#god!!!!! i hate this sm i am trying to WORK
arsonwizard · 6 months
i fucking hate how easily youtube can crash your computer if you watch videos for too long. what do you mean i have manually clear the cache every two hours fix your fucking website!!!
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samarecharm · 7 months
Trying to 100% the color chips is hell. Why is the game so insistent on giving me drone chips. I dont want it. I disabled everything for her specifically bc i do not want drone chips 😭
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blluespirit · 7 months
okay first three episodes thoughts
bending is cool as fuck
sozin’s actor does an amazing job at full crazy but calculated
scenery is STUNNING
monk gyatso made me cry. idk why i just saw him and wanted him to give me a hug so bad
i wasn’t sure how id feel about them showing the air nomad massacre but i think the importsnt thing is that they showed it was a massacre - and that although they can defend themselves, they don’t have the ability to fight back like an organised army would bc they’re pacifists! they attacked a peaceful group
the abandoned fire nation ship in the southern water tribe looks so fucking cool
Dallas does an amazing job at getting across Zuko’s intense desperation
I actually ended up loving all the Sokka and Suki interactions sm it was so cute and wholesome
Katara is perfect i will kill and die for her
Azula’s opening scene being her manipulating those people trying kill ozai ultimately leading them to getting burned alive by him and smiling - literally so fucking good. she is the best villain in history of forever
really good move having the mechanist (Sai!) and Teo be in Omashu imo. having them destroy the northern Air Temple so carelessly always pissed me off
I was wondering how they were going to introduce the Mechanist and Jet in a limited amount of episodes but I like how they combined the two stories
Also Sokka absolutely nerding out in the Mechanist’s home is so important to me
Zuko getting has ass beat by that lady for fighting Aang is literally so funny and reminiscent of the goofy aang vs zuko fights we see in season 1 (to be clear: i adore zuko. this is NOT hate on him)
Zuko losing shit about his notebook and trashing his room and then outing himself as a fire bender in Omashu is so perfect. god i love him so much. it’s very season 1 zuko. it’s giving I DONT NEED ANY CALMING TEA!!!
things i was not a fan of: (some of these are a little pedantic i’ll admit)
Exposition is a little is a little janky but i’ll forgive it i guess bc at least it isn’t egregious as The Movie That Shall Not Be Named
Aang leaving just to get fresh air/clear his head and intending to come back is a silly change to me. all i keep thinking about is the storm where we got those epic Zuko and Aang parallels which now doesn’t really work and also takes away a lot of Aang’s depth. A good change adds to the story, but personally this seems to take it away
WHY would they not make Katara the one to bring him back from the avatar state? just seems like a strange choice to me? not saying this from a shipping point at all but that moment is a big step to their bond/friendship especially since they have only just met
Still don’t understand why they made the head of the village Suki’s mum. like i don’t think it’s a terrible choice but they still could have let them have a mother/daughter bond but still let Suki be the leader without any implications of nepotism. it mostly seeems silly
tl;dr - really enjoying it so far!
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bbystark · 13 days
hi beautiful and wonderful writer, I requested the part 2 of Simon being a bad stalker and I need moreee
It is so gooodddd
♡ badstalker!simon extras ♡
♡ masterlist ♡ request more! ♡
summary: just more of what simon would do to make your life easier while he was simultaneously being a lil freak stalker. mdni
a/n: thank you sm for requesting pt 2 and more anon ily!!! i bet you guys thought i up and left again, surprise, i am no longer depressed and am manic and full of inspo. enjoy xoxoxo
simon was constantly around, lurking in shadows. and when he couldn't be near you physically, he was watching you through the cameras, stalking socials, you name it
he didn't really want to admit it to himself, but he felt guilty when he was deployed or was otherwise taken away from you.
that's really where the (strange) acts of service started, he was trying to ease his guilt of not being there to protect you by doubling down with his affections when he could
it started with things you would never know about, trailing you home to make sure you got back safely, watching your house as often as he could to make sure no one broke in, one time cleaning up after your cat broke a glass while you were gone. "bad cat arn't ya" he had mumbled, "gonna giv your mum a heart attack one of these days when I ain't around."
then he was leaving you umbrellas when he had watched you forget one in the morning as you left for work. linking prepaid cards to some of your random bills, smiling to himself as he watched you discover you "magically" had a few extra dollars left over at the end of the month and bought yourself something special.
hated seeing you sad, thought you deserved nothing but pure happiness 24/7. called and complained to corporate about a fellow employee you were having issues with, making up some lie to get them in trouble all to prevent you from dealing with the stress of workplace drama
he can think of dozens upon dozens of times he silently showed his devotion to you. it always left him with a whole feeling, like he was finally doing something right.
he didn't realize it, but being silent and distant stopped being enough for him when he was sitting in his bunk one night, drowning out soap's god-awful snores with your voice drifting through his cheap earbuds.
you were on call with a friend, and simon couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips when you giggled at something dumb your friend had said.
"i'm serious! this has to be my year or something, i'm having the best luck ever and i have no idea why."
he went a little rigid at that, feeling the overwhelming need for you to know it was him making your life so good, not some mysterious force of the universe.
it got worse after that
he'd watch you sleep, adjusting you when your neck was in an uncomfortable position, (bad time to be a heavy sleeper), shooing your cat away from bothering you, re-cover you when you'd seek out the blankets you had kicked off 10 seconds prior.
started hanging out in your house a lot, desperate to be as close as you as possible. military training would kick in as he would silently organize forgotten corners of your house, cleaning spaces you wouldn't have bothered with because you never see them
even replaces the batteries in the smoke alarm when he realizes there were none, knowing you had probably taken them out to make it stop chirping and forgotten to replace them. hides a carbon dioxide alarm too, just in case
he was feeling particularly desperate one day and took a shower, lathering himself in your scented body wash while working his fist up and down his swollen cock, imagining you were with him. you were mortified when you return home to see drops of water still dripping from the walls of your shower.
he flies too close to the sun, getting sloppy. you're suddenly more on edge, casting more glances over your shoulder. he stops making as many visits to your house when you start seeing a therapist.
that doesn't stop him from reaching out in other ways though, leaving notes, calling you, sending texts and random gifts.
this time his advances scare you a little less, and intrigue you more than they should.
he almost wishes he had been more careful. almost. he can't deny the thrill that goes through him at the thought that maybe, just maybe, he isn't deluded, and this could actually work.
he'd just have to wait and see.
besides, he wasn't exactly confident in his ability to leave you alone whether you wanted him to or not. and that is something he could promise.
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takenbypeter · 9 months
Hi!!!! I Hope You’re doing okay and having a wonderful day/night. I was wondering if you can do a Wonka x reader fluff where basically the reader works for slugworth and is supposed to you know hate wonka but both wonka and reader have feelings for each other. And maybe it can center around the reader trying to confess their feelings to Willy but slugworth is always getting in the way of it. (So cock blocking 💀). But In the end it’s Willy who confesses to reader.
The Chocolatier and The Receptionist
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Willy Wonka x reader
Words: 3981
Authors notes: I am so sorry this fic is a lot longer than I expected. I usually like my fics short and to the point but with this one I just kept going and going anyways I hope you enjoy reading it cause I had fun writing it 😉
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All you wanted was a simple job. One that was routine and easy, but of course no job was that simple.
Slugworth’s assistant, Miss BobBon, had gained much responsibility in the past few months and due to that, Slugworth decided to hire a receptionist and that’s where you came in.
All you did was respond to a flier but Slugworth seemed to like your quiet demeanor and he gave you the job easily.
At first being Slugworth’s receptionist was easy enough; take calls, write down messages. Slugworth was nice enough being that you got the job done. He didn’t talk to you much, other than a simple approving smile when you’ve done your job correctly.
However, with all this recent news about Wonka, an opposing chocolatier and his rising chocolate popularity, Slugworth’s irritation has begun to be…noticeable.
“Miss BonBon, when is my appointment with the chief of police?” You heard Slugworth ask his assistant as they walked right by your desk. You watched as she rifled through her binder. You, of course having organized that meeting yourself, answered him, “it’s at 3:30 Mr.Slugworth,” you chimed.
Mr. Slugworth turned around, a curt smile on his lips as he retraced his steps back to your small desk. “I’m sorry, are you my miss BonBon?”
Your eyes immediately went down to your desk realizing the sort of mood he was clearly in, “no.”
“Well then why are you answering receptionist?!” He said before turning back around and walking off leaving you to grumble to yourself as soon as he was far enough.
God, how you hated working for that man, if not for the pay then who knows where you would be by now.
After spending the last few hours pouting at work you called it a day and began your journey home.
Your abode was only a mere twenty minute walk and while some would hate the journey you didn’t really mind it at all. Sometimes it gave you just the amount of time you needed to clear your head.
Currently, it was giving you the time to grumble as you walked. As you strolled along you noticed the tiny delicate snowflakes as they began to fall. And with that beautiful sight taking place, your complaints stop as you come to a street bench. Sitting on it you look up and close your eyes letting the flakes decorate your skin.
The flakes melt at the contact against your face, causing you to become more relaxed, calm. You were so occupied by that feeling that you hadn’t realized a boy had come to sit at the other end of the bench.
“Rough day?” Asked the boy and your eyes shot open just now noticing there was someone else there. You glanced at him before deeming him harmless enough and shot him a small smile, “just the usual annoying day at work,” you reply.
“Hmm,” you watch as he looks down, his lips pressing together in a quick thought. “Well I’ve got just the thing to cheer you up!”
You observe as the young stranger quickly pulls out a jar and from the top he takes a small piece of candy and holds it out towards you. “This here is a Choco-Vanilla Spring Wafer, first an outer layer of chocolate, then vanilla, before you get to the wafer which is made with the flour of a special flower on a lone island not too far away. One bite of this and your mood will turn right around,” he exclaimed with a smile appearing on his face.
Your expression turns sour as the gears spin in your head while he sits there hand still out towards you, and after one more glance from his candy to his face it finally clicks. “It’s you!”
That exclamation made him jump a little in his seat before he looked around to see if you were talking about himself or someone else.
“You’re that chocolatier,” you clarified. His smile confirmed your statement. “Wonka. Willy Wonka is the name, chocolate is the game, except chocolate is not a game. It’s serious.”
He fails to make a change of expression on your face but only because you were too busy looking at the man. This was the first time you were seeing him and given how much he was affecting your boss, you expected him to be…older…and more sinister looking.
He gives you an odd look as you’ve just been practically staring at him. And once you don’t move he holds his hand out again motioning for you to take the chocolate but instead you jump up from your seat. “Are you kidding me? I can’t take chocolate from you! You’re the reason my job is so terrible!” You shout accusatory.
“Me? What did I do?”
“You and your chocolates are ruining my life,” you continue, ranting as you throw your hands in the air exasperated.
“How so?” He asks, voice genuinely concerned.
“It’s just…ooh you just…” you raise a hand palm open wide before curling it into an annoyed fist. I mean it wasn’t his fault exactly, all he was trying to do was sell chocolate and make a living, just as you or anybody else would. You sighed a dejected sigh and gave up, “nothing, it’s nothing.”
You stand there while he sits, both quiet, until he asks, “chocolate?” He repeats, his proposal from before still standing, but you hold your hand up rejecting the offer.
“I can’t, my boss would kill me if I had your chocolate.”
“You really care about this boss of yours,” he states and you scrunch your face in annoyance.
“I do not, for all I care he could catch a cold for a week,” you say nodding at your own sentiment while the boy called Willy Wonka grins laughing a little at your words which still seemed kind to him.
“I just need my job, that's all.”
“I really doubt your boss would mind.”
“Oh I know he would mind, in fact I shouldn’t even be talking to you right now.”
You turn around and continue your walk causing Wonka to leap up from his seat in order to catch up, “wait, you can’t talk to me?”
“My boss really, strongly, dislikes you,” you explain, eyes focused forward as the boy followed beside you.
“Fine,” he did as you did, taking steps while facing forward, “then I won’t talk to you, I’ll just talk to the air that's beside you.”
A smile breaks way on your face and he catches it, smiling as well.
“Goodbye Mr.Wonka,” you say, pulling the collar of your jacket up for two reasons; to keep you warm and to hide your grin.
He seems to catch the message as he stops in place while you continue on leaving him standing in the snow.
That night you can't help but ponder on what might’ve happened if you set your loyalties and fears aside and just took piece of the chocolate but oh well maybe in another universe.
The next morning on your way to work, you notice a spectacle taking place nearby. Curiosity taking over, you approach and as you near you recognize the voice.
There he was in front of a small stand with his name and a few jars of chocolates.
“—Today I will be showcasing my new product. These are what I like to call Choco-Vanilla Spring Wafers.” he repeats his pitch, glancing around at the various faces in the crowd and as he does so he spots you. His smile widens while the crinkles around his eyes deepen, but he continues on professionally. “On the outer layer, chocolate, before a simple but delicious vanilla flavor, before you get to the wafer which is made with the flour of a special flower on a small, lone island not too far away from here.” He makes his way through the crowd making sure to make eye contact with each and every person. “One bite of this and your mood will turn right side up. Don’t believe me? Try one,” he comes to a stop right in front of you as he says so, and holds out a piece of the chocolate.
Now, you know what you said the other day and you know you work for another chocolate company, but after spending the night pondering over what that chocolate would’ve tasted like, you couldn’t stop yourself from growing more curious and right now what you wanted more than anything was a piece of that candy, so you took it from his fingers unwrapped it and then gently placed it into your mouth.
Willy watched as you chewed on the chocolate and a smile spread on your face, “it’s delicious.”
He smiles a smile of relief before turning around, “you heard it here folks it’s delicious, now get one of your own to try this new delicious chocolate.”
The crowd rushes forward as they all hold out their sovereigns wanting to try it themselves and with a single wave and a smile you depart leaving Mr.Wonka alone with his booming business.
He was right though, your mood did seem to turn right around.
Once you got to work you went straight to your desk pleased that Mr.Slugworth had yet to arrive which meant peace for at least a few minutes.
Which only felt like seconds today.
“I can’t believe the nerve of that Wonka boy!” Shouted Slugworth as he entered the building followed by his assistant. Your ears perk up as he walks by and you notice he has a familiar jar in hand. “How dare he sell chocolate when the police specifically ordered him not to. Ooh he’s becoming a real pain.” You watch as he opens the jar taking a piece out, “what good is his chocolate really anyway?” He pops a piece in and you can tell he adores it just by the expression on his face before he conceals it, “It’s just wretched,” he says entering his own office.
Oh that stubborn boss of yours, you thought. Thankfully that Wonka’s chocolate seemed to be working as your boss’s words had no effect on you whatsoever.
The day went quickly and soon you were on your way home just as the other afternoon.
Now, you weren’t looking for Willy Wonka but you couldn’t say you were upset when you had crossed paths again.
“You’ve really got to get a new hobby besides following me around,” you joked, starting conversation.
“But why would I do that when our afternoon discussions are my favorite time of day.” You didn’t know what response you were expecting, but that was a little more forward than you anticipated, but you met him at the same level.
“Really? Even more than making or eating chocolate?”
“Almost. Not entirely but it’s getting there.”
You turned to look at him, the smile on your face lessening once you recognized how his expression displayed a true small appearance of contentment, which seemed to throw you off guard.
You blink twice avoiding the sudden weird tension you were beginning to feel. “So what did you want this time? I’ve already tried your chocolate.”
“Ah,” his mouth gaped as if just realizing something, “yes you’ve eaten it but what did you think about it?”
You found the question silly given that you’ve said it earlier, “I told you, it was delicious.”
He shook his head, “not good enough . What about it was delicious? What was your favorite thing about it? Was there anyway it could’ve been better?”
“You’re really asking me for my thoughts?”
“Of course. Every customer's opinions are important to me.” That was true, but more than most of the time the customers' opinions were positive. And if he were being one hundred percent honest, he seemed to already care more about your opinion than any other customers.
“Well like I said it was delicious,” you repeated as you walked on and he nodded for you to continue. “The chocolate layer was the perfect taste of milkiness that stayed in the back of the mouth, and when the vanilla hit it was a swirl of the both and it felt like they were working together until the two tastes became singular. Then, of course the wafer was the most important part adding the crunch to bring your attention back to the taste. So yes it was delicious.”
You had been lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed Willy stopped a few steps behind you, his expression gentle.
“What is it Willy?”
He shakes his head, his brown curls bouncing as he does so, “you have a way with words unlike any other.”
“Ha okay, thanks I guess,” you say laughing more to yourself at the odd compliment you’ve never received before.
“You’re welcome.” He says joining your stride again.
“You have a way with chocolates.”
“Thank you.”
You two continued in comfortable silence. The sound of the snow crunching underneath your feet. And that was the end of that.
Except it wasn’t.
Wonka and you had spent the next couple of days chatting just as you had been. He’d always meet you somewhere along your way home and you two would just talk for a bit, honestly it was actually becoming one of your favorite times of the day. You were beginning to grow curious of the man and his qualities and frankly you found yourself wanting to know more.
Which is why one day on your strolls you plainly said to him, “while I do enjoy our late afternoon chats, I do sometimes wish that we could converse more during the day?”
Willy’s eyebrows raised in what looked like excitement but someone else voice rang out before his own.
Turning around your shoulders cave forward as you notice Slugworth walking in your direction. He came to a stop in front of you and gave you a look before turning to Willy, “may I steal you away from my, oh so loyal employee, to share a word with you?”
Willy, brain seeming to connect the dots glances between you and Slugworth as you give him a knowing smile.
You chime in seeking for an exit from whatever was about to take place, “of course. We were done anyway. Goodbye Mr.Wonka,” you said, turning around giving the two their time.
As you finish your walk home you realize how wrong it all must’ve looked, you spending time alone with Wonka of course it would be inappropriate. But still even with those thoughts, you go to bed unable to keep the young chocolatier out of your head. You both hated and yet felt, for the way he was making you feel.
The next morning when you arrive at work Mr.Slugworth is already there, his buttock planted on your desk and he seemed to be in a weirdly strange mood.
“Oh hello, lovely receptionist…” you give him an odd look before filling in the blank for him by giving him your name, “ah right! Of course. Don’t you look lovely today.”
“Thank you?” You say questionably while setting your coat behind your chair.
“Of course, of course…ahem,” he cleared his throat and you expected what was to come next, “I was just curious about this Wonka fellow,” there it was. “What were you two um…chatting about?”
“Hm, nothing really, just chocolate.”
“Chocolate? Hm, his or ours?”
“Just in general,” you say, trying to be vague.
“Ah, in general of course,” he says, finally removing himself from your space while you take your seat.
He walks around behind you to push your chair in for you and while he does so he leans down to your level.
“Just remember where your loyalties lie in this business,” he says, his voice low, before returning to his office leaving you to your work.
That afternoon Willy waits outside across from your office doors and once spotting you he bounds over. “Willy?” You ask, confused that he’s met you so early in your walk.
“I was going to meet you further on but I had recalled that we hadn’t yet finished our discussion from yesterday.”
Your eyebrows raise, “right, our discussion yesterday,” your eyes peer up and Willy follows your gaze as you make contact with Slugworth who’s shamelessly watching the scene from his glass windows.
“Um yesterday, right,” you took your attention off Slugworth and back to Willy. “…yesterday I actually was going to tell you, it would be inappropriate to continue spending time with you…goodbye Mr.Wonka.”
You give one last look upwards and notice Slugworth smirking beyond that glass, oh how you would love to punch that smirk right off. But instead you walk away quickly.
Willy stands stunned before he too looks up glaring at Slugworth before chasing after you.
“So that's it? We can’t talk anymore because you work for Slugworth? Is that what you want?”
Now being a good enough distance away from your office you turn around to talk to him face to face, “no it’s not.”
“Come work for me,” his chocolate eyes stare deeply into yours as he seems to beg for you to take his sudden offer with just a single look.
“Are you crazy? I mean I wish I could but do you have a factory? Can you promise a stable income? What even is the job?”
With each question you take note of how he looks down, refusing to answer because he essentially can’t.
You intake a deep breath, your chest rising as you do, “I wish I could but I need a steady job. I’m sorry.”
You turn back around as you were but he speaks again, persistent in continuing conversation, “when I make it big and official, you have a guaranteed spot in my factory, whichever position. What do you want to be; a taste tester, chocolate maker, or you could remain receptionist.”
“Willy…” it sounded nice working alongside him but who knows when that would be, “It’s a nice dream Willy, but that’s all it is…a dream.”
You both continue on his step now further behind yours as he seems to recall something, “someone special once told me that every good thing in this world started with a dream. She told me it was important to hold onto mine, so I am.”
“She?” You asked, curiosity increased.
“My mother.”
“Well your mother sounds like a wise woman.”
“She was,” he says he doesn’t say more but he doesn’t need to, you can tell by his expression that she was no longer with the living.
“…I’m sorry.”
He gives a saddened smile, “it’s alright, I’ll see her again.”
You gave an encouraging smile, unsure what he meant by that before moving forward with your conversation, “your mother sounded like a wise woman, and I admire her positivity…But sometimes a dream remains just that. A dream and for now that's all it is…a dream.” You say matter of factly, before uttering a final, “goodbye, Willy Wonka.”
Two days go by and you hear nothing from the young chocolatier. And with no news of Wonka you’ve noticed the change of attitude in Slugworth as he seemed to be oddly chipper than usual, but of course you chose to ignore the strange feeling you got from that man, he always kept secrets from you so why care about it now, you were just the receptionist.
That afternoon as you return from work just about to unlock your front door your attention gets grabbed by a young girl who strolled next to you. Upon taking a glance you realized, “I know you…?” You said recognizing her features to be one of Wonka’s helpers that you’ve seen in the crowds before.
“Noodle,” she said and you repeated it, (a trick you’ve learned to memorize names).
“Willy asked me to escort you to the old fountain only a few roads down. If you’ll agree of course?”
You contemplated your options; entering your place and spending a cozy night in, or accepting the man’s invitation and joining him in a who knows what adventure. At one last gnaw on your lip you agree to follow the girl.
Traveling slightly behind her, she leads the way, “how do you know Wonka?” You asked curiously.
“Willy?” The young girl asks, “he’s a close friend, we’ve sort of become close to being in the same predicament,” she explains.
Your mouth opens into a small ah as you nod showing you understand, but truly you didn’t, “what sort of predicament?” You asked, but before you could get your answer you had arrived. She guided you and motioned for you to go towards the fountain and you did.
It was fairly secluded especially considering the fact being that it wasn’t very much to look at, it was an old run down fountain and there were much simpler ways to get to town.
The girl walks away and you wait, finding this all to be unusual. As you wait you notice the fountain light up from underneath before it goes into a pattern of changing colors. Flowers aligned along the bottom of the fountain begin to bloom, one by one a variety of colors. You don’t know how he did it but it was sight to see, you honestly weren’t even exactly sure what was going on.
You followed the trail flowers with your eyes as they led all the way around and as it came to an end, that's when you noticed he was standing right beside you.
“Willy?!” You asked shocked and concerned as he stood there with his hand palm up as a small white box with a ribbon bow lay in it.
“I want you to try this.”
“All this for me to try chocolate?”
“He opens the box revealing a round chocolate. This is my new product called the Dreamscape. One of these and you’ll feel light and content. It’s a good dream wrapped into a piece of chocolate.”
You don’t know what to say, you admire his uniqueness, his charm, and his creativity in this whole plan and it honestly left you quite speechless.
“You said all of this is a dream. Well if being here with you is a dream, then I don’t want to wake up.” He holds the bite box out further to you and it takes all of your facial muscles not to react to his cheesy yet sweet phrases, “will you dream with me?”
Your brain tried to intercept and remind you of your work and what would become, but your heart was in play too as they both battled for the main position.
Willy stares, on edge, as he tries to gauge your reaction which was taking more time than he expected.
Until finally, eventually, you breathe out,“you really know how to win someone's heart.” With that sentence you pick up the piece of candy and take a bite out of it. “But I’m still working for Slugworth, so don’t make a big deal out of this.”
He raised his hands declaring a truce.
But with that single piece of candy you found yourself becoming happier with each second that was passing as you stood there, and so did Willy.
You didn't know what the future would hold but you were certain that if anyone could make their dreams come true it was him. And sure enough, days soon to follow after, Wonka and his team devised a plan to beat the Chocolate Cartel. (You may have given Willy some assistance in telling him where Slugworth would be located for the day).
Because of the disappearance of the Chocolate Cartel, Willy Wonka was free to finally begin his dream of making chocolate in his very own chocolate factory. Except, this turn out was slightly different from his original dream. This dream was sweeter, because it had you in it.
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grey342 · 11 months
Teacher's pet
College Professor!Phil x reader
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synopsis - Phil notices his favourite student struggling and offers her extra help after class.
warnings - MDNI 18+ content, age gap (reader is 20, Phil is in his late 30s), obsessive! reader, Phil whimpering, riding (kinda) and Oral (f receiving).
authors note - *insert 'Older' by Isabel LaRosa*. I LOVE this one sm! Let me know what your thoughts! Again thank you so much for being patient with me, I love every single one of you <3 P.S- The reader is VERY delusional but lets be fr we all are.
please do not steal my work - belongs to @grey342
You fucked up big time.
At first it was a typical high school girl crush but now you were full blown obsessed with him. Getting jealous whenever he talked to another female student or teacher, waking up at 4 am and getting fully ready for your 8 am class with him and finding any excuse to be close to him at all times.
He wasn't helping either.
It really seemed like he was reciprocating your feelings. Always checking up on you in and outside of class, always making you laugh, smiling at you and winking at you.
You didn't think it would become that big of a problem until your grades started to drop in his class. You were simply getting too distracted.
Like right now, you hadn't even noticed he was going around the class handing out your graded papers.
"F again," he sighs disappointedly, "what's going on honey? You never failed my class before and now you're failing every assignment I give you."
"I don't know Mr Wenneck." You say looking down, avoiding his gaze. You hate disappointing him.
"I do. I know exactly whats going on." He declares. You suck in a breath.
"Yo-You do." You gulp.
"Yep," he pauses, "you're over-complicating the work." You let out a breath of relief.
"Don't worry. This is an easy fix, we'll need to start one on one sessions at the end of the day."
"Oh okay." You squeak, trying to hide your excitement.
"Good. We'll start today, be here by 3:30." He winks and moves onto the person next to you.
When the bell rang, you didn't bother going to your second class. You went straight to your dorm to get ready for later. Hardly containing your eagerness.
It's exactly 3:30 when you knock on his door. He beckons you inside and you close the door behind you. Ensuring it's shut tight. This was the first time you would be fully alone together and you wanted no disruptions.
"Ah, right on time. Take a seat and i'll be right with you." He says smiling.
He grabs a few things from his desk and makes his way over to sit right next to you. You inhale and exhale quietly, trying to calm yourself down. But all you can think about is how close he is to you and what would happen if you moved your hand slightly ov-
“So,” he grunts, “let’s start with the first part of the topic and see which parts you’re struggling on the most. Mkay?” He asks.
“Um, yeah okay.” You say trying to sound more confident.
He starts explaining the content to you but all you can focus on is his hands. How big they are, how his veins slightly pop out and how they move when he talks. You were too entranced to notice he asked you a question. He was staring at you awaiting an answer.
"I-um sorry, can you repeat the question?" You spluttered out, slightly embarrassed.
He smirks and looks at you. You look down to avoid eye contact when you feel his hand come under your chin to lift your head up.
“Now honey, there’s no need to be nervous.” He says shaking his head in a comforting manner. You look into his eyes and before you can stop yourself, you lean in and press your lips to his.
You felt him slightly pull back out of shock but, in the same moment he leaned in full accepting the kiss. Your hands in his hair and his on your waist.
You pulled away to catch your breath and the realisation of what you just did slapped you in the face.
“Oh god, Mr Wenneck i’m s-”
“Call me Phil.” He cuts you off and captures your lips passionately. He grabs you and pulls you onto his lap. You grip on to his shirt pulling him impossibly closer. His hands rest on the plump of your ass, slowly guiding you back and forth. He pulls away, you're sharing breaths.
"I knew you felt the same," he lowly whispers, "I could tell. The way you'd get nervous talking to me, the lil' blush on your cheeks when i made eye contact with you." You feel your cheeks burn.
You feel the growing tent in his pants against our core. You gasp in both shock and delight. You look into his lust filled eyes and slowly begin to move back and forth. He lets out a sound of pleasure, you swear it was a whimper.
He leans in and begins to kiss at your jaw and neck, you sigh.
"So pretty.." He mumbles.
You feel his hands creep at the bottom of your shirt, bunching it up insisting he wants it off. You reach down and pull the shirt over your head revealing the lace bra underneath.
"Shit.." He breathes, you feel him grow beneath you. You reach down to unbuckle his belt when he picks you up and slams you on the desk. Emphasising his need for you.
He leans towards your chest and begins to kiss your boobs. His hands meet the waistband of your pants slightly tugging at them. He looks into your eyes and you give him a nod of approval.
He wastes no time in pulling them down along with your panties. He gets down onto his knees and spreads your legs, moaning at the sight in front of him. He moves forward, giving a gentle kiss to your cunt he then licks a broad stripe from your entrance to your clit.
"Oh god.."
"Not god baby, Phil.." You moan in response.
Slurping your juices like a man starved, his tongue thrusts deeper and deeper inside you. Your fingers gripping onto his hair to keep you grounded.
Without even realising you began to grind against his face, the pleasure taking over you. His lips are glued to your clit, sucking and kissing. His hands grab your legs and pull them over his shoulders, gripping on to your thighs keeping them spread.
"Oh shit Phil, right there.."
"Yeah, you like that?," he breathes heavily, "you like being a dirty lil' slut for your professor, hm?" You nod your head rapidly.
He began to suck harshly on your clit. Your back arches and your toes curl as you feel the knot in your stomach tighten.
"Fuck! Ye-Yes, right there shit.." Your almost screaming. You open your eyes to look at him, reassuring yourself this is all real and not another dream.
You look down to see him staring right back at you, he winks at you and slides his index and middle finger inside of you. You throw your head back, eyes rolling to the back of your head.
"I'm gonna cum..." You warn as he pounds his fingers into you whilst sucking your clit.
"Cum for me baby, let go." He hummed.
In that moment you let go, the pleasure crashing over you. He groans against your pussy, not letting one drop of your cum spill.
He pulls your pants back up, puts your shirt back on and looks at you, checking your okay. He helps you stand and hands you your bag. He leans down and kisses you gently.
"Same time tomorrow honey." He smirks leaving you stunned.
You walk out of his classroom with the biggest grin on your face, excited for what tomorrow will bring.
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suiana · 2 years
hihi!! yr posts are so funky i love them sm
ya have any ideas for a yandere that has no actual connection - like, you've never even seen them before and yet it's stuff like "i didn't leave that book open" - "where did my favorite shirt go" - "i just woke up why am i so sticky" rjfjfhjf
omgee I've actually been thinking about this lately HAHA,, thank u anon for giving me motivation to write this <3
✎ yandere! stalker headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― stalking, nsfw, obsessiveness, slight violence, delusional yandere etc.
(gn! reader x male yandere! oc)
✎ yandere! stalker who is absolutely obsessed with you. you don't even know him yet his whole life is dedicated to you! how romantic <3
✎ yandere! stalker who has completely memorized your schedule and everything about you. he swears that he can answer any question about you :) no one knows you better than him, not even yourself!
✎ yandere! stalker who doesn't even remember when or where his obsession for you started from. babe, you never even talked to him before! so how did he fall so deeply for you? truly a mystery...
✎ yandere! stalker who gives you plenty of gifts. you could wake up with a random box of chocolates or with your laundry done! though a shirt or two might be missing! truly a pleasant surprise, no? your stalker hopes you like his gifts! :)
✎ yandere! stalker who has so many pictures of you that it's insane. what the fuck, how does he even get these??
✎ yandere! stalker who protects you from dirty people. that weird associate who made you uncomfortable? he suddenly went missing! that old uncle who was staring at you in a nasty way? brutally beaten up in a dark alleyway! don't worry your pretty little head darling, your stalker is there to protect you ♡
✎ yandere! stalker who masterbates to the thought of you every night. god you're perfect! he wishes you would notice him :( but he supposed that you not noticing is for the better... for now.
✎ yandere! stalker who is rich and likes spending his fortune on you. your phone is slightly chipped? get ready to wake up with a brand new phone on your desk :) oh, how he loves watching your cute reactions through the teddy bear he once gifted to you <3
✎ yandere! stalker who starts to grow bolder once you've warmed up to his gifts. oh? so you like his gifts? that means you like him now right? stalker, babe, that's not how it works that means he can start getting more personal with you right?
✎ yandere! stalker who starts to touch you in your sleep. your reciprocation towards his gifts is a sign that you're okay with this right? right?!
✎ yandere! stalker who is hysterical when he sees you talking to you friends about how you hate waking up slimy in the morning. what do you mean you hate his gift to you?! do you hate him now?!
✎ yandere! stalker who gifts you multiple things to try and apologize. you must be mad at him! you surely must be! even if you don't know who he is, your complaints about being sticky is a subtle sign of your anger towards him! he can't have his reason of living being mad now, can he?
✎ yandere! stalker who impulsively kidnaps you once you decide to make a police report. no! he can't lose you to those scummy officers!
✎ yandere! stalker who knocks you out so hard that you lose your memories. and when you wake up he tells you that he's your husband. a manic grin adorning his features as he does so. this must god's way of giving him a second chance! honey... no!!
✎ yandere! stalker who would change anything about himself for you. he exists for you only. anything he does is for you. he is yours to control. he should be anything and everything you want. so please, tell him what you like! he'll do anything in his power to achieve it. even if it means dying for you.
✎ "haah~ I love you so much ♡"
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megamett44-lover · 1 year
what if you write a fic about the triplets and the reader going through a drive thru - but - the reader gets ketchup on their burger. when the triplets and reader get to the sturniolo house to hang out afterwards, matt and reader are hanging out and matt gives the reader a kiss. since the reader had ketchup before, he's trying to ignore it and like trying to hide it because he doesn't want to hurt her feelings but she ends up finding out anyways- and just finds it hilarious. (it could be an established relationship or they confess and then kiss, whichever you think works better)
love your works and take your time writing this one <33
thank you sm 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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Matt Sturniolo × Reader
Summary: In which a trip down memory lane leads to a confession
Warnings/Notes: Profanity, she/her pronouns
Requested? Yes!
First Kiss
It was exactly 12:02 a.m. when my phone pinged with an incoming text message. I push my textbooks off my lap and roll over to grab my phone. A simple “Come outside” from Matt is at the top of my notifications.
“This kid and his ominous texts.” I laugh, putting on my slippers.
Locking my apartment and making my way downstairs, I notice the minivan parked in front of the building.
“Hey Y/N!” Chris screams as he pops his head through the sunroof.
“Shut up!” I whisper-shout. “There are people who are actually sleeping in there and I don’t feel like getting evicted my first month here!”
Walking to the drivers side, I open the back door to see Madi and Nick.
“Hey guys.” I say, getting in and sitting on the floor between Nick and Madi.
“Hey girl.” Madi says.
“Were you asleep? You look exhausted.” Nick notes.
“Gee thanks.” I roll my eyes playfully. “I was actually studying for my test tomorrow.”
“Gross school.” Chris comments.
“Very gross.” I groan. “Not that I don’t love you guys or anything, but why am I here?”
“You need a break from being holed up in your tiny ass apartment.” Chris says.
“And we missed you.” Madi adds.
“So we’re going to Mcdonald’s.” Matt says, backing out of the parking lot.
“Oh I’d kill for a big mac right now.” I say, mouth watering at the idea.
“And we may or may not be filming a little.” Nick says, referring to the camera in his lap. “If you don’t want to be in it, that’s totally fine too!”
“That’s fine.” I say. “But I look like a homeless rat.”
“You don’t look like a homeless rat.” Matt says.
“Yeah, you look like a rat with a very nice apartment.” Chris jokes.
“I actually hate you.” I mumble as everyone laughs.
Pulling into the McDonalds drive through, Nick orders for everyone. We get our food and find a secluded parking lot and set up to film.
Taking a bite from my burger, I sigh. “This burger is so fucking good.”
“It’s not that serious, Y/N.” Chris laughs.
“I haven’t had McDonalds in forever.” I protest. “It is that serious.”
“Alright, we asked you guys to send in some things you want us to talk about from our childhood, so we’re going to be doing that.” Nick says.
“Oh God.” I groan, closing my eyes. “This is going to be embarrassing.”
“Why?” Madi asks.
“Because Y/N used to be a dork.” Chris laughs.
“Okay at least I didn’t sleep in a Pokémon onsie until I was 12.” I say.
“That was me!” Matt says.
“Oh I know.” I laugh.
Nick looks down at his phone, pulling up Instagram to check the answers from his story. “What’s one injury you remember from childhood?”
“Probably the time Justin hit me with a golf club.” Matt says.
“That was terrifying.” I say. “I remember Nick running to my house in his underwear freaking out because he didn’t like blood.”
“Oh my God, I forgot about that.” Nick says. “Your mom was so confused.”
“Mine was probably when Chris pushed me off of the monkey bars at school and I got a concussion.” I say, taking a french fry from the bag.
“I did not push you!” Chris exclaims.
“You most definitely did.” Matt corrects.
“Yeah because I just so happened to fall off of the monkey bars.” I say sarcastically.
“You were clumsy.” Chris says.
“Matt witnessed it!” I say, throwing a fry at Chris.
“Yeah, you were mad because she cut in front of you in line, so you pushed her off.” Matt explains.
“Whatever.” Chris grumbles.
“One time, Y/N was yelling at me to come downstairs and I fell because someone put oil on the top step.” Nick says.
“In my defense, it was Chris’ idea.” I say.
“Yeah that was me, I’ll admit that.” Chris says.
“You were a demon, oh my God.” Madi laughs.
“He still is.” Matt agrees.
“Oooo what do you think about this one, Y/N?” Nick asks, showing me his phone.
Someone had wrote “Tell us about your first kiss!”
I genuinely start rolling laughing. “I don’t know, I don’t want your fan girls to hate me for this.”
“What is it?” Matt asks.
Nick responds by passing his phone up front to Matt and Chris. Matt reads it and his cheeks immediately turn red.
“Oh this is good!” Chris says. “I say Y/N and Matt goes first.”
Matt rolls his eyes and puts his face in his hands.
“Alright, so we’re going to be talking about our first kisses.” I say. “And mine just so happened to be with Matt.”
Madi gasps. “No way.” She laughs.
“Yes way.” I laugh with her. “We were like what, 13, 14, Matt?”
“I was in 8th grade and you were in 7th, so yeah that sounds right.” Matt says muffled through his hands.
“I was getting picked on because I was the only girl in my friend group who hadn’t had a first kiss yet and I was complaining to Matt about it.” I say.
“This is so cheesy.” Nick laughs.
“Shut up!” I laugh. “So I was complaining to Matt about it and he offered to be my first kiss. So we kissed. That’s it.”
“So wait, was she your first kiss too?” Madi asks Matt.
“Yeah, she was.” Matt answers.
“That’s so cute!” Madi exclaims.
“It was super awkward.” I say. “We made a promise to never talk about it again, until now, I guess.”
“Matt did not abide by that promise.” Nick says.
“Yeah, kid would not shut up about it for like 6 months after it happened.” Chris agrees.
“Okay, yeah, yeah. It’s y’all’s turn.” Matt says, clearly embarrassed.
“Aww Matt’s embarrassed.” Chris teases, poking Matt’s ribs. “He had a little cwushy-wushy on Y/N.”
“Hey, you tried to kiss me in kindergarten!” I say, pointing to Chris. “I had almost forgot about that!”
“It was a dare!” Chris says.
“Don’t worry guys, I didn’t kiss Chris because he had cooties.” I laugh.
“I did not have cooties!” Chris says. “You were the one who made that up and told everyone!”
“I only made it up because you pushed me off the monkey bars!” I say.
“I didn’t push you!” Chris yells.
“Yes you did!” Matt and I say at the same time.
“Uh oh, not the couple ganging up on me!” Chris throws up his hands dramatically.
“Alright, cootie boy.” I roll my eyes.
“You know what?” Chris says, practically launching himself into the backseat trying to tickle me.
“Madi help!” I scream, trying to deflect Chris as much as possible.
“You guys are actually children.” Nick says.
“Oh you want some too, big dog?” Chris says, shifting his attention to Nick.
“Chris!” Nick screams, almost dropping his Dr.Pepper on him.
The rest of the video goes off without a hitch. By the time we were finished filming, it was 2:30 a.m.
“Madi is gonna stay with us tonight, you wanna just stay at ours?” Nick asks, packing up the camera.
“C’mon, Y/N!” Chris says. “It’ll be just like old times.”
“I can never say no to a sleepover.” I laugh. “Count me in.”
“Thank God, I’ll need some female energy in that house.” Madi says, dapping me up.
As we drove back to the triplets house, I had noticed Matt was extra quiet. I put it off as being tired, but the way I kept catching him look at me in the rear view mirror made me think otherwise.
Pulling into the house, we all piled out and made our way inside.
“Goodnight, everyone.” Nick says, venturing off to his room.
Madi hugged me. “See you in the morning!” She says, following behind Nick.
“Where you sleeping, Y/N?” Chris asks. “You know my rooms always open.”
I laugh. “No offense, Chris, but you won’t be going to sleep for another three hours and I’m exhausted.” I flop down on the couch, pulling a blanket over me. “I’ll just sleep here.”
“No way.” Matt says. “You do not have to sleep on the couch. You can stay in mine if you want?”
Chris laughs, making kissy noises as he walks downstairs to his room.
“Jesus, that kid.” I laugh. I look over at Matt, who is looking at me with expectant eyes. “Yeah, I’ll sleep in your room, if that’s cool?”
“Mi casa es su casa.” Matt says, walking down the hall to his room.
“Okay, Flo-Rida.” I say, following him.
Matt flops down on the bed, throwing a pillow over his face. Walking over, I yank the pillow off of him.
“Hey!” He protests.
I sit down beside him. “Okay, spill.” I demand.
Matt looks at me quizzically. “What do you mean?”
“Ever since I talked about our kiss, you’ve been acting weird. Spill.” I say.
“I haven’t.” Matt says. “I’m just tired.”
“Mhm.” I say. “I don’t believe you.”
“Why not?” Matt rolls his eyes.
“Just don’t.” I shrug. I roll over to the other side of the bed, getting under the blankets.
Matt flips the lights off, before joining me in bed.
“Goodnight, Matt.” I say, rolling over to face him.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” Matt says, pulling the blankets over him as well.
It’s silent for about 5 minutes, and I feel myself starting to doze off, when suddenly, the weight in the bed shifts. I open my eyes to see Matt sitting up beside me.
“Matt, what’re you-” I start.
“I like you, Y/N.” Matt blurts out.
I blink my eyes really hard to make sure I’m not dreaming and I shake my head.
“Ever since we were kids, I’ve liked you.” Matt says. “The feelings would come and go, and I really tried to make them go for the sake of our friendship, but I really, really like you, Y/N.”
Matt looks back at me as I stare wide-eyed at him. “Really?” I whisper.
“Why do you think I volunteered to be your first kiss?” Matt asks. “Chris wasn’t lying when he said I talked about that kiss for 6 months. He wasn’t lying when he said I had a crush on you. I could just…never find the right time to tell you.”
I sit up beside Matt, grabbing his hand. “I really wish you would’ve told me sooner.” I say.
“I know, I’m sorry.” Matt says. “You don’t know how much it killed me to see you with other guys, Y/N. That shit was so unbearable.”
It’s silent for a moment before Matt sighs deeply.
“I understand if you don’t feel the same way, I really do. But I just had to tell you so-” I cut Matt off by placing my lips on his.
Feeling his lips against mine, suddenly I’m 13 again in Boston having my first kiss with my best friend. His hands find the sides of my face and it’s like the world stopped spinning. It’s like everything around us has faded away and it’s just us.
We pull away slowly, each of us gasping for air.
“I don’t know where I got the balls to do that.” I whisper. I open my eyes to notice Matt grimacing a bit.
“What’s wrong?” I ask. “Oh my God, I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done that.”
“No, no. Nothings wrong.” Matt says, grabbing my hand.
“No, something is definitely wrong.” I say.
Matt turns a little red before looking at his lap. “It’s just…was there ketchup on your burger earlier?”
“Yeah…?” I say, confused. And then it suddenly makes sense. I throw myself back into the bed, dying in a fit of laughter. “Oh my God!” I laugh, gasping for air.
I sit up, looking at Matt. “I am so sorry.” I say, still laughing.
“It’s okay.” He says, smiling. “I’ll taste ketchup every day as long as it’s from your lips.”
I roll my eyes. “You’re so corny.”
“Maybe.” He smiles. “So is it safe to say you feel the same?”
“Don’t make me kiss you with my ketchup breath again, Matthew.” I say.
“Is that a promise?” Matt asks, slowly pulling me back into another kiss.
a/n: help this is one of the longest stories I’ve written. but if I were to make a tag list, who would want to be added to it???
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ghostbite0 · 1 month
hi bite :D I just binged your tiny 21 trio tag (I’ve been on a 21 trio craze recently) and I love them so much. If you have any concepts or cute little head cannons for them I’d love to hear them. They’re just perfect😭🫶🏼 I adore your art sm
awhh hello!!! thank you thank you, this is so kind!!!
hmmm... concepts/headcanons... i do have a bunch! I've posted some in the past so i may accidentally repeat myself a bit haha
also, apologies in advance-- a lot of these are going to be centered on obanai, since he's my favorite among the three..... unfortunately i am biased :(
sanemi can't stand the heat, and he warms up really easily. he's also really picky about his textures and he gets really worked up if he's wearing something he deems bad
a lot of the time he's just left in a shirt and a diaper. he just needs a lot of skin showing otherwise he feels constricted
obanai is the opposite--- he needs to be warm at all times. he shivers like a leaf if he's wearing anything that isn't long sleeves and will wail his little heart out if he's cold
giyuu always has his blanket. big or little brained he always has his blanket with him. he hides under it a lot, whether it be to avoid everyone else or just to take a nap
when sanemi cries he is so god damn loud. he shrieks and screams and will kick and throw things; he just doesn't know what to do with himself...
again, obanai is the opposite to sanemi in that he's a silent crier, and he even muffles his little wails with his mittens or by burying himself against someone :(
giyuu and sanemi have an easier time falling asleep compared to obanai. someone has to sit with him to make sure he falls asleep and stays asleep--
otherwise he'll pretend he fell asleep or try to get himself out of his crib
they all have nightmares. all of them.
sometimes they have to sleep separately Or Else
tengen's favorite baby to take care of is, surprisingly, obanai. he likes getting to hold him and coddle him and he always really looks forward to feeding the little guy from his bottle or rocking him to sleep
sanemi was originally his favorite, but then big brained sanemi threw mushed up carrots and rice in his hair, and it took days for tengen to properly clean himself up
giyuu is the only one who is obedient when it comes to food, so long as he gets to feed himself
sanemi is a nightmare. he makes a huge mess every time. he loves playing with his food and trying to feed others (specifically genya) handfuls of said food. he will giggle like a lunatic as he covers himself and his loved ones in food
again since obanai is so small and weak he has to nurse from a bottle which is a nightmare when he's big and small
when he's little brained its a lot easier but he'll still get sick on himself sometimes :( he has a sensitive tummy
baby giyuu LOVES bath time. he would sit there for hours if he could. he has lots of bath toys and goes splash splash
all three of them are obedient with gyomei and kagaya. otherwise at least one of them is being difficult for one reason or another
big brain obanai hates touch but baby brain obanai loves cuddles... it's another way to keep him warm
he also likes to be swaddled
the babies do arts and crafts sometimes and its always a disaster
kaburamaru gets paint and glitter on him and obanai freaks out
sanemi and giyuu try to eat the paint then both start coughing and spitting and losing their minds
mitsuri and tengen teach them how to be more gentle and careful and such and they learn how to finger paint
obanai always paints a snake
mitsuri keeps every single piece and hangs them up around her estate
muichiro helps them make tiny paper planes
obviously they're babies and they can't actually make it but muichiro helps them and lets them think they did it
uhhh thats all i can think of right now, sorry!! i hope this will suffice :,D sorry for taking so long to respond!!
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kat, im positively foaming at the mouth for stepbro!rafe and that new set of hcs that you just posted. how the hell can you say that you “kinda hate” your work- it is literal art.
im so sorry for the tmi so skip if not interested but:
stepbrother rafe makes my princess parts so so tingly. fuck, i just want him to pin me down on my bedroom floor, pull my skirt up and chuckle at how wet i am for him. want him to tell me im not worthy enough for his cock yet, so he just toys with my lil button, softly rubbing. he manoeuvres me so that im facing a mirror, and spreads my legs wiiide open before locking his legs around me to hold me down. one hand around my waist, the other slowly, slowly snaking down to make little round circles just wit the tip of his index finger. my head immediately rolls back but it doesn’t even rest on rafes shoulder for a single moment before he is holding my face into a pout with one of his hands and forcing me to watch him touch softly at my pretty lil clit. rubbing, stroking, teasing. the pad of his finger kissing my sensitive pearl. eventually, he releases my face and his hand lowers to my princess parts too (tweaking my sensitive nipples on the way down) before making a v with my mound, drawing up my clitorial hood to fully display my lil nub. he is trying to embarrass me. and god is it working. he continues to touch my most sensitive spot, a pleasure shooting through my whole body all the while he is gently murmuring how naughty i am, how needy my clitty is for my stepbrother.
god i am so sorry for that i don’t know where that came from- i think you can tell ive got a hyperfixation on clit stim now 😭 anyways im so sorry, i just love your work!! xoxo!!
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yuniniverse · 9 months
OH MY GODDDDD YOUR ACCOUNT IS THE BEST TBH ugh i am so lucky i wanna gate keep like girl you are too good to be trueeee i have been reading for a while and now i wanna make a lil request it goes smth like this we all know minjae hates being called short what if he finds a friend that hypes him up and tells him they are the same and stuff like that and they are friends from the same training program and she was under sm like him back then and stuff like that idk sorry if i bothered but really girl i love like I LOVE YOUR WRITING SOOOOO MUCHHHH 🩷🩷🩷
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PAIRING !  ━ idol!minjae x idol!reader
GENRE !  ━ Friends to strangers(?) To lovers, fluff, seems rushed I'm so sorry TvT, slight angst
WORD COUNT !  ━ 2445 words
AUTHOR NOTE ! ━ I kid you not when I saw this I nearly cried because of how sweet you are :( I'm so sorry for the delay love uni is shit esp with all my sem end exams but thank God I have a few days off so I can work back on requests~ I hope you like it <3
SONG RECCS ! ━ Stardust Lovesong by Jihyo, Whispers of Love by Lim Hayoung
dm to be in my taglist!!
The speakers blared through the studio while minjae sat in one corner, his head turned to face the computer that lit the dim room and played their debut song, spacing out completely, draining out the noise to muffled sound of the song as his mind thinks of a hundred things, things that made him feel not so great, mad even.
Recalling memories of how excited he was a week back, jumping around like a kangaroo as his members gave him a playful questioning look as they all looked at their first ever concert costumes. Everyone was busy talking about it, the maknaes calling junghoon to brag about how excited they were and showed off a few steps as spoilers for the concert as they huddled together and screamed at junghoon who just wanted to sleep if it weren't for seeun spamming his phone and disrupting his peaceful slumber.
The entire way from KQ to their venue Minjae was the happiest and didn't even try to hide it, he dragged his members around to make tiktoks that he could post later and even dragged yujun around forcing the poor boy, who just wanted to eat in peace,the venue which seemed so pretty to him. But it all dimmed when he saw all the members get compliments while he just got taunted for his height, he loved roadys and sure they were just joking around, but he can't help but feel hurt.
"MINJAE!" He snaps out of trance, jumping on his feet as he hears you scream his name, "you spaced out for a while, you ok?" You asked. Minjae smiled, he knew if anyone only you would understand his struggles, both of you were the leaders of your group and have been training together, transferring from sm to kq and helping each other with debuting. He shook his head and stood up, making his way to you as he put on a forced smile. You on the other hand knew something was going on, your worries only grew when you saw a tear slip from his eye, which he immidiately wiped off, looking away in order to avoid your upcoming lecture. You only hugged him to which he responded back by hugging you, his embrace grew tighter as he did his best to hold back tears but let go as soon as he felt your hand rub circles on his back, his mother would always rub circles on his back whenever he was down or was afraid he wouldn't debut and you stood there watching with a smile, this gesture made him realise he was homesick too but couldn't go back home yet. He couldn't help but cry onto your shoulder to which you could only console him by back rubs. "Sorry" he mumbled as he snuggled and wiped away his tears, backing away from the hug. Confused, you ask why and he says "You're leaving next week for your groups tour and promotions, the last thing you'd want to see is me crying" he says as he looks at you with glistened eyes, you insisted it was fine, he was your friend, someone who you loved even but was too shy to tell him, to see him breakdown shattered you. You held his hand, taking him to the nearest convenience store and bought him ramen, helping him sneak the packets into his dorm before junmin catches him and lectures the two of you how it's bad for your health. It was only after you heard minjae giggle for the first time in that day did you leave him alone, dropping him to his dorm and running back to yours.
You felt happy that you helped him, even happier when you heard his giggles. You wished you could hug him for hours and tell him how much you loved him and how proud you were of him for being so strong when situations weren't siding with him. However all the happiness you had was drained when you saw your members running around the form, packing their stuff, You asked your manager what was going on and your manager said how your group had to leave the first thing tomorrow morning as your schedules got leaked and your company couldn't risk in any of your groupmates or you to be hurt as a similar incident took place earlier when your group first debuted and it resulted to your you get members getting hurt the most and having to skip one or two schedules because of the injuries they had gotten. You nod, following your members to your room as you rush to pack your things. It was when you were done is when you realised you didn't tell minjae. Especially since it would be a month or so till you came back to Korea from tour and individual schedules.
You text him but ofcourse it was way past midnight at the time and with how junmin behaved more motherly to minjae than minjaes own mother, you thought probably he was asleep. Your assumption turning out to be true as you checked your phone in the morning again, before you left you checked one last time only to your dismay as the message left as unread.
It was only after your plane took off and you were allowed to turn on your phone after the plane was in cruising altitude did you see your phone blowing up with messages, you smile at minjaes dramatic messages but also felt slight sadness as you two couldn't say your goodbyes properly.
Minjae, although his texts being way over dramatic, was sad as well. He wanted to be there for you as well. His heart warmed up when you hugged him, the tip of his ears reddening as he remembers the sweet words you said as you rubbed his back. It wasn't the fact that he was homesick or that he was down at roadys remarks about him, he cried the most when he realised he was in your arms. You were his weakness, his everything. He always adored how you would care to everyone's needs, in his eyes you were the perfect leader. His heart melting at how you'd always comfort your members, be it hugging them or calling up their family and making their favourite dishes even if it was your first time just to see your members cherry selves. How you'd always be so soft and considerate with your fans. He saw everything from afar, he saw you grown in his eyes. The first time you came to sm, it was after he had been a trainee for a year. Your eyes shining as you saw your seniors practice, the way you jumped when you got your routines correct, to how you cried and laughed in his arms after your debut. He held every moment he spent with you close to his heart.
So it's safe to say how it would always be like he was missing a part of him whenever you went for tours or just away from him in general. His feelings for you growing more and more day after day, he felt like he was falling in love with you all over again whenever he saw you smile or heard your laughs.
You on the other hand was questioning life, mostly the youngest and the oldest. You caught them eating ice creams peacefully as they watched the other two other maknaes run around, the rest of the members joined in, throwing pillows around the hotel room and causing chaos, at midnight. You slapped your head on your forehead, picking up the fallen pillows, your face defeated at the room being such a mess. You glared at the oldest who was deemed to be the "mother of the group" just standing there trying to stifle her laugh. You threw a pillow at one of your members when they laughed at you, causing another round of pillow fight. All of your hair and clothes being disheveled as laughter echoed throughout the room. It was only when your manager walked in did you guys stop. There was a moment of silence, all knowing they were gonna get their ice cream privileges away again, after all your company was famous for weird bans. You stood up and bowed, your hand swinging around motioning your members to scatter off to their rooms, to which all of them did with giggles. Your manager stood there defeated. Handling ten girls was way worse than babysitting any child. He only sighed, knowing your stylists are gonna be mortified at the condition of your hair being all over the place and trying to fix all ten of you girls.
After what seemed like eternity, you were at the airport back again, waiting for your flight back to Korea. You couldn't help but excitedly text minjae everything that happened, the past month was amazing for both you and your members. Everything seemed too perfect, from how you had fun in stages to late night screaming coming from rooms because you guys wanted to play some games but resulted to cheating and some biting.
It was all too perfect to be too true. You should've seen this come to a stop as you landed back to Korea. Your laughs were interrupted by your manager running to you, telling you guys to hold to each other close as the schedules were leaked again and the entire airport was packed with reporters and fans. You could see your members getting worried. You did as you were told, you trailed behind, holding onto one of the members hand as you tried your best to shield all of them from the mobbing. All your efforts going to vain as stepping outside the airport led to more crowd, your eyes teared up at the sight of your members being pushed down, some having their yanked, you were too scared, trying your best to get out of the situation and keeping your head low, holding onto your members hands tightly. Although you girls managed to get inside the bus, seeing how some cried because of how they were hurt both physically and mentally, some "fans" even cursing at them in the airport. You felt helpless. It was as if the perfect life came to an abrupt stop. You put on a smile for them, trying to cheer them up. Ofcourse your mind was clouded with several things as well. With how people always called you a "cheap copy" of your seniors, your members labelled with even worse names.
You sighed, plopping down on the sofa with your bag, your eyes followed your silent members walk to their rooms and settle down quietly. The silence was too much, especially for a group that always had their staffs running with a baseball bat thinking someone broke in because of how much they screamed. You missed it. They would get better, you knew that, but the fact that you couldn't protect your group made you feel like the worse leader possible. You wanted to let it out, but you couldn't. You felt you were being too dramatic.
But the entire form remained silent, only slight glances were made to your manager who visited to keep track of the girls who were injured. You were scratched too, but you were too caught up to notice. You stand up, telling your manager that you'd be going for a walk, giving a small smile to the girls as a way of saying your ok just that you needed some fresh air to clear your head.
You didn't even notice you weren't speaking to minjae as you two did. You felt guilty for it all. The fear of loosing everyone you loved just because you were 'confused' was too overwhelming. Before you knew it, tears rolled down your cheeks to your chin. You sobbed silently as each step you took seemed heavier than the other. The fact that you thought you were drifting away from minjae made you feel as if your entire world was crumbling down.
Fortunate to you, it started pouring, your tears were disguised as raindrops on your face. "Y/n?" You stopped walking, you could hear your heart beating as you recognised the voice. You couldn't turn around, not when you look like a mess.
Minjae walked up to you, his smile grew wider as he recognised the back of your head, his smile immediately dropped as he saw your glistening eyes, you kept insisting it was the rain but minjae could see right through you. You eventually gave in, you rant out to him, feeling so hopeless, you were supposed to be his comfort and yet here you were having a breakdown yourself. He steps forward to hug you, letting go of the umbrella as he held you so softly, him pushing you lightly towards the streetlight as your back rested against the pole, patting your head as he rests his chin above your head, muttering a bunch of 'its ok' as you first his shirt in your hands and sob into his chest. Only when you calmed down did he break the hug, his hands on your shoulders as he stared at you. His eyes flickering to your lips, his heart racing at how you were pouting, your face best red from all the crying and staying so close to him. He inches his face towards you, his eyes still staring into yours. His hands cup your cheek as he whispers 'may i?' to which you close the gap instead, you feel him smiling against your lips as he kisses you soft and slow, his one hand going to your waist and pulling you closer. Minjae breaks the kiss, smiling as he lays another kiss at the tip of your nose. "You are the best leader I've ever known, don't ever doubt yourself ever again because you are truly one of the best people I've ever met" he says as he kisses the top of your head.
"I wish we were together in all our lives and in all the universes" you say as you held his hand while walking, smiling at how red minjae had gotten hearing your words, he looks at you, kissing the back of your hand that is still intertwined with his, still maintaining eye contact with you
"I know we are lovers in every universe and in every life time" he says, you clear your throat in an attempt to calm your rapidly beating heart. He laughs at you and pulls you with your hand to steal another kiss from you, mumbling 'cute' in between the kisses.
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lafleshlumpeater · 1 year
being besties w/ Luci would include?- (God I feel like I'll get a lot of opposition from everyone because a lot of followers and you love marauders but oh well)
: ̗̀➛ ꜱᴏ, ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏɪɴɢ ᴛᴏɴɪɢʜᴛ?
ˢᵉⁿᵈ ᵐᵉ ᵃ ᵖʳᵒᵐᵖᵗ, ᵃ ᵗʳᵒᵖᵉ, ᵃ ᶠᵃⁿᵈᵒᵐ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵃ ᵍᵉⁿᵈᵉʳ ᵖʳᵉᶠ ᵃⁿᵈ ⁱ'ˡˡ ʷʳⁱᵗᵉ ᵃ ᵇˡᵘʳᵇ ᶠᵒʳ ⁱᵗ!!
lucius malfoy masterlist remus lupin masterlist
"And then, the lupin boy had the audacity to talk me down! 'you're not the only prefect around here, malfoy,' he said. the sheer disrespect!" lucius exclaimed.
the corners of your mouth twitched upwards. "how very dare he!" you tried to sound as genuine as possible, but to be honest, you found the whole ordeal hilarious.
"i know! and-" he paused for a second and sighed. "you find this funny, don't you."
your eyes glistened with mirth. "no," you continued to almost mock your best friend, continuing to braid his unnaturally platinum- blond hair. " i think it's... quite... uhm...." you try to hold your laughter in in vain, eventually letting go of his precious locks to cover your face as you snorted into your hands. "oh my god, malfoy, you are so pathetic."
"i am not pathetic!" he exclaimed in protest. "just because he's friends with them, if he wasn't he would get them in so much trouble, detentions every day-"
"hey, leave remus alone, he's done nothing to you!"
"please, just because you have a crush on him!"
lucius was muttering angrily after you had heard him practically yell the common room password and marched into the dungeons, and when you had asked him what was wrong you had expected for him to say anything except for begin to rant about one of your classmates-nearly-mates, mates. who you also happened to have a tiny crush on. but that was besides the point.
you scoffed in retaliation. "just because he got a higher mark than you in the last arithmancy test."
"you didn't deny your little crush." he ignored the snide comment directed towards himself and mocked you instead.
"i don't like him," i murmured, concentrating at the task at hand to ignore the fact you were blushing slightly. "and shut up, you're ruining your hair."
"ow!" he muttered mock- angrily as you pulled a lock of his hair. "watch how i embarrass you in front of him tomorrow."
"you watch i don't cut your hair off in your sleep, malfoy."
"i know you wouldn't, love."
he was teasing you for the nickname remus had oh-so-casually called you when asking for an extra quill the day before, and you had blushed the hardest you'd ever had before even processing what he had asked for.
cringing internally, you were quick to snap at lucius, but it was all in good intentions- that was how you two worked.
"shut up!"
"i didn't hear you complaining when he called you that," he drawled. you slapped his hands away from where they were prodding and poking at his hair, trying to figure out what style you were doing.
"leave off, you absolute menace," you hiss. "that's different."
lucius was about to come up with another witty retort when barty threw a book at the two of you from where he was trying to sleep on the sofa, his arm sprawled across his face. "shut up, both of you. i'm trying to sleep, you're worse than regulus and bellatrix."
"shut up, barty," the two of you parroted in unison.
"just because evan left you for a 'puff girl," you snorted.
this time it was an inkwell which you dodged, well- practised at the sport. "try again, my friend."
"or DON'T!" lucius practically shrieked as he failed to avoid a cushion which you smirked at. "shut up, you."
"i didn't say anything."
"yeah, well.. shut up."
"... don't let cissa hear you saying that."
you and barty gasped.
"ooh, kinky," barty smirked.
you flipped him off in response. "shut up."
lucius smirked. "i mean, is he wrong?"
"ooh, scandalously kinky!"
barty features bc he's my bff
anyways hope you like this<3
(i hate adding tags to things sm smh)
taglist: @kimorna @quickslvxrr @bibliophile-dendrophile
READ: this account stands with palestine, and so— i require everyone who interacts to educate themselves, and support/donate. READ THESE; 1 and 2, HELP HERE, BOYCOTT. silence is complicity, do not scroll past this.
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ya-zz · 10 months
This is really important to me because my own parents don’t support me so I want you to write it.
Could you write a trans ftm reader coming out to Ana, Reinhardt and Soldier, I need the comfort and acceptance.
Thank you sm Yazz, I love youuu.
This means so much to me that you would trust me to write something like this. I hope I have done this some justice and I hope it doesn't make you cry too much my love. ♥
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(lets ignore Torb and Reyes in this gif, okay? Okay.)
Ana / Reinhardt / Soldier x Trans FTM Reader
Word count: 1665
The thought had been weighing you down for months. For years have you felt that you were in the wrong body, never really fit in with the other women. Never really fit in anywhere, but being at Overwatch made you feel like you were home. Surrounded people who always had your back, whether in battle or on base recuperating for the next assignment. Overwatch was home. 
Sitting there, wide awake at 3am made you wonder when the right time to say something was. Of course, keeping silent meant that everyone still referred to you by your deadname, the pronouns you had grown to hate. That wasn’t you, never had been. You hated your body, the female traits that you had grown to hate and the chest that you bound so you seemed more masculine, more like you. 
You had to tell someone before it eats you alive. 
Pulling off the blankets from your body, slipping into something more comfortable, you head out of your living quarters and seek one person out. One person you knew who’d be understanding no matter the circumstances, someone who would be awake at this time. 
The anxiety was at an all time high as you wander the base halls. The lights flickering above you as you walk, the hum of the electricity flowing to the next light. You try to keep as calm as you could, feeling your body tremble as you near the mess hall, but all movement stopped just beside the entrance when you hear the one woman you needed to speak to laughing. 
Only when another laugh roared out alongside hers did it break a smile on your face. 
The woman hushed the laughing man before speaking. “Don’t be scared, come on in.” 
With a slight hesitation, you enter the room, seeing both Ana and Reinhardt sitting on the sofa. They look over at you standing in the doorway. 
“What ever is the matter?” Reinhardt speaks up, German accent thick and a look of concern on his face as he sees the worry in yours. 
“You look absolutely petrified.” Ana remarks. She pats the space between the two of them, signaling for you to come and sit beside them. “Come, what’s on your mind, sweetie?” Her voice was so soft, you swear you could listen to her talk for hours, no matter the subject at hand. 
Sitting between their bodies, you look down at your hands that were clasped together, a tight grip that made your knuckles white. 
Reinhardt adjusts his position, they both did as they sat straight, looking down at you with nothing but concern. 
“Is everything okay?” Reinhardt places a hand on your back, the size difference enough to make you feel smaller than you already were. 
“I… I need to tell you something.” You start, your body beginning to shake once more, then the rambling begins. “I- I was only planning on telling you, Ana. I didn’t think you’d both be in here. I’m worried about what you’d think of me after I tell you, scared you might not want to work with me anymore. You two… You two have been better parents to me than my actual parents and you’re not even my parents. I consider you two to be, though, oh god I really do… I feel safe with you two…”
“What’s wrong?” Ana places her hand just beneath Reinhardts on your back. Her other hand resting on top of your hands that were shut so tight around each other that it was hurting you. 
Then there was a knock at the door. “Am I intruding?” 
“Jack? What are you doing up so late?” Ana turns around to see commander Morrison stood in the doorway, sleep evident in his eyes. 
“You can hear Wilhelms laugh from across the base.” Jack moves his way around the room, heading straight for the coffee machine. “You know I’m a light sleeper, Amari. Besides, it’s a sleepless night for me.” His hands wrap around the mug, feeling the warmth in his palms. 
“Seems like there’s a lot keeping us awake tonight.” Ana chuckles. 
“What’s wrong, kid?” Jack moves to sit on the other sofa that was directly across from you. His eyes were tired, yet they were soft. 
Reinhardt's hand moves on your back, rubbing up and down, soothing that anxiety almost instantly. 
Now there were three of them surrounding you, but you didn’t feel uncomfortable at all. You felt safe being around those three. Ana, Reinhardt and Jack… Three soldiers who have had your back since the very first day you arrived, taken care of your wounds and made sure to bring you home safe from every bloody assignment. 
Tears stream down your cheeks almost immediately. The overwhelming feeling of being safe, feeling the unconditional love from these three have finally come crashing down on you. 
“Did I do something?” Jack questions, though there was a smile on his face. 
“No- no. You haven’t done anything.” You laugh, wiping the tears away with the cuff of your sleeve. 
“Why are you crying, dear?” Reinhardt speaks softly, hand not ceasing movement in soothing you. 
“I just…” You sigh. You’re here now, there’s no going back. 
All three of them are looking at you, waiting for you to speak. They don’t force you, they keep quiet. Jack sips his coffee, Ana keeps her hand on top of yours with her thumb soothing your knuckles and Reinhardt keeps rubbing your back. 
It’s now or never…
You hesitate, keeping your head down. “I’m trans.” 
There was a deafening silence. You felt like you couldn’t breathe, the room was starting to spin but one voice broke you out of that trance. 
“What do we call you?” Ana asks. 
“What…” You blink, looking up at her. 
“Your name. What’s your name?” She smiles at you. 
“[y/n].” You say. Your name. Not your deadname, not the name your parents so called “gifted” you with. Your name. 
Ana repeats your name, almost a confirmation to her and her smile never wavers. She lets go of your hand and pulls you into a tight embrace. 
“Forgive us.” She speaks. 
“You haven’t done anything wrong.” You laugh, holding onto her and sobbing. 
“It must’ve been years you’ve felt this way.” Her hand rubs the back of your head. “You’ve put up with us referring to you incorrectly for so long, and for that we owe you an apology.” 
“No- no, please, don’t. I just… Didn’t know what to say or when to say it.” Your hands hold onto her, face buried into the crook of her neck. 
“Then forgive us should we call you your old name.” Reinhardt speaks out, his hand returning to your back. “It’ll be a learning curve for us too.” 
You shake your head as you pull away from Ana. “No, please don’t feel bad if you do.” 
Reinhardt doesn’t waste anytime in pulling you in for a hug either. His larger form enveloping you, almost swallowing you in his arms. He was warm. 
“We love you for who you are, [y/n].” Ana speaks, using your name. It sounded so real, so sweet coming form her. “We know the hardships you have been through. You are family here.”
“Overwatch is family…” You say, muffled against the larger mans chest. 
“Overwatch is home.” Reinhardt says, looking over at Ana with the largest smile she had ever seen. 
Jack, meanwhile, was sat watching this entire scene play out. His own smile was hidden behind the mug of coffee that had long since gone cold. He watched as you cried in their arms, watched as they both hugged you together, almost like a mother and father would do to their child. 
“Suppose I better get some paperwork sorted.” He finally speaks. 
You, Ana and Reinhardt look at him which throws Jack off guard. 
“What?” He chuckles. “You want this official, kid?” Jack looks over at you and sees you nod, the sweetest smile on your face. “Then I will make it official.” 
“Thank you.” Your voice was soft, tears in your eyes as you watch the commander stand up. He walks over to you and wraps his arms around you. 
“You’re brave kid, strong too. We need you.” He says in your ear. “Welcome to the team, [y/n].” 
Days had since passed since you came out and you were already drafted for the next assignment. Reyes, Cassidy, Ana and Genji were there too, all of you seated around the table as Morrison debriefed you on what was happening. 
“[y/n], you’ll be on security.” The commander speaks. 
Cassidy and Genji look over at each other before the cowboy speaks out. “Who’s [y/n]?” 
“Me.” You say proudly. 
“Well I’ll be damned.” Cassidy smiles. 
Genji nods, a smile also on his face. 
“It’s about time.” Cassidy jests, looking at you and winking. “Had an inkling about you.” 
“Don’t say it like that-” You laugh. 
The cowboy grins from ear to ear before tipping his hat to you. 
“You could tell with him but can’t tell when that damn archer is flirting with you?” Reyes chimes in. 
That sparks an argument between Reyes and Cassidy, Genji sinking further into his seat as he tries to hide, not wanting to hear the absurdities coming from the pair. 
Ana looks over at you as you’re watching the two men argue, a smile on your face, cheeks flushed from the happiness inside. Jack was too busy trying to get those two to shut up, their voices getting louder, but that didn’t matter to you. 
You were accepted among them, even if the entire base didn’t know yet. Those that mattered most to you accepted you without any questions or hesitation. It was going to take some time for everyone to get used to your new name and pronouns, but you were just so overwhelmed with loved and acceptance that you didn’t care. 
For once, you felt like you belonged. You were home.
Overwatch is home…
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erabu-san · 1 year
I had a fremellei brainrot I need to share with someone (I WOULD JOIN THE DISCORD BUT IT WOULDN'T LET ME FOR SOME GOD FORSAKEN REASON😭)
So, I doubt Collei would be able to swim. Maybe Tighnari tried to teach her but it just didn't work out. So while visiting fontaine, she mentions this to Freminet and she talks about how she'd like to be able to dive and look at all the sea creatures and explore. And she says it with this longing in her eyes that Freminet just MELTS for. And he nervously says-
"Well....I could teach you how to swim.....if you wanted..."
(I think this would happen after Collei gets a bit more comfortable with touch)
Collei just lights up at the idea and gets really excited. Not only because she'd finally learn how to swim, but also because she would have an excuse to spend time with Freminet!!
So Freminet starts giving Collei swimming lessons, going step by step to make sure she's comfortable. I think this would also be Collei getting to see just how passionate Freminet is about diving, and that would like- make her even more attracted to the sweet boy🥺
Finally, the day comes where Collei is finally able to start diving. Freminet is with her the entire time, and makes sure nothing bad happens to her. While Freminet is keeping watch for her, Collei is just having the time of her life. Looking at all the sea creatures, getting close to them (stressing out Freminet I'm sure lol). And Freminet just looks in her eyes, seeing the wonder and curiosity she has. And just that look, makes him fall for her even harder
Eventually the pull up and take a breather. They sit near the water and talk about the experience. Collei is just talking about how she's so excited to show Cyno, Amber, and Tighnari that she can swim, and also tell them about the cool stuff she saw. And she's saying all this Freminet's looking at her with pure adoration in his eyes. Thinking about how pretty she looks when she's all excited. And at that moment, all his self consciousness just kinda goes away, and he gets lost in Collei's presence
Collei eventually realize she was rambling and gets embarrassed and apologizes. Freminet reassures her that it's okay and laughs
"....that was amazing for your first time diving Collei.."
"Ah...was it really??? I'm glad!! I felt a little nervous at first but I knew I was safe because you were with me Freminet!!"
Freminet smiles and continues to look at Collei adoringly
"....you're amazing, Collei..."
And somehow, his body acts without him thinking and he gives her a kiss on the cheek. Collei is stunned by the sudden action and just freezes in place, face flushing with red and brain just short circuiting. Freminet soon realizes what he did and just thinks "oh shit I messed up- what if she hates me now?? I should've gotten consent, did I just ruin our friendship?? oh no, oh no, oh no-"
He clears his throat and stands up, trying to compose himself, telling Collei that they should head back now before it gets dark, swiftly trying to change the subject. And Collei's mind is racing, and she feels like she should say or do something. As Freminet begins to starts walking away, she stands up and grabs him arm
And she pulls him back a bit, and returns the kiss on the cheek. They just .....stare at each other for a little while before both clearing their throats and being like "um yeah so we should go back now"
And they are both left internally SCREAMING after that incident. And I think that would be the turning point in their relationship where they realize they both have feelings for each other.
Wow, I typed a lot. Sorry for giving you a long ask, I just really wanted to tell someone about this and I feel like you're like the establisher of fremillei 😭<33
Love your art sm🥹 have a lovely day!!
HAHAHAHA yeah I love how my blog become a Fremillei Confession or what, But !! I love to read everything concerning Fremillei feel free to share more ! Have a lovely day too ! Thank you so much 🥹🫶
Here the link ! Hope it works ! https://discord.gg/qDe2m9bVus
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elderwisp · 1 month
TEN FUN FACTS ABOUT ME *airhorn noises*
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⟡ I am very good with a kitchen knife, even better if I have a fitted cut glove. Cutting herbs is probably my favorite bc I can get it really fine in three or less cuts :3
⟡ I used to do open mics but singing in front of a crowd while playing an instrument is... Terrifying. Still love to sing though! The first time I sang in front of my bf, he cried I am A RIZZ GOD-
⟡ I have a wicked sense of smell and hearing. At my old restaurant, I could hear from across the kitchen on a busy day and it would freak people out. However, my vision is shit. HAH-
⟡ I love puzzles or strategy games. Idk my brain just hyperfixates on how quickly I can finish it.
⟡ I collect ethical taxidermy! I have a wall filled with bugs that died from natural causes as well as skeletons or paperweights.
⟡ I ate so many hot cheeto fries for years that I developed a really bad stomach condition. Ah.
⟡ I used to be in theater. It actually might be something I regret because our teacher wasn't the best at their position so I never really felt any growth. You either had to be good or that was it. I would get parts but I hated it sm bc we would get type-casted hardcore.
⟡ I love horror, HOWEVER i am that person that will hide behind something the whole time. I love having horror game livestreams in the background.
⟡ I'm not very athletic. I have tried so hard to try out a sport but it wasn't very fun. I did take up skateboarding for a few years but I kept... Falling off my board... Maybe longboarding is good, yeah? I guess that goes to say that I am not very coordinated. WOO!
⟡ I am incredibly critical of myself, it's actually something I am actively trying to work on but I think nothing ever feels good enough which is silly and all. My old boss would always tell me I had imposter syndrome like yes shawty I'm aware, my therapist is aware, CHILL !
tagged by @flovoid and @venriliz (my bad cuh it took me almost two weeks to think of something BAHAHA)
i tag @earthmoonz @living-undead @sirianasims @rebouks if u'd like O3O
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enid-rhees · 9 months
hey!!! i wanted to request an enid x fem!reader modern au where they go to the same school and enid has like a one sided rivalry with the reader and the reader is oblivious as to why enid doesn’t like her until they end up hanging out at a house party, maybe smoking on the roof or wtv, and enid admits that she doesn’t actually hate the reader and that the reason she gets so mad all the time is because she likes the reader and doesn’t know what to do about it. and then they kiss 😛 thank u sm!!!
i (don’t) hate you || enid rhee x fem!reader
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warnings: a bit of angst, weed (smoke responsibly!)
a/n: thank you for requesting, anon! i am such a sucker for non-apocalyptic stories for Enid, so i really loved writing this 🫶🏻 Enid icon made by @elisiassideb1tch 💙
Enid Rhee Masterlist
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you didn’t know when or how it started, really. you had never been mean or said anything mean to Enid, but yet, she treated you like you killed someone.
everyday in the classes you had together, you were always met with stabbing glares from Enid whenever you made eye contact with her. and the thing was, you honestly wanted to be her friend. you’ve attempted to talk to her before, but she would only give you a dirty look and walk away.
today wasn’t any different.
you sat in the seat you were assigned to in your fifth period class: English. students started to fill up the class, and you managed to catch Enid walk past you as quick as she could. oh, you forgot to mention, you share more than one class with Enid, and this happened to be one of them.
her perfume briefly filled your nose, and you couldn’t help but close your eyes at the sweet scent. everyone sat down in their seats and the teacher stood up from her desk. Mrs. Smith was her name.
“alright, today, i have set up a project for all of you.” groans and whines filled the room, and Mrs. Smith rolled her eyes and waved her hands. “all you need to do is read one of these books i have sitting up here with me, and you’ll need to write an essay explaining the plot and moral of the story. and you’ll be doing this with a partner.”
oh god, you thought. you pretended not to care by scribbling doodles on your notebook in front of you as Mrs. Smith started to read out names.
“Enid and Y/N!” Mrs. Smith suddenly announced. your pencil froze in your hand and you slowly looked up at her, and then at Enid. you met her eyes, Enid didn’t look happy. what a surprise.
Enid raised her hand, “can i work on this alone?” your eyes lingered on Enid still, and you swore you felt your heart drop a bit. you really didn’t understand what she had against you. and you couldn’t lie, it hurt.
“oh, um, sure. Y/N, you could work alone too or find someone else. it’s up to you.” you sighed and nodded. “i’ll just work alone.” you said quietly.
Mrs. Smith clapped her hands together once. “okay! you’re all in pairs or working alone. now, ill be passing out the books. and the book i give you is the one you do your project on, so do not try and beg for a new one.”
you could really care less about which book she gave you; you’d read anything that came your way. you continued scribbling in your notebook until Mrs. Smith dropped a book on your desk.
Romeo and Juliet, great.
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“i got paired with Henry for that English project.” Carl told you, mindlessly playing with his food in the cafeteria. “yeah? good for you.” Carl furrowed his eyebrows at the way you responded. “what’s up with you?”
you sighed and dropped your piece of food. it really wasn’t that good anyway. “i got paired with Enid for that stupid project. but literally right after Mrs. Smith called our names, she asked to work alone. so that left me with working alone as well. i’m just.. frustrated.”
“isn’t that a good thing? i thought you didn’t like her.” you groaned, “no! i’ve never hated her, Carl! i wanted to be her friend, but she’s the one that acts cold towards me, and i haven’t done anything to her. that’s why i’m so frustrated.”
Carl only shrugged, “i don’t know, then. it’s weird, but it seems like there’s nothing you can do. just try to ignore her whenever you can. don’t pay any attention to her, maybe she’ll finally stop.”
you nodded, “yeah, i guess i’ll try. see what happens.” you looked down at your food, “can we go? i can’t stand looking at this stuff.” you asked, grimacing down at your food. Carl laughed, “yeah, we can go. wanna head to the library?”
“yeah, i wanna work on this project.” you and Carl both stood up and walked over to the trash cans to throw your trays away. when you turned back around, you stumbled back as someone’s shoulder ran into yours. you turned around again, watching as Enid threw her tray away and began to walk away as if nothing just happened.
you let out a deep sigh and began walking towards the exit and straight to the library. Carl found a table near the back and you dropped your bags down on one of the chairs and pulled your laptop out. “don’t you need to read the book first?” Carl questioned.
“i can’t tell you how many times i’ve read Romeo and Juliet because of English class. and the plot and moral isn’t that hard to understand. i can knock this out in ten minutes.” you shrugged.
“i don’t think Henry knows shit about the book Mrs. Smith gave us.” Carl sighed, making you chuckle. “what book?”
“The Hunger Games.” he responded. “oh, you’re so lucky. i would much rather have that.” you whined, opening up a Google doc. then, an idea popped in your head, and you remembered that Carl had been begging you to go to this upcoming party with him. “okay… i’ll tell you what.”
“since this is going to take me around ten minutes, i’ll do the project for you and Henry. and you finally shut the fuck up about Ron’s party. okay? we got a deal?”
“deal. but you’re still going.” you sighed. “whatever. you also owe me a pizza.” Carl groaned while you smirked over at him. “we need to stop doing things for each other.” he sighed.
you began to type away on your laptop, and Carl had quickly told you he would be right back to use the bathroom.
“do you have to be everywhere i am?” a voice of clear annoyance spoke. you looked up, not surprised to see Enid. you laughed, “i’ve been here for like, five minutes, Enid. you’re the one who walked in after me. stop acting like i’m some freak who’s following you around.”
“i’m just tired of seeing you. i’m tired of your face, your voice, just looking at you is irritating the fuck out of me.” you honestly didn’t know what to say back, why is she saying all of these things? she can easily turn around and walk away, but instead, she’s making her problem yours.
“Enid, if you hate me so bad, then leave me the fuck alone. you are constantly making your own life harder by talking to me. you make me feel like fucking shit for no reason, you go out of your way to say these things and blame me for it! just leave me alone!” you cried out, and some heads turned towards you, including the librarian. you didn’t know where the sudden outburst came from, you’ve been holding it in for a while.
Enid was silent. she looked down at the ground before turning on her heel and walking out of the library. Carl came back just then, turning to look at Enid and then back at you. “what just happened?”
“nothing.” you said quickly, taking a deep breath. “i’m almost finished with this. we can go home afterwards.”
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you could hear the music blaring through speakers outside, before you can even get inside the house. people crowded outside as well, some sitting alone with a beer can, and some with their tongues down another’s throat.
you walked past all of them and opened the front door, there were even more people here than outside. Carl stayed right behind you, eyes scanning around the place. “i’m gonna find Henry. stay safe, alright? just text me if we need to leave.” Carl shouted over the music. you nodded and began walking over to the drinks. Ron definitely stole the various six packs of beer, but you weren’t complaining as you cracked one open.
walking around the house, you started to realize why you really hated parties. it was hot, the music was overwhelmingly loud and people screaming over it didn’t help. in every corner, there was someone making out with a person they probably wouldn’t remember tomorrow.
and now with Carl not by your side, you really didn’t know why you were even here. you thought about leaving, but you knew he’d probably get drunk and you’d have to hold his hand like a child all the way home.
a tap landed on your shoulder. you turned around, and of course, it was Enid. you sighed and began to walk away, but she grabbed your hand. “wait,” she began. “come with me. please.”
you debated on pulling your arm away from her and telling her to fuck off, but the way she looked at you made it near impossible. you nodded, “fine.”
Enid led you outside, and then to a gate that went up to the roof. the two of you climbed it, and sat on the center of the roof. you looked out over the other houses, you hadn’t seen a view like this before. Enid tapped your shoulder again and handed you a joint. you didn’t even question why she had it. “thanks.” you mumbled, and she reached over to light the end for you.
you put the joint between your lips and inhaled deeply. the smoke filled your lungs and you closed your eyes in utter relaxation. then you looked back at her, “why’d you bring me up here, Enid? didn’t insult me enough today?”
Enid began to speak, and then she cut herself off with a sigh and dropped her head in her hands. “god, i’m so sorry.” she whispered. you furrowed your eyebrows. then she looked up at you. “i’m so sorry. i… i’m such a terrible person.”
“Enid-“ you started.
“i don’t hate you.” Enid blurted. “i never hated you. but i made you think i did because im so… goddamn stupid.” you shook your head slowly, “i don’t understand, Enid.”
“i like you. so much. im practically in love with you. but… a girl has never made me feel the way that you do. and i got scared. so i did what i thought was best but i was only hurting myself, and hurting you even more in the process. i’m so sorry.”
you could only stare at her. you didn’t know what to say. Enid never hated you, in fact, it was the total and complete opposite of that. she liked you, like… like liked you. your heart started to beat faster and faster.
“i’m-i’m not expecting you to forgive me. i totally understand. i’ve been such an asshole to you and i don’t deserve-“ Enid was cut off when you slammed your lips onto hers. it took her a few minutes to process, but then she was kissing you back just as hard. Enid gripped your waist and kept you close to her as your lips moved perfectly against each other; fitting perfectly like a puzzle piece.
the kiss continued, neither of you wanted to pull away from each other. even though you were almost out of breath, you couldn’t bring yourself to stop.
when you did pull away, Enid was breathless and she couldn’t stop looking down at your lips. “wow,” she laughed, and you laughed along. when her eyes met yours, you got lost in them immediately.
a smirk made its way to your lips. “you have a lot of making up to do for putting me through all of that for months.” Enid laughed, “i can’t argue with that. tell me what you want, it’s yours.”
“you.” you whispered, bringing her lips back to yours.
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