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It’s time for the March launch!!! ALLLLL NEW full-body workouts 💪🏼 with a booty building/lifting 🍑 focus that you could ever need to reach your #fitbodygoals! 🎉 Are you all signed up? Are you even following the @glute_grrrl_guide?? What are you waiting for??! Let’s reach those goals together! Follow @glute_grrrl_guide and DM your email address to get started! (No spam promise!) I can’t wait!!!😁☺️🎉 _________________________________ You asked. You asked again and again. Well, it’s finally here! The @glute_grrrl_guide just for you! You want those #bootybuildingsecrets? #FitBodyFabulousness? #BuildABooty? #FannyLifting? #BootyShaping? Safe and #FunctionalFitness? Feeling AMAZING in your skin at ANY age? I gotchu grrrl! 💪🏼 And guys, I gotchu too! BECAUSE... what’s that thing I always say??... oh yeah! #BOYSneedaBOOTYtoo! 💪🏼🍑 Anyway... the suspense is killing me! I’m soooo excited about these #FullBodyFit #BootyBuildingWorkouts I can hardly stand it! 😬😬😬🤯🤯🤯🎉🎉🎉 . 🍑 🍑 . But—this is a #membersonly 🍑 #secretsharing deal here! One month of membership is LESS than ONE PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION WITH ME! You sign up for the monthly membership and get all of the following, PLUS MORE! 💪🏼😀🎉 . 🍑 . * Specialized Workouts, whether you’re a #GGGgymRat or a #GGGhomeBOOTY, designed personally by me, using what has worked for me and my booty, created especially for all of YOU! . * And I’m not giving you one or the other like so many plans out there...HECK NO! You get BOTH! The way I see it, that means NO EXCUSES not to get REAL RESULTS! . * A private Facebook group for support and accountability! . * LIVE Q&A sessions! . * Monthly Check-ins . * Random surprises . * A GGG Booty-Bonus MOVE OF THE WEEK! . * My love, my support, and you better believe HEAPS of FUN & “Cheryl Craziness”! . * Aaaaand soooooo much more! . 🍑 . Who’s in? Guys? Gals? We will get those #FitBodies and #BootyGains FO’ SHO! Who’s with me?! ✨➡️ DM your email address to get started! LET’S DO THIS! ⬅️✨ #dreambodycomingsoon! #FOLLOW @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide . . . . . . . . . . #glutegrrrlguide #theglutegrrrl #glutegrrrl #glutegrrrlgains (at Anytime, Anyplace, Anywhere) https://www.instagram.com/p/BubZj-VnLzL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=kl3uskgldyn1
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You asked. You asked again and again. Well, it’s finally here! The @glute_grrrl_guide just for you! You want those #bootybuildingsecrets? #FitBodyFabulousness? #BuildABooty? #FannyLifting? #BootyShaping? Safe and #FunctionalFitness? Feeling AMAZING in your skin at ANY age? I gotchu grrrl! 💪🏼 And guys, I gotchu too! BECAUSE... what’s that thing I always say??... oh yeah! #BOYSneedaBOOTYtoo! 💪🏼🍑 Anyway... the suspense is killing me! I’m soooo excited about these #FullBodyFit #BootyBuildingWorkouts I can hardly stand it! 😬😬😬🤯🤯🤯🎉🎉🎉 🍑 🍑 But—this is a #membersonly 🍑 #secretsharing deal here! One month of membership is LESS than ONE PERSONAL TRAINING SESSION WITH ME! You sign up for the monthly membership and get all of the following, PLUS MORE! 💪🏼😀🎉 🍑 * Specialized Workouts, whether you’re a #GGGgymRat or a #GGGhomeBOOTY, designed personally by me, using what has worked for me and my booty, created especially for all of YOU! * And I’m not giving you one or the other like so many plans out there...HECK NO! You get BOTH! The way I see it, that means NO EXCUSES not to get REAL RESULTS! * A private Facebook group for support and accountability! * Weekly LIVE Q&A sessions! * Monthly Check-ins * Random surprises * A GGG Booty-Bonus MOVE OF THE WEEK! * My love, my support, and you better believe HEAPS of FUN & “Cheryl Craziness”! * Aaaaand soooooo much more! 🍑 Who’s in? Guys? Gals? We will get those #FitBodies and #BootyGains FO’ SHO! Who’s with me?! ✨➡️ DM your email address to get started! LET’S DO THIS! ⬅️✨ #dreambodycomingsoon! #FOLLOW @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide @glute_grrrl_guide . . . . . . . . . . #glutegrrrlguide #theglutegrrrl #glutegrrrl #glutegrrrlgains #onlinetrainer #onlinetraining #fannyfitness #bootyburn #bootyfordaysss #gluteguyguide #babygetsback #cherylnormanfit (at Online) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtNSp27jV0c/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lh1rzh9vf5ha
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3 Common MUST-DO moves for your Glute-Gains with some #CherylNormanFit #BootyBuildingSecrets 🍑 thrown in as a #BootyBuildingBonus! #YoureWelcome! 💪🏼😘 #HipThrusts, #Deadlifts, and #SumoSquats oh my! Check out the additions, and definitely add them to your #glutedayroutine to REALLY start growing those #AMAZINGGLUTES! (Start with lighter weight, as shown, and build up gradually for safest and most longterm results) . . . #glutegirl #bootybuilding #glutegains #thebootybuilder #msbootybuilder #pelvicthrusts #pliesquats #kettlebellswings (at Goelet A.C. Beuf Community Center)
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