#goddamnit plot bunnies
satashiiwrites · 2 years
F it Friday writing/from a fic i’m totally definitely not writing
I have to go to a work party tonight (joy) but i’m procrastinating by putting this scene down as it’s been stuck in my head. 
For the record… i now have three scenes half-written… and it’s one each from Mass Effect 1, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3.  
Goddamnit plot bunny…. Can’t you give me a break??
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Title: The First Spectre (aka previously known as untitled 911/Mass Effect space opera slowburn) a chapter somewhere in the back third of the story that would fit in ME3 if you’re keeping track. Might end up have ME1=the first spectre, ME2=Spectre Reborn and ME3=The Second Spectre…. But who knows.  
Fandom: 911, Mass Effect Trilogy
Pairing: endgame Buddie (MShenko equivalent).  Assume anything else is fair game until we hit ME3 territory because i’m totally making Taylor into Miranda and Abby is going to be Liara.
Tags/warnings: i’m still not committing to writing this monster length fic(and I do mean monster length if I go for it—like 600k of the slowest of slow burns).  In the meantime i’m evidently writing a beginning, a divorce-era horizon disaster, and can clearly picture the catalyst firing/’don’t leave me behind’ scene in all its angsty goodness and now i’m adding the actual ‘i’m here to help you relax scene. Author may be in deep trouble.  First draft with zero editing done.  Assume Eddie=Kaidan Alenko and Buck=MShep.  
Tagging because they asked @shortsighted-owl​, @monsterrae1​ @ajunerose​ @alyxmastershipper​  If you would like to be tagged for any updates or snippets from this one please let me know.
This scene inspired by this MShenko scene
To Eddie’s surprise, the door opens before he can knock or ask MADDIE to let Buck know he’s outside.  Buck almost walks right into Eddie, his gaze fixed on the datapad in his hands.
“Eds?”  Buck’s eyes are even bluer in the blue light from the aquarium that takes up the entire wall of the captain’s quarters, stepping to the side when he realizes that they’re almost chest to chest. “What are you—“
Eddie easily slips past him.  “Can’t sleep either?” He throws over his shoulder, inspecting Buck’s room for the first time officially.  It’s nice—if completely impractical on a battle frigate like the Normandy.  He suppresses the irritation that Cerberus thought to provide this sort of creature comfort with the hope of enticing Buck into their way of thinking.  Eddie has more than enough hard proof that Buck is on his side and not Cerberus’, otherwise he’d be dead from a bullet instead of Noah. 
No more thinking of maybes.  That’s what Eddie had told himself before coming up to Buck’s quarters.  
He needed to know. 
No more what if’s. 
Buck sets the datapad down on his desk which is cluttered with the things along with a pair of used coffee cups from the mess. Above the desk are a collection of model ships—just like Buck had on the original Normandy.  One of the ships was the Los Angelas—the last city they’d taken leave in before the Normandy Disaster had seemingly killed Buck and left Eddie to mourn his death and spend years thinking of what ifs. 
“No,” Buck finally answers the question, arms crossed over his chest as he watches Eddie inspect his office. 
“You can’t make yourself crazy over this,” Eddie tells him, fiddling with the bottle and glasses in his hands. ‘It won’t help.”
“What won’t?  I can’t know for sure that I didn’t miss something. Eds,” Buck draws out his name, huffing a bit in frustration and rubbing his face in fatigue. “I need to get back to work.”
Eddie makes a noise of disagreement in the back of his throat. “Five minutes.  Just one drink and then I’ll go,” he stalls for time, gesturing towards the low slung couch in the sitting area next to the bed, under the fish tank. 
For a brief second, Buck holds out and then he’s sighing and giving in, unable to resist Eddie’s offer  “One drink,” he cautions as he takes a seat next to Eddie.  
Eddie pours him a generous finger or two or five and hands it to Buck who sniffs at it appreciatively before giving a sip. “You know you’ve done everything you could, right?”
Buck stares at the whiskey like it has the answers to the universe in it’s amber depths.  “Everything?  It doesn’t feel like it.  I hope so.  I keep running the numbers and scenarios, wondering if I missed something.  If I could have saved one more person.”
“You don’t have to take this on yourself,” Eddie soothes, taking a drink of his own before reaching out to wrap his hand around Buck’s wrist. There’s tension in the muscles and then they relax purposefully as Buck watches him from beneath lowered lashes. Rubbing his fingertips along the tendons in a caress, Eddie tries to find the words he needs. “You’ve got a great crew you’ve built. Talented people that are all fighting by your side.”
Buck pulls away and throws back the entire glass of whiskey before getting up and beginning to pace, putting distance between them.  It’s like watching a panther stalking in front of the bars of it’s cage—lethal grace wrapped in an N7 hoodie and uniform pants, feet bare and silent on the rubber mat floors.  There’s a scowl on his face but it’s not focused on Eddie, but within and it hurts Eddie that Buck doesn’t realize how much he’s done because to him nothing short of ridding the galaxy of the Reapers will be acceptable. 
Eddie steps into Buck’s path, making him stop.  Taking a deep breath, he moves to rest his hands on Buck’s hips.
Buck stills under the touch, frown melting away but there’s still a deep furrow between the eyebrows that betrays the stress that he’s under.  Eddie doesn’t resist the impulse to smooth it away and rubs his right thumb across it before cupping Buck’s unshaven cheek so he can’t look away.  There’s faint bruising under both eyes from the lack of sleep but the blue eyes are luminous and laser focused like the sniper he is on Eddie.  The hip under his other hand shifts, pressing into Eddie’s touch and decreasing the space between their bodies seemingly without awareness because Eddie has it all now. 
He has Buck’s complete and full attention. 
Picking his words carefully, Eddie tells him that he’s enough.  “What you’ve accomplished since the Reapers arrived has been nothing short of amazing. You saved so many people, brought so many together in this fight,” he paused, then made it personal.  “You saved Christopher… and you saved me, too.”
Buck breathes out through his nose sharply, an almost wounded sound escaping him.  “I couldn’t leave either of you,” he confesses, moving closer but there’s still just a tiny amount of space between their bodies. “What are you doing here, Eddie?”
“I lied,” he admitted, voice dropping a bit into more of a husky confession. “I didn’t just come for a drink.”
“What did you come here for?”  Buck is holding his breath, waiting on his words. 
“I’m here to help you,” Eddie’s words stumble out of him, tongue tying itself into knots.
“Help me?” Buck’s eyebrows are climbing, confusion evident in his voice but he hasn’t withdrawn.  They’re still so close but not close enough. 
“Help you relax.”  
Eddie is never going to win awards for pickup lines but Buck seems to understand what he’s trying to say, if very badly.  His fingers seem to have a life of their own and Buck sways closer to him as he slips his hand around Buck’s waist to tug him closer. 
“Relax?”  Buck’s pink tongue swipes at his bottom lip, eyes dropping to Eddie’s mouth. 
“Relaxing will help you focus,” Eddie informs him before he can’t say anything further because Buck’s mouth is pressed to his.  
The kiss is gentle at first, tentative like they’re both asking the other for permission to proceed.  When neither pulls away it becomes more persistent and then a curious tongue traces the seam of Eddie’s mouth and he’s opening to let Buck’s tongue tangle with his own. 
When they part finally to inhale, Eddie is chuckling into Buck’s neck, pressing a quick kiss to the jawline. Buck is frozen against him, like he’s afraid that he’s going to startle Eddie and he’ll flee like a wild animal. 
In response, all he can do is to pull Buck back in for another hungry kiss. 
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what-yadoking-likes · 1 month
It was Payday 2’s 11th birthday this past week? Okay -cracks knuckles, pulls up a chair- have a MasterGrinder NSFW plot bunny. CW: NSFW, A/B/O, two blokes doing it, Alpha!Dallas, Omega!Sokol.
If you do something with this, please give me credit for the OG idea that is oh so original and unique.
4 of them are on a heist. It doesn’t matter who else is there exactly, because the only person Sokol notices or cares about is Dallas. From the first time they’d met, Sokol had harboured a secret crush on the older, affable Alpha. 
All his life he’d had to fight to be respected, seen as an equal to his mostly Alpha-teammates when he was Russia's star hockey player. It was part of the reason why he was - had to be - so volatile on and off the ice. Sometimes the crack of bone and spatters of crimson against the ice was the only way to get those hot headed Alphas to listen, to recognise his talents, that he didn’t need babying or special treatment because he was an Omega.
It was something that had drawn him to Dallas in the first place - well, that and just how goddamn sexy that man was. The easy way he smiled, eyes crinkling whenever he saw the younger man. The way he didn’t care, didn’t even mention his Omega status, never gave him any shit for it, just quietly and privately made sure he had everything he needed to keep his heats suppressed. 
Of course, things went wrong.
The heist was going well. They’d become arrogant, perhaps. Cocky. So when the alarm got tripped maybe they didn’t take the oncoming assault as seriously as they should have. Maybe Sokol should have been less reckless, treated cover as essential rather than optional. 
At first, the gunshot wound didn’t bother him that much - he’d taken more than his fair share before, after all. But when a pain so crippling made him double over where he was crouched with Dallas behind  cover, he knew he was in trouble.
He was going into a reactive heat. It wasn’t unheard of, but it wasn’t exactly common either. He groaned, rocking himself slightly as if it could do anything to ease the rolling waves of discomfort growing in intensity inside him. 
And of course Dallas being by his side, barking orders over the comms and firing off round after round of ammo was not helping at all. He could scarcely breathe behind his mask, nostrils flaring as he inhaled the thick scent of Dallas’ sweat as the assault wave subsided, and he let out a serious to gods whine when the older man whirled on him and took in what was happening. 
Having that intense stare - even behind the mask - turn on him made Sokol’s stomach baulk once more, and he groaned, clutching at it as if it would make matters better.
It didn’t. Dallas took two steps towards Sokol, then went stock still. Sokol couldn’t tell with the mask in the way, but he imagined it all the same - Dallas sniffing the air, taking in the scent of his growing need.
“... Shit.”
Dallas got on the comms immediately. The way he snapped at Bain to get Bile or Twitch or ANYONE who could drive, goddamnit, to evac them all shouldn’t have been so hot. It shouldn’t have sent desire roaring through Sokol’s veins, shouldn’t have made his hole clench and begin to drip with want. 
The heist was not, in fact, going badly. The entire thing was cursed.
Bile flew in to evacuate them from the scene, but took off with only two of the crew on-board, because of fucking course it was taking heavy hits from the DCPD. 
In the end, Dallas manhandles Sokol out of the bank, down into the sewers. They re-emerge several streets away and he robs a car, driving the pair of them the hell away from the scene of the crime as fast as he could.
Them being so close together, of course, was a curse. Sokol’s pains had only worsened - he could barely even feel his injury anymore. No, his pain was coming from needing to be filled. His mind replayed how Dallas had lifted him as easily as breathing air, crushing him against his chest as they raced away from the bank with no care for loot… how all of it had pushed slick out of him at an alarming pace. How he’d prayed to gods he didn’t believe in that Dallas somehow wouldn’t notice, wouldn’t feel it leaking through his pants. How his clothes now bore traces of Dallas’ scent, all ruggedness and blood and sweat but cologne and tobacco from his civilian life, and he writhed in the passenger seat, needing friction on his cock and something inside him. 
Of course, Dallas is an amazing leader. Bain wouldn’t have chosen him to be his crew chief, his mastermind, if he weren’t. So of course Dallas has to pull over, fuck Sokol until he’s cum and he’s knotted him, because he’s a good boss. Of course Dallas thinks to ask about birth control before he pumps the Russian so full of cum it would almost certainly take. Of course Sokol knows as soon as he sinks down that he’s been ruined for everyone else.
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cadriona · 3 years
Since i need somewhere to jot this down and im too lazy to open any other application at this moment, here’s a list of potential mora oneshots that I might want to do down the line:
Beidou meeting Kokomi
the Crux clash
Xingqiu and Chongyun vibing in the mountains and helping random passerby (and terrorizing the local treasure hoarder population)
...Fluff, will not elaborate
n years down the line and the yuheng fiasco being turned into a play or something, ember island players style (are the characters sitting in attendance? maybe. idk man, pls send help)
??cat shenanigans once tama finally lets herself be caught??
meeting between liyue and mondstadt leaders(?) on neutral ground to talk about [redacted]
Stove god lore because Guoba and Xiangling
Beidou kidnapping dragging ningguang on vacation
fishing for jade, sea dragon style
another Day in the life of Hu Tao(+retired archon)
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not-rude-ginger · 5 years
Homeless Loki, Homeless Odin
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Y’know what I think is interesting about this deleted scene in terms of fandom?
There was this small trend after the Avengers was released to write fics about Loki being punished by Odin for his actions by being made mortal and sent down to Earth to learn the lessons Thor did. A lot of the time the story would dive headfirst into the angst dumpster and Loki would end up living as a homeless man, scrounging in bins and begging on streets (and whoring himself out when writer really wanted to mess with him).
It would have been interesting to see if that trend would have had a resurgence if this had been the version of the film we got. A weird sort of ‘eye for an eye’ in a very specific fandom way. 
I always found it an interesting story thread to explore with Loki because he’s the character I love to spend time with and how different writers explored this sort of life. There is something to be said about the fact that Loki was still raised as a prince, however you view his upbringing, and how being left so destitute as to be homeless would affect him.
The idea of Odin being in this state is equally interesting for many of the same reasons. It would also potentially be a quiet critique of how people with mental illnesses are so at risk and that would probably tie into Taika’s whole ‘colonialism happened’ narrative -I say it like that because the film didn’t really go into it enough for me, it just said it was a thing but never really explored what that actually meant.
A lot of cultures would have had traditions of caring for the elderly (and likely some would have similar principles about mentally ill people) but colonialism, which became capitalism, destroys those sorts of systems. People get isolated and left behind if they don’t fit the mold of ‘good obedient worker’. Odin ending up on the streets because his care home was shut down is not an unusual thing.
Plus, there is also the fact that the film says ‘Asgard was a colonial shitheel’ but seems to blame that on Hela and not Odin, when it could have tied his past to his present, and we could have had a story about Odin, Loki and Thor working together to stop Hela, while confronting Asgard’s past and dealing with the onset of dementia* in Odin at the same time. Odin could have been the one to destroy Asgard, sacrificing himself to bring in Sutur, after actually talking to both Thor and Loki. 
Yeah, we might have lost Sakaar and Valkyrie in this version, but as fun as it was, this could have been really interesting.
*I could fully believe that Frigga’s death and news of Loki’s death could have caused Odin to succumb to dementia very quickly. My grandad’s dementia was extremely mild for years until my granny died and it’s gotten so much worse since then. 
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amostfoolishgold · 3 years
I really do be taking a machete to canon with this fic huh
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zhuilingyizhen · 4 years
zhuilingyizhen coffee shop au
I remember I saw someone say that wn always owns a coffee shop in these AUs, and to that I say, yeah pretty much. (ft. wangningxian and jyl x jzx x wq)
Wen Ning owns a cute little coffee shop! He supports his baby cousin, Wen Yuan, for the first couple years.
Wen Qing runs her own practice, for children though, across the street, and three very frequent customers happen to be two Jins & a Jiang, if you get who I’m talking about. 0-0
jl and wy (turned lsz later, long story) probably played a little together as kids but it’s not super important
Anyways, wn’s coffee shop probably burns down or something in a series of arson attaccs against the Wen family. Wq’s practice doesn’t get destroyed though, and she gets some help from a certain extremely rich couple who used to go to her.
But wn is super worried bc his wittle bb cousin is gone 0-0
And then a Yuan runs off and falls into a river and dies.
Jk jk, he almost dies! And loses his memory. He’s about 6 at the time, btw. Some stranger (COUGH WWX COUGH) finds this little baby dRowNinG and saves him, bc ofc only wwx would be suspiciously near a river in the middle of nowhere.
Wwx takes keeps him for a couple days, but realizes that he has no clue how to parent, so he takes him to the Lan orphanage.
(Yes, the Lans run an orphanage and you can take this hc from my dead, cold hands.)
(Seriously, I have so many ideas for this. Ask me.)
(Dw this is still a coffee shop AU!)
Anyways, wwx takes him to his just-a-friend, lwj. Lwj looks at this child and looks at wwx.
He also has no clue who this child is.
But he really goes and named him “to long for”, staring right into wwx’s eyes.
Wwx skips away to annoy his brother or something. Idk.
So lqr, running this orphanage, takes lsz in. He also gives lwj a look when he finds out what this child was named, but... shush.
Since he’s in an orphanage, he takes the Lan name. He also meets Lan Jingyi, who is maybe 7 if this happens after August?
Ljy’s mom was not very good.
Meanwhile wn is crying his eyes out bc his bb cousin probably died in the fire and now he’s sad and it’s all his fault & :(((((
Ofc, being the amazing, bamf older sister she is, wq refuses this response.
She makes wn come work for her now, so yay! They have one less person to support, so it don’t as bad but,, but,, WEN YUAN IS DEADDD :((((((((((((((((((
So sad.
Anyways, jl probably asks once why that kid he used to play with is gone. They attend the funeral, but wn is always on da lookout for anyways who fits the description of lsz.
jl doesn’t remember him that well anyways, so oof. His parents lowkey like wq but jzx is a shy bastard and wq is uselessly gay for jyl so this won’t end up well.
But since this is a lsz-centric coffee shop AU...
Lsz grows up under the amazing teaching of lqr, probably learns an instrument or two from lxc, gets parented w/bunnies by lwj, and uselessly crushes on ljy. Like he does.
And then time skip to him in college, and he wants to start a coffee shop bc it reminds him of his childhood, that he doesn’t remember.
But yeah. Coffee shop AU.
Oyzz, who is jl’s friend goddamnit let jl have friends both his parents are alive, drags him to every coffee/tea shop in the area bc he has an obsession with good drinks. Which eventually leads them to lsz’s cozy little tea shop.
It’s moderately popular, sometimes ljy will sing for entertainment (bc yesss 🥺) and it’s pretty good! Lsz is out of college (so 22, bc he didn’t take a masters) and started the shop, ljy’s doing god knows what (maybe signed a record deal w/ someone who went to the cafe and heard him singing? a dumb luck sorta thing. Or perhaps lxc has a production company :eyes:)
but ljy sometimes helps out or just hangs around the shop.
Anyways, oyzz likes his voice a big lot, befriends ljy, and now jl has to go there every weekend bc he’s whipped for oyzz.
He also gets to watch oyzz and ljy be big gay for each other, so yeah. Huh. jl sorta befriends lsz, bc ofc he does. They’re both a lil sad, but fun!
Also, jl and wn are pretty close now bc jl has wayyyyy too many uncles.
Lsz doesn’t remember wwx, but lwj sure as hell does.
Surprisingly, wwx and wn, going out on a not-date, as just-friends, end up going to the tea shop & wn is surprised at how similar it looks to his coffee shop from all those years ago.
wOw whAt a cOinCidEncE!
jl probably recommended it to wn and wwx, bc ofc he did.
Matchmaker extraordinaire, I say. Jyl and jzx are just 🥺 so proud of their child
But they’re also uselessly crushing on wq, who isn’t usually oblivious but thinks it’s just a doctor-patient transaction.
side plot: wq and jyl go out one night and end up sleeping together and the next morning jzx makes them tea & breakfast and then casually asks how it was and jyl says “it was great” while wq chokes on her tea & is very confused:tm:
Yeah, they get together bc I love background ships.
But wn is kinda sus at how similar it looks. He thinks maybe they went to his coffee shop before, and orders tea. But then he sees the one barista and thinks “wait a second...”
Bc the barista (lsz) looks scarily familiar, he just doesn’t know why. Oyzz is just over in a corner sipping his bubble tea.
One day, after the tea shop closes and the junior quartet are the only ones left, and lsz asks to speak to jl. Alone.
Ljy and oyzz are looking at them like 👀 👀 but they leave together to go to some bookstore or something, idk.
So now lsz and jl are alone. They’re sorta friend-acquaintances, but now jl’s a little confused as to why tf lsz wants to talk to him.
Lsz explains that jl seems familiar (coughiwonderwhycough) and says that he lost his memory at a young age and that wwx found him. jl is starting to put the puzzle together.
Lsz basically asks him out on a date, but neither of them know or think it’s a date, so jl agrees.
They both go there seperate ways, and when oyzz and ljy find out the next day, they realize that they’re going on a date.
Ljy is very excited for lsz!! But what is that pain he feels—
Ofc, they stalk jl and lsz on their date, bc they are stupid and don’t realize they might have feelings for them. At least they realize their feelings for each other. Ljy & oyzz get together!! :))
They’re also oblivious though so they don’t notice a Ling & Sizhui’s :/
Wn ends up taking over the tea shop so lsz can go off and get his masters
Eventually the junior quartet stumble into a relationship ! Hopefully ! it’s really quite a mess until sizhui gets a dna test taken at wn’s request. found family turned actual family is an old trope, but one we will accept <3
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threephasebird · 5 years
Listen I can’t stop thinking about an AU where the plot of The Witcher plays out as a really long session of Dungeons and Dragons. Yennefer and Geralt (who take their adventures seriously, thank you very much) are really annoyed when Triss announces that she has invited someone to join their group for a test run  because what if he sucks? What if he screws up this whole plot line they’ve been building up to for months? Triss just shrugs because she’s the DM and -- to be completely honest -- feels like their group could do with an addition. It’s just...hard sometimes to actually progress the plot when Geralt always take five hours to loot every room and “secure the perimeter” and Yen always leaves Geralt’s paladin to do the boring monster fighting while her warlock ends up in side quests Triss has to make up on the spot (it’s incredibly charming, but Triss wouldn’t say that out loud). Granted, Ciri’s barbarian brings some badly needed chaos to their adventures from time to time, but Yen and Geralt usually still manage to stay 100% on track and in character. And that guy who asked her if he could join (or, rather, he practically invited himself) -- well, not only does he buy bouqets in Triss’s flower shop twice a week, but he also serenated her once with his guitar when he spotted her on the underground, so he’s bound to be fun in a D&D session.
Cue Jaskier showing up in Triss’s apartment for their next session and Yen and Geralt simultaneously narrow their eyes because of course he not only plays a bard, no, he plays a bard who can play the lute AND the bagpipes and puts way too much emphasis on his intimidation stats. Ciri, in turn, loves it. Yen and Geralt probably end up five rooms behind while Jaskier and Ciri rush ahead with their strategy being something along the lines of Triss: “You open the door to a dark room” -- Ciri: “I go directly into battle rage” -- Jaskier: “I say ‘Anyway, here’s Wonderwall’, shred the chords on my lute and scream at the top of my lungs to intimidate whatever is inside”. And the thing is, Geralt is so fucking charmed by that. So charmed indeed that he doesn’t pick up on Triss telling him several times to, please, just roll for perception, and ends up walking alone right into a nest full of undead, and then, to top it all off, Jaskier saves the campaign by doing some wild bullshit with his lute, charisma, a bluff, and a nerve-wrecking sequence of alternatingly rolling ones and twenties. Yen is begrudgingly impressed but still votes against letting him join permanently on principle. She’s overruled.
So it becomes a permanent thing, and Ciri is so here for that because seriously, her dad and his friends need to have some fun from time to time and to be quite honest, so does she, and Jaskier constantly entangles the group in the most absurd tangent adventures. (Triss: “You enter the dragon’s lair.” Jaskier: “I tear my shirt open and let out a feral scream.” Triss, sipping ice tea with a straw: “Roll for intimidation.”) Yen’s warlock constantly makes snide remarks against Jaskier’s bard (Jaskier: “18.” Triss: “The dragon retreats further into the cave, seemingly scared of your naked torso.” Yen: "Valid of him.”), but then after one session, they end up on Triss’s balcony sharing a bottle of wine and realising they actually get along really well. (Their characters still hate each other because they both thrive on playing out petty insults -- “The crows feet are new”). Meanwhile, Triss is pining even harder for Yen because she’s so quick when it comes to solving her riddles and always has an unconventional suggestion for how they should progress (and once or twice nearly lets the entire party die in order to get to some treasure). And then Triss gives her bunny slippers for her birthday as a joke because she always shows up at her place in a full on goth look and those shoes can’t be comfortable, and Yen ends up wearing them every time, and Triss needs all of her focus to think about the campaign and not about how cute she is. And then Yen and Jaskier are yelling insults at each other again and normally, she would interrupt, but Triss is too absorbed by the flush and genuine joy on Yen’s face and -- yeah, fuck.
And Geralt... well, for starters, he has to admit that the game sometimes moves too fast for him now with Jaskier and Ciri venturing off constantly and Yen’s character becoming increasingly chaotic (and ruthless), but it’s fun, and he could probably follow along better if he wasn’t constantly distracted by how Jaskier beams when he rolls a twenty and laughs when he’s managed to intimidate or charm or convince yet another NPC to follow along with his latest bluff and constantly flirts with the innkeeps and frowns when they walk into an ambush and almost fucking lets his bard die in order to save Geralt. And then, the next time, when Geralt saves him from an attack in turn, he bats his eyes at him and says, “OooOh Geralt, does that mean you like me?”
...Does it? Hm. But then Geralt cracks a dry joke one day when he and Jaskier encounter a Doppler and Jaskier is the first one to laugh, and when Ciri spills the beans to Jaskier about how the paladin’s official last name is du Haute-Bellegarde Jaskier just smiles and winks and slides over his own sheet that reads Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount de Lettenhove. And he can spend hours with him talking about their characters’ backstory and Jaskier is so creative and, fuck, one day he brings an actual lute when they’re playing and has written a song, in character. And maybe (really, really badly) Geralt wishes that Jaskier’s bard wouldn’t just flirt with Geralt’s paladin but also...maybe...Jaskier with Geralt. 
That’s probably why Geralt can’t help but blush whenever their characters interact, and, goddamnit, probably the entire party has picked up on his crush by now. (Ciri has, definitely. She once took a sneaky photo of Geralt’s lovestruck face when he was watching Jaskier and Geralt had to chase her through their apartment to get her to delete it, which was hard, because she’s picked up doing parkour lately.) In the end, it takes Yen telling Jaskier (over another bottle of wine) that she refuses to play with them again unless Jaskier does something about it because she’ll be damned if she has to watch Geralt pine away silently for another eight hours in a row, thank you very much. She and Triss are watching from the balcony as Geralt, in his yoga pants and flip flops, awkwardly walks Jaskier to his bike down on the street, carrying his guitar case for him. And Jaskier is nervously rubbing his fingers together and scurrying from one foot to the other and finally (finally) says something they can’t hear. (Geralt nods enthusiastically, though.)
“Thank god”, Yen says, leaning over the balcony dramatically in her black dress and shimmery eyeshadow and bunny slippers and her hair is flowing in the wind and, yes, Triss is listening to what she’s saying. “Finally we’ll be free of this excruciating ordeal. I wouldn’t have survived another day have to witness it.” “Yeah?”, says Triss because her mind might be slightly blank. “Yeah”, Yen scoffs. “Dating in your D&D party, what a horrible idea.” Then she turns her head slightly to look at Triss and Triss’s heart skips a beat when she realises she’s grinning at her. “Unless...?”
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firelxdykatara · 4 years
so i’ve recently gotten into mind blind courtesy of @mindblindbard and first of all i’m in love, secondly, i’ve got k rosy and gray routes in the works and i love all three of them but gray is the one that left me with a plot bunny that refused to let GO so have a First Kiss one shot with my second Button, Regan Wiseman, who is so sick of waiting, goddamnit.
Rating: T, No Archive Warnings Apply
“What’s it going to take, Gray?”
She's waited long enough. Either he sees her as a woman now, or he never will. What's it gonna be?
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mind-of-a-hardstan · 5 years
i’m curious; what are some of your fav fics for each member? - comet ☄️
Ohhh I like doing stuff like this. Just a little warning though, most of ‘em are probably going to be some older fics because I sadly haven’t been reading as much as I would like to and another warning is this list is probably going to be very long. Let’s get to it then :D 
Kim Namjoon
Partners by @btssmutgalore is probably my ultimate all time favourite Namjoon fic on this site. I love the way the plot moves in a non-rushed way and I absolutely LOVE how the characters are written. Who doesn’t love a shy, nerdy Joonie bean? 
Five Months by @ellieljade is a fic that I’ve read when I’ve just started on this site and it just stuck with me for some reason. The smut was *chef’s kiss* and then you pair that with bits and pieces of slipped up emotion and clear affection and you have a perfect fucking fanfic. It’s a total 180 of Partners because this one features dom Joonie with a dirty mouth ;) 
Love Bytes by @stutterfly. Clumsy cute English professor Namjoonie silently pining while all of the other guys just won’t stop MEDDLING. Seriously I love how the relationship between Y/n and the boys were written and I love the interaction between Joon and Y/n even more. 
Kim Seokjin
Candlyland by @honeymoonjin. I read this one a few days ago and LET ME TELL YOU it was fucking phenomenal. The plotline was amazing, the story itself was so creative and unique and I love how there were subtle hints to what was going on and then the BIG REVEAL in the end where you just went “how did i miss that?” And the cute relationship between Jinnie and Y/n, clearly a devoted married couple. Not to mention cute lil elf-babie bean Koo. Probably my new fav Jin fic hands down. 
My Type by @floralseokjin. Listen, every Jin fic by her is top notch, but I think this one is my favourite because it was so soft but the smut was impeccable. It features nerdy, virgin Jinnie, which was something that I haven’t seen in a Jin fic before tbh? Very sweet and cute and a favourite since I read it. 
Min Yoongi
Upgrade by @gukgalore is the ultimate Yoongi smut fic. I mean it. 
Empress by @honeymoonjin. This fic was downright GENIUS. I’ve never seen the likes of it before and it left me wanting more, goddamnit. Empress Yoonji is a fucking experience and I’m 110% sure y/n thought the same. 
Jung Hoseok 
In The Car by @floralseokjin​ is another masterpiece. Mechanic Hoseok is a fucking concept. Mechanic Hoseok who also races and is funny and HAS A MANBUN I REPEAT HE HAS A MANBUN. Yeah needless to say this fic had me on the floor. Bonus: they fuck on the hood of his car  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Park Jimin 
Sin City by @btssmutgalore should be read. By every single person. On this site. I fucking MEAN IT. 
Kim Taehyung 
Nude by @btssmutgalore was just really really cute and still smutty. I like the whole internal conflict going on and how it slowly progresses from “I done fucked up” to “eh, screw it I deserve to be happy” yaknow? 
How to Get a Girl Off 101 by @imagination-of-a-melted-bitch was a fic I read before my writing blog even existed and screw it i still love it. It features y/n and her bf Taehyung who agrees to teach clueless Jeongguk how to fuck, honestly I low key love this concept. 
Jeon Jeongguk 
For Science by @boymeetsweevil​ was… quite the fucking experience let me tell you. I binged it in a day and then reread it the next day because I felt like I needed more. It was a shitstorm of pining, hot smut, angst and just Kook being generally bad at feelings. It features the whole gang being nerdy, weird and generally funny. A fantastic read, honestly. 
Switch Lanes by @gukgalore​ was the fic that lead me to her account in the first place. I’m a sucker for healthy relationships being built on trust and friendships and then lead to lots o’ fluff and soft smut so if you are a sucker for that too then feast. 
Monster by @btssmutgalore​ was also something I started reading before my writing account even existed and I’m still foaming at the mouth over it. Seriously Dee just has a certain way of stringing words together in a way that leaves you having to physically restrain yourself from reading for 3 days straight. (I speak from experience, I’m pretty sure my mom thought I was dead when I discovered her masterlist). Monster is no exception. 
I’m going to be a bit cocky and put one of my own fics here too, because it’s my favourite fic that I’ve written and I’m very proud of it, so don’t judge me. Purple Mist & Candlelight is a Joonie witch au that features potion maker Joonie and a subtly pining y/n. I think it’s pretty good. 
Now, I also read fics on AO3 that are mostly shipfics, and I’ll be adding them too because leaving them out would be a crime because they’re some of my favourites, so here goes: 
Heard Them Talk by themarmalade is a fucking masterpiece. It features marten hybrid Joonie and bad boy, rugby player Jeongguk who is actually just a sof boi with a bunny daemon. I cannot even begin to explain the absolute adoration that I have for this fic. Dare I even say it is my ultimate favourite? (namkook)
Got a kiss (with your name on it) by marienadine is another favourite. Roommates Kookie and Tae are pining after each other and feelings come tumbling out when Kook asks Tae to teach him to kiss. The discriptions in this fanfic is impeccable and THIS is the level of writing I want to reach one day. It’s the perfect balance of funny and feelings and the way it’s written is what sets it apart from other fics. It’s truly a masterpiece. (taekook)
Worldwide Lonesome by loindexter is a fic that I read the other day that features closeted bisexual Seokjinnie who doesn’t know how to deal with anything, bi, Yoongi who’s trying desperately to make a change, and somewhere along the lines they fall in love. It’s fluffy and angsty and I cried my heart out at some point. And then I cried my heart out at the end too. If you read this and you see the words “I heard you” in chapter 6, yeah that’s about where I fucking lost it and cried for like a year. (yoonjin)
Found you by Oh_Hey_Tae is a namjin witch au that just… it was so sweet? Joonie is a sad witch who finds lost things and Jinnie is a seer and it’s all just very sweet and sad a beautiful. (namjin)
Bunny Ears by goldenhearts was the CUTEST. Kookie drinks a faulty potion and spontaneously turns into a bunny every now and then. He has no choice but to go to his rival for help and most fluff I’ve ever read ensues. It’s the cutest, bestest, funniest fic I’ve read, Jinnie is unsufferable, Kookie even more so, and I loved every second of it. (jinkook)
Is It Me You’re Looking For? by MoonlitMemories was also such a good fic. I felt for Kook and I just wanted to hug him throughout the fic and Joonie is damn idiot but it’s sort of understandable and it was heart wrenching and perfect and beautiful and such a cute but sad twist on the usual soulmate au (namkook)
And I’m going to stop there because the post is getting too long. These are a few of my favourite things, most of ‘em are smut but not all. They’re all very good and written by amazing authors so enjoy!
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OC Halloween Challenge
October 3rd - Period AU │ 1940s + Time Travel
Featuring Robin Drake, from the plot bunny Iron Heart. 
Goddamnit, Tony. Iron Man, she could take. The sudden turn of their relationship, she could deal with (eventually though, cause she wasn’t ready to open that can of worms in the middle of a possible Hydra-behind-the-curtain situation). But time travel? Even she, the super nanny, had her limits. 
Robin Drake had survived it all: a bullet to the shoulder, an army of disfunctional robots, an army from outer space (with the added bonus of mind control, good times). But none of that compared to being thrown sixty decades into the past - straight into the heart of a bar brawl. Those she was used to, thank god.
Stuck with a watch that keeps her in contact with the Avengers, Robin not only learns she’s in 1942, but she also happens to be in Steve Rogers’ old neighborhood. Coincidence? (Not really, considering that back at home they’re weeding out Hydra operatives and the likes.)
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trashcangimmick · 5 years
pros of screaming with @granpappy-winchester : excellent headcanons and plot bunnies developed, good times had by all
cons: i want to read incredibly specific fics that don’t exist yet and goddamnit now i gotta find time to write them
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wiredandrewired · 5 years
June 26!  Your favorite WiP!
This is actually really hard for me.  I don’t know?  I’m in a place where I’m struggling a lot with not hating everything I write, you know?  
A WiP that I’ve never really looked at and gone ‘ugh, this is so bad’ so much as ‘I’m not sure I’m a good enough writer for this’ is ‘To Speak My Father Tongues’, an unpublished Transformers Animated fic that I wanted to start for YEARS before finally buckling down and starting it when the Transformers Collector’s Club finally released the full list of episodes and summaries for the canceled 4th season.  It was supposed to be my own take on that story; a post-series/continuation fic that put a lot of focus on Sari exploring her Cybertronian heritage while the world kind of continued to unravel around everyone as described by the summaries and in other ways.   
I still have so much love for TFA and everything involved in it.  Anytime I ever look at any of my TFA WiPs or concepts or plot bunnies I smile, but even the little bit of Father Tongues I got is something that I go back and reread myself on a regular basis.  It takes me back, honestly, as a writer: it doesn’t matter that I know it’s structurally not that good.  Because I just find so much love and joy in it.  There was so much that I wanted to do, that I was fully ready to do, but getting to it has so far just escaped me.  I love what I have written a lot, but I lost that momentum to my work schedule, and now I keep fumbling to continue.  ‘How do I get from here to there?’ ‘I love this scene, but does it really work?  Should it even go there?’ ‘No, no.  What am I thinking?  I can’t go from that to this.  Goddamnit, where was I gonna go from here?’  As usual, it’s the glue between big points that’s breaking down for me.
"I-- You know, no mech wants to stay out there, right?  I mean there's nothing out there.  A space bridge maintenance crew seemed like a huge adventure." Sari spread her fingers a bit and took a peek through them.  For a moment she was positive that Sentinel was going to call Optimus out on his really, really obvious fib, his expression narrowing even more sharply.  
But then, just like that, it passed.  Sentinel's face cleared and he rolled his optics dramatically, attention rising off of Sari to the ceiling.  "Yeah, that sounds like a colonial all right."  And just like that, she was both dismissed and forgotten.  Sentinel set his jaw again and leaned back into Optimus' face.  "Well, hand it over."
"Hand--"  Optimus heaved a sigh of relief, then blinked slightly at Sentinel.  "Hand what over?"
"The Magnus Hammer, you crankshaft!"  Sentinel held out a servo.  "Has civilian duty cracked all your brain circuits?  It's stolen property, and I'm Magnus right now, so--"
"Acting Magnus," Optimus corrected.
"Magnus right now,"  Sentinel said back as emphatically as he could, jutting his chin forward as if to punctuate it further.  "So until Ultra Magnus wakes up, that thing is mine because it belongs to the office of the Magnus, in the hands of the Magnus, not the hands of a glorified janitor."
Also I notice a lot of themes of imperialism and colonialism in the ‘good guys’ creeping in here,  even with some literal sneering of ‘ugh, COLONIALS’, so yeah, I started making loud yelling sounds about that kind of thing well before Voltron.   Also: WAR CRIMES AND WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION.  I was really looking forward to working with Sentinel, to be honest.  I like TFA Sentinel a lot, warts and all, and I feel like fandom does him dirty a lot by making him a shitty person in all the wrong ways.
But yeah I have literally over 60k words of this fic and that snippet up there is more than anyone has ever seen so, uh...I’m gonna call this progress.
Bonus question is ‘what is your favorite fanwork in any of your fandoms created by someone else’ but it’s legitimately not a question that I’m able to answer, because holy fuck, I have so much love for everything everyone makes even if I’m often too self-conscious to say anything.  I’m.  Bad at reviews.  And talking.  Do you see that dialogue up there?  Christ I’m bad at talky things.
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narashikari · 6 years
Love and Peace (in the Future Build Created)
A Kamen Rider Build fanfic
The egotistical, righteous hero of justice finally gets his well-deserved rest.
Inspired by @keruworld ‘s comic! Please check out her blog, her Build fanart is so cute and awesome and her love for Sento is just too adorable 😁 Thanks for the plot bunny, friend!
Sento sat back down beside him, voice recorder still in hand as he yawned widely. “Yo Banjou,” he asked sleepily, “lend me your shoulder for a sec?”
Ryuuga looked at his exhausted friend. Just a minute ago, he was energetically excited about the prospect of recording their memories into a show of some sort- Kamen Rider Build- but now it seemed that the toll of the battle with Evolt was finally catching up to him. “Yeah, sure,” Ryuuga said, shifting closer to his friend so he can rest his head on his shoulder.
“Thanks.” Sento yawned again, leaning into the crook of Ryuuga’s shoulder. Ryuuga put his arm around Sento’s waist so he can rest against his chest and to keep him from slipping off as he nodded off. Within seconds, Sento had fallen asleep, snoring lightly.
Ryuuga blinked, a little surprised at how quickly Sento had fallen asleep despite the uncomfortable posture he was in. “Sento?” he whispered, trying to wake him. He squirmed a bit, trying to shift to see if Sento would rouse a little, but to no avail- he continued to sleep on as though he were dead to the world- save for his snoring, that is.
Wow. He actually fell asleep that fast. He’s usually so restless… He’s just that tired from...
Ryuuga sighed, “At this rate you’ll get a stiff neck when you wake up…” He too was getting a little uncomfortable as his shoulder bore the weight of Sento’s head, but he didn’t try to wake him up again. He was also starting to get embarrassed, feeling strangely shy being so close to Sento that he caught a whiff of his sandalwood shampoo- in spite of the fact they’ve shared the same futon for a few months by now. Fifteen minutes in, and he was sure he was as sore as Sento would be when he awoke.
Suddenly an idea occurred to the other Rider and it was like a lightbulb suddenly turned on in his head. Oh, wait… why didn’t I think of that earlier…
Ryuuga took a firmer hold on Sento’s waist and took his weight off him first, then tilted him sideways carefully so his head and half his back rested on his lap, facing sideways away from him. Then, holding him fast with his left arm so he wouldn’t roll off, Ryuuga hooked his other arm under Sento’s knees and lifted his legs up onto the bench, so he was laying on it instead. He then folded Sento’s arms over his chest so they weren’t hanging loosely off the bench. All the while, Sento slumbered on, unaware of being shifted at all.
Satisfied that Sento would be far more comfortable sleeping like that, Ryuuga smiled and looked down at his friend as he slept soundly on. The other Rider had a content smile on his face, making him look as cute as the creature he was named after, or so Ryuuga thought- which made him even more embarrassed than he already was.
After all, Ryuuga wasn’t blind. He was perfectly aware of how attractive Sento was. Ryuuga didn’t need Sento’s self-proclamations of being a handsome and brilliant genius to see that. It was just that Sento being happy made him look even cuter than usual… Right?
Ryuuga gulped, blushing hotly as Sento shifted in his sleep, so that he was facing up at him instead of away. He gazed down on his face, mesmerized by the peaceful expression on his face, the curve of his lips and the curl of his lashes, the relaxed lines of his neck and jaw…
Was Sento always this… delicate? He almost looks…pretty… He mused. There was a softness to his face now, one he almost never saw once the war started. And Ryuuga was made keenly aware of just how good happiness and contentment looked on the other man, how it made him even more handsome than he already was.
He’s so fucking beautiful, Ryuuga thought. Goddamnit, he is so fucking beautiful… Sento, do you realize what you’ve done to me? I’m so gone for you...
“This guy…” Ryuuga smiled fondly, carding his hand through Sento’s soft black hair.
Ryuuga knew that Sento deserved happiness and contentment. After everything he went through...
“You fought so hard, so bravely, saving millions from Evolt’s cruel plans... endured so much pain for others’ sake, lost so much of yourself and more in the name of love and peace, and still forged on relentlessly- all for a world that would never know your selflessness and heroism…” Ryuuga murmured, almost to himself, as he continued to carress him gently.
“But I do know, and…” Ryuuga held Sento’s hand, clasping it tightly. “And I’ll be damned before I forget.”
Kiryuu Sento was- no, IS- every bit the goddamned superhero Ryuuga thought him to be.
And Ryuuga loved him all the more for it.
“Thanks, Sento. For being our hero. For being my hero.”
Unable to resist, Ryuuga leaned down and placed a single, chaste kiss on his forehead. He smiled as he pulled away, pleased at his secret act of affection. “Rest well, Sento. You deserve it.”
And he did.
-Alternate endscene-
Sento’s eyes snapped open a moment later, making Ryuuga yelp and almost jump back as he sat up abruptly. “D-Did you kiss me? Just now?” Sento asked.
“What- No- I-” he denied vehemently. “Were you awake the whole time?!” Ryuuga demanded in return. Oh God, oh God, Sento knows, Sento knows, he’ll reject me and-
“N-No,” Sento frowned. “I just… I thought… maybe...”
“Maybe…?” Did he... would he... could he?
“I thought, maybe… You…” He seemed torn between saying something and not. Still looking confused, Sento put his hand on his forehead, brushing away his bangs and resting it on the exact spot Ryuuga had kissed him. “Maybe I dreamt it?” he wondered aloud.
“How would I know?” Ryuuga asked, putting on his irritated act. “Just… Try go back to sleep, you idiot.”
“Fine, fine…” Sento rolled his eyes, but laid back down, pillowing his head on Ryuuga’s lap, folding his arms over his chest and closing his eyes to attempt another nap.
Ryuuga went back to carressing his hair- Sento making a pleased sound like a purring cat- but abruptly stopped as a thought occured to him. “Wait… why would you dream of me kissing you, though?” Ryuuga asked.
Sento’s eyes flew open again, cheeks turning red.
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“Explícale”  — a Steve Rogers x reader smut
A/N: Hello guys! It’s been a while, I know *talking like I am the most popular bitch in here* but I’m back! This oneshot is from a writing challenge I applied a few months ago before I went M.I.A. here, due to some college issues. But I can’t remember who made it, so it’s here. It’s my first smut, feedback always appreciated.
Listen to “Explícale”, by Yandel feat. Bad Bunny.
Prompt: Steve and reader have an affair and reader is in a relationship. It was to be just once to never again, but they just couldn’t be apart from eachother. Steve wants to make you official, but you can’t break up with your actual  boyfriend in a simple way.
Warnings: SMUT, cheating (I’m not saying it’s okay, it’s just a plot), angst, fluff.
Hope you like it!
“When you’re telling him?” Steve asked when I left the shower covered in one of his thick and white towels. My hair was damp from the steamy shower and I was looking for my clothes.
“Tell what to who?” I asked, not wanting to enter this conversation once again.
“Tell your boyfriend you’re with me.” Steve said while getting up and approaching me. He hugged my body from behind and began to kiss the bruises he left on my neck. The man sure can be my weakness when he wants. “Tell him how I’m the man who makes you shake and sweat and cum, tell him that all the bruises on your skin aren’t from training, but from the nights we have when he thinks you’re finishing reports.”
“I need time, Steve.” I said and he scoffed, turned me around so I could face him and crossing his arms in front of me. “I need time to choose the right words, because I won’t get to Xavier and tell him ‘yo, man, I’m cheating on you with Captain America, and he gives me mindblowing orgasms everytime we fuck, something that you’ve never achieved in two years of relationship’. Do you know how fucked up my situation is?”
“I’ll give you a week.” He stated.
“A week for what, Steve?”
“A week to tell him the truth.” He answered and I sighed, before I began to dress myself in the summer dress and sandals I had on. “Do you know how difficult it is for me to keep you as my dirty little secret, Y/N? It’s been almost six months we’re together, it’s been more than two months I told you I got attached, that I’m in love with you. And it looks like you can’t take it seriously.”
“It was supposed to be a one time thing.” I sighed more to myself than to Steve.
“Six months later and here we are.” He answered and sat on his bed, which was messed up from our earlier activities. “A week, Y/N, and a week only. I have a short mission to attend for a few days and if you don’t tell the truth, I’ll go to your house and I will do it.”
“Steve” I said, not really believing his words. “You wouldn’t.”
“Test me.” He simply said and sighed. “Want me to take you home?”
“Better not.” I answered. “I guess that this week needs to start now, Steve. Good luck on your mission.”
Said that, I took my purse and left his apartment inside the compound, and took the elevator to the garage. The ride would be all silent if it wasn’t for the explosion of thoughts inside my head. I could explain everything to Xavier in the best way possible, right?
I thought so.
A few days later
“What do you think of our dinner, Cariño?” Xavier asked. He had cooked a delicious spaghetti bolognese and chosen a great red wine to match our meal. My brains were banging inside my head and I didn’t even hear his question. “Earth to Y/N, are you still with me, Cariño?”
Xavier would snap his fingers in front of my eyes and laugh his sweet laugh. I smiled weakly.
“Are you okay?” He asked and I sighed.
“Yes, I’m good.” I answered. “I loved our dinner, Xavi, it’s all great, really.”
“Tired from work?” He asked. I took a generous sip of the wine.
“Not just work, I…” I answered. “There’s something else that’s bugging me and I really need to talk to you.”
“What is it, sweetie?” Xavier asked and I could feel worry in his voice.
Explícale lo que sientes, cuando estás desnuda
Dile que solo conmigo, el corazón desnuda
(Explain him what you feel, when you’re naked
Tell him that only with me, your heart is naked)
“It’s just… Xavi…” I gulped hard and took one more sip of the wine. “I think we should break up.”
“What?” He asked confused. “Cariño…”
“Listen to me before telling anything, can I request you this?” I asked and he nodded. I brushed my hands on eachother and began to choose the words to say. “I… I want you to understand that it’s all my fault and you didn’t do anything wrong. I did.”
“And what did you do, Y/N?” He asked.
Dile que ya se acabó
Mi nombre en tu piel se grabó
(Tell him it’s over
My name on your skin was recorded)
Que te gusta cómo te lo hago
Que tú no eres mujer de ser infiel
Pero que te cansaste y no quieres con él
(Explain to him, that you like how I give it to you
That you're not one for being unfaithful
But you got tired and don't want to be with him)
“I fell in love… for someone else.” I answered after this awkward silence that formed between us and he sighed. “And I wouldn’t like to be more unfaithful to you than I was to you until now.”
“Since when?” Xavier asked, cold, and I broke down, crying.
“Six months ago.” I answered with my voice cracking. “I-it was to be a one time thing, I promised myself it would. But I just couldn’t stay away. It was stronger than me and it was always the last time, but I always broke that promise.”
“Is that Steve guy, isn’t it?” He asked after a more uncomfortable silence and I looked at him. “Don’t look at me that way, Y/N. I know it’s him.”
“H-how…?” I asked.
“One of these days, when you arrived here, I was sleeping.” I nodded. “I was faking it. I heard the motorcycle noise and went to the window to see you arriving. I saw you both kissing passionately and in that moment I was sure I lost you.”
“Xavier, I-” I began but he cut me.
“I’ll be okay, Y/N” He said. “The wine is all yours, but I’m going home now. But thank you for letting me know”
And he left, not before giving my forehead a kiss. And I was looking to nothing and crying until my mind said: “it is something you caused and you can’t go back now”. I looked to the wine bottle and drank that night to oblivion.
Three days later
“Earth to Y/N…” Wanda began. She didn’t go to the short mission due to a broken arm and I was filling a few reports in the compound’s kitchen.
“Sorry, what did you just say?” I asked, averting my attention from the laptop in front of me.
“Passionfruit juice?” She asked once again.
“Yes, please” I answered with a sigh.
“Problems in heaven, I assume.” Wanda left a giggle and handed me the glass filled with juice.
“Nah, just tired.” I answered and took a sip of the sweet juice in the glass.”I need vacation, that I can assure you. It’s been a hell of a week, you know.”
“I can imagine.” She said and the kitchen got noisy when Sam, Nat, Bucky, Peter and T’Challa, with Shuri, arrived.
“Hey everyone” I greeted them with my best smile. “How was the mission?”
“Successful.” Nat answered and gave my cheek a kiss.
“Successful?” Sam asked. “This mission was bomb, we kicked some HYDRA ass!”
“I want action like this again!” Shuri said. “It was fun!”
“I would let you if you trained harder.” T’Challa said and I laughed just because I could see Shuri’s eyes rolling.
“What you’re doing, Doll?” Bucky asked when he approached me.
“I’m finishing a few reports, that’s all Buck.” I answered with a weak smile. “Where’s Steve? I need to talk to him.”
“He went directly to his room.” Bucky answered. “But not the Brooklyn one, the one in here.”
“The hell with these reports.” I mumbled to myself after I realised that Steve was occupying my mind in the last few minutes. I closed my laptop, put it in my bag, finished the juice and made my way to the elevators, so I could find Steve in his room, but not before hearing the people’s chat in the kitchen:
‘What’s gotten into her?’ Sam asked.
‘I don’t know.’ T’Challa answered. ‘For the look in her face I can tell she’s tired.’
‘I thought the same.’ Bucky commented.
‘Oh guys, it sure is about her affair with Steve.’ Shuri said.
‘How do you know that, Shuri?’ Nat asked.
‘The acoustic in Steve’s room need to be improved.’ Shuri answered.
‘But isn’t she dating that Xavier guy?’ Peter asked confused.
‘They broke up a few days ago’ Wanda answered. ‘What? I couldn’t help reading her mind, I was curious.’
Once again, a week later, the silence inside the elevator was uncomfortable. The door opened and I found Steve. He was in front of me, wearing grey sweatpants and a tanktop.
“Y/N?” He asked.
“Hey.” I said. “I was about to talk to you.”
“Go ahead, talk.” He said.
“It was painful and gave me the worst hangover in my entire life” I began. “But Xavier and I… we broke up.”
Steve was silent and I tried to read his face, but I couldn’t. “Enough said.”
Steve pulled me from the elevator and my body collided in the next wall it found. He caressed my lips with one of his thumbs.
“You have no idea of how much I waited for you to say that.” He whispered and we began to kiss passionately. I moaned for the intensity of his lips on mine and realised how I missed it. “Come, babygirl.”
Steve pulled me to his room and, even before I could put my bag somewhere, my back collided with the door and his lips went to my neck, licking, niping, kissing, biting.
“How much do you love this shirt?” He whispered on my neck.
“On a 0-10 scale?” I whispered back. “Four.”
Soon, his hands went to the collar of my shirt and ripped it to the end, the buttons flying across the room. He smirked. “All lace for me, baby?”
“Always.” I answered when he began to kiss my boobs.
“Good.” He said and ripped the bra in half.
“Steve…” I groaned. “This was a new pair.”
“I’ll buy you another, woman.” He said and went down kissing my belly and taking my skirt off. Once again, he ripped the royal blue lace with no effort and threw the piece back. “How I missed this pussy, goddamnit.”
“Language, Captain.” I said with a laugh and he looked at me through his long lashes. With eyes dark and reflecting pure lust, Steve began to work on my pussy.
My back would arch and the moans would leave my lips with no effort. My hands went for his hair and he lifted one of my legs and went deeper on my pussy, thrusting two fingers inside me and making me see stars. For the lack of touch, his touch, I was already a quivering mess.
“Steve.” I moaned. “God, Steve, I’m coming… ah!”
My legs shook harder and I felt my release on my thighs. Steve got up and I could feel my taste on his mouth when he kissed me. My hands began to work on his pants and I immediately took it off of him, with his boxers. His dick slapped on his stomach and I began to massage it.
La cama empieza tendida, y quedará desnuda
Cómo te tiemblan las piernas
Y cómo el cuerpo te suda
(The bed starts off made and ends up barren
How your legs quiver and your body sweats)
“Not now, babygirl.” He said and made me jump to his arms. We began to kiss passionately once again. “I missed your pussy so bad to wait for it.”
Steve sat on the bed with me on his lap. He grabbed his dick and rubbed it against my folds and I lowered myself slowly on his dick, feeling every inch of him inside me. A loud moan left my lips and my arms were around his neck. He sighed a moan.
“Ride me like the good girl you are.” He said and I didn’t need to be told twice. I began to move slowly and I could feel it all perfectly. He grunted “Oh shit, this pretty pussy. How I missed this pretty pussy around me.”
“I fucking missed you, Steve.” I whispered on his ear and he held my hips, controlling my pace. I was a moaning mess under his touch and managed to turn us both around; now my back was on the soft mattress and he was above me, thrusting into me in a rough and slow pace. My legs went around his hips and he thrusted harder as I scratched his back and he bruised my neck.
“You. have. no. idea. of. how. I. missed. you.” He said between thrusts. My moaning was covered by our heated kisses. “And. now. you. are. all. mine.”
“All yours, Stev‒ fuck!” I moaned and his thrusts began to get sloppy. “Steve, I’m damn close… oh!”
“Right behind you, babygirl… God, Y/N‒ shit!” We reached our releases and fell tired, sweaty and messy on the mattress. Our limbs tangled into eachother and there we stayed, caressing eachother’s skin, hearing eachother’s breathing and kissing calmly and passionately.
“What now?” I asked and Steve sighed.
“What now?” He asked and I nodded on his chest. “Now we’re official, I guess. If it’s that what you want, because I want it so bad.”
“I want it, Steve.” I said and looked at him. He smiled and his smile made me smile back.
“Now, you take that vacation and we go anywhere in the world you want, how does this sound?”
“Great.” I answered and kissed him. “But for now…”
“Now?” He asked and I nodded. He pulled my leg, making me straddle him. “You didn’t think I was through with you,  did you?”
Yo no soy Carlos Vives
Pero quiero que te montes en mi bicicleta
Le damo’ la vuelta al planeta
Dime en qué país quieres que te lo meta
(...) conmigo te sientes completa
Yo sí te hago venir hasta que el totito se te aprieta
(I may not be Carlos Vives
But I want you to ride my bicycle
We'll take a trip around the planet
Tell me in which country you want me to put it in you
(...)with me you feel whole
That I make you come until your lil' pussy squeezes tight)
A few minutes later
Sam and Bucky went to the floor of the rooms and while talking and walking, they could hear both of yours and Steve’s grunts and moans. Bucky, due to his supersoldier hearing, could even hear the bed cracking.
“Holy shit.” Sam said and Bucky laughed. Shuri passed through the hall and heard the noises.
“I told you.” She said while walking away. “The acoustic of the rooms need to be improved.”
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dracota · 3 years
Oh no I just realized why I stopped reading the drtitz(whatever because I’m on my phone and not looking up that spelling in fact no names will be spelled right. ) series’s and that arther entirely… because of the bullshit broken promise from the end of one of the books that then in the next skipped ti drzits & cattiebrie honeymooning and nothing but a passing ‘we left so we wouldn’t kill each other’ or something.
I was very disappoint.
And then that other bit they did to the father figure and that was when I really stopped reading it.
Wulfgar should have embraced his mother hen abilities and the three of them should have been a thing. Cute domestic healing mixed in between kick ass fighting.
This horribly spelled epifany is all @systlin ‘s fault. Goddamned loud ass plot!bunny is not what I needed. I have so many better ones that I could actually write if I felt like it.
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pipedreamprayer · 7 years
Street Kid Vigilante AU
This originated from looking at all the family AU’s where only the youngest 4 were de-aged, and wondering what it would be like if Shiro was a teenager to their pre-teen status rather than still an adult. What's the first situation where the closest thing to an adult leading them was a teenager I could think of? Street kid AU. Then I had a way to incorporate Allura and Coran in a way vaguely paralleling their canonical story, and from there it only made sense that this group would try to fight back against the bad guys, both because if they don’t then no one else will stop these people and in order to defend their new friends and because it was the right thing to do. Then it was similarly obvious how to include Voltron and it actually didn't work as well without it, and suddenly I realised that this idea of a handful of helpless kids with too big a job and some equipment that should not be in their young hands against an economic, political and societal superpower is almost literally what they are up against canonically! There's so much emphasis in the show of how big a job it is, how impossible it is that a grand total of 7 people, most still experiencing puberty, are against such an enormous, indomitable force, that I absolutely HAD to develop this!
In other words this AU went from an even cuter de-aged family fic to a sincerely profound metaphor for the main continuity that promises to have a ton of angst and tension juxtaposing the fluff (because goddamnit, this started off as a fluff-appeal and no matter how off-track it's gotten it will incorporate at least some if it kills me!)
But oh good god, I started out planning a small one-shot series with a cute set-up, and wound up with a full length story idea that just keep pushing more and more ways to parallel the main series in my face and looks like it's going to have a whole plot from start to finish. Help.
BTW Does anyone know of any automobiles with ‘castle’ in the name? If not I'll probably end up making one up to use at some point, the plot bunnies won't let me leave it out!
 Edit a little for summary: Shiro is a teenager (maybe about 15, so if the others are 9 the canonical equivalents could be seen as 16 versus 22, which is pretty viable) who's somehow become the unofficial guardian of 4 younger children - while they're all homeless. Enter Allura, the daughter of a rich businessman who was recently murdered by a competitor, and her current guardian, his right hand man Coran, both on the run from the same murderer. It's chaotic, dangerous and not something these poor kids ought to be having to deal with, but it's life.
 Ideas, also known as more parallels to the original series:
The rival companies are Altea Tech and Galra Corp, maybe the Garrison is the social services, or at least the orphanage that they keep trying to drag the kids to. In other words Iverson is seriously on their case, more or less the person they’re on the run from. MAYBE they’re the police force I. E. Iverson is a cop after them.
 Galra Corp is after Allura because she holds the prototypes for a series of breakthrough technology that would revolutionise the way we live. The issue was that the ‘Voltron series’ could easily be weaponised, as Zarkon intends. The kids initially assume he intends to sell it to military and militia groups for high prices, but it eventually turns out that, having essentially monopolised the world with the fall of Altea Tech, Zarkon intends to become a world dictator himself!
 The Voltron series is split into two: the Bayards and the Lions. What makes them both Voltron is that they utilise never-before-seen technology that connects with your mental assets to work, making the 10 pieces one of a kind and utterly priceless, especially seeing as how Allura and Coran burned the blueprints, prototypes and patents to keep Zarkon’s hands off them. However, aware that they may be the only things able to stand against him as well as all that remains of Alfor’s legacy and life's work, they keep the recently completed final prototypes. When Zarkon sent his people after them to obtain them they had already gone on the run with them.
The Lions are small patches (in the shape of the Voltron crest from canon - or maybe bracelets? Like the wrist-guard part of the paladin armour?) that can boost certain capabilities and unlocks a person’s full potential in various ways. The Forest Green Lion Patch allows Pidge to hack with her mind alone (like in Greening the Cube, even though I hadn’t seen the second season when I came up with these ideas!!), the Earth Yellow one gives Hunk at least 3 times his usual strength (like the grip claws!), the Aqua Blue Patch enhances Lance’s senses to the point he can tell when people are coming from vibrations in the ground and hearing footsteps no other human could detect (like the sonic scans! S2 was a bit of a mind-blow for me when I realised all the parallels), while the Flame Red Lion made Keith as agile and quick as a cat (the kids choice of comparison) and the Cosmos Black one allowed Shiro to make one hand (the prosthetic) into some sort of energy blade-like weapon. The idea is that someone with all the patches will be rather unstoppable, and are called ‘Voltron’ as a result. In other words the Lions combine to form a Voltron of unmatched strength, though they start to suspect there is even more adaptability to this, even more abilities hidden in the tech. For example, the kids prove to be building up resistance to certain effects: Keith can handle high temperatures unflinchingly, Lance doesn’t seem to get cold, Pidge has lost her hayfever and, apparently, other allergies to plants (maybe even building up an immunity to things like poison ivy and nettles as well), while Hunk’s skin seems to be toughening to the point that what would normally graze someone doesn’t break his skin at all (e.g. he can crawl through thistles without it making a difference to him so long as he protects his eyes). Notably, Allura and Coran didn't know what the Lions and Bayards actually did, so finding these effects was as much a surprise for them as the kids. Maybe there's even some sort of semi-permanent link effect between the tech and the user, so once the kids use it they’re sort of stuck with them.
 The Bayards are physical, able to morph from small devices to different objects depending on the users will. There is of course a limit in terms of mass, and imagination is vital. Luckily they're now in the hands of small children, who make them anything from toys to tools to weapons of self-defence, with the powerful imaginations of childhood, no matter how much they've been through. That said, they sometimes come up with ideas that aren't possible, or don't think things through properly. Shiro was completely against giving the children potential weapons until it was pointed out that they're used to having to defend themselves already (hence Keith’s knife, that he refuses to let Shiro take off him) and as they refuse to be left behind (they'd just follow him if he tried to separate from them, and would therefore be in even more danger being unprepared) they'll need something to defend themselves and get out of tight spots the most. They prove to be the best candidates out of the group anyway - their imaginative minds conjure things no one else would of through of e.g. robotic mice to serve as a distraction. Then, after that, one of their favourite things to do with their Bayards was to make pets out of them until needed as something else - particularly robotic mini-lions, already thinking about the animals a lot because of the names of the other line of Voltron products.
 Zarkon already has the Black Bayard, having stolen it at the same time as Alfor, Allura’s father, was killed, and he always has it on him to remind himself of the taste he's had of the power available, of why he wants more. The Black Bayard and Lion are connected (as are all corresponding colours) so he can sometimes sense when Shiro is near, or when he activates the patch - either way he can’t exactly track them in the traditional way, but does know when to look for them. The group don’t realise for a good while that this is happening and just think he has people out looking for them everywhere for them at all times and they just pick up on the signs they give away when they get into a situation that requires Shiro’s weaponised hand.
 Maybe Allura had pet mice in real life, and it was the stories she had about them that inspired the kids move with the Bayards. Allura is maybe 17, so older than Shiro by about 2 years but still a teenager and also on the cusp of legal adulthood - at which point she’ll inherit her father’s company. At the moment though, she tentatively bonds with the kids surprisingly well, Shiro coaxing her into opening up and being a kid with them rather than a future CEO. She sometimes jerks out of phases of loosening up somewhat by snapping that they can’t afford to be kids when they have her father’s murderer on her, and now their, trail.
 If Zarkon owns and heads Galra Inc, maybe Haggar is head scientist? Sendak may be the head of security or Thace is the head of security, Sendak is the hired muscle/assassin, the same probably going for the other big-shot Galra we’ve seen. Again, started this long before season 2, so not sure how to incorporate Lotor - maybe he’s in charge of these hired guys? Or maybe he’s heading his own mini army of assassins directly under Zarkon, i.e. rather than the difference between him and his team being that he’s Zarkon’s son maybe it’s that he’s actively loyal to Zarkon rather than just hired. I mean if he were to be the future heir to the company then he would be trained in business, not fighting, so he wouldn’t really be a threat like the other Galra.
 MAYBE Altea Tech has fallen behind a bit over the past 10 years as Alfor devoted so much time to the Voltron Project - so it dying out and being absorbed by Galra Inc wouldn’t raise so many eyebrows - nobody would know that Alfor was planning something big this whole time because it wasn’t actually ready yet. Maybe there’s even something about how potential investors thought it was a fools endeavour because there was only theory to begin with, and now that he has proof that it works he’s been silenced and Zarkon is out to take it all, without anyone being any the wiser. At least, not until it’s too late.
 MAYBE Shiro is more on the run than homeless: he was kidnapped alongside several other teens (including Matt Holt) for experimentation but managed to escape before they could amputate his arm, it having gotten a badly infected wound. However it is still pretty weak, and he suspects that the Black Lion therefore intentionally sought to make the weakest part of him, the most likely to let him down or be targeted, the strongest part by far.
 Katie went on the run from the authorities with her older brother after the care system threatened to separate them not long after their parents death, but when he was kidnapped by strange men she built up a less feminine persona known as Pidge both to cope with all the loss and convince herself and others that this scrap of a child could make it on the streets alone - she wanted to channel her brother as much as she could, and even wore his old glasses. Then she met Shiro and the boys and didn't need to do it alone any longer.
 I'm struggling a bit with the boys back stories, so I'll juggle some ideas:
Hunk’s parents died and he joined his best friend’s family, only for the two to eventually run away after being neglected due to the overwhelming size of the family.
Their families all died in the same accident, or maybe a burglary, or even being targeted for some reason by Galra Inc. MAYBE the boys saw something they oughtn't have, but by the time they managed to get an adult to listen to them (their family continually being distracted by other members) the Galra had been sent after them, and everyone was slaughtered. The boys somehow managed to escape, leaving the deaths rather pointless and in vain - not to mention the boys entirely blame themselves. Perhaps because they think their families were targeted because they tried to tell them, they want it keep it a secret from their new family for their own safety. Thus they clam up when it comes to talk about how they ended up in this situation, and unless thoroughly distracted will at least tense and question everything they say when discussing family in general. This contrasts Pidge’s way of voicing memories whenever she gets the chance, a little afraid of forgetting, and Keith’s absolute reluctance to say anything at all about his past.
Maybe, just MAYBE I could incorporate the Alien!Keith headcanon (not exactly pure speculation anymore, hallelujah!) in that his parents were a part of the Galra ‘empire’. However maybe I can include something that the Aliens can't: They were undercover spies. Like, full-on-MI6-James-Bond style (again, shockingly similar to the undercover BoM agents!). However, when they discovered something important (either Zarkon’s eventual plans or some weakness. BIG MAYBE that the top-tier Galra are actual Aliens!!) they were killed, but not before getting their small son to safety (the Galra never knew about him but would have found him at the house). While they were able to, they gave him the vital evidence they were killed for i.e. not knowing about him and not having reason to suspect his existence means the enemy will never find him or it until he’s worked out what it is and turned it in to the proper authorities. MAYBE it’s his knife: he always thought it was a memento of his parents but really it was evidence that Zarkon was an alien OR has some sort of other significance e.g. hidden memory stick or the symbol has meaning with the organisation they worked for.
 Katie renamed herself Pidge after a random pigeon she saw on the street - unlike her it could come and go as it pleased and she wanted to be more like it. She was maybe 6 at the time, met Shiro about a year later and is currently just about 9, 3/4 of a year younger than the second youngest (Keith, who’s a few months younger than Lance who is younger than Hunk by even less) but is exceptionally small for her age. Maybe her birthday even comes up during the story. Maybe Shiro and Matt met in the facility that took the formers arm, so he knows he'll likely be kept alive and also that he has a little sister who was left behind. When he got out he tried searching for Katie for Matt's sake, even to find out if she'd died while alone or been taken into care or something, but EITHER found Hunk and Lance together first, then Pidge then they all found Keith, whom Shiro had known before he was kidnapped and Keith's parents died OR Pidge had already met Hunk and Lance, and Shiro found them after finding Keith.
Maybe Keith heard his parents mention a bomb so when the gang realise the connection between them and Galra Corp they start looking into bombs that occurred around the time. However Pidge eventually realises that they may have instead said "B.O.M" as in Blade of Marmora. This unfortunately renders their research so far potentially, but not certainly, useless, so no matter which option they choose to investigate they could be wasting more time even as they are hunted day and night. Furthermore, they are still no closer to finding out if his parents were even good guys or not - just like they could have been referring to a bomb they were involved in setting off or preventing they could be a part of the Blade of Marmora or seeking to eliminate their agents. It’s tense situation (that was unintentional but still, ba-dum-tsh).
 Not going to include most of season 2 because I can’t follow the plot identically, though some of the characters can be useful i.e. the mall Galra can come up when they genuinely steal from a mall owned by Galra Corp.
I think starting with a prologue to show how Shiro became responsible for the kids would be a good idea. MAYBE paralleled by snippet of Allura’s life at the time I. E. Before her father’s death, possibly by her seeing them in the middle of all this and not thinking much of it. Like, she just sees some random kids causing a scene one way or another and shrugs it off.
First chapter begins with Allura and Coran, maybe finding Alfor’s corpse, on the run already or burning things that don’t make sense to the reader at the time.
Then it moves on to the kids, spending some time showing how they function normally, a mundane day (pick-pocketing and a couple of thefts because CPS will be called if they're seen begging), before Allura and Coran burst into it, being chased. MAYBE Shiro recognises Sendak from his time as a prisoner and therefore knows who the bad guys are in this situation instantly. He rushes in to help on instinct, not realising until it’s too late that his kids have followed him. MAYBE they find Allura’s bag of equipment (including a teleporter that only activates for her DNA signature? It would only go small distances, but could be extremely useful) and use the Bayards to fend off the enemy from the get-go. If so, they do it in order: i.e. Lance finds it first and the others follow suit like in the first episode. MAYBE one is already in the hands of the enemy, but Keith actually gets it back (little shout-out to badass!Keith getting the Red Lion in the first episode).
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