#god i have so many wips
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wr-n · 10 months ago
Okay. Hear. Me. Out.
The Beast from Over the Garden Wall. He is a being that feeds on lost souls that find their way into purgatory (through a coma or another way). He is a being created of souls and wood and dark magic as ancient as time itself.
He turns the lost souls into Edelwood trees, excreting a black smelly oil. He uses the oil to keep his lantern lit. What people think is his 'soul'.
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Nightmare is the child of a tree, he comes to people in their bad dreams when they are unconscious.
He feeds on negativity and is incentivized to keep them asleep in a never ending nightmare. HE becomes purgatory. HE feeds on the lost souls. HE feeds the lantern/apple that keeps himself going.
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strawhatbougie · 7 months ago
Tumblr is not my most used social media but let’s try it out:
(Nominated by the lovely @fruityumbrella)
Rules: Send me an emoji corresponding to the WIP—as many as you want!—and I'll write 3 sentences for each and share it. WIPs below:
(All Zosan btw)
💘: AU Valentine fic (pretty much pwp) where Zoro’s in charge of planning their date
🪭: canon divergence where Sanji goes with Zoro to Wano and gets jealous of all the women giving him attention (for the opposite reason than he expected)
🍑: Zosan gets black out drunk. They wake up in bed together with matching ass tattoos of their insulting nicknames for each other and try to piece together the night
🧺: Zoro’s doing his laundry and finds sexy underwear that isn’t his. When he can’t find whose they are, he pins them up in the galley for whoever’s they are to take (spoiler alert: they’re Sanji’s and Zoro catches him taking them back)
🚬: modern AU Zoro tries picking up smoking just to have an excuse to get more alone time with Sanji (in reality he lights it and takes like one drag and coughs and scowls the entire time)
🕯️: modern AU based on Chappell Roan’s song Casual
I don’t have any other writer friends on here, so whoever wants to join feel free to post yours too!
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randomisedmongoose · 1 year ago
Six sentence Sunday Monday, here we go! Tagged by @panzercat and it's totally still Sunday somewhere. Here's a little snippet of phasmid!Harry being sneaky:
While Kim generally sank like a stone when he tried to float, Harry had no trouble at all with it. Something about his coat, the reeds, and his new lung capacity made him extremely bouyant when he wanted to. It'd been very useful when teaching Kim to swim; it meant that he could just calmly paddle around and let Kim use him as a big furry floatation device while he floundered and sputtered. It also meant that his plan for the warm pool would work absolutely perfect, probably. Very probably. Almost guaranteed.
Since we established that every day is a Sunday, @uupiic @brainrotdotorg @rarijackistheshit play if you feel it <3
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creativenicocorner · 2 years ago
Having Reigen and Dog Cafe ponderings
Do you think he’d allow himself to go to a dog cafe as a little treat to himself? Or would he refuse that joy to himself for self deprecating/destructive reasons and or the pain of not being able to take a doggo home with him? 
Personally I’m divided 
I think.... early on Reigen would probably refuse that joy to himself...
and then later on be it towards the end of series or OR!!! maybe when Serizawa is just starting at the office and Reigen tries to be the best influence possible - spouting his usual tirade etc etc 
Cue the Twin Peaks “Every day, once a day, give yourself a present” monologue (actually I think it would be hilarious if Reigen would quote that bit word for word, and its only later Serizawa is like “Twin Peaks???” but doesn’t bring it up)
Serizawa is like: Thats some good advice...do you take your own advice Reigen-san? 
Reigen: [big-gulp of sweat] 
Anyways I want to see Reigen cry in a dog cafe 
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lesbiankoby · 2 years ago
Arisato Hamuko arrived at her Grandmother’s house with three things to her name: the suitcase trundling behind her, headphones that slipped too large over her ears, and a heavy stick, collected from a distant and unimportant roadside. “To protect us,” the girl said, eyes flat and red and serious. “From the shadow things.”  The old woman’s sympathy lasted until the mailman was sent scrambling to safety, shins bruised blue and purple. The stick went.  Two weeks later, so did she.  (health complications, yknow? old woman die all the time, yknow?)
from the bowels of my wips... fjklsdjfklds
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ronsenburg · 11 months ago
dusting off my F1 au tonight…..
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kalicofox · 1 year ago
WIP Tag Game!
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks to @shadow-pixelle for the tag!
Oh dear love... Um... There's a FEW! And some of these are old.
Animorphs V2
The Next Seventh Chevron
Darcy, The Gamer
Footsteps in Amber
Magic in Exile
Something of a Dream
Melded Minds
Harry Potter with Adami Magic
Spellbook found by Hogwarts students
Split Infinity
Harry Potter is a Plainswalker (Sort of)
Marinette as a D&D character
Glitter and Awe
In the Interest of Change
Shadow Force
Repository of Celestial Knowledge, Pearl of Wisdom
Red and Gold and Guns All Over
Pix or It Didn't Happen
The Spare
Colored Perceptions
There's more, but that should be enough to be going on, I think.
I don't want to tag so many people, so I'll tag... mmmm... @junypr-camus and @shadowwood, for if they would like to play! Have fun! ^_^
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slavhew · 6 months ago
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She's like a daughter to me.
A very dangerous daughter trained in multiple combat techniques you try not to piss off.
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thekitsandthekats · 2 months ago
thinking thanos x namgyu thoughts of them trying to save pills by sharing one in a make out session
thinking of them obnoxiously kissing before and after a game, both times their faces are speckled with blood
thinking of them passing out in one bed at lights out exhausted from the days work of being absolutely insane people
thinking of them, blood pumping, hearts racing, dizzy dizzy with the threat to their lives as they always choose each other in mingle, no matter who else they add, they always choose each other first
thinking of them before the games, meeting at club pentagon, or at least namgyu seeing thanos from across the room, never forgetting his pretty face, always hoping that one day... one day
thinking of them ducking into the bathroom stall, just before bedtime, clinging to the last moments of their high, and to each other. making out and making a mess.
thinking of them playing russian roulette where they were kissing when they loaded the gun so no one can even guess which chamber the bullets in, living for the danger of it all.
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salamispots · 1 month ago
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working on a smaller guy here and there ('m also pleased with how the sky is more galaxy-feeling then just dark tones compared to other backgrounds I've done)
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librathefangirl · 2 years ago
Okay, full disclosure, I couldn't choose which one to post. So here, have four wips to the price of one.
Behind the Darkness (Where Your Hearts Lie) - The big brother Meliodas fluff fic
Meliodas was the eldest son of the Demon King and the leader of the Ten Commandments – just like her, he was expected to stay and socialize. But not that day. He’d just shrugged at her, one brother still held against his shoulder and the other by the hand, and told her he was leaving. Zel isn't one for parties.
The Dusk Before a New Dawn - The dark Melizabeth fic that's become a proper and long fic
Our story starts rather simple, with a demon and a goddess. Complete opposites on the outside, yet so similar deep down. An unexpected pair finding respite from the war in each other; the son of the Demon King, tired of all the killing, and the daughter of the Supreme Deity, wishing for peace for all people.
The Past on My Skin - Meliodas angst fic based on this post
So, when he had first noticed the scars across his body, he hadn’t even thought about it. After all, he had faced his father and the Supreme Deity not expecting to wake up again. He shouldn’t have woken up again.
(Untitled) - Fic where the Seven Deadly Sins teach Meliodas how to trust again after a traumatic experience in an earlier lifetime
Meliodas caught himself watching the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins with an unexpected sense of fondness. To an outsider, the scene of them all settling down around the fire might have been chaotic or concerning, but Meliodas was thrilled at how well they had all come together as a team in a few short weeks. Meliodas liked the Sins. It was comforting being surrounded by people who didn’t fit the mold, who knew what it was like to be an outsider and the villain of a story – not that they could ever know the truth about him.
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this week’s word is…
find the word in any WIP and share the sentence containing it. play however you want: reply, reblog, stick it in the tags, tag us in a new post, or keep it private
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zepplinswraith · 11 months ago
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i love whiteboard
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electric-plants · 28 days ago
okay but LISTEN i think cyno would feel the exact same about pet names as he does about his jokes like cyhaino starts dating and his immediate thought is oh pet names would help make it less awkward and relax both of us so he tries it, calls alhaitham babe in front of both of their salads and it’s stiff and awkward and uncomfortable and they’re both just like “hm :|” because it’s SO obvious that didn’t work so alhaitham is like cool we tried it and that’s that but THEN cyno KEEPS doing it trying every pet name under the sun because he’s PERSISTENT and it NEVER works but alhaitham would find it kind of charming and very cyno-esque so of course he would grow to love it but also they’re emotionally scarring every one around them who has to listen to the most uncomfortable use of the word “sweetie” they have ever seen in their entire life
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arachnid-teeth · 9 months ago
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Historians would call them best mates 🔎💜🏏
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chao11 · 2 months ago
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Someone please tell me to stop drawing on strawpage and finish all my WIPs before I explode kadsjfkadf
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thescrapwitch · 1 year ago
What if Morgoth's parlay was a different sort of trap?
He sends the message, dangling the promise of the Silmarils, and of course Maedhros agrees to go. Of course he brings more than the agreed upon amount of force, forbids any of his brothers from riding with him. It's a trap, obviously, but he won't drag them into death with him.
But Morgoth is counting on that. Because that means Maedhros is bringing the best of his soldiers. That everyone who stayed behind - Maedhros' brothers, those who might have been injured from the Dagor-nuin-Giliath and could no longer fight - will be thinking about their king. They will be distracted. Less defended. Vulnerable.
And then...
Maedhros arrives at the parlay meeting grounds and waits. And waits. Morgoth does not come. A coward, Maedhros thinks, and he rides back with his soldiers to his camp.
They see the smoke first. Maedhros' heart turns cold.
Too late, Morgoth's true intentions become clear. It was a trap, but Maedhros did not spare his little brothers by not letting them come with him. He looks at the devastation the Enemy has left behind and screams.
(later, his followers will say that he looked like Feanor. That his eyes burned with a dark fire, a horribly familiar mix of grief and madness)
In Angband, Morgoth forces the six sons of Feanor to kneel before his throne and laughs.
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