newborn closer, daring to place her twisted lips upon the crown of her soft head. The baby mewled in response, rubbing her small fist over her nose. Erika gently pulled on one of the twisted legs, gradually stretching it until it was nearly straight; but once she released it, the leg snapped back into its unnatural curl. It seemed the child hadn’t quite escaped inheriting something of Erika’s. Life as a foundling was not going to be kind to her – couples weren’t likely to adopt a crippled child. She would likely end up a beggar on the streets, dragging herself around on a cart and unable to run when the terrors of the streets came for her.
No. No, that wouldn’t be happening. Erika would sooner take the child back down into that goddamn cellar than let that happen. She had no idea how...but she would not let that happen.
Her half-missing mouth set into a hard line as she gazed down at the infant falling asleep against the soft rise and fall of her chest. “I’m so sorry, little one” she sighed. “I didn’t want this for either of us, but...I suppose your Papa doesn't want us with him yet.”
A subtle chill ran up her spine, but she hardly noticed it. The baby squeaked out tiny snores, already sleeping peacefully. She certainly didn’t seem like a fussy baby...yet. That gave Erika a slight boost of confidence.
The name wafted through her memories, like a cloud of mist. It was a name Christian had mentioned once...before they were even sure. He had wanted a girl...such a strange thing for a man to want, but Erika loved him more for it.
“Your Papa would’ve loved you...Charlotte,” Erika told the sleeping baby. “So, I promise to love you for him.” She kissed the soft mop of curls again, snuggling her closer. “I’ll love you for both of us. I promise.”
~ End Prologue~
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cloudcountry · 11 months
Ooo, I’ll keep that piece of Ikevamp lore in mind!! 👀 Thank you! >w<
While I was around for the Zero hype, I only saw some of it— I don’t know the full extent of how down bad you are for him, but then again, you’ve made him your profile picture, so maybe I should already have a good sense of it jkdfngk— /j /lh
And speaking of Ikevamp!! I wrote a little bit for that Beethoven fic, but I only made discombobulated bits and pieces kjdfgn— If you don’t mind, I’ll share two snippets,,! 👀👉👈 (Tbh, the fic isn’t going to drop in a fairly long time because I don’t have much time to work on it, unfortunately,, It’s a bit messy, and these are kinda loose ideas, so they’re not final, but I hope you like them regardless!)
Ludwig van Beethoven, seven years old: *he and his father, Johann, are on their way to the music hall where Ludwig will give his debut performance*
Ludwig: Papa? How many people will be there?
Johann: Quite a few, but don’t be nervous. Remember what we’ve practiced, and you’ll be alright. Many musicians I know will be there as well. I will introduce you to them after your performance; they’re quite influential! I’m sure they’ll take a liking to you.
Ludwig: *he hums in response* *thankfully for Ludwig, whether it was due to his youth or confidence, he didn’t feel nervous like many others would before their debut performance*
Johann: Oh, and Ludwig? From now on, you will address me as ‘Father.’ All the other children call their fathers ‘papa,’ and you are no ordinary child. You are not like them. You are far more brilliant, far more talented; the next Mozart!
Ludwig: Yes… Father. *he presses his lips together; the word sounded odd on his tongue, but if Johann wanted him to call him that, he would. If not because he wanted to make his father proud, then if only because he didn’t want his father to be mad at him - he had a terrible temper, after all*
(Time Skip - Beethoven, now an adult, is slowly losing his hearing)
Those ringings in Ludwig’s ears were like the death knells of a church bell. They signalled the impending doom of his hearing, and whenever they rang their high-pitched intonations, everything sounded just a little further away. It wouldn’t be long until he felt like his head was submerged underwater; everything sounded distant and far away. Even now, as he played the piano in his room, he needed to strain his ears to properly hear the tune he was creating.
He closed his eyes to focus the entirety of his senses on the sound from the piano. As he squeezed his eyes shut tighter, he felt his growing despair gnaw at his heart. 
Music can change the world. He believed that as a child, and even now, he still did with his whole heart. So why was it that the music was falling silent?
It should have been my eyesight, Ludwig thought. But then how would he be able to write down his music if he couldn’t see?
It should have been his sense of taste, he reasoned. Food was nothing more but mere sustenance to him, anyway. He couldn’t even find joy in eating his favorite food anymore. He was a musician, Ludwig thought bitterly. The vibrant music he heard and produced were his food, the fruits of his labour, his love, his passion. If he couldn’t even have that, what else was there?
Oh, but I do have one more Ikevamp question!! You said that pureblooded vampires can bring people back to life as lesser vampires; is Comte a pureblooded vampire? I tried checking the fandom wikipedia, but the categorisation on him confused me nmfgbd 💀 Oh, and also,, does it say in the game how tall the MC is? Because I tried estimating her height out of curiosity judging from CGs, and she’s,,, REALLY short 💀 Like, she’s either 4’11 or 5’0 in the CGs I’ve seen 💀 5’1 if we really want to stretch it- Which is kind of a shame, because I was hoping that MC could be the same height/taller than Beethoven JFGGBFB
On one last note!! Next week I have to perform an original monologue with a character who has a god complex kfjghb- I hope I do decent,, TwT  Also!! My birthday’s coming up soon! :D
[Oh, and before I forget- I’ve written down a bunch of random TWST thoughts/ideas,, Would you like me to drop them,,? 👀👉👈]
Jackdaw Anon 🐦
beethoven is so kickass for that HES BOYBOSSING RN HELL YEAH GET THAT PIANO!!!!! ALSO YES comte is a pure blooded vampire, along with vlad and leonardo ^^ i checked the ewiki and it said greater vampire so i can see how that confused you LMAOOO
UR SO REALF OR THE MC SHORT THING.....ugh the on saving grace is that the avatars are basically the saem height (at least isaac and shakespeare are...theyre the only ones ive had in my room AHGSFD)
ofc you should totally drop them C:<
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