#glowing baby yoshi
Mushroom Kingdom Yoshi Extinction And Rewilding 2
In a previous post I spoke about how it seems to be heavily implied Yoshis used live all over the Mushroom Kingdom and primarily went extinct. With the Yoshis we see nowadays being Mario's Buddy Yoshi, his friends, and Yoshis from the Wild Yoshi Sanctuary all coming from Dinosaur Land. But I also believe have seen a few straggler Yoshis before, what little remains of Yoshi populations within the Mushroom Kingdom.
So first off there is the Yoshis of Yoshi Village which is on Lavalava Island. Lavalava Island is located in the lake or inland sea to the South of the Grasslands which is part of the Mushroom Kingdom and the Greater Mushroom Continent. I believe these Yoshis are Native ones and did not come from Dinosaur, and these are some of the few remaining Yoshis that still live in the Mushroom Kingdom.
The second ones are the Yoshis from New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe. These Yoshis seem to be on roaming around places like Acorn Plains on their own which is part of the Mushroom Kingdom and the greater Mushroom Continent. I believe these are also some of the few remaining Yoshis within the Mushroom Kingdom that did not come from Dinosaur Land. I also believe due to them not growing up form eating a lot,their unique abilities, and their different colored eggs. That these Yoshis are part of a subspecies of Yoshis like the Mini Yoshis. But these ones in particular are exclusive to the Western regions of the Mushroom Kingdom.
Speaking of Mini Yoshis, I might as well talk about them. So Mini Yoshis are a subspecies of Yoshis that can hatch as any color and come from a Multi Color Egg. Mr. Hoggles says in the game about the egg, "No! Please! Come back to me! Someone, help! My rare, imported egg has escaped! Please catch it!" This reveals to us Mini Yoshis are not native to Rogueport or the Mushroom Kingdom. So they are probably from Dinosaur Land and given the dialogue are a rare subspecies of Yoshis which would explain why we don't see so many.
Edit, Dinosaur Land is actually located in the Mushroom Kingdom, and thus the Yoshis from the Western Mushroom Kingdom are some of the few that still exist on the mainland, separate from Dinosaur Land's Islands and Lavalava Island. Explanation
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earthnashes · 1 year
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The explosion of Hookbill the Horrible's giant shell shatters the sky and leave's Melon's ears ringing. All at once there's chaos; Hookbill himself-- once a giant terror, and now shrunken down to a pitiful koopa-- plummets off the platform they battled on. Lakitus fill the sky of their lair in a frenzy, shouting in panic and split between fleeing, or diving to try and grab their boss mid-fall. There are giant shell fragments everywhere, splintering like shooting stars all around, and Melon has to concentrate hard not to get hit. He jumps from the crumbling stone platform to land on a hovering sphere, but the moment his weight hits it the number on it's side begins to tick tick tick.
7... 6... 5...
Melon makes a frazzled sound while whipping his tail, tapdancing his paws anxiously, glancing everywhere. Looking for anything that could serve as something to keep him and baby Mario from plummeting to the hard earth below, but he sees nothing.
With little choice, Melon barks at baby Mario to hang on before he begins sprinting, hopping like a bunny on each platform as its countdown continues.
They're quickly running out of ground. Melon's heart pounds as he runs, and he sees the end of the line.
He's fallen from high heights before, but this is really cutting it close! Melon only hopes he has enough magic to cushion their fall. And as the final platform comes up, Melon grits his teeth--
--and leaps.
He expects them to plummet just as Hookbill did. And for the most part, they do, clouds and fragments zipping past them and the wind whistling in their ears. But suddenly, Melon feels Mario shifting around on his back; he can't really see what the boy is doing, and immediately feels panic when the arms around his neck are suddenly gone.
Did Mario lose his grip?!
Melon doesn't get the chance to look; Mario's weight has vanished from his back... only for a strong hand to grasp his paws, and suddenly, Melon is no longer falling.
He's flying.
Melon blinks once, twice, three times, before he snaps his eyes up above him. If he hadn't seen it with his own two eyes, he wouldn't've believed it. Mario meets his look with a starry, fiery one of his own. He gives the binkie a single chew.
Melon isn't the one flying. Mario is.
The baby carries him as if he weighed little more than a bag, a brilliant yellow cape billowing out behind him as he pulls up. Melon can't help but wonder how how how? But as they pass the tearfully Hookbill in their descent, a memory flashes through his mind.
The Super Star fruit... that had to be it! Hookbill ate half of one to get larger before he attacked. Mario must've picked up the leftover while Melon was occupied with the battle.
However it happened, Melon felt a proud grin stretch across his face. His previously panicked barks became ones of excitement, and he kicks his paws in a mimic of a Flutter Kick.
Down they go!
Unbeknownst to either baby Mario or Melon, little red-faced creatures land atop the clouds behind them. Glowing white eyes watch the pair's decent as they disappear into the trees, followed only by the echo of Melon's barking.
The Tweeters chirp at one another before they take off in the opposite direction...
Part 6<<– Part 7 (CURRENT) –>> Part 8
Retelling of Yoshi’s Island from the perspective of one specific Yoshi (Melon) on a quest to get baby Mario home! There is an update every Monday. :)
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ym-loreposting · 9 months
How many King Boos are there?
King Boo is a reoccurring antagonist in the wider Mario franchise and the main villain of the Luigi's Mansion subseries. Some questions surround him, like if there are multiple of him or just one. This is because his design has changed somewhat depending on which series he appears in.
He debuted in the first Luigi's Mansion game, where he appears as a large Boo with a blue tongue, glowing eyes and a shadow over his eyes. This design would generally be followed in the other games in the Luigi's Mansion series, but outside it, King Boo received a tamer design. The second game he appeared in was Mario Kart: Double Dash!!, where he just looks like a large Boo with a more generic golden crown. This would go on to become King Boo's standard design outside the Luigi's Mansion series. Some believe these different designs are different characters and to complicate matters, a third variation with strange eyes and a long tongue also appeared in Super Mario Sunshine. So what gives?
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One (true) King Boo
Right off the bat, I want to say that there is one "true" King Boo. Or in other words, the designs on the left and in the middle above are the same character. This is most blatant in Mario Kart Tour, where both designs appear and are considered alts of the same character with the same emblem and everything. Even characters that are evidently the same, like Cat Peach, Baby Peach and Peach, have different emblems at times. So that they have the same emblem seems a pretty open and shut case.
Beyond this, it is also noteworthy that in Mario Superstar Baseball, King Boo has bad chemistry with three characters: Luigi, Baby Mario and Baby Luigi. The bad chemistry with the babies may be riffing on the fact children are afraid of ghosts, but the bad chemistry with Luigi suggests a specific reference to the Luigi's Mansion series which would once again indicate both designs are the same character. In the sequel, Mario Super Sluggers, he additionally has bad chemistry with Mario, which makes sense given his anger towards Mario in Luigi's Mansion and his multiple kidnapping attempts. He also has bad chemistry with Yoshi in Super Sluggers, which is not a clear reflection of any known event.
If both designs are the same character, it does beg the question as to why they look different in the first place, aside from the differences in atmosphere between the Luigi's Mansion series and other Mario subseries. Some have suggested it is due to the crown King Boo wears in the Luigi's Mansion series, which is inlaid with a jewel and amplifies his powers. However, this does not work. King Boo wears two crowns throughout the Luigi's Mansions game: one with a red jewel in the first game and one with a purple jewel in Dark Moon and Luigi's Mansion 3. Only the second crown is said to amplify King Boo's powers. Furthermore, King Boo is seen in his Luigi's Mansion design without the power-enhancing gem at the end of Luigi's Mansion 3 and without any crown at the end of Luigi's Mansion.
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Seán D. Walsh came up with the idea that in the Luigi's Mansion games (and by extension Mario Kart Tour), King Boo's appearance is different because he is angry. This would be in line with the appearance of Mad Boos and Mad Big Boos from Super Princess Peach, which have similar glowing eyes and a similar shadow around their eyes. It also fits since King Boo is generally angrier in the Luigi's Mansion series than he is in other games: in the first game due to E. Gadd capturing Boolossus and some past meddling of the Mario Bros. In Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon and Luigi's Mansion 3 due to Luigi meddling in his personal plans (those unaffiliated with Bowser) multiple times.
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This would mean that King Boo's design that first appeared in Mario Kart: Double Dash!! is his default state of being, and there is also some support for this. In Mario Superstar Baseball, it is said the gold crown he has in that design is his trademark one: "The king of the Boos. The golden crown is his trademark, and while he looks similar to other Boos, it's obvious that he's much larger than the others."
Furthermore, the ghost of Yikk in Mario & Luigi's Bowser's Inside Story + Bowser Jr.'s Journey also owns a figurine of King Boo in his tower. The figurine is of King Boo's design outside of the Luigi's Mansion series and given that Yikk is at least older than Bowser (since he isn't aware of Bowser), it seems that this is the appearance King Boo was most known by in the timeframe before Bowser's birth.
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"King Boo" in Super Mario Bros. Wonder
Super Mario Bros. Wonder adds a wrinkle to this topic, as in several levels, a Wonder Effect happens wherein King Boo appears (in his design introduced in Mario Kart: Double Dash!!). At the end of the Wonder Effect, this King Boo turns into a normal Boo and its gold crown falls away. Does this suggest this King Boo design is fake in some way after all?
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Not quite. The King Boos in Super Mario Bros. Wonder only appear under the influence of Wonder Flowers' power when the playable characters collect the flowers and their appearances are thus rather situational. While Wonder Flower effects can last for longer periods of time as is the case with Castle Bowser, there is no indication Wonder Flowers are a factor in any previous games. Thus far, they have only appeared in Super Mario Bros. Wonder and Super Mario Run. These are random Boos being transformed into fake King Boos and they return to normal once the Wonder Effect passes.
Boss Boo in Super Mario Sunshine
The final thing to address is King Boo in Super Mario Sunshine. He is fought once under the casino in the basement of Hotel Delfino. The thing is this boss isn't called King Boo in Japanese, but Boss Boo: ボステレサ or Bosu Teresa (the Japanese name for Boo). King Boo meanwhile is called キングテレサ or Kingu Teresa.
The other thing of importance is that King Boo appears to be made of paint from Bowser Jr.'s Magic Brush. A lot (but not all) of the enemies in Super Mario Sunshine are made from paint, as is evident when they melt away into goop after being defeated like Petey Piranha or leaving dirty paint splotches behind like Strollin' Stus.
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When King Boo in Sunshine is damaged and defeated, particle effects appear that are similar to those that appear when balls of goop hit the ground. This indicates this King Boo is another fake, this time produced by the paint of the Magic Brush.
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So, how many King Boos are there? One, technically three. The one that appears in Luigi's Mansion and most other Mario games is the same individual. The ones that appear in Super Mario Bros. Wonder and Super Mario Sunshine are fake King Boos, produced by Wonder Flowers and the Magic Brush respectively.
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pikolswonderland · 1 month
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Urban Conspiracy...EXPLAINED!
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HELLO EVERYONE!! I've been putting this off for a while now, but I think it's finally time I make an explanation post for my original TMNT iteration, Urban Conspiracy! However, before we begin, there is some stuff I need to clarify first.
This is NOT a full explanation of the WHOLE iteration, such as complete descriptions of characters and the ENTIRE storyline (those will be saved for future posts). This is just an introduction to the main premise, characters, world building, and lore. Secondly, some aspects of this iteration may potentially change as time goes on (for anyone who read my ComputerBug fic set in this iteration, there are already some significant differences between when I uploaded that fic and now). Finally, this iteration will discuss and portray some potentially triggering themes and content, including in this post. Please keep this in mind and proceed with caution. Also, this post is going to be a bit long, so watch out for that as well!
Now, with that all out of the way, let’s begin!
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15 years ago, a mysterious tragedy occurred in New York City, known as the TCRI Disaster. The TCRI (Technological Cosmic Research Institute), was a government organization stationed in New York, dedicated to researching anomalous scientific phenomena and materials.
One night, however, a huge disaster occurred causing a large portion of the facility to be completely destroyed and exploded, completely out the blue. As a result, many of the scientists, visitors, and animals used for experiments were killed or went missing. To this day, nobody knows what really happened that night. Who or what caused the disaster, and what happened to the people and animals whose bodies were never found?
One thing was for certain though, something shifted within the general populous. Even long prior to the disaster occurring, there was already a famous urban legend that plagued the streets of New York. It was believed that there existed a mysterious substance known as the ooze, a bright green glowing sludge said to have the ability to turn normal humans and animals into mutant monsters. Yet still, despite the numerous reported sightings of these so-called mutants roaming the city, no concrete evidence existed that proved that the mutants and the ooze actually existed. However, things started to change after the TCRI Disaster. The reported sighting of mutants skyrocketed, and more and more people started to speculate the possibility of what was once a simple urban legend...could actually be true...and whether or not the TCRI Disaster and these mutant sighting were somehow linked.
But whether or not you actually believed it or thought it was all bullshit, what nobody realized was that the legends...were all true. A certain bunch of turtles could attest to that.
Leo, Ralph, Donnie and Mikey were all originally just normal baby turtles, born in the TCRI laboratory to be used for experiments. In reality, the ooze...or by its more proper title as mutagen, did, in fact, actually exist. The mutagen had the ability to mutate any organism within the kingdom of Animalia into hybrid of it and the last organism (also within the kingdom of Animalia) it had made physical contact with.
In the case of the four brothers, it was the humans that cared for them within the laboratory, turning them essentially into humanoid turtle people. Though in the case of their adoptive father, Splinter, his situation was a little different. Once a famous action movie star by the name of Hamato Yoshi, he just so happened to be visiting the TCRI facility when the disaster occurred and having come in contact with one of the lab rats within the facility, his fate was sealed. He was now stuck as a humanoid rat with a bunch of turtle children to raise, who just so happened to be mutated in the same disaster as he was.
Yet despite them technically not being entirely human, at least in their bodies, they were human within their brains and hearts. They had human lifespans, they thought like humans, they talked like humans, they were essentially...humans. However, the outside world was too dangerous for them, if anyone ever found out about the existence of mutants, who knows what terrible things could happen! They had to stay safe, to stay hidden. They made their home in an abandoned subway tunnel, right underneath an old 24/7 internet cafe, only occasionally leaving for quick trips on the surface. Additionally, Splinter decided to teach and train his sons in the art of ninjitsu, so they could fight and defend for themselves, just in case.
However, on the brother's 15th birthday, 15 years since the TCRI Disaster, 15 years since they were mutated, 15 years since they became this weird little family, Splinter decided to do something. He believed the turtles were strong, old, and responsible enough to go to the surface, all by themselves, without the supervision of their dear father. The four teenage boys were excited and overjoyed, finally being able to have their first real taste of freedom that night! There was only one rule, don't let any humans know about you...
...unfortunately, that rule just so happened to be broken in the exact same night. At least this teenage human girl by the name of April O'Neil is more than happy to keep quiet about the existence of mutants, especially since these four mutant turtles just saved her life as well. The only reason their secret even got out was thanks to them being suddenly attacked out-of-the-blue by a bunch of members of the Foot!
The Foot was said to be a mysterious organized crime syndicate from Japan but stationed in New York. Little was known about them and their goals, all that was known was that they were extremely dangerous and not to be trifled with. However, many people also believed the Foot were having an increasing interest in the rumors about the mutants. People have slowly been going missing without a trace over the past 15 years, and with that being just around the same time the Foot had shown up, and when the TCRI Disaster happened, there was indefinitely something strange going on. Something bad was happening, and it's going to be up to these mutant turtles and their new friend (and some future friends as well) to get to the bottom of it. From mutants, to gangsters, vigilantes, robots, crazy scientists, an underground society, and interdimensional aliens, things are certainly going to be interesting.
However, one thing is for certain, good old New York City is about to get a whole lot weirder!
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Special thanks to @catonamatchbox, @glitter-alienz, and @acidichcl for inspiring me to make my own TMNT iteration and for accidentally really getting me into this franchise at all! I'll be making some more explanation posts in the future as well. Also, I encourage you to send me asks for this iteration based on this and this Ask Game as well, I tend to have an easier time explaining things by being asked questions! My ask box is always open! Until then, I'll see you all soon!
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Ɀረ ዐ𐌄ዪᏵ፱𐌐ቹ𐌐ል, Ᏽ፱𐌐ረ ክ𐌄ዪ የ𐌁ጊᕓል𐌕 𐌔፪𐌄 𐋅ቻ ክ𐌙ሃ. Ᏽ፱𐌐 𐌓፱𐌍፪𐌅 Ꮦ፱ᕓየ𐌵 𐌄ዪᕓፕ𐌀ቻ ፪𐌉ዪ𐌄 𐌁ⶴ𐌄 𐌵፪Ɀዪ ፓᕓሃ𐌙 𐌀፪Ᏽ Ꝋዪ ዪᏵዪ𐌄ል𐌍ሃ, 𐌀፪ ጊ𐌍ፏᏵዪ𐌄 Ꮦ፱𐌍ፏ, Ꮦዪ ፓᕓሃ𐌙 𐌔ህ𐌀ዓ ር𐌍ቹ𐌍ዓᕓቻ𐌐. ህ𐌔 ᕓፏ ፓᕓሃ𐌙 𐌀፪Ᏽ Ꝋዪ ነ𐌁ቹ ⶴ𐌅, ፏ𐌵ዪ𐌀 ᕓፏ ፓᕓሃ𐌙 Ꝋዪ ነ𐌁ቹ ፪𐋅ቹ የ𐌵ህ𐌙ዓ𐌄ዪ𐌀. ነ𐌁ቹ ፏ𐌵ዪ ፕ𐌙፪𐌄ረ ፪𐌔 𐌁ⶴ𐌄 𐌙ህ𐌉ዪ𐌅 𐌍ል𐌒 Ᏽ፱𐌐 𐌕ሃ𐌁ፓᕓል𐌕 𐌕ቹ𐌐ዪ𐌀 ᏖህᏵ፱ᕓል ፪𐋅ቹ ዐ𐌙፪𐌁ዓ, 𐌔፪𐌄 ᕓፏ ጊ𐌍ሸ𐌐ቻ ⶴ𐌅 Ꮦ፱𐌁 Ꮦዪ ክ𐌄ዪ.
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oneshotnewbie · 11 months
Can you make a oneshot where Alex Danvers plays Mario Kart with Baby Danvers because Baby Danvers is sick?
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Already the day before at the DEO you showed small signs of illness during a mission. Weakness, indescribable sweating, mixed with a high fever and flu-like symptoms whereupon J´onn sent you home to rest.
He noticed that one of his favorite Danvers actually looked a little more sickly than they were letting on and grimaced. Even if you shook your head frantically and tried to suppress a cough, your eyes were dull, your skin pale and your cheeks seemed to glow in an unusual reddish color.
In that state, he did not want you to continue working.
Even after J´onn called your siblings to the lab you were working in and the redhead put a hand on your forehead, you did not let go of your lie. "Hey, girls. I am not sick," you said with a sniffling nose and yet they were undeterred and sighed almost in unison. "You are running a fever. Kara will take you home now and you will go to bed. No back talk."
Nodding, you stood up, took off your lab coat and disappeared from the small lab into the changing room. You gave up arguing with your siblings, had to admit to yourself that they were right.
Your head felt like it was stuffed with cotton. You have not been feeling so great for days. You froze no matter how high you turned the heater on in the lab, your nose ran non-stop and made it difficult for you to breathe. Your throat was sore when you ate or drank, and you had a sore taste on your tongue from the violent fits of coughing you were trying to suppress.
Kara took you home, had quickly rummaged in the bathroom for pills and medicine in the drawer for headaches and coughing. She put all the different medicines on the table in the living room and prepared a teapot for you, humming softly to herself.
Meanwhile you lay down on the sofa and closed your eyes. You were very lucky to have such wonderful sisters, they were the ones who looked after you so lovingly when you were sick and vice versa.
"Here, I made you some tea. I want this pot to be empty before Alex and I come home tonight," she said, smiling at you. You gratefully accepted the tea and rubbed your forehead with the back of your hand before taking a sip from the full cup. "Will be done, mom."
The blonde rolled her eyes before kissing you on the top of your head and leaving you alone. She wanted to stay with you and take care of you, but today was one of those days when Supergirl was constantly needed.
You spent most of the day resting, falling into a peaceful sleep shortly after Kara´s disappearance. You woke up briefly in the afternoon and turned around, but your body did not want to go back to sleep so you made it your mission to counteract your boredom.
Laying comfortably on a pillow in front of the TV, you rekindled your childhood. Water and tea were set aside, some cough drops from the bag spilled wildly across the table while blank papers of them lay on the floor.
The images of Mario Party, Bandicoot and SpongeBob SquarePants flickered on the flat screen TV for the next few hours, immersing you in your own world. Only when your two siblings came home with dinner that evening did you come back to reality.
During the dinner together, the redhead asked you to compete against her in Mario Kart and your face looked determined to finish her off. Meanwhile, Kara was tired after the hard day and lay down on the free couch, watching Yoshi and King Boo shooting each other.
You fidgeted happily on your stomach to adjust your awkward position on the floor, leaning slightly against your big sister and uttered a few loud coughs meanwhile the redhead tried to focus on what was happening on the screen while taking a sip from her beer.
You really enjoyed being around your sisters in a calm environment without work getting in the way. And even if you were actually too old for something like that, the whole thing was still a lot of fun for all of you.
You drove skillfully and calmly along the routes while Alex concentrated on every little thing on the screen and pressed the buttons with sweaty hands. Kara, on the other hand, ate the last potstickers that were left and could not help but laugh at the soft curses coming from the oldest Danvers.
Cheering, you threw the controller in front of you after your deserved victory and turned to Kara, who sat amusingly on the sofa and watched you conquer the Mario Kart tracks. Her gaze literally melted away at your happy sight of the golden trophy. "Look who is at the top of the list and who only came third and got beaten by an non player character," you stated and a wide grin spread across your still sickly looking face.
"You do not play fair! You cheat!"
Alex was not too thrilled about standing on the last winner´s podium. Usually, she way always the first when she played against Winn. But you were a tougher opponent, with good luck for the gifts.  "I do not cheat! I gave you time to pass me several times-" you began, but were immediately cut off. "Nevertheless you managed to sneak up on me from behind and then throw those green Koopa things at me"
"It is not my fault thatyou drive like an old granny in first gear!" you stuck out your tongue and leaned towards her. The redhead rolled her eyes and gently pushed you away from her. The blonde grunted and started laughing uproariously at the comparsion while the redhead gave you a look that could kill you. You had provoked her and now you had to suffer for it. She jumped on top of you and tickled you through, you squealing happily as she did so. "Alex, leave her alone. She can not breathe anymore"
"I want revenge"
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aldenverse-tmnt · 6 months
Aldenverse!TMNT Pre-canon:
Years ago, Yoshi- the ninjitsu master and leader of the Hamato clan- was happy. He was very close to both his partner, Tang Shen, and friend Oroku Saki- until Saki, jealous of the power he held, tried to have him killed. Shen fought alongside her partner, but ultimately lost her life to Saki. Yoshi and the clan drove Saki and his supporters away, then, full of grief, he stepped down as leader and left.
Yoshi ended up in New York, deciding to start a new life, and adopted four baby turtles as pets. However, when bringing them home from the pet store, a large truck overturned and spilled its contents into the road. A few of the canisters broke, splashing Yoshi and the turtles with the glowing green substance. They returned home, and Yoshi awoke in the night to the strange and painful discovery that he was no longer human- and that his turtles were now something more as well.
Yoshi, now resembling a large rat, quickly realized that he wouldn’t be able to live among the humans until he found a solution. Unable to abandon his turtles, who were now bipedal and roughly the size of toddlers, he decided to bring them along. The five soon found an abandoned subway station and decided to stay there, at least for the time being. The days soon turned to months, however, and the months to years, and Yoshi and his new sons found themselves too attached to leave.
The subway station was large enough for them all, but it was inevitable that the young children would want to explore the tunnels. Splinter, as he had renamed himself, accompanied them, but found it difficult to keep an eye on all four at once. Mikey wandered off, meeting and very nearly befriending a young alligator before accidentally scaring him. The alligator attacked, and while Splinter was able to intervene before anyone could get hurt, he realized that teaching the children self-defense was a good idea.
Splinter didn’t tell his sons about his past for a long time, wanting to put that behind him now that he was a father. However, Raph liked to sneak out and watch boxing matches. One day after a match, he got ready to head home, when he saw the winner get attacked from behind. Instead of using their boxing skills, however, the winner defeated the attacker using a ninjitsu move Raph recognized as one Splinter had taught him and his brothers. When this was brought up to Splinter, he realized that Saki or one of his supporters were here in New York, and decided that it was finally time to reveal his past.
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shower-racoon · 8 months
for the funky little guy contest: are yoshi, koopa, and/or chain comps eligible?
TL;DR: technically a form of yoshi counts. poll at the bottom.
I would love to count yoshi, but not only can none of the sources I've looked at agree on a height for yoshi, but they all agree that he's taller than 5 feet.
koopas are 4 feet tall, so they would qualify, but it's hard to say whether or not they have "murderous intent", as they seem to just be vibing in most games.
chain chomps vary in size and can be short (according to superherodb.com, as short as 9 inches), and I'd definitely define them as having murderous intent. however, most chain chomps don't wear the required one article of clothing, and those that do tend to exceed the height limit.
all of that said, baby yoshi would qualify.
baby yoshis are definitely shorter than 5 feet tall, they eat your enemies if they're small enough (which counts as killing them in my eyes), and if you look at this image from the Super Mario Wiki:
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baby yoshis wear shoes.
so the real question is,
(not including the SMW baby yoshis because they turn into regular yoshis after eating 5 enemies, while the NSMBU baby yoshis stay small no matter how many enemies they eat)
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game-boy-pocket · 1 year
That's right, it's once again COMPLAIN ABOUT YOSHI'S DESIGN O'CLOCK!
So I was playing the Akenia Build of Super Smash Bros Melee, which has all the trophies unlocked. The thing that made me a huge Nintendo fan in the first place, rather than just a Mario one, was admiring the trophies in that game, so I thought I'd take a trip down memory lane... and then I noticed something.
The trophies you get from classic mode are usually just models ripped right out of promotional material, rather than beingtheir in game model. We all know Yoshi looks closer to a mix between Super Mario World and Yoshi's Island in Melee.
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I like this design more than his modern design by a lot but I admit it still has it's problems that make it tough to look at for today's standards. His lower jaw is kinda fucked up and his eyes may be a bit too bugged out. I get why modern audiences wouldn't like him... but anyway, moving on.
His classic mode trophy is literally just the model from Yoshi Story.
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So, I have many issues with this design. A lot of them have to do with the body. I excused it in Yoshi Story, because those Yoshis were supposed to be babies. I think someone at Nintendo forgot that detail and we've been stuck with stubby Yoshi ever since. But i'm not talking about the body. It's that ridiculous nose. It's so big and it looks like you can pluck it off because, when you turn Yoshi in profile, you can see a visible seam where his nose connects to his face. Let me show you an example from his newest render, Super Mario Wonder.
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Now... a lot of people see Yoshi in Mario Wonder and say "ohh he looks much better, his proportions are closer to Super Mario World" and while I agree he's improved, he is still kinda far off from being Mario World. I wish his tail was just slightly longer, and his arms and hands just a smidge smaller. But it's a big glow up... the problem is still the nose. Do you see the seam?? I feel like I can pop it off like a green grape right off the vine.
But back to melee.. look at this.
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His Yoshi Story model didn't have the seam in his nose??? Or at the very least Sakurai decided to smooth it out when converting the Yoshi Story render into a model for the trophy. Why did they intentionally maintain that seam for all these years? He doesn't have it in his 2D artwork, but all his 3D models have it...seemingly intentionally? Nintendo please, get rid of it!!
Do you know how happy I would be to have this head on top of Super Mario Wonder Yoshi's body. I would never complain about Yoshi again ( this is a lie but I wouldn't complain about his design at the very least).
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ocmakerofcanada · 5 months
The Rewritten Story of Alejandra the Chimera Axolotl ( part 1 )
I’ve rewritten her backstory a little bit, and I have been adding some new things that I would love to show you the first three chapters. I don’t know how many parts I’m going to make of this, but I hope you will all like this tho.
~Chapter 1~
Within Lake Xochimilco in southern Mexico City, There was a secret Aztec water temple hidden in Xochimilco's own little jungle where the skeleton of a great Aztec warrior ( or yaotlakatl as they were called back then ) named Mahuizoh sat there upon a stone throne with his all powerful Macuahuitl in hand. Not only was this temple his home, but it was also the home of Axolotls who lived within the deep waters of the temple. One of these Axolotls was a baby Chimera who would visit the skeleton every day. Looking up to him like he was part of her family. One day, the baby Chimera was just relaxing with Mahuizoh when there was suddenly a light coming from the water before a mystical whirlpool had been created from it. Flushing away the baby Chimera and her family of Axolotls.
That glowing light was actually a portal leading to The Hidden City, and the baby Chimera would be separated from her family before being brought to the lab of Baron Draxum. Where he was planning on turning animals into war machines against mankind along with the DNA of Lou Jitsu ( aka Splinter/Hamato Yoshi ). This plan ( of course ) does not end well, and Lou Jitsu saves all of the animals, as well as 4 mutated baby turtles after battling Draxum and gets mutated into a Rat man. As for the baby Chimera, she was very frightened as many animals ran past her. She tried to hide, but couldn't when the building was about to crumble and be completely destroyed, and she would even get herself mutated as well. Thankfully she managed to escape the lab, but finded herself lost within The Hidden City as a small child now with no home or family...
~Chapter 2~
Within the past 13 years, the baby Chimera Axolotl has grown into her teens and has been a bit of a troublemaker around the streets. She doesn't really mean it in a bad way though, but it's meant for her survival instincts since she was not as strong as any Yokai in The Hidden City. Not only that, but she always felt like she didn't belong here, yet she never knew why since she had forgotten about her past overtime.
One day, She discovered some random box, and took it with her to her little hide away. When she opened the box, she founded a bunch of human things and dvds ( I feel like they would mostly be anime or telenovelas ). The more she interacted with these things, the more she slowly grew an obsession for humans. They had lives that were more interesting then what the Chimera Axolotl has had her whole life down in The Hidden City. She wanted to live amongst these humans, but she didn't knew how or when that would ever happen.
As the months go by, the Chimera Axolotl was doing what she usually does when she spotted something unusual in the distance. When she arrived at the scene, she could've sworn she saw something or someone going through a portal of some sort. While investigating the portal, there was a explosion followed by a large swarm of bugs ( which are the later named Oozesquitos ), and the Chimera Axolotl would find herself getting scooped away by the swarm as they flew into the portal to who knows where. Before she knew it, she would find herself in the air of a whole new world she was in before falling and landing onto the roof of a tall building. When she got a hold of her barrings, the Chimera would find herself in the city of New York where many humans live. This was the start of the Chimera Axolotl's new life outside of The Hidden City...
~Chapter 3~ ( this one is quite long, just a heads up )
The Chimera Axolotl couldn't belive that she was actually in the human world, but she couldn't even befriend them because she didn't looked anything like a human being. So she was forced into hiding, but she had to look all around the city for what her new home should be. After a while, the Chimera Axolotl would take shelter in an underwater cave which seemed to be an abandoned hideout. She didn't come out too often, but the Chimera would sneak her way into the city to gather up food and entertainment. As much as she was enjoying her new life a bit, she realized that she was just as lonely as her old life back in the Hidden City. The poor thing wants to show humans that she is more then just a walking salamander, but she wasn't sure how.
A few months pass, and the Chimera Axolotl would gain enough confidence to actually visit the city without being caught by humans. One night, she was up on the roof eating some pizza ( her favorite being Seafood Pizza ) when she heard something going on down the streets. Curiously, she would sneak herself away to see what was happening. When she got down to the scene, she saw four turtles around her age fighting an evil mutant. Not only that, but they also had powerful mystical weapons. This amazes the Chimera so much, that she gets an idea; If she starts fighting evil mutants too, maybe she could be respected by all of the humans of NYC.
And so, she would gather everything she could find from the internet ( like fighting videos or Lou Jitsu movie clips ) and would begin to train herself. It would take her months, but she would manage to get stronger, and would test out her natural abilities during her training. She would even make herself her own hero outfit based on all of the human anime she had been watching. The Chimera Axolotl, now with new upgrades, would test out her fighting skills on her first evil mutant. It almost went well, until her enemy got the upper hand since she was smaller. Just then, the turtles showed up and the Chimera escaped. She watched from the shadows as they would then take the credit for taking down the evil mutant before a human friend of theirs showed up. The group of 5 then left to go celebrate over pizza and the chimera couldn't help but listen to them. The last thing she heared from the turtles was how proud their father was going to be ( or something like that ).
Later that night, the Chimera Axolotl sat around in jealousy. She was so envious of those turtles. Not only were they such better fighters, but they even had a human friend who was not afraid of them, and they've got a parent of their own. This was the breaking point, because she was so sick and tired of being lonely. She needed to become the better hero so that she could have friends and family of her very own. She then had an idea. That same night, she snuck away into Montes Auction House while it was closed. Looking for a badass weapon. And that's when she found it. In her hands, was an ancient Macuahuitl with wood carved designs and sharp Obsidian blades. ( The same exact Macuahuitl used by the Aztec warrior, Mahuizoh ) She was so amazed by the weapon in her hands that she knew she found the right one. Just then, she heard something outside, and quickly fled the building without a trace. The Chimera Axolotl would then fight against her first evil mutant yet again, this time, actually kicking its butt. It was at this point where she thought that the final step would be to give herself an actual name since she never had one, and decided to rename herself as Alejandra: The Defender of Mankind...
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merryfortune · 1 year
Welcome to the family, little one
Written for Year of the OTP 2023
Prompts: High School/College Sweethearts | Hurt/Comfort | Meeting the Family | “I wrote this for you.” | Flood | Shifter AU
Title: Welcome to the family, little one
Ship 1: Respectfulshipping | Ryoken/Spectre
Ship 2: Infectshipping | Aso/Kyoko
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Vrains
Rating: T
Word Count: 2,281
Tags: Fluff, Light Angst, Flirting, Pregnancy, Parenthood, Kidfic, Knights of Hanoi as Found Family
   “Welcome to the world, little one.” Aso murmured as he kissed Kyoko’s temple. His voice was rich and fond.
   Kyoko held said little one - their baby - and looked suitably exhausted. Her eyes were droopy and her smile was lopsided but the moment of calm after all the chaos of giving birth was welcome.
   Speaking of welcome, so were their guests.
   “They’re ready to see us now.” Genome said to both Ryoken and Spectre.
   He was standing on the threshold of the door. He hovered in and out between the hallway and the infirmary. He was acting as the mediary between himself as a general practitioner when it came to all things related to the human body, and a family friend. The home birth had been as safe and successful as it could be on a cruise liner lived in by five people, three of whom were doctors, even if one of said doctors was the patient.
   Ryoken and Spectre exchanged a look. Excitement did not begin to describe the emotion on Spectre’s face, it was oddly giddy whereas Ryoken was smiling but not over the moon. But, upon invitation, they both came inside the infirmary.
   The infirmary had bit of a smell to it. Some of it was tolerable - like the heady, new baby smell - but some of it not so much. Ryoken hid the way his nose wrinkled but Genome was very vocal about his disdain for unsanitary smells. 
   “Are you guys ready to meet the new addition to our family?” Kyoko asked.
   Aso proudly stood by Kyoko’s bedside, he warmly placed his hand on her shoulder and she practically glowed. She looked the perfect picture of the Nativity scene: husband by her side, three wise stooges involved, and of course the most perfect infant child to have ever been born swaddled in her arms.
   “We’ve decided on Noriaki as his name.” Aso said.
   Ryoken snickered, “Noriaki? Really?”
   “We knew you’d say that.” Kyoko sighed. “No, not like “law light” but rather “roasted seaweed autumn” regarding the kanji.”
   “That’s even worse.” Ryoken said as he amusedly folded his arms.
   “I think it's a nice name. Regardless of reading.” Spectre piped up.
   “Thank you, Spectre.” Kyoko said and Aso nodded in agreement.
   “We also considered ‘Shinichiro’ but I’m sure you would have had even more problem with that.” Aso said.
   Ryoken took a moment to puzzle out the potential obvious Kanji for such a name and sure enough, Aso was right. Seventh son. That was a worse idea than autumnal roasted seaweed- er, law light. Spectre reserved judgement, however, as he had no complaints about being one of the preceding six but could understand the perspective of the others.
   “Do you two want to hold Noriaki?” Kyoko asked, breaking the mounting tension over her and Aso’s choice of name for their son.
   It had been hard to come up with a good name. There were plenty of things to omit but not a lot to include which made it difficult. 
   They didn’t want to use names which had either “Ryo” or “Ken” in them for obvious reasons. They couldn’t pick anything with “Ki” in it nor anything with “Yoshi” either. “Aki” was already a risk considering who their SOL Tech benefactor was. Then there was the issue of using anything containing either Spectre and Genome’s real names which were dead to them. Nor did they want to use anything too short since Noriaki was going to use his father’s family name (but even if he wasn’t, Taki wasn’t that long of a name either) for mouth-feel related balance reasons. 
   It was really hard but Noriaki just felt right at the end of the day for a baby born in the season of fall and at sea no less. 
   And, maybe, one day, he would even grow up and develop a fondness for Aqua or Fish type decks. Wouldn’t that be amusing? If he followed in the footsteps of his family when it came to Duel Monsters. Seaweed would be a good name for such a duellist. 
   Until then. Ryoken did have a point. He was probably going to be correcting tons of people regarding the kanji of his name. Good thing, or maybe a bad thing, he was going to be homeschooled for most of his life…
   “I’d love to.” Ryoken said. “What about you?” He turned his head to look at Spectre.
   Spectre was… not so discreetly excited by the idea of holding Noriaki.
   The topic of Spectre and babies was a thorny one to say the least. His past made it hard, he was a good example of what happened when babies were abandoned and what negative outcomes could develop thereof. 
   However, he had experience. Far more than Ryoken as there had been instances when he was at the orphanage where his caregivers tried to funnel his clear familial cravings into the younger kids that had also come into their care. It hadn’t worked. He hadn’t much interest in human babies but clearly, his feelings had appeared to have changed, and become more complicated, since then as his smile was surprisingly kind. If hidden.
   “I’m not opposed to it.” Spectre said, his teeth were chattering through the nervousness that he was trying to suppress.
   Ryoken, meanwhile, was much more gungho. He was eager, willing to learn.
   Of course, Ryoken (and by extension, Spectre and Genome, too) had been forced to read parenting books and books on foetal development, and baby development, too. But that was all theory. The practice involved less books which were notably very still and stable creatures and more babies which were not known to be very still nor all that stable. 
   Still, Aso was confident as he entrusted his son into Ryoken’s arms. The exchange was difficult, Ryoken only sort of knew was he was doing and as soon as Noriaki left Aso’s arms, already so known and precious to him, he began to scream. And screech. 
   Ryoken made a face, awkward, as he held Noriaki with not quite enough support. He did his best, even if Noriaki was being troublesome and Spectre, hovered by Ryoken’s side, wanting to correct both their postures.
   “It’s okay, it’s okay, Daddy’s right there.” Ryoken tried to goad Noriaki.
   Ryoken tried to pull faces for Noriaki but Noriaki’s eyes were tightly closed. Aso leaned over him and tried to do the same. That half helped. They both cooed at Noriaki and Noriaki still screamed. Ryoken’s nervousness began to increase as he tried to keep Noriaki calm and Noriaki was having absolutely none of it.
   “M-May I?” Spectre asked. His voice practically drowned out by Noriaki’s screaming, however.
   “Yes Spectre, you may.” Aso said, cringing through the absolute ordinance that Noriaki was concocting. It was though he didn’t need to breathe.
   “Good luck.” Ryoken whispered.
   He shuffled in closer next to Spectre, trying to rock Noriaki calm but that didn’t seem to be helping. Though, he hadn’t noticed any additional weight in Noriaki’s bundle which might be the culprit for his sudden shift in demeanour. He had been much more better behaved in mama’s arms.
   And, also, Spectre’s. Apparently.
   Ryoken helped to deposit Noriaki into Spectre’s awaiting arms and he had a much better posture for both himself and Noriaki. Noriaki blinked a couple times once he realised that he had been moved around like a football but now. He had stopped moving and he paused to consider what that meant and so. He went quiet.
   Quiet for one second, then two, and then a minute. He seemed content and as did Spectre. Ryoken smiled, fondly, as Spectre got more confident with holding Noriaki. His nerves had settled and so, his face lit up as he held little baby Noriaki. Spectre was gentle and just over the moon. His smile, though wobbly, was getting wider and wider the longer he held Noriaki and the longer Norki was quiet.
   Spectre was so much more confident holding Noriaki, too, especially compared to Ryoken. He looked so uncharacteristically soft and vulnerable as he held Noriaki close and better still.
   Noriaki had no complaints for being held by Spectre. He quietened down in Spectre’s arms, too. Again, especially compared to Ryoken. In fact, Noriaki had appeared to have fallen asleep in Spectre’s care, which made sense. He was rocking him ever so slightly so as to not disturb the adults around him but at the same time, he couldn’t help himself.
   Noriaki was so tiny and warm. His existence was so blissful at present, wrought in screaming having just been born mere hours ago, but the legacies he would come to inherit would grow so complicated. Perhaps he should never have been born, perhaps he would wish one day that he had never been born. For now, he wished for dreamland and for mother’s milk. 
   For now, he was a welcomed addition to the family that they were making in the wake of what had brought them all together. Noriaki’s existence was fraught but he was going to be cherished nonetheless. There was no doubt.
   “Do you guys want a picture?” Genome asked and he had his Polaroid at the ready.
   “I’m not really the pictures type, you know that.” Spectre said.
   “Nonsense, I want a souvenir of you two meeting Noriaki for the first time.” Kyoko pouted.
   “I’d like one too.” Ryoken added.
   “Alright.” Spectre said.
   Ryoken smiled and he snaked his arm around Spectre’s lower back. He leaned into him and embraced him, kissing him on the side of his face, making Spectre go even more camera shy. Genome rolled his eyes but managed to take a photo regardless. 
   “I know you probably don’t want to hear this,” Ryoken whispered into Spectre’s ear, “but I think in another life, you would’ve been a good parent.” He held his pose beside Spectre as they listened to the polaroid click and whirr at Genome’s use of it.
   “What was that?” Genome asked, his voice grumbly as he shook out the photo that had been printed. “Why not share it with everyone?”
   Spectre’s face began to go red.
   “I was just saying that we appear to have found Noriaki’s favourite.” Ryoken lied, matter-of-fact. 
   “Hm… Probably true.” Genome agreed but he knew that he was being lied to. 
   Aso laughed and he came around to Spectre to collect Noriaki.
   Sure enough, Noriaki stirred and began to cry again. All the typical infant newborn stuff but it was oddly endearing despite the lungs that he had on him. He could scream and he could scream loud. Aso sighed as he tried to calm Noriaki, all whilst Spectre fussed, embarrassed. The whole changeover was kind of clumsy but Noriaki’s crying complicated it.
   “I think you might be right, Ryoken, I think Noriaki might have a second favourite already.” Kyoko said, with some correction. She knew that once Noriaki made it back to her, she would undoubtedly be his absolute favourite as mama. Favourite uncle or male relative, perhaps. “Also, Genome, I wanna see the picture of Ryoken and Spectre, did it turn out good?”
   Genome hummed thoughtfully as he actually checked the photo. He smiled a small smile. He was chuffed enough by the results but when he went over to the side of the bed where Kyoko laid to show it to her, she squealed in delight.
   The photo had turned out excellent. The polaroid picture was shiny and glossy, perfectly capturing the moment of Ryoken kissing Spectre and Spectre holding Noriaki who was a tiny bundle of blue blankets in his arms with his tomato red face peeking through. It would make a wonderful souvenir in years to come, Kyoko was sure as she beamed, gazing at it.
   “Oh, it's adorable.” Kyoko gushed. “You both look like the perfect picture of fatherhood. Out of context, anyway.” She laughed.
   Spectre continued to go red. Right to the tips of his ears. He sputtered wanting to say something - anything - but was floundering. Ryoken, meanwhile, was taking the joke much better. He couldn’t be more amused at hearing Kyoko saying his quiet part out loud and Genome was still grumpy. He was demoting very quickly as favourite uncle. At least he could still be Spectre’s favourite.
   She showed the photo to Aso as he stood next to her, holding Noriaki.
   “Mm, it's a good photo.” Aso agreed.
   “Yes, well, I have many talents now, don’t I?” Genome piped up, disgruntled.
   “You do.” Kyoko giggled.
   She leaned in and brushed kisses into Noriaki’s hairline. He had sparse hair, the colour of which couldn’t be fully determined just yet as it was thin and slicked down over his skull but it might have been a very, very dark blue (like dad) or perhaps an auburn (like mum, just influenced by dad). 
   “I love you so much, Nori…” Kyoko murmured. She noisily kissed him some more.
   It was hard not to watch with swelling hearts, the utter adoration mother had onto son. They would all have a part to play, of course. To help out. To justify the peril of bring new life into the world in the long wake - fifteen years, to be exact - after their crimes.
   But it was healing. That’s what they told themselves. They were going to raise and protect Noriaki, he would one day grow up into a capable young man and citizen of the world. That was their promise. Ryoken reached out to Spectre and took his hand to wordlessly hold it. Spectre squeezed it back, holding back tears in his eyes. They were going to do their best - all of them, Kyoko, Aso, Genome, Ryoken and Spectre: all of them - and it was going to be healing. 
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busyfish · 1 year
It's really cute seeing Tamo building her little personality
She's finally (mostly) out of that sort of needy baby bird mode where's just eating or making sounds about wanting food
She's very much a typical rowdy little conure and seems to like roll around and rough house
She's also pretty vocal
She growls quite a bit but also has picked up on a lot of Yoshi's sounds
But she also sings a really sweet little song too sometimes
It's really nice to see
lol baby birds seem so vapid when you first meet them tbh
Like Yoshi was a little bit older when I met him so he wasn't totally that way but ori was
They just sort of do a blank stare and go "feed me"
Birds definitely go through a pretty big glow up as they age
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wow-its-me · 2 years
Y’all ever get tired and sad so you write your own TMNT iteration to make yourself feel better?? Hehehe,,,, yeah me neither,,,, what a weird thing to do,,,,, (it’s mostly a combination of my favorite parts of 12 and Rise)
Hundreds of years ago there were two opposing clans, deep in Japan. The Hamato clan, and the Oruku clan.
The clans feud ran deep, starting so long ago many didn’t know why they hated each other to begin with.
Then the Kraang attacked, aliens from another dimension, they planed on taking the planet for themselves.
Then a warrior stepped forward. No one knows which side she came from, just that she was determined to end their petty war and rid their home of the Kraang. And Karai did exactly that, leading the clan to victory, and sacrificing herself in the process.
The two clans she left behind became one, and their descendants would forever be known as the Foot clan
The Foot would have two leaders, one Hamato and one Oruku, they would learn how to defeat the Kraang together, to keep the world safe when they eventually return
And for centuries this worked
It’s sometime in the late 90s/early 00s
Oruku Saki and Hamato Yoshi are the respective leaders of the foot clan.
Yet they are rivals in every aspect of life. Saki takes his training very seriously, though he struggles with his anger, and leading steadily. Yoshi doesn’t believe in the Kraang, he is less traditional than his ‘brother’, he strives for innovation.
Yoshi gets married and soon has a child. Saki loved Tang Shen, this only added fuel to his rage. One day Yoshi says something that pushes Saki over the edge. He visits their home and soon a battle brakes out. Shen is killed, neither know by whom. Yoshi, believing that the child was taken as well, flees
Saki finds the child, and in his guilt and regret, vows to protect her, and raise her as if she’s his own. He names her Karai, after the legend of a great ancestor, who brought peace to the clans.
Yoshi finds himself in NYC, the place Tang Shen always dreamed of visiting, he also finds himself with four baby turtles. Soon he is walking down a dark alleyway when he sees the monsters he’s been warned about his entire life, the carry glowing green canisters. Before he knows what’s going on he is no longer himself, and the turtles he carries are no longer just turtles.
Together they retreat to the sewers and he vows to protect them, and raise them as if they are his own. (Are they his own??? It doesn’t matter but, he doesn’t know how any of this works)
While he raises them and cares for them and trains them to be great ninjas, while back in Japan Saki, or Shredder as he now goes by, does the same.
As much as Splinter tries to keep them hidden, an odd young girl finds her way to into the lair one day, April O’Neil, a curious child. They help her find her way back, but she continues to return day after day. Splinter gains contact with her parents (over the phone, of course) and she becomes close friends with each of the turtles. And with her tendency to slip away, the parents agree it’s for the best if Splinter starts training her as well (She’s about 13 at the time and the boys are 11)
The boys are Fifteen now, and they finally take their first trip topside. and things quickly go awry. They eat pizza for the first time! Then fight some Kraang, who were transporting ooze and… ancient mystic weapons?? So what, some ooze split and some evil bad guys were after them, They got some rad weapons! surely nothing bad could happen because of this!
(They we’re very wrong)
No one knew where Karai came from. She asked everyone she had ever known. Her life was a mystery. She was almost seventeen now and the clearest answer came from her father. She was adopted as a child, her biological family was killed. Hamato Yoshi. Karai knew she was destined for something great, a trained assassin who would one day rule the Foot with an iron fist. She would ward off the Kraang if they ever came back, but for now she has her own vendetta.
She was ecstatic when her father revealed that he received intel about both Hamato and the Kraang. While the Kraang part was worrying to them both, however they were much more focused on the Hamato. Shredder was too full of rage torwards Yoshi, but Karai didn’t question why.
She would miss her friends in Japan, after a bittersweet goodbye to her home, they head off to NYC.
Casey Jones knows something is up
She’s not quite sure what yet, but something’s definitely,,, off
She swings by the high school to walk April home, like she does every day they make plans too meet up later. But April seems distant, was something wrong?? She won’t say. Casey Jones has been Aprils only friend since her Sophomore year, well that’s what Casey thinks anyway, they often joke about April living a secret double life.
Casey’s worried about her, but it isn’t until she doesn’t show up that she real starts to freak. Sure April was usually late, and tends to get sidetracked, but she always shoots her a text, what could possibly be going on?
Casey goes looking for her, but instead finds robots with alien brains, ninjas beating up a pizza boy, and evidence of monsters living in the sewers. It’s then she decides to step up as the hero the city needs. She’s going to get answers. No one else is getting hurt
Danny just wanted a normal day
Keno wanted anything but
The two friends/coworkers both found themselves wrapped up in something bigger than themselves
It started with a simple noise coming from behind Antonio’s Pizzeria, assuming it was another raccoon, Danny opened the door to shoo it off. Instead what he found was four,,, people? Monsters? They looked like,, Turtles?? They were all laughing and bickering as they huddled over a box of pizza. Danny stayed silent and closed the door. Not today.
Later on they got an online order, with unusual delivery instructions. Leave it next to the manhole cover in the middle of the street Keno was happy to take the delivery, maybe something interesting would happen for once.
he placed the food down and backed up, watching as a three fingered hand pulled the pizza inside, and threw out some cash. Sick. “Hello?” He tried to interact with the thing
“Thanks, dude!”
Then silence
Later that night Danny takes his last delivery before his shift ends.
A Girl confronts him on the street, asking about a man named Hamato Yoshi, he has no idea what who she’s talking about, their pizza boxes were found with Hamato throwing stars on THEIR roof, he must’ve ordered today, they needed information on him, they have a lot of customers, and he has a delivery to take.
He wasn’t expecting to be attacked by ninjas, or saved by a girl on roller skates.
He wouldn’t tell anyone about this, except for Keno, who has his own story of weird shit happening in the city.
(I’m gonna stop here for now lol lmk if y’all want to hear more)
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In your age swap AU, what do the gang look like?
June: Excluding Shadow, who's 9, June is the shortest of the group at around 5'0. Her hair's naturally straw blonde, but she dyes it alot. During ageswap's 4th season it's dark purple and shaved short. Very bright mutagen green eyes (they glow in the dark!). June works with Donnie in the lab building stuff, so even though she's short, she's also incredibly strong and muscular, she looks like she weight lifts in her spare time. She's also got olive skin and freckles. Likes overalls with as many pockets as possible so she can keep tools in them. Also always wears long sleeves and only rolls them up if she's working on something in the lab - she was experimented on the by Kraang when she was a baby, so has a lot of needle scars across her body with her arms getting the worst of it and she hates looking at them.
Mayday: her proportions are kinda odd, in that she changes them based on what she's feeling at the time e.g. if she's angry her nails become more like claws, and she can make exaggerated cartoon character faces. Generally tall and built like a beanpoll. She moves like she either has no knees at all or far too many. She also has two forms. The first looks human for the most part. It had bright yellow hair (like Spongebob yellow) and green eyes. She likes to wear short sleeved button ups with the most eye searing colour combinations possible. Changes her hair style daily - people at school think she's got to have an extensive wig collection. Mayday's face is very sharp and angular as well - June and Shadow both have rounder faces. Mayday is all broad grins and laughs a lot. Her second form has completely black eyes and blue skin everywhere but her face, which looks like it's covered with a pink wooden mask. The 'mask' has horns that branch off like tree branches. There are similar wooden sections around her arms and legs. Her 2nd form's exact shape changes a lot, but the 'default' is similiar to the one she uses in her first form.
Shadow: shoulder length black curly hair, freckles, and dark brown eyes, light brown skin and freckles. She wears a lot of sports shirts - she's got one of Casey's old hockey jersies that she wears everywhere. When the ageswap gang start going on missions, she's the shortest of the group, but by the end of the age she's at least 5'3. Has a tooth gap on her bottom teeth. Shadow is also like April in that the more she uses her powers, the more Utrom features she gets, although during season 4 that mostly means she starts getting purple markings on her skin. Also has a similar pair of roller skates to 2012 Casey, and she wears them pretty much all the time - she likes going fast.
Tang Shen: she's one of the tallest out of the gang, getting up to around 6'0. She has long dark hair and dark grey eyes, and her skin's a bit darker than Shadow's. Shen has vitiligo - there are patches all over her body, including her face and hands. When she's at school she uses makeup to hide the patches, but when she's with the rest of the ageswap kids she's comfortable enough to not hide them. When she sneaks out at night she wears a theatre mask to hide her face (she does not want her parents to find out what she's up to). At first the clothes she wears at night are mostly designed to keep her warm and be easier to climb in, but she gradually gets clothes that protect her more in fights. Wears a lot of sweaters and thick jackets - she gets cold really easily. Kinda slim build, with very strong legs and shoulders - her parents think she joined a martial arts club or wrestling, they can't agree on which one.
Yoshi: this boy is going to be so tall when he finished growing - by the time he's 14 he's already 6'2 and ends up having another couple growth spurts throughtout ageswap. He's also built like a string bean and doesn't start putting on muscle until he's 17. Brown fur like 2012 Splinter, with the white fur down his nose. The rest of his facial markings will eventaully look like 12! Splinter's, but whilst he's a teenager they look like a simplified version. He's also got a white patch on his torso and stomach, and black patches that are in similar places to 12 Karai's body armour. He's not got his adult coat yet, so his furs fluffy in some places and smooth in others. None of his clothes really fit - trousers are a bit short and his t-shirts tend to be baggy. During season 4 he has a coat that's at least a size too big with a hood he can pull up. Same amber-brown eyes as 12 Splinter.
Kirby: taller than June but shorter than Shen. He's got very curly ginger hair and dark blue eyes. Kirby is the same age as the rest of the ageswap kids, but he wears sweaters and cardigans. He also gets turned into a bat mutant in this au, though it looks different than in cannon - he's a lot fluffier and has a more bat-like face, but I've not pinned down what speices of bat he mutates into yet. Sort of gets cured, in that Donnie manages to make a serum that allows him to shift back and forth between human and bat-mutant. Team medic, so he's always carrying around a bag stuffed with medical supplies. He's also a very nervous person, but that disappears the moment he's got a patient.
Saki: he kind of has 'asshole' written all over his face when he first appears - he's very cocky and sure of himself and it shows in how he looks at the people around him. Wears similar armour to 2012 Karai's. He's got long dark hair that he ties back and hazel-brown eyes. Starts out the au taller than Yoshi, but Yoshi's second growth spurt puts Saki about chin height for him (he's not at all mad Splinter is taller than him, nope, not one bit).
Apolex also joins the ageswap gang, but I've not figured out what she looks like yet. I keep hopping between a more show accurate idea and one that looks similar to her appearance in the IDW comics. She's a bit older than the rest of the ageswap gang (June, Mayday and Kirby are 16; Saki, Yoshi and Shen are 14; and Shadow is 9), but still young, about 18-ish when she's introduced.
Thanks for asking! Sorry if this got a bit long!
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Chapter 1: Mutation Day
Link to ao3, where it will also be posted! (Due to rumors of bots scraping for Ai, only registered accounts are allowed to view)
Full chapter is underneath
It was already cold despite it being early fall. The nights were coming faster, the sun was already down for the night. Yoshi walked his usual path after another long day of work. He walked around a puddle, a car drove by, and a rat ran past his feet. It took him a while to get used to those, they are everywhere in New York. Nothing like Japan, how he missed it. When he had first bought tickets to America, it was only supposed to be for a week. He can never return home now.
He couldn’t afford to live in a nice neighborhood. The crime rates in the area were bad, but he was still safer here. The thugs here didn’t know how to fight.
He walked past a broken, barely boarded up window, an abandoned building that people occasionally hid in. Sometimes he would hear quiet whispers, other times loud laughter and the sound of spray paint. What people did in their spare time was none of his business.
But when he heard a loud bang, Curiosity took hold of him. He peeked inside, crouching low to not be seen. Hoping it wasn’t another drug deal, he held his breath.
“These conditions are awful,” a voice said.
“Quit complaining, we’re almost done here,” another replied. Both men were wearing hard hats and orange vests. They were standing in front of a table, but Yoshi could barely see what was on it.
He sighed in relief, they were just some workers. Maybe they’re here to finally tear the building down. That was a bit of a shame, some people used it to hide from the elements. And with the weather getting colder, that would be harder.
Yoshi was going to continue forward when he heard the strangest sentence. “Let’s see if we can mutate these turtles.”
Surely he heard wrong… were they not construction workers?
He peeked inside again as the stranger continued. “The box tortoise hatched a few days ago.” Something glowed in his hand.
“So they’re different ages?”
“Correct.” Yoshi could make out a small vial- no, turkey baster? Not that, it’s smaller, maybe a pipette? Whatever it was, it had a glowing green substance in it, and it was hovering over different kinds of turtles in glass tanks.
Green dropped out. “They’re different ages except for the sea turtle and the red footed tortoise.” Yoshi could hear the turtles chirping loudly now. “They’re two Earth years, only a few days apart.”
Yoshi looked away as the chirping grew louder and hissing joined. The sounds twisted and became drawn out, something deep in his gut knew it was wrong. He wasn’t hearing chirping now, but instead crying. Almost that of a baby's cry.
His eyes grew big and he looked inside once more, seeing the turtles had doubled in size. The smallest- the box turtle, was still absorbing the strange glowing substance. The others had changed completely, they looked less like reptiles and more like… babies?
The sea turtle was crying loudly and the one with red spots put a- a hand against the glass. Almost like it was trying to comfort the other.
Yoshi pulled away from the window. It’s not his business, he shouldn’t be here.
“The mutagen is almost perfect.” He should be leaving now.
Yoshi pulled his hood on further to hide his face. “What should we do with the turtles?”
Walking forward, he tried to ignore the strange men, and the mutants cries. “Dispose of them.”
He stopped. Maybe… no. He turned back the way he came, he’ll find a different route home. Walking in front of the building could be dangerous. It’s not his problem, those turtles were… monsters.
More of them were crying, he heard a reptilian hiss mixed in. Despite that, the cries were so… human. Yoshi walked forward, but each step made it hard to breathe.
He shut his eyes and frowned. “Dammit.”
Yoshi turned around, his hood flying off. He ran to the front of the building and kicked the door open. There the babies were, being put in a large pet carrier. The red spotted one seemed to be the last.
The strange men turned to him, and he realized he was not thinking at all. One turned to him.
“Who is he?” he- it asked! With it facing him, Yoshi could see a strange pink… creature was sitting in the man's chest. No, the man’s face was still, it had to be a robot of some kind. But what is that thing?
The other turned, its coat and vest were also open to reveal another strange pink creature. Both were so wrinkly and small tentacles slid out from the square hole. The robot body held a strange looking gun at him. “A witness,” it answered its companion.
Yoshi jumped with a shout, but he saw something in the corner of his eye. Next to the door were three wooden crates, and on one was a crowbar. He grabbed it and ran, moving back and forth to dodge the blasts from the gun. Pink light shot out at him, but he couldn’t stop to think about that.
The strange creature was able to fire three times before Yoshi reached him, knocking the gun out of his hand. He twisted and kicked, knocking the strange metal body into the table. The pink creature inside it screeched, somehow both animalistic and otherworldly.
Yoshi turned to see the other swung the pet cage back, trying to gain momentum. He gasped before the cage was thrown at him. He caught it, his breath being knocked out of him as it crashed into his chest and stomach. He stayed standing nonetheless and looked up to see the robot body pulling back for a punch.
Yoshi grit his teeth and swung the crowbar forward, it crashed into a glass canister with that glowing green substance before hitting the robot. The top half of the giant vial fell over, the glowing substance spilling everywhere, including Yoshi’s hand. It burned and seeped into his skin. He stared at his hand in horror.
“The mutagen!” one of the creatures yelled.
“Get him!” the other shouted.
Sweat started to cover Yoshi and his stomach and chest hurt. He swayed for a moment before he saw the strange creatures go after him. He turned away from them, still holding the pet cage.
He couldn’t run straight and he bumped into the door, but it didn’t stop him. He could feel his bones shift inside, cracking and popping. It made him nauseous, but if he didn’t get away, who knows what those things would do to him!
He rounded the corner of the building and hid behind a dumpster. His skin felt hot and cold at the same time. Through the ringing in his ears, he heard footsteps. But his vision was going black, so he couldn’t tell if they were running towards him or not. His body continued to shift and all he could do was hold onto the pet carrier.
Breathing was difficult, he needed to be quiet but his body couldn’t get enough air. It was like he was drowning, everything hurt so bad. He tried to hold onto his breath to keep his cries in, but that became impossible. As a last attempt, he bit his lip, but a scream of pure agony still escaped.
Yoshi felt unusually weak as he unlocked the door to his apartment. He closed the door and locked it, making his way towards the bathroom. It was a small apartment, a single room, small kitchen, and single bathroom. It cost most of his paycheck every month.
He dropped the pet carrier onto the bed and continued forward, opening the bathroom door. Somehow his hand was steady as he turned on the light. 
Fear yanked his stomach down as he saw a horrible monster stare back at him in the mirror. He jumped back and hit the wall, it wore his clothes and had his hair, though messy from a hard day of work. The monster copied his every move, he slid down against the wall, trying to cover his face. But his hands just wrapped around the monster's snout. He looked down, seeing his hands matched the monsters. Covered in dark brown fur, nails now pointed.
He covered his eyes. “What have I become?” he questioned.
He sat there for a moment longer before hearing chirping and small baby gurgling. He opened his eyes and looked towards his room before getting up. “The babies,” he whispered.
They continued to chirp and cry until he opened the cage door. He leaned in to see them. “Hello, little ones.”
The sea turtle was on top of the box turtle's shell, who still refused to come out. The red eared slider was trying to hide its head and stare at him at the same time. The red spotted one was in front of them all, growling at him.
“It’s okay, come on out,” he cooed, trying to be soft.
The sea turtle chirped at him, its fear ebbing away. It crawled closer and Yoshi put his hand out. Without hesitation, it happily crawled into his hand.
Yoshi picked it up and held it like a child, sitting on his bed. It giggled like a human baby, though it was much smaller. The strange creature said this one was two years, yes? The oldest of the four. The red one- the red footed tortoise? Was only a few days younger. They were… they were children.
He sighed, “What am I going to do?” He turned to the picture on his nightstand. It showed a much younger version of himself, his arm wrapped around a dark skinned woman. Both of them were in their martial arts robes. “What should I do, my beloved? I can’t care for them, I-”
He was interrupted by one of the babies speaking. He heard small tapping, and he leaned down to look inside the pet carrier once more. The sea turtle tapped on his face as he saw the other two tapping against the box turtle.
“The orange one,” he whispered to himself before reaching in. As he grabbed the box turtle, the red footed one grabbed his arm and he pulled both of them out, the red eared slider following close behind.
“Shhh, I won’t hurt… it,” he promised. He rubbed against the shell. “It’s okay.”
The other turtles surrounded him, sitting on and around his leg. The box turtle’s head popped out, small yellow freckles adorning its face. It saw him, then giggled.
Its smile melted his heart, and Yoshi leaned back, letting it rest on his chest as its arms popped out. As lost and as terrifying as he was feeling, Yoshi could not let harm come to these young ones. He softly whispered to them, “Welcome to the Hamato family.”
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7-omen-7 · 3 years
Here are some names that aren’t strictly for females or males
Alpha Astrix/Asterisk Axis Blur Bolt Brick Cube Cyan Data Delta Echo Entity Error Exa/Exo Form Friday Hazard Idea Impulse Infinity Ion Kilo Kite Limit Name Nebula Neon Obsidian Plastic Point Quartz Qwerty Radar Retina Reverb Rocket Scavenger Sigma Sonar Swing Tank Tax Tera Valence Vertex Virus Vortex Audience Beat Binary Brass Cable Canon Canvas Chord Clash Coarse Crash Discord Double Feedback Forte Genre Hack Hollow Hook Impulse/Pulse Ink Key Lyric Mellow Memory Neon Noise Note Omen Phase Quaver Riddle Shallow Sharp Shiny Snare Treble Tune Twang Aloe Arrow Atlas Azure Balsa Bee Beetle Branch Bread Bridge Candle Cedar Cello Chameleon Cherry Cloud Clover Coffee East Echo Egg Ember Fern Finch Flannel Forest Gecko Gem Goose Grey Jay Kale Lake Leaf Mango Maple Moss Oak Pond Poppy Rain Raven Rock Silver Topaz Violet Wednesday Willow Wood Frog Max Alex Shawn/Shawne Kai SCP 834 Nyx Ares War Criminal Cas Sky/Skie Bee Ash Arson Vin Sal Cat/Kat Tax Fraud Liminal Dream Fade Angel Glitch Tooth Centipede Chlorine Crayon Fever Bones Ghost Eye Omen Nurse Band-aid Tape Glow Legs Decay Poison Blowfly Needle Finger Mold Doll Wasp Moth Dirt Bunny Trinket Shell Cicada Ariel Astra Aurora Celeste Luna Nova Starling Starr Stella Sunshine Aldrin Apollo Callisto Castor Comet Hercules Leo Neptune Rocket Solar Aries Eclipse Galaxy Halo Mars Mercury Moon Saturn Star Sun book strawberry cherry tea soup lace butters melody lyric bunny slime apple Saturn star venus kandi/kandy/candy glitter monster zero/zee/z neo gutz/guts brainz/brains trixie roxy rex Moss Bones Arson Rain Feather Cloud Deep Raven Fall captain bone/bones patch/patches sparrow flynn skipper boots hook reef treasure Winter Midnight Crow Corvid Raven Siren Shade Nova Veil Salem Ash Aster Devin Day Hyde Dagger Knife Psyche Osiris Pandora Haven Jade Blade Gray Ember Ebony Blue Dee Day Dove Sky Rain Ash Coin Pax Rex Mick Reef Rory Ari Bug River Dane Finn Lumi Lux Ore Roux Note Tone Melody Piper Sonata Violin Coda Riff Alto Lyre Lyric Calypso Cadence Chorus Canto Chanson Harper Lorelei Octave Song Muse Canon Clef Motif Legato Nonet Pan Rhapsody Trill Vevace Dusk Indigo Orion Onyx Obsidian Somnus Hypnos Morpheus Noctis Noir Nero Umbra Ash Omega Orpheus Crow Jinx Hex Grey Pandora Morrigan Shade Silver Zephyr Storm Crimson sprinkle Bunny cloud Skittle kitty birdie bee flower Grass peach strawberry cherry Berry Apple Berry Apricot Huckleberry Mulberry Honeydew Lychee Peach Cherry Basil Bayleef Pepper Anise Clove Coriander Ginger Nutmeg Rosemary Rue Sesame Thyme Saffron exe/txt/pdf/gif web/website tech emoji sci beta dell chip zip Arson Blue Blur Brick. Cloud Detective Dice Egg Elmers Error Gremlin Icon Jester Lake Leaf Mischief Nike Nintendo Pi Royal Skull Spark Ten Tesla Vortex Yoshi Zero Zoom angela/angelo/angie angelonia/angel andy/andi ann/annie/anny antares andromeda bone/bones biscuit/biskit paw fluffy fetch scout chase skull corpse blade jinx hex bat bandit rogue trick/tricky smoke lee leo/lio pluto mars orion redd avery aster cyrus cleo miles quinn indigo amber ruby sugar lace/lacey boba rosie mae merry dottie plush/plushie cinnabun pompom teddy peach smile/smiles/smiley alphabet blocks bug snail paint crayon slime sticker rainbow gummy candy/kandi button bandaid glitch static disc pixel robot/bot glitter wire/wires code key/keys virus byte bunny/bunnie/bun kitty/kit/kitten plush/plushie milk fluff cloud bubble/bubbles angel ghost tea cookie bow / ribbon bonbon puff / creampuff Nintendo Mossy Quill Spark Vermillion Cotton Candy (or C.C. for short) Cocoa Indigo Sunset Elmers Snowy Sketchpad Frost Jester Poltergeist Spirit Cricket Poem Puck Mischief Truffle Golden Clay Feather Hatchet Gremlin Stone Brad Chad Thad Zoom Crayon Detective Otter Sonic Armadillo Ocelot Puggles (name for baby platypus) Dylan Logan River Fince Ellory Finn Converse Sage Saint Sal Saturday Saxon Scan Scatter Scoop Scorpion Scout Scream Sea Senti Sentinel September Serene Seven Shade Shadow Shake Shatter Shaw Silent/Silence Silver Siphon Skill
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h4chi · 3 years
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my love's so young, I'm young, at a sweet age, i can't only look at you. cold, I'm cold, a dark night, that even if it's beautiful, it's not warm. maybe I'm just fine on the outside. anyway, baby, I'm sorry for my young love
WARNINGS angst, breakup, unrequited love (yoshi doesn’t love u anymore), not proofread, english is not my first language
PAIRING yoshi x gn reader
NOTES tried writing angst…. this one’s inspired by stayc’s young luv ! so i suggest to listen to it while reading :) also tried writing gn reader wohooo this is my upgrade guys. AND I CANT ADD THE CUT AGAIN ??????? crying
your love for yoshi blossomed back in middle school, when you saw him for the first time. it was the first day of school, and he arrived late, his hair messy and his uniform’s buttons improperly tied.
you didn’t pay much mind to him, doing so when the teacher decided to seat him next to you. he was a diligent student, and he helped you occasionally when you would ask him to.
your friendship started to grow quickly, and before you knew it, you caught feelings.
catching feelings for yoshi was the best mistake you did, and it was something inevitable. he was just mesmerizing, his visuals breathtaking, his voice soothing and personality charming in many aspects. his words were enchanting and always managed to hit the sweetest spot in your poor heart. he was attentive to anything you did, anything you said and anything that happened to you.
he would always care for you more than you did for yourself. when you scratched your knee, he was already bandaging you with some cute hello kitty patches. when you forgot to do your homework, he would let you copy his, but only if you promised to buy him a snack, which wasn’t quite an inconvenience for you.
he was comforting, and helped you get past many sad moments in your life, some more serious than others. for example, when you got a bad grade in your favorite subject, he decided to buy you your favorite ice cream flavor and spend the evening binge watching movies.
he was devoted to the things he loved doing, music being at the top of all. he was always working on some new pieces and would always ask you to listen to them so you could give an honest review. he cherished your opinion, and that made you feel important.
he was extremely elegant, from the way he acted to the way he slept. while walking, he would look so regal despite being only in his pajamas, and when he would cook for the two of you, you could never stop your heart from beating so fast at such a sight.
he was just good at everything, and even more from your point of view. he glowed under your attentive gaze, his flawless features sparkling just like edward cullen under the warm rays of sun.
so when he confessed his love to you under a sakura tree just like in a romantic movie, you couldn’t refuse, not that you would’ve did anyways.
yoshi was a very dedicated partner. he was more at ease around you now that you were dating, and very much more clingy.
you loved him with every fiber of your heart, and you were every day that passed grateful such a good person chose you.
you two would go on cute picnic dates, have study sessions together, cook and try new recipes, and have movie nights, your place or his, it didn’t matter when you were together.
he was your pillar, always there when you needed him the most. your love was young. young and beautiful.
yet, as flowers bloom in spring, they also wither in autumn, just like your relationship did.
you were quick to notice how his behavior towards you changed, but you decided not to address it and wait for him to explain, avoiding to seem paranoid. yet he never had time to do so, much more to spend with you. he was slowly distancing himself, and you couldn’t stop it from happening.
“yn, we need to talk.”
you already knew what was about to come, and that’s why you didn’t feel sad. honestly, you felt relieved. relieved because you both wouldn’t have to fake anymore.
“i’m sorry i couldn’t be the one for you, yn.”
yoshi smiled sadly while hugging you one last time, breaking the physical contact to look you in the eyes. they showed both gratefulness and anger. gratefulness because you had the opportunity to be with someone like him, anger because you couldn’t keep him next you. anger because you failed.
“it’s okay, yosh. i’m sure you did your best.”
maybe you’re just fine on the outside. “anyway, i’m sorry for my young love.”
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© H4CHI 2022 do not copy or repost anywhere.
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