#gloomverse fic
drowningindango · 11 months
Thanks for the tag @enquiringangel ^^
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I mainly write for Naruto these days.
Borderlands used to be my main playground for several years (and I still have plenty of unfinished fics for that fandom). I wrote a bit for Undertale, but not anymore (ran out of ideas). In my WIPs there are a few fics for Gloomverse (a webtoon), Gravity Falls and The Owl House.
4. Top 5 fics by kudos.
"Follow My Lead" (272 kudos)
"round and round in circles we go" (251 kudos)
"Playing in Puddles" (175 kudos)
"Was it worth the wait?" (146 kudos)
"Remember me, you ******" (137 kudos)
(lol the Naruto fics have completely conquered my top 5)
5. Do you respond to comments?
In most cases, yes. I love chatting with people in the comments. xD I try to leave a brief thank you or an emoji otherwise.
(Sometimes, life gets the better of me though… Currently I have a backlog of ~30 comments in my inbox… Every now and then I answer one)
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hm…I'd name one or two of my wips that have angsty endings planned for them, but since they're not finished I suppose they don't count…
From my posted fics, I'd say The Hope of Morning. It ended on a pretty high strung note.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Either "Hand in Hand", "Matching Colours" or "round and round in circles we go"? I have a lot of one shots that end on a fluffy note, but I haven't finished one where I'm going "yes, this is the fuzziest and loveliest of all 💕"
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Nope. At least I don't remember.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, but I rarely make it to posting. Smut is kinda hard and I get easily distracted by building up the premise that leads to it.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Sure, but rarely. Mostly when I have a good idea. (There's a Borderlands x Teen Wolf crossover I want to finish and post one day…)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know. 🥲 I hope not.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not as far as I know.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! There's been a few collabs with my close writer friends 😊❤️ (most of them never made it to being published, but we had so much fun. But I haven't done any recently)
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
I don't think I can just name "one". My mind goes blank trying to think of one I like the most.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
NONE, I WILL FINISH ALL OF THEM, YOU HEAR ME. >:D If I actually want to finish a WIP, there's no doubt in my mind that one day I will, no matter how long that takes.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Descriptions, especially of emotions I'd say. Character reflections. And coming up with new ideas! I feel like I'm pretty good at coming up with interesting scenarios.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue, my beloathed. And smut. I also have a problem of starting a lot of new projects and not finishing/taking long to finish the old ones.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
Depends on the specific story, how it's used and what the author wants to achieve with it. Like in movies, it can be super fun if you know the language.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Officially that would be Undertale. (I wrote only two fics for it, and the first is deleted from the web because it made me cringe after a while.) Unofficially, I've been writing fix-it stories for Naruto when I was a teen…but mostly in my head.
20. Favourite fanfic you’ve ever written?
"The Craving of Your Heart" is still occupying the top spot in my heart currently, closely followed by "Follow My Lead".
And I tag @littlemiss44 @anannua and @hashiramashonkers
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loverofpiggies · 7 years
Hey that “Harold is Dead” AU
I’m gonna point you to a couple posts Here and Here about it because I want to give credit where credit is due, but I also wanted to write a fic about it because I had an idea, it doesn’t follow specifically how those posts are but I wanted to write how it would most likely happen so yes, this was written in one draft and copy/pasted so paragraphs are set up weird but oh well enjoy!
It started out as an average night. The clouds were finally clearing up from the southern storms that passed through, and the twin moons peaked out from behind the thinning clouds.
It was getting rather late, but then again, Purple always tended to work late into the night in the labs, desperately trying to test his hypothesis, a long term underlying feeling of dread, in case his funding gets pulled. He was doing fantastically of course, but. This fear always stayed there, regardless. He'd probably be funded for years to come, if things kept going his way. He also had a tendency to glance at Archaeology reports in his spare time, with a growing interest in the subject he never had before.
It would be fun to leave the city for a while, and study ruins. It would be different, but it would be interesting.
His foot splashed in a puddle as he walked down the street, lamp candles flickering in the dull moonlight. Shivering against the cooler temps, he shoved his hands in his pockets, desperate to get home so late at night-- when he heard a strange laugh in the alley in front of him.
That laugh.... it seemed so familiar.
Purple edged close to the wall... and decided to peek over. It was only now, he registered the laugh as an angry, spiteful one. As if someone was becoming increasingly frustrated, and laughed to ease their own tensions... Purple squinted in the night, as he saw a figure snap and swat at someone in front of them. “I am FINE! Get off of me already!” “B-bro, you're hurt. They hurt ya pretty bad...” “I'm fine! It doesn't goddamn matter, I still kicked their asses--” The figures grew further into focus.... a strange redheaded man that Purple did not recognize in the slightest, stood over someone sitting against the wall with extremely frazzled, light brown hair. He had a few bruises on his face, and had a hat sitting next to him, but was not touching it.
“I. I know ya won. But- it's just- getting serious. I'm... I'm worried about ya.” “Worry about someone else.” Purple finally recognized the man sitting down... as his eyes widened in disbelief-- and he couldn't help speaking out.
The man sitting, snapped to attention as he glanced to the edge of the alley, slamming to his feet before stumbling. “Who the FUCK is there!?” He snapped. He looked even worse standing. His clothes were a wreck, his hair-- and the bruises on his face-- Purple couldn't believe it, and stood dumbfounded.
It was like slow motion.... Wallis stood there, blinking in the dark, before his eyes widened in recognition in return.
The two stood silent for a moment, as the strange redheaded man glanced between them, before slowly stepping back to give them their space.
To Purple, Wallis was almost unrecognizable. Wallis was always one to get into fights, true. But- he seemed to get worse and worse as time went on. Apparently, after.... well. After. The Incident-- Wallis became more brutal- stopped taking school seriously, and went out of his way to get into trouble with anyone who'd brawl with him.
Purple only met him after The Incident, and had no idea what Wallis was like before that. But, apparently he wasn't THIS bad. All Purple remembered.... was eventually, Wallis just- dropped out of school.
Finally, Wallis spoke again.
“...go away.” He spoke dully, as he turned from Purple, leaning back against the wall. Clearly, he was hurt pretty bad, as Purple stepped forward. “I.... you look- erm- it looks like that hurts. I can help-” “They're BRUISES, you can't really do jackshit except wait.” Wallis spoke, glaring back over.
Purple sensed Wallis might be a bit humiliated, so he glanced down, yet still took a couple steps closer to his old friend. Wallis had so much potential.... one of the smartest, most talented people Purple knew. To think he'd end up like this...
“I.... it. It's been a while.” Purple spoke, staring down.... as Wallis seemed tense as ever. “....yeah.” Purple glanced over to the redheaded man, blinking as he noticed.... the person with Wallis before had disappeared. “Huh? What happened to your friend....?” “My what?” “I- I saw some redhead here with you....” “Oh. That's Hobo. He disappears when he wants. Probably thought I wanted space or something now that you're here. Goddamnit.” Wallis spoke coldly, as the two stood a few feet apart, alone now in this alleyway.
Purple didn't know what else to say.... as they were silent a while, he just responded with-
“It's supposed to go below freezing tonight. Maybe.... you can stay the night, if you want.” Purple didn't expect an actual response. Wallis had fallen out of most people's lives- even his own mother's- a few years ago. No one had known what happened to him, since. Wallis was obviously avoiding everyone. So, he wouldn't say-
“Yes.” “What?”
“I said fine. If you're not going to leave me alone. Then fine.”
- - -
Wallis sat silently on Purple's couch, as both existed in an awkward, thick silence. There was so many things Purple wanted to ask, as he took off his coat and shoes. Purple actually had to grab Wallis's hat- Wallis didn't even seem to care if he had it come with or not. What had Wallis been doing all this time? Why was he so hurt? His clothes looked old and tattered, too. How long had it been since he'd gotten a new shirt? A new pair of pants? About the only thing Wallis had going, was he seemed to keep himself well shaven- he only had a soul patch, no beard growing...
Purple couldn't help but smile. He remembered Wallis used to think beards were disgusting. Wallis always said “I'd never let one of those THINGS grow on my face!”
He was so passionate about the stupidest things. It's why Purple liked him so much.
“I just pissed some people off.” Wallis spoke, making Purple jump out of his thoughts.
“What?” “The bruises- the fight. I just pissed some assholes off- like I always do. Still won... like I always do.” Wallis's voice seemed to grow a bit duller, as he looked away from Purple- the silence threatening to take over again.
Purple wouldn't let it. “You're still starting fights?”
“I. I'm sorry to hear it.”
“No you're not.”
“I am sorry, though.”
“That's the reaction people give when they don't know what else to SAY, Purple. That's like, conversations 101. It's so easy to tell when someone has run into a conversational WALL when they apologize about an awkward subject. It's like- if you were to tell me you like your job, but there's this ONE part of your job that's super shitty, but overall you're cool- and it makes this stupid silent period, I mean, what am I supposed to say?? It's conversational suicide, you committed conversational suicide.” “I-- holy shit-” Purple couldn't help but laugh. Wallis had always been stupidly dramatic. “I think you're overthinking that, Wallis.” “I'm just saying you asked a dumb question, and an OBVIOUS one, with an obvious response, I had no choices, this was no longer a conversation because you killed it.” “Oh my god you obnoxious asshole, shut up.”
“No.” “Also technically YOU halted the conversation by outright STATING this crazy concept that you still beat people up and so don't go blaming ME.” Wallis actually seemed to cover his mouth- trying to hide a laugh. “....yeah. I- well shit I guess I did start it.” Purple smiled in response, as Wallis finally glanced over to him.
They shared a moment, before Wallis turned away again, glancing at his nails. Even his nails looked terrible. Purple thought silently to himself, before he shut his eyes.... and stepping over to sit next to Wallis.
“You used to protect me all the time, Wallis. From all those assholes who picked on me.” “Well, they didn't pick on you LONG.” Purple laughed. “Yeah, that's true. Your mom was always so angry at you.” Wallis smiled again, that smile Purple realized he missed terribly all these years. “Mom has the worst temper. She was so angry when she'd get a call that I beat up some new kid. But- shit Purple, they were being DICKS!” “Ah hahaha, yeah, they really were!” Wallis turned to face Purple, eyes burning in a rage. “SOMEONE had to teach them some human decency! Their PARENTS sure as heck WEREN'T.” “Sometimes its not the parents, sometimes the kids are just terrible.” “Oh my god we are NOT getting into another argument, I swear all we do is argue!” “Wallis I haven't seen you in years, I'm not arguing. We're just talking, you know.” Wallis sighed frustrated, as he sat back against the seat of the couch. “Whatever.” Purple just rolled his eyes. Sure, Purple missed the guy, but- goddamn he never grows up and he's so STUBBORN and it's so annoying! Old habits die hard, apparently. Purple felt like Wallis had never left. Purple stared down.... feeling himself go cold. That's right.
Wallis left.
Shutting his eyes.... Purple had to say what was on his mind.
“.....Petunia misses you.” Wallis didn't even seem to bat an eye. “So.” “....so you haven't visited your MOM in years.” “I'm aware.” Wallis spoke coldly. Purple could tell the air was thickening again. But, he had to push through.
“You've missed her birthdays.” “I know.” “You UPSET her--” “I KNOW! SHUT UP.” Wallis snapped, glancing away.
Purple grit his teeth.... years of anger finding themselves back to the surface. “Me and Seaweed have gone every year. YOU haven't. You-- you haven't talked to her- or ME-” “Leave this ALONE, Purple--” “-you haven't even talked to SEAWEED, and she was your BEST friend!” “SHUT UP PURPLE I'M SERIOUS!” “NO!” Purple snapped to his feet, as Wallis did also, both glaring coldly at each other. “Do you have ANY idea how badly you've upset them!?” Purple spoke angrily, clenching his fits. He couldn't hold back- not after everything Purple has seen. “You just DISAPPEARED! Your mother hasn't heard a word, your BEST FRIEND-- ME-- no one!! No one knows where you've been!” Wallis tried to pull away, but Purple stepped closer, upset. “Purple BACK OFF-” “They had no idea what was going on with you!! They didn't know if you were okay, or--” “Purple stop it!” “-NO! Don't you care?! Don't you care that they CRIED FOR YOU?!” Purple finally snapped, as Wallis shoved him back furiously. “It's better then them DYING FOR ME!!!”
Purple and Wallis froze in silence, as Wallis stared down, his energy seeming to drain from his face.
“....I. I don't-- want them to die for me.” Wallis mumbled, as he slowly leaned back against the wall. Wallis's hat sat near the shoes, forgotten until now.... as Purple's eyes widened, glancing to the hat.
It made sense.
Wallis... didn't bother to grab his hat. It was even sort of dinged up too- like. He didn't care....
….like he didn't care what happened to it...
“....I.” Wallis trembled against the wall,as Purple turned back over to face him.
“....I don't know-- what I'm capable of, Purple.” His voice was shaking....
I killed Harold.
I killed him.... I killed my only brother.
And I don't even know how I did it.” The Incident...
“I-- I'm scared-” Wallis spoke, as he slowly sat down, holding his face, gripping his hair tightly.
“I can't do it again. T-there....
There wasn't even anything LEFT of him--
I'm too dangerous--
people around me just--
they just- get hurt....”
Purple stood above his friend, watching Wallis collapse into misery in front of him. How often.... had Wallis actually confronted this? Purple learned about it.... but never through Wallis. Wallis virtually ignored it.... Wallis did everything he could, to ignore what happened to Harold.
Purple gently knelt down to Wallis- one of his oldest friends. And-- if Purple had to be honest... his first crush.
“.....It's not your fault.” “I-it is my f-fault. My brother-- what could he have become? W-would we have gotten a-along? He'd b-be an adult now-- who would h-he be? Would he still b-be shy? W-would—” Wallis couldn't take it anymore. He broke down into sobs, as Purple pulled forward, hugging him close.
For a split second, Purple was worried Wallis would shove him back, but-- Wallis just clung to Purple, tears unending, and Purple stayed right with him. Purple stayed with Wallis, as the hours ticked by, and as the tears dried up.
Purple stayed with Wallis, as he made Wallis eat. Purple stayed with Wallis, as Wallis reminisced about his brother. As Wallis broke down again, as Wallis picked himself back up, and as Wallis fell apart once more--
Purple stayed.
And, eventually. Wallis stopped crying. Eventually, Purple convinced him to sleep- and made Wallis take Purple's own bed- regardless of Wallis's protests.
And eventually... the sun began to rise, as Purple sat in the living room, far too exhausted to even think of sleeping on his old broken couch. But as he glanced back into his bedroom-- he saw Wallis, sleeping soundly. Purple couldn't help but smile as he glanced down. It was exhausting, but. Wallis.... finally opened up about it.
And- maybe somehow... this could be the beginning of his healing. Maybe.... Wallis could learn to start forgiving himself. Purple frowned. A therapist could probably help, too.
Sighing, Purple finally laid down on the couch, staring to the ceiling, his tired eyes blinking- trying to force themselves shut.
When he woke, maybe he'd call Petunia. Maybe- he'd convince Wallis to call Petunia. Maybe.... Seaweed could come over. Maybe Purple could help turn this around.
And in his last moments of consciousness... he heard someone- anyone, say two words.
“Thank you.”
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prompt-verse · 3 years
Dark Dark Abyss
A/N: Hello! I wrote this little story a while ago, but forgot about it because of my poor memory. Nonetheless, here it is! There's a bit of Cirrold in here, so I hope that's okay. This fanfic came to be from a prompt that inspired me. I hope you like it! ^v^
Word count: 1305.
Cirrus was not happy to be in the Dark Dark Abyss. 
  He was only there because Harold dragged him there.
  And of course, it was Rylie’s spectacular idea to bring them all here. Nim seemed to enjoy herself, which was the only positive thing in this. 
  He also wasn’t keen on wearing a disguise as well. He couldn’t even keep his usual cloud hair, too! He wore his hideous blonde hair instead. He was self-conscious, but he’d never admit it.
  “I dunno what you see in the place, hon. This store is for every angsty fourteen-year-old,” commented Wallis as he inspected a few clothes that were hung up. 
  Rylie sent him a stink eye. “Just because you don’t like it doesn’t mean you have to blast me about it!” exclaimed the rainbow-haired girl.
  Suddenly, Rylie turned her head towards Harold with hope in her dark eyes. “You like it here, right Harold? This place is your entire aesthetic!” she gestured with her hands to emphasize her point. 
  Wallis cackled loudly in response to her words, snorting every-so-often. “Holy shit, you’re right! ‘Cuz he’s all gloom and doom!” cheered the blue-eyed man.
  A dust of deep red blossomed on Harold’s cheeks. He stuttered incoherently, grumbling under his breath. He squeezed his upper arm before grabbing the rim of his hat and yanking it down to hide his rising blush. He scowled at both Wallis and Rylie. 
  Cirrus didn’t appreciate their teasing.
  “You both should be ashamed of yourselves! That’s not fair to Harold, he’s improved immensely,” explained Cirrus as he sent the duo a dark glare. 
  Rylie shot her arms up in a peaceful gesture. Wallis shrugged his arms nonchalantly. 
  “Sorry, Cirrus! We’re just toying with him. Y’know, like siblings do!” replied Rylie with a nod.
  “It looks like Cirrus has gone into protective boyfriend mode,” added Wallis with a shit-eating grin.
  Before Cirrus could speak his mind, Rylie dragged Wallis away by the ear. That left the two men alone as the rest of their friends were scattered around the area. 
  Harold’s ruby red eyes darted towards Cirrus’s own. The black-haired man grinned ear to ear. 
  “Thanks, Cirrus. It’s cute when you get all protective,” said Harold, as he nudged Cirrus’s arm playfully.
  Cirrus scoffed before he rolled his eyes. He crossed his arms. “I don’t know what you mean by that. I was just doing what’s right,” scoffed the blonde. 
  “Mhm,” Harold quirked a brow at him, but didn’t press him any further. 
  Rylie woke up, a scream threatening to erupt from the back of her throat. She scanned her room, realizing she wasn’t where she thought she was.
  She was with Wallis and her new family. Her parents no longer were around her anymore. She’d be lying if she said that didn’t hurt, but she accepted it. 
  Shakily, she flung the covers off her body. Her feet hit the carpet as she shuffled out of her bedroom. 
  She entered the kitchen, flicking the lights on. She checked the clock, realizing it was around 3 A.M. A heavy sigh racked her body as she ran her fingers through her colorful hair. 
  A yawn escaped her lips as she rummaged around the freezer before pulling out a tub of ice-cream. She didn’t even bother putting it into a bowl like she normally would. She grabbed a spoon from the drawers.
  Rylie plopped herself down on the kitchen chair before she scooped up a portion of the ice-cream and swallowed it whole. 
  She should be happy that Wallis and the others accepted her, flaws and all. She should be happy that her first Magic Show went incredibly well. That’s where Cirrus and Harold met, after all. 
  Her thoughts came to an abrupt stop once a familiar voice filled the air. 
  “Rylie…? What the hell are you doing up so late?” inquired Wallis flatly. 
  She whipped her head around, panic beginning to swirl inside of her stomach. “W-Wallis! I was… uh…” she stuttered out. 
  He tilted his head to the side curiously. “It was a nightmare, huh? You’re never up this late- or early?” he paused, checking the time before he shrugged. “I dunno, it doesn’t really matter,” said the blonde. 
  He took a seat beside her, nudging her upper arm with his elbow. “You’re usually up last outta everyone here,” he teased. 
  Rylie didn’t react, pouting like a kicked puppy. He scoffed. “Oh, don’t give me that look. You and I both know I win with facial expressions. What’s up, Ry?” uttered Wallis.
  “It's… my parents…” muttered the teenager sadly. 
  Wallis hummed in acknowledgment. For once, he was quiet, patiently waiting for her to continue.
  “I’m so grateful for the life you’ve given me. If it wasn’t for you, I’d probably be on the streets. But… it just… hurts knowing my parents didn’t love me like they were supposed to…” 
  Tears sprung in the corners of Rylie’s eyes. Wallis leaned close before wiping her tears away.    
  “It’s okay honey, let it out,” ushered the blue-eyed man.
  She let out a stifled cry, sniffling every now and again. Wallis swiftly grabbed a tissue box from the counter before Rylie mumbled a ‘thank you’ in response. He stroked her back, rubbing up and down, hoping to bring his sister-like figure some comfort.
  As Rylie slowly, but surely, began to dry away her tears, an idea sprung in Wallis’s head. 
  “Hey, why don’t we do a fashion show? I have enough clothes for the both of us! I should probably give some away…” Wallis’s voice trailed off, lost in thought for a moment.
  He shot up and hoisted Rylie from where she sat, dragging her to his bedroom’s closet. She didn’t put up much of a fight, curious to see what Wallis was going to do. She was desperate for a distraction as well.
  The two reached said closet, with Wallis rummaging around through his clothes. He pulled a few from the hangers, dropping them carelessly on the ground beside him. Rylie watched in peak interest.
  Eventually, he finished. 
  He shoved several articles of clothing Rylie’s way, a smile growing on his lips. 
  “I’ll leave so you can get dressed. Wear them with confidence, okay?” said Wallis. Rylie nodded in bewilderment. 
  The clothes were actually… really nice. 
  Most of them were colorful and flowy dresses. They reminded her of the dress Petunia always wore. Rylie did a little twirl, smoothing the dress out with her hand. She smiled ear to ear.
  She exited the closet, realizing Wallis was waiting for her on his bed. His face lit up, sparkles practically in his ocean blue eyes. 
  “Ry! You look great! How do you feel?” 
  “... Good, actually. I didn’t expect you to have so many dresses in your closet,” explained the rainbow-haired girl.
  Wallis shrugged in response. “I dunno, I just like ‘em. They feel… right for me sometimes. But other times, I’d rather wear a suit, y’know?” said the man. 
  “Oh! Are you genderfluid?” inquired Rylie.
  The other blinked. “... How do you even know that term?” he asked flatly. 
  It was Rylie’s turn to bat her eyes. “I’m bisexual, Wallis,” she deadpanned. 
  “But it makes sense, all things considered. Most men wouldn’t want their nails to be polished like you do,” snickered the girl playfully. 
  Wallis scoffed before he grabbed a pillow and thrusted it at Rylie, who didn’t have a chance to react. The pillow bounced off her chest, plopping to the ground. The girl glared hard at the other.
  “Huh, I wasn’t expecting you to be bi. I suppose you learn new things every day,” muttered Wallis.
  Rylie yawned, covering said yawn with her hand. She stretched her limbs. 
  “I think I’m gonna change and go back to sleep. Thanks for helping me, Wallis,” said Rylie with a warm smile. 
  “Anytime, Rylie,” answered Wallis, returning the grin. 
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sealie · 4 years
Chapters: 2/5 Fandom: Gloomverse (Webcomic) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Wallis Gloom & Rylie "Assistant" Biv, Wallis Gloom & Harold Gloom, Wallis &.. everyone?, Past Wallis Gloom/Professor Purple, Background Amadeus Gloom/Petunia Gloom Characters: Wallis Gloom, Rylie "Assistant" Biv, Seaweed (Gloomverse), Amadeus Gloom, Petunia Gloom, Professor Purple, Other(s) Additional Tags: Temporary Character Death, i guess, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, spoilers for literally the entirety of gloomverse, its sad but then its happier! Summary:
Cake Girl’s words from earlier come back to Harold like a slap in the face, a final wake up call. This isn’t some overblown fantasy or empty threat- this is revenge. Revenge that fuels Cake Girl’s smirk, her maniacal laughter.
Revenge that begins with the cake golem plucking Wallis’ wand from the ground as if it’s nothing.
Or; the one where Cake Girl so nearly succeeds.
chapter 2 is up! im posting these whenever but ch4 isnt done yet so .
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stratoverse · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Gloomverse (Webcomic) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Rylie "Assistant" Biv & Seaweed Characters: Rylie "Assistant" Biv, Seaweed (Gloomverse), Wallis Gloom (mentioned) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, this could potentially be read as shippy but idk take it how you want lmao, spoilers for the magic show! Summary:
The walk through the hospital halls seems to last too long, and yet Assistant still wishes she had longer to prepare for what’s waiting at the end.
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blueoctobass · 3 years
Cirrus and Nim are terrible rulers
Cirrus and Nim became prince and princess because they won the magic lottery and beat up people to climb the ranks. As far as we know, that’s the only thing that’s needed to become royalty in stratoverse. Leadership qualities ? Neither have them.
Nim is just doing her own thing and seemingly doesn’t have any interest in taking the throne. She may be a nice person but she’s not a good politician. She just wanna be an archeologist, and becoming princess was the only way to do that, or at least to leave the country while remaining a citizen. As a princess, she should have the power and ability to change that for others like her, no ? Yet the only thing she did, as far as we know, is get her title and Run Away. If she had done any changes, she could have just stepped down and let someone more interested take over. There’s always the risk that the new princess would undo what she did, but Nim is powerful, perhaps as powerful as Virga if not more. She could take the title again in that case.
Meanwhile, Cirrus lacks A LOT of diplomacy for punching the president of one country and insulting the shaman of another.  I love that boy but he's a loner dumbass and probably not a great leader. He supposedly became the prince because he was raised by a magicless family. Yet, he’s become part of the problem and hasn’t made any changes. He just feels bad about what’s happening and complain about shoes.
(more under the cut)
Maybe he just doesn’t have enough power as a prince and needs to be the king to bring such a significant change to society. but.... The king is a nice grandpa, he could probably talk to the grandpa and make change as a prince with the help of the king but noooooo he's punching the president instead. Why did he became Prince if hes just going to wait and do nothing ? Virga said he didn’t want to kill the King, which is nice, but you know what she also said? That he was going to live another 80 years. If he doesn’t do anything now as a Prince, why did he become one ? Did he want to be king and then noped out because he can’t bring himself to potentially hurt or kill a nice old man while magicless teens are dying in the background ? He want change ? That’s good ! But he’s not doing anything to get change. Sure mentality doesn’t change overnight, and there’s probably going to be pushback against such a big change, but doing nothing will get you nothing.
It's true that they do have some good qualities and skills (well mostly Nim actually ? Cirrus is... a wildcard tbh), but leading a country is going to take a lot more than just that ! They need some (a lot) character development before we can say they would be good leaders (and again, Nim isn't really interested). It also seems that being the Prince and Princess doesn't come with a lot of responsabilities ? Nim went away, became an archeologist and probably doesn't come back very often, and Cirrus has the time to travel between Stratoverse and Gloomverse to come see her. Queen Virga is the only one who is seen having some sort of diplomatic role. If they want change, they probably need the Queen and King, or maybe Yellow, to do that. Which is why Cirrus needs to talk to the goddamn King or take the throne or nothing is going to change. He's not doing anything ! I think that Yellow has some role to play in the royalty, at the very least as an adviser, and if someone is too.... incompetent, she can do something about it (either by councelling them or.... getting rid of them. She's regarded as a goddess and ordered a murder. She could do that.) It is possible she’s the one preventing Cirrus from making such changes, after all she’s probably behind the current system.
After giving it thought, Cirrus' behaviour is very.... self centred. He cares about magicless people because his family is magicless, and presumably became Prince to change their living conditions for the better. That was his motivation, that was his goal. But it seems (to me at least) that he lost touch with that ? He cares, but only react to attacks, he's not proactive, he's not in Stratoverse trying to change mentalities, or on the mainland helping and protecting magicless people. He's in Steamverse, having a good time with his friend. Good for him, but what about his original goal ? He lost sight of it, and instead got shaped by the system into an ignorant nationalist dumbass. Maybe it's just a facade to fit in, but he never dropped it, not even in gloomverse or in the middle of the ocean. He says he's proud of his country, but he didn't even know about the shoes being imported ? He doesn't know how Stratoverse work. Which is concerning. Since the King has more powers than the Prince, he should try and become King to change things. But he also doesn't want to kill the current King because he's a sweet old man. His magicless family can wait 80 years for the current king to die of old age? Right? (no) He didn't try to negotiate a peaceful passover or a staged fight, or just talking to the guy and asking for help either. He's just... enjoying his freedom as Prince of Stratoverse I guess? His supposed motivation of helping magicless people has been lost.... My point is, Cirrus needs help. Let's be real, he's kind of a dumbass. He doesn't know how Stratoverse work, he lacks diplomacy and tact, he's not the most friendly type and Nim seems to be.... his only friend? And even she barely tolerate him. If he want to change anything and be a good leader, he has to make more effort? He's trying his best, I get that, but he's on his own. Change can't come from just one person. He needs to surround himself with competent people that he can trust, starting with Nim and Alto, and also reconnect with his family and other magicless people to actually help them. He’s so averse to shoes, I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t come back to see his family since he went to live in the clouds. Maybe they died and he lost motivation ! But he’s talking about them in the present tense, not past, implying they’re still alive (unless he forgot to check on them for too long).
Finally, I think it's very likely they won't stay royalty for the whole comic. Why ? Virga is on a quest to kill Rylie, while she, Nim and Cirrus are bonding. I'm waiting for the moment of confrontation where choices will be made and sides will be chosen :) And something tells me that Nim would rather forfeit her Princess title than let Rylie die. ( I wrote a fic about it ) Being Queen never was her goal anyway, she just wanted to be able to leave the country. 
TL;DR : Nim became a princess for selfish reasons before running away from her responsibilities and without addressing the problem that made her do this. Cirrus lost sight of his goal, isolated himself, and became complacent about the one thing he wanted to change. Nim needs to give up her title if she’s not going to use it and Cirrus needs to TALK TO PEOPLE AND ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING
Thanks for reading ! this is an altered version of a comment thread i wrote as a response to a comment saying “Nim and Cirrus seem like they would make perfect rulers” (i’m paraphrasing) and I had Some Objections to that notion. They’re terrible rulers. I dont think they even deserve to be called rulers right now since they’re just fooling around.
Also, feel free to reblog with your own thoughts ! You can defend them, or drag them more if you so wish.
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corvidprompts · 4 years
what’s up?
So! The server has been kind of limping along due to Huge Amounts of Pandemic Stress killing our ability to write prompts. While the blog is Still Here and I’m determined to get back at it- eventually- I’d like to remind you guys we have an active and welcoming discord server that’s been a safe haven for all of us, and is bursting with amazing artists and authors and also fandom nerds.
If you’re interested in the cprompts discord server shoot us an ask- off anon!- or dm @unnameablethings
however we all have personal self indulgent projects going! So! below the cut is both the mods current projects... and the projects of people from the discord server!
what the mods are up to:
Mod Crow has just started posting an ATLA rewrite featuring avatar!Katara, which you can find here.
Mod Unname has descended into a bout of torrid homosexuality due to quarantine stress so xir current writing can be found at xir smut blog @noblebutch
Mod Sam has two (2) separate time travel fics going on ao3, one on warrior cats here and one on The Clone Wars, which has apparently destroyed the mental health of everyone interested in the show
What the server in general is up to:
Some friends are running a public Teen Titans server! You can join from this link here:
If that link is expired (1 day), you can message @theycerola or @somber-fae
Another friend has a public discord server for Gloomverse, which you can joing from this link here:
this link is permanent and will not expire
Falcolm has a bunch of different projects:
Calliope’s Tale (you know the super popular pirate and mermaid fic going around? yeah that was him he turned it into a full story)
another project by him about dnd characters
he’s also done a stand still stay silent fanfic
and he has a twitch stream he uses regularly!
Atlas from the cpromtps discord has an original work up on ao3 
Harold from the discord server also has a warrior cats time travel fic! you can read it here
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13. Any favorite Gloomverse fanfic/fanart?
ooo that’s hard uhhh i like Rain that was v cute and i haven’t read this one in a while but Poppy is still cute. also Gloomdritch is really really interesting owo um......also that uh.........one fic. that i like. it is written pretty dang good and also has. content. of which i will not name.
and favorite fanart?? wellllll that’s definitely hard soo i’m just going to go into the gv tag and kinda just pic something random. let’s seeee....
alright how about this one
IT CUTE. okay now that i’ve picked that one everyone else’s gv fanart is labeled as trash. now go home.
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Writing Practice Wanted!
Hello everyone!
I started this blog because I need writing practice. I’m not in the habit of writing every day, but I want to become a good writer. I know that the only way to do this is to get practice, because no one can just create anything worthwhile on their first try. 
The problem is that I don’t have any ideas. I usually hate reading one-shots and short stories, and can’t muster up the will to write them on my own. I also have no inclination to write something that I wouldn’t read myself.
I could start posting the first chapters of every big idea that comes my way, but I would probably abandon them immediately and they wouldn’t live up to my expectations. People who did enjoy them would be inevitably disappointed when the fics were abandoned, and when I looked back on the ideas, I would probably be uninspired by my earlier failure to commit to them. 
This leads me back to writing short stories. They’re an easy way to get valuable practice without having to commit to them, and they can also appeal to people less picky and more reasonable than myself. But I’m still very uninspired to come up with ideas for them, which is why I’m turning to you guys for help.
I’m asking for short story requests. Please send me an ask or a message that includes one of the listed fandoms, your requested characters and a prompt about them. If it is not in the ‘will not write about’ list, I’ll do it as soon as I have free time. I have no problems with most ships, and I would really appreciate it if the prompt is out of my comfort zone. Which is pretty much everything, to be honest.
Thank you to everyone who decides to request me for a one-shot. I can’t guarantee quality writing, or a perfect result for every prompt. But I can promise that I’ll try my hardest for every single one. Maybe if I keep on doing this, my own inspiration will start to flow.
Fandoms I Will Write For:
Gravity Falls
Marvel Cinematic Universe/Avengers
Detroit: Become Human
Cinderella Phenomenon
Hatoful Boyfriend
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic**
Undertale AUs
Stardew Valley
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Harry Potter
The Property of Hate
The Cruel Prince
Food Fantasy
Will be updated over time!
Things I Will Not Write:
Real Person Fic
Intense Violence/Gore
May be updated over time.
Thank you all for requesting short stories from me. I might not have time to do every single one, but I’ll try my best. All of the listed fandoms will be in the tags so that more people can find this. Thanks again for helping me begin my writing journey. 
*I will not write for NDRV3 because I haven’t finished playing it yet, and I will not write for DR3 because I haven’t watched it. Same with the OVAs.
**I have not caught up with the show and have only watched up to season 6, so what I write might be outdated.
***I am not planning on watching Boruto, so I won’t write for it. That doesn’t mean I don’t like it, I just don’t want to watch it.
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drowningindango · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
I got tagged by @enquiringangel :3 Thanks! (putting the rest under a cut because it got kinda long)
1. How many fics on AO3?
Currently 18
2. Total AO3 wordcount?
77704 words
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Naruto, Borderlands, Undertale, Gloomverse, Teen Wolf… it’s a wide and wild spectrum. (not all of the works are published)
4. Top Five by Kudos?
Twice as Handsome
One Is The Loneliest Number
Just to Be by Your Side
Was it worth the wait?
For the rest of (y)our life
(I’m so proud a few of my naruto babies have managed to sneak up to the top :’3)
5. Do you respond to comments, why/why not?
YES. This is my favourite thing to do, I LOVE talking to people in the comments so much. I sometimes end up responding with more than the original comment, hahaha. Having conversations and hearing what people think gives me joy. I might sometimes not answer short comments when I can’t think of anything beyond “thanks” but I still silently appreciate them.
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I mean, the strongest contender for this is a fic that’s not yet fully published but has its ending all planned out. “The Tragic Tale of Timothy Lawrence.” It’s my nastiest work overall too. Otherwise I like writing angst but not really angsty endings unless it’s poetic in some way.
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Yeah, I do, and I can’t help it. It just happens. Although it’s mostly just putting characters from one franchise into another. Craziest…is a tough question. Depends how you define crazy, I always try to let it make sense. I guess my Borderlands x Edna’s Breakout fic qualifies here. A dead fandom crossed over with a small indie game whose fandom never really lived. xD
8. Have you received hate on a fic?
Nope. And please don’t jinx it.
9. Do you write smut?
Yes, unfortunately. (For all of you. xD) No idea if it’s good tho. I try my best.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know.
11. Ever had a fic translated?
12. Ever co-written a fic before?
Yes 🙌 Worked a couple of times with my favourite egg in the world. I also wrote privately with other friends on fics and stories. It’s really nice if the chemistry is just right and you can pick up where the other left off when their energy runs out. :3
13. All time favorite ship?
*broken computer noises*
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh…….. I’ll just go with my current hyperfixation, if that’s okay. MadaObi
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
I have an unholy amount of open WIPs but I refuse to let any of them go.
The only one I have completely given up on is my old Undertale fic “What if…?” because I know for sure I will not touch that again. xD (…too much work, too much rewriting necessary)
There’s no such thing for me as a fic I “want” to finish but “never will”. If I actually want to finish something, then I will… one day. If not, then I never really wanted or cared enough to finish it. That’s how I’m wired. xD
15. What are your writing strengths?
Long internal monologues, emotions and descriptions. I like to think I make nice wordplays and sometimes may even be funny. xD
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Coming up with more plot than I need. (No, seriously, this is a plague.)
Also, dialogue.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages?
You mean like including spoken dialogue that’s in another language than the overall work? It’s neat. I’m not sure how well it works for reading, it’s much more suited for movies (and comics), since you really experience it there and the reward for knowing and understanding the language is much higher.
In a written work, however, you are often looking from the eyes of a narrator, most commonly a certain character. So either they would understand what is said or not. If the character understands it, it would make much more sense if the dialogue is written in a way that it is marked as a different language but still so that every reader can understand it. If the character does not know the language, then they will often not even be able to make out the full words anyway and it would not make much sense to write it out fully. But then again, writing it out fully doesn’t do any harm either beyond giving the knowledgeable reader a nice little treat and giving people the opportunity to translate it later, so as I said before: I don’t mind either way. I’m neutral on that. Whatever works best for the story you want to tell.
If the question means specific words and phrases that are well-known and characteristic for the fandom from the source material, then just yes. The reader understands and it will simply fit in right, unless it’s done in a weird over the top way. I don’t see an issue here.
18. First fandom you wrote for?
I’ve probably written some stuff as a kid, but I don’t remember. (I know I created a giant fix-it story for Naruto but I never wrote any of that down lol. I was more into drawing.) So, my first “official” fanwork was for Undertale.
19. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
This is an evil question. Overall, probably “One Is The Loneliest Number” (despite being far from finished) because it’s gonna be bittersweet when I get to the good stuff. It’s the most planned out and detailed fic I have and I have a lot of feelings about it.
My favourite from my naruto fics (since this is still a naruto blog :’D): It is not a single fic and more a string of little snippets so far, but I really love my ObiMito time travel AU.
Tagging: @aly-uchiha913 @princeofuchiha and whoever else wants to be tagged.
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slothydaydreamer · 5 years
Writing Meme
Your Name: DualDreamer (well, that's my writing name at least)
Fandom You Write For: Mainly for Borderlands. I used to write for Undertale too, but not much. Technically I also write for Gloomverse but didn't publish anything yet.
Where You Post: AO3
Most Popular One-Shot: Weeeeell....I only have one one-shot on ao3 at the moment ^^''' That is the waw au fic Burning Eyes. There's also a fic that was written as a one-shot and published in three chapters, all at once, called Just to Be by Your Side. Which is slightly more popular.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter: My jackothy fic Twice as Handsome
Favorite Story You’ve Written: One Is The Loniest Number
Story You Were Nervous To Post: Oof....I don't know? I don't remember any.
How do you choose titles: I try to find something that breaks down the essence of the fic, mostly by playing with key words or making a good pun.
....except the one time EG talked me into naming a fic after a song. xD
Do you outline: Yes. Always.
How many of your stories are complete: Two, or three if I count the one-shot. It doesn't matter that I am sometimes a weak person who adds a new chapter to a certain, already completed work.
How many of your stories are in progress: Officially (as in posted ones)? Two. Secretly? Oh honey, too many.
Coming Soon: Hopefully a new TAH chapter. =w='''' Other stuff that has a chance of coming soon are: an edna au one-shot, the next chapter of angel au or perhaps something entirely new...
Do You Accept Prompts: Yes. I only write on them if I like the prompt though, and if I have time for it.
Upcoming story you’re most excited to write: Blob au. :) The story of a very handsome demon teaching the devil's child how to be evil...
To be honest, I haven't been working a lot on it lately.
Tagging: @lastoftheorder
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Just a short fic about Harold and Wallis I wrote some time ago!
Gloomverse belongs to @loverofpiggies ! I hope you see this and spare some time to read
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For the ask meme: all even numbers
lmao nice
I’m even gonna put it under the cut because jesus
2. Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life. 
One is definitely bbrae, it introduced me to the world of fanfiction.net and the world of good fanfiction (sorry PJO fandom, but not really). Another is probably solangelo (PJO), since it was my first hardcore gay ship (look at me now LOL) and I grew up learning that “gay is wrong” so I went through some interesting developments then. Then probably denmano (hetalia) a beautiful crack ship that owns the title of my first hetalia fanfic posted. 
4. What’s your current NOTP?
I have two that come to mind instantly: pruhun (hetalia again) and bbterra (or whatever the ship name is). The bbterra NOTP isn’t intentional, I just never liked Terra, she annoyed me, and I personally hate betrayal in most situations so that didn’t help any. I’m polite to the shippers but I struggle to support the ship itself. 
6. I already answered this one. 
8. Have you ever shipped yourself with a character?
10. Do you ship any characters that have never met? 
Hell yeah I do, that’s the best part because then you get to come up with fun scenarios. Crack shipping ftw. 
12. Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together? 
I wouldn’t know the feeling RIP :’)
14. How do you feel about will they/won’t they? 
will they or won’t they what what am I missing
16. I already answered this one. 
18. Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship. 
I’m mostly steadfast with my ships, once I start I can’t stop sort of thing (frickin gloomverse making me ship pi and indigo agh) but when Raven and Robin were getting a little past the ‘friendly interaction’ stage at one point during the show I was like O.o what about starfire ??
20. Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping. 
Denmano. Also,,,,, wait, that’s it. DenmarkxRomano. 
22. Which of your ships have the best chemistry? 
Mmmmmmmmm bbrae. 
24. Do you mostly ship canon pairings? 
Most of the time, unless they don’t have a canon pairing yet (*cough cough* NALU I’M LOOKING AT YOU *cough cough*)
26. I already answered this one. 
28. Does shipping come easily to you? 
30. Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships. 
32. I already answered this one. 
34. Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP. 
I don’t listen to fanmixes but if anyone knows any cool ones of bbrae I would be ecstatic. 
36. Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for your ships?
well look at this blog it’s pretty much me struggling to make them all not bbrae so
38. Do you like and use ship names? 
40. If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be?
well it would be nice if they were canon,,,,,
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