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troubledontlast1 · 1 year ago
You have to take God out of your box! #godcandoanything
Take the limits off of God. #withgodallispossible
You should never put God in a box. We cannot restrict what He can do. We shouldn't restrict Him in our own thoughts. We place limitations on ourselves based on what we believe can happen. #faithingod
God can do whatever He wants.
God can use whatever He wants.
God can speak however He wants.
God can go wherever He wants.
God can move whenever He wants. #nothingisimpossiblewithgod
God can only take you as far as your faith allows Him. #godisnotlimited
Don't limit God to the ability of your thinking. #believeingod
Jesus said, "According to your faith let it be done to you";- Matthew 9:29 #faith
God gives some more than others, because some accept more than others. #godisunlimited
Never measure God's unlimited power by your limited expectations. #dontlimitgod
We live in the limitation of the size of our God. #limitinggod
Don't limit God. Expect the unexpected with God. Unexpected sources, opportunities when least expected. Expect God to do the unexpected. #unlimitedgodunlimitedblessing
When you limit God, you limit the way God can bless your life. #withoutfaithitsimpossibletopleasegod
Stop limiting God with small requests. We serve a big God who knows no limit. #unlimitedgod
🔥YouTube/podcast,👉🏾"Uplift Past Crossroads"👈🏾🔥
FB/LinkedIn = Sean Christopher Jenkins
🔥Follow👉🏾@troubledontlast 👈🏾IG/X/Snap/TikTok/Threads for more🔥
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#godisbigger #godisgreater #withgodnothingisimpossible #withgodican #withoutfaithitisimpossibletopleasegod #godoftheimpossible #godofmiracles #anythingispossiblewithgod #nothingisimpossibleforgod #everythingispossiblewithgod #everythingispossibleforgod #withgodallthingsarepossible #withgodeverythingispossible #withgodanythingispossible #godwillmakeaway #godovereverything #godovereverthing
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daniellaokeke-blog · 7 years ago
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As we witness another wonderful new month today, we will not miss the purpose of Almighty God for our life. our glory will not sink. our destiny will not capsize. our fame will not fade, but spread to greater heights. We Will not borrow, but lend to nations. We Will not fail, but be favoured.We Will not go backward, but forward. We Will not breakdown, but breakthrough. All our requests shall be granted. May we continue to rejoice in His presence in Jesus name. Amen Good morning and HAPPY NEW MONTH to you and yours #GODOVEREVERTHING #MYNEWDAWN #DANIELLAOKEKE
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roxychowdown · 8 years ago
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The REAL secret to GoodMoodFood! 🙏Who grew up with one of these in the family kitchen?🙋 #prayer #blessings #Godovereverthing #kitchen #family #cooking #Jamaica #Jamaican #Jamaicanfood #yummy #foodie #food #instafood #instagood #goodmoodfood #photography #secret #foodsecret #foodblog #foodstagram
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bodbygod · 5 years ago
Thanks @haleymae01_ for being a force for the Lord! 🔥 #godovereverthing #teenjesus #christianteens #christianteen #god #godisgood #praisethelord #jesus #jesusisking #jesusloves #jesustees #christianapparel #bible #holyspirit #amen #hallelujah #christians #glorytogod #jesuspaiditall #jesusiscoming #jesusistheway (at United States) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3jCQOtluA9/?igshid=1swrra55xermt
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queendomfreedom-blog · 6 years ago
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For I Am NOT of this world, but a seed of my Father GOD. Too many of us conforming to false gods such as... *money *power *fame *materialism *outer beauty #GODoverEverthing 🕇
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aksquadpresentlasthope · 7 years ago
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Harmony watching Uncle Saved to his thing #godovereverthing (at Depot Park)
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bronxbbw2014 · 7 years ago
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Best book ever #30dayphotochallenge #thebible #reading #godovereverthing #like4like
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thediplomat12-blog · 7 years ago
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#wearediplomats314 #realmenworshipjesus #godovereverthing #wwwdiplomatministriescom #diplomatsofchristchapel #eph320limitlesslifestyle (at Spanish Lake, Missouri)
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swoopsta-blog1 · 7 years ago
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@swaghermagazine ・・・ @marquitalookatmenowwilson ・・・ #iamteamkillthefat‼️#halfmysize #weightlosstransformation #over100lbsdown #ocbfigure #icantmakethisup #truestory #storyofmylife #♠️ #pashfit #peptalk #beyourownkindofbeautiful #believeinyourself #whynotyou #iamanoutlaw #imdifferent #iammysisterskeeper #godovereverthing
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troubledontlast1 · 1 year ago
Don't put God in a box, let God be God. #godcandoanything
Our God is too great to be put in a box. #withgodallispossible
Sometimes we miss out on what God wants to do, because we are guilty of limiting God in how He wants to bless us. #withgodnothingisimpossible
You should never put God in a box. We cannot restrict what He can do. We shouldn't restrict Him in our own thoughts. We place limitations on ourselves based on what we believe can happen. #faithingod
God can do whatever He wants.
God can use whatever He wants.
God can speak however He wants.
God can go wherever He wants.
God can move whenever He wants. #nothingisimpossiblewithgod
God can only take you as far as your faith allows Him. #godisnotlimited
Don't limit God to the ability of your thinking. #believeingod
Don't try to make God fit to your ideas.
Let Him out of the box, and let Him amaze you with who He really is. #faith
Never measure God's unlimited power by your limited expectations. #dontlimitgod
We live in the limitation of the size of our God. #limitinggod
Don't limit God. Expect the unexpected with God. Unexpected sources, opportunities when least expected. Expect God to do the unexpected. #unlimitedgodunlimitedblessing
When you limit God, you limit the way God can bless your life. #withoutfaithitsimpossibletopleasegod
Stop limiting God with small requests. We serve a big God who knows no limit. #unlimitedgod
🔥YouTube/podcast,👉🏾"Uplift Past Crossroads"👈🏾🔥
FB/LinkedIn = Sean Christopher Jenkins
🔥Follow👉🏾@troubledontlast 👈🏾IG/X/Snap/TikTok/Threads🔥
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My other IG accounts:
YouTube👉🏾@my_daily_bible @upliftwithdrj👈🏾
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#godisunlimited #godisbigger #godisgreater #withgodican #withoutfaithitisimpossibletopleasegod #godoftheimpossible #godofmiracles #anythingispossiblewithgod #nothingisimpossibleforgod #everythingispossiblewithgod #everythingispossibleforgod #withgodallthingsarepossible #withgodeverythingispossible #withgodanythingispossible #godwillmakeaway #godovereverything #godovereverthing
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nobleman847-blog · 8 years ago
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Today🕝I am😉 counting 👐my blessings💓💐🍶🏨,not my troubles 👊 #NothingButJ❤y #GodoverEverthing👊💪 #HappyWeekend😍👐
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daniellaokeke-blog · 7 years ago
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Good morning Fam... Today, God will bless you with new name, His glory will continue to shine in your life. Doors of uncommon grace and blessings will open for you, the voice of rejoicing will remain permanent in your tabernacle. The light of God will consume your darkness. God will grant you all round success and abundant prosperity. You will be celebrated with new things today and forever more. Amen, have a Spirit filled Day #DANIELLAOKEKE #GODOVEREVERTHING #MYNEWDAWN
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sandbetweenthetoesblog · 5 years ago
🔥🔥🔥NEW RELEASE NEW RELEASE🔥🔥🔥 KSAM "HOW PRAISE HIM" ft. SEKAY !!!(LIKE,SHARE, COMMENT or GO GET IT)!!! https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/how-to-praise-him-feat-sekay-single/1461142012 #GODFIRST #SPIRITLIFEENT #SPIRITLIFEFAMILY #citybeattv #DJLOCK #GODFIRST #wokeuplikethis #christenhiphop #sambradley #tonybass #rasanrockyjacobs #kilabrastoneproductions #2ariesproductions #callabmindz #churhflow #godsway #churchboifoundation #truedaddy #chaunceyb #kila #famous #boomklatmg #marvinsapp #yalondaadams #ericacampbell #tinacampbell #tommypocketz #dunnent #DMOSS #wtcc #actionjackson #godonmymind #praiseday #MAKEITBANG #MIXTAPEMAJORZ #radiodjs #digitaldjpool #tampahouseheads #supportgroup #godovereverthing #praisinghim #praiseandworship (at South Beach, Miami, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzMmWw6FC39/?igshid=1gf7ucmr64ndv
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timeofgist-blog · 7 years ago
Actress Daniella Okeke shares beautiful pictures with her mum
Nollywood actress, Daniella Okeke  shared throwback pictures of she and her mother on trip to Dubai. The curvy actress took to her instagram page to share the pictures and wrote; Wen we had dat Mother and Daughter trip to Dubai it was her first time #memories I will do more for you mummy by Gods grace #daniellaokeke#Godovereverthing Many believe the actress is a splitting image of her mother. The…
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streetsofnaija · 7 years ago
Daniella Okeke shares lovely photos with her look-alike mum
 Actress Daniella Okeke is a spitting image of her mum.She shared throwback photos of their trip to Dubai writing Wen we had dat Mother and Daughter trip to Dubai 😂😂 it was her first time #memories I will do more for you mummy by Gods grace #daniellaokeke #Godovereverthing
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swoopsta-blog1 · 7 years ago
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@swaghermagazine ・・・ @marquitalookatmenowwilson ・・・ Dreams due come true🙌🏾Thank to @jaredgoulart for these amazing shots @ocbcolonialopen #pashfit #over100lbsdown #storyofmylife #iamteamkillthefat‼️ #determination #neversettle #nevergiveup #neverlistentonegativity #beyourownkindofbeautiful #fitandover40 #whynotyou #weightlosstransformation #ocbfigure #godovereverthing #iamanoutlaw #♠️ #iammysisterskeeper #honoringmyparents #humbleheart #cerebralpalsy #epilepsyawareness
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