#emma myers fanfic
lllivia · 2 years
Anniversary Picnic date
Enid Sinclair x fem!siren!reader
Can also be read as gn!reader
Warnings: deep water(?), suggestive themes ig
- Tried writing this in first person, comment if I should write more stuff like this -
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"Can I open my eyes yet?" Enid asked for the thousand time before tripping over her own feet. "Not yet Enid how many times have I said that I'll tell you when we get there" I giggled supporting her so she doesn't fall. I continue to support her a few more minutes before letting her go looking proudly over the scenery before me. "Okay you can open your eyes now" I say looking at her now. "Oh wow Y/N this is beautiful! How long did this take you?" Enid squeals as she smiles brightly before jumping into my arms and pecking my lips, the kiss tasting like vanilla cherry chapstick.
"It only took like 15 minutes or so" I lie scratching the back of my neck knowing that it took well over an hour to set it all up. It was all worth it though seeing her smile from seeing at all of her favorite food in front of her. "Sha'll we sit down m'lady" I flirt jokingly "we sha'll baby" she responds blushing. We sit down and start sharing the food between us.
"Oh my god I think my stomach is about to bust open" Enid groans holding on her stomach finally laying down next to me and putting her head on my shoulder. I laugh as she continues to groan and complain. "I told you that you should stop eating after the first time you said you were full" I giggle "okay okay I admit I may have made a mistake, but it was soooo good, how'd you even know what I like" Enid responds snuggling her face into my neck her breath tickling me. "I mayyy have gone around asking all of your brothers" I smile. Enid pushes herself up on her elbows and kisses me again her soft lips making sigh, I start giggling softly as I feel her smile against my lips. "You're so beautiful Enid" I whisper her face only a few inches away from mine. "You're my mate forever" Enid says and blushes.
A couple of hours pass of us just laying there talking and cuddling before I speak up "wanna go skinny dipping? We haven't done that in a few weeks now" Enid sits up abruptly "hell yeah let's go!" She says and pulls me up forgetting her werewolf strength causing me to crash into her. She catches me before I can fall back on the ground and smiles awkwardly. "Sorry" I peck her lips from stop her from feeling bad "don't sulk, now come on!" I pull her hand till we're standing at the edge of the water. I look away from her undressing out of respect as always, before Enid scoffs lightly "yk you don't have to turn away right, we've seen each other naked plenty of times before" she smirks, I respond by turning back to her and rolling my eyes "So sorry for trying to be respectful then" I say sarcastically pulling off my own clothes. "Come on let's swim" I lift her up carrying her bridal style before throwing her out in the water laughing at her annoyed sputtering and the splashing of her arms. "SO RUDE, OH I'M SO GETTING MY REVENGE FOR THAT" I dive in after her before she can get out of the water. "Come on, I have something to show you" I say grabbing her hand and pulling her down, I then kiss her deeply which gives her oxygen to breath underwater. "Oh my god how have you never told me that you can do that before? I totally have to post about this later" Enid says looking around her pretty surroundings. I only smirk in response before pulling her lower, my mermaid tail creating bubbles around us. Enid's head turns around to look fascinated at my tail, even though she's seen it like a hundred times before. When we're about to reach the bottom I tell Enid to close her eyes. I grab the half open mussel that was laying on the ground prepared from earlier before putting it in her hand. "Open your eyes lovely" I smile. She looks at the shell with curiosity before opening it and gasping "this is gorgeous Y/N, is it really for me?" I smile at her shyness and help her put the pearl bracelet on "of course it's for you, I love you" I say for the first time, waiting for her reaction. All she does is look at me for a few seconds before kissing me deeply pushing her tongue between my lips teasing me before pulling away. "I love you too Y/N... and I really can't wait for us to get back to your room" she smirkes.
💗 Masterlist 💗
ik the breathing underwater thing was a bit stupid but I ran out of ideas
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lorelaiblair · 6 months
An excerpt from Enid’s text messages.
Enid: mom
Esther: Enid?
Enid: hi mom!
what is my blood type?
Esther: A negative, why, are you alright?
Enid: yeah, i’m cool
wednesday just wanted to know
Esther: Enid, do not tell that witch your blood type.
Enid Sinclair?
Do not tell an Addams your blood type!
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caitlynscat · 1 year
Bianca: I’d ask who your favorite person in the world is but I can guess who it is.
Wednesday: Enid, my girlfriend. Why would you ask?
Bianca: Nevermind, this game is stupid. Yoko, who’s your favorite person in the world?
Yoko: *jokingly* I’d have to say Wednesday’s girlfriend-
Wednesday pinning Yoko to the wall
Wednesday: What was that, Yoko?!
Yoko: It’s a joke! It’s a joke!
Wednesday: Who’s your favorite person in the world?!
Yoko: Divina! Of course it’s Divina!
Wednesday let’s go of Yoko
Wednesday: Looks like we both love our partners very much!
Yoko: *sliding to the floor* Clearly.
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caitlynskitten · 1 year
Wednesday: Where’s my lipstick?
Enid: Oh it’s right here, let me help you.
Enid puts on Wednesday’s lipstick and kisses here Ravenette long and hard until it’s applied to her lips.
Enid: There! I hope that helps!
Enid walks back to her side of the room. Wednesday looks at herself in the mirror with a slight lipstick smudge and rosy cheeks.
Wednesday, wiping the lipsticks off: Hey, Cara Mia? Can you help me with that again?
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chiri-thingz · 27 days
Don't worry she's totally paying attention
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lisaslosingstreak · 2 months
Wednesday’s Writing Hour
A Losing Streak Headcanon
This is dedicated to all the Wenclair FanFic writers and illustrators, who don’t do it for the money or the fame, we do it because we love it.
So in canon we assume Wednesday forces herself to write for an hour a day, yes? How about that it isn’t that way - instead she LIMITS herself to an hour.
When she was seven she started writing and it soon became an overriding obsession. She wrote for several hours a day, some day from sunrise to sunset. She wrote a books worth of text every week, not of high quality but she just had to get it out of her head, she has so many ideas she had to get down on paper. It eventually affected her mentally, and even more socially. She didn’t need to talk about inane subjects with her class friends, and she became withdrawn and quiet cos time spent at school was time spent not writing which was incredibly difficult for her, it hurt.
Eventually her mother and Grandmama had to cast a spell over her which meant Wends could only write for an hour a day. At first this upset Wends so much but after a few weeks she found the quality of her writing skyrocketed. Everything she typed was of the highest quality., with zero mistakes and she had the ability to write with no prep notes or plans.
Her father bought for her the finest vintage typewriter and had made a set of special monogrammed boxes (that we see in canon) to hold her finished work neatly. Each book she wrote had its own box, several of which were at the Addams house but she brought 3 to Nevermore to store new works in. Each box is a finished work typed directly and perfectly done, ready to go to a publishers, no editing or proof reading needed.
This is why Wednesday NEVER misses her writing hour. It has become an hour of unadulterated pleasure for her, those sixty minutes her only chance to get the fully formed storylines in her head down on paper. It’s HER time to decompress, to take her brain out of gear and just create something wonderful.
Years later, Enid and Wends are married and they have a huge house. One room is dedicated to all these finely crafted wooden boxes with WA engraved in then. Several hundred of them which she drip feeds into publishers under a variety of fake names. Each one carefully retuned to its special custom made mahogany cabinet like an old library.
There is one special shelf with a locked glass door. These are smaller boxes which look mostly the same but which also have faint pink tinged inlays in them, and monogrammed EA instead.
On their wedding day Grandmama changes the spell, and allows Wednesday an extra half hour of writing a day, whispering to her that “you know what this is for, use it wisely”
That extra time is for her to write about Enid. She sometimes stays up late to use this extra time, sometimes wakes up early and kisses Enid before typing for those 30 minutes. Each time is used to write something for Enid, whose existence changed the way Wends thought. She had so many love confessions, poems and revelations she wanted to share with her wife and those thirty minutes were used for that. And each time afterwards Enid would find a slim box on their bed, or maybe in Enid’s little office, or in their plush drawing room. Each time a little note attached would say “with all my love, WA”. It would be the highlight of Enid’s day to read this little dedications of love, and she would treasure each one and file it away with the others.
Eventually they have a daughter Ophelia and at the age of four Ophelia pushes her way into Wednesdays writing room. Wends is torn cos she loves her crazy little daughter so much, her blonde hair all in disarray and carrying a little black covered notepad and a little case full of coloured pencils. But she HAS to write, yes?
Enid watches from the door and her heart melts with pride as Wednesday, with great difficulty, forces herself to stop typing and bends down to pick Ophelia up and place her on her knee.
“What’s the matter little terror of mine?” she asks softly, trying to mask to pain she has caused herself by stopping writing.
“Mamma, can I come and sit with you and write a story myself?”
“There’s isn’t any spare room at my desk darling I’m afraid”
“We could sit on the floor mamma!”
And so it happened, a few minutes later that Wends was laid on a blanket on her front next to her daughter in her office, with a notepad and pencil, and wrote a short story with her.
The next day a new shelf was made in the library, with a row of small delicate cream boxes on it, all skilfully engraved OA, each with little bits of paper filled with messily scrawled writing on them, and more importantly little drawings to go with the little stories.
Because, as Ophelia insisted, what better way to make a story come alive than illustrate it?
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rachelsfav-queer · 3 months
The World is Loud (So Step into My Office)
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Summary: Wednesday is eating lunch and becomes overstimulated by all the noise and she flees the cafeteria. She runs into Principal Weems, who invites her to eat in the quiet of her office.
Word count: 1,488
Notes: So basically, we have autistic Wednesday getting overstimulated by all the chaos in a cafeteria full of hungry teenagers lol. Larissa offers her a quiet place to eat lunch every day. Simple, clean, and neat! This is post season 1 so Wednesday and Larissa are closer. You know, bonding over almost dying on the same night and all! So Wednesday isn’t so averse to help from others, at least those she trusts.
It was just another normal, typical, loud day at Nevermore for Wednesday and she was once again eating lunch in the loud cafeteria. Unfortunately, it was also her name day, Wednesday, which meant that neither Enid or Eugene or any of her other acquaintances were sharing a lunch period with her today and weren’t here to act as a buffer between her and the rest of the noise and chaos of hundreds of other students also eating lunch and talking and screaming and laughing and being so loud!
At some point, Wednesday simply couldn’t stand it anymore and stood up and stormed out of the cafeteria, leaving her lunch behind as her mind was too overloaded with stimuli to pay attention to anything beyond the feeling of her own blood pumping underneath her skin. As the seer stomped out of the room and through the hallway, she wasn’t paying attention to anything around her and she accidentally bumps into the principal of the academy, the sudden stop shocking her back into reality. She looks up at the much taller woman and sees barely concealed concern across her face as she smiles kindly at the raven. “Miss Addams, is everything alright? You look… disturbed,” Principal Weems asks as she lifts a hand to put on Wednesday’s shoulder, the action causing the student to jerk back before she could even make contact. Weems smiles apologetically and pulls her hand back to hold her other in front of her, “Apologies, my dear. Hmm, if I had to guess, the cafeteria is a bit too loud today?”
Wednesday doesn’t give a verbal response, she can’t, but instead nods her head once, still looking up at the shapeshifter who still smiles, this time in comfort and understanding. The expression would’ve offended Wednesday a year ago, before that fateful and nearly fatal night under the blood moon, but now it actually has the intended effect on the seer, settling her mind if only slightly. The principal speaks once again, “Ah, and verbal shutdown as well?” A nod. “Hmm, well that is troublesome, isn’t it? Miss Addams, if it will help, you may come to my office for the rest of your lunch period? This way, you can have a quiet place to enjoy your meal and you won’t have to worry about teachers or staff questioning your whereabouts. Is that agreeable?”
Once again, Wednesday nods and turns to grab her forgotten lunch before she’s stopped by the older outcast, telling her that she’ll just order food to be delivered, whatever Wednesday wants. The seer widens her eyes in surprise, but they soon soften in a look of gratitude, her whole body slowly losing its tension in the presence of the woman she’s grown to trust and view as a genuine mentor figure since they both nearly lost their lives. A final time, Wednesday nods and the two make their way to the principal’s office.
Wednesday lets out a heavy sigh as she finishes the last of her food that was delivered from an (the only) authentic Mexican restaurant in Jericho and sets the plastic container on the small table in front of the fireplace, lit at the shapeshifter’s offer.
Said shapeshifter, currently sitting at her desk, looks up from the paperwork she’s been focused on since finishing her own food and sees the raven staring at nothing. “Wednesday? Is everything alright, dear?”
For the first time since they bumped into each other, Wednesday speaks, though only in a whisper, “Everything is fine, Miss Weems. I am simply… at ease now. The silence here has been blissful to my mind. I appreciate this… all of this. Thank you.”
Weems smiles warmly and sets down her pen, leaning on her forearms over her desk, “I’m quite happy to hear that, Wednesday. And please, it was my pleasure! You know, you’ve grown so much since you first arrived here at Nevermore. I’m… proud of you, Wednesday. I hope you know that you are welcome in my office anytime should you need an escape from the usual havoc and mayhem of the rest of the school. Gods know I need the escape a fair amount myself.”
The joke brings a slight smile to Wednesday’s face as she stands and collects her garbage, throwing it away before grabbing her backpack and stepping up to the principal’s desk. “I’ll consider your offer. And once again, I thank you for allowing me this and for the meal. I must get to class now and thankfully, Enid will be there as well. She is… exceptional at balancing my mind.”
Weems simply smiles knowingly, though the raven and werewolf pair haven’t gone public with their relationship, it was quite obvious to everyone who knew them. The changes in both of them were plainly obvious and Larissa, well, she couldn’t be happier for the young couple. After all, it wasn’t a simple coincidence that she had assigned them to room together. But the blonde woman bites her tongue and instead rises up to see Wednesday out. Once the seer had left, Larissa returns to her desk, but instead of getting back to the piles of paperwork, she pulls forward her laptop and makes an easy purchase. She then returns to her paperwork with a warm smile on her face, wishing she could be there to see Wednesday’s face when she receives the gift.
*A Few Days Later, in Wenclair’s Room*
A knock at the door has Enid standing up from her bed, pocketing her phone, and walking over to open it, slightly confused as she doesn’t see anyone standing there. She then looks down at the floor to see a black gift box with white ribbon on it. It’s pretty clear who it’s for just by looking at it, but Enid still checks the little card attached to make sure, and confirms it’s for her roommate/girlfriend and is surprised to see who it’s from. The werewolf steps back inside the room and walks over to Wednesday, who’s sitting at her desk, studying homework. “Hey babycakes-”
“I told you not to-”
“You have a gift! From Principal Weems, too! Here, open it!” Enid sets the black box onto Wednesday’s desk and the seer glares at it curiously.
She glances up at her girlfriend and questions, “Are you really going to stand there and watch me open it?”
“Of course, silly! You don’t get gifts very often, this is a special occasion!” Enid responds cheekily, nudging her girlfriend to hurry up and open the gift box. Wednesday pulls at the ribbon and lays it on top of her homework, then lifts the lid and looks inside, rolling her eyes at the gratuitous amount of black tissue paper concealing whatever was inside the box. After nearly thirty seconds of pulling out tissue paper, Wednesday finally sees what’s inside and pulls it out to get a proper look. She’s confused for a moment before she hears her girlfriend gasp. “Oh wow…” the werewolf breathes, “Those are… some seriously expensive headphones! Holy shit! Miss Weems really went all out!”
Wednesday’s confusion only grows as she asks, “What in the nine circles would inspire her to gift me headphones?” She then reads some of the text on the package holding the headphones and whispers, “Noise-canceling? Enid?”
Enid finally notices the seer’s confusion and explains, “Oh, noise-canceling! I mean, pretty obviously, they cancel out noise. But like, they’re commonly used by autistic people and people with sensitivity to loud noises in order to make them more comfortable! Honestly, baby, I really think you’d like them! It’ll take a bit to get used to wearing them on your head, but seriously, having these handy will help a lot! Especially when I or our friends can’t be around to act as a buffer for you.”
Wednesday nods in understanding and fascination. As she stares at the box, she feels emotion build up in her chest at the kind gift. Principal Weems. By Satan herself, Wednesday was certainly wrong with all her initial assumptions of the tall shapeshifter back during her first semester here at Nevermore. She feels only a sliver of guilt at how she had treated the woman during that time, but more than that, she feels a huge swell of gratitude for being given the chance to know her better after their near-death experiences.
The raven looks away from the box in her hands and up at her blonde girlfriend and speaks softly, “Enid? Will you… assist me in setting these up? I would like to try them out.”
Enid smiles so widely it would’ve hurt her cheeks if she wasn’t so used to it. “Of course, babycakes!”
Wednesday growls, “I told you-”
“Willa, baby girl, love of my life, most adorable girl I have ever known? Give it up. I’m literally never gonna stop calling you that. Especially not with how much you blush when I do!”
End <3
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Movie & Dinner
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[pairings]: Jenna Ortega x Fem!Reader x Emma Myers, Fem!reader x Mason Gooding (platonic)
[Summary]: You have had a crush on Jenna and Emma ever since you met them, little did you know, they were already head-over-hills.
[warnings]: Swearing, kissing, bad writing bc it's late, not proof read
When you first got the call from the director of the new Scream movie, that you would be playing the character of Danny Brackett’s sister, you literally almost had a heart attack. You had applied to the role not only because it could be your big breakthrough, but because of your love for the Scream movies.
During the time you were shooting, you got closer with everyone in the cast. Especially Jenna and Mason. Which also meant that you guys hang out even after the last wrap-up and after the movie was released. 
You hung out with Jenna the most, only because Mason got sick for a long time. After a while of just hanging out at Jenna’s or your apartment, she decided to introduce you to her lovely girlfriend, Emma Myers. The two of you instantly clicked and soon it was either you, Jenna and Emma who hung out or you, Jenna, Mason and Emma. For a while it was fun, but then…….you started catching feelings. At first, you brushed it off as just a silly crush on two of your best friends, but then the constant nervousness and overthinking around them started. Things like, ‘ is this outfit going to be good for our movie-night’ went through your head or whenever one of them gave you a hug and your heart started racing and your face heated up,-which you tried to hide- you knew it was not just a little crush, it was a big, fat one.
But of course, Jenna and Emma weren’t stupid. They picked up on your behavior. And in all honesty, they were fucking amused. The main reason Jenna wanted you to meet Emma was because of her own ‘silly, little’ crush. After two-three months of hanging out with you, they were both fucking wiped.
Mason, obviously, knew about your crush. He always told you to talk to them about it, but you were too much of a coward to do so.
And of course, Jenna and Emma had someone that knew about theirs too. For Jenna, it was Melissa, who knew about her and her girlfriend’s crush. For Emma, it was her sister, Izzy. Obviously, they talked to each other about it too. Having a complete melt-down everytime they do so. 
Also, that is the reason they’ve decided to call you over tonight for you guys’s usual movie & dinner night. Only, they are planning on finally telling you about their feelings.
You are walking up the stairs to get to their apartment with your headphones on and an audio book playing through them, just some russian learning ones. It has been your passion to learn as many languages as you can, ever since you were a kid. But anyway, you arrive at Jenna and Emma’s door and simply let yourself in. Turning off the audiobook and taking off your headphones. You looked around and saw the light on in the cozy living room, deciding to walk in. 
And there they were. Sitting on the couch, cuddling. 
You walk in further and when you are close enough, you clear your throat in a way to get their attention. Which you got pretty quickly. They turn around and as soon as they see you, the both of them smile in usion.
“Y/N! Hey!” Jenna squeals in excitement as she gets up and goes over to you, giving you a warm hug. Emma did the same.
“Heyyy, so what are we watching?” You sat down on the couch and they followed you, Jenna on your right and Emma on your left. You felt your cheeks flush as they scoot closer.
“Uhm, we were thinking ‘The Grown Ups’?  That good for you?”
You gasp and smile. “Of fucking course! I love that movie! “ They laugh at your excitement and turn to the TV to put on the movie.
— —
It was nearing the end of the movie and you couldn’t wait for it. Basically, the reason for that is, you are really flustered. Jenna has her arm around you while Emma’s hand is resting on your knee in a comforting manner. All that was making your heart beat out of your fucking chest. You are only hoping that they can’t hear how loud it is.
As the movie comes to an end, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding until now. “Uh, I'm going to get a drink.” You state, getting up and squeezing yourself out from between the two lovers.
Walking into the kitchen, you head straight to the sink to wash your face. When you’re done, you take a glass and fill it with water. As you are drinking it, Emma and Jenna appear in the entrance. Jenna walks ahead her girlfriend and up to the counter you are leaning against.
As she looks at you, there is a sickeningly cute grin on her face that you can’t help, but admire until she speaks up.”God, I don’t know how they let you graduate acting school. “She giggles as your eyebrows furrow. “You are so obvious!” Jenna pauses for a moment to look back at her girlfriend who is smirking, leaning against the wall of the entrance. “ C’mon, we know you like us. “ At that, you feel your face burning up once again as your mouth opens and closes like a fish, trying to find something to deny it.
“Hey. It's okay. We are not mad. “ Emma speaks up and walks over to the two of you.
“Y-you’re not? “ They both shake their heads and you let out a sigh. 
“However, “ Jenna starts, looking back at you and stepping closer. “ We have to tell you something. “And your heart once again races, not only because she is centimeters away from your face, but also because of what she and Emma have to say. “But, I’d rather show you.” Jenna smirks at your red face as she takes your chin in her right hand and tilts it down a little. Then she turns her head to the side and leans in and finally, her soft, red lips meet yours.It’s a little rough, but still endlessly hot. The kiss doesn’t last long as you hear Emma whine and soon her footsteps come closer. 
Jenna steps aside a little as Emma settles in-front of you. Smirking, she cups your face and pulls it closer to hers. When your lips meet, you immediately note that her kiss was softer than Jenna’s, more gentle. But good nonetheless. After a couple of seconds, she pulls back with a smile on her face and lets go of your face.
You were still blushing and trying to process when Jenna speaks up. “ Soo, are we throuple now or something? Is that what it’s called?” Emma laughs and nods at her girlfriend.
“Sure, Jen. But we still have to ask, don’t you think?”  She gestures towards you, who is just standing there.
“Right. Right.” Jenna turns to you and chuckles at you frozen state. She grabs your shoulders and shakes you lightly. “Hellooo, earth to Y/N!”  You finally look up at her.
“Uh, huh?” 
They both smile and glance at each other then back at you. “Would you like to be our girlfriend? “ They say at the same time with a little bit of nervousness in their voices.
You just stare at them for a couple of seconds, but before their smiles could disappear, you speak up. “I-I…Yeah, sure. I mean….yes. Yes!” They both smile and take each of your hands and lead you back into the living room. 
— —
The next morning after you arrive home, you just drop your stuff and call Mason immediately. “Oh.My.God! Mason! You won’t believe what fucking happened!” 
You heard shuffling in the background. “What?What? What is it?”
You grin as you take in a deep breath. “Me, Jenna and Emma are fucking together! Can you believe that shit?” 
“Wait, Really?! “ You nod but soon realize that he can’t see you so you speak up. 
“Yes! It happened last night. We even kissed and everything! “ Mason smiled as he heard the happiness and excitement in your voice.
“Oohh, wait! Don’t tell me the juicy parts just yet! I’ll be over in 15. “ You laugh. “What? I want to be there so you can see my reactions.”
“Yeah, okay. I’ll be waiting. “
A/N: Sorry, it's short :/ I have a lot of studying to do.
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m-e-stanley · 3 months
Waiting for the AGGGTM x Wednesday fanfic crossover where Pip and Wednesday investigate a case together
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lllivia · 2 years
Emma and her roles
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Enid Sinclair
I adore you Enid Sinclair.
Anniversary picnic date
As our eyes met
Claws out
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rollingsins · 1 year
three's a crowd, part ten (epilogue)
part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part nine | part ten (epilogue)
summary: you hadn’t expected this. to fall in love. with not one girl, but two. you hadn’t expected to ruin their friendship. love triangle au. 
pairing: jenna ortega x reader, emma myers x reader
word count: 920 words.
a/n: last part so it's bittersweet. thanks to all who read and came along for the journey :)))
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The weekend feels like a blur.
You spend most of it in Jenna’s bed.
You call it making up for lost time. Jenna calls it making you cum so many times you lose count.
And then on Monday morning, when you walk onto set, your hand entwined with hers, everyone stares. 
Georgie smiles so hard you’re a little worried his jaw might lock. Joy gives you a look like she’s been waiting for it this entire time. Hunter is a mix of judgment and approval, you’re not sure what wins out. 
But Emma’s reaction is the one you’re most concerned about.
She’s talking with Johnna when you walk in, and if she sees the kiss you give Jenna before you part, she doesn’t react. 
Your scenes are with her today. Sunday night had been a mix of anxiety, and Jenna, and some more anxiety. The last thing you want to do is upset Emma. 
Even if she’d inadvertently given you her blessing.
But she doesn’t acknowledge it. 
You run through your scenes, fine. Pretend you’re in love with her. Give her the doe eyes you now reserve for Jenna. 
And when the director calls cut, you’re left biting your lips and staring at your hands, all confidence lost. 
Jenna’s by the craft services table, talking to Hunter. 
Emma drops down into her chair, checks her phone briefly, and then looks up at you.
“You left early on Friday.” 
Weighted. Like she knows exactly where you were. Your cheeks flush red. 
“Yeah…” You trail off, “I…. we….”
“It’s okay.” Says Emma, peering up at you, “We all know where you were. I mean, you made it pretty obvious.”
You swallow. 
“You don’t have to explain,” Continues Emma, “I’m happy for you.” 
At this, you raise an eyebrow. 
“Seriously.” Emma says, and she looks like she means it, “I’m not being underhanded or whatever. I’m happy for you.”
“Okay,” You say, not really sure what else to say, “Thanks.”
She pauses. And then looks up at you.
“I’m not jealous.” She says after a long moment. 
At this you pause. 
She bites her lip. Puts her phone down. 
“I thought I would be, but I’m not.” She continues. There’s something behind her eyes. Maybe relief. Maybe freedom. 
You swallow. Lean in a little closer, so the crew can’t hear. 
“I should apologize to you.” You say, but she cuts you off. 
“You already did-”
“But I didn’t.” You insist, “Not really.” 
Jenna’s watching, you can feel her gaze from a mile off. But right now, for a moment, your concern isn’t for her. 
“I hid behind confusion because it was easy,” You confess. Your hands are a little sweaty. You don’t do well with this - with home truths. But she needs to hear it. You care about her still, “And it was wrong. I shouldn’t have led you on. And I’m sorry.” 
Emma leans back in her seat. 
“Everything that went down between us - whoever was right and wrong, it doesn’t matter,” You continue, “At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter. You should just know that I’m sorry.”
She’s staring at you, gaze open. Like she doesn’t hold a grudge. 
“It’s fine,” She says, “I’m happy. We’re both happy. You and I- I thought we would have been happy together, but I was wrong. You would always pine for someone else, and I would always pine for wanting to be first choice.”
You don’t know what to say to that, so you say nothing. Drop your shoulders in a silent shrug. 
Emma’s eyes glint. 
“I would offer for us to go on a double date,” She says, voice light, “But it might be a tad awkward.” 
And that’s the end of it. 
It’s easier than you expected. 
You don’t know what you expected. 
Things to be thrown. Hearts to be broken. 
You don’t expect the acceptance. But you’ll take it, regardless. 
Emma and Johnna head off, hands linked as you stare. You feel a pair of hands on your shoulders, grip too tight to be Jenna’s. And then you turn around to see Georgie. 
“Nice.” Is all he says, a sly smile on his face, “Nice.”
“Shut up.” You murmur, but you’re too happy to be annoyed with him. Jenna’s smiling at you, across the room. 
She’s beautiful. Everything you dreamed. Everything you ever wanted. 
And she’s yours. 
“Don’t mean to brag,” Georgie continues, as Jenna walks over, “But I was team-soulmate from the beginning.” 
“Shut up.” You murmur, before she can hear. 
She touches your arm. The look on her face suggests she wants more than a touch. But there’s company. 
“Everything okay?” She asks, eyes questioning. You reassure her fears with a smile. 
“Everything’s okay.” 
She pauses. Bites her lip. 
“Emma wants to grab coffee, tomorrow,” She says, and her voice betrays her excitement, “She says she wants to be friends again.” 
“That’s great, baby.” You say, voice soft, and you mean it. It means you haven’t ruined everything. 
It means they’re still friends, despite everything. 
Before you can tell her so, Hunter is walking over, looking far more sober than you’ve ever seen him. He appraises your trio with eagle eyes. At first, you think he might say something. Might pull out his needle and pop your love bubble. 
But then he smiles. 
“Drinks, Friday night.” He says, peering over at you and Jenna, “PDA non-optional, please.” 
Jenna laughs, and then looks your way. 
“No promises,” She says, voice coy. 
And then she kisses you.
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caitlynscat · 1 year
Wednesday and Enid are making out in the halls of Nevermore. Enid pins Wednesday to the wall with both of her hands on Wednesday’s waist.
Wednesday: *pulling out of kiss* Mon Coeur, I love you but please put your hand somewhere where it’s useful.
Enid: *stares at her blankly*
Wednesday: *stares back*
Enid: *takes her hand and hovers it over Wednesday’s crotch*
Wednesday: *shakes her head*
Enid: *hovers her hand in front of Wednesday’s neck*
Wednesday: *nods her head*
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caitlynskitten · 1 year
Yoko: I know you guys have a dog!
Enid: What makes you say that?
Yoko, looking through wenclair’s room: I heard Wednesday last night yelling “good puppy, good puppy.” I know you guys are keeping a dog here!
Enid, embarrassed: Oh, you heard that?
Wednesday chuckles: I think you’re mistaken, Yoko.
Yoko finds a dog collar under Enid’s bed: Aha! So you do have a dog! *reads the name on the collar* Why is your dogs name “obedient girl?”
Wednesday: Should I tell her?
Enid sighs: Please don’t.
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kahmontavanni · 1 year
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jenna0rtega27 · 3 months
Hey, just found your account and I really like your work. Would love a B/G/G 3some fiction with Jenna Ortega and Emma Myers. Some kinks I’d like you to include if it’s not too much would be spit in each other mouths, toe and feet sucking, dirty talk, and at the end a facial with cum swapping between the two girls. Again, keep up the great work!
Three are better than two
Thank you for asking 18+ Jenna Ortega x Emma Myers x M!Reader (Usually, I don't make requests with boys, but since I want to please everyone, I accept your request and it's probably the naughtiest one shot I've done on my account. So take advantage of it and continue to send your requests!) Warnings: Lots of smut, blowjob, penetration and lots of other filth, dom!Jenna, dom!Emma, ​​Sub!Reader, Sub!EmmaSummary: RequestNumber of words : 2,9K
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Y/n headed towards her trailer. He had just finished his scenes for the day. He was part of the cast of season two of Wednesday and played the role of Jacob Petropolus, Ajax's twin brother and Wednesday Addams' love interest. He had been in Ireland for a month now and to his delight, he had kissed Jenna Ortega twice. But of course nothing more happened between the two characters which disappointed the 23 year old young man a little but hey he was content with the magnificently soft lips of one of his crushes and hoped to have another moment to kiss the beautiful little brunette.
Y/n opened the door and got into her trailer. He then went to shower to wash away the day he had just spent and to be clean for Jenna Ortega and Emma Myers. The young man had a huge crush on the two rising actresses from Wednesday. Every time he saw them, butterflies flew in his stomach, he literally dreamed of them as two beautiful young women. Unfortunately for Y/n, Emma and Jenna were dating so it was clear that they were lesbians. And Y/n is the only one who knows without the two girls even knowing that he knows they are in a relationship. Two days ago, Y/n had caught Jenna and Emma having sex in the brunette's trailer. Luckily for him, none of the girls noticed him. But since that day, Y/n has been masturbating with the image of the two girls in the 69 position, Jenna on top and Emma on the bottom. Like today, the young man was in the shower stroking his cock.
After cumming twice and getting all clean, Y/n got out of the shower and dried off. After he's dry, he puts on white Calvin Klein boxers, gray sweatpants and white socks. He doesn't wear a t-shirt because it's too hot to wear one. As he left his trailer to go get some sushi, his cell phone rang, a sign that he had received a message. He took his cell phone out of his pocket and looked to see who could send him a message. Seeing the name, butterflies began to swirl in his stomach.
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*My love, but why would Jenna use those words? Especially since we almost never talk to each other. * Y/n had a lot of questions. Much to Y/n's dismay, he and Jenna weren't exactly close or friends. They only stood together for the scenes. But hey, Y/n tried not to worry too much and tell herself that maybe she had the wrong person. Y/n replied that he will be there as soon as possible. He leaves his trailer without bothering to put on a sweater. He just put on his black Nike sandals and went to Jenna's trailer.
After 2-3 minutes of walking, Y/n arrived at the trailer. Before entering, the young man took a deep breath and slowly entered Jenna's trailer. He looked around without finding the little brunette.
“Jenna, I’m here!” » He said loud enough to make sure the Latina heard him. “I’m in my room Y/n!” » Jenna replied from her room. Y/n takes another deep breath. He went to enter his crush's room. *Calm down Y/n. It's just for work and nothing more. * Y/n quickly placed her short blonde hair and headed towards the bedroom. When he reached the door, he slowly opened the door and what he found there shocked him, but in a good way.
Jenna Ortega AND Emma Myers were on the bed sitting in red lace lingerie that covered almost nothing. And the two were kissing very passionately. Not knowing what to say, Y/n stood there without speaking. He was just watching the two most beautiful women in the world kissing almost naked. After long minutes which in reality was 10 seconds, Jenna is the first to notice the boy who is still at the door frame. She breaks the kiss with Emma and looks carefully at Y/n who now felt uncomfortable at the intense and observant gaze of the little brunette. A smirk forms on Jenna's face at the sight of the clearly visible bulge on Y/n's pants.
Emma turned around and her mouth watered at the sight of her crush's muscles and abs and V-shaped trace. She felt herself getting wet at this sublime sight.
“Come here my boy. » Jenna said, patting the spot in the middle of the two girls on the bed. Hesitating a little, Y/n sat down in the middle of Jenna and Emma and looked between the two without knowing what to do or say. Jenna moved closer so that her breasts were on Y/n's arm. Y/n tried to focus on anything other than Jenna's big tits. “You know you're not very subtle” Said the brunette, running her index finger with black nail polish and running it over the young boy's pectorals. Goosebumps rose all over his body at the touch. “We know you saw us fucking in Jenna’s trailer. » Emma then responds, running her hand over Y/n's covered thigh. The young man's eyes widen with shame. He was sure no one had seen him.
“I-I-I-” “Shhh” Jenna silences him by placing her index finger on her crush’s lips “You have nothing to be ashamed of, my boy. Because me and Emma both have a crush on you. » Jenna responds softly, caressing Y/n's cheek.
“Jenna is right. Ever since we saw you, we had a crush on you and wanted to fuck you. » Emma adds, grabbing the young man's jaw so that her gaze is on the blonde. Y/n’s heart was beating fast. The fact that his two crushes wanted to fuck him gave butterflies in his stomach.
Jenna takes her turn at Y/n's jaw so that her gaze is now on her. “We want you so bad Y/n. Every time me and Emma fucked we thought of you and moaned your name. » Jenna replies, bringing her face closer to Y/n's. Jenna's eyes moved from his eyes to his lips. Y/n did the same. He wanted to kiss Jenna so much that he had to hold back so as not to jump on her. He put one arm around the brunette's waist and the other around the blonde and brought them closer. They were each on one of Y/n's dressed thighs.
“I’ve wanted you for so long, you have no idea. »Replies the young man on Jenna's lips. He could feel the brunette's hot breath on his face. “So what are you waiting for, my pretty boy? » Emma whispered with her hand in Y/n's hair and the other on his chest. He looked between the two girls and gave in to temptation. He placed his lips on Jenna's for a slow kiss that became more and more passionate. Y/n placed her tongue on Jenna's lower lip asking for entry and obviously Jenna happily accepted. She opened her mouth for the young man's tongue to enter. Y/n explored Jenna's mouth which made the little brunette moan. Emma for her part licked, kissed and sucked Y/n's neck and massaging his cock dressed in his sweatpants and boxers.
Y/n breaks the kiss with Jenna to kiss Emma the same way as with the Latina. And Jenna does the same thing Emma did to Y/n's neck but from the other side. Emma continued to play with Y/n’s cock making it hard. After a few minutes of kissing, Y/n pulls away from the kiss and brings her hands to the two girls' heads and brings them together so that they kiss. Y/n could feel herself hardening at the sight of Jenna and Emma's tongues dancing between her. And the young man had the impression that they were doing it on purpose because he really saw everything. But he doesn't complain.
Y/n brought her hands behind the two young actresses' backs and unclasped their bras and dropped them somewhere in the room. He looked at their breasts and leaned down to kiss Jenna's first. But he massaged Emma's breasts with his hand. Jenna moaned into her lover's mouth. She ran a hand over the back of Y/n’s head to bring him even closer. He devoured Jenna's breasts. He licked and sucked on her perky nipple. After a few minutes, he moved on to Emma's breasts to give the same treatment. Emma had Jenna's smaller tits but just as good and beautiful in her mouth.
As she pulled away from the kiss, a trickle of drool ran down Emma's chin. The brunette then licked her chin and put her tongue in the blonde's mouth so that she could suck it. Y/n looks up and he's almost drooling as he sees Emma sucking Jenna's tongue. The brunette then pulls away from the blonde's mouth with a pop and then looks at her crush and a smirk appears at the sight of Y/n still visible on Emma's face.
“Do you like what you see babyboy? » Jenna asks, stroking Y/n's head. The young man nods without saying anything. Jenna laughs a little and gives him a quick kiss. “Get up baby. » Jenna demands, removing herself from her crush's thighs just like Emma. Without waiting, Y/n stands up and waits for the two actresses' next moves. Emma walks over and kneels in front of the boy and gently pulls down the pants. Y/n's breath catches a little until Jenna is standing behind Emma. She reached up to cup Y/n's face and caress her cheeks with her thumbs. “We’re going to take such good care of you, my love, that afterwards you’ll never want to leave. » Jenna says with an intense look and kisses Y/n with passion and intensity.
Emma, ​​for her part, pulls down Y/n's boxers to show a 9-inch cock hitting her lower stomach. Emma licks her lips as she takes the big cock in her fist. She spits into her hand to wet his penis and begins to slowly move her hand up and down. Jenna pulled away from the kiss and lowered her head to watch her lover stroke Y/n's penis. Jenna puts her hand in Emma's hair and takes a handful and forces her to put the cock in her mouth.
“Come on baby, show our man how a little whore you can be.” » Emma opens her mouth and sucks Y/n's cock which makes him moan. The blonde sucks his cock up and down. She sometimes sucks the tip while swirling her tongue over the red tip. Jenna raises her head and with her free hand, she cups Y/n's jaw between her four fingers and thumb. “Open” Y/n opens her mouth and Jenna spits into her crush’s mouth and sticks her tongue into Y/n’s open mouth to lick the inside.
Emma deepthroats him which makes him nauseous every time the young man's cock touches the back of his throat. The only noises that can be heard in the room are Jenna's spitting into Y/n's mouth and Emma's throat noises. Jenna pulls out of Y/n's mouth and kneels next to the blonde. She removes it from the young actor's cock, grabs his jaw to turn his head towards her and kisses him with lots of tongue and drool. The other hand takes Y/n’s cock to continue jerking him off. Y/n moaned, laying her head back with her eyes closed.
Without leaving the kiss, Jenna moves her and Emma's heads towards Emma's hard, drool-filled cock to put it between their mouths. They moved their heads in sync from left to right on their side of the cock with their tongues sticking out to fuck and suck their lover's penis.
“Fuck” Y/n moaned, putting her hands on both girls’ heads to help direct their heads.
After a few more minutes of sucking, Jenna stood up and pulled Emma in. They took off their panties under the intense gaze of Y/n who felt his cock getting even harder again. Emma lay on her back on the bed while Jenna positioned herself on top of the blonde so that her shaved pussy was above Emma's face. The young woman wraps her arms around Jenna's thighs and lifts her head slightly and runs her tongue through her lover's dripping folds. Jenna runs her hands over her breasts to massage them while moaning. The brunette sees Y/n watching them while jerking off. Smirking, Jenna tells him to come at them with his finger. Like a magnet, Y/n slowly walked towards the two girls. He looks down to see Emma's glistening pussy begging him to lower it. Getting into the bed, Y/n leans down so her face is right above the blonde's vagina and runs her tongue through her wet folds to prepare her for his big cock. Emma moans into Jenna's vagina when Y/n lightly sucks on her sensitive clit.
Then, Y/n stands up and jerks off some more before lining up his cock at Emma's entrance. He passes his tip into Emma's pink folds to wet her and gently enters inch by inch into the blonde's vagina. Once at the bottom, Y/n waits until Emma is comfortable. After a few seconds of adaptation, Emma moves her pelvis a little to tell him to move. Y/n then begins to slowly move her hips. Jenna moans at the vibrations Emma makes on her clit. Y/n continues to move her hips faster and faster. For ease, the young man takes the blonde's legs and lifts them up and places both legs on one shoulder. Emma releases pornographic sounds while moaning her lover's name.
Jenna grabs Y/n's head with one hand and pulls her into an intense kiss. The other hand rests on the blonde's hips for more stability. Jenna pulls away from the kiss to take one of Emma's feet and puts it in her mouth. She runs her tongue between the blonde's toes and sucks her toes. Y/n leaned over Emma while continuing her hip movement and passed her tongue over Jenna's clitoris which made Jenna cry out with pleasure. After a few minutes of pleasure, Jenna cums in Emma's mouth and on Y/n's tongue while Emma cums on the young man's cock. Jenna moves away from her friend's face and kisses her. She moaned at her own taste on the blonde's tongue. Y/n continues to pound Emma's pussy hard when he feels the feeling in his balls. After a few hard strokes, he takes his cock off and jerks off right in front of the girls. Jenna lays down next to Emma and Y/n moves so that her cock is above the faces of both actresses who have their mouths open and their tongues out for the cum. After a few strokes of her hand, Y/n moaned leaving white liquid on Emma and Jenna's faces. After emptying everything, the two girls kiss with the cum in their mouths. Jenna takes the cum from Emma's face and puts it in her mouth without swallowing it. She positions her face above the blonde's and spits into her mouth with the cum. They do this 2-3 times and swallow all the cum while licking their face to remove all the cum. Once finished, the two girls joined Y/n who was lying on the bed with his arms crossed below his head and the blanket on him covering his bottom. They get under the covers so that Y/n is in the middle of them. Jenna and Emma are both lying on their sides with their elbows on the cushions and their hands supporting their heads.
" Did you like? » Jenna asks with her free hand caressing Y/n's cheek.
“I didn’t like it, I loved it. » Y/n replies, giving Jenna a kiss on the lips. Both girls grinned toothily at his response.
“We have a question for you Y/n” Emma said once the kiss between her two lovers broke. Y/n turns her head towards Emma and wraps her arm around the blonde's waist and caresses her back with her fingertips. Which gives him chills all over his body. He nods and waits for Emma to continue. “I know it might be rushed after making love, but, would you like to be me and Jenna’s boyfriend?” » Emma asks now all embarrassed and red cheeks. Jenna laughs inwardly at her girlfriend and puts an arm over Y/n to wrap her arms around Emma.
A huge smile appears on Y/n's face and slowly kisses Emma's lips. “Does that answer your question?” » Y/n replies on the blonde's lips.
“No, that doesn’t answer our question. » Jenna says as she takes Y/n's jaw in her hand and turns her head. The young boy laughed a little before putting his arm around Jenna's waist and squeezing her thigh.
“Yes I will be with you. I've been thinking about you since I saw you on the first day of filming. » Y/n replies with a happy smile. Jenna cups Y/n's cheek with her hand and places her forehead on the young man's.
“You don’t know how happy I am to have you for me and Emma. » Said Jenna before kissing Y/n languidly. She then pulls away from the kiss and cups Emma's jaw between her thumb and index finger. “And you’re so sexy when you’re embarrassed.” » Adds the little brunette and kisses her friend with lots of tongue. Y/n lifts her head and joins the kiss. Their three tongues dance sensually together.
And for the rest of the evening, they made love, kissed and loved each other. The three had the two people who meant the most to them.
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new-44556678 · 11 months
Enid: Wednesday, I just had a bad dream. Can I-
Wednesday: Don't worry sweet little baby pup, my love, I'll always be here for you!
Enid: Thanks!
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