#give roy kent a big sister
snappysprinkledog · 1 year
It's not the popular interpretation, but I truly in my heart believe Roy's sister is older than him
He just kind of gives 'has a big sister' vibes to me, if there is one thing he is from the start of the show it is like, respectful to women, and he just kind of grumbles along, which reads to me man who was made to sit still while his big sister treated him like a large doll
Also the way she looked at him on uncles day was not giving shit head little sister that was knowing older sister enjoying watching little brother squirm
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Playing Pretend (Part 3)
Dinner, dessert, and realizing someone might get hurt.
Roy Kent x Reader
2.8k words
Warnings: Language, plenty of pining, "only one bed" trope I guess
A/N: Came out a bit longer than I intended, but I'm not complaining!
Series Masterlist
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Roy’s arm was still wrapped around your shoulder, fingers tracing circles on your bare skin as he laughed at something your brother-in-law said. Another reason you’d picked Roy to be your fake boyfriend: he got along perfectly with your family and didn’t need to create some fake personality to make them like him. They adored Roy. It was probably your dad’s deepest dream to have the two of you get together.
You had caught the look on your dad’s face as he watched you across the room. His smile was that soft, gentle smile, the one he’d worn when you were a kid receiving an award, or when you learned to ride a bicycle, or when he helped you move into your first place all on your own. It was his proud, I love you so much smile. And it broke your heart a little, knowing that he’d be so sad when you and Roy “broke up” after the wedding. Almost as sad as you would be when the weekend ended, and Roy went back to just being your friend’s big brother who you pined after in silence.
But for now, you laid your head on his shoulder as your older sister shared some silly story about your nephew, enjoying the rumbling you felt when he chuckled, that gruff sound that made your heart skip a beat.
He leaned close and whispered in your ear, “How’m I doing?”
Ignoring the shiver his breath sent down your spine, you nodded. “Perfect,” you answered quietly. Just as your gaze flickered down to his mouth, wondering how many kisses you could get away with by excusing them as part of the “act”, a housekeeper came in and announced dinner, asking everyone to follow her to the dining room.
Roy was on his feet immediately, holding his hand out to help you up. “Feel like I’m on an episode of fucking Downton Abbey,” he hissed, smirking.
“What do you know about Downton Abbey?” you teased with a laugh.
“I know you’ve got a fucking thing for Matthew Crawley,” he shot back, raising his eyebrows at you.
Feeling like you were being watched, you gripped Roy’s arm affectionately. “Is someone jealous?” you cooed.
“Maybe,” was the small growl before Roy’s lips connected with yours again for a brief, heated moment that made your heart skip a beat. “Is this alright?” he whispered, nose brushing affectionately against yours as everyone else walked past the two of you. “The kissing?” His eyes were full of concern, a look he often gave you when he got protective. As any guy would of his baby sister’s best friend- right?
You shrugged coyly. “Getting to spend my weekend snogging a handsome footballer kind of helps take the sting out of the whole ‘my sister is marrying my ex’ bullshit.”
The smile he wore was a surprised one. “You think I’m handsome?”
“Oh, shut up, you know you are,” you tutted, giving him a playful shove as you moved past him into the dining room. With your back to him you missed the fierce blush that covered his face as he shook his head and watched you, that big smile remaining despite no one being around to see it.
Once everyone had settled in their seats, Jim’s dad raised a glass. “Thank you all for joining us to celebrate our only son and his lovely bride-to-be,” he started, nodding to Jim and Lauren, who sat directly across from Roy and yourself. “It’s going to be a very busy weekend, so it’s nice to have the opportunity to have our first official meal as a family before the festivities.” His eyes lingered on you for a moment, wistfulness flickering across his face for a brief moment.
When you and Roy had arrived at the house and were searching for your room, you’d bumped into Jim’s parents in the hall; there was a lot of clearing of throats and avoiding eye contact from all three of you as you re-introduced them to Roy, informing them that the two of you were now dating. Jim’s mother looked almost disappointed at the news, the corners of her mouth tugging downward, before recovering and offering her congratulations.
Jim’s dad continued his little toast. “I hope this weekend is full of wonderful memories for our new family and that this is the first of many celebrations we share.”
As everyone raised their glasses in agreement, Roy reached under the table for your hand, despite the fact that no one could see it. While you marveled at how determined he was to convince the whole table of your farce, Roy knew the truth: he wanted to hold your hand, plain and simple. And after all this time, this weekend finally gave him excuse to hold it as much as he wanted. There was no way he was going to waste that.
He did reluctantly have to let go once dinner was served, but not without bringing it to his lips and pressing a kiss to your hand first. Across the table, Jim’s eyes narrowed slightly, before he turned to Lauren, acting like the picture of the attentive fiancé. You couldn’t help but notice the more Roy leaned over to whisper jokes in your ear, or found an excuse to touch your hand, or acted generally boyfriend-y, the more Jim mirrored that affection with Lauren. You did your best not to dwell on the observation, instead focusing on how nice it was to have Roy Kent by your side.
When dessert was served, Jim’s mum suggested taking it outside to enjoy the lovely night. Roy grabbed your bowl before you could and planted a kiss on the top of your head.
“Just grab the spoons, yeah, love?”
Love. Roy Kent just called you love. You’d seen him with other women he’d dated- really dated- and you’d never heard him call any of them love. The word stopped the breath in your chest as you reminded yourself that he was playing a role, acting as the perfect doting boyfriend.
But goodness, you liked the way it sounded.
You led Roy to the garden, where Roy nodded to a bench nestled under a low tree, a bit away from where everyone else was sitting.
“Mind if we sit over here?”
Your chest purred with pleasure at the idea of being alone with him in the secluded little corner, even if just for show. “Sounds good,” you managed.
Roy watched you carefully as you sat down before joining you on the bench, sitting closer than he had to, pressing his thigh against yours. He knew, deep down, that he was kind of taking advantage of the situation, that he was just a friend doing you a favor, but fuck, when was he going to get another chance like this? To dote on you, to touch you, to kiss you, to show you how mad about you he was. He would worry about getting his heart broken later.
“How you feelin’?” he asked, trading your dessert for one of the spoons you held out.
You shrugged as you took the bowl that he handed you. “Alright.” Your gaze flickered to Jim and Lauren, who were chatting with Jim’s parents. Jim’s eyes locked with yours for a brief moment before you turned back to Roy, who watched you with a frown. “How are you? You’re doing a great job with this whole boyfriend thing. You’re a natural.”
Roy turned his focus to his dessert, ignoring how tight his chest felt. “I’m fuckin’ fine. More concerned with you, actually. I’m sure all this… is hard.” He lifted his head to look at you. “It fucking sucks. Watching the love of your life be in love with someone else. Really fucking sucks.”
Something in the fiery way he looked at you sent a shiver down your spine. “Yeah. This is pretty damn difficult.” After a moment, you shook your head. “But… I don’t think Jim was the love of my life.” Roy’s raised eyebrows urged you on. “I mean, I loved him. Really, I did. And I would’ve married him. And it hurts like hell watching him marry someone else, never mind who it is.” You shrugged. “But he wasn’t the love of my life,” you repeated firmly.
“How d’you know?” Roy leaned towards you intently, both of you completely forgetting about the sweets in your hands.
“I don’t,” you admitted with a soft chuckle. “But I have to keep telling myself that, don’t I? Have to keep hope that the real love of my life is still out there, looking for me as much as I’m looking for him.”
Roy’s heart was on fire listening to you. He wanted so badly to tell you that he was right fucking there, that he’d been there for years. He wanted to give you a real kiss and whisk you away to the swanky bedroom you were sharing. Fuck, he wanted to offer to take Jim and Lauren’s place in front of the officiant on Saturday if you were keen.
Instead, he gave you a small, understanding nod. “Should write that down, it’s fucking beautiful.” And you knew he meant it. “Right. Well. I am… going to find a fucking bathroom.” He stood, putting down his bowl and forcing a playful smirk. “Don’t eat my fucking dessert, and if I’m not back in an hour, send a search party, see if I fell into a moat or got caught in a dungeon or some shit.” He bent down and kissed the top of your head before walking briskly into the house, hands stuffed in his pockets.
“You two were having a pretty serious conversation from the looks of it,” your father’s voice mused.
You looked up at your father, who was observing you carefully. “Just about how weird this weekend is,” you half-lied. “He just wanted to make sure I was okay.”
He nodded. “Well, I’m sure it’s strange for him too. Watching you watch your ex get married.” He bobbled his head. “Be easy on him.”
You shook your head. “Roy knows there’s no feelings there. Just awkwardness, really. He completely understands.”
“He’s a good guy. You know I’ve always thought so.” He laughed. “We’re all just glad you two finally figured it out.”
“Right. Right.” You thought for a moment about the way your family wasn’t completely surprised by your new “relationship”. “You know, I’m still not sure what I was missing all those years. What did everyone see that I didn’t?”
A smile crossed his face. “Really, love? You never noticed the way that fella looked at you? All wide-eyed and flushed? Or the way he’d run himself ragged during matches when he knew you were there, just to impress you? There was one Christmas he came home, and I swear he took one look at you and looked ready to quit football just so he could stay with ya.” He chuckled. “Just glad he finally made his move.”
“Oh. Yeah.” You giggled weakly, pretending you’d noticed those things. “And was I just as obvious?”
“God, maybe worse,” your dad chortled, slapping his hands together with glee. “Where to start? Always finding a reason to talk to him, screaming like a banshee whenever you watch him play, and your mother and I overheard more than one late-night call to Sunderland when he was away. I’m just surprised it took him so long to realize how in love you’ve always been.”
Roy chose that moment, with your face starting to warm, to return. He nodded to your dad as he resumed his seat beside you. “Alright there?” He scrunched his eyebrows together. “Your face is all red.” He leaned close and planted a kiss on your cheek, relishing the heat against his lips. “Fucking cute when you blush,” he hummed. His own cheeks reddened when your dad cleared his throat, reminding Roy that he had an audience. “Fuck. Sorry,” he hissed.
Your dad held his hands up in defeat. “Can’t blame you two for wanting to make up for lost time.” He clapped your shoulder lovingly and returned to your mother, who was watching you with a soft smile.
Deciding to let yourself lean into things as much as Roy, you leaned your chin on his shoulder, gazing up at him adoringly. “Feeling kind of tired,” you murmured. “Thinking I’ll head to bed.”
Sure enough, he pecked your forehead. “I’ll join you.”
Rather quickly, you noticed, Roy grabbed your forgotten desserts and carried them to the table Jim and Lauren sat at. You followed him, offering a small wave to everyone.
“Goodnight,” you called.
Lauren raised an eyebrow. “More alone time?”
You wrapped your arms around Roy’s middle and squeezed tight. “Just a bit knackered. And I know tomorrow’s a busy day, want to be well-rested.”
Jim offered a tight smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Goodnight then.”
Conversely, Roy’s smile was wide. “Have a great night, Jim.” He nodded to everyone else before taking your hand and leading you inside.
As the two of you walked down the hall to your room, you couldn’t help but realize that Roy was still holding your hand; you told yourself it must be in case someone happened to see you. That had to be it; Roy committing to this whole fake-relationship thing.
Once you were in the room, you each silently went about getting ready for bed, with Roy letting you use the restroom to change. You quickly removed your makeup, brushed your teeth (longer than usual), and changed into your pyjamas, feeling suddenly a bit shy in your sleeping shorts and oversized shirt. But Roy’d seen you in pyjamas plenty of times; how was this really any different?
For Roy, it was completely different. His breath caught in his throat when you walked out of the bathroom and his grip on the t-shirt he was about to put on tightened. It wasn’t necessarily the view- which admittedly drove him mad- but the knowledge that, in just a few minutes, you’d be in bed. With him.
Likewise, your heart hammered as you once again saw his bare chest- or “bear chest”, as Paul once joked at a pool party. You couldn’t tell if you were relieved or disappointed when he tugged on his black shirt, covering the hair and the light blush that covered his skin.
“D’you care which side?” he grumbled, pulling back the covers. He knew he should offer to sleep on the floor or something, but he knew you didn’t mind; how many times had you fallen asleep leaning against him on the couch? Or that time your families had gone camping and you had begged him to cuddle with you because it was so fucking cold?
Sure enough, you shrugged and helped him pull back the blankets. “Up to you.”
With a grunt, Roy threw himself on the bed, grinning when you did the same. “Only took, what, thirty years. But look at us, our first slumber party.”
You rolled your eyes and brought the blankets over yourselves; Roy couldn’t help but notice the tender way you made sure he was covered. “Roy, I spent the night at your house so many times growing up. We absolutely had slumber parties.”
He shook his head with a small breathy laugh. “Come on. You weren’t there for me.”
Not knowing what came over you, you turned onto your side and propped yourself up on your elbow, your eyes tracing Roy’s profile. “Who said I wasn’t?” you teased.
It was Roy’s turn to roll his eyes. “Oh, fuck off,” he grumbled, smile playing on his lips. “Go the fuck to sleep.”
With that, he turned and clicked off the lamp that sat on the nightstand, leaving you in darkness, wondering how you were going to sleep with the knowledge that Roy Kent was right next to you. Miraculously, you did finally fall asleep, listening to Roy’s soft snores that you knew you’d have to tease him about.
The next morning, you woke up with your head on Roy’s chest, his arm wrapped around you tenderly as he continued to snooze.
Your breath became shallow as you tried to figure out what to do. Gently pull out of his grasp? Stay this way and hope he woke up and removed his arm? Part of you- fine, all of you- wished you could wake up this way every morning.
Carefully, you removed Roy’s arm, the spot where his hand had been quickly becoming cold, and rolled over as slowly as you could, not stopping until you were flat on your back, a safe distance from Roy. Holding in a sigh, you stared at the ceiling, wondering if you’d be able to get through this weekend with your heart in one piece.
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altschmerzes · 4 months
as a treat for @jamiesfootball, an extended sequence of softness and light, taken from far ahead in wriggle up on dry land (the baby jamie au). enjoy, my friend <3
Jamie has been repeatedly assured by both Roy and Sarah that what he is doing is fine and allowed, but even so, the walk up the path to the school building makes him more nervous with every step he takes. He feels like any moment now he’s going to get accosted by a teacher or school official and interrogated about what he’s doing here. Possibly arrested. If it weren’t for the fact that he would rather die than let either of the Kents down, let alone both of them, he would probably chicken out and run or something. But he would rather die and the task does need to be done, and so here’s Jamie, finding a teacher in the courtyard and walking up to her like he has every right to be here.
“Hello,” he says to the woman, doing his best to sound trustworthy and respectable and not like an awkward sixteen-year-old. “I’m Jamie, I’m here to pick up Phoebe Kent?”
There’s only a moment between when Jamie speaks and when the teacher does, but that moment is plenty long enough for a thousand potential responses to cycle through his mind, none of them positive. And then-
“Oh! Right, yes, Jamie,” the teacher on after-school duty says brightly, flipping up a piece of paper on her clipboard. “Yes, Sarah did call about you picking Phoebe up this afternoon, she sent your picture along as well. Come along, I’ll fetch her for you.”
Still not entirely believing that this was all going to work out, Jamie follows her across the pavement.
“Nice of you to look after your cousin like this,” the woman says without turning around, and what sounds like it was intended to be an offhanded, casual comment stops Jamie in his tracks. It takes her a few seconds to notice, and it takes just about as long for Jamie’s brain to catch up with his mouth and produce any sort of coherent response.
“Huh?” Okay so maybe ‘coherent’ was pushing it.
The teacher has stopped as well, turned to look at him with slight confusion on her face. That’s rich, given that she’s the one who’s just said something that didn’t make any sense at all.
“Oh,” she says, “just that when your aunt called and said her brother’s lad was going to be taking Phoebe home on the bus today I wasn’t expecting how young you are. My boy is just a little older than you and I couldn’t get him to babysit my sister’s lass if I tried.”
The gears in Jamie’s head slowly start creaking back to life. The math does itself rather quickly, and before he can say anything else, he hears his name shrieked out and then there’s the sound of thudding light-up trainers on the pavement. Jamie barely has the time to crouch down and open his arms before Phoebe has hurtled straight into him, nearly knocking him off balance.
“You’re getting big then, eh, what do they feed you at school, Phoebs, rocks?” he asks, a little winded from the impact and from what the teacher had said. Your cousin. Your aunt. Her brother’s lad.
“No-o-o,” Phoebe giggles, drawing the word out. She bounces out of Jamie’s arms a moment later, never staying still for more than a few moments at a time. They aren’t separated for long, though. A little hand latches onto Jamie’s almost immediately after Phoebe exits the hug and she starts to swing their interlocked fingers enthusiastically. “Can we go home now please? I’m sure Dauphine has missed me terribly while I’ve been away.”
Looking to the teacher, Jamie waits for further instructions from the adult in charge. It surely can’t be that easy to just show up and take a child from school, name and photo on hand or not. He must have to… well, he doesn’t know, but there’s got to be some kind of test. Some kind of ‘will you get this seven year old home in one piece’ test that he’ll have to undergo.
“Off you pop!” says the after-school duty teacher. She smiles at both of them and gives an exaggerated wave that seems like a bit much even for a kid Phoebe’s age. She’s a bright little gremlin, she doesn’t need to be condescended to.
“Right, okay,” Jamie says, blinking at the teacher even as Phoebe starts tugging him by the hand towards the gate. “Uh, thanks,” he calls over his shoulder, then focuses on not falling over his feet or the kid leading the way. “So, you ever taken the bus before?”
“The bus!” From the tone with which she’s exclaimed it, you would think Jamie had just told Phoebe they would be riding home on a pony made of gold. “Oh I love the bus.”
“That’s the attitude, mini-Kent.” It’s an acutely funny thing for a kiddie her age to say, but Jamie focuses on not laughing. He doesn’t want to discourage her interests or whatever. Nothing feels worse when you’re young than someone older than you laughing at you.
Their hands keep swinging between them, and every so often Phoebe adds a little skip into her gait. It makes the lights in her trainers go wild, little yellow and pink stars flashing against the grey of the pavement. She chatters as they go about her day at school, about how she thinks maths is dull and how she and her new best friend Cierra were going to write a comic book together about their cats being best friends and solving crime. Jamie responds where appropriate, humming and nodding and asking questions. He wants for her to know that she’s being listened to, but he would have to admit that his mind isn’t all focused on the proposed adventures of Dauphine and Prime Minister Socks. Instead, he’s still thinking about that teacher’s voice and the way she’d smiled at him when she’d told him it was nice of him to look after his cousin.
Your aunt. Her brother’s lad. Had Sarah said those words exactly? The teacher surely hadn’t invented them out of thin air. They had to come from someplace, and the thought makes Jamie feel warm inside and a little bit shy. He tries to imagine it, to picture what it would have sounded like. Sarah’s voice saying, My nephew, Jamie, he’ll be picking up Phoebe today. Yeah, he’s my brother’s lad. All the way to the bus stop and up the steps onto the bus he thinks of different ways that it could have gone, in-between responding to Phoebe. All of them feel… They feel good. They feel right.
Sure it’s lying and lying isn’t exactly right, but what’s the harm? It’s one teacher at a school Jamie has never been to before and probably will never go to again, this being a one-off fluke of scheduling and convenience. What does it matter if she thinks he’s Sarah’s nephew? Roy’s… Roy’s lad? So what if Jamie likes the idea of someone out there thinking that, even if it isn’t true?
“You’re smiling.”
The observation comes after what Jamie belatedly realizes has been an extended silence from Phoebe. She’s sitting on the bus seat beside Jamie, legs swinging back and forth and his hand clutched in hers. They’d let go for just a moment while Jamie took care of their fares, and then Phoebe had promptly reclaimed her place hanging onto him, which is encouraging as far as her awareness of travel safety goes.
“Am I?” Jamie asks. He’s sure that his face has turned a lovely shade of red, and he only hopes that at least will pass unnoticed.
“Yes, you are,” she confirms, nodding for emphasis. Then, as if to prove her point, Phoebe lets go of his hand just long enough to poke him in the cheek. “You’ve been smiling all the way to the bus. It’s nice. I think you should smile more. I think everybody should smile more, because smiling means you’re happy, and I think everyone should be happy. Except for Walter Lewis who is a mean, mean boy who chased my friend Stephen with a worm on a stick yesterday, so I think he should be sad, and go and live in tarnation.”
“He should go and live in what?” Anything else he could have asked flies promptly out of Jamie’s brain at that completely incomprehensible conclusion. This could be a matter of her knowing things that he didn’t, which is entirely possible, because geography has never been Jamie’s strongest point, or this is about to be a much funnier interaction. If they get to move off of Jamie’s expression before she could get to asking him why he was smiling, all the better.
“Tarnation,” Phoebe says, pronouncing it very deliberately and primly. “That’s what Mister Ted says all the time. What in tarnation, he says, and so it must be a very bad place, because he does not frown very much and he’s always frowning when he says that. So I think Walter Lewis should go and live in tarnation and not be mean to anyone anymore. And he can be sad forever there.” A frown creases her little face as she thinks very hard on it for a moment. “Actually, no, he doesn’t have to be sad forever. That would be terrible, even for Walter Lewis. He should be sad for a while, though. A very, very long time. Like, maybe even until he’s ten. Or until he learns to stop chasing people with worms.”
The effort with which Jamie is not laughing is nothing short of heroic. He takes a few deep breaths, ensures that nothing is going to slip out, and then he tells her, “That seems like a very fair decision. He can live in tarnation and be sad until he’s ten, or until he learns to stop chasing people with worms.”
“Exactly,” Phoebe responds. She nods, a sharp jerk of her chin and a self-satisfied conviction in her face that makes her look very much like Roy. “I’m glad you understand.” Then, in the flip of a moment, as fast as everything seems to change with children her age, Phoebe has let go of Jamie’s hand so that she can slip both arms around his elbow, hugging close to him and pressing the side of her face into his bicep. “I’m so happy you got to come ride the bus with me today, Jamie. Let’s do this again lots of times, okay?”
Jamie finds it suddenly very hard to speak. His throat feels tight and his eyes prickle with heat and he is not going to cry on this fucking bus and definitely not in front of Phoebe Kent and most certainly not because a seven-year-old asked him to hang out with her again.
Nice of you to look after your cousin like this. Your aunt called and said her brother’s lad was going to be taking Phoebe home on the bus today.
“Yeah,” he says eventually, when he’s glad that an entirely new kind of unwanted sound won’t slip out alongside the words. Lifting his arm, Jamie carefully dislodges her grip and wraps it around her shoulders instead, letting Phoebe cuddle in close to his side, even though her swinging feet kick him in the shin every so often. His other hand keeps a firm grasp on her book bag, and he feels both very young and very grown up all at once. “Yeah, I’d like that, too.”
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sortofanobsession · 1 year
Unsure and Unconventional, to say the least (Ted Lasso Fic)
Author's note: because the Uncle's Day scenes made me think a lot of things. Phoebe would have Jamie wrapped around her finger in like .01 seconds. They would be a mischievous duo. And the team would be like awww that's cute.
Parts of this fic partially Inspired by:
an answered ask (HERE) by @andfrecklesandyoursmile about Roy giving his sister Jamie's contact for "emergencies".
@politelymenacing did a post that (THIS ONE) That may have helped inspire some dialog.
So credit to those brilliant post.
Ted Lasso Masterlist
OT3 Roy/Keeley/Jamie Romantic ship. Platonic team dynamics.
Content warning: Cursing/Swearing (lots of it because Roy Kent is gonna Roy Kent), Mentions of abuse, Mentions of physical violence, Mentions of hospitals, Self-Esteem Issues (because Jamie Tartt...), Polyamory, Anxiety, Anger Issues, Fear.
Word count: 8k+ (this one got away from me and that is why it took days to finish)
Read on AO3 here
Unsure and Unconventional, to say the least
“Coach?” Will says as he nears Roy Kent as the coach oversees training on the pitch. “Someone’s here to see you. They’re in the office.” 
Roy’s brows furrow. He wasn’t expecting anyone. Keeley would have just come out and joined them on the sidelines. He grunts in acknowledgment and heads inside. 
“Uncle Roy!” he hears as soon as he reaches the doorway. 
“Phoebe?” He says, accepting the little girl’s hug when she reaches him. He looks over to see his sister talking to Trent Crimm. Trent Crimm moves to the doorway. Stopping to offer to take Phoebe so she could say hi to the team.
“Can I please, Uncle Roy? I want to say hi to Jamie,” Phoebe looks up at him with those big eyes he just can’t say no to, or at least say no and mean it. He looks to his sister, who shrugs. 
“What? They're friends now too,” his sister says, challenge clear in her tone. “That a problem, Roy?”
Trent watches the Kent siblings with silent interest. Phoebe practically buzzed with excitement as she waits for an answer next to him. 
“A 25-year-old prick cannot be friends with an 8-year-old girl,” Roy glares.
“That bridge is long crossed, dear brother,” she laughs. “Especially after Uncle's day.”
“Uncle's day?” Trent asks with a grin.
“Fuck off, Crimm,” Roy grunts. His sister just gives him a fond and familiar look. “Fine,” Roy relents. “You can go say hi to Jamie, but stay out of the line of play. And don’t-”
But she is already gone, an amused Trent following close behind. Phoebe tells him all about Uncle's day as she goes.  
His sister grins. “She’s just going to bother Jamie. Thought you’d at least find that amusing.”
Roy grunts. “Too bad the prick will enjoy it.” Roy winces it. “That just sounds so fucked up.”
“You make it sound so wrong that she likes your friends,” his sister says. “That you think the people you have surrounded yourselves with are criminals.”
“How would you know if they are or aren’t?” he glares at her.
“Because you’d have kicked them in the teeth and sent them packing if they were. Jamie Tartt might be a prick, but even I know he’d probably die before letting anything happen to Phoe, especially if his childhood was half as shit as you’ve said. And he can’t be a complete twat if he sat through the whole of Uncle's day.” She grins. 
“Alright, cut the shit. What’s wrong?” He is quick to change the topic. “I know you’re not here to talk about Jamie fucking Tartt?”
“You sure about that?” She raises a brow. He growls. “Fine, I need you to take her this weekend. One of my colleagues was supposed to speak at a conference, and the prick went and caught something on holiday.”
“So now you have to go?” he asks.
“Fuck no,” she says. “I’m covering for the poor bastard that does, which means I’m working a double.” 
“Fuck that,” Roy says, annoyed on her behalf. 
“I know you have a match, and this might ruin your plans with Keeley-" she starts, but he doesn't care what else she has to say.
“Fuck off. It’s fine. We’ll take her,” Roy doesn’t even hesitate to say. “Kid always comes first. You know that.”
“I know,” she nods. "Thanks."
"You don't need to fucking thank me," he states. 
"I don't, but I'm still going to, you fucking prick," she says fondly. "Every time, no matter how much you curse or growl." 
"You could have just texted me," Roy says. 
"Yeah, but then I couldn't ruin your whole day by asking you the same question you have avoided answering. Can't avoid it in person."
Roy growls, and his glare intensifies. Most people would probably hesitate to continue. Or even hurry to leave. Not his sister. She was used to Roy's behavior decades ago. Roy would kill for his sister. Die for Phoebe. And he'd do it happily. She knew that. 
"Roy, you can't just ignore your feelings forever." She holds a hand up to stop whatever argument he was about to make. "You can, and you probably would. I know you, Roy. I know that you-"
"Don't," he cautions. She sighs.
"You might think that you're hurting just yourself here, but you're not. And that's not fair to anyone." She doesn’t drop specific names because she doesn’t want to risk anyone hearing the specifics. And she knows there isn't any point in pushing more now. "And I know you don't actually want to hurt him. You'll make the right call eventually." She grins. Before heading in the direction of the tunnel out to the pitch.
"You're lucky that you're my sister," he growls when he catches up to her.
"And that you love us, I know," she bumps her shoulder against his. He hums more than he grunts for once as he walks. He gives into that voice in the back of his head that he used to always ignore when in public, even if it's just the dog track on a training day. He puts his arm around her shoulder and pulls her into a half hug as they walk. God, she might be a pain in the arse, but he loved his sister and her kid. He may have smiled just a little as she returned the gesture. 
"You know I'm just trying to look out for you. Like you always do us," she says as they walk out of the tunnel toward the pitch. "You may think you're happy now, just think how much better it could be."
"You spend too much time with Keeley, and she spends too much time with Ted and Rebecca," he laments.
"I'm just glad we finally get to spend time with your friends. Richmond really has brought the best out of that boy from Chelsea that kicked Brock Lorens' arse at the commons."
"Do it again, too," Roy grunts. "Fucking deserved it."
"He was a bellend," she grins. 
"He gave you a black eye. That's not a bellend. That's a fucker with a death wish."
"Who has a death wish now?" Ted asks as they reach them. Roy drops his arm as they do. "Hey there, Doc." Ted greets her.
"Coach Lasso, Crimm," she nods. "Coach Beard." He responds with a nod. 
She turns her attention back to Ted as he speaks. "Glad to see you outside the ER, or is it ED here? Heh, that always sounds so odd to me. ED means something very different where I'm from," Ted says. "Probably just nice to get out of those scrubs. Those always seemed so starchy," he continues earning an amused look from her and a growl from Roy. 
"It is nice to meet in a less sterile but just as chaotic environment," she says. Her brother has warned her to pretty much ignore most of what Ted Lasso says. She looks out to where Phoebe has seemed to draw the attention of most of the Richmond team. "Hopefully, my daughter hasn't caused too much commotion." 
"Aw, the boys could always use a bit of a break," Ted assures her. "No harm, no foul."
She chuckles as a player, one she recognizes as Dani Rojas gives Phoebe a bear hug that lifts her feet off the ground. Phoebe's laughter carried across the pitch. Her brother grunts. She knew she was pushing it the longer they hung around. Her brother used to keep his professional and personal lives separate. Didn't like the way his teammates would look at her. This team was different. He seemed to trust them a lot more. And she could seem to see why. But she was still playing a dangerous game, treading on her brother's nerves. He takes his job very seriously, and they were disrupting it.
"Should probably let you lot get back to it." 
"Well, go on, coach," Ted says to Roy. "Know you want to."  
His sister is smart enough to step away. Moving closer to Ted and Beard. Doesn't even flinch when Roy shouts. "Oi! This is training, not a fucking playdate! Put her down and get back to your fucking drills!” She just shakes her head. 
"Been dying to ask," Ted keeps his voice low as he leans towards her. "He always been like that?"
"He's been Roy Fucking Kent since the day he was born," she says with a grin. "But he has his moments. You can say he was a very protective older brother. Don't know why I said was. Still very much is."
"Like dealing with whoever had that death wish?" Ted asks, low tone forgotten.
"Fuckin' Lorens. I'd smash his face in if he showed that ugly mug around here," Roy grumbles. 
"Again?" His sister smirks.
"Yes, again. Fucking twat." Roy growls.
Ted looked between the Kent siblings. "That bad, huh?"
"No one lays a hand on either one of them if they want to keep it," Roy states. 
"What did you tell his mates the next day when they threatened to go to the teachers?" She grins.
"To fucking do it," Roy says. "That I'd give them a detailed list of every fucking thing they'd ever done to any kid in her class."
"He then listed them, chronologically accurate."
"Then told those fucks that if they even breathed at my sister wrong, their teeth would be in the pavement."
"Wow," was all Ted could say.
"So yes, Coach Lasso, I can assure you, he has always been some version of this Roy Fucking Kent."
"Fucking, right," Roy says.
"And yes, I got more first aid training patching up his sorry arse after fights than I did in medical school." 
(Earlier during training…)
Jamie’s head snapped up when the pitch goes quiet. He had stopped to stretch out an annoying knot in his hamstring. The striker wondered why drills had stopped despite no whistle. Not even Roy’s shout of it. He looked up at his teammates, Sam and Jan being the closest. Sam was grinning. Then something collides with his back. He immediately tensed up until small arms snaked around his neck. Jamie let out the breath he was holding and huffs a laugh. 
“Just gonna run right out an’ tackle me, Phoebs?” Jamie laughs.
“Keeley says you like hugs,” Phoebe says in his ear. 
“Especially, Phoebe-shaped ones,” he says with a nod. He reaches around with one arm to anchor her to him as he shifts to stand up. Earning a few curious looks from his teammates. Jamie couldn’t have possibly cared less. When he is on his feet, he reaches up with his other arm to keep hers secure around his neck. He spins her around. She laughs. It’s an infectious noise that causes a few of his teammates to chuckle. When he stops, Phoebe giggles and says she’s dizzy now. He goes to let her down, but her grip only tightens. He can’t help but smile.
“Wouldn’t be the first time someone got sick on the pitch,” Sam says. 
“Roy would love that,” Colin says as he and others join them, all of training seemingly unofficially put on hold. 
“Speakin’ of,” Jamie starts as he makes exaggerated motions as he turns to look around. Phoebe laughs as he swings her around. “Where is the grumpy prick?” Jamie asks having not seen the man. Phoebe giggles, but before she can chastise him for his language, he adds, “Yeah, I know, it’s a bad word, innit? Pay ya next time.” His teammates laugh. He feels her nod more than sees it. 
“Mum said she needed to talk to him and that I could come say hi,” Phoebe tells him. 
“Well, hi,” Jamie says. 
“Hi,” she laughs.
“Say hi to the lads, Phoebs,” Jamie grins.
“Hi lads,” she parrots, earning amused greetings from the now bigger group of players. 
“You here for more than Jamie hugs?” Sam asks. 
“Do you want a hug?” Phoebe asks, and the others laugh. 
"I did not mean-" Sam starts to say but is cut off by Jamie.
“I’m sure the lads wouldn’t turn one down,” Jamie grins. Phoebe shifts, and Jamie lets her down. Sam does indeed accept a hug. A few of the others do too. Dani Rojas makes her laugh by picking her up off her feet and swinging her around. 
“Oi!” They hear from the side of the pitch. “This is training, not a fucking playdate! Put her down and get back to your fucking drills!”  
“Sorry, Uncle Roy,” Phoebe says at the same time the others say, “Yes, Coach.” Jamie just huffs, scoops her up and jogs them over, and sets Phoebe down on the sideline by her mom and uncle.
"Lovely as ever, Doc," Jamie winks, greeting Roy's sister.  
"Charming as always, Tartt," she returns. Roy growls. "Alright. Steady on," she says, patting Roy's arm. "Say goodbye to Jamie and the coaches, Phoe."
"Bye, Jamie. Bye, Coach and Coach." She hugs Roy. "Bye, Uncle Roy."
"See you this weekend," Roy tells her as he hugs her back. 
"Think about what I said," his sister says in a low tone to Roy, glancing at Jamie as she does. Jamie gives her a confused look, but she just grins as she pulls away. "Laters team," she says louder to the group. She takes Phoebe's hand and leaves.
“She’s gonna be a heartbreaker that gets legs broken,” Isaac says to the group as they watch the interaction on the sidelines. 
“And that’d be the lucky ones Coach likes,” Colin adds.
“Not just Coach,” Sam mutters.  
“Nah, Tartt would aim for faces,” Isaac says. “Kent would make sure no one’s walking away, but Tartt knows too well how they think. No helpin’ the ones that break her heart.”
“Make the outside match the inside,” Colin nods. “Break her heart, and they’ll be lucky if those two break their face.” A few of the players grimace, and the others nod in agreement. 
“Fucking get to it, or you’re all running laps til I say so!” Roy shouts. 
Jamie shakes his head as he joins them. “Might want to hustle, lads,” Jamie smirks. “As soon as she’s gone, he’ll run ya til you’re the ones sick on the pitch.” 
“Yeah, alright,” Isaac says. “Back to it.” 
They all head back to drills. 
Roy is not surprised, but still annoyed, to find Jamie waiting for him after training. The locker room is empty but for Jamie. Roy resists the urge to go back into the office, but he knows Jamie would just keep waiting. Jamie was already in his street clothes, scrolling through his phone, and sitting like the fucking prick never learned how to properly use a chair.
"What the fuck are you still doing here?" Roy asks.
"Took ya long enough," Jamie says, getting to his feet. "So your sister-"
"Don't even think about it, Tartt," Roy growls. 
Jamie holds his hands up at the sheer rage in Roy's tone, but he doesn't flinch or back away. "I wasn't gonna say anything like that, fuckin hell." 
"Then what?"
"Just wonderin' why they dropped by. Not usually her thing," Jamie says. "Gotta be important to drop by in person, no text or shit."
Roy knew he had a point. He'd been concerned himself when Phoebe had run up to him. The only reason he hadn't been scared shitless that something was wrong was that no one was in tears, or as much as in tears that any of the Kents get. That image was seared in his brain from when that no good waste of space ex of hers left them.
"They're fine," Roy says as they head out to the car park. 
"So we don't need to hide a body or slash any tires?" Jamie asks. If Roy didn't know any better, he would have thought Jamie sounded disappointed. When Roy doesn't say anything, Jamie looks up at him. "What?" Jamie asks. "Phoebe seemed fine, so I thought maybe-"
"Since when do you have thoughts about my sister? Since when do you have thoughts?!"
Jamie rolls his eyes. "Excuse me for giving a shit about your life and family."
Roy sighs. "Phoebe is fine. My sister, she is fine. She has to work a double this weekend and needs someone to watch Phoebe."
"I can-"
"No, you cannot," Roy stops walking as he reaches his car. "You have a match." 
"So do you, Coach," Jamie counters. 
"Well aware," Roy says. "She'll be in the box with Keeley."
"She'll love that," Jamie grins. 
"Like I said, they're fine, so go home, Tartt."
"There she is!" Jamie says, picking Phoebe up in a hug and setting her feet on the bench so she was out of the usual chaos of the locker room. He glanced around. Everyone was still riding the high of winning the match. "Have fun with Keeley in the owner's box?"
"Yes!" Phoebe was quick to answer. Jamie did his best to keep her focus on him. He usually wouldn't give a shit about his team's manners. Even when it was Keeley or Ms. Welton in the room, Phoebe is 8. She's an innocent kid.
"Tell me about it," he says as he puts on a new shirt. Thankful that Keeley must have timed it so most of them would be wrapping up in the locker room by the time Phoebe got there. She starts telling him all about watching the game. 
"You scored a goal!" Phoebe beams at him. Jamie can't help but smile.
Cockburn chuckles as he closes his cubby. 
"Colin did, too," Jamie says. 
"Keeley said you helped then, too," Phoebe says.
"That's what teammates do, Phoebs, you know that. You play on your own team."
"Less fun now that Uncle Roy coaches you," she says. A chorus of awws has Jamie looking over his shoulder. A few of the players were hovering.
"I'm sure your uncle misses coaching you, too," Sam says as he approaches.
"Richmond pays better," Jan states. "Would be silly to pick a children's league over-"
"Fuck off, Jan Maas," Jamie grumbles. "She's 8, and he still coaches her team when he can."
"Jamie…" Phoebe says, and she holds out her hand. Jamie feigns annoyance as he moves around the edge of the bench. He does reach up and put a hand on her arm to make sure she doesn't get knocked off balance by his movements. He gets his wallet out of his bag and hands her the money. She gestures again. He rolls his eyes and more money that he owes her from training. 
"Good," Phoebe smiles. The teammates around him laugh. Phoebe clearly had Jamie wrapped around her finger. 
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up," Jamie tells them. "She'll get you, too, if you don't watch your language." He grins at Phoebe. "Still think you should cash Uncle Roy's debt in for a pony," he says with a wink.
"Better!" Dani says excitedly. "A puppy."
"How is a puppy better than a pony? I thought most little girls wanted a pony." Sam asks. 
"You watch too many movies," Colin says. "Kitten, get a kitten. Less maintenance for your poor ma."
"Just what she needs, a grumpy black cat to match her grumpy and gloomy uncle," Jamie grins. 
"Maybe smaller l, like a guinea pig or a-"
"No one is getting her a pet," Roy grunts.
"Uncle Roy!" She reaches out for him from where she stands on the bench. Half the team looks like they are about to try and catch her if she falls. Sam actually reaches out.
"Mate, she's 8 and plays football. She's fine," Jamie rolls his eyes but grins. She's safer in this locker room than probably anywhere else.
Roy steps up into the spot Jamie had been in before he moved over to the other side of the bench. 
"Uh huh," Sam says. "And yet you braced her when you rounded the bench."
"He did put her up there," Dani points out. 
"Fewer elbows and…other things in her eye line up there," Jamie says. "I'm not driving her to therapy." 
"You would," both Sam and Dani laugh. 
Roy shakes his head and looks at Phoebe. "Ready to go?" He asks. 
"Keeley said we could get ice cream," She says. Roy is not surprised.
"If Keeley said so," Roy states. Earning a few murmurs from the room. Roy growls. Phoebe seems unphased.
"Can Jamie come too?" She asks.
"Yeah, coach, can Jamie come too?" Jamie smirks as he leans against the divider between his and Canterbury's compartments. Roy ignores him.
"You can ask him yourself, Phoebe. He's your friend, apparently."
"I still think he's your best friend," Phoebe says. Yeah, Roy left the door open for that one. That was on him. 
"Yet he says it’s Isaac," Roy attempts to deflect the attention her statement got him. 
"You wish," Isaac laughs. 
"Get your own best friend, Tartt," Colin agrees.
"That's just ridiculous. It's clearly, Sam. Did you not see the international matches?" Reynolds says.
"He can have more than one best friend, can't he?" Dani asks. "I do."
"Of course you do," Jamie chuckles as he makes sure he has everything he needs to leave. He looks up and when Phoebe calls his name.
"Want to get ice cream with us, Jamie?" He glances at Roy. Roy rolls his eyes and shrugs. 
"O' course, Phoebs," Jamie says. His smile softens. "Love to."
"Then get your arse moving, don't have all damn night." Roy helps Phoebe off the bench, and they head out the door. 
"She's right," Sam says. "They're clearly best friends."
Everyone in the locker room murmurs in agreement. 
"Is Tartt with her mum or something?" Someone asks. 
"God no," Sam says. "He'd be dead if was."
"Fair point," Isaac says. 
"But Jamie Tartt isn't the old Jamie Tartt," Dani counters. 
"Yeah," Colin says. "But Roy Kent is still Roy Kent. He'd have destroyed Tartt for that."
"He has threatened to kill Tartt for a lot less," Sam admits.
"Yeah," the others agree. 
"Glare any harder, and you might melt the cone with the heat of it," Keeley nudges Roy as she says it. Roy blinks before looking over at her. She is obviously amused by how he is acting. 
"How is this not weird to you?" Roy says in a harsh whisper. Glancing over at where Phoebe is knocking around a balled-up wrapper as a ball on the tabletop nearby.  She and Jamie had been seeing how long they could keep it going without it hitting the floor. It gets oddly competitive when it shifts to who can get it between two napkin dispensers more while not letting their ice cream melt. It only got worse once their ice cream was gone. Though Roy found it as funny as Phoebe did when Jamie got a brain freeze from it.  
"It's like minding two children," Roy complains. 
"Would you rather have to entertain her yourself?" Keeley asks. Roy just grunts. Phoebe cheers when she lands her last shot. 
"Well played," Jamie grins and looks over at Roy. "Almost done, old man?" Roy has to resist making an inappropriate comeback. There are children, not just Phoebe, around. And normally, Roy doesn't give a fuck what people think about him. But he wasn’t actually that upset about anything. Jamie had actually gone out of his way to look after Phoebe in the locker room. He'd watched them through the window in the office while talking to Beard about the match. He could tell Jamie was trying to keep her focus on him and not the room full of half-dressed footballers. And in the past, he might have thought he was just being an attention needing twat, but Jamie had been keeping track of who was where in the room. Keeping himself between her and the rest of the room. So he'd give him a bit more leeway. And Keeley was right. Phoebe was having fun. They still have another day to keep her busy. Having Jamie keep her busy for a bit hasn't done any harm. Instead of saying anything, he just finishes his ice cream cone and gets up. He holds a hand out to Keeley, and she takes it as she gets up. "Let's go."
"Thanks for the invite," Jamie says to Phoebe as they walk back to Nelson Road. Jamie giving her a piggyback ride. She smiles, shifting so she can pat his head. He laughs. So does Keeley. "You too, granddad." He says to Roy when the laughter dies down. Roy does roll his eyes at that. Roy wonders how this became his life. And that thought made him wonder if this was a good thing or a bad thing. His gut reaction is, of course, it's bad. Jamie is the king prick of pricks. But he knows that's not true anymore. Jamie had picked to go with them to ice cream instead of the club to celebrate with the team. Jamie'd rather spend his time entertaining Roy's 8-year-old niece at an ice cream parlor while Roy and Keeley enjoyed their own treats than party with the boys. Or even find a casual hook-up like the old Jamie would probably do. No. Instead, he was carrying a sugar-fueled child on his back despite it being less than an hour out from playing a full football match. Roy's knee would have been protesting if it was him. They stop when they reach Keeley's car. 
"What are you doing now?" Phoebe asks Jamie when he lets her down.
"He should go home. Rest and recover," Roy says. 
"Not going to join the team at the club?" Keeley asks. 
He shrugs. "Just going to head home. Catch up on something streaming." 
"Nothing fun?" Phoebe asks.
"You heard Coach Uncle Roy," he grinned. "Gotta recover."
Phoebe gives him a hug, and he heads to his car. 
After Phoebe is down for the night, Keeley hands Roy a beer. "You going to tell me what is going on, or am I going to have to just wait it out until you crack up?" 
Roy considers ignoring her question, but he knows she will just bring it up again later. 
"Just something my sister has been bothering me about," he says. 
"Do I get specifics, or am I just to go off that vague nothing of a sentence?" 
Roy huffs. "She's been on my case about Jamie."
"What about Jamie?" That piqued her interest. "Does your sister want to shag Jamie Tartt?"
"Fuck off." He cringes at the idea. "I hope not." 
"Okay, then what is she on about?" 
Roy has not been able to figure out how to say that part out loud. Especially to Keeley. They are barely back together, and Jamie is her ex. She still cares for Jamie, and Jamie has never denied he still loves Keeley in one way or another. Jamie maintains he's glad the two got back together. He had told Roy he was a dumb fuck of an old man and even dumber than Jamie himself was for dumping Keeley. Roy had agreed with at least part of Jamie's assessment on that. He had fucked up by pushing Keeley away. But Jamie had been there to keep Roy out of his head. Even if he was just pushing his buttons to give him a vent for his frustration. Filing the silence in training with annoying factoids that seemed infuriating at the time, but looking back, were just keeping his mind focused on something else. Roy hadn't realized how much he had leaned on Jamie. He had gotten to the point he'd started noticing stupid little things that Jamie would appreciate when Jamie wasn’t even around. Whether it was some stupid video on the internet or someone else's fuck up that he knew they could both find amusing. Fuck this was frustrating to think about. His mind had been drifting more and more to Jamie Tartt during the quiet moments of his life. 
"Roy?" Keeley shakes his shoulders. He grunts. "Now I know something is up. Spill it."
Roy growls, not at her but at his own stupidity. Keeley just waits him out. 
So he tells her about his sister's visit to Nelson Road. About how she had been questioning him about his feelings for Jamie since Uncle's day. Keeley is damn near giddy by the time he finishes talking. 
"You love Jamie," she grins.
"I love you," he counters. 
"And Jamie!" 
"Would you fucking shut it," he hisses. He glances over at the stairs and silently waits to see if he hears Phoebe. Keeley glares at him. And he knows he fucked up. That had been too harsh. "Sorry, that was-"
"A bit harsh, yeah?" She takes a pull of her drink. "You're lucky I love you."
"I am," he admits. "But I'd rather not Phoebe hear this."
"But you haven't denied you love Jamie." 
Roy groans, rubbing his eyes. 
"You can't, can you?" Keeley grins. "You can love more than one person. The heart is a bitch like that."
"Keeley," he grumbles. 
"You aren't the only one," she admits. 
"What?" Roy asks. 
"It's like…” she starts to explain. “He's kept all the sweet things I genuinely enjoyed when I was him and grew out of most, if not all, the bad bits."
"He's changed so much," Roy agrees. "And I don't know if that's endearing or infuriating."
"Well, you love him, so clearly, you have your answer."
"You just admitted you still love him too."
"Yeah, but I loved him before. It's new for you." 
"Well, what the fuck are we going to do about it?" He asks. 
"Yes," he growls. 
"Drag him to the bed and settle it the fun ways," she says, taking a drink.
"Fuck off," Roy growls.
"I'm serious, babe," Keeley says. "He went to get ice cream instead of clubbing with the fellas. He asked if he needed to help you murder someone. He'd risk his career for you. He is ready and waiting for you at insane hours of the day already. He had a poster of you in his room as a kid. Admitted he loved watching you play. He still looks at you like you're his hero. Like he can't believe you would let him have even a fraction of your time and attention. Roy, he cares what you think. He lights up like the sun when you tell him he did a good job. Can you really not see how much he wants your approval? Your attention? Good or bad, he lives for it." 
Roy has to look away as she speaks. That was a hell of a list. How has he missed it all? 
"So you think he'd-" he slowly starts to say.
"If we texted him right now,” she interrupts him. “I guarantee he'd be here in minutes. If you asked him to do anything, he would."
"I doubt that," Roy vocalizes the little voice in his brain. The one that doubts most everything.
"Fine, I'll prove it." She grabs her phone and starts typing a message. 
"What are you-" 
"There. Done," she sends a message.
"What did you just do?" Roy asks, dread pooling in his stomach.
"Invited him tomorrow night," She says. 
He is slightly relieved she hadn't invited him to come round now. 
Jamie has the worst timing when not on the pitch. During training, during a match, he is a master at timing shots. He knows when and where to strike. As for his life outside the pitch, that has been a mess since, probably forever. Like now, he’s just kicked back on his sofa, tv on for mostly just background noise as he scrolls through social media and other sites on his phone. The match had been good. He was sending some of the best reactions and headlines to the team chat as he does. He had just taken a drink because Roy would probably kill him if he didn’t hydrate when he got a text from Keeley. He opened it and choked on his drink. He ended up coughing so hard his eyes watered. She told him to come round tomorrow night. That they had something important to talk to him about. Jamie’s chest hurts, and it isn’t entirely from the coughing fit he just had. Did he do something wrong? He thought they had a good time earlier, and it wasn’t even an inappropriate or raunchy good time. It was kid friendly. He kept Phoebe happy and safe. Isn’t that like Roy’s number one priority? Always. And Jamie is happy to help with that. Did he do too much? Or is it the whole locker room thing? She had found him there. He’d kept her from seeing anything she’d need therapy to forget. Was it something he didn’t do? The lads wouldn’t mess with her. They fear Roy far too much. But Roy didn’t scare him as much as he might have in the past. But fear wasn't his motivating factor for once. Jamie wanted to look after Phoebe because she was just a kid. She deserved to feel safe and happy. Roy might hate that Phoebe’s dad is not in the picture, but Jamie knows there are worse things than an absent father. An abusive one that resents your very existence. One that you can’t get away from. A dad like that is something he hopes Phoebe never has to even think about. He hopes her friends, classmates, teammates, all of them never have to go through what Jamie did. What Jamie still has to deal with. But Phoebe has Roy, at least. She doesn’t need a father. She has her mother. She has her Uncle Roy. She even has Keeley and now Jamie. The more people in her corner is a good thing, right? So it can’t be about all that, right? Then what else could it be? It’s Keeley, so it’s probably not about the match or training. He looks at the message again. He probably is taking too long to respond. So he sends her a message saying he’d be there and sets his phone on the table. So much for rest and recovery. He knows his dumb brain is not going to let this go.
"Phoebe go home?" Jamie asks when Keeley lets him in. 
"Yeah, disappointed?" Keeley asks.
Jamie shrugs, aiming for nonchalant but coming off as anxious and a bit exhausted. 
"Roy's in there," she gestures past the stairs to the living room. Jamie still seems to hesitate. "I'm right behind you, babe." 
Roy notices it immediately. Something was not right with Jamie. That was clear as day as Jamie made his way into Keeley’s living room. The striker looked more exhausted now than he had when they watched him leave the Nelson Road car park. 
“Are you okay?” Keeley finally asks as she follows the younger man. 
Jamie waves it off. "I'm fine," he insists.
“Don't exactly look it. You end up out with the team after you left?” Roy asks. 
“Nah, went home, just shit sleep,” Jamie attempts to shrug it off as nothing. He was not going to tell them his brain was thinking of a million ways this conversation could end badly for him. "Been worse, yeah?"
“Nightmares?” Keeley asks. Jamie shakes his head. 
“It wasn’t your dad was it?” Roy asks. One of these days he was going to make James Tartt, Sr. pay for what he's done. All the shit he put his son through. That line of thinking is cut off for now as Jamie speaks. 
“Wasn’t him. Wasn’t anyone, really. It’s nothin’,” he insists. “You’re the ones with something important to discuss.” Keeley looks at Roy before looking back to Jamie. Her brows furrow. 
“How about tea,” Roy says before turning toward the kitchen. "Already started, shouldn't take long."
Keeley drags Jamie to the sofa and makes him sit as Roy leaves the room. She sits beside him. She frowns again when he puts more space between them by moving to the end of the sofa. Or at least as far as he can with her insane amount of throw pillows. That doesn't sit well with her. He looks so uneasy. Jamie used to act like he owned the place when he came over. Sure he was less of a prick the last few times, but this was not even how the new Jamie usually was with her. “Jamie…were you worried about this?” She gestures between Jamie and herself. "About this talk?" Jamie doesn’t answer beyond a shrug.  "You aren’t in trouble or anything, babe.”  
“I didn’t say that I thought I was,” Jamie tries to argue. His guard was up. He didn't want to feel stupid or look weak having worried over something this…well he wouldn't say insignificant. She had said it was important. 
“Didn’t say you didn’t either,” Keeley counters. And he knew she had him there. The old part of Jamie that still pops up in his brain sometimes tells him to play it off as if he didn’t actually care. Or to just be a prick. But he doesn’t really want to do that. He’s not going to turn it on her and make her feel bad because his brain jumps to worst-case scenarios. He sighs and leans back until his head is resting on the back of the sofa, and he’s staring at the ceiling. 
“Sorry,” He says but avoids looking at her. “You said it was important, and my brain ran with it.” 
“Jamie,” she shifts, half kneeling on the sofa, and bracing her hand on his shoulder to try and get him to look at her. “Yes, what we want to talk about is important. But it's not bad.” “So I didn’t do something wrong, didn’t fuck anything up yesterday?” She goes to run her fingers through his hair to soothe him but she stops when she feels him tense up as he speaks.
“What?” Roy asks as he sets down a tray with steaming mugs of tea on the coffee table. “Match was a win. You played well, and went for ice cream. What would you have fucked up?”
“That’s what I couldn’t figure out,” Jamie admits, finally looking at them. 
“So you’re saying you got a text from us, saying we wanted to talk to you about something,” Roy starts as he hands Jamie his tea.
“Important. Something important.” Jamie adds as he takes the mug.
“Okay, something important. And you assumed we were mad at you for something?” Roy is still trying to figure out where this is coming from.
“I mean, you’re usually mad about something,”  Jamie states. “Wouldn't be you if you weren’t.”
Keeley tries not to grin but fails. Roy grunts. “Fair enough.”
“But I’m not,” Keeley says. 
“Usually are with me, and that’s fair. I’ve fucked up a lot since you’ve known me,” Jamie counters. 
“That was before,” Keeley says without hesitation. “That was a very different you, babe. Nowadays, you’re more likely to apologize for something you had zero control over than for something you actually did. And that’s assuming you’d have anything to actually apologize for in the first place.”
“Which you don’t,” Roy reiterates. “You train your arse off and barely complain about it anymore. You look after your mates. Keep ‘em in line if needed. You spent yesterday holding court for a stadium full of people and who knows how many more on live tv, then entertaining an 8-year-old at an ice cream parlor.  How could I be mad at you?”
“You’re Roy fuckin Kent. Ya can usually find something,” Jamie states.
“Well, I’m not. Got it?” Roy says. “I’m not mad. But I will be if you keep being a prick.”
“Roy,” Keeley glares at him. 
“What? I don’t want to be mad about anything, not right now, at least. Not with what we were going to talk about. Anxious, of fucking course. Angry, no.”
“Why are you anxious if it isn’t a bad thing?” Jamie asks. Now clearly confused. 
“Because what we are going to ask you is not something people would consider normal,” Keeley answers. 
“Not bad, but not normal?” Jamie tries to sort it out.
“Exactly. It’s unconventional, but could be fun,” Keeley grins, moving back to start carding her fingers through his longer hair. Ever since he had grown it out her fingers had itched to touch it. Style it. Just feel Jamie melt under her touch again as her nails scrape his scalp. This time, he lets her. He holds himself back from going completely to mush under her touch, but he doesn't fight how comforting it is. Keeley and Roy see it as a win. She can help but smile at them. 
 “So? What is it?” Jamie has to ask, his tone and his body language now showing he is less guarded and much more comfortable.
Keeley and Roy exchange a look. 
“You want to say it or…” Keeley initiates. 
“Don’t look at me,” Roy huffs. “This was your idea.”
“And you agreed to it,” Keeley insists.
“Because you-”
“Seems a bit bad if you can’t even say it,” Jamie points out. “Gonna keep going roundabout all night? If so, might need to order takeaway at this rate.” 
Roy glares at him, but the prick has a point. He takes a drink if his tea to stall for time.
“We want you to join us,” Keeley says. 
“Join you where? I’m already here,” Jamie says, his mind is too distracted by the feel of her fingers along his scalp to look deeper at Keeley's statement. 
Roy rolls his eyes. Sometimes he forgets how direct you have to be with Jamie. Subtlety and nuance are often lost on Jamie Tartt. He is a genius on the pitch. And he knows a lot of shit about topic Roy couldn’t even imagine knowing anything about. But sometimes, he misses the obvious points. And as frustrating as it might be at times, Roy still finds himself wanting to protect this one particular idiot more than any other and help him. Teach him. Fuck, Roy was absolutely lost on Jamie fucking Tartt.  Unfortunately, he, too, had been anxious about this conversation all damn day and was on his last nerve. 
“For fuck’s sake, Tartt,” Roy sighs.
“What did I do?” Jamie starts to get defensive, pulling away from Keeley to look better at Roy. 
“Steady on,” Keeley levels Roy with a serious look. She puts a hand on Jamie’s chest. “We mean with us, like in our relationship, not just at our place physically.”
Jamie is pretty sure his brain has short circuited. He cannot have heard what he thinks he just did. He looks back and forth between the two of them. “You…you’re serious?” he asks. 
“Yeah,” Keeley says, smiling at him. Roy nods, hesitant to say anything that might ruin anything. He’s screwed up his relationships too many times. He’ll leave this to Keeley.  
“Me?” Jamie asks. “You want me…”
“Yes,” Keeley affirms.
“You both do?” 
“Yes,” Keeley repeats. “We both do, right, Roy?” She looks at Roy, eyes pleading for him to at least act like he isn’t a total prick. 
Roy grunts but adds. “Wouldn’t have brought it up if we didn’t.”
“Like a one-time thing or…" Jamie says. He still can’t believe it.
“Fuck off,” Roy grimaces. 
Keeley shifts so she has both hands on Jamie’s chest. “No, Jamie. Not a one-time thing. Because I miss you, Jamie. I miss being with you. And Roy, he…” She looks at Roy.
“Fuck it,” Roy grumbles before sitting in the seat Keeley was practically out of. Pulls her on his lap before gripping the back of Jamie’s neck and pulling him into his side before slotting their lips together. Jamie is almost too stunned to react.
“Jesus, Roy, warn a girl first,” Keeley says. “And let the man agree to it before you inhale his face. He may not slap you with an assault charge, but-” She’s cut off when Jamie pulls her into a hug. 
“I missed you,” Jamie admits. 
“So, is that a yes?” Keeley asks, her tone filled with hope and only a little muffled by his shoulder. 
“Of fucking course, that’s a yes,” Jamie laughs. “I might be a bit daft, but I’m not a complete numpty.”  
“You’re not daft,” Keeley says. She leans back enough to put a hand on his face. “You’re brilliant.”
“You might not be a fucking rocket scientist, but she’s not wrong. Selling yourself short, Tartt. On the pitch, you’re a fucking genius. Off the pitch, you know the most insane shit I couldn’t even pretend to know.”
Jamie ducks his head to hide the blush dusting his cheeks. 
"So adorable," Keeley coos. 
"That is the nicest thing you have ever said to me," Jamie murmurs, glancing at Roy.
"Don't get used to it," Roy grumbles.
"Or do," Keeley kisses Jamie's still pink cheek. "He's lying. He knows you thrive on praise."
Roy grunts. "No one would believe you if you tell anyone." 
Jamie actually laughs at that. And Roy would die before he admits it out loud, but he loves that sound. 
"This is really happening, innit?” Jamie asks. “I didn’t smash my face during the match and am in so fucked up coma dream, or like some head trauma hallucination, right?” 
“Well, then we’d be figments of your imagination, so how would we know?” Roy points out.
Keeley elbows Roy in the ribs, earning her a grunt. “You aren’t hallucinating or dreaming.” 
Roy pinches Jamie’s side. Jamie yelps and pulls away. “Real enough?” Roy smirks. 
“Not nice,” Keeley glares at Roy. She takes the opportunity to slip her hand under Jamie’s pullover and shirt to gently run her hand along the spot Roy had pinched. Jamie’s breath hitches, and he melts into her touch. She grins, “There’s my good boy.” Jamie groans.
“That really does the trick, doesn’t it?” Roy laughs. Jamie glares at him, but Roy just laughs harder. He’d seen Jamie’s glare make people flinch. But this one had no heat to it. It was a bluff. Clearly, he was enjoying himself too much to really be pissed. When the glare fails, Jamie pouts a bit. And Roy bites back a sigh.
“Fuck off with that pout,” Roy growls. He reaches over and pulls Jamie back to where he was before he pulled away. “This is a good thing, remember?” He reminds him as he tugs on the back of Jamie’s pullover until Keeley helps take it off of him. His shirt is quick to follow. Jamie nods. Keeley kisses him as her hands roam his chest and abs. She swallows his moan.
“Didn’t hear you, Tartt?” Roy teases as his own hands reach out and touch. Skin he’d been dying to touch for longer than he would ever admit to every time he saw Jamie in the locker room. 
“Very,” Jamie breathlessly admits.
“Good,” Roy nods. “Because this is just the start of what we have planned for you.” 
“Fuck yeah,” Jamie says. “Let’s go.” Keeley laughs as Roy pulls him in for a kiss. 
“Fucking hot,” Keeley says as she watches them. “We gonna move this upstairs or what?”
Roy pulls back and gets a good look at both Jamie and Keeley. “Inna minute,” he says, and he grips the back of his own shirt. Keeley shifts over into Jamie’s lap so Roy can get his shirt off. Jamie happily accepts her and frees her from her own shirt. 
“Fuck, I missed you,” Jamie says before moving his lips to the skin below her ear and along her jaw. He wasn’t exactly a selfish lover in the past, and he wasn’t a religious man, but he’d thank any deity listening for the chance to have her back in his life like this. Roy being there was just icing on the cake. 
“Fucking gorgeous,” Roy admits. 
"She really is," Jamie murmurs against her neck.
"I meant both of you, you fucking prick," Roy reaches up and cards his fingers through Jamie's hair. "Those pretty fucking lips of yours."
"Thought I was an ugly, ugly boy, with bad hair?" Jamie smirks. 
"Fuck you," Roy growls as he pretty much attacks Jamie's lips with his own. 
"That's why I said we should go upstairs," Keeley says from where she is sandwiched between the two very shirtless fucking fit men.  "Although I'm not complainin'." She runs her nails along Roy's abs making him moan into Jamie's mouth. Jamie took advantage of it and deepened the kiss. But Keeley wasn't done being cheeky. She grins as she grinds down on Jamie's already tented clothed lap. A shock of pleasure runs down the striker's spine and he moans loudly. His arm snakes around her torso to hold her tighter. The other goes up to the back of Roy's neck. Fingers gripping tight like if he lets go it will all just vanish. Roy growls.
"Oh, that was a fun one," Keeley giggles. 
"Upstairs." Roy growls. "Now."
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sgtjamesrogers · 1 year
“but jesse it’s not—“ HEY. are you gonna let The Man and Big Calendar tell you what day it is. some bits of Roy Kent Gets Bullied Fic featuring Roy’s brain creating the wildest homoerotic dreams
Slowly, Roy shuffles into the kitchen space to open the fridge and close it again, then to the pantry closet to open and stare at the bare shelves before closing it again. Unwillingly, he gravitates back to the couch and into Jamie’s orbit once more.
“What is this?” He asks, leaning against the arm of the loveseat and squinting at the flatscreen.
Jamie shrugs.
“Some eighties movie they got playing. Something you probably saw opening night, yeah?” He teases in a mild tone, blase as anything as he munches idly on the crisps from Roy’s welcome basket. “Two boys fighting each other over a girl.” A look up at Roy. “Your knee will get worse if you stand the whole time, y’know.” His voice is devoid of impertinence or cheek, it’s just matter-of-fact. Not even a pinch of ‘grandad’ implied in his tone. Roy’s shoulders hunch.
He sits on the couch.
“Why’s that one wearing a shower curtain?” Roy asks, but as the sentence forms itself he realizes he’s seen this one before, years and years ago. There’s a vague memory overlaying this one like a pattern; himself a much younger, shittier man and his sister an exhausted med student falling asleep on his at-the-time brand new couch while this played on a thick heavy box of a television.
“S’Halloween,” Jamie says impatiently, handing the crisps off to Roy. “See, that lot is all skeletons.” He turns his face away from the television, wagging his eyebrows conspiratorily at Roy. “I’m definitely Daniel, fast-talking and quick on my feet, like.”
Roy surprises himself by laughing, and Jamie’s expression rearranges to offended.
“Sure,” Roy says, shaking his head. “You’re definitely Daniel. No, really,” he continues when Jamie keeps watching him suspiciously. “A motor-mouthed little prick, that does match.” But in truth, Roy can see both, can’t stop seeing both boys in Jamie as the film continues.
Sometime after Mr. Miyagi gives Daniel the car, Roy falls asleep.
He dreams of the career-ending match against Man City, only they’ve won instead of lost. His knee feels ablaze with white-hot pain and his limbs flop with exhaustion as the team hefts him onto their shoulders, and he watches Jamie clad in pale blue wade into the huddle. Jamie lifts a magnificently huge trophy to him, his face shining. Roy reaches to grasp one wooden column of it, as time goes thick and slow.
Held out between them, it’s almost like a bridge.
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kentray · 1 year
Roy Kent's Mum
So we had a full episode about mothers but nothing about Roy's mother. Are we going to find out any more about Roy's family? We know his granddad's death is a pivotal moment in his life. It sounds like this man influenced him immensely and may have been the only parental figure to ever give him love. He also mentioned that his grandparents were married 51 years.
But what about his parents? Roy only mentions his father once - that he's in his 60s, is from South London and he's a little bit racist. His mother has never been mentioned.
In Mom City, he did not partake in the Mama Lasso shenanigans like all the players did and Beard, Higgins and Trent. Why not? He then looked at Jamie and his mum like the whole experience was foreign to him. (He also had the hots for Jamie's mum as she was exactly his type - another Keeley, but that's another story...)
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And who are the only friends he ever seemed to hang with outside of work? Yoga mums. Older women who didn't know who he was. Was he searching for a maternal influence?
We now know that Roy's sister is younger, but is she his full or half-sister? Did Roy ever know his mother? Is she alive? Was she absent? Has he missed a mother's love? Is it a big reason he does not think he is worthy of love? There's still so much of Roy's story to be told.
Will we ever know since we only have one episode left? I am so curious!
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ramorazinn · 4 months
I know that you can't translate real life into fandom, but what do we think about the fact that Sofia Barclay (Dr. O'Sullivan) is 18 years younger than Brett Goldstein (who is maybe a few years older than Roy Kent, but I digress)? Does Roy only have a little sister because it became clear he would be supporting Mum and Dad in the style to which they would like to become accustomed?
Tough to line those ages up perfectly with canon (there's Phoebe to consider, after all, unless you give Dr. O a big soap-opera backstory) but... intriguing relationship dynamic.
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meatmensch · 1 year
ouuugggaaahhh i cannot stay silent on the topic any longer i must tell you about my roy kent backstory/family tree headcanons. they are crazy sad btw. ft royjamie
his sister ruth (shout out to teddy-after-all for originating her name being ruth) is 2 years older than him. ruth is just as angry and proud and insane as roy, if not more. just has a bit of a better handle on it all, being a doctor rather than a footballer.
their parents were a mess and were out of the picture when they were really young so they barely remember them. their mom passed away of a drug overdose and their dad is still alive but in prison and he sucks so they aren't in touch.
roy's grandad (they didn't give him a name and i haven't thought of one yet) who we already know passed away when roy was nine was roy's mom's dad. he and his wife zivia raised roy and ruth and after he passed away it was just their nan raising them and she is still alive. she is a superstar and is theee matriarch theee protective angry badass bubbe (oh right. they're all jewish btw). she and her husband had been friends since they were small. they were born in poland and were just little kids during the shoah. (they gave themselves the last name kent to assimilate in britain, chose it bc of clark kent.)
that experience ofc really shaped them and greatly informed how they raised their kids + grandkids. zivia basically always emphasized the importance of anger. "it's your compass, it lets you know when you've been wronged. it's a tool. it's your inheritance. it's your birthright." etc. when roy or ruth would get in trouble for hassling a teacher or punching a kid at school or smth she'd be like "well did they deserve it" and usually they'd be like "yeah and here's why" and she'd be like "ok cool well then i'm not mad ur suspended in fact we're getting ice cream." when their grandad passed away she emphasized this sort of stuff too. "i know you're sad. i know you're angry. i know you're lost. i am too. it's ok. let yourself feel it."
as i said she's still around and living in a great retirement home and roy ruth and phoebe see her often. she takes great pride in the lives of her grandkids (+ great grandkid) and is always asking them about what's going on with them and checking in with them. "perform any amazing surgeries lately, ruth, my little miracle worker?" calls roy after every game, says one of three things.
"you played like shit." "you were fucking poetic out there." "you were alright." when it's the first, he usually laughs, happy to just talk to her after such a shit game, pleased by their little ritual. sometimes he growls or cries. he's never really hurt by her saying it, though, 'cause she's his dear old nan, and she's not being a prick, she's just being herself, and she's blunt. when it's the the second, it means more to him than all of the applause and celebrations with teammates and everything. when it's the third he does get kind of depressed and just changes the subject and they talk about whatever. as he nears the end of his career he hears a lot of the third and it really fucks with him.
roy has never brought anyone home to his nan for her to meet them. he also never came out to her directly. he just started mentioning shit about him being queer one day. they both preferred it that way (not for homophobic reasons on her part). when he's seeing keeley she starts to badger him. "am i ever going to meet her?" "maybe." he's cagey about it. it's a big thing and it kind of freaks him out. they break up before he starts to seriously consider it. once he and jamie have been hanging out all the time for a while, she badgers him again. "from how you talk about him, and what ruth and phoebe say, he's your best friend. you know, i had a best friend once [alluding to her late husband of many years, implying there might be something there between roy and jamie]. even if that's all he ever is to you, i want to meet him. you've never had a best friend. plus, he's a good friend of ruth's and looks after phoebe. he's a part of our family. shouldn't i know my family?" it kind of freaks him out, but he realizes, not much. because she's right. about everything
so the next time he ruth and phoebe go see zivia together they bring jamie. they get along alright. she's charmed by him, a little annoyed by him, respects him, and can really tell how close the two of them are and how well they fit together. she tells him so the next time they talk, when the two of them + roy are chilling at ruth's house. "he's an odd one. i like him well enough. you act like you've known each other longer than either of you have been alive. so, for you? i love him...certainly more than i liked o'sullivan for ruth" "come on nan"
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ao3feed-tedlasso · 11 months
and I follow just to find you
https://ift.tt/H6rQFgO by Anonymous “Come on, she’s been a good girl for you, give her a hug.” Fine. Roy gives the horse a bloody hug. “Close your eyes,” Jamie’s voice says, strangely soothing. “Take a big breath now, full breaths. She’s breathing, too, feel that? Sometimes it feels good to be touched.” The one where Jamieʼs not a therapist and Roy is not scared of horses. Really, heʼs not. Words: 9404, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Ted Lasso (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Roy Kent, Jamie Tartt, a horse named Stella, Roy Kent's Sister, Phoebe (Ted Lasso) Relationships: Roy Kent/Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent & Jamie Tartt, Roy Kent & Phoebe Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon, HORSE GIRL JAMIE, Post S2 timeline, Drug Withdrawal, Roy Kent Goes to Therapy, Actually very sweet believe it or not source https://archiveofourown.org/works/51281707 November 01, 2023 at 05:52PM
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alwritey-aphrodite · 1 year
this is me sending in an ask wanting to know everything about the women's team characters in 'theres nothing like this'!!!
- @yokolesbianism
I’m literally over here vibrating with excitement omg but I’m going to try and contain myself!! I’m starting with my main three babygirls (Mackie, Elena, Amelia) but I have intricate backstories for the whole team and will gladly give y’all the roster
- truly the epitome of a soccer lesbian ™️, which is the basis for her friendship with Colin - they saw each other and just immediately understood each other
- she can’t actually cook but is really good at meal prepping, she loves just cutting up fruits and vegetables for hours on end and she needs to bring them in for the rest of the team because it’s not humanly possible for her to eat that much produce at a time she just loves to cut things up
- genuinely listens to every genre of music, she has specific playlists but if she just shuffles her liked songs it’s a free for all
- she’s a center forward and, as mentioned, has a penchant for yellow cards
- is a stressed out mom of 24, she always has snacks in her locker and her bag and really just wants everyone to have a good time
- has a very special bond with Amelia, who’s the youngest on the team, it’s very much a big sister - little sister relationship
- basically she’s Roy Kent if he was a girl and a few years younger and had slightly better knees and instead of being grumpy was really positive
- she’s a right midfielder
- she’s right out of high school - a video of her went viral of her playing for her high school team right around the time they were looking for players and Higgins said we need this girl, so they snatched her up before any other clubs could
- like I mentioned above, she’s really close with Elena and their apartments are next door to each other - Keeley did that on purpose because she knew Amelia would need someone to look out for her because she’s such a little sweetheart
- only listens to early 2000s pop music before a match
- she’s a left back and plays surprisingly aggressively for being an angel of a person
If you have any specific questions @yokolesbianism or want to know more about the other players, please let me know - this applies to everyone!!
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leaguepremsinfo · 7 months
full name  —  jonathan apoloniusz mazur age  —  twenty - eight. october seventh, 1995 gender/pronouns  —  cis male, he/him orientation  —  bisexual, closeted publicly  birthplace  —  hampstead, london residence  —  south kensington, london languages spoken  —  polish, english height  —  200.66 cm / 6’7” weight  —  82 kg  /  181 lbs hair color  —  brunette eye color  —  blue
Be more like your dad! His mother had always squawked at Jonny, her Polish accent more thick with pride when talking about Filip Mazur. He and Bethany came to London as eighteen year olds with big dreams, having met back in Poland. They got engaged, married and had kids quickly, raising them to speak both English and Polish, to respect where they came from; heritage was important.
His father had, at one point, been the absolute best of the best on the pitch. A legend. He was loved by the team he played for (an Arsenal man through and through), loved by the nation (when he made his first appearance for Queen and country, Old Wembley’s stands shook) and loved by the pundits. He had records young footballers could only dream of, but it didn’t make him untouchable. 
In 2017, he did retire, at an eye watering age of forty two – something utterly unheard of in that world. He left with a wealth of accolades for Arsenal under his belt, a whole load of records - including oldest goal scorer in the Premier League. 
Jon, the Mazurs’ first born, had worked through Chelsea Academy as a kid - he didn't get to have a Bar Mitzvah because of his incredibly busy schedule, though he put his all into his sisters’ so that he could be a big part of it - and stayed with the Blues all the way through to seniors, making his debut in 2012, after Chelsea won the Champions League the year before. He was a Chelsea lad to his very core, playing (eventually) alongside Roy. Fucking. Kent. A man he should objectively hate given that he’d once tried to absolutely KO his dad in a match, but hey - what wouldn’t anyone give to kick a ball around under that man’s captaincy. He helped shape Jon into the player he is today and he’ll be grateful for it for as long as he’s able to play and beyond.
Of course WHU wanted him; he was in high demand; not only was he the second-tallest player in the Prem which made him a beast to go up against but he was known as an incredibly flexible player who had the ability to move from defence positions to the midfield right up to being in front, playing the 9. He had a kick like his dad, though in truth they were not that similar. That Mazur, though outspoken and bold off the grass, was patient and calm on the pitch, sharing his whippet speed and skill with his son. This Mazur had a relatively short temper and wasn’t afraid to use his elbows.. Though, this is something Jon has worked on over time, instead becoming known for his level headedness and dedication to the sport. He doesn’t fight referees, he doesn’t pick fights with the little shits on lower table teams, he’s an artist on the pitch. 
In 2015, aged twenty, Jon made his debut for the Three Lions, the England team, legacy number 1207.
Now he’s as beloved by West Ham fans as his father was (is) by Arsenal’s. He was named their captain in July of 2017, the same year his father stepped away from the game. It’s a role he takes seriously, trying to pave the way for the younger Hammers, showing them how to act and how to better themselves just as Roy Kent had done for him those years ago. 
On Nov 15th 2018, Jon was given the captain’s band for England for a game against USA, something his own father had never quite managed. He had wanted to step out of Fil’s shadow and this was just another challenge to take up in order to prove himself even more… to who, he wasn’t entirely sure. 
He captained the England team through the 2016 Euros, the 2020 Euros and the 2022 World Cup, he’s got 221 goals for West Ham under his belt, 62 for England and in 2023 he led West Ham to victory, winning the Europa Conference League in Prague.
The man is a true testament to himself and his game. It was no shock to the people that really knew him to find out that he was nominated for the Ballon d’Or, let alone when he won the thing (he, though, was sitting with his jaw agape before being roused from his seat). The biggest surprise of all was the moment his father walked out on stage to hand him the trophy - some people slammed the move from the older Mazur man, but it was perhaps the most touching moment of young Mazur’s life so far.
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mazur5s · 1 year
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NOW PRESENTING: JONATHAN MAZUR5! captain of west ham united.
firm but fair. large and in charge. captains a team like a conductor leads a symphony. legacy player. trying to be different from his dad, whilst only wanting to be his shadow.
JONATHAN MAZUR. Oct 7th 1995. 28. West Ham’s strongman. 
Be more like your dad! His mother had always squawked at Jonny, her Polish accent more thick with pride when talking about Filip Mazur. He and Bethany came to London as eighteen year olds with big dreams, having met back in Poland. They got engaged, married and had kids quickly, raising them to speak both English and Polish, to respect where they came from; heritage was important.
His father had, at one point, been the absolute best of the best on the pitch. A legend. He was loved by the team he played for (an Arsenal man through and through), loved by the nation (when he made his first appearance for Queen and country, Old Wembley’s stands shook) and loved by the pundits. He had records young footballers could only dream of, but it didn’t make him untouchable.
In 2017, he did retire, at an eye watering age of forty two – something utterly unheard of in that world. He left with a wealth of accolades for Arsenal under his belt, a whole load of records - including oldest goal scorer in the Premier League. 
Jon, the Mazurs’ first born, had worked through Chelsea Academy as a kid - he didn't get to have a Bar Mitzvah because of his incredibly busy schedule, though he put his all into his sisters’ so that he could be a big part of it - and stayed with the Blues all the way through to seniors, making his debut in 2012, after Chelsea won the Champions League the year before. He was a Chelsea lad to his very core, playing (eventually) alongside Roy. Fucking. Kent. A man he should objectively hate given that he’d once tried to absolutely KO his dad in a match, but hey - what wouldn’t anyone give to kick a ball around under that man’s captaincy. He helped shape Jon into the player he is today and he’ll be grateful for it for as long as he’s able to play and beyond.
In 2015, Jon was snapped up by West Ham United, a move he found difficult to come to terms with, but one he thought would give him the freedom to pursue his individuality - his ability to truly be his own man and not just his father, but in blue. East London. He would fit in with the cockneys, he thought. 
Of course WHU wanted him; he was in high demand; not only was he the second-tallest player in the Prem which made him a beast to go up against but he was known as an incredibly flexible player who had the ability to move from defence positions to the midfield right up to being in front, playing the 9. He had a kick like his dad, though in truth they were not that similar. That Mazur, though outspoken and bold off the grass, was patient and calm on the pitch, sharing his whippet speed and skill with his son. This Mazur had a relatively short temper and wasn’t afraid to use his elbows.. Though, this was something Jon has worked on over time, instead becoming known for his level headedness and dedication to the sport. He doesn’t fight referees, he doesn’t pick fights with the little shits on lower table teams, he’s an artist on the pitch. 
In 2015, aged twenty, Jon made his debut for the Three Lions, the England team, legacy number 1207.
Now he’s as beloved by West Ham fans as his father was (is) by Arsenal’s. He was named their captain in July of 2017, the same year his father stepped away from the game. It’s a role he takes seriously, trying to pave the way for the younger Hammers, showing them how to act and how to better themselves just as Roy Kent had done for him those years ago. 
On Nov 15th 2018, Jon was given the captain’s band for England for a game against USA, something his own father had never quite managed. He had wanted to step out of Fil’s shadow and this was just another challenge to take up in order to prove himself even more… to who, he wasn’t entirely sure. 
He captained the England team through the 2016 Euros, the 2020 Euros and the 2022 World Cup, he’s got 221 goals for West Ham under his belt, 62 for England and in 2023 he led West Ham to victory, winning the Europa Conference League in Prague.
The man is a true testament to himself and his game. It was no shock to the people that really knew him to find out that he was nominated for the Ballon d’Or, let alone when he won the thing (he, though, was sitting with his jaw agape before being roused from his seat). The biggest surprise of all was the moment his father walked out on stage to hand him the trophy - some people slammed the move from the older Mazur man, but it was perhaps the most touching moment of young Mazur’s life so far.
Sitting in his hotel room with the buzz of champagne in his body and the ringing of partying still in his ears was the moment, the first real moment, he started to doubt his place at West Ham. It was true that the team had helped him elevate his game, that he’d forged some strong bonds there, and he had a lot to thank the clarets for, but Champions League players they were not. He was running out of time. Could he really turn his back on such a team? Did he have it in him to turn his back on another team that’d raised him?
0 notes
sortofanobsession · 1 year
Love your Ted Lasso fics and I cannot wait for what you have coming up soon!
Sorry I haven't posted but I have still been working on stuff.
Sneak Peek?
Colin comes over to hand Jamie his phone, but Jamie just hands it to Phoebe. "Tell them what you told me." Jamie can tell the swelling must ease some because Roy looks a tiny bit better. Jamie takes off his jacket and puts it under Roy's head. "There nice and comfy now, innit?" Roy glares at him again, but Jamie takes his hand again. His grip shifts to hold it in one hand, and still feel his pulse. His other hand goes into his pocket and pulls out his phone. Jamie unlocks it and hands it to Colin. "Do me a favor and call Phoebe's mum. She's in there as Roy Kent's fit sister."
That earns a grunt from Roy. Jamie smirks. "I know. You'll cut my eyes out." He squeezes Roy's hand. "You can yell at me when you can breathe properly again."
"Fuck you," Roy manages now that the epinephrine is working. Jamie grins and carefully sets Roy’s hand down.
"Good news, lads, he lives," Jamie says, standing up. They cheer. "Still going to the A&E," Jamie insists.
Phoebe gives Colin back his phone and moves to sit beside her uncle. She takes the hand that Jamie doesn't keep using to check his pulse and holds it tight. Jamie leaves for a second and comes back.
"I'm okay, kid," Roy says. She hums but doesn't say anything.
"How ya doing, coach?" Jamie asks.
“You lock my fucking car?” Roy asks.
Jamie chuckles. “Yes, I locked your fucking car. Now answer my question.”
"I'm fine," Roy insists. Jamie huffs another laugh. He uses a bandana to wipe the sweat off Roy's now less pale face. Roy grimaces.
"It's clean. I swear," Jamie says. "Can't have big bad Roy Kent looking sweaty, might make some poor medic swoon."
"You're fucked in the head, Tartt," Roy says.
"You don't know half of it," Jamie grins.
"I'm fucking glad for that," Roy grumbles.
"Oh, trust me, you'd enjoy some of it," Jamie adds with a wink. And Roy glares at him.
"He seems fine to me," Richard laughs from where he and Colin stand behind Jamie.
"Yeah, but unless one of you has another epipen, then we better hope that the ambulance doesn't take forever," Jamie says.
"I told you, I'm fine," Roy attempts to get up, but Jamie and Phoebe stop him.
"Sorry, Coach," Jamie says. "Doc's orders."
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All Too Well (Roy Kent X Reader)
WC: 7377
Warnings: Swearing, cheating, Sadness 
Summary: Roy and Y/N are haunted by their shared pasts that they remember all too well.
A/N: This beautiful, heart-destroying fic was requested by the lovely @natlovesu​ . I really hope you like this, and I am once again sorry for the length of this fic and the sadness it contains.
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I walked through the door with you. The air was cold, but something about it felt like home somehow. And I, left my scarf there at your sister's house, and you've still got it in your drawer even now. 
5th November 2004
“Are you sure we have to go in? Can’t we just stay in the car a bit longer?” Y/N asked, the pitch of her voice almost an octave higher than usual from nerves.
“Dinner’s at 6 and it’s already 6:05. If we’re any later she’s gonna call me and berate me for being ‘unreasonably late.’ Are you ok with this, babe?” Roy asked, giving Y/N a questioning look.
“I’m meeting your sister for the first time, that’s a big deal! What if she doesn’t like me? What if she thinks I’m not good enough? I really want her to like me, Roy.” Y/N admitted, suddenly feeling awkward under Roy’s intense gaze.
“All that fucking matters to her is whether you make me happy, and I can safely say I’ve never been happier than when I’m with you. So just breathe babe, you’ll be fine.” Roy said, resting his forehead against Y/N’s. She let out a sigh, feeling the metaphorical weight lift off her shoulders.
“You’re always so good at talking me down from the ledge. Maybe if your football career falls through you could go into therapy?” Y/N said, a playful tone in her voice as Roy grimaced at the thought of not being a football player.
The pair emerged from Roy’s car, and despite the thick scarf and warm coat she was wearing, a chill passed through her. Roy noticed her shiver and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him as they walked.
“God you’re like a furnace. How the fuck are you so warm? It’s freezing out here.” Y/N exclaimed, nuzzling into Roy’s side as they walked up the stairs to his sister’s front door.
“It’s a gift.” He said, smiling down at Y/N before ringing the doorbell. The door swung open very quickly, and before Y/N could say anything she was being pulled away from Roy into the tight embrace of his sister.
“Oh, it’s so good to meet you Y/N!” She said, giving the girl a squeeze before pulling away, still keeping her hands on Y/N’s shoulders.
“Calm the fuck down Jules.” Roy muttered, rolling his eyes at his sister’s behaviour. Julia Kent could not look any different from her brother, but suddenly Y/N could see the resemblance all too well.
“And here’s the grumpy bastard himself! Always a pleasure, Roy.” Julia said, earning a grunt out of her younger brother.
“Enough pleasantries, please come in. I did have dinner ready for 6 but it should still be good to go.” Julia said, ushering the pair into her house. Y/N looked up at Roy, eyes wide from the interaction she just had with his sister. He took her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze before walking through the door.
“Have a seat, please. Do you want something to drink?” Julia said, gesturing towards the perfectly set table. 
“I’ll just have whatever beer you’ve got. You want anything, babe?” Roy asked, pulling a chair out for Y/N. She took a seat, giggling slightly as Roy pushed her chair in before he took his own seat next to her.
“Red wine is fine, I’m not picky about what type.” Y/N said, and Julia nodded before heading into the kitchen to get the drinks.
As Y/N looked around the room and observed all the décor and the warm, cosy feeling of Julia’s house, she couldn’t help but feel struck by how at peace she felt despite her earlier nerves.
She glanced over at Roy, surprised to find him already looking at her. “What?” She asked softly, and Roy shrugged his shoulders, his lips tugging up into a smile.
“You’re fucking amazing, you know that?” Roy said, his frankness surprising Y/N a little.
“Any reason why you’re telling me this?” Y/N said, lifting an eyebrow in confusion.
“No reason.” Roy said, and Y/N felt her cheeks flush, though she suspected the fact that she was still wearing all her cold weather clothes may have had something to do with that.
“Here we are! Wine for the lady and the nastiest looking can of beer I could find for the grump.” Julia said, setting their drinks down next to them. Roy gave her the finger, causing Y/N to laugh softly.
“Hey Julia, is there anywhere I can put my coat, I’m a bit toasty now.” Y/N said, pulling at the scarf around her neck.
“Yeah of course, there’s a coat rack just down the hall to your left.” She said, Y/N smiling and giving her a thumbs up in response to her directions.
Once Y/N was sufficiently out of earshot, Roy stared at his sister, taking a swig of beer before speaking. “What do you think?” He asked, nodding his head towards where Y/N was just sitting.
“Of Y/N?” Julia asked, and Roy nodded, an almost exasperated look on his face.
“Oh, she seems so lovely, and the fact that she’s here shows me she really cares about you.  What do you think about her?” Julia said, and Roy was slightly taken aback by the flipping of his question.
“I really fucking like her, that’s what I think.” Roy said gruffly, and as Y/N sat back down at the table, Julia took notice of the way his eyes lit up when he saw her.
Dinner went extremely well, and by the time Roy suggested they head home, Y/N could hardly believe the evening was over.
She picked up her coat, hugging Julia goodbye before slipping her own hand into Roy’s and walking back to his car. By the time they were halfway back to Roy’s house, Y/N suddenly gasped.
“Oh fuck!” She said, and Roy glanced over at her, still watching the road.
“What’s wrong?” He said, trying to gauge Y/N’s reaction so he could respond appropriately. It was a trick he learned from Julia when he first started dating, and it had served him well both in relationships and in his everyday life.
“I left my scarf at Julia’s. I really liked it, it’s my warmest one.” She said, crossing her arms over her chest and sinking down in her seat. Roy sighed, taking one hand off the wheel to put reassuringly on Y/N’s thigh.
“I’ll head back over before the match tomorrow and pick it up, ok?” Roy said, rubbing his thumb absentmindedly along her thigh as Y/N nodded, content with the knowledge her scarf wasn’t gone forever.
“Thanks Roy, you’re the best.”
February 3rd, 2020
Roy knew after last night’s gala that he had it bad for Keeley, but as much as he hated Jamie, he had no right to develop feelings for another man’s girlfriend. He sighed, forcing himself to get up and get ready for the day.
As he was digging around in his drawer looking for his training jersey, his hand hit something that he hadn’t looked at in years. He almost froze, the familiar feeling of that woollen scarf bringing back years of memories.
It was Y/N’s, the one she left at Julia’s the first night she met her. The one he promised to pick up from his sister’s and return to her. He delivered on the first part of his promise, but he got busy with training and games that he eventually forgot he even had the scarf in the first place.
He intended on giving it back to her with the rest of her things, but something in him couldn’t bear to part with it. Even though he never took it out of the drawer, the fact that he knew it was always there, like a part of her was always with him, is what made him keep it.
“Fuck.” Roy muttered, feeling tears prick in the corners of his eyes as he thought about Y/N, something that often happened what he thought about her for too long.
He took in a shaky breath, trying to collect himself. He moved his hand away from the scarf, instead picking up his jersey and slamming the drawer shut.  He didn’t have time to dwell on the past, to dwell on her. He had a job to do.
Oh, your sweet disposition, and my wide-eyed gaze. We're singing in the car, getting lost upstate. Autumn leaves falling down like pieces into place, and I can picture it after all these days. 
September 29th, 2005
As Y/N pulled her car up into the carpark outside Sunderland’s training grounds, she took in a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. She hadn’t seen Roy in a few months, and she remembered him mentioning that they had a bye, so he had the weekend free. 
The idea started brewing, and without very much thought at all, Y/N decided to drive to Sunderland and surprise Roy. It was a five-hour drive, and her legs were aching from sitting still for that long, but she knew it would be worth it getting to see him.
She sat in her car, the faint sound of a Fall Out Boy song playing on the radio as she eagerly waiting for the sound of the final whistle followed by the aimless chatter from the team that signified the end of training. As she tried to calm her nerves, she heard the high-pitched whistle and her gaze turned towards the pitch.
There he was, her Roy. Sweaty and a bit dirty, sure, but he was there and that was all that mattered. She took in a deep breath, turning off her car and getting out, heading towards the pitch. Roy was moving closer, and she shouted out his name, waving her hands as well for a bit of extra emphasis.
Y/N watched him look around, very confused about the source of the noise, and eventually his eyes landed on her. She swore she could feel her heartbeat triple in speed when their eyes locked, and the pure joy and shock on his face made the drive worth it.
She strode over to the sidelines as quickly as her feet would take her, and Roy started running over towards her. Y/N held her arms out, expecting to get a hug from Roy. Instead, he picked her up and spun her around, kissing her deeply once her feet were back on the ground.
“You’re here. How the fuck are you here?” Roy asked, his hands gripping Y/N’s shoulders in disbelief.
“I drove up from London to surprise you. You mentioned you had a bye this weekend so I thought maybe we could just spend some time together seeing as we haven’t seen each other in so long.” Y/N said, letting out a surprised squeak as Roy pulled her in to another kiss.
“I fucking love you Y/N.” Roy said, the adoration in his eyes nearly moving Y/N to tears. 
“I love you too Roy. Now go have a shower and ‘ll meet you in the car, ok? You’re a bit too sweaty for my taste right now.” Y/N said, jokingly pushing him away.
“You know you love it, babe.” Roy said, pecking Y/N’s cheek before jogging off to the changerooms. Y/N sighed, walking back to the car with her heart feeling a bit fuller than before.
Roy met her back in the car, smelling much cleaner when he kissed her this time. She hummed into the kiss, relishing in the feeling of being with him again.
“Where are you taking me?” Roy asked once they’d broken apart. Y/N smiled, turning up the radio before pulling out of the carpark.
“I’m staying in this bed and breakfast just out of the city, and I figured you could come stay with me. If that’s alright, of course.” Y/N said, sneaking a quick glance at Roy.
“Of fucking course it is. A weekend in a little cottage with you and no one else? That’s fucking heaven, that’s what that is.” Roy said, relaxing back into the passenger seat of Y/N’s car. It smelled faintly of her perfume and the strawberry air freshener she had, and Roy swore he could never get sick of that smell.
They stayed in comfortable silence, until all of a sudden Y/N gasped. “What?” Roy said, scared something had happened to Y/N.
“Turn it up, Roy.” Y/N said, a somewhat devilish smile on her face as Roy turned up the radio. Suddenly he heard the opening notes of ‘I Want It That Way’ and he groaned, instantly wishing he hadn’t listened to Y/N.
“You are my fire. The one desire.” Y/N was singing along to herself, occasionally looking to Roy to see if he was joining in. His stern face gave her all the answers she needed.
“Can’t reach to your heart, when you say, I want it that way. Tell me why.” Y/N sang passionately, and as much as Roy was opposed to the idea of singing in front of anyone else with a burning passion, he had a weak spot for Y/N.
“Ain’t nothing but a heartache.” He sang, gruffly and almost off-key, and Y/N’s whole face lit up. “Tell me why?” She sang, this time pointing an invisible microphone towards Roy. He gave her a stern look, but her hand stayed put.
“Ain’t nothing but a mistake.” His reluctant singing brought Y/N more joy than she’d care to admit, as she tried to keep herself from laughing.
“Tell me why?” Roy took in a deep breath, readying himself for the end of the chorus.
“I never wanna hear you say. I want it that way.” Y/N joined in on the last line, and he felt surprisingly ok about having just sung a Backstreet Boys song in front of his girlfriend.
“You’ve got surprisingly good pipes, babe. You should sing more often.” Y/N said, catching a brief glimpse of the blush that formed on Roy’s cheeks at her praise.
“You’re just saying that.” He muttered, gazing out the window. Y/N turned her attention back to the road, but she quickly realised she didn’t recognise her surroundings. This definitely wasn’t the way she came to the pitch.
“Hey Roy, do you have any clue where we are?” She said, trying not to freak out about the realisation that they were lost.
“Are you telling me we’re lost?” He said, any bashfulness he had before gone.
“I think I got so caught up in singing with you that I missed an exit. I’m gonna take the next exit and we can backtrack from there. The map should still be in the side of your door.” Y/N said, turning her indicator on once she saw the next exit.
Suddenly, Y/N was glad she missed her original exit because what she saw before her was just breathtaking. There was a whole avenue of trees along either side of the road, and their leaves had turned a beautiful reddish brown. Y/N’s eyes widened as she tried to examine the scenery.
“Wow.” She breathed out, unfazed by Roy’s lack of reaction as he had his head buried in a map of England’s roads. She slowed down, looking over at Roy and marvelling at how he looked, almost surrounded by a warm halo from the leaves of the trees.
He was perfect, and she took a mental photo of that moment, swearing never to forget it as long as she lived.
And I know it's long gone and that magic's not here no more, and I might be okay but I'm not fine at all. 
February 5th, 2020
“Y/N, how was your weekend?” Trent asked as Y/N sat down at her desk. She smiled at him, taking a second to organise her desk before responding.
“It was good. A lot of editing but such is the life of a journalist. How about you, Trent? Anything exciting?” She asked, leaning back in her chair as she waited for Trent’s answer.
“I visited AFC Richmond, actually. After I did my piece on Ted, I’ve had a vested interest in the club. I must say, their captain really is an angry man, but it appears to work.” Trent said, and Y/N tried to fight the physical reaction she normally experienced when someone brought up Roy.
“That’s for sure.” Y/N said, and this comment caused Trent to raise his eyebrows. He leaned forward slightly, reporter mode instantly turning on.
“I didn’t think you were a football fan, Y/N.” Trent said, his simple statement surprisingly pointed. Y/N laughed dryly, almost rolling her eyes.
“I’m not now, but I used to be. I was really invested, but something happened, and I just lost the interest. Such is life, you know.” She said, a somewhat bitter tone in her voice that Trent picked up on instantly.
“Forgive me for prying, but what exactly happened to make you lose interest?” Trent said, and Y/N took in a deep breath. She hated talking about her past, but she wanted to be open with her friend.
“I got my heart broken by the current captain of AFC Richmond, that’s what happened.” She said, and Trent instantly felt bad for pushing her. As much as he revelled in this new piece of information as a journalist, as a friend he felt awful.
“I’m so sorry Y/N. I had no idea you had a history with Roy.” Trent said, genuine sympathy in his eyes as he looked over at Y/N. She sighed, giving him a small smile in response.
“It’s ok. I’m not very open about it but it did feel good to tell someone, especially you.” She said, her smile widening at the honoured look on Trent’s face.
“Let me buy you a coffee as a ‘sorry for prying about your personal life’ gift?” Trent said, his glasses falling slightly down the bridge of his nose.
“I’m a staunch tea-drinker, but I’d like that very much.” Y/N said, watching as Trent nodded and pulled out his wallet. 
As long as it had been since Roy, and as much as she wasn’t at all fine with what had happened, she was starting to move on. It was a small victory, but she was grateful for it nonetheless.
'Cause there we are again on that little town street. You almost ran the red 'cause you were lookin' over at me. Wind in my hair, I was there I remember it all too well. 
June 4th, 2006
If you’d asked Y/N a year ago where she thought she’d be in one year’s time, the answer certainly wouldn’t be driving through Spain on holidays with Roy. However, time has a funny way of surprising everyone, and Y/N was indeed in the passenger seat of a rented car driving through Spain.
It was a surprise holiday to celebrate the end of Roy’s last season with Sunderland and Y/N’s recent promotion at work, and to add to the surprise Roy had rented an old convertible to make their holiday ‘even more magical.’ Roy’s words, not Y/N’s. 
Y/N loved seeing Roy out of work mode. When he was away from the game, he had an air of freedom that Y/N found just beautiful. As they drove along the narrow roads through a small town that Y/N forgot the name of, she felt at peace.
Suddenly the wind picked up, and with the roof down Y/N’s hair immediately started going everywhere. She really wished she’d tied it back, but she started laughing at the absolute madness of it all.
Roy, who had been so hellbent on keeping his eyes on the road because ‘everything was fucking backwards on the roads here,’ suddenly found his gaze drifting over to Y/N.
She’d always been perfect to him, but in that moment, she looked like an angel. Her hair whipped around her face like a halo, nothing but pure joy on her face as she laughed uncontrollably. 
He couldn’t help but smile, something he found himself doing far more often when Y/N was around. They made eye contact, and Roy felt his smile almost double in size because of the love on Y/N’s face. 
All of a sudden he got worried, as the look on Y/N’s face turned to one of panic. “Roy! Fucking brake, babe!” She shouted, and when Roy’s gaze was back on the road, he noticed just how close he was to running that red light.
He slammed on the brakes, feeling the impact as both him and Y/N got pushed back into their seats. They looked at each other, and all they could do was laugh. They just cackled at the insanity of it all, just loving the sheer freedom and joy they were both feeling in that moment.
Photo album on the counter, your cheeks were turning red. You used to be a little kid with glasses in a twin-sized bed. And your mother's telling stories 'bout you on the tee-ball team. You told me 'bout your past thinking your future was me. 
December 24th, 2006
“Mum I swear to god, Y/N doesn’t need to see my fucking baby photos.” Roy exclaimed, fear etched onto his face as his mother began to talk about the old family photo album.
“Roy Joseph Kent, that is no way to speak to your mother. That kind of language may fly on the pitch, but it certainly won’t fly at home.” Roy’s mother seemed to be one of the only people in the world who could bring him back into line, and Y/N always marvelled at her whenever it happened.
“Sorry mum.” He muttered, taking a drink of the mulled wine she had made for them. Y/N stifled a laugh, turning her attention to Margaret to avoid the look Roy shot her.
“Sorry about that, love. Our Roy’s always been a bit salty with his language, but I’m sure you’re used to that by now.” Margaret said, chuckling as Y/N nodded in response.
“Oh absolutely. Is the offer to see the baby photos still on offer, Margaret?” Y/N asked, and Roy groaned, sinking further down into his chair. Margaret nodded, leaving the kitchen to get the photo album with a promise that she’d be right back.
“You’re absolutely fucking diabolical.” Roy muttered, staring Y/N down as she took a sip of her mulled wine.
“I’m fully aware of that, babe.” She said, winking at him. He shook his head, somehow both exasperated and deeply in love at the same time.
“Next time we go to your parents for Christmas, I’m going to ask them to see every baby photo they have of you until you’re begging me to stop. It’s only fair.” Roy said, a strange edge in his voice that Y/N hadn’t heard before. 
“Looking forward to it.” She said, pecking his cheek as Margaret walked back into the room, photo album tight in her grasp.
“Here we are! I’ll show you some of the best ones, of course.” Margaret said, and Y/N leaned forward eagerly, waiting to see her boyfriend when he was young.
The album was open, and when Y/N looked over at it she gasped, picking up the album so she could examine it closer.
“You had glasses? Why did you never tell me!” Y/N exclaimed, staring at Roy who looked like he’d rather be anywhere but there.
“Because I wore contacts once I started properly playing football and then I had laser surgery so now my eyes aren’t broken anymore.” He said gruffly, and Y/N pouted as she shook her head.
“That’s a right shame because you would look so good with glasses. Just saying.” Y/N said, Roy’s eyes widening slightly at her implication. He felt his cheeks start to heat up, so he raised his cup to his mouth to try and hide it.
“Oh my god. Margaret, what’s this one?” Y/N said, pointing to a photo that Roy hadn’t looked at in years.
“Before Roy got into football, he played tee-ball. The bat was about as big as he was, and the helmet was far too big on him, but he always gave it his best shot. He was their star batter, you know.” Margaret said, and Y/N felt her heart melt at the image of her now rough and tough footballer boyfriend being a tiny tee-ball player.
Y/N looked up at Roy, slipping her hand into his. She could tell he was a bit embarrassed, and she knew he was never one to tell people about his past, let alone have his mum show them childhood photos.
“The team was very broken up when I left to go play football. I don’t think they ever recovered.” Roy said, earning a sharp laugh from both Y/N and Margaret. As he looked at Y/N chatting with his mum, bonding over their experiences with him, he was suddenly hit by the fact that he really loved Y/N. 
He loved her enough to ask his mum about the family ring once she’d gone to bed that night.
And I know it's long gone and there was nothing else I could do. And I forget about you long enough to forget why I needed to. 
February 20th, 2020
Roy needed help. It wasn’t often he decided to ask for help, but he was struggling big time. He knew how he felt about Keeley, but he couldn’t get past the issue that was Jamie Tartt. 
He walked into Ted’s office, unsurprised to see Beard and Higgins in there as well. “Roy! What can I do for you?” Ted said, his unwavering joyfulness making Roy feel like rolling his eyes.
“I think I might have feelings for Keeley.” He said, his admission causing the room to fall silent.
“I know she’s with Jamie and as much as I hate the fucker, I don’t want to be a homewrecker.” Roy said, watching as the three men in front of him nodded, silent in their contemplation.
“Can you guys fucking say something?” Roy burst out after the silence had gone on too long for his liking.
“Roy, feelings are always a little messy, not unlike the writing on Friends from season 8 onwards.” Ted said, Beard nodding in agreement.
“What you’ve gotta do is work out how you wanna deal with them. How do you normally respond when you’re feeling feelings you can’t quite understand?” Ted said, and Roy stared him down. 
“How the fuck do you think I respond?” Roy said, folding his arms over his chest.
“I’m gonna go out on a limb and say it’s with heavy cursing and unbridled rage?” Ted said, and Roy sighed, shrugging his shoulders in a manner that suggested to Ted he’d hit the nail on the head.
“And how’s that worked out for you so far?” Ted asked, and all of a sudden Roy’s mind drifted back to Y/N and the night it all fell apart. There was a lot of screaming and swearing, and as soon as he began to think it wasn’t the worst breakup he’d experienced, the image of her tear-stained face came into his head. He cleared his throat, trying to move past that memory.
“Not well.” He said, and Ted gave Beard a look that Roy couldn’t quite decipher.
“Well, my advice is do the opposite of what you’d normally do.” Ted said, earning a confused look from Roy.
“Don’t swear and don’t be angry?” He said, and the three men around him nodded.
“Bingo.” Beard said, leaning back in his chair as Roy processed what had just happened.
“Right.” He muttered, staring at the three of them before shoving his hands in his jacket pocket and walking out of Ted’s office. He swore under his breath as another memory of Y/N came into his head.
He’d done so well trying to forget about her that he’d forgotten why exactly he was doing it, but with all these memories flooding back to him he quickly remembered why. He couldn’t deal with the hurt he knew he’d caused her.
'Cause there we are again in the middle of the night. We're dancing 'round the kitchen in the refrigerator light down the stairs, I was there, I remember it all too well. 
April 1st, 2007
Y/N woke up slowly, reaching her hand out to find that Roy wasn’t in bed. She sat up, rubbing her eyes as she tried to think of where Roy could be. She remembered him coming home last night and coming to bed.
She got up out of bed, walking down the stairs carefully. She’d already fallen down one set of stairs in her life, and she really didn’t want to do it again. Y/N could see a soft light coming from the kitchen, and when she walked towards it, she could see the outline of someone she really hoped was Roy.
“Babe?” Y/N asked, watching as Roy practically jumped out of his skin at the sound of her voice.
“Fucking hell, you scared the shit out of me. What are you doing up?” He asked, walking away from the open fridge towards her. She was wearing one of his old jerseys, and he loved how soft she looked in the fridge light.
“I realised you weren’t in bed and I kinda freaked out, sorry.” Y/N said, her sentence interrupted in the middle by a yawn she let out. Roy sighed, closing the fridge door before pulling her in and wrapping his arms around her.
“I’m sorry, babe. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just needed some water, that’s all.” He said, running his hand up and down her back.
“It’s ok, don’t worry. I found you now, so all is well.” Y/N said, her voice muffled as her head was pressed against Roy’s chest. He chuckled, kissing the top of her head. He felt her arms snake around his waist and he pulled her even closer.
They were both quiet, and as time passed they subconsciously started swaying, like they were slow dancing. As they swayed, Roy could feel Y/N start to drift off, and he sighed softly.
“I think we should get back to bed, babe.” He said, realising Y/N was asleep after he didn’t get a response from her. He carefully pulled her arms away from him before picking her up, carrying her bridal style up the stairs to the bedroom.
He gently laid her down onto the bed, crawling in beside her. As he listened to her steady breathing, he could feel himself drifting off back to sleep, content to be beside the woman he loved.
And maybe we got lost in translation, maybe I asked for too much. But maybe this thing was a masterpiece 'til you tore it all up. Running scared, I was there, I remember it all too well. 
May 15th, 2007
“Has anyone seen Roy?” Y/N screamed over the music, hoping the rest of the team could point her in the right direction. 
“I think I saw him go that way.” One of Roy’s teammates said, gesturing towards the area. Y/N nodded, giving him a thumbs up as a thank you. She made her way through the club, politely moving past the mass of people that were there. 
She spotted Roy, and she shoved her way past a few more people to get to him. She felt someone bump into her, and she turned around to try and see who it was, but she was unsuccessful. By the time she turned around, she swore she heard her heart shatter into pieces.
The world felt like it was moving in slow-motion as Y/N watched Roy, the absolute love of her life, kissing another woman. She gasped softly, the alcohol combined with the sight before her causing her mind to crowd with thoughts.
He broke away from the woman, and he turned his head and saw Y/N standing there. She looked like an abandoned little kid, tears beginning to stream down her face. 
“Fuck.” Roy said, shoving the other girl off him. She swore at him, but he didn’t care about what she had to say. All he cared about was Y/N, and as he tried to run after her he found himself really regretting all the drinks he’d had.
“Y/N!” Roy called after her, catching sight of her leave the club. He sighed, shoving past anyone who stood in his way as he followed her out.
He saw her leaning against the brick wall outside the club, her head buried in her hands. He could hear her sobbing, and the hatred he felt for himself in that moment was astronomical.
“Y/N… I’m so sorry.” Roy said, the sound of his voice causing Y/N to look up at him through tears.
“Well, I’m really fucking glad to hear that, Roy.” She said sharply, the venom in her voice taking Roy by surprise. He’d never heard her that angry before.
“It was an honest to god mistake. We were just chatting and all of a sudden she kissed me.” Roy said, and Y/N laughed coldly, shaking her head.
“It was an accident, it didn’t mean anything, of course. Roy, I just watched you cheat on me in public, and you only pulled away when you realised I was there. Can you honestly tell me that if I hadn’t found you, you would’ve stopped?” Y/N said, the tension in the air thick and heavy as Roy swallowed nervously.
“I don’t know.” He said, and Y/N sighed, wiping some of the tears off her face.
“Thanks for being honest.” She said, wrapping her arms around herself. “I can’t do this anymore, Roy. It was bad enough never seeing you and worrying all the fucking time if you still loved me, still wanted me, but seeing that set everything straight.” She said, and Roy couldn’t tell whether the churning of his stomach was from anger or sadness.
“Y/N, listen to me. I love you, I always have. You mean the fucking world to me and I.” Roy said, but Y/N cut him off.
“If I meant anything to you, we wouldn’t be standing here right now. I loved you so much. I was ready to marry you and start a family and have a whole fucking life together. I didn’t think I was asking too much of you to want you to love me, but I guess I was wrong.” Y/N said, her voice shaky as she took the diamond ring off her hand and gave it back to Roy.
“Y/N…” He said, watching as she refused to meet his eyes.
“I’m going home.” She said defiantly, sticking out her hand to hail a cab. The pair stood in silence as the cab pulled up, the air heavy with unsaid words and pain.
He watched as Y/N got into the cab, tears streaming down both of their faces. Once the car was out of sight, Roy didn’t know what to do with himself. He had just fucked up the best thing that had ever happened to him.
“Fuck!” He screamed, fighting the urge to throw the ring down on the ground. He would never forgive himself for this.
And you call me up again just to break me like a promise, so casually cruel in the name of being honest. I'm a crumpled up piece of paper lying here. 'Cause I remember it all, all, all too well. 
November 15th, 2007
Y/N was sitting in her parents’ kitchen, a glass of wine clutched in her hands. It had been six months since things ended with Roy, and they had been the hardest six months of her life.
In an attempt to distract herself from Roy, she had thrown herself into her work to the point where her boss had forced her to take time off because she was burning herself out.
So there she sat, trying her hardest not to think about Roy. However, the image of him kissing that woman was so burned into her brain that she swore she saw it every time she closed her eyes.
She took a sip from her glass, enjoying the warmth it brought in her chest. She went for another sip when her phone started ringing. She picked it up and felt her whole body freeze when she saw the number. It was him.
Y/N felt her heartrate speed up, and against her better judgement she answered the call.
“Roy?” Y/N asked, thrown by the loud music coming from his end of the call.
“Y/N! How the fuck are you?” Roy asked, and Y/N could instantly tell he was drunk. That paired with the loud music made Y/N suspect he was out at a club.
“I’m alright, Roy. How are you?” Y/N asked, forcing her politeness. Roy laughed before answering her question.
“I’m great! I just wanted to call and say thank you.” Roy said, and Y/N’s brow furrowed.
“Thank me for what?” Y/N asked, confused by Roy’s statement.
“For leaving me! Best thing you ever fucking did, because now I’m free and I can have fun and I don’t have to worry about you. So thank you! I’m gonna leave now, bye!” He said, and before Y/N could respond he had hung up on her.
Y/N was still holding her phone by her ear, unable to move. Her already broken heart had just been ground into dust, and the pain was too much.
She felt tears start to roll down her face, unaware that she had started crying. Her phone slipped through her fingers, clattering down on the kitchen bench. 
Sobs wracked her chest, her broken heart beginning to hurt her physically. It wasn’t just her heart that was broken from Roy’s words, she felt like every part of her had been shattered. 
She’d always loved his honesty, his frankness, but she suddenly felt like he’d used his honesty to disguise his cruelty. Y/N felt like a piece of paper he’d crumpled in his fist, balling it up before throwing it away. He didn’t care how she felt, he’d made that abundantly clear.
Time won't fly, it's like I'm paralyzed by it. I'd like to be my old self again, but I'm still trying to find it. After plaid shirt days and nights when you made me your own, now you mail back my things and I walk home alone. 
February 5th, 2020
“When you said you were going to buy me a coffee, I expected a cheap takeaway cup from the coffee shop down the road, not a full-blown high tea.” Y/N said, shocked at the scale of grandeur in the restaurant.
“I felt really bad, Y/N. I figured a cheap cup of coffee wouldn’t adequately make up for that, so I thought I’d do something different. Make the punishment fit the crime, you know.” Trent said, giving Y/N a sincere smile before speaking to the maître d’. 
Y/N looked around the room, suddenly feeling very underdressed. Trent walked back to her, adjusting his glasses before he spoke.
“They’ll have a table ready for us in about five minutes.” He said, and Y/N nodded, putting her hands in her pockets.
“Are you sure you’re ok, Y/N?” Trent asked, gently placing a hand on her arm. She took in a deep breath, giving Trent a semi-reassuring smile.
“I’m fine. Bringing up Roy always stirs up emotions I don’t quite know how to handle, but I know repressing them isn’t healthy so I’ll just deal with it in my own time. Thank you for asking, though. That’s very nice of you.” Y/N said, her voice a little shaky. Trent squeezed her arm, shooting her a smile.
“How about we have a nice cup of tea and we can talk about whatever you want, huh?” Trent said and Y/N nodded eagerly. He dropped his arm, turning his gaze away from Y/N as he waited to be shown to their table.
Although it had been nearly thirteen years since things with Roy ended, she felt like no time had passed at all. She so desperately wished she could go back to how she was before everything happened, but sadly time doesn’t work like that.
As Trent signalled to her that their table was ready, she noticed that the plaid shirt he was wearing looked a lot like one she left at Roy’s when they first got together. One he had since mailed back to her in a package with all the things she’d left with him.
She took in a deep breath, refusing to let Roy ruin another one of her chances at being happy.
But you keep my old scarf from that very first week. 'Cause it reminds you of innocence, and it smells like me. You can't get rid of it, 'cause you remember it all too well, yeah.
March 12th, 2020
The treatment room held an odd chill as they huddled in it, and despite Ted’s insistence that it was the ghosts, Roy refused to believe it. As he held Y/N’s old scarf in his hands, he got a whiff of it, smelling exactly like her car used to. A mix of her perfume and strawberries. 
“Roy, why don’t you get things started for us?” Ted said, and Roy nodded, stepping forward until he was just in front of the bin.
“Back when I was in my early 20s I had this girlfriend, Y/N. She meant the absolute world to me. We were engaged and everything. I couldn’t wait to settle down and start a life with her. But one night, I got very drunk and I made the stupidest fucking mistake I’ve ever made in my life, and it cost me big time. I kissed another girl and Y/N left me, understandably so after what I did.” Roy said, his voice breaking slightly as he looked back down at her scarf.
Suddenly Ted understood why Roy made such a big deal about not wanting to intrude on Jamie and Keeley’s relationship. He didn’t want to be a homewrecker in any way because he’d cheated, and he clearly carried that guilt with him to this day. 
“I sent all her stuff back to her, but I kept this scarf. It was from the first night she met my sister, and she left it behind. I guess I’ve always held on to it because it was a constant reminder to me of what I missed by being such a colossal dickhead, and it felt like even though she was gone, I had a little piece of her still with me.” He said, taking in a deep breath as he looked around the room.
“I’ve never been able to bring myself to get rid of it, but I figured it was time. I know I’ll never be able to undo what I did, but hopefully this can help me move forward.” He said, chucking her scarf into the bin. 
As the rest of the team put their mementos into the bin, Roy barely listened to their explanations. All he could think about was Y/N and her scarf, and despite everything that had happened, he hoped she was doing well.
The team moved the bin outside, and Roy could hardly look as they set the bin’s contents on fire. He knew he would always feel guilty about what he’d done to Y/N, but the thought of no longer holding on to that scarf did make him feel slightly optimistic about moving on.
He suddenly felt Ted clap a hand on his back, and as much as he wanted to pull away, he needed it. “This girl the reason you’ve been so dead-set on not making any moves on Keeley?” Ted said, and Roy nodded, trying not to look the American in the eye.
“As much as I fucking hate Jamie, I would never wish on him any of what I’ve been feeling for the last thirteen years.” Roy said gruffly, and Ted hummed, nodding as he dropped his hand from Roy’s back.
“You’re a different man now, Roy. We all learn and grow from our mistakes, but much like the treatment room ghosts, we shouldn’t let ‘em haunt us.” He said, and Roy sighed, sticking his hands in his pockets.
“Thanks, Ted.” Roy said, turning his eyes to the blaze on the pitch.
“Any time, Roy.”
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kentray · 2 years
My RoyKeeley fan fics
I've found there are not enough Roy/Keeley-centered fan fics... I mean them as a couple, not with anyone else. So I wrote some! For those interested, here are some quick links. All are "possible" scenarios pre-series, during the series or “what ifs”. Since S3 ended, a few are now AU or non-canon. I also wrote a big fix-it fic for S3. Sigh. If/when I write more I will add the links to this post.
Many are missing scenes from various points in Season 1, 2 & 3, or possible scenes not relevant to the plot, so I've linked them together here if you want to read them in order. They are also linked below separately.
Sincerely Yours, Roy Kent XOXO - Missing scene when Roy & Keeley reunite during S3E10, International Break. Sexual Content.
Matters of Accountability - Not yet back together, Keeley finds Roy at a vulnerable moment, alone at AFC Richmond. Chapter 1 is POV Keeley. Sexual content. Complete, 62,000 words.
The Break-up - General Audiences. The reason for the Roy/Keeley break-up in my opinion. A miscarriage and Roy’s insecurities. POV Roy Kent
Get What You Need - Roy & Keeley both had too much to drink at Sam’s restaurant, both can't stop thinking about each other. (sexual content)
Rebecca to the Rescue! - Rebecca hates to see Keeley so distraught and decides to take action. POV Rebecca Welton
Something to Talk About - Missing scenes between the gala and when Roy & Keeley first kissed in Season 1, from the point of view of everyone else. (6 parts - complete)
That Four-Letter Word - A Keeley POV ficlet: When’s the right time to tell someone you love them?  
Roy’s Demons - Contemplating Roy’s emotional burdens because he can’t do it himself. Just a short one. 
After the Bath - What happens after Roy comes back once Keeley has had her “me time”. (post-Headspace S2E7) Mild sexual content.
Saved the Best of Me For You - Roy/Keeley but mostly Ted/Rebecca. Rebecca watches R/K’s first wedding dance & wonders if she’ll ever find true love.
The Perfect Storm - What happens when something or someone clouds Keeley’s good sense and cheerful disposition? Sexual content
More Than Just a Game - Just an ooey, gooey pile of romantic mush. You have been warned!
Teenage Dream - Keeley introduces Roy to her Gran. The moment inspires some surprising memories to be revealed. Sexual content.
On Their Radar - Three times Roy & Keeley met over the years prior to AFC Richmond. 
Is She Worthy? - Roy’s sister never cared about his love life, that is, until Phoebe was involved. Roy’s sister’s POV.
First Date: Jonesing for a Kent: Roy and Keeley’s first date. As simple as that. Sexual content.
The Press Room - Another Season 3 scenario where Keeley is helping Colin Hughes with an announcement and it coincides with a proposal. Sexual content.
Sexy Christmas, Take Two: Sexiest of All the Days - Missing Scene: This is pure, fluffy, sexy fun between Roy and Keeley on December 28th. Sexual content (obviously).
After the Photoshoot - Missing scene: The aftermath of Roy and Keeley's confessions during the photoshoot. Keeley's POV. Sexual content.
After the Funeral - Missing scene: After the emotional funeral, Roy and Keeley's reactions to each other. Keeley's POV. No sexual content.
After Man City - Missing scenes: Keeley learns what happens in the locker room after the Man City match. Keeley's POV. No sexual content.
We Only Got This One Life - 12 chapter (complete), post-Marbella with a break-up. Sexual content.
I Could Never Be That Free - One-off, post-canon, explores Roy's (mild) kink. Sexual content.
Gossip Girls - Keeley reveals a secret to Rebecca & Sassy about her early attraction to Roy. Roy wants to repeat history. Sexual content.
Bent Like Kent - Missing scene, Christmas Day. Roy brings Phoebe home & returns to give Keeley a few other gifts, including one that surprises himself. Sexual content.
Struck by Lightning - Missing scene, Season 2 Episode 4 - Roy & Keeley return from their double date with Rebecca. Sexual content.
Added Time & Teamwork Goals -Honest conversation between Roy & Keeley post-Marbella. Roy's POV.
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remosdeerica · 3 years
Batshit AU Pt #2: The Grandkids
So I mentioned in the last post Batshit AU Pt. #1 that I cover Dick and Jason's kids but since I've been thinking (read: fantasizing) about the future of the Batfam I figured I'd just do a post with ALL the grandkids!
Just a heads up: this is a LONG post.
First we shall start with the Grayson's:
Mar'i and Jake (Jake is not my original name I've seen it pop up in other media- dunno if it's canon in any timeline but I'm going with it).
Mar'i Grayson: Mar'i is the biologically daughter of Dick Grayson and Koriand'r of Tamaran (aka Starfire). Kori is unknowingly pregnant after one last one-night-stand with Dick before going back to her home planet to take over as queen. Unfortunately, because of Kori's sister Komand'r (aka Blackfire) causing civil unrest to try and usurp the thorn from her, Tamaran becomes unsafe for Mar'i as she is Kori's only heir.
-Kor'i goes back to Earth with an infant Mar'i and begrudgingly hands her over to Dick so she can live with him and be safe from Blackfire.
-Kori of course visits while she can but has a lot of responsibilities on Tamaran. When Mar'i is older she is able to go back to Tamaran to visit her mother.
-A few years later when Dick and Barbra get married, Barbra officially adopts Mar'i. Seeing both Kor'i and Barbra as her mothers Mar'i decides so call Kori "Mama" and Barbra "Mom/Mommy".
Jake Grayson: don't have much of an exciting backstory for him. He was basically just an orphaned infant Dick and Barbra decided to adopt after his bio-parents had been murdered.
Now he have the Todd family:
Because I am a heartless monster I decided that since Roy died in the comics without any sign of Lian and Jason was pretty fucked up about it, I would have Jason adopt Lian because Roy wasn't round to take care of her. So this is basically what happened:
Lain Harper-Todd: 1 year or so after Roy's death, Jason is visited by Jade Nguyen (aka Cheshire) who is carrying an infant Lian. Jade explains that she hadn't realised she was pregnant with Roy's child until after he was already dead and since she is not ready to give up her life as an assassin she states that Lian is better off without her. She then asks Jason if he would be willing to take Lian in as Roy's former partner (read into that how you will).
-Jason agrees, and decides to hyphenate her last name Harper-Todd so that she will always have a piece of Roy with her even if he can't be there for her in person.
it's not that I don't think JayRoy is cute! It's just that I honestly I don't really picture Jason dating anyone in my mind and the thought of him being a single dad is just precious. I'm also allergic to OC's (of my own making) so I usually try to keep to characters that are at least canon in some timeline and Lian was the first to come to mind.
Also I'm a angst-hungry monster so...
Drake-Wayne/Dowd/McGinnis household:
Lol, this family has too many names.
I already went over Terry and Matthew McGinnis' backstory in Batshit AU Pt. #1 but if you are too lazy/ don't feel like reading it I'll try to make sure to cover the important details.
Terry & Matthew McGinnis: A few years down the road, Tim is the current Batman and married to Bernard Dowd (my new fave batship). One night on patrol he finds the boys hunkered down behind an garbage container and approaches them.
-Terry is extremely protective of his younger brother Matt and becomes immediately aggressive, swinging a baseball around and threatening Tim to leave them alone.
-Tim finds it admirable/endearing that Terry is willing to face Batman alone in order to protect his brother and tells him so. He then asks them where there parents and and Matt (trusting Batman) tells Tim that they were killed by the 'Bad Men' who are now looking for he and Tarry.
-Tim is worried for the boys safety and offers to take them to the Police, but Tarry only says that they already tried that and that there are spies in the GCPD who ratted them out to the 'Bad Men'.
-Tim figures out that the boys are in more danger then he first realized and takes them home with him in order to protect them.
-Tim eventually finds out about Project Batman Beyond, an experiment orchestrated by A.R.G.U.S. in order to create the perfect child to usurp the Cowl and give A.R.G.U.S and 'in' with the Justice League and the super-community as a whole. A part of this project is making sure the children are biologically Bruce Wayne's in order for them to also gain influence over Wayne Enterprises.
-Tim realizes that there is no real safe place that he can send the boys and after discussing it with his husband, Bernard, the two decide to adopt the boys.
I think this adoption story is one of my favourites. Especially because I find the idea of Bernard not at all being surprised by his husband brining home black-haired blue-eyes orphans, hilarious.
Bernard: I figured since you are now Batman it was only a matter of time.
Tim: >:(
Wayne-Kent situation:
DamiJon is one of my absolute favourite ships in existence. But since both boys are so young in canon my version of their future relationship truly is creature of my own design, I will explain them a little and then the kids. I'll be quick about it. Promise. (There is also a 2 part series I'm working on that goes into my version of events called "Jon and Damian" if anyone is interested. Jon's chapter is done but Damian's is still in the works).
Jon: he is the one that I really have to explain. I call my version of him "Dark-ish Jon" or 'dark ish jon' for the tags. For those of you who already know the deal (or don't really care) y'all can skip to the *** for the kids.
-basically Jon was kidnapped by Jon-El (Clark's Kryptonian Bio-dad) in order for Jor-El to mold Jon into the perfect weapon for his plan to conquer the universe. They have a machine that Jumps through various timelines so no one can find them, and Jon-El trains/tortures Jon for 2 years.
-Jon eventually discovers new powers that allow him to kill Jor-El and escape but he ends up spending the next several years trying to find his original timeline.
-He eventually meets the Legion of Superheroes that help him get home, but once he arrives home he realizes that for him it has been 7 years since he was kidnaped, but only 2 weeks for his family/friends.
-Because of this he and his family find it hard to adjust to the new situation and Jon ultimately decides to return to the Legion but visit occasionally.
Damian: Honestly I don't think I really have to explain much about Damian for y'all to get the kids but I do want you to know:
He has long hair
He has peirced ears
Possibly tattoos?
He's has more of a slim figure than Bruce's bulky one
He is a fashion icon and kinda has 'bitchy white girl' energy
Bacically he very pretty and looks a LOT like Thalia
And yeah. The two eventually reconcile after Jon is done moping in another timeline and they decide to retire from crime fighting and build a cottage/farm and live in peace.
Athanasia: So she is actually Bruce's bio-kid from the Injustice timeline. And for my AU she is still Bruce's biologically and she does recognize him as her father, but because she and Damian are 13/14 years apart and she knows him better she lives and defers to him as her caretaker. I shall explain:
-Athanasia was created by Thalia in a fit of madness after Damian's death. Because of what happened to Damian, and because Athanasia turned out to be a girl (and therefor Ra's would have no use for her), Thalia keeps the little girl locked away and a secret so that no one can harm her.
-Years pass and Athanasia has never seen the outside would. Eventually something happens (will depends on the Fic -because I will get around to writing this shit eventually) and Athanasia is given to Damian (the only other person Thalia ever told her about.)
-At this point Bruce is getting older and most of his current children already have their own kids, so both he and Damian agree that because Athanasia is mostly attached to Damian and doesn't really know who Bruce is outside of being her father, that she will live with he and Jon.
-Athanasia get's older and eventually meets another girl at her school named Carrie Kelley. The girls form a quick bond, Carrie's louder personality complementing Athanasia's more quiet one.
Carrie Kelley: being best friends with Athanasia leads to Carrie spending a lot of time over at her house. This allows Jon and Damian to get to know the girl and become quite fond of her.
-one night after a sleepover at Jon and Damian's house with some of their other friends, Carrie's father comes to the house drunk and carrying a shot gun. He accuses Jon and Damian of being pedophiles because of their sexual orientations and calls them a variety of homophobic slurs.
-It's his attempts at shooting Jon that leads to Carrie calling 911 and having her own father arrested.
-Because her mother had already left and Carrie only had her dad to take care of her, Jon and Damian offer her a place in their home and eventually adopt her along with Athanasia when the girls are teenagers.
So, yeah! That's it for now. I am absolutely obsesses with this AU. I just love the idea of Bruce deciding to take in Dick leading to him having an army of children and grandchildren so large that all family gatherings have to happen at the Manor because nowhere else is big enough.
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