#shen tunan
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yibocheeks · 11 months ago
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Translated excerpts from Wang Yang's interview with "Spotlight on the Legendary Drama" 《神剧亮了》
Did your impression of Yibo change after working with him?
WY: I don't watch a lot of dramas, even for my own dramas, so for Yibo, I had watched his movie, but haven't really followed his other works. But I think everyone knows of Yibo, plus with how handsome he is, I always see him on various ads. So I know of his level of influence. But I had never worked with him in a drama before and I also didn't know what kind of person he was, or what sort of mindset he would have coming into filming. But once we began filming, my first impression of him was quite significant; it was when he was strung up, after being interrogated by Lin Qiaosong. He looked to be in quite an awful state. Once he entered my line of vision and I saw how badly he had been beaten, first, for his makeup to look like that, it was unexpected, to look so tragic. Second, it was a very cold day, it was rainy and chilling. When I arrived on set at nighttime to film the scene, it was already past 8pm. Shanghai was very cold. He wore that shirt and was strung up, and he was there to be a point of focus for me during my scenes, after he had already finished filming his part. I stood there and was looking down upon him, and he would squat there, to help be a point of focus for me to look at. That left a deep impression for me. I don't know if every young actor who has this level of influence would be able to do this much, but on the first day that Yibo met me, he did this. He was covered in blood, wore very little, and squatted there to be a point of focus for me. Even up until the very last scene with Yibo, he would always fulfill this role, he never slacked on this, he would never say, "while Yang-ge is filming, please ask someone else to take this role of being a point of focus for him." Even when I said to him on that first day, "Yibo, you don't need to squat there, you can just stand on the side and say your lines and that would be ok, you don't need to keep squatting," he wouldn't listen and would continue to squat there. Also, when he first started, both Yibo and I are slow to warm up, but since I am his senior and we would have so many scenes together, I was willing to be the one to take the first step. I would always choose a conversation topic to start the conversation between us. I found that after a few days, Yibo would slowly start to open up. Although he is slower to warm up than I am, he is very sincere and would be very sincere in his interactions with me, no matter if it was just day-to-day or while acting. I feel that he is a young person who is both capable and has a good attitude. I think his attitude towards life is also quite impressive. He likes exercise, likes racing cars, likes motorcycles, and likes a lot of sports. When I was speaking with him, I felt that his understanding and knowledge towards these far exceeded me. So I think Yibo is very interesting and is a contender who is quite moving. In the process of making this drama, you could clearly see his growth. From the first day to our last scene together a few months later, he brought Wei Ruolai's character to life, and I was able to see how quickly his acting improved. Yibo is a very capable and zealous young person. I learned a lot from being with him.
When you mentioned that you watched one of his movies, was it One and Only or Hidden Blade?
I didn't watch One and Only, but he did show me some clips before it started playing in theatres, how he was when he was dancing. I watched Hidden Blade. Although it was a Republican era show, Wei Ruolai is still quite different from the character he plays in Hidden Blade. Because of this, you can see how much Yibo has grown, as well as his understanding and interpretation of characters. In Hidden Blade you can see how his character has his morally gray moments, with a slight deranged, perverse and twisted tendency, even obstinate. Although Wei Ruolai can be stubborn, he is not as perverse as the character in Hidden Blade. This is not easy to achieve. Although both characters are dressed in suits, you can see that Yibo is able to convey the characters differently.
Why did Shen Tunan decide to take Wei Ruolai on as a disciple? Was it because even when his life was under threat, he wanted to protect Shen Tunan?
This is the more personal reason. The public reason is because Wei Ruolai is a talent hard to come by. I believe Shen Tunan saw a younger version of himself in Wei Ruolai. He was not only ambitious but also capable. When the more senior Shen Tunan saw this junior Shen Tunan, it was impossible for him not to feel touched. This is the public reason. The more personal reason is that, when a disciple is willing to sacrifice their own life and put up with such cruel punishment and yet still not confess anything, for such a devoted disciple, even if he was not yet officially his disciple, would a mentor not want him to be his disciple, to recruit such a capable person to be by his side (more literally: to recruit his capable general)? Both for public and personal reasons, Shen Tunan making this decision was certain to happen. And when he said to Chief Deng, "One may choose the most advantageous path, but in doing so, one must not forget morality." I believe this is one of Shen Tunan's principles. That he will not forget those important to him in pursuit of personal profit.
Wei Ruolai is willing to sacrifice his life to protect Shen Tunan, what is Shen Tunan willing to give up to protect Wei Ruolai?
I really want to say, if it was in extreme circumstances, if Wei Ruolai's survival, or if the value of his survival was greater than the value of Shen Tunan's survival, then I also believe that Shen Tunan would sacrifice himself, as Wei Ruolai's survival was more valuable. Shen Tunan is someone who is patriotic and wants what's best for the country. If Wei Ruolai, with his strengths and capabilities, is able to help the people, the country, and the state, no matter if it is in Soviet Jiangxi or if it is under the communist regime, then I don't think Shen Tunan would second guess this decision, he would not think, this is just a disciple, how much responsibility would he have to bear, I don't think he would have these thoughts. He is someone who sees the bigger picture and has far-reaching goals and a vision for the future.
If you could only choose between Huang Congyun or Wei Ruolai to invite over for new year's dinner, who would you pick? This is similar to a question you were asked previously, who would you choose to save if both were drowning?
I think sometimes, it's hard for a person to be unbiased or not show preferential treatment, this is just common for human beings. If you ask me this, then my answer is still, I would definitely still ask Wei Ruolai. Especially after having received blood—within Shen Tunan's body there remains a portion of Wei Ruolai's blood—how could he not ask Wei Ruolai to spend the new year's at his home? Or otherwise, would he ask Wei Ruolai to go back to his home in Jiangxi and invite Congyun instead? Why would he do this, right?
In the drinking scene where Ruolai becomes drunk, Shen Tunan carried him home. How many people in Shen Tunan's life does he show this amount of care towards?
I think, other than family, there is only this disciple. Of course, if you bring up Congyun, before Ruolai showed up, if he had gotten drunk on behalf of his mentor for such an important matter, I think Shen Tunan would still carry him, but these were not the circumstances. Wei Ruolai got drunk, so sure, he'll carry him—his own disciple, who is like family. After all, why would there be this serving of tea between mentor and disciple? Although it is not a blood tie, it is similar.
After Shen Tunan carried Wei Ruolai up, what did he discover?
He discovered that the wall was covered with Shen Tunan. The object of Wei Ruolai's interests, including being able to discover Shen Tunan's secret about Kunpeng, this was all the result of Wei Ruolai's efforts. I think in that moment, Shen Tunan was thinking, "This youngster!" But actually, I think he was very happy. As a Central Bank economic advisor, to be so worshipped by a young person, to be studied so closely, it is a very happy thing.
Was it hard to carry Yibo?
Not at all, Yibo is about 60kg or so, so it was not difficult. Also Yibo is quite lean with long limbs, so he was pretty easy to carry. It was just that the stairs in the alley building were too narrow and steep, so it still took some effort. But, although we did a few takes of the scene, it was still feasible, it was not a problem.
When Shen Tunan ended his relationship with Wei Ruolai, and he broke the teacup, was this something you came up with on the spot?
This was something I improvised. The script did not say that I had to throw this, it was a spur of the moment action. When we filmed this, it hit the table with a bang and it scared Ruolai, it startled Yibo. Because I did not tell him, and I also did not think that I would do this. Through the interaction between the two of us, he helped set the tone when he urgently pled his case, and it reached a breaking point. Sometimes when a person gets angry, they will externalize it in some way, and this action was impromptu. I think it came out quite well.
Some people say that Wang Yang's acting is such that he can even bring out the veins on his forehead, have you seen this review?
I don't think this is a marker of whether an actor is good at acting or not. I think, once an actor feels these genuine emotions, when you really get angry, then the veins will come out like that, that's because my feelings were really moved, I became immersed, and entered this character's state of mind. I think this is something a lot of actors do, I don't think it's anything special.
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zhansww · 11 months ago
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The Untamed finale | War of Faith finale
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r3write-the-stars · 11 months ago
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Shen Tunan and Wei Ruolai being in love with each other, a study in gifs
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persnickettes · 10 months ago
War of Faith fics!
So @stultiloquentia told me to link my fic here on Tumblr! In truth I've been remiss about sharing my complete War of Faith obsession here, but I am so, so obsessed. This show isn't even stealth m/m romance, as far as I'm concerned, it's just a straightforward BL about these two and their intense smoldering obsession with each other, masquerading as political idealism, but no one here is fooled, I mean look at them look at them
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like if you haven't watched show yet you're sleeping on not only one of THE best c-dramas in recent memory, with stellar acting and edge-f-your-seat action and layered writing and intricate direction and absolutely gorgeous production design, but one of the most satisfying queer subtexts of any show ever.
um. which is to say i have been trying very hard to make this fandom happen by way of writing fics in a variety of shapes and sizes, and i haven't linked any of them here yet but if anyone would like to read them, here they are!
All fics are Shen Tunan/Wei Ruolai.
Out of his system. 1,269 words. Just a short scene and a quick bit of shenlai suit kink because i couldn't take their blazing UST anymore. Written after episode 8, which was 5 eps before the show actually gave us canonical shenlai suit kink?!?! This show, I swear. I swear!!!!
Wedding night. 3,385 words. Written after episode 16 and the epic staircase wedding ceremony. Just taking things to the obvious next level.
Ask a Manager: My boss is showing blatant favoritism to my coworker. This is just a silly meme I wrote based on the actual AAM blog before Congyun's longsuffering got kinda sad actually.
of a feather. 5,657 words. Kind of a pre-canon AU that posits spy!handler Shen Tunan, meeting a teen Wei Ruolai. Cue mutual obsession. I was so obsessed with this headcanon, I had to write it.
鵬程萬里. 1,130 words. A sort of stream-of-consciousness ramble from Ruolai's pov on becoming half of an intense soulmate bond, look i didn't say any of this was restrained.
Okay and here finally is an actual fic fic, except not because it started out as just a series of 5+1 sketches and then became a fic in the second half despite my best efforts.
So I guess when I say I've been "writing fic" for this pairing I just mean I've been frantically coughing up loosely formed ideas hoping something sticks and might inspire other people to watch this show and join me in this pit because holy christ this pairing is off the chain— hot, sexy, mutually obsessed, so fucking smart and competent and obsessed with each other's briliance, so completely capable of trading who doms who in the relationship while equally capable of forming a lifetime lifestyle dom/sub partnership, 100% society elite power couple while also rough-and-ready rivals having intense soulmate bond sex in-between trying to fuck each other over for social justice, just an OTP for the ages.
sigh. just. shenlai everyone. SHENLAI.
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lilianhuas · 11 months ago
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pi-ying-xi · 11 months ago
Later today I'll try and grab the scene where Wei Ruolai comes back to work only to find everyone ignoring him, and Congyun flat out telling him he should have the decency to quit.
Shen Tunan is listening to this from the top of the steps, unseen by everyone below. Ruolai tells Congyun to let him know if Tunan has asked for him to leave, and puts one foot on the step.
That's when he sees Tunan, and that's when I started to squeal.
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And then! A full slomo of Ruolai climbing, Tunan coming down, and they meet midway.
And then!!!
Tunan publicly asks if Ruolai will bow to him and accept him as his shifu: “若来,想拜我为师吗?”
I legit lost it and screamed softly into my pillow.
Ruolai accepts, and bows to Tunan three times.
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You thought this was over? Nope!
Tunan declares to all present, like they were making vows (it *is* a vow, actually), that Ruolai is his last disciple and he Tunan, is responsible for him, and a bunch of other very vow-like things, you know? Extremely delicious!
Still not over!
He asks Ruolai to serve him tea. AAAAAAA!
That's big guns! It's proper shifu- acknowledging behaviour!
Ruolai does. Over? 想的美!
Tunan takes out a pen he says he's had forever and gives it to Ruolai. Instructs him to be this that and the other whatever, I don't care, I was a little delirious because this is serious stuff.
You only had to see Congyun's face to know how serious this commitment is.
I finally understand Yibo's mildly incredulous "Jealous? Of him?! " during the fanmeet. Hehehe!
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reneacaye · 8 months ago
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Wei Ruolai such a puppy for Shen TuNan
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yibo-best · 11 months ago
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peterpumpkinhead · 1 year ago
just recently saw a couple of tweets implying that the director of wang yibo's latest drama has confirmed that there is no romance plot in it.
couldn't find any source, any video, any article indicating that that's the case.
which is fine, I guess, as long as the story holds up and the acting is good, romance or not, a strong series is gripping regardless.
but what I found particularly disturbing was a few people celebrating the fact that there was no romance, insulting the actress and wang yibo's co-star and then proceeding to ship wang yibo's character with wang yang's character.
first of all - leave that woman alone, I don't even know what she's done or didn't do to get this heat, but what the hell?
but also - no particular issue with the shipping part in it of itself. shipping is a fan practice that is morally neutral (it just becomes problematic when the fan in question acts unreasonably) and queerness, even if just in subtext, is more than welcome in media, especially in such a conservative landscape as east asian media. I'm all for it!
what puzzles me is - do you crave a romantic plot or not? or is it something you're only comfortable with if it happens between the lines? but most importantly: is the love interest's gender the thing that makes or breaks a couple for the audience?
what is it that makes it so hard for some of the audience to watch women on screen? especially when a significant part of that same audience is comprised of women?
again - I understand not wanting women characters to be reduced to simple accessories and romantic plot devices with little to no personality. but is that *really* the case when it comes to this particular drama?
what is this about?
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springsheep · 7 months ago
War of Faith Notes Ep. 29 - 32
Ep 29 -> Wei Ruolai in the execution grounds.
Wei Ruolai: Are you targeting Mr. Shen again??
Lin Qiaosong: Why are you doing this? Wei Ruolai: Then at that time, why did you join the dare-to-die corps? Lin Qiaosong: To protect the country! Wei Ruolai: I'm the same!
Shen Tunan rushes to save Wei Ruolai.
There's gunshots (someone is saving WRL?).
Shen Tunan: Congyun, drive forward! Wei Ruolai is in danger!! Huang Congyun: No sir, only your safety matters to me!
Shen Tunan jumps out of the car to save Ruolai, HCY follows.
Shen Tunan (when he sees the dead bodies): Ruolai is not there...
Niu Chunmiao and Shen Jinzhen are the shooters, saving WRL.
Shen Tunan saw Jinzhen(?).
(So, Wei Ruolai has no idea that Shen Tunan begged Mr. Yu to save him and that Shen Tunan risked his life to go to the execution grounds to save him.... WRL thanks Shen Jinzhen and Niu Chunmiao for saving him and agrees to go to Jiangxi Soviet).
Shen Tunan did, indeed see Jinzhen and he knows for sure she's a communist. He looks so hurt that she lied to him QAQ. Jinzhen denies everything, of course.
Shen Tunan: Thank you for saving Wei Ruolai.
Shen Jinzhen arranges for WRL and Niu Chunmiao to evacuate, but they missed each other fuck.
Hongfang shop is exposed and Mr. Xu blows up the place...
Shen Tunan and Shen Jinzhen's confrontation. (these two actors are so good damn the emotions are supercharged).
Wei Ruolai is caught by the Axe Gang:
Mr. Qian: You're a communist. Wei Ruolai: Well, technically, not yet. (he's such an innocent cutie pie i can't--) Mr. Qian: But in the future? Wei Ruolai: Uhh maybe uhh
Wei Ruolai and Niu Chunmiao are helped by the axe gang to leave.
Shen Tunan drives Shen Jinzhen (to run away?)
Ep 30 -> Shen Tunan drops of Shen Jinzhen in a gas station (lin qiaosong and his men are watching from the bushes).
Shen Tunan and Shen Jinzhen say their goodbyes.
Wei Ruolai's bus pass by and through the window Ruolai can see Shen Tunan and Shen Jinzhen hugging. AND GUESS WHAT Wei Ruolai's reaction is: Shen Xiansheng?!
His eyes are always automatically find his Xiansheng ah... tsk tsk
Shen Tunan leaves, and Lin Qiaosong and co attacke Shen Jinzhen. Shootout.
Wei Ruolai realizes there are people going to attack Shen Jinzhen and gets off the bus.
Shen Tunan hears gunshots and returns to save his sister (he's so cool damn it), he crashes the car into the gas station (the car explodes).
Shen Jinzhen is crying for her brother, Wei Ruolai and Niu Chunmiao have to drag her away. Shen Tunan is okay(?) I hope please please
Shen Jinzhen and Wei RUolai are crying (they're afraid Shen Tunan is dead).
Wei Ruolai: Xiansheng is a noble person, the heavens will protect him. Shen Jinzhen: I hope so.
Shen Jinzhen is crying because her brother was trying to protect her.
Poor Huang Congyun (I forgot this bro existed lol). He's worried and he's the one who tells Cishu that Shen Tunan is in the hospital, and that Shen Jinzhen and Wei RUolai are communists.
Shen Tunan is in the emergency room.
Aww Huang Congyun this precious boi is cryingggg (ignore the fact that hcy can be a jerk to wrl sometimes--)
ALSO, i'm seriously kinda shipping Su Cishu with Shen Jinzhen. I feel like her relationship with Shen Tunan is more... platonic?
Like, when she found out Shen Tunan was in the hospital, Su Cishu kept asking, what about Shen Jinzhen? Shen Jinzhen ne?? Shen Jinzhen?? Like, instead of asking about her husband (she is worried about him, ofc ) she's asking about Jinzhen...
Shen Tunan is in the hospital, his chances of waking up are slim.
Lin Qiaosong (to STN): I thought you were the smartest person I knew... I thought you were the most loyal to the Kuomintang... But turns out your sis is a Communist and you didn't notice? Are you stupid or blind? Wenbiao: Stupid and blind. Lin Qiaosong: ...
WRL, SJZ, and NCM travel together to Jiangxi Soviet.
Shen Tunan finally wakes up, chats with Su Cishu.
Shen Tunan: That's why I have to work harder for the country. Su Cishu: Mr. Song make you step down from you position... He also published your obituary...
Shen Tunan is angry and his head hurts. He goes home (from the hospital) and reunites with his daughter.
Huang Congyun and Chief Deng visit Shen Tunan.
WRL and co arrive in Jiangxi (they got caught but after verifying their identities they are welcomed there).
Niu Chunmiao's guy that she likes is dead, she's sad.
P.S. The ending song has changed.
Ep. 31 -> Wei Ruolai and co are in Jiangxi, Wei Ruolai returns to his dad.
Wei Ruolai works as a small accountant in his village (not working for the Red Army's bank, no)
Wei Ruolai has flashbacks of his time with Shen Tunan (his brain is making tiktok edits of his beloved Xiansheng).
Life in Jiangxi: WRL is an accountant and teaches a girl (fang ling) to count; Shen Jinzhen works in the military (shooting guns etc); Niu Chunmiao's dad teaches her self defense(?).
Fang Ling died. WRL reflects on stuff and has a stronger resolve to join the Communists.
WRL joins the Red Army bank.
WRL: Someone... made me write a report (on your bank) once.
So... previously Shen Tunan wrote an essay on the encirclement of communists. The chairman read it, approves, and wants to send Shen Tunan to Jiangxi (to intercept the ore transfer or something). Actually Shen Tunan promised his wife he will stop doing politics and their family can move to England, but now...
Chairman: I'm helping Shen Tunan meet his darling sooner ah
Su Cishu is (obviously) angry because Shen Tunan is leaving.
Shen Tunan: In this life I'm destined to offer my life to the nation. Su Cishu: But you are my nation!
The song is different again?
Ep 32 -> Shen Tunan in the ferry spots his wife and daughter.
Su Cishu: You've pledged your life to the country. I've pledged my life to you. (seriously thats so romantic).
Su Cishu: Home is where you are.
Wei Ruolai gets the newspaper with Shen Tunan's obituary and shows it to Shen Jinzhen, the two of them cry and have flashbacks of Shen Tunan.
Shen Tunan and his family and Huang Congyun are in Jiangxi, Lin Qiaosong also goes there. Shen Tunan changes his name to Tu Nanshen.
Shen Tunan starts implementing stricter rules to catch communists and fight them through the economic field.
Shen Tunan: working hard to make counterfeit money and make the Soviet Bank lose credibility Wei Ruolai: Working hard to restore credibility and save the bank.
You know, every time I think this show can't get any gayer (and i think fuck this will be boring becuz they'll just talk about money and war and stuff i don't understand) a new gay line (Shenlai) pops out and I'm struck by how fucking gay and fucking sweet Shenlai is. It just hits me out of the blue.
Wei Ruolai tells Shen Jinzhen about the fake notes and he tells her this is an economic war, must be the Kuomintang who did it. AND THEN HE SAYS:
Wei Ruolai: If only Xiansheng was here. Shen Jinzhen: If he were here, you might have a headache. Wei Ruolai: I'd rather have him here and be troubled by him instead.
Okay Wei Ruolai, we all know you love him. Damn.
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war-of-faith · 1 year ago
Come and see master and the apprentice.
March 14th, 2024
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yellowrose222 · 10 months ago
It's hilarious as well as (B)Romantic
I need to watch the drama again now.
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zhansww · 11 months ago
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3 times Ruolai and Tunan had to part ways + 1 time they reunited for good
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daydewdrops · 9 months ago
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So far, War of Faith is just an office love triangle drama between Wei Ruolai, Shen Tunan and Secretary Huang
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theramenrater · 7 months ago
tuna soup
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lilianhuas · 11 months ago
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Wang Yang takes the cover of Madame Figaro China April Issue
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