#gods these guys are absolutely nuts about each other
rainbowvamp · 1 year
i don't think i've ever written smut with so little description of the actual sex before.
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lokissweater · 17 days
to be known .𖥔 ݁ ˖
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{mlb!megumi fushiguro x f!reader}
summary: it’s time to meet papa gojo! and you are absolutely shitting it the moment megumi pulls into his dad’s driveway regardless of his countless reassurance— wanting nothing more than for his dad to like you and earn his respect. in the midst of all the chaos, gojo spontaneously suggests then you all take a trip up to the mountains, you absolutely ecstatic that you get to spend a little getaway with the people you love most. but when gojo reveals to you a heavy— more serious part of megumi’s life that completely throws you by surprise, sorrowful words leave your boyfriend’s mouth upon confrontation.
warnings: MDNI. afab!reader, FILTHY AFF SMUTT, p in v sex, unprotected sex (wrap it y’all), oral, pussy eating and fingerin YEOWW, DIRTY TALK, squirting, DOMINANT MEGUMI Y’ALL ALREADY KNOW, fluufff!, pet names, cursing, SAD MEGUMI LORE :(, angst af but with comfort, DEVOTED MEGUMI MY LORD!, all characters are aged up.
authors note: PARTT THREEE AWWW FUCK MAN!!! this one is centered around megumi and i hope to GODDDD YOU GUYS LOVE IT AS MUCH AS I DO! the amount of love i have gotten from this series is actually fucking CRAZAAYYY i cannot be more thankful i truly cannot express how much you guys mean to me i do not have words but all i can say is that i love you all SO fucking much!! MWAAHHH <333
i highly advise you to read the other parts of this series or else you won’t be able to understand some of the storyline and references :( you can find my mlb!megumi fushiguro masterlist here!
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the minute megumi pulled into gojo’s driveway, you started rambling.
“do i look okay? wait gumi did my hair get messed up when i rolled down the window? fuck! is my top too skimpy? hold on do you think he’ll like the sweets i brought? or should we drive to the market oh god take me to the market—”
megumi reached over and squished your cheeks together with his right hand, muffling your speech and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips.
“you’re fine baby.” he mumbled, gently letting go of your face and unbuckling both your seatbelt and his. “you have nothing to worry about.”
“i have everything to worry about!” you whined. “this is your dad gumi this is so so important and i can literally feel it in my bones how i’m about to fuck this up it’s my sixth sense it’s flaring up—”
he snorted and shook his head, nudging your forehead gently with his index finger.
“stop. put away your sixth sense.”
you smirked.
“only if you pull your big one out if you know what i me—”
megumi whipped his head in your direction with wide eyes and pink cheeks as you slipped into a fit of giggles, you leaning over the console and pressing a sweet kiss to his cheek— a little sly grin slipping from his mouth as you settled back into your seat.
“what?” you shrugged your shoulders, feigning innocence. “i thought i could tell you anything? is this relationship not built out of trust? out of honesty?”
“not if it’s making my dick hard in the middle of my dad’s driveway.” he muttered, and you giggled relentlessly again.
“i’m sorry gumi i’m sorry—” you reached up and caressed his spiky hair softly. “do you wanna put your hand on my tit? maybe it’ll help with—”
“baby!” he gasped. “what is with you right now-”
“gumi— it’s every time you wear that godforsaken white button up it’s driving me nuts and now i’m gonna have to restrain my whore alter ego until we get back to your apartment—”
megumi threw his head back and laughed, his rare big smile shining as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you in, stuffing your face into his chest as you felt his laughter buzz through.
you embraced each other for a quiet moment, his quick heartbeat vibrating against your ear as you cheekily smiled at the speeding rate of it, yours no doubt matching in rhythm with his if not fucking worse as he kissed the top of your head and released you.
“i hope your dad likes me…” you murmured, looking down at your hands and fiddling with the hem of your top.
“he will.” he pushed gently. “trust me please.”
megumi lifted his hand and ran an affectionate thumb over your little cheek, face blank. “i’m more worried about gojo than i’m worried about you.”
“really?” you tilted your head. “how come gumi?”
“because he’s insane.” he responded bluntly, and your mouth flew open as he let his hand fall and settle over your thigh. 
“what— he’s your dad— what do you mean—”
he shrugged a little, but you could tell he was apprehensive.
“he can be a bit much s’all.” 
stuffing his keys into his pocket, megumi opened the door and stepped out, smoothly jogging over to the other side and opening yours as you gave him a cute smile in return, hopping out.
walking up the steps of gojo’s driveway felt like you were stepping into the gates of mount fucking olympus— his house ginormous and elegant with the biggest lawn you had ever seen, intricate gold arrangements running across his front double doors as you approached, all that had you completely in awe and astonished and thankful over the place that megumi grew up in— knowing that without this upbringing he wouldn’t be doing what he was giftedly doing now on baseball fields across the country.
he reached and pushed the doorbell, a grandeous chime ringing through the air as you nervously bounced on your feet holding the little treats you brought for his dad, megumi looking at you from the side and giving you a little reassuring squeeze through your interlocked fingers, easing your jitters a bit.
the doors swung open then— dramatically and flashy as a tall fluffy white haired man stood in the middle with his arms out, his striking blue eyes and significant smile making you freeze in place.
he was respectfully kind of handsome… anybody with eyes could probably see that. and you wanted nothing more at that moment than for him to think highly of you and like you just as much as you already did him— for anyone who took megumi under his wing and raised a man that was as gentle and kind as he was, was worth knowing.
“oh god—”
gojo threw his long arms around his shoulders and mushed a cheek up against megumi’s head, rubbing it endearingly from side to side as he gushed and cooed.
“aw my son my son my son! it’s been too long so long—”
“i saw you last week.” megumi grumbled as he tried to push him off, gojo’s grip only tightening in response.
he gasped. “nonsense! i hardly remember.”
and you giggled, gojo’s eyes snapping to yours then and widening as he practically shoved megumi off and stretched his arms out for you.
“and you!” he pulled you in and squished you up against his chest. “you’re the one who melted megumi’s cold dark treacherous mean heart you sweet tiny thing—”
“gojo let her go.”
“—such grace such talent how did you get him to start being nice?! i saw it on the mlb network—”
“i can’t even get him to tell me that he loves me he’s an ungrateful little brat—”
megumi quickly stepped around and snaked his arms around your waist— pulling and yanking as gently as he possibly could but finding it difficult seeing as his dad was being fucking mental towards you, the both of them bickering and literally wrestling as you tugged and swayed limply in between.
“off. now.”
“megumi release her you’re throwing around your wife—”
“you’re squishing her get— off!”
a little oven ping made gojo stand upright, an eager excited expression on his face as he quickly let you go, took the treats you brought with a thank you, and started skipping inside the house— megumi catching you as you stumbled back a little with gojo’s voice gradually fading from your ears.
“you guys come in come in! i wanna show you something i just bought its international meaning not from here—”
megumi groaned and slumped his forehead to rest on your shoulder, your back to him as he held your waist a bit tighter… and you really couldn’t help but giggle a little at their theatrics, craning your head in attempts at getting his attention.
“what’s wrong?” you asked softly, trying to wiggle your body around to face him but his grip stubbornly preventing you from doing so.
“are you lying?”
you laughed. “tell me baby…”
“…he’s gonna scare you away.” he mumbled.
“scare me away?” you huffed out a shocked laugh. “gumi— with every passing day that we’re together i feel like i’m gonna scare you away.”
he snorted and shook his head at your stupid statement, finally lifting himself up as you took advantage of the opportunity and turned around, giving him a comforting smile.
“i like him!” you beamed. “he’s funny, and he gave me a hug! that’s a good sign is it not? he doesn’t hate my guts yet right?”
megumi gave you a look. “he won’t ever.”
“we don’t know that…” you muttered, letting megumi interlace your fingers and pull you inside the house. “i haven’t started talking his ear off about the atrocious sandwich i had this morning—”
you looked at him. “you know the one i let you try back at the—”
“—ohh that’s right.” he tilted his head in thought. “it was pretty bad though it was dry..”
“right?! they didn’t even put mayo in it and i love mayo or something at least more—” you froze. “fuck! baby see?!”
megumi chuckled and caressed the back of your hand with his thumb. “see what?”
“see what.” you muttered with pursed lips, eyes to the floor. “you indulge my yapping gumi and that’s bad.”
“because i like it.”
“do you also like it when i get on top and—”
“oh my god—”
gojo’s arms were stretched out in the spacious enormous living room that was probably bigger than your own freaking house combined— long grey lounge sofas along the center over marble flooring and a modernized coal fireplace behind him, all adorned with a glittery gold chandelier shining beautifully from the ceiling like a stunning halo.
“my new installment.” he smiled cheesily. “my pride and joy.”
“you bought… a chandelier.” megumi mumbled.
“mhm! sure did!”
“to keep me company.”
“to keep—”
“megumi if you don’t want me to be happy you can just admit that this is a safe space—”
you quickly slapped a hand over your mouth to suppress your laugh, gojo giving you a little grin before turning his attention back to a grumbling megumi.
“every time i come here you’ve spent money on dumb shit.”
you gasped. “gumi!—”
“oh it’s okay sweetheart don’t worry.” he crossed his arms. “i’m used to his abuse.”
“don’t tell her that.“ he looked to you. “he’s being dramatic okay—”
“am not!” gojo pointed a finger. “he’s lying! come ‘ere y/n let me explain—”
megumi tightened his hand around your interlocked fingers, mumbling. “can we just get on with dinner please.”
and his dad perked up with a big smile. “oh that’s right!”
gojo happily paved the way through the house, rambling about the various layers of his chandelier and how each crystal was imported from the ‘labyrinths of italy’ (as he put it), you trying your absolute best to listen and respond politely, but having a hard time seeing as you felt like a dark black misty fog was swirling around megumi that shot a chill up your spine, his head down to the floor as you eyed him worriedly.
you stoop up on your tippy toes and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek, his gaze flickering to yours then and he weakly flashed you a wary tiny smile.
“s’okay gumi!” you whispered cutely, reaching and running your fingers lovingly through his hair with your unoccupied hand. “everything is going great, don’t stress.”
“are you okay?” he murmured, and you nodded rapidly, dropping your arm.
“of course i am!” you spoke gently. “i’m worried about you though.”
“m’fine.” he shook his head, squeezing your hand. “i’m fine if you’re fine.”
unbeknownst to you, gojo didn’t miss the little chatter that was going on behind him with your endearing words, and he smiled softly to himself— your interaction and the way you spoke to each other slightly lifting a brooding weight from his chest that had been there since megumi was a teen.
upon arriving at the dining room, both you and megumi’s eyes widened as they looked over the mass amounts of various dinner foods lined neatly across the center, all of which strongly resembled a stereotypical thanksgiving feast as the platters glistened and shined with various juices and cooking oils.
“you made this much food knowing it was just us three?” megumi mumbled.
gojo quickly nodded his head. “uh huh!”
“and did you actually make it?”
“uh huh!”
megumi gave him an annoyed look. “did you?”
“nuh uh!”
megumi’s shoulders slumped and he covered his eyes in disappointment, lips pulled into a thin line as you giggled to yourself.
“i still think it looks great!” you replied sweetly. “do you need help setting up the table? i can go grab—”
“oh no! god no you sit.” he grinned. “megumi can do it.”
“but i—”
megumi scooched a chair out and gently pulled you to sit, pushing it in as you did before wordlessly disappearing behind a wall into the kitchen to do as he was told, a slow sneaky little grin spreading across gojo’s face as he watched.
quickly, he slammed his hands flat on the table and looked at you with big excited eyes as you stiffened, alarm crossing your face as you fidgeted and squirmed under his stare.
“who said i love you first? who kissed who first? who confessed first? have you guys done the freaky freak yet—”
you choked on your spit as your cheeks blazed at his last question, trying to come up with a proper answer to all of them but only stammering nervously as he kept throwing questions at you.
“oh! well— well he— and i—”
“who initiated the freaky freak—”
your heads snapped to a disgusted megumi with pinched brows, his hands occupied with dark blue porcelain stacked plates, silverware, and napkins.
“what the hell are you asking her—”
“what?! you won’t tell me and she was just about to! haven’t i raised you to wait until a conversation between two people is finished before butting in-”
“looked more like harassment.” he mumbled as he placed the shiny plates and silverware down in front of each of you, you laughing cutely at his comment and megumi shooting you a small smile.
gojo gasped. 
“how dare you?! i would never do such a thing to your precious little girlfriend!” his eyes snapped to yours, a pleading puppy dog look on his face. “you know that right?”
you giggled and nodded quickly, waving him off reassuringly. “it’s okay! really i don’t mind anything at all.”
“see!” gojo spat. “she accepts me.”
“you’re lucky she does.” megumi countered, coming around and sitting down on the chair next to you, scooting up before placing a soft hand over your thigh under the table.
megumi was suffering on the inside over gojo’s behavior and completely fucking embarrassed that you had to see him act this way, though he honestly should have expected it— him unknowingly growing pretty immune to his sporadic antics since he had been around gojo for the majority of his life. 
and that was a mistake, because having you here was like someone dunked his entire body with a bucket of chilling ice cold water to wake him the fuck up and make him see that gojo was, in fact— still insane.
but you seemed to be just fine… chatting back and forth with gojo about various topics as you both bounced off of several different things without even finishing the prior subject, megumi easing now that it looked like you weren’t worried sick over his dad loving you or not, him already knowing from the start he was going to.
and the food was inexplicably delicious as you ate, gojo revealing to you that he had personal private chefs come in to prepare the bundle of dishes for the both of you to eat for tonight’s dinner— him expressing that if he had cooked himself, his newly bought chandelier would’ve somehow came crashing down and he would’ve for some reason died along with it.
“and what do you do?” gojo beamed. “do you work?”
“i go to school!” you responded politely. “it’s about fifteen minutes from his stadium actually.”
he gasped. “megumi! you snatched an educated woman! has he taken the time to visit you on campus?”
“oh yes of course!” you nodded. “he picks me up for my morning lectures and takes me everyday, and then i go to his practices and games after my classes.”
“oh my god.” he slapped his hands over his eyes and hunched over. “a healthy beautiful balanced relationship oh what a blessing what a gift what a-”
gojo stopped, his head snapping back up and looking at you both from across the table.
“have you guys gone on a trip together yet?”
you both shook your heads confusedly.
“haahh?!” he shot megumi a glare. “why haven’t you taken her out on a vacation yet? is this how you show y/n your appreciation for her? with all of your mlb money? this— this can’t be—”
“n—no!” you stammered, placing a hand on megumi’s shoulder. “it’s okay! he does too much for me way too much i always feel appreciated that isn’t necessary—”
“—what her and i do is none of your business—”
“yes it is!” he cut megumi off. “the woman is a beauty do you really think nobody else wants her?! take her to a damn nba game see what happens—”
“do you think i’m not aware—”
“i got it!”
gojo shot up with his index finger pointing up dramatically, wiggling it with a shining smile.
“let’s all go on a trip and take a gander at nature!”
“huh?” megumi’s eyes narrowed. “a trip— nature—”
“yup!” he nodded. “i went to a place back in my youth in the middle of the woods that had the clearest, bluest, waterfall lake thing i had ever swam in. its perfect! us three can be one with the tides—”
“…gumi we should.” you spoke sweetly and quietly, nudging his shoulder a little. “he wants to spend time with us… with you especially.”
he looked at you then with a strained expression— the idea of going on a trip with an erratic gojo sounding like something straight out of the pits of hell… but you wanted to. 
and megumi could never say no to you.
“just us three?” he mumbled, eyes drifting back his dad.
“i have an even better idea—”
gojo sped away from the dining table and over to the large marble counter top island that sat in the middle of the kitchen, him pulling out his laptop from a random drawer and opening it up. “yuji and his girlfriend should come too! it’ll be like a best friend’s trip! they can come over right now eat dinner all of you sleepover and then we leave tomorrow morning—”
you gasped excitedly, megumi eyeing your beaming hopeful smile at the mention of your best friend and yuji potentially coming, his heart and face softening at the way your pleading doe eyes looked at him.
“can we gumi?” you asked hopefully as gojo continued to babble on and click away on his laptop. “it—it’s okay if you don’t, really. i don’t ever want to do something you don’t want to do.”
“you wanna go?” he murmured, reaching up to pat over and caress the top of your head.
you looked at him shyly, gnawing at your bottom lip. “yeah… it sounds really fun and i love the idea of going somewhere with you like that… and— and my best friend would be there too with yuji! if they decide to come…”
megumi hummed, his hand coming down to poke your pink cheek with his index finger softly before leaning and pressing a kiss to your lips.
“s’okay.” he nodded. “we can go.”
“really?!” you gushed. “are you sure?”
“of course pretty baby.”
you squealed and cupped his face, bringing him down as you peppered kisses all over his mushed up cheeks as he laughed.
“thank you thank you thank you—”
“—book for two nights leave in the morning possibly italy next— okay done!”
gojo proudly stood back with his hands on his hips, smiling at his laptop before his eyes came back up to the both of you, you releasing megumi’s face.
“already?” you gushed.
“uh huh!” he skipped over to the table. “we leave tomorrow morning together, drive up the mountains, we get to the air bnb that night, sleep, wake up the next morning and hike up through the national park until we get to the waterfall, swim, go back to the air bnb when we’re done, and then we leave the following morning!”
you and gojo stood and cheered happily while jumping up and down, megumi calmly sitting back and huffing out a breath through his nose.
“do you even know if yuji and her best friend can go?” he spoke. “have you asked?”
you both stopped.
“no but i’ll ask right now!—” gojo dashed out of the dining room and down the hall, his fast footsteps echoing through the house as megumi rolled his eyes.
they said yes.
the minute your girl friend and yuji stepped through the front doors, you ran with open arms as you threw yourself on them and jumped up and down excitedly, megumi watching with amused eyes as the three of you chanted and bounced like little kids.
“trip! trip! trip! trip!”
“oh heeeyyy! good to see you both again.” gojo greeted, yuji and your girl friend immediately throwing themselves on him and jumping up and down again.
“thank you for this all inclusive trip you rich rich man!—” your best friend cried as yuji butt in. 
“—yes! thank you satoru you’re a gift you’re a saint—”
“you’re the hottest dilf i know!—”
“oh nonsense!” gojo waved them off cheekily, putting on a show of faux nonchalance. “i’m just coming for parental supervision you guys have earned this.”
you all spent the rest of the night together playing board games in the living room and watching movies in gojo’s home movie theatre, you and your best friend laughing from time to time at megumi’s constant bickering with his dad and yuji’s lovesick devotion to gojo— all of which that’s been there since megumi and yuji were in high school.
and you were having the best time you’ve ever had in your fucking life as you snuggled up with megumi on his lap while watching movies, surrounded by the people you loved most in the entire world while you all laughed and ate and basically did whatever the fuck you all wanted— your tummy’s hurting from scarfing down packs of gummy worms and leftover food from dinner.
“oh! oh! let’s watch human earthworm four now!” yuji jumped, pointing at the big screen.
“aw no! that one’s gross babe!” your girlfriend whined. “you’ve made me watch it like a million times alreadyyy.”
“but megumi and y/n haven’t seen it!”
“yes i have.” megumi cut in.
“y/n hasn’t seen it!”
“no! i’m trying to save her eyes from that wretched movie—” she craned her neck to look at you from her seat. “it’s good but it’s bad y/n.. i couldn’t sleep for three days straight after.”
you giggled and sleepily fixed the fluffy throw blanket that was over you and megumi, him finishing the job off for you and readjusting himself so you could get more comfortable on his lap, you enveloped entirely in his warm arms while gojo snored away somewhere in his seat.
“m’okay with anything!” you spoke, your boyfriend picking up on the tiny sleepy slur in your voice.
“okay so human earthworm four—”
“—no! please! i thought you loved me!—”
“i do! but human earthworm four!—”
“we should go to sleep baby.” megumi murmured in your ear as they went back and forth, and you shook your head.
“nuh uh.”
megumi started shifting, and you quickly tightened your arms around his neck and pulled him back.
“no i’m awake i’m awake.” you mumbled. “i wanna stay.”
“it’s already late though...” he gently reasoned. “i can feel you falling asleep.”
he smiled softly when you shook your little head again with fluttering sleepy lashes, him pressing a soft baby kiss to your nose before tugging an arm underneath your legs and the other over your back before standing, pulling you up and carrying you.
“we’re gonna go sleep.” megumi announced to the other two, and their heads turned.
“aw yuji look! he’s carrying her like a little bride—”
“aw niceee megumiii!—”
“god.” he muttered, readjusting his grip a little before turning and leaving the theatre, you already fast asleep as he carried you down various dark hallways before reaching the main grand staircase area, the beaming moonlight seeping through the giant windows as they illuminated the same familiar path he used to walk many times before since the age of six, but having an entirely different outlook on it now that you were there on the same path with him.
gojo had his personal assistant drive you and megumi sometime in the night beforehand to get your suitcases for the trip and pack your things, megumi now finding them neatly in the corner of his childhood bedroom as he entered, pleased to see that it was nearly left untouched since the day he moved out.
you stirred in his arms, your mind almost sensing that you were in his room as your eyes opened and slowly scanned their surroundings, a little gasp escaping your lips.
“is this your room gumi?” you spoke softly.
“oh!” you wiggled and he gently set you down, you pulling the blanket over your shoulders as you looked around.
his room was huge, or at least bigger than the normal average room would normally be, and it was so… him. black bed sheets and black furniture, gray carpeting with a big gray desk chair neatly tucked in, a tall bookcase that held a combination of various philosophical books and manga all shuffled together, and a big bulletin board nailed to a wall that had push pinned photos scattered about.
you perked up, curious as you walked over to the board to get a closer look at each photograph, smiling when you spotted many of megumi and yuji playing for their baseball team in high school, pictures of the field or a glove holding a ball, and several others of megumi serious in his uniform next to a big grinned gojo. 
“gojo made it and hung it on the wall.” he spoke softly. “said my room lacked feeling or something like that.”
“i love it…” you murmured. “you look so cute in these gumi.”
you leaned and looked closer at one of the photos— it entailing megumi who looked to be maybe seven or eight, and a very young looking gojo with an arm swung over his little shoulders, the both of them throwing a peace sign.
you lifted your hand and gently ran your index finger over the glossy photograph, your eyes softening.
“is this when he took you in?”
megumi walked up and bent down a bit to get a better look.
“yeah. it had only been a year or two i think.”
you nodded in understanding, and as your hand fell to rest on your side, your gaze caught another photo—
a photo of you.
one that megumi took on one of your night outs except you were completely unaware to the fact that he did until this very moment— your eyes trained to the mirror visor in his car while applying lip gloss in the photo, you wearing his black leather jacket with a denim skirt on.
pointing, you looked behind you at megumi.
“it’s me.”
he nodded.
“did gojo pin this here?”
“no.” he shook his head. “i did.”
your eyes widened as your head turned back to the photo, your cheeks burning up. 
“i pinned it there when i came to visit him after we hung out that day.” he murmured. “s’my favorite.”
you swallowed, your heart hammering in your chest.
“how come it’s your favorite?”
his eyes stayed glued to the picture.
“because you look beautiful.” he answered. “and because you’re in my car. in my jacket. and with me.”
you felt your smile grow as you looked up at him, your entire body fuzzing and tingling over as he looked back down at you, both of your cheeks a vibrant pink under the dark moonlight.
“i love you.” he spoke softly.
your eyes softened, arms coming up to wrap around his neck and pull his forehead to yours as he reciprocated and held you, an emotional lump building in your throat at his genuine beautiful words— words that may be short and simple to others, but everything to you because it was megumi.
“i love you too, gumi.” you gently pecked his lips. “so much.”
and he smiled.
a full closed lipped one as he tightened his grip around your waist and lifted you up off the floor, carrying you over to his bed and delicately laying you down as he kissed you again and again, his cold hands slipping underneath your shirt to rest tenderly on the bare skin of your torso.
megumi pulled back to look at you, his eyes unexpectedly widening at the sight of you spread out underneath him like you were, with your gorgeous hair sprawled out and your pinky cheeked face looking up at him timidly while on his childhood bed, a sight he oddly didn’t expect himself to get hard as a fucking rock over.
“what baby?” you whispered.
he shook his head and pecked your lips before helping you sit up, walking over to his suitcase after and unzipping it open to reveal his tidy folded up clothing, him rummaging through it for a little before pulling out what you recognized to be one of his big gray sleep shirts.
“you wanna wear this to bed?” he asked you, holding it up.
you nodded happily, holding your hands up for him to throw and catching it once he did, you immediately stripping down with no fucks given to nothing but your black panties as you slipped the shirt on over your head and untucked your hair from underneath, loving that it smelled like him.
you both proceeded to do your little night routines that you did whenever you slept over at his place, and after you washed your face, brushed your teeth and applied a little moisturizer in his personal bathroom, you flicked off the light and jumped into bed with a waiting megumi, his arms immediately coming around over your waist and pulling your back to his bare chest as you both got comfortable.
but after a few minutes of silence—
megumi was still fucking hard.
and he was actually way worse than before, since now you were in his shirt and the only thing you had underneath was a pair of panties with no bra on, your juicy tits just inches from his grubby hands as they itched and burned to grope them in the rudest way possible.
and he wondered what it would be like to fuck you dumb on his childhood bed.
but he couldn’t. you were previously tired and sleepy and he wanted to respect that, concluding now that you were probably already drifting off as your breathing evened out over the soft murmur of the wind outside, your face heavenly against the moonlight through his gigantic window next to his bed. 
amidst the whirling of his horny perverted brain as he tried to calm his thoughts and let you sleep, he was already unknowingly grinding his hard dick against the fat of your ass, his shirt on you riding up as he did until he was fully rutting against your bare yummy cheek.
he tightened his grip around you and buried his nose into your hair, inhaling and squeezing his eyes shut as he tried to will himself to fucking stop and just let you sleep, but cursing under his breath when he felt you shift and lift your head a little.
“gumi?” you mumbled sleepily. “what are you doing..?”
“nothing.” he spoke into your hair. “go to sleep pretty baby.”
you sighed deeply and closed your eyes again, but it only took megumi an entire sixty seconds before he started grinding his dick on your ass again.
and you were wide awake at this point, the ache in between your legs severe as he mindlessly panted and grunted softly against your ear— delicious hot fucking noises that riled you up and had you grinding your ass back into him, feeling his pajama clad big solid dick against your skin.
he breathed in a sharp breath through his nose when he felt you do it, burying his face even further into your soft hair as he rutted on you harder this time, more forceful as he groaned and shoved a hand down your panties.
you gasped and looked down, his skilled fingers already working you so good and spreading your juices all over your clit and folds as your hips bucked up against his digits, his hips still grinding desperately on your ass as he pressed sloppy wet kisses over the side of your cheek.
“g-gumi—” you whined.
he slipped and pumped a finger inside you and you whimpered.
“we can’t— we can’t go past this okay i don’t want your dad or anyone else to hear us.”
“we can’t?”
megumi slipped his hands out of your panties as you turned around to look at him, your eyes widening at the way he stuck his tongue out and pressed his arousal covered middle and ring finger flat on it, licking and sucking on it lewdly with an open mouth as he looked at you with half lidded eyes.
“n—no.” you gulped, your pussy feeling pathetically empty as it craved and meowed for megumi’s cock even though you just told him a lying no, wanting nothing more than for him to throw you around and make you cry but horrified over the thought of everybody else in the house hearing.
he shifted on top of you and in between your legs, your breath hitching as you watched him grab the hem of your shirt and slowly pull up until he hit the lower fat of your tits just below your nipples, his bottom lip pulled into his teeth as he tugged the rest of it up and groaned over the way your tits spilled out of his shirt, megumi already starting to grind his cock against your pussy again.
“holy fuck.” he mumbled, dazed eyes trained to the way your boobs bounced with every hump he made, his mouth and hands quickly coming down to squish your tits and drag his tongue over your perked up nipples, wasting no time at all in slobbering and sucking all over them as you moaned and whimpered at the feeling of his wet hot tongue all over your tits, your fingers gripping the bedsheets beneath you.
he released your nipple with a pop and leaned back, his fingers hooking underneath the straps of your panties and pulling them down before he tossed them somewhere in his room— followed by his pajamas and boxers.
“but i miss you baby..” he mumbled, rubbing the length of his cock between your wet warm folds. “miss you and the way your pussy sucks up my dick…”
you whined, your hips jerking with each rub that his tip made against your clit as it slipped up and down, your shaky fingers suddenly encircling around his cock and pumping it for him, megumi moaning as you did and your lashes fluttering at the sounds of his pre cum covered dick squelching against each yank of your wrist.
“i’ll go slow hm?…” he fucked himself into your hand, breathless. “and we’ll just… we’ll just be quiet…”
you bit your bottom lip, squeaking at the way his tip would nudge up against your little hole as he moved. 
“s—slow okay?” you whispered and guided his cock down to your entrance, megumi immediately lining himself up and pushing his big dick in slowly as you squirmed underneath him. “go— go slow i don’t want them to hear—”
“i’ll go slow pretty baby don’t worry.” he murmured, caressing his thumbs over your tummy as he pumped himself inside little by little, his body shivering in delight over the way you screwed your eyes shut and twitched as you tried to take all of him, licking your lips once he was fully in as he gently started pumping his dick in your puffy cunt.
but megumi was a fucking liar.
because it only took a total of five minutes for megumi to start pounding into your little pussy like a rabid beast, his hands clutching the beds headboard in front of him as his mattress squeaked and hit against the wall violently, you choking and gasping at every drilling slam of his hips.
“hah!— gumi!” you hiccuped. “s—slow downnn pleeaasee they’re gonna wake up!—”
“who fucking cares.” he grunted, one of his hands letting go of the headboard and grabbing a fistful of your tits as his eyes screwed shut in pure nasty ecstasy, your tight tight pussy drinking and slurping him up as he slammed against you, your body bouncing with every thrust.
“but—but you saaiidd!—”
you squealed as he fucked you harder and leaned down to bite your red hot cheek.
“how about you take what i give you yeah?”
you moaned pornographically loud, the way he was being extra mean doing a number on you as he nastily licked a long soothing stripe over where he bit you on your cheek, his lips coming down to hover directly over your ear as he placed a hand over your mouth, muffling your whines.
“shhh—” pant! “baby not so loud—”
you breathed heavily through your nose as he rammed you, him hating the way he couldn’t openly hear your sweet moans anymore as he opted to moving his hand away and turning your face with his fingers, lips to his ear.
“just moan in my ear—” he choked. “moan please.”
“goddddd gumi you always fuck me so good—”
“yeah?” pat pat pat— “you like it when i fuck you like this pretty baby?”
hic! “uh huh!”
“shit—” he shoved his face into the side of your hair and hovered his lips over your ear. “and only me right? not gonna let any other low life fucking loser in your life anywhere near you when you have me right?”
“n—never!” you hiccuped. “only you i don’t ever want any— hah!— anyone else again—”
you practically screamed as you unexpectedly came all over his dick, your gushy walls spazzing around it as your pussy squelched out warm liquid, your squirt covering megumi’s lower tummy and sheets.
“attaaa girllll.” he groaned, quickly coming up and letting go of the headboard as he gripped your bruised waist with his hands, him throwing his head back and heaving as he fucked you sensitive on his cock with his balls begging for release that megumi was more than happy to give— you gasping at the way he quickly slipped his dick out from inside you and jerked himself off violently for literally a second before he came all over your tummy and pussy with a loud moan, coating all of you in his gooey release.
“fuuucckk.” he breathed out, his body shaking as he slowly pumped and milked out the last few drops of his cum with a strong grip on your thigh, you completely and utterly fucked out and dazed at the way he used you just the way you liked it, him slowly running his softening dick over your cum covered pussy and in between your folds as you twitched at the sensitivity— spreading it around as you both tried to catch your breaths.
“you okay?” his hands came up and gently brushed some of your hair away from your face, you nodding ditzy and red cheeked as he tucked a few strands behind your ears and kissed your forehead lovingly.
“stay here.” he murmured as he moved and got off the bed, your eyes closing but opening again after a minute once you felt him in between your thighs with his fucking phone out pointing at you.
“gumiii!” you whined and laughed. “why are you taking a picture?”
he shrugged, but peered up at you with a little knowing smile on his face. “to pin on the board.”
your eyes blew open in terror as you watched the flash go off and him place his phone back on his nightstand after, you frantically shaking your head.
“you can’t! baby your dad is gonna see it you can’t!—”
he cutely laughed as he got up again and went inside his bathroom, coming back in with a little hand towel before opening your legs gently and cleaning you up, tossing it across the room in his hamper then before laying down next to you and pulling your body to his, the both of you entangling with each other as megumi pulled the covers over.
“i’ll keep it in my wallet then.”
“no! gumi!—”
the following morning, all of you got up bright and early to shower, get ready, and finalize your packing as you hauled various suitcases down the grand staircase (yuji literally throwing his down and crying when it popped open halfway with his clothes spilling out) and all eventually climbed inside a big fat luxury shiny van that gojo personally rented for the trip.
“wow satoru!” your best friend gushed. “even the seats are so lush! and they have screens with movies look yuji look!”
“oh my god i see human earthworm four—”
gojo smiled big through the rear view mirror at you all as he made various erratic dangerous turns and lane changes while out on the road, megumi gripping you and his seat for dear life whenever he sharply swerved and cut somebody off with their horn blaring.
“gojo you are going to kill us—”
“oh hush megumi! i was about to miss the exit i had to do what daddy had to do—”
“don’t ever call yourself that ever again—”
“daddy gojo! daddy gojo! daddy gojo!”
your best friend and yuji bounced around and chanted from the back in their seats, megumi groaning and stuffing his face into your neck as you laughed and ruffled up his soft black hair, giving him a comforting kiss to the top of his head.
the four hour drive there was filled with a mix of yuji and gojo yelling and excited about every single wildlife animal they saw run in front of the van, you and your best friend chattering about all the pictures you were gonna take and how they had to be candid or else you were both drowning yourselves in the lake, and megumi still bickering with his dad about his driving and his lack of awareness for the road.
“oh! gumi gumi!” you shoved your hand inside your bag of gummy worms and pulled one out. “let’s do the thing! the lady and the tramp thing it’ll be cuteee!”
“the what?” he watched you as you plopped one end of the gummy worm in your mouth and puckered up the other side, ushering him to take it as he huffed an amused breath through his nose and leaned forward, biting the other end before you both moved closer along the sugary worm until your lips connected together.
a click of a camera made you both quickly spring apart, a mischevious looking yuji and your best friend with their phones out snickering from above the backrest of your seat.
“up to nasty activities again we see?” yuji wiggled his eyebrows.
“again?!” you gawked. “what— what do you mean— when—”
“megguuumiii…” your best friend dragged. “i knew you were freaky but i didn’t know you were this freaky…”
he froze, eyes wide.
“i have no idea what you’re talking about!” you quickly sputtered. “absolutely no idea— nuh uh gumi do you know?”
“yeah me neither—”
“you sure?” your girl friend quirked a brow. “pretty sure it sounded something like ‘god gumi you always fuck me so good—‘”
yuji cut in. “—‘only me right? not gonna let any other loser anywhere—‘”
you both jumped over the backrests and lunged at the both of them, all of you screaming and yelling as you quickly covered over your best friends mouth and megumi wrestled with yuji to get the two of them to shut the fuck up, gojo craning and leaning over to get a look from the drivers seat at what was going on.
“if you love me you’ll stop!” you screamed. “and you’ll let me brainwash you and condition you into forgetting everything you heard last night—”
“but it’s funny!—”
“children! you’re shaking the van what’s going on back there?” gojo called from the front.
“it’s shaking because you’re going ninety miles per hour and swerving.” megumi spat over his shoulder as he had yuji in an arm lock. 
“please! spare me!” yuji gasped. “we play baseball together man! we won the world series like seven months ago please let me bask in the glory a little while longer—”
megumi rolled his eyes and let him go, silently walking over and wrapping his arms around your waist before pulling you off of your best friend as you kicked and yelled, your girl friend cackling and pointing at you as your boyfriend dragged you back to your previous seats.
you huffed and crossed your arms as he set you down, megumi biting hard on his tongue to refrain himself from laughing.
“i’m putting you on a sex ban.” you muttered.
he let a laugh slip out as he leaned over to look at your face, you looking to the side defiantly.
“a sex ban?” he repeated. “for what?”
“for being bad.”
he reached over and pinched your cheek softly. “and what did i do?”
“you bewitched me last night with your big dick and handsome face and told me we would be quiet and slow and you lied to me.”
megumi snickered as he pulled you over to his chest by your shoulders in a hug, squishing his cheek up against yours.
“m’sorry.” he mumbled. “i’ll make it up to you.”
you grunted in response and he chuckled.
“i’ll let you steal the greece magnet from the cafe.”
you shot up like a light with wide eyes and the biggest smile he had ever seen over something so simple as a magnet— and his heart softened.
“really? really?! you mean it?!”
he looked at you with a tiny smile and nodded.
“suddenly the sex ban’s been lifted there was never such a thing i don’t even remember when i said that i don’t know what you’re talking about—”
at some point during the trip you all knocked out dead asleep for a couple of hours, gojo chugging literally five energy drinks in one sitting to keep himself awake (even though you all offered to drive, him refusing) until you finally arrived at the cabin air bnb in the middle of the night— gojo taking advantage and snapping pictures of all of your sleeping faces and cooing before gently waking you up.
gojo truly went over the top and rented the biggest fucking cabin any of you had ever seen, a gorgeous one that sat on top of a hill and overlooked the stunning views of the national park and over other dimly lit cabins below, the subject of light pollution completely nonexistent as the constellations twinkled with pride.
the men carried in the suitcases while you and your best friend frantically tried to capture the stars through your the cameras on your phones, whining when it just didn’t look the same as in person and you slapping a hand over your forehead once you realized you forgot your digital camera at home like always.
“what do we think my kids?!” gojo exclaimed with his arms out as he spun around in the main living room. “exquisite? tranquil? yummy?”
“yummy!” you all exclaimed and jumped on gojo once you came in the house, megumi staring with his arms crossed as the three of you squeezed and rubbed your cheeks over his dad comically.
“and what is satoru gojo for? hmmm? to live lavish!”
“or almost run us off the cliff.” megumi muttered, grabbing yours and his suitcase before walking up the stairs to claim a room.
the rest of you eventually went up to your respective rooms, exhausted from being in the van for freaking four hours and needing to rest up for the hike tomorrow morning, eager to see and swim in the big glorious lake gojo couldn’t stop talking about since the moment he booked the trip.
“now don’t be shy tonight y/n!” your best friend called from down the hall just as you were about to go inside your room to join megumi. “if you guys want to get freaky again don’t mind us! especially you megumi!”
you quickly ran inside your room and grabbed a pillow, poking your head out and chucking it at her and laughing when you actually managed to land it on her face, her running down the hall to throw it back but you slamming the door and locking it in her face just in time.
“what is happening.” megumi mumbled, stirring around in the bed to face you, his sleepy eyes drooping.
“nothing baby.” you smiled softly, the wood creaking beneath your feet as you walked over to his outstretched arm and climbed into bed with him, the both of you snuggling up under the covers and sharing sweet sleepy kisses with your body heats combating the cold room— a sliver of moonlight peeking through the wide windows on the other end as you the two of you fell fast asleep with no sign of struggle.
the next morning, you all changed into your hiking attire and packed your bathing suits, gojo bouncing off the walls and excited that he was finally going to revisit the place he’d been wanting to go to since the last time he went— the rest of you eagerly gushing and giddy over the thought of the grand waterfall and lake and big rocks that yuji wanted to cannonball off of.
gojo informed you all that the hike should only take about thirty minutes with no setbacks, and once you were outside and following the set trail along the parameters of the national park, it had only been about fifteen minutes in until someone started complaining (gojo).
the sun was blazing but nothing that wasn’t unmanageable— the cool breeze and shade from the giant sequoia trees making up for the slightly stinging heat as you walked hand in hand with megumi, tight interlaced fingers as you both enjoyed the quiet air and the soft occasional chirping of birds, jumping over various rocks and logs along your journey as you happily spoke to megumi about anything that came to your little mind, him contently listening and nodding and loving everything you had to say to him, always.
“oh! look gumi!” you whispered, pointing to a tiny deer from across the pond to your left. “it’s a baby!”
“where?” he crouched down to your level to try and match his line of sight with yours, the corners of his lips softly turning upwards once he spotted the deer sniffing a pile of grass and taking little nibbles out of it.
“s’cute.” he murmured. “where’s the mom though? baby deers usually aren’t seperated from their—”
“heeeelppp! heeelppp meeeee!”
you all jumped and spun around to be met with a hunched over gojo in a fit of tears, his body trembling as you saw what you now realized to be the mother of the baby deer, chewing mindlessly on the hem of gojo’s shirt.
“i’m dying! i’m dying! this is it!—”
“calm down.” megumi muttered, walking over to him and pulling you along halfway before separating his hand from yours and stepping closer.
“stop screaming and don’t move. it’ll probably move on if you stop freaking out.”
“megumi do you study deers for a living?” yuji spoke up.
megumi gave him a deadpanned look. 
“we are in the mlb.”
“no i know!” he shrugged. “but maybe on your downtime?”
“he’s freaky with y/n on his downtime—”
“shuuushh!” you gasped and slapped a hand over your best friends mouth, your wide frantic eyes snapping to see if gojo heard but relief washing over you when you noticed he was still screaming and crying, oblivious.
“i’m sorry i’m sorry!” she muffled under your hand, laughing once you pulled away. “i’ll stop i’m sorry babe. i love you.”
you playfully rolled your eyes and pulled her in for a hug, kissing her cheek with an exaggerated ‘mwah’ like you’ve done ever since you both were in middle school, her reciprocating before you turned your attention back to a flailing gojo.
“gojo stop moving—”
“i can’t megumi i can’t! it’s gonna eat me up whole and alive and without mercy—”
“how long ago was it that you came here?” you asked sweetly, walking up to stand next to megumi.
“uh— i think i was maybe twenty… or twenty seven!.. or twenty three…”
“is it just like you remember?” you smiled. “i mean— so far? the hike?”
“oh yeah even better!” he beamed. “there’s actually a clear trail now for hikers.”
“yeah! back then it was barely marked and rough everyone had to raw dog it—”
without him noticing, the deer slowly released his now soggy chewed up shirt and pranced away, no longer threatened by his jagged movements as gojo stopped them the minute you spoke to him.
“—but i had a map and snacks and the park rangers on speed dial so i didn’t really care—”
megumi pointed and he stopped, his dad turning around to see the deer somewhere far off across the pond with its baby.
“y/n you saved me!” gojo jumped up and wrapped his arms around you, you giggling as he swung you around roughly before setting you back down with a grin on his face. 
“thanks sweetheart.”
you gave him a cheeky thumbs up, and as the group continued along the trail, megumi reached over and gently ruffled your hair with a little smile of gratitude on his face, pressing a kiss to your forehead after.
“satoru what were you even doing to the deer for it to do that?“
“i wanted to pet it—”
the rest of the trail was relatively easy, no more setbacks as you all basically kept gojo on a leash deeming his ‘wandering off’ rights revoked, the only annoying thing being the occasional bites from mosquitos and random bugs with you and your best friend running for your lives when the bigger ones buzzed past you, the end of your hike drawing near as the soft crashing waves of the waterfall were now in earshot.
“you okay gumi?” you asked sweetly, pushing some of his spiky hair back from his forehead and wiping the sides of his slightly red face down a little with your hand towel, throwing it over your shoulder after and passing him your water flask. “drink drink, you look a little red.”
“i’m fine.” he took the flask and kissed your head, chugging back some ice cold water as you walked. “just hot.”
“fuck i know.” you huffed, taking the flask back once he was done and drinking a bit yourself before shoving it back into your backpack. “we’re almost there though! and the minute we get there we should jump off that big rock your dad mentioned! like— like you and me i’m not doing it by myself but if you do it with me then i’ll be okay maybe—”
you paused and looked at him sheepishly. “can you do it with me?”
he smiled softly and nodded, swinging an arm over your shoulder and caressing the skin of your upper arm. “i can baby.”
you cheered and skipped on excitedly, pulling megumi forward by the hand until you were caught up with the rest of the group.
as you talked on with yuji ahead about the next coming baseball events for their team, your best friend leaned closer to megumi with a hushed tone.
“have you seen the bikini y/n brought?” she smirked. “ehh?”
he looked at her blankly. “not clearly.”
“i have.” she wiggled her eyebrows. “it’s a skimpy little number… i forced her to bring it. and it’s black your faveee.”
he huffed out a breath, appearing unbothered but his mind… curious.
“the bottoms are tied by the sides— easy access…” she wiggled her eyebrows. “and the top squishes her boobs up all nice and snug they look like pillows—”
megumi stared straight down with burning pink cheeks and a tight jaw, shoving her away by the shoulder as she cackled.
“try to keep your boner down once you see it megumi! i could barely even keep mine down sheesh—”
“i liked you better when you weren’t talking.”
“and you should thank me by buying me a hot dog at your next game they’re fucking expensive-”
“guys it’s here!”
gojo bounced up and down with his arms out, his back to you all as the four of you gasped at the size of the waterfall, incredibly fucking massive and beautiful as the crashing sounds of it meeting the lake below overpowered anything else, the water literally shimmering and gleaming and crystal clear blue against the summery sun as you all walked down, quickly claiming a spot and setting down your bags.
it was genuinely perfect, and you were so amazed that something like this existed without you even knowing about it until two days ago— your eyes excitedly scanning your surroundings as you watched the people further up ahead splash and swim around and jump from the rocks.
as everybody else peeled off their hiking attire with their bathing suits underneath, megumi quietly eyed you from the side in his swim trunks as he folded up his clothes, shamefully waiting for you to reveal the skimpy bikini your best friend was blabbering on about.
“y/n hurryyyy!” your girl friend whined. “i wanna run in with you!”
“coming coming!” 
you quickly grabbed the hem of your top and pulled it over your head, megumi sucking in a sharp breath and coughing at the way your tits jiggled out and the way your hips looked with the little tied bows on the side and the way your stunning hair fell over your shoulders and the way your thighs—
“oh! what’s wrong megumi?” your best friend gasped dramatically. “do you need some water? here, y/n your flask is over there—”
you bent down to grab it, your ass completely in his view as he roughly covered his mouth with strained eyebrows, pinky cheeks, and a pathetically solid dick under his swim shorts as you walked over and sweetly handed him the flask.
“here gumi!” you chirped, faltering over his stiff body and covered mouth, tilting your head. “what’s wrong? are you okay?”
your best friend snickered and pointed at him from behind you as he glared, his eyes softening once they landed back on yours.
“m’okay baby.” 
he took the the flask from you and sipped a little before screwing the cap back on and setting it down next to his bag, you nodding and turning to walk over to your best friend, but stopping when megumi’s hand caught yours.
“wait.” he tugged your hand a little, his voice gentle. “come here.”
you listened and walked closer to him, your pretty doe eyes looking up at him curiously as he softly cupped your cheeks and leaned down, pressing his lips delicately to yours for a moment before pulling away.
“you look cute.” he mumbled, cheeks pink. “i like your bathing suit.”
you gave him a huge smile, your face gleaming as you leaned up on your tippy toes and pecked his nose. “thank you gumi! i was nervous about it but i got your favorite color!”
you stepped back and rotated side to side as your tied bows shifted, wanting to innocently show him the bikini but only accidentally riling him up even further— the thought of submerging his entire body in the lake now to hide his boner an appetizing thought to him.
“y/n! you coming?” your best friend called, and you quickly nodded and ran over to her, taking her extended hand in yours and interlocking your fingers tightly.
“okay ready?!” she gushed.
“one…” the two of you counted.
you both squealed and sprinted down, the wind whipping through your hair as you jumped in the cool lake together and laughed at the way droplets of water splashed across your faces, the surface reaching up just past your knees once you were a good distance from your resting spot.
“guys come in!” you yelled. “it feels really nice!”
you looked at megumi and waved him over, him walking down before making his way through the lake as yuji and gojo raced in.
“onward my second son!” gojo called, yuji giving him a piggy back ride as they splashed through the water but comically tripping and dunking themselves in once they reached you.
“aw man! my foot slipped on a rock…” yuji mumbled as he shook water from his hair, your best friend laughing and kissing his cheek.
“it’s okay bud, at least you carried satoru all the way here with no issue!”
gojo gasped. “what are you trying to say?”
she laughed and shook her head. “i’m joking! i’m joking— maybe—”
you skipped over through the water to catch up with an arriving megumi then, his arm coming to rest around your waist as you walked back up to the group together.
soon you all made it down to the deeper end by the waterfall and hung out, you jumping on megumi’s back at one point for a photo your best friend offered to take— your arms wrapped around his neck with your cheek mushed up against his as a small smile played at his lips, gojo grinning softly to himself at the sight knowing megumi never really smiled for pictures with anyone but you… something that wasn’t very hard to tell as he stared.
megumi loved you. genuinely. 
and he lived life so much differently now that he was with you.
yuji later dragged your best friend and megumi to the other side where he heard other people say fish were swimming in, eagerly wanting to catch one and take it home for himself as a souvenir and begging the other two for help, you and gojo laughing from a distance whenever they were close to grabbing one but screaming when they accidentally would let it go.
“you having fun?” gojo asked you after a minute, and your nervous eyes snapped up to his striking blue ones.
“oh yes! so much!” you smiled kindly. “thank you for this satoru… seriously. you didn’t have to do all of this but you did, and i can’t thank you enough.”
he shook his head, a content expression on his face as he continued to look at the three ahead.
“no need! you’re all my kids. it’s what a dad does, isn’t it? take you guys out?”
you giggled softly and nodded, but after a bit, gojo spoke up again.
“sometimes…” he began. “i feel like i may lack what megumi needs.”
your eyebrows furrowed. “what do you mean?”
he looked on ahead.
“ever since megumi was young, i always worried that he would be alone for the rest of his life and not learn to appreciate the things he already had.”
gojo pursed his lips. “he’s always been a quiet kid… didn’t like to talk to anyone or listen to anyone and was just— living. emptily living.”
“he didn’t go out. he didn’t do what a regular teen does at his age. he didn’t believe anything had value to it and just lived. he never had anyone either until yuji… but even then the look on his face never changed, and i fear baseball only scraped the surface.”
“for how long?” you murmured.
“for as long as i’ve known him.” he answered.
“i think—” he shook his head. “i know megumi thinks that he isn’t worth anything. he thinks he deserves nothing and just blocks everybody and everything out… and i… i worry.”
you stayed quiet and listened.
“he’s different. he’s reserved and refuses to accept any forms of love because he thinks it’s wasteful when he’s the one that’s receiving it… and i just want you to know that even though he’s— he’s mean sometimes and says grumpy things he doesn’t mean it. he really loves you and i don’t want you to be scared off—”
“but he isn’t any of those things to me.” you spoke softly. “at all. i’ve never once thought megumi to be any of those things.”
gojo’s gaze flickered to yours.
“i’ve never met anyone as genuinely kind and selfless and loving as he is. i feel like people always get the wrong impression of him and it just— pisses me off because he doesn’t even do anything and yet they’re quick to judge just because he’s different… and i hate that.”
you played a little with your fingers. “megumi always silently does things for people when they don’t deserve it, and they never notice it either so he doesn’t even get something as simple as a thank you because they’re too focused on how different he is.”
gojo’s eyes softened as he placed a friendly arm over your shoulder, shaking you a little. 
“you see what i see, then.” he spoke.
you smiled sadly, your eyes trained to megumi as you watched him sharply cup his hands underwater and catch a fish, throwing it inside yuji’s makeshift cup tank silently as yuji and your best friend proceeded to jump and cheer and peer inside to look at it.
“but i love him because he’s different.” you express. “and i worry one day he’ll get tired of me and tired of the things that i say and leave… but i would never blame him for that. i would never regret getting to love someone like him.”
gojo smiled down at you, and he felt relief again. relief in knowing that megumi was in good hands, in your good hands, and that he didn’t need to worry so much about him anymore, that his years of begging and wishing on his knees for anyone and anything that would listen to him and help save his son, help him learn to love and cherish, to save him from a life of nothing— 
all of those years and he was finally heard.
“oh he would never.” he spoke softly. “because ever since he met you he’s been different. he smiles more. he’s calmer… more lenient. he’s awake.”
and he’s learned to love, most of all.
“he’s never told me this…” you trailed off sadly.
“i wouldn’t either.” he responded. “maybe it’s something he wants to forget.”
he huffed after a minute. “and also megumi never smiles when i take pictures with him but he smiles with youuu!” he whined. “no fair.”
you giggled then, grinning at him apologetically as you did.
and gojo felt so lucky that his son managed to land a soul as genuine and pure and sweet as yours was… that he managed to land someone who loved him for the same reason many others didn’t.
“you don’t lack what he needs satoru...” you murmured. “you’ve always had it exactly. without you, he wouldn’t be living the life he has now surrounded by the people that love him… he wouldn’t have his career either— and he knows that.” you nudged his shoulder gently with yours. “he loves you… and i hope you know that too.”
gojo stared at you blankly for a minute before his eyes gradually filled with fat tears, his lips wobbling.
“y/nnnnn!” he wailed, wrapping his arms around your shoulders and rubbing his cheek side to side on top of your head. “you sweet little angel! you always know just what to say! oh i’ve never felt so moved! i’m paying for your college tuition okay?!”
“huh?! no! you can’t pay it please no!—”
“i have to! i have to! you’re my future daughter in law—”
“you’re gonna make me cryyyy!—”
megumi turned around curiously at the familiar sound of his dad’s crying, his shoulders relaxing once he saw it was just you and him jumping around and wailing and hugging over god knows what, him smiling softly to himself.
“told you dummy.” he muttered under his breath. “he loves you.”
“who loves who?!” your best friend shot up. “yuji loves me? yeah no shit—”
“heyyy!” yuji whined. “are you saying you’re used to my love? that it’s boring?”
“no! i never said that! you’re just as dramatic as satoru—”
megumi ignored them and started making his way back over to you, and upon you and gojo realizing, he put you down with a smile and you proceeded to walk across the water— your heart secretly heavy over everything gojo had told you.
if you had known, you would’ve worked ten times harder for megumi to know how much he was loved and appreciated by everything in his life— the thought of him thinking such cruel things of himself making it hard for you to keep your crybaby tears down as he got closer. 
megumi didn’t deserve the life he grew up with— the one that was outside of satoru’s control.
the one filled with loneliness and judgement and just— nothing. he didn’t deserve to be looked upon as indifferent and actually label himself as so without mercy and without any means of saving himself.
“i caught a fish—”
you flung your arms around his neck and pulled him down tight as he let out a huff of surprise, your eyes screwed shut as you tried your absolute best to keep the tears at bay as you hugged him with everything that you had.
“i love you gumi…”
he slowly snaked his arms around your waist and hugged you back.
“i love you t—”
“no but i love you.” you pulled back to look at him, his eyebrows furrowing at your sad expression. “a lot. more than anything. please tell me you know that.”
his concerned eyes darted around your face momentarily before slowly nodding.
“i— i do. i feel the same way—” he shook his head. “are you okay?”
you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck and nodded, the ebb and flow of the water swaying the both of you gently as you embraced each other.
megumi didn’t push further after that, opting to asking you about it after as you pulled him to the big giant rock off to the side of the waterfall where many others had jumped off of previously throughout the day, you excitedly bouncing on your toes once you both reached the top— no sign of prior sadness from you that only confused him.
“oooo i’m scared— fuck i’m scared!” you shivered in place and megumi squeezed your hand.
“you’ve been talking about this all day.” he murmured, gently nudging your shoulder with his. “you can’t back out now.”
“i’m not!” you shook your head frantically. “i’m not… right? or am i… oh god i think i am—”
“we’re jumping.”
“no!” you cried. “i can’t do it i can’t do it—”
“yes you can.”
“no i can’t! i’m a big fat puss it took me a year to talk to you do you think i can do something like this?!” you threw your unoccupied hand out in emphasis. “fuck i didn’t even talk to you, you talked to me!—”
he leaned down to look at you at eye level. 
“baby, if you don’t do this now you’re gonna be crying the entire way home in regret. do you wanna do that?”
“no…” you mumbled.
“do you wanna regret this?”
“then jump with me.”
“give me a kiss and then i’ll do it.”
megumi laughed cutely and pecked your lips.
“you ready now?”
without warning, megumi booked it across the rock as you ran with him, his baseball legs nearly sending you fucking flying as you both jumped over the cliff and down below, a huge splash coming up as your submerged bodies naturally rose up to the surface, you cheering happily and peppering your boyfriend with kisses once it was over.
and when the sun eventually began to set, you all reluctantly left the lake with whines and borderline sobs as you dried up and shimmied on clean clothes before packing your bags up, beginning the walk back down the trail to the cabin shortly after.
it was a lot easier on the way down now that the sun wasn’t scorching and burning over you all— each of you refreshed and content from a days worth of swimming and fish catching as the cool night air softly brushed against your skin, the cabin soon coming into view a lot faster than you all anticipated.
and after arriving and showering and everyone getting comfy in their pajamas, you all ate dinner together in the grand living room where you finally watched human earthworm four under yuji’s begging request, your best friend succumbing up to it since he had been rejected so many times before already, but regretting it almost the second the movie started playing.
“i think i’m gonna be sick.” your best friend mumbled, a hand over her mouth.
“why? what’s happening?” you whispered to megumi as you covered your eyes in pure fucking fear, him softly chuckling to himself.
“i’ll spare you.”
“okay great thank you baby—”
“it’s not even that gory!” yuji exclaimed. “cmon babeee now i feel bad.”
“no don’t.” she muttered beneath her hand. “it’s fine. i’m trying.”
“aw when your girlfriend loves youu.” yuji smiled cheekily, kissing her cheek as she laughed and pushed him away.
“i think i remember you showing me this movie a couple of years ago yuji…” gojo pondered, scarfing down a bag of potato chips. “it was good but i prefer something more like pride and prejudice—”
you all froze.
“what the fuck was that?” you sat up, the rest of you stiff in alarm.
“i don’t know…” yuji trailed off. “maybe the wind? outside?”
“maybe..” gojo mumbled with his mouthful. “i think it’s fine!”
you all eventually shrugged and continued watching the movie.
“oh no this is the part—” your girl friend quickly slapped a hand over her eyes. “i can’t watch i can’t watch i can’t watch!—”
“well then i can’t either!” you anxiously covered your eyes again as megumi lazily pulled you closer to his chest, him sleepily laying his cheek on top of your head.
“you guys can’t hang!—”
“oh fuck no!—” your best friend screamed and reached for the remote, shutting off the tv. “something’s outside.”
“nuh uh.” gojo frantically shook his head with wide blue eyes. “some-one is outside… that bang was way too loud for it to be an animal.”
you shot up in fear, megumi slowly following suit and sitting up with pinched eyebrows— now wide awake from all of the noise.
“someone has to go check!” your best friend harshly whispered. “satoru go check!”
“no way!” he cried. “please! no! i can’t go out there!—”
“i thought you said you were our ‘parental supervision?’” she spat. “go do parental supervision activities and go outside!—”
“but i’m too handsome to go outside!—”
“well someone needs to!—”
another crashing bang came from outside, way louder than the previous times as you all screamed in terror and ran to each other, huddling close together on the floor as you silently anticipated for the next sound.
“oh my god someone’s actually outside.” you whispered. “what if they’re trying to break in?”
“oh don’t say that sweetheart i brought my rose crystals with me!” gojo whined, megumi shooting him an annoyed look.
“i could— i could go check?” yuji offered, his voice slightly shaking as he propped himself up to stand.
“no!” your best friend grabbed him. “no yuji if you go outside you’ll never come back you can’t!”
“never come back?” he gulped, immediately plopping himself back down. “i wanna come back...”
“then stay inside—”
the power went out as you all erupted in a fit of horrified screams in the pitch black living room, megumi instantly clasping a hand over your wrist to feel you there and tugging you gently.
“don’t separate from me.” you heard him mumble.
“what the fuck do we do?!”
“someone is trying to rob us someone is trying to rob—”
“quick! the four of you! stand in front of me!” gojo gasped. “this is our last night on earth and i’ll be damned if i don’t live to see you all be wed!”
he stood and ran. “quick quick! we don’t have time! i’ll be the officiant hurry and line up—”
your girl friend shook her head incredulously. “satoru you cannot be serious right now—”
“oh i’m dead serious.” he nodded frantically. “we are gathered here today—”
“we’re done! we’re done! we’re done!—”
“fuck this.” megumi mumbled, standing and pulling you up with him before wrapping his arms around your legs and throwing you over his shoulder, readjusting his grip before quickly walking out of the living room and down the hall to the bathroom, using the faint glow of the moonlight to help light his way.
and once he found it, he carefully set you down on the cold tile floor by the tub and stepped back.
“i’m gonna go check outside.” he reached for the door knob. “stay here okay.”
“no!” you gasped, crawling over and grabbing his wrist. “no gumi please don’t go outside i’ll go you stay here—”
“no way.” he pushed. “just stay here i’ll be right back—”
“if you go outside you’ll die!” you cried dramatically. “and then your ghost has to watch me move on by the pressures of society even though i don’t want to move on but i apparently have to—” you tugged him closer, eyes wide. “do you want to see me with another man?!”
“do you?!”
“no the fuck i don’t—”
“then stay here and—”
you both looked at each other blankly for a couple of seconds before megumi quickly shut the door and locked it, crawling his way over to you through the dark bathroom then and reaching out to feel where you were at— sitting next to you once he found you.
your hands found each others and you interlaced your fingers, you scared for your fucking life and worried over what was going on out there with the rest of them, your head coming down to rest on his shoulder as his came to rest on your head.
after a few silent moments, you spoke up.
“wanna know something?”
he lifted his head to look down at you.
“what baby.”
“when you drew my initials in the dirt at the world series… i saw my life flash before my eyes.”
megumi chuckled as he reached up to gently brush some of your hair away from your eyes. 
“saw your life flash before your eyes?” he murmured. “in a good way or a bad way.”
“in a good way.” you smiled. 
he hummed. 
“and what did you see?”
“can’t tell you or it won’t come true.” you giggled. “i wished for it on 11:11 it’s legally binding.”
he chuckled and squeezed your hand.
“…was i in it?”
you nodded. “through the entire thing.”
his eyes softened.
your mind was suddenly drawn to the conversation you had with gojo at the lake, and you frowned.
you lifted your head and shifted your body slightly to try and look at him, the darkness of the bathroom not really helping but you satisfied with the slight outlines you could see of his face.
“are you happy?”
his brows furrowed, slightly taken aback. 
“yes… why?”
“have you always been happy?” you pushed further. “like— your whole life. the happy you are now, have you always been?”
he stopped.
megumi’s never lied to you, and he never intended to do so, but he juggled the possibility of maybe this being one of those times where a little white lie was deemed kind of necessary.
“uh— yeah.” he nodded.
you pursed your lips. 
after a period of silence and you playing with his long fingers, you spoke up again.
“gumi i want you to know that you deserve everything you’ve ever gotten in your life.”
his head snapped up.
“and i don’t ever want you to feel like you don’t. you’ve worked hard and had to deal with too much to think that you don’t deserve any of what you get in return.”
why were you telling him this?
“so when you tell me that you’ve always been happy, i hope that’s the truth.”
he bit the inside of his cheek in regret, hating that he lied already, and fearful of your reaction to the factuality of his life.
“i uh—” he struggled. “sometimes i think i don’t deserve it.”
all of the time, actually.
“why gumi?” you asked sadly.
he shook his head. “i don’t really ever do anything. and i’m… difficult.”
“but you do everything. that’s all you’ve ever done.”
megumi frowned.
“i just piss people off baby.” he murmured. “i’m lucky you’re not one of them.”
“no gumi—” your grip tightened around his hand. “it’s not you though, it’s them. it’s their problem if they want to get pissed off and think of you a certain way, not yours. and that definitely doesn’t link to other situations in your life.”
you leaned your head down to try and catch his attention, his eyes drifting to yours once you did. “i want you to know that there is so much more that life wants to give you. so much. even more than what you have now… and you need to give yourself the chance to let it.”
megumi could only nod, and you sighed softly.
“you need to go easy on yourself gumi… please stop thinking that everything is your fault because it never has been. you’ve never done anything wrong.”
you tenderly ran the pads of your fingers over the back of his hand.
“life isn’t all that bad… it brought you to me, didn’t it?”
it did.
but when was it that megumi earned the rare privilege to be with you in the first place? what did he do so right that made you look at him the way that you did, when everything he did was always so fucking wrong?
and— and why did he receive the fortunes of time that night? the fortune that put you right in front of him at that party three years ago? the one he almost didn’t even go to?
because living a life that’s empty and dormant is all megumi knew how to do— blurring through all aspects of it without any means of pulling himself out from the waves of fucking nothing, thinking— believing that he made no significance to anything as the faces of everyone around him were hazy and confusing with a big fat ‘x’ plastered across every single one.
he never allowed himself to see. to feel. he never thought it was worth it. he never thought he was worth it.
so why did it feel like the universe made you just for him, when all he did in return was loathe it? why was it so forgiving?
“you know… i wasn’t a virgin when we met.” he mumbled.
“i know.” you responded softly. “there’s no way you fuck me this good without prior knowledge—”
he snorted, but eventually shook his head. 
“it was only one time. years ago. and i didn’t do it again until you.”
you only nodded understandingly, but the way your lips pursed in distaste was a dead giveaway to megumi that you weren’t particularly keen about it, and neither would he if it was the other way around, the both of you equally and funnily territorial.
“it was when yuji and i first got signed to the team.” he began. “we went to a season kick off party and a bunch of other players were there from other different sports. even international.”
you listened.
“i think that day was probably the worst i’ve ever felt in my life.” he opened up to you. “i didn’t really care about anything or feel anything… and i got really drunk when i don’t even drink like that. i was lost and trying to find a way to help it, and i was so fucking exhausted and— and angry at life for doing this to me... for leaving me alone.”
you swallowed the thick lump in your throat.
“so i got wasted to forget about it, and then i just went up to a random girl from i don’t know what team and i don’t even remember her name—” he ran an exasperated hand through his hair. “it didn’t help at all though. at all. i was still useless.”
megumi peered up at you then, a tiny sad smile on his face. 
“and if i knew you were coming i would’ve never done it.” he murmured. “i would’ve wanted you to have it.”
“useless?” you breathed out in disbelief. “how could you ever think you’re useless gumi?”
“i don’t do anything pretty baby.” he shook his head. “i don’t deserve the career i have, i don’t deserve the father i have, and i sure as fuck don’t deserve you—”
“but why?” you raised your voice a bit. “why can’t you just let yourself have those things? they’re yours they’re all yours everything that you’ve ever done in your life has led up to this point with you and i together. with your dad. with yuji and my best friend. you’re so fucking selfless and kind  and forgiving to the point where it’s dangerous because now you just don’t believe anything is rightfully yours.”
“you’re everything to me. the greatest privilege i’ve ever gotten in my life is to literally just know you gumi. to know who you are and to know what you’ve done and what you represent… how significant you are.”
he stared.
“you didn’t get lucky with anything because you’ve earned it all. you’ve done everything right so please let yourself be happy baby… be selfish for once in your life and just take whatever it is that life is pushing to you without looking back because you deserve to do something like that after giving for so fucking long.”
you leaned in then and delicately planted your soft lips to his forehead, letting them linger there for a moment before pulling back and pressing your little cheek beside his lovingly.
“you deserve to be known, megumi.”
what specifically was it that he did that brought you to him? 
what the fuck was it that earned him the right to listen and receive your captivating loving words that soothed his pain like nothing else could? like nothing else ever could?
because whatever it was that he did, he wanted to keep doing over and over again for the rest of his life until the stars fell from the sky.
it was because of you that megumi already thought life wasn’t so bad after all.
the way you’d get excited over little things like magnets from greece and cake batter ice cream and baby deer and coffee cake and lady and the tramp gummy worm kisses, the way you’d laugh about almost anything even if it wasn’t that funny, the way you’d greet him every time you saw him with a skip to your step and a sweet little kiss to his face, the way you simply enjoyed the light soaked joys of life without any ounce of hatred in your heart like he had up until the moment he met you— all made him believe that life maybe is precious in the end. 
and your face never had an ‘x’ plastered over it when he first saw you.
your face was beautiful and radiant and clear— not a single haze or blur over it as he felt his body miraculously float to the top from his makeshift sea of nothing, your soul pulling on his hand so he could finally breathe for once when he hadn’t even said a word to you at the party yet— you standing there under the neon lights in a pretty little pink dress and an angelic fucking smile.
you were like being bathed in the rays of the sun— blissfully happy and free… and you loved him. something megumi to this day still couldn’t understand but never once questioned it, terrified of jinxing it away and you leaving him when dying sounded a lot more appealing to him than that.
and megumi couldn’t remember the last time he properly cried— tears rolling down his cheeks and all.
but he was doing it now, in the pitch black bathroom with the same person that taught him how to feel as his shoulders trembled, him straining and alarmed and completely lost as to what someone is supposed to do when they cry.
so megumi listened when his body pulled him forward and when his head gently tucked itself into your neck— your eyes widening and teary as you felt wet droplets fall and roll down your skin, him swallowing back hiccups.
“gumi?” you whispered worriedly, going to pull back but stopping once you felt him snake his arms around you and drag you slowly to sit on his lap.
“please stay.”
it was quick when you realized his words had double meaning as you immediately wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him so so close and snug that you hoped and prayed megumi would comprehend the unconditional love you had for him through your embrace as he silently weeped— him clutching at your clothes as if he was trying to make sure you were actually real and not just some fucked up dream where he finally learned to be happy.
“i’m never leaving megumi.” you said seriously. “ever. even when you ask me to or yell at me to… i won’t.”
you felt him solemnly nod, a comforting wave consuming the both of you as you sat and held him while he sniffled.
“���gumi.” he corrected after a moment, pinching your side.
“sorry!” you sputtered and quickly pecked his cheek. “sorry… i was having a serious moment and i needed to use your full government name.”
he huffed out a laugh through his tears.
you ran a soothing comforting hand along his back, megumi slumping into you at the feeling as you peppered gentle kisses along his forehead and wet face, wiping his cheeks continuously again and again patiently until he eventually settled and his breathing evened out.
he silently leaned forward and captured your lips in a kiss then, his hands coming up to cup your face as you cupped his, your mouth’s moving so slowly and softly as his thumbs caressed your pretty cheeks— you smiling through the kiss before gently pulling back.
“i love you pretty baby.” he grinned.
“i love you gumi…” you smiled kindly. “and if you ever leave me i’m strapping a bomb to my chest and laying on your bean bag until you change your mind.”
megumi burst out laughing, his little squeaks making you giggle as he shook his head and nudged your forehead playfully with his index finger.
“you’ll never have to worry about something like that.” he spoke lowly.
“and neither will you.”
he smiled.
“megumi and y/n where the fuck are you?!”
you both froze, eyes wide.
“i completely forgot why we were in here in the first place.” you frantically whispered, him nodding along with you in agreement.
“oh my god they’re dead they’re dead—”
“satoru be quiet!—”
you heard multiple soft padded footsteps near the door of the bathroom, megumi wiping his eyes with his sleeves a little to get rid of the evidence before you reached up and helped him wipe his left over tears.
“don’t worry gumi.” you spoke sweetly. “the power’s still out so they won’t be able to see if that’s what you’re thinking about...”
he sent you a little smile and gave you a fat kiss on the cheek.
once your boyfriend gave you the all clear, the both of you slowly stood and unlocked the door— it creaking as you timidly opened it.
there on the other side, the rest of the group stood a couple of feet away, them jumping at the noise but relaxing once they saw it was just the two of you.
“what the hell were you guys doing in there?!” your best friend harshly whispered, rushing over and pulling you into a tight hug. “we couldn’t find you for like thirty minutes!”
“hiding.” megumi answered flatly, and she shot him a glare.
“so you just pick her up and take her away?! leaving the rest of us over there to die?!”
he nodded.
“you sadistic freak—”
“okay! okay—” yuji tugged your girl friend back from her mid attempt lunge and into his arms, squeezing in hopes of it calming her down with megumi smirking from behind. “—we found them it’s all over…”
“megumi why couldn’t you pick me up too on the way?” gojo whined. “i’m your dad!”
“you’re too heavy.”
he gasped. “so you’re saying you would’ve?”
“you’ve changed him y/n you’ve changed him!” gojo jumped on you and spun you around. “he’s a new man! a loving man! i’m paying for your textbooks too!—”
you all decided to reconvene in the living room at some point after that, huddling together on the same couch and staring silently at the wall ahead of you in the dark— soaking in your pathetic fear and refusal to go out and check outside as you all froze and trembled with chattering teeth at how cold it was.
finally, you had had enough.
“i’m going outside.” you muttered, standing from the couch.
megumi’s hand shot out and grabbed your wrist.
“no.” he spoke firmly. “no you’re not.”
“yes i am gumi, i have to try and see what happened to the breaker box outside or we’re all gonna freeze—”
“i’m coming with you.”
“absolutely n— eeekkk!”
megumi had you thrown over his shoulder before you knew it as you squealed, trudging over to the front door as the rest of them watched with wide eyes.
“brave brave souls…” yuji whispered dreamily. “i’ll miss them…”
“sacrifice is the purest form of love…” gojo sniffed. “they love us—”
their voices trailed off as megumi carried you outside and to the side of the cabin where he assumed the breaker box might be, you yelping when he roughly bit your ass just before setting you back down on your feet.
you both treaded along carefully, the wooden floorboards creaking beneath each step as the chilly air whipped through your bodies and produced goosebumps as a result, megumi’s hand clasped around yours as he led the way.
“do you think it’s a person or an animal that did it?” you spoke, tone hushed.
“if it was a person i think they would’ve broken in by now.” he mumbled. “but then i don’t know why the power went out.”
“me neither…” you gnawed at the inside of your cheek in worry, squinting your eyes to try and see better through the darkness as the only sign of life apart from you two were the ringing crickets in the trees.
you clasped your other hand around your already intertwined ones anxiously, him squeezing your hand reassuringly in exchange.
“maybe we should’ve brought a bat.” you suggested. “you know… because you swing it and stuff.”
he chuckled. “swing it and stuff?”
“uh huh.” you nodded. “for protection. i realize now that if it is a person we’re kind of dead because we brought nothing—”
just as you were approaching the corner to the balcony, a sudden rustling scratchy noise made you both freeze in place immediately. 
“we’re done for—” you whispered frantically. “—we’re dead okay dying so now i have to tell you before we go that you’re the hottest man i’ve ever met in my damn life and i hope you know that—”
his cheeks grew hot. “baby we’re not dying—”
“do you see it? where is it? what is it? what’s making that noise—”
megumi peeked his head around the balcony, his eyes scanning the view in front of him before his shoulders slumped and his face went dead.
“it’s a fucking raccoon.”
you walked forward, peering around yourself only to find a chunky fluffy raccoon by the breaker box chewing on one of the disconnected cables, the lounge chairs and decorative plant vases on the balcony all knocked over in disarray that could only explain the constant loud banging you all heard earlier.
“we were losing our minds for this.” he mumbled.
you laughed and pulled him along, the raccoon perking up and freezing once it sensed your presence before it dropped the chewed up cable, its heavy little paws scurrying off into the trees ahead and disappearing into the night.
“aw maaann!” you whined. “i wanted to pet it…”
“don’t think that would’ve been smart baby.” he chuckled, walking over to the breaker box and crouching down.
“why not?” you pouted. “it was cute. and chubby.”
“because it’s a wild animal.” he blindly tugged and fiddled with a few cables in hopes that something would magically happen. “it could’ve bit you if you did.”
“so? you bite me all the time what’s the difference.”
he laughed. “i’ll stop then.”
“no!” you cried, throwing your arms around his neck and leaning your weight on his back as he let out a surprised huff, him still crouching as his hands instantly came under your thighs to keep you from slipping.
“no gumi i’m sorry! please! i like it when you do it!”
“you complained.”
“i didn’t! i was just trying to justify petting the raccoon i swear!”
a sly smile played across his lips.
“say you’re sorry.”
“i’m sorry!”
“and that you love me.”
“i love you i love you!”
“and that you’re never leaving me.”
“i’m never leaving you ever ever ever—”
megumi plugged in the chewed up cable in a random lucky slot and the cabin sprung to life, the warm lights instantly blinding both your visions from being in the dark for so long— you hearing the group inside scream and cheer as his strong legs stood up, hoisting you further up his back and properly hooking his arms underneath your thighs.
“nice job gumi!” you gushed. “cool baseball man and electrician.”
he let out an amused breath as he turned his head to the side and pecked your cheek, his heart fuzzy as you readjusted your arms and wrung yourself closer to him, the side of your cheek pressed up against his.
“i plugged it into a random spot.”
“and what.” you quipped. “i would’ve plugged it into the wrong spot and blown up the cabin.”
megumi smiled to himself as he continued to walk along the side of the air bnb and back over to the front, his legs carrying you up the steps of the porch and inside the house where you found yuji and your best friend bickering over human earthworm four again, and gojo nearly passed out on the couch with his hand inside a bag of chips and crumbs over his mouth.
“you guys!” your girl friend sat up. “who was outside?! did you see?!”
“it was a raccoon!” you exclaimed as megumi carefully bent his knees a bit so you could slide off his back. “and a chubby one! it knocked over everything and chewed up the breaker box.”
“a fucking raccoon?” she groaned, slumping off the couch and trudging over to the stairs. “i’m going to bed all that freaking mess and stupidity for a damn animal—”
“ooo! wait for me babe!” yuji quickly turned off the tv and zoomed over to her, picking her up bridal style like nothing as she squealed and laughed.
you watched them with a warm smile go up the stairs before walking over to a snoozed out gojo.
“just let him be baby.” megumi murmured and you stopped, him carefully prying his greasy hand away from the chip bag and tossing it before grabbing a throw blanket and settling it gently over his dad, you smiling and giving your man a kissy on the lips before retreating up to your room yourselves to sleep, wanting to rest up for the big drive back home tomorrow.
but definitely not before megumi pinned you down and gave you the best eat out of your fucking life.
“i can’t! i can’t i can’t gumi please i can’t cum again—”
“i’m eating.” he grumbled against your wet abused pussy, pulling you roughly back down after you tried to run away from his mouth— his hips subconsciously thrusting against the mattress to ease his aching dick.
“you’ve made—” pant! “you’ve made me cum three times already ple— eeekk!”
megumi slobbered over your slick folds, completely not giving a single shit about what you had to say as his tongue plunged into your hole repeatedly with his arms locked around your waist, keeping you meanly cemented to the bed with no inch for escape.
and he was eating so loudly too— slurping and gulping as he ran his mouth over your pussy side to side as you squealed, your fingers gripping the sheets and trembling when he pulled back to spit on your puffy overstimulated clit.
“gumi plleeaassee!—” you hiccuped, his dick spasming at the way you gasped and choked and clenched your thighs around his head, watching the way his drool oozed down your clit and pooled on the bed over the already wet patch on the sheets.
“nuh uh.” he spoke with his mouth full, tongue licking a fat stripe up your slit. “not ‘till you squirt on my face.”
“but i— i caaann’t!—”
“i’ll make you then.”
megumi let your clit go with a pop and hovered up over you, him sucking messily over his ring and middle finger before trailing them back down to your pussy and prodding your hole open, your breath hitching as you felt them sink inside of you— megumi nudging your head to the side with his cheek before diving and biting over your exposed neck.
you shrieked breathlessly when he wasted absolutely no time at all and started skillfully jerking his fingers inside and out of your hole rapidly, his mouth licking and sucking over your neck as your pussy practically screamed and gushed over the speed, your hand shooting down to grab his wrist.
“fuckkk— m’gonna cum again gumi please let me please—”
“you’re so polite pretty baby...” he hummed against your neck, his breath shuddering as he fucked you fast with his fingers. “only if you squirt. if not m’taking my hand away.”
“no!” you shook your head frantically as he licked over a new hickey amongst the other five he already gave you. “don’t take it away i’ll do it i’ll do it!—”
you didn’t even know if you could since squirting isn’t something you can just do on command, but you were so pathetically desperate for him and his mean fucking mouth and fingers that you didn’t give a single fuck and just wanted to cream all over his big hand.
megumi groaned into your neck and rammed his digits over and over and over, your eyes rolling to the back of your head as the sounds coming out of your hole were wet and sticky and gross and it only further got megumi off as he forced your legs to stay open, you running off a high pitched moan as huge fat drops of your squirt trickled out, him shooting down and hovering his mouth over your pussy so you could finish all over his face just like he wanted.
“fuuuucckk just like that baby yeah—” he panted, slowly slobbering up your remaining release as your body twitched with ecstasy and severe overstimulation, you literally limp on the bed as he soon peeled back and licked his tongue over his lips like he just ate the most delicious meal of his entire existence (he did), wiping his wet face down with his sleeve after.
megumi pulled your panties back up and your shirt down with a kiss to your wrist, settling into bed next to you and chuckling when you whined dazedly and weakly pushed against his chest as he tried to pull you in.
“what baby?”
“you’re mean.” you mumbled, eyes fluttering closed as you shoved your nose into his neck.
“m’sorry.” he spoke softly, a little smirk on his lips. “what did i do?”
“you know what.” you grumbled, feigning annoyance. “and how am i supposed to hide the ten hickeys you just gave me you vacuum.”
he laughed into your hair as he ran a soothing hand over your bare thigh. “i’ll give you one of my hoodies baby it’ll be fine.”
and he did— the following morning when you all packed up and loaded your belongings and suitcases back into the van for the long drive home, megumi gave you one of his big baseball merch hoodies with his last name embroidered on the back to wear and hide your hickeys with the hood up.
but you should’ve known you were never safe around your best friend… because on the ride back home she pounced on you from above your seat without mercy and snatched the hood off.
“oh my god!” she gasped, cackling as she peered and pointed at your love bites. “megumi you little leech! what are you doing to her every night give her a damn break let her breathe—”
megumi pushed her off and she fell back in her seat behind them, her uncontrollable laughter making you whine and pull the hood back over your head in embarrassment.
“what? what’s so funny?” yuji asked, unplugging one of his earbuds.
“nothing!” you jumped up and glared at her. “nothing! nothing’s funny at all i don’t know why she’s laughing.”
your best friend snickered and blew you a kissy face, shrugging. “yeah i forgot what it was—”
“my kids!” gojo called from the front, pushing his round black sunglasses up the bridge of his nose before beaming. “now how would we feel if i was finally invited back to one of your games ehh? megumi? am i allowed back in—”
“no.” he deadpanned.
your eyebrows furrowed. “allowed?”
“satoru’s banned from the stadium.” yuji laughed. “our management won’t allow him on property and if they see him they freak and call the police.”
“huh?!” you sat up. “why!”
“he brought fireworks to our first world series and set them off in the middle of the fucking game.” megumi grumbled.
you slapped a hand over your mouth and laughed loudly, gojo shooting you a cheeky smile from the rear view mirror.
“that was you?!” you shook your head incredulously. “i remember that! it woke me up i was sleeping during the game—”
“—like she always was until the day she saw her little leech.” your girl friend cut in, and you couldn’t really counter that as you giggled and nodded in agreement.
“can you blame me?!” gojo exclaimed. “my son’s first world series and you expect me not to do something extravagant to showcase my fatherly love?”
“you could’ve just sat there and watched.” megumi pushed, readjusting his arms and pulling you closer as your head fell on his shoulder. 
“but that’s borinngg! did you like the fireworks y/n?”
“i did!” you perked up. “they were really pretty! and it kept me awake for the rest of the game so i didn’t miss them winning.”
“see?! the only one who appreciates me in this van is your wife megumi. that’s why she’s my favorite.”
you giggled as megumi rolled his eyes, and he turned his attention to you once he felt you tug a little at his jacket, the rest of the group going back to their own worlds.
“whenever your dad calls me your wife… it reminds me of when you drew my initials in the dirt.”
his brows pinched. “how come?”
“because that’s what i saw when my life flashed before my eyes.” you spoke softly. “and what i wished for on 11:11.”
megumi’s heart incandescently melted at your little words as he linked them to what you had mentioned earlier in the bathroom, his mind playing wonderful images of a married life with you— something he had already pictured many many times before in the late hours of the night when he was up lovesick over you. 
“i wish for it too. everyday.” he murmured, and you beamed, your cute face coming up to give him a sugary kiss before your head settled back over his shoulder.
“good.” you replied. “because if not i was gonna strap two bombs to my chest and superglue myself down to your bean bag.”
he snorted and fixed over the throw blanket that was draped over the two of you, pinching your little cheek before getting comfy with you again on the coushy black leather seat, both of your eyes watching the passings of trees and cabins and rivers from the window for a while as the slight rock of the van and megumi’s arms eventually lulled you to sleep, his scent filling your body with warmth and familiarity that soothed your mind over with little to no effort at all.
megumi looked down at you then and stared before he trailed a delicate thumb over your bottom lip, his eyes greedily drinking in the sight of just you as you slept peacefully— the details of your face something he wanted to commit to unforgettable memory and recall across every single life time in hopes that it would bring him to you in each one.
and he wondered why the universe was so forgiving again as he watched you sleep.
but instead of spending time desperately trying to come up with a useless answer, it still wouldn’t change the fact that he was given the chance to properly live again with an angel like you… and he found himself thankful for the universe in exchange actually.
thankful for it listening to him. thankful for it watching him. thankful for it granting him the life that he lived now, the same one he dreamed about and yearned over since he was a teen, and the same one that wouldn’t have been possible in the first place if it wasn’t for you bouncing into his life— silly and talkative as you settled into the crevices of his existence and got comfortable with no means of ever leaving, him never wanting you to as he shut the doors of his soul and bolted it tight with thirty different locks.
you made him happy, as simple as that may sound, for it was something that he never was.
you showed him how to love. you showed him how to laugh. you showed him how to cry as the concept itself and feeling was extremely foreign to him— almost taboo even. 
you saw him cry before he even saw himself. and though he half expected to be embarrassed and relieved that it was pitch black in the bathroom so you wouldn’t have properly seen— he didn’t really fucking care because it was you. 
and how was crying supposed to feel? that much he couldn’t tell.
but if crying felt like that every time— afloat, alive, good— with the same woman who teetered over the edge and pulled him from his empty sea, with the same one who noticed him when nobody else did, and the same one who made him feel like he was blessed by the eternal warmth of the sun with just her gaze alone—
then maybe crying was something megumi wanted to do all of the time.
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taglist!! <33 (THANK YOU THANK YOU!):
@cupcaketeddybehr @soobiary @roachfun @waterfal-ling @saebaey @reneinii @luvvmae @cake-with-the-cream @pixie-dix @2ukika @cramelmacchiao @hy3phiren @fushigurioo @wil10wthetree @jameinfrau @pancakeszs @drftnzume @k0z3me @k4zivy @dindjarins1ut @starrnai @stilettoheelz @tinyray-lovesfood @mirophobic @aylinnhealsformeow @zeesturniolo @asparkofapricity @arionater @lolololololhanma @dancer545 @dongh9e @bluberrymochi17 @princesstiti14 @heeseung-lover686 @livmarauder @kikiiguess @dee-writes-anime @iloveoldermenn @starrysho @nanabeesblog @simplyraeblue
tumblr won’t let me tag some of you i don’t know why ugh!!! :((
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fayesia · 11 months
Hi, I had an idea for mike schmidt. Imagine Mike is doing No Nut November.
Streak — Mike Schmidt x reader
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a/n: OMG this is such a good idea ty for the request. I will definitely need to write more on this, maybe some blurbs or even this idea for other characters lmk what u guys think!!
You and Mike lay in bed on the night of halloween, cuddled up next to each other after multiple rounds of intense sex.
“guess we can’t do this for a month then?”
“you know how it is in November honey, gotta keep the streak up”
Mike liked to boast about his numerous year streak of lasting through No Nut November. You liked to laugh merely at the fact that he had this streak because he never had a girlfriend until he met you. He was a virgin before that, which you knew after your first night of intimacy lasting around 2 minutes with lots of laughs.
This year would be the first No Nut November where he actually had a girlfriend…and you were gonna make sure he broke that ‘streak’.
On November 1st Mike woke up and saw you get out of bed completely bare walking around to get your things for a shower. You slowly bent over reaching for clothes that flew from last nights frantic events, smirking as you heard a loud groan come from behind you. The large lump under the thin covers said all it needed to about how easy this plan was going to be.
During breakfast you cooked him some pancakes wearing nothing but some lace panties and an apron. Leaning over his shoulder you place the food on his plate, landing soft kisses along his neck while your breast pushed against his back.
“god you’re killing me over here baby, is this cause of my streak? ..come on you know i’m gonna do this”
‘not for long’ you thought.
It been 3 days since the 1st of November and after a long day at work Mike returns home ready for a night of relaxation, walking through the door he’s shocked at the sight of you. Lounging on the couch in his favourite lingerie a simple silk robe covering you.
you greet him at the door guiding him to the dining table where a whole meal has been cooked, but Mikes not hungry for food anymore. His eyes darken as you start piling his plate with food, the movements loosening the robes knot, revealing all your glory hidden underneath.
Abruptly pushing his chair back Mike grabs your hips pulling you down to straddle his thigh. His lips press hard against your own, his tongue entering and fighting a losing battle with yours as he dominates you. He leaves kisses down you neck roughly marking and nipping at the tops of your breast. “fuck this challenge” he growls against your skin sliding your robe off and unclipping your bra. He goes absolutely feral practically mauling your breast, his mouth is everywhere and his tongue soothes the stings after he bites at your nipples. moaning at the sensations you grind your hot core against his thigh. you moan into his mouth as his hands guide your hips to rutt on his thigh. “mm yeah baby just like that, fuck make a mess” looking down at where your core meets Mikes thigh you can already see the large wet spot staining his pants. Your panties are absolutely soaked and ruined and the stimulation of his thigh tensing against your clit has you just about ready to come.
“i’m gonna come omg yes yes”
you’re too overwhelmed to even moan as an orgasm crashes through you, leaving you panting and slumped against Mike. He carries you to the room laying you face up on the bed and stripping himself of his clothes. you watch as he slips his boxers down, his thick cock slapping against his happy trail, the tip is red and a vein that runs through the entirety of his dick is pulsing. you use your arms for support after recovering from your orgasm as Mike stalks towards you, pushing your legs up against your shoulders. his face nears your panty covered cunt and you feel his hot breath against it as he rubs his nose across the flimsy soaked cloth. Finally he rips it in two but your too far gone to even care, especially once his mouth is on you, tongue exploring ever inch of you from the inside out. his lips wrap around your clit and he’s overall just making an absolute mess of your pussy. his spit and your arousal combined spreads across the lower half of his face and also down to your puckered hole.
Just as you’re about to near your second orgasm of the night mike gets up, flipping you over and pushing you face down into the sheets. you wiggle your hips needy for something to fill you up and that’s exactly what happens.
Mikes cock is sheathed inside of you in one swift go reaching the very depths of your pussy, you clench around him and mewl into the sheets. “fuck so fucking tight honey shit i don’t know how long i can last” you try to respond but the only sounds coming out from your mouth are moans, continuous ones that are almost comparable to an amateur pornstars. Using his hands he guides your hips back against him to meet his thrust, the tip of his cock rubbing continuously at your g-spot. suddenly he yanks you up pulling your back against his front while he drives his cock into you even harder and faster than before.
he pinches your nipples, leaving one hand there the other drops to your clit playing with it using his index and middle fingers.
“oh fuck, jesus keep going mikey please don’t stop baby.”
“so close, so fucking close.”
“come baby, with me please”
the continuous rubbing against your clit has you coming hard around his cock, your cum dripping out and down onto his balls, simultaneously Mikes warm load starts filling you up, his loud almost animalistic low groans harmonising with your higher squeals and moans. He lowers you back face down on the bed with a few more pumps and slowly removes his member, remnants of your mixed cum leaking out from your hole soiling the sheets under you, as you curl up against mike. He carries you into the bathroom and with a dazed smile you look up at him announcing, “guess you lost your streak”
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capslocked · 11 months
[prompt: blowjob]
male reader x hyeju
12k words
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“I mean, don’t you think,” Hyeju says, wagging a finger at you, “that when you suffer through a bad date, the world ought to owe you something?”
"Like what?" you ask.
"Better taste in women - maybe more orgasms; I dunno, a blowjob?" She shrugs. "The general idea is just that someone gets to cum."
You nearly choke on the air in front of you. "Jesus, Hyeju, warn a guy."
“What? I’m trying to commiserate with you,” Hyeju laughs. “Wouldn’t that be funny? Being able to kiss someone who actually, you know, might love you back, and at the same time. Imagine not hooking-up just to forget a shitty day. Sounds wild, right?"
"Utterly deranged."
"So wild."
The first time you hook up with your roommate, it’s because of genetics - though not in the weird, uncontrollable way your body gets rigid and sensitive to any pretty girl who wears nothing but a towel moving between her bedroom and the bathroom, or how her eyes might flick fast from your chest up to yours - or given that the absolute shape of her is a blessing from one god or another (benevolent, clearly). That's not why Hyeju and you find yourselves only a few months later grinding on each other after the clock ticked past midnight, making out on New Year's Eve.
No, it has to do with the fact that Hyeju's nearly failing the nine AM section of molecular genetics because she's spent every lecture doodling stars and planets and planets shaped like asscheeks and planet-ass constellations while everyone else writes notes or doom scrolls twitter or whatever and she is somehow simultaneously the only student who never slept with her face on the lab desk or missed an assigned reading and the only one who absolutely needs a tutor.
It's just cosmic odds that you'd be that one: her roommate, who shouldn't be talking so loudly in the library about sex (in a sort of non-sexy, Mendelian kind of way) or be thinking the kind of things you've started thinking when Hyeju wears one of her more sleepshirt-esque long sleeves, her voice getting lower as you rattle off, "fruit flies and thale cress, definitely, it's just an error of fate or chromosome splitting..." before trailing off into a question.
"This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me," she finally tells you. You listen to her sigh into the binding of her textbook, facedown. "I'm really going to bomb this exam."
You tap her hand twice with your highlighter across the desk. "Then you're pretty damn lucky, if you think about it."
She turns to you, smiles a bit. "Okay, point. The worst thing will be having to retake this stupid fucking class."
"Why didn't you ask for help or go to office hours if you knew you were... failing?"
"Maybe because doing anything more than the bare minimum to get through a class I don't care about is my definition of, failing," she mumbles. "Why didn't anyone tell me a single lab is worth half my grade? Or that the TA is this fucking unreliable? How is this the one thing, really, beyond the basics, that can't be taught by wikipedia, a wikihow article and a youtube video?"
You scoot your seat closer to her. "You really need to relax."
"Fucking tell me about it."
You turn it over in your mind a few times, capping the top of your highlighter.
"Want me to get you off?"
And it’s not like you really mean it, when you say it, which is the strangest thing: you wouldn't actually suggest it, normally, wouldn't mention it in passing and then leave yourself open to the follow up and cross examination; yet there it is, after three, four hours of cramming notes on heterochronicity and the sloshing of gametes - you actually did propose it.
Hyeju jerks up, surprised.
"Are you serious?" She looks around, nearly snorting. "In the library?"
The face you’re giving her makes her scoff.
“You’re absolutely nuts.”
You have character flaws; the inability to admit wrongdoing chief among them. Hell, maybe it's from your mother - or maybe all your brains are just scrambled by the fact that Hyeju's sitting there with her pen against her pretty lips, hair glossier than usual as she scans your face and makes your entire body feel like a reactor core in meltdown.
Maybe you can blame what comes next on that.
"I'm always serious. I'm asking a serious question," you whisper, closing the textbook and resting your elbows on top. You look around quickly, like you're sneaking something in instead of this perfectly reasonable exchange, the perfectly platonic - except maybe not so much - way for friends to help each other.
"And I'm wondering what you're asking." Her cheeks are definitely pinker, you think, or the way it fills out her face, from the bottom up, is just that easy to imagine.
“I’m saying you haven’t gotten laid in months.” Here, you realize, these blocks of mental logic that definitely weren’t there when you blurted it out start to coalesce into something solid as you go on.
And you hadn't been wrong when you thought no one had given Hyeju a helping hand in a long, long time: you've heard through the walls or the floorboards at odd hours of the morning that she spends far too long fingering herself to a mind-numbing, tear-worthy frustration that leaves her knuckle-deep but never, ever sated or satisfied.
"No one's around, you'll feel better. You said it yourself."
Not a work of your imagination here - her ears are fucking burning.
"Wait a minute." She pushes her chair back, away from you and your gleaming offer. It clatters on its back legs, and a librarian waves her finger in warning. You wave back, sheepishly, until she stops and Hyeju stands and moves away from the table to talk, hands crossed over her front.
She turns and asks in a hushed-down-voice, "how did you know - did you hear something last night?"
"You couldn't keep it down even if you wanted to, honestly."
Hyeju turns further and throws a glare at the library doors, because obviously her noisiness and their collective noisemanship, or whatever the hell the word is, is clearly the root of the whole goddamn problem.
"Look - if not, no big deal - but I'm just saying you'll probably get over it and at least think less about sex. Or at least the wrong kind of sex."
You expect her to turn, sigh, and ask if you've lost your mind. Expect her to gather her jacket from the back of her chair, take her books and stomp out the room. Or even burst out laughing at the insanity, before slapping your arm lightly, in playful retaliation - anything other than the serious look she gives you in return, tilting her head, pressing her lips.
She turns up at the ceiling for a moment, contemplating something. And it's cute. It's so very, very cute, how her mouth pouts as she considers the possibility, right up until she says, "okay, fine."
The moderate twist of surprise taking hold in your brow must be visible.
"Oh, don't tell me that was all talk. Get me thinking about the right kind of sex or whatever."
You laugh, which has the librarian staring at both of you - until the librarian stops staring and probably sees Hyeju sliding back into her chair, the full, pent-up weight of her concentration pointed your way, knees inching apart - you, and Hyeju waiting, your knee bumping into her inner thigh, leaning closer as the textbook hits the floor.
"Don't laugh."
"Not laughing, seriously. Not laughing," you stammer. “I just think you’re just full of surprises.”
She spreads her knees further and sits taller, looking right at you.
"So then, surprise me," and then presses her cheek to the crook of your elbow.
You slide your chair right into the space next to hers, nuzzling up into the space under her ear. “Keep studying, Hyeju, you’ve got shit to do.” And then you slide your hand beneath the waist of her sweats, knead the swell of her thigh until you find the seam where her leg meets her body, press your palm down on the place just next to her center, your thumb in the middle. All this perfect pressure.
"Fuck," Hyeju says under a shudder. She's breathing heavier when your hot, open-mouthed kisses start landing at her neck, and she probably tries to read her textbook for about forty-five seconds longer. But there's the clench of her jaw right as your middle finger begins tracing circles beneath the fabric of her panties, and her gaze is blurring until she can't tell the difference between an allele or your fucking name.
"Shh-shh," you quiet her, finger tapping harder, playing with the slick wetness beneath all those layers of thick cotton and pressing two fingers there until her knees part like they’re not interested in resisting at all. Your lips press a kiss to the shell of her ear and she tenses all at once, hand shooting up to cover her mouth.
She simply leans back, closes her eyes, and lets you take care of her.
“Okay, you’re right,” she says, shaky and uneven, “that really did take some of the edge off. Did we ever review - poly- uh, pol-polymers here?"
The sweatshirt sleeve falling off your shoulder is a hindrance to any actual reading; her shifting against the chair isn't helping either, but you manage to push down the thoughts of stripping her down completely and giving her your tongue as yet another distraction.
"What did the syllabus say? I don't know if we need to read too far on 'polymers'," you say, having going through an entire afternoon without considering this once, but as you curl your fingers and take an honest crack at cramming the remaining chapters into her head, the knowledge that no one else is getting her this wet - except for whoever she's got in her mind's eye at three AM - is enough to get you feeling a little dizzy.
It’s probably supposed to be weird, given that you’ve never gotten any of your other friends off spontaneously in the library, or there's the fact that you can't really avoid each other afterwards, how she shows up in a silk negligee when you're pouring coffee before sunrise to prep for another day and you have the opportunity to notice - yes, she has amazing taste in underwear, yes, you might not have really appreciated her chest and figure enough before - yes, fuck it. She catches you noticing that first time, after coming downstairs with nothing but one of her cropped t-shirts and her board shorts, and she smirks when she realizes you're still thinking about it that afternoon, when her foot grazes yours while you're both washing dishes, and she dries the plate in her hand with a slow swipe.
And it is weird, actually, to describe what’s going on between you in words. 
A few words, anyway, like a one-word label to describe what it was: friends or roommates-with-benefits, or - fuck buddies - god, it's even worse. Fuck buddies? Fuck friends? Something equally terrible and stupid that still makes sense, like something out of a shitty rom-com: it doesn't capture any of the rest of the myriad ways in which things can feel less or less friendly between two people.
So, friends was never, ever going to cut it. Roommates - although technically correct - is just this side of too clinical. And let's be clear: strangers don't wake up every morning together, walk to the same class, sit close together in the middle seats, secretly flick a strangers' skirt up in an empty lecture hall and get on their knees and work your mouth onto her pussy and watch the legs of the desks shake when her feet arch into the floor.
"The notes you've got are better than mine," is how Hyeju tries to put things, the next day and every time after that, standing in the doorframe, or at the foot of your bed and looking every bit the disheveled and hopeless mess you imagine she might spread out over the sheets of her own.
It gets complicated, which isn't really a surprise.
"You think your roommate is going to be home tonight?" is the question that comes up multiple times - from a revolving door of pretty names and faces. Hyeju has at least one opinion, if not more, on each of them.
"Tell Jinsoul I say hi," she says once, watching you get ready for a date, and you nearly bang your knee on the edge of the bathroom vanity. 
It's one of the more harmless comments she's offered.
Another, backhanded: "if you’re just looking for a blowjob everyday between lunch and our physics lab, let Hyunjin or Heejin or whatever-her-name-is know she's easily my favorite," Hyeju says on your way out one morning, still under her covers.
Hyeju's texted a simple "uh, Chuu? really??" when you mention, once, how much fun you've been having - and what kind, as you make a round of self-conscious and rambling phone calls the next day that land you with only one prospect for the night - but your roommate's also no longer being your roommate by the end of it, bouncing against your thighs in the bathtub and moaning something about please more and fuck or fucking make me cum; the details escape you a bit.
That's what friends are for, probably.
Still, in the same, bare-bones explanation, friends also aren't for falling asleep on you - or letting you hold her - or fucking you awake in the middle of the night. Friends aren't for pushing down your jeans when the early-morning dew settles on the back patio, or jerking you off in the seat beside yours with a sweatshirt over your lap when a group project is due later and you all should probably work on that and instead get yourselves off and leave the mess of what you're doing half-finished. Friends aren't, probably, for offering to watch you rub your palm up and down your cock the night before next semester's exams when you can barely sit in a single chair and you can't think about molecular biology or neurochemical transcriptions when your whole body aches to do the transcribing. (If you can catch that drift.)
The lists of who are and are not good enough for you goes on and on - the latter longer than the former.
So, there's Choerry, who according to Hyeju is 'straight up, a total slut'. Yeojin, who gets mistaken for your little sister enough times that Hyeju refuses to - in good faith - let you keep sleeping with her. Both Heejin and Gowon are apparently too pretty for you. "Kim-lip?" she asks, in the middle of peeling garlic, "is that one name or two?" And laughs into a bottle of beer, loud, while you're telling her to quit being nosey and watch her fingers with the damn knife.
"You have a problem."
"Why, because I asked a few simple questions? I think anyone would be a little curious with the -" she pauses to wave her fingers - "I'd be remiss to not be interested in the very drama that unfolds literally across the hall."
She waggles her eyebrows.
You look up at the ceiling. God save you, you think. "Hyeju."
("Seriously," Hyeju chimes in one evening, arms around you, and a mouthful of the dinner you'd cooked.
"You need better taste in girls. Don't waste time on anyone too dumb, or who drinks the milk straight from the carton, or doesn't wash her socks with the same load of laundry. Oh, and - no one who chews loudly. No one who can't tell you're going to cum. The worst is someone who doesn't know what you like, trust me on that. And remember the last rule: don't do anything with someone who eats at a really slow pace, it's incredibly depressing."
You rest your chin on her shoulder from the spot behind her. "Duly noted, oh Master of all Knowledge."
She sighs into your arm, but in the next moment, her voice gets a lot softer, her hips fidgeting slightly against you. "I just mean you're the kind of person people would want to sleep with again," she says, before turning to say your name and kiss you again and again as your bodies curl inward.
"I wonder what that means, Hyeju," you say.
"Fuck," Hyeju groans as you slide further into her, pushing her back into the sofa - hands on her shoulders, legs bent on her either side, "don't tease me like this.")
The first snowfall of the year is mild, a tiny dusting, nothing that sticks on the pavement in the alley or on the sidewalks - or the lintels - or in Hyeju's hair, but by evening, when the snow picks up and everything goes quiet, Hyeju has changed into flannels and wool socks in anticipation, curled up like a cat at one edge of the window ledge as the world begins to go white. It's enough that you even pull on a thicker sweatshirt, open up a book, and join her.
She turns toward you, quiet.
You've reached a point in the semester where this, the silence, doesn't unsettle you anymore. It's the space you fill up with time in-between, where you can see the contours of her body against the orange lamplight of the space heater, or watch her kick off the top half of the duvet at night as you fight over space in her bed and wonder about the bare skin peeking out from her shorts.
"Feeling bored?" She slides her foot a little closer to yours, almost imperceptibly. "Am I keeping you entertained enough?"
Her lips pull up at the corner. You chuckle.
"Oh, no."
She scoffs and puts her hands on her knees, pushes herself closer to the window sill and bumps her elbow into your shoulder. The bare skin of her neck and shoulders and face is getting a little redder as she cranes it forward. "Okay, if not, do you need someone to entertain you, maybe."
Your mouth twists, fighting a smile.
Hyeju is so close to you, you could kiss her really, really easily and not care how she'd feel about that. It's not a habit, not as often as it used to be, but every once and a while - she starts this game. Every once in a while, Hyeju just starts smiling like that, and leans into you like she's daring you to play along, hard round of chicken until it's clear what the two of you are doing with each other; the minutes pass by, one, then two, and then - maybe she pushes first, her leg on yours, or a kiss to your jaw or a palm on your back as she walks behind you - and then you'd turn and kiss her full on the mouth and pull at her clothes like nothing's holding you back.
She cocks a smile, and says, "why don't you go and call what's her name."
You glance out at the cold, gray light outside. If you had a better understanding of any of the workings inside you, you could reach forward and tell her everything that's stopped you.
You're supposed to meet the girl-of-the-month at a New Year's party. Hyeju looks disgusted within the first ten seconds of the whole story.
"Heejin dumped you once, like, two months ago? For no reason."
"It wasn't a break-up. We talked about what we did wrong and we're doing better," you say, lifting one finger.
She glares, then, tilts her lips into this unamused purse that you can't take seriously at all when she starts walking back and forth across your living room, hands moving emphatically to the sides as she speaks, like she's in the process of unveiling a brilliant argument and is using both palms to guide your eyes toward the unquestionable logic. "God, you're the worst. You're just her easy fuck and you'll still answer her late night calls, really."
She leaves the rest unsaid - that she's just not that into you.
"I don't tell you which boys or girls you can call up," you try, putting on a boot. "If you'd like, I can. Name off the list, and make sure that the right name leaves my mouth this time."
Hyeju doesn't blush when you glance up, which is the surprising thing. No - her cheeks have grown a little more sullen, and she stares down at her socks in contemplation. You're in the middle of fastening up the lace and getting to your feet, waiting, wondering if Hyeju's going to continue this conversation, when Hyeju takes one small step forward.
And her hand goes out to touch your chin, thumb at your lip, fingers holding it in place - like you'll turn if she lets it go - the sharp shock of the sensation like a short circuit, before her knee comes between yours, and your body tingles, at the root and stem. "Hey," she says, eyes meeting yours. The edge of her nail flicking gently as she drags the curve of her thumb downward.
"Hyeju, please - I need to get going."
When you start walking toward your car, she calls out from the window. Something about how you better have the time of your life, fun for the two of you - it’s only fair.
(You feel, somewhere, a certain strange loss.)
"What, are you going to stay up and wait until I come back? Or am I interrupting your session for the night."
You can barely make it out, the smallest look passing over her face. "Maybe," she says, and then: "god, it's fucking cold."
New year's parties have this sort of quality of being simultaneously the most thrilling, exciting prospect on earth and the absolute worst fucking event in the history of the planet - depending on the venue, how egregious the racket is for a gin and tonic, the guests - oh, and the company.
Jinsoul and Choerry are both in attendance; in separate corners and in equal states of undress and intoxication, which seems fine by every present party, who are for the most part busy ogling one or the other in the full spirit of the New Year - as you would too, if the stars are aligned and Heejin hasn't already gone upstairs with half the guestlist, her arm wound with someone else's, as per her recent habit; if you haven't been tossed aside for any of the usual, less forgettable prospects and for something bigger, better and certainly much more enjoyable.
Which, if there were any way to track these things down with math, you'd already be reaching for your pen and notebook, as Hyeju would describe this sensation in a phrase she picked up from some podcast. Inevitable means necessary, or something.
"Good party," says Heejin, throwing back another drink.
"Yep. You said that," and you finish yours in one long draw, hissing through your teeth.
Heejin is a goddamn delight, of course, in all the simplest of ways. When she looks up at you - mouth pink, hair framing her face - she is so clearly and completely aware of what she is, and exactly what the world has in store for her, what it has set aside.
"Do you want to know what happened at the other New Year’s party we went to last year?"
"I - yeah. Hit me. Tell me all about (another date you were on) Heejin, that’s exactly what I’d love, let’s hear it."
She throws her head back and laughs, before starting into an overlong recount of her latest, greatest conquest, you on the outside. This is the thing - this is how a pretty face, with just a hint of a flirt, will make you feel for a beautiful, attractive, vivacious - absolutely shameless, raving sex-crazed lunatic of sorts who, apparently, loves to run around town and make a bunch of your closest friends fall in love and heartbroke-er, with every passing notion of her beauty, her charm - just the tilt of her chin, and some poor fucker is lost, absolutely lost.
 Even she knows it's a bad habit of hers. 
But who doesn't have a weakness? You've got plenty of your own - plenty, Heejin can admit - everyone does, in a way, and so Heejin, the other sloppy drunks milling about the party, and Choerry and Jinsoul all agree - someone like her just happens to have the best kind of weakness - so, so many of them, in fact:
"Can you believe how easily a few words get Jinsoul riled up? Or how it only takes a couple drinks for Choerry to pull up the hem of her skirt, not knowing the effect that'll have?"
And as for the last, and arguably worst kind -
"Hyeju, huh? What a great start to the New Year," is her final word. Heejin reaches across and downs your drink. Her expression turns just shy of grave, a pensive look. "Not your smartest idea, the living-together situation. Who in their right mind would put themselves in such a mess?"
"Thanks for the great advice." You wave her off, irritated.
There's another laugh before Heejin leans her face onto the table.
"Though maybe she's onto something, now that I think of it. Who needs anyone for the New Year?" and it's almost convincing the way her mouth, lined up with the rim of the glass, smirks when she drinks. "Mm. All a matter of taste."
The snow is halfway up your calves when you realize you need to find a cab at 11:30 PM on New Year's Eve. (Which, categorically, is the worst time to need to find a cab on New Year’s Eve.)
Or just:
11:36 PM and the nearest bus stop is too far away.
11:41 and the temperature feels like its dropped by fifteen degrees, like you should start wondering what hypothermia symptoms look like and what signs to look out for in yourself, your future wife and your children. You try not to think about why, but you get your phone out and immediately call Hyeju, so you're not sure what you think you're denying.
"No party?" she asks. Her voice is distant and sleep-ridden, but Hyeju's quick to pick up, like always.
"It sucked, I'm trying to find a way home early. Happy New Year."
"Happy New Year." There's a long pause, filled in by the squeak of snow beneath your boots. "Get a kiss?"
"Uh, not yet. In the market, I guess."
Hyeju's low hum isn't reassuring, either. "Well, you're kind of missing your window. Bad time to start looking."
"Says you, and here you are - still up for someone to spend the night with. Look at you," you respond, all this snark in your voice that she clearly hears. There's a long sigh.
"Actually," and Hyeju, much to the confusion of you and possibly the whole world, doesn't respond, and for a few seconds, the line goes completely silent, leaving you hanging.
She breathes once and comes out of her sleep with a yawn.
"I actually," she begins. There's a lot less preamble this time - this tone - and when she speaks again it comes through not nearly as sleepy, "was sorta wondering. Are you on your way home?"
"If I don't freeze to death, yeah."
"Yeah - no, yeah," and that's it. That's the sum total of what makes any difference between where you were a moment ago, and where you are right now, head spinning, fingers buzzing. Hyeju waits and there's the wind on the line, snow settling on your hat and in the corners of your face.
"I - sorry. I probably woke you up. Are you expecting someone else," you say, very small. Your foot drags behind the other. The cars whizz by you faster, passing.
"Hm. You're the only one, I guess," and after that - just static and the muffled sounds of her footsteps on creaky floorboards - or the tick of her ceiling fan? You can't make heads or tails of the rest of the background noise. All those words she said.
You bite your tongue to stop whatever curse words start pouring out from the jumble and cross streets, or the pedestrian underpass; snow gets stuck in your lashes and burns, but your chest is like a molten furnace. You consider telling her right there on the line, everything you're feeling - so hot, it feels like fire, Hyeju, I'm not used to getting heated and desperate and impatient - that even if you're not here now - just imagining your face - the sound of your breathing, it feels like I'm on the cusp.
"Yeah. Sure - good - okay, Hyeju."
"I guess, see you soon?"
"In a bit."
(It takes 33 minutes, trudging through cold and wet. It's all very dramatic, you think, and there's no one there to even watch you suffer for it, or - though you try not to think about that particular line - really, no one at all.)
You hear the way your key grinds in the lock - it's been like this, jammed since summer, when you pushed the front door in late at night a little too hard and something came undone and made a sound like a small stone tumbling down the world's deepest well. The hinge squeaks, and there's ice on the stoop, on the doormat, on every nook and corner you can see, all the way up your neck.
And your face, too. You shake off your hat, undo the buttons on your jacket, and pull off your boots before hanging them and all the layers to dry.
You can make out the outline of her profile at the edge of the door frame, right in the kitchen - barefoot, hip pressed against the island, pajamas - the dim lights illuminating the shadow of her head, hair over her face -
- but you don't pause. The next layer. There's nothing left to say. You're too cold for excuses, too smart to use the same ones you'd been taught, like: this is a normal, acceptable circumstance; everything, anything, will be perfectly normal if the two of us act as though that's the case; pretend we're both acting within the norms of reason, within our senses and logical thinking and I won't make myself go out in the cold a second more - won't stand for more than five minutes with your eyes looking like they're waiting.
So you move instead toward the kitchen, where the heating is better and she's already pouring coffee. There's a heat radiating out of the oven, and it smells sweet in there, like cinnamon and warm butter, and you wish you weren't still shaking, blood barely thawed, but there it is - her face, watching you - eyes gleaming as you wrap your hands around a mug, steam rising up - a shiver running up your arms; her knees skirting yours when she takes one step back and there's the cabinet door shut, then open again, and then a palm on your back.
Hyeju presses a cup of the fresh coffee, now warm enough to drink, to your chest, and says, softly. "What the fuck happened out there?"
She starts reaching out to wipe the frost and slush from your face. You let her hand hold you still, eyes wide.
"Oh you know," and her palm stays, even though it's obviously - suddenly - gotten warmer, and wetter too, and the longer she stands there and lets her fingers warm the pale bones of your cheeks, her wrist, the base of your forehead and ears, the more expectant the look on her face grows. "The usual."
Her eyes go as narrow as they ever can. For just a moment. "You're gonna die a slow, pathetic death someday, just for the record."
"Don't forget how this starts," you try, and feel your neck go warm, throat and breath tight. And not even when her shoulders shift, her mouth going smug - just looking at you.
“I mean, don’t you think,” Hyeju says, wagging a finger at you, “that when you suffer through a bad date, the world ought to owe you something?”
"Like what?" you ask.
"Better taste in women - maybe more orgasms; I dunno, a blowjob?" She shrugs. "The general idea is just that someone gets to cum."
You nearly choke on the air in front of you. "Jesus, Hyeju, warn a guy."
“What? I’m trying to commiserate with you,” Hyeju laughs. “Wouldn’t that be funny? Being able to kiss someone you actually, you know, might love you back, and at the same time. Imagine not hooking-up just to forget a shitty day. Sounds wild, right?"
"Utterly deranged."
"So wild."
When Hyeju sighs and gives a long, nonchalant hum, leaning her body closer, pressing up until her waist hits the cabinet top and you're pressed together chest-to-chest, she looks at you and her hips settle, the heel of her foot reaching around your calf.
There's that tingle. Again and again. You're not even trying to not think about what it might mean.
But then, you start, silently and unconsciously, trying to answer the question: why don't you, maybe. Why don't you, actually - Hyeju kisses you, pulls on the loop of your jeans and lets your lips brush the corners of hers and pulls away, suddenly, mumbling and head-turning. And just as abruptly, your nose buries in the space between her neck and her shoulder, where it's all warm. And when she puts her palms on your hips and squeezes and twists her knuckles into the fabric there, it seems she wants your hands up her shirt and under the small of her back.
And her hands - they're fidgety tonight, fingers curled up to keep their nails and the chill away, moving lower - one on your ass, while the other comes forward and begins rubbing circles, a handful of times - enough so you're letting a deep, low breath escape into the space just above her collar, your knee working its way between hers.
"That," Hyeju breathes, lips at your ear, hand reaching down to trace the hard curve of your cock pressing in the spot right between you, and there's that small rush again, familiar now, like you've caught a rhythm and she wants to feel it in its fullness: "is how you can make it up to me. For making me stay up. Worrying about you, god knows why. Waiting."
You're still half-frozen in a way, slowly thawing. "Hyeju, I've been trudging through the consequences of my actions this entire night. What am I about to suffer through now?"
"It's no consequence, honestly."
You squint.
"Just an idea, but," she breathes again; your bodies getting closer, and looking up at you, she grins and reaches down to touch the very root of you, her fingers drumming. You make a sound, and at that she says, her voice coming out thick, low:
"Want me to get you off?"
She squeezes again for good measure, just to be clear. Just a slight curl of fingers that's enough to send a flash of heat and the transient thought: why, why, why is she always wearing those fucking shorts, even in the winter?
Your blood thrums through the pulse at the end of your cock. You shake.
"Alright," is the response you let out.
And at that, Hyeju takes your wrist and leads you upstairs.
"There's that look. Don't worry. We'll find a way," is all she says as your feet walk forward, up step-by-step and higher and further up to her room. "After all, isn't that what we've always done?"
"It's usually whatever will make me stop talking."
Hyeju puts her chin on your shoulder. Her eyes follow the lines and shapes in the patterns of wallpaper as you turn onto her side of the apartment, and even through the wall and behind the doorway, her arm still around you, she pulls at your chin until your faces turn and you both can share each other's heat.
"Who, you and your awful habit of talking out-loud in your head while you work through equations?" and she brings her lips to yours, close and warm.
"Hey. Fuck you," and your voice breaks into an odd, low laughter when she kisses you harder.
"Yeah, I know," she whispers as her hand dives past the band of your boxers, palm sliding easily until she's gripping you fully and letting her fingers rub. She holds you there, in her room, her arm looped through yours, another arm resting at your belly.
And she stops there. She stays like that: holding your gaze.
"Look, Hyeju," you say, unable to not, though this can hardly count for anything; this, what you're about to admit, is nothing new. You swallow. "The thing is - you shouldn't."
"Don't want me to touch you?" she says, finger to your lips.
"Well, that's different. Maybe. Is there - maybe it's not the best thing to ask you right now."
Hyeju considers for a brief moment and tuts under her breath. "Can you at least do me the decency of waiting until I'm done wringing you dry before you say shit like that."
And she moves then, toward the bed.
No. Yes. Maybe. Who knows, you tell yourself. Maybe, but only because you'll do anything if it makes you feel less sick, like a creature standing over its own skeleton - an abandoned shell; a relic, something to be feared and disgusted, as you let her go between your thighs, kneel beside the bed.
"I mean - since when - have you felt," is just as far as you're allowed to go before Hyeju presses her nose into you and pulls you out of the thin, cold fabric - palm, thumb, all those slender fingers swiping over your head - and now there's just the smell of her room and the shock, the buzz that runs down your spine and settles somewhere, somewhere inside the small and desperate movement of your hips and the tension building just below.
And god, fuck, Hyeju’s lips.
These soft, wet, pouty fucking things that could suck you straight off if you were feeling any less stupid or inexperienced or sentimental - if she wasn't solely intent on teasing it out of you first; a slow drag of the tongue up the underside; the tip of it poking, tracing the rim, like she's figured you out, just where to lead you. She's ready to smoke you out - always - until you're not taking in a breath every ten seconds but starting to close your eyes to the overwhelming, needling pleasure, too sharp, the way she knows you like best.
"Now you're finally - mm - starting to sound hot," and that smirk comes back to the corner of her mouth, teasing the sensitive belly of your cock and tracing her tongue everywhere. "With the voice and -"
You're losing track, her thumb and fingers circling the whole length of you - just, one after the other - mouth a hair-breadth away, her breath hovering like a promise.
"- that face."
"Don't, fucking tease me-"
The sound of your cock going in is like nothing else.
Wet and filthy in all the right ways.
Just the suction in her throat has your eyes nearly roll back into your head - Hyeju's gaze calmly watching the terrible sort of helplessness that washes over you like this: her lips wrapped around, bobbing - her hair falling into the wet mess of her mouth and sticking there. Hyeju likes being a little sloppy, likes feeling that spark run up the length of her tongue when she slides. It's the wet and the heat that gives everything away.
"I don't have much of a choice -" her jaw and chin is smudged when she pulls back off of your cock, mouth glossy and glistening, "and honestly, wouldn't it be a better use of our time, or my talents if I actually do that thing?"
“Which is?”
She looks up for a bit and sighs, the flush blooming pink to the tip of her ears and into the rounds of her cheeks and all across her neck. "Since, as far as I can see, what you really like - is, oh I'm just spit-balling here," and she stops just to bite her tongue and look into your eyes, "it's letting the girls take care of you? Isn't that right?"
You want to tell her, no, not always, that it's not as though you enjoy giving control completely - that that would be completely and unarguably, the opposite of true -
That most of the time you love it when the person you're with is a little bossy, a little crazy for you. You know some guys really get off on a strong woman and maybe, maybe if a girl's pretty and dressed up, and - sure - a little wet, but that's hardly -
“You know I’m right,” she says, a flicker of mischief skittering across her features. “These walls are paper thin.”
You want to tell her, perhaps remind her, that she likes someone in charge just as much as you do - to be taken care of, told what to do - to have a hand curled up around her throat and the other at her tits while a guy fucks her the right way and takes the reigns when she needs. So who are you, when it comes to knowing her better? And who, really, are you fooling?
But before you can get any words in: Hyeju dips, lips parting where the head of your cock throbs, and then disappears; and the hot wet warmth, enveloping all around your shaft and back; the curve of her throat contracting.
You moan - a lot, and louder this time - into the whole feeling. The way her fingers work the distance from the base, twisting and twisting and twisting into the pout of her lips; or how the sound is like nothing - a whimpering, messy sound - almost a whine and definitely not a slurp as your cock sinks further and further, until it's all one big, heavy throb.
And it's like Hyeju can read your thoughts, the visual you have of her lips screwed tight around your shaft - cum leaking from the corners, and her eyes scrunched up tight, as she looks up to watch your face unravel - this perfect image of her taking you, all of you, swallowing each drop as your hips start rutting up into her and - and - and.
Or else she gets impatient, because then Hyeju gives one long pull off the tip of your cock - saliva mixed in the precum there, and that shiny string of fluid hanging, caught in the middle between your bodies - a disgusting and irresistible sight. Her jaw slack, lips swollen and full, and her mouth gone wide open, wanting.
"Fuck - that's good. Don't stop," you start to whimper, desperate, at the sight, the smell. Her hot breath coming quick over the red wanting wetness left behind - then touched by the cold air - fuck -
She slaps your cock to the corner of her lips as she speaks.
"Can you believe what's going on down here?"
"God, can you -"
"And to think most guys wanna jump straight in. That or fuck a load out between my tits."
"Hyeju, shit, come on -"
She kisses the soft tip, right where it’s most sensitive, rolls it along her lip. Then, back down the length of your shaft where she's generous with her mouth inch after inch - lapping, licking, laving - and Hyeju begins working her way down and downward, nestling in at the edge of the bed and between your thighs.
Your eyes blow up the first time she dips low enough to put your balls in her mouth. 
“Mmhm,” she hums.
It’s killing you and she knows it; it’s killing you and she can feel the pre-cum leaking from your slit - the thumb she has moored there, keeping everything right where she wants it, running circles up the length with such little intention - she could bring you to the end just like this. 
"Am I supposed to believe it?” she asks out from beneath the shadow of your cock, looking up at you with her eyes all wide and brilliant - pupils dark as sin. “That not a single one of those girls ever did you proper?"
You curse under your breath. Hyeju seems amused, at least, like she can't help but love doing that to you, which is almost worse and honestly the sexiest thing a girl can be. You groan - wanton, raw and desperate and feeling exactly what she wants you to feel when her nails drag along the dip of your hip bones.
"Did they not leave you fucked-up the right way?"
Her wrist flicks out these twists and turns, making your spine bend to her control. Like even when you're sure to be bundling her hair in your fingers and fucking the whole length of your cock down her throat, all of this is the worst kind of power-trip for her - not the other way around.
Her tongue runs through the tangle of your balls, slowly, lasciviously, as though the plan is to memorize and map every detail. 
And the worst part is, how much it's making you desperate for the warmth of her mouth - where she'll run her tongue up and down and over and around and inside - before sucking you off nice and slow.
"Or maybe," she laughs; another flick to the top and then suddenly her hand goes faster and the fist pumping the rest of you tightens. "They left you so needy you're resorting to having the bestie suck you off so that you won't be desperate the next time you date. Oh my god-" 
Hyeju breaks into this fit of laughter, and you're nearly cross-eyed at the feeling of your entire existence - not just your cock - so wholly held within her mercy, and her pity, and you're breathing so shallow now you'd think this is the real reason people have died and will die - this exact moment where you're choking and stuttering at the edges, so very close to cumming and going absolutely bonkers with how good Hyeju is with her hands, her tongue, her mouth - everything - how much she's wrecking you, and your jaw drops, wide open, her name dripping like molasses off your lower lip.
"Are you going to cum?" she asks, curiously. All as if she can't see you nodding, collapsing under pressure, and then and there: "should we make it official?"
Her nose tickles the seam of your balls. And your toes begin to curl and uncurl - all this anticipatory, coiling pleasure burning from her throat, shooting from the pit of your stomach; the tightening spiral, twinging and stretching every nerve - as her lips enclose around the end of your cock, softly.
And oh, just excruciatingly slowly.
You watch the irresistible shape of her mouth travel down until her throat feels so incredibly, beautifully, and unbelievably tight, and then, just like that - Hyeju starts fucking herself onto you; pushing forward and down the full, rigid length of you, hard and fast - each time hitting deeper inside her - all that sticky, messy, wet squelching.
"Unh-unh, yeah. Unh. Mm-!" you say, or moan, or some animal version of that, maybe, it’s incoherent.
But regardless:
It's messy and your hands scramble for purchase in the sheets of her bed when you feel that snap, the tightening of a trigger; when your balls roll up and it builds, and builds, and it comes faster - harder and -
"Hyeju," you pant, and it sounds so, so filthy. "I'm gonna cum, if you - gonna cum-"
Hyeju pulls you free from her lips, quite possibly at the most final of final moments, to rub the base up and down, just right, between her fingers. Your cock is resting right on her cheek when it all happens. When she squeezes her fingers around your balls just enough to hear you wheeze and make a sound no sane man should have the right to. And fuck, you're cumming all over her face - or just one side of it - which is already just -
Okay, fuck.
She makes a startled sound and her fist closes tightly around your shaft when you pump another fresh load of white up onto her eyebrow.
"I'm, ah-shit," your mouth moves faster than the blood in your veins - and now the shame - oh god, the humiliation, it's pulsing right behind you. "Hyeju," you apologize.
Only, Hyeju has no interest in any of it. She doesn't seem offended or disappointed in proportion to how you're ruining her pretty face: "no, just do it, cum wherever you fucking like."
Which isn't what you're expecting at all, because Hyeju makes no effort to close her lips, let alone avoid any of it; nor is she making a fuss about the sticky mess in her hair, her mouth, nor as another stream of cum throbs from your cock, all tangled up in the long dark eyelashes that sweep down across her cheek.
It’s fucking filthy: you're cumming all over her and she's just kneeling there, telling you, "good boy."
See, she pushes through it, languidly - all those filthy sounds, and those watery little tears gathering at the edge of her eye and all of that, mixing up together until you're rolling your head back with your orgasm, shuddering, feeling weak - drained dry -
Hyeju's pushing a finger to your chest, kneeling up tall from the side of the bed. She turns her body toward the center of the bed and wipes a bit of the cum on her knuckles into the sheets. Here you feel like you've done something terrible or at least regrettable, like that last round at the bar when you have a test the next morning; a dick move, all of the sort that requires apology.
"You gotta give me a minute, if you're thinking about hopping on."
"Hmm. Sounds like a lot to ask."
"Wait," you grab her arm. Hyeju grins and there's nothing stopping the shake of your knees now, that weakness between your thighs: "let me get you a drink."
Her tongue peeks out, running along her upper lip. Her eyes drop again, hands dipping below, beneath the hem of her shorts and oh. She slips a hand past her bra. The whole outline of it. And you -
"Mm, I could show you what that actually means." She lowers her chest, her breasts, and a lot of skin to the mattress while keeping your cock firmly in her hands. "That look tells me you wanna stick around a bit. Stay up past New Year’s, you know?"
You're almost unable to parse her words, there is so much to look at: the jutting curve of her chest, cleavage pressing into the mattress as her body settles between your knees. A soft chuckle; a sigh: "you are seriously the best lay, no-one else can get hard the minute after they just fucking exploded all over me-"
"Fuck, watch it," you hiss, because there's oversensitivity - and then there's Hyeju's mouth on the line of your cock, polishing you clean.
And it’s not that she isn’t trying to prove a point. Or that she's not trying to tease - that's an inherent quality of her character: a naturally dominant position with a high appetite for your lust. That much, Hyeju gets from you, whether you've got your head down between her thighs or the other way, too, so that her neck is arched around and her ass pushed up high in the air, legs open, and if she had any idea you would spend the next twenty minutes or more just going down on her, licking into her creaming cunt while two fingers work over her aching clit, then really, Hyeju would only encourage it - maybe get on top, force you to gag - and so you don't know where it comes from - how and why you want nothing more than to drive your fingers inside her and work her until she's a wet, squelching mess, not when this was always Hyeju's role of being the aggressor; and yes, sure, even the aggressed.
Surely not because you came so hard, still somewhat shivering with the remnants of a rather abrupt, painful, sudden and all-consuming orgasm.
"We're not doing anything else," she says, lips pulled up into a smirk right at the crown of your cockhead. But before you can respond she pushes a hot open kiss, and goes lower. She presses the flat of her tongue to the seam, just below the head. Licks a line right up to the tip and finishes with a tender flick that sends you fisting the bedspread in your fingers and leaning back as your mind begins to disintegrate -
"I'm not going to ride you yet, or going to get my hips in your hands so you can fuck my pussy real hard until I cry and pass out. Nothing of that sort is gonna happen." She licks one long drag of her tongue. Then, the other way. "I want to make this very clear: this isn't some huge favor - and if you want it - want it so bad, you can stay there and I'm going to do everything for you. We will get there - together," and with her voice shaking as she brings the wet, glistening skin of your cock just inside her mouth, she looks up. "We'll get each other off, just like this," and it's the deep, dark, throated moan that makes your thighs and all the nerves in between stiffen and buck when she swallows you again.
Hyeju's hands tug, pull her whole body closer still as it slowly bends, curves - her ass raised, her stomach lying on the bed. Her mouth takes you another few inches, until the tip of her nose is barely visible, but when she pauses to lick the cum still left over - the cum that's starting to leak out again - to breathe through it, then squeeze her palm and bob her mouth down, take another inch, until the sides are stuffed and emptying out again, that's when she finally has something to say: "got anything left? I'm a little starved."
"I. Christ, yes-" you whine, which doesn't help your case at all: the image, the image of you lying flat - back with Hyeju's head tucked between your knees, her hand pulling out your cock.
Sloppy, slimy-wet.
She presses an innocent, not-at-all-innocent kiss right to your tip, puckering - 
"You know what I did learn in that genetics class?" she muses, tongue flicking over her lips. Hyeju's about ready for a second helping - you're losing it. "When I first saw that DNA diagram - the double helix and all those little base pairs, and everything - it made me think of your cock. Your cock and me. Specifically our DNA. Did you know-"
She presses her palm over the head and rolls it - teases and strokes her palm - her knuckles - her fist - the whole nine. "When I hold your big fucking cock, mm, and just get it right - up in here, rubbing all along my walls - so deep, it gets me in my fucking ribs, makes me choke like I never been choked before, ah-mm," and it's this thought sliding toward the front of your mind, this perfect picture: Hyeju, getting fucked hard and open and stuffed full and stuffed good and stupid; you’ve got more than a few inches on her, can make her feel small and delicate; you know how to do her right.
But here you have Hyeju stroking the shaft - holding her hand tightly up near the head, rolling and twisting and sliding down and pushing her whole body right into the side of your legs: the soft, solid length, warm flesh and curves everywhere pressing into you.
You sit back, and just watch Hyeju with her eyes cool and composed, like half of her fucking face isn't streaked with your cum, mouth wrapped and looking fucking satisfied to be a total, gorgeous mess. She makes a dramatic display of kissing the tip again, just before telling you words you probably dreamt up at some point - either sleep deprived, or, during three AM jackoff, fantasizing. "Sometimes, just from riding your cock, I can't sit up straight."
"Fuck," and you feel your whole body run rigid, because apparently that's something you’ve been aching to hear.
You're covering her mouth again. White streaking onto her lips - where she's catching it in the well beneath her tongue and letting it spill out of the corner of her mouth. Into the crook of your thumb, which catches a drip here and there and rubs it down the length - down the curve - and pushes it back between Hyeju's pert little pout.
"Doesn't count, mister, just more pre-cum," she says, all with the audacity of a wink and smile; her words are a little garbled around the head of your cock between her teeth. And when you nod and realize just how painfully your jaw hurts, your throat becomes tight and raw, a knot pulling the underside from the center. Hyeju slides her lips lower, lower down, to the hilt and stays there, just like that - one hand holding down the flat of your belly to keep your hips still, her chin hanging - bobbing-as she feels every pulse, every twitching shift. You curl one hand around the side of her face, over the sharp edge of her jaw; rub a thumb into the delicate skin of her throat.
She shifts. You start to tell her what you like: how hot the rush comes when a girl puts her tongue against the slit at the very tip, and licks at the precum in nice, quick circles, soft and fluttering. And how her fingers shouldn't hesitate either, Hyeju's not even struggling to give it to you - god - just giving and -
She jerks her head up, swallowing down her next breath like it's one of her last. "I'm serious, if you're going to fuck a hole, start with my mouth - we can move onto everything else after."
"You're ridiculous -"
She meets her lips to your head, kissing once. Again. Kissing every inch, letting her mouth wrap around and then just - staying, just - staying like that and humming, with you, enjoying the fullness, the smell of you, the taste, the shape, just the weight and size and you.
There is spit fucking everywhere.
And if it's not clear what you're supposed to be doing - her fingers weave through yours, squeezing hard at the wrist and you can imagine: pulling her forward by her hair and holding her down while she chokes on your cock. "Fuck, Hyeju," you say, and your voice comes out way shakier than you'd like, "when, how did it get like this, huh? You always - always did, shit, always want your mouth filled."
"Never figured you to be someone who'd get turned on watching their friend sucking their cock like this."
"Doesn't everybody love the sight of their cock in a pretty girl's mouth?
"You were really convinced they weren't lining up behind you? Or anyone in the queue who can't keep their eyes off of this thing. Tell me, and try not to lie, try not to bullshit this one out: how many girls have you come home and fucked and creamed their brains out - then asked for the sloppiest, most -"
"- Filthiest, nasty, ball-busting, gut-wrenching blowjob ever to make them think - to make them really start wondering what the hell it was you did - like it's gotta be something that leaves them so ruined, they can't ever not compare - can't ever not compare this moment, right here. Ever. When you give them the hardest fucking of their life, compared to any other guy - can't not, because no-one, literally no-one's cock can fuck like you do-"
"Any harder. Come on, seriously, tell me it isn't true. Come on."
Her voice - her fucking words, the tone she uses and how her words roll: honey-warm and soaking with sweet, thick degradation - she talks like sex, and that's exactly what gets you harder, like it’s something else; like it’s nothing, like it’s less, so much worse - you feel this guilty-dirty heat pool at your tailbone and push down the hard press of you throbbing all the way to her nose. And Hyeju smiles as much as she's capable around the fat, round stretch, humming around the warm taste of you, before opening wide and sinking her throat on it.
There's nothing like it.
You've got two fists in her hair; she's so tight and wet around every god-damn inch. Her cheeks flush - hot to the touch; her tongue laving in slow, long drags, slicking your shaft nice and warm until you're balls-deep and pushing her further: a small shift to the hips, a push here, a harder, faster pull, and Hyeju's feet behind her go curling like an angry cat, wanting the tug.
A long, satisfied breath slips from the hollows of her throat.
There are tears threatening, thickening her lashes, and though she doesn't choke - you're just afraid. Every sound that she pulls out, her eyes blinking up to you as if it's only natural to love getting used by her friend's cock, like the very premise of it - swallowing down the very shape of you, dragged over her tongue and brushing cum into the back of her throat - is something she can’t go without.
But this is nothing compared to the noises from where her lips are pressed tight around you, where you're hearing and even feeling:
That gluck, gluck - where her chest spasms just the slightest when her nose gets nuzzled right into your belly and you remember how much she likes to hear you talk dirty, how fucking wet it gets her. The heavy, deep breaths, gasps; the strangled moans when your hips just buck - the heat and the thrill, and this is better than every other time because there's just something in this moment -
"I'm not gonna come again, not like this. Not in your mouth. You can’t-"
But Hyeju refuses to hear a word; just pumps your shaft faster, feeling it's familiar hardness grow and throb and ache and retch, all her effort paying off: you're slick with precum and spit, hard and straining, the whole shaft begging for release - all because of her. And Hyeju won't stop, she pushes her cheek onto your thigh and then taps a hand there to pull your hips. The motion drives your cock further still inside her. Until it’s bathed in her spit, your cum, all this mess.
Until it's reaching, choking her, and the muffled sounds she's making are filthy and wet and so incredulously hot.
But god. Hyeju has something of a temper and a habit, too: with those big beautiful eyes and the perfect plump of her pouting lips, her tits swelling up around, when your grip slips on her shoulder, and her mouth goes tighter - how the pleasure begins to make you unbearably cruel and you push her away from you, only for a second -
She doesn't wait or seem to care; Hyeju follows the cock with her whole head and whimpers so hotly in her throat when it plops right back on her tongue. "That's more - more like - fuck, oh, there we go," her nose and fingers prodding.
You groan through a high, strangled whimper, a helpless shiver that turns into an uncontrollable roll of the hips - you can't believe it: she's already so thoroughly debauched and defaced; just fucking painted with it. Your cum dripping off her chin and rolling down her neck.
"Fuck - gonna make me - ah, Jesus -"
When Hyeju seems to have reached her fill, the feeling, you're cumming - pumping the length of your shaft. And the moment she feels you twitch and throb and that first hot spill lands in the bend of her mouth, it's as if she understands and holds herself tight - her legs going stock-still while your eyes blow up behind her, your cock spewing another and then another thick, milky load into her mouth, over her tongue: all along the topography of her throat - sticky cum landing in every ridge and valley -
Hyeju catches as much as she can. What little she can. You cum and pump and gush so much that when you're finally finished - done - every last drop spent and given - your cock throbs soft between her fingers; her chin is a complete and utter mess and her chest heaves with the sound of her catching her own breath. Hyeju groans softly and just swishes the load around in her mouth for a bit as if wanting to remember its feel and weight before lifting her eyes to look into yours. You can just barely see the color.
"Jesus, Hyeju-"
The entire bit of it, slick and shining-wet. With a small moan, a sound from the back of her throat: one swallow and the cum is gone, disappeared, vanished. She smiles like she didn't just ruin your entire goddamn life and, with her body limp and exhausted beside you - her gentle hand rubbing a flat stroke over your thigh before yours slips up to meet her chin.
"You," you curse and roll your eyes, catching the mess at the edge of her jaw, the very little left in the corners of her lips. You feed the cum over her bottom lip - her chin, her throat - watching your friend: Hyeju's throat, bobbing. "Really didn't have to," you start, but you realize just how useless a point it is to make.
She's smiling and biting and showing you what's left between the tips of her canines. "Do you always do this to the people who suck you off?"
"That's an awful habit. A pretty girl's lips aren't meant to get that messy," you reply.
"Oh." She frowns. "Well, I do a lot of things I shouldn't."
"God, seriously," and you think there's no greater hell, no sweeter pain than whatever's lingering in these little aftershocks - this fizzling and dying sort of pain, where the body is buzzed with all you're aching for. It's impossible to stop this train of thoughts, is the fucking feeling of her-
But just then, Hyeju rises to her knees, a new spark in her eyes, as she grabs ahold of your wrist and tugs you off the sheets, a few inches closer.
"And you," she purrs as she drags the palm of your hand across her neck and collarbone, collecting what remains and making the perfect image, "well - you are going to help clean me up, like you said before." She sits tall; the arch of her spine is pronounced - her back, so, very, slightly tapering, to where your hand slips right off the last of it: the wide flare of her hips. "Now isn't that the gentleman's thing to do?" she asks.
"Of course." You sigh, resigned and in desperate need of water. "Of course," you add and smirk a little and slip your hand lower, toward where her skin is getting hot, and her body, "let's get you clean."
"Mm." She's already grinning. "You know what wasn't in those textbooks?"
"Oh, I can only guess." You bite your cheek and start to lower yourself back. "Give it a try."
Hyeju drags you by the wrist toward the hall, the bathroom, ostensibly the shower -
"There's no way in hell you don't want to put a baby in me, like, right fucking now."
"Is that what we're doing?"
Hyeju makes a face like you're stupid - she might've grabbed a towel on the way out. She wipes her chin a little while walking - the corner of her mouth where, well - where it looks like a little dribble has somehow remained. "No. But you’re going to fuck me like it is."
(There's got so much on her mind. 
The door of the shower rattling in its frame as she struggles standing up against it. Getting fucked so fast and full, the feeling of both your hands cupped beneath the weight of her breasts. It's not the fact of where you are and your situation, per say - more about the immediate, the imperative nature. About fucking you. She was already feeling herself like, leaking the moment the door shut, so all that waiting, all that patience, really - and it's what drove her insane when you were, well: like that, after she put her mouth around your cock, made a right and proper mess of herself, and sucked you off.
Though there's less on her mind, clearly, when she cums all over your cock.
She's crying with her tits up onto the glass, your palm holding her ribs. Your cum-slick cock working itself hard again as it slips, back and forth, as you're fucking her open, spread apart. It's your finger in her asshole. That's what's on her mind then. How the press of your knuckle lights her entire fucking spine on fire - how the other hand finds her clit in all this, too, when you're no longer supporting the both of you but rather Hyeju is folding on her bent knee and trusting, on shaking and shivering, raw nerves, that you're not going to collapse.
"Fucking. God, please-"
There's the harsh slap of flesh - skin on wet skin, your palms against the sides of her ass and the curve of the breast. But otherwise - it's you, sighing - soft and gentle, like you can't get over the feel of her. "Hyeju, oh-fucking, god, fucking," is what you're saying, and it doesn't end up really mattering which one of you came last because she can feel you twitching, squelching in and out with how badly you're wanting to explode inside, but also you can feel her cunt absolutely begging, this fucking fluttering and clamping down on every thrust and the moment you manage to grind this angle she loses her ability to speak properly because you're not just, like - fucking her-
Just, absolutely, completely pounding her pussy, stretching her insides, dragging and sliding along the walls; each rough rub and thrust makes her knees quiver until her body is trembling and falling. But mostly her voice, the sharp gasp that shakes into her, how her nails are scraping the walls of the shower stall and she's saying - telling, crying and asking and wondering and pleading - just utterly astounded:
"Amazing," she huffs, breathes coming out cloudy and true onto the pane of glass, "you - it’s, fucking amazing.")
“And I am… Ironman.”
Your eyes flicker awake, hazy, as Tony Stark snaps his fingers, killing himself alongside Thanos’ army in the process.
The TV's long been running on background noise, though not as ambient. Its characters now bickering between the rubble and ruins and being picked up for the end credits. In the dark of the screen, you see Hyeju had nodded off and slumped over the side of your body. A new year means new beginning means resolutions and diets and gym routines -
Maybe no sooner than the sun can come up, apparently.
You lean over to grab your phone from the table: 4:14 A.M.
There's a lot of things you want to say, even more you want to hear, but your mind has begun to settle a bit - a lazy and dreamy thing that fills you with this sort of, tired kind of - not sad, or empty - no, of course not. That's hardly fitting; not after tonight. You want to wrap this in an idealistic sort of sentiment - maybe hold Hyeju close and let the hour carry you and the comfort be enough to forgive whatever there is to miss: like the fact, it's still really dark, so dark even outside. The moon reflecting off the sheet of snow on the street. And not even a distant dog barking, or car driving by or someone playing loud music in the early hours of the new year.
As the film drifts off into another set of commercials, you slip into an easy sleep that feels effortless. Your head drops, landing on the cushion by the arm of the couch, where Hyeju's hand begins to slip mindlessly across your belly, tickling your waist and causing you to slightly squirm - things are cooling down, but still a little agitated.
"Don't tell me you're waking me up, cause I just -"
She kisses the pulse at your throat and answers, mumbling half-words into the spot below your ear. "A kiss for a new year."
And maybe the world doesn't owe you anything at all.
Maybe it just gave you more than enough.
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lovelookspretty · 2 months
not so bad
college!rafe cameron x reader au
— in which rafe and y/n absolutely despise each other in public but crush in secret. rafe is failing his humanities class & is assigned y/n as his tutor . . . maybe all it took for this relationship to form was just a bit of forced proximity and some time.
warning(s): just swearing, jealousy, rafe being a bitch again
authors note: making this into a whole series so we get that progression !! let me know if u wanna be tagged for every chapter i make <3
one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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you knock on the door and wait for an answer. you don’t really know where rafe hangs out on campus, if he even hangs out on campus. you already checked the library, which was a rafe no-show, and then you took every possible long route to get to his dorm just in case he would be walking around.
after his dorm, you don’t know what else you’re going to check if he’s not here.
the door opens, revealing an olive-skinned boy that must’ve been his roommate. you recognize him as a student you’ve seen around campus before. lorenzo, his name, was it?
he smiles as soon as he sees you, and he looks around to see if it’s only you there.
“is rafe here?” you ask, fiddling with your fingers as you peek through the crack between lorenzo and the doorframe to see if rafe’s on his bed or anything.
“no he’s not, but he usually comes back around this time. you can come in and wait if you wanna,” he offers, and you nod, whispering a ‘thank you’ as you step past him. “is he in trouble?” he asks, going to shut the door. “are you a hookup? cause i think you should know . . . rafe doesn’t get particularly attached to one-nighters. sorry. if he said something mid-nut it’s just a guy thing. well just a him thing.”
you shake your head. “ew, god no i’m not a one night stand of his,” you tell him. “do girls actually come here to talk about it?”
lorenzo shrugs and nods. “usually. it always apparently ends in round two though!” he says like it’s a joke since he’s laughing. like actually laughing. but when he sees that you’re not doing the same, he falters awkwardly and claps his hands. “sorry i don’t mean to . . . i’m just gonna . . .”
you watch as he goes to his desk in silence, and it almost makes you laugh aloud. you only smile as you look down at your feet.
“i’m y/n by the way,” you inform him. “i live down the hall.”
“oh that’s cool. i’m lorenzo.”
you nod, pursing your lips as you look around.
“you’re a lacrosse player?” you ask after a bit of silence and just a lot of keyboard clicking. lorenzo continues typing from his computer and just hums in response. you admire the singular trophy on his shelf, as well as the crosse stick in the corner of the room. you must’ve either missed that before or lorenzo must’ve been at practice when you were tutoring rafe, cause that wasn’t there at all last time. “i like the trophy.”
“that was just for my senior year but my mom insisted i bring it, make a collection for all the ones i’ll win here too, if any,” he says, and you can hear the smile as he talks. it makes you smile too. “she’s my biggest fan.”
“your mom is sweet, and she’s a good thinker,” you say. “i hear the school’s lacrosse team has been doing really good this year. maybe that shelf is gonna be accompanied by another trophy sometime.”
“you’re into sports?”
“not necessarily,” you hesitate, finding yourself laughing with him. “i’m just . . . i do journalism here so i just keep up with everything. my friends cover the sports column. they talk a lot of good about you guys.”
lorenzo spins around in his chair to look at you. “i’ll give it a read sometime,” he tells you, and you smile and nod at him. “so what are you here to see rafe for?“ he asks, setting his hands on his thighs.
it’s like you wake up from reality and remember that you’re there for a reason. “oh right. i’m just here to talk about his grades,” you say, and lorenzo’s face slightly lights up as he lets out an ‘ohh’. “yeah he did really good on his exam the other day so i just wanted to tell him good job.”
“good friend you are,” he mumbles, standing up to check something on rafe’s desk. he grabs an edge of the calendar above the desk, reading it to himself and then flipping the page up and down just to see. “yeah he should only have his doctors appointment planned today but thats in like a few hours. he’s usually done with class by now.”
“i can just text him maybe,” you say, even though you know you don’t have his number. “i live down the hall but if it’s okay—”
“you can wait here, y/n,” lorenzo insists.
you smile and nod again, mumbling out a small ‘thank you’ to him for letting you in his space while he’s clearly been in the middle of schoolwork.
lorenzo is reading through rafe’s calendar when he snorts. “‘tortilla chip day’ on the 24th apparently,” lorenzo reads off. “‘grilled cheese day’ in august. was he fucking hungry when writing these? he has these pre-written.”
you can’t help but laugh and take a peek at what else rafe’s put on his calendar.
the door opens, alerting both you and lorenzo. at first the person is surprised to find both a girl and his roommate, laughing together about something probably stupid. only it’s not just some girl. it’s you. and it’s not just a person. you see it’s rafe.
he recognizes you immediately from behind lorenzo. he can pick you from a crowd. he stands at the door with his hand on his backpack strap, staring at the two of you. “y/n,” he says, under his breath. “what’s so funny?”
“there you are,” you say, your arms crossed as you look at him. “i’ve been trying to find you for the past fucking hour.”
“i’ve been with my professor to talk about my grades, thanks,” he hisses as he walks inside to toss his bag on his bed, looking at you, “are you done hitting on my roommate now? you found me.”
you grimace at him, “what?”
“gee,” lorenzo mutter awkwardly as he hesitates to take his laptop with him and just go outside in the floors lounging area to give to you two some space. “it was nice meeting you, y/n,” he says, and you nod before he steps outside and closes the door behind him.
you look at rafe.
he shakes his head and waves his hand once, telling you not to worry about it. “whatever, just . . . get out?” he says, motioning over to the door. “i have to study for this friday’s exam too.”
you forget how much of a complete ass he is. god, it’s like he hasn’t changed since you were last in here. “‘kay,” you say dryly, and go to leave. “came here for nothing then. look, just remember who got you that ‘A’ and saved you from failing humanities in the first place.”
he pauses when he realizes you knew his score already. “what?” he says.
“that’s why i was trying to find you, asshole,” you tell him, opening his door and looking back. “i asked your professor what you got and he told me you almost would’ve gotten full points if you didn’t fuck up at the end. i was gonna congratulate you anyway.”
rafe stares at you in silence.
“and get a new tutor next time.”
he’s silent as he watches you go, and he blinks when the door is slammed behind you. he looks down at his backpack, then at his desk where he remembered he had to sit at for-fucking-ever to study and prepare for the exam with you.
“fuck,” he whispers, contemplating whether or not he should chase after you to apologize or just yell it down the hallway. but he knows you two aren’t close enough for him to show that kind of behavior, especially not after already embarrassing himself last week with the socks and water bottle donations.
but then again, you put everything aside, rivalry and all just to tell him good job because you know he’s been failing. this whole frenemies thing is the worst.
when you walk down the hall and reach your dorm, you can spot lorenzo seated at one of the chairs in the lounge. you consider going over to apologize that he had to see that, but a voice stops you in your tracks.
“y/n.” it’s rafe.
you quickly try to unlock your door and go inside, but he catches you before you can.
“stop,” he says.
“you stop. go study or something,” you tell him, struggling to unlock your door.
“you’re acting like a kid.”
you look up at him like he’s insane. “you can’t tell me i’m acting like a kid when you were just doing your big one a second ago,” you tell him, and you feel the lock become undone. “unfortunately that’s not how it works. excuse me.”
you let yourself into your dorm and close the door on him, leaving him standing there in silence. rafe looks over to the end of the hallway where the lounge is, spotting lorenzo who’s peeking around the side of the chair he’s on. rafe shakes his head.
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it’s been another week since you last spoke with rafe, a few days since you’ve spoken to him. or since he tried speaking to you really. you were on your way back to your dorm again when he caught you, then tried to apologize. you ignored him until you went inside your room.
it all just feels pretty pointless to you. you and him have been going at each other for years. it doesn’t help that you guys get to see each other every day because you committed to the same university, or that your dorms are just doors away from the others. if anything it makes it all worse.
and just recently you helped each other for a day, making it feel like there’s been progression in this whole thing, but you were wrong. and instead of arguing, you just feel like it would be better if you guys don’t talk at all.
a straw is between your teeth as you carry your book under your armpit while trying to grab one of those cardboard things that hold your drink in case the cup itself is too hot and cold. you’re a journalism major but fuck, you have no idea what they’re called.
as you look up, you grab some napkins and head for the door. you’re in immediately alert mode when you can see rafe and his friends getting out of their car in the parking lot. here we go again.
you make your way over to your car that’s parked right outside the coffee shop to make it easier for you, and you unlock the door before getting in.
hearing the laughs from rafe and his friends don’t make you panic. you just set your coffee down in a cup holder after putting the straw in and taking a few sips of your drink, appreciating the flavor.
you lowkey stay in your car to watch what rafe and his friends are up to. they pass your car and reach the shop, letting themselves in before approaching the front counter. one friend is in the front to order, assuming for everyone, while the rest just surround him and check out the treats of the day.
you watch closely when rafe starts stretching. he’s mid conversation with one of them, just grinning as his friend talks his ear off about something apparently really funny. after the one ordering for them is done, he turns to the rest of the group and points to the tables behind them.
rafe looks around the shop for where to sit down, but his gaze land on all the cars out front while the boys decide on where to wait for their drinks. he finally looks at you. here it comes.
but for some reason . . . it doesn’t.
there’s not even a hint of emotion in his face when he sees you’re there. not even to question if you’d been watching him that whole time, or how long you’ve been sitting in your car. he just falls silent and follows his friends over to a table, sitting down and engaging in conversation like normal.
you feel a little upset when it’s the opposite treatment, but you know that’s unfair. you started this whole silent treatment a week ago and you’ve stuck by it. it’s only fair if rafe decides he’s going to do the same.
you put the car in reverse to leave the lot, but you can’t stop thinking about how rafe reacted when he saw you. or rather, how he didn’t react.
but whatever. you decide to push it aside. if you find out that rafe has a new tutor too then you won’t be surprised. if anything you’ll feel relieved because that means you won’t have to spend any more time with him. that the only reason why you’ll ever step foot back in that dorm will be because of lorenzo, not rafe. because that’s what you want. that’s what you want.
. . . right?
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@svnsetcrve @sublimepenguinpeach-blog
(okay wtf its not letting me tag someone else)
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Which Toxic Yaoi is the best
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Sequel to the toxic yuri poll. I deeply apologise if some of these are not toxic, i went off of the propaganda
Propaganda under the cut!
BbKaz (Big Boss/Kazuhira Miller)
they have multitudes.. you can ship it as something goofy and fluffy or as the most toxic yaoi of all time and theyre both pretty reasonable interpretations. they go on a date together and have sex in a cardboard box on a beach in canon and a bunch of other crazy shit. their relationship spans 20 years so they span from honeymooning to divorced to one trying to kill the other etc. "love loses" the ship they make me insane
Flash/Reverse Flash
"It was ME Barry, I jerked you off at supersonic speeds so it would seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch!"
Possibly the most toxic yaoi of all time
SuzaLuLu (Kururugi Suzaku/Lelouch Lamperougue)
SaruMi (Saruhiko Fushimi/Misaki Yata)
Toxic yaoi, obsessive boy joins a gang with his best friend but then his best friend makes other friends in the gang so he joins up with an enemy gang instead. Normal behavior.
Valvert (Jean Valjean/Javert)
They’re so obsessed with each other (especially javert to valjean) it’s like half of the plot. Pinnacle of toxic old man yaoi. Produces the funniest plot point in the show: Valjean (escaped convict in disguise as a mayor and businessman) saves someone by lifting a cart he was trapped under and Javert (cop trying to catch Valjean) goes “Damn girl… you remind me of this guy…. He’s the only guy I’ve ever seen who’s as swole and jacked as you”
Lawlight (Light/L)
"L and Light are the founding fathers of toxic yaoi" is what people WANT you to believe but these poor men are being slandered... You see it's ackshually totally heterosexual to give your bestie (who's also your mortal enemy) a foot massage while he he makes soft little grunting noises and wipes the water droplets from your rain-soaked hair all while a soft melancholic piano track is accompanying this surprisingly tender moment between the two of you- IF it's a religious callback to Jesus and Judas. It's just a Bible reference bro. No homo. 🤓☝
Anyhow don't google the Japanese version of "Playing his Game" (which is called "Inside of him" in Japanese) from the Death Note Musical. I assure you there is absolutely nothing gay about those lyrics.
Wdym people love shipping two mortal enemies with an unhealthy obsessive murderous rivaly??? What is the world coming to... Besides Light is clearly heterosexual. His lack of interest in women is because he's a based sigma male obviously...
and additional reason here but this one is a spoiler
Foot washing scene. The musical. God, they're so obsessed with each other. When L dies Light loses his main drive, his passion- being Kira isn't fun anymore without L, he isn't having a good time even though he won their battle of wits. Light being L's first friend. L being... really, the first person to understand Light. Theyre insane I love them
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devildomwriter · 10 months
A Christmas Song They Absolutely Hate
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A request by an anon
Lucifer (That damn chipmunk song)
Enough said, he cannot tolerate it at all, the second he hears those squeaky voices he’ll react somewhat violently. Whatever he needs to do to get that music to stop the fastest, he will do, even launching Mammon into the speaker.
Mammon (Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer)
He hates the song. He’s not so big an idiot that he doesn’t realize everyone only suddenly likes Rudolph because they think he’s useful, he thinks it’s a bad song and the reindeer are big jerks.
Leviathan (Baby, it’s cold outside)
“Those fucking normies. They’re just all over each other, go to hell.”
Satan (God rest ye merry gentlemen.)
They literally diss him in the song, like what’d he do to those guys personally, it makes him very angry to hear carolers singing it especially.
Innocent Carolers: “To save us all from Satan’s power—“
Satan: *yelling from across the street* “I didn’t do anything to you!”
Asmodeus (That damn chipmunk song)
Like normally squeaky or soft voices are kinda cute but nuh-uh, not this one. It feels like nails on a chalkboard to him.
Beelzebub (Believe)
He doesn’t really care but the song Believe makes him kinda sad.
It’s a great song with a bittersweet message and it makes him tear up a little when he hears it so he’s come to not like it much.
Belphegor (Anything hard to fall asleep to)
It doesn’t matter the song, if it’s too uppitty he can’t fall asleep. Even Christmas gospel can send him to sleep but not something like All I Want For Christmas is You.
Solomon (That damn chipmunk song)
It needs no introduction. It’s a song he’d hoped would die out soon after its release but it’s been well over a decade and occasionally he hears it playing and sighs deeply at how disappointing human musical taste has become.
Thirteen (That damn chipmunk song)
She hates it and will only occasionally tolerate it by playing it whenever Solomon is nearby in hopes of seeing his face fall.
Simeon (Santa baby)
The song really drives him nuts, he doesn’t have a real reason he just really dislikes it. Maybe it’s the greed at Christmas time which isn’t even about gifts, but it just really irks him.
He loves them all, except super romantic ones because that’s not what Christmas is about!
Raphael (All I want for Christmas is you)
That’s not the point of Christmas at all and the song mentions nothing about the true meaning of Christmas everything about some random romantic interest really irritates him. He’s not above spearing the sound system if the song isn’t changed.
Michael (12 days of Christmas)
It's just so long and repetitive.
He’d rather listen to shorter songs than one that just doesn’t seem to end, like get to the next song already, turtledoves aren’t even an existing species anymore—don’t remind him of such a tragedy.
Mephistopheles (Basically all of them)
Mephistopheles isn’t a Christmas demon, he only tolerates it for Diavolo’s sake but he’ll be damned if a song plays around him and Diavolo isn’t there. He’ll contact whoever he needs to to change the music immediately.
Barbatos (Dominic the donkey)
He hates it because he believes it’s rather stupid but also because it cracks Diavolo up so Diavolo plays it a few times a day to amuse himself and Barb is really sick of hearing it.
He loves all of them, even the damn chipmunk song. Even the Christmas gospel doesn’t really bother him but he doesn’t pay as much attention to it as he does humming along to the other songs. He does laugh when he hears Satan’s name in God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen, so he actually likes that one.
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megantheebaddest · 8 months
Y/n goes out to the club with Drew’s sister Brooke!!
a/n: Thank you for the request 😘 this is the aftermath of them clubbing. i had to be fluffy in this one! i couldn’t resist. also let’s just pretend that’s drew in the gif 🤣
warnings: none
Cuddle Me
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Drew’s eyes dart open to the sound of the front door busting open. It sounded like he was about to get robbed, until he heard the loud cackles coming from you and his sister Brooke. He scrunched his eyebrows at the rude awakening. You were both staying with him for the week, as you guys had traveled to visit him. Just as he turned his head, you two came around the bend holding onto each other for dear life. You were holding each other up at this point, barely able to walk. Both of your heads were rolled back, mouths hung open, and incoherent laughs and comments coming from your mouths.
“Looks like you two had a great time.” Drew laughs.
You both were in sync, looking at him like deer in the headlights. With out missing a beat you both started your uncontrollable laughter. Brooke let go of you and you completely lost all your balance falling straight to the floor.
“Woah!!” you screamed landing on your butt.
Brooke bent down placing her hands on her knees while pointing and laughing at you.
“Bitch get the fuck uppp” she laughed.
Drew just sat there with an amused expression. He knew he was in for it tonight. You fell back, laying down now.
“I can’t.. no way. i need help”
Drew instantly got up and grabbed ahold of your hands . He pulled you up and helped you regain your balance.
“What the hell did you guys drink?”
“Everything.” You both said at the same time. The only difference is you hiccuped after. Drew shook his head laughing.
“And how’d you get home? You could have called me” He asked.
“Some guy who was buying us drinks all night” Brooke said.
“What?? And that sounded like a good idea to you guys?”
You and Brooke looked at each other in agreement.
“You two are nuts” Drew said with his eyebrows up in disbelief.
You made your way to the couch and plopped down. Brooke made it over to Drews fridge. “Got anything good in here?”
Drew looked around like he didn’t know what he got himself into inviting his best friend and sister to stay for a week. “Is this free game?” Brooke held up a tupperware container. Drew smiled and shook his head. He plopped down on the couch beside you, reaching to take your heels off. You blinked at him a few times before speaking.
“Why do you hate me” you whined.
“You never let me touch you, or kiss you, or fuck you” You say grinning.
“Y/n.. What the hell are you talking about?” Drew laughed.
“It’s like.. You know when people want to eat chicken? Like really bad? That’s how it feels.”
Drew was just about to speak when you cut him off. Your eyes perked up. “Do you have chicken!? I’m hungry”
Drew just stared back at you. Confused as all hell.
“Are you like, okay?” Drew laughed.
“No. I’m hungry?”
“Here have some of this” Brooke sat down beside you with the leftovers.
“Y/n did you get that one guys number? He was a cutieee” Brooke asked.
Drew’s head shot towards you both. A hint of jealousy at the thought of you getting some random dudes number. “I absolutely did!” you giggled.
“Oh my god yes!! How about him taking you to the bathroom and the security guard yelled at you guys” Brooke cracked up.
“I know we were only in there for like 30 seconds” you laughed. “Almost had his dick in my mouth” you shrugged, closing your eyes while enjoying your bite of food.
Drew bit his lip to hide the anger/jealousy. Brooke noticed and looked over to Drew and gave him a little smirk. She knew how Drew felt about you, he always confided in her. She knows how big of a wuss he is to admit his feelings towards you. Drew reached for the remote turning the tv on. Nothing to be heard but the sound of the tv, two drunk girl’s obnoxiously chewing food, and quiet giggles.
“I think i’m gonna head to bed. You ladies have fun, but not too much fun. You girls are loud as shit together.” Drew chuckled.
“Night droop dogg” You laughed at the nickname you had given him years ago.
“Goodnight Y/n. Good night Brooke” He smiled
“Night Joseph Marie” Brooke laughed.
Drew cocked an eyebrow and had a look of ‘what the fuck?’ on his face. He pinched the bridge of his nose. Letting out a “Jesus christ” under his breath. You girls were absolutely wrecked and he was not sure how much more he could take. You both were a handful to say the least. He shook his head laughing making his way to his room.
It had been about 45 minutes and Drew found himself tossing and turning. The rest of his apartment was silent as he figured you both went to bed too. He was staring up at the ceiling thoughts running through his mind a million miles per hour. The thought of you hooking up with randoms and getting other guys numbers just didn’t sit right with him. You weren’t dating each other so you were able to do whatever you wanted, it’s his own thoughts and feelings towards it that ate him alive. He was silently beating himself up about never admitting his feelings about you. Everyone he confides in tells him to go for it but he’s just too nervous. Almost every time his mom calls him to check up on him and catch up, she asks about the situation. She’s definitely team Y/n. Just as he was starting to think about how close you were to his family and how they all absolutely adored you in every way his bedroom door creaked open, letting the dim light from the hall in. His eyes perked up at the sight of your silhouette stumbling towards him. You were stumbling so bad between all of the alcohol you consumed and the fact that it was pitch black in his room as your eyes hadn’t adjusted yet. You tripped a little landing on the side of his bed you sat down and moved your hand around to feel for him. You felt his arm and slowly shook him to wake him. Little did you know he was already awake looking right back at you in awe.
“Drew” you whispered shaking him.
He didn’t budge.
“Psst. Joseph. Wake up please”
He put his hand on top of yours. “What’s wrong sweetheart.”
You hiccuped hard. “I can’t sleep. It’s cold out there.”
Drew didn’t say anything he just lifted the blanket and you excitedly climbed in. You moaned at the feeling of warmth and the smell of Drew filling your nostrils. The sound of his calm breathing was so soothing. You both just laid in the silence enjoying every moment.
“Drew?” You barely whispered.
You contemplated your next question. “um, never mind”
“Uh uh. What is it?”
“I really want to cuddle.. cuddles from you are the best-“
Before you could finish your sentence he pulled you by your waist. You were facing him so you had your face buried in the crook of his neck. He draped his long arm around you sliding his hand up the back of your shirt. He used his finger tips to lightly tickle patterns all over your back. After a few minutes, he felt your breathing slow. He peaked down at you to make sure you were asleep before placing the softest kiss on the corner of your mouth.
“I love you sweet girl” He whispered.
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crazylittlejester · 3 months
what do you think each member of the chain’s favorite food is? (Based on in-game foods that Wild can cook/the Links can cook?)
OOOOOH this is an interesting ask!! Thanks anon!!! I don’t really pay that much attention to foods in other games- So these are all (mostly) dishes from BOTW
Time: I think he’d seriously like the mushroom dishes Wild makes. I headcanon Time did not eat a whole lot of meat growing up, and like, he WILL eat it if he HAS to, but you really gotta convince him it’s worth it. So I think he’d like one of those mushroom dishes Wild makes. I’ll say either the mushroom soup or mushroom risotto
Warriors: oranges If someone else is cookin’ it, the less complex it is the better. Otherwise he’s standing over Wild’s shoulder staring the kid down, OR they’re cookin’ something together. I think he’d like the more simple meat things Wild cooks, like the ones that are quite literally just the meat. But if he can cook something for himself/with Wild I think he’d enjoy a heavier rice dish with meat or somethin’
Twilight: I don’t think this man gives a single fuck what you put down in front of him, he will eat it up every god damn time. We talk about how Wind could probably eat enough to feed a small family? Twi’s the same way, only he’s too embarrassed to ask for seconds so he just sits there. But he can and will eat pretty much anything, especially meats, in large quantities. Time definitely watched in absolute shock and horror as Twi wolfed (ha) down an entire steak in like a minute once. I also just think he’d love anything Wild cooks for him, but I’ll say his favorite would probably be similar to Warriors: One of Wild’s meat and rice dishes. Or something from Ordon, I’m not sure what foods are in Twilight princess- I haven’t gotten that far lmao🕺
Sky: That pumpkin soup from Skyloft. Wild’s tried so so hard to recreate it for him, and he’s come real close, but it’s not quite ever the same
Hyrule: I know in my heart he has a huge sweet tooth, and he’d LOVE Wild’s honey crepes, and the wildberry ones too! I dunno if he has any foods from his game, but I really think he’d love sweet treats and snacking on berries
Legend: Apple pie. Doesn’t matter who makes it, him, Wild, whoever. He’d kill a guy for some good apple pie any day of the week
Wild: He ain’t picky, whatever’s easiest for him in the moment is what he’ll eat. He does like pizza though
Four: He has the vibe to me of someone who doesn’t really eat full meals, but instead kinda eats small things constantly throughout the day. I think Wild would make him some veggie skewers and store them in his slate for Four when he’s hungry so he can then snack on em. And I know in my heart Four keeps a little bag of nuts on him that he snacks on too. He’ll eat meals with the others, but in significantly smaller portions because he eats so much during the day and he’s just not hungry
Wind: He’ll eat literally anything, but he really likes when Wild makes seafood dishes because it reminds him of home. I think he’d like the seafood curry or seafood fried rice, or the paella. He’s also a big snacker and Wild probably has a bunch of rice balls stored in his slate for him when he gets hungry
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warmaidensrevenge · 8 months
It's not a never.
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Pairing: Eddie x best friend!Fem reader
A/N: Hey loves. Hope you all had a great week. Tonight's fic is part one of two. I hope all you like it. As always thanks for reading. Kay love ya byyyye.
I do not give permission for my work to be posted anywhere else. Please respect all creators. Also, all pictures and songs are from a Google search and found on Spotify. A credit to original posters and artists. Thank you for your work.
Word count: 3,045
Warnings: 18+ No minors please. Language, angst, sexual implications and not proof read.
Summary: New feelings? Yeah Eddie's got it bad.
Part 1
Eddie looked around the cafeteria table at his friends. “ Uhhhh you're joking…you gotta be joking…pfff that's hilarious.”
Everyone sat there in silence.
“ Guys? Seriously?! No way! No fuckin way!” He said, putting his hands up. “ Nope!”
He locked eyes with you and raised his brows. “ Common, you agree with me right?”
You averted your gaze to your lunch and shrugged. 
He looked at the imbecile that brought up the subject in the first place. “ You turned her against me!”
Gareth scoffed. “ Dude no. All I'm trying to say is that prom is like a highschool right of passage. I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss out.”
Eddie tuts and narrowed his eyes at him. “ Miss out on what exactly? Penguin suits?”
You answered his question. “ You guys don't have to wear tuxedos. You can wear all black. Like always.”
He shot you a look and you smiled at him.
He rolled his eyes. “ Okay how about shitty music?”
You answered again. “ They're bound to play something good.”
He gave snake eyes now to you and you stuck your tongue at him. 
“ Okay how about all of us are broke and we can't afford a limo?”
You opened your mouth to respond but he pressed his lips and widened his eyes at you.
Grant cleared his throat. “ Ehem. Well, you do have a van.”
Eddie licked his lips and looked at his lunch box. “ You guys are nuts. I'm admitting you all to Arkham…I-I can't believe you're trying to convince me to go to prom…Where the hell am I gonna find a date?”
“ Eddie, we're going together as a group. No dates.”
He looked up at you and you gave him a pout. God he hated when you did that. He could never say no when you put your lip out like that.
“Do you even own any dresses?” He asked sarcastically. 
When you beamed at him, he gave you a defeated look. You'd convinced him.
You smirked.“ Oh you'd be surprised what I have in my closet.” 
Eddie sat there and kept shaking his head while his friend talked about the plan for prom. 
He couldn't believe it. Eddie absolutely could not believe he was doing this. He was driving to a damn dance. It was the last thing in the world he thought he would be doing. Yet here he was. Pulling up to the last stop before prom. 
He lowered the music and parked in front of your house. He honked the horn and waited. 
A minute passes and he sees your mom open the door. She then motioned for them to come in.
Eddie sighed when he saw her waving a camera. This was not a night he wanted to remember. Or there to be any evidence of it ever happening. 
Everyone hopped out and walked to the house.
“ Oh my! You guys look sharp.” Victoria said, giving them each a hug.
Eddie grinned and gave her a warm embrace. “ Look who's talking. You look ravishing.”
Victoria playful slapped his chest. “ Oh you.”
“ Seriously Eddie? Dude, stop hitting on my mom.”
He turned his head to give you a smirk but instead his jaw nearly hit the floor. 
There was only one word to describe how you looked coming into the foyer in your off the shoulders black satin dress. 
That word along with your name in the same sentence was not normal. Well other than him saying (That nat 20 was beautiful y/n.)
But now you are beautiful. Not that he thought you were ugly or something. It's just he never thought about that at all. 
You were just one of the guys. A kid that liked to ride bikes and wrestle with boys. A kid that didn't care if you got dirty or cried when you scraped your knee. 
You were one of his best friends and up until now, he never saw you as anything more. 
“ Stop gawking dude.”
Your comment woke him up from his initial shock.
“ Ermmm. Y-you clean up alright kid.”
You rolled your eyes at him. “ Gee thanks. I appreciate that. You don't look awful yourself. I see you pulled out your funeral attire.”
He looked down at his black short sleeve button up and his uncle's black slacks. Along with his white Reeboks. 
“ Well you did say-” he looked up and you turned around and went to say hi to everyone else. 
You always did that. Whenever he was gearing up to argue, you would walk away. It always irritated the living fuck out of him. However, right now all he could do was smile to himself. 
Before the group pictures you had gotten each of them a white rose to pin on their shirt. Eddie watched you smile happily as you and your mom put them on.
When it was his turn, his heart started to race. You were so close to him, he could smell your perfume. It was sweet and floral. Playful yet sexy. Something he could smell forever. He could just bury his nose in your neck and die happily. 
He shook off the intruding thoughts and focused on your hands. 
“ OUCH!” He hissed.
You pulled your hands away and looked up at him worriedly. He grinned and thought your forehead looked so cute when you pinched your brows together like that. 
He grinned. “ Just kidding.”
You narrowed your eyes at him and mumbled under your breath. “ You dick.”
He chuckled and apologized.
You guys were sitting at a table near the exit in the gym. Talking amongst yourself. Eddie would have complained how they have been there for half an hour and the DJ has yet to play a passable song. Instead, he sat there wondering if he should ask you to dance. Would it be weird? No one else asked you yet. And he didn't think Gareth or Jeff would. Grant maybe. Because he liked all kinds of music and loved to dance. And he had a secret crush on you.
But Eddie had to beat him to the punch. He needed to know what it felt like to hold you close. 
Just as his mind went haywire, he felt you tap his thigh and began spelling something out.
‘U- ok?’
He glanced at you and nodded. He always did like how you guys secretly communicated. He put his arm on the back of your chair and started writing on your back with his thumb.
‘Yeah- u?’
He kept his thumb pressed against your skin. Loving the warmth radiating from it and how smooth it was.
You wrote back. ‘Hungry.’
He looked down at your salad plate and it was empty. While cursing at himself for declining his salad that he should have given you, he searched around for more food. 
He leaned in towards you when he found some. “I'll be right back.”
He got up and went for a plate when someone sat down in front of the one he was eyeing. He sighed and went on the hunt for another. It took a few minutes but eventually he was able to sneak one.  When he came back he saw that you and everyone else at the table had a dinner plate already.
You grinned at him. “ I spoke too soon. But I'll totally eat that one too.”
He shook his head. “ I think all of us are gonna need 3 servings of this. With how much the tickets cost, they could at least give us more than an ice cream scoop of potatoes and a chicken wing.”
You agreed with him and offered to take them out for burgers after.
You guys were in the middle of eating when yours and his song came on. You immediately put down your fork and wiped the corners of your mouth.
“ Mhmmm. Okay! Let's go.” You said standing up. “ Let's do this.”
Everyone looked at each other and got up too. Except him. 
“ Muuunnnnsooonn.” You sang out, walking backwards towards the dance floor. “ Common. This is our song dude. We have to.”
He chuckled while you pretended to cast out a line and start to reel him in. 
He had no choice. He had to join and belt out the song with you. 
What's goin on!”
While grabbing his hand, you started swaying with him and the others. 
“ And so I wake in the morning and I step outside. And I take a deep breath and I get real high and I scream at the top of my lungs.
Eddie re-lived all the memories you and him had.
All the times he was bummed or sick. You would show up with food and sing that song. When you had a bad day at school or got anything less than a ‘A’ on an assignment, he would wrap his arms around you and rock you back and forth. Singing at the top of his lungs. Making you laugh like crazy. 
He liked hearing you laugh. Especially when you laughed so hard that you would let out a small snort. He also liked how your fingers felt, scratching his head when he had a headache. The way you hummed What's Up? always made him feel better. 
Even now, seeing you rock back and forth, singing your heart out. It made an alright night to one he'll never forget. 
A couple weeks went by and Eddie couldn't get you out of his head. After prom, everything went back to normal. Except his feelings. You weren't that kid anymore. You weren't just one of his best friends. 
In addition to being that, you were a girl who he wanted to hold. Maybe kiss and have sleepovers. Well, a different kind of sleepover than he was used to. 
He tried so hard to avoid you as much as possible during those weeks. But he eventually missed you, so he gave into whatever was taken over his heart.
All the times he hugged you hello and goodbye would last a little longer. He became more affectionate than he'd ever been. Random tickling you when it wasn't weird. Just so he could touch you. Or he constantly had his arm around your shoulders whenever you were together. 
He thought no one would notice since it was so close to graduation. But he was wrong. Apparently he was doing it so much that Gareth had to pull him aside and talk to him.
“ What the hell's going on man?”
Eddie's eyes went wide. The jig was up. “ Ermmm hmmm? What's up?”
Gareth crossed his arms and stood quiet. That's all he needed to do to get Eddie to talk. That and a stare down.
He sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. “ I…I don't know what happened…one minute she's who she's always been and the next, she's not.”
Gareth tilted his head to the side and remained silent.
Eddie clicked his tongue and shook his head. “ Look man, I don't know what I'm doing. All I know is that I feel different.”
Gareth straightened his head and raised his brows.
Eddie let out a long sigh. “ Fine! I like her. I like her, like her.”
Gareth smirked and put a hand on his shoulder. “ Welcome to the club.”
Eddie jerked his head back. “ What the hell does that mean?”
Gareth laughed. “ Dude! We all had a crush on her at some point. Remember when Jeff needed help with the spelling bee in the 6th grade?”
Eddie nodded.
“ Well she helped him for a whole 2 weeks. Jeff swore he loved her after that. And Grant…well you know he always liked her. But it really hit him when she decked Jenny for calling him fatso.”
Eddie was quiet for a second. “ W-what about you?”
Gareth put his hands in his pocket and gave him a thin lip smile. “Uhhhh…so I broke my arm once. Before you moved here…She helped me out a lot during that summer. She did my chores and helped cut up my food sometimes… You know, she was the only one who signed my cast.” He smiled. “ She's a great friend. She always has been. Honestly, I'm surprised it did happen to you sooner.”
Eddie licked his lips and put his hands in his back pockets. They had all liked you because you helped them out or defended their honor. But you hadn't done anything different with him. Besides you looking incredible at the dance, there was nothing that he could think of that made him like you like that.
“ S-so all of you guys still like her like that?”
Gareth shook his head. “ Nah man. I knew that it was just a crush. And Jeff, well Jeff's dating Connie. Grant…Grant still likes her. He even tried to kiss her.”
Eddie flexed his jaw. “ What?! When?!”
“ Prom.”
“ PROM?!”
“ DUDE!” Gareth hushed him up. “ Calm down. You left to get food and he tried. But she let him down gently. She said that she sees him as a brother. In fact, she sees all of us as family. And it would be weird if she dated any of us.”
Eddie's heart sank. Did you really think that about all of them or just the 3 stooges?
“ Look Munson, don't worry about it. It will go away.”
“ What-what if it doesn't?”
Gareth shrugged. “ Then talk to her. Maybe she can say something that will make you feel better about it.”
All of sudden Eddie felt hands on his hips.
“ Hey ladies! What are we gossiping about?”
He turned slightly to find you staring up at him. His heart fluttered seeing your amazing smile.
Gareth spoke up when Eddie couldn't answer.“ uhhhh nothing. Just talking about Mrs O'Donnells final.”
You huffed and grabbed his hand. Pulling it over your shoulders. Lacing your fingers with his. 
What did that mean? It was weird right? You and him were close. But now that he had feelings for you, everything you did seemed intimate.
“ Don't you guys worry, okay. I've helped both of you and you'll do fine. Then all of us are gonna walk the line and finally get the hell out of here.”
You looked up at him and beamed. Making him grin right back. 
There was a moment there where he thought that you felt the same for him. But that was squashed when you let go of his hand and hook your arm around Gareth’s. 
“ Now common. They're serving pizza and you know how I love pizza Fridays.”
He and Gareth chuckled and responded at the same time. “ More than us.”
You started for the cafeteria. “ You betcha!” 
A week later and Eddie still couldn't shake you. He just couldn't get past the thought of being with you. Or even if what he felt was just a hard core infatuation. But nothing could prepare him for the events of senior outing.
It wasn't camping or a field trip to Washington. It was a movie in the park. 
Sure, you guys could have rented a decent horror flick and binge out on snacks in your basement. But you argued that it was one of the last chances to hang out. So of course everyone went. 
Eddie was walking back with Jeff. Hauling bags of popcorn and drinks for everyone. As soon as he was close enough he caught your eye. You bit your lip and waved him over. 
He immediately felt butterflies in his stomach. 
When he sat down you scooted closer to him and covered his legs with a blanket you brought. 
You then grabbed your purse and pulled out his favorite candy.
He smiled and patted himself down. Pulling out a box of milk duds from his jacket pocket.
“ Awwww you remembered. Thanks.”
His eyes went wide when you gave him a peck on the cheek. 
He had only a second of shock before he tried to brush it off. “ Of-of course. I could never forget.”
You happily rocked side to side as you combined the candy and popcorn. Then you held out a bite for him. 
His heart started to race the closer your hand got to his mouth. 
He closed his eyes and let you feed him.
Under any other circumstances, this was totally normal. You were very affectionate. It actually annoyed him most of the time. However this time, it only served to make him think you actually did like him too.
As the movie he couldn't pay attention to kept playing, he tried not to think about his “crush”. But it was a battle he was losing. Every time you would laugh, it would warm his heart. Every time you guys reached for popcorn at the same time, your fingers would touch. All he wanted to do was hold your hand or pull you closer by your waist.
Then like a sign from above, the wind picked up. You moved closer to keep warm. Out of nowhere you rested your head on his shoulder and put your hand on his upper thigh. That's when his breath caught in his throat. He tried to clear it and ended up coughing. 
Without hesitation your reached over and lifted up your lemonade for him to take a sip.
He licked his lips and took a drink. After you put the cup down, you started tracing across his thigh. 
He gulped and nodded. “I uhh I'm gonna get us refills.”
He felt your eyes on him as he got up and grabbed your cup and his. 
While he walked to the snack bar he tried to talk down a chubby. This wasn't okay. The way you made him feel was agonizing. But in such a good fucking way.
When he hit the stand there was a huge line. 
Shit! He thought. 
By the time he got back to the spot, you had moved to sit between Gareth and Grant. That's when he noticed you wearing Grant's leather coat. He instantly got jealous. 
You looked up and gave him a small smile. “ Sorry Eddie. I got really cold while you were gone.”
He shook his head. “ It's cool. The line was long.”
Once he handed you your drink he plopped down and sulked.
Obviously his feelings weren't going anywhere anytime soon.
What the hell was he gonna do?
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Can you do a writing with Eddie having sex with pregnant wife? She's got a big baby bump and has been self conscious about having sex with Eddie. After some convincing she caves but Eddie stares at her bump the entire time she rides him. When she tells him to stop looking at her bump he tells her how she's always been beautiful but carrying his child she is absolutely glowing. Make it smutty but sweet. I'm begging it's been hard on my mind.
Oh absolutely. This idea already drove me wild
I hope you love it!
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Eddie was a horny guy, he'll be the first to admit that.
His wife could do anything and he's ready to pounce. But when you add the fact she's carrying his child, he's so fucked. He's been rock hard since her bump first was shown.
At first she was just as nuts as him. Constantly on each other within seconds of eye contact. For months straight, they fucked nightly.
But once she got big, and very big. She became less interested and Eddie grew more aroused. Eddie blamed it on the fact she was tired, and uncomfortable. He doesn't blame her. But seeing her belly grow more and more, it was hard to ignore how badly he wanted to watch her ride him. Her big round belly front and center as her cunt clenched around him and milking him.
She felt huge. She knows she's carrying her husband's baby and was creating life. But that didn't change the fact she felt hideous. She didn't understand how Eddie was still attracted to her. When she looked in the mirror she didn't see one beautiful thing about herself. Her brain couldn't wrap around the fact her husband still wanted her, desired her.
As hard as it was, she dodged every advance. When his hand would trail up her thigh she was fast to stand up, well as fast as she could with her huge belly.
When he would rub his morning wood against her ass and his deep morning voice, she was practically dripping in the sheets but would run to make breakfast.
Eddie was not the type of man to force a girl to have sex with him. But God it's been months since he felt his wife's body against his own. He was at his breaking point, ready to beg for it.
She wasn't evil to him. She still took care of him sexually. Hand jobs, blow jobs, and gave him alone time to masterbate. But he wanted to be in her. He needed to feel her pussy more than anything.
He knew his wife, he saw it in her eyes she was aroused by him. So what was keeping her away?
He was going to figure it out and make her crack.
She felt like the world was out for her blood.
She was minding her business, making breakfast when Eddie came freshly out of the shower, towel wrapped around his waist, water dripping from his long hair to his toned chest. His tattoos are dark from being wet.
He smirked, he knew what this does.
He acted innocent as he wrapped his arms around her, his big hands rubbing her belly. And just like that she felt gross, reminded of how big her stomach was.
"you're so fucking hot." Eddie grunted in her ear, kisses slowly being placed on her neck.
"breakfast is ready!" She announced as she yanked herself away from him.
That was too close.
Eddie did this for about three days. Every day she was getting closer to cracking. From working out in the living room, to tying his hair up so his shirt would purposely show his happy trail. Lying and saying the car desperately needed to be cleaned shirtless. He could practically smell her arousal more each day.
He had one last trick up his sleeve.
One thing she could never deny.
One thing he learned from when they were teenagers.
The one time she caught him jacking off, moaning her name. It had her going for hours.
The second Eddie had himself placed on the couch, loose sweats hung on his hips, boxers poking out.
He's been rock hard since he met her so that wasn't an issue. He slowly palmed himself. Giving a tug over his sweats. A low groan left his lips.
Once he heard the garage door open, he started his show.
He threw his head back, yanked his cock out fast, spit on his hand and began to pump himself. He was going to an mad fast pace. Moaning loudly and chanting his wife's name.
With his eyes closed, he couldn't see her but he felt her stare. He heard her small whimpers, his eyes opened and looked for hers.
Once he saw them he smiled at her. Acting like his hand isn't pumping his cock.
"Hi baby."
She stood, thighs closed very close together. Her mouth opens in small gaps. Eyes trained on watching his ring filled hand gliding on his cock. Wet sounds echoing throughout the house from how wet his cock is.
"my fat cock misses you gorgeous. Misses that pretty tight cunt. Come sit momma." He pulled his hand away, holding out his clean hand for her to take.
She slowly itched forward. For once her arousal was winning. Seeing her husband pumping himself to her, made her feel like they were teenagers again. She tried to control herself. Look into his eyes but no matter what they trailed down.
She was close enough where he reached her hand. He gripped it and tugged her closer.
She stood right before his feet. Licking her lips at the sight of his red throbbing cock. She whined in the back of her throat. She can't deny that she missed him and definitely missed him in that way.
She wanted it so bad.
"don't fight it baby, let me take good care of you." She moaned at his words, his hands traveled to her leggings, pulling them down slowly.
His breath caught in his throat at the sight of her clothed cunt. He licked his lips, god he missed her pretty cunt.
She stepped out of her pants, kicking them to the side.
His fingers grazed over her covered clit, she shivered, goosebumps raising on her skin.
She felt so sensitive. Her hormones are on high drive.
"doesn't that feel good baby?" He softly asked. No teasing or mocking. Generally just wanted her to feel relaxed and good.
She nodded as she placed herself on his lap. Arms circling around his neck, fingers digging into his curls.
Eddie's hand raised towards the bottom of her shirt, she stopped his hands before he could take it off.
He looked at her confused.
"what is it?"
"can we just keep my shirt on?" She asked, too embarrassed to look into his eyes.
Eddie wasn't having it. He grabbed her chin and made her look up at him. His eyes connected with hers.
"why baby? I want to see all of you."
"I just hate how big I am."
That's when it connected.
"baby, have you been self conscious about your gorgeous baby bump?"
"it is not gorgeous Eddie. I'm huge." She cried as tears clouded her vision.
Eddie shushed her and pecked her cheeks softly. The rough skin on his thumbs wiped her tears.
"stop that. That's my wife's body you are talking about. And her body is fucking gorgeous. You are carrying my baby in that body. Do you know how beautiful that is? And how fucking hard that makes me?"
He lifted his hips, his cock brushed against her covered clit. She shivered from the contact.
When he silently asked again, she nodded.
A big smile took over his face as he lifted up her shirt. He unclipped her bra.
He leaned as far back as he could. Looking at his wife sitting there in nothing but her underwear.
His eyes trailed to her swollen belly. He felt a growl escape his throat and his tip started to leak precum.
She tried to distract him by moving her underwear to the side and slipping him in.
His head was thrown to the back of the couch. Eyes rolling into his head, feeling his raw cock filling her up again. It's been months since he felt her.
"fuck baby you are so tight. I might just blow already." He tried to laugh but a moan cut him off. She felt fucking amazing.
She began to slowly rock her hips against him. She didn't have much strength to move on him as fast as she generally did.
She took her time, getting lost in the feeling of him. His mouth sucking her skin. His hands rub her sides softly. His grunts and her moans fill the living room.
Eddie couldn't take his eyes off of her. She looked like she was glowing. Her breasts were large and swelling. Her cheeks were flushed. And the one part he couldn't take his eyes off of- her belly.
Watching her ride him, that gorgeous huge bump pressing into his stomach. His eyes were glued to it.
"stop staring at it."
He didn't even notice she stopped moving her hips against him.
He blinked and looked up to her
"baby. You are gorgeous and your bump is making you glow. Please just let me make love to my wife okay?"
He began to thrust up, she moaned when he got deeper in her. Fingers adding pressure to her clit.
"you are so wet, gorgeous. I love you so much. I love knowing you have a part of me in you. Everyone who sees you just knows I fucked you up real nice."
She was practically whimpering on him at this point. She hated how close she was, wanting this to last forever.
She was starting to feel beautiful again. Her husband desired her somehow even more than ever.
"Eddie, I'm coming to cum. Please let me cum. Please baby please."
"you don't have to ask baby. Cum for me. Make a mess on me. Come on baby."
His fingers were going faster against her clit. She threw her head back as her stomach felt like it snapped.
"fuck. Eddie. Yes. Don't stop. Fuck shit."
Watching her orgasm, screaming his name, he was fast behind her.
"fuck baby good job. Daddy's going to come now. Okay he's going to fill you up just like last time. Fuck..sh..it"
His own orgasm ripping through his body. His legs clenched as he emptied himself in her.
His head was thrown back and she was quick to suck on the available skin.
He slowly lifted her up, letting his soft cock slip out of her.
She whined at the emptiness and dug herself closer to him.
"I love you too Eddie. So much." She kissed his lips.
Now when his hands touched her stomach, she felt desired, loved, and so goddamn beautiful.
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the-s1lly-corner · 11 months
Hii! Idk if you've ever done something similar, but what do you think about TADC x Skater! Reader? Like, Reader always have their skates on, like it's a part of their digital costume or smth. And i really mean ALWAYS. Someone spilled water on the floor? Reader slips down. They go on an adventure and a part of the floor is inclined? (Like a hill for example) There goes reader down the hill. I think it would be pretty funny lol
Btw, i really love your page, keep it up and don't overwork yourself
TADC cast x rollerskater!reader
Anon I am so so so sorry !! I dont know if I personally got jumbled up or my inbox has been wonky silly goofy or I just got thrown off because of so many people sending stuff in, but I also missed this as well as some other requests 😭😭
This one may be a little short since I've never skated <\3
Written this as more platonic leaning !
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Probably poofs himself his own rollerskates, literally the only time you see him on the ground and it's so weird to look at. You guys both slip and fall because bubble wiped themselves across the floor or something
Obviously leads to bubble getting popped
Honestly seeing caine struggle to keep steady while using the rollerskates is... very funny.. look at his lil legs wobble (tell anyone and he will tilt the ground of the next IHA)
Honestly she would probably slip on the floor too if its wet or has marbles. She looks like she would comically fall over, with her legs flinging straight up into the air before plopping down
Looks at you confused as you visibly try to calculate how fast this one little slope will make you go, she probably forgets you have skater feet in the beginning
Subconsciously tries to grab and stop you when you start rolling, but because shes so small you just drag her with you
Theres that squeaky noise as shes being dragged across the floor
Yk the sound
Throws marbles on the floor as well as other things that can make you stumble or slip... probably soaps up the floor.. thank god hes just a circus rmemeber and not like, a ringmaster... this dude would tolt the floor in so many different angles just to fuck with you... thankfully, he cant do that!
Though in another timeline... perhaps you werent so lucky...
Not much to be said here, with the bit with zooble in the pilot (the arm thing), jax is more than ready to use peoples unique digital qualities to please him or mess with them, and you being his friend only makes you slightly less likely to be messed with
Keeps a hand on your shoulder when she notices the floor is tilted, tends to walk with you while holding your shoulder still. She can only imagine what it's like to be s victim of slopes.. it would drive her nuts.. as long as shes around shes going to do her damndest to make sure you dont roll away or slip... unless jax literally throws marbles in front of you two at the very last second because who can predict that..?
In any case where theres an IHA with a DEEP slope I think she just might resort to carrying you so you dont go FLYING down
Okay you guys might not have the same issues but they can relate to you in the jax department, with him using your qualities to his advantage. Its absolute hell.. I think it would be this shared thing that leads to you guys building a relationship in the first place
That one meme where it's two people at the bar and they overhear each other saying "I hate (x)" then they start making out
Thats you guys ranting about the bunny/j
Offered you some parts before realizing that you cant swap out your limbs like they can
"Ah, bummer"
Has probably asked you why you dont just take them off when you vent to him about jax putting marbles on the floor. Kind of sounds like when people say shit such as "oh you're depressed? Just cheer up!" But like, kinger says it in a genuinely.. not malicious or tone deaf way.. like I dontt think he knows, or perhaps he thinks you're like zooble with detachable limbs and you have another pair of feet hanging around somewhere
Gives a soft "oh.. " when you demonstrate that they are attatched to you
Offers to let you strap pillows to yourself to soften any blows when you fall, let's you have his softest and thickest pillows... what do you mean it throws off your balance...?
You have probably accidentally rammed into her after misjudging how steep a hill on the ground was
Good news! She stopped your momentum!
Bad news, shes all tangled up in your skates (owie!) And her comedy mask is broken (oh no!)
Please be careful getting her out. We don't want her ribbons to tear or get damaged, we cant have our girl start fraying!
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saylor-twift · 5 months
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“Don’t tell me you’re one of those people…”
genshin characters i feel would be swifties!!
if you think i’m wrong, i do not care. 🩷
warnings: none (idk how this tag stuff works)
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#1: Navia (obviously)
• One of my favorite parts of Fontaine’s release is how everyone went nuts when she came out especially on tiktok bc she gives such Taylor vibes. Navia Swift fr.
• The type of girlie who stays up till midnight whenever a new album is released so she can listen the second it comes out
• She def gives fearless and 1989 vibes, i firmly believe they are her favorite
• Her favorite songs are Style and You Belong With Me. You cannot tell me she doesn’t freak tf out whenever they play on the radio.
• She would absolutely have a taylor baking playlist for while she makes her signature macarons
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#2: Nilou
• Listen to me when I say all dancers are inherently swifties (i’m joking plz calm down)
• As a former competitive dancer:
taylor swift across the floor is >>>
• She absolutely loves dancing to taylor!!
• I feel like she’s be a speak now and 1989 girlie. also definitely appreciates midnights! (i might only feel this way because she was released roughly the same time as midnights was and i just associate two and two together?? anyways..)
• If they went, I just know her and Navia would have the most gorgeous fits for the eras tour
• the type of girl to stay in the studio after rehearsal is over, just practicing and dancing for fun. she loves to improv and make combos, especially to taylor. (imagine her dancing to epiphany??? like?? absolutely stunning)
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#3: Xingqiu
• just stay with me now- i don’t feel like he listens to her a ton, but since he’s such a little bookworm i feel like he loves her songs and lyrics with deeper meaning to them
• 100% a folklore/evermore/tortured poets kinda guy
• he’s the type of person who hyper analyzes the lyrics and deciphers all of the hidden meanings.
• he is no singer, but he has definitely tried his hand at writing taylor-esque lyrics in his free time.
• HUUUUGE fan of the folklore teenage love triangle
• #1 john mayer hater
• also definitely stans any songs that make fun of her exes
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#4: Barbara
• now i would just be crazy if i didn’t put her here
• taylor was definitely one of her big inspirations for starting to sing
• makes covers of her favorite songs and likes to perform them along with her own originals
• i feel like she’d really be a fan of taylor’s older albums, specifically fearless and red (her fav song is 100% all too well 10 minute version)
• imagine jean and barbara sister bonding time while they do each others hair and listen to their favorite songs together! ughhhh so cute
• i also feel like jean is a taylor appreciator, but doesn’t talk about it much because she feels as the acting grand master she doesn’t really have the time for things like that
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#5: Ayaka
• Similar to Xingqiu, I don’t feel like she’s an avid listener, but we know that Ayaka also enjoys poetry so i feel like she would really enjoy taylor’s lyricism
• loves songs like the archer and this is me trying (probably doesn’t tell anyone because sweetie is embarrassed, but i think she really likes some of the songs that are a little more sultry or flirtatious like dress and false god)
• after a long day of wearing her mask and presenting herself as inazuma’s noble lady like everyone expects, she loves to just relax in her room and listen to her faves :)
• yk those tiktok’s that are like: you’re pretty, pretty like (insert song)? she gives me that vibe but wildest dreams
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Bonus: Itto
hard to say if he’s actually a swiftie or not, but i just think it’s funny because he reminds me of those videos of post malone dancing on stage with guilty as sin? in the background and he would totally do that 💀 i have a whole collection saved they are so funny to me
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mychlapci · 5 months
Spoilers I guess, anyway I think rung shouldn’t have died at the end of lost light and instead now that he knows he’s primus a bunch of code activates and turns him into a STUD. This little twink is going to go through every pussy on the lost light until they’re all capital p Pregnant.
And everyone’s gonna Want it too. Or at least something about seeing rung walking confidently towards them with his spike out immediately activates some deep coding hidden somewhere that has them dropping to the ground and begging for it. Maybe some might resist at first but once they’re taking dick from literal God it’s all over. Everyone in the bar? Pregnant. Med bay? Pregnant.
This guy will walk into cyclonuss and tailgates hab suite mid fucking and cuck them back to back on their own bed. Hell do it until he’s flushed all of their transfluid out of each others cunts with his own just to make Sure his coding takes over first. Someone Already pregnant? Well, no worries, his transfluid s more then strong enough to rewrite that silly little code. It’ll be like it was never there in the first place, won’t that be nice?
He’ll have megatron crying on his dick while fucking him over the captains chair mid shift. No one’s safe, He’s just an absolute menace. 
STUD RUNG STUD RUNG. they don't call Primus the life giver for nothing, brother. Rung should, upon awakening to his godhood, realize that he needs to fix the dwindling cybertronian population! He can absolutely start with the Lost Light until all two hundred and some crew-members are strutting around the hallways with big pregnant bellies. Let Rung be surrounded by needy carriers who come to his "therapy sessions" craving some of that potent dad nut.
Rung will make sure to fuck everyone pregnant. His transfluid rewrites any code inserted upon first contact, but just to make sure, he better overload inside at least four or five more times, until that poor bot's shaking uncontrollably. Megatron was found on the bridge on his hands and knees with his pussy in the air and Rung cooing at him as he praises him for being such an obedient carrier. Roddy is already visibly pregnant and touching himself as he watches on. Everyone wants that Rung spike so badly.
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kadextra · 9 months
q!Forever & q!Bad, comedy and tragedy are two sides of the same coin
(little meta rp analysis & appreciation)
Comedy and tragedy- complimentary concepts when it comes to the dynamic that is these two characters.
Their lore together is truly like a soap opera to me in the way it operates, entertaining in how goofy it is- I laughed so much during interrodate. They had a whole elaborate musical prank war over a stolen gun (which neither of them even had, they’re just too dedicated to the bit.) The first thing they say to each other after q!Forever returns from the nether is “You look terrible!” 💀 and my guy gifted a bloody chainsaw as the flower of the day to q!Bad in purgatory 1 which was happily accepted.
Even when the characters show attraction for each other, it’s usually through some ridiculous romcom thing. q!Forever is in love with q!Bad dressed as pink barbie and thinks photos of her are the best gift a person could ever receive?? 🤨 q!Bad daydreams about q!Forever as a lobster with blonde hair and a six-pack??? brother be projecting him onto larry the lobster from spongebob squarepants dude what is wrong with them 😭 sometimes I wonder how they’re able to do all these bits in improv and take it seriously, it’s impressive
The characters are not normal, their relationship is not normal, it cannot be viewed normally. the ccs know exactly what they’re doing in creating whatever *gestures* this is, and it’s amazing. over the top, cute, played perfectly for comedy
But the characters aren’t just that, you can’t have them without the inverse 🎭 like a punch to the gut after all the sillies, they really know how to do tragedy well.
I very much look forward to whenever they’re at the top of their angst game, bc they both LOVE to make their cubitos suffer. to an insane degree. My god these two can’t go 3 days with their characters experiencing some peace and joyful whimsy, they *must* rp their ocs actively dying, horribly diseased, going crazy
And they go hard with it. I’m very serious when I say multiple times during the lore I’ve had to get up and walk away to calm down because it was too intense. super special shoutout to the q!Forever first happy pills arc stream & October 1st q!Bad psychotic breakdown stream. I’ve never been so shocked as I was watching those live, the stamina to do highly emotional rp like that is actually nuts. some of the most angsty mfs on this server fr (the #1 spot goes to quackity though. hey maybe i’ll make a tierlist)
So when Bad & Forever bring the best of their angst ability into serious rp interactions together that Aren’t comedic…? we are in for a treat. that talk they had right when q!cellbit died to the code, the richas rescue mission, the election, voting arguments, post-ron kidnapping, colorblind test/therapy, flower of the day. many scenes that are seared into my mind, but none is more so than The Happy Pills Proposal. goosebumps whenever I think about it… the scene ever. the way it was framed, the lines they said, how it had tense, chilling buildup before a literal explosion. how are these people capable of doing the most silly things and then turning around to stab us in the heart 50 times
So you bet I’m crossing my fingers for a meeting between @v@ & q!Bad. Forever is absolutely killing the role so far. If q!Bad gets involved I can already taste the glorious angst…. since he has specific traumatic experience in also being possessed, & having killed his possessed friends in another life. he recalled the memory when talking about how to save q!Forever last night. fun! *shaking*
anyways that’s all :D love these characters, I had been wanting to do a little meta appreciation post for a while so I thought why not now ^^
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adoristsposts · 1 year
false god | nico hischier
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author's note; obsessed w that false god edit of him on tiktok by zegraser like i cannot stop watching it summary; christmas has a set-in-stone tradition: going to mass with your grandfather. but this year you and your boyfriend are coming up with your own traditions. word count; 0.9k warnings; reader isn't religious but her grandpa sure is! characters; Reader x Nico Hischier
When you agreed to spend Christmas with Nico's family in Switzerland, you had no idea the uproar it would cause. Namely with your grandfather. The man was so old that he could rival Mr. Magoo for senile shenanigans. You loved him, but the absolute offence he took to your missing Christmas mass was shocking. "You're breaking the old man's heart." Your mother joked. Your father mumbled something about how in all his years of living, he had never been able to escape his father's demands to go to mass. But being in a different country seemed like a great excuse.
"Baby, you ready?" Nico asked, poking his head into the room. "Yeah. I gotta go, guys. Tell Papa I love him." Your mother grimaced. "He says he's not talking to you right now. But he loves you too." You laughed and told your parents you loved them before hanging up the phone. "Okay. I think I'm ready." "It's not that big a deal," Nico told you for the millionth time. His mother had put the two of you in charge of making the Zimtsterne and Mailänderli. Nico had gone on and on about the importance of making Christmas cookies every year in Switzerland. Now you were a part of the tradition and you were determined to prove yourself. "It is to me, Neeks." You got up and kissed his nose. "Need to get it right so we can make them next year." He smiled and flashed those obnoxiously gorgeous dimples at you. "Fine." He sighed, even though the simple mention of there being a next year for the two of you had his heart fluttering.
You had missed Santa's visit that brought nuts and mandarins, which Nico joked he was devastated about. His two older siblings had already eaten the cookies and chocolates he had brought. He was showing them to you now, as you waited for the cookies to bake. "Nuts and mandarins?" You asked, scrunching your nose up. He laughed, "Not a fan?" "Of nuts, no. I've never had a mandarin." "Try one." He offered, handing one to you. You pursed your lips. "What?" "I feel like we need to do something fun with this." You admitted. "I'm missing my traditions. Let's come up with something new." "I have an idea," Nico said. He took the mandarin from your hands and peeled it open. Expertly, he pulled out two slices and set the rest on the table. "Come on, don't want to give my mother a heart attack." He laced his hand in yours and pulled you into your room. "Nico," You laughed, "What on Earth are we about to do?" He stood facing you and grabbed your other hand lightly, careful not to crush the slices. "We," He took a deep breath like he was preparing, "Are going to put a slice in each of our mouths. And we are going to bite down. And whoever's sprays the most juice gets to eat the chocolate from the advent calendar." "Oh you're on, Hischier." You said, even though it would be all luck. He pulled his hand out of yours and opened it to you, letting you pick your slice. You pursed your lips and pretended you were thinking. In all reality, you didn't really know which one to choose. "This one." You grabbed the one on the left. Nico hummed like he was sure you had made the wrong decision. Both of you placed the slices in your teeth. The juice sprayed a little when you bit down and dripped down onto your chin. You couldn't help your laughter as you watched Nico's do the same. You swallowed what was left of your mandarin slice and wiped the juice off your face. "I think mine was definitely juicier." You reached up to cup his face. "Oh really?" He said. You just hummed against his lips as you pulled him into a kiss. You had to admit, this new tradition was a lot better than listening to some priest preach for hours about things you didn't fully understand.
Later, you and all the Hischiers were still bundled up in your warm clothes from your walk when Nico's mom happily exclaimed, "You should light the Adventskranz!" And you had no clue what she was talking about. "The candles." Nico's older sister laughed, "We light one a week. Usually, we let Neeks do this one, but we like you more." "Hey!" Nico protested at his sister's teasing jab. He wrapped and arm around you and you leaned against his chest. "I'd be happy to." You told them. You weren't sure if the flush of your cheeks was from the warmth of the house or the absolute joy as you felt yourself slotting into their family activities.
That night Nico traced patterns on your hip. He was propped up on his elbow, watching his finger drawing elaborate swirls as you studied his features. "I love it here." You finally told him. His eyes lit up as he looked at you. "Really?" He said excitedly. "Really. It was worth my grandpa's wrath." He laughed at that. "Tell Papa it's my fault." You waved a hand in the air dismissively, "Please, he loves you." "I'm glad." He dropped his head to nuzzle into your neck. "I'm going to marry you someday." You couldn't stop your grin. "Oh, really?" "Yes." He pulled his face up. His hair was falling every which way and you adored it. You adored him. "Just don't propose on Christmas." "Why not? Overdone?" He asked. "No," You said, "My grandpa will never forgive me for taking attention away from Christmas mass."
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