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kriyayogaguru · 2 years ago
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First Experience with Paramahansaji ~ BLISS CONSCIOUSNESS The first time I saw him [Paramahansa Yogananda], he had given a Sunday Service. . . and after the service most people went to him to greet him. And when I stood in front of him he didn’t say a word, I didn’t say a word, he just took my hand. And the moment he touched me I was drunk, completely drunk. Now that was the real stuff. That was the Wine of the Mystics, you know [audience laughter]. You know, I thought I had experienced joy before. Then I knew. He talked about bliss-consciousness. He gave me just a little more than I could hold. Unbelievable. Bliss. First time a little touch. Bliss. And I walked out and I was completely drunk. I couldn’t walk straight. I was, I was like this, you know [Brother motions swerving with his hands]. Not only that, I was alone and I couldn’t contain it. I laughed out loud, just completely drunk. And people in the street were utterly disgusted [big laughter] They shook their heads and went way out of my way and I didn’t care. It took me several hours to simmer down. So that was the first experience. Excerpts from the DVD “Experiencing God Within” ~ Br. Anandamoy #anandamoy #yogananda #bliss #kriyayoga #meditation #kriyayogaguru #yssofindia #godconsciousness https://www.instagram.com/p/CqSuZEtyjgR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 1 year ago
Listen/purchase: Deva Lounge: Deva Premal Remixed by Deva Premal
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#RamDass #BereHereNow #Meditation #quotes #QuotesAboutLife #QuotesOfTheDay #SpiritualAwakening #Awareness #NYC #Brooklyn #Queens #Bronx #StatenIsland #LongIsland #WashingtonDC #USA #Love #Peace #Bliss #God #Joy #Harmony #GodConsciousness 
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samadhivvxlife · 1 month ago
Gentle Mirror of a Reminder.
Take some time to receive more rest, and less resistance, respond less reacting, restoring less repeating, remembering and less rebelling, realizing and less relying.
The pauses are the most powerful forms of revealing Truth as they reveal what is deeply under every illusion …
When you pause your body relaxes, heals, and thrives, your mind opens, receives, serves, your heart comes online, guides, and abundantly reveals the unconditional Love of God, your soul channels andIn-Bodies the One Truth of the Universe, God, Spirit #HigherConsciousness God #Consciousness .
There is no greater riches than a light heart, peaceful mind, and open receptive appreciate awakened to Life as …
One who looks outside, dreams (fear/paranoia/separate existence) …
One who looks(deeply) Within, Awakens (Love/Pronoia/Unity/One #ChristConsciousness #UniversalConsciousness #UnityConsciousness #GodConsciousness #DivineConsciousness - I AM).
#Samadhi #OneLove #Vibrillionaire ™️ #VibrillionX #HighVibe Life Vibes to you All.
#Samadhi #Vibrillionaire ™️ #VibrillionX #Consciousness #Awakening #Spiritual #Energy #Spirit #Life #Oneness #Alignement #God #Fyp #Reels #Viral #Universe #IAM #OneLove
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whispers-of-willow · 1 year ago
Trigger Mapping and EFT have been the 2 most helpful resources in my spiritual journey so far. Especially with all of this energy surrounding the eclipse, shadow work is so important.
Many blessings,
- Willow
For more visit:
My Website: https://whisperofthewillow.com/self-care/transforming-your-inner-landscape/the-shadow-self/trigger-mapping/
My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/whispers_of_willow/
My Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/WhisperoftheWillow/
My Spring: https://whisperofthewillow.creator-spring.com
#spirituality #spirtualjorney #spiritualawakening #shadowself #shadowwork #shadowworker #selfimprovement #selfcare #spiritualgrowth #spiritualguidance #spiritual #journalprompts #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #selfhelp #lightworker #lightwork #ancientspirituality #intuitiondevelopment #mindfulliving #mindfulliving #shadowselfhealing #spiritualenlightment #therapeuticjournaling #therapyjourney #holisticwellness #higherself #higherselfhealing #higherselfmessage #higherselfconnection #consciousliving #consciousness #expandingconsciousness #consciousnessexpansion #consciousnessexploration #consciousnessawakening #soul #higherconsciousness #energyhealing #godconsciousness #godconnection #sacredfeminine #sacredmasculine #divinefeminine #divinemasculine #sacredspace
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audrami · 2 years ago
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#Iqra #Read #HolyQuran #Tawqa #godconsciousness #Tawheed #OnenessofAllah #Islam https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpu0wwQux8cZ2XrRKsRBuy7ytcMjS3VdYS2iyw0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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vedicfeed · 4 years ago
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One second of revelation of God is all that is necessary. The second of the revelation of God lasts for the rest of man's life. Once you have tasted, you have tested. Remember that two things take a man away from God. One is pleasure and the other is the temptation offered by the acquisition of special powers and special experiences. - Shivapuri Baba - (Sri Govindananda Bharati) #shivapuribaba #jnani #inwardjourney #shivapuri #godconsciousness #spiritualjourney #spirituality
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mindfulzen · 4 years ago
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A binaural beat is an auditory illusion of a tone that is created by two different tones. Binary beats were first first discovered in 1839 by a Prussian physicist, and meteorologist named Heinrich Wilhelm Dove. He discovered that, tones slightly played at different frequencies to each ear produced the perception of a specific frequency within the head, based upon the other two frequencies each ear was hearing. This means if one ear was hearing a tone at the frequency of 200 Hz, and the other ear was hearing a tone at the frequency of 215 Hz, the individual would perceive the 15 hurts that separates both of them.
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quimeyquin · 5 years ago
No you wouldn't because it deters from what we are here for. God experiences existence through our bodies. We are god and god is us so to speak he experiences the life he's created through our existence. The God mind wants to be fulfilled wants to be happy. The evils of man made manufacturing would derail the soul from this purpose of being pleasant at ease fully thriving and functioning to produce content and contexts that the god mind can thrive from and expand towards greatness. Do not let afflictions of the flesh derail you from a sense of purpose do not allow self scrutiny to become self imposed tyranny. No rejoice in your every breath your every sight for today you are alive! Celebrate your very existence and the odds that made it conform into consciousness. Lift yourself up and when you find you have made an error assess that error, be solution seeking to resolve it and disperse from it in positivity and prosperity, and then put those solutions into ambitions and actions. Live to simply live and take catharsis and celebration in as a first response to being alive and conscious. No shame conscious forethought great shame serves no purpose but to deteriorate when you are a beautiful soul meant to create.
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aromally · 5 years ago
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We are programmed since birth from the generational information before us. Some us truth and some is belief. Now it is up to us to question all the false programmed beliefs that we were taught. Question everything!! #questionauthority #falsecorebeliefs #questioneverything #programmedbeliefs #wakup #spiritualenlightenment #godconsciousness #mindbodyspirit #soulsearching #aromally (at San Diego, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDB9-coDrXe/?igshid=r5tqeca8wb56
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positivecreations · 6 years ago
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Here is the piece I quickly spray-painted yesterday afternoon for my friends @fernandobarba and @oli.almanza here at “Pachamoma” indigenous and visionary art Museum in Irapuato, Mexico. The image tries to capture the vibe of the Bufo toad ceremony I did earlier that day. But no art can ever really depict becoming everything though, this is just a symbolic representation of such an intense experience of disintegration and expansion. As I spent the day painting, I tried to understand what had happened, but it was so alien to become God consciousness that my mind just had to let go of logic. When you decide to bungee jump into the sea of vibrational reality you just have to surrender, let go, you can’t fight it. Mother Ayahuasca has been teaching me to accept and surrender these past 5 years, so I was able to flow with this good enough. We are such awesome divine beings inside, but we live in a physical plane so full of lies, viruses and dark magic. We lock our spiritual potential in fear and confusion. Doing your soul work is not easy, but I aim to raise my consciousness to best of my abilities, so I can be an effective server of the light. 🙏 All I want is for every person on this planet to find peace and happiness in the now! Let’s keep on the peaceful warrior work of healing ourselves, our communities and the planet! Love is going to win guys! We can do it, no doubt!! Disclaimer: as magical as all of this may sound, I’m not meaning to encourage you to do use the toad unless you really need it. This is a extremely strong medicine (4 times than normal dmt) and deserves tons of respect and professional guidance. I so grateful for this healing but I doubt I will do it again, as I’m too sensitive of a person for such a strong medicine. 🙏. #gratitude #sapo #pachamoma #guanajuato #mexico #painting #visionaryart #letitgo #desintegration #5meodmt #toadmedicine #bufo #bufoalvarius #love #acceptance #godconsciousness #oneness (at Guanajuato, Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuG9NiDA6Wj/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7pyk9soq0765
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kriyayogaguru · 2 years ago
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Those who want God and comes to me with receptive hearts shall never be same again Paramahansa Yogananda #god #guru #yogananda #kriyayogaguru #kriyayoga #godconsciousness #spirituality #meditation https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnk-nGgyHoR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mysticalblizzardcolor · 1 year ago
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Everything has its place, but when you waste time at the cost of your true happiness it is not good. I dropped every unnecessary activity so that I could meditate and try to know God, so that I could day and night be in His divine consciousness.
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#SelfRealizationFellowship #ParamahansaYogananda #KriyaYoga #GuruDev #Ananda #AnandaSanghaWorldwide #Meditation #NYC #Brooklyn #Queens #Bronx #StatenIsland #LongIsland #WashingtonDC #USA #SundayService #GodConsciousness
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its-dawns-blog-blog · 2 years ago
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The Earth has music for those who listen #godconsciousness (at Park Avenue, New York City) https://www.instagram.com/p/CA_IYPOBLwQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yourmiracleself · 2 years ago
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I am calling you to awaken to your true spiritual identity. . . . . #spirituality #spiritualawakening #mysticism #whoami #truepurpose #theonlypresenceisgod #godconsciousness #spiritualawareness https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm5-qeJs3Ea/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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audrami · 5 years ago
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#Iqra #Read #HolyQuran #Tawqa #godconsciousness #Tawheed #OnenessofAllah #Islam (at Planet Earth, the Solar System, the Milky Way Galaxy, the Universe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5pxiMLJJDl4vyZSyRlGa9tsW5mNwPRHTsfg3E0/?igshid=18x7g402bnipy
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drockin69 · 3 years ago
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#godconsciousness #thenow #lettinggo https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce08TMbuZug1aPkkZXaO8kPWL0YAk10kDGpw1I0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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