#god these relationship maps are so funny
illdothehotvoice · 27 days
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too fucking easy.
297 notes · View notes
bigothteddies · 3 days
can’t stop thinking of all my past connections with people tbh :/
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mj0702 · 1 month
The other Bronze – Pt. 22
They brought you home. Lucy and Keira brought you back to Barcelona with them. And with you came Georgia. It was your wish and Lucy just couldn'd deny you anything at this stage. Not when G called her again in the middle of the night – the night before you were flying back to Barcelona – completely panicked and overwhelmed not knowing what to do relying on your sister to help her. Of course Lucy sprinted down the road letting herself in with the spare key Georgia gave her hoisting you up cradleing you like a toddler when you clinged to her hardly breathing. Georgia tried to leave you two some space but when she was about to leave you two alone Lucys hand shot out grabbing your girlfriends wrist thightly stopping her from leaving. Your sister silently gave her blessing. That night changed so much in the dynamic between Lucy and Georgia – Lucy finally realized that no matter what your girlfriend will call her. It gave your sister the security that she'll always be part of your life. Your and Georgias life. Even if Lucy would never admit it she saw what everyone saw too – that the two of you were made for each other. Your sister caught herself once or twice thinking about how beautiful you will look when she walks you down the aisle and gives you away. But she would never admit that.
Now when you were sandwiched between Keira and Georgia Lucy playing security guard walking a step ahead of us clearing the way through the Barcelona Airport. There was the one or other fan stopping the quartet of three world class players and you asking for a quick autograph or a picture. Keira of course thought ahead and booked the earliest flight knowing there won't be as much people around. When the blonde informed the three of you she earned a round of whining and groaning about the early flight time and the even earlier standing up time. The drive to the airport was quiet with G and you nearly falling asleep again. Georgia leaning against the window you leaning against G. If it wasn't for Keiras continued scolding at Lucy for drifting off to the left lane and basically wanting to kill all of them you were sure you'd be asleep when you arrived at the airport. For once the security odds where in your favor and you had a very nice dry humored woman who actually managed to make you laugh which didn't go unnoticed by G who shot the woman a dirty look but couldn't do anything else since your relationship was still private.
You waited for Lucy, Keira and G to get done with their picture taking when a person leaned next to you against the railing. The person wore wide pants an olive green shirt sunglases and a Barcelona Catalonia snap back
“Welcome home Carino” the woman said lowly trying not to attrack any attention
“Se sent bé estar a casa” you mumbled back smiling
“So you brought the girlfriend?” Alexia smirked
“Yeah... need to show her around the facility so she doesn't get lost when she comes to play here in two years” you grinned from ear to ear
“We have a strong midfield...” the blonde spaniard joked “... no need for another english invasion”
“It's me life goal to make this team english....” you grinned back
“Don't you dare Cari...” Alexia chuckled and it did you so good that she just treated you like nothing was going on
You were sure Lucy and Keira gave her a rundown and deep inside you feared that Alexia would confront you about your state. Or that she'll bring Mapí. You loved Maps but at the moment the bubbly spaniard was just too much for you.
“Would you do me a favor?” you suddenly smirked
“Oh god... this face normally means trouble...” Alexia groaned lowly “... what do you want Cari?”
“Can you snuck over there and ask G for a picture and an autograph like you're a fan?” you grinned evilly “That's going to be so funny”
“Les coses que faig per tu Cari” the blonde sighed but started to slander over to the group
About five minutes later you laid laughing and crying on the airport floor clutching your phone in your hand as your girlfriend sprinted behind a big pole looking absolutley horrofied. Lucy looked fondly over where you where desperatly trying to get some air into your lungs while Keira tried to coax Georgia out from behind the pole
“Nice move Bubs” Lucy grinned pulling you off the floor sitting you upright so it would be easier for you to breath “Never seen G jump so high”
“The way her eyes popped out of her skull... it was like a cartoon” you laughed wiping away your tears trying to get some air into your lungs
“It's just Alexia” you heared Keira say softly to your girlfriend who still hid behinde the cement pole
“JUST??? It's JUST Alexia???” you heared Georgia screech “... she's the best fucking player in the whole wide fucking world.... universe probably”
“I'm so gonna post that online” you cried laughing
“I'm cutting you off” your girlfriend looking around the pole pointing her finger threatingly at you
“Please do” Lucy smile happily
“We both know that's an empty threat” you shot back a new wave of laughter bubbling in your throat
“Guys... we need to move...” Keira suddenly said looking down the airport “... we're attracting attention”
“Let's go then...” you try to surpress your laughter “... can I drive??”
“NO” you heard three voices – namely Alexia Lucy and Keira
“She doesn't drive too bad” Georgia shurgged her shoulders sprinting to Keiras left side with Keira you and Lucy forming the puffer to Alexia
“Excuse me what?” your sister whipped her head towards your girlfriend sending her a dirty glare
“Nothing” your girlfriend squeaked holding on to Keira for safety
“You drive like a grandma” you groaned unfolding yourself out of the backseat of Alexias Cupra
“Precious Cargo” the blonde spaniard shrugged
“You know when the sign says 60 you're allowed to drive 60... not 50” you said rolling your head until your neck poped loudly and you led out a heavy groan
“You could've walked you know” Alexia rolled her eyes at your dramatics
“Would've been faster for sure” you mumbled until you noticed something “Where the fuck are we?”
“Your apartment” the blonde spaniard said nonchalantly but then smirked holding out a set of keys
“Me what??” you asked dumbfolded
“Keira thought it would be a good idea if you had your own place..” Alexia smiled
“I thought they were joking....” you stammered “... they really let me live alone?”
“Yeah Bubs...” Lucy said coming up the road holding hands with Ona “... but if you need anything... we're just a text away okay... just walked here from our place... 12 minutes... counts for you too G okay...”
“Thanks Bronzey” your girlfriend smiled before extending her hand to Ona “Hi... I'm Georgia... G... Stanway... whatever you want to call me”
“She also answeres to Stanislav” Lucy provided chuckling
“That was ONE time...” Georgia exclaimed making Ona chuckle too
“She also listens to Dad...” you said and before you knew it your girlfriend slapped her hand over your mouth silencing you quickly looking wide eyed at Lucy
“I need me brain bleached” Lucy said her voice flat her eyes just as wide as Georgias
“Oh mi amor... don't be so shocked... you and Georgia are very similar...” Ona said before bursting out laughing while you heaved into Gs hand
“That's something I didn't need to know” Alexia said shaking her head in disbelieve “Here's your keys... get your bags out of my car so I can go home to my girlfriend”
“You call her Da...” you grinned snatching the key out of her hand
“You better stop talking or I'll seperate you and your actually lovely girlfriend... you with me... Georgia with Lucy and Ona” the blonde said her voice lightly threathend
“You wouldn't” your face transformed from teasing to shocked in milliseconds
“Try me Cariño...” Alexia smirked evilly
“G... move your ass... I got the keys” you screetched and you sprinted up the stairs while your girlfriend needed a second longer to react which Lucy immediately used to grab Georgias shirt
“I swear Stanway... if you.. you know... her... then you and I... you know” your sister threathened Georgia who just swallowed hard nodding quickly
“Good... good to know we understand each other” Lucy smiled gently padding Gs cheek
“Georgia!!!” you yelled from the top of the stairs
“I'm on crutches... I'm not that fast...” your girlfriend yelled back grabbing her crutches and your bags
“Hobble faster” you smiled as you unlock the door “Love you pretty spaniard... love you more friendly spaniard”
“Oy... what's with me you knobhead??!!” your sister exclaimed upset
“You threathened me girlfriend!!!” you yelled but Lucy could hear your smile
“We just have an agreement!! That's all” Lucy smiled up at you
“Me ass agreement....” you snorted but then smiled at her “Love you the most Lucy... Love you nearly as much as Kei”
“OY!” Lucy yelled but grinned as she heared your laugh as the door closed
“She's going to be okay here, sí?” Alexia asked a little concerned
“Yeah... she's going to be okay” Lucy smiled as she heared your high squeak and then more laughter
“Bueno... I was worried” the capitan said smiling as well listening to your laughter
“I still am...” your sister mumbled suddenly her mood dropping “... there's still a long rocky road ahead... she already made a big step in opening up but there's still so much to uncover”
“Mi amor...” Ona said softly taking Lucys hand
“I mean... it's good... and G did good there you know...” Lucy stared up the stairs at the closed door “... she called when she needed help and I know I was probably the last person she WANTED to call but she did because she loves her with every beat her heart takes...”
“They're a good pair these two” Alexia mused
“They don't know it yet... but they're their forever...” your sister said after a moment of silence “... the way G looks at her... and the way Bubs unconditionally loves G... loves her enough to let all her walls fall...”
“You don't really sound happy about it” Alexia said as she signalled for the couple to get into the car
“I am happy... I'm happy she found someone who treats her right and makes her happy” your sister said slipping into the passengers seat
“But?” Ona asked sitting in the backseat
“I didn't think it would be so... soon you know?” Lucy said a little embarressed
“Soon?? Lucy she's 16” Ona said from behind her girlfriend as Alexia started to drive to the Bronze-Batlle household
“She's not to me... I... she was so tiny you know....” your sister said softly remembering the first time she held you “... and whenever she was crying I got her to calm down... I mean... Mum and Dad did too... but not Jorge or Sophie...”
“You have a picture from her? As a baby?” Alexia asked as she parked in the driveway
“Sure...” Lucy said smiling slightly pulling out her purse
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“Oh my god... this is” Alexia exclaimed softly
“... so pure” Ona finished her friends sentence looking at the picture of a young Lucy holding a baby you
“One of the few pictures where she actually looks like a saint... she wasn't” your sister chuckled
“I really want to hear more... so either you offer me a glass of wine or we talk another time” Alexia smiled
“Come on then... I still have a nice red” Lucy smiled back
“Did you know your sister enjoys a good wine too?” the blonde spaniard smirked even more when she saw Lucys shocked face
“She what??” your sister looked after her friend shocked and Alexia couldn't hold in her laugh that echoed loudly through the neiborhood
“So Miss Stanway” you smirked “... our first apartment together...”
“We do move a little fast” your girlfriend grinned back “... don't you think?”
“I mean... you could still move in with me sister and her missus” you smirked
“On second thought... I think the speed we're going is just fine” Georgia swallowed hard
“Mhm... thought so” you chuckled “Housetour?”
“Fuck yes” your girlfriend smiled starting to hobble down the hallway on her crutches
“Okay... here we have...” you said excitedly opening the first door “... a bedroom... nice... good size... nice colours... but no en suite”
“Who are you... Christina Hall or what?” Georgia laughed behind you
“I mean... I watched probably every episode... so... yes?” you shrugged your shoulders
“Then please show me around... I really need to know if I want to buy that apartment” your girlfriend played into your little thing
“Of course... I promise the next room is amaaaazing” you put on your best american accent your voice obviously higher than normal “if you would follow me to the next... door”
“I bet this is the bathroom” Georgia mused as you grabbed the doorknob
“It's actually... a waredrobe?” you looked at your girlfriend confused
“I mean... you do have a lot of shoes” the blonde mumbled
“Excuse me?? You have just as many shoes and half of mine are Keiras” you exclaimed lightly slapping her shoulder
“My shoes are in Munich” Georgia laughed trying to block your hits
“Mine are in Manchester...” you shot back
“... can't be.. half of them are at me apartment” your girlfriend laughed louder when she finally caught your hand pulling you into her
“Not for very much longer if you keep that attitude Miss Stanway” you mumbled your eyes drifting down to Georgias lips
“Is that so...” Georgia smirked smugly “... me eyes are up here”
“I wasn't looking for your eyes” you mumbled
“Mhm...” your girlfriend hummed still smirking “.... so... about the rest of the house... I want to see if my investment is worth it”
“What?” you asked confused as Georgia took a step back
“You are the worst real estate agent I ever met” Georgia laughed as you stood rooted in place looking dumbfolded
“You can't just...” you stammered looking after your girlfriend stunned
“What? You wanted to show me around and now you just standing there” your girlfriend teased you “... I want to see the rest of me flat”
“Knobhead” you mumbled but started to walk after and then around her
“Heard that...” Georgia smiled
“Bite me” you grumbled
“You wish I would don't you” your girlfriend grinned
“Shut up...” you grumbled as you opened the next door “Here we have.... another bedroom??”
“We have two bedrooms? Why?” Georgia looked over your shoulder into the room
“Ugh... I bet that was Lucy... she really thinking we're sleeping seperately??” you groaned annoyed
“We can sleep in both bedrooms... so it looks like it” your girlfriend shrugged her shoulders
“And....” you grinned biting your lip looking at G innocently “... we can christen both rooms...”
“That... too” Georgia swallowed hard and you saw her eyes darken
“But first...” you smiled sweetly “... lets finish this tour”
“Scuse me?” your girlfriend scoffed
“Payback's a bitch innit?” you smirked as you already had the next doorknob in your hand “Uh... bathroom... spaceous”
“We can shower together” Georgia grinned pushing you forward
“You know as soon as we step into this shower...” you started but then stopped talking waiting for something
“What you're waiting...” your girlfriend asked confused
“Wait for it...” you mumbled
“BUBS???” you suddenly heard your sister
“There it is...” you huffed “Yeah??”
“You have everything you need?” Lucy tried to covered up her need to check on you
“Of course not you Arsebiscuit” you yelled back rolling her eyes “We just moved in”
“Sorry for caring about you” your sister yelled through the door
“You don't care about me... you care about cockblocking me” you grumbled
“You don't HAVE a cock...” Lucy said flatly
“Not a real one... but...” you started to shoot back as Georgia covered your mouth quickly
“That's it... you're coming home with me” your sister said horrofied trying to shouldercheck the door down
“What are you doing here anyway???” you yelled knowing Lucy wouldn't get through that door
“I'm caring about you okay?” Lucy said her voice a little pained as she was rubbing her shoulder
“Luce...” you sighed “... nothing happened in the hour you were gone... I'm good... G's good.... we're good...”
“I just needed to know....” your sister said quietly
“Go home Lucy...” you said softly as you opened the door “We're okay...”
“I just need...” Lucy said before checking you over
“Are you looking for something?” you raised an eyebrow
“No... no...” your sister said quickly
“Lucy!” you exclaimed “We are no rabbits for godsakes”
“Just checking” Lucy held her hands up
“Go home...” you laughed and pushed your sister slightly
“Yeah yeah... I'm going” your sister rolled her eyes smiling when she turned around leaving
“I'm gonna come later” you said quickly laughing as throwing the door shut turning the key when you heard Lucy running against it
“Bubs!!! Open the door” Lucy yelled
“Can't hear you” you laughed from the inside turning around to your girlfriend
“She's going to kill me... you know that right?!” Georgia said flatly her face blank
“Eh... she won't... Alexia won't let her... Alexia loves me too much to let anything happen that makes me sad” you waved off “...so... where were we?”
“I'm not showering with you while your sister breaks down the door shining style” your girlfriend looked at you with big eyes
“Pussy” you snorted as you pulled your shirt over your head throwing it at Georgia walking towards the bathroom
“Can you believe it??” Lucy stormed into her own home where she was greeted with two confused spaniards “She just locked me out...”
“Qué??” Ona tried to understand her girlfriend
“No... no qué” your sister said upset “... I just went to check on her and she locked me out”
“WHO??” Ona asked desperatly
“Y/n!!!” Lucy exclaimed like everyone should know whos she talking about
“Oh my God Lucy!!” the small spaniard exclaimed “You can't be serious... you said you'd run to the store quickly!”
“Yeah well...” your sister said embarressed “.... it was on the way”
“It isn't...” Ona scolded her girlfriend “.... as a matter of fact it's the complete opposite direction”
“I just...” Lucy scratched the back of her neck ashamed “... she's me baby you know”
“But she's not alone... there's a reason why Georgia is here... let them be Lucy” the small spaniard said softly “... I'm worried about her too but she needs that space okay”
“I'll try to get her to come to the Nuo tomorrow okay...” Alexia offered as she poured herself another glass of wine “... I said Georgia could train here while she's around... maybe give her a taste of what it's like here...”
“Georgia burns faster than Keira....” your sister said “.... she'll never survive in the Barcelonean sun”
“I don't see Bebita moving to Germany... so Georgia will need to suck it up and come here” Alexia waved off taking a sip from her wine
“She can suck it up and move here in 150 years” Lucy grumbled making Ona and Alexia laugh
“Let them be Amor...” Ona laughed “... they're cute”
“You've never met them together” your sister grumbled again
“I don't need to meet them... I saw it when Bebita was on the phone talking to Georgia... or when she got a text from her and her whole face lit up like a christmas tree” the small spaniard said softly “... or how when she talked about her her eyes where shining”
“Yeah yeah I get it” Lucy mumbled “... she loves her”
“And Georgia loves the Cariño” Alexia said
“She needs to prove that first” your sister mumbled
“I think she proved it more than once...” the blonde spaniard said flatly “... and she also proved that she'll always respect the relationship you and the Cari have”
“Stop being logical...” Lucy grumbled again “... both of you”
“G?” you yelled down the hallway the next morning
“Yeah?” you heared your girlfriend answer from the bathroom
“Alexia asks if we want to come round this morning or afternoon?” you said looking at the text on your phone “.... she wants to give you a tour”
“I'm nearly ready...” Georgia said as she walked into the kitchen pressing a kiss to your lips “... if you want we can go there now”
“Yeah well genius....” you huffed out “... how will we get there? I don't have a license and you don't know the way”
“But I have a license and you know the way” your girlfriend smiled grabbing an apple
“Yeah right...” you snorted “... as if I knew the way to the fifth circle of hell”
“You're here for months now...” Georgia looked at you confused “... how don't you know how to get to the trainings ground?”
“Lucy or Ona normally drive...” you defended yourself “... I just slam in me in-ears so I don't have to listen to their lovey-dovey shit... it's disgusting once you understand them”
“Is it really that bad?” your girlfriend looked at you
“Worse..” you shuddered “... at the beginning they thought I wouldn't understand them... but at one point I did... made me heave at what Lucy said to Ona”
“Ew” your girlfriend scrunched up her nose
“Yeah... that” you shook your head disgusted “... wait.. we could order an Uber”
“That'll be embarressing” Georgia said munching on her apple
“Then wait... I'll organize something” you smirked going through your phone to find a specific persons number
“Will this get us in trouble?” your girlfriend asked skeptically “Maybe we should just phone Lucy”
“Bullshit” you mumbled waiting for the call to connect “Hey Maps... what you doing right now?”
“Where is Mapí?” Alexia asked looking around the locker room
“No idea... one moment she was behind me the next her phone rang and she was gone” Ingrid shrugged her shoulders “I think she just stepped outside to take the call – it looked important”
“Bueno...” Alexia said a little grumpy knowing Mapí can spent hours on the phone “... I'll give her another 10 minutes – we have a Champions League coming up”
“I'll go looking for her in a minute” Ingride said as she pulled on her cleats
“Gracias Ingrid” the blonde spaniard smiled apprecheating the norwegians offer
“Ningún problema” the norwegian smiled back leaving the locker room
“Buenos Aires Mapí” you grinned slipping into the passenger seat while your girlfriend slipped into the backseat
“Bon dia mi nena” the tattooed spaniard grinned
“Thanks for picking us up” you smiled happily
“Ningún problema” Mapí smiled back as she started to pull out of the Batlle-Bronze driveway
“So... Stansway....” the tattooed woman eyed Georgia through the backmirror
“Stanway... no second s” your girlfriend corrected a little unsure
“How long are you dating mi nena now?” Mapí asked interessted and you chuckled at how she tried to be intemitading
“I don't know how this concerns you but... a little over four month now” Georgia said neutrally but you saw how she started to already get defensive
“Ehrm... Maps...” you said carefully
“Sí??” the blonde not taking her eyes off Georgia
“Ehrm... Ingrid calls you... again” you pointed out seeing Mapí already missed 17 calls
“Uh oh...” Mapí flinched “... we'll just ignore it”
“I don't think that's a good idea” you said your eyes transfixed on the screen of the inboard system
“The ringing will stop in a second” the tattooed spaniard waved off
“Yeah... and it'll start a second later again” you said and the only thing that was missing was your significant “duh”
“We're nearly there anyway....” Mapí defended herself just as the display showed another incomining call from Ingrid
“Princess norwegian will so kill you” you huffed out a laugh
“She won't... I'm to good in satisfying her” the blonde wriggled her eyebrows
“Ew” you deadpanned as Mapí pulled into the parking lot of Camp Nuo – and that's when you saw it “Maps.....”
“Yeah?” Mapí said concentrated as she drove slower trying to find a prarking space
“... keep driving” you said a little panicked
“Qué??” the blonde looked at you confused and you just pointed through the windshield “Uh oh”
There was Ingrid. Her arms crossed. Her face blank but you saw the fuming eyes. And the worst – she was tipping her foot. But what was basically the sudden death was that BEHIND Ingrid stood Alexia... and Lucy... and Ona... and... Keira.
“Just keep driving” you hit Mapís shoulder while Georgia started laughing on the backseat
“María León!!!” you heard Alexia yell and Mapí hit the brakes so hard you nearly hit your head on the dashboard
“Ay díos mio...” Mapís face went white “... we dead!”
“Yeah well... not if you hit the gas pedal and they...” you started to stress out but the front doors of the car already got ripped open and both of you got pulled out of the car
“María Pilar León Cebrián” Alexia growled while pulling Maps ear
“Ouchi ouchi ouchi ouchi ouchi” the tattooed spaniard whined trying to get Alexia to let go off her
“Oh no... ¿Qué diablos estabas pensando? ¿Estás realmente enojado?Te dije específicamente que NO puedes estar sin supervisión con el cariño!! Pon tu trasero a entrenar AHORA MISMO o que Dios me ayude!!!” the blonde captain growled while pushing Mapí forward
“Oh shit...” you mumbled but flinched when Keira grabbed the back of your neck tighter “... the scary woman is angry... damn Kei... that hurts”
“You called her instead of me to pick you up...” Keira growled quietly holding you in place by your neck
“I just know you don't have your phone on you at training” you defended yourself and you pulled your shoulders up trying to get Keira to let go
“Bitsy no... don't try” the blonde englishwoman shook you slightly so you relaxed again before turning her attention to someone else “... and YOU Georgia Marie Stanway...”
“I...” your girlfriend immediately took a step back
“No no... stay put...” Keira said pointing with her free hand next to her “... Luce!”
“Oh please don't let her kill me...” Georgia begged her best friend pulling on Keiras trainings shirt like a little child
“Not for you” the blonde rolled her eyes when she pushed you towards your sister “.. the older Bronze can deal with the other Bronze”
“Oh thank fuck” your girlfriend sighed deeply
“Scuse me??” you exclaimed “... what about me??”
“We both know you weasle your way out of Lucys punishment” Georgia waved off “... you always did”
“Excuse... no wait... that's true actually” you shrugged your shoulders as Keira let go of your neck when Lucy was close enough so even if you tried to run your sister would catch you immediately
“So... Bubs...” your sister said overly friendly as she laid her arm over your shoulders pulling you away
“I swear Georgia...” Keira said staring at her friend “... you better not leave these two hackle anything out because I personally will hold you accountable if something happens to either Bits or Mapí... I told you I need you to step up... I know it's hard because you don't want to end up being the bad guy but these two can't be trusted together”
“I didn't even know who she called” Georgia lifted her hands in surrender “... we were talking about how I don't know the way and she never paid attention and then she said she knows who to call”
“I know... but G... you really need to be alert around her here... Barcelona makes a different person out of her... she's more happy yes... more carefree... but she's also more reckless...” the older player said and your girlfriend nodded along
“Yeah okay... what you think Lucy will do to y/n??” your girlfriend asked and Keira saw that Georgia understood what she meant
“I don't know... most likely... I don't know... no dessert before bed?” Keira shrugged her shoulders and Georgia snorted loudly
“I think that's even worse for her than being grounded” Georgia smirked and Keira started chuckling
“Oh I know... I also know about her secret stash in her sock draw...” the older one smirked “... I don't think Lucy ever caught on with that”
“She has a secret stash??” your girlfriend perked up
“Always in her sock draw...” Keira said nonchalantly “... even on camps”
“Good to know” Georgia mumbled
“Come on... I'll show you around...” Keira said smiling nodding towards the entrance of Camp Nou
“Bubs...” Lucy said sitting you down in the locker room “... stop getting Maps into trouble... you know we need her in 10 days”
“None of you ever has their phone on you when you're in trainings mode” you grumbled annoyed “YOU basically force me to call her”
“No we don't... you know how to use Google Maps right?” your sister rolled her eyes
“I DID use Maps...” you exclaimed
“GOOGLE MAPS... not Maps León” Lucy mimiked your tone
“No need to shout...” you rolled your eyes “... so... what me punishment?”
“Oh that's not on me... Alexia and Irene will decide that” your sister smiled sweetly
“WHAT???!!!!” you exclaimed shocked your eyes wide
“Oh yeah... I'm not intervering with La Reinas wrath” Lucy grinned
“Cariño!” Alexia pushed the door open right this second
“She's not here... please leave a message after the beep...” you quickly jumped behind your sister hiding
“Ven aquí” Alexia said dangerously calm
“No...” you whined
“Cariño....” the blonde warned “... don't keep me waiting... you won't get out of it... Keira already warned me about your tactics”
“Motherfu...” you sweared under your breath but stopped when you heared your sister clear your throat “Sorry” you mumbled
“Ven aquí Cari” Alexia said again and this time you peeked around Lucy
“You need to promise that you don't yell...” you said in a small voice
“I promise I won't yell...” the blonde said softly “... but you won't get away with that”
“You need to promise PROMISE you won't yell” you said a little firmer
“lo juro por mi madre” Alexia rolled her eyes
“Promesa?” you asked again
“Promesa... ven aquí” the blonde pointed on a spot in front of her
“Lucyyyy...” you whined holding onto your sisters trainings shirt
“Oh no.... leave me out of this” Lucy chuckled as she pulled out from behind her “... why do I feel like having a deja-vu??”
“It's just like the first time I met her...” Alexia said shaking her head “... I had to yell at Mapí and she was hiding behind you”
“Ah... yeah... knew it felt weirdly familiar” your sister acknowledged
“In here Cari...” the blonde spaniard pushed you into a meeting room “... we're gonna have a talk”
“I'm....” you tried to quickly turn around “... G... she needs a tour... it's very confusing in here”
“Your girlfriend is already at the gym” Alexia caught you in time to push you back into the room “Keira took care of it”
“Uh oh...” you mumbled when Alexia pushed you into one of the chairs and she sat down opposite you
“You know you're not allowed time with María without any adults...” the blonde started calmly and you really expected her to yell at you but Alexia stayed calm “... so what made you call her?”
“She always answers her phone” you shrugged your shoulders
“As does your sister, Keira or I...” Alexia pointed out waiting for you to continued
“... she's more fun” you mumbled a little ashamed
“That's not a good enough reason...” the blonde scolded you and your face scrunched up a little bit “... you're gonna first help your girlfriend to train and get her knee stabilized again and as soon as you done with her trainings unit you'll come to me and we'll get these irrational thoughts out of your brilliant brain”
“Brilliant brain?” you perked up smiling in your seat
“I will deny saying that” Alexia smiled back and nodded her head to the door “Go... help your girlfriend get fit again... they'll need her...”
“Okay... come on guys...” you clapped your hands together in Munich locker room “... disturb their play early... don't waste engery on running after the quick short passes... they'll pass them quick passes and then play a long ball to the top... I want you to make them work”
“Ehrm... can I say something too?” Alex looked at you carefully
“Ehrm... no?? I won't lose to them snobs...” you shot back before you turning your attention back to the Bayern Munich players while Georgia tried to surpress her snort at Alex offended face “... you guys listen to me... you'll go out there and break ankles if you have to... I won't hear the end of it if Barcelona wins... not from Alexia... not from Mapí and ESPACIALLY not from me sister... so you do what you have to do to win... or at least draw”
“Coach?” Lea Schüller lifted her hand like she was in school
“Yeah?” you and Alex answered at the same time
“Coach Bronze..” Lea clarified and Alex sat down huffing “... you said we should break ankles... is this literally or hypotheticall??”
“Hypothetically” you rolled your eyes “... these guys out there are still me family.... I want someone on Aitana all the time... and on Mario... these two will be an absolut pest”
“What about Putellas and Salma?” Sydney asked trying to memorize what you say
“Salma isn't herself right now...” you said your tone serious “... I don't know what's going on but she doesn't really connect with the team or finish her chances... Stanway will cover Putellas...”
“I'm what?” your girlfriend looked at you shocked
“You on Putellas... gives you some 1on1 time to connect with your crush” you smirked while Magda started to snicker next to Georgia
“You bitch” Georgia exclaimed in disbelieve
“You're welcome...” you smirked back “... oh and Eriksson... if you fuck up against Bonmatí you'll run laps”
“Coach Alex...” Magda whined “... she...”
“Apparently you all listen to her... so don't come running to me now” the Bayern coach huffed sulking
“I want you all to make them work okay...” you went back to being serious with “your” team “... we start with something risky but I think it's gonna throw them off their game enough so we can use that ONE momentum in our favour and score...” you grinned evilly
The players went out on the pitch and you came out after them smiling before you took your turn towards the Bayern Munich bench
“Hola Pequeña” you suddenly heard a voice you haven't heard in a long time and you could HEAR the smile even tho the person stood behind you
“Oh mios dios...” you groaned feaking annoyance
“It's Ay dios mio but okay...” the woman smirked stepping up to stand next to you “... you little traitor told them Germans all the tricks sí?”
“All of them...” you grinned as you felt the person pulling you into a side hug
“Good... take them down a note...” the big woman smirked
“Notch Hermoso... it's take them down a notch not a note” you elbowed her lightly
“You should be grateful I'm talking english to you” Jenni huffed but her smile never faltered
“What are you doing here anyway? Don't you have a game to play with that tequila team of yours?” you teased
“Someone has to do the commentary on that game...” the lanky spaniard smiled
“And they chose you of all people??” you raised an eyebrow but Jenni saw you were just teasing her
“They chose the best as always” Jenni smirked
“Then what are YOU doing here?” you grinned and then squeaked when Jenni pulled you into a headlock
“Would you mind giving an interview?” the dark haired spaniard asked
“Absolutley not... if you want someone to talk to about the game take the coach over there who's sulking on the bench... wait here..” you pointed at Alex when your attention switched to the pitch and you stepped around Jenni “MAGDA ERIKSSON.... is that what you call sprints?? I was faster when I had both my ACLs ripped!!!”
“Okay WOW” Jenni said shocked watching how Magda literally went pale and started sprinting faster “And you want to tell me you're not the coach??”
“At best I'm their motivation coach” you grinned evilly “STANWAY!!!”
“You call your girlfriend by her last name?” the lanky spaniard wondered
“Because when we're in public she's not me girlfriend...” you mumbled and Jenni remembered why
“Ah... yes sorry... I forgot about that detail...” Jenni said softly pulling you into a side hug “... so... prediction for todays game?”
“Hm... 1 – 2 … I don't know for whose side but the teams are pretty equal” you said after a second of thinking
“Mia Madre... I know that you know that I know that you know exactly how this game will end... you ALWAYS know how games will go and how they'll end” Jenni groaned knowing she won't get anything out of you
“Let's see... there are still a few variables I can't predict” you shrugged your shoulders
“How does that brain of yours actually work??” the dark hair wondered and again you just shrugged your shoulders
“How should I know... it just works” you said your eyes transfixed on the pitch “STANWAY!!!”
“You are trully an amazing person y/n Bronze” Jenni laughed as she watched how Georgia flinched when you yelled at her
“G... stop looking out for Keira... it's Tweedledumb you have to cover!!!” you yelled from the sideline and Jona already shook his head in disbelieve how you just stole Alex job coaching a Champions League game
“Who????” Georgia stopped mid run to look at you confused
“TWEEDLEDUMB you spacecadet!!!” you yelled throwing your armes in the air
“WHO???!!!” your girlfriend yelled back even more confused
“She means Patri...” Keira provided helpfully before she stole the ball from Gs feet
“You better get that ball back Stanway or I swear you won't be happy for the next three YEARS!!!!” you screamed at your girlfriend which made Jenni – who stood a little bit further down the sideline – burst out laughing and Georgia immediately sprinting after Keira
“A yellow???!! Really G??” you looked at your girlfriend flatly at the halftime break
“YOU said I should get the ball back” your girlfriend defended herself “You also got a yellow”
“You can be grateful you didn't get a red... tackling Kei off her feet from the back... what the hell were you thinking??” you shot back “... and my yellow was so over the top... that ref should take a course how to ref a game”
“You called her a blind fish who wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a horses arse and its head” Samantha Kerr pointed out
“Awa' n bile your head” you shot at the scott who just bursted out laughing
“Aye a wee scott...” Sam laughed whiping away her tears
“You guys confuse me” Magda suddenly said which resulted in you getting your attention on her
“YOU...” you pointed at the swede “... can you maby stop yapping with the spanish swede over some meatball recepies and start defending... like do the job you have”
“Oooookaaaayy...” Pernille said overly friendly while she grabbed you by your shoulders and pushed you back until you found yourself outside the locker room “... take a breather”
“Nothing was wrong what I said” you exclaimed upset
“Breath...” Pernille calmly repeated and waited until it seem that you calmed down a little bit “... take it down a notch okay... we do what we can out there and the fact that it's still 0 – 0 speaks for the fact that you did a good job with the tactics and that we do our jobs.... so take a deep breath and tell us what we should do in the second half”
“Win” you looked like Pernille lost her mind and the dane started laughing
“Okay then...” the blonde laughed “... let's win then”
“G... there's a space on the 11 for Lea” you yelled and your girlfriend looked up and passed the ball into a small space in between the barcelona midfield “Lea... DoppelWhopper!!”
Georgia played the ball perfectly into Leas run and the blonde passed it immediately to her right to Klara Bühl who was now facing Ona and Ingrid who both came towards the brown haired woman just smirked and passed it back to Lea who stopped the ball just outside the 18yard box waiting for Lucy to come off her position and Lucy as usual didn't disappoint – she ran right into the trap not seeing Pernille coming down the line and Lea just pushed the ball past Lucys feet for Pernille to belt the ball towards Cata. Sadly she just hit the crossbar and you groaned loudly but then you saw how the ball was just a tad to high for Mapí to clear it with her head and it landed right in front of Georgias foot
“SHOOT YOU FRUITCAKE!!!!” you yelled desperatly and Georgia just did that – she pulled her foot back and belted the ball towards the goal
The next seconds were going by in slow motion for you. You saw how Cata scrambled back up and to the other side of the goal where Georgias ball was heading. But she was a millisecond to late. You saw how the fingertips of her Goalkeeper gloves grazed the ball but not enough to get it off its course – you threw your arms in the air screaming loudly even before the ball hit the back of the net. Lea was the first to run towards your girlfriend who just stood there dumbfolded looking like she saw a ghost as the rest of the team caught up on her burying her under a pile of players. The Barca players stood there just as dumbfolded as Georgia was a second ago. That was until Alexia spotting you jumping on Alex back who was laughing loudly carrying you around in the coaching zone. Jenni and Alexia locked eye and Jenni smirked before she started to clap politely while Ale threw her best friend a death glare.
“Vamos!!!” the blonde capitan yelled loudly trying to get her players back into playing mode “Let's go... we won't get dragged down by a goal... we focus and we trust in our ability”
Georgia jogged past Keira grinning from ear to ear when the blonde englishwoman stopped her shortly
“I know you want to go over there right now...” Keira mumbled her head low so no one could catch on “... but you can't G.... you can't risk it”
“Thanks Kei.... I nearly” your girlfriend mumbled back her smile faltering slightly
“I know....” Keira smiled softly “... safe it for later”
“KEIRA!! VAMOS!!!” Aitana yelled seeing Keira talking to the “enemy”
“Come on Magda... don't let her tank you over... she's literally a child” you yelled from the side line as Salma came racing towards Magda “... she's like a century younger than you... you won't catch her... stop her before”
“You really know how to motivate players” Jenni chuckled from your right
“It's not like I'm lying” you grumbled watching how Magda got the ball away from Salma with a clean tackle “Great job Bavarian Swede!!”
“Bavarian Swede??” the dark haired spaniard asked confused
“Yeah... I just can't yell Swede... otherwise the Barca Swede would get confused” you grinned making Jenni laugh
You saw how Alexia stole the ball from Lea and raced down towards Maria Grohs and you knew the way Alexia controlled the ball that it would end up with an equalizer from the catalan
“Fuck me” you groaned and already turned away before Alexia even belted the ball towards the goal
“What?” Jenni asked confused looking after you
“Wait for it...” you just said and three seconds later the stadium errupted in cheers “... there it is”
“You knew Ale would score????” the dark haired woman asked “How??”
“She dribbled with her right foot which means she gonna bring it on her left in the last second the Goalkeeper already off in the wrong direction Ale shoots with her left and bam...” you groaned as you turned around seeing defeat in the Munich players faces
“NO NO NO!!! YOU WON'T GIVE UP.... WE STILL HAVE 15 MINUTES LEFT!! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND PLAY LIKE I KNOW YOU CAN!!!” you screamed at them so loud that Jenni flinched – and she was used to getting yelled at. By Ale. By Montse. By you.
“Jesús... can you please calm down a bit?” Jenni asked rubbing her ear
“I have to beat the best team in the world.... I can't calm down” you gritted through you teeth
“Your team is the first in a long time that put one past Cata... you already can be proud of them” the lanky spaniard
“Do I look proud?? DO I LOOK PROUD HERMOSO??!!” you screeched and pulled Jenni down on her shirt until her face was mere centimeters away from yours
“You know if you wanted a kiss all you need to do is ask” Jenni wriggled her eyebrows pressing a sweet loving kiss to your nose and you pushed her away quickly
“Yuck!!!” you exclaimed and grabbed the next best thing to wipe your nose – which was Alex shirt
“Excuse me??” the Munich coach exclaimed bewildered
“She slobbered on me nose” you whined wiping your nose again on his sleeve
“Coach the team and stop making out with Hermoso” the man grumbled pulling his arm away from you
“Ha... she wishes...” Jenni barked out laughing
“You dinosaur wouldn't able to keep up” you shot back your eyes on the pitch when you saw Cata coming off her line towards Klara
In true Carata Kid fashion Cata took Klara out and you were the first to yell
“OY REF!!!!! YOU SAW THAT FOUL??? CARE TO DO YOUR JOB AND...” you screamed until Lucy quickly sprinted over covering your mouth with her hand
“Shut up you Moron” your sister shushed you “... you already have a yellow”
You continued to yell but with Lucy covering your mouth no one could make out what you muffled loudly
“Bubs... Shut. Up” Lucy growled “... I could leave you shovel your grave deeper but I chose to basically go against my team and help yours... so shut up and accept that you get that freaking PK”
You huffed annoyed and Lucy let you go again “... if this bites me in the ass I'm coming for you”
“... GOOD JOB REF!! WHAT A GOOD REF YOU ARE – YES YOU ARE!! YOU WANT YOUR FUCKING COOK...” you started to yell again immediately and your sister just groaned loudly
This time it was Jenni to step in and she just pulled you into a thight hug so all your angry yelling got muffled by her shirt
“Letmegohemoso” your voice muffled and you tried to push Jenni off you
“Not until you calmed down – jesús you are worse than Alexia” the lanky woman rolled her eyes “Who's taking the Penalty anyway? Your team looks over a little lost”
“21” you mumbled against Jenni and the woman yelled out
“She says Harders” Jenni yelled over
“Harder... you...” you grumbled but the dark haired woman just patted your head in a sisterly way
“She understood” the dark haired woman defended herself “If you promise to be good I'll let you watch”
You just grunted and turned away from Jennis upper body to watch how Pernille walked up to the Penalty point with the ball in her hands. Like the calm person she is she placed the ball down and took about six steps back. Her face stoic with concentration and you saw how she took a deep breath her hands on her hips
“She'll go top left” you mumbled just as the whistle blew and Pernille took another step back before running forward “Good job P”
Just as you said that Pernilles foot connected with the ball and she pushed it to the top left corner while Cata dived right
“You are truly amazing Pequeña you know that?” Jenni said in awe as the Munich players jumped on Pernille celebrating
“Meeh... every player has their tell” you shrugged smiling slightly when the dane truned around pointing at you smiling widely
“I don't” the lanky spaniard protested
“Oh you have the bigget ones Hermoso” you smirked
“Name me one” Jenni huffed
“When you stopp the ball with your chest you let it slide down to your foot on the inside of your leg and you shoot out of the turning movment” you waved off knowing it would eat the spaniard up that you immediately came up with something
“That's not...” the dark haired one started before stopping surprised “... that is actually true”
“I know” you grinned shrugging your shoulders
It was in the 87 minute when for you the world stopped. Barca threw everything at Munich trying to equalize once again but the backline from the german club withheld every attack the catalan club threw at them. But then it happened. Georgia was sprinting down the side line blazing past you when you saw Jana – who came on for Mapí who had muscle problems – coming in for a slide tackle. To your horror your girlfriend didn't see it – she passed the ball forward into the run of Pernille when Jana took out Georgias feet and your girlfriend went down hard. Jana on her part was quickly back on her feet already back in the game while Georgia stayed down clutching her ankle. Then something happened no one saw coming – and that was you. When you saw your girlfriend staying down on the pitch you saw red. The ball was already gone and Jana would've had the chance to stop that tackle but she didn't – you knew it was unexperience on her part but that didn't make you less angry that someone hurt your girlfriend. Jenni wasn't fast enough to grab the back of your shirt as you took off so she just yelled for Alexia to watch out. The blonde barca capitana looked at her best friend bewildered when she saw you sprinting down the side line.
“Lucy!!” Alexia screamed not caring if they received an other goal or not and to her relief Lucy looked up and followed Alexias wild pointing
“Fuck” your sister swore under her breath leaving her position trying to get to you first before you got to whoever you set your mind on “KEIRA!”
But all of them weren't fast enough and you got to Jana first and tackled her rugby style to the ground making the young player squeak in surprise before the air was pressed out of her lungs when she hit the pitch with you on top of her. You quickly turned her around so you were sitting on top of her your fist raised ready to break her nose. But before you could go through Lucy and Alexia were there pulling you off the young player – you weren't you if you'd make it easy for them. You locked your knees around Janas hip and instead of getting you off her Alexia and Lucy dragged Jana back with you – Natasha Romanoff would've been proud of your knee lock you were sure of that.
“Bubs” Lucy begged you “.... let go... come on... she didn't mean it...”
“Cariño... por favor...” Alexia now tried to get you let go of Jana
Now more players filed in – Barcelonean and Munich – trying to help but it only resulted in you getting more aggregated and you even tried to bite Ingrid. Not even Keira was able to get you out of your anger fueled tunnel until your girlfriend came hobbleing over with the help of two physios
“Y/n!” Georgia said sternly her tone on the verge of angry “Let her go... I'm good...”
Just hearing her voice made you snap out of your episode immediately and you looked up your arms still held by Lucy and Alexia when you locked eyes with Georgia standing there all anger left your body and your knee lock around the young Barca player immediately opened up. Your sister and Alexia pulled you up and away from Jana quickly getting some distance between you and her. Your eyes were still locked with your girlfriends while Lucy basically womanhandled you to the side line Georgia slowly hobbleing after you two putting light weight on her foot.
“Just bruising... you'll be good to lightly train in a few days... RICE method okay...” one of the physios said after he inspected Gs ankle carefully and throughfully already slapping an icepack on the ankle
You were sitting in a corner on a chair watching every move from the physio with hawks eyes since you got a red card anyway and were banned for the next two games you had the time to watch the man work on your girlfriends ankle. You had a dark look on your face your anger bubbleing to the surface again when you saw Georgia whince as the ice pack hit her ankle. The man left quickly after that leaving you and Georgia alone with your girlfriend laying back down on the table with a huff
“You want to tell me what the fuck you were thinking?” your girlfriend asked into the quiet room looking at the celing
“I was concerned” you said your voice had an angry undertone
“So you weren't using your fucking brain” Georgia shot back getting angry herself
“No... for a second I wasn't... I was concerned for my girlfriend and potentially her season” you barked back
“We agreed that as soon I step on the pitch I'm NOT your girlfriend...” your girlfriend sat back up looking at you with an angry face “... you fucking can't do that... you can't mix up business and private... what if someone catches on? Do you realize you just sabotaged everything we did to hide this relationship? Do you realize what it could mean for me?”
“Oh that's what this is about... about I'm caring for you... sorry Stanway... it won't fucking happen again” you growled as you stood up walking towards the door knowing Georgia couldn't follow you at the moment
“Don't you dare run away...” Georgia said her voice still angry “... this is not about you caring or not... this is about you behaving like a major asshole towards one of the nicesest players out there and you not thinking what's at stake here...”
“If there's so much at stake then don't worry... there won't be for much longer” you shot back walking out the door throwing it shut behind you
“Y/N!!” your girlfriend (ex-girlfriend?) yelled after you but she wasn't able to follow you
“Fuck!” Georgia swore loudly letting herself fall back onto the table angry – mostly about herself for how she dealt with the situation.
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gffa · 10 months
All right, so maybe I went haring off to another fandom for awhile, but I will never fully let go of my STAR WARS fic reading roots because there's just so much incredible fic here and I have such intense feelings about these characters, like how can I possibly truly leave when this fandom knows how to scratch my id just right or make me cry over fictional characters or hyena laugh because you people are very funny? There's just so much fic that is so good that of course I keep coming back! Especially when it comes to Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, there are just so many incredible people making incredible fics for them that feed right back into my love for their twisty, turny, complicated, beautiful, awful relationship. So here's a bunch of Obikin fic because the fandom is amazing and you should go love them as much as I love them, since you can hopefully completely sate yourself on a bunch of fantastic fic to read! Or idk send yourself into a grief coma because sometimes fic writers are almost as mean as canon was, but in the best way, the way that really hits you in the feelings place. Or idk idk just gorge on all the porn because DANG Obikin fandom brings the porn! WHAT KIND OF FIC YOU’LL FIND HERE:
FICS THAT PUNCHED ME IN THE FACE WITH HOW GOOD THEY WERE: ✦ Neutron star collision by thedunesea, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, 121k wip     In the aftermath of Order 66, Anakin Skywalker's miraculous survival after his confrontation with the new Sith Apprentice Darth Vader ignites a sparkle of hope in the remaining Jedi, in the fledgling rebellion and, above all, in his former Master, who thought he had lost everything to darkness. But darkness is generous, and it is patient. ✦ Together in Slumber by ibex_ascendant, obi-wan/anakin, 2.4k wip     Several months after his last confrontation with Darth Vader, Obi-Wan finds himself trapped in a vivid and mysterious mindscape. And he isn't there alone. ✦ Satellite Mind by intermundia, septemberist, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 19.3k     Some doors, once opened, can never be closed, and some secrets, once learned, can never be forgotten. or, Five times Obi-Wan heard Anakin’s thoughts, and one time Anakin heard Obi-Wan’s. ✦ Slow Learner by Is0lde, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 12.6k     Four times Anakin tried to fit Obi-Wan's big dick inside him and one time he managed it. or; the evolution of their sexual relationship. ✦ Redolent of you by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, omegaverse, dom/sub, 31.3k wip     This act of espionage is going to require some class A play at antiquated alpha and omega dynamics, only problem is Anakin has never submitted in his life and it's certainly not within his nature,or so Obi-Wan thinks. ✦ Heal Me, My Darling by wasureneba, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, dom/sub, 12.4k     Anakin gets sick. Obi-Wan takes care of him. For two weeks. Alone. This would be easier if Anakin wasn't quite so gone for Obi-Wan. Or if this didn't involve a daily stab in the shebs. ✦ For He, too, is King by MayMeows, obi-wan/anakin & padme, NSFW, historical au, 7.7k     “I am here to present myself to the man who now calls himself King of my people.” Obi-Wan would be impressed as Anakin’s title as God-King, born from the divine himself, often struck people with awe, terrifying or glorifying, but Queen Amidala’s voice is as strong as her shoulders are squared. ✦ How to Save a Galactic Republic Without Really Trying by Sharp_Tongue, obi-wan/anakin & mace & yoda & quinlan & palpatine, nsfw, time travel, 23.9k     After defeating Vader on a barren, nameless moon, Obi-Wan had let go of the past. But the past hadn’t let go of him. ✦ (feel like i die) ‘til i feel your touch by decideophobia, obi-wan/anakin & yoda & mace & ahsoka, 15.5k     OR; Obi-Wan gets himself cursed and makes it everyone’s, but mainly Anakin’s, problem.
CANON-COMPLIANT (-ISH, WHATEVER) AT LEAST UP UNTIL THE GALAXY GOES PEAR-SHAPED AND/OR DIVERGES: ✦ Yellow Surprise by ToolMusicLover, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 11.1k     When Anakin is distant with him during a simple negotiation mission Obi-Wan jumps to the wrong conclusion, luckily for him Anakin isn't willing to let him go so easily. ✦ A Good Epithet by Artemis_Unbound, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 8.2k     Obi-Wan should have been happy. He had fulfilled Qui-Gon’s final wish. He had trained Anakin, he had spent ten years teaching the boy and watching him grow, he had cared for him and scolded him and coddled him by turns. He had, for better or worse, been Anakin Skywalker’s Master. ✦ hold on to this lullaby by decideophobia, obi-wan/anakin & rex, 1k     “Anakin,” Kenobi says with a hint of a reprimand in his voice. “Why aren’t you sleeping?” Skywalker staggers further into the room, and a faint blush spreads across his cheeks. He rolls his eyes but it doesn’t do anything to mitigate the color high on his face and the effect it has on his features: a pleased expression flashing clear as ion fire. Having made his way to one of the chairs, he drops down onto it with the elegance of a Hutt. ✦ Any Other World by mysticmjolnir, obi-wan/anakin & vader & leia & reva, NSFW, dimension hopping, 24.2k wip     Anakin has been looking for his Master for a very long time. Finally, on Mapuzo, he finds him. ✦ sea to a desert by maragny, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, 3.1k     An interlude and an aftermath; or: how to love someone you seem to have spent half your life loving. ✦ spirit meets the bone by treescape, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, time travel, dom/sub, 2k     Or, the Force keeps sending Anakin forward in time from the Clone Wars. ✦ Azúcar, Sudor by Delzi, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, spanking/discipline, 18.6k wip     Anakin can't stand Obi-Wan's new disciplinary tactic, but he absolutely loves it. ✦ Too Hot by secretsolarsystem, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 4.8k     Too Hot: A game where two players kiss without stopping and without touching each other. If one player touches the other, that player loses. The winner gets to do whatever they want to the loser. ✦ dream a little dream of me by answersinahauntedclub, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 10.3k     Anakin’s eyes snapped open. Oh no. Oh no. Anakin slumped back into the bed, staring down at himself in horror. Anakin Skywalker had just had a wet dream about Obi-Wan Kenobi. [or—you think you have problems? try having wet dreams of your friend-slash-former-master and then trying to figure out what that’s supposed to mean.] ✦ sea to a desert by maragny, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, 3.1k     An interlude and an aftermath; or: how to love someone you seem to have spent half your life loving.
FUCK THE NOISE OUT OF ANAKIN SKYWALKER’S HEAD: ✦ Strings Pulled Taut by preromantics, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 4.8k     (AKA Anakin gets a bunch of gunk in his hair, Obi-Wan has been hyper-fixated, and it all bursts like a bubble.) ✦ dark red by wesnenski, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.9k     He feels Obi-Wan before he sees him: a ripple in the Force, a glow of warmth in the darkness. When he appears from the shadows like a bleary-eyed spectre, Anakin can only look up at him, nostrils flared, lip quivering. Here is his Master, tired and gaunt but solid and present and real. ✦ Take Care of Yourself, I Wish I Could by Kefalion, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, omegaverse, 7k     While Obi-Wan and Anakin are alone on a planet during a mission, Anakin goes into a presentation heat. One Obi-Wan will not help him through no matter how much they'd both want it. Not that they know that want is mutual. ✦ Fever by dirkygoodness, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, cat boy!anakin, 3.5k     Obi-Wan wakes up to a cuddly (Ny)Anakin and is met with something he isn't expecting. He's going to have to deal with it though. And enjoy himself as he does. ✦ sink into the dunes by stardies, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 9k     [A collection of small Obikin drabbles. Each chapter will have its own one shot.] 01. sfw, anakin’s separation anxiety. 02. first time nsfw. 03. obikin zine piece, sith!obi-wan, jedi!anakin, handjobs. ✦ a necessary respite by Anonymous, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 2.6k     to be fair, all of this is obiwan’s fault. even though his master is calmly sorting through reports the faint buzz of arousal in the back of both of their heads is majorly coming from him, anakin just can’t help but react to it. ✦ the lean and hungry type by tideswept, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, omegaverse, 4.5k     And so is Anakin, really, for being excited about this rather than angry. He wets his lower lip, striving to cohere his thoughts into something that isn’t appallingly horny, when Master speaks. “I’m not in rut,” he says quietly. “I wouldn’t spring that on you.” “I mean,” Anakin pauses. “You could.” ✦ when people show you who they are, believe them by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, spanking, dom/sub, 3k     Anakin has a meeting with the Chancellor. Obi-Wan convinces him to take a slow morning instead. ✦ needs must by silianrail, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, omegaverse, dual sex!anakin, 1.7k     Anakin must be the neediest omega in the entire temple, if not on the entire planet. But if Anakin is needy, what does that make Obi-Wan, who, after all, bends to so many of his padawan’s desires? ✦ Use Me by kittimau, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 2.5k     Anakin knows what Obi-Wan needs, even if he won't say it.
✦ Insatiable by TheSopherfly, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 1.8k     Obi-Wan meets Anakin’s eyes with a rueful smile. “You wanted it fast, yes?” “Yes.” Even without their responsibilities looming, Anakin would’ve wanted it like this; quick and dirty, like they just can’t help themselves. “Yeah. Fast is perfect.” “Good,” Obi-Wan says, punctuating the word with a single thrust. “Because I don’t think I’ll last long.” Or; With the twins still asleep, Anakin and Obi-Wan steal some time for themselves. ✦ Hazy Shade of Winter by Lemon (lemon_sprinkles), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 2.7k     Obi-Wan runs hot; Anakin most definitely does not. Thankfully Obi-Wan is there to warm Anakin up when things get unusually cold in the Jedi Temple. ✦ The Love You Want by passeridae, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, potential dub con-esque (read the tags), 6.8k     They've returned to their rooms after sparring, flushed and laughing and close enough that the very air feels heated between them. Once the door has closed, Obi-Wan turns to Anakin, smiling, takes Anakin's jaw in the cup of his hand and kisses him like the first blush of spring. "You'll be good for me, won't you?" he murmurs, and Anakin does nothing more than dreamily nod because he knows just what to do when he's slipped under like this. Knows his job is to be obedient and pliant and good. ✦ Handle Me With Care by greeneyes_blondequiffs, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, omegaverse, 5.3k     Obi Wan wants Anakin but he knows he shouldn't. He also knows that there is no way he could ever act on it - or so he thought. ✦ tear me apart by RexIsMyCopilot, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, dom/sub, 2.4k     Obi-Wan uses Anakin in the Council Chamber ✦ A Lesson in Listening by GayCheerios, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, dom/sub, toys, 4.4k     “Anakin,” Obi-Wan says simply. Anakin feels chills run down his spine. That tone means everything except simplicity. “Bedroom.” His husband commands. ✦ Keeping Company by Gwendolyn (storiesofchaos), obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, omegaverse, 11.1k     "So, will you? Will you help me through my heat? Please, I want you to fuck me, Master, I need it." Anakin doesn't care that he's begging already, but he's getting even wetter between his legs and he can't help it. Obi-Wan doesn't seem to mind anyway, because he groans and drags his fingers up into Anakin's hair and tugs slightly, making Anakin gasp. "Force, yes, I'll give you what you need, Anakin." ✦ king unmaker by unbitten, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, transmasc!anakin, royalty au, 4.4k     How to get your King to stop playing hooky from his appointments to make trips to the brothel? Scold him. Stare disapprovingly. Fuck him yourself.
DARTH ASSHOLE CAT SHOULD BE GRABBED BY THE SCRUFF OF THE NECK AND SCOLDED BACK TO THE LIGHT: ✦ Reunion by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/darth vader, ~1k     Some sweetness to help with the absolute agony of Obi-Wan lol ✦ The Jedi Child by RowenaNie, obi-wan/darth vader & luke & leia & cast, NSFW, pregnant!anakin, 48.1k     “The emperor has put my replacement inside of me,” Vader said. ✦ Hand in Unlovable Hand by Rachello344, obi-wan/darth vader, NSFW, 2.8k     Post Kenobi Part VI: Instead of leaving Vader for dead, Obi-Wan finds himself unable to abandon his dear friend again and so takes him with him. How can Obi-Wan Kenobi live without the other half of himself? Whatever it takes, he will drag Anakin back to himself, kicking and screaming. ✦ dreamscape melodies by egeria, obi-wan/darth vader, NSFW, 2.9k     "The layers you Jedi wear are ridiculous," Vader grumbled. Obi-Wan let out a huff. "We're in a dream, are we not? Can we not just will our clothes off?" -- or: Vader is in heat and Obi-Wan is in his dream. It's still complicated. ✦ to restrain the darkness by treescape, obi-wan/darth vader, NSFW, some dom/sub, 2k     Or, Vader wants Obi-Wan to tie him up. ✦ dreams of old by treescape, obi-wan/darth vader, nsfw, 4.1k wip     Obi-Wan surrenders to Vader on Jabiim in exchange for everyone else's freedom.
FUCK YOU, CANON, THINGS GO A LITTLE NICER IN THIS UNIVERSE: ✦ afterimages by shatou, obi-wan/anakin, 1.3k     Mustafar is nothing but a bad dream. ✦ Sticky by Delziae, obi-wan/anakin & padme & ahsoka & rex & cast, NSFW, omegaverse, 25.9k     [Or: In which Anakin is too horny to handle and Obi-wan has a bit less control than he originally thought.] ✦ That Never Wrote To Me by Artemis_Unbound, obi-wan/anakin & cast, NSFW, omegaverse, 5.3k     After the Rako Hardeen mission, everyone Obi-Wan loves has turned away from him. It’s been months since he’s even seen Anakin, but their bond had been closed off for years. Knowing that Anakin would never want him the way Obi-Wan wanted Anakin had been painful enough, but at least he still had their friendship. And now even that’s gone, and the cold has settled into his bones. Acute Isolation Syndrome is so rare that Obi-Wan doesn’t recognize the symptoms. Doesn’t even realize that he’s dying. ✦ dream a little dream of me by answersinahauntedclub, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & padme, 10.3k     [or—you think you have problems? try having wet dreams of your friend-slash-former-master and then trying to figure out what that’s supposed to mean.] ✦ Stargazing by thegingerwrites, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 21k     Anakin and Obi-Wan have become too well-known on the Holonet to take on undercover assignments anymore. But desperate times call for desperate measures and the Council asks them to make contact with a Separatist defector at a gala hosted on Mandalore. At least the event is a masquerade. ✦ praise you by RagnarLothcat, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 17.9k     An act of insubordination, a crash landing and a trek through the forests of an uncharted planet bring Anakin and Obi-Wan to a very hospitable village. Sure they think Anakin is a god, but really, what's wrong with wanting to be appreciated? ✦ terribly inconvenient and incredibly terrific by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, omegaverse, 24.8k     Obi-Wan has the sheer nerve to imply that Anakin is ill-suited for a mission he himself is going on, which means that Anakin will stop at nothing to prove his old master wrong. After all, Anakin can do anything Obi-Wan can do, thank you very much. Even if maybe, just this one time, Obi-Wan is right. This mission relies on the one area of Anakin's life he's never spent much time or effort thinking about: his omega designation and Obi-Wan's alpha one. But there's no way that Anakin is going to back down now. What will Obi-Wan do? Go to the planet with another, non-Anakin omega? Don't make him laugh. He's Obi-Wan's partner. And Obi-Wan is his alpha. Alpha master. Same thing. ✦ and when you look at me, the weight of how i feel is heavy on me by brahe, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & mace & depa & qui-gon & rex & cast, 37.9k     “Jus’ like a sun,” Anakin murmurs, and Obi-Wan has to strain to hear it, almost misses it. He stills. “Beautiful shining sun,” Anakin continues, and presses his face further into the pool of robes. His voice is slow and sleepy, and Obi-Wan realizes he can tell Anakin is about to drop off into sleep. He blinks, lifting his head to stare down at him in something between awe and shock. That seems to be the standard operating procedure when it comes to Anakin, he thinks, a little wry, a little wondrous.
WORLD IS HARD AND COLD, OBIKIN FLUFF IS SOFT AND WARM: ✦ a vacationer's guide to being unexpectedly married by treescape, obi-wan/anakin & cast, 7.8k     “A vacation, you need,” Master Yoda had insisted firmly beneath their incredulous stares when they’d first received their instructions. “On a beach, perhaps, hmmm?” ✦ The Lonely Mollusk by temple_mistress, obi-wan/anakin & luke & leia, nsfw, 2k     Obi-Wan was incredibly horny, Anakin was, Force-bless him, more than ready to oblige, and the children were miraculously still sleeping. ✦ looking for trouble by orphan_account, obi-wan/anakin (mentioned obi-wan/anakin/padme), spanking, 1.7k     Anakin gets in a fight. Obi-Wan cleans him up and spanks him.
MODERN AUS CAN BE FUN AND CHARMING AS HELL AND A GREAT CHANCE TO MAP CANON DYNAMICS ONTO A WORLD WHERE THEY CAN HAVE A HAPPIER LIFE, IT’S A WIN ALL THE WAY AROUND: ✦ (I just) died in your arms tonight by Himboskywalker, obi-wan/anakin & padme & cast, modern au, 2.5k wip     Where Obi-Wan is still a master of politics and Anakin still fixes spaceships and they’re still irrevocably obsessed with one another. ✦ Win Condition by passeridae, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, F1 au, 4.3k     Anakin has just won his first race of his F1 career and Obi-Wan, his longtime trainer and partner, knows just what his boy should get as a reward. (His dick. The reward is his dick.) ✦ Hooked on You by whohatessand, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, 5.2k     With his wife's approaching senatorial election, Anakin Skywalker tries desperately to be the perfect husband she needs. Little does Padmé know, her husband has been sleeping with her campaign manager, Obi-Wan Kenobi, for quite a while now. ✦ we’re swimming with the sharks (until we drown) by decideophobia, obi-wan/anakin, modern au, fake married, 5.8k wip     He looks up and meets Anakin’s eyes. A thoughtful expression passes over his face. “Married people are paid significantly more,” he says then, slowly, looking at Anakin like he’s trying to solve a riddle. Anakin stares, dumbstruck. “Huh.” ✦ Would You Like Cream With That? by ranianke, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, professor obi-wan, 2.1k     Obi-Wan was a good teacher. His students learned the content, he got flattering reviews (even when you ignored the chili pepper Rate My Professors reviews that he could not seem to get taken down), and he generally liked teaching. Good professors did not sleep with their students. ✦ Pride & Preparation by secretsolarsystem, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, school au, 5.6k     “You’re beautiful,” Anakin praised, making Obi-Wan blush. “And nervous.” Obi-Wan scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Of course I’m nervous.” “You shouldn’t be,” Anakin said easily, pressing a kiss to Obi-Wan’s lips. “I love you, and this is going to be really fun.” ✦ swear each night to let him go by vorpalstars, obi-wan/anakin & padme & ahsoka, NSFW, modern au, professor!obi-wan, 10.3k wip     Anakin develops an unfortunate amount of lust for his literature teacher ✦ Seven Minutes in Anakin by Saratutti, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, modern au, dom/sub, 1.9k     Fully enamored doesn't even begin to describe Anakin’s captivation with the gorgeous professor he has stumbled into dating this Christmas season. ✦ The Melody Wakes the Heart by edgeofn1ght, obi-wan/anakin, modern au, 3.5k     However, it's practically love at first sight when Obi-Wan passes a new busker working the alley he passes through every day going to and from work. ✦ Pick-up Games by SingManyFaces, obi-wan/anakin, modern au, 1.1k     Ben’s quiet afternoon is ruined by a basketball player who needs some medical attention. He doesn’t mind too much. ✦ Prompted - Chapter 22: Brakebills by intermundia, obi-wan/anakin, NSFW, 10.2k     Anakin Skywalker was not a typical student of Brakebills University for Magical Pedagogy.
WHAT DID CANON EVER DO BUT BREAK OUR HEARTS ANYWAY? TIME TO TELL CANON TO FUCK OFF AND WRITE AN AU: ✦ death by any other name by loosingletters, obi-wan/anakin & qui-gon, vampire au, 11.5k     While on a mission during his years as a Padawan, Obi-Wan escapes the tight hold of death transformed into something not quite human. In the years following, he isn’t always so lucky. ✦ Till Human Voices Wake Us by RagnarLothcat, obi-wan/anakin, mer!anakin, 2.7k     It’s late summer when Obi-Wan first notices a flash of gold between the waves. ✦ Goodbye by Ripki, obi-wan/anakin & qui-gon, nsfw, 1.2k     Anakin has no wish to leave Obi-Wan, not when they have just been reunited. Luckily for him, Obi-Wan is good at making their goodbye very memorable. ✦ tender like a bruise by stardies, obi-wan/anakin & cast, omegaverse, 6.8k wip     In a stroke of desperation, Obi-wan mates Anakin Skywalker by force on the fiery planet of Mustafar to stop his Fall and save his life. Taken back to Coruscant and imprisoned, Anakin feels the senate's pressure for justice, and Obi-wan, his mate and former mentor is determined to give him another chance. ✦ canaries underground by TheGoodDoctor, obi-wan/padme & references to anakin/padme & obi-wan/anakin & obi-wan/anakin/padme, NSFW, padme lives, 10k     There are good days, and bad days. This is a good one. ✦ use my body to break your fall by tennessoui, obi-wan/anakin & padme & ahsoka & mace & yoda & palpatine & cast, NSFW, Not a Jedi!Anakin, Sith!Obi-Wan, 63.5k     Obi-Wan Kenobi is too good at being a Sith Lord general of the Separatist army. The Jedi Council approaches Anakin with an offer he can't refuse. These things are, actually, related.
TIME TO CRY ABOUT SOME FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: ✦ you can't just leave me by amadwinter, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, omegaverse, 1.6k     Anakin swears he’s above his Omega instincts, but when he’s sparring with his Alpha master one day, some wires get crossed that leave him unable to distinguish friend from foe. A primal fear consumes him, and no amount of Jedi training will shake the feeling he needs to escape. He needs to protect himself from the dangerous Alpha circling around him, searching for any sign of weakness. When backed into a corner, an Omega’s last line of defense is their bite. After all, an Alpha would never hurt their mate… ✦ A Little Early, A Little Late by greeneyes_blondequiffs, obi-wan/anakin, omegaverse, pregnant!anakin, 7.4k     Anakin finds out he's pregnant. The problem is that his mating ceremony isn't for another four months. ✦ Sweet Surprise by greeneyes_blondequiffs, obi-wan/anakin, nsfw, omegaverse, pregnant!anakin, 12.3k     Obi Wan and Anakin are forced to land on an unfamiliar planet. Anakin is perplexed by everyone's obvious interest in him, unsure what could be causing it. That is, until he receives some unexpected news. The problem is, Anakin's not quite sure he believes it. The other problem is what Obi Wan might think when he finds out. ✦ That Never Wrote To Me by Artemis_Unbound, obi-wan/anakin & ahsoka & vokara, NSFW, omegaverse, pregnant!anakin, 5.3k     After the Rako Hardeen mission, everyone Obi-Wan loves has turned away from him. It’s been months since he’s even seen Anakin, but their bond had been closed off for years. Knowing that Anakin would never want him the way Obi-Wan wanted Anakin had been painful enough, but at least he still had their friendship. And now even that’s gone, and the cold has settled into his bones. Acute Isolation Syndrome is so rare that Obi-Wan doesn’t recognize the symptoms. Doesn’t even realize that he’s dying.
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starryficsfinishwen · 12 days
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── .✦ doomsday game ; xiangli yao x reader
if the world was ending, would you love me for the hell of it? syn. if, theoretically, the world were to end today, what would you do? if you ask xiangli yao, he wouldn't mind spending the last days on earth with you.
*inspired by 4* zayne card with the same name (love and deepspace)
a.n. - oh god he corrupts me I love him. HAPPY RELEASE DAY XIANGLI YAO!!! As an honor for getting his weap, for now being guaranteed (my S1 Xiangli Yao is glacio and short??), I GIVE THIS FIC AS MY THANK YOU. ALSOHAHSHSHSHS I ACCIDENTALLY POSTED THE WRONG FIC IM SORRY BUT HERE IT IS
pairing - xiangli yao x f!rover
words - will edit when I switch to lappy
content warnings - none!! major fluff!! also pre-established relationship
dividers by @/saradika-graphics
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Potent rumors often plant seeds of disbelief.
It often came as a small white lie, an utterance between two consenting parties. When it reaches the leeching tongue of the birds, they fall to the ground, sprouting things that are weeds to the truth. If left alone, they would deter nature's course.
For example, the rumors somewhat turned into some prophecy— “the world is ending soon”.
How does it end? They say it's a global snowstorm. Maybe another global flood. A supernova collision. No, they definitely said it was an onslaught of active volcanoes erupting to create a flood of lava. Or maybe, some Sentinel wished for immense havoc, with its god-like power awakening to slaughter everything in its path.
However, for scientists like Xiangli Yao, all those claims seem comical.
“The world is ending soon?” A fellow scientist slaps his own knee, “That's complete bull!”
In the middle of the long table of the Academy, what was once a flickering 3D map of Jinzhou was temporarily dimmed; instead, a couple of scientists had gathered, playing cards for their breaktime.
“I know, right? It's too funny; they really think the world is ending so soon.”
One of them throws the card, a chorus of laughter.
“My findings say otherwise,” said a cocky researcher, “The fluctuations isn't very severe. We can live to see another millennia here in our world!”
“The plants and people are still alive and well.” The glimmer of a card catches everyone else's attention, “Very far from the truth indeed.”
One scientist lets out an indignant huff, “But how did they even reach that conclusion? Do they have the data?”
The group pauses for a bit. Some bit their lip, another shuffled their cards, and the other couldn't help but sigh. “Um, proof or not, I think they are still sprouting nonsense.” Muttered the first scientist.
Another eerie silence envelops them. Until one of them throws a card at the center. “The tacet marks have been spreading nonstop...”
They throw another. “TD's are also unstable, giving a major interference to the once-natural resonance cords.”
And when he throws the last trump card, almost all of the players had a grim look on their face. “We are merely just a few months recovering from the Retroact Rain. Our soldiers cannot handle another catastrophe!!”
With a trembling shout from the scientist, everyone else near the group stopped on their tracks. Noticing that the attention was on him, the poor scientist slides back to his chair, embarrassed. Even the ones he was playing with had a gloomy face.
“...Not to diminish our pride but...who knows...what happens to Jinzhou...not to mention our Sentinel and Magistrate...”
“That's understandable. The evidences speak for themselves.”
All eyes are on the man who spoke after a long while. Between the dim lights of the Academy's hall and his slow steps, his versicolored eyes glimmers brightly than ever.
“I understand your concerns, Ray,” Xiangli Yao reaches out to pat the forlorn scientist by his shoulder, “We are merely at the recovery stage for Jinzhou, yet our nation has been going through too many things already.”
Amethyst eyes wander among the resonance cords on the screen. They catch a familiar face of a person, one that made his own heart skip a beat.
“However, Jinzhou still stands until today. We cannot say the exact date for the end of the world—it could be today, tomorrow, or another millennium—but as long as we are still here to see the flowers blooming or the children laughing, then why should we stop today?”
A roar of cheers erupts throughout the hall. The lamenting scientist sniffles in joy. Yet the Principal Investigator couldn't look away from the certain figure of a girl.
“But if the world were to end soon,” muttered a nearby scientist, causing Xiangli Yao to glance at him, “Hmm...I wonder where I'll go.”
Without a clear future in mind, and you, the Rover, who only woke up just now—the thought is scary. If, indeed, the world was ending soon, then what happens next? What happens to you?
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The cats have been meowing nonstop.
As if sensing the air, they were pawing at your ankles, as if trying to catch your attention. One, two, three- maybe even five- cats trying to catch your attention.
Picking the white one, who was the one visibly stressed, you coo her as you scratched the back of her ear.
“What's wrong, hm?” You playfully kissed the cat's cheek, “Was the food not enough for you? If I overfeed you, Mr. Investigator will have to put you on another diet.”
Somehow understanding you, the cat gently pushes you off of their face with their paws, meowing.
“Hey, I'm telling the truth! As much as it hurts my poor heart, I can't feed you again today...”
“...I suppose you can allow them,” pipped a familiar voice, “They do look awfully thin.”
Nearly spilling the cat off of your arms, you squeak as you turn to meet a smiling Xiangli Yao. “M-Mr. Investigator?!”
“It's the first time you've addressed me by my title, Ms. Rover,” He teases, opting to carry the black cat on your feet, “I suppose our relationship is back to being professional?”
“The cats seem to know you more like that,” you emphasized, “Mr. Principal Investigator.”
He laughs—a tender laugh, it makes your heart squeeze—that it makes you pout. “I suppose that is right. Consider it a working place, then.”
Xiangli Yao stands next to you, holding out the black cat as it meows. With a funny thought, you ask, “Did you even know why they approached you in the first place?”
“Is it because I feed them?”
“No,” You playfully stuck out your tongue at him, “They say it's because it's to ward off bad spirits.”
Xiangli Yao goes silent, before looking at the cat, then back to you. “Hmm. I suppose I should stay away from you?”
Ultimately backfired. The joke goes back to you. With a dramatic gasp, you shrug. “Seeing as the cats was the one who approached me today, I think it's you who should go away for now.”
Freely laughing onto the summer air, the cats' meows intertwine with the yours. It's like any other workday— Xiangli Yao leaves mid-afternoon from work to meet and feed the cats, walking elsewhere until he's comfortable enough to go and finish his work.
It's only been a few weeks since a new addition to his itinerary: you. Now, every afternoon, the cats would find themselves carried by the warm sunlight; and you, taking care of them before him, drenched in sunset glow.
Like now, Xiangli Yao notes. But the thoughts were far too tempting. He takes a dive in them.
“So, Mr. Investigator,” you asked as you found yourselves by the stalls, nudging him softly, “where to next?”
The cats slowly left as soon as your walks stretched farther than usual. You were too nice to disturb Xiangli Yao, when he was far too absorbed in his thoughts.
“...Ah,” He purses his lips, slowly stopping in his steps, “I'm sorry, Rover. I hadn't realized we've gone this far.”
The streets decorated with the loud and bursting stalls sound in the background. Yet in the midst of it all, Xiangli Yao is silent as ever, his robotic hand over his lips, eyebrows furrowed. You think it's cute, from the curve of his pout, but you quickly shake it off.
“No worries at all. But you look like you have a lot on your mind, maybe you want to share them?”
Xiangli Yao looks at you. Behind you, the sun in Jinzhou has never set—bathing you in its reverberating halo, casting an ethereal glow. With his heart skipping a beat, he looks away with a sigh.
“...[Y/N],” every syllable of your name sounds too foreign for him, yet too holy, “Would you...like to come and stay with me for now?”
“Of course,” You smile, “Where do you want to go, Xiangli?”
His face remains serious as he speaks. “My house.”
“...I'm sorry?”
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Going to Xiangli Yao's house was something you've never expected.
Sure, you often get invitations to visit your friends' houses once in a while. But it seems different when someone like Xiangli Yao asks you to go home with me.
Wait. With a mental slap, you scold yourself. Why do you feel different when it's with Xiangli Yao? Was there something about him? Watching unfocused amethyst eyes seems to make you worry. You were definitely not feeling something, right?
“Is there anything else you'd like?” Xiangli Yao pops up from his kitchen, carrying a plate full of snacks in one arm and drinks in another, “I'm sorry, these are some of the food I could make.”
“It's okay, I'm more than happy to already taste what you make!” You said as you rush to help him.
But as you are about to take the plates, you couldn't help but gasp.
“Oh, does my hand scare you?”
Instead of the usual robotic hand you've grown accustomed to, it had morphed into a larger metal plate, to fit the two plates.
“No!” You shake your head with a laugh, “It's just the first time I've seen it like this. Does it change back?”
By the time the plates are on the table, Xiangli Yao twists his robotic hand (plate?), popping it out of the socket. “It does. Let me get it.”
“Do you...” Watching him scurry, you pick up a chip from the plate, “...need a hand?”
A resounding clang! echoes back to you. It takes a while before he returns to the room, rolling his hand as he grins. “I believe it's back in its proper place.”
Still the same stupid jokes that make you cackle. Eventually, you both settle down. The afternoon telenovela plays on the TV. Finally settled to sit on the ground instead of the chair, you end up picking the savory chips, munching as you devotedly watch the scenes in front of you. You don't even bat an eye even as you feel Xiangli Yao sits next to you. Silence. But a good kind.
How long have you known Xiangli Yao again? Whatever you both do, you're still content with each other's company. From the corner of your eye, you notice his gaze firmly on the TV, empty hands hair's breadth away.
“The Moonlit Fair,” you said slowly after a comfortable silence, “now that it's over, are you back to your usual work?”
He hums. “Depends how you define "usual work".”
“Metalwork and other groundbreaking discoveries.”
You bring your knees close to your face, resting your head so you could comfortably turn to see Xiangli Yao's face. Chromatic colors paint the neutral look on his face. Yet when he turns, a pretty smile replaces it.
“The field of science is only a curiosity away,” he pipes, mimicking your pose, “That's always something I've been doing, even before the start of the Moonlit Fair.”
This goody-two-shoes prodigy has always been the talk of the town. Even in Huaxu Academy, even from Mortefi's mouth, he is long lauded as someone who easily creates breakthroughs.
“I'm jealous.” You admit, sighing, “You can easily create new things.”
“That's not true.”
“Ah, I guess I can say with pride that I often help people, too.”
“However you may say it, it doesn't erase the fact that you are doing so much more than you think.” He said, “You're the mysterious Rover. You have lost memories related to this city. And from what I've heard, you hold so much history.”
He reaches out, human hand hesitating to touch your face. With a fleeting downcast gaze, he ends up booping your cheek. It makes you flinch from surprise.
“...I should be the one jealous of you, if that's the case, [Y/N].” His smile causes his eyes to close, a genuine look on his face, “You've done many incredible things that are worthy rather than simple praises.”
Did Xiangli Yao ever look this pretty before? Soft skin and amethyst irises through fluttering lashes. You wish you could brush away the hair that covers his eyes. Carefree, kissable lips. Wait—you cough, looking awau to hide the blush tinting your cheeks.
“Please, stop flattering me. I might end up bursting a hole in your roof.”
“I'll be sure to let Xiang-LEE and Patty fix that.”
A ticklish giggle escapes your lips as you turn back to see him. “Please leave my kids alone, you have overworked them during the festival.”
“...Please don't worry,” he shrugs, chuckling, “They'll be granted a paid vacation anyways.”
Seeing as the telenovela has lost its charm, and the poor food in front of you could go to waste, and maybe not wanting to end the fun yet, you decide to test your waters.
“Xiangli,” you said, noticing how he perked his head at the mention of his name, “I want to play a game.”
“An electronic one again?”
“No,” you shake your head, “Truth or Dare.”
Xiangli Yao laughs. “Oh, I didn't know you were into childish games like that.”
“I'm curious about you, and I'm sure you feel the same way.” You point out, “What's a better way than to play a game?”
“You could have asked and I wouldn't mind answering, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you sit up straight, grinning, “Truth or Dare?”
Xiangli Yao mirrors you. “Already?”
“Pick already, or I might change my mind.”
Suppose your afternoon would be so different. A few chugs of the drinks, greedy hoarding of chips, spent markers, and random doodles later, you find yourself dressed in one of his lab coats with a clip of some of his IDs, and him in the flashiest shirt. The laughter has long strained your lips but it still ends up being the sweetest you've ever tasted. Apart from that, the glow in Xiangli Yao's face is also different, one that makes your heart skip faster.
“You've what?”
Xiangli Yao laughs a little too loudly. “A mini mouse that would greet anyone who opens the door. Mortefi was the first victim, because I didn't know he was deathly afraid of mice.”
The mental image of Mortefi from Xiangli Yao's prank comes abruptly that it causes you to match the latter's laughter—hollering until your back finds the sofa, slapping the carpet.
“Oh my God,” you wheeze, “It's not even a surprise why he hates you even more!”
Xiangli Yao wipes a tear from his eye, sparkly eyeshadow slightly staining his cheeks, “I bought him some coffee to apologize, but the joke hadn't died down for weeks.”
He finds himself sitting closely with you now, head against the sofa. With a little of your mingling laughter in the air, he couldn't help but watch as your fits of laughter continued, albeit a little softer. Through your literal rose-colored lenses, did you see the world like that, too?
“It's my turn now, right?” You ask, your shoulders an aftershock from your laughter.
“Mm,” he nods, “Have you run out already?”
“No, never!”
“Alright, since I've been picking dares for a while. I'll go with truth.”
“Have you ever heard of the rumors?” You begin, laughter dying down, as you take a bite from the chip. “That the world is "ending soon"?”
Xiangli Yao freezes. So you've heard. It's no surprise as it already made a turmoil between the scientists in Huaxu Academy. Yet the dread somehow comes creeping back to him.
“If, theoretically, the world were to end today,” you slowly speak, carefully choosing the words, “In a few hours or so. What would you do?”
What would he do? A tricky question. But a calid one at that. “The end of the world wouldn't happen so abruptly.”
“Mm, yeah, but I am curious about your answer.”
What would Xiangli Yao do? And somehow, the dimming living room feels so small, the only light source was a forgotten TV color palette. When he looks at you, your doe eyes sparkle in the darkness. The closeness of your bodies, the fleeting smell of spring on your shoulder, with a hint of him.
“Well...” He slides down to the floor, patting the space beside him, “I'll let you know if you lay here with me.”
“Are you sure there are no pranks here?”
“I'm honest.”
You eventually follow his words, so you could meet the level of his eyes. Watching the glow of his inspiration-filled eyes, they somehow make you smile.
“I heard all about it when my colleagues were playing a game during break time.” Xiangli Yao begins, “Some claim it's not true, but there have been others who believe it's so soon.”
“What do you think?”
He looks away, opting to stare at the ceiling above. You follow his sight, unaware of what was next.
“I don't know.” He says truthfully, robotic hand pointing upward, “With everything that has happened, no one else can predict it.”
“Even a knowledgeable scientist like you?”
He glances at you. “Even a knowledgeable scientist like me.”
He looks back to where his hand points. Casting a power, a small purple cube dances in his robotic hand, knowing that you were watching so intently.
“But if the world were to end today, then I wouldn't mind spending the day with the cats I feed.”
The cube glows brightly, floating so freely in his hand. A flash of scenes play through its squares, too fast to see, yet too slow to be noticed.
“I wouldn't mind having the TV on, sitting on the floor with snacks all over, even though there's a perfectly good sofa.”
He hears your small laugh, which makes him smile. The cube falls to his chest, where it travels all the way to you.
“I wouldn't mind spending the last hours playing Truth or Dare, with someone who's extraordinary.”
This time, Xiangli Yao looks at you. Wide-eyed and speechless, from the way the cube touches your outstretched hand, watching the faint glow of the halo on your own body. If the world were to end, he wouldn't get tired of watching this view; watching the rise and fall of your chest as you stare in awe, calloused hands tenderly watching over his own work of art, knowing that there'll never be another you if the world were to end.
Knowing that he's long been blessed to exist in the world where you are in it.
“I think I wouldn't mind spending the last hours on Solaris-3 with you, [Y/N].”
The cube pops, a sprinkle of glitter all over your body. Glancing, your heart throbs loudly in your chest, as you heard his confession.
How did this happen again? You were merely friends with the scientist. After the successful Moonlit Fair, you often find yourself bumping into him, simple errands and impromptu hang outs when you do. Watching Xiangli Yao in his humble abode, the telenovela a white noise, and the shade of colors lighting his face—have you ever seen him more than a friend?
“Xiangli Yao,” you breathe, which made him freeze, “you...”
He smiles. “I'm not rushing to know your answer. I am merely stating the facts.”
A good friend. But now you figured out why that rubs you off the wrong way. You have always known the answer to your feelings.
“[Y/N],” Even the way Xiangli Yao speaks your name, a softer one, where in the world they called you "Rover", he calls you differently.
“[Y/N],” Reaching out, his human hand finds a strand of your hair, gently pulling it to his lips. “[Y/N],”
Xiangli Yao calls your name, one that makes you throb.
“If, theoretically,” he repeats the question you asked before, “the world does end today, what will you do?”
In a world where your memories are lost in the ripples of time and reverberation. You had the same answer.
“...I wouldn't mind spending it with a certain scientist.” You smile, watching him mirror yours, “I wouldn't mind spending it with you, Xiangli Yao.”
“Xiangli,” you reach out to cup his cheek, to which he closes his eyes to snuggle to the warmth, “Xiangli, you're like the cats.”
“Then will you ever mind if I could hold on to you?”
Weary arms find themselves asking for yours. And like you, touch-starved for his own touch, lean onto him, the smell of spring and that you could forget the world.
“...I would,” you said, and you do mean it, “I'll hold onto you, Xiangli.”
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Oh god pls let me have him irl too
don't forget to like, comment, share, and reblog!!
— starry
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improvapocalyps · 1 month
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Stale blood caked Cleo's armor as she dragged herself through paradise. Gods below that sucked, she thought, that really sucked. They ignored the colorful birds that swooped overhead, disregarding the cloudless sky and brilliant sun that cast down gentle rays upon her green skin. What was the point of indulging in something that didn't exist?
Dust, Flesh, and Bones, by @pattonscribe
“Death!” she called, a hoarse quality to her voice, clutching tighter onto Etho’s body as their army of the dead went onwards to protect them. “You— this wasn't what I wanted!”
before we lose the sound of our own mouths calling mine, mine, mine., by @kanda-franca
In participation of MCYTblr AU Fest Summer 2024 hosted by @mcytblraufest!
I feel incredibly lucky and honored that two(2) writers decided to pick up my niche af AU pitch! They knocked it out of the park with their fics, please check them out !!
[Some behind-the-scenes ramble and close-ups under cut]
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My AU's ao3 equivalent tag is "Alternate Universe - Gods & Goddesses", specifically drawing inspiration from Khelren's Godsend TTRPG setting (though you do not need any knowledge of the ttrpg to enjoy the fics):
In Godsend you roam the lands as the avatar of your god, cursing mere mortals and presenting gifts to the chosen ones. Your memories are numerous, made of the lives of your predecessors, your power is almost limitless. Will you use it to fulfil the will of your god? Or, as the end times draw near, will you try to save the world?  (from the itch.io page)
I had my heart set on making Clethubs AU (to no surprise of anyone's i'm sure) so that's the main characters/ avatars settled- but who shall be the gods?
There are 6 domains in the Godsend setting: Death, Justice, Knowledge, Nature, Trickery, and War.
To me, it was obvious to put Bdouble "moss" O100 under the Nature domain, and Zombie "zombie" Cleo under Death. Then after some comtemplation Etho "free glass" sLab was slotted underneath Trickery.
What remains is to find the Hermist/ Traffic-lifers that are 1) connected to the domains 2) related to the avatars.
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(fyi i drew all those feather strokes manually by hand with my lineart brush) (why? well,)
Grian came to mind immediately when I thought of "Trickery" (Though Cub, Scar, and a couple of other Hermits also fit). I wanted to build the god-avatar relationship on the Etho-Grian dynamic specifically.
Scar was chosen based on his S9 theme (wood elf) and his history with Bdubs (S7 mayor race). Baiscally the concept of King maker/ Second-in-command Bdubs was stuck in my brain. (Sorry Stress :[ )
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Death was a trickier one. While it would be funny to have Grian-Scar-Mumbo to be (half of) the pantheon, Mumbo fit the Knowledge domain better. (ignoring his Peace, Love, and Plants deal for a sec; even then I think that's more Nature-aligned) so I went with the classic option of Zedeath.
Beyond this point (until "===") is me overanalysing/ blue-curtaining the black & white piece. You have been warned (/silly)
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This piece's composition used a circle/three-parter as its base, witih the circle centred on the castle/city in the middle of the map. Etho was fully isolated in Grian/Trickery's third of the space, but Nature crossed over into Death's space easily the two domains are closely related imo. It was natural for things to end (death), and endings fueled the next cycle of nature life.
It seemed that all the gods are looking at the world/map, however since their pupils are obscured (non-existent in Scar's case) it was difficult to say for certain. Though you might be able to tell where their interest lie, if you look at the distance between the deities and the mortal realm and where their hands rest.
Death carefully rested his elbow on the line separating him and Nature, but his left hand was dangerously close to Bdubs. And it looked like it was ready to come down and press direcly onto the corner of the map, tilting or even flipping the chessboard over. In his right hand held the scythe, posed to swing. The edge of his scythe faced Cleo, pointing towards them like he could harvest their life whenever at his whim.
He also looked at the world from directly above (though you could say he was biased towards Cleo's point of view since he's not centered+ he was positioned behind them), meaning that he saw all lives as "equal", or have an especially detached but not uncaring view regarding the world (like a scientist looking microorganisms in his petri dish).
In contrast, Grian/Trickery leaned in close to the world, lowering his head so his eye level was almost at the ground level of the world. Like he was looking through the mortals' point of view, understanding the state of affairs through humans' moralities and values (through Etho, even, since Grian was positioned behind him).
His eyes were wide in anticipation. While he carefully kept his hands close, they were also touching the world directly; which was a thing no other god did in the piece. It was like he was waiting for the right moment to reach out and disrupt whatever that's happening on stage. As we all know, no matter how much Grian tries to restrain himself, he will press the button.
Scar is the most... detached/ distanced from the world as a whole? He reclined backwards, his visible hand resting on his knee. He might be looking at the world, or he might be looking at Grian, or was his attention on bdubs? Even with the signature :J smile on his face, he got this air of indifference. Maybe Nature believed that everything will run their fated courses without his influence.
The flowers on Scar's clothes were sunflowers (sides of his corset), roses (back of corset and forearm), and a very specific lilac brush I had to download. Flowers that were closely related to a certain series :3c
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Shoutout to w4r (War for Rayuba) for the chessboard map idea. ily octs It's really funny that Bdubs, Cleo & Etho all start/ were currently standing on black tiles (<- did not count the tiles and only realised that after i started to fill in the black)
Let's talk (more) about body language and outfits and black-white ratio (I am Reaching here) (not that I wasn't in the previous part) (but I am Reaching even further)
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Etho has a very clear cut B&W shading with minimal grey/cross-hatch areas. He is the least ink-blocked. He knows what his beliefs are and the lines that he will/won't cross.
He has a semi-relaxed stance, tilting back slightly. He has one hand on his hip but the other by his side remain open-palmed. He isn't not listening to new proposals, but he is considering (and judging) them carefully.
Bdubs' moss cloak and boots has a clear divide in b&w, but not his outfit (pants)/headband. Both the cloak and boots are nature-aligned: cloak is, well, made of moss; and boots to walk the earth, the only thing separating him and the dirt (though at the same time, supporting him).
Nature is clear in what it wants. While there may be bright parts mixed in shadows, and flecks of shade within the "light", Nature holds a firm stance based on layers and layers of understanding.
Bdubs is also reaching out with an open palm. He is open for dialogue, perhaps preaching/ prompting others to communicate as well.
Cleo is the darkest/ most shaded among the three. She has highlights on the edges of her armour, but overall her armour is mainly shades of grey. Unlike Etho/Bdubs whose outfits' base color is largely white/empty, the visible parts underneath her armour (gloves and pants) are solid dark. She is dressed for blood and combat. It also gives the impression that she has this fierce determination/ conviction (darker tones being more "serious").
Her posture- legs wide, slouched/ leaning forward- makes her look aggressive/ stressed. Her hands are balled up into fists, one of them holding onto the flag/banner (of Death). Even then, the way she holds the banner isn't one that says it's for morale. She holds it like a spear, like a weapon.
There's also something about fabric/ extra fabric on the characters.
Etho has the least fabric on him but he has this shawl wrapped around himself. And the shawl itself is very still/ motionless. Bdubs' outfit is very round and gives like a grounded/soft vibe while the ribbon around his head drags behind him. but Cleo has neither of those, the only fabric that waves in the air is her banner which is outside of her body/not connected to her.
=== === ===
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The composition of my 2nd piece aimed to imitate the playbook's cover art (illustrated by Vash Taylor), with the slightly faded background and wispy banner. The path of the smoke meant to mimick Cleo's face stitches (as how I usually draw them), where it crawls up her right cheek, crosses her nose bridge and passes through her eye.
Shoutout to "google search: zombie hands" stock photos and silhouette images, they saved my life when I was struggling with the foreground.
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If you read through all this, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and hope everything will be going splendid for you in the month of August!! Even if you didn't and just swiped past after realising there's too many words behind the read more I wish you the same :D
Once again, please check the fics if you are interested in the AU!! Dust, Flesh, and Bones is a multi-chaptered long fic and before we lose the sound of our own mouths calling mine, mine, mine. is a 9k one-shot! They are both so dear to me I hold them close to me heart,,
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orion4ever · 8 months
hello hello good day ma'am, i come to you requesting headcanons. Qiu and Tamarack with an MC who tends to be very flirtatious with them but the moment they flirt back they are flustered. It could be the laziest or stupidest pickup line and they get all shy and blushy.
It could be step 2 or step 1 or even both if you feel like it. Have a lovely day!
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Author’s note: *breaks into your home* this idea is so adorable *mwah mwah* I wrote this in step 2! I apologize if it seems shorter than most other headcanons!
Pairing(s): Qiu Lin x Reader and Tamarack Baumann x Reader
Qiu Lin🗒️
To start , they love when you flirt with them. No matter if its taken in a platonic or romantic way!
While Qiu doesn’t always express it, they do get a little bit bashful about it and can’t help but chuckle a little.
They aren’t shy though, they will dish out a equal amount of flirty comments back.
Which brings me to the next point, your own reactions to their own flirty comments.
Qiu finds it so unbelievably funny that you always flirt with them and never get embarrassed; get so embarrassed and shy when it happens to you.
They think it’s super cute too , they just have to point it out.
“You must be a magician because every time I look at you , everyone else disappears” you winked.
“Aw, aren’t you the sweetest” they winked back.
*waving hand rapidly* “stahpppp”
“Your hand looks lonely , can i hold it for you?”
“Qiu you’re going to make me blush!!”
They will use this for their advantage way to often.
Tamarack Baumann🍂
She gets so shy and embarrassed every time you say anything that even alludes to being flirty.
She is very expressive and gets noticeably red every-time. That doesn’t mean she is just going to let you get away with it though.
She won’t do it there but will flirt back at a different time to catch you off guard.
Now for her reaction when you get shy about her flirting with you.
Tamarack becomes a little smug when you’re now on the other end of this scenario, depending on your relationship with her ; she might giggle a uncontrollable amount when you start getting all flustered.
She finds it so funny and can’t help but chuckle to herself.
“You must be a astronaut, because you are out of this world” you gently nudged her with your elbow.
“OH! Hahaha…oh my god , Y/N….”
Two days later….
“Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes.” Tamarack winked.
Tamarack loves this loop of banter you guys have.
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superiorsturgeon · 11 months
Adam: *tosses tied-up Jaune on the ground*
Jaune: Oof! What do you assholes want?!
Cinder: *crouches down in front of Jaune* Don’t worry, blondie, we’re not going to hurt you. You’re just bait for your girlfriend, Pyrrha!
Jaune: My girlfriend is dead!
Cinder: Yeah…see, that’s what I thought! But she just keeps coming back!
Pyrrha: *at the laundromat, trying to scrub bloodstains from her suit*
Maria Calavera: *doing her laundry beside Pyrrha* Use lemon juice and baking soda to clean blood out of clothes.
Pyrrha: 😲
Maria: …idiot…
Garbage Truck: *pulls up beside shady hideout building*
Pyrrha: *half climbs, half falls out the back*
Pyrrha: Thanks for the ride! Sorry for bleeding all over your garbage!
Pyrrha: *tearing through a hideout of bandits*
Vernal/Shay D Man: *run to safe room and slam the door behind them*
Pyrrha: *trying to break into safe room* Come on! It’s my anniversary today and I’m running late! 😫
Neo: *behind the bar* So you’re back from the dead, huh? Have you told your boyfriend?
Pyrrha: No…! I’m terrified of what he’ll say when he sees my face…😭
Neo: Oh, come on, how bad can it-
Pyrrha: *pulls back her hood, revealing her scars*
Neo: WHOA!! Your face looks like an avocado face-fucked a topographic map! 😨
Pyrrha: Thank you…😑
Neo: It must’ve been serious hate-fucking…there was something wrong in the relationship…😰
Pyrrha: Thank you…😓
Neo: I’m sorry, but you look…haunting…!
Pyrrha: *face on the table*…thank you…😭
Pyrrha: *smashes phone down* AAAARGH!!!
Neo: Shit, they’ve got Jaune?!
Pyrrha: …I need guns!
Neo: Which guns?
Pyrrha: ALL OF THE GUNS!!! 🤬
Pyrrha: Okay…I need your help…! They’ve got Jaune! 😓
Nora/Ren: 🤨
Ren: All right, but in return we’d like you to consider joining us!
Pyrrha: Okay…FINE…
Pyrrha: *muttering as she turns away* …it’s funny…all the other teams have four members, but I only ever see two of you…
Pyrrha: …it’s almost like the writer was too lazy to add more characters…
Pyrrha: *standing on Cinder’s body*
Cinder: 😵
Pyrrha: …I’m just a girl…standing in front of a boy…
Pyrrha: …Oh my gods, what the hell am I going to say to him?!?!
Ren: *turning away* Well, you’d better think of something quick…!
Nora: 🤭
Pyrrha: What…? *turns around*
Jaune: 😡
Pyrrha: 😱
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imauthicktic · 1 year
How about breaking up with them but then tell them that it was just a prank and that the reader didn’t really wanna break up with them please with fluff ending Deathslinger, Wraith, Doctor, and Pyramid Head
Hi!!! I tweaked it slightly so it wasn't repetitive, but I really hope you like it!!! Sorry, it took so long!
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Caleb happened to have a match with you in the beginning of the day and everything seemed normal to him. You came up to him and gave him a kiss and a small smack to his ass, ya know, the usual. He returned that smack with a good laugh from him and a small giggle from you. While the trial went on, there was only one survivor left and that was you. Caleb walked around the map to find his sweet lil thing. You saw Caleb in the distance and wanted to sneak up on him to give him a little scare. Walking up behind him, your hands going to his sides and giving him a little squeeze making the man jump a little before whipping around to look at his assaulter in the face. “Shit, darlin’ you gave me a lil scare there,” Caleb chuckled out, “So after ya leave here, yer comin’ to my place right?” he asked caressing your cheek bone with the back of his finger. “Hmmm, and why would I do that?” He frowns a little at your teasing because sometimes you do it at inappropriate times and he’s considering it an inappropriate time right now. He hasn’t seen you in a week because of all the trials that kept you both separated. “It’s not like we’re together or anything,” you tease with a small smirk. “Hey, now that ain’t funny and I’m not laughing at it. I’ve made my intentions perfectly clear for ya and if yuh don’t want to be with me, then don’t,” he said as he walked past you hitting your shoulder with his. “W-Wait! Caleb! I-I didn-,” “Don’t. I don’t want to hear yer yap.” 
You would’ve rather him hook you than shut you down like that. You know you need to work on your teasing, sarcasm, and tone with him because he doesn’t understand the more modern flirting that you deal with and you think you’ve pushed him too far this time. You couldn’t help the tears that fell. You let out a sob and covered your face with your hands. You’re afraid that you just ruined your relationship over your stupid mouth. You started heading towards the exit trying to think of how you’re going to fix this relationship or at least apologize to him even if he doesn’t take you back. “God Y/N why do you have to go and screw everything up you fucking idiot,” you said as you walked through the fog of the exit.
Caleb was hiding behind a locker and leaning out to watch you leave and berating yourself. He leaned back against the lockers and breathed out a heavy sigh. Here he thought it was over because he didn’t express his love enough to make you realize how much he cares for you. He ran his hand down his face and tried to think of a solution, ultimately deciding that it was you who needed to apologize to him this time. He didn’t want to seem harsh but it was definitely you who was at fault. He headed towards the fog that took him to the forest and walked to his realm to wait for you.
It took you a good few hours to think through the scenario in your mind, replaying what went wrong. You were trying to tease and jokingly trick him into saying something sweet. You didn’t think what you said would end your relationship, but you definitely knew it hurt his feelings. You knew it would be a tinge hurtful, as it was supposed to lead into your little prank, but you thought he would’ve noticed your tone and facial expressions as a factor to it being a joke. With a heavy sigh you stood up and headed towards the forest, hoping that the walk to Caleb’s realm would calm down your racing heart. 
Taking your first step out of the dark forest and into the hot sun of Caleb’s realm. You looked up at the sun and instantly felt a bit of serotonin considering everywhere else, it’s night time. Walking to the saloon you stopped just outside the door. You carefully swung the door and walked in. Caleb was sitting at a table that was in the far corner with his feet crossed on top of the table and him leaning back with the bottle of whiskey in his hand. His eyes followed you as you walked over to him and stood next to the table he was at. “May I sit?” “You may,” he said, putting his feet on the ground and sitting forward in his seat, leaning over and grabbing the shot glass in front of him and pouring you a shot before sliding it over to you. You grabbed it and started nervously turning the glass in circles. You took a deep breath and looked into his eyes, “I… I want to start off by saying sorry. I was trying to joke and it wasn’t a very funny one now that I thought about it. I definitely should’ve thought that through before I… before I said something so stupid,” you ended with a deep sigh. Caleb cleared his throat before starting, “Yer right that it wasn’t funny,” you look down at the shot in your hands, “and that it was stupid,” your frown deepened, “but, I feel like there was an underlyin’ message with what you said.” You looked up at him with worry in your eyes, “I swear I didn’t mean for it to sound like I was going to break up with you or somethi-,” “That ain’t what I’m talkin’ ‘bout.” “Then what are you talking about?” “I was worried, that I wasn’ clear with my intentions with yuh.” You looked at him a little confused when he grabbed your hand rubbing his thumb across your knuckles. “Darlin’, I know we ain’t got a label or nothin’, but I see you as someone I want to spend the rest of my days with. I thought I was clear ‘bout that, and now… ‘m afraid I haven’ been showin’ ya how much I love ya.” “You… you love me?” you ask with a growing smile. Caleb smiled and looked down at your connected hands before lifting your hand to place a kiss on top of it. “C’mere baby,” he let go of your hand and leaned back in his chair, patting his good leg. You stood up as he scooted his chair back to give more room and you sat on the thigh of his good leg. He tsked as he grabbed your legs to swing over his other leg. His hands held you close, one on your hip and one holding your thigh brushing his thumb comfortingly. You take off his hat and place it on your own head with a sweet smile, one that Caleb returned. You put a hand on his cheek and lean forward to place a sweet kiss against his lips. Pulling back slightly from the kiss, you brush your lips against his lightly and whisper, “I love you more than anything, Caleb.” He smiled as he captured your lips into another kiss. The whole scenario from before is nothing but a mere memory.
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Philip loves seeing you, but he also loves seeing how you interact with the other survivors. You don’t know he watches in on your time at the survivor’s camp, so you didn’t know he is always listening to you as well. Today you were sitting with a small group near where Philip is hiding out.  The topic at the moment was about relationships and considering you two have been in one for about 2-3 months. So the relationship was still relatively new, but he was wondering how you would talk about him. There was a lot of joking around and then everyone was going around the circle talking about their ex’s or significant others from before they got here, the survivors that are attractive, and the killers that are attractive. It was finally your turn to speak and all eyes and ears were focused on you, including the eyes and ears of your dear lover. “Ok Y/N, do you consider yourself single? Like was there someone before you got dragged into this hellscape?” A couple laughs were heard from the others in the group, including yours. “Uh, yeah, I was dating someone before I came to this place, but ya know. They’ll probably never be here and honestly our relationship was rocky anyways. So at least I didn’t have to come up with a break up speech!” you all laughed at that. “So to answer the first question. Uh, I do not consider myself single, and uh, that’s cause I’m currently in a new relationship since coming here…” you trailed off. There were a bunch of ‘ooo’s’ and a couple of whistles. “Who?!? Who is our precious Y/N in a relationship with???” Jill said, throwing her around your waist. “Well, definitely not your brother anymore,” a couple of people laughed with you and Jill laughing the hardest. “C’mon who is it? I thought we shared things with each other?” you look at her face and whisper in her ear, “I’m dating Philip, ya know, the wraith.” “Really? And how is that going?” she genuinely asked. “Honestly, so far everything is going really well. He treats me really well and is honestly my best relationship I’ve ever been in,” Jill smiled at that and before she could say she was happy for you when Mikaela cut in, “so be real, Y/N, is it a survivor or killer?” You give a small awkward laugh, “Uh… killer..” you trail off, “Hey, at this point we don’t judge,” Mikaela said. “Fuck that. I 100% am judging you, you better break up with whoever it is!” Jonah projected. “Yeah, Jonah I’ll go write my break up speech right now,” you said sarcastically, “get the fuck outta here Jonah, no one wants your shitty input.” By the time you finished the second part of the statement Philip had already walked further into the forest so that you wouldn’t hear his bell as he went back to his realm. 
A couple of days have passed since that day. You don’t know what’s wrong but you feel like Philip has been avoiding you. You haven’t had a chance to have alone time with him cause you guys either haven’t had a trial together, or he was having a trial while you waited for him in his realm. However, the reason you think he’s been avoiding you is because when you get out of trials and are back in the survivor’s camp, you hear the familiar bell and when you go to head towards the sound, Philip is gone. You’re worried at this point because you just want to make sure he’s ok and give him some affection, but he just isn’t letting you near him. You were sitting away from everyone at the camp just hoping for the chance to get a trial with him where he’s forced to be around you. 
Suddenly, everything goes black and you’re thrown into another trial. You heave a heavy sigh and go to find a generator to work on. After a minute or so, you hear a scream from somewhere nearby and accidentally lose your concentration, making you mess up and the generator explodes in your face. You sit back on the ground and let out a few tears, you’re just exhausted at this time and haven’t had a chance to be with your significant other for a while and need the chance to feel safe in his arms again. You can feel your heartbeat pick up and don't even care about the fact that the killer was nearby. You stood up to turn around and wiped the tears from your face only to be met with the one and only Philip. Philip almost forgot about the other night at the camp as he stepped forward to reach for your tear stained face, but then that’s when he remembered and stopped when he was just an inch from your face. He looked down at you and was about to step back, “P-Philip, wait, please I just miss you so much. I don’t know what I did wrong.” He looked you in your eyes and saw the sincerity behind them and he gave you a small nod before putting his hand on the side of your face. “Is it ok if we can talk after the trial?” Philip nodded his head again and you smiled for the first time in a couple days. He then rang his bell as he went to continue the rest of the trial.
You were able to escape through the exit and finally made it back to the survivor’s camp. You immediately ran through the forest and to Philip’s realm. You didn’t see him outside at all so you assumed he was in the building and you continued to race there. Philip was sitting on the makeshift bed that you both made a while ago and he looked up to see you slightly out of breath. “Philip, can you please tell me what’s going on? Why have you been avoiding me?” He looked down at the piece of paper in his hand and handed it to you. You look at him and then down at the note. “I’ve been avoiding you because I didn’t want the break up speech.” Break up speech? What? Your eyes keep tracing over the words and when the conversation at the camp came up. “My love, I wasn’t going to break up with you! Were you there the whole time? Did you hear me tell Jonah to kiss my ass? I was being crazy sarcastic when I said I was gonna write a “break up speech”,” you sat down in between his legs, “I am not planning on leaving you anytime soon and I don’t plan on leaving you ever if you’ll have me,” you finished putting your hands on the sides of his face. Philip let out a sigh of relief. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you flush against him and laid down with you facing each other. Philip went to press kisses against your face making you giggle. He then grabbed your hand palm facing you and drew a heart in the middle of your palm. “I love you too, sweetheart.”
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Honestly, Herman was getting on your last damn nerve with all his little zaps here or there. Are you surprised? No, not really, but at this point you wanna get on his nerves for once. You can annoy him sometimes, but nothing too serious. You, however, decided to play a little prank on him. You’re not the best pranker in the world, by any means. Nor have you played pranks on him before. So there’s a first for everything. Plus it’s like you’re having your very own lil experiment on your boyfriend considering the amount of experiments he conducted on you.
Walking to his realm and towards his office, you were planning on just flat out saying “I’m breaking up with you,” and so when you made it to his office and he stood up from his desk to come greet you, he was peeved by you avoiding his kiss making it land on your cheek instead. “Are you ok, my darling?” he asked, confused. “No,” you said with a pout. “What’s wro-,” “I’m breaking up with you,” you cut him off. The atmosphere suddenly went frigid. Herman takes a step back and looks you into your eyes, “Uh huh. So, you don’t want to be my partner anymore. May I ask why?” “I know you’re a killer scientist and all, but you promised to treat me differently than some experiment,” you managed to make up. In reality, he treats you really well and is probably one of the more sane killers here. Herman’s mind went haywire trying to think of how he treated you like his experiments as he changed drastically when you two finally became a couple. He was trying to think of where he went wrong. He turned away from you and leaned forward placing his hands on his desk. You were about to let him know you were joking when he started laughing. The hairs on the back of your neck stood as his laugh started coming out maniacally. He sounded like a villain from a scary movie. You went to put a hand on his back when he abruptly turned back to you and grabbed your hand. Yanking you towards him you look up at him a little scared. “H-Herman, i-it was just a prank! Please!” It was like he couldn’t hear you as he dragged you to one of the hospital rooms.
Herman picked you up to put you on the experiment table with the straps on it. In no time he had you strapped down to the table. You struggled against the constraints trying to loosen them, “Herman! Herman! Please, I didn’t mean it!” you try to convince him as he comes around to where your head was at. “I was just getting annoyed with how much you’ve been zapping me lately!” Herman laughed as he brought his hands together in front of your face to make the electricity zap between his hands. He brought his hands down to the sides of your head, “Well, since we’re no longer together, I might as well fry your brain!” he laughed crazily again making you struggle against the straps around your wrists and squeeze your eyes tightly waiting for the pain. About 30 seconds passed before realizing nothing was happening. Your eyes are still screwed shut, but you hesitantly open one eye to see Herman staring back down at you calmly. “I think you learned your lesson when it comes to making a silly prank like that. Don’t you think, darling?” You let out a heavy sigh letting your tears fall freely from your eyes. You choked out a small, “y-yes. I learned.” 
Releasing you from the straps, you sat up and let out a little sob. Herman tsked before grabbing the sides of your face and shushing you. “I didn’t mean to scare you that bad, my love. I’m sure you know now that if you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes right?” he asked moving your head so you’d look him in the eyes. You sniffled with a small nod and threw your arms around his neck. He wrapped his arms around your waist tightly and breathed in the scent of your hair. “I apologize if my little shocks are bothering you so much. I want you to know that the ones that do get you are unintentional. I can’t control every single shock, baby,” “I guess that makes sense. I’m sorry for taking it personally..” “And?” You let out a small giggle, “and for doing a silly prank. I love you, Herm.” “I adore you, Y/N.”
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Pyramid Head:
Pyramid Head is a hunky creature of a man that you’re just happy to be with. While he doesn’t spare you in trials, he does mercy kill you so that you don’t have to deal with the trials he’s in. He’s too merciless with the rest of the survivors. However, you wanted to test the waters with him when it came to your guys' relationship. You do adore him and he has done a lot so that he can be better in the relationship with you. So, when you say you wanna test the waters, it’s more so going to be some questioning about what your relationship with him is.
Going into the classroom that you and Pyra had altered to be more homey, you laid down on the cushioned area that you both slept on. Or rather, you slept on. He just kind of lays there as a personal heater and someone to cuddle. You grabbed a journal that was nearby and flipped it open. You see very scraggly handwriting and that was very childlike, but extremely heavy handed. You would’ve thought it was some kid’s notebook if it weren’t for the fact that it was the symbols that you had taught Pyra to communicate with you. You smiled at the fact that he’s been practicing them and felt your heart flutter. You could hear and feel the heavy stomps of Pyra and the dragging of his mighty knife behind him. You put down the notebook and got up to go into the hallway to see how close he was only to be greeted by his clothed abdomen. Wrapping your arms around his waist tightly you started placing sweet kisses all over his pecs. “C’mon, baby. Let’s go lay down,” you say, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the bed.
He propped his knife against a wall in the room and ripped off his bloody shirt. You nearly drooled looking at his muscles and couldn’t take your eyes away. His tongue came to poke out the open corner of his helmet and it went to lick your cheek making the heat rush to your face. You smiled at him as it dragged down to your jawline, then down to your neck. “Well well well, someone’s super affectionate today,” you giggle, placing your hands on his abs and dragging them up and down his toned torso. Pyra held you close to him and groaned softly at feeling you against his skin. You kissed his left pec a few times before he lifted his hand to brush the back of his finger against your cheek.
You feel now is as good as any to finally ask him some questions. You tell him to lay down again and he does so with his arms open for you to crawl into. You smile and snuggle into his arms tightly. “Hey bub, can I ask you a couple questions?” He gave a small nod as his hands wandered over your body. “Well, I was wondering if you would be bothered by absence? Like what if I didn’t come over anymore?” He stopped his movements suddenly becoming stiff under you. What do you mean not come over anymore? Did you not like him as much as you used to? He didn’t like the thought of you never coming around anymore. He grabbed your hand and drew a question mark on it with his finger. “It’s just.. I don’t know.. Wondered if maybe I’m too much for you? I guess I wanted to know our label?” you knew it was going to be hard to figure out the terminology he wanted to use. He felt a little more at ease knowing it was just you needing some reassurance. He grabbed your arm once again and tried tracing the word ‘mate’ against your soft skin. “M.. A…T… E?” you asked. He nodded slightly. “Mate like as in the “for reproductive” sense or “life partner” sense?” You waited to see how many fingers he was going to raise, either one for the first option, two for the second option, or three for both. He raised his hand with 3 fingers sticking up. You understand he’s different from humans and so the first option didn’t upset you, but you were ecstatic for him to say the second one was just as important. “So, you see me as your partner for life?” you asked and he nodded again. You let out a pitchy giggle because it made you feel so much better about your relationship. You rest your head against his pec and kiss his skin over and over again. He rubbed his hand up and down your side affectionately with a small squeeze to your waist. 
Requests are open! Lmk what yall think!!
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majorproblems77 · 4 months
Sacred realm update! so I'm back!
Hi all!
Hope your doing well! :D
Only a few days late, Exam season man, what can you do?
This update shows link and Time Escaping. And time having... a Time....
Alright, now for the important stuff! Sacred realm belongs to @zelda-the-sacred-realm, and all art from the comics belongs to the comic artist. I've got their permission to do these! I love the comic so much its so good and so well done!
The link to the update can be found here! You should go reblog it, it's great, give it some love, please? :D
Let's do this, grab your popcorn and your water. Let's go! :D
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Cinnamon roll Link strikes again, Clearly, the big purple guy just wants a hug!
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oh no...
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Time's little superhero slide here.
Also, it must be said he's doing all this while carrying an adult. (Or close enough.) I know he's a spirit and all but that's VERY impressive!
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You know when you're reading and you can hear the atmosphere, you can hear the moment that a breath is held. And time stands still.
This. The moment in a movie when everything stops before the action picks up in another way.
The talent it takes to get it from still images. I just am in awe.
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Pure fear from Link.
Props to Time here for remaining calm while he's got the cinnamon roll here just scared out of his mind.
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Time... Being reassuring?
This is important I think for these two's relationship. The need to protect someone only comes to people who dont really hate someone. Before this, I'm pretty sure Link doesn't think Time cares too much about him.
Why would he right? Time's been nothing but cold to him.
(More on this later)
Link getting cocooned in Time's cloak is just, everything to me. It's such a caring more from him. (Even if it is a you can't die thing)
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Ouch, that's gotta hurt
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Oh man, this man is like... low-key gripping onto him.
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Excuse me while I cry a little?
Twilightttttt ;-;
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This reaction gives me father-son vibes but with time and Link, it's giving me life because oh my god these two.
Link is a cinnamon roll and must be protected.
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This made me laugh I won't lie. Damit Time I was rooting for some Dad Time in this world.
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Says the 'Small cinnamon roll with scared of everything issues.'
I love him but ohhhh man Time is gonna kill you
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Link, poor guy. Man needs help okay.
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This map is interesting, I reckon is a list of the first three heroes we meet.
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That top one is Skyloft. With Hylia and the floating island. - For Sky. who we met first.
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The middle one has someone holding The double helix sword... That's the fierce deity on the middle level. We know Time has a connection to the Fierce deity mask. And in turn the deity himself. So this middle level is Time.
And that lower one.
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If im right, This is the Twilight realm, and we will find ourselves there soon. The people look similar to the 'Link' we see on the land level to an extent while still holding a semblance of individuality.
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Its almost, inverted? Like the twilight people were. Rather than looking different different.
I'm excited to see where this goes.
Hi it's later
So I'm a sucker for visual storytelling in backgrounds and I think this might be more than an exploration into the depths beneath the ice.
Starting with this.
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I think this, is Time being vulnerable.
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The break from a cold icy exterior to something a little more personal.
Funny how when Time begins to see more personal stuff, he has more visions of the past.
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The trigger has him almost scared, just look at him.
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Why would Time be scared, if he didn't care?
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Time appears to carry a lot of guilt around Twilight.
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And when Link calls him out on it, he returns to that icy exterior, not allowing himself the opportunity to be vulnerable again.
And I wonder if that has to be explored before he can take his place within the medallion. Trials by fire, as they are so suitably called, can be for the spirits as much as Link.
Just a thought tho.
That's all from me! Hope you have a great day! :D
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mmmmmmmmmmmmsoup · 1 year
A creature in the woods
Warnings: yandere, blood, murder, forced relationship, etc
As he watched her go about her tasks, he just fell more in love. I mean how could he not?
You were trying to make a camp fire, and failing miserably, but it was cute how determined you were.
“UUUGH!!” You yelled as your third try just burnt out. But that didn’t make you loose hope, nope, you just got up and gathered more wood and sticks for a fourth attempt.
He laughed to himself, how lucky was he to find you? A gorgeous lady, who at first meeting was shy and quiet, but later became this silly person who was funny and loud, god he loved you.
“YES!!” You shouted. finally, you had made a fire, and it wasn’t burning out. You had grabbed some marshmallows and started roasting them over the fire.
He remembered the first time he had met you, he was looking for something to eat, and you were looking for directions. He didn’t know what it was exactly, people have came up to him before, you were just…different. Maybe it was your bouncy hair, the cute, confused look on your face, or maybe how you spoke so gently to him. He wasn’t sure. But he was sure that he wanted to see you again.
“Honey, you got marshmallow all over your face.”
“Oh, oops” you reply as you try to wipe your face with your hand…. It wasn’t working.
“Here let me get it.”
He scowled, not liking what he was seeing. Yes, your face was dirty, but he wasn’t the one cleaning your face…
It was him.
Your “boyfriend”.
It was probably a good thing you were distracted, because if you weren’t, you might’ve felt the ominous and angry feeling radiating from deep in the woods.
‘He doesn’t deserve her, how dare he lay his disgusting hands on her, I would treat her so much better’
As he watched the site in front of him continue, he had a thought.
A smile grew on his face, he would wait till night to put his idea into action.
Night had fallen and you and your Bf were getting ready for bed. The tent you guys were staying in was decent, it fit you both comfortably and still had room for other belongings. You luckily didn’t have to buy it with your own money, it was your bf’s tent that he had from previous years.
You had been planning this camping trip for a while, you both needed a brake from the city and work, and what better way to get away from it all then to camp in the middle of the woods? It was funny though, because there was a portion of time where you didn’t know where to go. There was no cell service, and neither of you knew how to read a map very well. So much from trying to take a break from our phones.
But luckily, you had found a man on a walk and asked him for directions.
That was only a few days ago.
“hey I just got to go to the bathroom, can you wait for me before you turn the flashlight off?” Your bf asked.
“Of course! Don’t take too long though, I want to cuddle! its a bit cold tonight.” You say as you hold yourself close.
Your bf winks at you as he exits the tent.
You start to set up both sleeping bags and change into your pjs.
“AAAHHHHH-!!” You hear a cut off yell and thump, as if something had hit the ground.
“Baby? Are you ok???”
“Babe? Do you need me to come out there? Are you ok?” You say a little louder as you make your way to the entrance of the tent, growing with worry.
“N-No! I’m ok! I just s-stubbed my toe! Yup! Just hit it real hard, silly me!” Your bf sounds frantic. You’re not quite sure if you believe him, seems like it was a bit more then a stubbed toe, but whatever it was, he sounded embarrassed over it, maybe it was better to just leave it be?
“Oh, um ok…” you sit back down, fluffing your pillow.
After about 4 minutes, your bf comes back into the tent, his hair is a bit more messy then how he left and is shaking slightly.
“Jeez are you sure you’re ok? What happened out there?” You question him.
He freezes for a second.
“Like I said, I stubbed my toe! I wasn’t looking where I was walking and hit a stump.”
‘That doesn’t explain the thumping noise.’
You raise an eyebrow “did you fall?”
Suddenly a frustrated expression overcame your bf’s face “it doesn’t matter what I did! Let’s just ignore it and get ready for bed!” He shouts
You were surprised by this, your bf wasn’t someone who would get mad so easily, he was calm and collected. That’s why you liked him, he was able to support you through tough times and lend a helping hand if needed, all without being over dramatic or extra about it.
so it was odd that this was what he was getting upset over…
“Um ok, I got your sleeping bag ready for you.”
And just like that, his facial expression changed again, into something more loving and admiring.
He came and sat down beside you, he now looked nervous. “Can we uh, can we cuddle?” He asked, as if he was a school boy asking out his crush.
‘Why is he acting so weird? He never asks, he usually just does it, I mean we’ve been dating for 2 years now, aren’t we over acting like it’s our first date?’
“Uh yeah… before we do though, could you shut off the flashlig-“
Before you could finish your sentence, the flashlight was turned off. You chuckle slightly
‘I guess he really wants to cuddle’
You lay down and turn to your side, not long after your bf spoons you and raps an arm around you. He starts pushing his nose into the back of your neck, and his arm starts to explore.
Usually this was quite normal, but there was one thing that was keeping you from shutting your eyes.
He smelled.
Not badly per se, but he definitely didn’t smell like your bf.
He smelled of iron and pine and maybe a little more musty than most.
This wasn’t your bf.
But just to be sure, “hey babe”
“Yes honey?”
“…how do you like my tent? It was on sale”, you asked.
“Mmm, it’s very nice, you chose good!”
‘Wrong answer.’
You didn’t know who this person was and why they looked like your bf.
But you needed to get away.
Your so called bf also sat up, he was trying to say that “you’ll be fine” and “just come back to bed sweetie”
But you were already half outside the tent with a flashlight.
You put on your shoes on as fast as you could.
You can hear your “bf” start to shuffle out of bed.
You ran.
Not in any specific direction, you just needed to hide.
The woods was probably your best bet.
As you ran, you wish you grabbed the keys to your car, but that was an after thought, it was too late to go back now.
Out of breath, you stopped running. You looked behind a tree just to make sure no one was behind you. It was clear, you could however hear your “bf” in the distance calling your name.
You turn around, back against the tree. You bring your hands to cover your eyes and slump down to the ground.
‘This is just a bad dream, this isn’t real. For the love of god, please let this be just a super realistic dream’, you think to yourself as you hold back tears.
After a few deep breaths, you drop your hands from your face and open your eyes.
There in front of you was your bf.
Your actual bf, not the one that was currently looking for you, no, the real one.
But rather than feeling relieved, you were filled with shock and horror.
There your bf was, laying dead on the forest floor. There was blood everywhere, his throat was slashed, and there was a giant hole in his stomach, right where all his organs would have been.
But they were all gone. He had been plucked clean of all of his organs.
‘Oh my fucking god!’ You start to cry and try to hold back your whimpers in hopes that the creature looking for doesn't hear you.
‘NO! NO! NO! This can’t be happening!’
You caress the face of the man you loved, hoping maybe, somehow he could feel it, and bring him comfort within the after life.
But who was gonna comfort you?
You snap you head towards to voice, it was him. The thing that killed your bf, and was probably gonna kill you too.
“I see you found my little secret. You’re a bad girl for just running off like that, you could have been hurt!”
You try to crawl further away from him.
“STAY AWAY FROM ME!!”, You cry.
He felt a little guilty, making you cry, making you fear him. This wasn’t what he wanted, but you just had to run off like that didn’t you?
He tsked, “Oh honey, I’m not gonna hurt you, I would never, I love you too much!”
You frown your eyebrows together. ‘Love?’
“I don’t even know you!” You shout back.
“No but you do! Remember me I’m the guy you asked directions from!”, as he said that, he morphed into a familiar looking man.
It was a grotesque site.
You eyes widen in horror, ‘I think I’m gonna be sick’
The being walked closer and crouched beside you. You tried to get up and run again, but he was quick to shove you back down. He was stronger than he looked.
“Now don’t be doing that again, or else’s I’ll be forced to do something I don’t want to do.” He said with a threatening tone.
You were speechless. What could you say to a being that could change form and overpowered you in every way?
The being put an arm under your legs and the other on your back. Before you knew it, he was caring you bridal style.
“Now, we are gonna have a nice quiet night, we are going to cuddle and we can talk about all of this in the morning, ok?” He spoke as he made his way back to the tent.
You panicked.
You started to scream and thrashing as much as you could, but nothing gave, his grip was too strong.
The being holding you huffed, “fine, if you’re gonna act like this you’ve left me no choice.”
At first there was nothing.
Then your ears started to ring. Your head began to thump, it was painful, it was worse than a migraine.
You held your head, hoping it would stop. Tears fell down your face as you yelled.
You vision grew blurry, and you began to pass out.
You heard one last thing before you had fully lost consciousness.
“That’s my girl.”
So How was that? Any tips?
I’ve been camping for a bit and had this idea in my head.
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sorcerous-caress · 8 months
Worldbuilding and human kink? Is it my birthday /lh. This has me googling “halfling sex” and being a little surprise someone has thought about it enough to write a generously large paragraph.
Apparently it’s not uncommon for them to have more casual sex with close neighbors and friends indulging in it together. I genuinely think it would be hilarious for a halfling with a human, elf, drow, orc, dwarf, etc (the more uptight races) friend/neighbor to ‘seduce’ and then being very friendly and kind, but not exclusive or even inherently romantic.
Halflings 🤝 Humans
Being horny on main.
Oh my god imagine a poly relationship that's a human who thinks this is a casual friends with benfits deal, a halfing who thinks everyone here is just friends, and one high elf who acts as if they're robbing a bank whenever they watch the human go down on the halfing.
Add a dragonborn who is sweating over which one of those people is gonna end up as their mate for life, who isn't phased by the sex but it's the romance part that's considered a big taboo in their culture to even date someone for love, so imagine seeing more tha one person?
High elves being sex repressed 🤝 Dragonborns being romance repressed
Also I really love world building AAAAA i wanna invent shit and make shit up and shake it around like a snow globe. I believe elves went to the moon much sooner than humans with just magic, dwarves have found fallen space rocks and meteors and used them to forge their weapons, winged elves or any species who can fly already mapped the world and drew all the know maps before humans even learned how to tame horses.
Also the horses is funny, elves has seen them all their lives but never bothered to tame it because it feels weird yk? Why would they ride on an animal, plus their cousin is a centaur so it feels even more weird.
Then they see the humans coaxing the horses with carrots while holding a saddle behind their back, skip a few years and suddenly the horse population skyrockects as humans steal this one animal to their side.
Imagine being a wood elf and in harmony with all of nature, then glancing over at the human city and feeling very confused on what these weird wolves are and why do the humans call them dogs, also why are they obeying the humans and holy shit that one is wearing bowtie.
Occasionally humans just wander into the forest, spot an animal that seems semi useful then kidnap it back to their city, suddenly their population spikes and they're the new best friends of humanity.
It happened the other way with cats tho, the wood elves remember overhearing two cats talking about the hairless apes wandering around and how one was betting the other that they can get them to share their food by just screaming at them.
Humans probably inspired their cuisine based on halflings' recipes since they didn't add soul consuming spices for fun like elves and didn't sprinkle in literal gem and gold dust like dragonborns.
A human with a Halfling neighbour who comes over every other day to share their stew because "they accidentally made too much and can't possibly finish it all themselves so how about you grab a bowl or two, human?"
One day the human makes a joke about how they're a simp or going to horny jail, whatever modern shitposting meme is trending, and the halfling takes it seriously and offers to sleep with them.
I mean, that is basic neighbourly hospitality to them. Of course they will fuck their friend who is in need, you don't even have to ask twice, come here and lay down and they'll take care of you until satisfied.
Now their trips over to your house are twice as frequent, half to feed you their cooking, other half to sate your lust appetite.
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dandyleyen · 6 months
Dungeon Meshi - My Thoughts (Ch1-10)
Each section gets written out as I am reading. Keep in mind that I have finished episodes 1-12 of Cooking in Dungeon and that I have read chapters 27-31 (excluding 28.5)
Chapter 1.
I assume we’ll get info in this later on but I wonder why the country was sealed away in the first place.
“I bestow my entire kingdom upon the one who defeats the magician." - The King (presumably) I know that the anime does get into this a bit more as we go on and that a new king (or queen ?) would be crowned eventually but I wonder why it is that the king (if he is who he says he is) wants to allow his kingdom to be given away. Curious.
Side note, but I adore Laios talking about the dungeon ecosystem and food chain. Would love to seen an in-depth trophic web with different ecosystems of the dungeon. You could also include the factors that aren’t natural to the ecosystem, so like,,, the various races that go into the dungeon and how they effect the environment around them with adventuring and other things. I wonder if there are any concept maps made already for this type of thing. We’re seeing a basic food chain but I want it in depth !!
Laios is very cute, send tweet !
Chapter 2.
I do find it very sweet that Laios is asking Marcille if she wants anything specific to eat.
Laios is such a little weirdo. God, I love him. This was also the first occasion of me wanting to try one of the foods they made. The tart looks really good and I'm currently regretting reading this before dinner :|
Chapter 3.
I had it in my mind that chimeras were like a very specific animal combo, but hearing Laios calling the basilisk a chimera put that into perspective for me. Like,, yeah no that makes sense. Interesting.
Chapter 4.
Marcille and Falin on the front page :( Guys.
The episode for this was a rough watch for me because of how Marcille was getting treated tbh, and it's similar now while reading but I did feel more with the show. I get the concerns that the party has, because they need to hurry (mind you, Laios literally holds them up down the line with the painting stuff in the other level), but implying she is already being a bit of a burden by saying she'll be "more of a burden" if she collapses is,,,, not Chilchuck's best moment.
"Not being useful to anyone makes me feel so lonely..." - Marcille I liked her already leading up to this but this was one of this things that got me to latch onto her so quickly. I do appreciate that Chilchuck did initially go to apologize for having called her a burden, and that Laios pointed out that everyone was useful in the team but with different strengths. Them :(
Chapter 5.
Chilchuck fighting for his life and trying not to get his shit rocked by the traps going off is incredibly funny and I feel for him. My neurotic little guy,,, love him.
Laios wanting to take the bones home is incredibly endearing. Me too, buddy, me too.
Chapter 6.
Touden siblings flashback !! I care about them so much, you guys.
Laios looks so dejected about not being able to eat living armor,,, what a freak /pos. He isn't wrong though, if you can beat it you can probably also eat it.
Chapter 7.
MARCILLE WEARING THE ARMOR IN THE FRONT PAGE ??? Oh my god . Christ. Not even a warning ? God. Oh my god. I'm kicking my feet and giggling, y'all she is so,, . Christ.
Love that Laios got to discover something that likely no one else knew about just because he was soo hell-bent on eating different monsters.
Downside: I couldn't rock with the meal in this chapter. Too... mollusk-y. Mollusks freak me out.
Chapter 7.5.
Ohhh this is everything to me. Monster biology !! We get to learn more about how monsters are seen and spoken about in-universe. I adore this. I can't remember if the anime shows any of this section, but I think it's an incredibly fun part of the world-building. It makes it feel real.
Chapter 8.
This is incredibly nitpicky but it's a little annoying when people use "symbiotic relationship" to ONLY mean a beneficial relationship on both ends. Chilchuck asks if the vegetables act as parasites to the golems and Senshi says that it's the opposite and then proceeds to call it a symbiotic relationship because they help one another. He's not entirely wrong, but symbiotic relationships include parasitism ! Mutualism (the relationship between the golems and the vegetables), commensalism, parasitism, and competition are all symbiotic relationships. Again, incredibly nitpicky but this always bothers me.
"It's a crime to tamper with magical creatures without permission" - Marcille Girl,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, don't even talk about crimes rn when you know damn well what you're getting up to in your free time*
On another note, I love how we learn more about Senshi's motivations in staying down there and all he does to protect the ecosystem functions.
Chapter 9.
One of the first signs, to my knowledge, that the dungeon is acting strange. The red dragon itself (himself ? herself ? theirself ?) is acting a bit strangely ! We learn earlier on that red dragons aren't very mobile and the characters assume (hope, really) it would be resting after such activity, but here we learn that it's on the move and showing up closer to the orcs. The orcs have pretty much been here the longest and even they see that as odd. Makes you wonder.
The baby orc ! What a cutie. I love that the kid is the one to suggest they share the meal and that Marcille tries to smooth the situation over. I like how fuzzy the orcs are. It caught me off guard in the anime but the fur is a neat touch.
Laios not really considering the possibility of defeating the mad sorcerer and becoming king. Pretty boys are often allergic to thinking.
ALSO, Laios talking about Falin always gets to me :(
Chapter 10.
Is it even necessary to tell y'all that I immediately latched onto Kabru ? I'm transmasc, ofc I latched onto him. Same with the anime. It was funny to get invested in him only to see him and his party immediately getting their shit rocked.
We're being told again that the dungeon has been acting strangely, which is not new info to us but it does help to build a case for it. Kabru points out that he's been told about the dungeon layout changing day-by-day* and the monsters becoming more aggressive.
Ah. Marcille essentially flash-banging the group (and the bugs) is incredibly relatable. I can't do bugs. I cannot and I will not. I know the meal looks incredibly pretty, but I physically would not be able to consume it knowing that it's just,,, bugs. I don't even eat lobster and shrimp due to how bug-like they are. It's bugs !
---- *Asterisks-marked comments are marked because they are points I know that become relevant down the line because I've either seen it already or read about it already. I will wait to get there in the chronology to speak more on it, but this is my way to point out some foreshadowing that I am aware of.
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reidslovely · 1 year
Ok now let us INNNNN on some CEO Peter x reader ! How they meet. What is their dynamic. How they end up together??? Pretty pls pls 🥺🥺
since you said please i guess...
I see them meeting in the lobby of Parker Industries. And because I'm nothing but cliche he's coming on his day off for a client meeting and she's standing in the lobby shuffling through papers obviously lost. He's staring at his Apple Watch and the collide, him sending her towards the floor. He shoots arm out and catches her, staring at her wide eyes as he basically pulls her back to her feet, arm around her stomach as he held her.
"I am so so sorry. I was looking at a message."
"I am so so sorry I was looking at this map and I was.."
They spoke at the same time. Peter's face remained flat but there was a smile in his eyes. He thought she was..gorgeous, he shook his head and cleared his throat.
"You're fine don't worry about it. Can I help you." He pointed at the map of the building in her hands. She nodded looking up at him with big eyes, and handing him the map.
"My mother has a meeting with Mr. Parker over a biotech research for her collarbone damage due to cancer. It's a whole thing, and I'm super late."
"You're in luck because the CEO is also super late to this meeting." Peter chuckled. "Mr. Parker..nice to meet you."
"Oh my god." She says reaching her hand out shaking it. "I'm (y/n) (l/n) nice to meet you...also." she stuttered through her greeting. Peter nodded and handed her map back to her.
"I'll walk with you. Follow me."
I do think that the two have a slight age gap. Peter being around 30-33 and reader being about 25-27. Which makes him kind of skeptical for a bit because Peter's never dated someone younger than him outside of Gwen being a year younger than him and even if it's not by a lot and both are in similar places in life he worries that she'd find him to be old and boring. But she doesn't, she doesn't really pay any mind to the age gap besides teasingly calling him 'old man' here and there in their relationship.
At the start they definitely have a grumpy/sunshine dynamic even if Peter isn't that grumpy he's been out of the dating pool for a few years and he's just kind if skittish which makes him seem grumpy. He's the reason for these big nice parties but he only talks to the people he knows and clients he's built relationships with. She's the one running around greeting people asking if they're having a fun time and he just admires her so much for it. She inspires him and brings him out of his little dark room he's built for himself which helps everyone get to know him a little bit better and see that he's not only a kind person, but also really funny. He's also just so so so soft for her. Peter can be intimidating if needed and he knows how to play that well and when to play it. But whenever she's around he's so soft, it's like all the bad things in his life become muffled. She feels the same about him, she thinks he's the smartest man in the world. She knows he is, and doesn't hesitate to remind him when he is forgetting that himself. As their relationship progresses for Peter he feels like he got a second chance at love, and she feels like she's really fallen in love for the first time.
They start dating pretty quickly actually for Peter being so skittish, Harry gave him a jump in headfirst speech that urged him into asking her to be his girlfriend. And when he did it he felt like that nerdy high school boy again, but when she said yes he knew he made the right decision.
They go on the nicest vacations, he definitely wants to see the world with her. But he also loves just being in their Forest Hills home having domestic moments. He likes the way she'll come into his office while he's working and sit on his lap playing with his hair. His goal is just to spoil his girl, any thing she wants he'd give it to her no matter the cost. If she asked him tomorrow to give up everything and just disappear with her he'd do it, and she'd do it for him.
He also totally gives her a job at Parker Industries let's be real. All she wanted to do was be his assistant/receptionist, and when the spot opened he immediately offered it to her because no one better could keep up with him. And honestly..it's true.
I don't know there is a lot about them, she's gonna need a cute nickname though. I'll get back to y'all on that.
have a ceo!peter coded photo:
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tartrat · 2 months
Random Just Dance thoughts ive been having.
These wont make any sense, some might be headcanons others wont make sense at all. this is also kinda long.
What colour is the blood of the coaches?: Personally i think its purple, mainly because the idea of their faces going purple when they blush is kinda cute. Also what was it like for Sara, Leda, Deerstan and Pandafan when they went into the game, like did they feel their blood changing?
Have Layl and Gabriela just escaped into our world?: like those two tiktoks/shorts they posted with them are kinda ominous. The Just dance chat video is different as they clearly say that they are in costume but the other two just give the impression that they have escaped the game. Their next map is set in front of the actual Eiffel tower. that would be funny
What would Happen if a coach came into our world?: They'd probably look really uncanny like the behind the scenes images off the dancers in full costume but not on the green screen.
Is the Wake me up coach just Jake Gyllenhaal?: Most likely, he probably doesn't shower like him as well. he probably has also cheated on the one kiss coach by now.
Scotty is possessed by this point: Cradles was such a jarring map to get after Sunroof because Scotty just looked really happy and then two months later he has this nightmare that probably takes place right after sunroof. And his bag thats themed after Cthylla moves its eye at the end. I don't care what anyone says but the colourful childlike vibe fits the song as in the song it mentions a bunch of nursery rhymes and honestly makes it more eerie. If he's not possessed then he probably just has some issues that he needs to work through.
Cthylla should be the next main villain: I don't know why i think this, i also think Mothigan should be one of the protagonists, i call it Butterflies vs. Octopi. Leading on from the scotty possessed thing, Cthylla kidnaps a bunch of students, so Mothigan has to find a student to help her take down god.
How do they become coaches in universe?: Like we see Bonnie and Clyde in the background of telephone as just backup dancers and then they became the coaches for the alternate, same for Brock as he is first seen in the background of Mr. Blue Sky and is the coach for Wouldn't it be nice and Shine a little love. I remember back when Dancing Queen was officially released on 2018's unlimited i saw a comic on Instagram of the main coach getting her gloves, so is it to do with the glove?. Does having the brightly coloured glove signal that your time has come?
The Small Town Boy coach is the younger brother of Dahlia: Honestly i think that this is just because they both have pink hair, and even at that it seems like Dahlia would have natural dark hair, because of her roots. It is possible that they both just dye their hair.
How many coaches are born with coloured hair and how do the genes work with coloured hair?: like is blue hair a recessive gene? does half of the population in a danceverse have coloured hair and the other have natural hair? What i think is that the coaches would be the best at helping to keep your hair healthy.
Did Scotty fall off screen at the end of Sunroof?: It looks like he stumbles a bit as he does the hop spin at the end and if he did fall, in game he is no longer visible anyway so they wouldn't have needed to reshoot it. If anything its sort of fitting for his character.
Are the Despacito coaches the same coaches from Cheerleader?: mainly because they look similar, but we probably won't have confirmation until despacito gets added to plus and the coaches get names.
Ari and Moxie are bitter exes: I think this would be interesting and would have probably have fueled their dance battles. Also I've been finding bitter exes to be more interesting than romantic relationships lately, like they used to love each other and now they hate each other's guts and take jabs at each other even though they used to kiss. Honestly i hope that Ari's map for 2025 is a battle style duet with Moxie to like a 2000s song.
Felicia and the Boss Witch coach are also bitter exes: because of this i believe that Felicia is disguising herself as BW's cat just to get dirt on her, but also kind of wants to get back with her. Like they loved each other then hate each other then are like "Damn i'm so in love with you, but before i get back with you I'm going to disguise myself as a cat to get dirt on you and black mail you" then its like we're made for each other. The boss witch coach has probably also spied on Felicia before. Also i guess that BW has an actual cat that Felicia sort of kidnapped to disguise herself as before giving the cat back.:
Do Lauren and Tyler know Layl and Gabriela?: They all seem to do grafitti so it'd make sense.
Does death exist and who is the grim reaper?: Like we have the I will survive coach who is a zombie performer who appears to be an actual zombie so the undead exist, but there has to be someone who decides what coaches fully die or are forced to live on as the undead. Maybe its the purple coach from woman.
Food?: From the GTWAB lore video it seems like bananas don't exist in universe or they do exist under a different name. Then we have the coaches from In the Summertime and Cola Song alt, where they are food. Are they actual food or are just cosplaying?
The wolf that the GTWAB coaches met is the coach from Born To Be wild: Honestly i only think this because he's the only wolf in the series (i think), even though he is a werewolf. It would be funny, Born to be wild is a fun map.
Kapyy is the coach from White Noise: i don't have any basis for this, i initially thought that the patterns on their clothes were similar until i looked at the White Noise coach again. I mean at least they are both, probably, in Cyber funk.
The Follow the white rabbit coach wouldn't have fit cure for me: I feel like this is because she's very obviously supposed to be Alice, since it is a twisted wonderland inspired map. I feel that the FTWRC would fit for another Wonderland themed song, idk maybe Wonderland by Caravan Palace or Wonderland by Taylor Swift. I much prefer Mothigan as the coach for Cure for me, might be biased because she's my favourite coach, but its mostly because its a fun map and i just love the expressions that Sarah Magassa does for her. Also i have a score of exactly 13000 on it and it just feels fitting.
This is long enough as it is, i can just start typing and can't stop at times, yet when i actually want to write i can't get much down. I used to write Yo kai watch fanfiction in a note book during lunch at school and even that i only wrote a page. I also want to try and develop my idea for the Mothigan vs Cthylla story (I know that i want to include Kapyy, Talia Sway and Agent D as part of the main group along with a random kid Mothigan found, like she chose a teenager, a broken hearted woman, some dj and an actual spy to help her, not going to end well).
I really like how the coaches are now characters that can randomly return now like did anyone make the connection that Captain Crimson was the coach of Jump in the line until Just Dance posted a video about what happened to him. Or the coaches of I like it (Cardi B), Skibidi and Dibby sound appearing in don't go yet.
Just dance is also just really easy to insert ocs into because it helps to speculate how a song could be done. I mean all the coaches are ocs if we're being technical, same for like any fictional character.
I need to stop this is way too long.
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zomb1e-boy · 2 years
Hell n Back
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Joel Miller xTransMasc! Reader
Part l
Fluff, soft Joel, suggestive themes, first kiss, hard time expressing emotions, Ellie being Ellie
(Request from @devotedlyburningtree )
The woods air was thin and musky. You were on patrol with the town loner Joel Miller aka Tommy’s older and ….hotter brother. He was stern, hotheaded, and professional. Things that come very useful in this world of death and despair, but you gotta find things to fight for. He had his purpose a snarky girl named Ellie. Speaking off she was with us on this mission. It’s a very simple motion find any supplies especially medical supplies. The trees were swaying in the whistling wind. It was truly beautiful out in nature.“I gotta piss can we stop somewhere that has a bathroom” Ellie piped up, this was the first real questions she’s asked despite the horrible joke book riddles. “We should be comin’ up to a gas station in a few minutes” you state showing the younger hazel eyed girl the map. “Fuck yea, hopefully they have some snacks too I’m so sick of spaghettio’s” she says. You chuckle at her statement and look at Joel. He had a smile on his face.
It was nice to see, but the man barely ever looks at you. You wonder if he hates your or somethin but you’ve never done nothin to make him upset. This is like your 5th mission together, you never asked to be paired with him Tommy was the one that paired up teams to go out. Ellie was never meant to come but she’s stubborn like her..dad? You’re not sure what relationship they have, but it’s father and daughter like non the less. The gas station is in view and you have a bright idea. “Ellie I bet I can beat you to the gas station.” You look at her raising your eyebrow playfully. “In your dreams old man” she says as she starts sprinting towards the gas station. “I ain’t that old I’m like 30 or something.” You say while running past her. You run into the gas station doors and get bombarded by an infected. A runner to be exact. You cry for Joel as it makes you fall on the grimy floor. It instantly pounces on top of you its face growing little fungus sprouts out of the side. You use one arm to block it from your face and the other hand to grab a knife. You grab your trusty hunter knife and shove it into its neck. Throwing off the corpse you get up to see Joel struggling with a clicker. You run up behind it and kill it too. You were so busy with your right you didn’t even notice the other ones in the store. Luckily that was the last one.
“Jesus fuck I’m so sorry Ellie I just thought it would be fun” you say looking at her with extreme guilt, the feeling you could’ve gotten her or Joel hurt pains you like no other. “We made it through it’s okay, no bites” she says trying to lighten the mood. You look at Joel and he looks at you for a minute before turning his head away quickly. He seemed upset but you didn’t want to push it. “I’m gonna go piss” and with that Ellie was gone it was just you and Joel. You go over to put your hand on his shoulder and he tenses. “Hey Joel I’m sorry again I just thought I’d be fun” you look at him in his hazel eyes darker than normal. “I-it’s okay” he says sternly as he walks away from your grasp. You look down at the ground but then you see him limping. “Hey you feelin okay?” You say shakily hoping it’s not what you think it is. “Yea.” that’s all he says. “No sit down.” You state your voice more firm than normal. For once he doesn’t back talk or say anything he just listens to your command. You pull up his pant leg bracing yourself only to see a gnarly cut. “God damn old man didn’t want you to hurt yourself.” you joke trying to lighten to mood. He laughs softly and face goes flush.
You grab your backpack and take your med kit out. “I’m gonna get you cleaned up alright? And don’t say no cause I’m gonna anyway.” you look at him directly in his eyes and he looks sheepish. It’s funny seeing a man like him listen to a younger man like you. You carried the good part of his leg softly while you prep the alcohol pad. “This is gonna hurt like a bitch, you know this, look at me okay just focus on me.” You out the pad on his wound and he grunts and closes his eyes. You grab his hand and squeeze it making him open his eyes wide. “Eyes on me.” You state again as you rub it gently on it. He grunts and winces but does as he’s told. You couldn’t tell if his face was red cause of the pain or cause… no there’s no way it’s cause of you. He is straight…right? After the worst part is done you take your hand away from his and, he has a small frown. You start wrapping it around his leg and he still has his puppy dog eyes on you. “You gotta stop looking at me like that Miller first you never look at me now you’re glued to me” you joke hitting his knee playfully. “I’m just doin what I was told.” He says as the corner of his mouth turning into a smirk. Once you’re done wrapping his leg you give it a gentle pat and put the pant leg down.
“Hey guys I’ve been exploring and there is a house that’s clear near but I’m gonna go chill in there. Catch up whenever lovebirds” she says as she struts away. Joel’s face goes completely red. “She uh she’s got a mouth on her sorry.” He says as if it’s something you didn’t know. “Joel she’s always like that, I think she said that course you’re as red as a tomato.” Joel looks at you with fear in his eyes he’s stuttering trying to find words but nothing comes out. You grab his chin gently and make his wondering eyes look at you again. “Joel do you have something you wanna tell me?” you say gently trying not to startle him.
He looks like his hearts stopped and he’s just staring at you and your lips before he kisses you. It’s sloppy and clumsy but it’s perfect. Both of your hands grab his jaw and pull his face closer. Before anything gets more heated you pull away. “I asked you to use your words, Joel.” He looks sheepish again but clears his throat and speaks. “I never thought I took a liking to men too much, but being with you on these missions…you’re so great with Ellie, you’re funny, and can take care of yourself..I couldn’t just not uh have some sort of feeling for you.” He’s still flushed but more calm you take his hand and rub your thumb across his fingers. “I’m not great at this stuff but I really do like ya..and I’d want to take you out if you’d like.” He looks you in your eyes and he’s more comfortable now.
“Joel, I thought you hated me you never looked at me but this makes sense. I can’t deny you are quite handsome and you’re strong, independent, and a loving asshole. What more would a guy want.”you say looking at him adoringly. He rubs his neck and blushes as he looks down. you grab his chin and kiss him again. The kiss is more take this time. He leans into you more as you stand up guiding him to his feet. His muddy boots shuffling against yours and you back him into the wall. Your hands roam his soft body as you kiss down his neck. Sucking on a part right behind his ear as he groans. You nudge your leg between his as he rubs up against it. His hair falling into his face and his eyebrows furrowed. This man looked like a god. As he’s whining and whimpering as he grinds himself on your leg you hear a noice and both instantly pull apart.
“What the fuck is…” Ellie looks at both of you and your state and turns around. “My bad gouging out my eyes now” she says walking fast out of the gas station again. You look at Joel and his scared expression and start bursting out laughing. The look on the oldest man face is absolutely priceless. “Why are you laughing that is not funny.” He says looking at your seriously arms crossed and everything. He was lookin zesty as hell. His demeanor made you laugh even harder to the point you had to catch your breath. “You lean on him for support as he can’t help but smile at your silliness. “She’ll be fine.. but I feel like we should continue this in a safer place, yea?” You look at him quirking your head. He eagerly nods making you chuckle as you drag him by his hand to the house. Looking back at him you see a smile you can’t believe you have him. You cracked the old man into a softy and you couldn’t be more happy.
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