#god i'm in so deep with these two YIKES
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FNaF x DC: the Aftons vs the Gotham Rogue Gallery
(a continuation of this post)
Part Three is now available :D (the brainrot has taken over)
Red Hood: hey, kids have been going missing lately. I haven't been able to find who dunnit yet so be sure to keep Gregory out of the streets
Michael: kids. Going missing?
Michael, thinking: this sounds like a job for a pyromaniac night guard!
Red Hood, finally tracking down the Dollmaker's lair: uhh hi Mike, whatcha doin?
Michael "Constantly Atoning For the Sins of His Past" Afton, messing with the wiring of the building while a group of missing kids huddle around him: making sure that freak goes up in flames
Red Hood: ...cool, want some C4 to go with that?
Red Hood:
Michael, realizing there's a more efficient way to do this: you have C4?
Kiteman: *exists, minding his own business, enjoying a scenic flight over the park*
Gregory, dragging a wagon full of God knows what to the nearest roof: hey Freddy look away for a minute, okay?
Glamrock Freddy: Gregory, I cannot help but feel you are about to do something incredibly suspicious, if not outright illegal.
Glamrock Freddy:
Glamrock Freddy: I will remove power to my eyes for one minute.
Gregory: :)
(forty-five seconds later)
Kiteman: *screams, falls from the sky, crashes through a food cart on his way down*
Glamrock Freddy: ...Gregory, what did you do?
Gregory: so you know the saying two birds, one stone?
Glamrock Freddy:
Glamrock Freddy:
Gregory: ...I got you a wingsuit!
Glamrock Freddy, disappointed: Gregory.
Nightwing and Scrap Baby: *still arguing over clown etiquette*
Joker, thinking that Nightwing is distracted and that this is a good opportunity to pull a "shenanigan": hrnngnn hello Gotham citizens! I planted Joker venom in a school and a hospital! Whichever place evacuates first gets the other place gassed hehaugha!
Scrap Baby, staring at the Joker in a way that can only be described as judgemental:
Nightwing, breaking off his rant to also stare at the Joker:
Scrap Baby:
Scrap Baby: so we can both agree that that's not a clown, right?
Nightwing, pulling out his escrima sticks: oh, absolutely
Red Hood, explaining how he died to Michael: -and that's why I hate clowns.
Michael: yikes
Michael, trying to figure out what kind of ghost/undead Red Hood is: do you want...revenge?
Red Hood: well yeah but B's super stingy about how many guys I can off per year
Michael: ...do you have to kill the clown for your revenge to be satiated?
Red Hood:
Red Hood: ...no
Michael: cool :)
Michael, checking his FazWatch as he waits outside the gates of Arkham: hm, this is taking longer than I thought
Red Robin: heyyy Mike whatcha doin out here
Michael: waiting on my brother and his friend :)
Batman, Concerned™: Michael, did you send Gregory into Arkham?
Michael: no of course not, I would never be so irresponsible!
Batman and Red Robin, thinking the situation isn't that bad: *breathing a sigh of relief*
Michael: Do you know how much physical and psychological damage he'd cause?
Batman and Red Robin: ...
Michael, not reading the room: maybe I should send him in there. For enrichment, if nothing else
Red Robin, putting pieces together: wait, what's Golden Freddy doing in Arkham?? Isn't it just an empty suit???
Batman, thinking: please don't make me explain this to Gordon. Please don't make me explain this to Gordon.
Michael: oh he's there for revenge! :D
Batman: *deep, deep sigh*
Batman: explain.
Michael: well, there are different types of ghosts, right?
Michael: you met the Puppet, she's a protector
Michael: and I'm a mix of atonement and protection
Michael: but my brother's friend is a vengeful spirit!
Michael: ...and she kind of maybe imprinted on Red Hood pleasedon'tbemad
Batman: *very long sigh*
Batman: if anyone's dead, it's your fault.
Michael, knowing it'll only be the Joker: ...I can live with that
Golden Freddy: *appears* ITSME
Red Robin: *jumps four feet in the air*
Michael: well you sure decided to take your time!
Golden Freddy:
Michael: yeah yeah whatever
Michael: did you have fun?
Golden Freddy: :)
Gordon: so the Joker's dead because...?
Batman: ...it's complicated.
Gordon, eyeing him suspiciously: not that I'm complaining about the Joker being dead but whoever did it must've been an expert, they got in and out without being seen and distorted the cameras while they were in his cell
Batman, knowing it was a child:
Mr. Freeze, cornering Michael: tell me the secret to eternal life!
Michael: heh???
Mr. Freeze: you have discovered a way to live forever, now share it with me so I can save my wife!
Michael: okay well first off I didn't do crap-
Michael, experiencing constant harassment from Mr. Freeze: can you get lost already?
Mr. Freeze: I think you know the answer to that.
Michael, increasingly fed up with Freeze's toddler mindset: fine, you wanna know?
Mr. Freeze, excited: finally!
Michael: eternal life is a curse, not a gift,
Mr. Freeze: heh?
Michael: I mean look at me I'm literally a walking corpse held together with duct tape,
Michael: and don't even get me started on how I got here,
Michael: all I did was trust someone close to me,
Michael: and you know what happened?
Mr. Freeze:
Michael: I died!
Michael: and then a pile of robot spaghetti violated my body!
Mr. Freeze, backing away slowly: what the [ERROR: REPLACE: OEDIPUS]
Michael, watching him go:
Michael: well that was easy
Michael: should've done that ages ago
Scrap Baby, meeting Harley for the first time: you're a clown too!!
Harley, trying to compliment her: aww no you're a clown!
Harley: love your hair btw
Nightwing, very pointedly: yeah Harley's an actual clown cause she went to clown school
Scrap Baby: !!! Clown school!!!
(Harley and Scrap Baby having a therapy session)
Scrap Baby, lamenting: it took me so long to realize I didn't need to do everything Father said
Harley: aw yeah the patriarchy is deeply ingrained in society, but you don't need a man to be evil! You can be a villain all on your own!
Harley, raising a glass: anyways cheers to recognizing the most important man in your life was a manipulative [£√√@√]!
Scrap Baby, clinking her own glass against Harley's: to female villain empowerment!
Red Robin, listening in and comprehending the chaos Nightwing unleashed: oh Jesus Christ
#fnaf x dc#dc stands for disregard canon#fnaf stands for disregard canon#michael afton#elizabeth afton#scrap baby#golden freddy#gregory#glamrock freddy#incorrect batfamily quotes#batman#nightwing#red hood#red robin#harley quinn#mr freeze#the joker#the joker gets GOT#the dollmaker#dc#fnaf#fnaf cassidy
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So, Bychance is on my radar and ... I think it'll actually happen.
Disclaimer, I realize this is me going full unhinged mode and some of this might be because I'm so bored lately but the more I think about where we left Will off in S4, the more I think Will might actually take a chance ( lmao? ) to be with someone new, even if deep down he knows it's not in his best interests--it'll be more a coping mechanism, an attempt to move on from Mike, and without realizing he might be repeating the pattern of his parent's relationship due to trauma.
This will ultimately result in growth for him, of course, and the breaking of these cycles. Will Byers will be free in the end, but the road there won't be easy.
So here we go--by the leaks of Holly being taken, and the outfits they are wearing, we can infer S5 Byler will mirror S1 Jancy.
Yeah. And how did Nancy start S1?
Having a one-time, two-time secretive thing with a jock ( bully ) that left a note in her locker at the start of the season.
Something something bullies leaving a note in Will's locker at the start of the season.
Something something a bully leaving a note at the start of S5 in Will's locker with a place and time to meet.
And what is one of the most noticeable things that Stancy and Mileven have in common?
Yeah, they start seemingly very passionate, only to fall apart later. Add Bychance to that mix.
Now, about the place and time where Chance and Will likely secretly meet. At first I thought it would be Benny's Burger.
Benny's Burger, which also foreshadows Mike telling Eleven something about her Benny Burger's t-shirt in EP9. It is also established in these screenshots that Benny's Burger is a place commonly used for people to hang out, likely teenagers, to engage in illegal things like drinking ( and probably more, the 69 poster above Lucas' head notwithstanding )
We also have the whole 'WE ❤️ TIGERS' posters, and Christmas Lights which we have come to associate with Will, as it has been established that this is Will's favorite holiday as well.
However, Chance and Will would have to be extra careful not to get caught, so chances are they'll go for places that aren't frequented ...
Now, the main question is, why Chance? And I'll admit this is all oh so fairly loose and likely a reach, but if we are to believe Will is going to have a secret thing with a bully, then out of all of the ones introduced in S4, Chance is the one that I'd dare to say we can connect Will with through symbolism, albeit vague.
The first time we see Chance, we see the poster 'Defeat The Falcons' closer to him than anyone else on the team even though he was on the bench.
Now, correct me if Im wrong, but if there is an association with Mike and falcons, then it could hint at Mike having lost to chance this season. Foreshadowing he loses to a literal Chance next season? Since Chance didn't come out the bench this season. Yikes. Good luck, Mike. You're gonna need it.
We also notice he's sporting the number 22 in his shirt ( which considering the attention brought to t-shirts this season, I'd say this means something, especially bc 22 is Will's birthday and it is also speculated to be the date of the Creel Murders -- Chance and Will meeting at the Creel House oh god ... ).
Speaking of 22, this scene is interconnected with Will in California through music--it does have a similar context in which both Lucas and Will feel abandoned by their friends. But we also see what you could argue is an extra that is supposed to remind us of Chance behind Will wearing a shirt ( again with the shirts ) that says 'I love contact sports'
Moments before, we *just* saw Chance next to Lucas, in the same spot we see Mike as well--as if the two are being compared. ( Tiger vs Falcon? )
We know Will is associated with tigers, but we can also infer that he loves tigers, which connects him to the 'WE ❤️ YOU TIGERS' poster in Benny's Burgers.
This is as far as I have gone in my analysis, but I might rewatch S1 and S3 at one point to follow along the narrative patterns and see if I can uncover more.
My guess right now is if Bychance is established early on, then it might go for about a couple episodes before it inevitably crashes and burns--with Will being the one to end things, and then Byler happens at the end in a way that pays off.
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O saw your promo and could i get laughing jack woth fem reader with 25.
“Don’t look at me like that. You asked for this.”
62. “One last time. Please. I—I need one last touch.”
48. “God, you’re like a bitch in heat. Do you even realise how desperate you look, riding my thigh like that?”
With the theme of break up sex with laughing jack doing the breaking up and the reader beggong for one last touch
Wrote this a Hot Minute™ ago so now I'm looking back at the writing like... yikes, I could do better atp 💀💀
Anyways, I hope you can still find some kind of enjoyment out of this ^^; LMK what ya think!!
~Requests are closed~
Masterlist: x
25. “Don’t look at me like that. You asked for this.”
48. “God, you’re like a bitch in heat. Do you even realize how desperate you look, riding my thigh like that?”
62. “One last time. Please. I—I need one last touch.”
“Don’t look at me like that. You asked for this”
Your heart clenches
Inhumanly white eyes pierce through you
Where once, they would’ve been filled with nothing but love and admiration, his gaze now burns with anger and disdain
You’re on the verge of tears
You can’t lose him
Not like this
Dear God, not like this!
His lips curl over his sharp teeth in a sneer, and with a huff, he turns away from you
You reach out and grab his arm in a rush of panic
He stops dead in his tracks, and the way his body tenses has your blood going cold
You’re suddenly reminded of what he is; a monster
He had loved you at one point, cared for you, protected you
But somehow, that’d changed, and now, here you are, faced with the monstrous part he previously would’ve never bared towards you
You swallow thickly
You can’t help but notice how sharp his claws are as he curls his hands into a fist
Sharp like knives
Your voice is uneven when it escapes you, so you try again
“One last time. Please. I—I need one last touch”
It’s a long shot, you know it is
But you’ll take whatever you can get
Any second longer—you’ll beg for scraps of his attention if you need to
There’s a growl from deep within his chest, something low and rumbly and dangerous
Some part of your brain tries to tell you to let him go
But you don’t want to listen
You need him
You stay rooted in place, even when he turns to face you, even when his intimidating form towers over you menacingly
“Jack,” you breathe his name
And you know you’re so, so incredibly pathetic right now, begging him to touch you as he’s about to leave you
But you don’t care
It doesn’t matter—none of it does
You just need him one last time
He snorts, and your heart shatters, thinking he won’t even give you this one last bit of closure
His clawed hand grips at your cheek, threatening to piece flesh
You wince, closing your eyes
But then his lips are on yours, and your mind is going blank at the feeling
He kisses you roughly—fervently
You sigh against him, your hands following a familiar path to his jagged locks to tug him in even closer
He growls again, but it doesn’t scare you like it did before
You want him—monstrous side and all
His teeth scrape at your lips, filling your mouth with the taste of copper
You’ve no doubt it was on purpose
But you don’t care
You tug at him, tug at his hair, his clothes, anything you can get your hands on
You know you don’t have much time left with him, but right now, it doesn’t matter
He’s yours
He’s all yours right now
You push yourself against him, trying to minimize the distance between the two of you to nothing
He backs up a few paces as you do, and you’re almost disappointed, before he pulls you into him for you to follow
Claws at your hips, you’re yanked against him until you lose your balance and topple into him
You land on his lap, and you realize he must’ve done it on purpose because the couch is beneath him and you’re straddling his thighs just perfectly
You groan into the kiss
Heat pools in your stomach, making your sex clench eagerly already
He’s barely done anything and you’re already so needy for him
His grip is bruising, his kiss hard enough to make your head spin
When his tongue parts your lips to taste you, you squeeze your legs together and whimper
It seems he’s still not immune to you, because when he hears the sound you make, you feel his bulge twitch against your hips
You’re practically frenzied
Your body moves on its own to grind down on his leg
Anything to feel him—to relieve the ache that’s driving you insane
He breaks the kiss, a strand of saliva splitting between the two of you as he does
And it’s filthy, but you can’t help but love it
“God, you’re like a bitch in heat. Do you even realize how desperate you look, riding my thigh like that?”
There’s a bite to his words as he says it
You don’t care
You’ll be as desperate as it takes if it means he’ll fuck you again
You drag his hands up from your hips to press them both to your chest
“P-please~ Please, Master, fuck me~”
Bringing up the old pet name gets you just the reaction you wanted
He snaps, flips you on your back, and in an instant, you find yourself naked beneath him
The growl that escapes him is dangerously threatening, but all that does is coax you to spread your legs so that he can just fuck you already
One hand wraps around your throat, encompassing it completely until his fingers are touching the back of your neck
And with his other hand, he quickly undoes his pants to free his hard-on
You’re barely given a second to appreciate the sight of him before he’s plunging it all the way into your tight little cunt
He’s so big
Even now, wet as you are for him, it still takes a few thrusts to finally split you open for the entirety of his shaft
Your jaw goes slack, eyes rolling back and your chest arching up into him
You knew he wasn’t planning on going easy on you
But nothing could’ve prepared you for the way he almost immediately pulls out, just to slam all the way back into you
You aren’t given any time to adjust
Hell, you’re hardly given any time to catch your breath between rough slams of hips into yours
It’s like he’s trying to fuck you in half
Your hands try to grip at him, at the couch beneath you—anything—but there’s nothing you can do to help keep you grounded
“I’m gonna break you,” he growls, and you hardly have the mental capacity to listen, but you force yourself to hang off of his every word as he uses you
“Gonna break you so that no one else will ever be able to make you feel as good”
You make some pathetic whimper because fuck, you’re going to cum already
“I’ll ruin that pretty little cunt”
His hand around your neck tightens and you feel yourself getting lightheaded
Lips parted, eyes clouded over, you gasp for air, and he uses the opportunity to lean over and spit into your mouth
You clench around him and cum—hard
He doesn’t relent as you do
If anything, it only encourages him to use you harder
“You won’t fucking forget who you belong to, no matter how many people you try to date after me”
His words blur together as your body tenses with the rush of endorphins
It’s like you can’t stop shaking, can’t stop yourself from trying to milk him through your orgasm
The way he snarls and growls above you, hips shamelessly pistoning into your inviting heat—it’s too much
You nearly cum again when he growls your name
His hand leaves your neck, and you’re about to gasp for air when he suddenly forces his lips on yours again
When you kiss him back, his pace falters for the first time, and you know he’s getting close
You’re almost grateful because you don’t know how much more you can take
“Beg,” he snarls when he breaks the kiss, “beg for me to cum inside you. Beg for me to defile you”
You open your mouth, but all that escapes is a sickly slew of moans and whimpers
It seems to anger him, and with a growl, he crams more of his length as deep into you as he can
He’s hitting your cervix
“P-please! Please!”
Tears blur your vision as you cry out for him
Too much—it’s too much!
“Jack—please cum inside me!”
With one last deep snarl, he snaps his hips all the way forward, and then you feel him twitch as he empties himself inside you
It’s euphoric
You don’t want it to end, don’t want him to stop
Even if you physically can’t handle it, you want more
You wriggle beneath him, as if that could make him stay longer
But it’s over all too quickly as he pulls out
You snap your legs shut before his cum can leak out
“Jack, please… Don’t go”
Your quiet plea falls on deaf ears
“You lost your chance, (y/n)” he snarls
There’s a mix of lust and disdain in his eyes as he looks down at you
"We’re done”
#creepypasta#laughing Jack#laughing Jack x reader#laughing Jack x reader smut#creepypasta x reader smut#creepypasta x reader
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Heads up seven up
Wow these certainly build up when you're not consistently drafting/making large edits, don't they!
Not to worry! Replying to everyone at once!! Because I'm unfortunately the kind of person who wants to reply to everyone who tags me no matter how late...despite most of y'all probably forgetting completely about this...
The thing is, I was setting this up when I didn't think my break for world building would be *checks calendar* yikes, a few months?! And I'm not even anywhere near done?? So after finding a stopping point, I went back to revising TSP. Thank God.
And it didn't seem fair to stop keeping track of these. So here it is: all tags I've gotten for this game since March! See below.
Thanks to *DEEP INHALE* @mk-writes-stuff here, here, and here, @morriguscrawls here, @sleepywriter00 here and here, @late-to-the-fandom here, @hallowedfury here,
@andyswritings here, @winterandwords here, and here, @talesofsorrowandofruin here, @buffythevampirelover here, @chauceryfairytales here and here,
@romances-not-tragedies here and here, @dyrewrites here and here, @aziz-reads here and here, @eccaiia here and here, @serotoninshift here,
@space-writes here, @i-can-even-burn-salad here, @willtheweaver here and here, @melpomene-grey here, @cwritesfiction here,
@awritingcaitlin here, here, and here, @gracehosborn here, @duckingwriting here and here, @theprissythumbelina here, @leahnardo-da-veggie here,
@drchenquill here, @somethingclevermahogony here and here, @elsie-writes here and here, @honeybewrites here and here, @bookish-karina here,
@evilgabe29 here, @emabatis here, @mundanemoongirl here, @mysticstarlightduck here and here, @thepeculiarbird here,
And finally... @sarandipitywrites here!
Love y'all
Rules 1: post the last seven lines you wrote/edited
Alright so I actually got two different versions of this. The original purpose of the game (cast majority), and a new one (only a few).
Rules 2: post seven facts about your world
Version One - last seven lines
Alium's Earth rotates the opposite direction, meaning the sun goes from west to east.
This is the last bit of the add-on to Robbie vs Jason:
From The Secret Portal Part One (Robbie POV)
To be fair, I don’t pay attention most of the time, and I was focused on punching Jason. “But he did this!” Jason protested, pointing at the Jason-sized dent. Ms. Loudermilk reached inside her classroom and then pulled out a bag of sports balls. “Thank you, Isana,” Ms. Bradley said. “That’s not all, miss!” Jason interjected. “He also glowed and threw me across the hall and made the lights flicker!”
Version Two - seven facts
Alium's calendar only has six days in a week.
Alium is divided into 10 Sectors.
Alii children get their powers when they are ten years old.
Alium and Ceteri were two separate universes that crashed into each other, forming trillions of portals throughout the universe.
There are 20 powers in the Alii database, though two more are found throughout the series.
It is common practice for Alii children take the surname of the parent with the higher-Level power, or how many subpowers an Alii has. If it's equal, the Alii with the greater Class, or rarity, typically passes down their surname. If both are the same, the parents will usually hyphenate.
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
#the secret portal#tsp excerpt#teaspoon#tsp#my writing#wip excerpt#heads up seven up#writers on tumblr#writing community#writers of tumblr#writing on tumblr#writeblr#writeblr community#writing tag game
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I love love love your revamp au, and you haven't said to stop sending you characters, so hopefully you're still doing it. If you are, can you do cupid?
Thanks! I am indeed still doing it! It’s not really an event, I'm willing to talk anytime about the RamblesRevamp, so as long as I keep getting asks about it, I'll keep answering them.
As for your question, Cupids is a character I tend to go back and forth with in consideration to both her crush on Dexter and her relationship to ever after as a whole. I made this post a while back covering the basics of Cupid and how I mostly just took her monster high origin of being assigned to the school to help with student relationships and pasted it onto eah. Really, I just wanted to sever the ties between monster high and ever after high for this AU because I just didn’t feel like I could juggle the world building implications of it. Beyond that however there are a few avenues with Cupid I think would be interesting to take:
Cupid’s destiny is a part of the myth cycle which covers everything from universal creation to universal destruction and revolves every billions of years in comparison to the generational fairytale cycle. She is training for a role that she won’t play out for a very long time, and for a world that will only come after the destruction of this one. She didn’t even really need to go to ever after high now (aging is a bit weird for “immortals” - Cupid’s aging is declining at an exponential rate each year, meaning she’ll be a teen for a bit longer than her peers and eventually sometime after she’ll just age so slowly it seems like it stopped), but she was sent to the school anyways by her family because Eros felt like she needed to learn about how she needs to embrace every part of being a love god, including the “less nice” parts like using lead arrows to make people averse to one another like when Eros strikes Daphne with a lead arrow and causes her to hate the idea of being pursued by Apollo so much she turned into a tree (bit more to that story but you get the gist). Cupid has never liked the idea of using her powers to cause hatred, and is even iffy about using the golden arrows of love because she truly feels love is something that two people have to choose for themselves, not something she can choose for them. It’s why she has her show; she’s much more willing to lead camels to water and let them decide if they want to drink or not as opposed to picking up a camel and dunking it into the deep end. And as such Cupid for her part does not learn the lesson her father wants her to learn, and instead leans hard in the opposite direction when she sees how catastrophically messed up everyone's platonic and romantic relationships are under the constraints of the destiny system. She takes one look at the student body and goes yikes™ and immediately decides that what this school needs is more love and freedom of choice, not less. Which gets her in trouble during true hearts day, as not only does her throwing the party act as one big insult to the destiny system and the idea that she has to play with everyone’s feelings to do her job, but she is specifically tasked by both Grimm and her father to shoot Ashlynn and Hunter with lead arrows after they are brought back from running away, something she refuses to do. Her friends are people dammit, she isn’t going to force them to feel one way or another. Eros doesn’t understand this (not in an evil sense - he’s just got the same problem many immortals have where if you live for too long that the concept of a person starts to get blurry. Mortal lifespans are so short, so most immortals don’t really think it’s possible for mortals to have rich internal lives on the scale they do. Grimm has a similar but uniquely distinct version of this issue, although that should probably be its own post) but does relent in letting Cupid stay at ever after high under the impression that this is just a “folly of youth” and will be set right soon enough once she’s matured enough. Things mostly calm down for Cupid after that, but she still makes it her goal to help out her friends when their having relationship issues and ends up helping Daring a lot after his true-loves-kiss-didn’t-work breakdown.
Cupid still has her crush on Dexter but it’s less intense and shorter lived. Because Dexter was one of the first people she’d met at the school to see her as a person first and future love goddess second, she attached herself pretty quickly to him. But as the story goes on her crush slowly fades out as she realizes not only that Dexter has a crush on Raven but also that Dexter doesn’t really know who he is inside. He’s constantly fighting the battle between the Charming standards he was raised with and looks up to but is always second best at and his internal self, and since Cupid fell for him due to the prince charming act, she doesn’t really think it would be fair to either of them if she were to pursue a relationship with him. She doesn’t want to make him feel like he has to be prince charming for her, his family, or really anyone.
Cupid and Faybelle have a complex and confusing relationship that only makes sense to them and literally no one else. Its 1 part understanding that they're both going to be living for a very long time so they should get used to each other, 1 part knowing that the other feels things very deeply and being either too elated or too uncomfortable with that fact depending on the situation, and a million parts of knowing the other is lying wildly about their own feelings all the damn time and as such are immediately able to see through the mask. Cupid looks at this semi-immortal blue girl with feelings radiating off her at such a rate it should be choking the atmosphere wearing a crueler version of her own smiley mask and straight up freezes. She doesn't know if what she's feeling is empathy, self-loathing, or barely restrained violence but she does know that being around Faybelle too long is like being around a mirror of her loneliest past self on Olympus and she is going to get her to accept that it's ok to have genuine feelings that aren't evil adjacent dammit because that what…friends?...frenemies?... two people who know the other is a hypocrite about their core philosophy when it comes to themselves? Do. They are either going to be the best partners in crime or trying to end one another, and no one knows the criteria for which it’s gonna be each time they're in a room together. Tbh, if I don’t end up going the bribelle route for this au then I might go for a CupidxFaybelle route simply because Faybelle being able to tell that Cupid will preach following your heart and showing your true feelings but won't follow it herself all while being unable to even use it as insult material because Cupid 100% knows she loves and cares about others more than she lets on and she can’t have that out in the world ruining her pride interest me so much.
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X-Files Live Blogging:
Season 1
Ok so I'm like 90% sure I've tried to watch the first episode before and bailed but I'm gonna try again. I see so much stuff about this show on here and I wanna be a part of it so you're gonna join me in experiencing it for the first time!
- ok so far this is not at all what I remembered so high hopes
- Scully!!
- I've seen these two in so many drawingssss
- man this show is old old
- they're both so pretty
- why is bro so mad, if he's so confident he didn't miss anything why is he mad they're taking a second look? Not a good look my guy
- oh wowie that is grossss
- ok this is cool I like this show
- why is it always POURING in old ass shows. Like it's dumping BUCKETS.
- ah man not a damn shower scene
- oh ok, valid reason
- ooooo backstory timeeee
- this is getting good oh wow
- yikes, Scully don't call people vegetables
- I really hope this show doesn't have tooo much yikes stuff. I know it's old but still some shows are a bajillion times worse than others.
- holy shit that subconscious movement towards her???? AHHHHH
- the produce section???? Good fucking god people
- if he knew it was Billy why wouldn't he cuff him to the bed or have him in a secure room or some shit???
- wtf just happened
- alright wtf is up with tall lanky man he's weirding me out
- yoooo they have more of those implant things!!
- ok I still don't understand some things about the case. Why were all the other kids killed when Billy brought them to the woods but not the last girl? Why was she spared and both her and Billy's marks removed?
- Deep Throat, hate that title omfg
- pffft those MIP outfits look ridiculous, and so are their momements omfg
- long ass intro geez
- pffft the way Mulder just drags her out of the car
- that little smile!!!
- it's so weird seeing seatbelts attached to car doors
- is that Colonel Makepeace from Stargate???
- Mulderrrr don't go without Scully you dumb dumb!!
- please don't step on a landmine
- oh shit alien ship
- see this is why you need Scully, who's gonna verify what you saw now
- ah yes, run along the road where the cars can follow you, definitely not back into the grass where it would be difficult to follow
- Scully is gonna kick your asses for kidnapping him
- aw Mulder :(
- she's trying so hard to protect him
- damn I really like this show
- Squeeze
- oh wow hate that, creepy eyeballs in a sewer
- I recognize that business guy, he's been in another show I've watched, Psych maybe?
- not the ketchup blood XD
- sorry I gotta skip the into, that shit is so long
- that's where the "spooky? Do you think I'm spooky?" audio came from?????
- boy howdy vent guy is creepy
- the necklace grab??? HELLO????
- YEEESH those damn eyes dude
- oh boy he stretchin
- woah they just mentioned 2023 as the distant future that's wild to hear in 2024 haha
- that brown pantsuit Scully is wearing??? WOW
- hey now, don't be grabbing Scully you slithery fuck
- Colton you suck
- nice work team
- aww the retired guy finally got closure 😭
- uhhhhh idk that that cell is good enough y'all
- I don't like that grin he's got, he's gonna escape isn't he
- Conduit
- sleeping outside with no tent??? Girl what about snakes and ants and things???
- she put her children out there while she slept in there camper??? Wtf???
- man that lake is gorgeous
- did the sherriff really just scratch his damn chin with evidence
- intense Mulder, oof!
- wooooaaaah that code page thing of Ruby is so cool
- ahhhh I love Mulder lore
- that tackleeee, nice moves Mulder
- why is she doing CPR if she's just unconscious??
- AHHHH dude the way Mulder gently directs Scully with a soft touch, BRO
- I can't get over the fact that his first name is Fox
- Dana has looked fantastic in literally every outfit so far, she's so cool
- geez y'all the tape is so sad wtf
- "I want to believe" OW OW OW OW OW
- Jersey Devil
- oh wow I haven't heard Bingo in a long ass time
- is that Bill Lee from Stargate??
- oop, Bill Lee hath been taken
- y'all, the way these two look at eachother??? And how close they get?? CONSTANTLY?? BRUH
- aha! She thinks he's cute!
- oh hey it's that asshole scientist from Eureka
- I recognize the guy who plays the homeless man helping Mulder but idk where from
- Mulder. Mulder please why do you always do these things alone
- I'm sorry I cannot take you seriously handing that guy that goofy ass drawing
- good god dude it's a first date why are you talking about her meeting your kids
- not the bigfoot with tits picture 😂
- ya know, I really appreciate the ranger being on their side in this
- ah it's those damn MIP guys again
- Anthropologist dude rules for not selling them out
- damn he really just leapt out that window
- oh she did too damn!
- run!!
- so they're just cannibals? Nothing supernatural?
- oh boy it's gettin wild now!
- that poor actress having to climb all over rocks while naked
- aw man :(
- I would've expected long nails considering she's been clawing into people
- the red plaid suit??? Hello??? GORGEOUS
- why would that Rob dude ask her to get her friend's kid to go hang out with him and his kid???? Bro is weird
- uhhhh that's the dude from the beginning, didn't his leg get chewed off my the male?? I'm confused because that was most definitely the guy from the beginning.
- Shadows
- the woman packing up the office looks really familiar too
- ooo, ghost??
- there's no ads on this episode, weird
- eew I do noooooot like the twitching
- why tf are they all blank facing them
- the way he leans in to speak to her heeeeeellllpppp
- ok so the woman who got attacked is alive
- hell yeah ghost, stop that creepy perv!!
- did Mulder just look at her ass when she sat down?? He did a whole ass lean and everything!
- awww Mulder wanting to go to the liberty bell with Scully 😭
- Ghost in the Machine
- Brad dude is from Eureka!! Funnily enough the company is called Eurisko, really close
- Mulder. Buddy. You did not just call and elevator politically correct for being accessible to the visually impaired. That's just accessibility, nothing political about that (or at least there shouldn't be).
- Lamana, you suck
- yeah Mulder you tell him!!
- noooo don't back down :(
- is that Harrison Well's house from The Flash???? Am I imagining this??
- oh my god no I just googled images of it, that's the same house!!!
- uh oh, he's gonna die isn't he
- ah crap Mulder thinks Brian did it doesn't he
- he doesn't!!! Phew
- secret agents Scully and Mulder let's goooo
- uh oh
- why tf is there debris in the vent system. Whose receipts are those???
- biiiiiiiitch nooooooooo
- Ice
- why does bro have 2 identical boob cuts, 1 on each. They also look very unrealistic.
- what in the fresh hell is happening
- the duo is goin to Alaska!
- there's some funky virus in the ice isn't there. Reminds me of that one Eureka episode
- he is so not gonna be ok
- oh yeah he dead
- nooooo sports guy 😭
- man I hate Scully and Mulder being on opposing sides :(
- this isn't gonna be the end of it is it
- this show really doesn't do closure closure does it, every episode is just like, welp it could 1000% come back
- Space
- ooooo spaceeeee
- I recognize the ex astronaut security guy from something
- MAYBOURNE??? YUCK. Hopefully he's not a jackass in this show
- again with the damn buckets of water on the windshield
- wtf was that????
- aaaaand it's magically not raining anymore. It's not even wet!!!!
- yeeesh him looking in the mirror like that was so creepy
- oh what in the fresh hell is happening to his face
- y'all this is intense!!!
- I don't really understand why the space thing wanted to kill the astronauts
- Fallen Angel
- Mulder in a leather jacket???
- Mulder hiding under a truck and sneaking around a military base like a secret agent while wearing a leather jacket???
- see this is what happens when you go investigating without Scully
- I'm sorry I cannot take Mulder seriously as mr tough guy, he's just so baby
- ah here comes Scully to rescue his ass
- uhhhh is that an invisibility thing
- ow I hate those flashing lights
- ok immune to laser fence thing
- "it won't get away" already did my guy
- or maybe it didn't?
- the face that soldier Jackson is making is rage inducing, please stop
- welp, the entity made my wish come true I guess
- Mulder is so sweet 😭
- y'all the lenses they're using as the pov for the entity is making me sick
- Scully is so sick of this shit XD
- wtf is it doing to him??
- seems like a lot of trouble to go through just to take one human, I wonder why they're doing it
- I wish we got more insight into Scully's thoughts through all this. She's been seeing a loooot of stuff since she got paired with Mulder and given her skepticism, I'd just really like to know what's going through her head in all this.
- Eve
- ooooo, vampire??
- well, I'm a little confused as to why they're killing them by draining their blood still
- ah ok so the little girls DID do it
- why tf would she try again knowing what the other Eves were like. Why are people obsessed with making perfect humans, what's the point of life if not to learn and grow?
- man they are playing them like a damn fiddle!!
- uh oh
- hey now, that better not be who I think it is
- god damn it, it is
- yeesh what an episode
- this show is nothing but cliff hangers wtf!!!
- Fire
- OH
- who tf is that and why is she smooching Mulder
- yes she does hate you, your smooching her weirdo
- where tf do I know her from?
- is that Crowley????
- I couldn't tell with the facial hair before I thought he just looked similar, but without it yeah!
- ahhhhhh I don't like these zoom inssss
- ah yes smoke a cigarette when you have a cough, that'll help
- interesting
- you tell him Michael!!!
- seriously? They can't drive themselves even once??
- I REMEMBER WHERE I KNOW HER FROM. She played the woman that chief Vick set Henry Spencer up with in Psych!!
- Scully came anyway 😭
- maybe if y'all weren't MAKING OUT AT WORK, you would've noticed!!!
- you got this Mulder come on
- come on Mulder!!!!
- damn it dude
- so she's been hitting on Mulder the entire time while having an affair with the husband???
- man this guy really gets typecasted huh, first this pyrokinetic serial killer, then the king of hell!
- yes Mulder!! Face your fears!!!
- welp, looks like his cockiness killed him. Do we finally get an actual ending???
- nope he's alive, great
- a hyperbaric chamber?? You mean the thing filled with a fuck ton of oxygen??? So smart, definitely not INCREDIBLY FLAMMABLE.
- Beyond the Sea
- Scully's dad is General fuckin Hammond????
- he died :(
- oh shit, is the death of her father gonna be the thing that gets her to believe?
- "he was your father" that really does not answer her question
- I feel like I recognize Boggs from somewhere
- how tf is a prisoner allowed to have earrings. Also, he only had 1 in the first couple shots but now he has 2.
- now he has 1 again? Maybe they just had that one shot flipped so it looked like the other ear
- Scully please don't go in there alooooone what is with these two!!!
- dude the guy playing Boggs can fucking ACT like DAMN
- BERNIE, the dude that plays Boggs also played Bernie in Psych!!!
- it's so compelling to see what Mulders limits are in his belief, that he can blind himself to things he would ordinarily fight for others to see because of his history with the person
- she didn't go??
- he's trying to convince her to believe now? He's been denying it the whole episode!!!
- weird episode
- Genderbender
- uhhh I'm a bit scared of what this is gonna be about by that title, fingers crossed it's not transphobic shit and just a shapeshifter 🤞
- ok so yes a shapeshifter, and like, a succubus?
- uh oh
- so I'm guessing these people adopted this way of life to prevent hurting people? And this other one that's killing people has gone rogue?
- ah yes Mulder, crumple the map up instead of trying to find a land mark and reorient yourself
- what in the fresh hell
- ok so they each have a male and female form?
- hope that damn farm boy perishes painfully for trying to do that shit
- ah yep, there's the transphobic comment ok.
- damn it
- rapist aliens, hate it. I'll be skipping this one if I rewatch the series in the future
- Lazarus
- yeesh, I wonder if Scully will end up believing that the guy who came back isn't him anymore
- man they really fell into that pink blood trap from old shows didn't they
- idk how she could deny that that isn't him after this
- damn, that was dark
- Mulder not lushing her to believe either way ahhhhh ouchyyy
- Young at Heart
- uhhhh, what is a prisoner doing roaming around
- y'all, Scully is so little 😭 I know Mulder is like super tall but even compared to other women she's little, much less when standing in a room of Mulder height people XD
- oof more Mulder lore, man cannot catch a break
- damn, seeing old fashioned hand writing analysis be done is so cool, even in NCIS, a fairly old crime show, they still use tech for it. Hearing her talk about the markers and indicators is so so neat
- I recognize Dr. Ridley from something...
- it's the time loop guy from Stargate SG-1!!!
- the way young Barnette speaks is rage inducing
- E.B.E.
- oh wow that's quite a ship
- what's with the blue light thing?
- "Mulder you're the only one I trust" BROOOOOOO
- oh hey it's the woman who plays the tech on the Daedalus in Stargate who works with Hermiod!!
- of course it's gone
- Miracle Man
- ah man a religious episode
- who tf subjects a child to that
- ughhhhhh
- yeah that's not creepy at all!!!
- gross gross gross I hate it
- the burned guy is the problem right? He's like channeling the boy and taking the lives of those that die? And maybe he's super against the autopsies because "desecrating" the body will undo it or something? Idk I'm guessing here cuz I'm confused
- oh shit Scully is doing the autopsy? Intense, aw man and Mulder is trying his best to be there
- oh ok so that's not what's happening
- uh oh
- ok it was the burned guy I was right!! He just wasn't doing it supernaturally
- oh wow
- Shapes
- oooo cryptid??
- ok so if you get scratched you get infected. It went from Joe to Lyle
- I wonder what triggers a new one once it's killed, cuz there was a distance between the killings in the past
- oh, so it's dormant until a night after the person gets too blood lusty?
- damn it, why is Scully always being left alone with the monsters or bad guys and Mulder is always chasing them alone
- how is she not hearing the loud ass growling sounds
- also, why is there a random ass cougar in a cage
- "something" jumped you?? Really Scully?? There was only one thing in that bathroom
- Darkness Falls
- wow those woods are gorgeous
- I'm very intrigued
- wtf was that shit
- oh my god Scully in that neon coat 😭 she's pretty in everything!!!
- I recognize the sherriff from somewhere
- Castle! He's in Castle
- oh boy, that creepy
- I recognize the Doug guy too
- holy crap it's THAT guy! Man he's like big time now
- ah so they got themselves killed by chopping down an ancient tree, karma
- Steve is the worst, hope he gets taken by bugs
- oh yeah he's done for
- Tooms
- not the lizard bitch again
- who tf left his slot open!! Fools!!!
- Colonel Caldwell?!?!?
- do not release this mf
- Mulder, I hate to say it but that was never gonna fly
- welp, someone is gonna die now
- nice work sheriff, nice work
- bro is not about to come out of a toilet come on
- ok he didn't but he is disgusting anyway
- "Mulder, I wouldn't put myself on the line for anyone but you" BROOOOO "if there's an ice tea in that bag, could be love" "must be fate, Mulder. Root beer" THEY'RE SO IN LOVE OMFG
- black car, red interior, so cool
- Mulder's turn to be attacked by lizard guy
- wtf is he doing
- oh
- OH
- oh that is gross, but hey he's finally dead
- Born Again
- psychic kid?
- ok so dead guy is involved? Girl is a medium then? Like ghost whisperer?
- I recognize the Tony guy from something
- oh shit they murdered that dude
- I looked him up, he's been in a lot of stuff I've seen apparently, NCIS, Supernatural, Psych, SG-1, and I haven't seen Law and Order really but I think I recognize him from trailers and stuff
- maybe the girl witnessed the first dude's murder or was nearby? And she could see his spirit or something? Or maybe he just latched onto her?
- oh reincarnation, that makes more sense
- bro really helped murder his partner and then got with his wife
- wtf is that
- honestly this episode is really uninteresting to me
- interesting we got a report by Mulder instead of Scully at the end though
- Roland
- well fuck you ableist scientist dude
- he killed the not mean one :(
- I recognize Roland from something, probably Stargate
- alright well the era is showing here. They're talking about Autistic people like they're inherently stupid, that savants are human calculators who can't even understand what they're doing. I hope everyone who reads this and has or plans to watch this show understands that that is severely false. Autism is a spectrum and being autistic doesn't make you stupid, "unusual" speech and movement aren't indicative of intelligence. And having high support needs isn't indicative of intelligence either!
- poor guy, he doesn't wanna hurt anyone :(
- good riddance Arthur, some brother, taking him over and making him murder people
- He gave her his stars 😭 guysssss
- Erlenmeyer Flask
- wow that is quite a title
- the chase scene and the dude being semi invisible reminds me so much of the Replicator on Earth episode from SGA
- some sort of superhuman project maybe?
- god DAMN Mulder leapt that fence like it was nothing!!
- oooooo Scully is reaching the point of belief!!!!
- yeah a sort of superhuman project! Alien human hybrids
- oh shit they killed the doctor who helped them :(
- ah yes Mulder, go into the darm attic without a flashlight
- oh god his face, poor Mulder 😭
- help him Scullyyyyy
- Dana, responsible, rule following, FBI agent Scully breaking a billion laws all for Fox Spooky Mulder
- how tf did she sneak that out of there
- are they gonna shoot him
- Scully is never gonna be the same after this, at least she got Mulder back though
- you can't seperate the duo!!!! No!!!
Holy crap Season one was amazing, I'm gonna start season 2 immediately and I'll link it here once it's posted!
Season 2
#xfiles#x files#the x files#x-files#the x-files#fox mulder#dana scully#mulder and scully#autistic-crypt1d#autistic-crypt1d live blogs
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What started the tiff between mother dragon and the god she despises?
let's just jump straight into it. i don't even know how much i'm going to spoil oops.
day six of tcw's 12 days of askmas--von doro's animosity with the gods [evan's series spoilers]:
this is deep lore. this is book 6 of evan's series typa lore. so i'll keep spoilers in at a minimum because yikes forever, i'm not even doxxing my books that bad LMAO
a big portion of tov and sai is the mystery of von doro's curse. for the majority of tov, alan doesn't even know if the curse is real, and it is only ever verified in the last two chapters of sai. so honestly, ive already spoiled quite a bit in regards to that.
i will say though, von doro's curse and its origin is HEAVILY connected to the origins of the curse of yozar, which is the reason why von doro herself can't break the curse until the curse of yozar is lifted. the two are very interlinked, but that's a huge reason why she isn't a fan of yozar (bro got cursed and she ended up taking the L). but in terms of the 4 gods that torment her inside the volcano, she doesn't like them because of how they relate to the curse (oop-), sabotage her, and also stole her name, identity, and sanity.
thanks for the ask, wyked!
-- the holiday limited-edition tag list --
@wyked-ao3 @an-indecisive-nerd @drchenquill
@paeliae-occasionally @theink-stainedfolk @inseasofgreen
@thelovelymachinery @the-letterbox-archives @illarian-rambling
@bunnymermaidwrites @the-golden-comet @sm-writes-chaos
@leahnardo-da-veggie @corinneglass
[please tell me if you don't wanna be tagged i promise i will stop 🥺]
#thecomfywriter#thecomfywriter’s 12 days of askmas#writing community#tcw askbox series#ask thecomfywriter#thecomfywriter answers#writing#writers on tumblr#writblr#writers blog#writers#writerblr#wip#writers things#oc community#tcw ocs#tcw wips#tov#throne of vengeance#von doro lore#von doro from tov#von doro
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On a totally opposite end of the spectrum from the role swap-
Imagine if after the Promise chapter things flipped. If after that argument The Operator- out of pure animalistic type curiosity- said “ooh lemme stick my fingers in this sauce here” and left Alex alone to latch onto Jay. Its already discovered how it can push and twist and manipulate one person, but what about a completely separate person? Will the results be the same? Different? Will it be easier or harder?
So it latches onto Jay, and Alex experiences a flat out withdrawal from that thing’s influence, followed by the most gut wrenching clarity. Realizing how crazy he went, how he killed his friends to “save” them when it never would have mattered. So two weeks pass, and all he can think about is Jay- talking to him again and telling him everything, being honest and actually fucking admitting that he cares about him, that he wants to make good on his promise and do things right.
But Jay doesn’t answer. Jay is the one who drops off the planet and goes MIA, and Alex has a horrible, sinking suspicion he knows why. He hopes that Jay just finally got sick of him- he HOPES thats all it is- but deep down there’s this creeping suspicion that its not a coincidence. That he passed his own torment on to Jay like some twisted fucking disease-
He finds out he’s right, later on. When he starts working together with Tim(he’s desperate to find Jay, to fix things, even if that means groveling for Tim’s help-), when they start having run ins with Jay where he won’t see reason, where he argues every point they make and tries to convince Alex that everyone has to die, to help him(and wow, did he sound that crazy too? probably, yikes-)
And in the end Alex makes one last desperate attempt. He meets Jay somewhere alone, tries to convince him to come with him, tells him that he loves him-
But Jay doesn’t believe him. He tells Alex as much(“i love you but i can’t trust you- you said it yourself, why would you ever love somebody like me?”) and Alex wants to cry when Jay throws his own awful words back at him, things he never meant to say-
But what destroys him is when Jay takes the gun that he stole from Alex months ago, puts it to his own head and pulls the trigger with a bang right in front of him.
I’m in a dark mood today LMAO we die like tunnel guy
we die like tunnel guy lmaoooo
fucking THIS tho oh my god the ANGST
i literally have nothing else to add really, my brain saw this and turned into angst mush i fucking love this so much. Jay not believing Alex when he says he loves him fucking OW. This is literally fucking perfect. like, actually.
Everyone come look at this and be fucking destroyed by it because OW. it's especially sad because i'm thinking so much about Alex being the one feeling super hurt and stuff in his uni relationship with Jay, because im writing if it ain't broken at the moment. I am in the perfect mindset for just pouring over Jaylex angst with Alex being the one left feeling worst for it.
Honestly though, Alex finally seeing things fully, truly clearly and realising how terrifying and horrible it must have been for Jay to see him the way he was with the Operator in his head, all angry and not seeing sense and arguing every little thing.
withdrawal from the Operator tho, like, actual withdrawals from it could be so interesting. Like, how would that interact with Tim since he's been dealing with the operator since he was a kid presumably. is he fucked either way? like, if he doesnt take his meds he could get withdrawals from them, and if he doesn't take them for a while then goes back on them does he then get withdrawals from the Operator? Or is it different because the Operator isn't in his head the same way it's in Alex's? is just being near it enough? Like second hand smoke?
#asks#anyway. this is perfect. everyone look at it and ooh and ah appropriately.#& foam at the mouth. run in circles screaming. jump up & down. chew things that arent meant to be chewed etc. because thats what im doing r#marble hornets#alex kralie#jay merrick#mh sorry its locked
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Lucia plays Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn: Part 4 Endgame Part 3
Well, that's one way to frame the infodump about the creation of the world. Yune is just bored while they're climbing the tower and feels like telling it.
. . .And Tibarn doesn't give a shit. This man is amazing, I love him.
So the Zunanma just. Evolved without any involvement from Ashunera?? Wild. Can't help but to imagine that she must have observed that like
I know this is a deep dive into the mythology and creation of Tellius, but on some level, the sequence of events as Yune describes it is just kind of funny to me. The various tribes of the Zunanma fight each other, Ashunera thinks to herself "What will solve the conflicts between these people? I know, clearly seperating them into distinct groups!", and then they fight each other even more. Ashunera really wasn't that good at this whole god-business, was she?
Ahh, dragon time.
So, we have base conversations again! Let's go over those.
First one you apparently only get if Micaiah and Sothe have an A support, so since I didn't change that, I got it. As for its contents. . . well, it's nice to finally have some backstory for the two of them, and an explanation as to why Sothe could join Greil's Mercenaries in Path of Radianec. But if anything, this conversation just drives home that Micaiah and Sothe having a paired ending where they get together is just really kinda yikes. She practically raised him!
Conversation with Sanaki - well, that's basically just foreshadowing for Sephiran being an antagonist. Unfortunately I already knew that he was one at this point, but I suspect that even if I hadn't known, it would have been pretty obvious by now.
Conversation with the Herons - just a means of getting an item, so not much to note here. Though I find it interesting that if Reyson or Rafiel is there, Ike talks to them, and if Leanne is there, it's Micaiah who talks to her. I wonder why that is? . . .And I mean, I genuinely wonder that. It feels a bit random of a distinction.
Weapon enchanting time! I initially actually wanted to have the tomohawk that I gave Ike enchanted, but the friend I was streaming for cautioned me against it since only the equipped weapon gets enchanted. Looking at the wiki though she needn't have worried about that, since Ike apparently auto-equips Ragnell to have it enchanted at this point. That aside - I do kinda regret not having Alondite enchanted for Lucia, and having had that done for her forged weapon instead. But eh, whatever.
Now, as for the battle - this was a pretty neat map. Once I realized that the dragons here don't attack Kurthnaga and Ena, I also got to make use of their ally buffing skills which were pretty neat. But actually abusing this mechanic beyond that wasn't really an option, since both of them were far too weak.
Dheginsea was a pretty cool boss, too! I actually tried multiple times to have Naesala weaken him, but every single time, Dheginsea activated his skill and just killed him instantly. Which feels pretty fitting for how people tend to view Naesala in-universe, all things considered.
And so passes Dheginsea, king of the dragons. Pretty interesting character all things considered, but a stubborn old fool all the same. Since I spared Nasir and Gareth, I'm gonna get them next chapter - I didn't use them, but they did come with some goodies that I could use.
More flashback scenes, and luckily ones that I didn't miss. I am glad to inform you that the German dub is as laughable as the English one here.
#lucia plays fire emblem radiant dawn#shut up lucia you fool#fire emblem radiant dawn#radiant dawn#fire emblem tellius
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The psychiatrist appointment isn't for two months, and that part's fine. Anything under 12 months here is considered a miracle and I'm fine so depressed and disregulated that I've watched 25 seasons of South Park in four weeks just to fill time. (But I didn't kill myself, so technically, that's a win.)
Point being, nothing will happen between now and March.
But I am already spinning in my head about all the ways it could go wrong. What if he doesn't believe in my diagnosis, what if I just don't tell him about the DID, what if he decides it's all in my head (so to speak), what if, what if, what if. Part of me is scrambling and part of me is already ruthlessly trying to plot out the best scheme like it's a chess match and decide what it's tactically best to reveal or conceal.
Just, chatter chatter chatter.
And it's not like I know the answer. Last time I spoke to a psychiatrist it was at ~*the nation's leading mental health institute*~ and she just wrote down BPD because CPTSD isn't in the DSM, yadda yadda, and ignored the letter from my doctor stating I had been diagnosed with DID, el-oh-el.
So for all I know, the inverse will be true this time and the shitty little podunk hospital guy here might be out of this world helpful.
But my hopes are not, uh, high.
There's another track in my brain just... whispering the story of what happened to us. And it's full of feelings of unfairness and rejection, and bracing for more of it. I think it's been triggered by just reaching out and asking for help, and is bracing for impact, but it's going to be a very long and draining 8 weeks if this fear doesn't recede a little.
There's something there about how all the abuse and trafficking is just unbelievable, no matter what. The only person who's ever believed us about the whole thing has been the neuropsych we've been seeing for, oh, five years now (yikes), which means it feels pre-determined that this next guy won't believe us, either.
Because most days it's not like we even believe ourselves. Or... we do, but it can only be little pieces at a time. Intellectually and in that third-person camera way, I can see it all, but oh my god is awareness ever not the same thing as processing. A lesson I relearn every few months, I feel like. We've been filling in our little timeline of memories document and every time I open it I just reel back into my brain a little bit because surely not all of this could have happened all so close together, or all at once. Just little zings of denial.
I'm trying to give my permission to act sick and fucked up because I am sick and fucked up, but that's its own fucking zoo to navigate, too.
Also I say "nothing will happen between now and March" but there is one of our most major trauma anniversaries around then and every year we go deep-end insane, so. Also trying to figure out how one shores up resources for that now that we know enough to know it's coming.
Tempted to just order a bunch of colouring books and drugs and new markers because maybe dipping out on reality is a valid strategy sometimes.
Also I just really want a fucking hug and wish I had a friend in this city. That tug-of-war between wanting companionship and avoiding it all costs is keeping me up at night, too.
#also trying to get back into journaling more sorry#sometimes this is just the place the brain dump happens
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Pre-Dracula vampire fiction (1)
Since Halloween is upon us, I decided, as a treat, to rescue my "live reading" tweets about the most important books of vampire fiction (according to Myself, of course) in the form of a reading log. (The things between [ ] are notes I'm interpolating now, for clarity.)
And, since Dracula Daily is coming quickly to a close, I'm inviting you all to a deep dive into the almost two centuries of vampire tradition that Stoker had behind him when he wrote Dracula.
We will start with Augustin Calmet's treatise on the undead (1749), then we will jump to a special edition I have of The Vampyre (the first vampire piece of prose, that we know of, from 1817) with some fanfic short stories based on it attached and then we will visit the Dracula's Brood anthology and a few similar ones (that you only find on Amazon BR). Depending on my ADHD, we may or may not have some highlights of books on folklore vampires (mainly my complaints about them, but there are positive highlights).
17/07/2002 - 12:35 am
"I'm reading the vampire reports analysed by Augustin Calmet (a monk that lived around the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th and OH MY GOD MY BRAIN IS SCREAMING. It's too much information in a huge tangle. But the reports he collected ARE the materials that most classical vampire writers read.
I've previously read summaries of his work, not the book itself. I'm reading this free version: https://gutenberg.org/ebooks/29412 This log is my way of organizing all the info in a way that is useful to me.
17/07/2002 - 12:56 am
I'm reading a PT-BR version of the vampire reports, they start at page 243 of the Gutenberg ebook.
In case you don't know, Calmet's treatise is his way to give a Catholic Church perspective on what are essentially paranormal stories that were spread by magazines and newspapers as true. [It was written in 1745, a few years after the Vampiromania started in Europe (we will talk more about that later).]
He talks about ghosts, vampires, revenants, angels, demons and more. We will focus on the vampires.
17/07/2002 - 12:57 am
We start with the first (highly controversial) folk ethymology for "vampire" as a derivation of "oupire", both meaning "bloodsucker". They are classified here as a type of revenant, or "those who come back".
[You would THINK we know what the word "vampire" actually means and from which language it originally comes, by now, given how much interest there is on the topic, and you would be naïvely, DELICIOUSLY wrong.]
17/07/2002 - 12:58 am
Another cool fact he adds is that vampires only *sometimes* cause their victim's deaths. As for what causes the vampirism cases known at the time, he lists four possible things: 1 - nothing, it's just superstition; 2 - people buried alive [yikes]; 3 - dead people that God allowed to come back and haunt the living; 4 - Satan shenanigans
17/07/2002 - 12:59 am
I think cause 3 is cool, because when was it the last time you've read a story of a person that became a vampire because God Himself told them "no, no, they really screwed you over, go back and drink a couple liters of their blood to teach them a lesson"?
17/07/2002 - 1:05 am
Here Calmet enters a tangent about cases of actual ressurrections, Lazarus-style. I'm skipping that, it doesn't interest me. Let me get back to action on page 261, with M. Vassimont's case.
17/07/2002 - 1:13 am
Hahahahahaha oh my GOD this is my favourite case. So, the vampire is the ghost of a shepherd that sometimes appear as a man, sometimes, as a dog. He attacks people [not by drinking blood, but] by making them feel weak, and he also ties the tails of two or more cows together [because he is also a petty jerk, apparently].
So, when the peasants decide to stake him to pin him on the ground, he flat out LAUGHS at their faces. The corpse mocks them, saying that the stake is just a stick to shoo dogs, and keeps tormenting him until he is dragged out of the village and burned to ashes.
17/07/2002 - 1:22 am
I love so much the mental image of a group of peasants around the coffin, tired and soaked with blood after staking that jerk and he just keeps LAUGHING at their faces.
17/07/2002 - 1:28 am
Calmet keeps repeating the signals that a corpse is a vampire: its blood is still red and liquid, rosy faces and flesh that is soft, pliable and devoid of worms. And to illustrate it, he offers cases of people that didn't decomposed after death and how things around them sometimes move by themselves.
17/07/2002 - 1:29 am
It's interesting because the vampires in those reports are considered revenants, too, but they don't rise from their tombs and drink blood. Instead, they cause poltergeist phenomena in their former homes, throwing rocks and messing things around.
17/07/2002 - 1:37 am
Another case of vampirism. This time, the vampire appears to his son after his death and asks for dinner. The son feeds him and the old man disappear. The next day, he does the same. The next morning, the son dies. When they exhume the old man's corpse, it's *breathing*.
This was an eventful early morning. It was 5 months after the beginning of the quarantine and I my home office work didn't have official hours, so my sleep patterns had already gone to space at that point.
At this point, I think it's important to notice how vampires bring signs of life to the corpses they inhabit, and sometimes these signs not necessarily include the corpse moving around. I mean, for all his laughing around, the jerkish vampire shepherd above never did anyting to stop the stake or his own burning.
You will see so much more that sadly never made its way into fiction tomorrow. At the end, I'll make a summary of what was a vampire at that point, before the Germans muddled it all (yeah, the Germans, bet you didn expect it - although the French also had a hand on it). Stay tuned!
#halloween#vampires#augustin calmet#folkloric vampires#reading log#when most people say that they want to find the origin of vampires they always mean “Dracula” in a way or another#Universal Dracula warped the pop culture perception of vampires so much#that people either don't recognize folklore vampires as vampires OR overcompensate and call ANY revenant a vampire#but by far the worst assumption you can make at a folkloric vampire is that it drinks blood - or that it does so by physically sucking it
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Unfortunately, I appear to be getting into tufting.
I haven't gone off the deep end yet. I did buy a latchhook and some grid cloth so I can paddle my feet in the rug-like waters, but I haven't bought anything else, not even any yarn for it! (I'm so virtuous.) (I actually am so virtuous; I'm severely weak to yarn.)
But I have been watching rug tufting videos... and looking up tufting guns online... and plotting how I'm going to go about this...
It's a problem.
The fact that, if I get good at it, this could become a viable side-hustle... is not, actually, any less of a problem.
Anyway here's all the shit I'd need to buy to actually get started with it, along with long-range plans for equivalent pieces. Under a cut for the sake of all y'all's humanity:
Tufting gun
This is the big one, and I find myself in a bit of a dilemma on it: you can get them for cheap of aliexpress, but like... do I really wanna trust something that came off aliexpress? I have not gotten anything off there, and while I have no evidence it's any worse than amazon, I have no reason to think it's any better, either. (Actually, I'm pretty sure some of the amazon listings at least *are* the aliexpress listings, being re-sold. So, avoid that one, at least.)
So anyway the tufting gun everyone says is the best runs about $250.
2. Frame
You tuft by shooting fibers into a grid made of fabric; in order to do that, you have to have the grid solidly suspended in the air. This requires a frame.
Price varies by size.
3. Tufting fabric (or equivalent)
This is the fabric that you shoot the fibers into. You can also use monks cloth or burlap, apparently. (Not to be confused with the other fabric, backing fabric, which goes on after everything else, and is what the rug actually sits on.) Not too bad, not too bad, monks cloth is about $15/yard.
4. Yarn
Not my *immediate* starting cost, just because oh god oh god I will be swimming in vanna's choice until I die, but yarn is also not the cheapest thing in the world. You can get two skeins of red heart super savor for about $15-$20, and it goes up from there.
5. Glue
Once the fibers are in the monks cloth, there's nothing really holding them there. That's why you have to glue the shit out of them! Recommended glue is carpet glue, Roberts 3000 or 3085 or something. A gallon of that is $25, or 4 for $50 at Home Depot.
6. More glue!
Yeah, you didn't think we were done, did you? Once you've glued all your fibers in place, you cut out the rug from the grid fabric and glue the edges down, this time with a different type of adhesive. Tutorial I saw recommended hot glue and spray adhesive, which, since I don't have a glue gun, means I'd be looking about $25 all together for them.
Once you've got that done, you can add your...
7. Backing fabric!
Non-slip is good if it's going on the floor... you can do a 6' by 6' square of this for $35.
8. Trimmers
Teeeechnically, I already have some trimmers, but if I'm gonna do this with any seriousness, I don't want to use those for it, because they're designed for human hair and rugs are made with sheep hair (or hair from the noble acryligoat). You can get trimmers that come with a little guide, too, which is super handy if you don't want a giant gouge down the middle of your rug. Call these $40-50.
9. Scissors
Once you've gotten your rug shaved--not a euphemism--you want to go in and outline each color with scissors to give it definition.
So all of that comes to about $500 if you're thrifty. 😬 And then you consider the costs that repeat, like the next batch of tufting fabric and yarn, and the costs that add on as not-essential-but-nice-to-have, like yarn cones, extra frames, labels... It is Yikes.
Buuuuuut... If I were to start selling them... I mean, you can get hundreds of dollars per rug. Per small rug. A thousand plus for a big one! So I do kind of think it might be financially viable.
Better to start it as a hobby first, though. And maybe be prepared to have a pretty big initial layout. :(
#tufting#tag for later#you would not *believe* how fucking expensive this shit is#and even then I'm getting off lightly#my former-manager just SOLD OFF A PARCEL OF LAND to afford her new sewing machine#she got a Bernina#but STILL.#I am... NOT doing that.#Absolutely fucking not.#However... if I can make this potentially-disastrous side-hustle pay for itself.......#*falls deeper down the well*
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I live in a deep red state, chose to be a stay at home mom, and generally look as though I believe like every white person around me. However, I don’t. I am just wondering how I write my bio in order for agents to not immediately label me a certain way. I write humor MG and YA with some progressive themes, but they aren’t the focus of the story.
I do appreciate your sensitivity and not wanting to be labeled in a certain way -- but I also think you're overthinking it a hair.
Lots of agents are white, and/or have lots of white clients. Lots of agents are from places other than NYC, and rep clients all over the US and the world. So I don't think most of us would automatically assume anything negative about an author just based on where they live or what they do or what they look like.
After all, why should we, when we can base negative feelings on things a person actually says and the books they've actually written! I promise you that people who have uh... extremely divisive views... can't help but say so in their queries or in the kinds of books they choose to write. It's QUITE CLEAR when a book is coming from somebody who, you know, hates books, or despises "woke ideology", or whatever other weirdo stance -- they say it right out loud and there are no assumptions or guessing games necessary!
If anything, unless you tell me differently, my automatic assumption would be the opposite. I'd be more likely to think, if you are querying me with a fun kids book with mildly progressive themes, and your query is well-written, and your bio doesn't mention "Guns, God and American Values!" or something like that, and you seem affable and not-bonkers, that you are probably liberal-leaning (or "fiscally/politically moderate-to-liberal but socially very liberal") regardless of where you live.
That's because a) most people who want to read and write great books for kids LOVE AND RESPECT KIDS BOOKS, and kids books is, frankly, a 'snowflake' kind of field to be in; and b) If you seem to have read the guidelines and targeted the book correctly, you must be smart; and thus c) you must know that I rep a lot of queer and other kinds of diverse and "woke" kinds of books, and I would think that most very conservative people wouldn't WANT to be repped by me!
BUT ANYWAY. If you want to make that even more clear in your bio, you can. It's short, but there's space for you to put a kind of "mission statement." There's no need to say you are a SAHM if you feel like that pigeonholes you. You don't even need to say exactly where you live if you feel like THAT pigeonholes you, just say something general about the region.
"I'm Mindy Smith, and I am passionate about writing fun, accessible stories for kids and teens that also touch on themes that are important to them and their future, such as climate change and environmental activism. I live near a swamp, and when I'm not writing children's books, I get my heart rate up by chasing alligators off the porch while wrangling two toddlers and an unruly dog."
"I'm Dorothy Gale-Belvedere. I grew up in Kansas and still live nearby with my family, and yes, I've heard all the Wizard of Oz jokes, and yes, I am skittish about tornados, and also yes, as the light and fun books I write can attest, I do love rainbows and glittery shoes and all things magical! But no, I don't have a dog named Toto, just a cat named Gretchen."
"I'm Deborah Candleflame, and I'm a former elementary school English Language Arts teacher who still loves sharing stories with kids -- particularly stories of grand adventure tinged with fantasy and folklore elements that can show them the limitless bounds of their own imagination! I live in a holler in the beautiful Appalachian mountains and, in addition to writing, I am raising three spoiled kids* as well as two fairly well-adjusted human children."
*(that was a goat joke!)
See how all those people sound pretty nice and not unhinged, and you'd never think "yikes, they sound like they might want to put gay people in jail"? Just do something like that!
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NAME: cameron! cam for short
PRONOUNS : he/him is the preferred, they/them is cool too
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : discord, usually! though i'm pretty bad at initiating conversation because i'm a shy little guy
NAME OF MUSE(s) : bakugou katsuki my beloved boy
BEST EXPERIENCE : i've had sooooo many positive experiences on here, it's really hard to name them all tbh! and also because my memory sucks. the most recent joy i've had is when i made my official comeback on this blog with the shiny new url, and katsuki immediately beefing with monoma (ily viverra), while getting a welcome from other muses of friends i've known since i started writing him in 2021.
RP PET PEEVES / DEALBREAKERS : i like to think of myself as fairly tolerant, mostly because i consider myself guilty of some dooming ones (namely anti-social, low/no interaction, etc). but i have one big one i guess;
clique-y behaviour. this is noooot something i've seen in this rpc (as far as i can tell? which, thank god), but i'm a veteran who was in the trenches of the fantasy rpc while dragon age was the leading fantasy media. it was pretty common for groups to band together, which is fine, people click! but then it became impossible to interact with anyone from those groups, because they'd only interact with each other. it's also this weird, i dunno, expectation for canon muse blogs outside of a "clique" to mirror the one that's inside that clique, you know what i mean? it made me thankful that i was writing an inquisitor instead of a canon muse there, but yikes...
MUSE PREFERENCES: i reeeeeeally like it when someone has meticulously pulled apart a muse and put them back together with their personal understandings on how they think / act / work in their media. SO MUCH. i love the in-depth lens they give their character that way, canon or oc, divergent or compliant, WHY they choose to go either way. gimme someone who has loved their character so well that you can see the dedication in everything they write about them. gimme muses that are a myriad of deep understandings from the mun about their lore, their personalities, their actions, and even their respective universes. i'll never get enough of it.
PLOTS OR MEMES : ahhhh i'm so bad with both... i'm more consistent with memes for interaction, and even if it takes me a week (or three months) to get to it, i will more often than not FINALLY find a way i want to respond to something. but for a good and strong bond, i adore plotting. i struggle with consistency sometimes because i tend to tap out of social interaction quickly, but once you get the ball rolling, once we have an idea to latch onto, it's pretty smooth from there i think. i love seeing how we can get two characters to work. my strongest bonds on this blog come from me goofing around in dms with people and coming up with some of the best, funniest, sweetest, and heart-breaking content for our muses.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : i write long replies a LOT more than i do short ones. this is mostly a skill issue. once i have a train of thought, i keep writing and forget to slow down a bit... and i love to have my little essay replies to read when i come online. they're so much fun to me. but i also treasure short replies, because sometimes, a short reply carries enough to pack a punch!
BEST TIME TO WRITE : ha. ahaha. seeing as it's 2:30am while i'm doing this on the night i had to do my medication, so long as i feel well enough, i'll write at any time. sometimes early morning, sometimes afternoon, sometimes night, sometimes in the ungodly hours where i should most definitely be asleep.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : ............... sometimes. usually when i'm playing an anger-inducing video game. also that gifted kid perfectionist thing.
tagged: @resolutepath (charlieeeee thank u!) tagging: oh uhhhh @ingen1um & @fightaers & @fighterbound & @quirkthieves & @osoreruna & anyone who wants to! yoink it from me n lemme see!!!!
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FOOLS - Chapter 9 - Part 1
BOOK ONE: The 'Fools Fall in Love' Trilogy

*Warning - Adult Content*
Samuel Moretti
Frick, I couldn't believe I said that stupid mom joke to Noah 'and then' made it worse by basically telling Noah that I was talking about him.
Ugh, every time I thought I was making headway with Noah, my dumb, blabber mouth ruined it.
Always one step forward and two steps back.
Okay, okay.
I took a deep breath.
I had to fix this but how?
Sure, I could apologize on the following day but I felt so horrible, I had to talk to him now.
One predicament on that, I didn't have his number.
I couldn't call or text Noah.
Maybe social media?
I pulled up Instagram.
I didn't even know if he had Instagram but it was worth a shot.
So, I go to the search bar and type, Noah Wright.
Noah did have Instagram and he was the third profile down.
I clicked on his profile.
Noah had a decent amount of posts.
More than I had thought.
Most of them being of him and Kaitlyn or him with the whole group.
I was too busy snooping on his profile 'which I was surprised wasn't private' that I had forgotten my original plan.
Ten minutes in, the thought of DM-ing Noah to apologize, popped back in my head.
I went into his messages and begin typing up an apology.
To: Noah Wright
[Hey, Noah. No one was talking about your mom...]
'Yikes. Don't say that, Sam.'
Obviously he already knows you talked to someone about his parents.
Delete the message and try again.
To: Noah Wright
[Hey, Noah, so awkward earlier, right?😅]
'God, definitely don't say that.'
Delete and start over...
To: Noah Wright
[Hey, Noah. I just wanted to apologize about earlier. That was really insensitive. I'm sorry. I did talk to someone about you but nothing bad but I shouldn't have even had the conversation, it was none of my business. I'm so sorry.]
'That was too much, so I'll change part of it.'
To: Noah Wright
[Hey, Noah. I just wanted to apologize about earlier. That was really insensitive. I'm so so sorry. What happened with your parents is none of my business, I just wanted to know more about you, so I asked your friend, but that was totally NOT okay. I know that and I just feel so horrible so again I'm so sorry.]
From: Samuel Moretti [Today 3:32]
'I just wanted to know more about you?'
'Oh my God. Sam, what the freaking heck?'
That was worse than all of the other messages.
I buried my head into my pillow, biting into it to keep me from screaming.
I watched my cell-phone anxiously.
About three minutes later 'though it felt like ten' I gasped and sat up when text bubbles appeared.
Then disappeared.
I collapsed back into my pillow and groaned after locking my phone.
I chucked my cell-phone to the end of my bed, too nervous to read the message.
Taking a deep breath, I reached over and unlocked my phone which already had mine and Noah's messages up.
To: Samuel Moretti
[I'm hungry. Wanna get some food?]
From Noah Wright [Today 3:38]
To: Noah Wright
[Yes. I'd love to.]
From: Samuel Moretti [Today 3:39]
'I'd love to.'
Jeez, could you be more eager?
I groaned and face-palmed my pillow again.
I didn't even want to read the message when I heard the 'ding' from Noah's reply but I reluctantly did anyway.
Then, I perked up when I read his DM.
To: Samuel Moretti
[Cool. I'll pick you up. Send me your location.]
From Noah Wright [Today 3:40]
To: Samuel Moretti
[And also add my number to your phone so you can stop DM-ing me and stalking my page, you creep.]
From Noah Wright [Today 3:41]
"Eeeek," I squealed when he sent me his number.
I added it to my contacts then sent him my address after texting him.
To: Noah Wright
[Hey, Meat-head😌This is Dumb-ass]
From: Samuel Moretti [Today 3:45]
To: Samuel Moretti
[Hey Dumb-ass. This is Meat-head. Didn't know you knew how to swear. Do you need to go to confession now?]
From: Noah Wright [Today 3:46]
To: Noah Wright
[Ha. Ha. Didn't know you knew how to NOT swear.]
From: Samuel Moretti [Today 3:47]
To: Samuel Moretti
[Clever, using my joke. Send me your location, dumbass. Did I use the right form of 'your' then?]
From: Noah Wright [Today 3:48]
To: Noah Wright
[Yes' You're learning👏]
From: Samuel Moretti [Today 3:49]
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Hey Minx, thought I'd share something that happened this week because I rarely felt so on time astrologically before.
On monday I read your weekly report hoping this weekend had better prospects than the last one, since I had planned a road trip with some friends. When I saw a Mars-Uranus aspect and the "stay off the road" warning it bummed me out but I thought "ok, that's not the first time it happens so let's hope for the best".
Then comes friday, the day of the trip, and it had to be cancelled last minute because I stumbled my knee on the edge of a wall and somehow got a cut so deep it needed stitches. Not even I understood how it happened, it wasn't a particularly sharp edge and I wasn't walking fast. It really made no sense.
In the end it wasn't a serious injury, it was just deep enough to make me get stitched and cancel the trip.
Rereading the report today I saw the transit again and was like "damn, talk about accident prone time". I personally believe this happened to avoid something worse during the trip, but god would I have preferred to get a less painful reason to cancel.
I broke a bone in January right as Uranus was stationing direct over my "everything" (I have a major stellium in mid to late Taurus).. And I did so tripping over a tiny bit of bigger sidewalk than the rest, two minutes walk from my house...on a place where I walk most days.
This is to say that being accident-prone around major Uranus transits (especially ones where it conjuncts, opposes, or squares the Sun or Mars) can happen even when you stay off the interstate.
I'm curious Anon if you know your chart well enough to answer this for me - the transit (exact last night) was at 19 degrees Aquarius and Taurus. Do you have any planetary placements near to 19 degrees (let's say 14-23 degrees here)? I'd love to know that and/or what houses 19 Aquarius and Taurus fall into for you.
Just more data points to help me understand transits better.
Hope you heal fast, Minx
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