#god i would give anything for family that could help me financially. or just a family/Real Adult in my life at all LOL
symbiodyke · 1 year
okay. so. I no longer qualify for medicaid but I still don't make Enough for insurance......
I qualify for a 150 dollar per month tax credit for insurance but LOL the cheapest plan is 200+ bucks a fucking month and it's total dogshit. doctors visit is 50 dollars and each med is 30 dollars.
urgent care is 100 dollars and emergency room/hospitalization/imaging/labs etc. are not covered until after you meet the 8000 dollar deductible. then they'll cover 60 percent. what if I died instead
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sinnersweets · 7 months
DogDay x Reader part 13
<-----part 12, part 14----->
“You have a lovely home Mrs. Y/N.” “Why thank you Mrs. Jackson.” I spoke while drinking some tea I made. It was the home inspection today and even though everything seemed to be going well I was a nervous wreck. “Everything seems to be in order as far as safety measures; remind me how old is Damian?” While setting down my teacup I said, “He is seven years old but will be eight tomorrow.” I couldn’t help but smile big. I plan on telling him for his birthday tomorrow. “Happy early birthday to him. Now comes the boring part; the questions. I’m going to go down my list and you just answer truthfully alright?” I nodded my head. “Good, now let us begin.” 
At first, she just went through how the interviews went with my family which thankfully my mom was on her best behavior and didn’t give her crap about me. Next, she asked me when my birthday was to ensure I knew it and for my birth certificate to verify that I was twenty-one. “Now Mrs. Y/N, how long have you and your husband been together?” She asked me that while I was taking a sip of my tea which caused me to almost spit it out. I set down my cup and said, “I’m not married Mrs. Jackson.” She looked up at me before looking over to my wall where mine and DogDays picture was. Why do people keep assuming that me and DogDay are married by that one photo?! “Oh, I apologize Ms. Y/n. Normally it’s couples that adopt, not just one person.” “Technically me and him are a couple just not married.” “I see.” She scribbled down something on her clipboard before going on with the questions. 
“Were the questions really that horrible Angel?” DogDay asked me. We were both by the duck pond watching our group play red light, green light. I sighed and said, “Maybe not horrible but long. She asked about my motivation for wanting to adopt, my fertility, childhood, family relationships, financial situation, criminal history, my history of residence, if I knew any other languages, my health, religion, if I knew how to discipline a child, understanding abuse and neglect. My god I should’ve just written a book about myself and had her read it!”  
DogDay chuckled as I threw my hands up in the air. “It’ll all be worth it in the end Angel.” “Yeah, I know.” I looked over and saw Damian was now the one in charge of the game. “Have anything planned for Damian tomorrow?” DogDay shook his head no. “He doesn’t really like celebrating his birthday. The last time we celebrated it was when he was five. After that he asked if we could just pretend that his birthday doesn’t exist, but I always give him a card.” I frowned as I listened to DogDay speak. “Did he ever tell you why to stop celebrating it?” DogDay shrugged his shoulders and said, “My guess is because it’s a reminder that another year has passed and he’s still here.” I guess I could see where Damian was coming from. 
I cleared my throat before saying, “Speaking about being here, do you ever wish you could leave?”DogDay chuckled and laid down on the grass looking up at the ceiling. I followed his actions and laid down as well. “All the time Angel. Now that I have you, more than ever.” He grabbed onto my hand and squeezed it. I turned my head, looked at him, and smiled. “Oh? And just what would you want to do if you could leave?” “Let’s see, well I’d like to take you on a date, go on car rides, run around at the park. Really do anything with you Angel. Oh, and play soccer with Damian, he loves soccer.”  
I turned my head back up towards the ceiling. Now knowing that Damian liked soccer it gave me a theme to decorate his room. “If someone were to, I don’t know, buy you out from here how would you feel about that?” DogDay looked over to me with a surprised look before saying, “Are you saying you’d buy me out of Playtime Angel?” I sat up and leaned against my hands while saying, “Well I’ve been thinking about it. I don’t really know if I could, but it doesn’t hurt to ask right?” DogDay gave me a soft smile. It looked like he was going to say something but then a kid yelled out, “Miss DogDay!” 
Mine and DogDays head turned toward the child. “We wanna play hide and seek!” I got up from the ground and walked over to Aaron, the little boy who called out to me. “We can play hide and seek after your guy's nap time, okay?” “Yay!” Aaron took off screaming in delight. I then felt a kiss on top of my head. “You’re gonna be a great mom Angel.”  I looked up at him and smiled. "You think so?" "I know so. In fact you'll be a great mom to Damain and to our very own kid." "Thank you- wait what?!"
“Thank you for coming to see me Ms. Y/N.” I took a seat inside Stellas’ office, not sure why she called me in. “May I ask what this is about?” She reached in her desk and pulled out a file. While she handed me the file she said, “Please read this over and tell me what this is.” I slowly opened the file and started reading what was inside. I only read the first few words before realizing what this was. “This is the email I got when I was hired.” “Yes, it is. Oh, before I forget; congratulations. Damian is now legally yours.”  
My eyes widened. “Really?! That’s wonderful!” Even though she just told me that Damian was now legally mine the atmosphere in the room was still off. “Is there something else Stella?” She took off her glasses and said, “Yes. Please flip through and read what I have highlighted.” I did what she told me, and I found where she had highlighted. As I started reading my eyes grew wide. I looked up at her and said, “I can’t work here anymore?!”  
She nodded her head. She also looked sad from this. “I’m sorry Ms. Y/N, but that is company policy. If you adopt a child here while employed, that person must resign from here. I’m really sorry.”  
I sat in my bed while looking at the file. I can’t believe that I had to quit! Don’t get me wrong, I’m still happy that I was able to get Damian, but now I have to leave my friends behind. And DogDay....  
My phone started ringing and I saw that it was DogDay calling me. I answered the phone while wiping away some tears. “Hey Angel!” “Hi.” “You never told me what Ms. Stella wanted to see you about.” “Oh, she was just telling me that I can take Damian. He’s now legally mine.” “That’s amazing Angel!” I stayed quiet. I felt like if I talked, I would start crying even more. “Angel? What’s wrong?” A part of me wanted to tell him the other news that I got but I couldn’t. “Nothing, just a little tired from today.” I don’t know if he really believed me or not, but he didn’t question me any further. “Oh well then I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Angel. Sleep well, I love you.” “I love you too.”  
I ended the call and leaned my head back against my headboard. I didn’t want to lose DogDay, but I really wasn’t sure if he could be bought out. Suddenly an idea popped in my head. It was risky, heck even stupid, but it could work. I set an alarm on my phone for 2 a.m. and went on my laptop to see if there was any nearby land to buy. 
A/N: What do you think Angel is going to do?
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littledovesnow · 9 months
president snow, the prelude
a/n: so there were like 750 words that didn't make it into the final fic for president!coryo, here they are! i wasn't going to publish this, but it sets up a lot of the backstory for future fics i have planned :)
The room was electric as Lucky Flickerman’s face popped up on the TV, ready to announce Panem’s next president.
Your husband, who was freshly twenty-five and had his name on the ballot fo the first time, stood next to you, hand laced in your own.
“You’re a shoo-in, Coryo, I don’t know what they’re even doing counting the votes. Everyone knows you’re going to come out on top. After all, Snow lands on top.”
Coriolanus smiled softly at the sound of his family’s favorite phrase. He knew he had most likely won the election as well, but he wanted to hear the final vote before celebrating anything.
“The results are in,” Lucky Flickerman’s dramatics were dialed to a hundred tonight, as he flicked open an envelope brought to him by a station worker.
“Panem’s next president is,” he trailed off, wanting to build the anticipation.
You could feel the electric in the air, squeezing your husband’s hand as Lucky opened his mouth to continue. “The Capitol’s own Coriolanus Snow!”
Cheers erupted from the Snow’s great room, Coriolanus’ closest family and friends having gathered for the momentous occasion.
Mr. and Mrs. Plinth, who thought of you considered your in-laws, wasted no time in congratulating the young man, their next president. “We always knew you had it in you, Coriolanus. Ever since you and Sejanus first were mentors way back when!”
You and Coriolanus shared a look, neither of you had ever come out with the truth about what happened when Coriolanus was exiled the summer after the 10th Hunger Games.
Putting on a smile, Coriolanus hugged the older woman, and shook hands with his late classmate’s father. “You’ll do this nation proud, boy.”
“Thank you, Mr. Plinth.”
Mrs. Plinth brought her attention to you, the nation’s next First Lady. “You’ll be a splendid First Lady! Oh, the Capitol will be overjoyed to have a young couple at the helm again! Especially once a child is brought up!”
You stopped yourself from frowning, instead giving the woman a soft smile.
Coriolanus watched with a careful eye, not wanting to cause a scene at the woman’s comments. He and you had been trying for a child for a few months, to no avail. One of his first tasks as president would be to find better fertility care, as he was growing worried that each failure was taking a larger toll on you than you let on.
“If you’ll excuse us, I believe I do need to go make a speech.” Coriolanus smiled, tugging you out of the room with a promise to catch up at his inauguration.
You waited until you two were in the privacy of your bedroom before letting any emotions go, inner turmoil over your husband’s victory and sadness over Mrs. Plinth’s comment.
“Hey, hey, look at me.” Coriolanus murmured; voice much softer than when he is in public. “What’s going on in that pretty mind of yours?”
 You looked at your husband with tears on deck, stomach rolling over. “She’s true. The Capitol’s going to want us to start a family as soon as possible. I’m going to be seen as a failure if I can’t even get pregnant!”
Coriolanus wrapped his arms around you as your emotions crumbled, heat growing in his heart. He wanted to immediately call for her to lose her tongue, with little regard that she was one of the two people who had helped him financially be able to make it to this point in his life.
“We’ll figure it out, my love. I vowed to help you become a mother, and it’s a vow I intend to keep.”
You sniffled, wiping your nose on your sleeve, earning a tsk from the president-elect. “I just wish it was as easy as It is for everyone else. I deserve this, for God’s sake!”
Coriolanus frowned, hand running up and down your spine. “I know, my love.” He wasn’t sure what else to say, so he kept his lips closed.
The two of you stayed like that for a few moments more, until there was a knock at the door, an Avox opening it once Coriolanus granted permission.
Holding a phone up, the Avox gestured to Coriolanus, who begrudgingly stepped away from you to take the call, which was Lucky Flickerman himself, conducting a phone-style interview live on air.
Coriolanus rolled his eyes, playing into the pizazz and cheer over the phone, stating how excited he was to have this honor as president, all while sitting on the luxurious bed you two shared, hand moving up and down your arm as you curled into his side.
a/n: and there it is folks, basically why i made coriolanus want funding for a fertility clinic :)
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myunghology · 3 months
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࿐ knights members and taylor swift songs i think describes them! + lyrics <3
— ✦ knights x gn! reader (seperate!) , pure fluff, tw — reader is implied to be in a abusive relationship in arashis part
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— ✦ TSUKASA SUOU + the way i loved you
“he is sensible and so incredible, and all my single friends are jealous.” — people have seen the way tsukasa treats you, like the absolute prince/ss you are, he always gives you amazing treatment and he would drop everything just to help you any time.
“he says everything i need to hear, and it's not like i could ask for anything better.” — would gladly give you reassurance anytime you need it, when you're over thinking, when you're jealous, or even if it's something personal, he'll always be there for you. (more under the cut <3)
“but i miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain, and it's 2am and im cursing your name.” — you two have probably fought many times; not about anything financial or something with his idol work, but probably about your mental health- tsukasa screaming that you should take proper care of yourself more especially when he isn't there, but he knows it isn't your fault.
“he respects my space and never makes me wait, and he calls exactly when he says he will.” — respects your personal space even though he badly wants to know something, your comfort is more important than his curiosity, no? and he truly calls whenever he says he will, at the exact time. he always keeps his promises, yk?
“he's close with my mother and talks business with my father.” — your mom definitely loves him, he's probably like the son she wishes your brother was or the son she never had, he's such a suck up to both of your parents oh my god. and of course he talks business with your father, he's the heir of his family, isn't he? your father loves him too.
“he's charming and endearing and im comfortable.” — is anyone even surprised.. he's a part of a wealthy family and he's a gentleman, of course he's charming. but especially to you- especially when he was courting you. plus, you feel oh so comfortable whenever you're with him, he's like your safe space if it was a person.
this song screams tsukasa suou so bad it's crazy.
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— ✦ LEO TSUKINAGA + i think he knows + king of my heart
“he got that boyish look that i like in a man! i am an architect, im drawing all the plans. its like im 17, nobody understands.” — we all know his features are incredibly handsome, his sharp and green eyes, his long orange hair that's always tied. it's a stupid crush- i mean out of all people, why him? you silently scold yourself.
“he got my heartbeat, skipping down 16th avenue, got that ah, i mean. wanna see what's under that attitude, like..” — you're embarrassed the way his stupid self got you falling horrendously. the way your heart skips a beat whenever he says 'i love you' but then he probably says that to everyone he meets.. and of course you want to see what's under that silly little attitude of his. you wanna see his caring side, which he has shown to you multiple times, but you definitely wanna see it more!
“he's so obsessed with me and boy i understand!” — when leo has a crush, he'd definitely be obsessed with them. bugging and annoying them 24/7, shouting out that he has inspiration whenever you walk into the same room that he's in to the point where you have to stop him from writing all over the walls and the floor; screw it, maybe even the ceiling.
“lyrical smile, indigo eyes, hand on my thigh.” — most charming eyes, the way his eyes also smile the same time he does. tho he does not obviously have indigo eyes, but he has the prettiest eyes either way. as for the smile, he's always smiling, no? + he's always touching you somehow, hugging you and giving you headpats.
“and you move to me like im a motown beat and we rule the kingdom inside my room.” — we all know leo likes to complete, i know this isn't technically what the lyric means but he looooves dancing with you! especially inside the little fortress inside your room you two made, that's made out of pillows <3
“never quite took me where you do?” — leo is very random at times, a lot of people know that. but to the point that he drags you to a place where he found "pretty"? once you're there with him, ideas for composing fills his mind while he looks at you with awe, the beautiful sunrise and you, just sitting there. leo likes pretty things.. and people ♪
“and all at once you are the one i have been waiting for, king of my heart.” — ou-sama~~ we all know he was the previous king of knights, but he forever stays your king in your heart, even after suou takes his place ^3^.
couldn't decide between i think he knows and king of my heart so i went with both since i think he knows was too short by itself.
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— ✦ IZUMI SENA + style
“i should just tell to to leave cause i, know exactly where it leads but i, watch us go round and round each time.” — you two definitely bicker every time you see each other. arguing on what the hell the others wearing today saying it's 'not appropriate' for the occasion. literally everyone else knows that you two admire each other from afar, except yourselves.
“you got that james dean daydream look in your eye, and i got that red lip classic thing that you like.” — everyone knows izumi sena is gorgeous, the same goes for you. it's just that-- he won't admit it. buttt it's probably pretty obvious to the people he's close with tho. (e.g : knights)
“and when we come crashing down, we come back everytime.” — every. single. time. you two fight, literally the next day you two act like nothing ever happened with izumi asking you if you ate yet, and with you answering without saying anything mean.
“i say, ‘i heard, oh, that you've been out and about with some other girl.’ he says ‘what you heard was true but i, can't stop thinking bout you and i.’ i said ‘ive been there, too a few times.’” — obviously as a model and having to work with other people, there would be dating rumors. it was only natural. but you really can't help but to get jealous. although being izumi— he'll harshly (and affectionately) tell you that he's seeing you and nobody else.
“you got that long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt.” — but instead of slicked back his hair is definitely messy. but either way, he's still handsome! with a plain white t-shirt he wears at home, perfect for watching romcom dramas with you, and snuggling with your pet cat or dog!!!
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— ✦ ARASHI NARUKAMI + gorgeous
“and i got a boyfriend, he's older than us. he's in the club doing i don't know what. you're so cool it makes me hate you so much.” — HONESTLY you could give less of a shit about your shitty boyfriend once you meet arashi, it's given she's a literal angel, saying that you should just break up with him because he treats you like crap.
“whiskey on ice, sunset and vine, you've ruined my life, by not being mine.” — it pains you and her that you're still with your 🤢boyfriend🤢. you want to be with her so bad, you just don't know how to break up with your current boyfriend.
“you're so gorgeous, i can't say anything to your face. cause look at your face.” — you stutter around her whenever she's with you, and she finds it absolutely adorable, definitely teases you about it!
“and im so furious, at you for making me feel this way, but what can i say? you're gorgeous.” — you're not that mad, but you're just frustrated at yourself for liking her when you have a boyfriend.. but your boyfriends an asshole anyway.. right? it's not your fault.
“and you should think about the consequence, of you touching my hand in the darkened room.” — whenever she touches you, you get extremely flustered, blushing sooo hard your face is practically all red.
“if you've got a girlfriend, im jealous of her. but if you're single, that's honestly worse.” — she has so many people pining over her, which obviously makes you jealous. but she just laughs it off and reassures you, that she doesn't like anyone at the moment. or does she?
“i guess ill just stumble on home to my cats, alone. unless you wanna come along?” — you sulk whenever you see her laughing with other people. once she sees you walking away she follows you around for the rest of the day, giggling at you for feeling jealous.
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— ✦ RITSU SAKUMA + paper rings
“went home and tried to stalk you on the internet, now ive read all of the books beside your bed!” — headcanon ritsu reads lots of books— which leads you staying at his place a lot to read, and also to see him.. also, the first time you've met him you most probably stalked him on the internet because you found him neat. (UNDERSTATEMENT)
“cat and mouse for a month or two or three, now i wake up in the night and watch you breathe..” — playing a game of cat and mouse with ritsu is always fun! especially if he's the one chasing you everywhere for your love <3. but now, you randomly wake up in the middle of the night beside him with nothing to do but watch him sleep peacefully.
“kiss me once 'cause you know i had a long night! kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright! three times 'cause ive waited my whole life!” — you nor ritsu can't tell how long you two have been waiting for this moment. once you or he places a soft kiss on your lips; he feels like he's in bliss and he can pass out any second now as his vision turns hazy and his eyes are half-lidded whilst a smile is on his face.
“i like shiny things, but id marry you with paper rings!” — ritsu is SO desperate for you it's so funny. he kisses you the first time he gets to— so why not propose with paper rings as well? made by he, himself of course ^^ also he would gladly get on his knees for you no objections
“i want your dreary mondays, wrap your arms around me, baby boy!” — his sleepy mondays with you are always a blessing to him, in rare occasions in which he wakes up first, he always fixes his position in cuddling you as he plants a small kiss on your forehead (screw that, more like all around your face.) whilst runs his fingers through your hair.
“in paper rings, in picture frames, in all dreams.” — swore to love him all your life with those paper rings you got married with.. technically. and he has little picture frames of you guys in his room too, and don't act like he doesn't dream about you everytime he goes to bed, too!
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ninapi · 10 months
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- ̥۪͙۪˚┊❛ Family ❜┊˚ ̥۪͙۪◌
Premise: Raising someone else's child is one thing, but raising your own while dealing with your insecurities could be quite a task, especially for a man like Satoru, but the moment he saw the baby his life turned upside down.
Word Count: 3104
Note: This is the third installment for a short series of mine, they all have different titles because I'm weird like that lol, but you can read the first part here, and the second one here.
When Satoru took Megumi in, he didn’t have to do much besides giving him financial support and make sure he had everything he needed as a growing child.
He was already the person he is to this day, and Saturu had very little to add to this. So when he realized what having his own baby was going to be, his already existing demons started to kick in.
While is normally the mother the one who tends to spiral into despair thinking of the future of their newborn and the changes impacting daily life, Satoru had more than one reason to feel uneasy.
He loved his girl and his unborn child, there was no doubt there; but the implications of being a parent were heavy for a man like him.
Dealing with the elders was one thing, but being a good dad was a very different one.
All he was good at was fighting curses, that’s what he came to this world to do, but having to think of how to be a good dad was definitely more scary than a special grade curse.
Megumi was way more ready than he was, in fact, without Megumi your pregnancy would have been quite the nightmare. But he was always checking up on you, helping you with tidying the apartment, even took you to the hospital check ups and went in the doctor’s office with you.
Some even thought he was your son, to Megumi’s displeasure. 
Satoru on the other hand tended to flee when things like this came upon, excuses were easy to come by when you’re the strongest sorcerer. But in reality he was beating himself over and over again for his own behavior while sitting on a cliff.
He wanted this, he wanted to be with you, wanted to have a family with you. Or so he thought at first, but what does it even mean to have a family? His was anything but conventional and he had no idea where to start.
You were his life now, he didn’t care about the future of this world if he was being honest, he never did really, all he wanted was to take you to a Polynesian island and live in a fancy luxury tree house with you, the baby and Megumi. But life wasn’t as easy, he had to deal not just with the damn old men hunting his every step, but also his responsibilities in the school, he couldn’t just disappear, not with another teacher and a top tier student tagging along.
He wanted to do better, be a good husband, a good dad, not just to his baby but to Megumi as well, he felt like he’s been failing everyone he truly cares for and that was a feeling like no other, one he could live his entire life without encountering it ever again.
But time for cowarding around ended sooner than he expected as time runs extremely fast when you don’t want to deal with your problems.
He got a call from Megumi, he was at the hospital, water came out of you and you were tugging on his hair while screaming in pain, you were certainly dying so he had to come fast. It all sounded like a nightmare to Satoru, he truly thought you were dying, he’s never seen a pregnant woman on the later stage of pregnancy deal with it, and Megumi either, so they were both panicking on a bench this very same moment.
“I can’t lose her, Megumi…what am I going to do if she dies? What if the baby dies too? What if I have to raise the baby on my own? I can’t do this…I would rather be killed by a curse…maybe I should turn off my infinity…yes, someone would come and kill me as well, then we would all die together…” a loud smack could be heard rumbling over every wall of the hospital. He’s never seen Megumi this angry before, “Can you stop and be a god damn adult for once in your life? (Y/N) needs you. She’s in labor right now, delivering your baby! She’s in so much pain, things are coming out of her, she’s probably so scared right now, and all you’re thinking about are ways of getting yourself killed!”
Satoru’s cheek was quickly getting red and swollen, how did he even manage to touch him that easily? 
Zenin’s are truly a terrifying clan.
“Why does nobody care about me being scared? I can be scared too you know? I know I’m the strongest sorcerer, but that doesn’t make me the strongest husband or the strongest dad…”
Megumi was left speechless, he never thought the great Gojo Satoru would admit being scared, “Do you think I’m not scared? I love her ok? She might be your girl, the mother of your child and what not, but she isn’t just a crush to me, she’s also the only mother figure I’ve had, the only person who truly understands me and cares for me. I don’t want her to die!” tears were falling down Megumi’s cheeks as he vented all his worries out of his very constricted chest. He’s the one who’s been by your side during your whole pregnancy, what if this was his fault? What if you were in so much pain because he didn’t take good care of you? Those words kept flooding his head and Satoru was just as lost as he was in that moment, he didn’t know how to reassure his adoptive son and was in need of reassurance himself.
That was until loud cries could be heard coming from the room you were being kept in.
“What was that-“
Megumi’s ears perked, he couldn’t hear you at all, why was it so loud, he needed to confirm you were fine. “I don’t know, who’s crying? That’s not her, I’m sure…”
“Of course is not her, you idiot…” the door opened up to a very tired looking nurse, her gown was covered in what looks like blood wiped out not long ago, Satoru’s face paling the moment he saw her.
“Is…I-Is (Y/N)…” his voice was cracking, all his memories with you going into his brain like a movie.
“She’s fine, she’s currently holding your son, would you like to go in? She’s asking for Megumi, I assume that’s you?” 
“No, that’s me! Can I go in too then?” the nurse was very confused but nodded anyways. Megumi ran inside the room, falling down to his knees when he saw you smiling, holding a little bundle to your chest, “Oh thank god….” 
“Gumi, my love, come meet your baby brother!” you looked so tired, yet so happy, he thought he’d never get to see your beautiful smile ever again.
“Are you ok? Is the pain gone?”
“She’s fine kid, giving birth is no easy fit, hope this experience helps you respect women for what their worth. Men would never be able to give birth, they’d die within minutes.” the nurse’s words made you chuckle, it was true after all, especially for your spoiled boys.
“Toru? I didn’t know you were here, I thought you were at work! Come meet your son~” Satoru was still by the door, he thought he’d lost you, the very same feeling he felt that one day you almost die in front of his eyes, just that this time felt even more real as he saw the dried blood on the nurse. He didn’t know how to react, relief was present that’s for sure, but he was also terrified, he was happy to hear you were fine, but you were holding his son right this moment. He had a son now, officially, he is a dad now.
“Babe?” the confused look in your face made him move from his spot, he couldn’t put more stress on you, not after you had to deal with all that just to bring his son to this world.
“So a boy, huh? I thought it’d be a girl…” Megumi really wanted the baby to be a girl, to look just like you so he could snuggle the baby’s cute cheeks and spoil her rotten.
“Mhm, I haven’t named him yet, I wanted Toru to see him first…” Satoru was now standing beside you, his eyes not going down just yet, though his range of vision was so wide, he could see a tiny hand moving out and about and it made it so hard for him to keep ignoring him.
Once he finally got the courage to look at his son, his brain released a triple shot of dopamine right to his heart.
How can a newborn be this cute? They’re usually all red and wrinkly, not at all pretty. But his son…he got his blue eyes and silvery hair, but his face, he looked just like you. The cutest thing he’s ever seen. “Is he…” the moment he opened his mouth the baby started wailing loudly, startling his father.
You were rocking the baby from side to side making him know everything was fine, “Sweetie, c’mon hold your son.” 
“But he’s crying (Y/N)! How do I make it stop?” you set the child in his arms, once their eyes met the baby stopped crying, a lil yawn leaving his lips, this causing Satoru to smile. “Oh, I think he’s just tired…aren’t you my beautiful son?”
“It’s a combined effort of both sides after all, he did have to help mama a lot during the birthing process.” The nurse was finally ready to leave you to rest and needed to take the child with her. “He needs to come with me, Gojo-san. But I need a name so I can set him in the room with the other newborns.”
“I was thinking of naming him Suguru…you know…to honor your frie-“
“But baby…”
“I said no.” his stern tone of voice made your heart sink, you thought he’d be happy about this, it was some sort of a surprise even.
Megumi saw darkness loom over Satoru’s eyes and thought of intervening. “Shion.”
“What was that, love?” 
“Shion, my brother’s name I mean..” the fact that he referred to the baby as his brother made you feel so much love, even Satoru’s face softened at his words.
“Gojo Shion it is then.” the nurse took the baby from Satoru’s arm and he’s never felt this empty before. “Do you really need to take him? I mean he’s a newborn, is not like he needs friends right now. Wouldn’t it be better for him to hang out with his family than with other babies?” his reasoning was beyond cute, even to the stoic nurse. 
“Look sir, the child isn’t going to a baby party, he needs a check up and that’s the process in general. If everything goes out well you’ll be able to take them home in a couple of days. Now if you excuse me..” The baby was half asleep and his little hand was out of the blanket still and Satoru felt like his life lost all purpose, his son needed him so much right now, he needed to be tucked cozily under his blanket and there was nothing he could do to help him…he felt completely useless…
Megumi was cleaning your face with a wet towel, making sure your pillow was all fluffed properly, while Satoru spiraled into sadness.
“Can you get the blanket in her baby bag? There’s also some warm socks in the front pocket.” 
Satoru could feel Megumi’s murderous stare and that made him go back to earth, “Yeah sure. Socks…socks…here.” 
Megumi just stared at his hand with so much hate, yet he didn’t know what he did wrong this time. “What?”
“(Y/N)’s socks, not the baby’s socks…”
“Oh! Right…” he needed to get himself together, you needed him just as much as his son did.
“Here, my love.” he got your feet covered with your favorite fluffy socks, then leaned to kiss your head lovingly. Megumi covered you with the blanket he brought for you and went over the snacks he packed to replenish your strength.
“Isn’t he the most beautiful baby you’ve ever seen?” you sounded so tired, exhausted even, but to him you were the most wonderful and beautiful women in this universe. The mother of his son.
“Of course he is, he’s my son~” that made you chuckle. 
“We are parents now…how does that make you feel, Toru?” that question hunted him for months, but now he was ready to answer it truthfully. “I’m scared…I don’t know if I can be a good dad…But I’m also the happiest man alive…you’ve given me so much…I want to be the man you and my son need me to be…” his face wasn’t one of happiness, it was more one of realization. 
He felt so much…it was overwhelming. 
But the moment he locked eyes with his son, he just knew it, this was it, this was the real reason he came to this world, to bring his son to life, to give you and his son a happy life full of beautiful memories.
“Gojo-sensei…I think she needs rest…” you were giving him a soft loving smile, your thumb rubbing the back of his hand while he processed what just happened. 
“I’ll stay here, you go back to the school.” he wasn’t there for you when you needed him most, when you were confused and in pain, when you needed his love and care. But he was here now, and he wouldn’t let that happen again. 
He grabbed one of the chairs by the wall and brought it next to your bed, his hand reaching for yours once more before dimming the lights, “I’ll stay here with you, baby. Just rest.”
Megumi left after making sure you had everything you needed with the promise of coming back next morning with a fresh change of clothing for his guardian.
Having a newborn baby in the house was a whole adventure, at least according to Satoru.
He had to learn everything about babies in a couple of days and lets just say books aren’t as reliable in the subject.
Babies cry a lot and figuring out what the problem was isn’t as easy as he had hoped for.
Not only that but your nipples were sore from breastfeeding causing you to frown all day, Megumi was in a bad mood because the baby didn’t let him sleep at night and he ended up stepping on a dirty diaper this morning, twice, barefoot.
While to others this might sound awful, Satoru was living his best life.
His son was just as in love with him as he was and he was livid. Putting him to bed was his self assigned job and his favorite part of the day. He’d go on talking forever explaining how his technique works and all he had to do to perfect it, of course his son didn’t understand a thing, but his voice really soothed the child so they both loved their bonding time.
Megumi would sneak in your room and sleep while hugging one of your legs while Satoru took the child out to get some sunlight in, even if he denied it, he was very much jealous of his baby brother, he just didn’t get as much time with you as before and he had no excuses to be babied like the infant was now. He wanted more and didn’t know how to ask for it, so even if you and Satoru were aware of his sneaky nap times, you both appeared ignorant to the teen.
Being a mother suited you so beautifully though, there was nothing Satoru loved more than seeing you with his son in your arms. The way your loving eyes landed on his little face, the kissy sounds you made at him to make him giggle, it was all just so perfect to him.
And being a father suited him just as much. The baby carrier he had hanging from his chest daily and the way he would always hold one of his tiny feet in one of his hands as he walked by proudly was the cutest thing this world had to offer. 
He was a happy man.
Of course, him parading around with his child made the elders realize what was going on pretty fast.
Thankfully the child didn’t display any sign of inheriting infinity, at least not yet, something he had shown almost since birth, which made them back off quite fast with the promise of him trying to conceive further children with you.
Of course, he didn’t want this. Not because he didn’t want more babies, but because it terrified him knowing one of them could very well have it and be taken away from you. The thought of his son being exploited the way he was as a child was a constant nightmare for him.
But reality plays dirty tricks on you when you least expect them..
You being such a cute mama and having those swollen breasts full of milk caused…unexpected results…getting you pregnant once more before Shion even turned four months of age.
For someone who didn’t understand the concept of family, he was quite good at making one.
His first family member being the lovely teenage boy who loved the mother of his children more than anything in this world, more than him to be quite honest. But he regretted nothing, Megumi was as important in this family as little Shion was and the little baby girl inside your growing belly.
The family kept growing at an exponential rate, and this world was anything but safe. But having the strongest sorcerer by your side did help quite a lot, specially now that he’d gotten the titles of strongest dad and strongest husband to the list as he very much wished and thought never would.
His family was not conventional, it was broken even, starting with him.
But it was perfect the way it was.
He chose his own family after all.
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bengals-barnesbabe · 4 months
Tee Higgins x Ochocinco!Daughter
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Description: Tee's been dating one of his idol's daughter behind his back. What happen's when the reader breaks her dad's number one rule? How will Ocho react when he finds out?
a/n: I need to start writing shorter, but I physically can't. I hope it meets your expectations ♡
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: overprotective father figures, language,
Main Masterlist
Over the last seven months you’ve been happier than ever. You got a promotion at work, finally moved out of your dad’s house and met him. You’d never felt a love like this, he made you feel things you couldn’t have imagined. He didn’t just care about you, he cherished your love, encouraged your goals, and helped you feel safe. Tee made you feel seen in the world, in his world filled with countless others that would give anything for his attention.
Falling in love with Tee Higgins was easy, hiding it from Chad Johnson was the hard part. 
Every Memorial Day weekend your dad throws a small family kickback. At first it was his way of welcoming the summer since us kids were out of school, now that we’re older he does it so we have an excuse to spend time together. This year it’s gonna be in Miami at his new condo and of course he invited all of us, including any plus ones that we wanted to bring. Funny enough Memorial Day falls on the 7 month anniversary of you and Tee being together. The coincidence of the two dates lining up is chilling. 
Your dad was the stereotypical black father growing up, he didn’t want his daughters dating anyone until 35. While that rule was broken days after him stating it, there was one he would lay his life on the line for. 
‘No daughter of his shall ever date an athlete, but more specifically a football player.’
Real funny coming from him, the legendary NFL wide receiver. It’s also funny that your boyfriend and your dad played for the same team with the same number. Yea you’re pretty much dead if he finds out.
Thankfully there may be someone that can help you.
Calling ‘Future Rich Wine Auntie’…
“I'm in a crisis.” You huff.
“Oh look it’s my poor little sister crying for my help once again, what did you do this time y/n?” She snickered.
“Jicyra, you’re two years older than me.”
“..and wiser and more stable (financially and mentally).” She mumbled that last part, not very well though.
You could hear her smirk though the phone. “It’s true, I’m not in my 2nd year of residency making no where close to the current average in your field.” Well she didn’t have to rub it in.
“I know but- look we actually do have a problem.”  
“I knew it, you broke your dishwasher.” She cackles.
“Oh my god, I did not break the dishwasher. Why do you say shit like that? I’m talking about Tee and dad.” You rolled your eyes.
“Oh.. wait you still haven’t told him?”
You sigh. “Not that it’s Tee, he knows I’m dating someone.” 
“ Just rip the bandaid off, no harm no foul.” 
“That’s easier said than done, Cyra.”
“Look all I’m saying is you’re making a really big deal out of nothing. Dad ain't gon do shit, plus he considers Tee a second son half the time.”
After getting off the phone with your sister, you started to devise a plan to tell Tee about the party, but you didn’t get far when he ended up walking through the door less than 10 minutes later. “Baby, where you at?”
“In here!” You forced a smile onto your face as he engulfed you into his fresh cucumber scented body. Probably showered at the facility. “We need to talk.” You both sit.
His face dropped and he slowly released you. “What’s up?”
“It’s not bad, it’s just we need to change our 7 month plans a bit.” You kissed your teeth.
He lets out a breath of air he didn’t know he was holding in, “that’s it. Damn baby you had me thinking this was it.” 
“No, no of course not.” You lean over and plant a brief kiss on his lips. “I would never break up with you like that, or ever. Especially if you didn’t even do anything wrong.”
“I mean there was that one dream you had.” His mouth twitched up.
“I’m a very vivid dreamer, I can’t help that. And blame that bitch from the club who tried to get in your pants.” 
“Ok what’s this about then?”
“Remember those end of school parties I told you about?” He nods. “Well my dad has invited us to his next one. It’s memorial day weekend in Miami.” 
His face shifts in realization, “I guess it’s time to tell Ocho.” He surveys the way you chew on your lips and wont meet his gaze. So he grabs your hands, pulls you into his arms and kisses your head. 
“Hey, I got you. Everything’s going to be fine, knowing your dad he’ll make a joke about it, maybe threaten me then we can have good time.”
You look up at him, “you think so?”
“I know so, baby.” You smile and pulls his lips to yours.
You arrive at Miami Dade two days before the party and without your boyfriend, due to him having an early practice the next day. The 3 hour plane ride gave you lots of time to think of a way to break your big news to your dad without him popping a blood vessel or setting anything on fire. You decided to just break the news to him as gently as possible, give him small details then let Tee speak for himself. Sure is putting all the pressure on him a bit harsh, yes. But he asked you out in the first place, so who’s fault is it really? 
A little over a year ago.
It was your first official week in Cincinnati when Danielle, a long time friend of yours, suggested that you join her at a party that the guy she was seeing was throwing. Being so new to the city, you took her up on the offer so you could meet people. When you got to the party, it was covered in orange and black jerseys and it dawned on you that this wasn’t just some party.
“Dani, did you bring me to a Bengals victory party?”
The dark skinned woman removed her coat and smiled. The number 1 printed on the white fabric made you scoff. “I knew if I told you he was a football player, you’d find an excuse not to come.”
“You’re dating Ja’Marr Chase?” The bright smile painted on her lips couldn’t be wiped off even if tried.
“Yes, it's been 3 months and I really like him, so please just stay.” So you let the woman lead you further into the party.
Let’s be clear, your dad’s dumb rule didn’t cause your destain for the football culture, it was the fact that your entire life was centered around the sport. Dad’s a legend to the team, brother played just like him and it’s all anyone ever talked about. You stayed away from sport all together, it didn’t help when you majored in Biology to be a physical therapist, but you weren’t actually watching them play.
The party wasn’t as bad as you expected it to be, granted you spent most of the time standing by the bar carefully nursing your drink, but the vibes were nice. You’d already met most of the players on the team through your dad and work, so you weren’t surprised when Tee came up to you.
“Dr. Y/n Johnson, I thought you said I’d never see you outside the office.” He smiled discreetly looking you up and down.
“Uno’s dating my best friend.” You said nodding towards the couple on the dancefloor. “She dragged me here without telling me it was for y'all. But I guess congratulations are in order, AFC champs.”
“Oh you know, just another thing to be thankful for, just like you in that dress.” 
“Flattery will get you nowhere Higgins, but buy me another drink and maybe I'll bite.”
“Anything for a few more minutes with your fine ass.”
Minutes at the bar turned into hours on the phone then days just to see that charming smile, so yea flattery got him the world. 
Your phone buzzes knocking you out of your daydream.
Mean Ass Bitch: I've been in the airport pickup line for 10 minutes, where you at bitch?
LOML T💜: missed you when i got home mamas, call me when you get there 
You bite your lip hiding the grin that he put on your face as you click on his contact. It rings once before you hear that deep southern drawl come through. “There goes my baby.. How was ya flight baby?” 
There isn't a moment when you don’t feel the warmness in your chest and butterflies in your stomach when it comes to this man. The charm may have gotten him in the door, but it was his goodhearted, loving nature that gave him the key.
“Hi..it was good, I managed to get a nap in so that was nice.” 
“Only the best for my baby. How you feelin? I know your nerves been goin crazy.” 
Just as you were about to answer, you spotted your sister, your very mad sister. “Hold on babe, J looks like she wants to kill me.”
“All good, we can't have that. Call me when you can, I love you.”
“I love you more Tamaurice.” You smirk as you get to her car.
“You the only one allowed to say that, wouldn't be gettin away wit that shit if you weren't so beautiful.” His tone lacks the seriousness he implied as his light chuckles come through the phone.
“Sounds good to me, byeee.” You can’t help laughing as you hang up and put your bags in Cyra’s Audi. 
“I hope you ain’t laughing at me dying in this damn heat waitin for your slow ass.” She mean mugged as you ducked into the car. 
“Nah, it’s because you're dressed like goddamn big bird in that damn sweat suit.” You teased.
“I will kick you out of this car, quit playin’ bitch.”
“Okay, okay,” you sigh as she pulls out of the airport traffic. “So how’s my gorgeous real estate queen big sis doing?”
“You know what, I’m good. Charmin’ rich people outta they money for some last leg beach houses that’ve seen one too many hurricanes. I’m very excited to get on this boat with a glass of champagne and just relax.” You nod along as she turns the radio on. “How’s the Tee and dad situation going?”
You take a deep breath and sink further into the seat, “I’ve decided to just let his presence speak for itself. They already know each other, but ‘Tee the wide receiver’ is very different from ‘Tee the man that’s dating his daughter’. I’ll try and ease the idea of him before he gets here, there’s no way I’m taking all the heat from this.”
She scoffed, “you just gon’ let your man take the fall?”
“He has said he’d do anything for me, so it probably won’t be that bad.” You shrugged.
“Yea ok Y/n, I can’t wait to see this blow up in your face.” 
Walking into your dad’s house felt like going through a time capsule, he only bought it a few months ago but the walls and shelves were filled with pictures of us as kids and football memorabilia. “Dad she’s here.” Cyra sings taking your bag down the hallway that you hope has the rooms.
You find him in the kitchen arms deep in hamburger meat. “Uh oh Docta Johnson in the house. Come here and give your old man a hug.” Shaking you head, you humor him as much as you can without touching his hands.
“How you doing old man?”
“I’m alive, I’m happy and I’m excited to meet this boyfriend of yours. Where he at, did you tell him to wait outside? Baby you know I’m good.” He smiles as wide as he possibly can.
“I’m glad to hear it, but he’s not here yet. He has work so he’ll be flying out tomorrow night.” 
He smirks. “At least he has a job.”
Your jaw drops, “that was one time and you said you wouldn't bring it up again.” He chuckles as a frown builds on your face.
“I’m just playing, but this guy already sounds ten times better than what his name.. Jackson! Yea he was a leech.” 
“Okay, that enough boy talk. Want some help there?” You ask gesturing to the mountain of meat on the marble counter.
“I would love some, you always were the better cook. But don’t tell your sisters I said that.” He nods with a hushed voice.
You chuckle walking over to the sink. “You just did.” His brows furrowed. 
“What do you mean?” Chade and Jicyra tapped his shoulders from behind him. He eyes whitened out.
“What I meant was that Y/n’s good with protein heavy meals. Cy you make a mean salad and Chae you make the best cookies.” He smiled.
“Nice try, I do be throwin’ some flour around tho.” Chade remarks.
“Whatever, we’re off to buy some supplies for the party. Bye!” Then its just the two of you, in the kitchen seasoning about 20 lbs of meat and forming it into decent sized patties.
“So is there anything else I can squeeze out of you about this fine young black man? He is black right?”
You scoff, “what if he isn’t, what’d you say?”
“None, nothing. Your hair look too good for you to be dating a white man.” Your jaw drops for the second time today.
“I can’t. I don’t know why I’m helping you.”
“Aww my poor middle child.” You shove his arm causing him to get raw meat on his shirt. 
“Ok, I deserved that.” He nods, side eying you. “Don’t even try it.”
“You no fun. Come just tell me something about the guy.” 
You bite. “Fine, yes he’s black. He’s tall, kind, smart, sweet and I guess he’s pretty athletic.”
He hums, “athletic huh. What we talkin here NBA, NHL, FIFA?”
“I ain’t giving you no more, you’ll see him tomorrow and I’ll let him speak for himself.” You finish your part then walked out of the kitchen.
“I can read in between the lines Y/n! If Ja’Marr walks in this house tomorrow, I’m beating his ass!”
If he only knew how close he really was.
You ended going out to dinner with your sisters when they got back. It was fun it being just being them, you could gossip and chit chat all you wanted without Ochocinco lurking around. Before bed you and Tee talked all about each other’s day and all the nerves about him meeting your dad. He reassured you that there was nothing he couldn’t handle and nothing your dad could say that changed how he felt about you. It felt good going to bed knowing your boyfriend had no worries about your relationship changing at all.
The next day was pretty chill, dad was too busy with the last minute preparations for the party. So you spent most of your time at the mall with your siblings. Your brother pretty much just groaned about the heat and the amount of time you spent in stores, but you reminded him plenty of times that he could go off on his own and he chose to stay. With that said the four of you had a pretty nice time. Until the ride home, when you could not get away from the Tee questions.
“Don’t you think its weird that they shared the same number and team?” Junior spent 20 minutes just going over the similarities between them like you hadn’t already known how odd it was.
“Jr leave her alone. How’s his stamina though?” Chade was the youngest, as anyone could probably tell with her bluntness.
“No sex questions please, this is a rental and Jr’s not afraid to blow chunks.” Cyra joked.
“Yall act like I don’t have sex.”
“Ok so would like to know what Matt and I did at your New Years Party?” Chade smirked. 
He eyes just about fell out of his head. “You and Matt? Matt my best friend? YOU AND MY BEST FRIEND FUCKED AT MY PARTY?”
That was the end of the questionnaire.
The second you pulled into the driveway you noticed two things: your dad’s SUV was still absent and there was another random car by the curb. 
“Who’s that?” Cyra shrugged in response and just motioned you to get out. Normally someone would’ve taken offense to be thrown out of a car, but then your favorite person in the world got out of the other car.
“Damn, he is tall.” Jr’s comment was deaf to your ears as you ran over to your boyfriend.
“Hey babygirl.” He smiled wrapping his arms around you.
“What are you doing here? It’s only 4 and you weren’t supposed to land until 9. You know what I don’t care.” He lifts you onto the trunk of the vehicle so you’re eye to eye and guides your lips to his. Another feeling you could never get tired of, his plump lips against your glossy ones. Your arms wrap around his neck in an instant to pull him closer into you. You love being able to relinquish all control and just let him move you how he sees fit. He pecks your tropical scented lips once more before helping you down.
“Well that is an image I’m never getting out of my head.” Jr shakes his head and takes your bags out of the car. 
“Let’s go in the house so Y/n can properly introduce us to her beau.” You stay glued to his side as you make your way into the condo. 
As Junior rounds the corner to the bedrooms he stops in his tracks and the bags drop onto the floor.
“JUNIOR MY PERFUME!” Chade shoves him and grabs her bags. “Oh shit.”
Cyra being in no mood for their nonsense, pokes her head down the hall. “What the hell is wrong with you- hi daddy.” You shoot her a panicked look. She responds with an equally panicked shrug. The situation is impossible, there’s only one way to the living room and its to pass that very hallway. 
“This is not how this was supposed to happen.” You whine at the lowest voice you could manage. Which didn’t end up being that low in the end.
“How what’s supposed to happen?” Your dad’s voice bellows out. Tee squeezes your shoulder as the man walks into your view.
He sighs. “Damn, I owe Junior some money.” 
“I’m sorry, what?” You blink. All of sudden your brother bursts out laughing and starts dancing around your father.
“I told you! He had his mind set on you bringing either Ja’Marr or Burrow ‘as a wildcard’. I’m ten thousand dollars richer people.” 
“You bet ten racks on who she was dating! Dad I thought you were smarted than this.” Cyra expresses dumbfounded like the rest of you.
“Dad what the fuck? Is that why you wanted to know if he was black or not?” You rolled your eyes before walking past the man into the living room.
“Y/n it wasn’t like that-
“I don’t care, I’m just glad you lost your money to the dumbest person here.” 
His forehead creased, “Was that her way of calling me the new dumbest person?” Both of your sisters nodded. “Got it.”
Then Tee, still standing at the doorway, clears his throat. “Ocho.”
Your dad turns back towards him and pulls him into a ‘bro-hug’. “Well if it isn't the younger taller version of myself. I should’ve known it was you, not because of that but you didn’t exactly take your eyes off of her when she came down to that practice.”
Tee chuckled. “Couldn’t help it, man. I would’ve talked to you the last time you came to practice, but I was under strict instructions not to. When the love of your life tells you something, I make it habit to listen.” Chade nudges you as your face heats up.
“Love of your life huh? Glad to know she’s in good hands, and you have no excuses not to go for my records now. You got a physical therapist on speed dial.” They laugh together.
“See, I told you you were worried for nothing.” Cyra joins you on the couch. 
“Yea I gues you were right.” You mutter bringing a smirk to her face.
“I’m sorry what was that? Did The Dr. Y/n Johnson just admit that she was wrong.”
You pressed your lips together and got up. “You heard me or do you need an audiologist? Cause I can’t help you in that area, you’re just getting old.” You walked over to Tee, quickly grabbed his hand and ducked when a pillow came flying your way.
“Im only 2 years older than you bitch.” You cackled running down the hall to your room.
“Hey, no funny business in my house!” You shut the door and laid back against it trying to calm down while Tee sat on the bed studying you.
“What?” You walk over and stand between his legs.
“I like this side of you.” He sucks in his bottom lip scooting back on the bed.
“Yea, well I know a side you like even more.” You saying climbing onto his lap.
His hands go around your hips and cup your ass. “Oh I like this Y/n very much.” You push him back and place ghost kisses on his lips.
“Woman if you don’t- You go to give him a peck but lightly bite his lip instead. “Fuck.”
He closes the distance between you, sucking in your lips and licking into your mouth. 
Yea you had nothing to worry about at all.
a/n: reblog if you like, comment or request any scenarios you'd like for me to write for our octopus lover♥︎
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agendabymooner · 10 months
dadventures with the schuminis: rock it, minnie! || ms47 scenario (1)
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dad!mick schumacher (x ofc) centric
Summary: A series in which Mick Schumacher tackles the challenges and moments of being a father to his little carbon copies with his father Michael Schumacher (alongside his in-law Sebastian Vettel, who continues to deny that he was a grandfather while accepting his role as the Schumacher kids’ Opa).
Scenario summary: With Minna’s first birthday coming up, Mick struggles to find the perfect gift that she’ll learn to cherish forever. Thankfully, Michael still knows how to make Gina’s old rocking horse and Sebastian knew how to operate the electric sander. AND Michael and Sebastian are insufferable as in-laws.
Content warning: dad!Mick Schumacher, grandpa!Michael Schumacher and Sebastian Vettel being competitive as grandparents, Seb denying he’s a grandpa, terms of endearment, fluff, mentions of pregnancy, Mick making a dirty joke, brief German translations, mentions of grandma!OFC (Bel Vettel) spoiling Minna
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if you’d like to get on one of my taglists, check this post out!
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Mick Schumacher knew that his off days were numbered. He hated that he had to count his days and immediately head back to the road and race. 
But he did what he had to do for the sake of giving his daughter a better future— whether it had something to do with their financial situation (they were rich as hell) or her desire to follow Mick’s footsteps to become a racer (Mick was praying to god she didn’t want to be a racer), he persisted on staying and racing for the season for the sake of his family. 
Regardless of his limited days off, he did what he could do and participated in the event planning for his firstborn's first birthday celebration. His wife, Barbie, insisted that she and Gina were handling it well, but he wanted to do something special alongside them. 
And so Barbie and Gina assigned him to find his daughter a special gift for the celebration. “Something that would mean to her in the long run,” his sister said. 
His face paled a little when she said that. It was so cryptic and vague. It was just vague. 
He thought about the theme of the party at first. Minna Elisa’s first birthday party was running with the farm theme.
When it was first suggested by Gina, Mick almost snorted to ridicule the thought. “We already grew up around them,” he said, “I don’t think Minna would appreciate that. Why can’t it be just horses?” 
Then Barbie and Mick’s mother Corinna agreed to Gina’s idea. After all, Minnie was already showing a great interest in animals! Specifically horses.
RIGHT! Mick almost yelled and stood up, looking for his old photo albums. He skimmed through the pages and wondered what his and Gina’s rooms looked like before in Texas. The Schumacher siblings loved their home in Texas— especially their rooms. Mick’s room was converted to be Kimi and Stefan Vettel’s guest rooms but they remained with the same theme of western style and horses. 
Then, just as he browsed through his pictures with Gina in her bedroom, his eyes immediately zeroed in on the pink and blue wooden rocking horse that his baby self sat on while Gina stood next to the boy. 
He knew what he wanted to get his little girl now.
And so the first thing he did was phone his parents. He called Corinna’s phone, but it was Michael who had answered the call.
“Oh, hey Dad, is mom there?” Mick nearly facepalmed. This was literally Corinna’s phone he had called.
“Am I that boring to you, Mickie?” Michael scoffed, making Mick roll his eyes. “I can hear your eyes rolling from here. Seriously, is there anything I can help with? Your mom is out at the back right now.”
“Yes, actually,” Mick cleared his throat and stared at the picture of him and Gina as he continued, “I saw this photo of me and Gina in the ranch— her room actually. Gina had this wooden rocking horse and I’m wondering if we still have it there. I’m hoping to ask Gina if I can get it and restore it as a gift for Minnie’s birthday?” 
“Oh. That pink and blue one?”
“Yup, that one.”
“Gina broke it when she was five and we had it thrown out,” Michael almost sighed at the memory.
Mick winced when he learned the news. “Why- ugh Gina.”
“We told her that she can’t ride it anymore but she was persistent,” Michael chuckled. “Why would you restore it when you can just buy one?”
“Because it would mean a lot more if Minna got the same one her Aunt Gina has,” Mick murmured. “She’ll see it in the pictures and be like ‘Wow this was my Auntie G’s!” 
“Huh,” Michael let out a hum. “That’s… that’s very thoughtful, Mick. But sadly we don’t have it in Texas, anymore.” 
Mick let out a sigh of defeat. He could just always get Minna a new one, but it would mean a lot if his daughter got something from their childhood that she would enjoy as well. 
Michael had a different thought, however. 
The 7-time world champion had spoken up again after hearing absolutely nothing from his son, “It was something that I made from scratch, Mick.” 
Mick’s eyes quirked at the sound of this as he asked, “You made it?” 
“Ralf and I did,” Michael replied, referring to Mick’s uncle as Michael continued, “I still remember what it looks like and if you’d like, we can make it. Though I doubt that you’d have time to—“
“NO, NO, NO!” Mick panicked, wincing at the volume of his voice as he looked back at the entryway of the living room. Barbie would kill him if his tone woke the baby up. Then he began speaking as quietly as possible, “I’m not busy on my next off— surely it won’t take us long to make it right?”
“You have to rest for the—“
“—Dad, I’m begging you right now please help me,” Mick pleaded desperately. “I have a doubleheader after my next off and I wouldn’t have time in the future like Dad please.”
Michael immediately interrupted Mick, “Mick for the love of god, stop freaking out—“
“—Sorry,” Mick muttered. “Didn’t mean to freak out. ‘S just… I haven’t done anything for Minnie’s birthday and this is her first birthday. My first kid’s first birthday. I’m already missing out on most of her life and I can’t even do anything for her first birthday? What kind of a father would I be?”
Michael understood. He understood fully what Mick felt and he wouldn’t deny that. He was a father as well, and he rarely saw Gina and Mick during the season— he had often labelled himself as a shitty father for it. It was only fair that Michael understood how Mick felt now that he, too, was a father. 
But instead of expressing his empathy outright, Michael only sighed and spoke, “Lassen Sie uns morgen mit klaren Köpfen beginnen.” Let’s start with clear minds tomorrow.
“Was meinst du, Dad?” What do you mean, Dad? Mick asked. 
“We’ll plan out what to do in two weeks then start,” Michael told his son through the phone and instructed, “It’ll take us a while to figure it out so I need you to clear your brain and sleep it off. Don’t get too stressed, Mickie. ‘s not good for you— Minnie’s a baby but she can feel stress when it’s nearby.” 
“Okay,” Mick cleared his throat, now determined to stay sane for a little while. “I’ll do that.”
“Don’t get too antsy about not being able to do anything,” Michael reassured him. “Everyone around you already knows you’re doing more than you think.” 
“Alright,” Mick murmured softly, “th- thanks dad. Say hi to mom for me, yeah?”
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“You guys~” Barbie had walked into the deck of their home, her face offering her husband Mick and father-in-law Michael a puzzled look. 
“You two have been here for hours,” Barbie told them as if she was worried. She had been hearing some strange noise at the deck earlier today alongside the murmuring. Knowing Mick and Michael, she assumed that they were just relaxing at the back. 
Yet here she was, looking at them with a baffled look as she watched Mick’s hand pull away from the half-cut lumber and electric saw.
“No we’re not,” Michael quipped, “we’ve been here for two.” 
“Hours,” Barbie emphasized. “Minna just—“ 
“Da! Da!” Corinna had followed suit and walked out with eleven-month-old Minna in her arms, grinning as the baby continued to babble happily.
“Yeah, what Minna said,” Barbie murmured, stepping back as she said, “she just woke up from her nap.”
“Aw, is that right, meine kleine Minnie?” My little Minnie. Michael cooed, arms extending to reach for his granddaughter as he carried Minna in his arms. He grinned heavily as he began to move around with the little girl. “Did you have a good nap, liebe?”
“Pip!” Minna shrieked, only knowing that word alongside ‘Ma’ and ‘Da.’ “Pip!”
“Is that a yes or a no?” Michael hummed before pressing a kiss on the little one’s chubby cheek. “I assume it’s a yes.”
“Oh definitely a yes,” Barbie chuckled, “I know what Mick looks like waking up from a nap— she's definitely a Schumacher who had a good nap.” 
Mick groaned playfully, earning a giggle from Barbie. 
“By the way,” Barbie brought up, “Seb is coming over with Kimi and Stefan.” 
“Oh great, look, Dad, Seb’s helping us,” Mick looked at Michael. 
“What’re you two doing anyways?” Corinna asked, her eyes looking at the scattered tools and piled-up lumber. Barbie found herself looking as well, curious eyes now trained at the cans of paint as she looked back at the father-son duo. 
“Stuff,” Mick shrugged nonchalantly.
“Wow aren’t you specific,” Corinna muttered.
“It’s for Minnie’s birthday,” Michael waved off the two women, “don’t worry about it. It’ll be done by the end of the day.”
“Minnie’s birthday is in four weeks,” Mick continued, “I wanted to make something for her so… yeah.”
“You don’t even know how to make something wood-related, Mick,” Barbie replied with a raised brow.
Mick then murmured, “I’ll show you something wood-related— ow, Mom!” Corinna smacked Mick on the back of his head and glared at him, gesturing back to Minna. 
Michael snorted aloud, making Minna laugh at the sound. 
“That’s your child in front of you, Mick,” Barbie warned with a cheeky grin. “Careful with your words now, yeah?” 
Mick only rolled his eyes. It wasn’t as if Minna could understand that easily. 
“Besides,” Barbie continued, “shouldn’t you be talking to Seb about… lumber stuff? He’s made an impressive apiary before.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Michael scoffed and waved off the offer, “I’ve made this before. It’s nothing I can’t do. Sebastian’s never done this— he wouldn’t be that good without any instruction.”
Corinna and Barbie traded looks. If there was something that the Schumachers and Vettels knew, it was that Sebastian was good at a lot of things— so the fact that Michael was underestimating his woodworking skills? That definitely wouldn’t sit right with Seb especially if he’s heard of it.
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Sebastian Vettel wasn’t usually like this, but when Corinna brought up Michael’s comments about his skills the 4-time world champion couldn’t help but lean against the deck railing with a smirk. In his hand was a bottle of beer, watching the Schumacher men struggle with sanding the wood surfaces that they’ve cut. Or rather, they didn’t know how to operate the electric sander. 
Mick groaned, “Seb— some help please?” He turned to look at the driver, who kept leaning against the railing with a cheeky smile.
“I would but Michael said I can’t be good without ins—“
“Oh come on, have a laugh, Seb,” Michael looked at Sebastian in annoyance, making the man finally cave in and laugh. “Just come help— this is your granddaughter’s gift too—“
“No, don’t call Minnie that,” Sebastian interrupted Michael and shook his head. “Don’t call her my granddaughter.”
“Is she not?” Mick raised a brow. He was merely teasing. After all, Sebastian proudly called himself Barbie’s (foster) father — therefore he was a proud Opa to the little Minna Schumacher. 
Seb just refused to be called a grandfather. He wasn’t that old yet. Fernando Alonso was literally older than him! He sometimes denied that he was a grandfather— but he wouldn’t ever deny Minnie the right to call him Opa.
“Step away,” Sebastian said, now handling the sander as he started it. “You should’ve called me earlier today— I would’ve gone and done all of this.”
“Dad said he could do it, that's why I thought we didn’t need some help,” Mick reasoned.
Sebastian gave his mentor Michael a look and said, “Minna’s not just your granddaughter, Michael. Learn to share responsibilities. I have to spoil her too.”
Michael rolled his eyes, “Just sand the whole thing so we can paint it.”
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Minna Schumacher’s first birthday party was anything but simple. The little one had charmed people with her signature Schumacher grin and had giggled at almost anything. 
But it wasn’t just her adorable and charming being that turned the environment of the party up a notch. Her little heart-studded cowboy boots gathered the attention of most guests as she slowly walked and stomped around the venue, smiling up at whoever she came across as her mother Barbie assisted her. 
“Oh my, is that my Minnie baby?” Barbie grinned at her mother Bel Vettel as the little one excitedly stomped her feet down. Minna immediately sped up her steps and leaned forward to be reached by Bel. 
The older woman, despite not looking the part, took Minna in her arms and hoisted the baby up with a light grunt. Bel grinned and squealed at Minna, “You are such a big girl now, Minnie! Whatever will Oma do about it?!” 
“Oma,” Minna babbled repeatedly before putting her little hands over Bel’s cheeks. The baby continued to babble as Bel nodded along. 
Bel then looked over at her daughter and smiled, “And you? I’ve heard you’re feeling sick lately.” 
Barbie rolled her eyes playfully, “It’s hard to keep things a secret in this family, huh?” 
Bel chuckled, “You know that we’re only worried. Are you okay though, Barbie? Corinna said—“
“Nina!” Bel and Barbie chuckled at Minna’s excited expression. 
Bel then continued, “She said that you’re feeling ill— or at least Mick’s been telling her.”
“Mm, yeah,” Barbie hummed, reaching to fix Minna’s pigtails as she continued, “I’ve been throwing up and all that… I think I know—“
“—I knew it,” Bel squealed, bouncing Minna in joy as she cooed at the baby, “Minna’s gonna be a big sis huh? Are you?” 
Barbie chuckled happily, “I have a hunch. Let’s just not tell Mick or the others yet, if that’s okay. I don’t want them to get their hopes up.”
“Yeah, of course,” Bel grinned, pressing kisses on Minna’s face. “I’ve got more babies to spoil— and I thought Stefan and Kimi’s gonna be the only kids I’ll be able to spoil!” 
“I still can’t believe you got her a bag,” Barbie rolled her eyes, making Bel giggle as Barbie continued, “She won’t be able to use that for a while, Bel. She's only a year old.”
“Yeah, but she’s my Minnie baby,” Bel pouted dramatically. “You know I wouldn’t pass up the chance to spoil my little Minnie, no, Bebe?” Bel grinned at the toddler as Minna replied with a laugh.
“Bel,” Barbie sighed, “you got her a Hermes.”
“Only the best from Oma Bel,” the older woman grinned, making Barbie sigh again.
Barbie then said, “Only the best for Minna— I feel like I’ve heard everyone say that.” 
“Of course,” Bel quipped, “everyone wants to be Minna’s favourite. But it seems like her Da and Pippa will win that title sometime soon.” 
They both looked over where the wooden rocking horse was. It was majestic— the handiwork that Mick and Michael made for the little girl. 
It was similar to the one that Mick showed Barbie. But instead of the pastel blue and pink, the rocking horse was painted with the colours of Michael Schumacher’s racing suit back when he won his first world championship— the Benetton blue and yellow accentuated in the wooden horse while his driver number was painted on the sides of the horse.
Barbie chuckled softly, “Don’t say that out loud— Seb might hear. You know that he wants to be Minna’s favourite grandpa no matter how much he refuses to get called one.” 
On the other side of the room, the birthday girl’s dad Mick, and her grandfathers Michael and Sebastian (who still called himself ‘Opa’ rather than ‘Grandpa’) stood as they looked over where the wooden horse was. 
“I’m surprised that it turned out well,” Mick mumbled. Sebastian and Michael hummed in agreement. “Minnie wouldn’t stop going to it since she found it.”
“Well that’s good,” Michael joked, “otherwise I wasted hours of my time for nothing.”
“This was an eye-opener for me, you know?” Mick told the two, making the older men shoot him a puzzled look as he continued with a grin, “Who would’ve thought that it’ll take being Minnie’s grandpa for you to fight over the little things?” 
Sebastian scoffed and Michael rolled his eyes.
Sebastian then grinned, “Had I known that Michael was going to be this insufferable as an in-law, I simply wouldn’t have let you date Barbie—“
Michael’s eyes widened and he looked at Sebastian with a baffled look, making Sebastian and Mick laugh aloud. 
“Oh you two,” Michael muttered. “It’s no wonder why I’m Minna’s favourite.”
“Yeah, yeah, keep lying to yourself, Michael.”
“Yeah, whatever, Dad.”
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♡ moony’s reminder 🅶 (general): @hiraethrhapsody @avaleineandafryingpan @topguncultleader
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ja-reau · 2 years
can i ask preggo reader x Larissa fluff?
something like reader telling Larissa the news or either Larissa comforting reader when they’ve gone into labor🥹
or anything really, i’m just in need for family fluff💕😭
Surprise! - Larissa Weems x Reader
I'm so sorry that I'm taking longer to get around to my asks! I've been so busy working all week.
Word Count: 680
Warnings: pregnancy
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You were beyond stressed out. You had missed your period last week and you were starting to feel sick in the mornings. The first thought that went through your mind was pregnancy. But that was impossible. You were dating Larissa. There was no way for her to even get you pregnant. Right? Of course, you didn’t take into account the fact that you both weren’t fully human anyways. At least you. Being part Witch meant you weren’t fully human. And well, Larissa was a shapeshifter. But still. Neither one of you could get pregnant, right? 
And then you remembered what you two did in the bedroom a couple of weeks ago. It all made sense now. You had used your magic and she had shifted a part of her body. But neither of you thought that this little experiment would end with you becoming pregnant. Or, potentially, at least. You had just come back from the pharmacy in Jericho, a pregnancy test in your bag. Once you got home and took the test, you paced back and forth. What if it was positive? And you were really pregnant? What then? You were both excited and scared. You and Larissa had spoken about getting married and starting a family for a while now. You were both doing well financially, so a child was no problem in that department. 
But what if Larissa wasn’t ready for a child? Oh god, what if she thought you cheated on her? And didn’t hear you out and broke up with you? Then what? You let your mind continue to wander as you waited. You were pulled out of your own thoughts when the timer on your phone went off. Oh god, it was time. You let out a shaky breath before you went to the counter and took a look. 
It was positive. You were pregnant and you were having a baby. You were having Larissa’s baby. Tears started to well at your eyes, but as you wiped them away, you realised they were happy tears. 
You were a bundle of nerves by the time you got to Larissa’s office door. You knocked, holding onto a small box with your other hand. “Come in!” you heard her voice call out. You walked in, and her face lit up with a smile. “Darling! What a lovely surprise. What are you doing here?” she asked you, motioning for you to come in and sit. You closed and locked the door behind you as you walked over to her. “I needed to give you something.” you said, moving to put the box down on the desk. She raised an eyebrow. “It couldn’t wait?” Larissa asked and you shook your head. You stayed standing. If she reacted poorly, you wanted to escape as fast as possible. She took the box and opened it, looking down. She looked up at you with confusion for a split second before she had the same epiphany that you did early in the day. Her face lit up. “Surprise!” you said, relief washing over you when you saw the look on her face. “Are you serious?" Larissa asked you, setting the box down and moving towards you, pulling you into her arms.  “I’m serious.” you said back. 
“Oh my darling, I’m so excited. I can’t believe this.” Larissa said, pulling back from the hug slightly. Her hand instinctively moved onto your stomach, despite there being no physical evidence of you being pregnant yet. “Me neither.” you said, tears welling at your eyes again. She cupped your cheeks, leaning down to kiss you. “I cannot wait to start a family with you, princess.” she said softly after she pulled back from the kiss. “Me too. I can’t believe this is actually happening.” you whispered softly. “How are you feeling? Are you hungry? Have you eaten yet today?” Larissa asked you, protective mode turned on. You couldn’t help but chuckle at her. “I’m feeling more than okay. And yes, I did eat. But I could go for lunch. After all, I am eating for two now.”
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springsheep · 1 month
Shen Tunan x Wei Ruolai: Looking at each other
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Don't Take Your Eyes Off Me
(Shen Tunan x Wei Ruolai)
Shen Tunan himself may not notice, but he always looks at Wei Ruolai with indescribable fondness and doting. He pampers the boy, perhaps overly so, but he can't help it.
He loves seeing Wei Ruolai look at him with those peach blossom eyes, watching his every move with admiration and awe. It's an exhilarating feeling, being held in such reverence by such a precious boy; Shen Tunan knows many people admire him, but other people's praise do not matter to him.
He only likes Wei Ruolai's worshiping gaze.
This is his boy. The diamond in the rough that he picked up one day, the person he holds dear to his heart...
Wei Ruolai looks at him with such a lovely gaze that Shen Tunan finds himself preening every time the boy looks at him that way. Shen Tunan basks in the unrestrained admiration that overflows in Wei Ruolai's eyes.
He wants more of it, and so he pampers his darling, gives him new pens and entrusts him with important tasks and buys him new clothes -- all because he wants Wei Ruolai to turn to him, look at him with that sweet gaze, and smile.
God, Shen Tunan loved Wei Ruolai's smile. It was cheerful, filled with youthful naivete and yet a hint of slyness in it. Wei Ruolai smiles politely to various people, but Shen Tunan is pleased to note that Wei Ruolai only smiles genuinely when he's with him.
Shen Tunan thought that sometimes it was frightening. He was a man of finance, a man of data and facts and cold hard strategies. He needed to be rational in his line of work, especially since he was conducting financial reforms.
But Wei Ruolai...
Shen Tunan knew, without a doubt, that he would gladly turn crazy and burn the whole world down for the sake of protecting his Wei Ruolai.
Yes, his Wei Ruolai.
Shen Tunan had long thought of Wei Ruolai as his. His to teach and his to claim and his to pamper and his, his, his.
Wei Ruolai was the only exception in his work. Shen Tunan still recalled that moment when his Ruolai was sent to the Garrison Prison. Shen Tunan's superiors told him to abandon the boy.
"He's just a kid from a small town," they told him. "Plus, his family is related to communists."
"He's not worth it."
Oh, Shen Tunan begged to differ. His boy was worth it. So, so, worth it.
And if other people couldn't see Ruolai's worth, well then, it was their loss.
The selfish part of him was glad they didn't know what a jewel his Ruolai was, because if they realized how great his boy was, wouldn't they want to steal him away?
Shen Tunan never wanted that to happen.
"Ruolai," he once asked, "Are you afraid to be by my side?"
Only Shen Tunan himself knew how much he was dreading the answer to that question. What if Ruolai regretted it? What if he wanted to leave? Shen Tunan clenched his fists as he looked at Ruolai darkly. I'm sorry, but even if you regret it... even if you want to leave... I won't let you. You're already mine.
And Wei Ruolai, bless him, the boy answers even more spectacularly than he hoped for.
"I'm not scared, sir," Wei Ruolai had replied. "My life is yours."
When he heard those words, Shen Tunan felt like he was soaring. To hear his Ruolai say that, with his shy smile and puppy-dog eyes looking at him adoringly... Shen Tunan felt like he could die a happy man.
His Ruolai was so earnest, so sincere, and so trusting. Shen Tunan wanted his boy to keep looking at him like that, it was exhilarating...
Which was why he kept indulging the boy, protecting him and giving him anything he wanted. Of course Ruolai would never ask for things from him, no, but Shen Tunan made it his personal mission to keep track of Ruolai's needs and make sure it was met.
He wanted Ruolai to keep looking at him.
And he... he couldn't tear his eyes off hte boy even if he wanted to.
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panderghast · 9 months
I have maybe a pinch of hope left...
Cause like, I have sooooo much to give. And it seems like everyone wants a piece of it, but nobody wants to give anything back. They want me to be dirty, as long as I can wash myself clean again of course (my goodness). They love how quirky I am! Until I need to tone it down, oh my gosh it's mortifying. Why would I wear that in public, say that out loud? I'm going to walk away from you if you do that, I swear to god don't embarrass me. I have strong values and morals; unless we disagree. Then I become stubborn and unpleasant while I defend my opinion and you drown out my voice with your cynicism and ego. I can't even talk about what's bothering me, it's a personal attack on them exclusively. Lord have mercy it is actually about them, because suddenly they do nothing right and nothing is ever good enough for me and they just can't lose me, they can't!
Honestly, I'm also tired of playing into the thought of basic decency being my reward? I'm not your good girl. I'm not a dog. You aren't a dom, and I'm not a sub. I don't owe you that privilege just because you saw me naked and you put your hand on my throat while you fucked me. You don't know the first thing about BDSM, and you can't even tell me the definition of a kink. So why do you think this is a turn based game instead of a bonding exercise around consent? Don't touch me.
The thing is, I want to let someone in. I want to express deep and passionate love. But I am constantly misguided. I am lead to believe these men tell the truth, and then once I get comfortable in their embrace and I feel safe they constrict me like a snake until I stop breathing. My heart is treated like a possession, not a delicate gift. I'm a conquest in some sick subjugation, not a prize to be displayed and discussed and proud of. I'm a very fun toy to have, but I'm like a sports car - but they can't use me everyday, that's why they have their family car and I'm in the garage; they can only take my out when its convenient or they're feeling nostalgic or frisky. All I was asking for is maybe some recognition? A little appreciation, some attention? Maybe give me half as much thought as you did to your Baldur's Gate 3 character. Or, I suddenly turn into their mother and I get to experience all the Freudian bullshit that they packed in their bags and dragged around with them from house to house. I must be able to teach them all the things their lacking, right? I mean, after all I'm raising 4 kids successfully on my own and maintaining a house and budget without help and I do all these wonderful things like cook and clean and make art and I can still love so freely. Wow! I'm a goddess. I'm so special, unique, incredible, astounding...So, that's something that I can share obviously. It must be a secret, a technique I've perfected through all the trauma and opportunities life has given me. If I could only support them a bit...emotionally, spiritually, financially, sexually, physically, mentally...teach them how to take care of themselves since they never bothered to learn. Then I could make them a good partner. For me, of course! ...But I have to make sure I share their interests because mine are a bit boring, they don't get it it's too much information to follow, this cartoon is kind of childish don't you think, what is this a romance, I don't really understand old horror movies they're so badly made...but hey, have you seen the entire Marvel collection? Don't worry, I'll make sure to ask you questions on everything you do like that coincides with my interests to make sure you're telling the truth. Oh wait, make sure that I don't go out without them too much, they'll feel lonely. Why is my phone going off so much? I'm so paranoid about shutting my laptop when I'm done, omg can I stop doing that why don't I leave it open. Hey, they're out of body wash and shampoo btw. Ah, shoot, can I help them clean up because they're just so tired. Can I cover this bill, order this food, get these drinks cause they ran out of money? We haven't gone out in a while...oh it's because I'm not paying or planning for it anymore and the last time you did anything was March? What the fuck do you mean you don't vote? What the fuck do you mean you think feminists are annoying? What the fuck do you mean I emasculate you, I wasn't even talking to you, I was talking to my son about doing his homework or else he would end up living in his friends apartment sleeping on a mattress on the floor with no sheets and his winter coat on cause they couldn't afford the gas bill working a dead end job at a fast food place cause he has no skills...but if the fucking shoe fits, my guy. 🙄
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khonaker · 10 months
I think ochako is one of the most under utilised and underrated characters. I'm not a fan of her character (no, i DONT hate her). She had so much of potential amd her fight with BK just proved she's more than a pretty face. I'm fully aware of the fact that this show is oversaturated with characters. But let's not forget that she is the main female lead of the show. My biggest issue with her is that she didn't get to do a god damn thing in the Stain arc. She joined the academy with the sole intention of making money, and that's exactly what Stain hates about the hero society. Their monetary outlook. She could have been a part of the arc, the build up was there. She could have shown Stain that yes, while there are heroes who are there solely for the financial gains, that doesn't make them bad people. She all she wanted was to help her family get out of the poor financial situation they were in. Instead, she gets the typical shonen lead heroine treatment- being the love interest and whose sole purpose in life is to be a satellite character to the male lead of the show.
All her effort in the UA sports festival to do her best against Bk, all the desires to make good income as a hero to help her family financially, devolved into a girl who becomes a blushing mess infront of her love interest.
They did her so dirty. She was one of the few female shonen characters who felt like she could be someone in life without having anything to do with matters of the heart.
Also, notice how it's other characters around her who enforce her this whole Deku crush on her. Mina, toga and Aoyama to name a few. These are the characters who constantly remind her of her feelings for deku, thus pushing her further and further away from the plot relevancy.
I find this very annoying and makes me sick to think that a girl with tremendous potential is now relegated to the role of a girl hopelessly in love.
One last question: So many people think she's a terrible person for wanting to make money. I'm like, what? Are you serious? (If you want me to give further explanations I will) but it's the most human and realistic thing to do when you're stuck in a financial rut.
Please let me know and thanks for reading my extremely long post
Ooooooooooo Lordy.
(Cracks hands and neck)
First and foremost, I still love Ochako. But I can’t ignore what’s happened to her throughout the series.
Honestly, it’s been ages since I’ve had that exact thought about Ochako and Stain situation! While he had a valid point (that wasn’t further explored, HORIKOSHI) about there being heroes that didn’t have the EXACT same mentality as All Might, her duality of wanting to provide enough money to support her family all the while having the desire to save others for the sake of saving others would be honestly a culture shock to Stain. (Or he may go further into denial, it’s actually hard to say. Guy had a few screws loose.)
But it HONESTLY would have been interesting seeing these two interact! And not to replace anyone the Hosu trio! It honestly would have been cool seeing her trying to use her new Gunhead Martial Arts (though she probably would have been focused on saving Iida as Izuku and Shoto took on the role of the main fighters, but Stain could have also tried to go after them and Uraraka would attempt to hold her own against him.) And we would have had MOST of the Dekusquad there! (Asui had her own internship.) Hiw great would it have been seeing the Dekusquad fighting together! And Ochako going feral protecting Iida!
Yeah, she happened to be more focused only about her crush with Izuku as time went on, which made a lot of her early traits and accomplishments kinda fade away and be forgotten. But for the record, and I still stand by this. A girl having a crush on someone DOESN’T cheapen her in my opinion. It’s something that happens to many teenagers. And some of their interactions I think are handled well, like them talking about wanting to save their respective villains. But other times, yeah, it felt a bit excessive that Horikoshi had to stop and say, “Hey! Hey! Do you remember Ochako has a crush on Izuku?!?” I honestly was looking forward to seeing how she acted after she vowed to put her feelings aside during the provisional license exam. But…Hori just continued to drill it into our faces.
As for the biggest perpetrator of making Ochako only about Izuku, I lay on Toga’s feet. Mina, yeah, she brings up the crush as well, but it’s done more in good fun I feel. And I think Aoyama has done that once. (Now that I think about it, it’s kind of random how he suddenly knew about her crush. He never does it again.)
But Toga? Horikoshi could have used her for something else to make her relevant, but the ONLY thing she had connected to Ochako is their shared crush on Izuku. Others say theirs other themes between them, but I’m sorry. I don’t see it, or believe that it was handled effectively. Ochako had more than just a crush. Like you mentioned, her want to provide for her family. Her fighting spirit and prowess that she showed against Bakugou. She had things that could have been fleshed out more.
Toga was a wha-wha girl that embraced being a remorseless villain and happened to be crushing on the same guy Ochako was crushing on. That’s it. There’s nothing else really about Toga. And she became to Ochako what Bakugou became to Izuku: a detriment to her character and preventing her from becoming something MORE. (Sorry but not really if I sound cynical about Toga. I just got REALLY tired being demanded to care about her. Like some OTHER blonde.)
Speaking of which, your last question? I also never understood this. I get it for a quick joke and stuff like that. Hahaha. But when people were SERIOUS about holding that over Ochako’s head? I was like, “Did you not hear her entire motivation?!?” I was dumbfounded how people could possibly come to that conclusion.
I find it ESPECIALLY interesting NO ONE brings up that BAKUGOU also had the desire to be a hero for money,JUST TO BE RICH AND FAMOUS! But no, shit on Ochako for wanting to take care of her family! Filthy hypocrites. I honestly wish Horikoshi did a better job balancing both her looking out for heroes as well as wanting to have a good paying job for her family. I think both are completely character of her.
Anyways, you gave me a long post, I gave a long response. 😜 But honestly, thanks! I don’t honestly get these and I hope my answers or thoughts are interesting or understandable! Have a good one and thanks again!
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his-tamine · 10 months
life update :3 (a little vent-y)
sooo, been over 200 days since the house caught fire and we had to move. obviously, a lot of stuff's been happening. can't go into deep details for fear of someone I don't want to find this, finding this, but I'll say this much: FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've very rarely mentioned family on here (for obvious reasons - this account is NOT made for that lol) but here goes. tw for pretty heavy topics: mentions of abuse, father issues, health issues, transphobia & financial issues. I turned 18 Feb 21st, literally just almost 2 months before the damn house caught fire. Meanwhile, my brother's still a minor. MEANING, I narrowly escaped the custody battle my mom & dad are in. But unfortunately, he's still stuck in the middle of it. :( My pops was not really the nicest person to me when I was a kid -
whooping my ass whenever I did anything wrong, no matter how minor the offense was.
Telling me that he loved God more than he loved me, because "You're God's gift to me. God is the one who gave you to me in the first place," when I was four.
Telling me that if I didn't start being ok with receiving physical affection from family - which he knew made me uncomfortable - I was "going to grow up to be a S3R1AL K1LL3R" (yes he said that.)
Telling me that "God doesn't make mistakes," and that he "made me into a beautiful young woman for a reason" after I came out to him personally at 14 - big mistake 0/10 stars, would never do again. You get the idea. And those are the tame examples I could think of. So, I finally cut him off. As soon as my mom, brother, & I were in our new place, I blocked his number and haven't talked to him since. I was sick of him not respecting my boundaries, and repeatedly demonstrating that he thought of me as nothing more than a possession. Tired of him making me feel crazy all the time too. But now he's fucking with my mom & brother. Intentionally not paying child support till the last minute possible - & then making it in as small of payments at a time as he possibly can (yes he can afford it btw.) Trying to force my brother to go over to his place, even when my brother does NOT want to - which has begun giving my brother psychological issues & issues with school, mirroring the ones I used to struggle with bc of that bastard. My mom is juggling all sorts of things, & I really at least wanna try to help financially by getting a job, but I can't yet because: she says that I'm only 18, & shouldn't have to get a job to help out (I disagree.) I don't have an ID bc she wants me to wait on my legal name change - which costs a pretty decent chunk of change - reason is bc she "wants me to have as easy an early adulthood life as possible" (love her.) AND, I haven't actually graduated - No, I dipped in 11th bc school was hell (not exaggerating,) & instead just decided to pursue a GED, that I haven't been able to work towards bc of the shit show that is life in midwestern america. So I've been very depressed, exhausted, & hopeless. The least I can do is clean up our house while she's at work, & get this - some days I don't even have the physical energy to do THAT! I do not know what the hell is wrong with my body currently, but it absolutely sucks. & I'm really tired of just taking up space all the time. She's dealing with health issues too, & I'm always worried ab her. Idk what the hell to do, but something's gotta give. Everybody needs a fucking break. I keep trying to shoo away all the dark thoughts, push myself as often as possible, & keep my fingers crossed, but jfc... Sorry just needed to yell into the void for a sec. I'll live, I'm sure - I've survived worse. Sometimes things just suck. But I like to think that someday they won't. :,)
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This was going to be a post about irregularities about what I’ve been told about my family’s financial status growing up vs what I actually noticed looking back on it, but it ended up becoming,, a vent? So venture forward at your own risk
Trying to figure out what financial status we had growing up, because there was 8 of us (sometimes more) in a 2 bedroom house, but we were going to a private school that was being paid for due to a deal struck with the people who raised me and the principal there where one of them essentially worked at the school for free as our tuition
(And god did we never hear the end of that deal, at practically every moment we were being screamed at about how much they sacrifice for our education and we should be kissing the floor they walk on in gratitude 🙄 and it wasn’t even like it was a good school, it was just a Christian private school, so every single part was about Christianity and missionaries and I honestly think it was worse for our education than public school would’ve been)
They also got government assistance for raising us, which went towards our clothes so we’d be able to buy a couple outfits twice a year from a thrift store, and a pair of shoes once a year (god help you if something happened to that pair and you needed another one), and then we’d get food and hair cuts from whichever area was doing those things for free
So I always figured as a kid we were poor as shit, and just grateful for whatever occasional nice thing we could get (I still have my Nintendo dsi that I treasure very carefully) and thought that they were doing their absolute best for us, despite their best still resulting in us always being hungry all the time (those lunch programs only gave out really small lunches and we were always getting like 2 meals, that small lunch being one of them, a day and drinking water throughout the day because “you aren’t hungry, you just think you’re hungry, water will fill you up”) (also the lunches at the school were also usually small)
So yeah, ratty clothes, choppy hair, always hungry, but grateful because they would always make a huge deal on how much they sacrifice for us and how much they give us, and how they couldn’t afford to give us more, and then the second each of us were 18 they dropped us like a hot potato and we each had to go live in financially sucking places where we can’t afford to do much for ourselves, but we’re all used to it
Except, it’s been occurring to me more and more that they never did all that for themselves or for their actual bio kid, when it came to those 3 it was never thrifted clothes, they’d buy themselves good filling food all the time and would always have snacks for themselves, and their daughter was always using their card to go out and get herself food from restaurants and stuff, and they all took themselves to have “salon days” where’d they actually go and have all this work done on their hair
And it wouldn’t just be stuff like that, whatever she wanted, she was able to have without a second thought, we’d all be sharing a deodorant stick (not even exaggerating) and she’d go out with their card and buy herself a full on bathtub set whenever she felt like it, clothes, food, money, etc., anything she wanted she got it instantly, while she never did any of chores and it was up to the rest of us who were all younger than her to constantly keep everything clean
And then when she moved out, they completely funded her college education and bought her a house
And they owned two cars
So like,,, y’all could afford to do that but asking for a little extra food for the rest of us or a new pair of shoes because the shoes I was wearing were literally falling apart on my feet was the end of the world and you needed to scream about your finances at us???
It was just so normalized that we never questioned why they got all those things and we didn’t, we were essentially their charity case that was supposed to make them look good to their church, we were just supposed to be grateful we weren’t being bounced from home to home, of course we weren’t being treated like their bio daughter even tho they were “like our parents,” because it was always “like,” it was always the appearance of, they didn’t actually give a shit about us other than what they could use to look good to others, “oh the nice Christian couple taking in the poor kids and making sure they get a nice Christian education” 🙄 while they kept almost killing us with their medical neglect
…This got away from me, anyways the point is I wonder if we were actually as destitute as they made it seem when we were kids or if they just lied to us so they didn’t have to feed us regularly
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Families Found and Made | J.B.R. x S.C.
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Pairing: John B Routledge x Sarah Cameron
Summary: Things don’t always work out the way Sarah and John B expect, but maybe their better than either of them could’ve imagined.
Requested by @booknerdgirl91 (thanks my love!)
A/N: Writing for a ship was a little out of my comfort zone but it turned out being really fun! I hope you enjoy and thanks for you patience! Also I apologize for the lack of proofreading
Warnings: pregnancy, labor, not proofread
Word Count: 1.1k
It wasn’t exactly Sarah’s plan to have kids young. She and John B had talked about wanting a family, but they figured they would wait until they were a little bit more settled and had some more stability. But the universe doesn’t care about your “plan”, and that moment came sooner than expected.
When she first showed John B the pregnancy test she was terrified. They were barely eighteen years old. They didn’t know anything about raising a kid and there was no way they could financially support one, they could barely support themselves. But John B didn’t freak out, he smiled the biggest smile Sarah had ever seen and then he got down on one knee.
“What do you say? You ready to make this marriage thing legal?” He asked, and of course she said yes.
Two weeks later, they stood at the courthouse with their friends by their sides and said “I do”.
Sarah danced around the kitchen with her little girl on her hip. She bounced her up and down as she sang along to the song, the baby joining in with her little babbles. Hearing the front door creak open, Sarah gave her an excited face.
“Look who’s home, baby!” She set her daughter down on her wobbly little legs.
“It’s Dada!” Sarah giggled as she watched the baby race to her husband’s waiting arms.
“Hi, sweet girl!” John B swung his daughter around, tickling her little belly. “I missed you today. Were you a good girl for your mama?” She giggled in response to her dad’s antics.
“She was a little angel today. Weren’t you, Valerie?”
“That’s good, because your mama can’t chase you down too well anymore, can she?” John B bent down to kiss his wife once on the lips, and then again on her belly. “How’s my beautiful girl feeling today?”
Sarah leaned into his embrace, smiling at her little family. “Feeling good. Ready for this little munchkin to get out here and join us.”
“Me too.”
Sarah jolted awake, reaching over blindly to smack her husband. “John B, wake up.”
He groaned, voice groggy. “What is it?”
“The baby’s coming. It’s time.”
John B bolted out of bed. “Oh my god! Okay, we’ve got to get you to the hospital!” He paced around the room, breathing fast. “Are you okay? What can I do?”
“John B, breathe.” Sarah chuckled. “Everything’s fine. We’ve done this once before you know.”
“Right, right.” John B took a deep breath.
“Now call Pope.”
Sarah pulled herself slowly out of bed, getting changed into some comfortable clothes for the ride to the hospital.
“Okay, Pope and Cleo are on their way.” John B grabbed the packed hospital bag from its spot by the bed. “Let’s get you into the car so we’re ready to go when they get here.”
He moved to his wife’s side, helping her walk through the house. Only seconds after Sarah got settled into the passenger’s seat, they saw Pope’s car screech into the driveway.
John B gave Pipe and Cleo a quick run down before they both leaned into the car to give Sarah hugs.
“Are you guys good to stay here?” Sarah questioned, slightly concerned about leaving her sleeping daughter.
“Absolutely. We’ve got Val, you just focus on yourself and the new baby.” Pope reassured her.
“Go bring another perfect baby into the world.” Cleo chimed in.
“Thank you guys so much for doing this.”
“Hey, we’re happy to spend more time with our amazing niece.” Cleo squeezed Sarah’s hand. “You got this.”
Sarah gave Cleo one final hug before shutting the door and she and John B sped off toward the hospital.
Upon entering the maternity ward, John B and Sarah were surprised to find JJ and Kiara already there waiting.
“How did you get here so fast?” Sarah questioned her best friends.
“We left as soon as we got the text.” JJ replied.
“You are literally in labor. There was no way I was leaving you in the hands of just John B.” Kie said with a pointed look.
John B made an indignant noise. “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means your a man and y—“
“Okay, can you please continue your bickering after they get me admitted?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Good point.”
“Welcome home!” The pogues whisper yelled and John B and Sarah walked through the door.
Their friends stood in a semicircle around the kitchen table which was covered in food and decorations. A homemade ‘welcome home baby boy’ banner hung in the background with some little Valerie paintings adorning it. The little girl sat on JJ’s shoulders who bounced her up and down while she giggled.
“Guys! This is so sweet!” Sarah struggled to hold back her tears at the sight in front of her.
JJ set the little girl on the ground who instantly ran to her parents to be picked up again.
“Hi, baby!” Sarah cooed. “I missed you so much!”
“Mama! Dada!”
“Are you ready to meet your baby brother?”
“Yeah baby, bubba.” Sarah and John B both smiled at their daughter’s enthusiasm.
Sarah led her to the couch where she lifted the girl onto her lap, John B following behind with the baby carrier. He gently unbuckled and lifted out the baby, setting him in Sarah and Valerie’s waiting arms.
The little girl instantly giggled, looking back at her mom.
“That’s your baby brother, Val.” John B said softly.
“Can you say ‘hi, Johnny’?” Sarah encouraged.
“Hi, Johnny.” Valerie’s little voice cooed. She bent her little head down to kiss the baby’s cheek.
Sarah let her tears fall at the display of affection, turning to her husband. John B wiped the wetness from her cheeks and kissed the side of her head gently before wrapping his arms around his wife and children.
“I think we’ve got a pretty perfect family. What do you say, mama?” He whispered to her.
Sarah smiled at her husband, looking down at her two babies and then to all her friends surrounding them. “Pretty damn perfect,” she replied. “The one we found and the one we made.”
Sarah never would’ve expected have two kids before the age of twenty, but sometimes life works out exactly the way it’s supposed too.
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torialefay · 2 months
First of all, wishing you all the best of luck on your assessment🍀🍀🍀🍀
Second, mad agree with you on the hair post like😊
Third, coming from a lower middle/middle class area, i have never met a single person who was financially "normal" to this area or on the poorer side who would dare throw their electronics like chan has before. Even if they got richer later, old habits die hard, and you learn the value of money. I mean, I've seen people toss or flip their phone softly when bored, but never that hard or with a laptop or something, holy shit. You can tell a lot about someone by their interactions with not only people, but everything. The amount of times i watched an idol and went "🫵rich kid attitude" is kinda funny. And i totally agree with all the asks that came in between you and your mutuals and some anons, skz are all mad hardworking, but i dont think you can or should ignore or cover up the fact that they had the financial help and the resources to learn more and give them an advantage above the rest both personally amx through jype. Its kinda like college acceptance imo. And YES creatively free with many many many restrictions. Not even talking about k-idols, normal musicians have talked about the restrictions and requirements they need to have for their appearcance and the songs they released, i can only imagine being an idol is just exponentially demanding and restrictive. Their real voice is there, but it's smaller than a lot of stay think. Hayley Kiyoko talked about her company (label?) Not wanting her to write anymore songs about girls and Colbie Caillet has a whole song about her frustration that her label wanted her to write more love songs.
*incoherent noises* i could go on forever, but my god, cortana, play "we dont believe whats on tv" by twenty one pilots
And oh my god, i wish fandoms lighten up some. Its okay to not like everything every artist or show or whatever you like comes out with. It may even be healthy to not. When you love someone, youre not gonna let them keep fucking up and then you go "youre doing amazing sweetie", no, you have to tell them that they fucked up so they are aware of their mistakes and get better. Im pretty sure i read somewhere that skz mentioned thats what they prefer anyways. Sure its gonna hurt, especially since so much heart and hope, and hardwork went into it, but if its not good, its okay to admit that and that goes for every relationship ever. And if they dont wanna listen, then, thats on them.
Im really loving all the reality checks on here recently and i havent even ranted on about "i like it" yet lmao
thank you baby!!!! and tbf, i think they could look good in absolutely any hair color or hair style. except i never want to see christopher in another fully-red moment again. his lil red highlights or whatever he had recebtly for the mv were cute, but i'm not here for the full red like leave that man alone 😭
i was talking to one of my moots about this a little bit, so i'm actually glad you brought it up... but idk it's kind of embarrassing(?) idk for me to talk about so please bear with me im queasy lol. i was never some like super spoiled-brat rich kid or anything, but growing up i would say my family was very well-off or privilged maybe? idk it's kind of awkward to talk about bc i don't want people to feel certain ways about me but yeah. i think when you are in that kind of position, it's so easy to not even realize how advantaged you are. like there's that mentality of "oh i'm such a hard worker and that's how i've gotten here" when really, as uncomfortable as it is to admit, you don't *actually* know how far you would've gotten if you'd done it ALL on your own. not relying on anyone else... and not knowing if "just you" is good enough is a veryyyy hard pill to swallow- aka why most people disregard their privilege even being brought into the equation. it's easier to just pretend it doesnt exist. hence, i guess, why we love to think of SKZ coming up from nothing... it's just so easy to fall into that trap. and i feel like even the skz members fall into that trap themselves
unfortunately, that is the biggest drawback of being a kpop idol. in a way, you can't even be your full self anymore. which is sad. like not only do you not have full control of your own music (which is supposed to be your livelihood), but you don't even have control over how you're perceived. i talk a lot ab how i wish i could hang out with the guys behind the scenes, just to see what they're REALLY like... and when you think about it, that's kind of sad. i consume so much SKZ content, but even with all of that, it's very apparent that we don't know how they are when the cameras cut off. everything we see of them is specifically controlled by their team... except for things like bubble ofc and we see what that has revealed to us about chris lol. it's just so sad, but then again, it's exactly what they signed up for. (bonus points to u for the twenty one pilots reference though my god how i love them)
it's definitely not healthy to tell someone that they're amazing and perfect in every way and agreebwith absolutely everything they say. that's not helping anything. there's obviously a lot of stays who felt uncomfortable with the song, but imagine if no one said anything??? like literally everyone was too scared to say it and everyone just went along with it. theyd have a whole new comeback w songs ab not fucking liking you and just wanting to fuck and shit 😭 which like, power to them, but stays would just be playing themselves at that point lol
haven't ranted on "i like it".... YET?!?! oh lord, i'm strapped in and ready 😭😭😭😂
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littlemoon320 · 4 months
It's Been a While...
Not sure if anyone even reads my posts, nor does it matter, but I feel like this will help me to kind of type everything out. And I am totally just going to be rambling about random shit that has happened in my life lately, so pay no attention to me or my ADHD brain LOL!
Not sure if I ever made a post about it over the past 2 years...but I'm a mom now! She will be a year old on June 18th...God how fast time has gone. She is a chunky ball of sunshine and is legit the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know a lot of mothers say this, because for a lot of us, it's true. Children completely change your entire life and she did exactly that. She saved me. Such a cliché thing to say, but it's true.
In 2019 my grandpa passed away and I went through the most traumatic breakup I've ever dealt with in my life. Then in 2020, my dad passed away and I went through another soul crushing breakup. Also dealt with a lot of SA and loss of a lot of "friendships", none of which were my fault, but that doesn't make it hurt any less. If anything, it hurts more because I did all I could for these people and still got hurt. All I knew was loss for the longest time. Then in October of 2022, my whole world was flipped right side up. Even though her father & I are not together anymore, I'll always be thankful for him for at least giving her to me. That's about the only good thing he did for me. As shitty as that sounds.
She is the most beautiful little soul too! Never cries, unless she's hurt or is fighting sleep in her crib. Sleeps through the whole night. Is always smiling and laughing. LOVES Miss Rachel, rightfully so. Is so sweet with our family pets. And is my shadow, which I love. I'll be washing dishes or just be doing my own thing...then all of the sudden I feel her tap my leg or hug my leg to get my attention. I'll pick her up, she'll hug me and then wants back down and just goes back to playing with her toys. It's like she knows when I'm in my head and wants to remind me that she's there and loves me. And I've never known unconditional love until her...so the fullness I feel from her is insane.
I've spent majority of my life thinking the only way people would like me was if I was doing something for them. Whether it was favors, financial help, a place to stay, sexual favors, etc...my worth was based on OTHER PEOPLE for so long. I lost myself. And now I'm so full of love that sometimes I don't know what to do with it. For the first time in my life, I'm okay with being completely single. Not talking to anyone, seeing anyone, sleeping with anyone. The thought of being romantic with a man makes me physically sick, which I'm sure I can thank trauma for that one as well. But I also just don't want anything or anyone taking my time away from her or from better our life together. We just moved into a new home and are finally all settled, I've paid off my debts and have actually been able to catch up on all my bills, I have a fridge full of food and there isn't a single thing that she needs that I don't have or am able to provide for her on my own. Which is an amazing feeling.
I struggled for so long...it's nice to be able to take a deep breath and realize just how truly blessed I am. And all because of you, my sweet Lydia. Thank you for healing me without even knowing it. I love you so much my sweet girl. <3
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