#gl y'all
askstormscall · 7 months
Someone's a little grumpy. You get that from your old man?
It was the deathly stillness within his frame that alerted Mariko that something was wrong. It was just something she knew that shouldn't be uttered within his presence. 
And her fear was confirmed as she saw him lunge.
“Please don’t!” She exclaimed. She blocked his path, narrowly stopping his jaws from snapping down on the Pokémon as her Psychic took on a rope to snake itself around his maw. The intense glow in his eyes shook her before she was quick to recover. 
Obscuring the Pokemon from his view, she made a soothing sound in the back of her throat to pacify him. It seemed to work, the glow retreating but he still bore holes through her, to the newcomer. 
“Leave." Came his voice. Loud, oppressive. "This is your only warning.”
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majesticalbeast · 2 years
SPLATOON Predictions!!
New weapon predictions!!
I am not qualified!!
Chill season got 3 new weapons: Nova, Big Swig, and Snipewriter.
The common thread? All of them were an ungodly hybrid of each weapon classes' (Shooters, Rollers, Chargers) lightweight/shortest-range and heavyweight/longest-range weapon. See evidence. Children and their parents.
Splattershot Nova
Same damage as Aerospray (5 hits to Splat), coupled with its high rate of fire and a noticeable spread (not very accurate)
Jet Squelcher tones down some of the aerospray features and gives it a good long range
Big Swig Roller
Carbon Roller's rapid swing, fast run and low damage
Dynamo-like ink coverage in wide roll and swing
Snipewriter 5-H
Bamboozler is a two hit charger with rapid fire
E-liter's massive charge time and long range
I imagine some (but probably not all) new weapons this fresh season (2023) will follow the same philosophy.
Here's me spitballing some possible candidates:
Sloshers Bloblobber and Tri-slosher
This slosher will have three paths of blobs. Each path will have fewer blobs (less than 4) and be a shorter range than Bloblobber.
Splatlings Hydra and Mini-Splatling
This splatling will have a long charge time, but will have a medium range and a very high mobility as it fires. Like it will run at you as it fires type speed. It does not store charge. It probably wouldn't be able to recharge halfway-through unloading like Nautilus or Ballpoint do.
Blasters Rapid Blaster Pro and Clash Blaster
It has the rapid fire from Clash with a range from Rapid-Pro. Both aspects will probably be less than the parents. Damage may be reduced some, with at least a 4-indirect splat, if not 5. No one is happy with this weapon.
It's not out of the question, but a lot of the other weapon classes just don't have enough variety to make a hybrid of the heavyweight and lightweight; they just need more weapons in those classes to begin with. I don't think I could make a feasible prediction for those classes using this weapon design philosophy from the Chill Season.
I also think my hypotheticals above hold merit because the Chill Season update's weapons were the original classes in Splatoon 1. Fresh Season may follow chronologically with the Splatlings, Sloshers, or Blasters, since those arrived with Splatoon 1 updates. That being said, I doubt that the new weapons this season will all be from those classes, probably just one or two.
I'm deadass curious to what other people think the new weapons could be? Tell me?? In the comments??? Please????
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cloudcastor · 4 months
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"let me drown myself in you"
round 6 changed me....
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heretherebedork · 7 months
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bereaving · 1 month
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Why did you do something so stupid? Do you want to die?
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liyazaki · 2 years
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sam x that fit 💀
GAP THE SERIES | EP. 1 [2022-2023]
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respectthepetty · 4 months
Inn and Great walking into GMMTV after signing those contracts coming to destroy everyone
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visualtaehyun · 4 months
I loved this episode so much 🥹 might write up another post about the emotional core of it and why I think it's the best ep. 11 I've ever seen, considering how much people love to bemoan the 'episode 11 curse' (which I think is just setting yourself up for disappointment). But right now, I'm just here to clarify some of the Thai, as per usual~
Disclaimer: not a native Thai speaker, still learning 🙏
Taking advantage
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Aylin: มนุษย์พี่นิสัยไม่ดี ฉวยโอกาส /ma noot phi ni sai mai dee. chuay oh gaat/ = [That's] bad behavior, human senior. Seizing the opportunity. Luna, after getting kissed: นี่มันฉวยโอกาสกันนี่ /nee man chuay oh gaat gan nee/ = This is seizing the opportunity!
ฉวยโอกาส /chuay oh gaat/ is not the same as 'taking advantage of sb.' aka exploiting sb./sth. It means to grab/take a chance or seize an opportunity when it presents itself. In that sense, it's more taking advantage of a situation.
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ตั้งใจเรียนนะน้อง รักนะ /dtang jai riian na, nong. rak na/ = Study attentively, nong. Love [you]! รักรักรัก รักๆๆๆๆ /rak x8/ = Love [you] x8 จากพระจันทร์ของน้อง <3 /jaak phra jan khaawng nong/ = from your Moon <3 -> พระจันทร์ /phra jan/ = the Moon
The Sun
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สัญญานะ พระอาทิตย์ /san yaa na? phra aa tit/ = Promise? Sun? -> พระอาทิตย์ /phra aa thit/ = the Sun
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oceanicflyboy · 1 month
I won't sleep or fucking eat until i find him. And if someone dares to try and stop me, i don't care who it is, i WILL punch you using my willpower. So leave me be for now. I don't need to eat, sleep or do anything while using this fucking ring so I'll be fine.
I won't rest until i find him, even if it means my having to work injured, i don't care.
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eenieant · 11 months
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Look gang!- It’s purple guy!
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catboyollie · 1 month
Every time a batstan or another fan portrays a gl or another dc character as dumb in a post, an angel loses its wings.
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hoshigray · 1 year
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me watching mooties be late for their kinktobers bc damn 😭😭😭
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david-talks-sw · 2 years
Picture a sculptor.
He sculpts an animal... and it was meant to be an elephant for a kids zoo, but because of the limits of his tools at the time, he stopped at the skeleton only.
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And it's a great fucking skeleton! It's got that old feel to it, like a Rodin sculpture, but with a modern vibe.
The skeleton even has fans and stuff, and the fans go "we love this badass mammoth skeleton you sculpted!"
And this sort of bothers the sculptor. Because he was going for an elephant, not a mammoth, right?
So when he finally has the right tools, he completes the sculpture, so the next generation of fans can enjoy the elephant...
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... and the previous generation of fans, who grew up reading and dreaming about a mammoth for 30 years, they go "wtf". They hate it.
Now, the sculptor takes on an apprentice, who is also a fan.
The apprentice learns the technique, learns how to look at the clay, how to get the right texture... and is able to do all this without going "wtf" because he looks at this elephant sculpture through an anti-establishment lens.
"Yes, it has shorter tusks and almost no hair, but the purpose of the sculpture is to say that it should be hairier, taller and with longer tusks. The whole point is that this elephant is failing to be the mammoth it's meant to be!"
And y'know, it's art! If that’s what this elephant means to him, great.
But once the tools are passed down to him, the apprentice (along with other sculptors) takes some clay and makes the tusks longer, adds some fur, shortens the ears, etc.
Overtime, he makes it a mammoth again.
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Of course, most fans are happy again, including many who were introduced to the elephant as kids, because the transition was a slow one, done carefully.
And, hey, it's a nice mammoth!
My only issue is that I grew up loving the elephant, just as it was. I think the elephant was friggin’ great.
But nowadays, whenever the elephant is brought up, it's always through the lens of "it's failing to be a mammoth" rather than what the sculptor said it's supposed to be: just an elephant.
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ryansjane · 23 days
ummmmmmmm... what THE HELL was that? 😒
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baifengxis · 3 months
I know it's on me for looking too many comments and reviews about my favorite shows but do you guys ever feel like people just don't know how to like something anymore? Especially when it comes to tv-shows. It's like everyone's so ready to tear something apart, to be disappointed, to be proven right that a show is terrible like they thought it would be. I'm not talking about constructive criticism nor am I talking about being fairly disappointed over something but not only people love being negative but if you dare say that you love a show they all dislike you have to apologize because how dare you? And if you tell them to stop with the negativity because you just WANT TO ENJOY A MFUCKING TV SHOW when everything in this world is shit, they'll tell you you're censoring their opinions. Like it's not that deep please for the love of god, just let people enjoy things, if you don't like something THAT'S FINE but you don't have to make long essays explaining why and not let other people who do like it, enjoy it.
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liyazaki · 2 years
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the most tension to ever tension 💀
GAP THE SERIES | EP. 5 [2022-2023]
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