#god i miss blarke so much
octannibal-blake · 6 years
hey liz congrats on reaching the milestone you really deserve it!! could i get ❤️️ for a prompt, maybe bellarke in canon verse + comfort?
ah thank you zahraa! you know how much i love writing canon-verse blarke. here you go, babe!
right beside you
“What are you doing?”
There’s a soft echo on the cave walls, the deep tenor of his voice rumbling around her and causing her to stop in her tracks. She adjusts the pack on her back and turns, her shoulders rolled back and chin stuck out in determination. She won’t let him get in her way. Not now. Not with everything on the line.
“I’m going to get her,” she resolves and she sees him run a frustrated hand over his face, scratching at the patchy beard that’s grown there. It’s a tick she’s already grown used to in their short time back together. He’s different now, something that she expected but still hadn’t been prepared for. He’s calculated. Cautious, to the point that it does nothing but infuriate her. They’ve spent more time in their last few weeks together fighting. About Eligius. About the bunker. About Madi. They’re beyond being on different pages. They’re in completely different books.
And there’s a dull ache in heart because she had naively hoped that despite six years, they could still be Clarke and Bellamy. Leaders. Partners.
She’s been nothing but disappointed.
“Can you stop being stubborn for five seconds?” he growls and she scoffs on impulse, because Bellamy Blake of all people should never talk to her about being stubborn.
“You’re one to talk,” she argues, throwing her hand up in a wild gesture, “I’ve been patient. I’ve been waiting for you all to figure out a plan but you haven’t and I’m tired of waiting.”
He lets out another sigh and steps closer, his boots thudding against the uneven stones, “It’s not that easy and you know that.”
“Actually, it is,” she says, her voice a little higher pitched than normal, “They have Madi. End of discussion.”
“You’re going to get yourself killed!” he snaps and it knocks her back a couple of steps. She recovers quickly, the pent up anger and anxiety of it all boiling under her skin.
“I can’t just sit here while they do God knows what to a little girl!” it’s all she can think about. From the moment Eligius took Madi, all she can think about are those shock collars and whips she saw in their camp. That they used on her. They could be torturing her and every second they sit idly by, the worse it could be. The thought makes her chest ache.
“We’re going to get her back,” Bellamy huffs and once again steps closer, almost like he wants to take her by the shoulders and shake her until she believes him.
“I’m going to get her back,” she clarifies with a sharp tongue and she watches him visibly flinch from the cut of her words. She tries to step around him but he blocks her, his arm outstretched and hand gripping her elbow.
“Will you just stop?!”
She yanks herself free, “You don’t get it, do you? She’s all I had! While you all were up in space, I was here. Alone and ready to fucking die!”
He backs away as she lashes out, and she thinks maybe fifteen shock lashes might be less painful for him. She knows that it’s a sore subject, that he feels immense guilt for leaving her behind. They’ve talked about it already and he knows that she forgives him for that. She understands and more than anything, she’s happy they did. They’re all alive and that’s what matters. But now, in her anger, she’s trying to hurt him. It’s not fair, but that’s what she does. She hurts the people she loves.
(How could she love a stranger for six years? How could that feeling still clench her heart after so long?)
She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath, lowering her voice and begging him to understand that she didn’t mean it like that.
“She saved my life.”
She thinks of that moment, when she had been ready to just end it all. She was alone and starving and desperate. Her weakest moment and Madi showed up and made her believe in something again. Herself and life and second chances. She gave her a new purpose and she can’t just leave her behind.
She feels something wet trickle down her cheek and wipes at it. Then it happens again and it’s then that she realizes she’s crying. She tries to turn away from him, but he’s right in front of her and his thumb is pressing against her cheek.
“Clarke,” he says gently, his other arm tentatively sliding onto her waist. It’s a closeness that they haven’t shared since the day he came home, but it’s natural. Her body relaxes into him automatically, like it knows that it’s okay to be this way. He’s Bellamy. He understands her.
“I have to get her back,” she whispers again, staring holes into his chest, “She’s all I have.”
“Hey,” his thumb moves from her cheek to her chin and lifts it up so she has to meet his eyes, “We’re going to get her back. I promise.”
He must sense that she doesn’t quite believe him because he says it again, eyes wide and voice firm, “I promise.”
She nods and she lets him slide the pack off her shoulders. Stay, the gesture tells her. He slings it over his own shoulder and keeps her pulled into his chest. I’m here. She follows him back into the open space, not bothering to find her own bedroll. Monty is snoring lightly, the small growls bouncing off the walls. She wishes she could show them the village she and Madi built together, but Eligius ruined it in their desire to get to her.
Nightblood. They wanted the nightblood girl who could survive a scorched Earth.
Her hand reaches up to her neck where a small scar puckers against her skin, evidence of her own encounter with the electric collars and sadistic group.
He must sense that she’s still unsettled, because he grips her hand and tugs her to the ground with him, settling on the old pile of blankets and tarps he had brought from space. Under other circumstances, she might feel nervous or thrown by the intimacy. But she craves it, his warmth and the comfort of just having him here.
He lays down first, adjusting the space to accommodate two people instead of one. She lays down and settles into him, her back to his chest and his arm under her head as a pillow. She feels him move uncomfortably, no doubt questioning what to do with his other hand because there isn’t much room to work with. She reaches behind her and threads her fingers into his before wrapping it around her waist and settling on her stomach. She feels him relax and his breath tickles the back of her neck.
“You were wrong, by the way,” he whispers, “You have Madi. And you have us to.”
And he doesn’t need to say anymore, because she knows what he means and she’s so grateful to have them back. They’re lucky to be here, together, and she’ll never take that for granted. But she can’t help but smile softly to herself when he nuzzles his face into her neck.
“You have me.”
want one?
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rivertalesien · 4 years
I appreciate all you insight. Clexakru suffered a lot over the years, from the runner, to blorks. But, the cast did as well, from these same people. I think that the Clexakru that moved on never expected anymore from this show, but having ADC appear one last time as God!Lexa to comfort Clarke sparks new stories to be told. The runner will always be an ass, and ridiculous story telling. We will alway have the true love story of Clexa forever. Blorks got nothing and I'm fine with that.
I’m getting a lot of these messages for some reason, wanting to justify to me why people are happy about, or at least accepting, of this. I’m not sure what the point is. 
That wasn’t God!Lexa. It was an unknown alien wearing her face. She offered no comfort to Clarke. I’m sure the visual *will* spark some new stories and fix-its. But it doesn’t change the cruelty of what really happened. And that’s what I write about. Not whatever fantasies we’ll come up with based on a visual, but the reality of how, once again, a marginalized audience was mocked, cruelly, and so many are...happy about it? 
A demand for better representation should never have been about beating the blarkes (I’m fine with them getting nothing too, but this really shouldn’t be about them in anyway). A demand for better representation shouldn’t be down to a visual. It wasn’t Lexa. Lexa was killed off, three times, with no one mentioning it, no one caring. If you care about Lexa, what’s missing here?  
If all it took was ADC in Lexa’s clothes to be a win for so many, we’ve failed somewhere. Is it that, for some, the wait was so unbearable that any (meta) confirmation of her significance was all that mattered? Beating blarkes was all that mattered? If that makes you happy, okay, yay I guess, but it feels like a hollow victory to me. 
This is JR’s game. His rules. He made Lexa completely insignificant as a character by absolutely no one mourning her. Clarke didn’t mourn, she remained trapped in a trauma cycle. The finale had to remind us of that, too. That all Clarke could even mention of Lexa was her dying, not her life, not what she meant to her or anyone.  
No one talked about Lexa. Clarke didn’t even ask the Judge if Lexa transcended or if she was just dead. No hope of a reunion. Lexa was killed three times, while her related “aesthetic” was used over and over again to tease us into thinking she would appear (she never did). Thousands bought the BS offered by spoiler accounts who had convinced them they were with the production. And I’ve no doubt at least one of them was. And they still lied. BTS photos are coming out of Eliza and ADC...but there always seems to be a man in between them. We are always teased with a “visual.”
The visual last night was not Lexa. And the reality is JR got away with using her actor to mock us one last time. I’m very sorry ADC thought just appearing in Lexa’s clothes would be a way to honor the character and us. I’m sure she meant well. But JR didn’t. He made a choice to use her while shitting on us one last time. That was his choice. He didn’t need ADC to do that. But it was a huge win for him that he got her back for five minutes. I’ve seen Clexas praising him. Thanking him for it. Sorry, but that makes me die inside. 
If you’re okay with all of that, fine, no one has to follow or read anything I say. My insight isn’t worth much, in the end. Not when up against the power of a visual.
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pendragaryen · 4 years
So... i watched it. Our very last premiere. Due to the time shift i watched it just now. And first i have to say: Thank goodness for the fact that the information of Bob Morley wanting a time off filming came through BEFORE i did. I was so angry, so sad. But now everything makes sort of sense. His absence not only in media, but in the first episodes as well (as they say). And that’s the reason why i could really appreciate the watch right now, dwell in the plot and the story itself. In short: I could enjoy the ride more.
And okay... Bellamy’s absence felt off. It still does. But wow... our leading lady/ies were truly rockin’ it! Clarke Griffin guys... God she’s so beautiful (they ALL are, okay) but omg... I love her. She had so many strong moments alone in this first episode guys, i lost count. But i kind of KNEW that her strength was something like a facade, a shield that protected herself from her inner break-down. And then it came. She’s lost it. And i was SO ON BOARD with her, with all her feeings, her cries, her anger...
I LOVED to see all my bbs again, RAVEN my love (yeay, my supportive queen is back!), Murphy, Emori, and especially Indra (”I am HUNGRY!” I cackled...) and her daughter Gaia. The scene with Madi and Clarke had me in tears... That was the very moment, when we, as audience, along Madi, felt, that Clarke Griffin was only hiding her pain and grief. And of course i felt so sorry for Madi and her first loss...
I was surprised, bc the surroundings of Sanctum felt less off for me in comparison to S6. Maybe it’s the cottage’s fault ;). Domestic life suits them! Sanctum and the palace itself... well, let’s say... I didn’t shed one single tear when it burned down. I never felt comfortable with it. 
But there’s this scene with Gaia, Indra and Clarke at the table, deepened in conversation... and THAT was the moment i realized, that we will never get to see these people again together when the show ends... Odd, i know but... In that quiet moment it really HIT me. And i started crying. I shit you not. I felt SO MUCH LOVE for these characters at this moment (and i still do). I can’t describe it completely. (And i seriously have no idea, why it had to be THAT moment...) It just... it overwhelmed me. I don’t want to LOSE these characters! (And then... the action set in again and i got distracted - thank goodness... ;) )
Last but not least: I’m happy i love Gabriel and Hope (already) so much, bc i could concentrate on THEM in the scenes with the anomaly. Yes i already like Hope. ;) I love her mother. So that doesn’t surprise me. --- ROAN!!! I SCREAMED!!! I loved this!! And the line “... the man who you CLAIM to love...” was like the icing of the cake for me today. YESSS... Go for it, Roan! The biggest blarke to ever have blarked. ;)))
Of course i miss Bellamy. I miss him for life. Gawd, every episode without him is not really feeling like The100 for me. But the whole SHOW doesn’t feel like it anymore for me. Don’t get me wrong, i still love it, and i’ll watch it until the very end. But it felt off for me since book 2 started. At least. (In some aspects it did already in S5.) But WITH Bellamy (and together with Clarke and the other core characters) it always felt like coming home for me nonetheless. Now WITHOUT Bellamy... something feels wrong more than ever. But yeay, call me hooked. I want to know what happened to him! Like NOW! *sobs*
Sorry... i’m late to the party and this got WAYYY too long. But... ALL THESE FEELINGS!!! This had to get out of my head. :D
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skywalkerbc · 5 years
Mads’ massive bellarke rec (pt.1)
So I’ve been asked a couple times to make a bellarke fanfiction rec list so here it is! (Okay so I realised that I had way too many bc our fandom is filled with so many talented authors so even though this is actually massive, there will be several parts)
(Also- I don’t know everyone’s tumblrs so if you know any of these author’s tumblr accounts, please lmk so I can link them properly!)
In no particular order, here are some of my all time fav blarke fics:
I dreamed you a sin (and a lie) by monroeslittle
“If I do this,” Blake said, “how are you imagining it’s going to work? I can’t just knock on his door, and say I want in again. It’s been eleven years. And even before I left, I never cared about the business. Do you have a plan? You say you want me to open the door for an agent. How? What’s that mean?”
“You’re going to get in touch with your grandfather again at your wedding,” Clarke said.
He stared.
“I hope you don’t have a girlfriend, Mr. Blake.”
fake!married AU. Clarke's in the FBI, Bellamy's the grandson of a mobster, and they've got to work together.
Lines in the Sand by @fen-ha-fuck-you
“You looked like you were gonna hurl when you got up,” Raven said, pausing for a moment. “I’m not sure this is better.”
Clarke shook her head minutely, finally looking up at herself in the mirror. She quickly wiped away the tears that had fallen. She hadn’t even noticed. “I’m fine.”
“No,” Raven replied, her eyebrows scrunching together. “You’re not.”
“I just… had a little too much to drink. That’s all.”
“That why you’re strangling that poor sink?”
i’m not asking much of you by emmylou
When Clarke gets invited to her ex's wedding- her CHEATING ex's wedding- she knows she can't go alone. She's not dating anyone, so she has to find a boyfriend, real or fake, fast. Luckily, Octavia knows just the guy.
I’d Promise You Everything (But I’m Not Sure How Much Good There Is In That) by @talistheintrovert
Bellamy has never been a huge fan of Valentine's Day, but Clarke outright hates it. Her father died at the start of February when she was in high school, she found out her first boyfriend was cheating on her two weeks later, and then almost exactly a year after that, her girlfriend dumped her to travel around Asia.
But now they're in their 20s and Bellamy finally admitted that he loved her a few months ago. He knows this is the real thing and he absolutely knows that she feels the same way, but he also knows how miserable Clarke gets around Valentine's, and he's determined to cheer her up this time.
hold me in your beating heart by amberwoods
He’d got out of bed and walked to the nursery to console his youngest child. When he’d been shushing and cradling her for about twenty minutes, he noticed a silhouette hovering in the door opening. Clarke.
“I’ve got her,” he’d said softly, his voice rough with sleep, “Go back to bed.”
She just stood there. When he took a closer look, he noticed she had a strange expression on her face. She was looking at Madi.
“Clarke?” he asked carefully.
And There’s a Hand My Trusty Friend by Who_Needs_Reality
He sighs dramatically. “Can’t believe you’re not gonna let me kiss you until next year.” That sends a sudden, sharp jolt of sadness through Clarke, the realisation that they’re going to be spending another day spent pretending that she’s not his; it means ushering in their first year together… by, well, not being together.
Or, {NYE fluff where Bellamy and Clarke are together, but since they're keeping it a secret from their friends, they run into an unforeseen complication.}
A Little Bit of Something (God, It’s Better Than Nothing) by @grumpybell
“-Clarke.” He sounds alarmed, suddenly, none of the casual, arrogant, amusement that had been in his voice moments before. “What?” “Why is your mom calling me?” “Shit. Don't answer that. Listen, okay. She and I kind of got into an argument today-” “-what else is new?” “Shut up. Anyway, she told me she's getting married and there was just so much subtext about my failure at relationships and my lack of love life, and I might have told her I'm engaged too.” There's silence on the other end of the phone. “To you,” Clarke prompts.
I Don’t Need Your Love (I Just Need You Now) by @talistheintrovert
“What was the worst part?” Raven asked.
“Probably when he shoved me against a wall and stuck his tongue down my throat,” Clarke admitted, sipping her hot chocolate, which she quickly realised was spiked with rum. God, her friends were perfect.
Octavia and Raven both gasped, but it was Bellamy’s reaction that she found the most interesting. He didn’t say anything, didn’t look up from his book, or even alter his expression, but his hand balled into a fist on the arm of his chair.
OR: The AU where Clarke and Bellamy hate each other until Bellamy realises she's being mistreated, and does his best to protect her.
Come Close (And Then Even Closer) by sheryl_sems
Clarke thinks about Octavia and how her best friend had stormed out of the house earlier that day, furious at Clarke for taking her brother's side in their argument. She thinks about Raven, and Monty, and Jasper, and Wells, and Lincoln but in the end, she really only wants one person by her side and it's fruitless to fight herself on this one.
"Could you call Bellamy?" She finally says in a soft, hoarse whisper.
Or the one where Clarke is attacked and the only person she wants by her side in the aftermath is Bellamy Blake.
You Look Like a Movie. You Sound Like a Song. by lordmxrphy
She knows shouldn’t care. She and Bellamy were never together. They never dated. But for as long as Clarke can remember, Bellamy’s held her heart. Even if he’ll never know it.
(a modern au inspired by when we were young by adele)
What We Do to Each Other by marauders_groupie
A Bellarke AU in which Bellamy and Clarke are childhood best friends, separated by life and trying to relearn each other again.
A Symbol of Goodwill And Love by LayALioness
“So when you said we need a good tree, you meant,” he hedges, and she huffs, little clouds of steam escaping her mouth.
“One that needs a good home,” she says, like it’s obvious. “Shopping for a Christmas tree is like going to the pound—you don’t look for a purebred at the pound, Bellamy. You look for the puppy with a missing eye, or mange. One that needs us.”
“If this is code for wanting us to get a puppy,” Bellamy muses, reaching out to tug on the tassels of her hat. “I think we should probably live together, first.”
We Have to Stop Meeting Like This by @goldenheadfreckledheart
Tumblr prompt: “We both have friends who party too hard and we keep running into each other in the bathroom while we hold their hair back.”
Aka, the three times Bellamy and Clarke meet each other while taking care of their friends + the one time they don’t.
Christmas Sweaters by lightyears
Clarke's upset that she won't fit into her Christmas sweater this year. Bellamy surprises her with a new one.
Ladylike by Who_Needs_Reality
Bellamy stares at her. "You want me to make out with you. Platonically."
Clarke very resolutely does not panic. "Do it for the views, Bellamy."
(Or, an AU in which Clarke works for a Buzzfeed-esque company, and has to kiss someone in order to test lipstick durability for a new video. Feelings and decidedly non-platonic nonsense ensue.)
Love Is Not a Victory March by @asroarke
“You could have been here four years ago,” she reminded, raising her eyebrows at him.
“No, I couldn’t have. I needed to be here with you,” he replied, and Clarke felt like the breath had been knocked out of her. It wasn’t the first time he said something like that, of course. But it caught her off guard every damn time.
“Was it worth the wait?”
“Yes, you were,” he replied, and how could Clarke not kiss him after that?
Olympics AU where a knee injury kept Bellamy and Clarke from making it to the Olympics... the first time around.
the tie that binds me to you by glowinghorizons
“we’ve been pen pals for like hella months and we finally decided to meet up and damn you’re cute, also did you break up with your jerk bf/gf yet?” au
bellamy and clarke finally meet after months and months of hand-written letters, phone calls and text messages.
you bring me honeysuckle by caramelle
It suddenly strikes Bellamy, one day, that his girlfriend is in possession of what has to be the best hair in the entire cosmos.
Or, the one where Bellamy's fixation with Clarke's hair is totally normal and healthy.
Walk With Me by arysa13
Bellamy is pretty sure you aren't supposed to hit on the people you're supposed to be getting home safely, but he kind of wants to anyway.
Prompt: Bellamy works at safe walk and Clarke keeps falling asleep studying. And is the last one to leave the library every night!
Sugar, Spice, and All Things Nice by Who_Needs_Reality
Clarke just really wants a peppermint mocha. Breaking into the apartment of her ex, with whom she may-or-may-not still kind of be madly in love, is an unplanned side effect. Mostly.
Based on the prompt "listen i know i can’t just show up at your apartment at six in the morning but i need coffee and no one makes it like you do”
time flies but you’re the pilot by @onemanbellarmy
“Wait a minute, your new art teacher is Clarke Griffin?”
Gus paused to consider. “I think so?”
A huff of a surprised laugh escaped Bellamy. He hadn’t talked to Clarke since college.
(or, single parent x child's teacher AU)
the girl next door by funfanfin
The first time he hears her, he’s making his grandmother’s afritada recipe, a dish that reminds him of long, lazy, hot summers in the Philippines.
The first time he learns her name is on a Tuesday so ordinary and average he wouldn’t have remembered it otherwise.
The first time he realizes he loves her is during the early hours of a cool morning, with her curled into his side.
-OR-Bellamy hears singing from the apartment next door. It isn't long before he meets the girl behind the smoky, haunted voice, and it isn't long before he learns the reasons for her sorrow-filled singing.
only fools rush in by @chants-de-lune
based on the tumblr prompt:
"just drove a guy home from a bar and for the whole 15 minutes he talked about how excited he was to see his wife"
the fuzziest of woodland creatures by tempestaurora
“it’s 2 in the morning and i was just trying to get home but i left my sunroof open all day and now there’s a squirrel in my car and it scared me and i drove into a pole – would you please stop laughing you’re a cop. you’re supposed to be helping”
Settling Debts by indygoh
"Um. Thank you. You didn't have to," she peeked up at him, suddenly shy for some reason. "I can pay you back."
Bellamy just chuckled, already shaking his head before she could finish her sentence.
"I've got a little sister. She probably would have kicked my ass if she found out I didn't do something to help you out back there."
Clarke raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Do you always rescue strange girls in desperate need of tampons?"
"Only the really cute ones with crowns on their butts."
when love hits (better make it worth the fall) by kay_emm_gee
Summary: Four times Clarke gets hit on the head (+1 time she doesn't) during her last semester of high school, and every single time, Bellamy Blake is somehow involved.
Turn the tide on my losing side by Lalalli
Clarke doesn’t know why Thelonius Jaha keeps posting really random shit to her Facebook wall, but whatever. It’s fine. It was weird at first, but she’s used to it now.
And then Bellamy gets involved and it gets weird again.
My Soft Place to Land by Who_Needs_Reality
Bellamy's happy to be back. He's even happier to see who's waiting for him.
{Or, soldier!Bellamy comes back home after being deployed and meets someone special}
We Keep it a Secret (You Leave Me Dying to Know) by @ringsabellamy
Bellamy doesn’t claim to be the greatest at dating, especially considering he’s been quietly in love with his best friend for the past six years, but hey, at least he’s been /trying/ to get over her. Not, of course, that this current situation is helping.
Or: Bellamy just asked Clarke to fake being his girlfriend for one date, honest. But then things got a little...out of hand.
If You Like Your Coffee Hot by marauders_groupie
They haven't been friends for a very long time but Bellamy still can't ignore Clarke acting out and getting into fights when she was a model student just a few months ago. They might’ve kept each other at distance for years but she is still his first best friend.
Calm my tears, Kill these fears by @goldenheadfreckledheart
Prompt: I somehow always get you as a cashier at Walmart and it's always when I’m buying the weirdest shit at the weirdest time. “A head of lettuce at 3am?” "It's a long story”
bit of a disaster, aren’t we? by katsumi
Clarke breaks her ankle and really would prefer that Bellamy not find out about it. She has a feeling he's going to get mad. (She's right.)
Meet Me in the Morning by monroeslittle
“I guess one of us is messed up,” he said, “and it’s part of our hallucination that the other is, too.” He paused. “Seems appropriately hellish that my mind sticks me with you.”
She pursed her lips. “Likewise.”
AU. Clarke is trapped in a stupid time loop, and guess who's trapped with her?
I Miss Our Little Talks by @chants-de-lune
“Wow,” she breathed out. “I thought that one would have done me in.”
Bellamy didn’t smile, shaking his head and taking the slightest edge of coldness off his glare.
“You took a bullet for me.” he said through gritted teeth. “Don’t ever do that again.”
Today is Dying by theprincessandtheking
“Look, sorry, but it’s an emergency,” Harper said, eyes firmly fixed on the wall ahead of her.
The tea he’d downed at the bar was still in his system, as evidenced by the way the room spun when he reached for his shirt a few feet away and struggled to pull it over his head.
“So much of an emergency that you couldn’t knock?”
“It’s Clarke.”
That I Will Never Escape by @talistheintrovert
“Execute me; I poisoned you. Let Clarke live."
“Very well,” Octavia raised a hand and a soldier with a gun pointed it down at him. He steeled himself for the bullet that would end his life, but before it left the chamber, Clarke yelled out.
He jumped, surprised, when she moved suddenly, and he registered in his periphery as she snatched the sword from the floor and spun it in her hand deftly.
“Clarke, what are you doing?” Bellamy frowned, his gaze switching to her, but a part of him already knew. His body was reacting to it before his brain could catch up – he felt his breath catch in his throat, and his heart-rate speed up.
we were nothing more than stardust by cresswell
"I'm going to kill that bastard," he says quietly, bent close to Clarke's ear. "He's not going to touch you again, and I'm going to kill him."
Her pinkie finger extends, brushing the waistband of his jeans, and he carefully pushes their palms together, lacing their fingers. He thinks she smiles in her sleep.
Love is Not a Whisper (or a weakness) by monroeslittle
"There was a strange, muffled snap, and the tentacle around her middle was retracted. The hold on her ankle was gone, and Bellamy was pulling her up through the water. She began to pump her arms, and they broke the surface; she gasped, and coughed.
He pressed a gun into her hand. “If you see a ripple, shoot,” he ordered."
AU. The dropship doesn't land on land. The next seven years are a little bit different.
Astraphobia by @chants-de-lune
The fear of thunder and lightning. In other words, rainy day cuddling with a bit of angst.
Trying to remember how it feels to have a heartbeat by islabbe
There was blood everywhere; some of it red, but most of it was black. Bellamy wrinkled his nose at the metallic smell as it filled his nose. Pushing down the reflex to gag, he quickly made his way over to the tent.
“Clarke, stay with me,” he said gruffly, his voice straining as bent down to enter hers and Madi’s tent. She was drifting in and out of consciousness and Bellamy knew the longer he dawdled, the less time she had.
We Can’t Leave Us Behind by @ringsabellamy
"I don’t blame you for that, not anymore. I understand why you had to leave. But it still hurt, Clarke. And I guess...I think your goodbye reminds me of how I felt. Of what it was like to lose you.”
“The kiss,” she says, eyes full of sudden realization. “You think when I kiss you, it means I’m going to leave you.”
Or: Bellamy has a lot of healing to do, one try at a time.
Set The Dark On Fire by @talistheintrovert​
Clarke isn't coping well with peacetime on the Eligius ship, and while Bellamy has woken some of the others (mainly spacekru) and tries to organise a trip to the ground, making decisions and considering all the variables, Clarke makes a choice of her own:
She'll take herself out of the equation.
OR: the post season 5 idea I had to write because all of the unresolved emotional turmoil this season is actually killing me and someone needs to notice that Clarke is in pain, for the love of god.
for everything unsaid (there is a flourish of my pride) by theprincessandtheking
“I don’t know,” he says. “I guess I just didn’t really care either way anymore.”
She pauses, and from the corner of his eye he can see the odd expression on her face.
“So in the middle of wartime, when everything is going to hell around us, shaving is still a priority. But you spend six years with all the free time in the world for it, and suddenly you don’t care?”
He tries to smile at the joke, but he thinks it comes out as more of a grimace.
“I guess down here it was more of a sense of normalcy,” he explains. “But with you gone—”
He pauses, clears his throat in an attempt to keep his voice steady.
“Without you there, nothing really felt normal.”
I can never be alone when all gods keep calling me out by angel_deux
Raven fixes the radio after a few years, and Clarke can talk to them again.
they will see my strength (in this love i’ve found) by glowinghorizons 
“If you’re married they won’t let you go alone.”
The silence is deafening. Bellamy braces himself for the slap he knows is going to come his way any second, but it never happens.
“You--” she sounds breathless. “You don’t even know me.”
Bellamy shrugs. “Look. I-- this is crazy. I know. I just know that I can’t let my sister go to the ground without me.”
OR, Clarke finds out she's being sent to the Ground only days after her Dad dies. Bellamy is determined to go to the Ground with his sister. They need to fool everyone to make it work.
Like a Second Heart by Who_Needs_Reality
She’s hardly surprised, the first few times it happens. The hallucinations are vivid, but not long, not much, just short, staccato bursts of him, tiny pieces to keep her going -- his hand extended out to her to help her up from the rubble, his voice a soothing murmur in her ear telling her she’ll be alright until she finds water… of course she sees him, of course she hears him. It’s Bellamy -- who else would her mind conjure up to help her survive? There are worse symptoms praimfaya has left her with than a few too-real imaginings of her best friend after all.
{Clarke's not worried when she starts to hallucinate Bellamy. It's only when the dreams continue to haunt her even after the real Bellamy comes back that she's concerned}
We Sure Know How to Run by winterwaters
While attempting to get Jaha farther from the AI and the nuclear warhead, Clarke, Murphy and Emori run into trouble from another tribe and Clarke is injured. Bellamy and his group happen to be following that tribe and help take care of her. On the way home, she confronts her feelings for Bellamy - with a bit of help from Emori.
darling, just hold my hand by killianslonghaul
“I know you don’t like public displays of affection, but… you’re really not going to kiss me goodbye?”
Bellamy doesn't really do PDA, but he might make an exception.
baby on board by katebishop 
As a soon-to-be father, Bellamy thinks he's feeling the appropriate amount of worry and concern for his pregnant wife.
Clarke thinks he's utterly ridiculous.
Other AUS
Forbidden Words by onceuponahundred 
we’re in between classes, and we both hear a fourth year calling a first year a mudblood, and neither of us are having any of that prejudiced bullshit. unfortunately, my impulse was to hex them, and yours was to punch them in the face, and my jelly-legs curse hit you instead, i’m really sorry, and we both are probably getting detention now, but hey, plus side, you’re kind of cute
{Bellarke in Harry Potter}
Name One Hero Who Was Happy by Who_Needs_Reality
Clarke huffs again, and he glances at her.
“The Curse of Achilles, Bellamy? Do you know how risky that was?”
“I got the idea when I felt my soul being torn from my body.”
She sniffs, imperious. “How did you do it?”
“Huh?” Her voice is smaller when she speaks again. “How did you...not get your soul...y’know?”
“Oh,” he swallows. “I had some help.”
{Bellarke in a Percy Jackson/The Last Olympian AU}
Don’t Think I Want What I Used to Want by arysa13 
Bellamy has a compass that points to what his heart most desires, which, as a pirate, must be treasure, obviously.
can’t control my feelings, can’t control my thoughts by katsumi
When Jasper accidentally gifts Clarke a love potion, everyone she interacts with starts acting...weird. Everyone, that is, except Bellamy. [Hogwarts AU]
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yiangchen · 5 years
Quotes from Wondercon that made me really excited for s6, concerning Clarke, Clurphy and Bellarke:
“One thing I love about this season is that Murphy has kinda gone back to just saying what--how he feels, what he thinks, you know? He’s gotten that edge back. And uh, Clarke’s also got a bit of an edge, and she’s not having it, so they do, like, get at each other. It’s--it’s fun to watch. Like, it’s not a bad thing. It’s just like, you know. It’s a bit of a [fuck you at each other.]” --Eliza Taylor
I was so afraid that Murphy would just be ripping on Clarke and that she’d just take it, but it sounds like that’s not the case. Clarke fighting back and having some comments of her own makes this dynamic so much more intriguing to me, and I can’t wait to see how this all plays out, hopefully with them becoming friends/frenemies again because I miss that.
“There’s a huge riff at the very beginning of this, uh, between Clarke and most of the other characters. I think Bellamy is the only one that is understanding [with] everything that she’s done and gone through.” --Eliza Taylor
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, if we’re going to have a storyline of everyone being against Clarke, I need to have one person (Bellamy) on her side, and it makes me so happy that this will happen. The reason that Clarke acted so irrationally was because she thought she was alone, so it’s really important for her to have at least one person whose there for her while she works to earn everyone’s forgiveness, including Bellamy’s. 
Even though he’s already forgiven her, I think that she’ll still feel like she has to earn it, and contrary to popular belief, it’s possible for her to already be forgiven by him and also work to make it up to him. No matter how you feel on her leaving him, I think it’s important that she continues to show that it wasn’t an easy decision for her. She had sacrificed everyone else, herself included, for him in the past, numerous times. 
I want him to know that the girl who did all those things is still in there. She was just buried beneath all her trauma, terrified and acting on impulse to do what she thought would keep her daughter alive. Compartmentalizing how she feels about him and her need to keep him alive because she thought all of that wasn’t reciprocated on his end anymore.
“When did you most disagree with Clarke? What was her biggest mistake in your opinion?” --interviewer 
“I think--God, I mean it’s hard to say because, you know, everything happens for a reason [and] all of that, but um, I think one thing, you know, that because I’m not a mother, because, you know, I haven’t--I haven’t been as fiercely protective of anyone in my life, um, you know, I can’t--I can’t even imagine if my daughter was in, like, this sort of situation that Madi was in. I tried to play that to the best of my ability, but there were some decisions that I was like, ‘you can’t do that!’ Like, you know, leaving Bellamy to die in the fighting pits. And like, you know, all of that stuff. That was hard for me to--to read and go, ‘Oh cool’. I was like, ‘No!’ *laughs*...but yeah, that’s the only thing that kind of grated on me. Like, she’s doing all of this, for the kid.” --Eliza Taylor
This doesn’t really necessarily have anything to do with season 6, but I’m just gonna leave this here, considering that this season is gonna be all about characters facing their biggest mistakes...my Blarke heart!
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rhcenyra · 5 years
GOD i just got hit with a wave of feelings thats like...the warm fuzzy feeling you get when you read a beautiful fluffy blarke fic. like.....thats my ONLY experience with what i assume true beautiful love is like which is....Depressing but also sweet. anyway i havent been into that much t100 stuff so far on this hiatus and also.....most of the only fics i read were by chash and they havent been posting much so i havent been reading much but i miss it now and i want to!
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whitetrashjj · 5 years
I know t100 fandom is collectively melting down about Bellarke, but I missed Murven so much! I'm hoping someone might gif where Murphy repeated Raven's advice right before they left the room, or where she says he's right about the bone marrow. God or even how resigned he looks when he's the one they choose to be burned, and if Raven reacted to that. Basically I need Murven content & you're so good at it if you happen to be inspired! xoxo
oh I know! like i feel cause there scene was part of a sneak peak and then all that blarke shit happened murven got lost in the crowd - but oh my god i didn’t realise how much I missed them...
like between them having criminally little screen time together this season and then them both kinda annoying me this season I havn’t been as invested but god after this ep I’m for sure back on my bullshit.
here’s one murven gifset for you but i’ve got a couple more planned and they’ll be out in the next couple days!
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traitorwhoyoulove · 6 years
I'm really trying to find the good, but all I see is Clarke barely reacting to finding out Bellamy's alive while basically breaking down over a mention of L. Clarke accepting that B/E is real and ceding her position as "rescuer of Bellamy" to E. Bellamy being lumped in as just one of her "friends" to side with. To me, so much of this ep felt like it was closing the door on the possibility of romantic Bellarke.
I’ve been non-existent from Tumblr this week, so I’m just now seeing this. But Anon, you have to remember that Clarke was talking to Bellamy’s girlfriend. I mean for god’s sake, if you’re in love with the guy, the last thing you’re going to do is gush about your love for him in front of his girlfriend. With that said, Clarke’s reaction to hearing Bellamy’s alive was pretty significant, in my opinion, especially when you consider the fact that Clarke has always had a pretty good poker face on the show.
Also, I worry that you misinterpreted the callbacks to L. I, too, am usually never a fan of those callbacks this late in the game, but this was actually one that felt like it had a spot in the story and made a lot of sense. It was a callback to Clarke’s relationship with L, yes, but it was also a comparison of that relationship to her relationship with Bellamy. Though there were definite tones of “wow I loved L and miss her every day,” the focus was more on L essentially pleading for Clarke not to make the same mistake that she did: not to betray Bellamy, a person who she loves.
In regards to Clarke “lumping” Bellamy into all of her other friends, I think that’s a conscious attempt by Clarke to protect herself. Clarke herself has acknowledged B/E’s relationship, even going so far as to say she’s good for him. Which like…debatable, but I digress. Clarke is in love with Bellamy, and we’ve seen that time and time again. Her hurt in regards to B.echo was clearly shown not once, but twice on screen when they kissed. There was no reason for Clarke to be the focus of those shots other than the fact that the writers wanted us to see how Clarke was feeling about seeing them together.
I have to say that I completely disagree with you, Nonny. I think 5x12 was another door opening to canon Bellarke. This is the second time this season we’ve seen this ship compared to a canon couple, and we know the finale is going to be good for Blarkes. Hang in there. We asked for angst, we’re getting angst. Enjoy the show, because when Bellarke is canon, this pain is going to make that sailing ship so much better.
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scifibi · 7 years
don't give a marine a hickey
i was commanded on twitter by @bellmyblake and @cloverjean to blarke this:
Tumblr media
Clarke flies through the automatic doors in a flurry of art tubes, throwing her purse and portfolio samples into the first basket she sees before striding off towards a random aisle. She's got about twenty minutes before The Bachelorette starts, and after the long day she's had, she's not planning to miss a single second of it.
She powers through the frozen food section, throwing a few lasagnes and pizzas into her basket before hurrying towards the alcohol aisle. After the last two weeks they've had, the apartment is all out of wine, and she needs it for The Bachelorette. Needs it.
She stops at a large yellow sign advertising a sale on frozen onion rings — two for one, but does she really need two bags of frozen onion rings? — and just as she puts her hand on the fridge door to open it, her phone goes off like a siren.
She jumps, shoving both hands into the basket to unearth her bag from the small mound of frozen food piled atop it. It takes another few seconds to wrangle her phone from the masses of half-finished gum packets and hair ties and pins in her purse, but she finally locates the clamouring device and brings it to her ear. "Hello?"
"Am I speaking to Ms. Clarke Griffin?"
She frowns, not expecting the grave sombreness of the voice that greets her. "Yes, this is she."
"Ms. Clarke Griffin," the voice persists, "legal spouse of Corporal Bellamy Blake of the U.S. Marine Corps?"
Her heart thuds to a standstill, all thoughts of onion rings dissolving from her brain.
No, no, no.
It can't be. She just saw him yesterday. Less than twenty-four hours ago, she dropped him off at the airport and kissed him goodbye.
Less than twenty-four hours ago, her husband was in her arms. Warm. Safe. 
"Yes," she says, her voice no more than a hoarse whisper. "I'm— yes."
She doesn't know what else to say. She's not sure she's even capable of saying anything else.
Oh, God. Oh God, oh God, oh God.
"Ma'am," the voice continues, serious and sober, "I'm calling today to inform you about your recent transgression against the Marine Corps, the Department of Defense, and the very Constitution of the United States."
Her breath stutters in her throat.
"Um," she squeaks out, "my what?"
"Transgression, ma'am," the voice repeats, an undercurrent of irritation lacing its patient tone. "Ma'am, are you aware that the defacement of government property is a serious federal crime?"
She actually drops her basket, the plastic clattering flatly to the linoleum floor of the supermarket. "The what of what?!"
"Penalties for this crime can go up to a maximum fine of up to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or ten years imprisonment, or even both," the voice continues, unbothered by her incredulous tone. "The American government does not take kindly to destruction of its property, ma'am, not at all."
Her jaw drops. "What are you talking about? I didn't—" Cutting herself off in sheer frustration, she shakes her head violently, her blonde curls whipping about her face. "Look, what the hell is going on? Where's my husband? Is he okay?"
"Okay?!" There's a loud scoff on the other end of the line. "Ma'am, you've got a lotta nerve asking if he's okay! Especially after that giant contusion you left on Corporal Blake's person!"
Her brows knit into a sharp frown. "Contusion? What contusion?! I have never laid a hand on my husband!"
"You'd think after two years of marriage, you'd have the good sense not to leave it right out in the open where everyone can see," the voice continues over her protests. "Or at least aim for somewhere below the collar of our uniforms!"
All of a sudden, memories of the night before flood into her brain, the images of freckled skin and warm lips overwhelming her senses. The last night she and Bellamy shared together before he'd left for his second tour.
All the blood rushes out of her face, leaving her pale and dizzy for a brief moment before flooding right back in, her cheeks burning up in that way that always makes her look like she fell into a giant pan of bright red blush.
"Oh my God," she hisses, gripping the phone tight against her ear. "Are you talking about the hickey?"
A contemptuous sniff. "If that's what you two are calling that big old ugly—"
There's a loud bang in the background, like a door being flung wide open. Another voice booms, muffled and inaudible but reassuringly and thrillingly familiar — and then all of a sudden, there's nothing on the line but the sounds of what she can only make out to be a scuffle, a barked-out "Murphy!" and a high-pitched yelp, and then—
"Bellamy?" Even though she now knows full well that he'd been fine all along, the relief washes over her like a wave over the sand, cool and comforting. "Bellamy, God. It's you."
"Of course it's me, babe," he says, his voice turning soft and low in the way that always seems to melt her heart right in her chest. "Jesus, hang on—fuck off, Murphy!" There's a last muted mumble in the background, and then the sound of a door closing. "Okay, he's gone now. What was he—"
"Jesus Christ, Bell!" she explodes, no longer able to contain the fire of sheer indignation. "I thought you were dead! I was this close to losing it in the fucking grocery store!"
"What?" his voice roughens in concern. "What do you mean you— what the hell did that asshole say?!"
She throws her free hand up in exasperation. "He asked if I was me, if I was married to Corporal Bellamy Blake of the Marine Corps, yadda yadda yadda, and the whole time I was thinking something terrible had happened, I was just thinking about you and I was this close to going out of my mind, and then he fucking accuses me of destroying government property!"
Bellamy begins to laugh.
"It's not funny!" she half yells, but she can't quite suppress the grin already forming on her own face. "I thought you were dead, and your dickwad friend was giving me shit for giving my own husband a hickey!"
Bellamy can't stop laughing. "Oh, shit," he manages when he catches his breath. "Oh, babe. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, it was a shitty joke. Murphy and a couple other guys have been teasing me all morning, but I'm gonna—" He dissolves into another peal of laughter, and it's not fair how the sound makes her picture him crystal clear in her head, eyes crinkled, mouth stretched wide, broad chest all rumbly and warm with the evidence of his amusement.
"I'm gonna kill him," she promises darkly, a wide smile on her own face, still flushed and warm with residual embarrassment. "It's Murphy, right? John Murphy? What's his middle name? Social security number?"
"Don't worry, baby, I'll get to him first," Bellamy chuckles. The last of his laughter dissolves into a small sigh. "Fuck, Clarke. I miss you so much already."
She exhales, leaning against the fridge door to cool her skin off. "I miss you too. When are you shipping out?"
"Three more days. Flight time isn't confirmed yet, but I'll let you know when I can. Should be set by the time we get to video chat tomorrow night."
"Any chance you could make it a private video chat?" she quips, smiling.
"My, my, Mrs. Blake," Bellamy says, and just from the tone of his voice she knows exactly which smile he's wearing — lopsided and charming, with a hint of teasing. "I'm not so sure you should be trusted alone with government property. Looking to make a repeat offense so soon?"
He probably genuinely means it as a joke, but even that flippant quip sends memories from their last two weeks together flickering through her brain again, igniting her senses and turning her insides to mush. The sight of Bellamy's tan skin, made even tanner from long hours of training and military exercises in the sun. The sounds he'd elicited from her with his hands and mouth. The sensations he'd sparked in her when he'd—
She clears her throat, letting the pitch of her voice drop even lower. "Well, Corporal, it appears I might have something of a vandalism streak."
"Shit, babe." Bellamy sighs, the sound distinctly strained even through the phone connection. "All I want is just to be with you right now. Why am I all the way out here again?"
"Because you love me," she reminds him with a smile, "and you love our friends, and you love your country."
"Right, right," he says, exhaling heavily. "Priority number one. Protect my family."
Tears prick at her eyes, but her smile only grows wider. "Priority number one," she corrects insistently, "protect yourself. Stay safe, and come home to your family."
"Yes, ma'am," he says, his voice soft and reassuring.
There's a long pause, the two of them hanging on just to hear each other in the faint buzz of the phone connection.
Finally, Bellamy clears his throat. "I gotta go," he says, his tone full of reluctant apology. "Get Murphy off whichever poor bastard he's torturing now."
She shakes her head, pushing off the fridge door. "Go. Text or call when you can."
"I will," he promises, and then adds, "Get yourself something other than frozen pizza for dinner?"
"I did," she says, eyes flicking to the two boxes of frozen lasagne in her basket.
"Or frozen lasagne." She can't see his face, but she can picture his raised brow, clear as day.
She rolls her eyes. "Fine. I'll get an apple, or something."
"Good enough," he says, and then he pauses. She can't explain it, but something about the extra beat of silence just tells her that he's smiling again, comforting and warm. "I love you."
Her heart grows about three sizes bigger in its ribbed cage.
"I love you," she answers, confident and firm.
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octannibal-blake · 6 years
the 100 s4 rewatch:
4x01 - Echoes
 wow blarke really has no concept of personal space this episode i forgot and i love it
“I COULD USE A BREAK, FROM KEEPING YOU ALIVE” brb i’m crying i wonder if he thinks about this statement in space? *sobbing
 wow bellamy getting the thank you he deserves
jasper, my sweet bb i miss you 
“nothing like a little pain to remind you you’re alive” is probably one of my favorite lines ever 
also, stop raven reyes suffering 2k18
god i hate that corset they put clarke in 
oh look, it blecho
HOW DARE YOU HOLD MY WIFE SWORD-POINT?! -- what bellamy actually meant when he said “let her go”
remember when they thought roan was dead but he wasn’t? i miss that 
murphy, my sarcastic trash son, DRAG JAHA
MEMORI and their weird ass thieving flirting 
indra + kane (kindra?) is my fucking BROTP
god bellarke is such a TEAM this episode my heart can’t take it
bellamy and his gun = a kink
still have no idea how octavia is suddenly an olympic javelin thrower but okay
the murphamy relationship development is the best
“i wasn’t done talking” i love sassy bellamy 
rip to the #1 blarke stan 
as much as a i miss jasper, the way they wrote the PTSD and the sadness, it’s honestly really good and p accurate...
lmao “call me weak again” 
wow, real subtle with that cut to bellamy as clarke cries... noice
DON’T TAKE MY WIFE, ECHO! -- bellamy, actually
“do you think we’ll ever be able to trust each other again?” I HATE THIS BECAUSE NOW I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS
“what now, princess?”
honestly, this was one of my fave episodes of the season,  and probably my favorite premiere thus far. 
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clarkesablake · 6 years
As Promised...
I rewatched the episode this evening and quickly typed out my rereactions in chronological order. Please like this post if you’d want to see it again next week. It’s probably slightly messy, because I’ve never done something like this, but it was fun, and it’s a good insight into my inner monologue. I’ll also get better as the season goes on. Ik I love reading stuff like this on other people’s blogs. 
Overall, I liked the episode. It was slightly underwhelming, because we already knew most of what happened, but it was cute, and I’m excited for the story this season. (and, as someone who has never actually said or believed this before: It really is Our year Blarkes!)
·       Clarke looking at maps, nice callback to s1, #1 earth skills student
·       “at least I don’t have to swim” I didn’t think about the fact that she was at Becca’s house, the ocean dried up, makes sense
·       She’s so freaking pretty I’m sorry wow
·       I always assumed she wouldn’t even try to dig up the bunker until after 5 years, I didn’t realize she’d try to join them at all
·       I’m wishing we saw some of her first moments/days after praimfiya
·       Is it a coincidence that the rubble collapsed after she looked at Lex.a’s throne? I think not lol.
·       “how the hell am I gonna make it 5 years?” they did a good job conveying how hopeless her situation seems, and how long that time really is when you’re alone
·       MAYA AND JASPER ghfbgrkeu I’m so sadd, I’m sooo glad she’s getting to mourn
·       I hope Monty gets to read his letter
·       “realll cheerful clarke, ignore me” loll this cracks me up, so relatable, coping humor
·       “I’m proud of you” *insert sobbing* she thinks she’s gonna die, she Loves him
·       These landscapes are really cool!
·       Her eyes are so blue
·       Idk who she’s thanking for the rain, but I love seeing her smiling at the little things abt earth such as rain, it’s a lot like s1 really when they breathed real air for the first time and the delinquents celebrated the first rain
·       The radiation storms remind me of acid fog in s1 too, I wonder if they’ll continue to be a thing, probably not after 6 years I guess
·       SO the solar panels are destroyed, why does the rover work later in the episode? I’m kinda confused about that
·       Sidenote: the wandering through the desert reminds me of Holes
·       It’s really difficult to watch Clarke breaking down like this, but how much she’s fought thus far shows us that she really does want to survive deep down, it’s just hard
·       Is it weird that I smiled when she killed the bird? I strangely enjoy going back to the basics of survival, finding resources, again, like s1. I had missed that aspect of earth being just earth, nature in its purest form, beautiful and terrifying
·       She’s being reborn in the water <33
·       I love Madi’s little village, I hope they use a lot of that set
·       “God this would be so much easier if I knew you were alive, If I knew I was gonna see you again” GAHHHHH
·       “Positive thoughts Clarke,” gfeuwcvke I love it
·       I even missed Trigedasleng what even
·       Baby Madi is adorable and terrifying
·       It’s an interesting thought that Madi was trained to avoid the flamekeepers and that’s why she was never found, I love little details like this!
·       I would love hearing her talk more about her childhood and parents
·       Okay It’s great that Clarke’s using medical skills again, but she didn’t clean the wound, and she most def should have lost her leg from infection without sterile equipment
·       Madi in the window like a horror movie actually made me jump
·       How many times will they use the same tree shot from the pilot lmao
·       Clarke is lucky Madi didn’t stab her w/ that spear tbh
·       “child from hell” lollllllllllll
·       Clarke’s not the only one good w/ kids, I love how she left the drawing without saying Anything
·       She’s also hella good at manipulating people (in this case it’s in a good way)
·       Little Madi’s smile awwwww
·       Clarke looks so Good in her tank top and w/ the fish Madi taught her how to catch, she’s gonna have so many more Grounder skills now!
·       Still wondering how they fixed the rover
·       Also confused as to why Clarke wants Madi to speak only English (other than for the purposes of the show)
·       “Do you think they’ll come back too?” Because priorities <3
·       Triple G: Green’s green goop <3 + Make algae not war, Te Amo Monty
·       Emori being happy and joking w/ the others and being excited about spacewalks and defending her new friend Raven this is Everything
·       I’m also glad they made a system to avoid talking about the time, and considerate because of how hard this is on Raven
·       I was so surprised by the whole Murphy being separate from the group thing! But it makes sense. I still love him SO much. And despite him struggling a little bit rn he’s still a smiling adorable idiot
·       “you’re not worthless Murphy” SAY IT LOUDER FOR EVERYONE IN THE BACK
·       “We make decisions as a team here” Emori has grown so much I can’t
·       Dropship Parallelsssss
·       “All of them” Clarke’s first instinct = ALL the guns, Bellamy would be so proud
·       Madi hiding in the whole is a Clear Octavia parallel this is gonna be so Interesting
·       “Only choice” ((((ALSO AN OXYMORON BY THE WAY))))
·       Zeke is beautifuul and smart, ((((((((((JUST LIKE RAVEN REYES AHHHHHHHH))))))))))))
·       I wonder if we’ll learn more about the two other non-violent offenders
·       “for starters cause she’s a kid” GOOD REASON thx reasonable man, it’s unfortunate you died
·       “There are no good guys” a dangerous rhetoric to teach a kid Clarke, there might be consequences for that in more ways than one
·       Just let Monty be HAppY, he just wants to be safe and w/ the people he loves
·       I don’t really get Marper but I’m so glad she’s there for him
·       I love Raven and Emori friendship!
·       Murphy knows he done fed up something good he’s just too proud to deal w/ it rn
·       Murven <333 I’ll take them how I can get them, and I love that she doesn’t put up with his bs
·       Ik I’m supposed to be mad at bech.o but I love seeing Bellamy happy and hopeful and smiling and having someone there to support him (plus do yourself the favor of appreciating his kissing skills and imagining Clarke there)
·       Octavia looks terrifyingly beautiful oh my lands
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temarisnara · 7 years
any/all of the following: schmidt from new girl, laurel lance, nico minoru, bellamy blake
AHH thank u
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: he loves very intensely. like, he invented being ride or die. worst quality: everything? he’s so. schmidt. everytime he opens his mouth i’m like “hun, no.”ship them with: cece and nick!! brotp them with: nick, jess, and winston. also coach but they have less interactions. needs to stay away from: oh god i dont think i was a fan of when he dated his boss.misc. thoughts: he’s gotten SO MUCH BETTER as the series has gone on i’m so proud of him. also like, yes, schmidt is awful but he’s not Actually awful. people HATE him and i dont get it?? 
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: she’s just a good fucking person!! she does whats right and she refuses to stay down.worst quality: she dated oliver?ship them with: tommy. also…tommy/oliver/laurel ot3. i’m here for it.brotp them with: uh. her and cisco were cute when she was in the flash? and im guessing sara but ive never actually seen any episode of DCTV where they interacted.needs to stay away from: i’d say oliver but i’m fake so…fandom.misc. thoughts: i could’ve stomached arrow for her if she wasnt so awfully treated
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: she takes care of people!! like she doesn’t want to be the leader, she doesnt want to be a superhero, but she’s here anyway and she’s going to do what it takes. worst quality: she’s very…wants what she can’t have. she kissed alex, then quickly pulled away from him when he wanted more, she was into topher before discovering he was a vampire, she rejected karolina until karolina came back with a fiancee in tow, she kissed chase knowing he had a girlfriend, she hooked up with victor and then again, pulled away, and became jealous when he was into lillie. i kinda headcanon her as litro bc of this.ship them with: alex is the only one i’ve really shipped her with. also i’m into her and kate bishop. brotp them with: karolina, gert, and chaseneeds to stay away from: romantically, chase. also not a fan of her with karolina but idk why.misc. thoughts: i still have a lot of resentment left over from the first time i read and i need to work on it lmao. but i do think she’s a great character, especially with a good writer behind her.
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: oh boy. bellamy sure is a character that exists. he’s incredibly complex, and doesn’t always make good decisions. but i love his relationship with octavia, and his loyalty to the 1oo. worst quality: again, he’s incredibly complex. his worst quality isn’t automatically a bad thing. it’s what makes him interesting. i would say his worst quality is he’s very selfish (destroying the radio and effectively sentencing the ark to death to save himself??). also, i didnt watch season 3, but his fucking guilt trip to clarke about how she ~left him~ and thats why he was fucking up?? eat my ass bellamy!!! take responsibility for your fucking actions!!!! ship them with: FINN. also raven. and echo to an extent. also i got really into jasper/bellamy for a hot minute. EDIT: ALSO WELLS WHO I FORGOT I SHIPPED HIM WITH BUT THAT WAS LIKE MY FAVE BELLAMY SHIP AFTER FINN/BELLAMY!!!!brotp them with: clarke and octavia and miller.needs to stay away from: romantically, clarke. also no offense but romantic blarke high key reminds me of “It’s not my job to make you a better man and I don’t give a shit if I’ve made you a better man. It’s not a fucking woman’s job to be consumed and invaded and spat out so that some fucking man can evolve.“ no shade tho!!!!misc. thoughts: gOD I FUCKING LOVE BELLAMY HE WAS SUCH A GOOD CHARACTER AND I MISS HIM. i dont miss his bat shit stans who acted like he was perfect and could do no wrong and who UTTERLY MISSED EVERY SINGLE GODDAMN POINT ABOUT HIS CHARACTER. 
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yiangchen · 5 years
my favorite scene from every season (only s1-5 since s6 is still airing) in gifs...
s1: i love this, and not just because of blarke. the power in this scene is insane, and i just love how you really get the sense that bellamy and clarke have fully taken on the responsibility of caring for these <100 kids who have essentially become their family. 
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s2: best plot twist of the entire show.
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s3: raven waking after everyone came together to save her? that right there was what s3 was missing until that moment. bellamy, clarke, monty, and jasper all in the same place, at the same time, working together to save one of their own (raven) and the sheer relief and happiness that they feel when they do. the sheer relief and happiness that raven feels because she can finally feel pain again. i couldn’t find the right gif, so here’s monty with one of his best lines, reminding octvia, but also the audience, what this show is really about. the 100 (+bellamy and raven) surviving together. we’re your people. you’re one of the 100.
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s4: can i choose the entirety of praimfaya? because the whole fucking episode was gold and i can’t narrow it down to my favorite moment. 
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s5: ok, i can’t find the right gif for the life of me, so i chose this one because right after this bellamy goes “how so?” because he’s already 100% done with his sister’s cult lmao and it’s amazing, but anyway, my fave scene is a little after this when bellamy stands up against octvia. i just love it so much. in a season where bellamy tried so hard to suppress his emotions, he actually wore his heart on his sleeve during this one. earlier in the episode, octvia’s guards pointed guns at bellamy and octvia didn’t tell them to stand down right away. she wanted to use them to intimidate him. to threaten him. in my fave scene, he just doesn’t care about that. because of you, we’re stuck between razor blade winds and burrowing parasitic bugs. because of you, we’re at war, bellamy. only if you insist on fighting it. fight or die, that’s all there is. you don’t understand, i get it, because you’re not one of us. is obika one of you? because you’re about to end his life like he means nothing. i understand that. oof, that whole interaction right there gives me chills. he’s not backing down, not even when one of her warriors tells him to “show some respect.” ironically, clarke is the one to be more “the head” in the scene, and she says, “bellamy,” in a warning tone. she’s able to see clearly that bellamy standing up against octvia only puts him in danger. bellamy, on the other hand, doesn’t care. god, i fucking love him. wow, i’m upset now. the blake conflict here was so interesting to me, and then jroth went ahead and gave octvia a leg to stand on in 5x06 because of fucking e.cho and completely diluted everything to being about blecho and NOT bellamy’s valid feelings about how shitty his sister has been, especially to him.  
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yiangchen · 6 years
But I’m Not Ready for the Weight of Us
Title from the song “The Weight of Us” by Sanders Bohlke.
Bellarke post 5x05, but almost completely ignores Octavia’s entire existence because I’m lazy and don’t want to deal with the plot that comes with her and just kinda completely pretends that the hike back to Polis will be multiple days even though I’m pretty sure they only hiked for one day before stopping to sleep for the night.
Also, there’s no actual Blarke interaction in this fic. It’s almost entirely Bellamy x Madi because I already love that relationship and was having feelings about the idea of them talking about Clarke.
When Bellamy reunited with Clarke, he initially had expected things to be awkward. Thought maybe they’d need some time to settle back into being each other’s person. To his surprise, they fell right back into it. And despite the horror they’d endured over the last few days, between Octavia and her crazy cult to venomous, parasitic worms and razor-blade winds, they had each other’s backs. Like always.
Things were more than just fine with them even. He’d told her how much he admired her for surviving alone; she’d reminded him of all the good things he’s done since landing back on Earth. Sure, they both still held back a little, didn’t open up completely, but with each passing day, with each shared look, with each smile and each morbid joke, he thought they were getting there. That all that was left was to relearn each other a bit more.
But now it’s been a few days since Clarke’s reunion with Monty, Harper and Madi, and she hasn’t been around. Well, that’s not entirely true. It’s hard to not be around when they’re all camping out together. When they’re never more than a small distance apart. She has been avoiding him though. She won’t look him in the eyes, won’t talk to him unless she has to, and it’s always very short and quick and to the point.
And he hates it.
It’s like she just withdrew completely and he has no idea why. He’s tried to get a moment alone with her, but she’s always with Madi or she always has something she has to do. Somewhere else to be when there really is nowhere to go. They’re in the desert for fucks sake. There’s nothing but sand all around them.
It’s just getting ridiculous and he doesn’t know what to do. All he knows is that he misses her. She’s right there, but God, he misses her. It’s like an ache in his chest. The same one he buried deep inside himself on the Ring. Back when he thought she was dead. But now she’s back, and he hates that this burning, suffocating feeling has returned, but he can’t get rid of it if she won’t fucking talk to him. Mind elsewhere and lost in his thoughts, he takes a seat by the fire. Madi is there, and she gives him a look at his very apparent state of distress.
Bellamy manages a half smile at her. He hasn’t known this girl for long, but he’s already grown quite fond of her. It’s hard not to. Beyond the fact that Clarke raised her as her own, he really admires her spirit. “Hey, kid.”
“Hey.” Madi pulls her knees to her chest, and then in typical Madi fashion, she gets right to the point. “What’s wrong?”
Bellamy looks at her. “What makes you think something’s wrong?”
Madi shrugs and shifts her eyes over to the fire, voice casual. “Tense shoulders. Eyebrows drawn together. Typical grumpy you.”
“Typical,” Bellamy repeats, snorting. “Madi, I’ve known you for what? A week?”
Madi smiles.
That’s not the way she sees it really. For him, she’s a young girl he just met, but for her, some of her earliest memories are of Clarke telling her stories. Stories about Bellamy.
Before she even met him, she knew him. Trusted and had faith in him even. There’s a certain familiarity she feels in his presence, like even though he hasn’t always been there physically, he’s always been a part of Clarke, and by extension, part of Madi too. It’s comforting in a way she can’t really explain. Now that he’s finally here — actually here — she feels as though he’s been here all along.
“That’s fair,” Madi says, “but I still feel like I’ve known you for six years.”
Bellamy’s lips part at that and he has to look away, clearing his throat. “She told you a lot about us, huh?”
Madi considers this for a moment, but it’s pretty much the understatement of the century. “Yeah,” she says then. “Mostly you.”
Bellamy looks at her, heart involuntary beating a bit faster. “Mostly me?”
“Well, yeah.” Madi gives him a look, like she wasn’t expecting him to be surprised. “You are her favorite after all.”
Bellamy swallows at that and he has to look away again. “Not so much these days.”
Madi’s face falls. “What do you mean?”
Bellamy sighs, eyes finding hers. For a moment, he’s not sure if he should say anything. This thing with Clarke is between them, and he doesn’t want Madi to be in the middle of it. Then again, she’s his only link to Clarke right now, and this girl knows her better than anyone. Even better than he does.
Bellamy looks down at his hands, and he realizes he’s been subconsciously playing with his fingers. “Can I ask you something?”
Madi nods when he finds her eyes again.
“Is she okay?”
Madi raises an eyebrow. “You can’t ask her that yourself?”
“No, actually.” Bellamy shakes his head. “She’s been avoiding me.”
Oh, Madi realizes. She knows what this is about. “Well, yeah,” she says matter of factly. “Of course she has.”
Bellamy’s lips part, brow furrowed. “Of course she has?”
Madi looks at him, amusement in her eyes. “Do I really have to spell it out for you?”
“Yeah.” Bellamy nods.
Madi rolls her eyes playfully. “It starts with an E and ends with an O.”
“Echo?” Bellamy gives her a look, head tilted to the sight in complete and utter confusion.
“Ding, ding, ding,” Madi teases.
“What does she have to do with anything?”
“You’re really not that perceptive, are you?”
“Madi, the one time I’m dying for you to just get right to the point…”
“Okay, okay,” Madi laughs. Her voice softens then. “I’m assuming she didn’t tell you about the radio calls.”
Bellamy opens his mouth and then closes it. “The what?”
Madi sighs. “She radioed you. Every day you were gone.”
“But the comms didn’t work.” Bellamy shakes his head. “The radiation was blocking radio signals.”
“You really think that would stop her from trying? This is Clarke we’re talking about.”
“Okay,” Bellamy concedes. “I guess not, but...what does this have to do with anything?”
“That she radioed you for 2,199 days with no answer? That out of everyone, she talked to you?” Madi tilts her head to the side. “You know, I have no idea.”
“Wait, she—“ Bellamy’s eyes flutter. “She only talked to me?”
Madi nods, smiling slightly. “Just you.”
“Why didn’t she tell me?” Bellamy feels his heart thumping against his chest now.
“She didn’t want you to feel guilty for not being able to answer.”
Bellamy’s lips part and he runs a hand through his hair. Clarke radioed him every day for 2,199 days and with no answer; it’s a lot to take in. He can’t think about that now though — what it means. The most important thing to him is finding out why she’s been so distant. So he buries the emotions flooding him now, trying to keep his voice steady and clear when his mind is still reeling. “I’m still not understanding what this has to do with her avoiding me.”
Madi rolls her eyes. She just told him Clarke talked to him on the radio for six years, and he’s still not getting it. “Bellamy.”
He gives her a look. “What?”
“She likes you.”
Bellamy freezes. “She—“ He has to shake his head to snap himself out of it. “She what?”
“You know, like she has a thing for you? She’s got feelings, romantic ones, for y—“
“Madi, I understand the concept of feelings.”
“Do you though?”
Bellamy averts his eyes, ignoring her question. “And Clarke doesn’t—there’s no way that—that she has—that she has a thing for—she told you this?”
Madi laughs at the way he’s stumbling over his words. “She didn’t have to. Bellamy, she practically raised me to be your biggest fan.”
“But that doesn’t—that doesn’t mean that—“
“Of course it does.”
Bellamy’s lips part, and then he presses them together, swallowing.
“You were the hero in her stories she told me because you were her hero.”
Bellamy can’t help the way his eyes water at that, memories of that day resurfacing, and voice so soft Madi can barely hear him. “And she was mine.”
“For sacrificing herself?”
Bellamy nods, taking in a shaky breath. “That and…” He shakes his head. “So much more.”
Madi nods and doesn’t say anything else. It’s clear to her that he seems to be reliving that day. Reliving everything.
“I did love her, you know,” he adds then after a moment, watery eyes on Madi’s. “And I would’ve…” Bellamy averts his eyes, exhaling slowly to steady the beat of his heart. “I would’ve loved her until my dying breath. But now…”
Madi speaks up, careful and tentative. “It’s been six years,” she guesses.
“Yeah.” Bellamy nods, voice watery and weak. “I’m with Echo now.”
“And you love her?”
“I…” Bellamy swallows. “I don’t—I don’t know if I…I care about her. I know that much.”
Madi can’t help the hopeful tone in her voice at her next words. “And Clarke?”
Bellamy doesn’t know what to say to that. It’s all just too much, and he really can’t believe he’s breaking down right now in front of a twelve year old he just met, but here he is. Sometimes, he can’t believe any of this is really happening.
Less than a week ago, he thought Clarke was dead, and he spent six years believing that to be true. But now she is alive and he still hasn’t even processed that. Let alone that she radioed him every day, let alone that he might still feel something, let alone that she still...
“She really—” Bellamy tries getting the words out, words caught in his throat and burning. “She really radioed me?”
Madi nods.
“For six years?” Bellamy swallows.
Madi nods again. “And seven days.”
Bellamy rubs a hand over his face.
“What are you going to do?”
Bellamy shakes his head, looking away, and that’s when Clarke emerges from the rover somewhere off in the distance. He swallows and then returns his eyes to Madi’s, letting out a breath. “I have no idea, but I guess getting her to talk to me again would be a start.”
Madi breathes out a laugh. “It would.”
Bellamy smiles, laughing back despite the fact that he is completely and utterly screwed. “Hey,” he says then after a moment. “Thank you.”
Madi furrows her eyebrows. “For what?”
Bellamy sighs, not knowing how to even begin to explain to her how much it means to him that she was there for Clarke during those years. Sure, Clarke talked to him on the radio every day, but he was never there to talk back. He simply was not there.
“For taking care of her while I was gone.”
Madi nods and then glances over at Clarke. “So, you gonna go talk to her?”
Bellamy follows Madi’s gaze, swallowing. “I was thinking about it.”
“Thinking about it?”
Bellamy turns to face Madi again. “What do I say?”
Madi gives him a look. “You’re asking me?”
“Well, everything I’ve tried to get her to talk to me hasn’t been working, so you’re my only hope, kid.”
“I already told you she’s in love with you. I can’t do everything for you,” she teases.
Bellamy smiles. “You’re the worst. Come on, I’m serious.”
“So am I.”
Bellamy gives her a look.
Madi sighs. “Okay, okay. Fine. I’ll talk to her.”
“And tell her what?” Bellamy’s eyes widen. “Madi, I’m gonna need some time to figure things out. She can’t know that I know about—“
“Relax.” Madi shakes her head at him, smiling. “I’m twelve. I’m not an idiot. I was just going to tell her you’ve been walking around looking sad because she’s been avoiding you.”
“You’re going to guilt her into talking to me?”
“That was the plan, yeah.”
She shrugs her shoulders. “You got a better plan?”
“Yeah, actually,” Bellamy sighs.
“Okay. What is it?”
Bellamy swallows, eyes drifting over to where Clarke stands with Monty and Harper. She’s laughing at something one of them must have said, and it simultaneously warms his heart and makes it ache. “Just tell her I miss her.”
This time Madi is the one to follow his gaze. She smiles softly at the longing on his face. “I can do that.”
Bellamy finds her eyes. “Yeah?”
Madi nods. “On one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“You let me try braiding your hair.”
Bellamy laughs. “Madi, we’ve been over this. My hair is too short.”
“It’s long enough,” Madi argues with a smile. “So, do we have a deal?”
Clarke can’t help but look over her shoulder when the sound of Bellamy and Madi laughing reaches her on a breeze. And when she sees the two of them, Madi braiding his hair over by the fire, her heart aches for him.
He’s so good with Madi — of course, he’s so good with her. He’s Bellamy. And she guesses that’s what makes it hurt. He’s so good and she can’t have him.
Bellamy yelps, laughing right after, and Clarke guesses Madi must have tugged a little too hard. “Sorry,” Madi laughs. “Sorry.”
Clarke wants to look away, but she can’t. Because that right there — Bellamy being a father figure to Madi — is more than anything she’s ever wanted. Maybe it’s stupid of her to think that the three of them could live happily ever after as a family someday, but now that she’s looking at them right now, she’s not sure she’ll ever be able to stop wanting it.
To stop wanting him.
It’s not until he catches her watching them that Clarke turns away, desperately trying to get the idea out of her head. He’s happy. That’s all that matters to her, and she would never take that away from him.
So she buries it, down deep in her heart, this burning weight of what they could be.
She buries it.
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yiangchen · 6 years
It’s crazy to think of the ships I used to love and now...either hate more than anything or am just indifferent to. 
I somehow wasn’t all that into Bellarke until like 3x02, and I remember when Bellamy and Echo met in s2b and how I wanted them to be a thing!!! Like, I actually liked Blecho back then. 
And I wasn’t in the fandom. I was just a casual viewer, so I literally thought Gina was Echo the irony holy shit before her name was said in s3. I was like, “Oh my God, Bellamy’s with that girl from the cages in Mount Weather!”
But then shortly after I was like, “Wait no. Gina? I don’t think that was Mount Weather cage girl.”
I got over Blecho pretty quickly then. Because 1. Bellamy and Gina were adorable they deserved better!!! 2. Bellarke wrecked me in 3x02 and 3. Echo then got Gina killed in 3x03 and I was like okay...I really hope Blecho doesn’t become a thing now and look where we’re at now, sigh. 
I was also like really into the background Marper in s2. They were the first two of the 48 to be taken for bone marrow extraction, and they had that little moment where Monty gave her a cup of tea after and then at the end of the season, they hugged, and I was just really into it. I thought they were cute, but I actually never thought they would happen, so when they kissed in s3b, I was so caught off guard and fell even more in love with them. And I liked them for the rest of the season. But for some reason...I just lost interest in them in s4. Which sucks. I’m just indifferent to them now. On a side note, I  somehow missed s2 Minty and now really wish that was a thing despite how much I like Mackson.
And then there’s Ice Mechanic! Holy shit, I was so into them. They were my ultimate crack ship throughout s3 and into the hiatus for s4. I never thought they would even interact in canon, but they did and it was so not what I had wanted. Also, by the time they had an interaction, I was in love with Sea Mechanic who also fucking deserved better by the way and I’m bitter even though I’m really hype for Zaven in s5.
Okay, and here’s the worst one. This is so fucking embarrassing, but I’m just gonna chalk it up to the fact that I was young and naive and just....I can’t even explain it. It still annoys me that I was ever into them.
I loved Flarke. Loved.
Like, what the actual fuck? What was I on? They were literally the reason I missed Blarke in s1-2. I was so obsessed with Flarke that I completely missed Bellamy and Clarke’s connection/development. I nearly quit watching the show because Finn died. I mean, imagine being that wrong. 
Anyways, it was during the season 2 hiatus that I went on tumblr for the first time and saw all these posts about how horrible Finn was and was just overwhelmed with all the Bellarke. Like, I had no idea it was a thing, which is just the funniest thing considering my recent post about why you’re delusional if you don’t think Bellarke was planned using scenes only from 1x08 to 2x11. But I guess that proves my point. I was so invested in a ship that wasn’t well developed that I missed the central story being told: Bellarke.
But yeah. Needless to say, I quickly realized how much Finn sucked. And when I rewatched s1-2, now with a whole new perspective, I hated all the Flarke and I was really into all the Bellarke. And just Bellamy in general really. Bellamy wasn’t even on my radar the first time watching s1-2. It’s just...how the fuck is that possible? Bellamy Blake is literally the loml now.
Point is, I have nothing against Marper, but Blecho, Ice Mechanic and Flarke...
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