#glorious reflection
whateverisbeautiful · 6 months
To stan Richonne is to win endlessly 🙌🏾
Rick and Michonne Grimes are everything, and I’m simultaneously healed and not okay after that blessing of a trailer. Peak fiction has returned. 😭
Hearing Rick call Michonne his wife was something I was really anticipating in TOWL, and the fact that they said you don’t even have to wait until the show comes out to hear him declare her his wife…and not only that, but he says it in the most touching way possible.
“My wife is my choice. My daughter is my choice. My life is my choice.”
BEAUTIFUL. (And when Rick adds his son RJ to the reasons why he keeps going - oh I’m going to sob.) We’ve really heard Rick say I love you and call Michonne his wife before the show has even come out. We are boundlessly blessed, y’all. 🥹
No matter who has tried to downplay or dismiss Richonne, the facts always confirm that Rick and Michonne have an important and unbreakable love for the ages. If you love Rick, you love a Rick that’s in love with Michonne. If you love Michonne, you love a Michonne who’s in love with Rick. They gon’ let the world know every time. 👏🏽
Rick Grimes, the man that you are. ♥️ Michonne Grimes, the woman that you are. ♥️ The greatest ship on television. Bar none. I’m so grateful to Andy, Danai, and Scott for making this the most epic love story. It means so much, and I can’t wait for my Grimes Family to be reunited at last. 🥰
Oh and also Richonne’s face cards never decline, my gawd 👑
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anderstrevelyan · 8 months
Can we talk about how Gortash commissioned a literal sculpture of how Bane looked in their first dream visit, and displays it prominently in his office??
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*This is a bust of the god Bane as he first appeared to Gortash in dreams, and was then described to a Rivington sculptor.*
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mitchmarner · 2 months
Thank you to Sheldon Keefe for one of the greatest days in recent leafs history. The leafs had been shelled by the pens and lost six games in a row, Mitch was injured, we all were standing with our hands held atop the CN tower ready to jump, when all of a sudden Sheldon Keefe stormed into Arizona like a beautiful goddamn savior to free this team from the Babcock shackles, keep Mitch around like an emotional support dog, and snap the losing streak. It didn’t work out, but we’ll always have November 20th, 2019 (and a round one win).
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gbiechele · 2 years
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Fall Colors 2022 Massachusetts 
Asahi Super-Takumar 135mm f/3,5 Auto Sears 55mm f/1.4 Sony A7
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notmoreflippingelves · 3 months
Shi Long Lang insisting all of his agents identify themselves as "1" during team countoffs, and Manfred von Karma setting his bank PIN to #1 have the same and yet opposite energies.
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valiantroyalty · 8 months
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Ok here’s my design for Esme in Glorious Masquerade event! Her dress is a combination of her red dress and of the midnight masquerade. Her dress is mainly red, and the bottom layer is purple, outlined in gold along with the top. The top layer and her sleeves are her signature scarf, and is transparent as well! The sleeves are off the shoulder, but in the back has the extra fabric, which I’ve tried drawing a mini sketch to help show it.
I’m pretty happy with how everything turned out! Of course tambourine and Djali (not drawn) is included in the event. Plus one can see where her burns are from the bandages.
Then here’s the reference:
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cerbreus · 1 year
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hii 😘🔪
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kitkatstu-dies · 2 months
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It's finals time! I'm exempt from most finals because I have an A, so I only have to take my lab finals, one more biology and anatomy exam, and my chemistry final! I have one class today, and after I'll start working on gathering everything together for these exams <3
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nanakah · 1 year
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I can't even articulate how much I love those two panels
she lied, as naturally as she breathed, fighting the urge to write several paragraphs about it
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alexturne · 1 year
15, 16 and 18 for the writing asks? 🥰
15. A Hollywood producer tells you that they want to film just one of your fics. Which fic would you want it to be?
Definitely under these lights you look beautiful! It has such rom-com vibes and I'd love to see those sweet and soft terribly in love boys live out their best pumpkin-picking life! Only if they get pretty Humbug Alex to do it though and his gorgeous Miles to tag along 😂
The story has such strong ambiance I feel, it's a very visual story, and the atmosphere plays a big part in it.
I also feel like I managed to create enough structure and plot to be able to make it work as a movie, and the characters go through challenges and evolve both as individuals and together as a pair throughout, which I feel would ne necessary for a movie to work.
16. What is your most underrated fic?
Hm, maybe I'll say i've been saving all my summers for you. It's one of my longer fics that doesn't get too much attention, and I just honestly really love that little story. It's so dear to my heart, even if it's not for everyone apparently 😂🥰
It's a very different style from what I usually write, it was one of the first stories I ever worked on and I was so pleased with how the little glimpses into their lives turned out. I liked delving into their lives two weeks at a time through a ten year period, and I loved getting to explore the changes and life experiences they went through in a year in a few short paragraphs. It was just a lot of fun!
18. What is a line/scene you’re really proud of? Give us the DVD commentary for that scene.
Staying within the realm of i've been saving all my summers for you, I chose a little snippet from that, the end of their 20th year.
This little bit wrapped up a lot of little hints and details from the previous years, and I felt like it was an interesting way of letting the reader know exactly how torn and heartbroken Alex really was, how much he was pining for Miles without using too many words or long winded sentences.
I loved using simple imagery and building on the actions he has been performing throughout the other parts to make it clear how he was feeling. I felt it was a good callback to him stuffing their memories away, and this time he gives up, he can't keep doing this and he finally acknowledges to himself just how gone for Miles he really is and has been all along, but in a really short and simple way. The buildup felt satisfactory to me, and I really enjoyed using the imagery like this.
It's a way for him to finally be honest with both the reader, but mostly himself, about how he's feeling, but it also marks a very clear line cut in the sand in terms of how the story needs to progress. It's an emotional point of no return, and the first time the reader fully sees Alex owning up to his feelings.
Miles hadn't wanted to come back.
And he never will.
By now Alex is sure of it.
And Alex will keep his heart safe and not risk it getting broken again.
He'll stuff it into the box at the bottom of his closet along with everything else that has ever belonged to Miles.
Thank you so much for the question, sorry it has taken me ages to reply! ❤️
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b1rds3ye · 9 months
rewatching the og modern warfare trilogy and while the reboot cast is superior, the og really won when it came to plot
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stainlesssteellocust · 7 months
If there's one thing I regret about my Bleach fandom days it's that my fics died too early and I never got to subject people to my ghastly Vasto Lorde antagonist that was inspired by
The Black Rabbit of Inlé and
a Chinese goddess of smallpox
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chaotic-history · 1 year
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👹👹👹 i hate doing these bc recording (ew) but yes i would absolutely LOVE to talk abt french theater and its cultural significance. assignment never specified modern 💙 (which is great cause i know fuck all about modern theatre)
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porteurdereve · 2 years
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~ g’raha is growing his hair out in spirale... it’s been about 3 months (roughly) since he’s arrived, and his hair has grown about an inch.
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ixtaek · 3 months
Wondering if there’s a correlation between people who felt like the ending to TotK was “too easy” and people whose main exposure to Zelda games was TotK
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e-c-i-m · 3 months
Dear Child of God,
Jesus, You are our Portion!
Love, ECIM
Video: Canva Music: Shine Jesus Shine - Kaleb Brasee Cover
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