#glory: face.
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mangobeast · 10 months ago
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meanwhile at a medal ceremony
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starshapedoasis · 6 months ago
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~Morning Glory
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whathehonestfuk · 6 months ago
Steve constantly wakes up with the worst bed head, it's chronic it's unavoidable and it's why he's maticulous about styling it
Eddie stays over for the first time and has mentally prepared himself for the beautiful sleep rumpled God Steve must look like in the morning only to be met with Steve's hair sticking up every which way and somehow defying gravity in the most horrendous way
He can't help but laugh his ass off
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 7 months ago
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brilledcheese · 3 months ago
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"Two-Face, Part 2" in a nutshell (featuring a poorly edited meme)
(Reupload due to error) :,(
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Bearded Brühl Supremacy
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Jan, The Edukators (2004)
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Lieutenant Horstmayer, Joyeux Noël (2005)
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Martin Kreutz, The Bourne Ultimatum (2007)
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Marcos, Un Poco de Chocolate (2008)
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Hans Krämer, The Coming Days (2010)
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Konrad Koch, Lessons of a Dream (2011)
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Álex Garel, Eva (2011)
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Daniel Domscheit-Berg, The Fifth Estate (2013)
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Thomas Lang, The Face of an Angel (2014)
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Hubertus Czernin, Woman in Gold (2015)
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Daniel, Colonia (2015)
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Sebastian Zöllner, Me and Kaminski (2015)
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Dr. Laszlo Kreizler, The Alienist (2018 - 2020)
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Wilfried Böse, Entebbe (2018)
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Daniel Weltz, Next Door (2021)
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Baron Zemo, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
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Roland Gumpert, Race for Glory: Audi vs. Lancia (2024)
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Eric Bouchard, The Franchise (2024)
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Heinz Wittmer, Eden (2025)
p.s. I was going to add a poll here, but the option limit is only 15 max, so just sound off in the comments or the tags who your favorite Bearded Brühl is—or don't 🤷‍♀️
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romtoss · 1 year ago
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im going to chew my own arm off
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hey-heigo · 3 months ago
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new danganronpa v3: killing hoof-many
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raymurata · 1 month ago
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Glory. (Zev POV Zevwarden fic)
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mollywog · 1 year ago
“So that day, in music assembly, the teacher asked who knew the valley song. Your hand shot right up in the air. She stood you up on a stool and had you sing it for us. And I swear, every bird outside the windows fell silent,” Peeta says.
When Prim’s name is called for the 74th reaping, Katniss sweeps Prim behind her, Volunteers in her place, stands up on the stage, and when Effie calls for applause, District 12 takes part in the boldest form of dissent they can manage. Silence.
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spidertams · 1 year ago
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[OC] watercolor portrait of Théo 🌻
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namusass · 3 months ago
literally every single time hyunju was on screen i was screaming "shes so HOT AND SEXYYYYYYYY" the entire time. because she's hot and sexy i love her so much i know shes prob gonna die and i wil be devastated but for now im gonna be Very Emotionally Attached to her
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midbyte · 8 months ago
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lots of unfinished stuff
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citrussnap · 6 months ago
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biblically accurate stan and ford here they are!!!!!!
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imageingrunge · 10 months ago
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Eleanor De Vries 1874 - 1900 🦇
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prouvaireafterdark · 9 months ago
Hi! As someone just coming into reading the books but who's been with the show since day 1, I'm curious about why people take Lestat's narrative in TVL with 100% sincerity when the premise of the show seems to be interrogating the dissonance that everybody's versions create. Obviously there's some big things that are definitely going to be true, but I'd personally be disappointed if we got a straight adaptation of unfiltered Lestat perspective on events, haha!
I think you're conflating sincerity with some idea of omniscient, objective accuracy, which, as you note, is a useless thing to search for in a show where memory is continually shown to be an unreliable monster.
Lestat's version of events in TVL is sincere, though. He's speaking from the heart and he's trying to give the story of his life, mostly by sharing his truth about what his life before meeting Louis was like, and in part by filling in the gaps Louis leaves us with about what happened at Rue Royale. His recollection may turn out to be as faulty and biased as Louis' or Armand's has been shown to be in the show, but that doesn't make it any less sincere.
And I'm not implying that Louis is lying or anything. I'm talking about him not mentioning or glossing over the happy memories that meant a lot to Lestat and made up, for him, a big part of what it was to share a home with Louis and Claudia for so long. Giving Lestat the space to talk about his love for Louis and Claudia doesn't erase the abuse he inflicted on them in those moments of instability and rage. I don't get why people are so resistant to seeing that. It's not like it makes everything better. If anything, it makes it worse that he loved them so much.
What's important to note, too, is that at no point does Lestat in his retelling excuse himself for anything he did to Louis and Claudia and I doubt very much we would see him do that in future seasons of the show. Lestat even says it himself that he deserved what Claudia did to him. The way things worked out between the three of them is his greatest, deepest regret and it will haunt him for the rest of his immortal life.
Also, not for nothing, what we've gotten this season and last season are the unfiltered perspectives of Louis, Claudia, and Armand. That's not to say they're lying or intentionally obfuscating (okay, well, Armand totally is), but that is what we got---a narrative that was really challenged only by Daniel and not by anyone who was actually there who remembers it differently. I don't see why we shouldn't also get Lestat's unfiltered version, especially considered he is the main protagonist of the Vampire Chronicles series going forward.
For me and many others, it's not about excusing anything. It's all about contextualizing his decisions. Like, Lestat didn't just wake up one day and decide it would be fun to destroy his family. I want him to tell me in his own words (which, as a reminder, he has yet to do at any point in this series so far) what drove him to do the horrible things he did and how he really feels about it. When we do hopefully get that, I expect the fandom to interrogate his accounts as vigorously as they did Louis' and Armand's and Claudia's.
And to answer your question regarding the books specifically, we have Anne herself to blame for that. She wrote IWTV when she was battling some of the most intense grief and despair a person can feel. She had just lost her child. Writing the book was an outlet for that and you can feel it as you read Louis' perspective. When she decided to continue the series, though, she changed her mind about a lot of things---mainly who Lestat was as a character and how she had come to hate the "weakness" in Louis (which was really because she came to hate the "weakness" she saw in herself as she came out on the other side of her grief and identified with him less and Lestat more). There is a very real dissonance between who Lestat is in IWTV and who he is in TVL and beyond. The way she accounted for that in her own writing was that Louis was misconstruing certain events by leaving things out or straight up making things up like their reunion in NOLA at the end of IWTV, which Lestat claims never happened. The reason people take Lestat's words at face value sometimes isn't usually because they hate Louis or think he lied about Lestat's abuse. It's because Anne, as the writer of the story, wanted the reader to doubt Louis' version in favor of Lestat's because she had changed her mind about the direction of the story and the characters she created.
It's also worth noting that, in the actual text of the show, that version of events taken from the book, the content of the original interview, is described by Louis himself as an admitted performance. I think it's a perfectly legitimate reading to consider IWTV (the book) in the context of Louis trying to get Lestat's attention with something he knew would upset him, like Armand suggests was Louis' fantasy, because he wanted or needed to see him again.
This got long and rambley so I'll just leave you with the wise, wise words of Samothy Reid when asked to give one truth and one lie in the show: Everybody lies. Everybody lies.
I don't think that will change if we finally get Lestat's POV so imo people should just relax and enjoy the ride.
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