#glace bay
if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 months
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"SEARCH FOR GUN IN N. S. SLAYING," Hamilton Spectator. November 27, 1933. Page 6. --- Inquest Held on Death of Mrs. W. Wilkinson ---- Son Says She Was Threatened By His Uncle ---- Glace Bay, N.S., Nov. 27. - (CP) - Search went forward to-day for the weapon that sent a bullet crashing through Mrs. William Wilkinson's head as she sat in a neighbour's room Thursday morning.
Police considered having a diver explore the flooded Hub colliery, suspected as a possible hiding place of the death gun. A mysterious occurrence about the old shaft on the night of the murder led to this belief.
A miner walking homeward in the early morning darkness told Chief Joseph McInnis he had seen a car drive up to the pit mouth. It stopped for a few moments and then the door slammed and it moved away.
The weapon was believed by police to be an important factor in their investigation. Mrs. Wilkinson was shot with a rifle, and a flattened soft-nose bullet was found lying on the floor near her body. Simultaneously with the murder, her husband's hunting rifle disappeared.
Brother-in-Law Held To-day Walter Wilkinson, the husband's brother, was held on a murder charge. Evidence submitted at the preliminary hearing Saturday told of quarrels between the dead woman and her brother-in-law and of a "row" in the Wilkinson home the night of her death,
Thirteen-year-old Douglas Wilkinson, who saw his mother killed, said Walter had threatened to shoot her. Before they fled to Daniel McLeod's home they had locked themselves in a bedroom and barricaded the door. He was not sure whether his uncle was carrying a gun.
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chumbuckket · 1 year
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my dog being extra cute at the beach
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sonjabysonjamorgan · 1 year
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my faaaaaaaaav type of dead celeb headline
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capebretonmrketing · 2 years
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Tamarind Optical, now taking bookings in Sydney River and Glace Bay, is committed to a higher quality of life for our patients by providing first class prescription eyeglasses, contact lens, safety glasses, prescription sunglasses, and high fashion frames.
Regular eye exams give your Cape Breton Eye Care Center a chance to correct vision changes and offer a number of services and  tips on caring for your eyes.
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BOOK AN EYE EXAM: Contact Tamarind Optical today for all your vision care needs - Sydney River: 902-564-5332 | Glace Bay: 902-842-3333 
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literaryvein-reblogs · 2 months
Writing Notes: Food (5 Mother Sauces)
for writing your cooking and other food-related scenes
Mother sauces, first classified by French Chef Marie-Antoine Carême and later codified by Auguste Escoffier, are the starting points for countless ‘daughter’ sauces in French cuisine.
In 1833, Marie Antoine Carême published a classification of French sauces in his reference cookbook L’art de la cuisine française au XIXe siècle ("The Art of French Cuisine in the 19th Century").
These foundations are essential to traditional French culinary creations, but by adding various ingredients can be transformed into a wide range of sauces ready to enhance and complete different dishes.
The Roux
Master the making of roux (“roo”), and you will have a variety of French sauces at your fingertips.
Roux is basically cooking fat and flour together before adding in the liquid you want to thicken.
The fat used is generally butter, but oil or other fats can also be used.
The fat and flour cook together to cook out some of the floury, pasty flavor in the flour.
Cook the mixture for 5 minutes for white, 20 minutes for blond, or 35 minutes for brown roux.
The darker the roux, the nuttier the flavor.
When the liquid is added to the roux, and everything comes to a boil, the flour thickens the liquid, and you end up with sauce.
Four out of the five mother sauces are thickened by roux.
The 5 French “Mother Sauces”
1. Béchamel (“bay-sha-mel”)
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Also known as a white sauce, this is a white roux whisked with milk or other dairy to make a white sauce.
White and just a tad bit thicker than heavy cream.
The flavoring is up to you, although the French like to do a little salt and pepper, while the Italians like to throw on a pinch of nutmeg.
Another traditional flavoring option is to steep the milk with a whole onion that has been studded with a couple of cloves and a bay leaf before being combined with the roux.
By itself, béchamel is quite bland, which is why it is usually cooked with other ingredients and not used as a finishing sauce.
Béchamel is classically served with eggs, fish, steamed poultry, steamed vegetables, pastas, and veal.
The sister sauces include:
Mornay = béchamel + Gruyère + Parmesan + butter
Cheese = béchamel + cheddar + Worcestershire sauce + dry mustard
Soubise = béchamel + onions + butter
2. Velouté (“vuh-loo-tay”)
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It’s made similar to a béchamel, except in this case, stock replaces the milk.
A velouté is a blond roux whisked with chicken, turkey, fish, or any other clear stock.
The resulting sauce takes on the flavor of the stock, and the name is derived from the French word for velvet, which suitably describes this smooth but light and delicate sauce.
Commonly, the sauce produced will be referred to by the type of stock used, for example, chicken velouté.
Velouté is classically served with eggs, fish, steamed poultry, steamed vegetables, and pastas.
The sister sauces include:
Bercy = velouté +shallots + white wine + fish stock + butter + parsley
Normandy = fish velouté + fish stock + mushrooms + liaison
Allemande = veal/chicken velouté + liaison
Suprême = chicken velouté + cream
3. Espagnole (“es-puhn-yohl”)
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Commonly known as brown sauce, this rich sauce is made using beef or veal stock, tomato puree, and mirepoix (meer-ph), which is a combination of diced carrots, celery, and onions, all thickened with a very dark brown roux.
If you’ve heard of demi-glace (deh-mee-glass), it’s nothing more than equal parts of Espagnole sauce and brown stock that has been reduced by half for an even more flavorful sauce.
Espagnole is rarely served on its own due to the strong flavors.
Espagnole is classically served with roasted meats like beef, veal, lamb, and duck.
The sister sauces include:
Bordelaise = demi-glace + red wine + shallots + bay leaf + thyme + black pepper
Châteaubriand = demi-glace + mushrooms + shallots + lemon juice + cayenne pepper + tarragon + butter
Madeira = demi-glace + Madeira wine
Mushroom = demi-glace + mushroom caps
4. Hollandaise (“hol-uhn-dehz”)
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This is the one mother sauce not thickened by a roux.
Hollandaise sauce is an emulsion of butter and lemon juice or vinegar using egg yolks as the emulsifying agent (to bind the sauce), usually seasoned with salt and a little black pepper or cayenne pepper.
Heat control is essential here to prevent curdling of the sauce, and therefore, it is usually done in a double boiler.
Hollandaise sauce is classically served with eggs (Eggs Benedict), vegetables (especially asparagus), light poultry dishes, and fish.
The sister sauces include:
Béarnaise = hollandaise + shallots + tarragon + chervil + peppercorns + white wine vinegar
Chantilly = hollandaise + whipped heavy cream. The tomato sauce is classically served with pasta, fish, vegetables, polenta, veal, poultry, bread, and dumplings such as gnocchi.
5. Tomate (“toe-maht”)
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Sauce tomate, better known as tomato sauce, is based on tomatoes.
A roux is traditionally used in making tomato sauce, but many chefs skip it because the tomatoes themselves are enough to thicken the sauce.
The classic sauce tomate is made with salted pork belly, onions, bay leaves, thyme, pureed or fresh tomatoes, roux, garlic, salt, sugar, and pepper.
If you don’t want to get that fancy, you can leave out the pork belly and roux to make a standard tomato sauce.
The sister sauces include:
Creole = tomato sauce + onion + celery + garlic + bay leaf + thyme + green pepper + hot sauce
Spanish = creole sauce + mushrooms + olives
Milanaise = tomato sauce + mushrooms + butter + cooked ham
Sources and other related articles: 1 2 3 4 5
If these notes inspire you in any way, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read your work!
More: On Food
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myhauntedsalem · 28 days
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Mary Ellen Spook Farm
In January of 1922, farmer Alexander MacDonald, his wife Janet, and their adopted daughter Mary Ellen fled their home in Caledonia Mills, Nova Scotia after a rash of poltergeist activity, including more than 30 unexplained fires. Though several researchers, journalists, detectives, and paranormal investigators would eventually examine the farm and house, the so-called “fire spook” was never fully explained.
The poltergeist activity that had plagued the household for almost an entire year included moving the cattle around when no one was in the barn, mixing ashes into the stored milk, and even braiding the tails of horses. Most notable, however, were the fires which earned the haunting its name.
The fires would spring up spontaneously all over the house and grounds, often far from the hearth or any other source of a spark. Everything from wallpaper to wet towels were said to burst into flame: it got so bad that the family organized a kind of “neighborhood watch” to guard against arsonists, though none were ever found. Eventually, the family fled the property for good.
Once the family moved out of the house, journalists and would-be paranormal investigators moved in. Even Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was invited to explore the phenomena. Some of the most notable accounts include those of Harold Whidden, a reporter from the Halifax Herald, and police detective Peachey Carroll, who spent two nights in the house. During this time they both experienced several odd events, including the feeling of being slapped on the arm and face by phantom hands. Whidden was so troubled by his experiences that he never published them in his lifetime, though they have since been released by his family.
Another prominent investigator who visited the home for several days was Dr. Walker Franklin Prince, who concluded that the poltergeist activity emanated from the family’s then-15-year-old adopted daughter, Mary Ellen–this in spite of the fact that Dr. Prince, himself, experienced no unusual phenomena during his stay. Members of the family were even brought back to the house during his investigation in an attempt to “trigger” the ghost. Dr. Prince did, however, report unexplained rapping noises in his office back in New York for several weeks after he had completed his investigation into the Caledonia Mills “Spook Farm.”
Unfortunately for Mary Ellen, Dr. Prince’s suggestion that she was the cause, albeit unknowingly, of the fires and other poltergeist activity stuck with her throughout her life. People began calling her Mary Ellen Spook, and, according to some accounts, she was even confined to an asylum for many years. Regardless of the cause, after she and her family moved away from the farm in Caledonia Mills, the phenomena ceased.
However, that wasn’t the end of the story of the Caledonia Mills Spook Farm. Over the years, several other explanations have been put forth as new detectives attempt to solve the mystery. Edward J. O’Brien, a lecturer who stopped off at the nearby St. Francis Xavier University, posited that the fires might have been caused by radio waves passing through Caledonia Mills between the radio towers at Wellfleet, Massachusetts, and Glace Bay, Nova Scotia, though to modern science that theory sounds perhaps even more preposterous than “fire spooks.”
Arsonist or no, the Caledonia Mills legend persists. Even today, long after the farm and house have disappeared, people say that if you take home any item from the property, your house will burn down. According to one couple, who call themselves P.O.N.I. (Pair of Normal Investigators), “This has been tested by regular every day people and the buildings always catch fire.”
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cheynovak · 6 months
Shadows of the Past
Soldier boy x F/Reader (Y/N Barnes)  & Bucky Barnes ( Brother)  
Warnings: Angst, Aggression, nothing to extreme 
Side note: English isn’t my first language.    
*Multiverse: between MCU and The boys* 
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In the heart of Brooklyn, nestled among the bustling streets and towering buildings, lived Y/N Barnes, the younger sister of James Buchanan Barnes, known to many as Bucky. At the age of seventeen, Y/N was a senior at Brooklyn High School, where she spent her days immersed in books and dreams of adventure. 
But amid the ordinary rhythm of school and homework, she was like any other teenage girl, and so there was one person who made her heart race like no other – Ben, the mysterious and enigmatic badboy who will later be known as Soldier boy.  
From the moment Y/N first laid eyes on him, she knew that he was different, someone who saw the world through a lens of possibility and adventure. 
But there was one person who didn't share Y/N's enthusiasm for Ben, her older brother, Bucky. He always thought of Ben as a bully since he had a fight with Steve once.  
Bucky had been fiercely overprotective of Y/N, his concerns for her safety drove her insane. She couldn’t understand why but she let him be, but knowing he meant well.  
Y/N wasn’t what we would call popular girl, she always stood in shadows. But she did have a crush on Ben, a guy the same age as her older brother. But she knew Bucky wouldn’t like that. Besides that, in high school Ben never dated the younger girls. So, he never noticed her back then.  
Y/N Barnes strolled through the crowd of the Brooklyn youth at the carnival, her laughter mingling with the joyful sounds of the bustling fair. Beside her walked her brother Bucky and his friend Steve, their easy camaraderie a comforting presence in the sea of strangers. 
Ben and his pals stood by the Ferris wheel as he watched Y/N weave through the colourful chaos of the carnival, he couldn't help but feel as though he was seeing her for the first time. Sure, he had known of her existence, she was Bucky's younger sister, after all. But until that moment, she had been just another face in the crowded halls of their high school.  
As he watched her laugh and joke with Bucky and Steve, there was something about her that captivated him in a way he couldn't quite explain. She was no longer just a young girl tagging along with her older brother. She had a newfound glace of womanhood over her.  
“Don’t do it man.” Ben heard his friends say. “She isn’t worth the trouble with Barnes.” Ignoring the cautionary whispers of doubt, he made his decision, determined to seize the opportunity before it slipped away. 
As Bucky and Steve became momentarily engrossed in the sights and sounds of the carnival, Ben saw his chance. With a steadying breath, he stepped forward, closing the distance between himself and Y/N with purposeful strides. 
"Hey," he called out, his voice carrying over the din of the bustling fairgrounds. Y/N turned toward him, her eyes widening in surprise as she registered his approach. Y/N looked around seeing is he was talking to her before answering. "Hi," she replied, her voice tinged with curiosity.  
"I, uh, I just wanted to say hi," Ben continued, his words stumbling slightly as he fought to keep his nerves at bay. "I've seen you around school, but I've never really had the chance to talk to you before."  
"Well, I don’t blame you." she quipped, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of her lips. "I figured you were too busy with all your other girlfriends to notice little old me." Ben couldn't help but chuckle at Y/N's boldness, she caught him off guard in the best possible way. 
Ben stepped closer "Trust me, none of those other girls even come close," he replied, his voice low as he locked eyes with her. "You're something special, Y/N Barnes." 
“Hey, leave her alone asshole.” Their conversation interrupted the moment Bucky caught sight of them. His expression darkened, a storm brewing behind his steely gaze as he stormed over to where they stood. "Come on Y/N, we're leaving," Bucky declared, his voice sharp with anger as he grabbed her arm, his grip tight. 
Y/N's eyes widened in surprise at her brother's sudden appearance. "Hey, man, I didn't mean any harm," Ben said, his voice calm but firm. "Just wanted to say hi, that's all." But Bucky's anger simmered beneath the surface, his protective instincts overriding any sense of reason as he levelled a fierce glare at Ben. 
"You said it, now go, I don't want you anywhere near my sister," he spat, toe to toe, his words cutting through the air like a knife. "You stay away from her, understand?" “And what if she wants to talk to me?” Ben answered cocky before looking at Y/N.  
Y/N watched as his friends crossed the street, "Bucky, please," she implored, her voice gentle but firm, “Let’s go.” Knowing he might take on Ben alone, but 3 against one. She tugged his arm looking at Steve for help. “Come on Buck, he isn’t worth it.” 
“Yeah, listen to the midget. And run along.” Ben’s voice followed you. Bucky's blood boiled at Ben's audacity, his temper flaring as the younger man's words cut through him like a knife. Without a second thought, he spun around, his fist connecting with Ben's face with a sickening thud. 
It took Ben a second to straighten his back. He could taste the metallic tang of blood in his mouth. Just when he wanted to return the punch Y/N places herself between the men, facing Ben. “Don’t.” she said firm.  
Ben’s green eyes pierce through her. “You’re lucky your sister is here Barnes, I don’t hit girls.” He said still looking at Y/N. “Take him away.” he said now to her. Once around the corner Y/N broke the silence. "What the hell, Bucky?" she demanded, her voice trembling with anger. "Are you insane three to one?!" 
Bucky's expression was grim as he met his sister's gaze, his own anger simmering just below the surface. “What was I supposed to do? He talked shit about Steve.” Y/N pinched her nose. “How about not interfere or if you do be nice?”  
“I don’t want him to talk to you! He is a ladies man, a player.” “Takes one to know one, right?” she bit back. Once they reached their house, she runs inside ignoring her brother. “Goodnight Steve” she hugged him before going to bed.  
The next day 
As the school bell rang, signalling the end of another day of classes, Ben made his way to the gates, his heart pounding with anticipation. He had waited anxiously all day for this moment, hoping that Y/N would show up. As he approached the school gates, he couldn't help but notice the girls walking past him. 
All trying to get his attention with flirtatious giggles and batting eyelashes. But Ben barely spared them a glance, his eyes scanning the crowd for one person and one person only. 
And then, he saw her, standing at the edge of the crowd, her expression a mixture of surprise and curiosity as she caught sight of him. Ben's heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, his pulse quickening as he made his way toward her, pushing through the crowd with determined strides. 
"Y/N," he called out, his voice filled with relief and excitement. "I was hoping I'd see you." Y/N's eyes widened in surprise at his words, her cheeks flushing with colour as she met his gaze. "I... I didn't expect to see you here," she admitted, her voice tinged with uncertainty. 
Ben smiled, his heart swelling with warmth at the sight of her. "I wanted to talk to you," he said earnestly, taking a step closer to her. "Can we go somewhere quieter?" She nodded, feeling his hand on her lower back as he walked her through the crowd. She couldn’t help but to notice how everyone looked at them. Thinking Ben still has a way of getting attention at this high school without trying. Knowing Bucky will find out soon enough. 
As Ben and Y/N stepped into the cozy diner, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon enveloped them, wrapping them in a warm embrace as they made their way to a secluded booth in the corner. 
And as he settled into the worn vinyl seat, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him in the presence of Y/N. "I come here whenever I need to clear my head," Ben explained, gesturing around the diner with a fond smile. "It's like my home away from home."  
"It's cozy," she remarked, her voice soft with appreciation. 
A waitress approached their table, her pen poised and ready to take their order. Ben glanced at Y/N with a playful grin, knowing exactly what she would want. 
"Two milkshakes, please," he said, his gaze never leaving Y/N's as he placed their order. Y/N's cheeks flushed with surprise at his gesture, her heart fluttering with warmth at the thoughtfulness of his choice. 
"You didn't have to do that," she protested softly, her eyes meeting his with gratitude. But Ben simply shrugged, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes as he leaned back in his seat. "Consider it a peace offering," he replied, a playful smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "After all, I did get punched in the face yesterday." 
“Which means I have to buy you, not the other way around.” He leaned forward “I mean the date sweetheart.” That nickname left her flustered. As they settled into easy conversation, sipping on their milkshakes and sharing stories Y/N got lost track of time.  
It wasn't until a glance at the clock on the wall revealed the lateness of the hour that Y/N realized just how much time had passed. Her eyes widened in surprise as she took in the late hour. 
"Oh my gosh, I had no idea it was so late," she exclaimed, her voice tinged with disbelief as she turned to Ben. He chuckled softly, a warm smile playing at the corners of his lips as he met her gaze. "Time flies when you're having fun," he replied, his voice filled with warmth and affection. Y/N couldn't help but smile at his words, her heart fluttering.  
“Let me walk you home.” Ben got up, taking her coat holding it for her like a real gentlemen. As Ben and Y/N walked through the quiet streets of Brooklyn, the night air crisp and cool around them, Y/N couldn't shake the nagging question that had been weighing on her mind since their conversation at the diner. 
"Ben," she began, her voice breaking the comfortable silence between them. "I've been meaning to ask... why do you act like such a bully sometimes?" Ben's steps faltered slightly at her question, his expression clouding over with a mixture of sadness and regret.  
He sighed heavily, his gaze fixed on the ground as he struggled to find the right words. "It's... complicated," he admitted finally. She is quiet but Ben feels the awkwardness. "My dad... he's not a good person," Ben began slowly, his voice tinged with bitterness. "He's... he's abusive, since my mom died it, just got worse." 
"I'm so sorry, Ben," she murmured, reaching out to gently squeeze his hand in a silent gesture of support. Ben offered her a small, grateful smile before continuing. 
"I guess I've always felt like I had to be tough, you know?" he confessed, his gaze distant as he spoke. "Like if I showed any weakness, he'd... it just make things worse." 
"But that's not an excuse for how I've treated people sometimes," Ben added quickly, his voice filled with remorse. 
As they reached her house she turns to him as she reached out to gently touch his arm. "It's okay, Ben," she said softly, her voice filled with compassion. "We all have our struggles, I won’t tell a soul.” She promises him. 
A tension crackled between them, thick with unspoken emotions. Y/N's heart raced as Ben closed the space between them. His intent clear in the gentle brush of his lips against hers. 
But just as their breath mingled in the space between them, Y/N gently pulled away. "Ben, wait," she whispered, her voice barely above a murmur, but firm with conviction. Ben's brow furrowed in confusion, his eyes searching hers for answers as he took a step back, giving her space. "What is it?" he asked, his voice laced with concern. 
Y/N took a deep breath, steeling herself for what she was about to say. 
"If you truly want to be with me, you need to stop bullying Steve or fight with my brother," she declared, her voice unwavering despite the flutter of nerves in her stomach. “They are important to me.”  
Ben nods, agreeing to her terms with a renewed determination to prove himself worthy of her trust. Feeling the warmth of Y/N's lips against his cheek, Ben's heart skipped a beat, a rush of tenderness washing over him at the simple gesture of affection. 
As Ben watched Y/N walking to the door call out to her. "Wait," he called after her, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and uncertainty. Y/N turned back, her gaze meeting his with a curious tilt of her head. "When will I see you again?  
She smiles soft, eyes glistering, flirting, “Goodnight Ben. “Goodnight sweetheart.” And as he made his way home, a flicker of hope burned bright within him.  
Y/N stepped through the front door, the warmth of the house enveloping her as she entered. But her sense of comfort was quickly replaced by a wave of anxiety as she was met with the stern gaze of her mother, her arms crossed and her expression one of unmistakable displeasure. 
"Where have you been, young lady?" her mother demanded, her voice sharp with concern. Y/N swallowed nervously, her mind racing for an explanation that wouldn't land her in even more trouble. "I... I was out with a friend," she stammered, her voice tinged with guilt. 
Her mother's brow furrowed in frustration, her disapproval evident in the set of her jaw. "You were supposed to be home hours ago," she scolded, her voice rising with each word. "Do you have any idea how worried I've been?" 
"I'm sorry, Mom," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "I lost track of time." Her mother's expression softened slightly at her apology, but the worry in her eyes remained. 
"Just... don't let it happen again," she said sternly, her tone softened by a hint of maternal concern. Y/N nodded, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she hung her head in shame as she walked to her room.  
Y/N's heart skipped a beat at the sound of her brother's voice outside the door, his tone tinged with a mixture of concern and disapproval. "Come in," she called out, her voice barely above a whisper as she braced herself for the conversation to come. Bucky pushed open the door, his expression stern as he entered her room, his gaze fixed on her with unwavering intensity. 
"This friend of yours... was it Ben?" he asked bluntly, his tone leaving no room for evasion. Y/N's heart sank at the question, her guilt washing over her in a tidal wave of anxiety. "Yes," she admitted reluctantly, her voice barely audible. She never lied to him why would she now.  
Bucky's jaw clenched at her response, his frustration evident in the tight set of his shoulders. "I don't like it, Y/N," he said firmly, his voice leaving no room for argument. "He's trouble, and I don't want you getting mixed up with him." 
"But he's not like that," she protested weakly, her voice tinged with uncertainty. 
Bucky remained unmoved, his expression unyielding as he met her gaze with a steely resolve. "I don't care," he insisted, his voice firm but tinged with concern. "I won't have you getting hurt because of him." 
She had to make Bucky understand that Ben wasn't the person he thought he was, that there was more to him than the facade of a troublemaker. "Ben promised to stop teasing Steve," she blurred out.  
Bucky's brow furrowed at Y/N's suggestion, “why?” He knew that stopping his teasing of Steve had a price. "He's trying to change, Bucky. I believe him." Bucky shook his head. “I better not see you two together.” he said as he walked out the door. 
Y/N found herself walking along the winding paths, the soft crunch of fallen leaves beneath her feet. Her heart raced with anticipation as she made her way to their secret meeting spot at the park, a secluded clearing nestled among the trees where she and Ben had shared countless conversations and stolen moments together over the past few weeks. 
Ben, who stood waiting for her with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. His arms were laden with a picnic basket and a blanket spread out on the ground, a small feast laid out before them. 
"Surprise," he said with a grin, his voice filled with excitement. Y/N's heart fluttered at the sight of him, her cheeks flushing with warmth at his thoughtful gesture. 
"You didn't have to do all this," she protested, her voice tinged with gratitude. 
But Ben simply shook his head, his gaze unwavering as he met hers with a gentle smile. "I wanted to," he replied softly. "I wanted today to be special.” 
As the gentle breeze rustled through the trees, casting dappled shadows across the picnic blanket, Y/N's gaze fell upon the faint cut that marred Ben's otherwise flawless complexion. Her heart clenched with concern at the sight, a pang of worry coursing through her veins. 
"Ben, what happened to your face?" she asked, her voice soft but tinged with concern. Ben's smile faltered slightly at her question, his eyes flickering with uncertainty as he hesitated to answer. 
"Oh, it's nothing," he replied casually, attempting to brush off her concern with a dismissive wave of his hand. But Y/N wasn't convinced, her brow furrowing in concern as she reached out to gently touch the cut. "It doesn't look like nothing," she insisted, her voice filled with sincerity. "Have you been fighting again?" She asked disappointed.  
Ben's expression softened at her words, a flicker of guilt crossing his features as he met her gaze with unwavering honesty. "Yeah," he admitted, his voice tinged with regret. "I got into a scuffle with some guys. It's stupid, really." 
"You promised me you'd stop fighting," she stated, her tone tinged with disappointment. Ben's gaze faltered at her words, a flicker of guilt crossing his features as he met her unwavering stare. "I promised to stop bullying Steve," he countered, his voice tinged with defensiveness. 
Y/N sighed softly, her frustration evident in the furrow of her brow. 
"But getting into fights is just as bad," she argued, her voice soft but filled with conviction. “Why do you want me to change Y/N?” Y/N's heart sank at Ben's question. 
"Because I care about you, Ben," she replied softly, her voice tinged with emotion. "I don't want to see you get hurt." “I don't understand why you can't accept me, like I accept you," he confessed, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "You're a geek, and I’m still sitting here with you. While I could have chosen popular girls." 
Y/N's heart sank at Ben's defensive words. "Ben, that's not fair," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness. But Ben shook his head, his expression hardened with frustration as he met her gaze with unwavering intensity. 
"Isn't it?" he countered, his voice laced with bitterness. "You're always hanging out with your geeky friends, talking about stuff I don't understand. Maybe I'd rather be with someone who actually gets me. Instead of nagging about what I did."  
Y/N's heart shattered at Ben's hurtful words, the tears gathering in her eyes. "Fine!" she exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. "If that's what you want, then go find those girls!" With a heavy heart, Y/N turned away from Ben, her tears blurring her vision as she fled from the park, desperate to escape the sting of his rejection. 
As Ben approached Y/N's house late that night, his heart weighed heavy with remorse for his hurtful words and actions. He knew he had crossed a line, and the thought of the pain he had caused Y/N gnawed at him. 
With a shaky breath, he reached out to knock on the door, his hand trembling with nerves. But before he could make contact, the door swung open to reveal Bucky, his expression cold and unwelcoming. 
"What are you doing here?" Bucky demanded, his voice sharp with suspicion. 
Ben swallowed hard, his guilt weighing heavily on his shoulders as he met Bucky's gaze. "I... I need to talk to Y/N," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.  
"She doesn't want to see you," he replied firmly. Ben's heart sank at Bucky's words, the weight of his rejection hitting him like a ton of bricks. He knew he had messed up, but he couldn't bear the thought of losing Y/N.  
"I just need to talk to her," he pleaded, his voice filled with desperation. "Please." 
Bucky's expression hardening with determination as he stepped forward to block Ben's path. "I said leave," he growled, his voice laced with warning. "Before I make you." 
“I’ll leave if she tells me to.” Bucky's stern gaze softened at Ben's words. "Fine," Bucky relented, his voice softer than before. "Wait here." 
With a nod, Bucky retreated into the house, leaving Ben standing alone on the doorstep. Minutes ticked by like hours as Ben waited anxiously, until he hears her voice. "What is it, Buck?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. 
But before Bucky could respond, Ben stepped forward, his gaze locked on Y/N's.  
"I need to talk to you," he blurted out, his voice tinged with urgency. "Please, just hear me out." "Ben, I appreciate that you want to talk," she began, her voice tinged with hesitation. "But I think it's best if you leave." Ben's heart sank at her words, the weight of her rejection hitting him like a ton of bricks. 
“But.. I...” he looks at Bucky and then back at her. "I understand," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry for bothering you."  
Y/N sat in the dimly lit kitchen, her heart heavy with sorrow as she replayed the events of the evening in her mind. The ache of her recent breakup with Ben weighed heavily on her.  
Lost in her thoughts, Y/N was startled when Bucky entered the kitchen, his expression serious as he made his way over to her side. She looked up at him, her eyes searching his face for any sign of what was to come. 
"Hey," Bucky began, his voice quiet but determined. "I need to talk to you about something." Y/N nodded, her heart pounding with apprehension as she waited for him to continue. "I've made a decision," Bucky continued, his gaze unwavering as he met her eyes with a sense of resolve. "I'm going to join the army." 
She knew how much joining the army meant to Bucky, how it had always been his dream to serve his country. But she couldn't help but worry about the dangers that lay ahead, the uncertainty of what the future might hold. "Bucky, are you sure about this?" Y/N asked, her voice tinged with concern.  
"It's a big decision." Bucky nodded, his expression serious but resolute. 
"I've never been more sure of anything in my life," he replied firmly. "But there's something I need to ask of you before I go." "Of course," she replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "Anything." 
Bucky took a deep breath, his gaze softening as he met her eyes with a sense of gratitude. "I need you to take care of Steve," he said quietly, his words heavy with meaning. "I need to know that he'll be okay while I'm gone. That you’ll be okay." 
She nodded in response.  
And as they sat together in the quiet of the kitchen, the weight of their shared responsibilities hanging heavy in the air between them. "I can't help but notice you've been down lately. Is everything okay?" 
Y/N looked up at him, her eyes reflecting the pain that weighed heavily on her soul. She forced a small smile, with a dismissive wave of her hand. 
"I'm fine, Bucky," she replied, her voice tinged with sadness. "Just going through some stuff." Bucky nodded, his gaze softening with empathy as he took a seat beside her at the kitchen table. He knew she meant the break up.  
"Listen, Y/N," he said quietly, his tone gentle but earnest. "Why don't you give Steve a chance?" he asked gently, his voice tinged with sincerity. "Bucky, Steve's like a brother to me," Y/N replied, her voice tinged with embarrassment. "I couldn't imagine going on a date with him." 
Bucky raised an eyebrow, a knowing smirk playing at the corners of his lips. 
"Sure, sure," he teased, his tone playful. "But you can't deny that you've got a thing for blond guys." Y/N rolled her eyes, but a small smile tugged at her lips. 
"Okay, maybe I have a type," she admitted with a shrug. "But that doesn't mean I'm interested in Steve that way." Bucky chuckled softly, his gaze warm with amusement as he regarded her fondly. "Fair enough," he conceded.  
"But you never know what might happen if you give him a chance." Y/N shook her head, a soft laugh escaping her lips at Bucky's persistence. "Thanks, Bucky," she said sincerely. "But I think I'll pass on you setting Steve up with me." 
Bucky grinned, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he leaned back in his chair. "Suit yourself, kid" he replied with a playful wink.  
As Bucky and Steve excitedly discussed at the Stark Expo, Y/N couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia for the carefree days of her past relationship with Ben. She had heard rumours that he was considering joining the military, but seeing him in uniform at the expo brought a wave of mixed emotions crashing over her. 
"Hey, Y/N, are you coming with us?" Bucky asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. Y/N hesitated, torn between her desire to follow her friends at the expo and her need to talk to Ben. But ultimately, she knew that she couldn't let Ben slip away without at least trying to talk to him. 
"I'll catch up with you guys later," she replied, offering Bucky and Steve a small smile. "There's someone I need to talk to first." Finally, she spotted him standing near one of the military displays, his expression stoic. She approached him cautiously, her heart pounding in her chest as she prepared herself for the conversation ahead. 
"Ben," she called out softly, her voice barely above a whisper. Ben turned to face her, his eyes widening in surprise at the sight of her. "Y/N," he replied, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "What are you doing here?" 
Y/N took a deep breath, her nerves getting the better of her as she struggled to find the right words. "I heard about the military," she began hesitantly. "Is it true? Are you really going to enlist?" Ben nodded, his gaze fixed on the ground as he wrestled with his emotions. 
"Yeah," he admitted quietly. "I've been thinking about it for a while now. It's something I need to do." She pleaded with him, her voice trembling with desperation, begging him not to go. "Ben, please," she implored, her eyes brimming with tears. "Don't do this. I can't bear to see you leave." 
He reached out to gently cup her face in his hands, his touch tender in its reassurance. "I'm sorry, Y/N," he murmured, his voice filled with regret. "But I have to do this. It’s the only way to make my old man proud.” Y/N shook her head, her heart aching with sorrow as she struggled to come to terms with the reality of their situation. 
"But what about me, Ben?" she cried, her voice cracking with emotion. "What about us?" Ben's gaze softened with sympathy, his thumb brushing away the tears that stained her cheeks. "I'll come back for you, Y/N," he promised earnestly. "I swear it.” 
As Ben turned to leave, a sense of finality settling over them, Y/N couldn't bear the thought of letting him go without one last gesture of love. With a surge of courage, she stepped forward and gently pressed her lips to his, pouring all of her love and longing into the fleeting kiss. 
When they finally pulled away, their breaths mingling in the space between them, Ben's eyes searched hers with a mixture of surprise and vulnerability. 
"Does this mean you forgive me?" he asked softly, his voice tinged with uncertainty. 
Yes, Ben," she replied earnestly, her voice filled with conviction. "I forgive you." 
And as they stood together in the midst of the bustling expo, their hands intertwined, and their hearts entwined. Ben grabs her cheeks and kisses her again.  
As Ben and Y/N shared their passionate kiss, lost in the whirlwind of emotion and desire, they were unaware of the eyes that watched them from across the room. Bucky and Steve stood frozen in surprise, their gazes locked on the scene unfolding before them. 
Bucky and Steve exchanged a meaningful glance, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. Despite their initial surprise, they couldn't deny the depth of Ben and Y/N's connection, nor the sincerity of their feelings for each other. 
Ben looked up meeting Bucky’s eyes. With a nod of acceptance, Bucky and Steve welcomed Ben into their circle, only to please Y/N. Her heart was aching, knowing she had to send the two man she cared about to war. Well, three but she didn't know that yet. But tonight was full of laughs, music and dances. 
Present day
Ben walked through the streets of New York, trying to understand what happened.  "I'm glad we finally found you." A familiar voice said.
As he turned around, he finally saw two faces he recognised. “Barnes, Rogers.” He said relieved and yet firm. “You need to come with us.” Steve said, “We need to fill you in what happened the last 40 years.”  
“But first,” Bucky walked up to Ben pushing him to the wall behind him. “You need to tell me what happened to my sister.”  
To be continued...  
Please feel free to like, share or comment. Make sure you check out my masterlist.    
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Cape Breton University is partnering with a Glace Bay organization on a program to pair students looking for a safe and affordable place to live with seniors who have room to spare. 
The hope is that the program can benefit both students and seniors alike, says Patti McDonald, the executive director of Town House, a Glace Bay organization that aims to help marginalized people in the community. 
Many seniors, she said, live alone in large homes that can be difficult to heat and maintain. Students, meanwhile, can often struggle finding affordable housing near school. 
McDonald said the idea is that students and seniors will apply to be part of the program. Once matched, the student will pay an estimated $750 a month for the accommodations, but also be expected to help out around the house. [...]
Continue Reading.
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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FFXIVWrite 2024 - Day 15: Free Day
Soupe au Pistou Pistou Soup
Soupe à l'Oignon Onion Soup
Gougères Sauteed Pastry With Cheese
Lentilles Du Puy Mijotées Simmered Du Puy Lentils
Cassoulet de haricots, saucisse fumée et poulet Cassoulet of Beans, Smoked Sausage, and Chicken
Ratatouille de légumes d'été Ratatouille of Summer Vegetables
Coq Au Vin Stewed Poultry In Wine
Fricassée de poulet au pain grillé Chicken Fricasee With Toasted Bread
Fromages d'Eorzea Cheeses Of Eorzea
Crêpes aux baies de Gridania et sirop Crèpes with Gridanian Berries and Syrup
Tarte aux pommes avec glace Apple Tart With Iced Cream
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recipeshub24 · 4 months
Best Ever Beef Stew recipe
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2 pounds beef stew meat
½ cup all purpose flour
1 tablespoon seasoning salt
2 tablespoons olive oil
½ teaspoon black pepper
1 large onion, diced
2 bay leaves
¼ cup Worcestershire sauce
2 cups water
2 heaping teaspoons beef demi-glace (or beef Swanson Flavor Boost)
4 medium to large red skinned potatoes, washed & diced
3 large carrots, peeled & sliced
1 stalk celery, diced
Shake the beef stew meat in a resealable plastic bag with the flour & seasoning salt until evenly coated. Heat the olive oil in a skillet; add the floured stew meat to the pan & brown on all sides. Remove using a slotted spoon or tongs & place into the bottom of a slow cooker. Season with pepper.
Saute the diced onion in the same hot skillet for 2 minutes. Don’t worry about cleaning it out in between – that’s added flavor! Transfer the onions into the slow cooker as well. Pour the Worcestershire sauce, water, & beef demi glace (or Swanson Flavor Boost) into the skillet and whisk until mixed, making sure you scrape up any browned bits in the bottom of the pan. Turn off the heat & set aside.
Add the diced potatoes, carrots, celery, & bay leaves to the slowcooker. Now, pour the broth/Worcestershire mixture in the crockpot as well. Cover; cook on low for 8 hours.
Remove the bay leaves before serving.
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Survey shows nearly 20 per cent of Canadians skipping meals to cope with food costs
For months, putting food on the table has become a challenge to many, but a recent survey found some are coping with the cost of eating by sometimes skipping meals.
The survey was conducted by the Canadian Hub for Applied and Social Research out of the University of Saskatchewan.
Nearly 20 per cent of respondents reported skipping meals or reducing meal sizes in order to save money.
At the Glace Bay Food Bank, those numbers didn't come as a surprise as it's roughly on par with the uptick they've experienced.
"Absolutely not. Not with the cost of groceries and the cost of living, it doesn't shock me at all," said Linda MacRae, food bank coordinator. "I would say close to 20 per cent. I really would. I'm surprised we're keeping up, to be honest with you."
Among the 1,001 Canadians polled, 59 per cent said they're coping by decreasing household food waste, 54 per cent reported making meal plans, while 30 per cent said they are eating less healthy food as it's often cheaper.
"Food bank use and unemployment have always trended together," said Food Banks Canada CEO Kirsten Beardsley. "This is the first time we're seeing those trends decouple. We have very low unemployment, and our highest food bank use in Canadian history."
The majority of survey respondents said they are using coupons, or hunting for sales. Nearly 5 per cent admitted to stealing food out of necessity.
"To go from this situation into what will be job loss, a recession, even tougher economic times, I'm actually really worried about what's to come," Beardsley said.
A recent report from Food Banks Canada said visits to food banks increased 15 per cent over the winter, and prices have only gone up since.
"I'm extremely worried what the next few months are going to bring, especially over the winter," MacRae said.
Nearly 80 per cent of respondents supported an increase in minimum wage, however many opposed strategies that saw an increase or creation of taxes.
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/1hslaAn
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Cattle Rustler Given Two Years," The Globe and Mail. June 14, 1943. Page 7. ---- Glace Bay, N.S., June 13 (CP). - Convicted of stealing two cows In Cape Breton's first "cattle rustling" incident last April, Peter Donovan of Glace Bay on Saturday was sentenced to serve two years in Dorchester Penitentiary.
Donovan's companion at the time, a youth under 16, is being tried in Juvenile court. George Cohen and Ronnie Traveline of Glace Bay are awaiting trial in Supreme Court on charges of receiving stolen goods.
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sassyasses · 2 years
I’be had this Hades/Ward idea in my head for the last few months, now is a good time to post it i think
Concept: Hades x Ward crossover, but it's about Taylor trying to escape being dead, with various capes taking the role of Hades characters and either helping or hindering her escape. 
Incedental spoilers for Hades throughout all the way up to the ending
Taylor (taking the role of Zag) died during the ending of Worm and has been living in a shard space simulation ever since. Some time after the end of Ward Tattletale (taking the role of Nyx) asked Victoria (taking the role of Athena) to resurrect her, but for some reason QA (taking the role of Hades) is preventing the relatively tried and true method of Cape resurrection from working so Taylor has to fight her way out of the Firmament with QA throwing up enemies to stop her.
When Taylor is preparing to get out Imp (taking the role of Skelly) appears and says she managed to sneak Taylor some weapons she can use, though due to Reasons she can only use one. These are:
Knife, with aspects of Taylor, Armsmaster, Jack Slash, and (Hidden) Blake
Baton, with aspects of Taylor, Regent, Sveta And (Hidden) Avery 
Gun, with aspects of Taylor, Chevalier, Antares, and (Hidden) Lucy
The Gods and Boons:
When Taylor first escapes the shard simulation QA is running, she finds a golden star and picking it up reveals Victoria in full Antares outfit. She explains that QA is blocking them from just resurrecting her and the best they can do is help her on her way, Kenzie (Hermies) made a Box that lets their shards give Taylor a boon.
Antares takes the role of Athena and gives mostly defensive buffs.
Bitch takes the role of Ares and gives Taylor the ability to set her dogs on enemies (i.e Doom)
Foil takes the role of Artemis and gives boost to accuracy and the ability to hit enemies juuust right
Kenzie takes the role of Hermies and gives utility powers in the form of Cameras, its tinkertech don't worry about it.
Dragon is taking the role of Demeter and is providing Taylor with Glace inspired tinkertech, and laser beams.
Vista taking the role of Posidon, is trying way to hard to be cool, and gives the ability to knock foes back.
Crystal is taking the role of Zeus and giving Taylor loads of laserbeams
Rain was helping Kenzie out with the tinkertech, so decided to help Taylor out while he was there. He is apologetic that his help is in the form of a really weak debuff on enemies, and hopes the secondary effect makes up for it. (The "secondary" effect is massive damage. He does not realise this is a lot more helpful) That's right, Rain is Aphrodite.
Hero is being used by QA to expand the Firmament, but he occasionally leaves behind his tools for Taylor to pick up (taking the role of Daedalus)
Chris can also offer his help in the form of experiments he is running on shardspace. (Chaos)
Sometimes two shards make Taylor pick one of the boons and get angry when she picks. The capes are very apologetic and can't really prevent their powers from throwing a fit, but can make sure they give her a benefit if she wins the ensuing fight.
Taylor can also meet a silent-save-for-grovelling Butcher, who is doing what they did in life, selling weapons. (Charon)
The first stage would be a hellish Shard imagining if Brocton Bay (Tartarus, not that different form BB in canon tbh) with E88, AZB, Coil Mercs etc being the various wretches she fights, with shades of villains she has fought (and are dead) being minibosses. The final boss is Regent, who flirts a lot with Taylor before they fight (and implies they had a short thing going during the pre escape simulation), eventually he is replaced by Kaiser who hates that she is getting out and not him and Oni Lee, who doesn't say much. (Megaera, Alecto, and Tisiphone respectfully)
Second is Chicago, this time the enemies are various PRT or Police officers and minibosses are heroes she has fought (and are dead). Final boss is a skeletal Behemoth, she eventually calls him "Barry".
Third stage is Killington, facing the S9000 through a ruing and trap filled town. Final boss(es) are Jack Slash and Crawler. Jack Slash is loving being dead and blames Taylor for getting Grey Boy'd and isn't gonna let her out, but without Broadcast cheating he is a lot dumber (Theseus), Crawler is just there for a good time and doesn't hold his death against her, but isn't gonna let her past without a fight because of course he isn't (Asterius)
In the Fourth stage the exist is guarded by Bastard who Taylor must appease (she could fight him but she isn't a monster) by finding a Goblin Sack. The stage itself based on earth during Gold Morning, and the enemies are Nilbog Goblins.
Finally, after Taylor escapes into the real world she finds herself in a very familiar forest. Standing before her barring her path is a Queen Administrator. Taking the form of Khepri. If/When Taylor beat QA she only gets a few steps out, has a short conversation with Contessa (who resurrected herself and is now retired with a small garden) before getting dragged back into the firmament. Eventually Taylor learns from Contessa, QA, and Lisa that QA is trying to recreate the shard network and restart the cycle. That's right, the world is ending for a 3rd time.
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delta-gambit-au · 11 days
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How many more Glace you want on your feed? - Yes.
“And it was with heavy heart that I told Master Swatch that this hatchling seemed to be defective. Completely devoid of emotion and self-drive, only following orders, waiting for queries like a lifeless terminal to even move out of the way. He said to give him an opportunity to grow, that eventually he’ll become a good Darkner and be helpful to Queen. I had my doubts… There was something very unorderly in this Swatchling's cold eyes, something unsettling that gave me chills and made me stand on guard like the first time we fought their old forms long ago. Hope the masks keeps them at bay if something off starts to float in their minds. I'll be the first to know.” — Madame Tasque
Very big picture (the original is +10K of width). More character study and learning new tricks while at it to explore my style.
Anyway, the header is done. @glace-the-blu-swatchling is going to be my reblog blog for all things Undertale, Deltarune, for all of your beautiful art. Glace will thus bear the burden for me, while I try to keep this blog as tidy as possible. Hope the old crow thinks of this as a fair hobby for Glace to keep himself occupied while not following Ciel to the target range (it's unfair to Ciel that he has such pin-point accuracy).
If you see Glace going through your blogs and reblogging your old stuff, don't mind him. When you ask him to do something, he can't help it but to do it "in full force" (though if you think that's going to be annoying to get 20 notifications all of sudden, I'll ask him to reduce his reblogs to 5 a day until he finishes perusing your old stuff). Hope that makes us even, in a sense.
Now, what was the next thing in the ToDo List... <unfurls the roll> [[SACRÉ CUNGADERO]] this thing is [[ENDLESS]] 😱
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Listen to Semi-True Story
Listen to Son of a Son of a Sailor
Propaganda and Trivia Below:
Semi-True Story:
"Written by Mac McAnally ("It's My Job"), this country ballad references Buffett's drunken skirmish with the infamous Buford Pusser, a wrestler-turned-lawman who was known for doling out tough justice as sheriff of McNairy County in Tennessee. As the song says, Buffett had just finished recording "God's Own Drunk" (from his 1974 album Living And Dying In ¾ Time) and headed to the King of the Road Hotel with his drummer, Sammy Creason, to celebrate with some tequila - lots of tequila. By the time they left to get some food, Buffett was so drunk he couldn't find his car, so he stood on the hood of a Cadillac to get a better view of the parking lot. Unfortunately, the Caddy belonged to Buford Pusser. "I was standing on the hood of this particular car and as fate would have it, it belonged to a rather large man who came up behind me and threatened my life real quickly," Buffett told concert-goers just a few months later. "And I hadn't been in a fight since junior high school on the city bus in Mobile. He came up and said 'Son you stay right there, you're under arrest.' So I politely turned around and said 'You kiss my ass.' He didn't. Instead he followed me over to the car which Sammy had found. I got in the driver's side and Sammy got in the passenger's side. My window was up, his was down and this fellow poked his head in and said 'Would you like for me to turn this car over?'" It probably would've been easier on Buffett if the sheriff had turned the car over. Instead, he gave the singer and the drummer the beating of their lives."
Son of a Son of a Sailor:
"Okay but like everyone knows Buffet more so for songs like Margaritaville and Cheeseburger In Paradise etc. I feel Buffet could be easily dismissed lyrically but this song is a good example of the range and the topics he could cover. It still has that laidback feeling but I love more of the nostalgic, historical, and personal touches here. This is usually the first Buffet song I send to people who associate him with “silly” kind of music. Good album, too."
"Buffett wrote this song about his grandfather, James Delaney Buffett, who was a huge influence on his life. Buffett's grandfather was a sailor born in the town of Rose Blanche in Newfoundland, Canada, later moving to Glace Bay in Nova Scotia and eventually settling in Mobile, Alabama."
"Buffett said of the song: "I saw a picture of my grandfather after he had come back from a trip to Nova Scotia. He was born there but left when he was a young man and didn't return until he was 84. He was standing on dock staring at an old sailing schooner, and the look on his face told the story of where he had come from and where he had been. I have always been very proud of my heritage as a sailor and wrote this for the men who taught me the skills.""
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vixlenxe · 10 months
Her sleep is peaceful despite all disposition, despite the beating she had taken. Despite earlier having surrendered her own body & soul to Diabolos, the darkness she held within & at bay for years now, her slumber was peaceful. Person tucked away in the Meghaduta, her mind wandered far in her sleep, playing back memories from her past. Her life before the adventure, to it's start, all the way to the now.
Tiffanie watched it all race by in the dream. From her earliest memories or Ivy arguing with her parents, to her departure from Ishgard, to her return to stop the Dragonsong War, to the day Diabolos & Tiffanie became one entity, to Ala Mhigo, to being transferred to The First, to battling Emet Selch, then Elidibus, then returning to The Source to battle the Lunar Primals, the Towers of Zot, going to the moon, The Final Days, Ultima Thule & giving herself up to make Ivy a path, battling Despair at the edge of the universe... & then adventuring to the Void & merging with Diabolos of her own will so that they might be beaten & seperate at last. So many adventures... so many trials... in them all, one thing always remained.
Ivy, her sister. Always returning to her side. Even after learning to fight for herself, Ivy always returned to her sister, no matter how much time passed.
'Tiffanie! Tiffanie! I am here for you! We are all here for you!'
This memory in itself was hazy, but the words cut through the fog like a knife through butter.
'I'm sorry I let you down in the past, I'm sorry I left you alone when you needed me just to save myself! I'm sorry! And I swear I will not leave you now! I promise I will save you!'
A recent & bitter memory that both brought tears into ocean eyes & filled her chest with a flurry of hope & warmth. Even as the sound of battle grew louder behind the weighted speech.
'My sister, I love you, you're family loves you, we all love you, & we are all waiting for you to come home!'
The clashing of swords & shields rang louder, nearly overshadowing the desperate call. The dark sneering of what one would call a demon, she would called Diabolos rung free in her mind.
'Family?! What would you know of family?! The Warrior of Darkness's own father & mother do not want her!'
'You are not your father's daughter, or your mother's daughter, you are your sister's sister. You are my sister, Tiffanie! You are my chosen family, I chose you, & I will always love you! I want you with me in this future we've created for our star. I want you to pen the next chapter in our story! I want to see the future with you!'
The shriveling of the voidsent cursed, but the Warrior of Light spoke as if she were talking only to Tiffanie, as if she were the only one who mattered. Her love for her family was all that mattered. And when the sounds of battle dimmed, still did only one person remain.
As the final blow is about to be struck, you must call out to her with all your might.
"You're Ivy, she loves you very much."
Tiffanie shared a glace over her shoulder, the apparition of Styx's shade appearing there. Sharing this conversation with her in her dreamscape.
"There's no doubt of that, yes."
Styx tilted her head to the side.
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"So, why have you denied yourself that love until now? Or any love for that matter? Even if you thought it pointless with Diabolos threatening to make your life a short one, you know in the end, that is still their choice."
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She looked down & shallowed bitterly, despite there being nothing in her mouth to shallow, & took a deep breath as those tears she'd been holding on her eyelids fell.
"... I believed I was undeserving. Even after all I accomplished, how strong I've grown, how sure I've become, I always believed I did not deserve anyone's love. ... After all... my own father & mother did not love me... if I can not deserve the love of my own parents... then why did I deserve anyone else's?"
The shade was silent, allowing that piercing cry from Ivy to replay in the dreamscape. A desperate cry of someone in pain, in agony from having to do battle with someone they cared so much for, but also so full of their love & hope that they are doing the right thing. The younger sister's tear came harder, each drop echoing when they fell from her face & hit the floor she conquered within her mind. It also sounded like rain.
"You can not expect love from ones incapable of such."
The shade spoke at last.
"My dear shard, it is not that you are undeserving of love, for you so very much are, you simply can not expect it from those incapable of love. Never once has your parents fostered or grown love within them, they know not of such an emotion & do not care too."
Styx placed her hand on Tiffanie's shoulder.
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"Nor should you want their love by now. Not only are you deserving of love, but you deserve better then whatever cheap imitation of such beauty they could ever muster up."
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".......... This is what... everyone has been trying to tell me... for years.... Why... why did it take so long for it to full register now?"
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"Indoctrination is not unseated in a day. It's been years, but I think you finally reached the acceptance stage of grief."
Styx smiled. As the realty swept into Tiffanie like the rain of tears that played in her head. She knew this deep down, deep in her soul, but acceptance was a difficult mistress. But maybe... maybe it's time she truly accept it. She... deserves love.
"Say it to yourself. You need to hear it."
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"... It's..." Arms closed around herself, holding herself tightly, the sound of rain quietly slowly as she mustered the words. She needed to hear them from herself, to tell herself the truth. To put the ink of this chapter to rest.
"... It's... It's not my fault. I... I deserve the love I am given."
And begin a new one.
"... And...?"
The rain cleared in the pause, a deep breath released at the same time Tiffanie had no clue she was holding.
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"And... now that... my own life is mine again... I will learn to accept it."
The orange-red glow of the sunrise shined over the horizon.
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