#god. i feel stuck already and it's been only 2 months
yohankang · 1 year
besties i gotta be real one of you has to visit me or i'll go insane
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eveningepiphany · 1 year
welcome to the final show | H.S oneshot
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my masterlist!
summary: you take a beautiful sign to the final show and have the sweetest interaction with harry. then somehow bump into him in italy 2 days later.
warnings: nothing but fluff, and a few little mentions of how he saved your life!
a/n: i am so fucking proud of h. i want to give him a hug more than anything. this is for all my lovelies who love hslot so fckn much it makes them ill.
also this is such an unrealistic oneshot but like that’s just the way for it ig
There’s a certain type of atmosphere that comes around once and a while. It’s rare.
It’s one that no matter how many photos or videos you take, you can’t capture it. One that no word has enough emotional range behind it to convey the feeling it opens up in you.
That is the only way to get close to even describe standing where you are.
You can’t lie, you had waited hours upon hours in the Italian sun just to feel the warm metal of the barricade underneath your palms.
You’d waited years just to get here in general.
When you turn your head to look behind you, you see tens of thousands of people there. Going from visible, overwhelmingly happy faces to a sea of tiny dots.
But you’re here. At the front.
You smile because you made it. This has, albeit dramatic, been a home to you over the past 2 years.
A creature comfort. One you followed every step of the way. And somehow you can’t believe you made it here, and neither would the girl back 18 months ago watching a pixelated Instagram livestream.
Standing in your outift, which took more rhinestones and glitter than you could ever have kept track of.
But you shined under the sun like a mirrorball, so it all felt worth it. Even though you swear there’s still glue stuck under your nails.
Your friends around you shared water, staying hydrated as the show starting neared. Wetleg had already preformed their final set. And tears had been randomly springing on you all day.
You heard the power in the crowd as they sung the prelude songs, goosebumps dotting over your body as you realise he’s probably able to hear it now.
Soon enough he’ll be looking at it. In all of its 100,000 people glory.
“You okay lovely?” Sofia, an Italian girl you’d met in the line checked in on you.
You nodded with a heartfelt smile. The whole experience was so bittersweet. Full of lasts.
“I’m okay. Just so so proud.” You nodded and she softly chuckles.
Her outfit was an electric blue that contrasted her tan skin, “I have some granola bars in my bag if you’re hungry? You should eat, we’ve been standing in the heat all day.”
Your best friend from your other side peered over, drawn back into conversation after being lost in the magic of the crowd surrounding her.
“On cry number— let me guess— 24 of the day?” She said it teasingly.
“Saying that as if you don’t already have mascara stains half down your face.” You grumble back jokingly, leaning your head back to look at the pastel blue sky.
You turned back to Sofia, “We’ll save them for after, maybe lay down on the ground and eat them or something.”
You only said no because you felt like you could probably be sick right now.
“Amore sciocco, troppo testardo il tuo bene, mio dio.” She mutters under her breath with a laugh, shaking her head at you disapprovingly.
“Trash talking her again in Spanish. God I wish I knew how to speak it.” You elbow your best friend at her quip.
You could stay in this moment forever.
As Bohemian Rhapsody begins playing you watch the sun go down, and in this very moment, It is your forever.
You live and breathe every second of it. All the way into peace piece, and as you’re gripping the girls around you for dear life as the lights start to dim along with the setting sun.
Harry coming has the arena screaming so loud it would have been heard for miles. He looks beautiful.
Like a shiny star up on stage. Blowing kisses and sending thank you’s to as many areas of the crowd be possibly could.
Mouthing words in Italian, causing Sofia to almost pass out beside you she screeched that hard the first time he did it.
And him counting in Golden with their language, speaking proudly into the mic— “Uno, due— uno, due, tres!”
“HES— WHAT THE FUCK!!” You’re laughing, holding her hand as she shouts frantically.
Songs bleed into one after another, going on your part from embarrassing screaming and dancing onto equally embarrassing crying.
The overwhelming feeling of seeing him so close— so damn close you can see each individual sequin on his silver outfit when his on the main stage at his mic stand in the centre.
You don’t even realise he’s doing a sign reading interlude until Sofia hands you yours from where it leant on the bottom of the barricade at your feet.
You were enamoured by him.
Taking the sign, your hands shook a little as he was on the main stage. Right in front of you.
His eyes are scanning the crowd, glancing over some signs and smiling.
“We have a choice tonight,” he begins, voice echoing through the speakers.
“we can either move quickly through signs, in which case, we’ll be able to give you some more songs!” An array of screams come from everyone, and you feel sick just at the prospect he was suggesting. The fact he could pull out any song.
He chuckles, walking further towards the area of the pit where you are, “Just an idea, just an idea!”
You’re pretty sure the girls are yelling something about him walking over, but you’re stunned at what’s happening overall, and you can’t even process what they’re saying.
But contradictory to what he’d just said. He stops a moment.
From his perspective, he saw a handful of very bright colours in the front of the crowd. One holding up an equally eye catching sign.
But he takes a moment to blink, focus in on the person holding it.
This girl has her eyes locked dead onto him, like as if he moves an inch— something could implode at any moment. Yet it somehow comes across in a flattering way.
And then he reads the sign.
‘you saved me. i cant thank you enough for that. BTW…’
His heart immediately pangs. Already too emotional at this whole event to be reading a sign like that.
You are in shock. Because he certainly just made eye contact with you and he’s been staring at your sign for a few good seconds.
“Can— wait can you turn that for me, love?” His voice falters a little.
As if Harry Styles just asked you to do something, you move with a haste you never had.
However you misinterpreted his question, turning the sign clockwise like as if it was upside down. Feeling a little embarrassed in yourself that it was around the wrong way.
He chuckles into the mic, causing a small uproar at the softness of it.
“Wrong way, it has B-T-W on it so I’m assuming there’s more on the back.”
“Oh, god— sorry!” You shout out to him, it sounding a little shaky, and you can’t lie that tears were threatening to spill from your eyes.
You had waited so fucking long to have a chance to tell him that he genuinely saved your life. And you’re finally doing it.
Also spinning the sign so the back of it is facing him, and his eyes flit gently over it too.
‘you have by far the prettiest smile ever.’ It reads, with a few large red hearts around it, decorated with glitter and rhinestones.
A dimple pops out on his cheek and he covers his mouth with a hand, flattered as ever.
“Why thank you.” He does a little bow as well, and you’re laughing out of shock. You’re interacting with him right now.
He straightens up, “I’m flattered as ever.” Prodding one of his dimples as he shows off just how pretty his smile is.
“And thank you for coming, it means everything to me.” He flushes a little, laughing at himself and your still starstruck reaction.
“You are stronger than you probably think. What’s your name?”
A tear breaks past your waterline, and you call out, “Y/N!”
Both girls at your side are clutching you like no tomorrow, and Harry takes his in-ear out to hear you better.
You call it out again, he makes only one off guess before he gets it. And your name rolling off his accent tongue makes your stomach flip.
“Y/N? That’s right— well that was a pretty good record for name guessing—“ he laughs, walking over as close as he can to the edge of the stage.
He holds the mic up to his mouth, “make some noise for Y/N everyone!”
You are in complete shock as you hear the whole arena cheer and holler for you, and Harry has this wholesome feeling of adoration wash over him as he sees your reaction.
The tears slipping down your pink cheeks. If he could, he honestly would go down there and wipe them off.
Not something he often find himself thinking. Yet here he is.
“Thank you for coming Y/N. What do you say we do some more songs?” He asks, smiling at the shocked raise of your brows.
“Yes, please.” You enthusiastically reply.
“Alright, you heard her. More songs it is!”
And so the show continues on. The second he breaks eye contact and moves away, a sob tears out of you.
You can’t believe that just happened. And the fact the rest of the show— unless you’re delusional, and making this up in your head— he lingers anytime he’s going past where you are. Catching your eyes, and smiling a little wider.
And you’re absolutely a wreck at the speech he makes, even though Sofia has to translate every word that leaves his mouth.
But if that nearly killed you, the piano ballad was honestly your final straw.
You cried so hard you couldn’t see the fucking stage at one point. And you wish you could say you were embarrassed for him to see you as he did one last round of goodbyes. But you couldn’t.
It was all your love and appreciation for him, poured out of you through the tears streaming down your face.
To your disbelief, he stops in front of you again, blowing a kiss to your friends and then one to you.
Bending down a little further to look at you, lips starting to move— from what your could hardly hear, and mostly got from reading his lips, he said ‘thank you, I love you.”
You blow a kiss back.
And before you know it, the show has ended. And there’s this full, yet hollow feeling inside of you.
Like you’re not sure how to feel. You miss him already, but that was by far the most amazing experience of your life.
You’re overwhelmed, with love and gratitude. And you, Sofia and your best friend end up doing what you’d proposed earlier before the show.
Eating chocolate granola bars with your back up against the barricade, tears still falling from your eyes.
Post love on tour depression is a real thing.
There is no normal explanation for having to force yourself to get up to have an amazing brunch in Italy of all places.
But 2 days after the show day, you’re doing just that. Dressing in a nice summer outfit at the very least, and taking your LOT bag with you.
The streets aren’t too busy considering it’s midday, and you make your way through them peacefully. Stoping to peak into stores, or take photos of little things you like every now and again.
And all your adventuring leads you to a beautiful little corner-cafe. One that the second you step foot into, you are comforted by its cozy feel & strong aroma of coffee.
The building itself had all its historic bones, but had been modernised. Fitted with sleek wooden floors and new furniture. Walls painted a crisp white to brighten up the already light filled room.
You find the menu hanging above where the counter is, on large pretty chalkboards.
You’re mulling over what to get when you hear a voice from beside you.
It causes you to jump a little at it’s unexpectedness, “I like your bag.”
It’s said with the tone that you can tell someone is smiling. And you turn to greet the person who had just spoken to you.
That’s when you’re met with a sight that knocks the wind from you.
Beside you— standing tall, with his tousled brown curls and rolled up linen long-sleeve is quite literally the man you saw on stage 2 nights ago.
“Oh my god—“ you jump a little at the realisation, it hitting you like a train within seconds. But you’re trying to keep you voice down, as to not cause some kind of scene.
He laughs at your stunned reaction, the way your ringed hand goes over your mouth. It’s a reaction he’s accustomed to. But the way your pretty features portray the expression has him all the more intrigued.
He does his classic introduction, “Hi, love. I’m harry.” Sticking his hand out, smiling. Like as if you didn’t know.
“I— well I did notice that.” You rush out in a nervous laugh. Glancing around looking for some kind of film camera, gauging if this is a set up and not a coincidence.
You’re left realising it’s just the two of you, and some older guy with a newspaper a few metres away at a window seat.
But no one with a camera or phone out filming this interaction.
You shake his hand after a moment of hesitation, telling yourself mentally you’re not going to cry as your relish the feeling of his calloused fingertips against the base of your wrist.
“Hi…” You flush profusely.
“What are you ordering?” He smiles at you, and your eyes are so obviously darting over his every feature.
Which you feel like you couldn’t stop from happening when he’s this close, and you’re able to fully see the plains of his beautiful face.
The structure of his jawline— that’s dotted with a light stubble—his cupids bow lips, the definition in his cheekbones. And fuck his eyes.
That are very intensely locked onto yours…
“Oh. I’m sorry. I…” you fumble for words a little, “probably like a tea. That’s usually my go to.”
He nods, “let me get it for you, please. How do you have it?”
“No, no. It’s okay, you don’t need to do that.” You insist immediately, because even though the gestures small, it feels like too much.
“Y/N.” He tuts gently.
“Weird that you remember that.” You think aloud, unable to filter the shock at the fact he just said your name. Even though the show was only 2 days ago, when he learnt it.
“Of course I do. You had quite the sign. I won’t lie, it made me tear up a bit.” He laughs, pushing a stray lock of hair out of his eyes.
“Well, It was true. Not to be cheesy or anything, but your music genuinely means everything to me.” You say carefully. Not wanting to come across as weird.
“And love on tour was one of the best experiences of my life. So… thank you for that.”
“Thank you.” He smiled at your shyness. And you recall the fact you told him he had a pretty smile.
Prettiest smile. The fact he knows you think that?
You wonder if he’s thought the same thing at all in the last 5 minutes.
“Your support means as much to me. Wouldn’t be able t’do what I do if it weren’t for people like you.”
“Now, how you have your tea?” He reiterates, asking for an answer, not for another polite declination.
“I— okay. Since it’s clear you’re not going to take no for an answer.” You sigh. Corners of your mouth upturning anyway at his stubborn ways.
You rattle off how you have it, and he nods, mentally noting it down like this is going to be a regular occurrence.
He walks over to the counter and you shuffle over to the side that you’ll pick up the order from. Watching carefully as he goes up, you take in his much more causal appearance to the usual extravagance of the outfits he adorns on stage.
Hes got a pair of denim shorts on—strong legs on display— paired with a white longsleeve that’s rolled up his fore arms.
You avert your gaze to the older Italian man at the register, clueless to who he is serving.
Until a younger girl, say 15, walks from the back room and does the biggest double take youve ever witnessed.
Harry has to be used to it, because there was no way anyone could miss that.
You’re feeling like you’re in a parallel universe. Because Harry is just casually strolling back over to you, like you’ve known each other for more than a total of two, 5 minute interactions.
You take a breath, reminding yourself simply that he is a human. Just like you are. He wakes up in the morning, has bad days and good days, has habits and routines he follows— just like anyone else.
You keep this in consideration as you open your mouth to speak, “Thank you for doing that. How have you been?”
He smiles at your shy tone, a tiny wholesome feeling bubbling up at your question.
“I’m good, honestly. It’s been a big start to the year. I’m excited to take some time off even though wrapping it up the other night was really hard.” He nods, eyes casually trailing the man who was making the drinks.
“If it makes any difference, I was sobbing like a baby at pretty much every point of the show.” You laughed.
“I did see your very tear stained cheeks.” He shocks himself little with his continuation,
“Would’ve jumped down and given you a hug if I had the bloody time.” And he smiles with gratification as you mask your shocked reaction as much as possible. However, tiny little micro-movements in your face were still popping through. “I went a little overtime with the speech.”
Just human to human. You drew a tiny breath through your nose, “Which was great by the way. I mean my friend had to translate the whole thing, but was also another tear jerker.”
He goes to say something else, interrupted by the call of his name from the counter.
In which he collects the drinks from the lovely man, smiling at him with a warm thank you before turning to come back to you.
“Here you go, darling.” He hands over yours, and his green eyes look bright as ever.
The darling makes your stomach flip. He’s British, they use pet names like this in passing conversation often. But fuck if you didn’t know any better you’d think there was a chance he was flirting with you.
“Thank you. You really didn’t have to, but I appreciate it.” You repeat.
“You have a different accent, you’re not from Italy no?” He interjects and you’re a little confused at the sudden change of topic.
“No I’m not from here…?” you laugh.
“So you’ve travelled all this way to come see me I’m assuming, the least I can do is buy you a tea. Think of it as a thank you.”
He tests the waters a little further, “i don’t usually stay in cafes for overly long but, if you have time to sit for a bit…”
“You continue to amaze me.” You chuckle, slowly following behind him as he pulls up a chair, back to the window.
“You also made me a very flattering sign. So im just being courteous, as a way to return the favour.” He smirks almost. And you’re honestly not strong enough to endure this.
“And that little piano thing you did? Is this compensation for my mental health?” You hold the cup up and he lets out a surprised laugh at your gentle quip.
“Yes, I’ve heard word that it came across as emotional as I’d intended.”
“You could hear a pin drop in the whole arena.” You nodded, taking a sip of the tea he’d bought you.
“I was so worried I was gonna fuck it up somehow.” He shakes his head, hand running through his hair as though he was anxious just at the thought.
“It sounded amazing, Harry. Made me feel a lot how fine line did when I first listened to it.”
He looks sincere with gratitude as you talk. And it stays that way as he continues on conversation with you.
You know heaps about him— you’re a fangirl that’s practically your job— yet he doesn’t know anything about you. Leaving him curious about many aspects of your life, and also with plenty of questions. Ones he really can’t believe he is even asking given you’re a fan, and he’s never actually done this before.
Whatever this is, because it felt a lot like a first date. With the way he asked where you were from, who you came to Italy with, where you grew up.
The whole lot. Your drinks both long since finished, but the questions still flowing between you two. Like there was never enough information to be learned.
He was interrupted by a call, and it almost popped this little bubble you’d made around yourselves.
Which possibly wasn’t a bad thing for him. But it served as a reality check for you.
You’re still just a fan at the end of the day. Even though your not sure how that term stands after he knows about your favourite foods, or childhood stories from your younger years. Because you feel like now that he knows that, the dynamic feels different to you.
But most of all you dreaded the fact you had to say goodbye again. But now you have to say it knowing that he walks away from this knowing things personal to you.
You realise he’s on the phone to his mum as he talks, “Yea, tell Gem to grab them anyway… I’ll be back soonish.”
He glances up at your after a moment of brief silence, “I’m just out with a friend of mine I… bumped into. So I’ll see you soon, okay?”
A friend of his?
“Alright, bye, I love you.”
And just like that the phone hung up.
“I’m feeling very special at my label. A friend of yours.” You laugh, but not lying whatsoever.
“Was m’mum. We’re having a late lunch at her BNB.” He explained, and the fact he didn’t object his choice of wording meant even more to you than anything.
You stare at him a moment, both mutually realising that this moment was seemingly going to have to end at some point.
“I don’t often do things like this.” He shrugs, watching your eyes train on random objects around the room as you get lost in thought.
“What do you mean?” You ask.
“Never sat down with a fan and just had a drink. It was lovely, thank you for being so polite.” He smiles again at you.
It surprised him just how far he went with it. But you had this gentle aura about you. He knew of all people, you were safe to share this private slice of himself with.
“Thank you for buying my drink… to have spent this time talking, it— well it meant a lot to me.”
“I would give you my number if my manager wouldn’t kill me.”
As stated, he continues to surprise himself just how far he’s going.
Your brain stalls at his comment.
“You could just have mine? Buy a burner phone and text me off it.” You make the first suggestion that comes to mind and he barks out a laugh.
“Could just reaffirm that you weren’t going to sell my number off to fans on Twitter?”
“Ah, that could also work too.” You nod, raising your brows.
He pulls his phone from his pocket, and your heart genuinely palpitates. Because how the fuck had you managed this.
“Gimmie yours, if you’d like?” He slides it over, and you feel like you’re picking up something with more value than just a phone. I mean it’s Harry Styles’ phone of all things.
You begin to type it in, glancing up as his gaze is trained on you, “how many numbers of fans do you have banked up in here?”
He rolls his eyes at your tease, still smiling, “I’ll have you know you’ll be the first. If my mums counts though, then only two.”
“I just…” he pauses, pursing his lips as he looks for the right words, “knew I’d regret it if I didn’t have a way to get in touch with you. I’d say we’ve got a lot in common and it’s always nice to meet new people. And I don’t want to be thinking later ‘wow, she was lovely, wish I could have kept in touch’. Y’know?”
You send yourself a text, just a simple ‘:)’ so it saves in his recent messages. “Well, I suppose I’d be a little sad too. Probably start sending emails to your manager trying to find a way to get in touch again.”
He laughs at this, standing up from his chair and pocketing his phone in his shorts once you hand it back to him.
You also rise from the table, watching his movements keenly.
“Makes this part less sad.” He says, in reference to the impending goodbye, “I’m not leaving Italy for a little bit though, and if you’re sticking around as well, maybe I can buy your more cups of tea— to make you feel even more guilty about it, of course.”
You let out a soft chuckle, “Yea, I’m not leaving for a little while…”
He walks to your side of the table, not hesitating to pull you into a hug that leaves you winded.
You freeze a millisecond before jumping to embrace it. Enjoying the gentle yet strong feeling of his body holding yours. And the way his hands are ever-so-slightly caressing your lower back.
“Thanks for hanging out, alright? Don’t be shy to message me.” He murmurs into your hair.
“I— okay. I won’t. Thank you, Harry.” You smile into the crook of his neck.
He gives a final squeeze before pulling back. Fighting the internal urge to press a little kiss to your temple.
“I’ll see you around, hopefully. Bye Y/N.” He gives you a final smile before waving goodbye, and heading out the cafe.
Your head is reeling as he exits. Unsure if you just imagined that whole thing. You needed someone to pinch you, because as far as your concerned that whole interaction was something you dreamed up.
You check your phone to see the time.
1 new notification
Unknown Number | :)
So that actually did just happen.
To reaffirm that you weren’t the only person in the world to witness what happened today, you see a tweet reposted on an update account that reads,
so, i just saw harry styles in the cafe i work at, and he sat down and drank a tea with someone he talked to at a show. not naming the interaction for privacy but like… what the fuck?
And secretly you smile. Maybe this is something you’ll keep to yourself for a bit. Like he’s a new secret friend of yours.
part two!!
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stop-talking · 7 months
You're his ex, but he's desperate for a babysitter. (pt. 4)
Mike Schmidt x fem reader
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2.4k words + 300 word epilogue
Tags: 18+, mike x fem reader, no use of y/n, exes, enemies to lovers, slowburn? sassy mike, sassy reader, pet names, banter, angst, fluff, comfort, happy ending.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Mike sits at his kitchen table, trying not to nod off into his cereal. Today is a quiet day. A lazy day. His one day off.
Except, not really. There's always work to be done. He just has to figure out what today's work would be. He's caught up on laundry and dishes, the house isn't too much of a mess... Hm. Maybe he should finally fix the dripping pipe in the bathroom. Or the living room window that's been stuck for years. Or one of the million other things wrong with his house.
He sighs and goes to take a bite of his cereal, only to realize he forgot the milk. Damn it. When he opens the fridge, he stands face to face with a little blue dolphin stuffed animal. Right... Abby's still testing him. He leaves it alone, she'll see it when she gets home from school and assume her "spell" still works. Pfft.
Mike nearly drops the milk mid-pour when he hears the phone ring.
"Hello?" He mumbles groggily, a little annoyed to have his morning brooding interrupted.
"Hey, Mike? You free at all today?"
He immediately perks up at the sound of your voice. It's been two days since he last saw you, and he honestly wasn't sure if you'd ever speak to him again.
"Yeah, uh... It's my day off, actually."
"Good. I'm using that 2nd favor."
Mike's heart races. If this favor is going to be anything like the last one, he was definitely up for it.
"Oh? Missing me already, sweetheart?"
"As if. I need you to build me a shelf."
A shelf? Well, that was unexpected. Hm. Better than nothing.
"What, like build it from scratch? Are you expecting me to buy the boards, or-"
"No. I have all the pieces. It just needs to be assembled."
"You can't assemble a shelf?" Mike scoffs, but secretly he's pleased. Sounds like you just want an excuse to have him over.
"Mike. You know I'm no good with tools."
No, he didn't know that actually. Liar. You definitely just wanted to see him again. God, he felt giddy.
"Mhm. Sure."
"Just get your ass over here, Schmidt."
"Woah, what's with the attitude, Princess? I'm here to help." He can't help but let some smugness seep into his tone. Okay, more than some. He's a cocky bastard and he knows it.
"I've been working on the damn thing all morning. Almost three hours now. Not in the mood, jackass."
Shit. You sounded sincere. And really pissed off. Then again, what kind of a shelf took three hours to assemble? The fuck was it? A jigsaw puzzle?
"Alright, alright. I'll be over soon. See ya."
Mike slumps against the counter as you grumble something incoherent and slam the phone down. Damn, what is he getting himself into this time?
Only one way to find out.
When Mike finally arrives at your apartment half an hour later, he feels a bit silly. He put on a nice shirt and trousers to come see you, and here you are in sweats and a baggy t-shirt. Figures.
"Call for a handyman?" He greets you with a teasing smile, holding up his old rusted toolbox as he makes his way inside.
"Pfft. Someone's happy to see me."
Mike can't really say anything to that, so he doesn't try. He is happy to see you, even if you have attitude problems and dress like a bum.
"So, I bought the damn thing from a friend-of-a-friend, who got it at a garage sale. I swear, it has to be missing some parts or something, because-"
He nods as you rattle on and lead him to your bedroom, but he's only half-listening. He looks around your apartment, taking it all in. It's been at least six months since he last came over, probably longer. It doesn't look to have changed much. He likes your apartment. It's cozy.
"Anyways... can you fix it?"
Mike pauses in the doorway of your bedroom as you give him a sheepish smile and gesture to something in the corner.
Holy hell. Is that supposed to be a shelf? Mike can't help but think that the hideous agglomeration of boards and screws would only be good as a fire-starter. It looks more like a pile than a shelf.
"Uhh..." He bites his cheek, desperately trying not to burst into a fit of laughter. Maybe you really weren't lying about the whole "no good with tools" thing.
He finally loses it when you groan and flop down on the bed, hiding your face in a pillow.
"Ughh... Laugh at me, whatever. Just fix it."
"Jesus Christ. This has to be the sorriest excuse for a shelf I've ever seen. Sure you don't want me to haul it to the junkyard instead?" He snorts, sitting down on the edge of your bed and looking with disdain at the half-assedly assembled shelf.
Mike immediately shuts his mouth when you glare at him. Oops, right, you're in a bad mood.
"I mean, uh... you tried?" He laughs, shaking his head in amusement. He still can't believe you're actually this inept when it comes to assembly.
"Get to work, Schmidt."
Mike yelps as you kick him off the bed, but doesn't bother retaliating. He just grabs his toolbox and sits on the floor, examining the so-called "shelf".
"Well, the first step is going to be un-doing everything you did."
You lie on your stomach in bed, chin propped up on your hands as you kick your feet in the air and ponder the sight before you. Mike's back is turned to you as he quietly works away taking apart the monstrosity you assembled.
"How long is this gonna take?"
"Well, If it wasn't so..." He trails off, glancing at you and choosing his words more carefully.
"...sturdy, it'd be a lot easier to take apart."
"Hm? What do you mean?"
He gives you an incredulous look and gestures to a series of nails in a corner where two boards meet. It does look pretty ridiculous, the sharp ends pointing out the other side. Not your best work.
"You put nails in it, sweetheart." He scoffs.
"How else was I supposed to keep it together?" You give him your best pout, and gloat internally when he has to turn away. He's absolutely infatuated with you. Even the back of his neck is pink.
"It comes with screws for a reason, ya know."
"There's a difference?"
He turns and gives you a flat look, and you laugh. Damn. You can play dumb with him, but maybe not that dumb. Noted.
Still, it's a little boring just laying there and watching him grumble and pull nails from wood. You can't really mess with him too much either, because you really do what him to fix the stupid shelf.
"You want something to drink?" You finally break the silence, under the guise of trying to be a good hostess.
"Pfft. Need some whiskey to deal with this bullshit." He snorts, pulling yet another nail free. He'd almost gotten one board off. One. This was gonna take a while.
"I was thinking more along the lines of soda or tea."
"Jack and Coke, then?"
"Mike. It's hardly past noon."
"So?" He scoffs. "For me, this is like... evening, or something. I dunno. Sleep schedule's fucked with this new job."
That answer makes you pause.
"What is it you do now, anyway?"
He groans, finally prying one of the boards free of the clusterfuck.
"Night guard. Told you already, remember?" He tries to shrug the question off, but you're nosy.
"Uhh... Freddy Fazbear's Pizza..."
"Speak up."
"Ugh. It's this stupid rundown hellhole pizzeria. Honestly dunno why anyone would wanna break in there anyways. It's a dump."
"What kind of a pizzeria needs a night guard? Or any guard?"
"The haunted kind."
You decide not to ask about that, simply shaking your head as you walk to the door. He's truly a loon. A loveable loon, unfortunately.
"Just tell me what you want to drink, Mikey, or I'm getting you water."
Mike sits on the floor of your bedroom sipping his glass of water and wondering how he got here. If you'd told him a week ago he'd be building his witch of an ex-girlfriend a shelf, he would've gagged. Now...? Well, he just wants to go join you on that bed.
"So are you really just gonna sit there and look pretty while I do all the work?"
"Aww, you think I'm pretty, Mikey? You smile, lying on the bed with your feet kicking in the air, giving him a look of pure adoration. It wasn't hard to do.
"Pretty annoying, yeah." He turns away with a scoff, returning to his work. If only he could get this stupid nail untangled from the other two... why would anyone use this many nails?
"You know, I think I liked you better gagged."
"Oh I know, sweetheart. I could see it in those evil eyes of yours." He can't help but smirk a bit at the comment, though. Sometimes he liked himself better gagged, too. He shakes the thought away and keeps working.
"Why can't you just get on hands and knees and beg me to take you back already?" You huff dramatically and roll over onto your back, letting your head fall over the edge of the bed. He looks silly from this angle. Upside-down.
That question nearly makes Mike drop his tools. Were you serious?
"Why? So you can laugh me off again?"
Ouch. It was true you'd turned him down the last time he'd tried it, but that was six months ago.
"Maybe if you used those big brown puppy eyes of yours on me."
That only earns you a grunt, so you verbally prod him again.
"Besides, why can't I do both? Laugh at you, then take you back? Sounds fun."
"Pfft. Fun? To toy with me? You'd probably break up with me all over again just for shits and giggles." He responds bitterly, still refusing to turn around.
"Mikey. Look at me." You roll back over onto your stomach and rest your chin in your hands as he slowly meets your gaze.
"I didn't break up with you just for shits and giggles. You know that. I'm not letting you sit there and wallow in self-pity."
Mike goes stiff from your words, but your tone is soft, and your eyes even softer. You're still giving him that adoring look. Damn it.
"Well maybe I'd rather wallow in self pity than admit you were right all along."
"You've had six months to wallow. Grow a pair and come kiss me."
He can't say no to that. Not when you look at him that way. He shuffles over, kneeling by the side of your bed. On his knees for you again, damnit.
You kiss him. It's different from the lustful, sloppy kiss you shared last time. This one makes you feel warm. You kiss him again. And again.
Mike really doesn't want this to end, but the knot in his stomach forces him to pull away. He has to ask.
"Why? Why are you doing this, I mean? Do you really want... to take me back?" He sputters, looking down at the floor.
"I'm not completely sure yet." You answer honestly, shifting and lying back on the bed.
Damn. That's not the answer he wanted to hear.
"Are you-"
"Come here."
When you pat the spot next to you in bed, Mike melts. He's a wreck right now, but still wants nothing more than to be with you, in every sense of the word. He silently complies.
"It's not about right and wrong, you know. As much as I love being told I'm right." You give him a soft smile, breaking the silence and placing your hand on top of his as you both lie on your sides.
Damn it. He'd done this with you before, this and so much more. Why was such a small touch turning him to goo?
"What isn't?"
"The breakup. It's about growing as a person. As people. Both of us." You lace your fingers with his, and can't help but laugh as his face reaches a level of pink you've never seen before.
"And what exactly am I supposed to be growing out of?"
"Pfft. I don't know, the emotional unavailability? The way you never made time for me? Constant irritability?" You start to dramatically list off his flaws, using your free hand to count on your fingers.
"Okay, okay. I get it." He huffs, and grabs your hand before you can make fun of him more. Instead, he guides it to his side, pulling you in a little closer.
"And you're miss perfect?"
"No. 'Course not. I have flaws too." You give him a sly smile, and start listing your own "faults".
"Too hot and sexy, too intelligent, too kind, amazing, sweet and caring..."
That's as far as you get before Mike scoots closer, burying his face in your neck and giving you a playful nip.
"Too arrogant." He adds with a laugh, wrapping his arm around you and letting himself melt further into you.
"My arrogance is one of my best qualities, thank you." You reply haughtily, sliding your hand up his back and into his hair.
Mike couldn't speak, even if he could somehow find the right words to say. Everything in this moment felt so right. His arm around you. Your fingers in his hair. He lets out a soft groan instead.
You aren't exactly eager to let go of this moment either, and just hold him for a few minutes. It feels nice to play with his soft brown curls.
"I'll do better. Please." He finally mumbles something to you, not bothering to move his face from where it's buried in the crook of your neck.
"Please what, Mikey?"
"Take me back."
He finally pulls back, just enough to give you a glimpse of those puppy eyes of his. Damn it. How could you even think of saying no?
"Yeah. Okay."
You both lean in for another round of soft passionate kisses, and Mike feels himself relax completely. His stomach unknots and his mind goes numb. For the first time in months, he feels completely safe.
"So does this mean you'll babysit for me again?"
"Go finish the shelf, Schmidt."
"Yes, Princess."
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♡ Epilogue ♡
Over the past few weeks, you and Mike had fallen into a sort of rhythm.
He never did end up finding a new babysitter, and besides, you're the only one who could ever get Abby to finish her dinner. You had to graduate her from daily witching lessons to weekly ones, though, convincing her she needed to study for the more advanced spells. Secretly, Mike was just losing track of which objects in his house were supposedly invisible. It was quite amusing to watch.
Mike's favorite part of the day was coming home to you already asleep in his bed, and waking you up with a kiss. He'd then either lie down in bed while you shower, or hop in there with you, depending on how you felt. Either way, he loved the view.
The conflicting schedules made things complicated, but you were able to work around it. Mike slept better with you holding him, and consequentially, was a lot more agreeable. He did his best to make more time for both you and Abby.
He even started to open up to you for once, letting you take on some of his burdens. This man sure had a lot of guilt. You were certain he hadn't yet told you everything, but he told you enough. At least you finally knew what the fucking NEBRASKA poster on the ceiling was for. Now you kind of felt bad for all the times you teased him about it the first time you dated.
As for the damn shelf... well, he finished it. It was still hideous, but it was functional. There were holes in it from the nails, and the wood had even started to splinter in a few spots. You couldn't bring yourself to get rid of it, though. Not after how much work you both put into it. Even if most of Mike's work revolved around un-doing yours.
It definitely wasn't a perfect relationship, not by far. But Mike never promised to be the perfect boyfriend. He just promised to be better.
And he was, bit by bit, every day. Better. ♡
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Author's note:
Thank you all for the love!! This was my first time writing a fanfic of any kind so I'm really happy so many of you enjoyed it. Feels good to bring the story to an end.
Feel free to send me a request, I'd love to write more fics about Mike. Or any other J-hutch character for that matter, Mikey is just my favorite <3
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crrepiest · 9 months
Yandere! Teacher x Reader
♡Yan!Teacher x GN Reader♡
Pt 2
Tw: age-gap, slight nsfw, pervy behavior, stalking, obsessive behavior
Make sure to check out Pt 1!
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I gaze out onto the school courtyard from my classroom window as students scramble to get to their next class period. Red and orange leaves fall silently to the ground and collect in piles amongst the feet of the students. Some of them in a hurry while others take their time. You, being one of the punctual students.
At this point, it was routine.
Watching you as you hurry past the rest of the student body to get to your 4th period class early. My class. I like to think its because you're so eager to see me. As eager as I am to see you.
I sit in my chair, arms crossed, keeping a watchful eye until you were completely out of sight. I relax my shoulders and let them fall as a sigh escapes my lips.
I never feel at ease anymore. Time slows, minutes turn into hours until I was in your presence. Until I could smell your perfume/ cologne when you swept past my desk to take a seat. Just so I could hear your sweet voice say my name when you greeted me "Good morning Mr. Roth".
You were always so sweet to me. Showing up to my class early, asking if I need help around the classroom, always turning in your homework on time if not way before the due date. Always such a good little student, almost as if you're trying to impress me. Sometimes I cant tell if this is real or not.
Days turn to weeks, weeks turn to months and my thoughts turn ever increasingly centric of you
I find myself over thinking. Anxiety filled thoughts that leave me tossing and turning in my big empty bed, only to wish you were there with me, to sooth me.
What if you didn't reciprocate my feelings? How would you react when I inevitably opened my heart to you. Would you be repulsed by me? These thoughts fill my head, stretching the nights thin.
On especially bad nights, I've gotten into a habit of taking sleep medication. No method of self soothing could ease my mind.
Which led me here, too much sleep in my system from popping a pill at 6:30 pm since I couldn't rid the burning image of your face from my mind.
As I was lost in thought staring at my desk, light foot steps sounded from the hallway, headed toward my room. My eyes snap to the door in hopes that is was you.
You enter the class room with a smile already plastered on your face. My heart starts to beat faster at the sight. I send you a quick smile back as you begin to greet me.
"Hi Mr. Roth! How has your morning been so far?"
God. If only you knew.
If it were even possible, my cheeks start to burn harder as I listen to my name slide out of your mouth so elegantly.
"My morning just got better Mx (y/ I/n)." I smirk at you.
"Oh stop it" you giggled as you walked to your desk to take a seat.
And just like that, all the worry washed away from my body.
"How was your night last night (y/n)" I try to keep the conversation flowing for as long as I could.
I tried to pay attention to you. I really did. Every word that poured out of your mouth was like a symphony. It's just as my gaze wondered from your eyes, down to you moving lips, i couldn't help myself.
I couldn't help but imagine how those delicate lips would feel around me. How those innocent eyes would look as they were all glossed over with tears as a pout sat perfectly on your face. All for me to ruin.
I nodded my head and let out affirmative words to not raise anysuspicions from you that I wasn't paying full attention.
I was pulled from my thoughts as I heard chatter amongst students in my classroom. I sucked in a sharp breath and hesitantly removed my eyes from you. Sometimes when I'm with you, it feels as if the the whole world fades away. As if I'm not stuck in my career as an English teacher, having to teach a class full of students who I couldn't care less about.
I wish it were just the two of us. A fantasy that I catch myself day dreaming about frequently. To have you secluded from society and the only source of outside information being me. To have you completely dependent on me. I wouldn't have to deal with sharing you with other people, or get distracted from you.
The dismissal bell rang and everyone rose from their seats and made their way to the door. You gathered your notebooks and pencil and shoved them into your backpack.
You and I made eye contact. It was only brief but it felt like a life time to me. Naturally, I was already staring at you to begin with. You seemed to notice this.
"See you tomorrow Mx. (Y/I/n)" | said softly.
You gave a beaming smile that I swear made my heart skip a few beats.
I never let my eyes leave your form until you were out of view. I propped my head up with my hand on my desk and breathed out raspy a sigh. I stared at my computer as my mind raced with the thought of you.
Then a horrible thought came to mind.
I hurriedly opened my browser and clicked open a new tab. A smirk started to tug at my lips as I navigated through the teacher access center. Why haven't I thought of doing this before?
I typed in your name and found your school profile. Everything I could have ever needed lay right at my fingertips. I smile deviously at the glowing screen of the laptop. I pull out a sticky note and a pen and jotted down the information I needed.
The day dragged on for what seemed like ages. Then, the final bell rang. I gathered my things and headed out to my car, eager to get home to set my plan in motion.
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
The car engine quiets down as the car comes to a complete stop.
I turned the key in the ignition to shut off the humming engine. The lights in the vehicle start to fade out as I'm left in the dark, alone with my thoughts.
Anxiety and excitement ran rampant through my veins. My fists curled tightly around the steering wheel as I took a deep breath. I can't believe I was actually going through with this.
I quietly closed the car door as I stepped out. The cold air snipped at my face, making me wince. I shoved my hands into my jacket pocket as I made my way to looming house in front of me.
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AHHH thank you all so much for all the love on my first post it means a lot!!
Also, face claim for Mr. Roth: Jeffery Dean Morgan my beloved
Please feel free to give me constructive criticism on my writing so I can further improve in the future :3
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athenasgotu · 7 months
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title: you're all i need.
pairings: teenage!ellie williams x female!reader
summary: after so many things happening in your life. a break up, sister passing away, and then losing half of your friends. only one person stuck with you and it was ellie. she never left your side, and overtime you grew feelings for her. but you can get your hopes up.
warning: mentions of suicide, swearing, and lots of angst. (minors dni!)
authors note: part 1 is more on y/n story and how she feels. ellie will be there to comfort her.
part 2
one more month. one more month and no more school, no more stress, no more fake friends. how could someone possibly be this sad? mom is over it, why aren't you? your boyfriend calling you a slut? no biggie. just act like you don't care then no one will notice.
you walk out of your room to brush your teeth. numb. that's all you felt. you have no one. no friends. no love. no sister. wait.. ellie. how could you forget the one person who hasn't done one thing wrong? god, she's an angel. she hasn't left me, yet. you can't even dress nice for school, just sweats. your mom tries to get you to be happier. therapy, not working. quality time, making it worse. talking to her.
communication was never good with her, will it ever be? how can you tell her how you've been craving death? wanting to be with your sister. she was your light. she made you smile on days you couldn't. i mean sure, you had your rough times. but that's how siblings are, right?
or did she secretly hate you?
faked it all?
faked her love?
no. she couldn't have, hah. its funny to think i even thought of that.
suddenly, the time changed late. twenty minutes in the bathroom? jesus. time passes, you're in school.
you see your old friends, teachers, then her. she smiles at you and waves.
"hey! you feeling ok?" ellie asks.
am i? i spent twenty minutes in my own thoughts earlier.
"i'm good." you smile. great acting.
ellie nudges your shoulder and hands you a plastic bag with a cookie, she baked every once in a while even though it wasn't the best. she knew i like sugar cookies. she's so sweet..
"thanks els." you smile, but it was real.
ellie was the only one who could get you to smile. not even your own mom could make you really smile. ellie was special. really special.
as you two walked in the crowded halls, she makes it to her class.
"see you later?" ellie smiles at you again.
gosh, that smile..
you nod and smile back at her "mhm." you mumbled.
you walked to your class, attempting not to be late again. but it was math, you were already failing horribly in math. school makes everything worse for you. tears your soul down. not always though, your sister made those long eight hours fun and exciting. too bad she's gone. you groan under your breath. these thoughts weren't helping. you take your earbuds out and put on a song.
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you sigh in relief. finally, you can relieve some stress.
╭──╯ . . . . . hours later . . . . . ╰──╮
you were finally at home, alone. your mom was still at work, she wasn't coming back until midnight.
long shift, as usual.
you laid down in bed sighing. everything is going to be ok. you kept telling yourself. was it though? your life was already fucked up enough. how could it possibly get better?
⇢˗ˏˋ beep beep !! 📞
you pick up your phone to see a message from ellie. you smile, she always messages you.
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she worried so much.
she's so nice.
you put your phone down and turn off your light. hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.
╰┈➤ end of part 1
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sturniolo04 · 18 days
I Don't Know Why I'm Crying C.S.
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Bf!Chris x Gf!Fem!Reader
A/N: If you don't like the preadded name in my stories, you can either add your own name or not read it; it's up to you :)
Having a youtuber boyfriend and bestfriends definitely had its pros and cons. You and Chris had been dating for a little over a year, which was the part of the relationship where you two have become very comfortable with pranking each other on a daily basis which has opted you both into the ongoing prank war you were currently in. Which leads you to now, sitting in front of your boyfriends desk whispering into the vlog camera, you asked nick for telling him you were pranking Chris today.
"ignore the singing in the back but-"
you trail off whispering into the camera as you fall silent in your thought hearing the shower and Chris singing along to whatever song he had playing in there with him.
"anyway so i am going to be pranking chris today by randomly crying and getting randomly sad about literally anything-"
you state into the camera in front of you making frequent shifting eye contact with the bathroom door to make sure Chris doesn't catch you in your sneaky act.
"and we have a busy day today too so this should be good but we are getting ready to meet up with Tara and film with her and then probably go to lunch before heading over to their parents house to hang out with them and Nate maybe-"
you state simply closing out your introduction to the video which ironically was going to be uploaded on the Triplets channel on Friday
A few minutes passed and by this time both and and you chris made your way upstairs to be greeted by Matt on the couch and Nick in the kitchen, both on their phones.
"good morning weirdos"
Nick greets you two panning the vlog camera that was already recording seeing that you guys were the last ones to get ready for the day given really Chris' late sleeping schedule.
"i think you mean good afternoon condsidering it is-"
Matt corrects Nick flipping his phone to the pair displaying his cute lockscreen with his girlfriend on their 5 month anniversary, making you smile a little because she was you best friend and how you two ended up dating a pair of brothers was beyond you guys.
"2:15pm in the afternoon"
matt states finishing his statement and point he was making resulting in an eyeroll from chris
"shut the fuck up dude like-"
chris replies to his brother turning on his heels making his way downstairs to the car.
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We finally made it to Tara's house, all hoping in her new car her ex-boyfriend got her a few days ago, getting ready to film a video for her channel.
"hello guys welcome back to my channel today we are stuck in a car with-"
she trails off as you all scream in unison announcing your presence.
"oh my god it's the triplets and my bestie"
she exclaims reaching back and linking you guys hands.
As you all got into the main parts about Tara's video you were helping her film you decided to create the first incident which was going to essentially be the start of the random crying outbursts for the day. You allow yourself to zone out of the conversation thinking of the most tragic and sad thing you could think of to put yourself into a fit of tears.
"hey you okay"
chris whispers to you noticing how you fell super silent as he turned his head acknowledging your emotion shift, which resulting in you just nodding you head. Chris was most often times the one who always knew not only when you were upset but also would be able to acknowledge when he did something to make you upset so this was definitely going to throw him off when it is just random.
" hey what do you think about this"
Nick questions you as everyone's attention turns to you. You continuing to let yourself fall down the rabbit hole of the sad thoughts that you were making up In your mind to get you to the point of crying.
you trail off sniffling a little feeling like the tears could start flowing at any second, running a shaky hand through the ends of your hair seeing you had already styled it for the day and god forbid you mess it up already with this prank, falling silent again.
"are you okay love"
tara finally asks as everyone's eyes remain fixated on you.
"im sorry i just"
you finally get out as the tears start rolling down your cheeks as you open the car door hopping out, walking to the nearest curb to sit on In the empty parking lot you guys were parked in, leaving everyone worried.
"what was the about"
matt asks looking a chris as if to ask if her and him got into a disagreement earlier which resulting in this mood, which resulted him in shrugging his shoulder with him honestly not knowing whats up.
"is she okay i feel bad"
tara states honestly looking out the side window to see you with your hands on your face 'sobbing' your heart out.
"chris go check on her for real"
nick states as he looks over tara's shoulder seeing you still in a fit of tears. Chris climbs out of the car making his way over to his girlfriend.
"hey my love whats going on"
he asks kneeling in front of her placing his hands comfortably on her calves.
"im fine chris"
you reply agressively wiping your tears to act like nothing is wrong, which in reality nothing is wrong.
'you dont look fine"
chris responds his pale blue orbs gazing up at your face, seeing the denial written all over your face, slowly running his palms up and down on your bare calves seeing you were wearing a sports skirt today the skirt he absolutely adored on you, which also happened to be in his favorite color, orange.
"I am it was nothing i dont know why I started crying it was so stupid"
you mumble out picking at freshly manicured nails letting out a deep sigh.
" you know you can tell me"
he replys to you maintaining his concerned/worried gaze towards you.
" i know im fine it's nothing"
you sigh out seeing you stopped the tears.
he questions as you simply nod your head in response. You and Chris finally head back into Tara's car.
" you okay babes"
Tara asks as everyone shifts their focus back to you once you two got back in the car.
"yeah sorry it was stupid im fine we can finish filming"
you reply back as Nick makes subtle eye contact with Chris to see if he really believes everything is okay knowing how he is.
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it has know been an hour or so and by this time you all had finished filming with Tara and headed to go and get lunch. You guys had ordered you food and deciding ultimately you guys wanted to eat in the van in a random parking lot. You had ordered something simple and normally when you order food it almost never comes back incorrect in quality but today your order was definitely 'incorrect' which gave you another opportunity to have another crying fit for no apparent reason to confuse your boyfriend and his brothers even more.
You let out a huge exasperated sigh, definitely catching everyone's attention.
"you okay, whats wrong"
matts asks looking at you through the rearview mirror
you huff out clearly still emotionally about something.
"you sure"
nick questions you noticing you simply playing with your food rather than eating it.
" did they fuck up your order"
he states asking the different question considered he noticed your simple act with your food.
"GOD yes"
you exclaim dragging the 's' out beginning to let the tears fall.
"that like never happens"
you continue to exclaim placing your head in your hands continuing to cry.
"hey its okay we can ask to get it fixed"
matt reassures you, turning in his seat as nick does the same as everyone fixates their focus on you.
"hey you dont have to cry about it whats going on with you? you have been crying pretty much all day randomly"
nick states honestly looking a Chris.
"yeah whats going on did chris do something?"
matt follows up.
"baby is it that time like you don't cry this much ever"
chris mumbles fixing his gaze on you seated next to him.
nick exclaims shcoked that was even a question that came out of his mouth exchanging a shocked looks with Matt in the front.
"what the fuck chris no"
you exclaim responding to your boyfriend almost wanting to giggle and end the prank there but continuing with the act.
"what sorry but its not like you to cry ever hour like"
chris defends running a hand through your messy hair seeing you took it down from the half up half down style you had it in earlier.
"i know"
you state simply letting a out a sigh leaning into Chris' touch.
"so do you want to get your food fixed"
nick questions you again resulting in you shaking you head 'no'.
'okay then are we ready to head over to mom and dads then"
matt asks everyone as he begins to start the car to head in that direction as everyone simultaneously agrees.
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You guys finally made it to their parents house which was only about 15 minutes away from where we were earlier, standing at door waiting for someone to answer.
"you want take a nap after we say hi to everyone"
chris whispers to you resting his forehead on your temple after placing a kiss to it. You just simply nod agreeing to his ask.
"oh my goodness hi"
matt's girlfriend screams greeting them immediately jumping up in his arms, him catching her with his hands landing on her ass.
"oh my goodness hi"
he exclaims mocking her.
'i missed you"
she breathes out as she leans her forehead on his, resulting in Nick clearing his throat.
"hey there hate to break up the love fest but can yall like move out of the door way so we can come in, well so I can go see mom and dad"
nick states with a eye roll as matt's girlfriend giggles.
"nick fuck off"
matt huffs out frustrated with the simple request, resulting in his girlfriend gasping at his response to his brother, smakcing him softly on the shoulder.
"be nice and move"
she replies as matt rolls his eyes complying, proceeding to make his way into the house with his girlfriend still in his grasp into the kitchen.
"hey you guys"
marylou greets as you all entered the kitchen giving nick a hug first and continuing on with chris and you.
"hi mom"
chris mumbles out into the hug they were sharing.
"are you not going to give me a hug or just continue to hug you girlfriend"
marylou giggles out to her middle child. Matt chuckles out letting his girlfriend drop to her feet, hugging his mom.
"howdy mama"
matt finally chuckles out.
'your dad is in the living room If you guys want to go see him"
she states out simply as the boys start heading in that direction.
"hey girly pop how are you"
matts girlfriend greets you hugging you. You need to tell someone you have been pranking chris all day and not being able to tell some one was killing you.
"um so i have been pranking chris all day"
"what how so"
she exclaims quietly so they dont hear her.
" i have been crying randomly"
you giggle out.
"does not know yet when are you going to tell him"
she asks
"i am soon i think i am going to have another random burst of tears and then yeah"
you reply simply.
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You guys have all made your to a quiet comfortable vibe in the living room watching some random movie Im pretty sure nick chose. Matt and his girlfriend were cuddled up on the far end of the couch while nick was sat in a chair with men and chris sharing the other end of the couch. I wasn't really interested in the movie which resulted in me being on my phone, trying to figure out when to start my next random crying outburst.
A few minutes pass from me scrolling on my phone and both Marylou and Jimmy found comfort as well in the living room. You begin to let out subtle sniffles. Chris gazes up at you seeing hie was resting his head in your lap.
he exclaims dragging out the 'y' sitting up and catching everyone's attention as you being sobbing more uncontrollably.
"oh my goodness whats wrong sweetie"
marylou exclaims coming over sitting next to you on the couch running the palm of her hand up and down your arm as you continue to sob.
"whats wrong"
jimmy asks looking at the boys as matts girlfriend stays quiet knowing what really going on.
"i dont know she has been acting like this all day"
Chris states simply
"Nick go get her some water please"
marylou asks a he gets up pausing the movie heading into the kitchen
"breathe sweetie okay talk to me"
marylou says comforting you as you placing you head in you hands resting them on top of your knees as nick returns with your water.
"baby are you sure your not"
chris asks the same question he asked earlier as his face morphs into a confused one as you start giggling out of no where.
"what is happening"
matt asks confused.
"it was a prank you guys"
you giggle out
"what are you kidding"
nick exclaims as you look over to chris as his face drops in relief.
"we were really worried about you"
chris sighs out.
"im sorry and im sorry marylou and jimmy as well"
you giggle out as they simply chuckle along with you.
"dude i thought it was your time of month from how random you were crying"
chris chuckles out scratching the back of his head, as marylou gasps reaching over and playfully smacks the back of her youngest's head.
"chris you never ask a girl that"
his dad states chuckling.
"i know i just didnt know why she was acting like that; dad she literally cried because her food was messed up"
chris defends.
"yeahh but in all seriousness on that note I have been PMSing all day so I might start it tomorrow"
you mumble out as chris chuckles.
"see i know my girlfriend guys"
he exclaims grabbing you and resting her head on his lap with you giggling at his response.
@mintsturniolo @dirtylittleheart333 @wh0resstuff @spicymuffins03
@aaliyahsturn @stayingstromboli
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queerofthedagger · 1 year
reeling through the midnight streets
[Steddie | T+ | no warnings | ao3]
Written for @steddie-week day 2; bittersweet + fluff/angst (a bit of all of those)
“God, I used to have such a crush on you,” Eddie says, all casual. “Back in ’86, I mean.”
To Steve, the words feel like a car crash. They are said easily, mirthfully, but they change something fundamental about the space around them; Eddie’s cozy, clustered living room, the languid air between them. About those years—eight exactly—between now and the one that Eddie is so carelessly flinging in his general direction.
As if he doesn’t care whether it lands or not.
“What,” Steve chokes out, delayed, and it’s a wonder his voice doesn’t break.
From across the room, lying sideways in a worn armchair, Eddie raises a brow. “Oh, come on, you already know that I’m bi, you’re cool with Robin and Nancy—“
“What,” Steve repeats, and his voice lilts up at the end there, going tinny. He feels like he’d stuck his hand into a socket, and not in a hot way. “That is absolutely the last fucking thing I care about, man. In case you’ve missed the casual-but-entirely-on-purpose way I’d referred to my fucking ex-boyfriend—this isn’t even the point. What the fuck did you just say?”
Finally, through the haze of an evening full of weed and whiskey, Eddie seems to clock that his words may have not landed as casually as he had been aiming for.
Whatever the fuck he had been thinking.
“Look, it’s not that big of a deal, yeah? I was young and impressible, and you’d basically saved my life; easy for the poor queer kid to develop an unfortunate crush on the golden knight in shining armor.”
Steve laughs, a hollow sound. He leans forward on the couch and runs a hand through his hair. Looks back up at Eddie, at the faint but genuine confusion in his eyes, and knows that this isn’t a joke or an attempt to fuck with him.
Steve swallows. “You know, I always thought…”
He cannot finish the sentence. His mind isn’t clear enough for this, their spontaneous Friday night hangout turning a bit less casual when Eddie found a bottle of whiskey—coincidentally, of course, Stevie, what do you take me for—as if for old time’s sake.
He wonders if Eddie had planned this. If Steve’s the idiot, for not being able to laugh about it, too. For feeling like the words have wrapped themselves around the cage of his ribs like a fist, waiting to close.
“What,” Eddie laughs softly, not unkindly. “That I viewed you as some untouchable thing, the babysitter?”
“God you’re—“ making it worse, with each and every word. Steve clears his throat. “I always thought, you know, if you hadn’t left. I thought we could’ve been…”
Something. Anything. A fucked-up thing breaking after a year because they both didn’t know what to do with themselves, much less someone else in their life. Something good, something solid, the way their friendship had been.
Just. Something. Something more than broken promises and dwindling phone calls, than running into each other by chance in goddamn Colorado Springs, 1995, after years of no contact.
Across from him, Eddie is finally paying attention, sitting up straight in the armchair and looking at Steve the way Steve feels on the inside; raw and flayed open, like he’s coming apart.
There is a ringing at the base of his skull that sounds exactly like the one that had clung to him those first few weeks, months—too long—after Eddie had left.
“We could have been what, Steve.”
Steve laughs again, shakes his head. “Come on, don’t make me say it.”
A part of him had always thought that Eddie must have known, even as Steve had barely understood it himself. There was only so much sharing the same bed night after night, so much of fingers always reaching for skin, all casual, so many heavy silences and heavier confessions disguised as something else that could happen before—
He’d always thought that Eddie must have known. That he had looked at Steve, weighed him up against everything else, and decided it wasn’t quite worth the trouble.
“No, I think I need you to say it, actually,” Eddie says, his fingers restless on his rings.
In the dim light of three am, he looks so much like the Eddie that had haunted Steve’s sleep for years, he almost believes that this is nothing but a nightmare.
It makes him bristle, an old habit still not properly buried. “Weren’t you the one who just said it wasn’t a big deal?”
Always a bitch when things get too close for comfort, Steve; it’s something Eddie once knew, too.
“It didn’t,” Eddie allows, lifting one shoulder into a shrug. “Then you made it a thing.”
“I made it a thing? Jesus, Eddie, you’re—“ He bites down on the words, keeping them from spilling over—an eternity of longing bleeding all over Eddie’s faded rug.
It’s taken so long to get over it, the sudden leaving, the following silence. The helpless compassion in Robin’s eyes, Nancy’s pursed lips, the hours Steve had spent staring at his stupid fucking phone. The lingering phantom sensation of Eddie’s blood still on his hands, of Eddie curling around him in his sleep, of his fingers against Steve’s skin.
It’s taken so long, but Steve had managed. Had a couple of more or less successful relationships, found a job, is settled now. Hell, his current relationship has been going steady for months.
He looks up, holds Eddie’s eyes. Each and every word burns like acid on its way through his throat. “I was so in love with you, it fucked me up for a year when you left, Munson.”
Eddie’s eyes widen, his entire body going still. Steve stops paying attention, instead getting up and grabbing his jacket. He has to get out of here, away from the dim light and Bowie playing in the background, the half-empty whiskey bottle and Eddie. Most of all from Eddie.
His life is good. It had taken a while, had taken an entire rearrangement of the pieces left in the wake of Nancy and Eddie and all the pains of being a teenager with absent parents and an alternate dimension dogging his steps, but he’d done it.
He thought it’d be fine to let Eddie Munson shove his way back into Steve’s life. It will be. He just—he needs—
“It’s fine,” he says, plastic smile spreading across his face instinctively. He fixes his eyes somewhere to Eddie’s right. “Don’t worry about it, I got over it ages ago. Just, you know—I have a date with Nora tomorrow anyway, and I—“
He hasn’t lied this poorly in years. Eddie looks at him like he did in 1987, when he’d left Hawkins for good.
Steve runs a hand across his face and drops the smile for a smaller, more honest one. “Give it a couple of days, yeah? I’ll get over it; I always do.”
He doesn’t wait for an answer this time, slips out of the flat to let the cool mountain air wash over him, breathe and breathe and breathe until every muscle in his body stops feeling like a faulty live wire.
In the light of sober morning, Steve’s first impulse is to skip town.
His second is to grit his teeth, get up, and deal with his hangover. It doesn’t exactly lessen the hot-faced shame, but then, he has an inkling that nothing but time will do that.
He allows himself a couple of days to mull it over—he’s not sulking, Robin, thank you very much. To meet Nora for dinner and remind himself that he isn’t the same heartbroken, left-behind kid that he had been at twenty, and that Eddie may have barreled right past all of Steve’s carefully crafted defenses last night, but that it doesn’t mean that he is still a scalpel sliding into the soft parts of Steve’s heart.
It is a week until he picks up the phone. He refuses to feel guilty about it—there really were approximately thirty better ways Eddie could have gone about dropping that particular revelation.
They meet at a coffee shop close to the record store where Eddie works and make it through the slightly awkward greetings and orders, taking their drinks to go. Spring sunlight is finally crawling over the mountains in the distance, and even though the wind is still chilly, it’s like coming back alive.
“So,” Eddie says, once they’ve turned left into a small park. He glances over at Steve, a sharp crease between his brows, and then squares his shoulders. “I’m not going to apologize.”
Steve hadn’t exactly planned any of this through; it was the only way to avoid overthinking what he wanted—and didn’t want—Eddie to say. The declaration still makes him clench his teeth to keep the first and the second answer from slipping out.
Eddie stops on the narrow path, turning to look at Steve. There is something severe to him, the harsh twist of his mouth pulling at the faded scars. “What did you want me to do, Steve; the entire town still hated me, and even before it did, Hawkins never had a particularly shining future in store for me—“
“Unlike for me, you mean?” Steve scoffs, bitterness creeping into his tone.
It’s not how this is supposed to go. He isn’t supposed to still be so godforsaken hurt, is supposed to take the whiskey-hazy night and laugh it off, bury it the same way he had buried all of those sugar-spun dreams for their future, back in 1987.
Eddie shrugs, but he’s too tense for it to look casual. “Yeah, maybe; doesn’t really matter at the end of the day, does it?”
Steve lets his gaze travel through the sorry excuse of a park, sickly-looking trees blocking out the Rockies.
“Yeah,” he laughs, dropping his half-empty cup into the nearest trash. “What does it matter, at the end of the day.”
“No, I know, it’s—“ He runs a hand through his hair, pulls himself together. He looks back at Eddie and he’s still frowning, the seriousness sitting wrong on his face. “Did you ever—I mean... I could have come with you. You could have asked.”
There is a beat of silence during which Eddie’s face goes blank, and then it crumbles with something so wildly hurt that Steve wants to take it back, shove the words back down his throat and let them rot there.
“Fuck, Steve, don’t you think I wanted to?”
And because Steve can never leave well enough alone, he asks, “Why didn’t you?”
Eddie smiles, a distorted, sad thing that makes Steve regret every step that has brought them here.
“Well, I wish that I could whip out the big selfless story, but truth be told—I don’t know. I think… I mean, do you think we would have made it? That we were ready for… That we wouldn’t have fucked off to Chicago or New York or wherever with Robin, that we wouldn’t have torn each other and ourselves apart with how…”
He doesn’t finish the sentence. He doesn’t need to. After all, they are standing hundreds of miles away, hundreds of days later, and are still choking on the same aching enormity of it.
Steve closes his eyes. Breathes in, out, and keeps his hands very, very still to stop them from reaching out.
“Yeah,” he finally says, his voice hoarse. “Yeah, we would have fucked it up.”
This time, the silence drags on, a moment of impenetrable mourning for everything that never was, never will be.  
Eventually, Eddie visibly shakes himself, his eyes careful on Steve’s face. “At least this way, we still get to be friends, right? Took a while and a few detours, but much better than ending up hating each other’s guts and having to split custody of the kids.”
“Friends, yeah,” Steve agrees, forcing a smile. He doesn’t ask, isn’t this what we have been doing? Avoiding each other for years, splitting time, making excuses and now, finally, pretending that we can be fine, a clean slate? All the pain of breakup, just with a story about missed opportunity, rather than doomed romance. All broken heart and no ready explanation for it.
It’s not pretense, though, he reminds himself. They’re fine. It’s good; he wants Eddie back in his life, and it’s not—
They’re not in love anymore. There’s no reason why they shouldn’t manage to be friends, this time around.
“Come on,” he says, nudging their shoulders together and swallowing down the relief washing across Eddie’s face like pain relief. “Let’s get a drink, yeah? To old friends, and all that rot.”
Eddie laughs, nudges him back, and it’s fine. It’ll be fine.
Eventually, inevitably, things go back to normal. Time passes, and while that particular night, that particular revelation, settles into the marrow of Steve’s bones as if to stay there for the rest of his days, they fall back into their usual rhythm easily.
Time passes, and he and Nora break up because sooner or later, that’s how all of his relationships end. Eddie gets drunk with him about it, both of them lying sprawled across his living room floor, fingers brushing, and Steve thinks about kissing him but doesn’t, so it’s all fine. It’s all utterly, perfectly fine.
Except that it’s not.
They aren’t teenagers anymore, so they no longer share a bed on flimsy excuses or live in each other’s pockets the same way, but their lives merge and tangle more and more as late summer washes everything golden and languid.
They meet after work and Eddie listens as Steve rants about his coworkers, and they drive up to Denver where Eddie plays the occasional gig. Steve teaches Eddie how to cook something more elaborate than pasta, and Eddie shows Steve how to fix his car himself.
They talk; about the time in between, about why Eddie left and why Steve didn’t, for so long. The kids visit and Dustin is over the moon as if he’s still fifteen and desperate for them to get along.
They’re not teenagers anymore, but as autumn tapers out, the nights already chilling up here, Steve knows that he’s falling in love again. That he should do something about it, because he has gotten his heart broken once already, and how he doesn’t.
They make the drive to San Francisco for New Year because one of those bands Eddie is ridiculously into is playing a show, and Nancy and Robin are in London for their anniversary. Steve just knows that if he didn’t have proper plans, Robin would have felt bad at least half the time instead of enjoying herself.
Not that he minds; many of those big, official holidays have lost some of their appeal throughout their teenage years—4th of July, Halloween, Christmas in the final showdown—and he likes San Francisco well enough.
He likes Eddie a little too much, but at least it’s good to see him happy; Steve already knows that he and his heart are a lost cause.
Except. When the clock is about to strike midnight, Eddie is standing close, the crowd around them a living, breathing thing. The lights go kaleidoscope around them, the bass thrumming through the floor, up Steve’s legs, and Eddie is still the only thing in the whole room he wants to look at—messy hair, glitter on his face, and cherry-pink lips from some abomination of a drink and all.
Eddie takes a step closer as the front man yells the ten of the countdown.
Steve’s throat is dry. His head is swimming from too many shots and Eddie’s proximity both, from the electric current setting his blood alight.
“Hey,” he says, and it comes out hoarse, unsteady. Eddie’s fingers tangle in the front of Steve’s shirt, and Steve—
Steve knows what’s about to happen next. The crowd shouts the five, and Eddie is smiling, eyes wide and warm and lovely. Steve loves him so much that he won’t survive the second time that Eddie Munson breaks his heart.
Three. Eddie’s hand curls around Steve’s hip. Steve thinks of the tail-end of 1987. Of 1988.
Two. Steve remembers the bathroom floor, Robin’s arms around him, the glaring headaches from too much alcohol.
One. It might be different this time. Eddie leans in.
But what if it’s not.
At point midnight, Steve turns his head away. Eddie’s attempt at a kiss land on his cheek and he steps back. Perhaps it’s not his heart, but something within him breaks at the look on Eddie’s face.
He forces a smile, forces himself to lean back in so he can speak over the noise around them. Forces words past his throat that taste like ashen betrayal, pretending that he isn’t choking on the burn of it.
“I’m so glad we’re friends, dude! To another year, right?”
He doesn’t hear Eddie’s answer if there is one. For the first time in a long time, Steve Harrington runs.
The drive back to Colorado Springs is one of the most uncomfortable experiences in Steve’s memory, and he’d once been friends with his ex-girlfriend and the guy she’d replaced him with.
Neither he nor Eddie acknowledge what had happened, how Steve couldn’t bring himself to return to their hotel until early morning, and how, when he finally did, Eddie had clearly faked being asleep.
They should be better than this by now, older and wiser and more mature, but Steve keeps his eyes fixed firmly on the road, and Eddie keeps his anywhere that isn’t Steve. They only talk when absolutely necessary, and if it wasn’t for years of carting the loudest bunch of annoying little dipshits around, Steve’s pretty certain that the utter distraction of it all would have made him crash the car.
By the time he finally pulls up in front of Eddie’s apartment complex, every part of him feels like he did.
“I’ll call,” he cuts in. “I just—I need to catch up on sleep, yeah?”
He can feel Eddie looking at him, and he knows that he’s being unreasonable and stupid and, most importantly, a massive fucking asshole. He still cannot bring himself to look back.
The door closing softly is a gunshot, bullet to the heart.
Steve doesn’t call. He stares at his goddamn phone for three days, and every time he thinks that he’ll be able to use it, he sees Eddie’s face again, bright and glittering and hopeful, leaning in. Tired and haggard, telling Steve that he’s leaving, that he needs to make it on his own. Every time, hope sparks in the pit inside his chest, and every time, he still feels the phantom pain, the cold bathroom tiles beneath his cheeks, the brutal loneliness high in his throat.
Robin comes back, and it takes him two days to tell her, but when he finally does, she simply hugs him, saying, “It’s fair enough if you don’t want to get hurt again.”
Steve’s not sure if it is about it being worth it, really. Eddie’s worth the world, is worth the risk and the hurt and all those years that Steve has been walking around with a hole inside his chest that has only started to close recently.
He still can’t pick up the phone, the mere idea of Eddie’s voice a warning twist of the scalpel, each and every time.
They don’t talk to each other for three months. Steve would love to say that it becomes easier after that first week; it proves the point of his serrated fear, at least, that it doesn’t, so he wins either way.
Except, all of it feels like losing.  All of it feels like 1987 all over, except that this time, Steve can’t even blame it all on Eddie, can’t even rant and rant and rant to Robin about how Eddie’s an asshole and have her agree while she holds his hair as he’s throwing up his heart at 5 am.
Steve’s caught between past and future, and meanwhile, the present is slipping him by. He goes to work, does his chores, goes through the motions. He goes running, long, grueling runs up and down Colorado Spring’s hills until his legs shake because it’s the only thing bar drugs that shuts up his brain for a couple of moments.
He avoids all the places that he knows Eddie frequents, as well as the ones that Eddie knows he usually searches out. It feels like 1987 but flipped on its head. Steve hasn’t been this miserable since— well.
Winter melts into Spring again. He remembers, ‘God, you know, I used to have such a crush on you, back in ‘86.’ He remembers nights spent on the floor of Eddie’s living room, the way Eddie still talks with his hands when animated but how it is missing the anxious edge, these days. How he’s still passionate about music and DnD and the frankly ludicrous number of books littering his apartment, but how he listens now, too, when Steve talks, instead of drifting off into his own head, helpless.
He thinks of the past and of changing, of the embers of anger he has carried for almost a decade. Thinks that he hasn’t been a coward for longer than that, and that they deserve—
Well, either they deserve one last chance, or he finally deserves closure.
More or less exactly one year after he fled Eddie’s flat for the first time, he rings the doorbell, bottle of whiskey in hand and heart in his throat. As he waits, he prays and prays and prays that they haven’t finally fucked it up for good.
Eddie looks surprised for all of three seconds before his expression gentles into something softer. “Steve. Hey.”
“Can I come in?”
There is a fraction of hesitation, Eddie’s eyes flickering from Steve’s face to the bottle of whiskey; it’s just long enough for a spike of doubt, but then Eddie nods and steps aside.
The silence as they walk into the kitchen is awkward, but less stifling than Steve would have expected. He waits until Eddie nods at one of the chairs, a wordless question, and they both settle at the table. It takes a lot of effort to keep from proposing a few rounds of shots first, from throwing over all his carefully laid-out speeches and ask questions instead—like, why did you let me in, why aren’t you angry, why haven’t you called if you aren’t?
Apologies have never been Steve’s strongest suit, but he still does none of those things. He straightens his spine instead and looks straight at Eddie when he says, “I’m sorry, I’ve been an asshole on—and since—New Year.”
Eddie’s lips twitch as if any of this is funny. “Yeah, you were. You needed time, though; I get it.”
That… is not how this script is supposed to go. Steve frowns and traces the lines in the wood of the table. “Is that what you think, is that what I needed? I was just…”
If he’d hoped that Eddie would fill in the blanks for him, he’d be sorely disappointed. Eddie simply keeps watching him, calm for once in his life. Like he knows, but wants Steve to say it, anyway.
Which, honestly, is a very Eddie thing to do, in its own kind of way. Then again, jumping head-first is Steve’s, and to hell with all the carefully crafted speeches and measured revelations. They had more than enough time, and Steve wants—Steve wants. All or nothing.
So he jumps.
“I’m still—I’m still as stupidly in love with you as I was at twenty fucking years old. Or maybe not still but rather again; it’s honestly a little hard to tell, sometimes. But I can’t—I can’t do this again, not. Not watching you leave. Not losing you again. And frankly, I’m not…” He exhales; swallows the fear and the hunger and the burning ache, and says, “I’m terrified we’ll fuck it up. That I’ll fuck it up—hell, I almost did, and we haven’t even had a chance—“
He jumps when Eddie touches the back of his hand, the light brush of fingertips like a burning match to spilled kerosene.
“Only you would be afraid to be the one to fuck it up after I was the one who ran away the first time.”
“That was nine years ago, though, this is—“
“Steve.” It’s the full-stop kind of way he says it, brown eyes dark with something that locks the protest behind Steve’s teeth.
He watches as Eddie gets up, walking around the table to kneel on the floor in front of Steve. Under different circumstances, the image might have sent his mind straight to the gutter; right now, with the way Eddie looks at him, all he can think of is kneeling on the church pew as a child, Sunday mass still an occasion his parents insisted on. Of staring up at the mahogany cross above the altar, and how small he’d felt, in the face of something so massive. How he’d hoped regardless, each Sunday, hands folded, that the one thing he kept asking for may be granted.
Love, love, love; Steve Harrington’s biggest, worst-kept secret has always been that insatiable greed for feeling, just once, like he could be worthy of it, too.
And now here Eddie is, kneeling at his feet.
He touches two fingers to the curve of Eddie’s jaw, where the scars still curl; a mirror of the earlier touch, and he wonders if Eddie feels it too, the firestorm beneath his skin. “You agreed that I’ve been an asshole.”
Eddie shrugs. “I waited, though, didn’t I? I needed time back then too, and I regretted leaving as I did within half a year. I just didn’t have the courage to come back.”
If Eddie’s first confession had felt like a car crash, this feels like the aftermath; like getting scraped off the tarmac, band-aids in every color stuck to savage wounds.
When Steve speaks next, his voice is rough. “What if I didn’t have the courage?”
“I knew you would.”
“That’s confident of you.”
“Or perhaps, I just know that you’re the bravest—as well as the most stubborn—idiot I’ve ever met,” Eddie says, and there is so much godforsaken affection ringing through his vowels that Steve almost chokes on how it floods the cavity inside his chest.
“Doesn’t mean I’m not an asshole, sometimes,” he says, because it feels dangerous, all that trust and certainty.
Eddie grins, almost pleased, and tugs at him until Steve huffs as if to prove the point and slides from the chair, kneeling on Eddie’s kitchen floor.
“Look at me,” Eddie says, as if Steve does anything else whenever he’s around.
 Eddie slides his hands around Steve’s jaw, though, as if it’s the easiest thing in the world. Holds Steve’s gaze, and says, “I’m not going to leave again, alright? I’ve waited three months for you, but if you need me to, I’ll wait again. I’d wait each and every day for eight years, too, if that is the amount of time you’ll need. Granted, I’ll complain about it the entire time, and either you or Robin might murder me a year in, which would be a shame, but I’d wait. I’m not going anywhere.”
Steve’s throat burns, and he knows that if he uncurled his hands from where they found Eddie’s wrists, he’d find them shaking.
Steve believes him, though, is the thing; thinks of the sheer unlikeliness of them ever running into each other again after 1987, and about Eddie’s confession. About how they’ve been hurling towards this for so much longer than either of them could have known, and how, although he has long since stopped believing in Gods and fate and meant-to-be, the things Eddie makes him feel are the closest Steve has come to devotion in years.
So on a random Tuesday night in March, Steve kisses Eddie on the hardwood kitchen floor, for the first time since he thought of it, back then with a broken bottle pressed to his jugular.
It’s not as seismic as that particular night. It’s more like something softly clicking into place, like there is familiarity to the warmth of Eddie’s breath against his skin, to sliding his fingers into Eddie’s hair, tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
He licks into Eddie’s mouth and swallows the noise he makes in response, something to tug away beneath his breastbone—a new collection of things with Eddie’s name scrawled all over them. One less like a museum, and more like an exhibition in progress.
It’s like lighting a candle at the altar every Sunday, make a wish, believe it will come true; or maybe it’s the aftermath, the one Steve waited this long for. No candles, no tolling bells, but a wish coming true when Eddie laughs against his mouth, breathless and unsteady and so fucking happy that he glows.
“You know, I might have lied a little,” Eddie says, trailing his mouth over Steve’s jaw, across his cheekbone, until he can rest their temples together. “I didn’t actually have a crush on you in ’86. At least not only in ‘86.”
Steve’s brain isn’t working well enough for this. “What are you talking about?”
Eddie sighs, all over-dramatic theatrics, and tugs at a strand of Steve’s hair. “If you must know—“
“You’re the one who started talking—“
“If you must know. I had a crush on you long before ‘86. It’s just the year where it became so unbearable, not even I could ignore it any longer.”
Steve pulls back to look at him. “Now I know you’re full of shit, there’s no way—“
Eddie scoffs, but it mixes with laughter. “Christ, you really have no idea. Steve Harrington, you were a menace to every poor soul who was unfortunate enough to be attracted to men and living in godforsaken Hawkins in the ‘80s. And you better not let that get to your head, or I swear—“
Steve kisses him again, can’t help it, really, his chest threatening to crack open with the ridiculous amount of love that’s beating inside of it.
“And now I’m all yours,” he says, a vow against Eddie’s soft mouth. “Not on your goddamn kitchen floor, though.”
Eddie’s grin is bright enough to light up the entire room. “Still royalty at heart, I see.”
His knees crack when he stands up, though; Steve considers it his first big proclamation of love that he’s not making the obvious joke, here.
If the look Eddie levels at him is anything to go by, he knows it too, and what else is Steve supposed to do but pull him close, wrap his arms around Eddie’s waist to kiss him, again and again. To say, “At least not for the first time; I’m sure we’ll get around the flat eventually,” and swallow Eddie’s delight like honey.
After all, they have all the time in the world; Steve’s not going to let go again.
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zoeysdamn · 2 years
Bloodied petals - Xavier Thorpe x reader | Part.1
Summary: The Hanahaki disease, when flowers start to grow in the lungs of people experiencing unrequited or one-sided love. You never thought Xavier would be the reason you'd start to cough petals.
Warnings: angst, mention of blood
A/N: okay this is the first time ever writing on the show Wednesday and on Xavier so this is definitely not proof-read but I'm weak for the sad artistic blorbo blblbl
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Through blurry eyes you could barely recognize where you were. Sure, the stone arches looked vaguely familiar and maybe the floor you were laying on was too. But right now, everything felt so far away, not the rough surface of the stone floor under your palms, the smell of burning fire in through your nostrils nor the panicked screams seemed able to reach you. The only thing you could feel was the plaguing weight inside of your chest, crushing your lungs under its unforgiving pressure. 
You coughed, mouth filled with blood and stained petals. At every cough it felt like your throat and chest were lit on fire and tears escaped the corner of your eyes. This pain should be familiar by now, it has grown stronger for weeks. Still, it hurt like a bitch and now the pain had numbed everything else. 
In the distance, green lightning and clashes of steel were the last of your worries. Even if you tried, you couldn’t care less about all of this because your whole body just hurt so much. Someone shouted, closer this time. God, when would this excruciating feeling of your heart and lungs being squeezed to death ever stop? Something dropped beside you. Or was it someone? You tried to say something, at least to say you were still alive. Nothing but gurgled sounds came out of you; words were stuck with the blood and flowers that had been growing inside of your chest and crawling out of your throat for the past weeks. 
Someone ripped your jacket open and pressed something on your plexus. Once, twice, a third time and on, repeatedly. Trying to force some of those flowers out to get you some air. They called you. Another hand cradled your cheek and a face came into your blurred vision. Even on the verge of death you could recognize those hazel hair and brown eyes anywhere. The pathetic attempt at calling out Xavier’s name only came out as a weak wheeze, as more blood dripped from your mouth. 
As the crushing feeling in your chest grew even heavier, at a point where your own body couldn’t take it anymore, you felt yourself slip away. When your vision went black, you wondered how things could have turned differently.
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It happened for the first time during fencing class. 
All the students had stopped their practice to stare at the intense sparring between Bianca and the new student cladded in black. Mask tucked under your arm, you didn’t miss a second of their pride-filled match. 
“Never thought I'd see Bianca having her ass kicked in fencing” you whispered. 
Next to you, Xavier let out a chuckle. 
“You did beat her several times last year if I reckon” 
That made you snort, “Yeah, like I said, I never saw someone do it, I was too busy actually succeeding at it.”
To be honest, it was a tight match between you and Bianca on who was the best in the fencing team. But you had backed down when she and Xavier had started dating ; you didn’t want his new girlfriend to hate your guts more than she already could. Being Xavier’s childhood friend had made things awkward in the beginning of their relationship. You couldn’t say she was really fond of you now, but at least you were civil to each other. 
Bianca’s opponent executed a pirouette to dodge the siren’s attack and you let out a low whistle. 
“Woah, guess Wednesday does know her shit,” you said in admiration. 
Xavier’s head snapped to you, eyes wide. “You know her?”
“New roommate apparently,” you casually answered. At his lack of response you glanced at him, only to catch him mesmerized by the fencing match. Or rather, by your new gothic roomie. That made you frown slightly. Not even when he was with Bianca did you ever see Xavier with such a look of adoration. “Why?”  
He didn’t answer immediately, too focused on the match. Like he hadn’t heard you. You nudged his arm slightly, making him realize that you had asked him something. 
“I think I know her from before,” he muttered. 
He had answered you. But he had not granted you a single glance. You had known him for so very long, you shouldn’t have been bothered by that. After all, he was free to do whatever he wanted. But his strange fascination for this new student felt strange to you for some reason. Something in your chest didn’t feel right, like a starting cough. Feeling your throat starting to tingle, you sneezed once, twice, covering your nose for decency. Something soft landed on your hand as you sneezed but before you had time to see what it was a collective gasp made your head snap up. Wednesday kneeled on the floor, a clean cut painting her pale cheek in red. That made you gasp, too. She just lost. 
Before Bianca could loathe anymore, the brunette gathered herself and hurriedly left the room, stiff as ever. You stepped aside like the other students to let her through. She was probably going to the infirmary to get her cheek checked. 
“Well, that was weird,” you said with a dry chuckle. Then you turned toward your friend, “Are you down for another match, Xav?” 
He didn’t answer you again. His eyes were still glued to where Wednesday had disappeared a few moments ago. It wasn’t intentional probably, but the negligence of your childhood friend made your chest ache. 
“Xavier?” you called him.
“I- uh sorry Y/N, I gotta go”, he mumbled pensively before excusing himself out of the room. 
Dumbfounded by his sudden departure, you looked at Ajax. 
“What’s gotten him?” you asked him. 
The gorgon only shrugged, “Dunno. It’s not the first time he had acted strange, eh?”
You nodded, he had made a point. You had known Xavier for a long time and knew him pretty well, but this time you couldn’t understand his behavior. 
“Wanna do another match?” 
“Thanks Ajax,” you said with a small smile, “but I think I’m gonna hit the sho-”
A fit of cough interrupted you, your chest burning with an itching sensation. It felt like something was stuck in your throat, and the coughs intensified until it disappeared only a few moments later. When the itching stopped, you looked at the gorgon apologetically. 
“I think this is the sign for me to call it a day,” you joked. “Too bad, you could have actually beat me in this state.”
He snorted and nudged you playfully to the exit of the room, telling you he would have totally beat you anyway. As soon as you came out of the room, you opened your clenched hand. At the sight of five white flower petals, you frowned. 
“What the fuck,” you muttered to yourself. 
Your day had just become a lot weirder than you thought. 
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Fortunately, by the time you had stepped out of the shower the sneezes and other weird petals-coughing had stopped. So you had brushed away the thought, thinking it might be related to your late gardening the previous night. You had spent half of the night tending to your collection of plants and had almost fallen asleep on the workbench. 
Returning to your room, you were met by the sight of your roommates, Enid and Wednesday in what appeared to be a glaring contest in the middle of the room. 
“Already at each other’s throats?” you asked, making Enid humph and plopping on her bed with a pout. 
The brunette eyed you meticulously, like she was analyzing every detail about you. 
“It’s nice to meet you officially Wednesday,” you said with a small nod of your head. For what you had heard from Enid, she wasn’t the type to enjoy any unnecessary physical contact. 
“You must be Y/N” she observed sharply, “Principal Weems had mentioned that I was to be plagued with two roommates.”
You nodded, not taking the icy comment personally. “I am. Though I’m very mindful of everyone’s personal space considering that I also cherish mine.”
“Perfect” said Wednesday sharply. “I also understood you were quite a fitting fencing partner.”
“You did?” you asked with an arched eyebrow. 
“Xavier mentioned it,” she said.
“You talked with Xavier?” you asked with a surprised frown.
The way her eyes narrowed at every one of your reactions wasn’t missed. 
“He talked at the infirmary. Just helped me to get out of a murder attempt.”
“A what now?” you asked with a dry chuckle. 
“A WHAT??” Enid screamed.
Wednesday rolled her eyes at your blond roommate’s reaction. With a flick of your wrist and a simple mumbled incantation, the torrent of question the werewolf had started to ramble turned into silence. Enid gave you an outraged face at your actions, throwing silent threats at you before returning to her bed and pout. The ever so slight twitch of Wednesday’s eyebrow showed that you might actually have impressed her. 
“Witch” you said simply, pointing at yourself. “Silencing spells comes out handy here.”
“Quite impressive,” said Wednesday in her usual flat tone. “Thorpe had failed to mention your actual useful assets.”
The thought that he hadn’t talked about your powers wasn’t odd. The both of you had basically grown up together when your aunt had started to drop you frequently at his dad’s house when you were kids. Your aunt was quite popular in the witch community and was good friends with Xavier’s equally famous father. When you ended up in her care after your mom’s passing, you gained a new friend in Xavier. By now he was used to your powers; it felt normal to him. 
“Well if you ever need a fencing partner, you know where to find me” 
She tsked, sharply returning to her chair to sit in front of her typewriter, “Although I’m not sure to step in the fencing room ever again, it is a reassuring thought to have someone able to actually stab efficiently in the same room as I.”
You chuckled at her words, “My pleasure.”
Seeing that she wasn’t listening anymore to dedicate her time to writing, you plopped down on your bed, opening one of your history books to go through the last lesson. Everyone at Nevermore knew you were kind of a hardcore student, often spending free time practicing your abilities or studying. Even if your aunt hadn’t been the most present parent, she had always made sure you had the best tutors to teach you witchcraft. In the early years you had been under her care, you had been quick to understand that excellent grades and results were what made you worthy in her eyes; not that you thought less of her – witches were prideful beings and big on family glory. Now you weren’t trying to get her attention through scholarship anymore, but good habits of studying stayed. 
So it wasn’t unusual for you to get a text from Xavier asking if you could help him with some assignment, like he just did. 
Glancing from your book, you noticed that Wednesday was still on her writing hour, while Enid had left the room. You got up, grabbed your bag to throw a few personal effects and slipped out of your room. Girls and boys weren’t supposed to sneak into each other’s dormitories, but you knew how to go past the surveillance easily. Knocking on Xavier’s door, you waited for someone to answer. When he opened the door, Xavier had his usual lopsided grin. 
“Hi there,” you smiled back, before entering the room, noticing the absence of his roommate, “Rowan’s not here?”
Immediately, Xavier’s eyes became colder and he seemed to tense. 
“Nah. Don’t think he’ll be coming back tonight to be honest.”
You arched an eyebrow, while sitting cross-legged on Xavier’s bed, “Why?”
He licked his lips nervously, like he pondered whether or not he should tell you this. But after all, you were his oldest friend, and he trusted you with his life. 
“He tried to kill Wednesday earlier.”
That made your eyes widen; not really the attempted murder part, more the fact than Rowan did it. 
“Rowan?” you repeated. “As in, Rowan your roommate?”
He frowned, “You don’t seem very surprised that someone tried to kill Wednesday.”
You felt your chest tighten once again at his concerned tone. Like you wanted to start to cough again. 
“She told me,” you explained, “though she doesn’t know who had tried to kill her.”
“Fuck,” he swore, passing a nervous hand through his hair, “I don’t know why he had done this.” 
The way he looked so distressed made bile rise in your throat. You stopped the cough before it ever came out of your mouth. 
“Look, we can’t know until Rowan’s back, okay?” you said calmly, trying to ease the tension, “Wednesday’s okay, I’m even pretty sure she’s honored that someone came this close to kill her on her first week here.”
That elicited a laugh from Xavier, and at this sound you felt lighter. 
“Yeah, that’s probably right,” he chuckled before sitting down on the bed next to you. “I guess we’ll see where all of this goes, uh? Maybe it was all a misunderstanding.”
You hummed in agreement, “Besides, Wednesday knows how to defend herself, and I’m not going to let my roommate alone in the face of danger, no matter how much she pulls the cool detached girl behavior.” 
He smiled at that. Despite the weird character of Wednesday, you didn’t wish her any harm. Should she be in danger, sure you’d help her. 
Grabbing one book from your back, you gently swat it on Xavier’s shoulder. 
“Don’t try to change the subject though mister,” you playfully reminded him, “I do believe you texted me to save your sorry artistic ass once again.” 
He dodged your next attack, laughing as you tried to hit him again with your notebook. 
“Yes ma’am” he smirked, grabbing his own notes. 
The two of you started to work, leaving the subject of your new roommate behind. An hour into this comfortable studying session, where you helped Xavier for a botany assignment and he showed you some of his recent sketches, it felt like it had always been. You were comfortable around each other, everything seemed to come out effortlessly. That’s why you loved to spend time with Xavier so much. 
You stretched your arms above your head, releasing all the tension that had built up due to your slouched position while studying. 
“I’ll never understand how you always ace the arithmetic classes, Xav” you said with an amused smile. 
“That might be my hard work,” he mused with a grin, letting himself fall on his back onto the mattress. 
You snorted and threw a ball of paper on him, “You’re like the laziest student ever, Thorpe.”
He caught it effortlessly, “Must be my natural talent then,” he said before throwing it back at you, hitting you on the head.
“Oh you’re gonna pay for that,” you grinned, jumping on his side. 
He jumped at your sudden move but before he could protest you were already tickling him mercilessly. “Hey! This isn’t fair!” he wheezed in between laughs.  
He tried to counter your attacks, jabbing your sides and the two of you ended up rolling on his bed, giggling like children tickling each other restlessly. At some point Xavier managed to flip you over and you squealed at the sudden turn of events. You started preparing for a witty come back but the words were caught in your throat at the sight of Xavier’s face merely inches from yours. Hovering above you, he got you pinned on his bed; your breaths, ragged and mixing together softly caressing each other’s cheeks. For the briefest moment, it seemed like you saw his eyes for the first time. Brown, warm and bottomless; they looked like home to you. They had golden highlights too, how come you had never noticed? 
While you were gazing at Xavier’s face, you hadn’t noticed him kissing every inch of your face with the very same eyes you were lost in. Before you could stop yourself your gaze flickered to his lips briefly then to his eyes again, only to find his gaze already on yours. 
“Hi,” he whispered. 
“Hey,” you breathed back. 
“Willing to recognize my undeniable charm now?” he asked huskily with his usual grin.
You huffed softly at that, “I thought you talked about natural talent.”
“Well there’s that too, thanks for reminding me Y/N” he casually grinned. His expression then softened, “I’m trying to reach your level, sweetheart.”
Your already short breath got caught in your throat. It wasn’t the first time you heard him using affectionate pet names, but you couldn’t help but feel your cheeks shade in soft pink. This time felt…different. Maybe because you were laying on Xavier’s bed, with half of his body pressed against yours, complimenting you.
Somehow, the weight on your chest felt like it had almost disappeared. 
Your eyes wandered once again on his full pink lips without really realizing it. 
“Xav?” you whispered, not wanting to speak louder, like you were afraid it would ruin the moment. 
Suddenly, you felt shy. You had never felt embarrassed about talking about anything with Xavier. So why did it feel so strange now? Licking your lips nervously you averted your eyes, unsure of what to do.
 “Do you think…do you think about us, sometimes?”
At his lack of response you sighed quietly and kept your gaze down. God you felt embarrassed now. 
“Sorry,” you mumbled, “this was a stupid question I shouldn’t have asked that.”
Noticing your discomfort, Xavier brought his hand to your face slowly. 
“Hey,” he said, carefully brushing a strand of hair off your face, “hey it’s okay. No hiding between us, remember?” 
You could only shrug slightly, unsure of what to say. 
To be honest, you weren’t sure why you were asking this now. Of course, you had wondered if you and Xavier would someday be more than friends. It even seems that the thought had never really left, it was simply buried more or less deep in your mind. And somehow, it was resurfacing now. 
“I have thought about it,” he confessed, “a lot, actually.” That made your heart flutter. Until he add, “But this…I can’t–” 
A strong sound of chords, although muffled by the walls, made him stop. Without really realizing it, your head turned toward the window too. It sounded like someone was playing on a balcony? 
This unexpected interruption seemed to break the strange yet intimate charm the two of you were caught in, and Xavier slowly pushed himself away from you, clearing his throat awkwardly. Yours on the other hand, felt tighter than ever. Still you got up from the bed, and just like Xavier, approached the window, curious about this melody resonating throughout Nevermore’s walls. 
“It sounds like a cello,” mumbled Xavier, looking through the window to try to catch a glimpse of the mysterious player. 
“Nobody has a cello in the school,” you started to think out loud as an image of your new roommate’s belongings flashed into your mind, “except…”
Your eyes flickered immediately to your room’s balcony, on the other side of the quad. Sitting under the night sky and deep in concentration, Wednesday Addams was playing cello like it was the last time she’d ever play. Passionate, dark, precise. An impressive presence that weightened down every other. 
You didn’t know how long you had stayed in front of the window, mesmerized by the intensity of the music recital. When you got out of your reverie, your head snapped in Xavier’s direction. Really, you didn’t really know what to expect, it had been more a reflex than anything else. But finding him hovering over a sheet of paper, erratically sketching like a madman, wasn’t what you expected at all. 
Sensing your burning gaze on his back Xavier lifted his head; at the betrayed look on your face, his eyes turned into pleading ones. 
“I– I’m sorry I just–” 
“No it’s me,” you cut him sharply in a small voice. Crossing the room to gather your belongings you hurriedly threw all of your stuff in your bag. Not daring looking up at Xavier; or else you weren’t sure you would be able to restrain your tears. “I overstepped, I should be going.” 
“Y/N I–” Xavier pleaded. 
“G’night Xavier,” you mumbled, storming out of the room and shutting the door behind you. 
Eyes glued on the floor for the entire walk, you crossed the empty hallways in a hurry. At a turn, the gruesome feeling in your chest returned. Like a hot iron gripping on your lungs, a sharp pain started to overtake you. The harsh, tingling sensation clawed at your throat, acid plaguing your chest and lungs. As the first cough escaped your mouth, you leaned on the wall for support, hand covering your mouth. The horrid sensation of the never ending dry cough, shaking your whole body like a trembling leaf was crippling you. You weren’t even able to take another step, as the sensation of something crawling out of your chest through your throat was intensifying every passing second. 
The coughs hardened, until at last your stomach managed to regurgitate something. Bending over as you felt you were beginning to throw up, your hand came in front of you out of reflex to grab whatever you were spitting. With an awful gurgling sound, you finally spat out something soft, covered with a sticky substance. More smaller bits escaped your mouth for a whole solid minute, your mouth still feeling soggy but the coughs gradually easing down anyway. 
Bringing your trembling hands up, you opened them tentatively to see what had been stuck in your throat for so long. On your palm lay a white flower and scattered petals, covered with saliva and blood. Wiping the wet string dripping from your mouth with quivering fingers, you held them up in the moonlight. They were red and wet, covered in blood too. 
Crumbling against the wall, you let yourself fall on the ground. For long minutes, you stared at the bloody flowers in your hand. Then, you bursted into tears. 
“What the fuck,” you sobbed in disbelief. 
You had no idea of what was going on; but this was far more concerning than you had originally thought. 
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A/N: Next part is coming soon! Hope you enjoyed this fkjsrbkjbfr
Hope you’re all doing okay, take care of you ♥
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hihello-pinky · 10 months
part one ,, last part
i’m still stuck on Sight part 4 but heyyy i got kinda inspired to make this pt 2.
will post part 3 hopefully before the year ends lol.
not edited/written at 3am
8:50 PM
suna watches as osamu guides you out of the restaurant with a hand on your lower back. he hears atsumu whistle across him. “i swear to god, if my idiot of a brother won’t make a move on y/n, i will.”
he resists shaking his head, knowing that atsumu already has eyes on someone else, but he doesn’t bring it up. instead, his brows furrow, concern about you starting to cloud his mind.
he’s always been observant of you. it was only after he began dating hani that he started to spend less time looking at you. that was a few months ago and yet, he wonders why he wasn’t able to tell that you were feeling unwell.
“are you okay, love?” hani asks beside him, breaking him out of his reverie.
something passes along her face but he’s not able to catch it and what it can mean. instead, hani gives his hand a squeeze. he knows it’s meant to be reassuring but to suna, it feels as if he’s being held back from running towards something that he has always wanted.
suna always looked forward to practice and to say it’s purely because of volleyball would be a lie. sure, he loved the sport, but his excitement towards practice was amplified by something else – the thought of seeing you.
he wasn’t sure when he began to develop feelings for you that crossed the boundaries of platonic friendship. maybe it’s the way that whenever you would pass by their room, you’d look through the window and give him your sweet smile. maybe it’s the way you would always scold the twins during lunch whenever they get engrossed in their banter rather than eating. maybe it’s the way you would tie up your hair in a messy ponytail during practice, hands busy scribbling down notes on your manager’s pad.
suna wasn’t sure but by the beginning of sophomore year, he knew in his heart that he liked you.
on that particular day, you arrived at the gym a few minutes late and he was surprised to see that you weren’t alone. another girl was with you. as you introduced to the team that she’s your friend from student council, he could feel her curious eyes on him.
hani nakamura was her name, you said.
that day after practice, he noticed you and hani pass by the convenience store where he and the twins stopped by at. he immediately but subtly went ahead outside, only to see a glimpse of you blushing as you talked to hani.
he couldn’t help but think that the two of you were probably talking about boys, hence your blush. isn’t that what girls do? that night, when he got home, suna began playing scenarios in his head on how best to confess to you.
“i’m tired,” hani says softly as she rests her head on his shoulders. it snaps suna out of his thoughts, a reminder that he’s already dating the girl beside him, who, unlike you, will never play with his feelings.
he strokes her hair gently. “should we go?”
her response is a pout and a cutely-said “yes please.”
around him, his teammates fake barfing. “you two lovebirds are so cheesy! get out of here!”
suna is unable to resist his smirk as he shakes his head. “we’ll go ahead. y’all better also leave soon before you get wasted.” to atsumu he says, “except you, idiot, since you’re already wasted.”
hani giggles beside him as she links her arm with his. they both walk towards the parking lot, hani excitedly talking about everyone’s reactions when they told them about their relationship.
once they reach his car, hani murmurs, “oh no…”
“what?” suna’s instantly alert, “what’s the matter?”
hani looks at him sheepishly as she says, “i need to run to the restroom. sorry, love. be right back!”
suna exhales in relief and smiles. “okay. be careful. i’ll start heating up the car.” he waits for her to disappear from his view before he turns towards his car but before he could open the door, something catches his eyes.
it’s you inside osamu’s car, legs bent towards your chest, body shaking. and though he can’t hear it, he knows you’re crying.
he feels a little pain by his chest as he resists the urge to run to you, to comfort you and ask what’s wrong and to just make sure that you’ll be okay.
instead, he shakes his head and refocuses on his car but not after mumbling to himself, “stupid osamu and his non-tinted windows.”
it felt as if the universe was against suna’s plan of confessing his feelings to you. whenever he tried to get you alone after practice, something comes up and then either you or he would need to go ahead.
it was beginning to frustrate him. it didn’t help that on your non-busy days, your friend, hani, was always tagging along. after the first time, hani’s visits during their practice frequented and it soon became apparent to suna how close the two of you had become.
an idea suddenly came to suna.
since hani was close to you and it seemed as if she would never leave your side, what if he befriended her? maybe she could even give insights on and help with his confession.
he didn’t let the thought sit too long in his head; by the next time hani accompanied you to practice, suna started a random conversation. this would soon mark the beginning of their friendship.
suna admittedly only talked to hani in hopes of getting help confessing to you but what he didn’t expect was for him to actually get along well with her. once their friendship had reached a comfortable level, he finally decided to open up to her.
what he didn’t expect was the words that would leave hani’s mouth. “oh, suna-senpai, are you sure? i’m not sure if it’s my place to say, but…”
she was looking at him with sympathetic eyes, making suna feel foolish as he replayed what he had shared – about his changing feelings at the beginning of the school year, about the hints you’ve been dropping to him for the past months.
he awkwardly scratched at his nape. “well?”
hani bit her lip. “y/n-senpai actually likes someone in the volleyball team. you’re actually very close to him, maybe that’s why she was being too close to you as well…”
the end of her sentence was blurry to suna as he watched across the court how you playfully interacted with osamu.
suna’s eyes hardened as he swallowed the lump in his throat. “i see.”
suna couldn’t fall asleep. it’s been a few hours since he dropped hani off at their house but he’s still wide awake, his eyes fixed on the dull ceiling of his room.
thoughts of you swarm his mind.
after that conversation with hani many months ago, his treatment towards you never changed. he was mad at first but then realized that what you did to him had the same intention as why he even approached hani in rhe first place; the stark difference being he didn’t intend to toy with the girl’s heart.
nonetheless, he let the matter go. you were all still young and stupid anyway, and at the same time, he got too pre-occupied with his budding relationship with hani.
still, it bothered him. the sight of you sobbing in osamu’s car wouldn’t leave his mind. what could have happened to make you have a breakdown like that?
he contemplated on sending you or osamu a message just for his peace of mind and before he can decide who to text, his phone rings.
his eyes widened once he saw your contact id. he stared at it for a few more seconds before swiping right.
“… hey, suna. i didn’t think you’d pick up.”
he hated how you sound stuffy but chose not to comment on it. “well… what’s up?”
a barely-concealed sniffle. “c-can we talk?”
“okay, sure. go ahead.”
“no, i mean in person. the 12th convenience store?”
he smiled at the mention of the place. “okay. see you in a few.”
“see you.”
once you hang up, suna dropped his phone on the bed and immediately went to get his favorite hoodie.
the same hoodie that you’ve been asking for him to give to you ever since he let you borrow it on one rainy afternoon.
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marksmelodies · 1 year
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stuck like glue
“tangled in love stuck by you from the glue”- glue song by beabadoobee
paring: chenle x fem! reader
genre: smut,fluff
warnings: mention of sex, oral (f), unprotected sex, cussing, kissing
note: i know chenle lives on his own but for the sake of this story pls pretend that he lives in the dreamies dorms lol
no proof read
minors dni
———————————————————————————————Chenle has been away on tour for a little over a month. Tomorrow him and the dreamies will arrive back to korea, you’ve never been more excited to finally see your boyfriend again,You already took off a few days of work and told your professors that you won’t be in class for a few days.Of course Chenle didn’t seem supper happy about you calling off of work and missing school just to see him But deep down he was excited to finally get some alone time with you
“I cant wait to see you lele, Daegal and i miss you so much” you say to your boyfriend over facetime
“ I miss my girls too, thanks again for taking care of her while i was away” Chenle says
“ It’s not a problem babe i mean i’m basically her mom am i not??” you ask
“ What?? no Daegal has no mom only a dad” he says
“ Oh right Chenle that’s why she wines and claws at the door when i leave the dorms”
“ You’re such smart ass Y/n”
“I really do miss you though babe,ask Jisung I talked his ear off every night about you, actually don’t ask jisung or any of the members anything.. forget what i said” He starts rambling and you notice that his ears are turning bright red
“And why’s that lele?” you ask with a smirk on your face
“ Uhh i may or may not have drank a bit to much one night after our show and accidentally spilled to jisung, mark and renjun about how good you are in bed” he says extremely embarrassed
Your eyes go wide as you audibly gasp
“ You did not” you say rather loudly
“ I’m sorry babe i was drunk i doubt they even remember it, i only remember so much i don’t know what else i said” he tries to defend himself, You start laughing uncontrollably
“ That’s actually hilarious, i never see you that drunk” you say making fun of him “You’re such a brat” he laughs
Once your FaceTime call ends with Chenle you tidy up your apartment that you both agreed he would stay at for a few days once he gets home from tour. You get ready to head to bed and say goodnight to daegal
“ Your daddy is gonna be here tomorrow!!” you say in a high pitched voice causing Daegals head to slightly turn, ears to purk up and tail to wag “ I know i’m excited too” you say as you pet her head and turn off the light ,It feels like hours have passed since you closed your eyes, it’s hard to sleep because of the excitement running through your veins,Finally you feel yourself drifting off to sleep
You shoot up and look at the clock that reads 2:45 am you woke to up the feeling of sweat dripping down your face, you realize that your whole body is drenched in sweat “ What the hell” you say in utter confusion as you get up to check the thermostat “ Why isn’t my air conditioner working” you say pressing buttons on the screen
You walk out into the hallway to check if air is flowing through the hall,Sure enough the hallway is cold yet your apartment is sweltering hot “ You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me” you say as you walk back into your place
Turning on every fan you can find and placing them towards you and Daegal it finally felt a little bit better but not nearly enough to spend anymore time other than tonight in your apartment , Once the morning came you called the tenant about the air conditioner “ What three to five days just to get someone to check it out?” you say baffled
“ Sorry ma’am our technicians are booked out for a while” the man says on the other side of the phone
“ Alright well thanks anyways” you say as you hang up “god this is not how i wanted my week to start” You called your boyfriend to tell him about the air, Chenle talked to the members and they all agreed that you could spend a few days at the dorm until your air conditioning gets up and running. you’ve spent the night a few times at the dorm but never more than just one night at a time, you felt bad intruding on the other boys place but living without air conditioning during the hottest season in korea was a big no for you
Once you got the text that Chenle has landed and is on his way to the dorms you begin to make your way there as well. Standing at the entrance a wave of nervousness comes over you as you knock on the door “ Y/n come in” Jeno says while giving you a big smile “ Hi Jeno it’s good to see you” you say
“ It’s good to see you too, Chenle is in his room” he says You thank him and head towards your boyfriends room knocking on Chenles door before opening it. Daegal jumps out of your arms running to her dad “ Daegal my sweet girl i’ve missed you” he says bending down to pet her “Uhmm” you clear your throat standing at the doorway as Daegal runs out of the room to see the other members
“ I told you she loves me more” chenle says laughing
“ Really lele i haven’t seen you in over a month and this is how you greet me” you scoff in annoyance
“ Babe i’m kidding come here” he says as he walks towards you engulfing you into a big hug
“ I missed my baby girl” he says to you while kissing the top of your head.You lay on his bed and let him get settled and unpacked before demanding his undivided attention,You lay on Chenle chest while you both talk for what seems like hours about his tour,He tells you everything from start to finish, and you excitedly listen to him.When you both are done talking he decides you two should go out and hang with the rest of the guys
Chenle walks to the door about to leave the room when he realizes that you aren’t behind him “ Come on babe let’s go” he says waving you over to walk towards the door
You don’t say anything
Chenle walks back over to you and you throw your arms up in the air.Chenle makes a confused face.He knows that what you want is to be held; He also knows that you absolutely hate pda and would rather die than to show affection in front of the other boys so why would you want him to carry you out there?
Chenle shoves his confusion into the back of his mind and picks you up ,He wasn’t expecting you to want to be carried but what shocked him the most is that you clinged onto him like a koala, he took both arms off of you to open the door and you’d stayed clinging to him with your arms and legs wrapped tightly around your boyfriend ,You laid your head on his shoulder as he walked to the living room where the rest of the dreamies were hanging out
The boys all look at Chenle as he walks into the room, never in the three years you and Chenle have been together have they seen any type of affection being given between you two,There’s been times where haechan jokingly asked if you and Chenle were really dating because of the lack of a skinship “ you guys don’t even hug around us, that’s suspicious is it not”
The guys say a lot with there faces but no one voices anything out loud, Chenle shot a “i don’t know what’s going on” look at them and sat down on the couch with you still wrapped around him.The dreamies decide to play video games and of course Chenle was down to beat them all, through the entire gaming session you stayed wrapped around him not saying a word. Although Chenle didn’t seem like it he was honestly pretty worried about you, you never act like this in front of people
Of course behind closed doors you were affectionate towards him, but even then you were never this clingy
“ Babe i want to get something to drink” he whispered into your ear,No response came from you, you just looked at him and put you head back onto his shoulder.He got up and walked to the kitchen with you wrapped around him, opening the cabinets and the fridge he poured himself a cup of water, while you stayed clung to him completely unbothered. He goes back to gaming with the boys taking his mind off worrying about you
Later in the evening Jaemin starts making dinner, usually chenle and Jaemin cook dinner for everyone,Chenle looks over at Jaemin who’s in the kitchen and gives him a “ i’m sorry bro” kinda look followed by Chenle looking down at you and then back to Jaemin,Jaemin didn’t mind though he grabbed Jeno to help him make dinner
“ Hey babe you wanna let go for a second so i can use bathroom ” he asks, you just shake your head no, with that chenle sighs and takes you with him,He puts you on the bathroom counter and you finally unlatch from him “ everything okay baby?”You say nothing, just give him a quick nod as he comes back over to the sink to wash his hands and you latch right back onto him.Chenle really thought he finally got you off of him, he just looked at you confused again and kissed your forehead while walking back to the living room
He ate dinner with you wrapped around him, he asked if you were hungry, you shook your head no,At this point chenle gave up just letting it happen, everyones so confused by what’s going on, especially since you hadn’t said a word since you came out of Chenles room hours ago
After dinner Chenle did the dishes with you wrapped about him, he fed Daegal with you wrapped around (him which was pretty challenging he’ll admit) he played more games with you clung to his body. The guys suggested watching a movie and started scrolling through netflix debating on which one to choose
“ You wanna watch the movie with them or go back into my room” Chenle asks hoping for an answer.You just shrug your shoulders while your head is buried into the crook of his neck.Chenle has honestly had enough, he doesn’t know what’s going on, are you just tired? are you mad at him? are you upset? you were perfectly fine hours ago what happened??He gets up off the couch and brings you into his room sitting on the bed
“ Baby look at me” he says in a serious tone,You lift you head up off of his shoulders and look up at him
“ What’s wrong sweetheart” he asks
“ Nothing” you say shortly.Chenle is visibly getting annoyed by your short answers you’ve been giving him for hours
“ Y/n you’re pissing me off i don’t want to yell okay” he says “ what is wrong my love, saying “nothing” isn’t going to cut it”
“ I just missed you lele” you said
“ Are you sure that’s all baby”
You nod “ yes i promise i just want to be close to you” Chenle looks at you and smirks
“ I can think of a few ways we can get a lot closer than you just clinging to me” he says smirking.You laugh and push him away, he pulls you back and smashes his lips onto yours,Tongues battling for dominance you quickly lose,he flips you around so that he’s now towering over you
“ You’re so pretty lele”
“ Says you angel, god i missed everything about you” Chenle whispers in your ear,lips attached his hands roam your body unbuttoning your shirt and taking off your shorts, laying there in nothing but your undergarments Chenle pulls away from your lips to look at you “ god you’re so beautiful” he says taking off your bra chenle kisses down you body leaving a trail of marks.He gets to your heat and looks to you for approval, you nod your head yes and he begins to take off your panties, spreading your legs apart and leaves kisses on your heat before kitty licking your pussy,you instantly throw you head back into the pillow and grab Chenles hair while arching your back Chenle takes that as a sign to go farther and fully dive into your cunt, trying your best to hold in your moans knowing that right outside the door were the other members
“Fuck Chenle that feels so good” you moan softly as you tug on his hair a little harder his eyes look up to yours giving you an eye smile while hes still working to get to you finish while licking stripes up and down your pussy Chenle pushes a finger into your hole roughly going in and out
Feeling a tingly rush throughout your entire body you knew you were about to finish
“ Babe i’m about to cum” Chenle removes his finger and licks up and down your clit causing you to release,Chenle keeps one hand rubbing circles on your clit while the other hand covers your mouth, you let out a loud moan covered by chenles hand, he knew better than to leave you completely ungaged, he knows you’re a loud moaner, he could tell it was taking everything in you not to let out the normal pornagraphic moans that you usually do. After he lets go of your mouth he goes back into your pussy to ride out the rest of your high leaving both of you panting, Chenle pulls you into a kiss having you taste yourself
“Chenle please fuck me” you beg
“ Babe the guys are right outside”
“ I’ll behave i promise”
Chenle looks at you suspicious not sure whether believe you or not, you begin stroking his hard member through his grey shorts, Chenle let’s out a grunt and pins your arms beside your head
“ Don’t be greedy ” he warns while pulling his pants off and throwing them across the room with his shirt that was already long gone, he pulls down his boxers revealing his hard length, you basically drool over his dick which causes Chenle to chuckle,He pulls your hips closer as you wrap your legs around his torso, he slowly pushes in, Chenle lets out a grunt as his dick slides into the tight walls of your pussy
“ Fuck y/n you’re so tight” he says while progressively moving in and out faster “god you’re so wet too” he says right before pounding back into you
He has one hand on your waist and other covering your mouth like before,You shut your eyes feeling your body going into a different dimension
“ look at me, I wanna see my pretty girl” you look at him and make eye contact while he’s fucking you so good,you can tell he’s about to nut by the way his thrusts become sloppy and he moves faster and faster while soft moans and grunts fill the room hoping the members can’t hear what you two are doing
“ Fuck baby i’m coming” he says as he slows down his pace, you feel hot liquid shoot into your core as he fills you
He lays down on top of you but doesn’t pull out yet
“ That was amazing Chenle”
“ You felt so good my love, you did so well for me” he said as he kissed your lips and pulled out of you,you both lay there for a little bit just soaking in the presents of eachother before he gets up and puts his clothes back on heading to the bathroom, he comes back with a warm towel cleaning you up and making sure you’re okay.After not having sex for a while you were pretty sore but it was nothing major and you didn’t want to make chenle feel bad so you just smile and thank him for cleaning you up .Once you both freshen up you go join the boys in the other room to finish the ending of the movie that neither of you were there for
As he was watching the screen you were watching him, admiring how beautiful he is and how lucky you are to be with such a good guy, you thought about how many girls would kill to be in your position and a sense of pride washed over you, you were proud to be his girl.
“ Y/N is everything okay” renjun asking about earlier,all the boys look at you and Chenle
“ Yeah i’m fine thanks” you reply smiling
“ She just wanted dick” Chenle blurts out
“ What the fuck lele” your face begins to heat up as you shove Chenle
“ Yeah we have ears ” Haechan smirks at you both
“ I don’t know what your talking about” you defend yourself
“ Right because the headboard slamming into the wall which happened to the this wall” pointing at the one in front of them with the tv on it “ was from you both jumping on the bed” Haechan says sarcastically,You burry your head from embarrassment into Chenles shoulder while the boys are laughing
“ I mean you guys did make the tv shake” Mark chimes in
“Shut up your all just jealous you don’t get any” Chenle states
“ At least we know they’re a real couple, i was starting to think it was fake” Haechan laughs
my first fic! i hope you enjoyed!! my requests are open for all of nct!!
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ssunnysshin3 · 3 months
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Hummingbird(tmr Minho x reader)
Disclaimer: this is a version where both girls and boys live in the glades.It’s a lil bit lengthy sorry.
Authors note: I watched tmr for the first time 2 days ago and thought of this last night at 1am trying to fall asleep. Pls be nice it’s my first fanfic :)
Summary: you and your best friend Minho have a bit of a complicated relationship. However watching him get stuck in the maze overnight helps navigate your feelings
Tags: tmr Minho x reader, angst-ish, fluff
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“Who’s that?” Thomas turns to Alby.
Alby turns towards the direction Thomas was previously looking. “Oh that’s hummingbird. She got here a month after Minho. They’ve been close ever sense. If you’re looking for one, the other knows where they are.
“Hummingbird? Is that her real name?”
Ably chuckles, ”No. No it’s not. Only me, Newt, and Minho know what it is. And she hates it so don’t ask.”
Thomas leaned his head to the side in confusion as he watched you talk to Minho, who he’d already met.“Are they together?”
Alby took a deep breath before turning his head towards the pair. Shaking his head he says “ Good question. I’m not even sure they know what they are yet.”
You feel a hand on your shoulder gently shaking you as you open your eyes, the rising dawn slowly peeking through. You stretch and turn your head to Minho kneeling down to the side of your hammock.
“Hey” he says with a soft smile. The approaching sunlight casts a warm glow across his skin and in the light, his eyes are a beautiful amber color that only you would ever notice. It’s a nice contrast to the hard, worn look that normally resides on his face.
“Alby and I and headed into the maze. Are you sure you don’t want to run with us?” He says in a hushed tone so that the surrounding gladers don’t wake up.
Nodding you respond, ”Yeah I’m sure.” You reach up to move a hair sticking to his forehead away before resting your hand on his cheek. You look him in his eyes,“Run fast”.
He smiles, placing a kiss to your forehead before throwing a playful wink at you“I always do”.
A smile grows on your face as you watch him fade from your view, trying to ignore the creeping feeling of anxiety you get every time he enters the maze.
As you try to settle back into your hammock, you silently pray to, well you have no idea. It could be God or whoever sent you up in that box a three years ago, or truly to anyone that’s listening. “Please bring them back”
You close your eyes and attempt to catch whatever sleep you can before the glades awake for the day.
It’s getting late. While you completed your list chores for the day, which consisted of: marking the trees that were to be cut, helping out in the garden, wrapping up wounds,etc, you always kept a conscious note of where the sun was in the sky. And it was telling you that Minho and Alby should’ve been back by now.
Now the sun was hidden behind grey clouds and the rain poured as the gladers restlessly waiting for their leaders to return.
“They should be back by now. What happens if they don’t make it?” Thomas asks nervously. “They’re gonna make it.” Newt says with a harden expression on his face.
Thomas stalks over “ And what happens if they don’t ?” You and Newt share a look. “They’re gonna make it” You respond, though you’re not sure if you’re saying it for Thomas or for yourself.
The rain had cleared and soon enough a crowd gathered around the entrance of the maze.
Thomas jumped around nervously, “Come on, can’t we send someone after them?”. “It’s against the rules. They either make it back or they don’t.” Gally responded from his seated position.
You’ve never been a huge fan of Gally, he’s bossy and stuck up. However you could respect his dedication to the rules, and nonetheless he was right. No one could go in to help them. You bit your bottom lip nervously before shaking your head, “We can’t risk losing someone else.”
The familiar gust of wind expelled from the maze as the walls started to close. Your heart rate picks up as you try not to let the panic set in.
“There!” Thomas points at two figures slowly approaching the group. “Wait something’s wrong.” Newt takes a step forward.
Your eyes widen when you realize that Minho looks to be carrying all of Albys weight. “COME ON MINHO YOU CAN DO THIS!!” Chuck yells into the closing maze. The crowd abrupt into cheers and words of encouragement.
“RUN MINHO RUN!! YOU GOT THIS!” You scream as you step in front of the group. Minho drops Alby and starts his attempt at dragging him towards the exit by his feet.
“MINHO YOU GOTTA LEAVE HIM!” Gally shouts. You look over to Newt who wears a devastated look, “He’s not gonna make it.” The realization that Minho could actually die in the maze starts to consume you. Your throat is sore from screaming “HES RIGHT MINHO YOU HAVE TO LEAVE HIM!”
Minho lets out a gut wrenching scream as the walls of the maze get closer and closer together. Suddenly, Thomas breaks out in a full sprint into the maze. Yells of “THOMAS!”, “STOP”, “NO” break from the crowd as all of you try to reach out and grab him. But it was too late.
When the doors of the maze finally close, there’s a silence that sweeps the glade. Some start to walk back to the village, some are frozen in their place, one of which is you.
Your eyes are wide in shock, trying to comprehend that you have to now cross three names off of the wall.
You and Chuck waited in the same spots you were in. You waited from when the sun went down, all the way until you could see day break. I mean how could you sleep when closest friend had just lowered his survival rate by 90%.
All night Minho consumed your thoughts. The first time you guys met, him picking you as a runner, every look you guys shared. You closed your eyes and pictured every line of his face. His eyes, his smile, the color of his hair.
You tried to remember the sound of his voice. How he’d laugh when he joked around and your most recent conversations (including everything you wished you said). How he’d speak so gently to you, almost as if he was afraid that you’d break if he spoke to loud.
You’d put your hands to the air and try to feel his skin on yours. The warmth of his hugs.
You’re positive that you must look insane to the others, but that didn’t matter. This was your attempt at engraving Minho into your heart. It was a feeling that was familiar to you.
After what felt like an eternity, the maze opened. You straightened your back and forced yourself to stand as a couple of others came to see it they’d made it.
“I told you Chuck, they’re not coming back” Newt said in a disappointed tone. As you turn around to walk back into the village, you hear a voice from behind. “ No way”.
You see the rest turn to look behind them, so you do the same. Your eyes almost bulge out of your head as you see three dark figures moving towards you. You thought that it was your imagination until you stumbled closer to the mouth of the maze.
The others helped Minho and Thomas lay an unconscious, probably dead Alby on the ground. They looked tired and like they had almost died, and you should’ve probably been thinking of ways to help Alby. But all you could do is stare in Minho in disbelief. Even when they were talking about how Thomas killed a griever, you stood there paralyzed. They had survived a night in the maze. No one had done that before.
There was a meeting later that night, of course led by Gally about how Thomas should be punished for breaking the rules. You’d been quietly leaning against a wall, just observing.
Newt interrupts the arguing that was taking place. “Minho you were there with him,what do you think?” Everyone’s head turn to Minho(except yours),who had been also leaning quietly on a wall towards the back of the hut.
He goes on to defend Thomas “Look I don’t know if he’s brave or stupid but whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make him a runner.” You could almost see the steam coming out of Gallys ears. It made you laugh a little bit.
“Hummingbird, what do you think?” Frypan asks. You hadn’t spoken a word since Thomas ran into the maze.You clear your throat a bit and shift your footing. You never really have anything to say for meetings like these, and you prefer it that way. It makes moments like these very rare. “I think that even Alby wouldn’t dare do something like face a griever much less kill it. A feat like that shouldn’t be ignored. And we can all agree that the kids fast. I think he’s right, Thomas should be a runner ”
Your mind was going a mile a minute. You were worried about Alby, you hadn’t spoken to Minho yet, and a new girl popped up in the box.The only good thing was that whoever put her there also put in some kind of cure for Alby.
You’d had nightmares before about dying in the maze. Whether it was you or Newt or Chuck. At one point or another, you’ve dreamt of every glader in the village dying from the maze. Some came true and some didn’t. Through the ones you had of Minho were probably the most painful. So painful that when you woke up you would be biting back sobs, and tears would stream down your cheeks as you wished it was you in the maze instead of him.
It was all too much, so you decide to busy yourself with some chores. You grab a woven basket and decide to head into the forest to see what you can harvest from the trees.
You’re agile and quick, that what made you a good maze runner. It also makes you excellent for climbing trees. They call you hummingbird because the whole village can hear your song from the forest. It’s a comforting sound that lets them know you’re safe. There’s almost never a time where the glades doesn’t have a song in the air.
And you’re one of maybe four that have permission to do so. So when you hear a crunching of leaves approaching, you’re on high alert.
You maneuver in the tree to face the sound and find a certain maze runner walking your way. “Minho what are you doing out here? You can’t be here.”
“ Couldn’t hear a song from the village, wanted to make sure you’re alright.” Minho says leaning against the tree across from the one you’re in.
“ I’m fine now go back to the village it’s too dangerous for you out here.” You hoped he would take that answer and leave. But you should’ve known better than that.
“ If you’re fine then why no song?” He walks up to your tree and looks up at you.
Ignoring his question, turn your away from him and focus your attention back to the tree you were foraging from.
Minho runs and grab the basket at the base of the tree before you could drop the fruit in. “Hummer please talk to me. You haven’t said a word to me since I got back.”
Sighing deeply, ”Minho, please leave. You shouldn’t be out here.”
“ I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s wrong.” You jump down from the tree and walk ahead of him towards the village.
“I don’t want to fight with you” he picks up his pace to follow you.
“ y/n please!”
You stop in your tracks. “ I told you not call me that.”
“It was the only way to get you to stop.” Minho drops the basket of fruit and walks around in front of you, but is disappointed to find you won’t look at him.
He steps forward and reaches to touch you but you back away hesitantly. You’re afraid that if you touch him, he’ll disappear into dust.
You turn around to pick up the fallen basket and it’s contents. You really did not want to talk about this right now.
“ Come on just tell me what’s bothering you I don’t underst-“
“I THOUGHT YOU DIED MINHO!” You turn on your heels and scream at him. Closing your eyes, you move to rest your forehead against the nearest tree.
“ But I- *sigh* hummer you know the risk of being a runner.
“ Yes I do except this was the first time you didn’t make it back.”
Minho takes careful steps towards you.“I did make it-“
“But you almost didn’t.” All you could think about was what if Thomas hadn’t run in the maze. They wouldn’t have just lost their fastest runner, you would’ve lost you best friend too.
You open your eyes and turn around, back leaning against the tree now face-to-face with Minho.
Looking at the ground,“ When the maze closed,” you swallow, “I thought my heart stopped.” you say barely above a whisper, trying to keep your words from getting caught in your throat.
Feeling his hand rest against your cheek, the thought crosses that if you could bottle up this warmth and keep it in your pocket you would. ”Look at me.”
You can’t. You don’t know why you just…..can’t.
“Please baby just look at me.” he says in a desperate voice.
Finally finding the strength, you lift your eyes to meet his. They were sad, like he would do anything just to find out what’s making you feel like this. A pang of guilt went through your chest.
But then, he smiles. When he smiles it makes you feel like nothing mattered other than the two of you. Like the world around you dissolved into thin air. Like everything was gonna be okay.
“Hey, there’s my beautiful girl.” With his other hand, he laces his fingers with yours. Minho brings your interlocked hands to his lips giving it a gentle kiss before placing it above his heart. “I’m right here. This is real, I’m right here.”
“Minho I lov-“
“I know” he rushes to fill the space between the two of you, softly connecting his lips to yours.
The air stilled around you. Of course you always hoped this would happen but now it’s actually happening.
As the space between you and Minho got smaller, you squeezed your hand that was holding his and noticed that instead of being just against his heart, it was against yours as well. You hoped this moment would last forever.
Both of you breathlessly pull apart from each other. “I love you y/n. I love you more than anything.” He says with a breathless smile.
You scrunch your nose and playfully push him away. “If you love me just be faster next time”
He picks up the harvest basket.”Of course! Can’t have you not talking to me again now can we?”
You walked back to the village, both knowing this was a new era of you and Minho. And you hummed your song all the way there.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
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That curse makes them turn to random ages like,, one day you wake up and your like 3 and the other you're 29 and the acolytes just have to deal with it for a months (and just for funziz you don't keep your memories as a kid *evil laugh*)
I feel like people who are generally around kids would be great around us and some others .... Less so (*cough cough* ei)
let the tennage/ kid reader be neurodivergent/autistic (cuz i am and theres bot enough rep on this god forsaken app .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.)
n E wayss <3
LOVE YA !!!!
Aka. your fave >:D kiss kiss
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A KISS KISS??!!! FOR ME?!!! 😊🥰😚 <3
BRO i literally designed a whole original character around that concept lmao (except they remember/just body change/everything else kinda matches ur desc! :0 )
Sun: Gender Neutral Reader (they/them only), Neurodivergent!Reader, Child!Reader, Teen!Reader
Planet: Language Shenanigans, Platonic
Orbit: Headcanons-ish, mini scenarios
Stars: Arataki Itto, Kuki Shinobu, ft. Kujou Sara, Ei + Raiden Shogun, Inazumans
Comets & Meteors: No Content Warnings & No Triggers Detected.
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no bc gif is me as a kid, bc I didn't experience snow until I was 12 💀 +it stayed for like one day, was 1 inch deep, or like 5 cm (for my non-americans out there), and was gone the next lmao- I was terrified when I moved and got REAL snowy days- jfc Snezhnaya would kill little me-
SO I was kinda stuck on this tbh, i usually default to like, headcanons or scenarios if ppl dont specify/im just adding onto what you already said like when its not even really a request u know?
so, uh tried to do headcanons, but idk how good it is Orah, sorry!
Also ik you mentioned as example, but we sticking to Inazuma, bc i feel like I neglect them lol
also i hope u like Itto 💀
you quickly found out that magic obeys some weird type of logic despite being magic, so you only ever fluctuate in age within the range you’ve already been,
ur kinda glad youre not seeing what you look like at 100 years old and getting stuck that way for weeks- only Sophie from Howl’s Moving Castle can be cursed to be old yet has so much rizz that she’s still badass and pulls a wizard boyfriend LMAO
so just bc idk what to make the max,
let’s put you at originally, also bc im not a minor, 20 yrs old
so what I mean by all the above is: you’ve lived 2 decades, 1-20 are the only ages you can be
-that being said,
you’re a menace.
so yeah you could’ve been a quiet kid, a well-behaved kid, a good kid even,
…but not in a magical world full of awesome flora and fauna, and magical creatures,
and gods, and vision users and-
you get the point.
plus, you hadn’t really learned English yet until u were a bit older so (who can blame you i hate this language ur so valid)
and for whatever reason English is the only one these guys speak, besides maybe some mythical creatures like the aranara or something
so its kinda absolute chaos trying to reign u in at times.
so needless to say the entirety of Inazuma is terrified for you.
like, even if you aren’t the “Creator” per say in this, they still know what the warmth of your power feels like
But more importantly-
You know who’s the first to spot a random wandering-non-Inazuman-child? And take you in? Especially one that radiates that same energy of presence they feel sometimes + makes them more powerful???
The Amazing, the All-Powerful, Awe-Inspiring Oni: Arataki Itto!
Not even his gang, or Kuki are the first to see you, nah it’s Itto himself,
he literally finds 12 yr old you just sneaking around in awe in Chinju Forest,
and needless to say ur pretty fascinated with the colors and the vibes, and it’s not like Genshin Impact existed when u were this young, ur poor younger self is just rlly paranoidly looking around
Itto is kinda a lot at first, and he was a little confused by ur constant rubbing your arms, or tapping ur fingers on stuff, (or all the stims u be doing when ur nervous) but he just took it all in stride
so Itto, after like an hour and a few well placed rocks at his face and groin by 12 yr old u who was ready to fight to the death at first, FINALLY convinced you by drawing a little picture of his house and his friends
and all that clear effort, despite the foreign world, foreign non-human guy, etc., made you warm up to him too, afterall, even 12 yr old you knew a himbo when they saw one 💪
at first he just thought you were another person who was getting powered up by that yokai he felt (he was convinced thats what you were when u weren’t physically here before, like some kind of powerful gift giving/deal making yokai)
but after he saw you shapeshift the next morning into 16 yr old you, (he lives with his grandma so ur younger self felt pretty safe staying with a himbo guy and an little grandma lady)
he was now more convinced than ever-
that you were some kind of god that’s been in hiding since the archon war (his granny has a lot of cool stories so what?! hes a very educated oni thank you very much!),
rather than a vision user, and he also thinks u being random ages is deffo a curse, and its to keep ur powerfulness limited!! - Arataki Itto, 202X
(bc younger u doesnt remember that u can upgrade ppl, or at least it takes em a learning curve bc they gotta relearn everytime)
okay but itd be so funny tho if nobody else believes that (esp the non-magical folk), bc to them, ur just like, a bunch of siblings (child, teen, adult you lmao) or a tanuki lol
he eventually gets Kuki to believe, after she also sees how you change/the aura is honestly more powerful too once she’s paying attention, like instead of like a blanket, ur like standing in front of a raging campfire
but she makes him keep it a secret
ur really vulnerable a lot of the time, so they’re both worried abt keeping u happy and safe, aw cuties <3
so yeah, ur literally just chillin with the arataki gang all the time now
the gang become ur besties no matter the age, like they love mild pranks, and general chaos, u wanna explore no matter the age, and also love chaos, esp since it can be magical now (oh child you is having the time of their life when they’re around)
its literally a match made in heaven
plus the more hands on deck, the easier it is to keep ur ass from running off as a kid (and an adult, bc omg a shiny?? a shiny crystal fly???!! lmao neurodivergent 🤝crow/raven = shiny solidarity)
honestly Itto has a blast with all versions of you, and he’s literally the best bc he’s a himbo:
so he’s fine with answering context or “obvious” questions all the time LMAO
and if he makes any conclusions abt ppl’s behavior u dont, he’ll explain pretty quick and simple and he never sees it as awkward or smth
its honestly kinda funny bc ur like 10, and just 🤨🤨🤨??? sometimes at ppl (u got better at reading ppl as u got older obv, and at english too, that doesnt help lol)
he’s super sweet abt it, just really quick which is great too,
“he’s irritated at the guard, not us!”
or “she’s relieved, not upset, don’t worry it’s all good!”
like, u never misunderstand ANYBODY with this Oni around!! <3
(this is mainly bc Itto’s gotta know when to bail, joke, stand his ground, etc. from experience, and messing w/Kujou Sara so he’s actually really good at reading people, only when he’s paying attention tho)
so younger u just feels safe around Itto, and so while u do get taught english (mostly by his grandma/Kuki) u also dont rlly mask,
nor do u know how to mask as well as you do in the future
so ur just running around with the gang, living ur little neurodivergent life, and anytime someone points out smth u do that might be awkward, like repeating something over and over as a stim (esp with learning english phrases/new words at times) the gang and Itto, and Kuki, are all ready to protect 💪
but most of the time what happens is- whether unintentionally or not, Itto manages to make THEM feel awkward or like they’re the ones doing something socially weird all the time 😭
just, a parent is like “this kid can’t speak English, do they even know any other language? Because all I keep hearing is them repeating that sound over and over…”
Itto: “Damn you're right they do that a lot, just like how you peek out your window a lot, but we all got our quirks man, no need to be shy about it, the kid isn’t, so just open those curtains, and that window and look out at the world!”
which announces to the whole neighborhood, bc Itto is only ever not loud when you tap his arm as a signal, that the parent is the nosiest bitch ever, he just puts them on blast for everyone to hear lmao
Itto is actually very respectful about you, and while it would, almost be easy bc of the age switching, for him to infantilize you, he’s really good at treating you like an equal no matter how old you are :0 :D
like a giant teddy bear older brother at times, and the guys and Kuki are all pretty good at it too
(tho dw, Kuki is doing all the emotional distress heavy lifting for all of them over your safety, esp bc when u switch at first u are VERY out of your element/disoriented bc u dont always recognize Teyvat/know less English)
but that being said…
Itto fucking loves your excited/happy stims!!!
You flap your hands? Ittos flapping his arms!
You jump up and down, Itto jumps!,
…with his full grown man self with MUSCLES, and causes a mini earthquake wherever you guys are- yknow a shop, the center of town, somebody’s house, near one of the guards 💀 (which always manages to knock them flat on their ass LMFAOO)
Or best of all, you do little stompy stomps??
ITTO DOES HIS STOMPS WITH YOU, like his idle animation does??? :D !!
DUDE- (/gen.n.)
u were like 8 at the time, and saw Kujou Sara for the first time, she’s looking all badass, mostly bc Itto pranked her and she’s power-walking toward u guys pissed as hell ready to arrest him, but u love it anyway bc shes so cool, and right as Sara gets to u two-
u start doing stompy stomps! And Itto joins!!
…and she’s shocked at first, but realizing how giggly and happy u two are, and then Itto explains its bc of her???
Kujou Sara lets Arataki Itto go, for the first time, ever.
she doesnt explain, but she literally was so melted by cuteness, and a warm familiarity??, by u two she couldnt be mad anymore lmao
Itto is now legally obligated to bring you to any and all matters involving the government, regardless of age, according to Kuki Shinobu, his grandma, and himself
all for different reasons tho, Itto’s like, “My lucky charm! My bestie goes everywhere with me!”
meanwhile Kuki/grandma: “A foreign non-Teyvatian speaking child/teen at times is more adept at keeping Itto in line than anyone else, or at least getting him out of the consequences 💀”
The first time you see the Raiden Shogun,
She scares the shit out of 6 yr old you 😭
And she recognizes that familiar aura immediately, so shes just like:
(You warm up to her after she offers to show you how she can summon lightning, Itto helped her lmao, and Ei also came out to keep u safe bc Raiden is a little… unaware… at times, of mortal limits, and now that ur in a mortal body-)
Also both of them unanimously agree to be the sugar mother to all ur hyperfixation foods/safe foods ever, SCOREEEE
Bonus 2:
I hope somebody likes Itto enough to enjoy this, sorry if u arent a huge fan of him Orah! I just think he's annoying and neat, and havent written abt Inazuma enough lmao
I finally graduated college/uni by the way guys!!!
Ill actually have a life now that wont be hogged by homework! Like writing! Like drawing! Like anything but school!
Anyway, love u guys, another post coming soon,
Safe Travels Orah,
♡my beloved♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk
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bugboysgf · 1 year
Hate + Love
Chapter 2
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Previous chapter
Summary: There is a thin line between love and hate but what if it's way thinner than you thought?
“Hi, im suppose to be tutoring somebody.” you told the lady at the front desk. The last 2 weeks had been stressful but out of extreme luck you managed to get all A’s but that also meant you had to tutor the people that were not doing so well in school.
“Oh yes, you must be Y/n.”
“I am.” you confirmed.
“Min Ho.” The lady calls his name and he jumps out of his seat.
“You gotta be kidding me.” you look at Min ho and he seems just as surprised as you are. “There has to be some sort of mistake, I can't tutor him.” the lady looks at her computer for a second and looks back at you.
“Sorry but there is a specific note from the teacher saying you can't switch.”
“What? Who wrote that.” you asked.
“It was your math teacher. Take a seat and get started.”
“I can't believe this.” you said sitting down.
“Do you think I want to do this? I have no choice.” Min ho rolled his eyes.
“Whatever can we just get started.”
After two hours tutoring you were done but to you i feel like 5 hours because every 10 minutes you and Min ho were arguing about something different.
“Thank you.” Min Ho says. You look at him in shock, you were never expecting those words to come out of his mouth.
“You have manners, I see. Can I get an apology too?” you asked hopefully.
“It happened almost 3 weeks ago, get over it.”
“God you're such a bitch.”
“Takes one to know one.”
“We have Alex next.” Kitty said. “Oh my god we still have to walk up the stairs.” you said, you were tired already and it was only your 2 period.
“Do you want to go to a ramen place after the 5th period?” Kitty asked.
“Im Pretty sure I don't have to tutor today, so yes.”
“How is it? By the way, you are still not getting along.”
“Nope now i have to sit with him in alex class, because he wont let me change seats.” you rolled your eyes.
“Dude you have 4 months left until winter break, at least try to stop hating each other.”
“He's the problem, not me, he won't apologize. He said thank you yesterday when i tutored him but that's it.” you explained to Kitty. You honestly don't think that you and Minho would get along every chance he gets to make fun of you. He's gonna take it and you're tired of it.
“The problem is that you are both stubborn.” Kitty grabs the handle of the door and lets you into the class, she gives you a ‘be nice look’ and takes a seat.
You walked over to your seat and to your surprise Min Ho was already sitting down, he was always late. You take a seat and don't say a word to him.
“No greeting?” he asked
“What do you want?” you say in a cold tone.
“Woah, somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed today.” he smirks.
“I just don't have time for your bullshit today.”
Lucky Alex didn't have you guys do anything with your partner work today you didnt think you could handle it anyways.
You grabbed your things and stuffed them into your backpack.
“y/n?” you stopped in your tracks and looked at the guy that called your name. Minho also stopped and looks at him.
“Yes?” you look at him confused. You've never seen this guy in your life and you had no idea why he was talking to you.
“I'm Derek, I was just trying to see if i can get your number.” you look around to see if anybody was watching and behind him were his friends waiting to see your next move. You didn't want to seem stuck up or anything, so you just smiled and typed your number into his phone.
“Great, I'll text you.”
“Cool” you watch him walk away and turn to Min ho. “And why did you stay?”
“What does he want with you?” “What do you mean?”you asked, confused.
“His dad is literally a millionaire.”
“I honestly dont give two fuck about that.” you said.
“It had to be a dare.” Min ho shook his head.
“Oh really? Just because an attractive guy asked for my number that means it has to be a dare?” you said offended. Min ho knew he messed up, he always jokes around but he knew that what he said really affected you.
“That's not-”
“Save it.” you walked away.
For the next few weeks you continue talking to Derek, you thought he would be a jerk but turns out he wasn't. He was really nice and listened.
“Where are you going?” Min ho asked Q. “Oh the nature club is having a hike today.” Q said, putting on his shoes.
“Great i'll come” Min ho got up from the couch. “You can't.” Q said.
“Why?” “Club members only.” “Dude i went last time.” Q stayed silent and didn't say anything. “Unless you don't want me to go for some reason?” “It's not that I don't want you to go, it's just that y/n and Derek are going to be there and I don't want you messing it up for her. She told me what you said when he asked for her number.” Q confessed.
“That's not what I meant, I tried to tell her that.”
“You should have said it in the first place, are you jealous or something?” Q asked.
“What no… no”
“Yup that sounds so convincing.”
“I don't like her, I hate her.”
“You know, you can hate and love somebody at the same time.” Q said shutting the door.
Min ho stood there thinking there's no way that he loves y/n? He hates her too much.
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starjii · 6 months
“Mine.” (I was always yours, but why won’t you stay mine? pt 2 wowowowo)
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Hihi @helloanime heres ur part 2 :3
Han jisung x gn reader, yes!! Angst?? W fluff (if you squint) (they get back tgth😋)
wc: 600+
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Months. It’s been months since you broke up with Jisung.
Months without his touch, months without his kisses,
Months of living with only the memory of his eyes at night.
Days of thinking about the message he sent you.
‘I was foolish. Foolish months then.’
‘I’m a mess without you- I’m so stupid. I love you. I love you so much it hurts.’
‘I can’t help but write songs about you.’
‘Please come back’
‘Give me another chance, y/n?’
‘I swear I’ll love you. I’ll love you endlessly.’
You’re stuck in bed, staring at his messages in the dark. Your heart races at the possible things this could play out as.
You could get back together. (That would be the best.) Or, you never speak again. Or maybe friends? 
Your poor lower lip is nearly bruised as you chew on it. The loud sounds of your heartbeat just pressure you into sending a message back—
                                                              ‘Lets talk. At my     house tomorrow. I need to talk to you in person.’
‘Oh my god’
‘I’ll be there’
‘What time’
Well, what's done is done. You decide to fall into slumber, to prepare for tomorrow.
Gosh you couldn’t even get used to his absence.
The next night, as you prepare dinner— the doorbell rings.
Its him.
“A-ah- um.. y/n.. hi..” Jisung shyly greets. His voice is raspy. It’s in the same condition as when he’d stay up too long, or cry.
You can barely handle the darkening eyebags under his soft red ringed eyes.
“Come in. You can.. sit down in the living room. I’m making dinner.”
“Yeah. I need food, don’t I?”
“O-oh.. right..”
“Have you eaten?”
You stare at him, already knowing of the answer.
“I made enough for two.”
Jisung begins to chew on his lower lip. Bruises form on his skin, mirroring the ones on your own. He can taste his own blood on his lips.
“It’s.. your favorite. Just— come in.”
Jisung quietly brings up the spoonful of hot food to his mouth. His mouth engulfs it, his taste buds savoring the taste. He loves your cooking. It makes him miss you more.
“So,” You begin as you chew on your own serving. “What do you want to talk to me about? The fact that you prefer your career over a relationship?” 
“It’s not—“ He gulps. “…Look, I’m stupid for that. I just.. it was nearing comeback season.” His eyes slowly move to look at you, glimmering. The light just absorbs into his eyes. It makes everything dark.
“..Jisung.” You look at his own eyes which are drowning in tears. His lips are quivering.
“P-please- just come back to me- I can’t- I- I can barely sleep- h-h-a-ahnd—“ He staggers out short lived breaths. His heartbeat, so loud, too fast.
Perhaps he never wanted to lose you after all.
“Jisung. Breathe. I’m here.. shhh…” You console him, taking him into your arms. It feels.. weird, odd.
He hesitates. Should he melt into your arms, that way he can’t leave? Be a part of you forever? Pull away?
But he isn’t in the state to think properly. So he buries his face into your neck; he’s desperate for you.
“Sniffle.. I love you y/n.”
You pause. Then sigh. You love him.
“..please.. come back?” He pleads like a child. Raspily.
You pull away, to wipe his tears off his soft cheeks. Then you kiss him softly on the lips. Salty with his tears.
Perhaps you could give him another chance after all.
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Dilf!Eren Modern AU
In this AU Paradis island is a sunken city type beat, think Venice. AKA no one is allowed to live there because it's too dangerous. It was evacuated when Eren and the rest of the cast were kids. The actual location of where you are is left vague for easier reader insertion. Ok ok enough subtext, enjoy your juice my dear reader <333
You were so excited to be back home after so long. You had been away at college and haven't seen your mom since her wedding 2 years ago. She had gotten remarried to a man named Jean a little older than she was. She had you when she was 19, you never met the dead beat of a father and you never cared to.
After you moved away you expected her to be a little lonely but not for her to go out and get a whole fiancé only 3 months after you left. Like damn she got snatched with a quickness.
You didn't even know the guy but decided to support your mom regardless. You had met the sarcastic and caring man once before they actually got married, and he seemed decent enough, so you were content.
You were supposed to wait at the airport for one of Jean's friends to pick you up since he was stuck at work, and your mom was taking care of your sick grandmother for the weekend.
You immediately turned your phone off airplane mode after getting your feet on solid ground again. You collected your bags and walked right through the gate, looking down at your phone, texting your best friend that you made it back safe.
As you were walking past the people there for collections, you feel a tap on your shoulder. You look up to see the gorgeous man you knew as Eren. His thick and long chocolate brown hair pulled back and out of his face in a bun. A light stubble graces his face, his green eyes piercing as a small smile tugs at the corners of his lips.
"Long time no see." His tone is friendly, you smile.
"Hey, I didn't think you'd be here already." He motions you to keep walking with a hand to the small of your back. He takes your suitcase from you and you allow him.
"I didn't wanna be late picking you up, your ma might just put my head on a spike." He said laughing at his own joke, you join in barely catching the way he stares at your lips as you let out a giggle.
A comfortable silence fell over you both as you made your way to his car. He unlocked it, and you got in the passenger seat. Following you suit, he gets in and reaches over you to buckle your seatbelt for you before doing his own "Safety first." A blush spread wildly over your cheeks at his sudden actions. He started the car, and you watched the way his fingers worked the gear shift, feeling knots in your stomach.
"How's school been, little one?" He doesn't take his eyes off the road, but you can see the faint smirk on his lips. You let out a scoff at his pet name, it sluring into a bit of a laugh at the end.
"It's been good, exams are tough but I manage." You lean back a little, resting your head on the back seat.
"Any college boys caught your eye?" You look down to your hands and twiddle your thumbs.
"Nah, not really." You laugh shyly.
"Bullshit, they're probably dropping at your feet. Or throwing themselves at you in the very least." He scoffs, changing gears, giving you another opportunity to admire his hands. You laugh loudly and bring your hands up, hiding your face in them.
"Fuck no! You couldn't be further from the truth." You say, looking out of the window.
"Well, they're missing out, more for me I guess." He laughs as you punch his arm playfully.
"And what about you, huh? Gotta wife yet?" You shift the topic
"Why? Are you offering?" He side eyes you and turn your head away blushing. He laughs and shakes his head lightly. "Nah, I'm not married yet little one." There's that nickname again.
"Why not? Never found right one?" You ask him genuinely curious how this Greek God of a man isn't already taken.
"That's horseshit." His voice is flat.
"What is?" You tick your head, confused.
"The idea of 'the one'. Like there's this one perfect person out there. Everyone has flaws, no ones perfect for anyone." He states plainly
"You don't believe in soul mates?" You turned in your chair to face him a little more.
He sighs but starts talking once you wait for him expectantly, not letting it go. "I think soulmates are made; they don't come wrapped up all pretty with a bow. They're annoying, and they get on your nerves and piss you off at the best of times, and you'll do the same to them. But they'll also be there for you when no one else will, hold your hand, wipe your tears, and make you laugh even if you feel like shit. I think that when you accept both sides of each other and love each other more because of it, that's when you become soul mates." He looks at you fully for a couple seconds before looking back. His features were so gentle and sincere, it made you smile warmly at him.
"I think that might be the most beautiful thing I've ever heard anyone say in my entire life." You say in the warmest and kindest tone you ever have, even surprising yourself a bit. You sounded a bit awestruck, never having heard a man spill their thoughts so fluently and poetically.
"Yeah, well, don't get used to it." His small smile never quite leaving his lips.
The rest of the car ride was silent, neither of you trying to break it, both content in each other's silence.
You walked into your mother's home that she now shared with Jean. Taking off your jacket and setting it over the arm of the couch.
"Thank you for picking me up, I really appreciate it, uncle Eren." You said as you plopped down on the couch with a sigh.
He quirks his eyebrow at your use of the word uncle. He comes up behind the couch and leans slightly over to whisper in your ear. "Don't call me uncle." He doesn't move once he's done speaking.
"Why not?" You keep facing forward, not daring to look at him. Your breath hitches when you feel soft, almost non-existent feather light kisses pressed to the shell of your ear and down to your jaw. Your eyes flutter closed for a moment as you focus on the sensation.
"Because I would much rather you call me something else instead, little one." There was a suggestive tone to his voice. Your eyes open, now turning your head to him.
"Why do you call me that?" Your voice is just above a whisper, you both focusing on each other's lips.
"Come here." He rounds the couch, holding out a hand for you. You take it, and he leads you to the guest bedroom. Wordlessly, he places you in front of him, both of you looking dead on into a full-length mirror. His hands come to rest on your hips, and you can see a small smirk in the corner of his mouth.
"Look at us, I mean, really look at us. Look how tiny you are compared to me." His hand shifts as he lays it across your torso, almost covering all of you. You finally take notice of what he's saying. He stands more than a foot taller than you, hands twice the size of your own, his frame engulfs you whole. That was when you swallow down the slight moan that was waiting in your throat.
"You see it now, don't you?" He leans down and wraps his arms around you, his head coming to rest over your shoulder, both of you still admiring each other in the mirror.
He looks your reflection up and down, biting his lip as he smirks, holding back a small groan in the back of his throat. You look at him questioningly, still cradled by his embrace. "What is it?" His graze travels to the real you while yours stay trained on the mirror. He looks down your body, hand coming up under your sweatshirt, finger grazing the waistband of your sweatpants, he held his hand firmly over your lower belly, rubbing tender circles into your soft skin.
"I was thinking about how pretty you'd look with my cock inside you," his fingers dig into your flesh slightly. "Right here." He's breathing, becoming more like panting as his voice trails to a whisper. You take a sharp inhale, now you do let out that moan, your hand running over his denim clad thighs.
You're both breathing heavily, the mirror almost forgotten as you both focus on each other. His breath his hot on your neck. His other hand trailing up to rest comfortably on your neck, causing your eyes to close, your lips to part more, and your head to slightly lull back.
"Fuck, you like that. My hand around your throat." He now squeezed a little tighter, not enough to cut off your oxygen.
Your eyes were rolling back as your hands were running over his covered hard on. His lips come down to meet yours in a feverish and rough kiss. His tongue is running over yours as your spit mixes together. He moans into your mouth when you squeeze your hand around his throbbing dick.
"Tell me to fuck you. Tell me I can pin you to this bed and shove my cock inside your pretty little body." You whine at his words, rubbing your thighs together.
You barely get out a "Please." Before Eren's hands are taking off your shirt and pants. You're shoved towards the bed, falling flat on your tummy. Without hesitation you raise yourself up onto your knees and elbows, spreading your legs as far apart as they would go and arching your back deeply.
"God, you're fucking perfect." You hear eren mumble behind you before you feel a slight slap on your cotton covered pussy. You let out a breathy moan, jumping a little at the sensation before your back arches deeper.
Eren strips from his clothes behind you before he practically tears your underwear from your skin, exposing your pussy lips to the cool air. "Eren!" You look behind your shoulder at him, seeing him transfixed as he spreads your pussy open with his thumbs.
"I'll buy you new ones," His voice trails off lightly while he runs a thumb up and down your slit, your juices practically dripping from you. "Your pussy is so pretty, little one. And so wet." He leans down to press an open-mouthed kiss to your slightly open hole.
"I'll eat this pretty hole out later. Gotta have you on my cock right now." He lines his cock head up with your entrance, and without warning, he slams his entire length inside of you. You let out a strangled scream and immediately move to crawl away from the intrusion. His hands hold onto your hips firmly as he grinds his hips further into you.
"Shhhhh, don't run from me. Take it. You're wrapped so good and tight around me." His slow grinding starts speeding up progressively till he's fucking into you earnestly. "Shit you're tightening up, baby. You gonna cum for me?"
You could barely form coherent thoughts anymore, much less sentences. You just shake your head vigorously. He chuckles behind you, letting it morph into a moan as he starts fucking you harder. So hard that he pushes you forward with his body, laying you flat on the bed with him flat against your backside.
His cock is so deep inside you that you actually start having black spots in your vision. That's when it hits you, the most powerful orgasm you've ever had in your life. You scream and shake, your legs flailing wildly as your hands try to push against him to let up on you. He's moaning into your ear, not stopping or slowing down for a second. "Too deep!" You say still pushing against him.
"You can take it, little one. Just enjoy it. Feel every inch of me, so deep in your guts." He grabs your hands and intertwines your fingers, pinning them down.
He doesn't stop, even when tears start running down your face from the overwhelming stimulation. He just slips his tongue over your cheeks and down your neck.
He starts slowing after a couple more minutes. He lifts himself off of you, leaving your pussy hollow and dripping wet.
He grips you by the ankles and pulls you to the edge of the mattress. "Awwe, poor baby. You're not gonna tap out on me, are ya? Because I'm not done with this little body yet."
He lifts you from the bed and stands you. He holds you head up by the jaw, his other arm around your waist, supporting you as he makes you look up at him. He smiles at your fucked out and dilerious expression. "You with me, baby?" His voice is soft as he looks deeply into your eyes. He captured your lips and tongue in a heated kiss, grounding you. You kiss him back with so much passion sucking on his tongue as he moans. You break apart and look up at him, dazed.
"You good?" He asks gently. You nod and palm his still rock hard dick. Without any further words, he spins you around and places you in front of the mirror. Placing your hands on the frame for you as he bends down to lead his dick back into your open hole, sighing in pleasure when you take all of him in. He is slightly more gentle this time.
You're both meaning and groaning loudly, both of you just enjoying each other. "I need to have this pussy everyday." He grabs your hips so rough; you're sure you'll have bruises in the morning. His hand wraps around your neck from behind as he pulls you against his hunched over frame. You're surprised when he straightens up and your feet are lifted up from the floor, forcing you to hold onto his forearms for support.
"Holy shit, Eren!" You say in a strained voice.
"I love seeing that bulge in your belly," You shift your gaze to the mirror to find the most exotic thing you've ever witnessed. You're being held up by a single hand on your stomach, just above your pelvic bone and a hand on your throat. Low and behold, there it is, a bulge protruding from your skin, just under your belly button disappearing and reappearing with ever thrust. One of your hands comes to rest on the spot as you apply pressure, making both of you let out a moan so loud you doubt the neighbors didn't hear it.
"I need to cum in you." Your eyes widen as a guttural moan cums from your throat. Your pussy clenches at his words.
"Yeah, you like that? You want my cum?" Whispers of "Yes" is all that can be heard from you.
"Are you on birth control, baby?" You shake your head no and squeeze him again.
"Dirty girl, you want me to get this little cunt pregnant?" You're whining loudly at the power of his thrusting.
"You're gonna cum with me. Play with yourself. Be a good little fucktoy and make this tight little cunt cum on my big cock. This is my pussy now. I'm the only one that can ever touch you like this. If anyone ever touches my cunt I'll kill them. I'm gonna claim you from the inside out. I'm gonna tie you up and fuck you all day, filling you with so much cum that you have no choice but to have my kids." He was just blurring out whatever came to mind at this point, his words turning him on more.
You obey him and start feverishly, rubbing your clit making you grip down on him so tight you can feel all every vein of his cock. "Shit, you're gonna get a creampie, little girl." And not a second later, he pushes all the way into you, filling you up to the brim with his cum, even leaning slightly back for good measure, to make sure it gets in as heap as possible. He moans out his orgasm loudly with a string of profanities. Once his cock stops twitching inside you and you stop spasming and shaking from your own orgasm he starts grinding into you lazily.
"You're either calling me by my name, or daddy. I don't wanna hear you call me uncle ever again, little girl."
Lord have mercy; this man has the masses in a choke hold. It's me, I'm the masses...
I was actually supposed to add a vampire element to this but I could figure out how to add it in so I will make a separate post dedicated to that theme.
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formulapookie · 22 days
Under the cut to read on Tumblr, here to read on Ao3 chapter 1 ; chapter 2
Moonlight kisses ch.3 bezzetti, 1.9k words
He decided it was time now, to do it, to break up with the love of his life, with the boy who’s made his life better, since they met back all those years ago, the boy he wanted to live together with, to marry one day, to hold forever in a hug, unmelting, just the two of them.
He had pushed this moment along too much now, back when he started thinking about how not to hurt Cele with his thoughts two months ago, when he started going out more, smoking and drinking a lot more than he was used to, more than he actually wanted.
He had spent two straight days being completely drunk at Edo’s house, weed and alcohol just flowing his way non stop, drowning him in a spiral of loneliness.
He gets up from the couch were he’s sat with the other academy boys, Vale is not there with them right now, has some business out town apparently for a couple days.
He walks to the kitchen and his - he can’t say or think boyfriend right now, he can’t because if he does he will end up not doing what he wants,no, needs to do
Cele is looking at him with stars in his eyes and fuck it’s difficult.
it’s fucking difficult to act unbothered and cold when he’s got Cele looking at him like that.
But it’s for him, he’s doin this for him, and for the academy.
“We should break up” 
“Marco what the fuck are you saying”
Bez is suffering internally, he wants to cry and scream and yell but he remains unreadable on the outside
“I met someone else, I cheated on you”
there’s a stop, he needs to collect his thoughts, be strong just for a bit more
“I love him”
It’s cold, mean, cutting, fucking cruel, but he knows he has to do it to let them free from his torments.
He looks at Cele and he almost breaks his facade, the hurt and disappointment in the boy’s eyes is something he’s never seen in Cele.
He opens his mouth to speak, closes it, opens it again, tears already streaming down his face.
He can’t form words, he’s too shocked or hurt or both to do it.
Meanwhile the academy has gone silent, background noise by some videogame being the only thing filling the silence 
“You - you cheated on me?” 
“what do you mean yeah”
“means I fucked another guy Celestino, I want to be with him”
Bez has never called him Celestino, not even in the earliest years of their friendship, he’s always been Cele, Celin, then amore.
“Why” and Bez wants to fucking die, there’s no coming back from this now, he chose to do this and he’s going to do it.
Still incredibly able to keep his facade of an uncaring asshole.
“Because I like him more, I got bored with you, and he’s not boring” “No I don’t believe you” “God than you are more stupid than I thought” “Stop that Bez” “Stop what? You asked why and I told you, maybe if you were less boring I would’ve stuck around”
He’s being too mean, he knows he is, but he needs Cele to hate him, needs the whole damn academy to do the same, needs Cele to forget him.
Cele is crying, and he doesn't cry often, Bez knows Cele hates crying in front of people, he already thinks he’s considered weaker, crying only fuels that lie. 
He doesn’t speak anymore, just turns around and goes to his room, Mig and Franky running behind him to make sure he’s ok, for how much ok he can be.
He hears Pecco getting up the couch and he knows he’s in for something bad.
Cele is the youngest between them, they all feel the need to protect him, and that’s exactly what bez is doing, protecting Cele from him, because he’s too fucked up to be with Cele right now and make sure everything’s ok.
“What the fuck did you do?” Pecco is angry, really angry, Bez has never seen him like that. “WHAT DID YOU DO?” He’s yelling, he’s red in the face, he probably wants to punch Bez in the face, and Bez thinks it would hurt less than whatever he did now. 
“Oh fuck’s sake it’s not that deep, he took it too seriously, I cheated on him but seriously, did none of you expected it? We spend all our time together, it’s boring after a while, I needed something new, he should’ve understood I was getting bored with him and-”
Next thing he knows he’s being pushed to the ground, his back hitting the fridge, magnets falling down, the one him and Cele brought back from a holiday in France a little hourglass with sand in it, it breaks, his hand ending up on top of the glass splinters, it burns, Bez doesn’t care.
Another magnet has fallen and hit his collarbone, right where he got surgery last year, it’s one Bez gifted Vale years ago, he bought it in Bali.
It hurts like a bitch, but again, Bez doesn’t say anything.
“Pecco no”
Luca’s voice, he’s holding Pecco back, probably from hitting Bez in the face, and Bez thinks he may actually want Pecco to do it, make it hurt as much as possible, feels like it would still hurt less than what Cele is going through.
“If you show up here again I’m making sure you leave looking like a fucking dead body”
“Pecco let him, he’s not worth it, let’s go check on Cele, we have to stay with him, don’t waste your time”
Luca has the most disgusted and hateful voice Bez has ever heard him have.
And it hurts.
Luca hushes Pecco out the kitchen, telling him again to go see if Cele was feeling better.
“Go away. I won’t tell Valentino but I can’t assure you the others won’t. You better only show up at races and don’t get into Pecco’s range of action or next to Cele, I won’t be there to stop him every time”
he turns his back to Bez, then turns back, a thick veil of hate and disgust over his eyes.
“You really did the worst thing you could do, especially to someone like Cele”
Bez doesn’t answer, he knows he’s fucked up everything, but it’s for the best.
He gets up, wincing in pain for the splinters still stuck in his hand.
Doesn’t say a word, only collects his phone and the suitcase he already prepared next to the couch, puts on a beanie and the protective jacket and gets out.
He climbs onto the bike, turns it on and rides away.
His hand hurts as he clenches the handlebar, so he clenches more and more until he’s at an alcohol shop. He gets in and buys some of the stupidest strong shit he can find, absinthe, straight liquors, everything strong enough to make him black out and sleep, knowing he wouldn’t be able to do so otherwise.
Hops on the bike again and drives until a decently-looking hotel nearby Tavullia. 
Bez climbs down, turns the bike off, he didn’t even wear a helmet he realizes. 
As he gets inside the receptionist eyes him, he recognises him, of course, but he just asks for a room for the night, pays and goes upstairs with the few things he brought with him.
It’s gonna be a long night, he just needs to drink his thoughts away.
Meanwhile Cele is inconsolable, he’s crying, he feels so stupid and weak. “I don’t understand” he’s been saying it for ten minutes now, on loop, like a broken record. Pecco is furious, wants to go out, find Bez and punch him so hard he forgets his name.
But he doesn’t want to leave Cele alone, not like this.
“Cele you have to get up from the floor, please, you’ve been there for half an hour already, you need to get up”
It’s Franky, he’s the only one stable enough to actually speak without insulting Bez, and that’s what the boy needs for now.
“He left Franky, he left because I was boring and he found someone else. He - he went with another guy do you understand? He -” Cele can’t continue the sentence, too fucking hurt, he keeps on sobbing and crying, only one person could help him back up right now, and that person just hurt him like no one else ever did before, he’s God knows where, probably with the new guy, laughing about him and his reaction, in his - their bed, tangled up in the sheets they shared up until yesterday.
“I’m gonna kill him I’m not joking” “Pecco shut up fucking hell. You’re angry, we all are, but you can’t act like this right now, we need to be here for Cele you get it?” Mig is speaking in a hushed tone, trying to not make Cele hear.
Pecco nods, but his eyes are burning with hate. How could Bez do something like this? To Cele of all people. Cele who’s always looked up at him like he hung starts in the sky, Cele who loved him since childhood, Cele who wanted to go live with Bez permanently, Cele who was fucking talking to Pecco about wanting to marry Bez.
And Bez had done the same, saying he loved Cele more than life itself.
He doesn’t get how Bez could cheat on Cele. He truly doesn’t. It doesn’t make fucking sense. 
Bez is currently trying to think of anything but Cele, imagining him hurting, crying even, for something he did it’s unbearable, more than the sharp pain in his palm, splinters still there, he doesn't think he’ll remove them.
Maybe he can just let them there, become a part of him, a payment for what he did.
Even if his payment has already been given.
It was losing Cele, losing his friends, losing his second family. 
He glues himself to the liquor bottle, chugging down as much as he can of the liquid before feeling it burn too much, breaking away from it coughing.
If he’s lucky enough none of the guys will tell Vale, and since Vale is not at races that much maybe he won’t even notice.
Afterall why would he notice?
He truly must be ashamed of the rider he is.
Maybe even of the person he’s become.
He tries to hope in another universe, under another set of stars, he and Cele aren’t separated by his stupid idiot brain.
He tries to think of a world where he and Cele are together forever, where his insecurities don’t exist.
And he realizes something.
In every other universe he’s thinking of he’s never himself.
He’s someone else.
More beautiful, more caring, more loving, less childish, less clingy, less annoying, less weak.
Not even in other universes him and Cele seem to be the true happy ending of their own story.
 And so he tries to fill the void once more, drinking again, another bottle corked open, he doesn’t even know what it is, just that it tastes terribly.
But for how much he tries there’s never gonna be a Celestino shaped bottle capable of replacing the true one.
There’s never gonna be something warm enough to match his love’s warmth.
He will never find another Celestino.
And hopes Cele will never find another Bez.
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