#god I wish I had that
bardicious · 1 month
If I ever get married, I hope it's like whatever Starsky and Hutch have going on. 😔
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fandomsoda · 1 year
Been Drink brainrotting for the past few hours,,,
primarily dying over the idea of them just. Sitting.
Ink is just sitting in Dream’s lap and everything is ok. It is warm. They are happy. No thoughts. Peace.
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edwardbonnets · 1 year
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how to ask the demon you've been smitten over for 6000 years to dance: an angel's guide
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 19 days
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It's just guys night talk! Don't worry about it!
(Read Tiger Tiger and shake this man awake so he can finish that thought!)
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egophiliac · 2 months
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crossing my fingers and wishing upon every star that chapter 10 finally brings us the tweel cards 🤞🤞
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last thing you see before he fucking GETS YOU
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mylordshesacactus · 2 years
So my family has a Gay Pirate Plate.
Stay with me.
We do not know how the hell the Gay Pirate Plate was first acquired. This being a point of contention is actually pretty plot-relevant; the saga of the Gay Pirate Plate began with my grandmother and her sister, who, for some ungodly reason, both BADLY wanted the Gay Pirate Plate and believed it to be rightfully theirs.
I should back up, firstly, to establish: The Gay Pirate Plate is the cheapest, tackiest, ugliest plate in existence.
It is in no way a collector’s item. It is physically impossible for it to complement anyone’s decor, because the colors in it are garish. It’s just a ceramic plate with a gay pirate painted on it, and the painting is, this cannot be emphasized enough, extremely bad.
(How do we know the pirate is gay if he’s just posing on a plate? Listen. Fully 100% to stereotype, but he is. He is gay. There’s an energy. That pirate is a flaming homosexual. That pirate has sex with men and does it frequently. That pirate is fucking gay, all right, he just is.)
Anyway. The point is that this is an extremely cheap and ugly plate with a poorly-executed painting of pirate on it who is like a nine on the Kinsey scale.
My grandmother and her sister fought a blood feud over this plate for their entire lives. It would be on the wall in my grandma’s house, and then her sister would visit, and then it would be gone. She’d visit her sister and the plate would be on the wall and her sister would pretend it had always been there. She would steal it back, hang it up, and, when her sister visited, pretend it had always been there. This continued for DECADES.
When the sister died, the Gay Pirate Plate lived triumphantly in my grandmother’s house. And then my grandmother died. And my aunt, who had lived with her and been her carer throughout her life, rightfully inherited their house.
We visit my aunt after the funeral and stay with her for a week or two.
Me, my sister, and our dad. Her brother.
The three of us look at each other. We don’t say anything. We studiously avoid making eye contact with the Gay Pirate Plate mounted proud and ugly on the wall. We notice one another studiously avoiding looking at it. We notice one another noticing. We say nothing. We come to a silent consensus. We pack up to leave. We get in the van. Our aunt comes out to say goodbye. I loudly announce I need to use the restroom before we leave. She obviously stays outside to continue talking to my dad.
I take down the Gay Pirate Plate, stuff it under my oversized sweatshirt, go outside, and get in the van. She happily waves goodbye as we drive off.
Two days later my dad gets a phone call that opens with hysterical laughter and “You FUCKING ASSHOLE did you seriously STEAL THE PLATE--”
Anyway. The gay pirate plate lives in my dad’s house currently.
But he’s trying to get me and my sister out to visit him. And plate mounts are cheap.
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sunderwight · 2 months
Bingqiu AU where Luo Binghe's the chosen village sacrifice to the evil deity who lives up the mountain.
Normally the village sends maidens, but they've more or less run out of expendable girls of the right age and, ahem, "virtues". So of course Luo Binghe's early life bad luck kicks in. In the wake of his mother's death there's no one to really care about what happens to him, he's fairly pretty, and the village leaders decide that if they dress him up like a girl the teenaged homeless kid should pass well enough. And hey, y'know, he's probably got a hard life ahead for him anyway -- dying in a brothel of some venereal disease or on the streets of exposure or starvation. At least as a sacrifice, everyone else gets to benefit from his loss! And the kid will get added to a shrine and be remembered as a hero! If anything, he should be happy about this!
Binghe is not happy about this.
But he's also a skinny underfed nobody who is easily overpowered, dressed up like a bride, and tied to a post. So. Not much he can do but wait for the evil deity to come and do whatever horrible thing he's gonna do to him.
Meanwhile, Shen Yuan is pretty sure he's been isekai'd into the over-powered hero of some kind of supernatural adventure story? He's not totally sure because he doesn't recognize the setting, but the signs are there. He's got a shrine-like base of operations (though it seems to have become corrupted/ruined, probably he has to restore it somehow), he has a very resilient and handsome new body with spiritual energy of some kind flowing through him, and a very clearly magical sword. Plus lots of neat starter powers! Though it feels like he has other abilities that have been blocked somehow? Probably he has to level up in order to access them.
When he treks out of his "base" and finds what seems to be a distressed maiden, he takes it for his beginner hero mission. The girl claims that she's been doomed to be sacrificed to an evil god. That sounds a little above Shen Yuan's pay grade for dealing with, so he unties her and decides that they had better just get out of the whole region altogether. He already packed up anything useful from his base, anticipating he might get caught up in an adventure once he left, so they follow the river away from the settlement until they reach another one.
While they travel, Luo Binghe tells Shen Yuan about the cursed deity, Shen Qingqiu, who was cast out of the heavens for slaughtering one of his brethren and has apparently being do-who-knows what to maidens from the local village in exchange for his "protection" ever since. Sounds like a real asshole! And also mid-level boss type bad guy at least. Shen Yuan hopes he doesn't have to fight him, but he probably will.
Thank goodness he found Binghe, though! Clearly the helpful little sister type! He's definitely going to require her assistance if he's going to figure out how to navigate this world and level up his skills enough to take on a god.
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fecto-forgo · 1 month
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cyn doodles+drew all the main guys in my style.ill miss them </3
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ayresseraph · 9 months
Eyyyyyyyyy Dannnyyyyy
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My version of Danny *holds*, gotta give that boi some DRIP.
Wanted to go more of a sporty, superhero teen layering shirts look, he got the sweatpants, he got the sleeveless hoodie, he got the sneakers. I'm glad I decided to keep the goggles since they add just the right amount of green to his outfit and UGH I just Cannnnt.
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5ummit · 9 months
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The Winter Soldier in What If...? Season 2
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starkspi · 23 days
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"You okay?"
Another one from "Managerial Liberties" by the talented @miribalis (in which Adam is accidentally the best wingman ever - what a pun!).
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cubbihue · 28 days
Wasn't gonna put in another ask so soon, but I've gotta know; how have Cosmo and Anti-Cosmo swapped courts so many times? What was it like the first (and maybe the last) time(s) it happened?
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How? Due to their overwhelming magic of course!! Cosmo was the most powerful baby to be born in Fairyworld at the time. His emotional dysregulations was more than enough to trigger a swap.
Growing up, Anti-Cosmo had to help his counterpart control his outbursts and magic, just to make the swaps stop. He's the reason Cosmo hadn't fully destroyed Fairy World. As a result, these two are closely bonded in ways that no other Fairy or Anti-Fairy tend to be.
It's something their sons have in common.
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
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I want to appreciate the outfit Barbie is wearing at the end of the movie, when Barbieland is taken back from the Kens and she walks with Ruth.
It's a simple yellow dress. Flowy, floral, nothing special. Her hair was laying almost flat, and she had a gold locket on. Not something you'd normally see on a Barbie.
It was such a human look. Not glamorous or glittery, no pink. Just an easy, everyday dress an average woman would wear to look flattering. It's so meaningful that when Barbieland is fixed, the Barbie we've been following for the past hour and a half just looks like a regular woman.
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elalalune · 10 months
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*shakes him*
(Wonderland au)
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sophfandoms53 · 3 months
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happy pride month i love women
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