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Rise above the chaos. You got this, GRRRL. 💪🏼💞 Happy #WomanCrushWednesday! Be the kind of woman that crushes it, no matter what life throws her way. Yes. You. Can. . . . . . #jironword #shethrivesinchaos #chaosaintgotnothingonme #wce #wednesdaywisdom ikeadiamond #idomybestworkunderpressure #humpdayhustle #glutegrrrlguide #flexyourfaith #showyourstrength #yougotthisgirl #womencrushingitwednesday #strongwomensupporteachother #cherylnormanfit (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/BurELqWnPBZ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=7vu3jkfc2rh1
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My #springcleaning is nearly done, cleaned, organized, I launched the March @glute_grrrl_guide, and lost 6 pounds this past week on my #CherylNormanFit #WholeFoodsDetox, reset my system, worked my booty off (well, not literally 🍑 lol) this week, today I watched @cityviewphx service online, went for a run with Gavin and Rowan, the boys helped out, my love is on his way home, the weather in Phoenix is GORGEOUS, and I feel GREAT! 💪🏼���️🙏🏼☺️🌵🙌🏼☀️🎉#HappySunday my lovelies! I hope your day was blessed and beautiful! Let’s make it a BEAUTIFUL week! #sundayfunday #sundayrunday #mondaymotivation #motivatedanddetermined #motivatedanddriven #letsdothis! #glutegrrrlguide #theglutegrrrl #cherylnormanfit #glutegrrrl #flexyourfaith #showyourstrength #ifeellikesuperwoman #Godisgoodallthetime #exhaustedbutdetermined #singlemomlife #boymom #adoptdontshop #springhassprung #homecoming #rescuepup #couplegoalsss #worksmartnothard #motivatedandinspired #sundayservice #thankyouJesus 📷 @mandashea717 💞 (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/BukrTXoDmwD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1y9g883mk7vc
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Happy #FlexFridayyy!!! 💪🏼 Better one or better two? 🕶👓 #YouCanBeBoth, girl! #ladyinthestreetbutafreakinthegym #beastmodebarbie #flexyfriday #bringinflexyback #barbiegotabooty #buildabooty #itsnotevenhumpday #theglutegrrrl #glutegrrrlguide #gogogadgetglutes #ladyinred💃 #blondeshavemorefun #cherylshavethemostfun #buildabody #murves #musclesbuildcurves #highheelsandlace or #leggingsandsneakers #ootd #nikeairmax #lululemon #fitfriday #cherylnormanfit (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br7878nnEcX/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=y2rrs8rj334g
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💥💥 KA-POWWW! 💥💥 . Just over here building beautiful booties like whaaaa!!! 🙌🏼🍑💪🏼😍 Contact me to schedule your #GluteTraining STAT!!! 📆✏️🍑💪🏼🙌🏼 #ibuildbootiesforaliving #YouWishYouHadMyJob 💁🏼♀️🍑😜 Lol! Happy Humpdayyyy, y’all!!! (Excuse our cackles and giggles! We ALWAYS have fun in my gym! It’s a must! And that zoom though! 👀👀👀 So good! Lol) . . . . . #OhMyGodBeckyLookAtThatButt #StopFlirtingWithMyMan lol! #PuttinOutTheVibe #TheGluteGrrrl #GluteGrrrlGuide #BootyBuilding #HappyHumpday #shelfbootycertified #ShelfBooty #BabyGotBack #ilikebigbuttsandicannotlie #bigbigbootywhatyougotabigbooty #thebootybuilder #theglutegrrrlguide #guidetogorgeousglutes #igotchuboo #myhumps #bootybuilder #becauseglutes #wednesdayworkout #workoutwednesday #glutesNhams #embraceyourcurves #proudtrainer #musclesbuildcurves #trainlikeagirl #cherylnormanfit @cvan1104 (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmytdI_B7dC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=51k0p1fygwtv
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Quads?...or Hams? What’s your biggest strength? Biggest weakness? What comes easy to you? What’s your biggest goal? A balanced physique is GOALS. Fo’ sho’, but we all have areas that could use a little extra effort, and others that come more easily to us. I have strong legs and glutes, but my hamstrings are strangely way stronger than my quads. (My theory is they are the synergists (helper muscles/partner-in-crime) to my glutes, and we know my glutes are strong, sooooo.... 💁🏼♀️🍑 • Anyway, it’s Monday. What are you most motivated to work on this new week, fresh start? #MotivationalMonday #ilovewine #nomakeup #nofilter #dontcare #theglutegrrrl #bootybuilder #glutegrrrlguide #stronglegs #quadzilla #hamstringsonfleek #hugehammies #glutegrrrl #mondaymotivation #bootybuilding #thebootybuilder #strongfoundation #strongcore #stablebase #itsallaboutthebass #jeanshorts #motivationmonday #goals #crushyourgoals #goodlighting #quadriceps #hamstrings #flexyourfaith #showyourstrength #cherylnormanfit
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It’s time for the March launch!!! ALLLLL NEW full-body workouts 💪🏼 with a booty building/lifting 🍑 focus that you could ever need to reach your #fitbodygoals! 🎉 Are you all signed up? Are you even following the @glute_grrrl_guide?? What are you waiting for??! Let’s reach those goals together! Follow @glute_grrrl_guide and DM your email address to get started! (No spam promise!) I can’t wait!!!😁☺️🎉 _________________________________ You asked. You asked again and again. Well, it’s finally here! The @glute_grrrl_guide just for you! You want those #bootybuildingsecrets? #FitBodyFabulousness? #BuildABooty? #FannyLifting? #BootyShaping? Safe and #FunctionalFitness? Feeling AMAZING in your skin at ANY age? I gotchu grrrl! 💪🏼 And guys, I gotchu too! BECAUSE... what’s that thing I always say??... oh yeah! #BOYSneedaBOOTYtoo! 💪🏼🍑 Anyway... the suspense is killing me! I’m soooo excited about these #FullBodyFit #BootyBuildingWorkouts I can hardly stand it! 😬😬😬🤯🤯🤯🎉🎉🎉 . 🍑 🍑 . But—this is a #membersonly 🍑 #secretsharing deal here! One month of membership is LESS than ONE PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION WITH ME! You sign up for the monthly membership and get all of the following, PLUS MORE! 💪🏼😀🎉 . 🍑 . * Specialized Workouts, whether you’re a #GGGgymRat or a #GGGhomeBOOTY, designed personally by me, using what has worked for me and my booty, created especially for all of YOU! . * And I’m not giving you one or the other like so many plans out there...HECK NO! You get BOTH! The way I see it, that means NO EXCUSES not to get REAL RESULTS! . * A private Facebook group for support and accountability! . * LIVE Q&A sessions! . * Monthly Check-ins . * Random surprises . * A GGG Booty-Bonus MOVE OF THE WEEK! . * My love, my support, and you better believe HEAPS of FUN & “Cheryl Craziness”! . * Aaaaand soooooo much more! . 🍑 . Who’s in? Guys? Gals? We will get those #FitBodies and #BootyGains FO’ SHO! Who’s with me?! ✨➡️ DM your email address to get started! LET’S DO THIS! ⬅️✨ #dreambodycomingsoon! #FOLLOW @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide . . . . . . . . . . #glutegrrrlguide #theglutegrrrl #glutegrrrl #glutegrrrlgains (at Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere) https://www.instagram.com/p/BubZj-VnLzL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kl3uskgldyn1
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You asked. You asked again and again. Well, it’s finally here! The @glute_grrrl_guide just for you! You want those #bootybuildingsecrets? #FitBodyFabulousness? #BuildABooty? #FannyLifting? #BootyShaping? Safe and #FunctionalFitness? Feeling AMAZING in your skin at ANY age? I gotchu grrrl! 💪🏼 And guys, I gotchu too! BECAUSE... what’s that thing I always say??... oh yeah! #BOYSneedaBOOTYtoo! 💪🏼🍑 Anyway... the suspense is killing me! I’m soooo excited about these #FullBodyFit #BootyBuildingWorkouts I can hardly stand it! 😬😬😬🤯🤯🤯🎉🎉🎉 🍑 🍑 But—this is a #membersonly 🍑 #secretsharing deal here! One month of membership is LESS than ONE PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION WITH ME! You sign up for the monthly membership and get all of the following, PLUS MORE! 💪🏼😀🎉 🍑 * Specialized Workouts, whether you’re a #GGGgymRat or a #GGGhomeBOOTY, designed personally by me, using what has worked for me and my booty, created especially for all of YOU! * And I’m not giving you one or the other like so many plans out there...HECK NO! You get BOTH! The way I see it, that means NO EXCUSES not to get REAL RESULTS! * A private Facebook group for support and accountability! * Weekly LIVE Q&A sessions! * Monthly Check-ins * Random surprises * A GGG Booty-Bonus MOVE OF THE WEEK! * My love, my support, and you better believe HEAPS of FUN & “Cheryl Craziness”! * Aaaaand soooooo much more! 🍑 Who’s in? Guys? Gals? We will get those #FitBodies and #BootyGains FO’ SHO! Who’s with me?! ✨➡️ DM your email address to get started! LET’S DO THIS! ⬅️✨ #dreambodycomingsoon! #FOLLOW @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide . . . . . . . . . . #glutegrrrlguide #theglutegrrrl #glutegrrrl #glutegrrrlgains #onlinetrainer #onlinetraining #fannyfitness #bootyburn #bootyfordaysss #gluteguyguide #babygetsback #cherylnormanfit (at Online) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtNSp27jV0c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lh1rzh9vf5ha
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I know I posted several #ittybittyCheryl pics lately, and some commented I had no butt. It’s not my goal to mislead you. I always had SOMETHING, but not from doing NOTHING. When I was a gymnast, you use your legs and glutes soooo much, that I definitely had conditioned glutes as a child. . . There was most definitely a time after losing my pregnancy weight, being so stressed out in my marriage, not prioritizing my health nor fitness for several years, and getting so skinny that I lost my butt. When I say lost my butt, I mean muscle, fat, etc. it was just blahhhh.... After having Broden, I was your typical cardio bunny trying to get my body back. Didn’t work. Duhhh. . . After having Gavin, I started picking up some weights. A year or two later, I started teaching my total body conditioning Fit & Firm Classes, which DRASTICALLY helped my Bootayyy—you should see my clients/students; I am DEFINITELY #thebootybuilder 🍑😍), but I continued excessive cardio/running. . . In 2014, I started training for my first competition, and worked my @$$ off 💪🏼 (or I guess, in this case, worked it ON, lol) like many newbie lifters, the changes started happening fast (although—of course—I personally didn’t see it. 🙄 Lol) I got the stage pics back from my first show August 2014, where I won first place open, and was shocked as heck! That couldn’t be me! . . After that, I just worked HARD, not just lifted heavier, but I incorporate a lot of high volume in my classes and my lifting sessions. I use multiple methods to grow my glutes to what they are now. I ate and trained them to grow. I can help you do the same. Patience, hard work, and the right plan is everything. Let me help you reach YOUR goals! 💪🏼🍑🙌🏼🏆 Start today! I have a few one on one spots available for phoenix residents, and a new session of my classes starts next week! Whatever your budget, I can help! But you gotta’ work for it! . . . . . H A P P Y H U M P D A Y . 💪🏼🍑 You know what they say... #romewasntbuiltinaday and #muscles take time to grow. Time, lifts, and proper fuel. Contact me if you want to #buildabooty. ��� #theglutegrrrl #glutegrrrlguide #dontbuywhatyoucanbuild #dontwishforitworkforit
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If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. 💁🏼♀️ High reps, light load last week for #BootyDay🍑 Today I’ll be going lower reps, heavier load. Gotta’ keep those glutes guessin’! And also gotta’ work with what you have available. This is super light weight for deadlifts, and ESPECIALLY for hip thrusts for me, I am aware. However, TRUST ME, I built my booty with only light weight to start, and have built up in weight safely and gradually over the years. 🍑 DL’s and hip thrusts are a must. Two of the #bestbootymoves out there. Check your form! In order to stay in a constant state of CORRECT range of motion during a deadlift and #RepItOut, if you will, you simply can’t be throwing heavy weight around or you’ll have a high risk of being injured! 🚑🚨💊💉🌡 #CheckYoSelfBeforeYouWreckYoSelf! On heavy load days, take it slow and steady and reset whenever your form starts to break. #BuildThatBooty! #HappyHumpday #ifyoubuildittheywillcome #deadliftthatderriere #theglutegrrrl #glutegrrrlguide #guidetogloriousglutes #bootywerksoyoucantwerk #justkiddingmaybe #bootywerkout #bootyworkouts #squeezetheglutes #bootybonus #ifitaintbrokedontfixit #bootybasics #keepthoseglutesguessing #deadliftsandhipthrusts #hipthrustisamust #deadliftsanddonuts #donutsanddeadlifts🍩 #glutegaintrain #cherylnormanfit (at Goelet A.C. Beuf Community Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp5BLUEAnlV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kvxlaejy7ity
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Move of the Week! 💪🏼🔥🙌🏼🎉 #BulgarianSplitSquat 🍑 These are soooo versatile and a great go-to move for both: #LegDay OR #BootyDay! 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼. Switch up your stance: wider for more #GlutesNHams action or narrower for more #Quadsss! Use a barbell across the shoulders, or go what I like to call #VulgarianStyle 😜 and straddle over holding the barbell lol, or throw a Dumbbell in one or both hands for more or less #CoreStabilization, ORRRR as shown in #GobletSplitSquat form! Sooooo many possiblities! 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼 #MightAsWellJUMP too! Do 3-4 sets of 15 on each leg. #Superset with jumps to BURN IT OUT!!! 🔥🔥🔥 #INSANEBURNOUT!!! I like to squeeze my quads AND glutes at the top of the movement for that extra #BootyBonus as I so lovingly call it! And gentlemen, DON’T forget my motto: #BoysNeedABootyToo!!! 🍑🍑🍑 (And as always, #NeverSkipLegDay!!!!) . . . . . #quadburner #bootyburner #theglutegrrrl #gloriousglutes #glutegrrrlguide #workoutoftheweek #wod #squatsong #cherylnormanfit (at Goelet A.C. Beuf Community Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpBOdQlDD12/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1xtnoyaj6jwgw
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Soooo Humpday came and went, and here it is now Thursday already! 😱😱😱. What a busy week you guys! 😳 Well I’m going to disobey the “Rules”, throw it back this Thursday, and post a #WednesdayWorkout for you today! #HappyBelatedHumpday my lovies! 💪🏼😘🍑 #WERKDATPEACH!!! ... Here’s a simple yet effective glute workout you can do when you’re say, at a community center or a hotel gym that doesn’t have a TON of heavy weight to move around. Baby weights? NO EXCUSES!!! 💪🏼 Try this, and TAG a #BootyGainsHangry amiga/amigo to try it with you! May all the gains be ever in your favor! 🙌🏼🍑🙌🏼🍑🙌🏼 Enjoy! - [ ] Standard Hip-Thrusts (Feet Elevated) (sped up 2x to fit) - [ ] Hip-Thrust-Pulses (Feet Elevated) - [ ] Open/Close Hip-Thrusts (Feet Elevated) (adductor abductor) - [ ] Deadlifts (Feet on a step or riser to get those extra few inches of depth) - [ ] Sumo-Stance Deadlifts - [ ] Seated Hamstring Curls - [ ] Standing Weighted Glute-Kickbacks (my buddy says bye! Lol) Do 15-20 reps of each move (high volume bc low weight) and all the way through 3-4 times. Superset, warmup, or finish with band-work, and your GLUTES will be SCREAMING! TRUST ME, this is enough to grow those glutes, no matter what “studies say”. I utilized this very gym to go as @jamieeasonmiddleton says: #FromFlatToAllThat! Lol ... PS: I need you to know I ate 2 #HUGHJASS (lol) cookies whilst I typed this. Life yo’ life babyyyy! Xo ... 💞😘 Cheryl . . . . . . . . . . #gloriousglutes #glutesfordaysss #ilikebigbiblesandicannotlie #bigbigbootywhatyougotabigbooty #theglutegrrrl #glutegrrrlguide #gainsonthego #glutegainsonthego #buildabooty #thebootybuilder #thehipthrustisamust #hipthrustsareamust #deeperdeadlifts #sumostancedeadlift #weightedglutekickbacks #throwbackthursday #dontforgettheisometrics #glutesNhams #cherylnormanfit (at Goelet A.C. Beuf Community Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BozxosvhEdY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=umii9v26rnqh
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No gym? #NoExcuses! 💪🏼 . Short on time? #NoExcuses! 💪🏼 . Don’t have a resistance band? Do these moves without. #NoExcuses! 💪🏼 . Not hard enough? Use the cable machine at your local gym, and kick the weight up a notch, or use multiple bands! #NoExcuses! 💪🏼 . . Whatever it is....#iGotchuBooBoo 😘 . . . HERE’S YOUR QUICK (BANDED) CIRCUIT: - [ ] Standard Donkey Kicks - [ ] Straight-Leg Glute-Pulses - [ ] Bent-Leg (Heel-2-Celing) Donkey-Kicks - [ ] Leg Extentions 🎼Song is #JackieChan (Workout Remix 138) on #SongsOfSummer by @powermusic 🎤🎹🎧 I do not own the rights, just bought for my #groupfitnessclasses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #shejustwannadoitforthegram #kickitjackiechan #bandwork #bootywerk #bootybands #glutewerk #legday #glutesNhams #theglutegrrrl #glutegrrrlguide #bootybuilding #thebootybuilder #glutegrrrl #becauseglutes #bootybuilding #nogymnoproblem #nogymnoexcuses #notimenoexcuse #youmaketimeforwhatyouwant #youmaketimeforwhatsimportanttoyou #maketime #giterdoneson #ootd #lululemon #flexyourfaith #showyourstrength #cherylnormanfit (at Goelet A.C. Beuf Community Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/BmwbrAJBEWn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8nop0jvx5mch
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Be a #GOALdigger, babyyy! 💪🏼💞 Go get your sweat on! It’s #SweatSaturday! 🏋🏼♀️😅 And if you don’t know where to start, check out my @glute_grrrl_guide for your #fitbody and #bootygains #fitspo, perfectly #prescribedworkouts, expert #bootybuilding and #fannylifting guidance, live Q&As, private exclusive Facebook group, #groupmotivation, #CherylCraziness, #bootybonus #moveoftheweek, fun group members, and soooo much more! 💪🏼🍑🙌🏼🎉 Email [email protected] to get started! LET’S GO! 🎉🎉🎉 #theglutegrrrl #thegluteguide (at Online) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtrUkQPnu-4/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1r4azjrcvo4z0
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O-KAYYY???!!! 💁🏼♀️ I feel ya, Joey. 🙋🏼♀️🥰 #SharingFoodIsHard #ThrowbackThursday to when this was supposed to post YESTERDAY, but didn’t. Oops. That’s okay, I’m hungry everyday. 💁🏼♀️ #HangryAllTheTime #ThrowdownThursday #HungryHumpday #BootyGains #StopStealingMyGains! #AllTheFoodAllTheTime #BootyGrowth🍑 #HangryHumpday #HungryHungryHippo #GirlCantHelpIt #iLoveToEat #FoodIsLove #BootyGainsAreLife #BootyGainsAreComing #JoeyFromFriends #FriendsTVshow #illbethereforyou #FavShowEVER #GOAT #gimmeallthefood #TheGluteGRRRL #GluteGRRRLguide #GluteGRRRLgains #BootyBuilding🍑 #OnlineCoach #OnlineTrainer #CoachCheryl #CherylNormanFit (at Phoenix, Arizona) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtlcThdHtZA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=c1c0bagjrqst
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Happy Humpday! 🍑 Love this! Soooooo MY honey! ❤️ ... And all that’s great, but first, YOU must learn to LOVE YOUR BODY...in all its shapes and stages. ❤️ #LoveYourBody #EmbraceYourCurves (and contact ME if you want to #BuildABooty!!!!🍑🍑🍑🙋🏼♀️ . . . . . . . . . . #happyhumpday🍑 #ihaveabigbutt #helovesmybooty #findyouridentityinChrist then #loveyourself #beproudofwhoyouare then #findamanwholovesyouforyou #justasiam #doesmybuttlookbiginthesejeans #dontlietomeboy #bigbigbootywhatyougotabigbooty #littleinthemiddlebutshegotmuchback #ilikebigbuttsandicannotlie #likewinningthelottery lol #helovesmejustthewayiam #ilovehimjustthewayheis #ilovehisbeardhelovesmybutt #theglutegrrrl #humpdayeveryday #glutegrrrlguide #gloriousglutes #goglutes #gobigbootyorgohome #teambigbooty #becauseglutes🍑 #cherylnormanfit https://www.instagram.com/p/BpUeEwzD3O2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=femmybszl8e3
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...Me: “You’re a pain in my butt!” 🙄 BUTT I love him. #MCM ❤️😍 . . . #youcandosidebendsorsitupsbutpleasedontlosethatbutt #priorities #mce #paininmybutt #helovesmybutt #ilovehisbeard #andtherestofhim #dietingdown #boyfriendproblems #pleasedontlosethatbutt #bootyman #mancrushmonday #cheerstothat #datenight #memorialdaymartinis #cheers #helikesbigbuttsandhecannotlie #theglutegrrrl #bootybuilder #babygotback #mancrushalways #glutegrrrl #bootybuilding #glutegrrrlguide #myman #couplegoals #lovehim #laughterismylovelanguage #cherylnormanfit
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