#god bless america amirite
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its-short-for-jackalope · 1 year ago
Now that's a goddamn red-blooded American.
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sketchehm · 1 month ago
Anyways, god bless America amirite
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thatdamnokie · 5 years ago
i absolutely love the grunge-ish, colorful aesthetic of late-summer carnivals ☀️🎡
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woundedheartwithin · 2 years ago
Applying for student loan debt relief knowing full well I won’t get shit 🤡
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utopianparadoxist · 2 years ago
lol my psychiatrist and psychologist are both completely inaccessible because its the weekend and no general doctor seems willing to prescribe me anything mental health related so i guess im shit outta luck til monday
god bless america amirite
Sigh I guess I am going to the doctor
Just to put it on the record, in the lead up to writing that post I have gone several days now thinking and contemplating posting it and all throughout have been lucky if I managed 5 hours of sleep.
Today I got 1 before my body woke me up. None of my usual self care or relaxation strategies are working. I can self soothe, but only by being proactive and engaging with people who talk to me about the post socially or catching up with old friends as a result of them being made aware of the context.
It's really healing and nice to be honest, it would be great if my body would accept that as rest in substitute for sleep. Alas, I have homework to somehow finish this weekend and a brutal work week ahead of me on Monday and I cannot seem to relax at all, every part of my body is locked and braced into a fight or flight response, expecting the moment when some backlash manifests or whatever.
So. Ykow. That's the kind of trauma this community has left me with, years after the fact. I've had to work really hard to improve this much from where I was back in 2019, in fact. It used to be worse.
Just saying so in hopes that maybe my example will mean someone else someday thinks a little harder before using internet strangers as harassment chew toys for their stress or baggage or whatever damage they have going on.
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90smovieolderbrother · 3 years ago
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god bless america, amirite??
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nikibogwater · 4 years ago
It has been brought to my attention that a lot of my mutuals are not familiar with the Tales of Arcadia series, which means about 90% of my posts must be near unintelligible to them. In order assist them in deciphering some of my madness, here’s a brief rundown of the main protagonists in the series:
Jim Lake Jr.:
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A Good Boi
Loves his mum and takes good care of her after his deadbeat father ran off
Chef Skills
Chivalrous and polite, but also kind of timid at first
Has the most character growth
Actually feels like a real teenager, but not in an irritating way
Has a cool set of magic armor and a totally wicked sword
Gets turned into a half-troll for a little while and somehow that made him 10 times more attractive to the fandom, but honestly I like him either way.
10/10 Would adopt him as my son
Toby Domzalski: 
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The Ultimate Bro
Always has Jim’s back
Dork with bad teeth and a heart of gold
Is frequently the comedic relief, but also a genuinely good character 
Optimistic and cheerful, but will totally chew you out if you mess with his friends
Has a magic warhammer
Not all of his jokes stick the landing, but I found him legitimately funny most of the time
Is probably the most fun to hang out with
Likes minerals and video games
9/10 Would be BFFs with him
Claire Nunez:
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Girlfriend of the Year every year
Has a really good arc, but doesn’t really get any noteworthy defining personality traits until Wizards
Cute and Full of Rage
Loyal and protective
Was an actress before she became a Trollhunter so she’ll randomly quote/reference Shakespeare 
Uses shadow magic and is a really cool parallel to one of the main antagonists
Latina and probably at least a little Catholic (please just let me have this headcanon)
Has a wholesome and loving romantic relationship with Jim that doesn’t get in the way of the bigger plot
8/10 Would have coffee with her and talk about hair care routines
Aja Tarron:
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Not From Around Here, you might say
A literal Queen--no seriously, she’s the queen of an entire planet
But also just a Queen in every other respect
Has four arms, so she definitely gives great hugs
Curious and enthusiastic, but will also Kill You if you touch her little brother
Aptly described as a “Ninja-Kicking Warrior Angel” by her human boyfriend (also Staja is OTP, I’m sorry but they are just Too Precious)
Has a protractor that turns into a spear or a shield as needed
Hiding from a fascist dictator who overthrew her parents and took over her planet
10/10 Would play frisbee with her
Krel Tarron:
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Aja’s little brother and resident tech genius. Also probably my second favorite protagonist
Voiced by Diego Luna and that’s why I can’t bring myself to watch Rogue One and see Luna’s character die
Smart Lad who knows he’s Smart but is usually good about not flaunting it
Acts cold and disinterested but is secretly loving and sentimental
Scary when angered
Also a disk-jockey in his spare time
There was that one time where he Flossed, but I think the fandom has since forgiven him for that
His human disguise is a Latino and homeboy has to deal with a lot of racism and xenophobia for it--God bless America, amirite 😒
10/10 Would discuss music with him
Hisirdoux “Douxie” Casperan:
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Looks like a Punk, is actually a Bean
Selfless, compassionate, and loving
Everybody’s big brother
Is over 900 years old so you can bet he’s seen a lot of crap in his time
Has a shapeshifting dragon-kitty for a best friend
Has the most poignant character arc
Emotionally vulnerable and in dire need of a hug
Is a gifted musician who plays guitar and writes his own rock music
Gets an adorable Bean Sister at the end of Wizards
Legally cannot say frick
1000/10 Would hold him tight and kiss his forehead and tell him he’s doing wonderfully
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notoriousandnasty · 8 years ago
So besides seeing kellyanne, I also had the pleasure of witnessing a huge black truck with screamo music blaring ride past me with three huge flags: American, confederate, and, of course, the skull and fucking crossbones
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hoosier-grandson · 7 years ago
Yeah because we wouldn't want our children to choke on the toys in the eggs but apparently we're okay with them getting shot in schools
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pomegranate-belle · 6 years ago
For the TV/movies meme: 2, 3, 14 and 17!
2. Top 5 overrated TV shows
- Game of Thrones. There, I said it, I’m sorry world.
- The Bachelor and all its permutations; they’re not popular in fandom-type community but given the fact that it’s STILL GOING AFTER GOD KNOWS HOW MANY SEASONS, well, I think it applies.
- The Walking Dead. I watched like three episodes of it and got bored. Like. I got bored of a show about the zombie apocalypse. How??
- BBC Sherlock just... Isn’t that good guys. Sorry.
- I’m running out of stuff. Uhhhhh... I saw a couple episodes of Vampire Diaries once and wasn’t very impressed, idk?
3. Top 5 underrated TV shows
- Black Lightning is pretty cool, I really like the premise of it and I don’t think I’ve ever really heard anyone mention it. It’s fun to see a superhero that’s really a Grown Ass Adult with like, kids and a job, who kind of already knows what they’re doing when the show opens.
- The Sentinel. Ok, ok, don’t shoot me, I know it’s got some Uncomfy Racist Mysticism, for sure be aware of that, it was made in the 90s, but like... It is genuinely a pretty fun show. The characters are just all so interesting, and Jim and Blair just have the most entertaining dynamic. And hey if you ever wondered where that Sentinel-Guide fanfic trope came from...
- I know it’s a Canadian kids’ show from like a decade ago but Storm Hawks is good ok?? It’s really cute with interesting worldbuilding and a sense of humor I think would resonate with a lot of people right now.
- ABC’s Forever; this damn show only got one season but my brother and I have rewatched that one season probably fifteen times, it’s just so good!! Immortality, crime-solving, hilarious side characters, a son who looks older than his dad, tragic flashbacks?? How could you pass this up?
- Pushing Daisies, for sure. I mean. Guys. Come on. The tongue-in-cheek narration, the wild backstories, the fact that it’s literally about a socially-anxious be romance romance who uses his powers to bake pies?!?! How are people not all over this show like white on rice??
14. Top 5 badass characters
- Rose Tyler broke the laws of time and space, turned herself into a fourth-dimensional goddess, vaporized a fleet of Daleks, and brought a man back to life forever. How do you even top that?? She will end you.
- Ok I was trying to not choose two people from the same franchise but also holy fuck, Rory Williams. I literally shouted “Jesus Christ, Rory!!” at the screen the first time I saw That One Scene in The Wedding of River Song.
- Peggy Carter is a stone cold badass, this woman will brain you with a fucking stapler and be back home in time for tea with her girlfriend. God bless her. This is why she’s the Captain America in Miles’s universe—
- Luke Cage. Look, we all love Matt’s sick-ass hallway fights but you gotta admit that just walking straight down the hallway with bullets bouncing off of you is on a completely new level of badass. I love this man.
- OUAT Rumplestiltskin; dude burned down a castle, killed a man, and became an all-powerful demon creature to protect his kid. Then when that went horribly wrong and he lost his son, he spent 300 years becoming the most knowledgeable and accomplished sorcerer in the world and creating one of the most powerful curses in history to try and get him back. And remember, this guy started out as a hobbled peasant who couldn’t read.
17. Top 5 “deserved better” characters
- Neal Cassidy/Baelfire; my son deserved his fucking happy ending, and even if I ship Swanfire I wouldn’t even care if they didn’t get back together as long as he got to be back with his family, there was literally no reason to kill him off.
- Benny Lafitte; I don’t even. Fucking. Watch SPN anymore but good god. He was nothing but supportive and good and selfless and what does he get for it?? Dumped back into Purgatory and written off the show. I literally created an OC and wrote a wish-fulfillment fix-it fic for this shit.
- Donna. Noble. What the fuck was that ending?? Seriously?? She had all that character growth and gained all those feelings of self-worth and then you slam dunk her with magic amnesia and leave her right back where she started??? No!!
- Can’t believe I’m saying this about a Boardwalk Empire character because they’re all terrible people but you know what?? Angela Darmody deserved better!! She deserved to be able to take her son and run away from her fuckup husband and his pedophilic mom with a beautiful woman!! I stand by that!!
- You know what, I’ll say it, the IF writers should not have done that to Davos, absolutely fucking nobody goes from “*puppy dog eyes* I’ll stay with you, Danny..!!” to “Lol so we should definitely assassinate Danny Rand amirite??” after just one fight. Nobody! They did him so dirty omfg, and no I don’t care that his character is a villain in the comics.
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jobros-pleaseinteract · 6 years ago
Me in 2012, a bright-eyed 13 year old after seeing The Avengers for the first time and excited to look at the tag and fanart: lmao Steve Rogers' only personality point is America! American flag underwear! American flag sheets! Only wakes up to the sound of FREEDOM! GOD BLESS THE USA AMIRITE??
Me in 2018, an exhausted 19 year old seeing a post of Steve wearing american flag underwear and everyone saluting and singing national anthem: I mean... the man is more than just a caricature of America and its ideals... can we move on from these jokes? Like... pretty sure at this point we can recognize he hates authority and distrusts the government...
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mars-ipan · 4 years ago
you’re telling me your teacher tried to punish you for not being racist?
just remembered the time my teacher tried to have me say the n-word but i refused and almost got in trouble
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bailwhoreganaxoxo · 3 years ago
My job really be paying barely above minimum wage and has no health insurance benefits. Now my body is hurting from either kidney stones or a kidney infection but I’m not insured so I’m scared to go get it checked and fall into deep medical debt 🥲 God Bless America amirite
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creativitygoggles · 7 years ago
some IDIOT is setting of fucking FIREWORKS and my dog is having YET ANOTHER PANIC ATTACK
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all-hail-the-rx-ft500 · 4 years ago
Hoo golly am i sure scared right now!! am i fucking scared!!! god bless america amirite ahah
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flimflix · 5 years ago
Oh BOY summoned for Jury duty. God bless america and its inadequate judicial system amirite?
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